Professor Mary Kaldor of the LSE speaking on sectarianism and religious violence in the Middle East in an interview with Humphreys: @ about 2:58:00, she spoke these words –
“.… Sectarianism is a way extremist groups gain, er, manage to mobilise people. If you imagine something like UKIP using violence on our streets, then it would be the difference between being British and non-British.”
The smear is, of course, intolerable. However, implying that UKIP is an extremist party which has the propensity for violence on the streets is just the sort of statement the BBC loves. Naturally, John Humphreys did not demur. Kaldor will be kept on speed-dial
You don’t have to imagine Labour using violence on our streets. I’m sure I remember only this year that Corbyn was guest speaking and thereby helping to orchestrate a violent “protest”.
Thanks for this Martin.
Thought I`d heard it wrong in my naivity-and then when our Toady boy said “thank you Mary Kaldor”-I knew I`d probably hadn`t.
If only the likes of Reckless, Evans and Carswell would open their ears and take the BBC to town over this one…utterly outrageous, and reminiscent of Julius Streicher( in pastel rainbow fatigues this time, smelling of old dope and patchouli).
For the record-only ONE wing of British politics is chasing opponents down the street, forcing them to leave pub lunches with families, preventing opponents from adopting kids, spitting at opponents as they attend a party conference, daubing statues of Churchill, throwing bricks through windows that dare to put up an opponents.
“And there`s more”
Only the SAME wing of British politics daubs Jewish gravestones, yells abuse and block streets enough to be a public danger when they lose an election…go trashing high streets when drug dealing black gangsters are shot dead, yell abuse , mock and attempt to besmirch and soil a funeral involving a previous party of the opposition who happened to be a mother and granny too…and even make efforts to put an evil bit of thirties crap into the charts to show their malice(sadfux can`t even write their OWN bile anymore!).
That they also fiddle postal votes, buy in Muslim heavies, put each others luvvies in charge of their unions, quangos and public sector perches…rig internal elections, suck up to Brand, let a load of Ricks get a knitted Corbyn for only £3…and DARE to claim to be an opposition?…well, only Kaldor, the LSE and the fupping BBC with wankettes like Monty and Humpy would see all that as the tactics and the threat from UKIP.
Cretins-all the above is Labour and the Left…half green nazis, half pink commietrots…yet when they race by in their stolen cars, their shirts always look brown.
NO Kaldor-we all KNOW that the Left are the Fascists we`re facing…International Rescue=National SOCIALISM…clues in that word you lefty cabbages!
Hope UKIP report them for this drive by smear…
I went through a few hundred of the comments there under that absurd, let’s-celebrate-diversity-and-welcome-migrants article. About 95% of them are seriously opposed to Europe being so “enriched.”
And that’s in the Guardian, home to the deluded left to far-left.
BBC language phraseology and the subtle changes in meaning.
Sometime the BBC uses the English language to send messages in the most subtle of ways, in order to convey a different message, and if you aren’t watching/listening carefully you will miss them.
“A British Man” is not the same meaning as “A Man From Britain”.
Equally a “Luton Man” is subtly different to “A Man From Luton”.
Today the BBC has been sending these different phrased messages concerning the potentially identified ISIS militant Siddhartha Dhar now calling himself Abu Rumaysah (An odd choice as Rumaysah is a feminine name!).
The BBC is telling us that he joined al-Muhajiroun again odd because it was banned as a terrorist organisation and disbanded in 2004 to become Islam4UK and in 2014 Need4Khalifah (Caliphate).
What is being said here is that a banned terrorist group is still operating in the UK under the nose of the authorities who have manifestly failed to prevent it.
Later in the article Dominic Casciani confirms this:
“Following his conversion, he became a leading member and speaker for the al-Muhajiroun network, a group banned under terrorism legislation. ”
The article ends :
“At least 700 people from the UK have travelled to support or fight for jihadist organisations in Syria and Iraq, British police say. About half have since returned to Britain.”
Sometimes the subtle language of the BBC makes their position difficult to decipher, as they cannot (or are not supposed to) express open disapproval, particularly when it comes to Islam. This article appears to not be at all happy with certain aspects of the Islamic community, nor the security services for allowing a banned terrorist group to operate.
The fact that 350 returning Jihadis is not strictly relevant to the story shows another concern the writers have.
Not an example of bias.
But a very good example of both how standards have fallen to abyssal depths and the contempt which the BBC has for its viewers/financiers.
The presenter of Only Connect, last night, eating during the programme.
Eating in a most uncouth, slovenly, manner.
Talking with her mouth full.
The Fascist Left have sought to destroy the concept of manners as they see it as indicative of Middle Class values, and ‘judgemental’ when people have poor manners.
Odd then that Radio 4 should have selected upper middle class doctors son David Mitchell to run a program on manners.
The Fascist way is remarkably similar to the law devised by notorious Black magician, occultist, and Satanist Aleister Crowley who said “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
I think that tells you where they’re coming from !
The fat cow can “do what she wilts”, just not when we are paying her salary.
Best not to argue about it, close the BBC, put her on benefits.
The only way she will then get people to pay to watch her eat will be to apply for a cage at London Zoo, where she would feel at home.
Victoria was eating cake in a modern, edgy way. It was probably baked by Nadia as a celebration of funky multicultural Britain. Anyone who objects to this must be a Ukipper and therefore worthy only of contempt.
A “modern”, “edgy” way.
The same modern, edgy way in which she got a relation into the production team.
The same, modern, edgy way in which she never misses an opportunity to attribute Anti-Semitic attitudes to those parties which are the subject of the questions.
The same, modern, edgy way in which she never misses an opportunity to push a pro Jewish agenda when the questions permit it.
The same, modern, edgy, way in which the questions, far from being random or representative, are actually used to promote BBC bias. Also happens frequently on Mastermind.
Probably on other quiz programmes too, I do not watch them.
Barry Humphries is in the dog house (or should that be possum house?!) for his remarks about “mutilated men” such as ‘Caitlyn’ / Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic Decathlon gold medallist.
He also told the Radio Times that he thought the BBC was better in the 1960s:
“It was wonderful really and it was exciting and they would try anything. There was a real feeling we were making entertainment. It’s not such a free place any more. There’s a fear of treading on people’s toes.”
I saw this on YouTube last night – the latest video from one of my regular subscriptions. I rather think there are many here who will appreciate its message…
‘Australian comedian famous for playing Dame Edna Everage says corporation is too concerned with balance and attacks ‘new puritanism’ in humour’
‘He claims that during talks with the BBC about a guest appearance as Dame Edna on Michael McIntyre’s Christmas show, executives insisted on evenhanded mockery’
‘“I mentioned some ideas to the BBC. I wanted to say something about Mr Corbyn and a faceless, nameless person at the BBC said, ‘Then you also have to say something about Mr Cameron.’ As if there wasn’t any bias at the BBC at all!”’
I tuned in during that interview – though what I heard didn’t really qualify as an interview, such were the interruptions from Ms Montague. Craig’s interruption coefficient couldn’t have kept up.
Is the BBC seriously saying that a Muslim politician is now exempt from being described as “radical and divisive”?
I guess these days, for the BBC at least, it is more the person saying it than what they say, which seems rather unfortunate in ‘ism’ terms for an impartial, objective, professional news monopoly.
Beeb behind the curve as ever has just given headline billing to the assaults that took place in Cologne on New Years Eve.
Difficult one for the Beeb as they desperately try to avoid linking the assaults to migrants, hence the headline about “gangs”.
But they aren’t fooling anyone we all know what kind of gang it was.
but they cant avoid the elephant totally and try to get round it with “no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence” but unfortunately for the Beeb, etc the truth will out and it is likely to repeated again and again in 2016 and no amount of crying into a latte will help.
Grumpy •
BBC are no longer hiding who actually controls their programming. The above clip featuring the question of women in a Labour shadow cabinet appeared in “Newsnight” of 4 January. Other items in the same show were a lecture on leadership in the Labour Party by Ken Livingstone (who has been unemployed for eight years now) discussion on the make up of a Labour Shadow Cabinet, featuring two Labour supporters and a Tory journalist. This was followed by grovelling apology for his sexual excesses by Labour’s Simon Danczuk and how he might remain with Labour. Then, for a change of pace, there was a brief segment on the Iranian/Saudi diplomatic spat which would have left anyone who didn’t know the truth behind the BBC slant, none the wiser–there was a segment about the National Gallery being “democratised”–but I thought a blank sceen more informative.
This was a Labour Party Political Broadcast at license-payer’s expense.
‘The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year’s Eve.’
‘The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.’
‘City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.’
A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year’s Eve trouble told the city’s Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. “They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates,” he said.
And my MPP, and his government, seriously think I am going to vote for them if they decide my family has to educated and informed by these idiots by compulsion?
Incredibly, the BBC actually admits that the assailants were Arab/North African and not merely unidentified “youths”. I would quibble though with the use of the word “shocked” in the headline. Anyone who’s lived in Europe can’t actually be shocked by the behavior of young Moslem men.
I lived in Italy for 17 years and every single fight and near-fight I got into was with Moslems. One thing they would often do was to hang around bars without ordering anything to drink, wait for some Western tourist girl to have one too many (or slip her a mickey), approach the young lady (with the Moslem pretending he was Italian) and try to drag her home (or somewhere else). Putting the kibosh on this sort of thing was how a lot of the aforementioned dust-ups kicked off. Nearly everyone I knew, including erstwhile donners of rose-colored glasses, eventually came to be extremely wary of young Moslem males after any significant contact with them.
I’ll never for the life of me understand Merkel and her ilk who are gleefully allowing and encouraging these people to enter in their millions. By the way, I’m pretty lefty on quite a few issues. I just don’t cotton to rape, murder, the oppression of women, the suppression of free speech and so forth.
You’re right, Rob, those are Islam’s USPs. Incidentally, I do loathe that word “Islamophobe”–as though a fear of Islam were somehow irrational. Anyway, I’ll never truly understand the cognitive dissonance of Islam’s lefty fellow travelers. They would be the first to be put to the sword under these barbarians. This whole problem would be much easier to deal with if we didn’t have this prominent and highly vocal fifth column to overcome.
“I just don’t cotton to rape, murder, the oppression of women, the suppression of free speech and so forth.”
Yankalp, you say your views are to the left, but the anti west BBC/Labour Party support the above, just remember their responses to the aforementioned:-
Rape – Rotherham, Rochdale,Oxford,etc.
Murder – ISIS immigrants,Lee Rigby- rufusal of memorial.
Oppression of women – pro Islam anti British culture. Sharia Law.
Suppression of free speech- Lefties shout down argument,whoop,whoop and get aggressive without solutions. Calling people an ist if they disagree, shutting down intelligent debate.
Cognitive dissonance is alive and well.
Wronged, I hear you. I mean to say that I’m to the left on some issues: minimum wage, gay marriage, collective bargaining, teaching evolution, etc. However, so-called liberals or leftists who would truck with Islamofascists are beneath contempt. I do hope that more liberals speak up about the exceptional danger that Islam and unfettered immigration by Moslems pose to the West and liberal values. There are a few lonely voices out there in the wilderness (e.g. Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Douglas Murray (not really liberal in the contemporary sense but gay)).
Yankalp I’m no Tory, but credit where credit is due, although I might not agree with them.
Didn’t the Tories recently introduce a minimum wage (of sorts), and gay marriage! Didn’t Labour introduce Comprehensive education and student loans and as for collective bargaining that smells of the 60’s strikes and putting the country to ransom.
Still living in a world of cognitive dissonance albeit you seem well intentioned
re the Cologne and other cities New Year attacks on women in Germany.
Today is the 5th January. So good of Al-Beeb to finally publish the story. Not.
And then when you read it, there is just the one police quote of ” The men were of Arab or North African appearance”
And that’s it.
“Only connect” said E M Forster.
Not something al-Beeb wish to do. Obviously.
‘Cologne officials say the systematic assaults on women are a new type of crime’
Clearly the good burghers of Cologne also get their cross-EU news from the BBC too, as they may regret seeing that one played to the young ladies of Rotherham over the last several years or, for that matter, those escorted by talent to campers in BBC car parks in other times.
Using google, sources the BBC has learned from can predict that many a German state Jugend media will be running hit pieces using #Nichthilfreich as the hashtag.
Oh what a splendid bit of total irrelevance added as the final para to the BBC’s report on street violence in German cities
“Cologne’s mayor, Henriette Reker, was stabbed in the neck in October, while campaigning a day before the mayoral elections. The suspected attacker, a German national, was angry about Germany’s immigration policy, officials said
Unlike the BBC and C4, who seemed to view Walthamstow’s most famous bouncy castle salesman as having weighty and serious political views, we have the choice of either ignoring him or belittling him.
In this age of 24 hour news and failure to distinguish religious psychopaths from those with something useful to say, we will have to abandon option one above. We could however opt for two. In WW2 the likes of Hitler and Lord Haw Haw were treated with derision. It’s a very British way of dealing with nasty foreign maniacs. Sid Arthur with his Walthamstow lock up is not worth taking seriously. He is not and never has been British. At least when he abandoned his bouncy castle business, he didn’t fill his lock up with tailors dummies and out of fashion flares. No – he stocked up on black flags and useless pamphlets instead!
Needless to say his new business failed . His subsequent role as promotions editor of the tourist organisation was probably doomed to failure too.
So what next? Ah, video productions and murder.
ISIS is a doomed organisation. I think the informers will soon give the necessary coordinates to our lads operating the drones. Sid Arthur will soon leave this mortal coil to quote our brave imprisoned ex soldier.
As for ISIS, it will need better propagandists than Sid Arthur to justify a doomed organisation .
Keep the faith folks. No not that one. The one which underpins our western civilisation and that will ultimately triumph.
It’s also telling that our favourite family who were refused boarding to LA before Christmas were also from Walthamstow. Their story seems to have disappeared and their MPs gone quiet.
I see the Beeb choose to point out that they ‘men’ were ‘drunk’. Can’t be real Muslims, then, so obviously Nothing To Do With Islam.
Also: “And there are real concerns about what will happen in February when the drunken street-parties of carnival season kick off. “
Why? Is there usually any trouble? Was there any trouble at Oktoberfest? If there are concerns now when there weren’t before, what has changed since last February?
hadda, in mainly muslim Gambia, where many muslims drink alcohol and smoke, the others call them ” plastic muslims ” ! And who owns Julbrew Brewery ? Why, it is the Gambian Government ! Similar situation in Turkey ! You have to laugh at the hypocrisy !
It took the BBC a very long time to report this story of major assaults in Germany that took place on New Years Eve .It seems that it was only on the World Service and posted on the website today. I haven’t seen it on Sky TV yet.
Oh yes, I have known a few Muslims who drink like fish, smoke, etc. They’re not all as ‘puritan’ as those who scream ‘Islamophobia’ at the very mention of a pint and a packet of pork scratchings would have us believe. But ‘Muslim’ is how they identify themselves — and, as with the IS savages, who am I to contradict them?
Hadda, some years ago I flew London-Dubai. Across the aisle were 3 Arabs in traditional dress, drinking whisky. When the captain announced they were in Arab air space , they stopped drinking and started reading their Korans !
Just read that Ted Nugent has said that most explosives, projectiles contain Pork products….so what the hell are muslims doing handling this stuff?….He’s right as it turns out….
Guest who. If muslims cannot agree what a real muslim is and kill each other about it, who are the morons at the BBC to tell us ? Beeboids , thick as short planks .
Based on watching “Night cops” programmes on television, and the above story, is it not time to have the alcohol equivalent of racially motivated crimes, with say an automatic doubling of the punishment tarifs.
The defence lawyers’ pleas would be interesting if they trotted out the “he’s a good boy, but it was the drink on this occasion, and it doubled the sentence!
It’s beyond a joke now. The first time Jim Naughtie did it, Jeremy Hunt was the Culture Secretary, and it was alleged he somehow got the “c” in Culture mixed up with the “h” in Hunt. Now he is the Health Secretary, so that excuse doesn’t wash. Maybe it is just more likely that the BBC is a nest of left wing cunts?
So, Oliver Letwin gets into trouble for some comments made 30-odd years ago about the Brixton Riots, and a few days later look what the BBC come up with: How a 1970s policeman changed his mind. Yep, it’s all because of the racist coppers.
Now, I shouldn’t need to make this clear, but of course I condemn the copper’s past behaviour as reported in the story. I comment only on the timing of the publication of this story, and how it could be deployed as part of a particular current anti-Letwin narrative.
I just checked BBC website and Corbyn has sacked Michael Dugher. Who the hell is he ? BBC not seeing the humour in this complete ( although not complete yet ) farce .
I find it sometimes puzzling to work out whether AlBeeb are Blairites or Corbynites! Most days I think they are Corbynites on other days just plain traiterous bast..ds!
Wronged, I think Beeboids have the same problem. Since they have no principles , they will just go with the winner. The BBC was in total turmoil for at least 3 weeks after Corbyn became leader. You can be damn sure that , if he is ousted, they will support the next leader. As you say, ” bast…ds “.
not sure, but it is the only unprompted reshuffle that I can remember in the last 40 years that resulted in more people resigning after it, than there were positions filled during it.
It is certainly the most incompetent reshuffle ever.
Not a religious argument then? “Cleric” being executed sure looks like a religious bust up to me. This time the BBC can’t blame Britain for drawing those funny lines on maps 100 years ago – at least not between Iran and Saudi
“Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women”. Only just posted on the AL Beeb website concerning what they describe as organised attacks by mobs on women and girls. “Around 1,000 young men arrived in large groups, seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women.” Of course the piece fails to to report in full the reported comments of police chief Wolfgang Albers, who according to the Daily Mail this morning said that witnesses and women who reported being attacked described the men as looking as if they were from “the Arab or North African region”, and he added that they were mostly between 18 and 35 years old.
This does not seem to be a story being covered at all on Al Beeb TV- they clearly think the foolish comments by cricketer Chris Gayle to a female reporter in Australia are of far greater public interest than a story regarding a thousand men conducting mass indecent assaults and rape on women in a major German city ?
Victorian baker came on..Mrs Dave decided to phone her parents wow lucky missed it all what a shame (not). Now some cut price ballroom dance spin off I’m not sure why they bothered with either.
As an aside I went on one of the lefty facebook sites as one of them had come out second best to me in a previous skirmish yesterday. They refused to acknowledge these events in Cologne and elsewhere happened called me a racist for posting it and warned me my cards were marked, which really scared me (not!). Also following on from the latest let’s let more in ,3 thousand “children”, I went on to save the childrens facebook page to ask some questions. Bearing in mind this is a multi million pound business they appear to be unwilling to reply. I even posted a reminder.
The fascistic “political correctness” ideology is pressuring responsible people in society to sacrifice children on an industrial scale to horrific continuous abuse. It is horrific that charities, who should be tackling such social injustice, are allowing this abuse to happen unhindered, through fear of the negative publicity coming from insane Social Justice Warriors.
One by one European cities are closing down to tourists and even suburban families.
Where do you want to start- Paris? Cologne? Hamburg? Munich? Vienna? London?
As the year goes on more will be added to the list.
Why would anybody take their children to places that are no longer safe?
Meanwhile Mrs Merkel clebrates the diversity she has foisted upon Germany and Europe. The liberal elite celebrates it as typified by that incredibly stupid article in the Guardian today ( referred to in another post) .The BBC still tries to pretend all is well.
What happened in Cologne is appalling and not unexpected. For now we are spared this influx of immigrants but tomorrow who knows? Our current politicians do not inspire me with hope that they can handle a crisis.
Leaving the EU is an existential matter now and we can be sure that the BBC and it’s cohorts will do anything to prevent us doing this.
In all honesty I cannot see how the EU is going to survive 2016 in it’s current form.
Having just watched a recording of todays Daily Politics, and had to listen to the AlBeeb resident daily guest the Multi home- refugee loving- but not in my homes- millionaire socialist Polly Toynbee.
The Albeeb claim that betting on the EU, according to the Daily Politics programme is as follows,
Evens to Remain
2/1 to Leave
This is ridiculous. That means that if I had an equal amount of money on both Leave and Remain I can only, either get my money back if Remain wins or win if Leave win. This is so dumb, they are so incredibly thick, who invents these odds.
I look at the polling numbers from the polling organisations. Many of them since the start of december have had either both sides neck and neck, or the leave side substantially in the lead. Yougov’s regular polling has Leave with a 1% lead. The biggest and most comprehensive poll conducted by Lord Ashcroft’s polling group gave Leave a 9% point lead. Another poll out today reported in Reuters by ORB ( has the leave side ahead by 7% points, 43% Leave to 36% remain. When the undecided are stripped out, 54 percent of voters want a British exit, or ‘Brexit’ compared to 46% for remain. A lead of 8% points.
This has been a massive shift since Reuters reported in June 2015 that according to an IPSOS poll, 66% wanted to stay and only 22% wanted to leave with 12% unknown.
Six months ago, the whole of the mainstream media were blithely reporting that it was a forgone conclusion and an utter certainty that the UK would vote to remain in the EU, and by quite a large margin. This was in order to “imprint” a narrative of the “inevitability of staying in the EU” into our collective consiousness, very early in the campaign, so that the media could then continue to paint the “leavers” as a tiny, fringe bunch of nutters all the way through the campaign and hope that this would create the inevitability that they themsleves were imprinting and then falsely selling.
This did not match up with what I instinctively felt was happening in the country, and sure enough, most polls last summer were skewed by including the people who wanted to remain in a reformed EU with those who wanted to stay in the EU no-matter-what, versus those who wanted to leave no matter what. Many people last summer thought that it could be possible that Cameron would fight for significant reforms, and if he did secure reform which meant that we secured a new relationship which was nothing more than a free trade agreement with the EU, then most would have voted to remain in. Even I as a committed Eurosceptic might have been convinced to vote for a free-trade-only agreement. By falsely including such eurosceptics into the remain figures, they falsely and fraudulently skewed the polls to create an impression that a vote to remain in was a certain inevitability.
This mass “psy-op” by the mainstream media has failed. People have been following the “EU story” for many years. We have experienced the result of the lies our media and politicians have been feeding us for 40 years and even the sophisticated media “conditioning” operation cannot overcome this. The thing that they did not account for is the fact that once a person is aware of that which is meant to be subliminal, they cannot become unaware of it. Once we have been lied to, we are now alert to further identical lies. The media’s sophisticated “conditioning” or “front-loading” or “imprinting” psy-op has failed because the lies it is based upon are so transparent and it flies utterly in the face of our experienced truth, to the extent that we can see the manipulation clearly conducted in front of us.
Additionally, since then we now know that Cameron is seeking nothing more than a deal to take us further into the EU in a way that can only be deceitfully dressed up as “status quo” or “This far and no further”, (This is nothing like the free trade only deal most undecided’s were waiting for, and is in reality, nothing more than a “bait & switch” con, leading to guaranteed further integration if we vote to remain) , more and more of those hopeful undecideds who want a free trade only deal, are now coming off the fence in favour of leave, as was the real inevitability all along.
With that truth sinking in across the country, massive momentum has aleardy pushed “leave” into the lead. As time goes by and the EU fails ever more of us, as the Euro crisis continues and the immigration and asylum crisis increases and the EU removes or restricts ever more of our freedoms (fishing, vaping, etc) I still stand by my prediction last Autumn, that leave will win that referendum by 59% or more.
Al BBC 5dead is going live, on the Pres. Obama glee club, on gun laws … a slow moving, waffling, diatribe appearing to
be never ending … with nothing of any substance, they just cut off and trumpet 1st black South African to score a century
… just garbage
off switch … I should never have bothered
BBC News – Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
“The justice minister warned against linking the crimes to the issue of migrants and refugees.” .
.. really? why?
Its either Islam, immigrants or both, that’s it, so … turning Cologne into “Tahir Square” is not an issue then?
One would imagine Pegida rallies will continue to grow week on week, put that along with the rapes in Calais, assaults in Brussels and Oslo Police state, “We Have Lost the City” as “Grønland is now more Muslim than Morocco.”
… sorry to keep repeating it … it won t be long, folks
Flicking through I was unfortunate to come across Newsround. They were running the BBc non stop pro immigration agenda, with the we must take in some “Syrian” kids story. They interview some school kids who of course almost to a fault tow the line with their comments.Only one had reservations that the schools would be full
I heard John Sopel on Toady this morning discussing Obummer’s proposal to use an Executive Order to force through his gun control measures, against the wishes of the democratically elected members of Congress.
There were two things which struck me about his report; first, can you imagine the reaction of Al Beebus if a Republican president attempted to do the same thing to impose one of their policies?
(N.B. Executive Orders were introduced during the Roosevelt Administration during WW2 as a necessary adjunct to the president’s powers during time of war and their use should have ceased after it ended – “government of the people and by the people” and all that).
Second – there was the usual back and forth with Humphreys about gun ownership and gun crime in America; but as is always the case in such discussions, the elephant in the room is never alluded to: that if one removes from the gun crime figures, those committed by blacks and hispanics, the gun crime figures (per head of population) are similar to those in European countries.
The Left always wish to disarm their citizens, as they have done here and in Western Europe – I don’t think they will succeed in the U.S.
“Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a monopoly on the use of force against legally disarmed victims.”
Martin above said the “smear” against UKIP on Today this morning is intolerable.
Quite right sir.
Brought to mind a passage written by Ben Sira about 150 BC…a Hellenistic Jew in exile, who could see where “inclusion” would lead to.
Tell your thick local clergyparson about it next time they wheel out Aylan Kurdi or other Guardian weepies instead of giving a sermon…no, immigration is NOT required!…don`t let Rowan Welby or Giles Longley tell you otherwise.
“Do not bring everyone home with you, for many are the traps of the crafty”
“Like a captive partridge(Aha!) in a cage, so is the heart of the proud”
“Like a spy, he watches for your downfall”
“Forever on the lookout, turning good into bad”
“And forever finding fault with whatever is praiseworthy”
“AS the burning hearth begins with a single spark, so the sinner seeks little else but the chance to spill blood, or see it done”
“Beware of the evildoer and his contrivances, lest he smear you for ever”
“Give a home to a stranger, and he will start your troubles”
“And ultimately estrange you from even your own family”
Ecclus 11v29-34…(lyric Ben Sira-additional daft bits by me!)…apparently his grandad was called Jesus!
Watched the News at 1pm on the BBC, whilst listening to the radio 4 Twatocrap of Martha Muffintop.
TWATO was far more biased-at least the BBC News had no pictures of “spineless Cameron” as he refused to ban his Cabinet from campaigning to stay or leave the EU.
Clarke and Heseltine…the Slagg Brothers at the BBC Wacky Races…were both on hand to condemn this populist democratic free speech stuff…and Martha purred-forgetting that Harold Wilson did the same.
Tory Party split fantasies indulged-but only Ken mentioned that Labour has “er…issues” re the EU too.
But no-TWATO in Corbyns lap, hoping to get a sniff of Dianne Abbotts pillion seat later.
Radio 4 needs shooting.
Is it just me, or has the output of the BBC changed slightly over the past week? Maybe it’s perhaps the influence of Danny Cohen gone, and with Yentob being away on holiday, but there seems an almost schizophrenic marked difference between programming which wasn’t evident pre Xmas.
Today we had Michael Dugher’s ‘sacking’ discussed and dissected with criticism of Labour and the new leader. Of course the old Lefties such as moaners hour is still as bad as ever, but there does seem to have been a change.
Then there’s the coverage of the Cologne rapes and no shying away from the fact they were asylum seekers from Syria, and the Muslim convert in Syria, and programming which seemed to have less of that far left edge.
Did you watch the report about Cologne on the BBC 10pm News. No mention of asylum seekers, the violence and threats against the German women was down to drunks.
I didn’t say it was completely perfect! All I said was that there appears to have been a change and that some programs are now no longer as biased as others !
The scale and scope of the utter incompetence of the reshuffle is so large that even the BBC cannot ignore it. Remember that a lot of the BBC are Blairite acolytes of so-called “progressivism” and so are personally insulted when Corbyn attacks or sacks a Blairite.
In this case, we have had a three week long build up to an un-necessary re-shuffle with journalists being regularly briefed by people in Corbyn’s leadership (MPs and SPADS alike) about this re-shuffle. This resulted in the most painful and amateurish implementation of that actual re-shuffle taking over 30 hours to fill only two posts and sacking two Blairite favourites of the BBC luvvies, for the most ludicrous of reasons. This in turn resulted in more resignations, than there were posts filled in the re-shuffle itself.
It is the most incompetent, inept, unprofessional and discrediting re-shuffle in the last 40 years. Of course the BBC could not ignore that, especially when labour Ministers appeared on live political programmes in order to resign and very publicily argue against the line the labour leadership was spinning.
But the BBC did downplay how bad it was. To suggest it was not bad would have been utterly ridiculous, so they had to admit it was bad and damaging for Corbyn.
They did not admit how bad, that it was the most childish, inept, incompetent, amateurish, example of party management, demonstrating how utterly and totally unsuitable for leadership Corbyn is, and how this is the most ludicrous example of utter shambolic ineptitude by any of the main two parties, for over 40 years.
I’ve not been online much in the last couple of days so I do’t know if any has referenced this – if they have, my apologies:
‘I mentioned some ideas to the BBC. I wanted to say something about Mr Corbyn and a faceless, nameless person at the BBC said, “Then you have also have to say something about Mr Cameron.” As if there wasn’t any bias at the BBC at all!’
568,000 signatures mean MPs will debate the sixth form common room issue of the moment, calls to ban Donald Trump coming to the UK:
455,424 signatures calling for, ‘Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated’ ignored:
Good to see our MPs addressing the tangible threat to this country.
Democracy in action people.
Interesting Steve that on The Daily Politics programme the reported that over 500,000 signatures were admitted calling for the ban of Donald Trump,
the reporter then stated only 50,000 signatures were admitted calling for Donald Trump not to be banned.
My point is they intentionally chose to ignore the reporting of the petition calling for the closing of borders.
BBC bias – nah, they’re not allowed to be!!!! It says so in the Charter!!!!!
The BBC is now shameless and totally open with its bias. That is a measure of how arrogant this toxic organisation has become. Presumably, the BBC thinks it can bring down anyone who tries to challenge it with subversive reporting. Hopefully its days are numbered as it is a shadow of its former self and has no right to still call itself the British Broadcasting Corporation.
I’m convinced that with my advancing years I am becoming detached from society. In my day if you fancied courting a young lady you had to ask her out.
I’m not at all bothered if he did it on TV.
Did she say yes, she would be delighted to go out for a meal with him and try and get to know each other better? Or did she say no thanks but thank you for asking?
How is this sexist,someone please explain, I’m completely befuddled.
Relax, you are not becoming detached from normal society you are becoming detached from BBC society. This is perfectly healthy and to be welcomed.
Judging by the comments on this item the political propaganda does not appear to be going too well. It must be a very special kind of stupid that makes the left try and persuade people that what they are seeing with their own eyes can’t possibly be real.
Calling Owen Jones, Bob Geldof, Benedict Cumbertwat et al…your guests are waiting at Cologne Station.
Without wishing to state the obvious-the only reason our Mel got to interview Chris courtside was on account of the fact that she was a looker-as opposed to the usual sporty gals.
Why isn`t she commentating only on womens sports-and why won`t the News Channels use the likes of Claire Balding, Betty Stove(RIP?), Rachel Heyhoe Flint and Princess Anne to get those exclusive interviews fresh from the game?
If I were Mel I`d take out a case of entrapment or “being used as totty bait” against her employers-and the Sports bodies should allow all sportsmen to plead the 5th if some dolly is used to snare them.
Why SHOULD they have to speak before showering and a chance to be re-programmed…it`s not as if they`ll say anything worth the bother-anyone who`d watched the game could surely predict what our jox would say in any event.
Pathetic non-story…Maria and Angela Eagle should be doing all BBC sports stuff…two ends of a dumbell that talk….
If Gayle was batting for the other side and they’d sent Evan Davis to interview him, and he’d asked the same question…… would the BBC be frothing with outrage or would they have told Evan that he could put the evening/night on the company credit card?
The Cologne story may go some way to proving the adage along the lines of “there’s only so many times you can piss on people and tell them it’s raining”. Whether it proves to be a turning point is a different matter If most people are happily trundling along still believing our treachorous politicians and their lickspittle media, then sadly there could be many more stories like this to follow. If they are reported of course.
Despite what you see on TV, this is from the horse’s mouth ………..
“A policeman told the city’s Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. “They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates,” he said.
However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Germany’ migrant influx triggered marches by the anti-Islam Pegida movement last year.”
In the words of one of our famous leaders ……..“This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning.” I don’t think the Germans are going to be very happy with Ms Merkel.
Bloody hell – I heard it this morning on world service! – apparently some of the would be brain surgeons and engineers were condemned by Merkel for rioting and commiting sexaul assaults at Cologne.
It even stated that the perpertrators appeared to be of North african or arab descent !
I can unerstand their frustration – Bad day at work I often go into town to commit a bit of sexual assault!
Looks like the Germans thought they were opening the door to Alan or Aylan (or whatever) and surprise surprise got Savill instead.
Sisters still silent on this issue – still too busy doing important works hounding leading scientists to Japan etc !
Sisters have decided on a line to take with regards to this mass-rapey Islam thing…
Even knowing how utterly insane and truthophobic these delusional lefty feminists are I find this almost impossible to believe. Ready?
They are attacking anyone raising it as unbelievable lying racists, as per @pennyred:
“So bored of racists who only pretend to care about women’s rights when they see an opportunity to bash Muslims.”
Seriously, to the men-hating bigoted misandrystic feminists, the sexual abuse of over a hundred women is a non-event, because racists can jump on the issue.
My response to her is “So bored of bigoted feminists who pretend to care about women’s rights, until Muslims jihad rape women. #RaceIsIrrelevant.
“568,000 signatures calling for Donald Trump to be banned”
I read somewhere that some twitter users were bragging about signing up to 50 times each simply by using different email addresses. That could bring the true count below the opposing petition.
The Muslim community in Labour areas are the experts on multiple votes, and opposition to free speech and democracy. So have a lot in common with left-wing middle-class white Labour voting pro-EU Humanists.
The Met Office have put the blame on the damp and mild December to El Nino and the Jetstream. Roger Harrabin, a student of English and nothing else, ignores the Met Office and tells us all it is down to “Climate Change”. Like I have recently said, Mr Harrabin, in my opinion, is not well, someone at the BBC really does need to take him aside and get him help.
Exactly. The heavy rainfall has been due to El Nino, the flooding was due to failure for 15 years to dredge the rivers and waterways – thanks to the pernicious EU Water Framework Directive of 2000.
But Harrabin says it is all down to “Climate Change”
Much of Holland at the moment has been a frozen land where people have been skating on the roads and no trains or busses have been running. The last time it was this bad was in 1987. We, the U.K., or rather Wales and England, have been extremely lucky with our weather in that it has been mild. But do not expect to hear from the Met Office WHY the Jetstream has remained over us for approx’ 6 weeks, as that would mean admitting to the Northern Hemisphere having extensive and unprecedented “Global Cooling” this winter.,40.34,443
On the above link, if you place your mouse pointer anywhere on the globe and left click it, you will see what the temperature is. The arrows and movement thereof, show wind direction and speed. You can see how lucky England and Wales have been concerning the cold temperatures everyone else is suffering from and why we have been hit with mild and moist westerlies for about 6 weeks. By holding down the left click of your mouse, you can rotate the globe to any position you require.
The BBC 10pm News finally mentioned the attacks on German women at railway stations by drunken mobs; no mention of the race or ethnicity at all. Leaving the uniformed to assume that drunks will be German youths and not Muslim asylum seekers
Also in the same bulletin, we have some 2-3 minutes devoted to some Indian lad who has scored 1000 runs in a cricket match, a world record! The game appeared to be played on some rough ground, no description of the how far the boundary was from the bat, or any other pertinent facts about the ‘opposition bowling’ to get this into the Guinness book of records .
Total nonsense. Did anyone see the report on the England V SA Test match that is underway at present? No neither did I!!
Don’t worry, Invicta 1066; Al Beeb did not miss a trick with that cricket match for obvious reasons….read and weep. Jonathan Agnew in total ‘White guilt mode’!
‘So Bavuma, as the first black African to score a century for South Africa, is massively symbolic.’
According to Dickhead Myrie, most Americans believe in the Obamarama’s, gun control policy. Hmm if Obama, told Americans, that pig shit was good for them to eat, no doubt Myrie, would parrot that!”.Is it cos he is black “,so Barry could order the slaying of the 1st born & Myrie would approve no doubt too. But if it was Hillary, I guess he would be moderately critical, don’t think so either.
If Americans supported Obama’s gun control bullshit, they would have elected a Congress which supported it. I suppose this salient fact is above Clive Myrie’s pay grade.
Having researched my family tree, I had discovered that 2 generations of my family were bakers between c1840 and 1900, so when I saw a program called Victorian Bakers, great I thought I might learn something.
Within moments of the start of the program on BBC2 I had the feeling that I was being patronised in a John Noakes, Valerie Singleton way. Added placement diversity aside (Asian Victorian bakers, female at that?) the program followed the generic way all such BBC programs follow presented by a Clare Balding lookalike that I found hard to watch.
Laughable when our femist Asian female baker took offence when a male baker suggested they form two, two ‘man’ teams, yet when it came to carrying a massive bag of flour 5 times over the permitted H&S level of today, she was happy to leave the lifting to the chaps…
I gave upon it after about 20 minutes, not that I didn’t learn anything, it was just the nauseous Blue Peter, tokenist way it was presented. Were we really expected to believe that these people spent all the time dressed in perfect Victorian clothing and traipsed their wares around local 21st century hostelries trying to flog them?
Another waste of licence payers dosh made by childish producers for seemingly a childish audience, an interesting one hour BBC4 documentary amybe, not a three episode opportunity to dress up and patronise.
I watched a couple of minutes, en passant, and turned it off.
I couldn’t believe that a). people were having trouble understanding where the fire was for the bread oven, and b). that the fire was lit inside the oven, after which the ashes were raked out prior to placing of the loaves for baking. It was almost as if they were pretending they didn’t know – but I’m sure they really hadn’t a clue.
I’m in my late sixties, and we learned all that at school.
I presume the female baker was a Sikh which has to be a change for the BBC. But she seemed to have no understanding of UK food history and that is where my problem is for her to be chosen as one of the bakers. And yes, I too assume that the programme makers assume that the average age of their audience is about ten.
Dave , I signed it. This is completely crazy. It would mean the UK could ban anyone who says anything the Lefties disagree with even if it is not illegal. What happens if Trump becomes President. This coutry is becoming a sick joke.
That’s right, I commented this in the D.E a couple of days ago. As Paul Joseph Watson says on his excellent u tube posts, the regressive left is infiltrating the entire main stream politics throughout Europe.
Odd, as I thought talking incessantly was about his one ability.
“Chris is also said to be facing intense pressure from BBC bosses, some of whom are allegedly meddling in editorial decisions”
Which cannot be true, as it is well known BBC bosses do not meddle in editorial. Except from the the back wall of studios when mates are being interviewed. Or just ask Dame Edna.
Interesting quote from George Orwell reviewing Mein Kampf in 1940:
‘The initial, personal cause of his grievance against the universe can only be guessed at; but at any rate the grievance is there. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds.’
Just utter, utter orchestrated shite, you could listen in live on the fawning hankies at the ready BBC, t
o his never ending diatribe
… garbage
I bet Kim Jong Un, and ISIS are in tears too … of laughter
Obama’s public crying merely underlines what is now beyond all doubt quite self-evident: the USA has not has a more disengaged, self-obsessed, narcissistic, vain, conceited, egocentric POTUS since Carter. Obama really is a disaster for America and the world – in many ways, his relentless emoting is a powerful symbol of our entitled, ‘progressive’ times.
The problem for all of us is that in his last year of a dreadful double-term we can expect him to try and push through a few terrible, selfish policies he wishes to leave to himself as his legacy (such as the wilful destruction of the US coal mining industry).
His ‘hands-off-‘ approach to dealing with Islamic State has been nothing short of a total abrogation of his responsibilities to western democratic freedoms. Obama will not be looked upon kindly by future historians – in fact I have a feeling he will damned as a weakling and a fool, a Nero who fiddled while Rome burned.
If only the BBC understood the body language of the narcissitic psychopath when deceitfully emoting. The way he wiped under one eye, then the next? Classic example of deceitful crying for effect.
Who the hell at the BBC thinks it right to put a comment on like THAT!
Utter biased emoting and empty sentiment…as if Al Baghdadi will somehow be moved to vote for Hillary by seeing this wet lettuce snivelling as if he`d been given his onion by Monty Pythons fridge.
Only the BBC would see this as anything other than an IS video in the future-not that we`ll ever be allowed to know of that.
Bloody Trump though eh?
Obama is the weeping eye of Bin Ladens weak horse…and Islam is correct about this snivelling turd of a picador.
Never saw the bloke bother his arse over Benghazi US diplomats that he left to die on his watch-whilst blaming some YouTube clip about Muhammads life for the atrocities on US territory.
As I say-the BBC have had the black chap in-now howzabout we get our first woman President eh?
If Trump can`t thump these spittle soaked lefties…he doesn`t deserve to get the chance to sort the USA back to “fit for purpose” status.
BBC interview on R4`s Today with a diamond geezer from East London who had a passing acquaintance with the bouncy castle renting, converting to islam, alleged jihadi murderer, who he described as a “brother muslim”.
But amazingly, a “brother muslim” who was in the habit of going his own way and not being very friendly and doing things that are “nothing to do with the teachings of our religion”.
A proper journalist might have asked if the conversion process involved some education on the teachings of the religion, or indeed mentioned some of the more inflammatory suras from the Quran, but a BBC propagandist? no…message banked with an almost audible sigh of relief and sense of a brownie point collected.
More brownie point collecting in the subsequent discussion with a representative from the quilliam foundation (who doubted the identity of the jihadist) about why the police hadn`t stopped him leaving the UK and the breathtaking assertion that we as a society had “failed to protect the children” of the jihadist.
BBc breakfast stretch Armstrong goes to the “Bridge” where Sweden is putting up barriers and re instating border controls. Off to the illegals camp where one of them tells us that it’s “cold”. Off to a café where a bunch of hippies tell us that 1/ They think hat things are going the wrong way. 2/ They have nightmares about going over the border without ID and not being able to get back. Wow the inconvenience of having to show a passport or ID at a border how will they survive. Of course no one says that they think it’s a good idea. The BBc reports on all points of view so the viewer can make their own minds up. On to the Cologne attacks the sloths get through the article without mentioning Immigrants once. However even the BBc website lets the scum out of the bag with “Witnesses and police said that the men involved were of Arab or North African appearance.”
“Political leaders have warned Germans not to link the violence to the influx of more than one million refugees and migrants in the past year.”
“It’s completely improper… to link a group that appeared to come from North Africa with the refugees,”
So let’s get this right, in effect, what they are trying to say is that this has nothing to do with the muslim invasion, and that this would have happened regardless, even if Germany hadn’t invited in excess of 1,000,000 alien parasites into Europe? Just who do they think they are kidding?
Even if the perps were “north African” that would include those filthy creatures from Eritrea and Sudan, many of whom have used the same route as the Syrians to force their way into Europe. So, whichever way you look at it, immigration is THE cause of the problem.
Can you imagine the apoplexy in the media and amongst the libtard politicians if it had been a 1000 strong gang of those horrible aryan types? As it is, the BBC only found it in themselves to report this 5 days (!!) after the event, and even then only because the story was being run by other media sources, such was the unprecedentedly vile and disgusting nature of the crimes.
I did find this odd from the same BBc report “However, the city’s police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said no arrests had yet been made over the New Year’s Eve attacks.
“We don’t currently have any suspects, so we don’t know who the perpetrators were,” he said.
“All we know is that the police at the scene perceived that it was mostly young men aged 18 to 35 from the Arab or North African region.”
So were there police at the scene? “We don’t know who the perpetrators were” how about doing some police work then?
If someone offered you millions of Euros to throw the doors of your country open to an invasion, and you took the bribe, but knew that it wouldn’t be paid until you left office and was dependant on your continued support, what excuse would you dream up?
Don’t blame it on the migrants, because we let them in and by extension that means we are also to blame !
You have to also remember that despite what you are told, Europe is not democratic, and to be honest probably never has been. Britain is a particularly egregious example with many many examples of a 5 year dictatorship where the man in charge has done exactly as he pleased, without any regard to the wishes of the people !
To be fair to the BBC I can see from their point of view that there have as yet only been unconfirmed reports that the men were of North African appearance, and until a few arrests and convictions are secured they can’t report it as fact.
The local Mayor is a cretin, and the Police chief isn’t much better, but probably needs to toe the party line to keep his job !
Thoughtful , you said “Don’t blame it on the migrants, because we let them in and by extension that means we are also to blame !”
Are you for real?
“We” let them in did we? Did we fuck! We, the people of Europe did not let a single one of them in, and any calls for the borders to be closed were immediately shot down as racist or populist views to be safely ignored.
If it’s not the illegal immigrant’s fault then I’d love to know who’s fault it is. Perhaps it’s the police to blame? Maybe even the women victims? I mean, what self-respecting muslim couldn’t keep his filthy hands of a bit of white meat. After all, as mohammed says, women are merely possessions of men, to be used at will. Merkel was the one to let them in, but even she isn’t to blame for the crimes committed in Cologne. However, had Merkel not thrown open the doors then this undoubtedly wouldn’t have happened. So, absolutely, the immigrants are 100% to blame.
I really cannot understand some of your posts Thoughtful. Some times you post some very sensible stuff, while at other times, like this, you appear to have gotten yourself lost on the way to the Guardian website.
I would also take issue with
“have as yet only been unconfirmed reports that the men were of North African appearance, and until a few arrests and convictions are secured they can’t report it as fact.”
Every single witness and the women who were sexually assaulted have said they were Arab/N African men, all CTV footage will also show that. How much confirmation do you need?
Well, with the trusted, world class BBC, the commitment to watertight oversight can be very thorough, as demanded by the needs of editorial integrity.
Just ask Newsnight, who needed only what one compromised source told some investigative mates of theirs, to try to stitch up a Tory peer.
No doubt they are marshalling their considerable resources now on the odd funding arrangements of the new shadow defence secretary, or maybe they will run out of time. Again.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Professor Mary Kaldor of the LSE speaking on sectarianism and religious violence in the Middle East in an interview with Humphreys: @ about 2:58:00, she spoke these words –
“.… Sectarianism is a way extremist groups gain, er, manage to mobilise people. If you imagine something like UKIP using violence on our streets, then it would be the difference between being British and non-British.”
The smear is, of course, intolerable. However, implying that UKIP is an extremist party which has the propensity for violence on the streets is just the sort of statement the BBC loves. Naturally, John Humphreys did not demur. Kaldor will be kept on speed-dial
Notice the use of “sectarianism” as if it is equivalent to Rangers and Celtic ! Kaldor is a very evil woman. Perfect for the BBC !
I have long espoused that MI5 need to go through the LSE with a very fine tooth comb.
Leha, I am sure MI5 do that , but the cowardly politicians and police fail to act.
Leha: “I have long espoused that MI5 need to go through the LSE with a very fine tooth comb.”
I reckon you can add quite a lot of Unis requiring that treatment, especially the London ones, and especially the social “sciences” faculties …
Good point. Would she have been tempted to say:- Imagine something like Labour using violence on our streets?
You don’t have to imagine the UAF using violence on the streets.
Maybe if the MSM didn’t constantly airbrush it out one wouldn’t have to.
You don’t have to imagine Labour using violence on our streets. I’m sure I remember only this year that Corbyn was guest speaking and thereby helping to orchestrate a violent “protest”.
Thanks for this Martin.
Thought I`d heard it wrong in my naivity-and then when our Toady boy said “thank you Mary Kaldor”-I knew I`d probably hadn`t.
If only the likes of Reckless, Evans and Carswell would open their ears and take the BBC to town over this one…utterly outrageous, and reminiscent of Julius Streicher( in pastel rainbow fatigues this time, smelling of old dope and patchouli).
For the record-only ONE wing of British politics is chasing opponents down the street, forcing them to leave pub lunches with families, preventing opponents from adopting kids, spitting at opponents as they attend a party conference, daubing statues of Churchill, throwing bricks through windows that dare to put up an opponents.
“And there`s more”
Only the SAME wing of British politics daubs Jewish gravestones, yells abuse and block streets enough to be a public danger when they lose an election…go trashing high streets when drug dealing black gangsters are shot dead, yell abuse , mock and attempt to besmirch and soil a funeral involving a previous party of the opposition who happened to be a mother and granny too…and even make efforts to put an evil bit of thirties crap into the charts to show their malice(sadfux can`t even write their OWN bile anymore!).
That they also fiddle postal votes, buy in Muslim heavies, put each others luvvies in charge of their unions, quangos and public sector perches…rig internal elections, suck up to Brand, let a load of Ricks get a knitted Corbyn for only £3…and DARE to claim to be an opposition?…well, only Kaldor, the LSE and the fupping BBC with wankettes like Monty and Humpy would see all that as the tactics and the threat from UKIP.
Cretins-all the above is Labour and the Left…half green nazis, half pink commietrots…yet when they race by in their stolen cars, their shirts always look brown.
NO Kaldor-we all KNOW that the Left are the Fascists we`re facing…International Rescue=National SOCIALISM…clues in that word you lefty cabbages!
Hope UKIP report them for this drive by smear…
I dropped a short note to UKIP with the details to ensure they know about it, and in case they wish to take up with matter with the BBC.
ChrisH – Brilliant summary of the leftist scum!!
In the Guardian at the moment there’s a new game going on . How quick can the moderators take posts down. I think madam has shot herself in the foot with this.
Like the BBC, when the Graun says ‘let’s talk about it’, they do mean ‘only on our terms’.
Exactly. “let’s have a mature, grown up debate” = “We tell you the narrative and the conclusion and you agree with it”
I went through a few hundred of the comments there under that absurd, let’s-celebrate-diversity-and-welcome-migrants article. About 95% of them are seriously opposed to Europe being so “enriched.”
And that’s in the Guardian, home to the deluded left to far-left.
BBC language phraseology and the subtle changes in meaning.
Sometime the BBC uses the English language to send messages in the most subtle of ways, in order to convey a different message, and if you aren’t watching/listening carefully you will miss them.
“A British Man” is not the same meaning as “A Man From Britain”.
Equally a “Luton Man” is subtly different to “A Man From Luton”.
Today the BBC has been sending these different phrased messages concerning the potentially identified ISIS militant Siddhartha Dhar now calling himself Abu Rumaysah (An odd choice as Rumaysah is a feminine name!).
The BBC is telling us that he joined al-Muhajiroun again odd because it was banned as a terrorist organisation and disbanded in 2004 to become Islam4UK and in 2014 Need4Khalifah (Caliphate).
What is being said here is that a banned terrorist group is still operating in the UK under the nose of the authorities who have manifestly failed to prevent it.
Later in the article Dominic Casciani confirms this:
“Following his conversion, he became a leading member and speaker for the al-Muhajiroun network, a group banned under terrorism legislation. ”
The article ends :
“At least 700 people from the UK have travelled to support or fight for jihadist organisations in Syria and Iraq, British police say. About half have since returned to Britain.”
Sometimes the subtle language of the BBC makes their position difficult to decipher, as they cannot (or are not supposed to) express open disapproval, particularly when it comes to Islam. This article appears to not be at all happy with certain aspects of the Islamic community, nor the security services for allowing a banned terrorist group to operate.
The fact that 350 returning Jihadis is not strictly relevant to the story shows another concern the writers have.
Not an example of bias.
But a very good example of both how standards have fallen to abyssal depths and the contempt which the BBC has for its viewers/financiers.
The presenter of Only Connect, last night, eating during the programme.
Eating in a most uncouth, slovenly, manner.
Talking with her mouth full.
I am alone in my disgust?
The Fascist Left have sought to destroy the concept of manners as they see it as indicative of Middle Class values, and ‘judgemental’ when people have poor manners.
Odd then that Radio 4 should have selected upper middle class doctors son David Mitchell to run a program on manners.
The Fascist way is remarkably similar to the law devised by notorious Black magician, occultist, and Satanist Aleister Crowley who said “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
I think that tells you where they’re coming from !
The fat cow can “do what she wilts”, just not when we are paying her salary.
Best not to argue about it, close the BBC, put her on benefits.
The only way she will then get people to pay to watch her eat will be to apply for a cage at London Zoo, where she would feel at home.
Victoria was eating cake in a modern, edgy way. It was probably baked by Nadia as a celebration of funky multicultural Britain. Anyone who objects to this must be a Ukipper and therefore worthy only of contempt.
A “modern”, “edgy” way.
The same modern, edgy way in which she got a relation into the production team.
The same, modern, edgy way in which she never misses an opportunity to attribute Anti-Semitic attitudes to those parties which are the subject of the questions.
The same, modern, edgy way in which she never misses an opportunity to push a pro Jewish agenda when the questions permit it.
The same, modern, edgy, way in which the questions, far from being random or representative, are actually used to promote BBC bias. Also happens frequently on Mastermind.
Probably on other quiz programmes too, I do not watch them.
Barry Humphries is in the dog house (or should that be possum house?!) for his remarks about “mutilated men” such as ‘Caitlyn’ / Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic Decathlon gold medallist.
He also told the Radio Times that he thought the BBC was better in the 1960s:
“It was wonderful really and it was exciting and they would try anything. There was a real feeling we were making entertainment. It’s not such a free place any more. There’s a fear of treading on people’s toes.”
I saw this on YouTube last night – the latest video from one of my regular subscriptions. I rather think there are many here who will appreciate its message…
Make of this what you will…
‘Australian comedian famous for playing Dame Edna Everage says corporation is too concerned with balance and attacks ‘new puritanism’ in humour’
‘He claims that during talks with the BBC about a guest appearance as Dame Edna on Michael McIntyre’s Christmas show, executives insisted on evenhanded mockery’
‘“I mentioned some ideas to the BBC. I wanted to say something about Mr Corbyn and a faceless, nameless person at the BBC said, ‘Then you also have to say something about Mr Cameron.’ As if there wasn’t any bias at the BBC at all!”’
A degree of popcorn may be needed as the BBC and its core audience squares off against a political party it does not support…
On such performance of his staff, most top rated comments should make James Harding go into his room with a Webley and glass of Scotch.
I tuned in during that interview – though what I heard didn’t really qualify as an interview, such were the interruptions from Ms Montague. Craig’s interruption coefficient couldn’t have kept up.
Is the BBC seriously saying that a Muslim politician is now exempt from being described as “radical and divisive”?
The BBC tries to say a lot of things, and seriously. It rarely succeeds.
I will be fascinated in the CECUTT blow off of the interviewer’s singular point of obsession, given the home team seem cool with it…
I guess these days, for the BBC at least, it is more the person saying it than what they say, which seems rather unfortunate in ‘ism’ terms for an impartial, objective, professional news monopoly.
Beeb behind the curve as ever has just given headline billing to the assaults that took place in Cologne on New Years Eve.
Difficult one for the Beeb as they desperately try to avoid linking the assaults to migrants, hence the headline about “gangs”.
But they aren’t fooling anyone we all know what kind of gang it was.
Gang assaults on women shock Cologne
but they cant avoid the elephant totally and try to get round it with “no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence” but unfortunately for the Beeb, etc the truth will out and it is likely to repeated again and again in 2016 and no amount of crying into a latte will help.
So suddenly gangs of white Germans start assaulting and raping their own women. The BBC is unique !
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the DNA-mutated BBC…
Grumpy •
BBC are no longer hiding who actually controls their programming. The above clip featuring the question of women in a Labour shadow cabinet appeared in “Newsnight” of 4 January. Other items in the same show were a lecture on leadership in the Labour Party by Ken Livingstone (who has been unemployed for eight years now) discussion on the make up of a Labour Shadow Cabinet, featuring two Labour supporters and a Tory journalist. This was followed by grovelling apology for his sexual excesses by Labour’s Simon Danczuk and how he might remain with Labour. Then, for a change of pace, there was a brief segment on the Iranian/Saudi diplomatic spat which would have left anyone who didn’t know the truth behind the BBC slant, none the wiser–there was a segment about the National Gallery being “democratised”–but I thought a blank sceen more informative.
This was a Labour Party Political Broadcast at license-payer’s expense.
Woe de Cologne
‘The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year’s Eve.’
‘The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.’
‘City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.’
A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year’s Eve trouble told the city’s Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. “They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates,” he said.
At least they are getting it about typical elsewhere…
And my MPP, and his government, seriously think I am going to vote for them if they decide my family has to educated and informed by these idiots by compulsion?
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
Incredibly, the BBC actually admits that the assailants were Arab/North African and not merely unidentified “youths”. I would quibble though with the use of the word “shocked” in the headline. Anyone who’s lived in Europe can’t actually be shocked by the behavior of young Moslem men.
I lived in Italy for 17 years and every single fight and near-fight I got into was with Moslems. One thing they would often do was to hang around bars without ordering anything to drink, wait for some Western tourist girl to have one too many (or slip her a mickey), approach the young lady (with the Moslem pretending he was Italian) and try to drag her home (or somewhere else). Putting the kibosh on this sort of thing was how a lot of the aforementioned dust-ups kicked off. Nearly everyone I knew, including erstwhile donners of rose-colored glasses, eventually came to be extremely wary of young Moslem males after any significant contact with them.
I’ll never for the life of me understand Merkel and her ilk who are gleefully allowing and encouraging these people to enter in their millions. By the way, I’m pretty lefty on quite a few issues. I just don’t cotton to rape, murder, the oppression of women, the suppression of free speech and so forth.
Great site, by the way. Keep the colors flying!
“I just don’t cotton to rape, murder, the oppression of women, the suppression of free speech and so forth.”
What are you, an islamophobe? Those are the USPs of the Religion of Peace.
You’re right, Rob, those are Islam’s USPs. Incidentally, I do loathe that word “Islamophobe”–as though a fear of Islam were somehow irrational. Anyway, I’ll never truly understand the cognitive dissonance of Islam’s lefty fellow travelers. They would be the first to be put to the sword under these barbarians. This whole problem would be much easier to deal with if we didn’t have this prominent and highly vocal fifth column to overcome.
What I can never understand is how many gay lefties support Islam. It is like Turkeys voting for christmas. Unbelievable.
“I just don’t cotton to rape, murder, the oppression of women, the suppression of free speech and so forth.”
Yankalp, you say your views are to the left, but the anti west BBC/Labour Party support the above, just remember their responses to the aforementioned:-
Rape – Rotherham, Rochdale,Oxford,etc.
Murder – ISIS immigrants,Lee Rigby- rufusal of memorial.
Oppression of women – pro Islam anti British culture. Sharia Law.
Suppression of free speech- Lefties shout down argument,whoop,whoop and get aggressive without solutions. Calling people an ist if they disagree, shutting down intelligent debate.
Cognitive dissonance is alive and well.
Wronged, I hear you. I mean to say that I’m to the left on some issues: minimum wage, gay marriage, collective bargaining, teaching evolution, etc. However, so-called liberals or leftists who would truck with Islamofascists are beneath contempt. I do hope that more liberals speak up about the exceptional danger that Islam and unfettered immigration by Moslems pose to the West and liberal values. There are a few lonely voices out there in the wilderness (e.g. Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Douglas Murray (not really liberal in the contemporary sense but gay)).
Yankalp I’m no Tory, but credit where credit is due, although I might not agree with them.
Didn’t the Tories recently introduce a minimum wage (of sorts), and gay marriage! Didn’t Labour introduce Comprehensive education and student loans and as for collective bargaining that smells of the 60’s strikes and putting the country to ransom.
Still living in a world of cognitive dissonance albeit you seem well intentioned
Beats me, Wronged. I’m a Yank.
re the Cologne and other cities New Year attacks on women in Germany.
Today is the 5th January. So good of Al-Beeb to finally publish the story. Not.
And then when you read it, there is just the one police quote of ” The men were of Arab or North African appearance”
And that’s it.
“Only connect” said E M Forster.
Not something al-Beeb wish to do. Obviously.
“He’s not a fighter, he’s a bouncy castle salesman” – Frank Gardiner.
This is what the British people are up against.
Of course, selling bouncy castles to Islamic State !
Ace c*nty slob is an anagram of Bouncy Castle, by Jingo !
‘Batching its rapid corroborations’ is an anagram of British Broadcasting Corporation.
For once, the Ministry of Truth reported that the perpetrators were of “Arab or North African appearance….”
‘Cologne officials say the systematic assaults on women are a new type of crime’
Clearly the good burghers of Cologne also get their cross-EU news from the BBC too, as they may regret seeing that one played to the young ladies of Rotherham over the last several years or, for that matter, those escorted by talent to campers in BBC car parks in other times.
Ah, but “Commentators in Germany were quick to urge people not to jump to conclusions“.
I think the ship sailed on that one long ago.
Indeed. Quakerophobia is reaching epidemic proportions.
Using google, sources the BBC has learned from can predict that many a German state Jugend media will be running hit pieces using #Nichthilfreich as the hashtag.
“Sag ihm nicht, Hecht!”
Oh what a splendid bit of total irrelevance added as the final para to the BBC’s report on street violence in German cities
“Cologne’s mayor, Henriette Reker, was stabbed in the neck in October, while campaigning a day before the mayoral elections. The suspected attacker, a German national, was angry about Germany’s immigration policy, officials said
Some might say he had a point.
That’s a cutting remark Rob.
Unlike the BBC and C4, who seemed to view Walthamstow’s most famous bouncy castle salesman as having weighty and serious political views, we have the choice of either ignoring him or belittling him.
In this age of 24 hour news and failure to distinguish religious psychopaths from those with something useful to say, we will have to abandon option one above. We could however opt for two. In WW2 the likes of Hitler and Lord Haw Haw were treated with derision. It’s a very British way of dealing with nasty foreign maniacs. Sid Arthur with his Walthamstow lock up is not worth taking seriously. He is not and never has been British. At least when he abandoned his bouncy castle business, he didn’t fill his lock up with tailors dummies and out of fashion flares. No – he stocked up on black flags and useless pamphlets instead!
Needless to say his new business failed . His subsequent role as promotions editor of the tourist organisation was probably doomed to failure too.
So what next? Ah, video productions and murder.
ISIS is a doomed organisation. I think the informers will soon give the necessary coordinates to our lads operating the drones. Sid Arthur will soon leave this mortal coil to quote our brave imprisoned ex soldier.
As for ISIS, it will need better propagandists than Sid Arthur to justify a doomed organisation .
Keep the faith folks. No not that one. The one which underpins our western civilisation and that will ultimately triumph.
It’s also telling that our favourite family who were refused boarding to LA before Christmas were also from Walthamstow. Their story seems to have disappeared and their MPs gone quiet.
Bit like that Farage wheel nut incident.
As it stands, I know next to nothing as to whether it happened or he made it up.
Also, that poor wee Saudi girl who got stabbed…?
All these reporters, all this resource, and so much the BBC lets slip by.
Compare and contrast:
BBC Report –
Daily Express Report –
I see the Beeb choose to point out that they ‘men’ were ‘drunk’. Can’t be real Muslims, then, so obviously Nothing To Do With Islam.
“And there are real concerns about what will happen in February when the drunken street-parties of carnival season kick off. “
Why? Is there usually any trouble? Was there any trouble at Oktoberfest? If there are concerns now when there weren’t before, what has changed since last February?
hadda, in mainly muslim Gambia, where many muslims drink alcohol and smoke, the others call them ” plastic muslims ” ! And who owns Julbrew Brewery ? Why, it is the Gambian Government ! Similar situation in Turkey ! You have to laugh at the hypocrisy !
It took the BBC a very long time to report this story of major assaults in Germany that took place on New Years Eve .It seems that it was only on the World Service and posted on the website today. I haven’t seen it on Sky TV yet.
Oh yes, I have known a few Muslims who drink like fish, smoke, etc. They’re not all as ‘puritan’ as those who scream ‘Islamophobia’ at the very mention of a pint and a packet of pork scratchings would have us believe. But ‘Muslim’ is how they identify themselves — and, as with the IS savages, who am I to contradict them?
Hadda, some years ago I flew London-Dubai. Across the aisle were 3 Arabs in traditional dress, drinking whisky. When the captain announced they were in Arab air space , they stopped drinking and started reading their Korans !
Just read that Ted Nugent has said that most explosives, projectiles contain Pork products….so what the hell are muslims doing handling this stuff?….He’s right as it turns out….
‘I see the Beeb choose to point out that they ‘men’ were ‘drunk’
The BBC likely aware to is a ‘get out of anything free’ card for certain cultures:
Maybe the BBC would like to ‘analyse’ why that may be?
Guest who. If muslims cannot agree what a real muslim is and kill each other about it, who are the morons at the BBC to tell us ? Beeboids , thick as short planks .
Based on watching “Night cops” programmes on television, and the above story, is it not time to have the alcohol equivalent of racially motivated crimes, with say an automatic doubling of the punishment tarifs.
The defence lawyers’ pleas would be interesting if they trotted out the “he’s a good boy, but it was the drink on this occasion, and it doubled the sentence!
I hope the poor victims of these hideous and completely avoidable crimes sue that evil bitch Merkel. That woman should hang her head in shame.
Steve, she should just hang !
It’s become a right of passage within the BBC. Tee hee. Luckily, of no consequence.
But Tristram is always ” Hunt ” !
It’s beyond a joke now. The first time Jim Naughtie did it, Jeremy Hunt was the Culture Secretary, and it was alleged he somehow got the “c” in Culture mixed up with the “h” in Hunt. Now he is the Health Secretary, so that excuse doesn’t wash. Maybe it is just more likely that the BBC is a nest of left wing cunts?
So, Oliver Letwin gets into trouble for some comments made 30-odd years ago about the Brixton Riots, and a few days later look what the BBC come up with: How a 1970s policeman changed his mind. Yep, it’s all because of the racist coppers.
Now, I shouldn’t need to make this clear, but of course I condemn the copper’s past behaviour as reported in the story. I comment only on the timing of the publication of this story, and how it could be deployed as part of a particular current anti-Letwin narrative.
Question. Is Corbyn’s reshuffle the longest reshuffle in British history ? If so, why ?
I just checked BBC website and Corbyn has sacked Michael Dugher. Who the hell is he ? BBC not seeing the humour in this complete ( although not complete yet ) farce .
I find it sometimes puzzling to work out whether AlBeeb are Blairites or Corbynites! Most days I think they are Corbynites on other days just plain traiterous bast..ds!
Wronged, I think Beeboids have the same problem. Since they have no principles , they will just go with the winner. The BBC was in total turmoil for at least 3 weeks after Corbyn became leader. You can be damn sure that , if he is ousted, they will support the next leader. As you say, ” bast…ds “.
not sure, but it is the only unprompted reshuffle that I can remember in the last 40 years that resulted in more people resigning after it, than there were positions filled during it.
It is certainly the most incompetent reshuffle ever.
BBC: ‘Region Fueds’, ‘regional row’
Not a religious argument then? “Cleric” being executed sure looks like a religious bust up to me. This time the BBC can’t blame Britain for drawing those funny lines on maps 100 years ago – at least not between Iran and Saudi
of course, many Christian clerics have been murdered in Middle East but BBC stay silent on that !
“Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women”. Only just posted on the AL Beeb website concerning what they describe as organised attacks by mobs on women and girls. “Around 1,000 young men arrived in large groups, seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women.” Of course the piece fails to to report in full the reported comments of police chief Wolfgang Albers, who according to the Daily Mail this morning said that witnesses and women who reported being attacked described the men as looking as if they were from “the Arab or North African region”, and he added that they were mostly between 18 and 35 years old.
This does not seem to be a story being covered at all on Al Beeb TV- they clearly think the foolish comments by cricketer Chris Gayle to a female reporter in Australia are of far greater public interest than a story regarding a thousand men conducting mass indecent assaults and rape on women in a major German city ?
Gunner, I do not know, but I wonder if Chris Gayle is a christian ?
Or Is she a racist ?
Not just the Chris Gayle comments, but also the first century by a black South African leads their sport headlines.
It is the first time the BBC have supported SA ! Beeboids are so transparent !
Victorian baker came on..Mrs Dave decided to phone her parents wow lucky missed it all what a shame (not). Now some cut price ballroom dance spin off I’m not sure why they bothered with either.
To be fair, Mark Radcliffe was ripping the hell out of the Victorian Baking thing on 6Music today.
‘What next, Soviet-era Butchery, Medieval Takeaways?!’
Victorian Baking… Bollox to the bias, this is beyond comment.
As an aside I went on one of the lefty facebook sites as one of them had come out second best to me in a previous skirmish yesterday. They refused to acknowledge these events in Cologne and elsewhere happened called me a racist for posting it and warned me my cards were marked, which really scared me (not!). Also following on from the latest let’s let more in ,3 thousand “children”, I went on to save the childrens facebook page to ask some questions. Bearing in mind this is a multi million pound business they appear to be unwilling to reply. I even posted a reminder.
Save the Children did come back to me however they chose not to answer what I’d asked them.
The fascistic “political correctness” ideology is pressuring responsible people in society to sacrifice children on an industrial scale to horrific continuous abuse. It is horrific that charities, who should be tackling such social injustice, are allowing this abuse to happen unhindered, through fear of the negative publicity coming from insane Social Justice Warriors.
One by one European cities are closing down to tourists and even suburban families.
Where do you want to start- Paris? Cologne? Hamburg? Munich? Vienna? London?
As the year goes on more will be added to the list.
Why would anybody take their children to places that are no longer safe?
Meanwhile Mrs Merkel clebrates the diversity she has foisted upon Germany and Europe. The liberal elite celebrates it as typified by that incredibly stupid article in the Guardian today ( referred to in another post) .The BBC still tries to pretend all is well.
What happened in Cologne is appalling and not unexpected. For now we are spared this influx of immigrants but tomorrow who knows? Our current politicians do not inspire me with hope that they can handle a crisis.
Leaving the EU is an existential matter now and we can be sure that the BBC and it’s cohorts will do anything to prevent us doing this.
In all honesty I cannot see how the EU is going to survive 2016 in it’s current form.
Having just watched a recording of todays Daily Politics, and had to listen to the AlBeeb resident daily guest the Multi home- refugee loving- but not in my homes- millionaire socialist Polly Toynbee.
The Albeeb claim that betting on the EU, according to the Daily Politics programme is as follows,
Evens to Remain
2/1 to Leave
This is ridiculous. That means that if I had an equal amount of money on both Leave and Remain I can only, either get my money back if Remain wins or win if Leave win. This is so dumb, they are so incredibly thick, who invents these odds.
They make it up as they go along.
They take us for fools.
…..and we trust the AlBeeb to report the Polls honestly to us!!!!
I look at the polling numbers from the polling organisations. Many of them since the start of december have had either both sides neck and neck, or the leave side substantially in the lead. Yougov’s regular polling has Leave with a 1% lead. The biggest and most comprehensive poll conducted by Lord Ashcroft’s polling group gave Leave a 9% point lead. Another poll out today reported in Reuters by ORB ( has the leave side ahead by 7% points, 43% Leave to 36% remain. When the undecided are stripped out, 54 percent of voters want a British exit, or ‘Brexit’ compared to 46% for remain. A lead of 8% points.
This has been a massive shift since Reuters reported in June 2015 that according to an IPSOS poll, 66% wanted to stay and only 22% wanted to leave with 12% unknown.
Six months ago, the whole of the mainstream media were blithely reporting that it was a forgone conclusion and an utter certainty that the UK would vote to remain in the EU, and by quite a large margin. This was in order to “imprint” a narrative of the “inevitability of staying in the EU” into our collective consiousness, very early in the campaign, so that the media could then continue to paint the “leavers” as a tiny, fringe bunch of nutters all the way through the campaign and hope that this would create the inevitability that they themsleves were imprinting and then falsely selling.
This did not match up with what I instinctively felt was happening in the country, and sure enough, most polls last summer were skewed by including the people who wanted to remain in a reformed EU with those who wanted to stay in the EU no-matter-what, versus those who wanted to leave no matter what. Many people last summer thought that it could be possible that Cameron would fight for significant reforms, and if he did secure reform which meant that we secured a new relationship which was nothing more than a free trade agreement with the EU, then most would have voted to remain in. Even I as a committed Eurosceptic might have been convinced to vote for a free-trade-only agreement. By falsely including such eurosceptics into the remain figures, they falsely and fraudulently skewed the polls to create an impression that a vote to remain in was a certain inevitability.
This mass “psy-op” by the mainstream media has failed. People have been following the “EU story” for many years. We have experienced the result of the lies our media and politicians have been feeding us for 40 years and even the sophisticated media “conditioning” operation cannot overcome this. The thing that they did not account for is the fact that once a person is aware of that which is meant to be subliminal, they cannot become unaware of it. Once we have been lied to, we are now alert to further identical lies. The media’s sophisticated “conditioning” or “front-loading” or “imprinting” psy-op has failed because the lies it is based upon are so transparent and it flies utterly in the face of our experienced truth, to the extent that we can see the manipulation clearly conducted in front of us.
Additionally, since then we now know that Cameron is seeking nothing more than a deal to take us further into the EU in a way that can only be deceitfully dressed up as “status quo” or “This far and no further”, (This is nothing like the free trade only deal most undecided’s were waiting for, and is in reality, nothing more than a “bait & switch” con, leading to guaranteed further integration if we vote to remain) , more and more of those hopeful undecideds who want a free trade only deal, are now coming off the fence in favour of leave, as was the real inevitability all along.
With that truth sinking in across the country, massive momentum has aleardy pushed “leave” into the lead. As time goes by and the EU fails ever more of us, as the Euro crisis continues and the immigration and asylum crisis increases and the EU removes or restricts ever more of our freedoms (fishing, vaping, etc) I still stand by my prediction last Autumn, that leave will win that referendum by 59% or more.
Al BBC 5dead is going live, on the Pres. Obama glee club, on gun laws … a slow moving, waffling, diatribe appearing to
be never ending … with nothing of any substance, they just cut off and trumpet 1st black South African to score a century
… just garbage
off switch … I should never have bothered
BBC News – Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
“The justice minister warned against linking the crimes to the issue of migrants and refugees.” .
.. really? why?
Its either Islam, immigrants or both, that’s it, so … turning Cologne into “Tahir Square” is not an issue then?
One would imagine Pegida rallies will continue to grow week on week, put that along with the rapes in Calais, assaults in Brussels and Oslo Police state, “We Have Lost the City” as “Grønland is now more Muslim than Morocco.”
… sorry to keep repeating it … it won t be long, folks
Oops! … gone too early, this was New Years Eve that’s six days ago? … BBC.
“… and in other news, we have just heard from our royal correspondent that Queen Victoria has died.”
Germany. Maybe we can find a use for the German Army after all !
Flicking through I was unfortunate to come across Newsround. They were running the BBc non stop pro immigration agenda, with the we must take in some “Syrian” kids story. They interview some school kids who of course almost to a fault tow the line with their comments.Only one had reservations that the schools would be full
I heard John Sopel on Toady this morning discussing Obummer’s proposal to use an Executive Order to force through his gun control measures, against the wishes of the democratically elected members of Congress.
There were two things which struck me about his report; first, can you imagine the reaction of Al Beebus if a Republican president attempted to do the same thing to impose one of their policies?
(N.B. Executive Orders were introduced during the Roosevelt Administration during WW2 as a necessary adjunct to the president’s powers during time of war and their use should have ceased after it ended – “government of the people and by the people” and all that).
Second – there was the usual back and forth with Humphreys about gun ownership and gun crime in America; but as is always the case in such discussions, the elephant in the room is never alluded to: that if one removes from the gun crime figures, those committed by blacks and hispanics, the gun crime figures (per head of population) are similar to those in European countries.
The Left always wish to disarm their citizens, as they have done here and in Western Europe – I don’t think they will succeed in the U.S.
“Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a monopoly on the use of force against legally disarmed victims.”
Martin above said the “smear” against UKIP on Today this morning is intolerable.
Quite right sir.
Brought to mind a passage written by Ben Sira about 150 BC…a Hellenistic Jew in exile, who could see where “inclusion” would lead to.
Tell your thick local clergyparson about it next time they wheel out Aylan Kurdi or other Guardian weepies instead of giving a sermon…no, immigration is NOT required!…don`t let Rowan Welby or Giles Longley tell you otherwise.
“Do not bring everyone home with you, for many are the traps of the crafty”
“Like a captive partridge(Aha!) in a cage, so is the heart of the proud”
“Like a spy, he watches for your downfall”
“Forever on the lookout, turning good into bad”
“And forever finding fault with whatever is praiseworthy”
“AS the burning hearth begins with a single spark, so the sinner seeks little else but the chance to spill blood, or see it done”
“Beware of the evildoer and his contrivances, lest he smear you for ever”
“Give a home to a stranger, and he will start your troubles”
“And ultimately estrange you from even your own family”
Ecclus 11v29-34…(lyric Ben Sira-additional daft bits by me!)…apparently his grandad was called Jesus!
Watched the News at 1pm on the BBC, whilst listening to the radio 4 Twatocrap of Martha Muffintop.
TWATO was far more biased-at least the BBC News had no pictures of “spineless Cameron” as he refused to ban his Cabinet from campaigning to stay or leave the EU.
Clarke and Heseltine…the Slagg Brothers at the BBC Wacky Races…were both on hand to condemn this populist democratic free speech stuff…and Martha purred-forgetting that Harold Wilson did the same.
Tory Party split fantasies indulged-but only Ken mentioned that Labour has “er…issues” re the EU too.
But no-TWATO in Corbyns lap, hoping to get a sniff of Dianne Abbotts pillion seat later.
Radio 4 needs shooting.
Is it just me, or has the output of the BBC changed slightly over the past week? Maybe it’s perhaps the influence of Danny Cohen gone, and with Yentob being away on holiday, but there seems an almost schizophrenic marked difference between programming which wasn’t evident pre Xmas.
Today we had Michael Dugher’s ‘sacking’ discussed and dissected with criticism of Labour and the new leader. Of course the old Lefties such as moaners hour is still as bad as ever, but there does seem to have been a change.
Then there’s the coverage of the Cologne rapes and no shying away from the fact they were asylum seekers from Syria, and the Muslim convert in Syria, and programming which seemed to have less of that far left edge.
Or maybe it’s just me ?
Did you watch the report about Cologne on the BBC 10pm News. No mention of asylum seekers, the violence and threats against the German women was down to drunks.
I didn’t say it was completely perfect! All I said was that there appears to have been a change and that some programs are now no longer as biased as others !
The scale and scope of the utter incompetence of the reshuffle is so large that even the BBC cannot ignore it. Remember that a lot of the BBC are Blairite acolytes of so-called “progressivism” and so are personally insulted when Corbyn attacks or sacks a Blairite.
In this case, we have had a three week long build up to an un-necessary re-shuffle with journalists being regularly briefed by people in Corbyn’s leadership (MPs and SPADS alike) about this re-shuffle. This resulted in the most painful and amateurish implementation of that actual re-shuffle taking over 30 hours to fill only two posts and sacking two Blairite favourites of the BBC luvvies, for the most ludicrous of reasons. This in turn resulted in more resignations, than there were posts filled in the re-shuffle itself.
It is the most incompetent, inept, unprofessional and discrediting re-shuffle in the last 40 years. Of course the BBC could not ignore that, especially when labour Ministers appeared on live political programmes in order to resign and very publicily argue against the line the labour leadership was spinning.
But the BBC did downplay how bad it was. To suggest it was not bad would have been utterly ridiculous, so they had to admit it was bad and damaging for Corbyn.
They did not admit how bad, that it was the most childish, inept, incompetent, amateurish, example of party management, demonstrating how utterly and totally unsuitable for leadership Corbyn is, and how this is the most ludicrous example of utter shambolic ineptitude by any of the main two parties, for over 40 years.
I’ve not been online much in the last couple of days so I do’t know if any has referenced this – if they have, my apologies:
‘I mentioned some ideas to the BBC. I wanted to say something about Mr Corbyn and a faceless, nameless person at the BBC said, “Then you have also have to say something about Mr Cameron.” As if there wasn’t any bias at the BBC at all!’
It was my understanding, based on claims from most of the BBC high command, that they do not meddle with editorial or creative choices.
This would seem to be yet another inaccuracy.
They do, if only unidirectionally.
568,000 signatures mean MPs will debate the sixth form common room issue of the moment, calls to ban Donald Trump coming to the UK:
455,424 signatures calling for, ‘Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated’ ignored:
Good to see our MPs addressing the tangible threat to this country.
Democracy in action people.
Interesting Steve that on The Daily Politics programme the reported that over 500,000 signatures were admitted calling for the ban of Donald Trump,
the reporter then stated only 50,000 signatures were admitted calling for Donald Trump not to be banned.
My point is they intentionally chose to ignore the reporting of the petition calling for the closing of borders.
BBC bias – nah, they’re not allowed to be!!!! It says so in the Charter!!!!!
The BBC is now shameless and totally open with its bias. That is a measure of how arrogant this toxic organisation has become. Presumably, the BBC thinks it can bring down anyone who tries to challenge it with subversive reporting. Hopefully its days are numbered as it is a shadow of its former self and has no right to still call itself the British Broadcasting Corporation.
BBC Online News:
“”Cricketer Gayle not alone in sport’s sexist hall of shame””
He asked a reporter for a date during an interview.
Do I bloody care?? No!!
The BBC should be asking where will it all end, instead of supporting wholeheartedly the one side of extreme feminism.
But of course, this is the Left BBC who only recognise feminist and Left wing agendas.
I’m convinced that with my advancing years I am becoming detached from society. In my day if you fancied courting a young lady you had to ask her out.
I’m not at all bothered if he did it on TV.
Did she say yes, she would be delighted to go out for a meal with him and try and get to know each other better? Or did she say no thanks but thank you for asking?
How is this sexist,someone please explain, I’m completely befuddled.
Relax, you are not becoming detached from normal society you are becoming detached from BBC society. This is perfectly healthy and to be welcomed.
If he’d stabbed her whilst yelling “allahu akbar” the BBC would still be scratching their heads, wondering why he did it?
Judging by the comments on this item the political propaganda does not appear to be going too well. It must be a very special kind of stupid that makes the left try and persuade people that what they are seeing with their own eyes can’t possibly be real.
Calling Owen Jones, Bob Geldof, Benedict Cumbertwat et al…your guests are waiting at Cologne Station.
Without wishing to state the obvious-the only reason our Mel got to interview Chris courtside was on account of the fact that she was a looker-as opposed to the usual sporty gals.
Why isn`t she commentating only on womens sports-and why won`t the News Channels use the likes of Claire Balding, Betty Stove(RIP?), Rachel Heyhoe Flint and Princess Anne to get those exclusive interviews fresh from the game?
If I were Mel I`d take out a case of entrapment or “being used as totty bait” against her employers-and the Sports bodies should allow all sportsmen to plead the 5th if some dolly is used to snare them.
Why SHOULD they have to speak before showering and a chance to be re-programmed…it`s not as if they`ll say anything worth the bother-anyone who`d watched the game could surely predict what our jox would say in any event.
Pathetic non-story…Maria and Angela Eagle should be doing all BBC sports stuff…two ends of a dumbell that talk….
I can’t help wondering……
If Gayle was batting for the other side and they’d sent Evan Davis to interview him, and he’d asked the same question…… would the BBC be frothing with outrage or would they have told Evan that he could put the evening/night on the company credit card?
Now I need to find the mind-bleach.
The Cologne story may go some way to proving the adage along the lines of “there’s only so many times you can piss on people and tell them it’s raining”. Whether it proves to be a turning point is a different matter If most people are happily trundling along still believing our treachorous politicians and their lickspittle media, then sadly there could be many more stories like this to follow. If they are reported of course.
Despite what you see on TV, this is from the horse’s mouth ………..
“A policeman told the city’s Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. “They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates,” he said.
However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Germany’ migrant influx triggered marches by the anti-Islam Pegida movement last year.”
In the words of one of our famous leaders ……..“This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning.” I don’t think the Germans are going to be very happy with Ms Merkel.
Germans never change their spots
I’m not so sure Grant. They seem like a pathetic bunch of wankers to me.
Bloody hell – I heard it this morning on world service! – apparently some of the would be brain surgeons and engineers were condemned by Merkel for rioting and commiting sexaul assaults at Cologne.
It even stated that the perpertrators appeared to be of North african or arab descent !
I can unerstand their frustration – Bad day at work I often go into town to commit a bit of sexual assault!
Looks like the Germans thought they were opening the door to Alan or Aylan (or whatever) and surprise surprise got Savill instead.
Sisters still silent on this issue – still too busy doing important works hounding leading scientists to Japan etc !
Heard that too. Maybe if one of these guys had asked a female reporter for a date things would be different!
Sisters have decided on a line to take with regards to this mass-rapey Islam thing…
Even knowing how utterly insane and truthophobic these delusional lefty feminists are I find this almost impossible to believe. Ready?
They are attacking anyone raising it as unbelievable lying racists, as per @pennyred:
“So bored of racists who only pretend to care about women’s rights when they see an opportunity to bash Muslims.”
Seriously, to the men-hating bigoted misandrystic feminists, the sexual abuse of over a hundred women is a non-event, because racists can jump on the issue.
My response to her is “So bored of bigoted feminists who pretend to care about women’s rights, until Muslims jihad rape women. #RaceIsIrrelevant.
Geyza, the sisters do not see rape as a crime if it is committed by muslims or black men !
Sadly, it appears that you are correct.
“568,000 signatures calling for Donald Trump to be banned”
I read somewhere that some twitter users were bragging about signing up to 50 times each simply by using different email addresses. That could bring the true count below the opposing petition.
The Muslim community in Labour areas are the experts on multiple votes, and opposition to free speech and democracy. So have a lot in common with left-wing middle-class white Labour voting pro-EU Humanists.
The Met Office have put the blame on the damp and mild December to El Nino and the Jetstream. Roger Harrabin, a student of English and nothing else, ignores the Met Office and tells us all it is down to “Climate Change”. Like I have recently said, Mr Harrabin, in my opinion, is not well, someone at the BBC really does need to take him aside and get him help.
Exactly. The heavy rainfall has been due to El Nino, the flooding was due to failure for 15 years to dredge the rivers and waterways – thanks to the pernicious EU Water Framework Directive of 2000.
But Harrabin says it is all down to “Climate Change”
BBC ignorant bias in a nutshell.
Oh, he’s getting help – from his new know-it-all and career climate expert, Arnie – whose words of wisdom he laps up and republishes in his tweets.
Much of Holland at the moment has been a frozen land where people have been skating on the roads and no trains or busses have been running. The last time it was this bad was in 1987. We, the U.K., or rather Wales and England, have been extremely lucky with our weather in that it has been mild. But do not expect to hear from the Met Office WHY the Jetstream has remained over us for approx’ 6 weeks, as that would mean admitting to the Northern Hemisphere having extensive and unprecedented “Global Cooling” this winter.,40.34,443
On the above link, if you place your mouse pointer anywhere on the globe and left click it, you will see what the temperature is. The arrows and movement thereof, show wind direction and speed. You can see how lucky England and Wales have been concerning the cold temperatures everyone else is suffering from and why we have been hit with mild and moist westerlies for about 6 weeks. By holding down the left click of your mouse, you can rotate the globe to any position you require.
The BBC 10pm News finally mentioned the attacks on German women at railway stations by drunken mobs; no mention of the race or ethnicity at all. Leaving the uniformed to assume that drunks will be German youths and not Muslim asylum seekers
Also in the same bulletin, we have some 2-3 minutes devoted to some Indian lad who has scored 1000 runs in a cricket match, a world record! The game appeared to be played on some rough ground, no description of the how far the boundary was from the bat, or any other pertinent facts about the ‘opposition bowling’ to get this into the Guinness book of records .
Total nonsense. Did anyone see the report on the England V SA Test match that is underway at present? No neither did I!!
Don’t worry, Invicta 1066; Al Beeb did not miss a trick with that cricket match for obvious reasons….read and weep. Jonathan Agnew in total ‘White guilt mode’!
‘So Bavuma, as the first black African to score a century for South Africa, is massively symbolic.’
According to Dickhead Myrie, most Americans believe in the Obamarama’s, gun control policy. Hmm if Obama, told Americans, that pig shit was good for them to eat, no doubt Myrie, would parrot that!”.Is it cos he is black “,so Barry could order the slaying of the 1st born & Myrie would approve no doubt too. But if it was Hillary, I guess he would be moderately critical, don’t think so either.
If Americans supported Obama’s gun control bullshit, they would have elected a Congress which supported it. I suppose this salient fact is above Clive Myrie’s pay grade.
Having researched my family tree, I had discovered that 2 generations of my family were bakers between c1840 and 1900, so when I saw a program called Victorian Bakers, great I thought I might learn something.
Within moments of the start of the program on BBC2 I had the feeling that I was being patronised in a John Noakes, Valerie Singleton way. Added placement diversity aside (Asian Victorian bakers, female at that?) the program followed the generic way all such BBC programs follow presented by a Clare Balding lookalike that I found hard to watch.
Laughable when our femist Asian female baker took offence when a male baker suggested they form two, two ‘man’ teams, yet when it came to carrying a massive bag of flour 5 times over the permitted H&S level of today, she was happy to leave the lifting to the chaps…
I gave upon it after about 20 minutes, not that I didn’t learn anything, it was just the nauseous Blue Peter, tokenist way it was presented. Were we really expected to believe that these people spent all the time dressed in perfect Victorian clothing and traipsed their wares around local 21st century hostelries trying to flog them?
Another waste of licence payers dosh made by childish producers for seemingly a childish audience, an interesting one hour BBC4 documentary amybe, not a three episode opportunity to dress up and patronise.
I watched a couple of minutes, en passant, and turned it off.
I couldn’t believe that a). people were having trouble understanding where the fire was for the bread oven, and b). that the fire was lit inside the oven, after which the ashes were raked out prior to placing of the loaves for baking. It was almost as if they were pretending they didn’t know – but I’m sure they really hadn’t a clue.
I’m in my late sixties, and we learned all that at school.
I presume the female baker was a Sikh which has to be a change for the BBC. But she seemed to have no understanding of UK food history and that is where my problem is for her to be chosen as one of the bakers. And yes, I too assume that the programme makers assume that the average age of their audience is about ten.
BBC website says ” MPs to debate banniing Trump from UK ” But i guess it is ok for terrorists to be here, Cameron is a totally stupid moron .
In my inbox
Dave , I signed it. This is completely crazy. It would mean the UK could ban anyone who says anything the Lefties disagree with even if it is not illegal. What happens if Trump becomes President. This coutry is becoming a sick joke.
That’s right, I commented this in the D.E a couple of days ago. As Paul Joseph Watson says on his excellent u tube posts, the regressive left is infiltrating the entire main stream politics throughout Europe. And on that bombshell.
Odd, as I thought talking incessantly was about his one ability.
“Chris is also said to be facing intense pressure from BBC bosses, some of whom are allegedly meddling in editorial decisions”
Which cannot be true, as it is well known BBC bosses do not meddle in editorial. Except from the the back wall of studios when mates are being interviewed. Or just ask Dame Edna.
The BBC’s commitment to impartial reporting brings a tear to my eye, too.
Almost brought some sick to a bag in my case.
Interesting quote from George Orwell reviewing Mein Kampf in 1940:
‘The initial, personal cause of his grievance against the universe can only be guessed at; but at any rate the grievance is there. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds.’
Adolf took acting lessons as well.
It’s little wonder that the H-bomb testing North Korean leadership watching this will be laughing into their morning kimchi.
Just utter, utter orchestrated shite, you could listen in live on the fawning hankies at the ready BBC, t
o his never ending diatribe
… garbage
I bet Kim Jong Un, and ISIS are in tears too … of laughter
Obama’s public crying merely underlines what is now beyond all doubt quite self-evident: the USA has not has a more disengaged, self-obsessed, narcissistic, vain, conceited, egocentric POTUS since Carter. Obama really is a disaster for America and the world – in many ways, his relentless emoting is a powerful symbol of our entitled, ‘progressive’ times.
The problem for all of us is that in his last year of a dreadful double-term we can expect him to try and push through a few terrible, selfish policies he wishes to leave to himself as his legacy (such as the wilful destruction of the US coal mining industry).
His ‘hands-off-‘ approach to dealing with Islamic State has been nothing short of a total abrogation of his responsibilities to western democratic freedoms. Obama will not be looked upon kindly by future historians – in fact I have a feeling he will damned as a weakling and a fool, a Nero who fiddled while Rome burned.
Obi, I think Obama is even worse than Carter. In 7 years Obama has done absolutely nothing. He is totally useless.
At first I thought you wrote, a Negro who fiddled while Rome burned.
I was concerned that the thought police would try to close this site down.
It takes a strong man to cry? Or a black man who used to enjoy getting noshed off by older white men in Chicago’s bath houses?
If only the BBC understood the body language of the narcissitic psychopath when deceitfully emoting. The way he wiped under one eye, then the next? Classic example of deceitful crying for effect.
Who the hell at the BBC thinks it right to put a comment on like THAT!
Utter biased emoting and empty sentiment…as if Al Baghdadi will somehow be moved to vote for Hillary by seeing this wet lettuce snivelling as if he`d been given his onion by Monty Pythons fridge.
Only the BBC would see this as anything other than an IS video in the future-not that we`ll ever be allowed to know of that.
Bloody Trump though eh?
Obama is the weeping eye of Bin Ladens weak horse…and Islam is correct about this snivelling turd of a picador.
Never saw the bloke bother his arse over Benghazi US diplomats that he left to die on his watch-whilst blaming some YouTube clip about Muhammads life for the atrocities on US territory.
As I say-the BBC have had the black chap in-now howzabout we get our first woman President eh?
If Trump can`t thump these spittle soaked lefties…he doesn`t deserve to get the chance to sort the USA back to “fit for purpose” status.
Meanwhile over on MSN my comment has the majority likes into day 2,
Not much sympathy going on here as usual
BBC interview on R4`s Today with a diamond geezer from East London who had a passing acquaintance with the bouncy castle renting, converting to islam, alleged jihadi murderer, who he described as a “brother muslim”.
But amazingly, a “brother muslim” who was in the habit of going his own way and not being very friendly and doing things that are “nothing to do with the teachings of our religion”.
A proper journalist might have asked if the conversion process involved some education on the teachings of the religion, or indeed mentioned some of the more inflammatory suras from the Quran, but a BBC propagandist? no…message banked with an almost audible sigh of relief and sense of a brownie point collected.
More brownie point collecting in the subsequent discussion with a representative from the quilliam foundation (who doubted the identity of the jihadist) about why the police hadn`t stopped him leaving the UK and the breathtaking assertion that we as a society had “failed to protect the children” of the jihadist.
BBc breakfast stretch Armstrong goes to the “Bridge” where Sweden is putting up barriers and re instating border controls. Off to the illegals camp where one of them tells us that it’s “cold”. Off to a café where a bunch of hippies tell us that 1/ They think hat things are going the wrong way. 2/ They have nightmares about going over the border without ID and not being able to get back. Wow the inconvenience of having to show a passport or ID at a border how will they survive. Of course no one says that they think it’s a good idea. The BBc reports on all points of view so the viewer can make their own minds up. On to the Cologne attacks the sloths get through the article without mentioning Immigrants once. However even the BBc website lets the scum out of the bag with “Witnesses and police said that the men involved were of Arab or North African appearance.”
“Political leaders have warned Germans not to link the violence to the influx of more than one million refugees and migrants in the past year.”
“It’s completely improper… to link a group that appeared to come from North Africa with the refugees,”
So let’s get this right, in effect, what they are trying to say is that this has nothing to do with the muslim invasion, and that this would have happened regardless, even if Germany hadn’t invited in excess of 1,000,000 alien parasites into Europe? Just who do they think they are kidding?
Even if the perps were “north African” that would include those filthy creatures from Eritrea and Sudan, many of whom have used the same route as the Syrians to force their way into Europe. So, whichever way you look at it, immigration is THE cause of the problem.
Can you imagine the apoplexy in the media and amongst the libtard politicians if it had been a 1000 strong gang of those horrible aryan types? As it is, the BBC only found it in themselves to report this 5 days (!!) after the event, and even then only because the story was being run by other media sources, such was the unprecedentedly vile and disgusting nature of the crimes.
I did find this odd from the same BBc report “However, the city’s police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said no arrests had yet been made over the New Year’s Eve attacks.
“We don’t currently have any suspects, so we don’t know who the perpetrators were,” he said.
“All we know is that the police at the scene perceived that it was mostly young men aged 18 to 35 from the Arab or North African region.”
So were there police at the scene? “We don’t know who the perpetrators were” how about doing some police work then?
If someone offered you millions of Euros to throw the doors of your country open to an invasion, and you took the bribe, but knew that it wouldn’t be paid until you left office and was dependant on your continued support, what excuse would you dream up?
Don’t blame it on the migrants, because we let them in and by extension that means we are also to blame !
You have to also remember that despite what you are told, Europe is not democratic, and to be honest probably never has been. Britain is a particularly egregious example with many many examples of a 5 year dictatorship where the man in charge has done exactly as he pleased, without any regard to the wishes of the people !
To be fair to the BBC I can see from their point of view that there have as yet only been unconfirmed reports that the men were of North African appearance, and until a few arrests and convictions are secured they can’t report it as fact.
The local Mayor is a cretin, and the Police chief isn’t much better, but probably needs to toe the party line to keep his job !
Thoughtful , you said “Don’t blame it on the migrants, because we let them in and by extension that means we are also to blame !”
Are you for real?
“We” let them in did we? Did we fuck! We, the people of Europe did not let a single one of them in, and any calls for the borders to be closed were immediately shot down as racist or populist views to be safely ignored.
If it’s not the illegal immigrant’s fault then I’d love to know who’s fault it is. Perhaps it’s the police to blame? Maybe even the women victims? I mean, what self-respecting muslim couldn’t keep his filthy hands of a bit of white meat. After all, as mohammed says, women are merely possessions of men, to be used at will. Merkel was the one to let them in, but even she isn’t to blame for the crimes committed in Cologne. However, had Merkel not thrown open the doors then this undoubtedly wouldn’t have happened. So, absolutely, the immigrants are 100% to blame.
I really cannot understand some of your posts Thoughtful. Some times you post some very sensible stuff, while at other times, like this, you appear to have gotten yourself lost on the way to the Guardian website.
I would also take issue with
“have as yet only been unconfirmed reports that the men were of North African appearance, and until a few arrests and convictions are secured they can’t report it as fact.”
Every single witness and the women who were sexually assaulted have said they were Arab/N African men, all CTV footage will also show that. How much confirmation do you need?
“How much confirmation do you need?”
Well, with the trusted, world class BBC, the commitment to watertight oversight can be very thorough, as demanded by the needs of editorial integrity.
Just ask Newsnight, who needed only what one compromised source told some investigative mates of theirs, to try to stitch up a Tory peer.
No doubt they are marshalling their considerable resources now on the odd funding arrangements of the new shadow defence secretary, or maybe they will run out of time. Again.