Lets , see , how the new War & Peace , turns out . Maybe Putin has threatened some jamming of BBC Broadcasts , or a KGB hitman will shoot up New Broadcasting House .
That means bugger all , to that mob , they will parachute , Hideously Non White , characters in at any opportunity , if they think they can get away with it.
There’s no need for violence. All the KGB would need to do is steal the pile of Guardians delivered every morning. There would be a collective nervous breakdown by noon as the poor darlings wouldn’t know what to think that day.
Just watched the News 24 weather forecast a couple of minutes ago. The weather geezer tells us that the longer it rains the more chance there is of flooding. ……………………………………………………….
The blond bimbo on Countryfile had to point to today’s date on the calendar to show us the number 3, in order to attempt to flog us some more of their ‘charity’ calendars, for a moment I thought I was ten and was watching Valerie Singleton….
Maybe Claire Balding wasn’t available, but the BBC have managed to do a bit more box ticking in finding a replacement for the on holiday Jo Whiley on Radio 2 this coming week, Mary Portas.
One could understand it if Portas was noted for her musical knowledge, but it would appear she’s just there to play some of her ‘vintage vynil’ and playing tracks for on duty taxi drivers, somewhat ironic as I would doubt that a fair percentage of UK taxi drivers would not be enamoured with her or her music….
I’ve noticed during my voyage of discovery for real ale over the recent years, that many ‘pubs display BBC 24 News on multiple large screens with sub-titles.
Why is this? Nobody watches the news in these pubs, anyway.
Is it some sort of George Orwell ‘1984’ scenario involving drip-feed to the proles?
The restaurant in the ‘Shard’ doesn’t show the same. I know this because I recently met Sir Bob Geldof in a cafe in Tottenham and we had a chat over a grubby latte or two. He has a room in a nearby Bed & Breakfast. I forgot to ask if he has given over his homes to Syrian refugees. He promised this to all the media back in September, so I’m sure he did so. He struck me as being honest and not one to deceive the nation.
Good point Id love to know if Bob Geldof is sharing his home with Syrians.
Somehow I cant help but feel that publicity hound Bob would have made sure it was made public if he had.
Despite his pre-election promise to cut immigration, has Mr Car Moron suddenly realised that there are more coming in and that he can foresee a housing crisis? ……………………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35217418
More houses means more people , means more Hospitals , doctors , nurses, schools required and finally more flooding .
Vote UKIP to get out of the EU . There is a tidal wave of a disaster heading this way .
Usual agenda pushing suspects writing a letter to the Prime Minister doesn’t strike me as particularly news worthy, but I must be mistaken. Why is no one accept a useless “government spokesman” (who is?) allowed to refute the nonsense ladled out in this article?
The don’t represent the majority charities. Running their own agendas again, and publicised by the BBc, They certainly don’t represent me. I note once again no right to reply.
How much of our money did Adrian Chiles get paid for the utter tosh that was “My Mediterranean?”
Atheist Croat (his mum) telling us how religion, especially Christianity, is rubbish? check
Cuddly, inclusive Muslim women inviting him to a mosque and a feast? tick.
Gay Israeli secular Jew in Tel Aviv? Tick. In a particularly nauseating extract Chiles declared he was converting to “gay Jew”. Looking forward to next interview with a fellow luvvie when he explains what he actually did as a result of this “conversion”.
Interview with Christians waving Union jacks who were “exclusive” and “a bit fervent”? tick. Needless to say they had dared to challenge the idea of the “we all follow the same God” line and quoted bible and Koran in support of their position. The fact that they were free to celebrate their faith in full freedom in the Jewish state seemed to pass him by. His utter rudeness, denial of eye contact and huff and puff as they answered his questions was another demonstration of inherent bias.
Jews looking out across Jerusalem saying that all the houses are white and the same and all the people are just the same? Tick
Other Jews making money from a business involving prayer at the Western wall…..astonishing but yep, tick.
References to the Bible containing violence (careful lack of differentiation between old and new testaments) tick.
All in all copious references to stuff like “we all worship the same God who Muslims just happen to call Allah”, and the Islamic religion being presented as “nicer” than the others…..tick
What a crock, but worth a view on i player to confirm how far the Corporation and Chiles himself has fallen.
I was wondering why Mr Chiles was travelling round the med and being paid. I couldn’t care less that he has converted. If he wanted to explore other religions I’m sure he could have done it in Birmingham. I lasted about two minutes before I pressed the button.
The record is stuck. It’s a new year but the same old same old with the sofa sloths. Children are getting too much sugar. New sloth “we are regularly being told about the perils of sugar” Yes every f***ing week on breakfast.
This new year’s warcry from the BBC brought a smile to even my jaundiced visage, particularly when our national broadcaster juxtaposes it with homegrown ISIS depravity and looming fullblown Sunni and Shia conflict.
A touch of the surreal as Dumb and Dumber are joined on the red sofa by a large sack of sugar – supposedly a visual warning of how much dangerous junk we are unwittingly consuming. I couldn’t tell where to look I tell you.
“I’m just afraid we won’t get it right” says concerned liberal elitist our Louise Minchin in response to Welsh campaigners complaints that incomers (ie the English) are erasing traditional Welsh place names.
Meanwhile – as per usual – our charity campaign groups assert today David Cameron has not taken in enough Syrians.
Is it too early in the year and too much of of a cliche for me to shout – Oh the irony!
I liked the fact besides telling us the bag was 22Kg the bag had a label with 22Kg attached. Sloth then pressed the point even more by telling us it was heavy.
Play Skool, wiv Toni Arthur & Brian Cant, was more educational than those sofa Breakfast dimwits, Sally n Steff,no brains talk to us as if we are all 10 year olds. Bill, thinking ’bout me bee’s, nods in agreement.
The “Welsh name changes” story another agenda story. The names are not being changed like the farm featured they just use a different name for B & B bookings that English people can remember betterI wouldn’t believe for one second the English are forcing the Welsh to change place names. Now as I always say on these Welsh stories Mrs Dave is Welsh so I’m not in the business of being anti Welsh although I’ve had a fair amount of anti -English sentiment directed at me. The biggest joke for me in this story is some of you will remember my Father in law is a fluent Welsh speaker and he has told me on several occasions that a lot of these Welsh speakers are using a mickey mouse version of the language anyway.
Writing in the Guardian (natch) BBC’s Mark Kermode excuses himself from considering this ‘potential Oscar contender’ for his 2015 top ten by categorising it as a 2016 movie ‘preview and festival screenings don’t count!’ (He’s got enough boxes to tick). Fair enough – but didn’t we have this film’s publicity shoved in our direction daily by the BBC back in November?
‘performance blurs uneasily with pantomime’ – Oi! Jonathan Romney, ‘pantomime’ is my key word for political gender campaigns such as our Pantomime Marriage Act. Alright then, I guess I’ve no copyright on an ancient English word and tradition.
‘it’s a laboured, glossy affair…. arch acting… script that flirt awkwardly and self-consciously with farce…. you almost expect him to whip out a fan to flutter his eyelashes behind.’ Yeah, sounds just like panto.
You know what… I’d simply fall back on that classic of movie review put downs “Loved him hated hur”
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Anniversaries the BBC is unlikely to commemorate…
Apparently: “24 days to Al Gore’s ’10 years to save the planet’ and ‘point of no return’ planetary emergency deadline”
Paging Roger Harrabin, paging Roger Harrabin…. Mr Harrabin to the DG’s office, please.
I was surprised to see the darts allowed to be broadcast on the BBC today & for a good few hours.
In the world of darts I didn’t see any black players, turban wearers, women, trans gender, gays or disabled.
Even the crowd looked too white for the BBC’s world view where England is approx 40% white & 60% everything else.
Surely if the public are allowed to view all these white folk in one place they might forget how multicultural this country has now become??
Lets , see , how the new War & Peace , turns out . Maybe Putin has threatened some jamming of BBC Broadcasts , or a KGB hitman will shoot up New Broadcasting House .
Not seen many ‘ethnics’ in it so far , but then its about Russia not Britain .
That means bugger all , to that mob , they will parachute , Hideously Non White , characters in at any opportunity , if they think they can get away with it.
Don’t shout so loud they may hear you and get ideas to shoehorn some in? You can bet some of Al Beeb’s employees monitor this site .
They will have to CGI , someone in ,as it has all been filmed by now . It could all turn out like the Black & White Minstrel Show .(CGI Redux) .
There’s no need for violence. All the KGB would need to do is steal the pile of Guardians delivered every morning. There would be a collective nervous breakdown by noon as the poor darlings wouldn’t know what to think that day.
Darts – All the pricks are on the board . I am sure Al Beeb will soon do something about .
There was a Citizen Khan, in the crew credits. Didn’t make out his job title though. Maybe best boy!
What can one say?
Photoshopped? I appreciate the sentiments, though.
The original said “Oppose Cuts Not Mosques”.
Just watched the News 24 weather forecast a couple of minutes ago. The weather geezer tells us that the longer it rains the more chance there is of flooding. ……………………………………………………….
The blond bimbo on Countryfile had to point to today’s date on the calendar to show us the number 3, in order to attempt to flog us some more of their ‘charity’ calendars, for a moment I thought I was ten and was watching Valerie Singleton….
Maybe Claire Balding wasn’t available, but the BBC have managed to do a bit more box ticking in finding a replacement for the on holiday Jo Whiley on Radio 2 this coming week, Mary Portas.
One could understand it if Portas was noted for her musical knowledge, but it would appear she’s just there to play some of her ‘vintage vynil’ and playing tracks for on duty taxi drivers, somewhat ironic as I would doubt that a fair percentage of UK taxi drivers would not be enamoured with her or her music….
I’ve noticed during my voyage of discovery for real ale over the recent years, that many ‘pubs display BBC 24 News on multiple large screens with sub-titles.
Why is this? Nobody watches the news in these pubs, anyway.
Is it some sort of George Orwell ‘1984’ scenario involving drip-feed to the proles?
The restaurant in the ‘Shard’ doesn’t show the same. I know this because I recently met Sir Bob Geldof in a cafe in Tottenham and we had a chat over a grubby latte or two. He has a room in a nearby Bed & Breakfast. I forgot to ask if he has given over his homes to Syrian refugees. He promised this to all the media back in September, so I’m sure he did so. He struck me as being honest and not one to deceive the nation.
Good point Id love to know if Bob Geldof is sharing his home with Syrians.
Somehow I cant help but feel that publicity hound Bob would have made sure it was made public if he had.
Despite his pre-election promise to cut immigration, has Mr Car Moron suddenly realised that there are more coming in and that he can foresee a housing crisis? …………………….
More houses means more people , means more Hospitals , doctors , nurses, schools required and finally more flooding .
Vote UKIP to get out of the EU . There is a tidal wave of a disaster heading this way .
The Beebs open borders agenda continues apace today, with this “news” item getting top billing.
UK migrant crisis response ‘inadequate’
Usual agenda pushing suspects writing a letter to the Prime Minister doesn’t strike me as particularly news worthy, but I must be mistaken. Why is no one accept a useless “government spokesman” (who is?) allowed to refute the nonsense ladled out in this article?
The don’t represent the majority charities. Running their own agendas again, and publicised by the BBc, They certainly don’t represent me. I note once again no right to reply.
Anonymous spokespeople seem well in vogue. Keeps things nice and vague too.
The BBC likes things vague.
How much of our money did Adrian Chiles get paid for the utter tosh that was “My Mediterranean?”
Atheist Croat (his mum) telling us how religion, especially Christianity, is rubbish? check
Cuddly, inclusive Muslim women inviting him to a mosque and a feast? tick.
Gay Israeli secular Jew in Tel Aviv? Tick. In a particularly nauseating extract Chiles declared he was converting to “gay Jew”. Looking forward to next interview with a fellow luvvie when he explains what he actually did as a result of this “conversion”.
Interview with Christians waving Union jacks who were “exclusive” and “a bit fervent”? tick. Needless to say they had dared to challenge the idea of the “we all follow the same God” line and quoted bible and Koran in support of their position. The fact that they were free to celebrate their faith in full freedom in the Jewish state seemed to pass him by. His utter rudeness, denial of eye contact and huff and puff as they answered his questions was another demonstration of inherent bias.
Jews looking out across Jerusalem saying that all the houses are white and the same and all the people are just the same? Tick
Other Jews making money from a business involving prayer at the Western wall…..astonishing but yep, tick.
References to the Bible containing violence (careful lack of differentiation between old and new testaments) tick.
All in all copious references to stuff like “we all worship the same God who Muslims just happen to call Allah”, and the Islamic religion being presented as “nicer” than the others…..tick
What a crock, but worth a view on i player to confirm how far the Corporation and Chiles himself has fallen.
I was wondering why Mr Chiles was travelling round the med and being paid. I couldn’t care less that he has converted. If he wanted to explore other religions I’m sure he could have done it in Birmingham. I lasted about two minutes before I pressed the button.
The record is stuck. It’s a new year but the same old same old with the sofa sloths. Children are getting too much sugar. New sloth “we are regularly being told about the perils of sugar” Yes every f***ing week on breakfast.
“the perils of sugar”
This new year’s warcry from the BBC brought a smile to even my jaundiced visage, particularly when our national broadcaster juxtaposes it with homegrown ISIS depravity and looming fullblown Sunni and Shia conflict.
A touch of the surreal as Dumb and Dumber are joined on the red sofa by a large sack of sugar – supposedly a visual warning of how much dangerous junk we are unwittingly consuming. I couldn’t tell where to look I tell you.
“I’m just afraid we won’t get it right” says concerned liberal elitist our Louise Minchin in response to Welsh campaigners complaints that incomers (ie the English) are erasing traditional Welsh place names.
Meanwhile – as per usual – our charity campaign groups assert today David Cameron has not taken in enough Syrians.
Is it too early in the year and too much of of a cliche for me to shout – Oh the irony!
I liked the fact besides telling us the bag was 22Kg the bag had a label with 22Kg attached. Sloth then pressed the point even more by telling us it was heavy.
Pretty sure they are working on a Trump angle as we speak.
Play Skool, wiv Toni Arthur & Brian Cant, was more educational than those sofa Breakfast dimwits, Sally n Steff,no brains talk to us as if we are all 10 year olds. Bill, thinking ’bout me bee’s, nods in agreement.
The “Welsh name changes” story another agenda story. The names are not being changed like the farm featured they just use a different name for B & B bookings that English people can remember betterI wouldn’t believe for one second the English are forcing the Welsh to change place names. Now as I always say on these Welsh stories Mrs Dave is Welsh so I’m not in the business of being anti Welsh although I’ve had a fair amount of anti -English sentiment directed at me. The biggest joke for me in this story is some of you will remember my Father in law is a fluent Welsh speaker and he has told me on several occasions that a lot of these Welsh speakers are using a mickey mouse version of the language anyway.
The seamless integration of immigrants into Swedish culture continues:
These fences are becoming very popular.
All quiet on the Danish Girl front
Writing in the Guardian (natch) BBC’s Mark Kermode excuses himself from considering this ‘potential Oscar contender’ for his 2015 top ten by categorising it as a 2016 movie ‘preview and festival screenings don’t count!’ (He’s got enough boxes to tick). Fair enough – but didn’t we have this film’s publicity shoved in our direction daily by the BBC back in November?
Whilst it avoids a critical eye from the BBC and just enjoys the hype for now, the Guardian carries a pretty damning review.
‘performance blurs uneasily with pantomime’ – Oi! Jonathan Romney, ‘pantomime’ is my key word for political gender campaigns such as our Pantomime Marriage Act. Alright then, I guess I’ve no copyright on an ancient English word and tradition.
‘it’s a laboured, glossy affair…. arch acting… script that flirt awkwardly and self-consciously with farce…. you almost expect him to whip out a fan to flutter his eyelashes behind.’ Yeah, sounds just like panto.
You know what… I’d simply fall back on that classic of movie review put downs “Loved him hated hur”