Not exactly about the Beeb, but after the outcry of how confusing Sherlock was, – was I the only one whose brain was screwed up watching Endeavour last night ? I just about figured it out by the time I got to bed, (I think), but why do dramas now have to be the equivalent of a Rubiks cube ?
I debated watching that, or War and Peace, but watched Deutschland 83 on CH4 instead, subtitles aside it was free (for now) of any PC sensibilities or placements, made sense, was stylish and it drew you in.
Deutschland 83 is pretty good. War & Peace’s script was so dumbed-down I’m convinced it’s aimed for those for who English is a foreign language. The luvvie-force is strong with that one.
Dumbed-down just about sums it up. If you take liberties with Shakespeare, you do still at least have the words, but taking liberties with Tolstoy is clearly a step too far for Andrew Davies. The (really quite important) scene with Dolokhov on the Window sill has been replaced with a sort of sub-Ken Russell type orgy and the absurd introduction of an incest scene between Helene and Anatole Kuragin is apparently “crucial” to his interpretation. What an idiot. I don’t have a problem with interpretations, and Andrew Davies has a long list of screenplays behind him, but this was just self-indulgent and silly.
Sherlock was incredibly dull, although anyone who criticises it gets rounded on by the oddballs who are in love with Syrian advocate Benedict Cumberbatch, and told they are not clever enough to understand the plot.
I gathered it was all some sort of Cocaine induced fever dream, but sadly it was not nearly as clever as it thought it was, in fact we kept flicking over to see how the darts was going, that’s how boring it was.
It’s a shame as I quite enjoyed the first two series of Sherlock, but series 3 and the New Years “Special” were bloody awful, and Moriarty is about as scary as Graham Norton with pmt.
It’s quite funny to see some feminists up in arms over it being patronising, although I was more annoyed that they showed the number 11 bus going up Baker Street, completely wrong, but that’s the beeb for you, they can’t even get the basics right.
If Sherlock was the best of the BBC the rest must be dire. I haven’t watched the series previously but some relatives wanted to watch this and said it was really good. I couldn’t understand why when trying to create a late 19th century atmosphere was the programme full of cut away effects etc which completely destroyed any ‘atmosphere’ that it did manage to create. It seemed to me that the people who made the programme were more interested in playing with special effects than focusing on the story and creating something worth watching. As to Cumerbatch , ( I can’t be bothered to spell his name correctly , he doesn’t deserve the effort) I surprised he thoughtlessly took his tobacco out of a Turkish slipper! Surely this was racist and an attempt to subjugate the Muslim world. As to his treatment of Mrs Hudson , I was in tears for her, and his mocking of the retard Watson was appalling. Only an anti feminist , anti moron, racist could watch this programme without being physically sick.
“Only an anti feminist , anti moron, racist could watch this programme without being physically sick….”
Was this tongue in cheek ? I didn’t think it was THAT bad; and as for being ‘in tears’ there was nothing to stop Mrs Hudson giving him a kick in the goolies to sort him out !
Just watched ” Father Brown ” which , reluctantly, I thought was quite good. I could see nothing PC about it, no ethnics , no muslims. I must have missed something !
Returning to Holmes. It was worse than Doublethinker says. . Holmes treated Watson as a moron, and ignored the fact that he was disabled. But on BBC logic he deserved to be disabled because he had fought in the Afghan War against the ROPers. And I did think for a minute that the Suffragettes doing their witchy thing at the end were wearing Hijabs.
We really need to bring back something like the Sweeney. Top Gear with cops. A couple of non PC, non box tick guys tearing around the manor in gas guzzling old Fords, duffing up/’apprehending’ the baddies.
Minder was my old fave. Watch any of these old greats from the not too distant past now and it makes you weep and,as the mob might say”miss the old country”
Of course todays BBC are chocking to have to admit the “Black and White Minstrel Show” was the most popular Television show in the U.K in the 1960s ,as well as winning the Montreux prize too. British television at its best.
I quite agree. The central plotline about the hidden twin made no sense. There was simply no reason for the magician to keep the second twin hidden from his fellow carnies, as if that would even be possible, and there was also no reason for the twin then to disguise himself as a disfigured survivor of the Coventry air raids. The plotline about the mysterious stranger in the big house was lifted straight from the Great Gatsby, and I don’t care how rich Lord Snooty was, if he had lost £75,000 at cards in 1967 he was down a hell of a lot of money. I suspect that the writer thinks £75k won’t buy a bedsit in London, but the devaluation of the pound since 1967 has been staggering. Back then, £75k would probably have bought the country house the action took place in.
RiC – I once watched a C4 documentary about John Aspinall’s gaming club in the 1960’s and how these (serious) London gangsters became “partners” with him and found a way to cheat these aristos using marked cards – and the sums they lost in one night were astonishing and in the order of what that chap lost in Endeavour.
A loss of £75k in 1967 would have been huge even for a rich man, instead it was presented as being heavy, but no more than that. People have really forgotten the loss of purchasing power of the pound. In 1967 I imagine the average wage would have been in the order of £1,500 to £2,000. One of my uncles bought a nice Victorian house in London that year for £3,750; I think that puts a loss of £75,000 in context: how much would it cost to buy 20 houses in London now?
The plot, with the man from nowhere with incredible (untaxed I suspect wealth) who uses phrases such ‘old man’ reminded me of the Great Gatsby. Buying the equivalent of a palace and being absolutely besotted with one woman had echoes of Citizen Kane.
I really enjoy Endeavour, although I think Roger Allam as Thursday is perfectly cast and makes the programme top notch viewing
Can’t help noticing the dead-hand that the BBC are giving the Corbyn revenge reshuffle news… other media outlets are full of it.
Will there be one? Won’t there be one, with a heavy slant towards the probability that there will.
Not the BBC. The only comment you will see from them in on the website, deep in the politics section where Michael Dugher (one of the people who it is expected that revenge will be exacted upon) rejects the claims.
It seems that the crescendo in favour could create a real problem if it doesn’t happen. It is all very reminiscent of the Brown election will he/ won’t he and the BBC will not be going there again any time soon.
One can only hope that the non-BBC and Guardian media always refer to Clive Lewis, if the former Army Reserve officer is promoted to shadow defence minister, as “the former BBC journalist Clive Lewis”, because as sure as eggs is eggs the BBC will always tell us of his time in military service rather than in theirs.
Then again perhaps not having accused the BBC of not promoting him “Cos I is black” . More likely because his brand of far left politics was too much even for the BBC to risk giving him more air time.
Well now we know the outcome. Utter incompetent shambles. Three weeks of intense media leaks by MPs and spads leading to 30 hours of desperate negotiations resulting in two people moving positions, desperate recriminations, disagreements about who agreed to what, followed by three resignations and the appointment of the very anti-miltary, CND supporting, England flag hating woman Emily Thornberry as shadow defence minister.
They have a vegan as the shadow minister for farming and a delusional English hating pacifist nutter for defence? Crazy crazy crazy. And this is the only unprompted reshuffle I can think of in 40 years that has resulted in more people resigning than were posts filled in the reshuffle itself.
Utter incompetence from start to finish…. That is if it is even finished yet.
Sometimes one regrets not grasping the bias as it is broadcast and exposing it far and wide. Half-listening to Outside Source on the World Service a few weeks back I heard the bizarre claim that the Gaza war was precipitated by the murder of a Palestinian youth by Jews.
In fact, the murder was a revenge attack for the murder of three Israeli youths by Hamas-linked terrorists and the war was sparked by continual missile fire from Gaza on Israeli civilians, which had been building up long before the murders.
The BBC was obviously trying to justify Hamas’ obsession to attack Israel and felt comfortable doing it by telling an outright lie. This is unusual as the BBC is generally cunning enough to disguise its bias by telling half truths and minimising or ignoring news it doesn’t like while shouting news it likes from the rooftops.
Well, that lie has gone down the memory hole because Outside Source is only available for a week.
IslamicAl-Beeb reports on its sole subject, Islam.
The Saudis have ordered all Iranian diplomats to leave.
A conundrum for the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster.
It does somersaults trying to back both sides.
So perplexed is IslamicAl-Beeb that the reporter departs from the standard script and forgets to blame the West.
Photos of Saudi flags being burnt in Tehran.
They do a lot of that in Islam, burning.
US flags, Saudi flags, any flags.
Books, any literature.
Figures of Bush, Blair, anyone.
The loveable ISIS has, as permitted by Allah, been burning real people recently, not “real” Muslims apparently, so of no concern.
But if I say that I know a man who had heard of another man whose second cousin, twice removed, said that a friend of his friend stated that he might be considering burning a copy of the Beano, there will be protests and riots.
A moments introspection might reveal the incongruities in the Islamic attitude; but Allah does not permit introspection, he did all the thinking necessary, and who are we to argue?
The ‘peace’ the ‘Religion of Peace’ is currently engaging in – IS threats, Saudi, Iran, Bahrain etc kicking off – couldn’t be more peaceful, could it? Just think of the utter chaos that would ensue all over the planet if the RoP were to disappear overnight.
It’s understandable all those commentators demanding the west allows every single one of the RoPers into their lands without so much as a border check, since it can only mean more peace for us all.
Such wonderful folk, such wonderful culture, such a wonderful effect on the world…
In their ivory tower of condescending lefty arrogance they decided a long time ago that you, I and all the other poor sods paying for their kids to go to private school were too stupid/unimportant to understand the notion of different strands of the same religion.
The message is stupefyingly simple. Islam is the future. No matter what happens it’s amazing and always will be.
I think I’ve finally grasped the difference between Sunni and Shia RoPers.
The Sunni are medievalist, lying, religious maniacs obsessed by the violent Koran and their brutal founder, whereas the Shia are maniacal, medieval religious obsessives who lie and follow the path laid out by their brutal founder in the qur’an which is violent.
For my sins I listened to Outside Source on the World Service whilst getting lunch. I was treated to what was meant to be expert analysis about the spat (over an executed cleric) between Iran and Saudi Arabia from some guy at BBC Monitoring who was barely able to string a couple of sentences together: I lost count of the number of “you know” ‘s he said. He was duly thanked and then Lyse Doucet was wheeled in to give her view. Now LD mentioned a lot the number of people Saudi has executed, particularly last year and she told us that China (though nothing to do with this story) is the world leader in executing people and Saudi is number 3. She didnt mention who was number 2, this struck me as odd. A quick google showed number 2 was Iran, surely this was relevant to the story – I somehow don’t think LD accidentally left this out. Pure BBC bias.
So what was evaded was the announcing the news that Communist China, an Islamic Republic and a Sharia monarchy are 1,2,3, in the judicial killing league. Where does the Islamic State of Shams and the Levant a.k.a. Da`esh fit in?
It`ll be nothing to do with Communism or Islam….of that we can be sure.
That`s your opinion Demon. Their opinion is that they are following Sharia, should I believe they or you know more about Islamic law?
Cutting throats and beheadings are approved methods of sharia compliant capital punishment as are stonings and drops from towers….at least that what my muslim colleagues told me when I was working in the Gulf 20 years ago.
Little did I know that the various interpretations of Sharia would become a regular topic of conversation when I returned to dear old Blighty.
Fair points. But as this country doesn’t officially recognise ISIS, all killings would be regarded by our Lords and Masters, eg the BBC, as ex-judicial. Despite ISIS being, apparently, admired by them.
As we know the BBC cannot exist without bias – it’s the very life blood of the corporation. Your comment adds to the perception that the BBC supports Shias over Sunnis.
Here’s some evidence:
*Years back Owen Bennett Jones ‘interviewed one of Iran’s vice presidents, a woman. He asked no tough questions and got on famously with that representative of the terrorist regime.
*Have Your Say would invariably flush any comments critical of Iran down the loo.
*Iran is an implacable enemy of the US and Israel and funds and arms Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups for their terror attacks on Israelis. That can only gladden BBC hearts.
*Iran’s active support for terrorism against Israel is never mentioned. And criticism of its total absence of human rights and terrorism against its own people is muted by the BBC to the point of non-existence.
In fairness I should add that there was one courageous exception in Frances Harrison, who was Bureau Chief in Tehran a decade ago. This woman has more guts and sense of fair play than the entire motley crew of BBC staff combined. Such reporting from the BBC is so rare that we’ll probably never see anything like it again:
To return to the Sunni-Shia question. Since Sunni Saudi Arabia is in bed with the US, the BBC would have a natural aversion to the Saudis. In contrast, it would hero worship Shia Iran for its opposition to the US. And while the Saudis can only fund terror against Israelis, the Iranians also supply, train and advise the terrorists.
(I realise that my observations here may well be faulty and incomplete and I’m open to correction from my esteemed colleagues.)
Love it ,thanks very much G.W.F , & everyone who liked it . The BBC will have viewed this already , & issue a banning notice to Radio 2 , & other local stations forthwith . I will listen out for it on Gold Radio instead . Beat wishes from Essex.(man)
I doubt the BBC is much bothered about the Sunni/Shia split. Saudi Arabia and Iran are both Islamist shitholes where dissenters are regularly beheaded, hanged or stoned to death in the name of Allah. The only difference is that Saudi is an ally of the West, and Iran is an enemy of the West, so the default position of the BBC would naturally be to support Iran.
Rob in Cheshire, I agree 100% with your perception of those two fine examples of the depths to which countries and peoples can sink and the one favoured by the BBC.
To take it a step further, I wonder what strategies the BBC uses to ensure that it employs Shias over Sunnis. After all, to sustain the bias one has to employ the biased.
The impartial, even-handed and balanced corporation advertises for staff only in the Guardian in order to attract brain-damaged lefties to the exclusion of anyone of sound mind and principles but it would be more difficult to differentiate between which type of barbarian to employ.
I imagine even as I write this the personnel people are furtively hanging around Shia mosques looking for English speakers.
BBC website reports ” Financial Markets hit by global unease “. I have posted here before that, whenever markets fall, even by as little as 1 %, it is headline news on the but subsequent rises are not reported. One time the FT 100 fell by 2 % in one day, described by the BBC as a “plunge” !
All over bar the memory holing already as far as the politico-media stitch up is concerned, but this year is when the Charter Review [cough] findings are published.
Still worth seeing what submissions have gone in from those other than Steve Hewlett’s Old Boys’ Club:
The only good thing to come out of this invader fiasco is that it will accelerate the inevitable disintegration of the ludicrous EU. Wonderful to see all the countries fighting each other like rats ina sack. Further proof that those of us who believe that the whole project was flawed from the beginning are correct.
I am sure many here are delighted as I am of the Polish government’s legislation to show the pro E.U state media heads the door !. The BBC along with other Marxist media are of course emphasising this is an attack on democracy.
How ironic then that the BBC should accept a £2 million pound bung from Brussels to trumpet the benefits of the Marxist Federal State in the run up to the E.U vote. If that is not an attack of impartial news reporting I don’t know what is.
The BBC moaning about state interference in the media?? What hypocrites. The BBC has been empowered and enriched all along by continual support from both Labour and Tories for the licence tax.
Migrant crisis: Sweden border checks come into force
Sweden has introduced identity checks for travellers from Denmark in an attempt to reduce the number of migrants arriving in the country.
Infrastructure minister Anna Johansson told Swedish media that the new rules would be changed if there was a dramatic fall in the number of asylum seekers.
Good luck with that.
This is certainly going to be a year of change, one suspects. Tides turning, and all that. TWatO on R4 was virtue signalling furiously today with a despicable (and entirely uncritical) pro-refugee sob-story plonked into its final ten minutes. Why? Well, ‘reasons’, I guess, because I couldn’t figure out any other explanation for such shameless idiocy.
Not really BBC bias, yet, but website headline ” Horse penis joke Scot to be deported “. It seems that one Michael McFeat is to be deported from Kyrgyzstan for comparing the national dish , some kind of sausage , to a horse’s penis. My God , if the Kyrgyz people think that is an insult, they should hear what some people say about our wonderful, delicious haggis.
Harrabin has a new Facebook page, he’s using for climate activism
He’s already throwing the loaded term “denier” around (without defining precisely what the accused are supposed to be denying)
4 hours ago he announced on his official twitter account roger harrabin @RHarrabin
“…There are only 2 commnets so far ..but I’d be surprised if we don’t get him deleting of off-message comments Guardian style.”
Yes, I suspect Harrabin’s grasp of the meaning of ‘debate’ (the ‘debate’ the fascist left likes to remind everyone it would really like to have) will only stretch as far as those who agree with him. All other views are contrary to The Narrative and are therefore verboten. The BBC, in a nutshell.
Time for yet another classic BBC demonstration of bias by omission. This time the reporter is Ross Hawkins in an article entitled New Minimum wage could mean fewer pay rises, and leave thousands stuck for years on the minimum pay
He hangs the article on information from the Resolution Foundation. You have to go a fair way down to discover that the head of this body is one Torsten Bell. Who, I hear you cry is Torsten Bell! Not only a Labour Party lickspittle, but no less than the ex policy advisor to Ed Miliband, and the ideas man responsible for The EdStone! Wonder why he did not mention his area of expertise.
The liberal left are either THAT stupid-or THAT insouciant-about getting found out or rumbled by the likes of us.
Even I knew that Torsten was likely to be the one and same-living wage BBC suckup, as well as the Edstone mind.
I mean-only the Left has Torstens and Tristrams these days don`t they?…imagine ANY of them working anywhere else but the BBC, Guardian, charity quangos or think tankiepoos of the Left..or-need I say?…the Labour Family of nice things.
One septic tank of a jacuzzi for them all-warm enough to stew in their fetid incontinence, but always among people with each others plums in their mouths…oh, and a tanning fountain as well…toppaz!
So-only the BBC would ask this genius why he`s not under his stone , as opposed to telling the nation why the Tories are crap.
We know they are…but we voted for them so the likes of Torsten could traipse back to the Danish-Swedish border, and threaten the Muslim hordes with more ideas if they don`t see sense.
Torsten..not to be confused with Tungsten…but the living end of a Bell.
Who`s paying for this Revolution Fundayshun…
Clearly 2016 is fertile ground for lack of space and paucity of time to restrict the BBC guest list and consequent introductions, based on BBC Editorial Integrity Guidelines.
It’s like they are daring the Charter to be removed in any way they can dream up, if perhaps secure in the knowledge it won’t be.
British American Tobacco in line for a tax payer funded bonanza, some of the questions the anonymous BBC hack
should have been asking remain unasked in this article. I suspect this is just the NHS floating the idea to gauge public
reaction with the BBC being the obliging mouthpiece.
You know, there are times when you just give up, never more so when you log onto the Roger Harrabin twitter account or read his entries or on the BBC web sites and journals. I’ve come to the conclusion that he is not well. On his twitter account he is stating that because he has grown strawberries in Dec/Jan in his garden, it must be down to “Climate Change” and you can hear the excitement in his key board. It so happens that my girlfriend is a professional gardener (many many years) and is certificated by the Royal Horticultural society. I just gave her a call concerning the winter strawberries. (I admit to knowing zip about plants etc). Her reply, as quick as ever when talking about plants etc, was that, “yes, he might well have as you can get varieties called “everbearing” which can be grown all year round and can fruit if suitably sheltered. The fruit might not turn sugary as it needs sunlight to do that, which during the winter is in short supply. One of the reason why at our latitudes they tend to be greenhouse fruit.” I asked if the fact they have been grown in the garden is down to “Climate Change”, she just laughed and said “they have been growing 3 season everbearing in gardens in this country since roman times” [to coin a phrase I guess]
Well, his strawberry(ies) is/are about to get frozen, we have our own arctic plunge this time next week. The cold air that has surrounded us for months is about to win over the warm air and all the wet weather we have been having looks like giving France, Spain and Portugal a good seeing to. Us? Well the mild air will be replaced by very cold air. How long will it last? Could be months as the Atlantic on the American side has now gone colder than normal at this time of year, thus deflecting the Jetstream southwards and taking with them the mild winter storms. Snow boots at the ready for all of us and you can kiss your strawberries goodbye Mr Harrabin, “Global Cooling” is about to put them to death.
Had some piece of crap on (without the sound) yesterday on News 24.
The theme was world migrations.
Without the sound it`s great-well worth a go to see how the BBC rely on am-dram and cut and paste psychovisuals cues to emote-up the ante-and generally have us think it`s all crying women, and breast beating kiddies.
Relentless-could set your watch to see the 45 second repetitions…very Huxley.
I can now do a passable Feargal Keane talkover as well to suit now.
The BBC must think we`re idiots who missed out on visual advertising and emotion farming techniques…if only the Soviets had been given more time, they could be running every media and advertising agency in this country.
From Pavlov to Vygotsky…it`s all there-and this is the psychiatric ward as far as the BBCs “Correspondents” are concerned.
Turn down the sound and have a laugh at what they`re doing-maybe an hour later, remove the picture and see again what they`re up to .
And amidst all the migrant stories-not one picture of the M20 blocked, people unable to get home and threats from Calais` finest to break into cars, rush the tunnels or put bricks through lorry windows…I`d say THESE pictures were every bit as “evocative” of the Summer of Love 2015 that the BBC tended to recreate for us.
No New Year celebrations in Munich- wonder how #Refugees Welcome here# spent their evening?
It could also be called ‘ How much money from the BBC Licence Fee Payer did I waste on a stupid question when I was not even interested in the answer.
This is from the same BBC that tries to reject FOI requests on the grounds that they do not have to release anything if they can link it to their alleged journalism. Hypocrisy in action.
Strange how the BBC are exercised by how much money and time the goverment spent avoiding answering this FOI request. I wonder if it was more or less money and time than the BBC spent keeping the Balen Report under wraps? Does hypocritical b******s cover it?
BBC have more neck than a Giraffe criticising Cabinet Office red tape conducting this three year fight in FOI battle:
Their astounding hypocrisy is mind-blowing when you consider the likes of BBC totally refusing point blank to give any FOI about how much Children in Need money went to Yentobs Kids Co, which surely cannot be a state secret:
Thought Everyman Adrian Childs was a bit of a clown last night as he went around the Med to see how the Middle East is full of good blokes up for a pint like he is.
As he said-he thinks he`s a Christian, but them again he thought he`d do as a gay vegetarian as well…easily influenced then?
My gripe was with his dismay at some Christian Evangelical Friends of israel…they seemed a bit-well, “certain” of their faith-their debt to Israel, their wish to be seen there in support of its right to exist.
Adrian didn`t much care for that-hardly the multifaith dream of hummus on the vicars lawn now is it?
Unfortunately for Adrian-these women were scripturally correct…and quite right to fear Islams duplicity going unremarked upon from the ” God is a Gas” theology of Alan Partridge, so loved by the BBC.
But worse for me was his annoyance at these Christian Friends of Israel being a bit zealous…fervent even!
It`s as if he`s never seen the parody of the same virtue and values , either on Radio 5 or the Hawthorns.
OK to weep and seek ecstasy as Jeff Astle pops up on your show…quite another to show any thanks or gratitude for Jesus coming to earth, and being Jewish.
Childs does need some teaching…a motorbike rise with a trending priest is not the same as knowing that Jesus Himself was as hardline as those women he disparaged(but not to their faces of course…that`s for the editing suite later).
Brave boys aren`t they the BBC…and Islam must be fearing Childs withholding the pork scratchings at the next multifaith gathering at the Birmingham Oratory or such.
Essexman, He was rubbish when he was on BBC before he went to ITV. He used to present a programme “Business Lunch “, which was actually quite a good effort by BBC standards, although the BBC does not really do business anymore than they do science. Then one time he said ” I don’t know why I am presenting this programme. I don’t know anything about business ” !
Talking of complaints…Reference CAS-3613364-PLB2NY
Thanks for contacting us regarding the ‘French far right National Front routed in key vote’ article published on the BBC News Website.
I understand you feel the term ‘routed’ is inaccurate and biased.
We have updated the headline so that instead of ‘routed’ we have referred to them being ‘defeated’ which was the case in the context of the article.
We seek to provide the information which will enable readers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be seen. Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on articles to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
Thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
I have forwarded your complaint to senior management and online news editors in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Kind regards
Neil Salt
From Wickepedia “The National Front received 4,712,461 votes in the 2014 European Parliament election, finishing first with 24.86% of the vote and 24 of France’s 74 seats.[158] “It was the first time the anti-immigrant, anti-EU party had won a nationwide election in its four-decade history.”[159] The party’s success came as a shock in France and the EU.[160][161] The next year, the National Front went on to win another victory in the first round of the 2015 regional elections on December 6, placing first in 6 of the 13 newly redrawn regions and emerging ahead of both major establishment parties overall.[162] In Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, Marine Le Pen won 40.6% of the vote.[163” Hardly what I’d call a defeat in the circumstances.
‘We seek to provide the information which will enable readers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be seen’
A bit like BBC ‘belief’, ‘seeking’ is all well and good, but as much use as a chocolate teapot (or ECU director) if not actually finding anything other than ‘the BBC gets it about right’ is written into their DNA.
‘Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on articles to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.’
No, they don’t. Or if they do, it is on a 3 Monkey basis given what actually happens, and keeps getting repeated.
‘These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC’
Prove it… without an FOI ‘purposes of’ exemption being the first ironic response.
‘ and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly’
Define ‘right people’ and ‘quickly’ on the same terms as above.
Al Beeb’s brilliant political editor seems to think that when Uncle Jeremy sacks Eagle and Benn this will not represent “a dramatic purge”. So no political spin there then. No doubt if he bottles out on one or the other, we will be told that this underscores his statesman-like nature.
Tonights look east,heavily weighted pro e.u. piece. It suggest the vote may be june or sept- so ill take this as the bbbc kicking of the stay campaign , i mean, as the reporter says-only 5% in it at the moment, so plenty of brainwashing and lies to come .
Channel 4 news have just had a quite in-depth report on the repulsive Labour MP Simon Dankzuk and given him quite a grilling in an interview. Does anyone know how the BBC have reported this case ?
I, like many on here I presume, received quite a few Amazon vouchers as presents this Christmas from family and friends; they know I read a lot and it’s an uncomplicated gift for them to get – not too much head scratching needed.
I wondered if fellow BBBCers had any books they’ve read over the past year, or past few years, which they would recommend?
A book which I would recommend myself is “Islam Through The Looking Glass”, a collection of essays and reviews of J.B. Kelly and is the third volume of a body of work edited by his son S.B. Kelly, published by NER Press.
J.B.K. was one of the pre-eminent experts in the world on Arabia and the Persian Gulf: a scholar and an adviser to Western and Arab governments. The first two volumes were very good but this third one is superb; it deals with the more recent history of the region and of the motives and interactions of the principal and lesser players. It is chock full of information and great quotes, and is written with style by someone who possessed a wonderful command of the english language and knew very well how to use it.
AS. Thanks for the recommendation. I would proffer “Europe, Globalization and the Coming Universal Caliphate” by the venerable Bat Ye’Or. Published in 2011, it explains how we are where we are now and why. She highlights the role of supra-national bodies such as the UN, EU, UNESCO, UNHRC, OIC etc etc. It’s a shocking read, but it does present a coherent analysis of how Europe became Eurabia.
Al, No-one gave me any vouchers of any kind. I haven’t read your books but looks like a project for the future. Why don’t you use your vouchers to buy all three volumes and send them to the BBC ?
I would recommend ” The Closed Circle . An Interpretion of the Arabs ” by David Pryce-Jones. This is a book Beeboids would hate, so it must be good. A devastating expose of the Arab World.
Best book I read last year ” Gambia. Culture and Customs ” by Prof. Abdoulaye Saine, but that is rather personal.
I was in my teens when the Biafra War was reported almost every day. Last year I read ” The Biafra Story ” by Frederick Forsyth and ” There was a country ” by Chinua Achebe ( An Igbo and great writer). The reason I mention it here is that the Nigerian Government committed a Genocide against the Igbo tribe , fully supported, partly financed and armed by the Labour Wilson Government. The most civilised , mainly Christian, tribe in West Africa , luckily survived.
I remember my late father ranting at the BBC TV news in disgust, but I was too young to really understand. Maybe there is someone older than me here who can remember. Maybe the BBC will do a fearless documentary exposing the Labour Government’s role. On the other hand, maybe not !
With the institutional bias of the BBC so deeply entrenched the BBC must not be allowed to continue to police itself and this serious problem needs to be addressed without delay. The BBC complaints department must be made truly independent…. the BBC must not be allowed to continue to police itself, The BBC’s complaints procedure is simply not fit for purpose.
Will David Cameron and his conservative government have the balls to take this task on? Don’t hold your breadth!! I am increasingly of the opinion that the BBC is in the pocket of the EUSSR and expect that our Euro masters would step in order to protect its valuable British Broadcasting/propaganda asset,
magicoat. I’m still awaiting a reply to my reply from the end of last year. See above for the what was the other outstanding complaint. I of course have zero faith the complaint will be dealt with impartially. I expect I will be wrong and the BBc will be right again. However I’m never going to let their bias go out unanswered.
By chance I had to watch Eastenders tonight. To leave would have been rude. I noticed that nearly all the whites could barely string two words together and appeared functionally illiterate. Their speeches seemed to parody London accents and were noticeable only for the ugliness and appalling grammar.
In contrast the ethnic minority characters spoke recognisable English coherently and normally.
No doubt this is the BBC’s way of denigrating the white original inhabitants of London or more likely just an ingrained habit of dislike of us by the liberal elitists who made this rubbish. .
I think there may be an additional reason DS; this is written about the U.S. but is applicable here and will become evermore so as time goes by.
“It is whites whose knowledge about blacks is filtered by the media rather than gained first-hand who have the most favorable impression of them. The alleged benefits of diversity seem illusory to those people who actually experience it.” Jared Taylor ‘White Identity’.
Just posted this on the current HYS on Denmarks decision to throw the pulled pork amongst the halal barbecue on the Al Beed webshite. I wonder how long it stays on there? It was a shame I only had a small amount of characters to respond back to fascist, bigoted, Jihad loving fantasist who incredibly still believes Muslims are the victims…
“The word ‘Islamaphobia’ is meaningless, dangerous & last thing we need to have thrown into any debate about lslam. The followers of lslam basically have to commit sin & go against the Qu’ran to accommodate other peoples views and beliefs.The followers of IS believe they are living the perfect Muslim life. Who are none believers like the BBC and other liberal fantasists to say they are bad Muslims?”
One of the more bizarre moments on the BBC in 2015 was the interview between Ewan Davis and Nigel Farrage on Newsnight when it was suggested that Paddington Bear made Davis feel ‘gooey inside’ regarding immigration.
I must admit I laughed at the time but given the dire Christmas TV we broke out our copy of the cartoon on DVD and I can now see Davis’ point.
Paddington Bear has go to be the most political cartoon since Chaplin’s The Great Dictator. The pro-immigration message is continuous, basically London is a very welcoming place because those damn British Whiteys have been eliminated, apart from a right-on family who live in a time-warp. Even the Darcy Bussell look-alike villain welcomes immigrants, she’s just a bit miffed that her dad didn’t get the recognition that he deserved. If only he had put immigration before ecology there would have been a vibrant bear colony in west London and a serious marmalade crisis!
“Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”
Colin Firth pulled out of Paddington Bear. Firth said that he “consciously uncoupled” from playing the role. That decision will have excluded Colin from the BBC’s coterie. Good man.
Less of the good man please, he’s as addled and dumb as any lefty actor can be, wants the queen out and a bloody republic in…miserable bastard as well.
Currently watching 10pm news. Its utterly crap.
Just listened to Laura useless get her knickers in a twist over the Corbyn ‘reshuffle’ . Now looks like there may not be much of one but LK still has her 6pm script so a non-event is simultaneously ‘ corbyn learning the new way doesnt work’ WTF? Are there any brain cells anywhere in the newsroom?
Then straight over to ‘refugee news’ from Greece where half of all immigration is admitted as being boats from Turkey ie not refigees at all (first safe state reached concept) but in fact economic migrants. Then we get all the gobshite about the children and vulnerable.
Pass the sick bag.
Nothing then about all the German women sexually attacked and German men assaulted in Cologne’s central railway station on New Years Eve, by all the “new Germans” Ma Merkel has introduced I take it?
Fergal Keane on the 22:00 news speaks in measured tones about more migrant scum fleeing the Syrian war from the front line in Turkey. As the inflatable comes into view it’s obviously mainly full of men. Strangely as it lands the camera zooms into a tight shot on a woman and a couple of babies. Really! we’ve just seen the boat and it’s occupants. More tear jerking comments about the graves of drowned illegals. Cut to GP who is helping out complete with I’m a mother speech. Lets hope there is no NHS crisis where she works.
Douche ette tells us islam split in the context of the spat between Saudi and Iran reaching it’s heights in 1979 not some tine after 632 AD then? Why the BBc skip the reasons for the split in islam. is the latest mystery.
Over to gun laws and a BBc sloth visits a gun show in America now I’m no expert on American gun laws but I think there is some selective reporting going on. He stops at a stand with a short barrelled assault rifle looking rifle. What would this be used for? He asks. Well I know it will be a completely alien concept but some people just like firing weapons down the range and like almost every item under the sun some will collect them. Additionally I was under the impression that weapons under a certain barrel length needed special registration anyway.
BRILLIANT ! just heard on the news that the migrant who walked through the Channel Tunnel last August thus disrupting the train travel – and reached the UK, has been granted asylum, and hey ho the CPS has decided to drop the charges against him. WTF ?? We are the stupidest country in the world. Next we’ll be hearing that just like in WW2, we’ll be sending the little ships to Dunkirk to transport all those engineers, doctors, scientists and teachers back to the UK – followed by rescuing all those chancers in the Jungle. I despair of the idiots who are in charge of this country, and feel sorry for the following generations who haven’t known how lovely it once was to live here.
What did you expect? Remember those Afghans who hijacked that plane some years back and claimed asylum, their families were put up in a hotel at the same British airport where the hijacking occurred; until they were all successful in their applications that is. I presume, now they’ll all be valuable residents of the U.K. employed doing the jobs most Britons aren’t qualified for and of course they’ll be paying huge amounts of tax into the Treasury whilst not in any way milking the public teet for all they’re worth.
Nothing (however insane) surprises me, nor should it anyone else, in this country when it concerns: immigrants, criminals or those who fall within both categories.
“This country used to be a home, now it’s a hotel and they want us to be the waiters.” was that smarmy cnut Straw that said, as Home Sec then, he would not rest until they are deported… i said he’s a cnut, with cnut junior on the way too.
Thank you for making everything clearer on the recent escalation between Iran and Saudi Arabia BBC! That primary school level introduction into the causes and possible solutions is hilarious and bloody dangerous reading! It’s not all about religion??!! WTF!! They still cannot bring themselves to say that Islam is the only factor in this and every conflict happening around the world today! Saudi Arabia like IS, like Lutonistan are hell bent on destroying the infidels and everything they stand for! Being Shi’a, you might as well be walking around saying Muhammad is a kiddy fiddling rapist who f@#ks pigs for breakfast! If Muslims have such hatred for each other, how on earth can the delusionists from cloud ‘muslims are all of our friends and want to enrich our dark and unenlightened lives’ land, expect us to believe they give 2 shites about the infidel, heretics whos freedoms and tolerance goes against everything Muhammad wrote in the book of peace?
I doubt it Taffman. They are cowards and appeasers, and will no doubt find it easier to go with the flow and “revert” to islam when the time comes. I believe that Ayatollah Khomeini once said “there are no jokes in islam”, so the BBC Light Entertainment Department would hardly notice the change.
The children of those that we offered asylum, refuge and a safe haven to are now ‘biting the hands that fed it’. ‘Lessons to be learned’ Al Beeb ……………..
BBC Radio Labour
Has anyone got a calendar Radio 4 which shows the next time this year that it won’t have a left on or be about lefties ?
Cos when I tune in at Random moments it seem like BBC Radio Labour, with them banging on about Corbyn
NEWS :Sun 1.20pm 6 minute item comparing Corbyn to classic Labour Leader George Landsbury
COMEDY : The 6.30pm comedy slot of course had a good old bash at Tories and particularly UKIP whilst Labour was given the soft treatment
DRAMA : This weeks classic drama Paul Merton rework of the Spike Milligans’ The Bedsitting Room featured David Cameron being mutated into a Parrott by radiation, which was then cooked and eaten.
(previewed on the Toady prog)
Re Sundays thread – BBC Interesting point that Julian Fellows gave about the BBC non- being Lefty, but rather only allowing approved views
Yes 30 years ago Aunties was a conservative prude
2015 LIBERAL PRUDE.. disapproving of views not in line with the ‘right-on liberal viewpoint’
It reminds me of when, shortly after becoming PM, when Blair was considered as a saint and a superhero rolled into one by the Beeb that there were tales of his bravely rescuing a Danish tourist while on holiday in Italy. Some more sceptical media investigated, so the story became that it was actually his security guards doing the saving. Then later that it was just an incident that happened on the beach he was on. The Danish chap was found and confirmed that he was definitely not rescued by Blair and never even saw him!
Feargal Keane at it again last night on the BBC tv news at 10 pm…..a little package from Lesbos in which he stated “the majority of the people we are meeting have small children with them” cut to small child having woolly hat put on.
Then, “the vast majority of people we’re speaking to are Syrians” well yeah Feargal, that’s because your choosing not to speak to the hooded sub Saharan Africans we can see standing behind you…….yes…..they’re BEHIND YOU!!!
Final shot? A group of “mostly unmarked graves” but one was marked…”some one has written in Greek, unknown toddler”
Forgot to mention, Feargal also had a brief interview with a Devon GP who had apparently escaped the NHS winter pressures to become a volunteer migration facilitator in Lesbos.
It’s just possible her Lesbos GP counterpart is doing locum cover in the UK, though Feargal wasn’t going to go anywhere near asking questions about her presence in Lesbos during the busiest time of the NHS year.
embolden, how would Fergal know whether they are Syrians or not ? Just he just assume that “refugees” tell the truth about everything ? Do any Beeboids ever interview “refugees” the same way they interview Tory politicians ? If not, why not ?
I think how it may work is this….Feargal is given the party line by a Beeb manager.
He then reflects on how he feels about it, and tests his feelings by reference to recent dinner party conversations he has participated in, he might also have a quick look at alternative media sources like the Guardian and Independent.
Then he trusts his feelings, looks for footage that will reinforce them, gets “in role” and delivers his lines…mmmmm….with added feeling.
Apparently the limo was a loaner, on standby to pick Ginger and Botney up from their private airfield whenever they decide to pop back, sources close to the BBC may have learned.
Guest who. I heard that interview…well, it wasn’t really an interview, was it, in terms of an exchange of views; it was a pure hateful rant by Miss Shouty Montague. It was appalling and I thought she was just downright rude. HOW these politicians keep their cool when confronted like this, I don’t know. One of these days I am dying to hear someone say…look, if you shut up and allow me to answer your question, I’ll stay. If you keep interrupting me, I’ll f*****g walk out now: your choice!!! Who has the balls to do this I wonder?
Soapbox. You are right. The BBC don’t do interviews anymore. It is just the Beeboid’s view against the others. I can’t think of any Tory MPs who would have the balls to walk out or even retaliate.
Zac Goldsmith is MP for a constituency in south west London. I attended 2 of the hustings meetings during the General Election where he seemed to me to be extremely courteous – indeed helpful – to his UKIP opponent on the stage. While being very tough against the LibDem and Green candidates. I heard later that this continued throughout the election campaign – he went out of his way to encourage the inexperienced UKIP candidate when things were hard – like when at one hustings meeting you could feel the anti-immigrant feeling among a predominately LibDem audience Goldsmith was also very pleasant to his Labour opponent.
It happens that the UKIP candidate was a Pakistani Muslim, the Labour candidate was also of immigrant stock. Not a sign of any Islamophobia at all on Goldsmith’s part. .
Sarah Montague does not know WTF she was talking about. She is just another self-opinionated BBC leftie.
Sarah Montague was of course following the Labour line on the London Mayoral elections. Sadiq Khan seeks to scoop up the large Muslim vote in London, and has already started to play the victim Islamophobic card.
Sadly that’s not unique to the BBC, Jon Gaunt on his supposed ‘home of free speech’ radio station did similar to an intelligent and articulate caller following Tommy Robinson’s call for a ban on Islamic immigration for 5 years.
I have heard Gaunt, on a number of occasions get aggressive with callers when the ‘I’ question is raised and always uses the chap he employs on his radio station (Habeeb?) as a shining example and weak counter argument, sadly he never gives callers the right of reply.
It must be realised, we are at war, all sensibilities should be forgotten and taquiyya should always be a consideration, the problem will not go away by shutting people up, it adds to the frustrations and fury…..
On the plus side, once the BBC is off unique funding, those even. Al Jazeera find too much will find a welcome home improving the production standards in desert locales. And if Danny is heading it up, the wimmin ratio will be great too.
At least the women are lucky they do not live in the UK. If they did and complained to the Police they would be up on charges of ‘hate crimes’ or at worst be sent back to the scene of their attack and handed over to their attackers and threatened with arrest if they complianed again.
God bless or (should that be Allah Bless) our PC PC’s
To cheer everyone up.
Amazingly al-Beeb have allowed a ‘Have your Say’ on the Saudi v Iran match-up. A unique opportunity to use the M word without an automatic deletion/referral to the censors. The top (and bottom ) rated comments are a joy to behold.
I bet whoever allowed it is now on the naughty step, because (as we on this site suspect/know) the public generally do not share the ‘hug a Muzzer’ al-Beeb propaganda, and this proves it.
Enjoy at
654. Posted by pegasus
4 Jan 2016 14:05
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
1. Posted by bellzhellz
4 Jan 2016 08:58
Religious nutters, the whole lot of them!
Second Lowest (noting actual upticks):
9. Posted by Call me Jeremy or Steptoe
4 Jan 2016 09:03
Surely Jeremy Corbyn can sort all this out by writing a nice letter to everyone, asking them to calm down and hug it out??
Nope, no clue what got it pulled after just 654 comments in 5 hrs between 4 Jan 2016 08:58 and 4 Jan 2016 14:04 in the afternoon.
This morning on BBC Breakfast – proudly brought to you by the perils of sugar – Geordie lass Steph is here to remind us that the BBC is only interested in business when some company is in trouble.
Clothing retailer Next is doing badly, Chinese stockmarkets are down… meanwhile the FTSE is up 1% – but our Steph says that only goes to show what a rollercoaster it is – gosh, it’s all enough to make the viewer lose faith in capitalism.
Speaking of which, fair play to Corbyn Kremlin watcher Carole Walker for momentarily poking the ageing hippie with a cleft stick – she reckons if he doesn’t sack the moderates he will “look weak”. Mmmmm, odds on that by the end of the day BBC commentators will be looking on the bright side of whatever the Dear Leader of North London does.
Interesting too that commuter watcher Tim Muffett seems to assume that all working people (well I suppose those that matter) live an hour from Broadcasting House.
No sign of any publicity on the BBC for this story about the sacking of 200 muslims at Cargill Foods, Colorado (how these muslims are going to support themselves? is not tackled in this MSM story):
Don’t worry just like the MCB/Tell MAMA and the rest of the enemedia here, in the US they have
a very dubious organisation called CAIR, and a very dubious POTUS called Obama … so it won t be long
Surely the USA has our example to go by, if they’re not careful they’ll end up like the UK bowing and scraping to the demands of the followers of the false prophet.
BBC announcers always have a different – joyous/exultant – tone when the Dow is down, than the irritated one they use when it is up. Once on Newsnight, I caught them announcing in triumph that it was down over 200 points …. snag was that the market was closed that day and they re-announced the results for the day before.
The BBC seems remarkably coy about the reasons the Shia cleric was murdered, oops ‘executed’ – makes it sound like a credible judicial process was carried out that way!
It would seem that he has been in prison for a while awaiting the sentence and it being carried out, the BBC have reported that he was arrested & imprisoned for criticising the Saudi Royal Family and their policies for running the Kingdom.
This in its brief state is true, but it’s like the UK press saying that Peter Sutcliff was sent to prison for a couple of serious assaults!
Nimr al-Nimr was arrested because he dared criticise the Saudi governments support for ISIS, something which at the time the British government supported, because their Saudi paymasters told them they had to. It was only when ISIS started to make their intentions at Mecca known the Saudis realised just what a bunch of nutters they were supporting. It hasn’t stopped them though. In their murderous hatred to wipe out every other religion & denomination they are still supporting ISIS to wipe out the Amhadis and the Yazidis, and just guess what the position of Britain & other Western governments is – yep that’s right, it’s exactly the same as Saudi Arabia’s position is.
Now isn’t that an odd coincidence !
Lucy PevenseyFeb 24, 18:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I’m finding it difficult to work out what has actually happened in the German elections. One thing is quite consistent…
BRISSLESFeb 24, 18:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 1/2 a mill a year ? Surely they could be given away to various water sports organisations.
DoublethinkerFeb 24, 18:25 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Throughout Europe every murder committed by migrants will add tens of thousands of votes to whichever challenger party is relevant…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 24, 18:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 We are paying £500,000 a year to store the dinghies (in case an owner comes to claim one) We are…
pugnaziousFeb 24, 17:26 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Somewhat misleading headline… ‘The former leader of Reform UK in Wales has appeared in court accused of accepting bribes to…
Not exactly about the Beeb, but after the outcry of how confusing Sherlock was, – was I the only one whose brain was screwed up watching Endeavour last night ? I just about figured it out by the time I got to bed, (I think), but why do dramas now have to be the equivalent of a Rubiks cube ?
Brissles, not BBC but I only watch Midsomer Murders these days for comedy value, forget about the plot !
The Emperors new clothes?
I debated watching that, or War and Peace, but watched Deutschland 83 on CH4 instead, subtitles aside it was free (for now) of any PC sensibilities or placements, made sense, was stylish and it drew you in.
Deutschland 83 is pretty good. War & Peace’s script was so dumbed-down I’m convinced it’s aimed for those for who English is a foreign language. The luvvie-force is strong with that one.
Dumbed-down just about sums it up. If you take liberties with Shakespeare, you do still at least have the words, but taking liberties with Tolstoy is clearly a step too far for Andrew Davies. The (really quite important) scene with Dolokhov on the Window sill has been replaced with a sort of sub-Ken Russell type orgy and the absurd introduction of an incest scene between Helene and Anatole Kuragin is apparently “crucial” to his interpretation. What an idiot. I don’t have a problem with interpretations, and Andrew Davies has a long list of screenplays behind him, but this was just self-indulgent and silly.
Deutschland 83 was exciting and very good, but was the black US General for real or is German TV infected with the same propaganda as our own?
Sherlock was incredibly dull, although anyone who criticises it gets rounded on by the oddballs who are in love with Syrian advocate Benedict Cumberbatch, and told they are not clever enough to understand the plot.
I gathered it was all some sort of Cocaine induced fever dream, but sadly it was not nearly as clever as it thought it was, in fact we kept flicking over to see how the darts was going, that’s how boring it was.
It’s a shame as I quite enjoyed the first two series of Sherlock, but series 3 and the New Years “Special” were bloody awful, and Moriarty is about as scary as Graham Norton with pmt.
It’s quite funny to see some feminists up in arms over it being patronising, although I was more annoyed that they showed the number 11 bus going up Baker Street, completely wrong, but that’s the beeb for you, they can’t even get the basics right.
Graham Norton with pmt – love it !!!
If Sherlock was the best of the BBC the rest must be dire. I haven’t watched the series previously but some relatives wanted to watch this and said it was really good. I couldn’t understand why when trying to create a late 19th century atmosphere was the programme full of cut away effects etc which completely destroyed any ‘atmosphere’ that it did manage to create. It seemed to me that the people who made the programme were more interested in playing with special effects than focusing on the story and creating something worth watching. As to Cumerbatch , ( I can’t be bothered to spell his name correctly , he doesn’t deserve the effort) I surprised he thoughtlessly took his tobacco out of a Turkish slipper! Surely this was racist and an attempt to subjugate the Muslim world. As to his treatment of Mrs Hudson , I was in tears for her, and his mocking of the retard Watson was appalling. Only an anti feminist , anti moron, racist could watch this programme without being physically sick.
“Only an anti feminist , anti moron, racist could watch this programme without being physically sick….”
Was this tongue in cheek ? I didn’t think it was THAT bad; and as for being ‘in tears’ there was nothing to stop Mrs Hudson giving him a kick in the goolies to sort him out !
Just watched ” Father Brown ” which , reluctantly, I thought was quite good. I could see nothing PC about it, no ethnics , no muslims. I must have missed something !
Perhaps it gets a pass because they sneak it out in the afternoon? If it ever got popular, then, like Midsomer, every third character would be a BAME.
Returning to Holmes. It was worse than Doublethinker says. . Holmes treated Watson as a moron, and ignored the fact that he was disabled. But on BBC logic he deserved to be disabled because he had fought in the Afghan War against the ROPers. And I did think for a minute that the Suffragettes doing their witchy thing at the end were wearing Hijabs.
We really need to bring back something like the Sweeney. Top Gear with cops. A couple of non PC, non box tick guys tearing around the manor in gas guzzling old Fords, duffing up/’apprehending’ the baddies.
Minder was my old fave. Watch any of these old greats from the not too distant past now and it makes you weep and,as the mob might say”miss the old country”
Brett, Quite agree, but her indoors didn’t like it much. Large VAT when you are ready.
Stick it on my tab!
I wonder if that tap ever got paid ?
Tab , I meant !
Of course todays BBC are chocking to have to admit the “Black and White Minstrel Show” was the most popular Television show in the U.K in the 1960s ,as well as winning the Montreux prize too. British television at its best.
I quite agree. The central plotline about the hidden twin made no sense. There was simply no reason for the magician to keep the second twin hidden from his fellow carnies, as if that would even be possible, and there was also no reason for the twin then to disguise himself as a disfigured survivor of the Coventry air raids. The plotline about the mysterious stranger in the big house was lifted straight from the Great Gatsby, and I don’t care how rich Lord Snooty was, if he had lost £75,000 at cards in 1967 he was down a hell of a lot of money. I suspect that the writer thinks £75k won’t buy a bedsit in London, but the devaluation of the pound since 1967 has been staggering. Back then, £75k would probably have bought the country house the action took place in.
Even in 1981 (if we are to believe To the Manor Born) £1m could buy you a country pile and expansive estate.
RiC – I once watched a C4 documentary about John Aspinall’s gaming club in the 1960’s and how these (serious) London gangsters became “partners” with him and found a way to cheat these aristos using marked cards – and the sums they lost in one night were astonishing and in the order of what that chap lost in Endeavour.
A loss of £75k in 1967 would have been huge even for a rich man, instead it was presented as being heavy, but no more than that. People have really forgotten the loss of purchasing power of the pound. In 1967 I imagine the average wage would have been in the order of £1,500 to £2,000. One of my uncles bought a nice Victorian house in London that year for £3,750; I think that puts a loss of £75,000 in context: how much would it cost to buy 20 houses in London now?
The plot, with the man from nowhere with incredible (untaxed I suspect wealth) who uses phrases such ‘old man’ reminded me of the Great Gatsby. Buying the equivalent of a palace and being absolutely besotted with one woman had echoes of Citizen Kane.
I really enjoy Endeavour, although I think Roger Allam as Thursday is perfectly cast and makes the programme top notch viewing
Can’t help noticing the dead-hand that the BBC are giving the Corbyn revenge reshuffle news… other media outlets are full of it.
Will there be one? Won’t there be one, with a heavy slant towards the probability that there will.
Not the BBC. The only comment you will see from them in on the website, deep in the politics section where Michael Dugher (one of the people who it is expected that revenge will be exacted upon) rejects the claims.
It seems that the crescendo in favour could create a real problem if it doesn’t happen. It is all very reminiscent of the Brown election will he/ won’t he and the BBC will not be going there again any time soon.
One can only hope that the non-BBC and Guardian media always refer to Clive Lewis, if the former Army Reserve officer is promoted to shadow defence minister, as “the former BBC journalist Clive Lewis”, because as sure as eggs is eggs the BBC will always tell us of his time in military service rather than in theirs.
Then again perhaps not having accused the BBC of not promoting him “Cos I is black” . More likely because his brand of far left politics was too much even for the BBC to risk giving him more air time.
I am sure the nation waits with bated breath to learn the fate of Michael Dugher. Who is he by the way?
Well now we know the outcome. Utter incompetent shambles. Three weeks of intense media leaks by MPs and spads leading to 30 hours of desperate negotiations resulting in two people moving positions, desperate recriminations, disagreements about who agreed to what, followed by three resignations and the appointment of the very anti-miltary, CND supporting, England flag hating woman Emily Thornberry as shadow defence minister.
They have a vegan as the shadow minister for farming and a delusional English hating pacifist nutter for defence? Crazy crazy crazy. And this is the only unprompted reshuffle I can think of in 40 years that has resulted in more people resigning than were posts filled in the reshuffle itself.
Utter incompetence from start to finish…. That is if it is even finished yet.
Sometimes one regrets not grasping the bias as it is broadcast and exposing it far and wide. Half-listening to Outside Source on the World Service a few weeks back I heard the bizarre claim that the Gaza war was precipitated by the murder of a Palestinian youth by Jews.
In fact, the murder was a revenge attack for the murder of three Israeli youths by Hamas-linked terrorists and the war was sparked by continual missile fire from Gaza on Israeli civilians, which had been building up long before the murders.
The BBC was obviously trying to justify Hamas’ obsession to attack Israel and felt comfortable doing it by telling an outright lie. This is unusual as the BBC is generally cunning enough to disguise its bias by telling half truths and minimising or ignoring news it doesn’t like while shouting news it likes from the rooftops.
Well, that lie has gone down the memory hole because Outside Source is only available for a week.
But next time…
IslamicAl-Beeb reports on its sole subject, Islam.
The Saudis have ordered all Iranian diplomats to leave.
A conundrum for the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster.
It does somersaults trying to back both sides.
So perplexed is IslamicAl-Beeb that the reporter departs from the standard script and forgets to blame the West.
Photos of Saudi flags being burnt in Tehran.
They do a lot of that in Islam, burning.
US flags, Saudi flags, any flags.
Books, any literature.
Figures of Bush, Blair, anyone.
The loveable ISIS has, as permitted by Allah, been burning real people recently, not “real” Muslims apparently, so of no concern.
But if I say that I know a man who had heard of another man whose second cousin, twice removed, said that a friend of his friend stated that he might be considering burning a copy of the Beano, there will be protests and riots.
A moments introspection might reveal the incongruities in the Islamic attitude; but Allah does not permit introspection, he did all the thinking necessary, and who are we to argue?
The ‘peace’ the ‘Religion of Peace’ is currently engaging in – IS threats, Saudi, Iran, Bahrain etc kicking off – couldn’t be more peaceful, could it? Just think of the utter chaos that would ensue all over the planet if the RoP were to disappear overnight.
It’s understandable all those commentators demanding the west allows every single one of the RoPers into their lands without so much as a border check, since it can only mean more peace for us all.
Such wonderful folk, such wonderful culture, such a wonderful effect on the world…
I’m somewhat confused as to why the BBc never bothers to explain why there the split in the cult of peace understanding and fluffiness .
In their ivory tower of condescending lefty arrogance they decided a long time ago that you, I and all the other poor sods paying for their kids to go to private school were too stupid/unimportant to understand the notion of different strands of the same religion.
The message is stupefyingly simple. Islam is the future. No matter what happens it’s amazing and always will be.
End of. That’s it. Nothing more. As you were.
I think I’ve finally grasped the difference between Sunni and Shia RoPers.
The Sunni are medievalist, lying, religious maniacs obsessed by the violent Koran and their brutal founder, whereas the Shia are maniacal, medieval religious obsessives who lie and follow the path laid out by their brutal founder in the qur’an which is violent.
DownBoy, LOL ! You know more about it than the BBC do !
For my sins I listened to Outside Source on the World Service whilst getting lunch. I was treated to what was meant to be expert analysis about the spat (over an executed cleric) between Iran and Saudi Arabia from some guy at BBC Monitoring who was barely able to string a couple of sentences together: I lost count of the number of “you know” ‘s he said. He was duly thanked and then Lyse Doucet was wheeled in to give her view. Now LD mentioned a lot the number of people Saudi has executed, particularly last year and she told us that China (though nothing to do with this story) is the world leader in executing people and Saudi is number 3. She didnt mention who was number 2, this struck me as odd. A quick google showed number 2 was Iran, surely this was relevant to the story – I somehow don’t think LD accidentally left this out. Pure BBC bias.
So what was evaded was the announcing the news that Communist China, an Islamic Republic and a Sharia monarchy are 1,2,3, in the judicial killing league. Where does the Islamic State of Shams and the Levant a.k.a. Da`esh fit in?
It`ll be nothing to do with Communism or Islam….of that we can be sure.
“does the Islamic State of Shams and the Levant a.k.a. Da`esh fit in? ”
They don’t do judicial killing as far as most would recognise it, they do extra-judicial killings, aka murder.
That`s your opinion Demon. Their opinion is that they are following Sharia, should I believe they or you know more about Islamic law?
Cutting throats and beheadings are approved methods of sharia compliant capital punishment as are stonings and drops from towers….at least that what my muslim colleagues told me when I was working in the Gulf 20 years ago.
Little did I know that the various interpretations of Sharia would become a regular topic of conversation when I returned to dear old Blighty.
Fair points. But as this country doesn’t officially recognise ISIS, all killings would be regarded by our Lords and Masters, eg the BBC, as ex-judicial. Despite ISIS being, apparently, admired by them.
Doucet is out of her depth nowadays. Just poor stuff really from her and the rest of the BBC’s ME team.
ignore it.
As we know the BBC cannot exist without bias – it’s the very life blood of the corporation. Your comment adds to the perception that the BBC supports Shias over Sunnis.
Here’s some evidence:
*Years back Owen Bennett Jones ‘interviewed one of Iran’s vice presidents, a woman. He asked no tough questions and got on famously with that representative of the terrorist regime.
*Have Your Say would invariably flush any comments critical of Iran down the loo.
*Iran is an implacable enemy of the US and Israel and funds and arms Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups for their terror attacks on Israelis. That can only gladden BBC hearts.
*Iran’s active support for terrorism against Israel is never mentioned. And criticism of its total absence of human rights and terrorism against its own people is muted by the BBC to the point of non-existence.
In fairness I should add that there was one courageous exception in Frances Harrison, who was Bureau Chief in Tehran a decade ago. This woman has more guts and sense of fair play than the entire motley crew of BBC staff combined. Such reporting from the BBC is so rare that we’ll probably never see anything like it again:
Where Holocaust denial is welcomed
To return to the Sunni-Shia question. Since Sunni Saudi Arabia is in bed with the US, the BBC would have a natural aversion to the Saudis. In contrast, it would hero worship Shia Iran for its opposition to the US. And while the Saudis can only fund terror against Israelis, the Iranians also supply, train and advise the terrorists.
(I realise that my observations here may well be faulty and incomplete and I’m open to correction from my esteemed colleagues.)
Could we not see Sunni & Shia singing their famous hit, “I got you babe”,again. It’s sure to go down well, in both Tehran & Riyadh.
LOL ! Sunni and Shia ” I got you babe “. Very good !
I must admit I scratched my head over that comment for a while until I got it!
TrueToo, It’s a stroke of genius !
It’s only Rock n Roll.
(but I like it)
I am still laughing over the Sunni Shia thing, so I made this picture and dedicate it to Essexman
Love it ,thanks very much G.W.F , & everyone who liked it . The BBC will have viewed this already , & issue a banning notice to Radio 2 , & other local stations forthwith . I will listen out for it on Gold Radio instead . Beat wishes from Essex.(man)
Best Wishes, from Essexman .( My stylus jumped the groove.)
True Too:
I doubt the BBC is much bothered about the Sunni/Shia split. Saudi Arabia and Iran are both Islamist shitholes where dissenters are regularly beheaded, hanged or stoned to death in the name of Allah. The only difference is that Saudi is an ally of the West, and Iran is an enemy of the West, so the default position of the BBC would naturally be to support Iran.
Rob in Cheshire, I agree 100% with your perception of those two fine examples of the depths to which countries and peoples can sink and the one favoured by the BBC.
To take it a step further, I wonder what strategies the BBC uses to ensure that it employs Shias over Sunnis. After all, to sustain the bias one has to employ the biased.
The impartial, even-handed and balanced corporation advertises for staff only in the Guardian in order to attract brain-damaged lefties to the exclusion of anyone of sound mind and principles but it would be more difficult to differentiate between which type of barbarian to employ.
I imagine even as I write this the personnel people are furtively hanging around Shia mosques looking for English speakers.
Numbers executed are only significant when compared to the size of a country’s population, I think?
BBC website reports ” Financial Markets hit by global unease “. I have posted here before that, whenever markets fall, even by as little as 1 %, it is headline news on the but subsequent rises are not reported. One time the FT 100 fell by 2 % in one day, described by the BBC as a “plunge” !
Bit of Monday silly fun…
Maybe it’s the cuts?
‘Guido will be firing off a Freedom of Information request asking how much the licence fee payer was bilked…’
Good luck with that. Well worth the punt, though.
Amazingly, it’s been getting quite a pummeling in The Groaniad’s comments section too:
All over bar the memory holing already as far as the politico-media stitch up is concerned, but this year is when the Charter Review [cough] findings are published.
Still worth seeing what submissions have gone in from those other than Steve Hewlett’s Old Boys’ Club:
Migrant crisis: Sweden border checks come into force
Who are the Swedes trying to check? Take a look at the photographs the BBC chose to illustrate this piece.


Clearly it must be pretty blonde Danish girls.
Unbelievable. Sweden is finished. (And so, hopefully, is the BBC.)
And note the typical Swedish officials
Yes. BBC uses the wrong pictures again – as in Gaza and elsewhere. It’s Denmrk not Sweden.
The only good thing to come out of this invader fiasco is that it will accelerate the inevitable disintegration of the ludicrous EU. Wonderful to see all the countries fighting each other like rats ina sack. Further proof that those of us who believe that the whole project was flawed from the beginning are correct.
Will the BBC news get round to reporting what happened in Cologne railway station?
I am sure many here are delighted as I am of the Polish government’s legislation to show the pro E.U state media heads the door !. The BBC along with other Marxist media are of course emphasising this is an attack on democracy.
How ironic then that the BBC should accept a £2 million pound bung from Brussels to trumpet the benefits of the Marxist Federal State in the run up to the E.U vote. If that is not an attack of impartial news reporting I don’t know what is.
The BBC moaning about state interference in the media?? What hypocrites. The BBC has been empowered and enriched all along by continual support from both Labour and Tories for the licence tax.
The BBC is sobbing into its skinny latte…
Migrant crisis: Sweden border checks come into force
Sweden has introduced identity checks for travellers from Denmark in an attempt to reduce the number of migrants arriving in the country.
Infrastructure minister Anna Johansson told Swedish media that the new rules would be changed if there was a dramatic fall in the number of asylum seekers.
Good luck with that.
This is certainly going to be a year of change, one suspects. Tides turning, and all that. TWatO on R4 was virtue signalling furiously today with a despicable (and entirely uncritical) pro-refugee sob-story plonked into its final ten minutes. Why? Well, ‘reasons’, I guess, because I couldn’t figure out any other explanation for such shameless idiocy.
BBC News has been showing their special brand of migrants in Sweden. All female adults interspersed with young children. Oh, the children…
Message? No possible harm from these mobile huddled masses/victims.
Not really BBC bias, yet, but website headline ” Horse penis joke Scot to be deported “. It seems that one Michael McFeat is to be deported from Kyrgyzstan for comparing the national dish , some kind of sausage , to a horse’s penis. My God , if the Kyrgyz people think that is an insult, they should hear what some people say about our wonderful, delicious haggis.
Harrabin has a new Facebook page, he’s using for climate activism
He’s already throwing the loaded term “denier” around (without defining precisely what the accused are supposed to be denying)
4 hours ago he announced on his official twitter account roger harrabin @RHarrabin
There are only 2 commnets so far ..but I’d be surprised if we don’t get him deleting of off-message comments Guardian style.
“…There are only 2 commnets so far ..but I’d be surprised if we don’t get him deleting of off-message comments Guardian style.”
Yes, I suspect Harrabin’s grasp of the meaning of ‘debate’ (the ‘debate’ the fascist left likes to remind everyone it would really like to have) will only stretch as far as those who agree with him. All other views are contrary to The Narrative and are therefore verboten. The BBC, in a nutshell.
Thanks for that I’ve also added a couple of helpful comments
Mark Steyn nails the stifling of debate
Time for yet another classic BBC demonstration of bias by omission. This time the reporter is Ross Hawkins in an article entitled New Minimum wage could mean fewer pay rises, and leave thousands stuck for years on the minimum pay
He hangs the article on information from the Resolution Foundation. You have to go a fair way down to discover that the head of this body is one Torsten Bell. Who, I hear you cry is Torsten Bell! Not only a Labour Party lickspittle, but no less than the ex policy advisor to Ed Miliband, and the ideas man responsible for The EdStone! Wonder why he did not mention his area of expertise.
The Today programme carried that report too – with an interview with Torsten Bell.
I turned off The Toady Program many years ago, and left the UK two years ago to ensure I never had to listen to it again.
The liberal left are either THAT stupid-or THAT insouciant-about getting found out or rumbled by the likes of us.
Even I knew that Torsten was likely to be the one and same-living wage BBC suckup, as well as the Edstone mind.
I mean-only the Left has Torstens and Tristrams these days don`t they?…imagine ANY of them working anywhere else but the BBC, Guardian, charity quangos or think tankiepoos of the Left..or-need I say?…the Labour Family of nice things.
One septic tank of a jacuzzi for them all-warm enough to stew in their fetid incontinence, but always among people with each others plums in their mouths…oh, and a tanning fountain as well…toppaz!
So-only the BBC would ask this genius why he`s not under his stone , as opposed to telling the nation why the Tories are crap.
We know they are…but we voted for them so the likes of Torsten could traipse back to the Danish-Swedish border, and threaten the Muslim hordes with more ideas if they don`t see sense.
Torsten..not to be confused with Tungsten…but the living end of a Bell.
Who`s paying for this Revolution Fundayshun…
‘Time for yet another classic BBC demonstration of bias by omission.’
And like the No. 38 bus….
Clearly 2016 is fertile ground for lack of space and paucity of time to restrict the BBC guest list and consequent introductions, based on BBC Editorial Integrity Guidelines.
It’s like they are daring the Charter to be removed in any way they can dream up, if perhaps secure in the knowledge it won’t be.
British American Tobacco in line for a tax payer funded bonanza, some of the questions the anonymous BBC hack
should have been asking remain unasked in this article. I suspect this is just the NHS floating the idea to gauge public
reaction with the BBC being the obliging mouthpiece.
You know, there are times when you just give up, never more so when you log onto the Roger Harrabin twitter account or read his entries or on the BBC web sites and journals. I’ve come to the conclusion that he is not well. On his twitter account he is stating that because he has grown strawberries in Dec/Jan in his garden, it must be down to “Climate Change” and you can hear the excitement in his key board. It so happens that my girlfriend is a professional gardener (many many years) and is certificated by the Royal Horticultural society. I just gave her a call concerning the winter strawberries. (I admit to knowing zip about plants etc). Her reply, as quick as ever when talking about plants etc, was that, “yes, he might well have as you can get varieties called “everbearing” which can be grown all year round and can fruit if suitably sheltered. The fruit might not turn sugary as it needs sunlight to do that, which during the winter is in short supply. One of the reason why at our latitudes they tend to be greenhouse fruit.” I asked if the fact they have been grown in the garden is down to “Climate Change”, she just laughed and said “they have been growing 3 season everbearing in gardens in this country since roman times” [to coin a phrase I guess]
Well, his strawberry(ies) is/are about to get frozen, we have our own arctic plunge this time next week. The cold air that has surrounded us for months is about to win over the warm air and all the wet weather we have been having looks like giving France, Spain and Portugal a good seeing to. Us? Well the mild air will be replaced by very cold air. How long will it last? Could be months as the Atlantic on the American side has now gone colder than normal at this time of year, thus deflecting the Jetstream southwards and taking with them the mild winter storms. Snow boots at the ready for all of us and you can kiss your strawberries goodbye Mr Harrabin, “Global Cooling” is about to put them to death.
Good post OB.
I don’t expect Harrabin will be honest enough to tell us when his strawberries freeze.
Hopefully with all his hype, hyperbole, bullying and pseudo science, Harrabin will soon find himself in a ‘jam’.
I’ll get me coat.
Had some piece of crap on (without the sound) yesterday on News 24.
The theme was world migrations.
Without the sound it`s great-well worth a go to see how the BBC rely on am-dram and cut and paste psychovisuals cues to emote-up the ante-and generally have us think it`s all crying women, and breast beating kiddies.
Relentless-could set your watch to see the 45 second repetitions…very Huxley.
I can now do a passable Feargal Keane talkover as well to suit now.
The BBC must think we`re idiots who missed out on visual advertising and emotion farming techniques…if only the Soviets had been given more time, they could be running every media and advertising agency in this country.
From Pavlov to Vygotsky…it`s all there-and this is the psychiatric ward as far as the BBCs “Correspondents” are concerned.
Turn down the sound and have a laugh at what they`re doing-maybe an hour later, remove the picture and see again what they`re up to .
And amidst all the migrant stories-not one picture of the M20 blocked, people unable to get home and threats from Calais` finest to break into cars, rush the tunnels or put bricks through lorry windows…I`d say THESE pictures were every bit as “evocative” of the Summer of Love 2015 that the BBC tended to recreate for us.
No New Year celebrations in Munich- wonder how #Refugees Welcome here# spent their evening?
This article from Michael Buchanan is entitled Red Tape and a 3 Year FOI Battle. It deals with how many times one government committee met.
It could also be called ‘ How much money from the BBC Licence Fee Payer did I waste on a stupid question when I was not even interested in the answer.
This is from the same BBC that tries to reject FOI requests on the grounds that they do not have to release anything if they can link it to their alleged journalism. Hypocrisy in action.
Strange how the BBC are exercised by how much money and time the goverment spent avoiding answering this FOI request. I wonder if it was more or less money and time than the BBC spent keeping the Balen Report under wraps? Does hypocritical b******s cover it?
They really are without shame.
BBC have more neck than a Giraffe criticising Cabinet Office red tape conducting this three year fight in FOI battle:
Their astounding hypocrisy is mind-blowing when you consider the likes of BBC totally refusing point blank to give any FOI about how much Children in Need money went to Yentobs Kids Co, which surely cannot be a state secret:
Thought Everyman Adrian Childs was a bit of a clown last night as he went around the Med to see how the Middle East is full of good blokes up for a pint like he is.
As he said-he thinks he`s a Christian, but them again he thought he`d do as a gay vegetarian as well…easily influenced then?
My gripe was with his dismay at some Christian Evangelical Friends of israel…they seemed a bit-well, “certain” of their faith-their debt to Israel, their wish to be seen there in support of its right to exist.
Adrian didn`t much care for that-hardly the multifaith dream of hummus on the vicars lawn now is it?
Unfortunately for Adrian-these women were scripturally correct…and quite right to fear Islams duplicity going unremarked upon from the ” God is a Gas” theology of Alan Partridge, so loved by the BBC.
But worse for me was his annoyance at these Christian Friends of Israel being a bit zealous…fervent even!
It`s as if he`s never seen the parody of the same virtue and values , either on Radio 5 or the Hawthorns.
OK to weep and seek ecstasy as Jeff Astle pops up on your show…quite another to show any thanks or gratitude for Jesus coming to earth, and being Jewish.
Childs does need some teaching…a motorbike rise with a trending priest is not the same as knowing that Jesus Himself was as hardline as those women he disparaged(but not to their faces of course…that`s for the editing suite later).
Brave boys aren`t they the BBC…and Islam must be fearing Childs withholding the pork scratchings at the next multifaith gathering at the Birmingham Oratory or such.
Glad ITV , gave him the boot .He was rubbish, on the football .
Essexman, He was rubbish when he was on BBC before he went to ITV. He used to present a programme “Business Lunch “, which was actually quite a good effort by BBC standards, although the BBC does not really do business anymore than they do science. Then one time he said ” I don’t know why I am presenting this programme. I don’t know anything about business ” !
Talking of complaints…Reference CAS-3613364-PLB2NY
Thanks for contacting us regarding the ‘French far right National Front routed in key vote’ article published on the BBC News Website.
I understand you feel the term ‘routed’ is inaccurate and biased.
We have updated the headline so that instead of ‘routed’ we have referred to them being ‘defeated’ which was the case in the context of the article.
We seek to provide the information which will enable readers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be seen. Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on articles to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
Thanks once again for taking the time to contact us.
I have forwarded your complaint to senior management and online news editors in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Kind regards
Neil Salt
From Wickepedia “The National Front received 4,712,461 votes in the 2014 European Parliament election, finishing first with 24.86% of the vote and 24 of France’s 74 seats.[158] “It was the first time the anti-immigrant, anti-EU party had won a nationwide election in its four-decade history.”[159] The party’s success came as a shock in France and the EU.[160][161] The next year, the National Front went on to win another victory in the first round of the 2015 regional elections on December 6, placing first in 6 of the 13 newly redrawn regions and emerging ahead of both major establishment parties overall.[162] In Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, Marine Le Pen won 40.6% of the vote.[163” Hardly what I’d call a defeat in the circumstances.
Dave, even when the BBC admit they “got it wrong” , it is grudging and churlish. But well done for keeping them up to the mark.
‘We seek to provide the information which will enable readers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be seen’
A bit like BBC ‘belief’, ‘seeking’ is all well and good, but as much use as a chocolate teapot (or ECU director) if not actually finding anything other than ‘the BBC gets it about right’ is written into their DNA.
‘Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on articles to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.’
No, they don’t. Or if they do, it is on a 3 Monkey basis given what actually happens, and keeps getting repeated.
‘These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC’
Prove it… without an FOI ‘purposes of’ exemption being the first ironic response.
‘ and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly’
Define ‘right people’ and ‘quickly’ on the same terms as above.
Al Beeb’s brilliant political editor seems to think that when Uncle Jeremy sacks Eagle and Benn this will not represent “a dramatic purge”. So no political spin there then. No doubt if he bottles out on one or the other, we will be told that this underscores his statesman-like nature.
Maybe ‘daring’… or ‘audacious’?
Or are those reserved for when old men strap bombs on kids, hand them an AK and tell them to wander along a beach or into a club or marketplace?
Jezza seems conflicted on these areas too.
Tonights look east,heavily weighted pro e.u. piece. It suggest the vote may be june or sept- so ill take this as the bbbc kicking of the stay campaign , i mean, as the reporter says-only 5% in it at the moment, so plenty of brainwashing and lies to come .
Channel 4 news have just had a quite in-depth report on the repulsive Labour MP Simon Dankzuk and given him quite a grilling in an interview. Does anyone know how the BBC have reported this case ?
I, like many on here I presume, received quite a few Amazon vouchers as presents this Christmas from family and friends; they know I read a lot and it’s an uncomplicated gift for them to get – not too much head scratching needed.
I wondered if fellow BBBCers had any books they’ve read over the past year, or past few years, which they would recommend?
A book which I would recommend myself is “Islam Through The Looking Glass”, a collection of essays and reviews of J.B. Kelly and is the third volume of a body of work edited by his son S.B. Kelly, published by NER Press.
J.B.K. was one of the pre-eminent experts in the world on Arabia and the Persian Gulf: a scholar and an adviser to Western and Arab governments. The first two volumes were very good but this third one is superb; it deals with the more recent history of the region and of the motives and interactions of the principal and lesser players. It is chock full of information and great quotes, and is written with style by someone who possessed a wonderful command of the english language and knew very well how to use it.
That looks a good read D666, thanks.
AS. Thanks for the recommendation. I would proffer “Europe, Globalization and the Coming Universal Caliphate” by the venerable Bat Ye’Or. Published in 2011, it explains how we are where we are now and why. She highlights the role of supra-national bodies such as the UN, EU, UNESCO, UNHRC, OIC etc etc. It’s a shocking read, but it does present a coherent analysis of how Europe became Eurabia.
Have a look at America Alone by Mark Steyn
Al, No-one gave me any vouchers of any kind. I haven’t read your books but looks like a project for the future. Why don’t you use your vouchers to buy all three volumes and send them to the BBC ?
I would recommend ” The Closed Circle . An Interpretion of the Arabs ” by David Pryce-Jones. This is a book Beeboids would hate, so it must be good. A devastating expose of the Arab World.
Best book I read last year ” Gambia. Culture and Customs ” by Prof. Abdoulaye Saine, but that is rather personal.
I was in my teens when the Biafra War was reported almost every day. Last year I read ” The Biafra Story ” by Frederick Forsyth and ” There was a country ” by Chinua Achebe ( An Igbo and great writer). The reason I mention it here is that the Nigerian Government committed a Genocide against the Igbo tribe , fully supported, partly financed and armed by the Labour Wilson Government. The most civilised , mainly Christian, tribe in West Africa , luckily survived.
I remember my late father ranting at the BBC TV news in disgust, but I was too young to really understand. Maybe there is someone older than me here who can remember. Maybe the BBC will do a fearless documentary exposing the Labour Government’s role. On the other hand, maybe not !
With the institutional bias of the BBC so deeply entrenched the BBC must not be allowed to continue to police itself and this serious problem needs to be addressed without delay. The BBC complaints department must be made truly independent…. the BBC must not be allowed to continue to police itself, The BBC’s complaints procedure is simply not fit for purpose.
Will David Cameron and his conservative government have the balls to take this task on? Don’t hold your breadth!! I am increasingly of the opinion that the BBC is in the pocket of the EUSSR and expect that our Euro masters would step in order to protect its valuable British Broadcasting/propaganda asset,
magicoat. I’m still awaiting a reply to my reply from the end of last year. See above for the what was the other outstanding complaint. I of course have zero faith the complaint will be dealt with impartially. I expect I will be wrong and the BBc will be right again. However I’m never going to let their bias go out unanswered.
By chance I had to watch Eastenders tonight. To leave would have been rude. I noticed that nearly all the whites could barely string two words together and appeared functionally illiterate. Their speeches seemed to parody London accents and were noticeable only for the ugliness and appalling grammar.
In contrast the ethnic minority characters spoke recognisable English coherently and normally.
No doubt this is the BBC’s way of denigrating the white original inhabitants of London or more likely just an ingrained habit of dislike of us by the liberal elitists who made this rubbish. .
I think there may be an additional reason DS; this is written about the U.S. but is applicable here and will become evermore so as time goes by.
“It is whites whose knowledge about blacks is filtered by the media rather than gained first-hand who have the most favorable impression of them. The alleged benefits of diversity seem illusory to those people who actually experience it.” Jared Taylor ‘White Identity’.
What is bBBC not telling you about the stand-off in Oregon?
Just posted this on the current HYS on Denmarks decision to throw the pulled pork amongst the halal barbecue on the Al Beed webshite. I wonder how long it stays on there? It was a shame I only had a small amount of characters to respond back to fascist, bigoted, Jihad loving fantasist who incredibly still believes Muslims are the victims…
“The word ‘Islamaphobia’ is meaningless, dangerous & last thing we need to have thrown into any debate about lslam. The followers of lslam basically have to commit sin & go against the Qu’ran to accommodate other peoples views and beliefs.The followers of IS believe they are living the perfect Muslim life. Who are none believers like the BBC and other liberal fantasists to say they are bad Muslims?”
LOL sniping the leftie comments on this I’ve got two taken down already. As usual the BBc agenda doesn’t seem to be going to well.
And another one the lefties are so fu***g dumb it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Leftie argument in two words UKIP & racism.
Clearly no-one at the Beeb has listened to Rap – a form of music that needs subtitles.
One of the more bizarre moments on the BBC in 2015 was the interview between Ewan Davis and Nigel Farrage on Newsnight when it was suggested that Paddington Bear made Davis feel ‘gooey inside’ regarding immigration.
I must admit I laughed at the time but given the dire Christmas TV we broke out our copy of the cartoon on DVD and I can now see Davis’ point.
Paddington Bear has go to be the most political cartoon since Chaplin’s The Great Dictator . The pro-immigration message is continuous, basically London is a very welcoming place because those damn British Whiteys have been eliminated, apart from a right-on family who live in a time-warp. Even the Darcy Bussell look-alike villain welcomes immigrants, she’s just a bit miffed that her dad didn’t get the recognition that he deserved. If only he had put immigration before ecology there would have been a vibrant bear colony in west London and a serious marmalade crisis!
“Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”
Did you watch “The Farmer’s Llamas” over Christmas?
I did. Those ‘immigrants’ didn’t integrate too well on the farm did they?
Mind if Shaun had been converted to lamp chops years ago life on the farm would be a lot easier!
Colin Firth pulled out of Paddington Bear. Firth said that he “consciously uncoupled” from playing the role. That decision will have excluded Colin from the BBC’s coterie. Good man.
Less of the good man please, he’s as addled and dumb as any lefty actor can be, wants the queen out and a bloody republic in…miserable bastard as well.
Currently watching 10pm news. Its utterly crap.
Just listened to Laura useless get her knickers in a twist over the Corbyn ‘reshuffle’ . Now looks like there may not be much of one but LK still has her 6pm script so a non-event is simultaneously ‘ corbyn learning the new way doesnt work’ WTF? Are there any brain cells anywhere in the newsroom?
Then straight over to ‘refugee news’ from Greece where half of all immigration is admitted as being boats from Turkey ie not refigees at all (first safe state reached concept) but in fact economic migrants. Then we get all the gobshite about the children and vulnerable.
Pass the sick bag.
Nothing then about all the German women sexually attacked and German men assaulted in Cologne’s central railway station on New Years Eve, by all the “new Germans” Ma Merkel has introduced I take it?
The BBC has finally condescended to write a timid article about it with Arabs and North Africans mentioned only once:
Fergal Keane on the 22:00 news speaks in measured tones about more migrant scum fleeing the Syrian war from the front line in Turkey. As the inflatable comes into view it’s obviously mainly full of men. Strangely as it lands the camera zooms into a tight shot on a woman and a couple of babies. Really! we’ve just seen the boat and it’s occupants. More tear jerking comments about the graves of drowned illegals. Cut to GP who is helping out complete with I’m a mother speech. Lets hope there is no NHS crisis where she works.
Douche ette tells us islam split in the context of the spat between Saudi and Iran reaching it’s heights in 1979 not some tine after 632 AD then? Why the BBc skip the reasons for the split in islam. is the latest mystery.
Over to gun laws and a BBc sloth visits a gun show in America now I’m no expert on American gun laws but I think there is some selective reporting going on. He stops at a stand with a short barrelled assault rifle looking rifle. What would this be used for? He asks. Well I know it will be a completely alien concept but some people just like firing weapons down the range and like almost every item under the sun some will collect them. Additionally I was under the impression that weapons under a certain barrel length needed special registration anyway.
BRILLIANT ! just heard on the news that the migrant who walked through the Channel Tunnel last August thus disrupting the train travel – and reached the UK, has been granted asylum, and hey ho the CPS has decided to drop the charges against him. WTF ?? We are the stupidest country in the world. Next we’ll be hearing that just like in WW2, we’ll be sending the little ships to Dunkirk to transport all those engineers, doctors, scientists and teachers back to the UK – followed by rescuing all those chancers in the Jungle. I despair of the idiots who are in charge of this country, and feel sorry for the following generations who haven’t known how lovely it once was to live here.
What did you expect? Remember those Afghans who hijacked that plane some years back and claimed asylum, their families were put up in a hotel at the same British airport where the hijacking occurred; until they were all successful in their applications that is. I presume, now they’ll all be valuable residents of the U.K. employed doing the jobs most Britons aren’t qualified for and of course they’ll be paying huge amounts of tax into the Treasury whilst not in any way milking the public teet for all they’re worth.
Nothing (however insane) surprises me, nor should it anyone else, in this country when it concerns: immigrants, criminals or those who fall within both categories.
“This country used to be a home, now it’s a hotel and they want us to be the waiters.” was that smarmy cnut Straw that said, as Home Sec then, he would not rest until they are deported… i said he’s a cnut, with cnut junior on the way too.
Thank you for making everything clearer on the recent escalation between Iran and Saudi Arabia BBC! That primary school level introduction into the causes and possible solutions is hilarious and bloody dangerous reading! It’s not all about religion??!! WTF!! They still cannot bring themselves to say that Islam is the only factor in this and every conflict happening around the world today! Saudi Arabia like IS, like Lutonistan are hell bent on destroying the infidels and everything they stand for! Being Shi’a, you might as well be walking around saying Muhammad is a kiddy fiddling rapist who f@#ks pigs for breakfast! If Muslims have such hatred for each other, how on earth can the delusionists from cloud ‘muslims are all of our friends and want to enrich our dark and unenlightened lives’ land, expect us to believe they give 2 shites about the infidel, heretics whos freedoms and tolerance goes against everything Muhammad wrote in the book of peace?
Given time Al Beeb will feel the sharp end of the so called religion of peace and then they will change their
tune …….
I doubt it Taffman. They are cowards and appeasers, and will no doubt find it easier to go with the flow and “revert” to islam when the time comes. I believe that Ayatollah Khomeini once said “there are no jokes in islam”, so the BBC Light Entertainment Department would hardly notice the change.
Have I missed something or has Al Beeb missed this one ? I have not seen anything on our favourite TV channel yet about this …………………………….
Two questions to Mr Car Moron …….
1 Why did he not claim asylum in France ?
2 What sort of message will this send to the ‘jungle’?
3 What about your pre election promise of cutting immigration?
Expect more trouble at the Channel Tunnel ‘Theresa the appeaser’ & Mr Prime Minister . In the meantime I would recommend that all disillusioned Labour and Tory voters to vote UKIP at the next opportunity.
Thanks Mr Car Moron , I am sure that all the poor flooded people of your own nation will appreciate this ………………………
Where is Al Beeb on this ?
Charity begins at home .
The children of those that we offered asylum, refuge and a safe haven to are now ‘biting the hands that fed it’. ‘Lessons to be learned’ Al Beeb ……………..
Sadly Taffman, the Tory/Labour voters are as thick and stupid as their leaders.
BBC Radio Labour
Has anyone got a calendar Radio 4 which shows the next time this year that it won’t have a left on or be about lefties ?
Cos when I tune in at Random moments it seem like BBC Radio Labour, with them banging on about Corbyn
NEWS :Sun 1.20pm 6 minute item comparing Corbyn to classic Labour Leader George Landsbury
COMEDY : The 6.30pm comedy slot of course had a good old bash at Tories and particularly UKIP whilst Labour was given the soft treatment
DRAMA : This weeks classic drama Paul Merton rework of the Spike Milligans’ The Bedsitting Room featured David Cameron being mutated into a Parrott by radiation, which was then cooked and eaten.
(previewed on the Toady prog)
Re Sundays thread – BBC Interesting point that Julian Fellows gave about the BBC non- being Lefty, but rather only allowing approved views
Yes 30 years ago Aunties was a conservative prude
2015 LIBERAL PRUDE.. disapproving of views not in line with the ‘right-on liberal viewpoint’
The comments could be kinder, TBH.
Is the entire BBC over there with Botney doing a doco on AGW impacts in luxury resorts?
O/t but how the hell could he have rescued her from drowning when his clothes aren’t even wet?
Looks to me like it was the older couple doing the saving.
It reminds me of when, shortly after becoming PM, when Blair was considered as a saint and a superhero rolled into one by the Beeb that there were tales of his bravely rescuing a Danish tourist while on holiday in Italy. Some more sceptical media investigated, so the story became that it was actually his security guards doing the saving. Then later that it was just an incident that happened on the beach he was on. The Danish chap was found and confirmed that he was definitely not rescued by Blair and never even saw him!
All things considered, brave, Radio 4, brave….
Feargal Keane at it again last night on the BBC tv news at 10 pm…..a little package from Lesbos in which he stated “the majority of the people we are meeting have small children with them” cut to small child having woolly hat put on.
Then, “the vast majority of people we’re speaking to are Syrians” well yeah Feargal, that’s because your choosing not to speak to the hooded sub Saharan Africans we can see standing behind you…….yes…..they’re BEHIND YOU!!!
Final shot? A group of “mostly unmarked graves” but one was marked…”some one has written in Greek, unknown toddler”
Forgot to mention, Feargal also had a brief interview with a Devon GP who had apparently escaped the NHS winter pressures to become a volunteer migration facilitator in Lesbos.
It’s just possible her Lesbos GP counterpart is doing locum cover in the UK, though Feargal wasn’t going to go anywhere near asking questions about her presence in Lesbos during the busiest time of the NHS year.
Did Feargal happen to find the dead toddler’s teddy bear lying on the beach, or did he forget to bring it?
But I thought all the ‘Syrian refugees’ were doctors anyway.
No, many are engineers and architects.
Then they ought to be able to build better boats/refugee camps. I think some of them might be fibbing…
embolden, how would Fergal know whether they are Syrians or not ? Just he just assume that “refugees” tell the truth about everything ? Do any Beeboids ever interview “refugees” the same way they interview Tory politicians ? If not, why not ?
I think how it may work is this….Feargal is given the party line by a Beeb manager.
He then reflects on how he feels about it, and tests his feelings by reference to recent dinner party conversations he has participated in, he might also have a quick look at alternative media sources like the Guardian and Independent.
Then he trusts his feelings, looks for footage that will reinforce them, gets “in role” and delivers his lines…mmmmm….with added feeling.
Good to see Katz and team have learned from previous daft production team concepts. They should have got Hattie to dance a jig. I bet she would have:
Apparently the limo was a loaner, on standby to pick Ginger and Botney up from their private airfield whenever they decide to pop back, sources close to the BBC may have learned.
BBC Editorial Integrity in a nutshell:
Amazing what they do have time for and what they do not.
Guest who. I heard that interview…well, it wasn’t really an interview, was it, in terms of an exchange of views; it was a pure hateful rant by Miss Shouty Montague. It was appalling and I thought she was just downright rude. HOW these politicians keep their cool when confronted like this, I don’t know. One of these days I am dying to hear someone say…look, if you shut up and allow me to answer your question, I’ll stay. If you keep interrupting me, I’ll f*****g walk out now: your choice!!! Who has the balls to do this I wonder?
Soapbox. You are right. The BBC don’t do interviews anymore. It is just the Beeboid’s view against the others. I can’t think of any Tory MPs who would have the balls to walk out or even retaliate.
Zac Goldsmith is MP for a constituency in south west London. I attended 2 of the hustings meetings during the General Election where he seemed to me to be extremely courteous – indeed helpful – to his UKIP opponent on the stage. While being very tough against the LibDem and Green candidates. I heard later that this continued throughout the election campaign – he went out of his way to encourage the inexperienced UKIP candidate when things were hard – like when at one hustings meeting you could feel the anti-immigrant feeling among a predominately LibDem audience Goldsmith was also very pleasant to his Labour opponent.
It happens that the UKIP candidate was a Pakistani Muslim, the Labour candidate was also of immigrant stock. Not a sign of any Islamophobia at all on Goldsmith’s part. .
Sarah Montague does not know WTF she was talking about. She is just another self-opinionated BBC leftie.
Sarah Montague was of course following the Labour line on the London Mayoral elections. Sadiq Khan seeks to scoop up the large Muslim vote in London, and has already started to play the victim Islamophobic card.
Sadly that’s not unique to the BBC, Jon Gaunt on his supposed ‘home of free speech’ radio station did similar to an intelligent and articulate caller following Tommy Robinson’s call for a ban on Islamic immigration for 5 years.
I have heard Gaunt, on a number of occasions get aggressive with callers when the ‘I’ question is raised and always uses the chap he employs on his radio station (Habeeb?) as a shining example and weak counter argument, sadly he never gives callers the right of reply.
It must be realised, we are at war, all sensibilities should be forgotten and taquiyya should always be a consideration, the problem will not go away by shutting people up, it adds to the frustrations and fury…..
On the plus side, once the BBC is off unique funding, those even. Al Jazeera find too much will find a welcome home improving the production standards in desert locales. And if Danny is heading it up, the wimmin ratio will be great too.
German police are hunting a group of 1000 men of African and Middle Eastern appearance.
Not a whisper on the Beeeb and when they do you know the description will just be 1000 men.
At least the women are lucky they do not live in the UK. If they did and complained to the Police they would be up on charges of ‘hate crimes’ or at worst be sent back to the scene of their attack and handed over to their attackers and threatened with arrest if they complianed again.
God bless or (should that be Allah Bless) our PC PC’s
To cheer everyone up.
Amazingly al-Beeb have allowed a ‘Have your Say’ on the Saudi v Iran match-up. A unique opportunity to use the M word without an automatic deletion/referral to the censors. The top (and bottom ) rated comments are a joy to behold.
I bet whoever allowed it is now on the naughty step, because (as we on this site suspect/know) the public generally do not share the ‘hug a Muzzer’ al-Beeb propaganda, and this proves it.
Enjoy at
To my utter surprise, it appears to be closed for further comments.
Guest Who, Yes, I just tried it. Iwonder why they closed it ?
It’s a mystery…
654. Posted by pegasus
4 Jan 2016 14:05
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
1. Posted by bellzhellz
4 Jan 2016 08:58
Religious nutters, the whole lot of them!
Second Lowest (noting actual upticks):
9. Posted by Call me Jeremy or Steptoe
4 Jan 2016 09:03
Surely Jeremy Corbyn can sort all this out by writing a nice letter to everyone, asking them to calm down and hug it out??
Nope, no clue what got it pulled after just 654 comments in 5 hrs between 4 Jan 2016 08:58 and 4 Jan 2016 14:04 in the afternoon.
Always look on the bright side of life
This morning on BBC Breakfast – proudly brought to you by the perils of sugar – Geordie lass Steph is here to remind us that the BBC is only interested in business when some company is in trouble.
Clothing retailer Next is doing badly, Chinese stockmarkets are down… meanwhile the FTSE is up 1% – but our Steph says that only goes to show what a rollercoaster it is – gosh, it’s all enough to make the viewer lose faith in capitalism.
Speaking of which, fair play to Corbyn Kremlin watcher Carole Walker for momentarily poking the ageing hippie with a cleft stick – she reckons if he doesn’t sack the moderates he will “look weak”. Mmmmm, odds on that by the end of the day BBC commentators will be looking on the bright side of whatever the Dear Leader of North London does.
Interesting too that commuter watcher Tim Muffett seems to assume that all working people (well I suppose those that matter) live an hour from Broadcasting House.
No sign of any publicity on the BBC for this story about the sacking of 200 muslims at Cargill Foods, Colorado (how these muslims are going to support themselves? is not tackled in this MSM story):
Don’t worry just like the MCB/Tell MAMA and the rest of the enemedia here, in the US they have
a very dubious organisation called CAIR, and a very dubious POTUS called Obama … so it won t be long
Surely the USA has our example to go by, if they’re not careful they’ll end up like the UK bowing and scraping to the demands of the followers of the false prophet.
BBC announcers always have a different – joyous/exultant – tone when the Dow is down, than the irritated one they use when it is up. Once on Newsnight, I caught them announcing in triumph that it was down over 200 points …. snag was that the market was closed that day and they re-announced the results for the day before.
Lewis, yes.It is the same with the FT100. And they always emphasise falls and not rises. Bias ? What bias ?
There’s what the BBC doesn’t have time for. And what it does, with added inaccuracy:
Guessing flag-disrespecting story outrages depend on which flag and who is doing the disrespecting?
The BBC seems remarkably coy about the reasons the Shia cleric was murdered, oops ‘executed’ – makes it sound like a credible judicial process was carried out that way!
It would seem that he has been in prison for a while awaiting the sentence and it being carried out, the BBC have reported that he was arrested & imprisoned for criticising the Saudi Royal Family and their policies for running the Kingdom.
This in its brief state is true, but it’s like the UK press saying that Peter Sutcliff was sent to prison for a couple of serious assaults!
Nimr al-Nimr was arrested because he dared criticise the Saudi governments support for ISIS, something which at the time the British government supported, because their Saudi paymasters told them they had to. It was only when ISIS started to make their intentions at Mecca known the Saudis realised just what a bunch of nutters they were supporting. It hasn’t stopped them though. In their murderous hatred to wipe out every other religion & denomination they are still supporting ISIS to wipe out the Amhadis and the Yazidis, and just guess what the position of Britain & other Western governments is – yep that’s right, it’s exactly the same as Saudi Arabia’s position is.
Now isn’t that an odd coincidence !