The BBC was shut down for a while by hackers. You wouldn’t put it past them to have organised it themselves in order to generate an ‘OMG!!! Where’s the BBC? What am I going to do with my life without the brilliant BBC, I miss it so much!?’ reaction in the run up to charter renewal…however of course that is conspiracy central nonsense….it was hackers practising their dark arts as they prepared to go to war with the Islamic State, its websites and social media presence.
Have to say the hackers couldn’t actually have started in a better place if they wanted to attack a news service and website that produces endless streams of pro-Muslim terrorist narratives. That would definitely be the BBC.
Activists who say their goal is to disrupt online propaganda by Islamic State have claimed responsibility for a cyber-attack on the BBC website.
The New Year’s Eve attack took down the iPlayer and other services for a few hours, according to Joe Lynam, the BBC’s business correspondent.
Lynam told BBC Breakfast that the technology correspondent, Rory Cellan-Jones, had received a tweet from a group calling itself New World Hacking (NWH), claiming responsibility for a distributed denial of service (DDoS). It bombarded the system with 600 gigabits a second of messages.
Lynam said: “Their ultimate goal, believe it or not, is not to attack the BBC but to go for Isis, the group which often calls itself Islamic State, and all their servers so they cannot spread propaganda from various different websites.
ISIS, the BBC, The BBC, ISIS. Yeah, I can definitely see why they’d start with a dry run at the BBC.
The BBC is epitomised by that Dr Who producer [John Nathan-Turner] who together with his partner [Gary Downie] abused boys who visited the set, and encouraged writers (because he was so moral) to include anti-Tory messages in their scripts.
They are arrogant, sanctimonious, and venal. Would you trust Alan Yentob to run a charity to which you contributed?
I wouldn’t trust Yentob to lie straight in bed let alone with anything else.
I have a challenge for the hackers. Rather than the ddos, I wonder if it is possible to replace the bbc output, particularly the news, with programmes from more truthful sources? Then the people who listen to the bbc rubbish would be able to see that there are better alternatives.
Strike rate with regard to accurate and truthful reporting, on a week by week basis, for 2015:
BBC 0 Conspiracy Theorists 52
Like it.
I actually thought the hackers did mistake Al-Beeb for Daesh’s official propaganda arm. It’s a shame it was just a trial
So all those billions and they get hacked and taken off the air by a bunch of kids in a bedroom. I.T department probably all on a transgender course .
Off topic have they considered giving points for name and occupation on celebrity mastermind ?
Name – Anything foreign
Occupation – Overpaid, under taxed, sexually protean, self-important, arrogant, stupid, uneducated, gravy train trough snuffler, currently on leave due to “stress”.
“‘OMG!!! Where’s the BBC? What am I going to do with my life without the brilliant BBC”
This was floated by the BBC 141,7,210 on various BBC-affilkiated sites not crashed, such as the Graun, Indy, etc. Plus their own social media empire.
Unfortunately it dod not really result in quite the wave of anguished support perhaps intended.
So I think John in Cheshire may have seen his wish at least approached, as folk simply looked elsewhere, as is possible these days. Often free, always by choice.
“Their ultimate goal, believe it or not”
We believe it Joe, so practical, so effective, so well directed.
If the hands of Islamic Al-Beeb are cut off, always likely when dealing with the religion of no peace, Islamic propaganda would dry up overnight.
Hopefully some of the hackers use BBBC. If you want some assistance lads I hereby volunteer.
No effort is too much to bring the BBC to its knees, and then behead it in a suitably Islamic manner.
New World Hacking hacks so-called BBC – so, by definition, the so-called BBC are part of the ‘New World’ to be hacked (the ‘New World’ being IS and their apparent caliphate). After daily scannings of the so-called BBC’s output, I for one can entirely believe alBeeb are in cahoots with the Islamic State’s fellow propagandists.
Never in my life did I ever think I’d say that – I do believe I’ve gone and shocked myself!