The BBC reports:
French soldiers shoot car attacker outside mosque
The motive for the attack, which occurred between prayer sessions when many people were outside, is not known.
Police say the man drove twice at the soldiers. They shot him when he reversed his car and came at them again after the first attempt, AFP reports.
The driver is said to be 29 years old and from Lyon, an hour away from Valence.
Motive unknown…but importantly we know the attacker lives an hour from the scene of the crime.
However the motive might be guessed at if the BBC provided all the information…
France: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tries to run down soldiers guarding mosque
One man of North African origin, aged about thirty years, was driving. He twice rushed his car at the soldiers, and according to several witnesses, was shouting “Allah akbar.”
The driver acted alone. “We have seen this person, he is of North African origin,” one of the imams of the mosque, Abdullah Dliouah, told AFP.
The BBC isn’t as bad as the Independent however. The BBC merely leaves you guessing and asuming this was an attack on the mosque…the Independent claims it was one…despite not providing any further evidence of this in the actual article….
France mosque attack: Soldiers open fire on car ‘attempting to ram mosque’
I have been listening to BBC 5 Live tonight constantly during the Stephen Nolan show (although it was a guest presenter) and there was no mention of this story at all! However, there was lots of coverage of the shooting in Tel Aviv during the news bulletins.
Just to kill off the story totally the oft used ” the pschological state of the attacker is to be assessed” is sure to follow, that usually ties up all the loose ends and stops any troublemakers asking questions.
Why bother?
The psychological state is already known, if they believe in that Koran nonsense, its Broadmoor time.
The semantic convolutions from the likes of the BBC and Indy would be funny were it not for the fact that each still gets accorded airtime and attention elsewhere to push such dissembled tripe.
Mosque ramming is the new black op for 2016? Not since Nairobi shopping malls spontaneously self-collapsed and silly civilians ‘got dead’ has the MSM shown itself to be so utterly compromised as to be worthy only of mockery.
The leftist media always obnubilate stories that involve Muslims carrying out attacks. And this is yet another example of obfuscation; and the Independent is, quite frankly, a loathsome and vile excuse for a paper. People, with only part of the information (vital information, too), will be concluding that this was an attack on Muslims, when we now find out the perpetrator shouts ‘Allah akbar’ etc. Disgraceful reporting. Knowing the ethnicity and religious beliefs of the perpetrator is absolutely vital in this day and age; but as we know, if you;re black or Muslim your ethnicity is withheld. However, if you’re white it’s a different matter. Indeed, in many cases in a criminal case where the perpetrators, we later find out, are black the BBC will use a report photo that has white people in it! Tells you all you need to know.
Amusingly, regarding the Independent, there is now an army of right-of-centre commentators that regularly flood its outrageously biased article comments pages winding up lefties etc, which I highly recommend having a look and a giggle at; it’s quite comical.
Why were French soldiers guarding a mosque in the first place?.
I did notice the BBC quickly injected that it was a “moderate mosque”…..*groan*.
As to the story, let me get this straight:
“The driver acted alone. “We have seen this person, he is of North African origin,” one of the imams of the mosque, Abdullah Dliouah, told AFP”.
So he’s trying to kill soldiers who were “protecting” the mosque which he attends and in which he is an Iman?.
Yep, that sounds about right for the RoP…….
The problem with all ‘moderate’ mosques is that they are quite likely to become ‘radical’ ones at the drop of a hat in a way that Christian, Hindu, Buddist and Sikh places of worship simply don’t . Islam is a violent religion, indeed a religion founded on violence, and one which has a long history of attempting to subjugate all other religions whenever it butts up against them. Those who wish to invite Muslims into their midst are looking for a triumph of hope over experience.
France is in a terrible situation, brought on itself by thinking its laicite culture would protect it. In practice, the authorities restricted and harried the church, while encouraging, and even financing the buiding of mosques. Islam sees the absense of Christianity or any spiritual presence, and the encouragement from authority as allah ordained, and as a vacant place to occupy.
So here we are. France now has to station the military to guard church services over Christmas. In some cases Muslims soldiers were guarding churches.
The media and authorities were over the moon with the above news. What they didn’t realise is that France has become like other “liberal” Islamic countries, where the state guards churches at Christmas or Easter, and other protected religious minorities, as part of the Dhimma pact. What has escaped the French inteligentsia, is that they have unwittingly submitted to Islam, and become dhimmis. Rest assured, the Dhimma bill will be delivered to France at an opportune time.
France: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” tries to run down soldiers guarding mosque
Is there any other war cry except “Allahu akbar”?
There was banzai but in the olden days we seemed to know how to deal with the followers of a death cult. We killed them until the lust for death was exhausted.
Alan’s Snackbar is just as good and gets past moderators in other forums.
A natural development here would be if the BBC were guarded entirely by muslim police or soldiers …. on present trends the muslim Chief of the Met will agree to this within a decade … ding-dong …
I agree but think that the sodding bbc is already guarded by muslims. That’s why their middle East writers only spout muslim propaganda. It’s that or Mr Bowen, Miss Knell et al have all secretly converted to the death cult.
The house of commons already is. as can not be found on the BBC.
I wonder whether the BBC will now be revising their reports based on these findings?