If only we could see ourselves as others see us.
The Left has an everpresent and unfounded conviction that they, and their ideology, are the end of history. They are wrong, that would be Islam über alles. They make a desert and call it peace.
You can see the Left’s self-deceiving belief in action in the way that they report on the Republican Party as if it was toxic and the Democrats the Second Coming….a classic line illustrates that..‘When Donald Trump says something that I would consider insane’.…..that line says it all….there’s no analysis, no looking at the reasons for Trump’s comments…they’re just ‘insane’…why? Because I, the lefty commentator, don’t agree with them! For the Left there is no alternate way of looking at life, just through a soft left lense.
You can see it in the way they report on the ‘crazies’ who inhabit the internet with, shock horror, opinions of their own that don’t compute with the Left’s vision. Such opinions should not, cannot, be allowed. We’ve seen Tommy Robinson run out of town and climate sceptics derided and scorned before being silenced by the BBC, but it’s always interesting see the latest bit of railery against ‘unacceptable’ opinion and the demands for censorship that go with it. The Internet and bloggers are of course a major annoyance for the entrenched self-interested opinion formers who used to dominate the airwaves and print. No longer do they have a monopoly on information, no longer can they get away with disseminating one-sided propaganda without challenge, and more importantly no longer can they silence and cut out of the debate those who have other opinions who are able to voice them on the internet even as the likes of the BBC still block access to their own networks.
The funny thing is of course that they don’t ever see themselves in their critique of the Internet and its freeflowing opinions….for instance this from the Guardian…the description is one that fits, for example, the BBC, or the Guardian itself, to a tee…
Is Facebook the enemy of truth and civic unity?
Every new technology threatens to kill off some revered institution. But in the waning months of 2015, more than a few smart and tech-savvy commentators began suggesting a radical hypothesis: that the rise of social media threatened to deliver a death blow to civic consensus and even to truth itself.
“The news brims with instantly produced ‘hot takes’ and a raft of fact-free assertions,” Farhad Manjoo observed in the New York Times. “The extremists of all stripes are ascendant, and just about everywhere you look, much of the internet is terrible.”
In the Washington Post, Anne Applebaum went so far as to demand that Mark Zuckerberg donate the entirety of his fortune to undo the damage Facebook has done to democracy. “If different versions of the truth appear in different online versions; if no one can agree upon what actually happened yesterday; if fake, manipulated or mendacious news websites are backed up by mobs of internet trolls; then conspiracy theories, whether of the far left or far right, will soon have the same weight as reality. Politicians who lie will be backed by a claque of supporters.”
The BBC, the enemy of truth and civic unity?
The BBC which refused to reveal the truth about Labour’s mass immigration plot, the BBC which refuses to challenge the ‘consensus’ on climate change, the BBC which has decided you are wrong about immigration and does all it can to persuade you to change your mind, propaganda not news, the BBC which supported the Labour narrative on the economy, the BBC which campaigns against all military action and puts our troops in danger, the BBC which is still fighting the Iraq war, the BBC which has joined forces in effect with Muslim terrorists in order to justify its own actions regarding the Iraq war, the BBC which believes Jews are legitimate targets in Europe, the BBC which supports terrorist organisations which seek to destroy Israel, the BBC which thinks ‘conservative’ Islam is no different to British values, the BBC which manages to find far more people who voice support for Europe than who support Brexit, the BBC which hates the nation state, the BBC which seeks to destroy any sense of ‘British’ identity in order to create a mongrel nation where no-one ‘beloings’ so therefore, the BBC thinking goes, everybody belongs. Shame the utopian dreamers of the BBC have no idea of human nature.
Democracy, free speech, British values and identity, national cohesion and a civil society, truth.
All things the BBC is the enemy of, not the Internet or Facebook. Far from supporting and maintaining them the intolerantly ‘liberal’ BBC is the real enemy of truth and democracy and civil society. The internet is the one thing that protects us from the power of the BBC, it gives us access to, and the ability to broadcast, vast amounts of information that before was jealously guarded by the likes of the BBC. Knowledge is power. The BBC can no longer get away with with impunity with its one-sided world view that pumps out allegedly liberal, progressive views that are ironically defended by the illiberal and intolerant method of silencing the voices who don’t adhere to the orthodoxy. And the BBC hates that fact.
The BBC, too arrogant, too conceited, too full of sacred illusions, too big not to fail.
Adding a bit more ;
A lot on the left don’t actually want better conditions for the working man etc ; what they want is the replacement of power and themselves pulling the levers . HG Wells wasn’t a socialist , he believed that a world ruled by technocrats and experts was better than democracy .
I agree with Alan but remember that that vast majority of the population still get their news from the BBC and the BBC hate the free press more than they loathe the internet. Before the “setback” of the last election (as senior execs inside al-beeb refer to it) beeboid bosses were licking their chops at the prospect of Leveson handing over control of the press to their placemen, like Ed Richards, on the Ofcom board. Just take a look at the hyper diversity recruitment policies that run like a stick of rock through the corporation guaranteeing equality of outcome for as many pro-jihadi Muslim recruits as they can squeeze in. The Beeb, widely regarded in jihadi circles as anti-Israel because of its cabal of crackpot Middle east correspondents, has become a magnet for taqiyya artists like Newsnight’s Secundar Kermani who are acting as Trojan Horses for more death cult infiltration. If the police can be labelled by the BBC trumpeting MacPherson as “institutionally racist” a slur of historical stupidity, why cannot the BBC be investigated for institutional bias before charter renewal?
Well as far as I am allowed to comment, after being told off. It looks like the BBC Trust and people like Richard Ayre, and BBC Complaints and people like Fraser Steel are to be replaced by a set up suggested by someone called David Clementi. As far as I can work out, any findings from investigations are to remain secret, and used as a tool against dissent by the BBC to any changes. It looks like Whittingdale just wants to quietly dump the shit on the side, and move on as if nothing ever happened, isolating Harrabin and the gang, and then quietly pushing out that shit as well.
The Left are supporters of feudalism, but they want to replace kings and bishops and aristocrats with themselves. All power and patronage to themselves. A free and prosperous commercial society in which people have the income and property to live as they wish is everything they are against. That is why they hate England and the English so much.
As the liberal/left can’t get into complete power by normal democracy , they use the Gramscian method of infesting the judiciary , police , unions , civil service , teaching professions , journalism ; thus the control of the BBC .
They profess a dislike of big business , but in reality they know it’s the next best thing to state control . It’s small , independent businesses they really don’t like . An individual trying to control his own way . Big business on the other hand can make huge profits which can be taxed ( termed Taxploitation by Rodney Atkinson) thus more money going to the state . The added advantage is they can cry foul about huge profits from corporations and levy extra taxes in the name of social justice .
A good example of the Gramscians being nasty but hiding it is our immigration shambles . Crooks ,chancers , idlers , terrorists murderers get to stay in the UK . But others who may be socially useful , or an individual who came here from Canada when they were three and never knew of course that they would need to get a visa are forced out . Afghan interpreters are kept out , vicious warlords are let in . Confused ? Well that’s what you get if you want a tough immigration policy , say the callous Gramscians playing with people’s lives to make a point . Why not have open borders and be nice to everyone ? Articulated by the BBC .
The BBC and FaceBook present an intriguing combination.
twitter is clearly different as the staff have ‘views my own’ immunity, and can simply block everyone holding them to account, so it just like the BBC itself.
However, beyond being foreign, free but still charged for here by the BBC as part of their media offering, Facebook remains open to comments and is not too easy to censor even as an owner/moderator.
Which is why I do keep tabs, especially in light of ‘hate site’ attempts by those who seek to shut BBC critics down on the strength of what is posted on light to no or various levels of reactive modding. Anything from the BBC around African or ME conflicts can often be downright scary.
And the comments can often be fascinating between what the BBC runs with in its self-appointed capacity as the nation’s voice, and what the actual public think of their choices and slants.
Just popping over now for a sample and:
Donald Trump · Trending
BBC News
1 hr ·
Donald Trump has defended his call to ban Muslims entering the US after it was used in a propaganda video by an al-Qaeda-linked group.
Trump defends Muslim ban call after al-Shabab film
Well… gollllll…ee. The BBC has managed to get him into 2016 on this too. Albeit having had to resurrect the ‘defended’ technique.
Mixed feelings I am sure in the ‘trending’ editorial creche that this one is the tops:
Nkrumah Chinweizu We should banned Christians entering Africa centuries ago….. For they have robbed, raped and murdered under the banner of a white God.. Christians and Muslims are fingers of one hand
I think we should all resolve to refer to the BBC as the ‘So Called BBC’, as they do with the islamic mass murdering fascists, Islamic State.