Maybe it’s just me, but this short burst of laughter on Monday’s One Show typifies the way in which the BBC and their employees have nothing but complete contempt for the licence payer.
Giles Brandreth is telling the story of a chap in the 60’s who was prosecuted for not paying his TV licence, claiming that he only watched ITV. Note the loud spontaneous laughter, not just from both our Beeboid dummies on the sofa, but the studio crew as well as Brandreth relays the story…
They laugh in such a way that they cannot conceive or get their head around the fact that anyone could not want to watch the BBC, how could this be? They also laugh in such a way knowing full well that their inflated wage packets are safe regardless if we just want to watch ITV or not…
For lovers of political comedy, and Al beeb’s endearing attachment to complete political neutrality, the kerfuffle reshuffle is providing many golden moments. None better I would suggest than the coincidental demotion of the Eagle and her replacement with a White Van Dove on the day a homicidal maniac claimed to have developed a “miniaturised hydrogen bomb”. Some “experts” say the test bang wasn’t big enough, but its was nice to have an Al beeb expert explaining the difference between an atom bomb and a hydrogen bomb. Oh please “Do Stop the War.”
Also in the comedy section, it seems (says the DM) Chris Evans can’t drive and talk into the camera at the same time. While you might have thought that this might have been a good question for Al Beeb’s Top Gear recruitment panel, it is possible that Sky News may have a solution. They filmed those nasty non-denominational IS terrorists building a driverless white man van made out bits of old washing machine parts and Lego. Now that would make an interesting programme.
I’m really enjoying the BBC’s coverage of Labour’s self-inflicted slow car crash into complete and utter irrelevance. TBH, I think it’s possibly the funniest comedy the BBC have broadcast for years. Sure, the writing could be better and some of the sets are a bit wobbly at times, but I like the plot!
Watching the endless intellectual contortions of the BBC as it struggles to ‘report’ objectively on the death of the Labour Party whilst keeping a straight face almost makes the license fee justifiable. Almost.
The era of the blunt letter openers…as opposed to the night of the long knives.
Desperate crapola…which , of course is why the BBC News on Radio 4 at 8a.m led with it
Rather hoped that they`d parachute Camilla Batmangheglidh in as Children and Young Persons Bouncy Castle that speaks…Emily Dangleberry in Harmans Pink Van of Wonder speaks only Prescotts weight…but a “Big Beast” in one sense at least.
Emilys got a few houses open for Syrians I expect-next few months should be fun with her in place.
Now all I need is Dianne Abbott-and I`ve got a quorum for Cyril Smiffs Slimming World to start up in SW1.
How come the BBC missed out on Camerons (rather good) line about the Labour Party having two Eagles in its Shadow Shitsluice( I paraphrase)…but both them and the shitshower were being led by an albatross!
But no-verboten…as if they realised what Vince did to Brown in his comedy moment.
Zees will not be funny…the Now Show or other “edgy” comedy vehicles would never say anything to mock the comrades would they?
I remember an episode of Mock the Week, where an obviously socialist female panelist almost had a temper tantrum when another panelist poked fun at Corbyn. She claimed that he was such a decent man that it would be wrong to mock him. I guess she did not ‘get’ the supposed aim of that so-called satirical show.
Think the bBBC may have set a new record for PC/diversity/equality
Switched BBC1 on last night at 10.45pm on spec, to be confronted with a programme devoted to gays.
Switched over to BBC2 to watch newsnight to be confronted with an interview about transgender people with the obligatory short-haired female espousing something or other.
Switched off.
I don’t actually care a fig whether someone is gay or transgender, but is there any chance of some state broadcaster programming that might actually be based on a holistic view of the population?
Dim-witted, Children in Need, presenter, Jenny Hill, distressed that Denmark & Sweden, putting up Border Controls, around the Bridge, to keep out those illegals. Oh the invaders have to live in tents. Well Jenny your 4 star hotel looks nice & comfortable. Maybe they want to enrich you in the bed too.
“the obligatory short-haired female espousing something or other.”
Actually it was a short haired person of no gender who rejected patriarchal notions such as “male” and “female”, to the discomfort of a feminist, to whom these distinctions are (literally) valuable. And so the brain dead left squabbles about ever more insane nuances, even as the enlightened West starts to sink into the new dark age of islam.
Anybody else think that if our Tommy Robinson had stayed in his salon bed a few minutes over-and then applied a Bisto sheen-he might look like our ISIS chum here.
After Cologne-I reckon that if I applied brownface to myself I could get away with anything nowadays…and get off on a rape or two if I chose then to call myself Caitlin or Chelsea before the trail.
Davina (ex David) Ayrton anybody?
The law is an ass-tanned, cis fat or trans…thank you ECHR!
You wouldn`t really know that pastor James McConnell was found not guilty of defaming Islam in 2014 would you?
The verdict came on Monday,then went down the pan very quickly…so unlike those Norther Ireland cases over gay cakes and abortion promotions that even the mainline BBC was happy to put on its news bulletins.
i`m guessing that when the BBC win their cause-they see themselves as the turkey basting intersex blob of ectoplasm that both created and nurtured the case through to success- a sacked Christian, a demonised conchie who rejects the rising tide of Gay Islam(for that is the fusion of the two causes, dearest to the Beeb).
But when the BBC loses-and Islam can rightly be caused satanic and a warped, pernicious and evil ideology-well, hey, we`ll not be repeating THAT one…best to leave them all out there with the “chill factor” that prosecuting a pastor in his own church sermon brings with it…and we the oafs who drink at the BBCs witches tit of vinegar and bile reckon there`s no story anymore.
The BBC probably think that being satanic is a compliment anyway-if they think of religion at all.
Anton Le Vey looked so good in black leather eh Evan?…the BBC do indeed “do what they wilt”…Crowley probably edited the Radio Times at some stage of his “spiritual journey”
Looks like the BBC are picking on the people of Clacton again for supporting UKIP. The NHS is struggling to cope with the population there ( mainly white working/retired ). So what about the ethnics elsewhere causing a strain, as well as the one million who should not even be here. Of course in the BBC’s eyes they always pick on people that don’t agree with the new world order.
How frustrated the Beeboids must be thanks to Jeremy’s protracted soft-clog shuffle. All that mileage so cleverly written, rehearsed and waiting to condemn and belittle our Dave over EU free voting and already it’s irrelevant.
Have to add that Ken Clarke’s looking older though – must be those cheap Italian cigars.
From the BBC … 7 days later! finally admitting is was sex attacks … Cologne sex attacks – What went wrong?
You actually need to ask? (… shakes head)
From Canada, no such problem… Ezra Levant Show: Muslim migrant rape and riot spree in Germany
So all those Muslims were drunk in Cologne were they?
Any chance of an extradition deal with the Saudis or the Taliban to send them over for a flogging after Friday prayers then?
Thought they were only supposed to sell the stuff to little white girls, or get it cheap for the corner shop…NOT glug it all down themselves like the kuffar do.
No-a good flogging would do the trick-and maybe put us right on the beauty of Sharia…if not, maybe a jumbotron set up in the cathedral Square with a live feed on Eurovision with Graham Norton commentating on the swish action might show us that “Real Muslims” take sexual harrassment of white women in their own town “seriously”.
Perhaps it is time for British non-Muslims males to adopt one aspect of Sharia law for ourselves. We could call it a positive demonstration of Multicultural enrichment. We could adopt the Islamic practice of honour killing any Muslims who lays a hand on our daughters, sisters or mothers.
Off topic but I feel it important to inform anyone who feels as disgusted as I feel towards the new Shadow Defence Secretary, Ms Emily Thornberry.
I heard David Cameron, during BBC Parliamentary Question Time in Parliament today, mention the immoral law firm Leigh Day our who encourage our enemies of the world to sue our British troops. He also referred to how a member of the opposition had worked for them.
A BBC man of Welsh appearance (Huw Edwards) finally says aloud on tv news that those Cologne ‘men’ were of ‘Arab and North African appearance’
So what’s changed since this morning? Penny for the thoughts of the BBC editors. If only the minutes of their meetings were published after a suitable lapse of time. Good enough for Letwin.
“Anyone listening to the @BBCNews channel just now would think the mass sexual assault in Cologne
… had been carried out by drunk German men.”
P Condell
Major Anti-Islamisation Protest Planned Following Mass Migrant Rape Scandal
Even the dimmest BBC editor and journalist knows that to ignore this reality is to risk losing all credibility. Even the agenda has to be ditched once in a while .
Too many other outlets carrying the story so what was the BBc to do?
What is sad is that nobody at the BBC/liberal media seems to want to ask the real questions.
Did the police deliberately abandon the German citizens or where they just overwhelmed? Did the German Government know just how bad things were? Was the attack organized?
Does this mean that the German state cannot protect it’s citizens now. ?
Does this mean that open borders must be ended?
And so on.
Bit like when the “men of Asian origin” started to appear i the courts, the BBc particularly North West did their best to not cover the story.However the net and the social media sites where freely giving details and eventually the BBc realised the futility of the cover up, of course they didn’t give it that much coverage and one story was devoted to the banners carried by the protesters outside Liverpool court.
Its because Al Beeb are getting embarrassed by their obvious exclusion from the news of the events happening in Germany and Europe . There is far more going on that meets the eye that we are not told .
The pressure cooker will burst very shortly .
On R4 PM tonight they interviewed a bloke over in Germany over an extremely crackly line. The usual ploy to undermine a story not to Al Beeb’s liking.
Just before Mair cut him off he was able to report that the attackers were reported to be speaking between themselves in neither German nor English. And this, on Al Beeb a mere 6 days after the event.
So we now have people of ‘arabic or north african’ appearance, not speaking German and drunkenly attacking women, with the German police reluctant to intervene.
I just wonder if the attackers had been of German appearance and speaking German the police would have had a different approach? Perhaps they have caught the British PC disease of not wanting to ‘offend for fear of being labelled racist’
Story starts at about 34:30 and the interview at about 37:00, so it does get a few minutes albeit tucked away in the
second half of PM. It is a little puzzling as to why after years of wicked denial and complicity the BBC is tentatively starting to report stories showing all is not rosy in the EU migrant garden, I like to think that there are some people left in the BBC who are trying to report events accurately. I certainly hope it’s not the case that the situation is worse than we think and the BBC unable to cover up any longer is just trying to mitigate the years of lies and propaganda .
As I posted earlier in this thread, it might have something to do with the malign influence of Danny Cohen being lifted, and Alan Yentob being on holiday over Xmas.
No not really as Danny Cohen was sacked / forced to resign so he’s left the building.
I do wonder how long the programming takes to work through after the event though. His Wikipedia entry is less than complimentary:
His tenure as head of BBC television has been criticized for “Orwellian levels of bureaucracy” and “Mind-numbingly unnecessary” management procedures and he has been accused of left-wing bias. Cohen is also accused of assisting in the covering up of the Jimmy Saville sexual abuse scandal.
In October 2015, Cohen announced that he was leaving the BBC to pursue a new leadership challenge.
Hardly surprising; it was only a matter of time, and she’s a pretty hopeless actress tbh. Couple that with the doctor (is it Lenny Henry?), and an Indian villain, and at least half of ‘diversity’ is covered. DS Nelson will probably have a gay relationship, Barnaby’s boss will be in a wheelchair, and once they work in a transgender, then all angles are sorted ! Such a shame that MM had to succumb to the pc activists – at least we were spared most of it in Downton Abbey.
‘Right wing’ = ordinary citizen with justifiable concerns.
‘Far Right’ = ordinary citizen with justifiable concerns who expresses himself.
Ivan, the witness in the film, describes in shocking detail, what many on this site have been predicting for some time. This Facebook video should be widely viewed. The MSM have shown their hand by obfuscation and omission, yet again. Yet more people can see the MSM contriving to attempt to hide truths. I’d say welcome to the Real World Ivan, though he will now understand the meaning of the phrase “Ignorance is bliss”. Ivan’s woken up.
Is our problem really the Regressive Left, or is it apathy, or the toxic combination of the two? Whatever it is, inaction is no longer an option.
I’ll be working with UKIP! We need to Leave the EU and Take Control of our borders!
With all the reporters that Al Beeb’s ‘renowned’ World Service have , one would think that at least one would be at the scene of the events in Germany ?
God knows how many were covering the arrival of the ‘so called’ refugees in Europe.
Even more depressing – one in twelve of ‘our’ children are now Muslim. Because these Pakistani ex-pats can’t even calculate the length of the year properly the other eleven get their exam timetables messed up too. Roll on 2020 when the glorious fasting experience starts in April.
Should make a good joke on The Now Show or The News Quiz.
Modifying the UK exam timetable for this purpose is a cast iron example of Islamisation.
Adapting the British education system to the religious practices of Islam. Just amazing, and let’s remember that after the BBC, education is probably one of the most left wing and anti religious sectors in Britain.
Let’s also remember that in most Islamic countries no such blanket allowances are made, but kids are exempt from the fast, so they don’t need gestures and diversity virtue signalling like this.
Or alternatively its some idiot do gooder looking to impress his bosses.
You have to remember that not only is Cameron corrupt, he’s also extremely lazy. Malign legislation which any reasonable incoming government should have removed has gone unchallenged. So have the equalities people, and the political officers in every public sector office called ‘diversity officers’ or their obergruppenfuhrers – diversity champions. Martin Narey was one such, who became head of childrens charity Barnados and denied the abuse going on by Muslim Pakistanis, even when the evidence was undeniable.
Any reasonable government would have scrapped all this but we don’t have a reasonable government !
Footballers from Islamic states have played in the World Cup while fasting. Catholics have shifted several “Holy Days of Obligation” to Sundays to convenience modern secular society. Why can’t these people do the same?
Now I wonder why this hasn’t been reported on the BBC or UK MSM?
Swizz army chief: Europe is “on the verge of civil war”, advises people to arm themselves
“Society in western Europe is on the verge of breaking down amid chaotic violence caused by economic dislocation, mass immigration and terrorism. This is not the view of some ‘crazy survivalist’ but of the head of the Swiss Armed Forces.
Lieutenant-General André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is dangerously close to collapse and advised those not already armed as part of the Swiss Army reserve to take steps to arm themselves.”
This is not a man who can be dismissed by the Fascists as some crackpot or a fictitious ‘right wing group’, he has an entry on Wikipedia
BBC reports a tearful president outlining restrictions on gun purchases with redneck Republicans buying more guns.
Only the BBC has bought into the tear story – Obama is now a world wide laughing stock for that stunt.
Ramalama-ding-dong goes the school bell this morning on the perils of sugar show (BBC Breakfast)
The usual suspect hauled into our Steph’s dock for disappointing sales figures is Mark and Sparks
But what’s this, we’ve been summoned to the Head Master-sorry Head Teacher’s office for a laying down of the rules.
The powers that be – whoever they are – are moving exam season to fit in with Ramadan.
Our Naga puts on very serious face for her description of “Holy Month” (whatever the heck that means?)
Our guest Head is an avuncular softly spoken white chap with 85% muslim kids at his school sporting what can only be described as a quaker chin beard (never let it be said that he hasn’t done all he can to fit in with his pupils). He warns – in so many words – that we’re supposed to be fair and equal and what message would we send if we didn’t bend over backwards to accommodate our most explosive-minded of minorities?
‘The powers that be – whoever they are – are moving exam season to fit in with Ramadan.’
I was under the impression that our Islamists brothers and sisters were supposed to integrate into our society not the other way round.
BTW Ramadan prohibits children eating or drinking for a day. In Britain of old this was called child abuse. It is medically proven that dehydration of any person for a day is not good
Another thought, fasting for Ramadan is supposed to be used as a means of being able to overcome adversity. In effect that being, you are able to pursue your faith of Islam in spite of obstacles.
Why then our our education authorities interfering with the Islamist objective and more to the point why are the Islamists in support of the educationalists’ change????
Children are not supposed to be fasting until they reach the age of adolescence and even then they don’t have to fast if they have an important date like an examination.
Ramadan absolutely does not “prohibits children eating or drinking for a day” If you are going to write such nonsense why not either check first or type it on the BNP web pages where they probably won’t care!
Ramadan requires its observers to abstain from food & drink during the hours of daylight for a lunar month, until some crackpot in Mecca sees the moon.
This stupid move has nothing to do with Muslims Ramadan or Islam. It has everything to do with looney leftie hand wringing & do gooding, and the politicisation of the civil service, which lazy Davey has done absolutely nothing to sort out.
With reference to Ramadan, I ask myself one simple question.
Could I, as a father look my children square in the eye, with them hungry and thirsty, with food and water in the cupboard. Could I say to them you may not have food nor drink because Allah says so.
As a Father, I love my children not to put them through this ordeal, I would always put my children before any God. These people clearly don’t. They are cruel and mentally ill, they should be viewed as such.
As I understand it, a breakfast is eaten before dawn and a feast after dark. I think also that water may be taken during extremely hot daytime weather.
Up 2, young children ( age not specified ) , old people, pregnant women and the sick are exempt. But most people cheat anyway in my experience in muslim countries. There is also a theological debate about ramadan in high latitude countries in summer !
My point is to reference the point that Ramadan is a moveable event. It seems to occur about a month earlier every year, for the reasons given in the link.
The knock-on effects of changing the timetable ought to be considered too… ultimately I suppose it could even impact University application timetables and all sorts?
All the po faced BBC erm … Ramadan respect on the sofa was literally puke inducing
Waffling on about a “holy” month that isn t holy, from a “holy” book that isn t holy
No mention of the impending death count, or bombathon eh!
Only talk about how to implement changes, yep how to implement sharia allowed
… thats what it is
Oh! … the perfectly chosen “whitey” headmaster … that’s an Islamic beard, why didn t he just don
a burkha and be done with it.
“”Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said police had to “adjust” to the fact that groups of men had attacked women en masse.””
“””What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.””
“”But Cologne’s mayor said there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees””
”What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
Fuck me, but sometimes words fail and only a good expletive will do. The West is dying of terminal stupidity.
Justifiably denouncing the mass rape of German women is as bad as actually raping them?
How utterly insane, delusional and truthophobic those women hating, extremely mysogynistic “liberal progressive” commentators have become.
It shows how crazy, self-contradictory and hypocritical the lefty feminists have become, when it falls to traditional “sexist” males to stand up to defend women whilst the feminists throw their “sisters” under the preverbial bus!
”What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,”
Well Ralph Jaeger, I would love to hear the views of the poor women involved to see if they think a few truthful words are as awful of what they had to endure. I would also like you to hear their views as well – face to face – but best put your tin hat on if I were you.
How can this idiot remain in post? He’s effectively accusing us as being worse than the perps. It’s no different to blaming a woman for being raped. Now, what religion is good at that? Hmmmm, let me see…….
Internet is buffering and looping this morning so not easy to follow.
Breakfast haul some ****** ****** **** Head teacher ******* ******* **** He informs us changes are for a level playing field. So changing conditions for the majority to pander to a minority is a level playing field what a ****.
“Cologne sex attacks ‘require police rethink'”
I can’t believe some of the stuff printed here. A gang of 1000 men (of Arab or North African appearance, but not necessarily immigrants apparently) attack, rob, sexually assault and rape women in an evening-long rampage. Shocking, you might think. But no.
It’s the fault of the police according to Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, He said police had to “adjust” to the fact that groups of men had attacked women en masse.
Here’s a suggestion – take the kid gloves off and treat these muslim criminals the way you would treat any other gang roaming the streets and breaking the law. It’s pure Liberalism in action (or inaction)
He then goes on to blame the right-wingers…
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.” – And gang rape on the streets of Cologne doesn’t? I’m speechless.
After seeing the deeply respecting Ramadan garbage on BBC Breakfast
changed channels to see, protesters about the New Year rapeathon in Cologne
being forcibly rough housed by German police, pushed away from Cologne station
and Frau Merkel donning her burkha again, to warn people against blaming immigrants.
Well Frau … its Islamic adherents, immigrants or both … that’s it.
By the way, how s the popularity going?
What a pity the police didn t show the same attitude New Years eve eh!.
over at
Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia is being quoted.
Mr Jaeger also warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
So presumably Mr Jarger considers Biased BBC to be “right-wing” and that what we are writing here to be as bad as what occurred in many parts of Germany on New Year’s Eve?
The Germans continue to leave me amazed at their ineptitude. The fact that Europe is inevitably dominated by this nation is reason alone for Britain to leave the EU.
We fought two world wars to ensure that Europe could not be dominated by an anti democratic nation led by a militaristic Junker class or a crazed psychopath who commanded the allegiance of this class.
Having turned Germany into a democracy, we still face a powerful nation that is utterly incapable of giving Europe any political or moral leadership. It created the the euro to enable its export orientated industry to trade with an undervalued currency while impoverishing other nations like Greece. It further impoverishes these other nations when they face the inevitable crisis by forcing crazy economic contraction on them.
Next problem for Germany- it’s ageing population . Solution ? Let in millions of Muslims who will never integrate properly, who will accelerate the decline of our civilisation and of whom a percentage will be violent terrorists and a larger percentage rapists, gropers and thieves . European nations, often former victims of German militarism, are told to put up with this influx by Merkel , showing contempt for their democratic rights.
The BBC has reported on all of this in a blinkered and unquestioning way because of its obsessive pro EU, pro Muslim and pro immigration bias.
Newsnight last night was an interesting exercise in how the BBC chooses to deal with ‘awkward’ stories it would really rather not cover at all.
The programme (fronted by Evan Davis) began, as always these days, with yet another pointless examination of Labour’s interminable shadow cabinet reshuffle, complete with in-studio interview with Diane Abbott. This took up a good 15mins. Evan then had to confront the elephant in the room – the reports of massive numbers of women having been sexually assaulted by ‘North African men’ in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
Evan squirmed, before Katy Razzle (yes, really) rescued him with a brief, entirely bored-sounding (and pre-recorded) quick ‘recap’ of events – peppered liberally with ‘some say’-isms and a mention of those troublesome ‘refugees’ through gritted teeth. The whole ‘package’ lasted barely more than five minutes, tops. Back in the studio, Evan then turned to his guest (via TV link) – Marcus Pretzell MEP (Alternative for Germany).
Just for a moment I thought Newsnight might be about to break an in-house rule and actually be prepared to take journalistic enquiry seriously.
Alas, 3.5 minutes later the ‘interview’ was over. This is what happens when the BBC enters into a ‘debate’ with a right wing commenter. NO TIME, SORRY!
Apparently, time was suddenly – and very abruptly – short on this subject (the already under-reported sexual assault of hundreds of German women by predominantly ‘North African, Arab and Southern European men’, lest we forget) as Evan had to move us all on the much more important subject of the heart-breaking tale of a Kurdish woman separated from her parents as a baby.
The farce was maintained on this morning’s VD show where, almost unbelievably – though, of course, we know all too well what the BBC want us to regard as believable – the two young German women interviewed were something less than representative, yet comfortably within BBC parameters. Essentially we learn that making too much of an issue of the issue will only encourage neo-Nazi groups and that focusing on the ethnicity of those involved will only transform that into an unfortunate, and by inference, irrelevant issue. That’s all right then.
Israeli war criminals, who detain and mistreat Palestinian children, must be kept on a “watch-list” in case they attempt to enter Britain, a Labour MP has said.
While addressing MPs in Westminster Hall on Wednesday during a 90-minute debate, Labour MP Sarah Champion urged the government to create a list for “all known war crime suspects” who enter or attempt to enter Britain.
She said the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is guilty of the “collective punishment” of Palestinians in order to protect Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
She then criticized Israel’s treatment of Palestinian child detainees.
So Russia Today reports.
Searched IslamicAl-Beeb, no trace whatsoever.
Probably too busy organising the import of more loveable, friendly Muslims.
Muslims who wouldn’t rape a sly, well nor if there were any white British or German children around.
Why do these treasonous, hare-brained suggestions always come from women?
That’s the one.
Now Shadow Minister for Preventing Abuse, no less.
Sarah, the Grade A dimwit, who if anyone ever was, is in the wrong job.
Sarah, the Grade A dimwit, whose response to the report on mass rapes of white children by MUSLIM PAEDOPHILES, in case you missed that, by MUSLIM PAEDOPHILES, was to ask the Government for more funds.
Sarah, you Grade A dimwit, why should Rotherham get more funds when the funds they were already receiving were being wasted. The overpaid LABOUR Council officials were covering up this most disgusting mass criminal conspiracy. Senior Police officers were covering up this mass criminal conspiracy.
The only reason additional funds could have been required was to buy more shredders to destroy the evidence of LABOUR collusion and involvement in the cover up of MASS RAPES BY MUSLIMS.
Sarah, is there chance you will bring your Socialist brain cell to work one day and start concerning yourself with British people in your own constituency? WHO ARE STILL BEING RAPED BY MUSLIMS.
Sarah, even by the disgusting standards set by previous generations of the treasonous Labour party you are just fertiliser which needs to be put in the ground PDQ, the only place where you will do some good.
The people of Rotherham get what they deserve !
They enjoyed their children being raped by Pakistani Muslim men, that when the corrupt Labour councillors were removed from office they showed their approval by voting in a fresh set.
There’s nothing to be said about Rotherham, other than if you don’t want your children raped, don’t live there !
I noted that BBC News Channel reporter covering the current Paris Ally Ackbar situation chose only call the charlie Hebdo death count as only those at that site, rather than from the whole incident and its aftermath. So I thought I would comment here & went to Wiki for info. The reporter might have done the same as Wiki suggests no deaths took place at the Kosher supermarket:-
While the Kouachi brothers were holding hostages in Dammartin-en-Goële, Amedy Coulibaly, who had met the brothers in prison,[135] took hostages in a kosher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes in east Paris. Coulibaly was reportedly in contact with the Kouachi brothers as the sieges progressed, and told police that he would kill hostages if the brothers were harmed.[127][136]
The siege lasted for eight to nine hours, and at around 4:30 p.m. there were at least three explosions near the building. At around 5:00 pm, a police team landed on the roof of the building and a helicopter landed nearby.[137] Before police could reach them, the pair ran out of the building and opened fire on police. The brothers had stated a desire to die as martyrs[138] and the siege came to an end when both Kouachi brothers were gunned down. Lilian Lepère was rescued unharmed.[139][140] A cache of weapons, including Molotov cocktails and a rocket launcher, was found in the area. (references here to siege are at a separate incident to the supermarket, where apparently nothing happened at all)
However the BBC website report is comprehensive in the death count
At least we know now where the translads, the Evans the cis-lesbians and all other shades of beauteous sexual diversity…could go undercover next New year in Cologne.
Imagine-all those Muzzies grabbing meat and veg under the thongs…and their selfless acts would save women from the nasties of Libya, put the buggers off for life from groping our intersexies…AND they could get to explore further the cultural joys of Islam that are coming.
Richard North can be something of an acquired taste, but his EU Referendum website has a through analysis of the various levels of bias in the BBC programme “How to make a Brexit”, presented by Carolyn Quinn.
The programme is deconstructed in great detail, with the conclusion:
“Obviously, this was what the BBC thought was high-quality broadcasting. But, as an attempt at impartiality, it was irredeemably flawed. So subtle was the bias, though, that not everyone recognised it for what it was. This was bias by ignorance, bias by omission. Quinn the ignorant chose – with her producer and researchers – from a tiny gene pool of “prestigious” voices who simply do not have the knowledge to inform us on crucial questions. Others were prepared to lie about the subject, in a way that Quinn was quite unable to detect. ”
There’s nothing that will be a surprise to anyone here, but it’s worth the read.
North concludes
“If there is to be a free and fair debate, we need far better from the BBC”
Everyone here knows that this is exactly the opposite of what will happen.
That used to be a daily read of mine, as North’s analysis is usually meticulously researched. I gave up about a year ago due to his inability to appreciate anyone else might have a different approach to Brexit and the poisonous atmosphere that had arisen to anyone who disagreed. A shame, because he could be such a potent weapon for Brexit but seems unable to work with anyone but yes-men.
Likewise. I used to be a great admirer of Dr North’s (and have praised him on here in the past) but in the end his ego got the better of me and I gave up on his site.
I too used to appreciate his rigour but I think in many ways he has ‘gone native’, he doesn’t like the EU but he would replace it by something just as legally complex.
He seems to put most effort into attacking everyone who is anti-EU but not on his team and he doesn’t appreciate that when it comes to delivering votes something like a UK ‘Braveheart’ will have more effect than his ‘Brexit’ essay, that probably hasn’t been read by more than twenty people. The lesson from the Scottish referendum wasn’t that it was lost by the proposers through insufficient analysis but that it was nearly won by patriotic populism.
Who else but those “British Expo” Champions of Enterprise-Winifred Robinson and John Humphries-to take M&S, Gumtree down for not being -well, very good at business,
As opposed to themselves and their lotus petals industries, their hot air ballooning live from a padded BBC chair-and long established public sector sucking leeches since the 70s or so?
Both managed to pop at M&S bloke who`s leaving,and advise Gumtrees CEO about-well, customer service and handling complaints.
Oh if only they could learn from the BBC-Balen, Savile, Patten, Thompson, Ross/Brand…and, of course handling all those complaints of anti-Semitism, pro-Labour bias, institutionalised and bought-up drum banging for the EU…and all those 24/ 7 lies and sleights of hand that their Trusts and Complaints department park under the Vivaldi shroud-whilst checking our medical histories no doubt.
Will only ONE Business leader ask the bloody obvious-how many companies have YOU run John?…how did you handle the Balen Report Complaints Winnie?
Unless you`re John Lewis or the Co-Op…the BBCs default it to dislike and smear you…like the churches in fact.
But Winnie was fond of Next today-has one of her kids got a job there?…or do the BBC pensions require a big-up for them?
Something ELSE that More or less /Feedback etc will not be looking at…
Only the BBC think that a liberal arts graduate would be able to ask a businessman a question, other than the way to the tuck shop….
Only the BBC will be fussing about some bloke who ran into a police station in France-shouting Allah Akbar, meat cleaver in hand on the day that Charlie Hebdo happened last year-who has now been dispatched to the land of Sun-Kist(anybody told those thick jihadists that it`s not 72 virgins, more likely to be 72 raisins(with an option on grapes if you REALLY died well).
Our BBC monkeys on TWATO seemed keen to build up a narrative that the French IPCC might want to look at-, hardly a serious attempt,more a cri de coeur,suicide vest not well wired up,(their physics is as shit as their chemistry apparently-special needs , or too much madrassa spankies?…where`s OFSTED then?)…bloke obviously confusing the police station withe the halal butchers…usual BBC liberal shite that allows Muslims to run rampant in Paris to the day, but le flic were still callous enough to send R2D2 along to sniff the stiff for semtex…an affront to Islamic burial rites no doubt.
The BBC and its liberal tard`ies would rather have 10 dead Lee Rigbys or Sharon Beshenevskys that one Emwazi…utter Gramscian Gumboils that need lanicng, once and for all.
With the cold air now over us, and a storm runner now heading to France instead of us, clear skies will have our temperatures plummeting tonight. With a bit of luck, the temp’s will get to below freezing across most of the U.K. and freeze Mr Roger “Climate Change” Harrabin’s winter strawberry to a pulp. (If I have offended any strawberries reading this, I apologise and you can contact me in my second home in Barbados)
On a serious note, if the skies stay clear to dawn, watch out for black ice everywhere, drive safely tomorrow good people.
The BBC gloated when it reported that the petition to ban Trump from entering the UK is to be debated in Parliament. I wonder if they will report that the petition not to ban him will also be debated on January 18th. Here is the reply to my request.
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Don’t ban Trump from the United Kingdom”.
It“s only Scotland and golf.
So let Salmond and Sturgeon sort it.
Trump needs to cut their sporrans for the rest of us, maybe if we offered him a few places to hang his toupee over the border in Northumberland we could put the SNP back in their fetid shortbread tin.
Nice golf round Otterburn I`d guess?
Vitriolic article by Katie Hopkins on the Muslim behaviour in Cologne and elswewhere – attacking the stupidity of the political class and the chatterati. No doubt she will be the main guest on tomorrow’s Wimmins Hour.
“”How about all those do-gooders who said they would welcome them into their homes? How is that going, Saint Geldof? Do you have a family in your second home?””
Look at the scores for those supporting her articles – they amount to thousands. Ha ha. Stupid Daily Wail readers says the BBC and Guardian readers. Not so. She is speaking for the majority.
I like most people the bBBC and The Guardian dislike. They immediately go up in my opinion, sometimes without even uttering a word, such is the contempt I hold for these two Fascist organisations!
Three years ago, I met a young Australian couple living in London. The girl looked similar to “Michelle” in the Mail article, and on the occasions I met her was always modestly dressed. Several times a week, on her way to work, she had been pawed by brown-skinned men. The couple had reported this to the police who visited them and were sympathetic; unfortunately, they said, there was little they could do. They were aware, however, that this sort of thing was going on regularly in London tube stations.
The young man took to following his girlfriend on his occasional days off from work, but didn’t catch anyone. In some respects I’m pleased he didn’t: had he broken someone’s head he would doubtless have been prosecuted for racially aggravated assault.
I don’t think I’d describe myself as a misogynist but I am slowly getting there…thornberry, abbott, the feminazis, any female bbc radio presenter and now Herr merkel is high up on that list. And where are all the muslim women taking to the streets in support of their sistas?
How can Merkel expect anybody to believe that her comments about “Germans finding the sex attacks intolerable” to be genuine? Did she really expect the immigrants to be so grateful that they would would become fine upstanding Germans and abide by their way of life? If so then the woman is severely deluded and clearly knows nothing about the mindset of a muzzer or about how corrupt and lawless these people are…has she been walking around both blind and deaf for the last five years!
Rape statistics around the EU are at epidemic proportion but how many go unreported or aren’t investigated by the useless, spineless morons who run the police forces? It’s clear that these victims are merely collateral damage to the likes of Merkel, Camoron and co, acceptable numbers in their pursuit of their warped world.
The sad thing is that most people just can’t see it and will continue to vote them in to power and so tighten the noose around their own necks, these people will be the most shocked when the whole house comes crashing down on their heads…it just beggars belief. Never mind, there’s always hugs and candles!!
Glen, i agree completely ,however , thanks to sites like this and others, people are starting to see that they are being taken for a ride by all of the liberal elite in charge- regardless of political colour. As for the bbbc,it gets more payhetic by the day. Take the “sexist” cricketer for example,more worthy of a report than the muslim attacks accross germany!!!
That’s the BkgBC for you, Brett, never afraid to tackle the big stories, eh? I do see on many sites, such as Twitter, Guido, Bare Naked islam, etc,etc, that people have had enough but nothing is happening, absolutely nothing changes in this country.
To me it seems the left run every media outlet and can destroy anyone who dares go against the world of the warped, they run every gvnmnt agency, the police…everything! How long will it take for a serious change to happen? 30 years for UKIP to actually have more than one politician? 50 years before the coming generations actually realize that their way of life is finished and that their children will live a life of utter misery.
I recently spoke to a friend who’s grown up kids can’t stand what is going on with immigration but when he asked if they voted in the General election they replied “no, can’t be bothered”!!! I’m just exasperated at the sheer stupidity of many people, people like the arsehole’s who live in that god forsaken rat hole, Rotherham, who actually voted liebour back in after the paedo scandal??
Many can see exactly what madness we are living through under the liberal socialist regime that is the EU but I just don’t see an end to it.
Saw a story in the Mail about the exams being shifted around to account for Ramadan.
But on reading it, it`s not the fault of the Muslims at all.
Mere cultural cringing that they never sought…the liberal western fools merely rolling themselves up in Anjems carpet, whilst others offer the stanley knives for carpet cutting…or throats if that is merited.
I blame
1. Mrs Thatcher and Kenneth Baker for the national curriculum and putting schools and exam boards out to competitive tender.
The easier the exam, the more popular the exam as chosen by thick lazy; lefty schools.
2. The neuroscience new age oafs who let kids come into school late so their body clocks would be better…and who stuffed their kids with haribos before exams to boost sugar levels…and all those yogic flying NLP cretins who now run schools and performance units…very Agenda 21, Common Purpose, 38 Degrees loonies who have reduced science to Green New Age and Behaviourist bollocks.
3. The schools making ever desperate efforts to do better-once you`ve chosen the easiest exam board, might as well get them to do do the tests at full moon or such-no loopier than biorhythms and glucose boosts is it.
My guess-girls could do the tests late at night( after feasting, they`ll do better)…single sex-and maybe during their periods when they`re inclined to do well…research grant please Maryam!
And boys could do them in city centre piazzas, with available blonde girls to wander through-maybe at bus stops with directions to the nearer university female accomodation…or childrens homes should that prove to be easier.
Looking forward now to universities being made to do exams at the behest of IslamicSoc…
You also need to remember that apparatchiks in the public sector cannot gain promotion without being able to provide concrete evidence of what they have done to promote equal opportunities (positive discrimination).
We see therefore such crazy schemes as an attempt to install squat toilets in a shopping mall because the apparatchik thought Muslims used them. In some countries they might, but they went ballistic when they heard about it!
Never the less it was a box ticked, and this has now to fall at the feet of the man who was elected to change this idiocy, but appears too lazy to do so.
Three days ago the BBC covered a story about ranchers ( the Bundy and Hammond families) occupying a government building in Oregon. Ha, an occupation, opposing a government, sounds good for the BBC. Wrong. The occupiers did not tick the left wing BBC boxes. They were hard working white ranchers and farmers who protested against a Federal grab of their land which was illegal with some shady background deals for anyone who wants to look into it. They were initially supported by armed militias but no shots were fired and no one threatened violence. The ranchers had burnt fires which spread to land claimed by the Feds. Burning land is a longstanding practice which destroys crop harming beetles and other pests, restoring the land for use again. But it goes against plans to tackle climate change, and members of the family were jailed.
The BBC account, link here, was biased to say the least and they described the ranchers as terrorists, and on one HYS an unmoderated comment even compare them to ISIS.
Here is the BBC link. Next, feel free to turn to a constitutional law expert detailing the case in a skilled presentation of the sort that a national broadcaster should give with with its commitment to educate and inform.
BBC link
Everything about the people of Oregon and Montana and that part of the north vwest USA is anathema to the BBC/liberal media. They are incapable of understanding them. I have a very old friend who ranches in Montana. There a man can still feel free. He left Georgia as it was getting too developed and too full of the wrong sort of Yankees.
Terrorists these disgusting liberals call them. I call them free living men and women. Some of the last free men of the European stock. On this story ignore the BBC as you would ignore a fool gibbering in the street.
If you ever want to hear a bleeding heart Liberal trying to defend the actions of the Liberal Elite and perpetrators of injustice, just listen to this hand wringing Liberal talking over Katie Hopkins. This man Ian Dale is so in denial it simply beggars belief and mirrors the BBC’s position exactly. Not pretty listening:
If you ever want to hear a bleeding heart Liberal trying to defend the actions of the Liberal Elite and perpetrators of injustice, just listen to this hand wringing Liberal talking over Katie Hopkins. This man Ian Dale is so in denial it simply beggars belief and mirrors the BBC’s position exactly. Not pretty listening:
You should of heard Ian Collin`s tonight on LBC , he said he was a friend of Ian Dale , but disagreed with him , & agreed with Katie Hopkins, on the happenings in Cologne .I C, laid it on the line, that these men had come from a Medieval Society , & this was just waiting to happen . He & most of the callers were incensed ,with the German police , the Mayor ,& the BBC for trying to cover it up.Then he went into attack mode, on Fatty Abbott. He even had a dig at O`Brian , saying he would of probably blamed the Conservatives(Party) ,for what happened in Cologne. Incidentally 33 years ago on NYE 82/83, I too was in Cologne . It was one of the best ones I have ever attended. There was some English , civilians ,plus RAF & Army,Germans, USAF , & US Army.We were all drinking to about 6 am , really good NYE , all round. The new drinking advice , total rubbish , my Camra friends often drink 7 pints in a night anyhow .
Iain Dale is torn apart in the comments below. The link has a headline about Dale giving Katie Hopkins both barrels – in fact he was derogatory, but the real fire came from Hopkins.
Dale won’t get any credit for his grovelling to the RoP- he would still be thrown off a car park roof with his hands and feet tied by them. Still,never mind eh?
What these interviews show is that there is an increasing number of people in this country who do think in the same way as Katie Hopkins in these issues and are prepared to say so.
Shelagh Fogarty (ex-BBC) runs an afternoon programme on LBC and ran a similar section earlier in the week which also didn’t go to plan. She struggled to retain her control over the discussion, and on occasion lost by picking hairs into what people were saying.
She and Dale and their like have no real argument, and resort to splitting hairs and playing with words as untrained callers use somewhat looser phraseology.
As far as Dale is concerned, I have noticed that he always has to have the last word, resorting to forcing his own opinion as he cuts the caller off. Most interviews end that way. very annoying.
“On the square outside were several thousand men, most of a migrant background, who were firing all kinds of fireworks and throwing bottles into the crowd at random.”
“German media, also quoting internal police reports, say that significant numbers of Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi migrants were in the crowd – although it is unclear if any were involved in the attacks.”
“But Cologne’s mayor said there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees.”
I think Cologne’s Mayor is living in some sort of parallel universe.
I was in Cologne on business just before Christmas last year, and I felt perfectly safe walking around the city centre in the evening. It seemed a pretty friendly place for a big city, an example of which came in the form of a drunken tramp lady in her sixties who offered to help me (in pretty good English I might add) understand the tram timetables. I never even remember seeing many brown faces, certainly not the usual “north African & Arab” types that can be found profaning most European city centres these days. Now, that was LAST year, so I wonder what’s changed? Could it be that the high Turkish population that Germany has had for many years have all of a sudden decided to attack their hosts, or could it be, I wonder, some other group……… Of course not, because Cologne’s mayor has reassured us, and so kindly parroted by Al Beeb, that “there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees”. Well they are, strictly speaking, correct, because not one of the thieving sexually molesting parasites is a refugee. They forfeited their refugee status the second they stepped foot out of Turkey.
Only now (2hrs ago) Al Beeb are getting the story out ? I presume that they had hoped it would go away ? Nothing to see here .
Oh look at that fluffy squirrel over there ……………….
So much for this, “Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news”
It is incidents like this that allow the BBC to say it is politically neutral and unbiased, except of course we all know that it isn’t. The whole thing is manufactured by the BBC, who are there to report news, not create it.
Be interesting if those upset by this cancel their TVL DDs and advocate other forms of funding, or agitate more for banning anything except what they want to be served on the public tab.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas
Maybe it’s just me, but this short burst of laughter on Monday’s One Show typifies the way in which the BBC and their employees have nothing but complete contempt for the licence payer.
Giles Brandreth is telling the story of a chap in the 60’s who was prosecuted for not paying his TV licence, claiming that he only watched ITV. Note the loud spontaneous laughter, not just from both our Beeboid dummies on the sofa, but the studio crew as well as Brandreth relays the story…
They laugh in such a way that they cannot conceive or get their head around the fact that anyone could not want to watch the BBC, how could this be? They also laugh in such a way knowing full well that their inflated wage packets are safe regardless if we just want to watch ITV or not…
18 mins in.
For lovers of political comedy, and Al beeb’s endearing attachment to complete political neutrality, the kerfuffle reshuffle is providing many golden moments. None better I would suggest than the coincidental demotion of the Eagle and her replacement with a White Van Dove on the day a homicidal maniac claimed to have developed a “miniaturised hydrogen bomb”. Some “experts” say the test bang wasn’t big enough, but its was nice to have an Al beeb expert explaining the difference between an atom bomb and a hydrogen bomb. Oh please “Do Stop the War.”
Also in the comedy section, it seems (says the DM) Chris Evans can’t drive and talk into the camera at the same time. While you might have thought that this might have been a good question for Al Beeb’s Top Gear recruitment panel, it is possible that Sky News may have a solution. They filmed those nasty non-denominational IS terrorists building a driverless white man van made out bits of old washing machine parts and Lego. Now that would make an interesting programme.
I’m really enjoying the BBC’s coverage of Labour’s self-inflicted slow car crash into complete and utter irrelevance. TBH, I think it’s possibly the funniest comedy the BBC have broadcast for years. Sure, the writing could be better and some of the sets are a bit wobbly at times, but I like the plot!
Watching the endless intellectual contortions of the BBC as it struggles to ‘report’ objectively on the death of the Labour Party whilst keeping a straight face almost makes the license fee justifiable. Almost.
The era of the blunt letter openers…as opposed to the night of the long knives.
Desperate crapola…which , of course is why the BBC News on Radio 4 at 8a.m led with it
Rather hoped that they`d parachute Camilla Batmangheglidh in as Children and Young Persons Bouncy Castle that speaks…Emily Dangleberry in Harmans Pink Van of Wonder speaks only Prescotts weight…but a “Big Beast” in one sense at least.
Emilys got a few houses open for Syrians I expect-next few months should be fun with her in place.
Now all I need is Dianne Abbott-and I`ve got a quorum for Cyril Smiffs Slimming World to start up in SW1.
Tom Watson should be included in your set.
How come the BBC missed out on Camerons (rather good) line about the Labour Party having two Eagles in its Shadow Shitsluice( I paraphrase)…but both them and the shitshower were being led by an albatross!
But no-verboten…as if they realised what Vince did to Brown in his comedy moment.
Zees will not be funny…the Now Show or other “edgy” comedy vehicles would never say anything to mock the comrades would they?
I remember an episode of Mock the Week, where an obviously socialist female panelist almost had a temper tantrum when another panelist poked fun at Corbyn. She claimed that he was such a decent man that it would be wrong to mock him. I guess she did not ‘get’ the supposed aim of that so-called satirical show.
Think the bBBC may have set a new record for PC/diversity/equality
Switched BBC1 on last night at 10.45pm on spec, to be confronted with a programme devoted to gays.
Switched over to BBC2 to watch newsnight to be confronted with an interview about transgender people with the obligatory short-haired female espousing something or other.
Switched off.
I don’t actually care a fig whether someone is gay or transgender, but is there any chance of some state broadcaster programming that might actually be based on a holistic view of the population?
Dim-witted, Children in Need, presenter, Jenny Hill, distressed that Denmark & Sweden, putting up Border Controls, around the Bridge, to keep out those illegals. Oh the invaders have to live in tents. Well Jenny your 4 star hotel looks nice & comfortable. Maybe they want to enrich you in the bed too.
“the obligatory short-haired female espousing something or other.”
Actually it was a short haired person of no gender who rejected patriarchal notions such as “male” and “female”, to the discomfort of a feminist, to whom these distinctions are (literally) valuable. And so the brain dead left squabbles about ever more insane nuances, even as the enlightened West starts to sink into the new dark age of islam.
The BBC seems keen to bury the occasion Siddhartha Dhar appeared on Sunday Morning, spouting his love for ISIS…
Did he get invited back for other broadcasts? It appears that he did although naturally the BBC list this under his assumed Islamic name Abu Ramaysah.
Indeed, the Independent even went so far as to describe him as a ‘Media darling’ when he absconded:
Anybody else think that if our Tommy Robinson had stayed in his salon bed a few minutes over-and then applied a Bisto sheen-he might look like our ISIS chum here.
After Cologne-I reckon that if I applied brownface to myself I could get away with anything nowadays…and get off on a rape or two if I chose then to call myself Caitlin or Chelsea before the trail.
Davina (ex David) Ayrton anybody?
The law is an ass-tanned, cis fat or trans…thank you ECHR!
You wouldn`t really know that pastor James McConnell was found not guilty of defaming Islam in 2014 would you?
The verdict came on Monday,then went down the pan very quickly…so unlike those Norther Ireland cases over gay cakes and abortion promotions that even the mainline BBC was happy to put on its news bulletins.
i`m guessing that when the BBC win their cause-they see themselves as the turkey basting intersex blob of ectoplasm that both created and nurtured the case through to success- a sacked Christian, a demonised conchie who rejects the rising tide of Gay Islam(for that is the fusion of the two causes, dearest to the Beeb).
But when the BBC loses-and Islam can rightly be caused satanic and a warped, pernicious and evil ideology-well, hey, we`ll not be repeating THAT one…best to leave them all out there with the “chill factor” that prosecuting a pastor in his own church sermon brings with it…and we the oafs who drink at the BBCs witches tit of vinegar and bile reckon there`s no story anymore.
The BBC probably think that being satanic is a compliment anyway-if they think of religion at all.
Anton Le Vey looked so good in black leather eh Evan?…the BBC do indeed “do what they wilt”…Crowley probably edited the Radio Times at some stage of his “spiritual journey”
Looks like the BBC are picking on the people of Clacton again for supporting UKIP. The NHS is struggling to cope with the population there ( mainly white working/retired ). So what about the ethnics elsewhere causing a strain, as well as the one million who should not even be here. Of course in the BBC’s eyes they always pick on people that don’t agree with the new world order.
Only a miillion? I wish.
How frustrated the Beeboids must be thanks to Jeremy’s protracted soft-clog shuffle. All that mileage so cleverly written, rehearsed and waiting to condemn and belittle our Dave over EU free voting and already it’s irrelevant.
Have to add that Ken Clarke’s looking older though – must be those cheap Italian cigars.
From the BBC … 7 days later! finally admitting is was sex attacks … Cologne sex attacks – What went wrong?
You actually need to ask? (… shakes head)
From Canada, no such problem… Ezra Levant Show: Muslim migrant rape and riot spree in Germany
Ezra Levant is exceptional; thank you for posting that nogginator – great to hear the truth expressed so eloquently instead of the usual lies.
A must watch. Ta nog.
Re the divisons in the Labour Party
I hear BBC man Norman ‘but-Labour-say’ Smith has now been placed on schizophrenia watch
So all those Muslims were drunk in Cologne were they?
Any chance of an extradition deal with the Saudis or the Taliban to send them over for a flogging after Friday prayers then?
Thought they were only supposed to sell the stuff to little white girls, or get it cheap for the corner shop…NOT glug it all down themselves like the kuffar do.
No-a good flogging would do the trick-and maybe put us right on the beauty of Sharia…if not, maybe a jumbotron set up in the cathedral Square with a live feed on Eurovision with Graham Norton commentating on the swish action might show us that “Real Muslims” take sexual harrassment of white women in their own town “seriously”.
Perhaps it is time for British non-Muslims males to adopt one aspect of Sharia law for ourselves. We could call it a positive demonstration of Multicultural enrichment. We could adopt the Islamic practice of honour killing any Muslims who lays a hand on our daughters, sisters or mothers.
At last.
A Tory who knows his bible enough to shaft the prattling prelates of the Church of Guardian.
Would that we had a few more MPs like Mr Davies.
Off topic but I feel it important to inform anyone who feels as disgusted as I feel towards the new Shadow Defence Secretary, Ms Emily Thornberry.
I heard David Cameron, during BBC Parliamentary Question Time in Parliament today, mention the immoral law firm Leigh Day our who encourage our enemies of the world to sue our British troops. He also referred to how a member of the opposition had worked for them.
This woman revolts me completely.
See link
I note that the BBC have no interest in this revelation. But if it was a Tory receiving dodgy donations….
A BBC man of Welsh appearance (Huw Edwards) finally says aloud on tv news that those Cologne ‘men’ were of ‘Arab and North African appearance’
So what’s changed since this morning? Penny for the thoughts of the BBC editors. If only the minutes of their meetings were published after a suitable lapse of time. Good enough for Letwin.
“Anyone listening to the @BBCNews channel just now would think the mass sexual assault in Cologne
… had been carried out by drunk German men.”
P Condell
Major Anti-Islamisation Protest Planned Following Mass Migrant Rape Scandal
… How about that “Mare” of Cologne?
To repeat Pat Buchanan’s phrase and apply it to Cologne’s mayor –
“That is political correctness of a rare order, perhaps terminal.”
Even the dimmest BBC editor and journalist knows that to ignore this reality is to risk losing all credibility. Even the agenda has to be ditched once in a while .
Too many other outlets carrying the story so what was the BBc to do?
What is sad is that nobody at the BBC/liberal media seems to want to ask the real questions.
Did the police deliberately abandon the German citizens or where they just overwhelmed? Did the German Government know just how bad things were? Was the attack organized?
Does this mean that the German state cannot protect it’s citizens now. ?
Does this mean that open borders must be ended?
And so on.
Bit like when the “men of Asian origin” started to appear i the courts, the BBc particularly North West did their best to not cover the story.However the net and the social media sites where freely giving details and eventually the BBc realised the futility of the cover up, of course they didn’t give it that much coverage and one story was devoted to the banners carried by the protesters outside Liverpool court.
Its because Al Beeb are getting embarrassed by their obvious exclusion from the news of the events happening in Germany and Europe . There is far more going on that meets the eye that we are not told .
The pressure cooker will burst very shortly .
On R4 PM tonight they interviewed a bloke over in Germany over an extremely crackly line. The usual ploy to undermine a story not to Al Beeb’s liking.
Just before Mair cut him off he was able to report that the attackers were reported to be speaking between themselves in neither German nor English. And this, on Al Beeb a mere 6 days after the event.
So we now have people of ‘arabic or north african’ appearance, not speaking German and drunkenly attacking women, with the German police reluctant to intervene.
I just wonder if the attackers had been of German appearance and speaking German the police would have had a different approach? Perhaps they have caught the British PC disease of not wanting to ‘offend for fear of being labelled racist’
If the attackers had been German, you can be sure it would have been a better phone line.
Not having the stomach for radio 4 these days I listened on iplayer to the interview mentioned by Sluff
Story starts at about 34:30 and the interview at about 37:00, so it does get a few minutes albeit tucked away in the
second half of PM. It is a little puzzling as to why after years of wicked denial and complicity the BBC is tentatively starting to report stories showing all is not rosy in the EU migrant garden, I like to think that there are some people left in the BBC who are trying to report events accurately. I certainly hope it’s not the case that the situation is worse than we think and the BBC unable to cover up any longer is just trying to mitigate the years of lies and propaganda .
As I posted earlier in this thread, it might have something to do with the malign influence of Danny Cohen being lifted, and Alan Yentob being on holiday over Xmas.
I missed that thoughtful, so maybe just a case of the cat being away then.
No not really as Danny Cohen was sacked / forced to resign so he’s left the building.
I do wonder how long the programming takes to work through after the event though. His Wikipedia entry is less than complimentary:
His tenure as head of BBC television has been criticized for “Orwellian levels of bureaucracy” and “Mind-numbingly unnecessary” management procedures and he has been accused of left-wing bias. Cohen is also accused of assisting in the covering up of the Jimmy Saville sexual abuse scandal.
In October 2015, Cohen announced that he was leaving the BBC to pursue a new leadership challenge.
I’m probably last with the important news here, but one of my favourite shows has recruited a new pathologist.
Hardly surprising; it was only a matter of time, and she’s a pretty hopeless actress tbh. Couple that with the doctor (is it Lenny Henry?), and an Indian villain, and at least half of ‘diversity’ is covered. DS Nelson will probably have a gay relationship, Barnaby’s boss will be in a wheelchair, and once they work in a transgender, then all angles are sorted ! Such a shame that MM had to succumb to the pc activists – at least we were spared most of it in Downton Abbey.
You missed out that the male black doctor and the male white undertaker were living together.
They’ll also have to change the title – no one in Midsomer was murdered.
It’s their way of rubbing Brian True-May’s nose in diversity.
Wonder if BBc will run this?
I think we all know the answer to that Dave.
But, but,
At the BBC,
‘Right wing’ = ordinary citizen with justifiable concerns.
‘Far Right’ = ordinary citizen with justifiable concerns who expresses himself.
Ivan, the witness in the film, describes in shocking detail, what many on this site have been predicting for some time. This Facebook video should be widely viewed. The MSM have shown their hand by obfuscation and omission, yet again. Yet more people can see the MSM contriving to attempt to hide truths. I’d say welcome to the Real World Ivan, though he will now understand the meaning of the phrase “Ignorance is bliss”. Ivan’s woken up.
Is our problem really the Regressive Left, or is it apathy, or the toxic combination of the two? Whatever it is, inaction is no longer an option.
I’ll be working with UKIP! We need to Leave the EU and Take Control of our borders!
With all the reporters that Al Beeb’s ‘renowned’ World Service have , one would think that at least one would be at the scene of the events in Germany ?
God knows how many were covering the arrival of the ‘so called’ refugees in Europe.
Duh !!
The ‘world’s safest drone’ makes its debut at CES – and is promptly broken by BBC reporter who sends it crashing to the floor
Still on the BBC website …
San Bernardino shooting: Who were the attackers?
11 December 2015
“Investigators have not yet publicly revealed a motive in the deadly San Bernardino shooting in California on 2 December.”
Depressing story of the day: Exams timetabled to accommodate Ramadan.
Even more depressing – one in twelve of ‘our’ children are now Muslim. Because these Pakistani ex-pats can’t even calculate the length of the year properly the other eleven get their exam timetables messed up too. Roll on 2020 when the glorious fasting experience starts in April.
Should make a good joke on The Now Show or The News Quiz.
Modifying the UK exam timetable for this purpose is a cast iron example of Islamisation.
Adapting the British education system to the religious practices of Islam. Just amazing, and let’s remember that after the BBC, education is probably one of the most left wing and anti religious sectors in Britain.
Let’s also remember that in most Islamic countries no such blanket allowances are made, but kids are exempt from the fast, so they don’t need gestures and diversity virtue signalling like this.
Or alternatively its some idiot do gooder looking to impress his bosses.
You have to remember that not only is Cameron corrupt, he’s also extremely lazy. Malign legislation which any reasonable incoming government should have removed has gone unchallenged. So have the equalities people, and the political officers in every public sector office called ‘diversity officers’ or their obergruppenfuhrers – diversity champions. Martin Narey was one such, who became head of childrens charity Barnados and denied the abuse going on by Muslim Pakistanis, even when the evidence was undeniable.
Any reasonable government would have scrapped all this but we don’t have a reasonable government !
Thoughtful, and the diversity nd equality stasi are very epensive, but Cameron does not have the courage to take them on. This is from a couple of years ago. My guess is that the cost has increased along with their power.
Footballers from Islamic states have played in the World Cup while fasting. Catholics have shifted several “Holy Days of Obligation” to Sundays to convenience modern secular society. Why can’t these people do the same?
Because islam means “submission”, and that means us.
Now I wonder why this hasn’t been reported on the BBC or UK MSM?
Swizz army chief: Europe is “on the verge of civil war”, advises people to arm themselves
“Society in western Europe is on the verge of breaking down amid chaotic violence caused by economic dislocation, mass immigration and terrorism. This is not the view of some ‘crazy survivalist’ but of the head of the Swiss Armed Forces.
Lieutenant-General André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is dangerously close to collapse and advised those not already armed as part of the Swiss Army reserve to take steps to arm themselves.”
This is not a man who can be dismissed by the Fascists as some crackpot or a fictitious ‘right wing group’, he has an entry on Wikipedia
BBC reports a tearful president outlining restrictions on gun purchases with redneck Republicans buying more guns.
Only the BBC has bought into the tear story – Obama is now a world wide laughing stock for that stunt.
BBC link below
Mr Car Moron
Our border controls are non existent.
I urge disillusioned Tory and Labour voters to vote UKIP ,
Ramalama-ding-dong goes the school bell this morning on the perils of sugar show (BBC Breakfast)
The usual suspect hauled into our Steph’s dock for disappointing sales figures is Mark and Sparks
But what’s this, we’ve been summoned to the Head Master-sorry Head Teacher’s office for a laying down of the rules.
The powers that be – whoever they are – are moving exam season to fit in with Ramadan.
Our Naga puts on very serious face for her description of “Holy Month” (whatever the heck that means?)
Our guest Head is an avuncular softly spoken white chap with 85% muslim kids at his school sporting what can only be described as a quaker chin beard (never let it be said that he hasn’t done all he can to fit in with his pupils). He warns – in so many words – that we’re supposed to be fair and equal and what message would we send if we didn’t bend over backwards to accommodate our most explosive-minded of minorities?
Difficult exam season due to fasting?
Feed them sugar, I say.
Great post AISI.
The tide needs to turn, or Britain is finished.
‘The powers that be – whoever they are – are moving exam season to fit in with Ramadan.’
I was under the impression that our Islamists brothers and sisters were supposed to integrate into our society not the other way round.
BTW Ramadan prohibits children eating or drinking for a day. In Britain of old this was called child abuse. It is medically proven that dehydration of any person for a day is not good
Another thought, fasting for Ramadan is supposed to be used as a means of being able to overcome adversity. In effect that being, you are able to pursue your faith of Islam in spite of obstacles.
Why then our our education authorities interfering with the Islamist objective and more to the point why are the Islamists in support of the educationalists’ change????
Answer please Education minister, Nicky Morgan.
Children are not supposed to be fasting until they reach the age of adolescence and even then they don’t have to fast if they have an important date like an examination.
Ramadan absolutely does not “prohibits children eating or drinking for a day” If you are going to write such nonsense why not either check first or type it on the BNP web pages where they probably won’t care!
Ramadan requires its observers to abstain from food & drink during the hours of daylight for a lunar month, until some crackpot in Mecca sees the moon.
This stupid move has nothing to do with Muslims Ramadan or Islam. It has everything to do with looney leftie hand wringing & do gooding, and the politicisation of the civil service, which lazy Davey has done absolutely nothing to sort out.
With reference to Ramadan, I ask myself one simple question.
Could I, as a father look my children square in the eye, with them hungry and thirsty, with food and water in the cupboard. Could I say to them you may not have food nor drink because Allah says so.
As a Father, I love my children not to put them through this ordeal, I would always put my children before any God. These people clearly don’t. They are cruel and mentally ill, they should be viewed as such.
wronged, the fasting is only from dawn to dusk.
As I understand it, a breakfast is eaten before dawn and a feast after dark. I think also that water may be taken during extremely hot daytime weather.
Up 2, young children ( age not specified ) , old people, pregnant women and the sick are exempt. But most people cheat anyway in my experience in muslim countries. There is also a theological debate about ramadan in high latitude countries in summer !
I thought it may be helpful to the discussion to attach this link which explains when Ramadan actually occurs.
My point is to reference the point that Ramadan is a moveable event. It seems to occur about a month earlier every year, for the reasons given in the link.
The knock-on effects of changing the timetable ought to be considered too… ultimately I suppose it could even impact University application timetables and all sorts?
Thank you Up2snuff, help me with this, therefore the reason for the exam changes made by the authorities are…….?????????
All the po faced BBC erm … Ramadan respect on the sofa was literally puke inducing
Waffling on about a “holy” month that isn t holy, from a “holy” book that isn t holy
No mention of the impending death count, or bombathon eh!
Only talk about how to implement changes, yep how to implement sharia allowed
… thats what it is
Oh! … the perfectly chosen “whitey” headmaster … that’s an Islamic beard, why didn t he just don
a burkha and be done with it.
and a bacon sarnie !
BBC News Website:
“”Cologne sex attacks ‘require police rethink””‘
“”Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said police had to “adjust” to the fact that groups of men had attacked women en masse.””
“””What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.””
“”But Cologne’s mayor said there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees””
So there you have it. BBC Bias matching the Left wing bias of the EU Management Strata.
All the fault of the police. Not committed by refugees. Chat rooms are as dangerous.
”What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
Fuck me, but sometimes words fail and only a good expletive will do. The West is dying of terminal stupidity.
Justifiably denouncing the mass rape of German women is as bad as actually raping them?
How utterly insane, delusional and truthophobic those women hating, extremely mysogynistic “liberal progressive” commentators have become.
It shows how crazy, self-contradictory and hypocritical the lefty feminists have become, when it falls to traditional “sexist” males to stand up to defend women whilst the feminists throw their “sisters” under the preverbial bus!
”What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,”
Well Ralph Jaeger, I would love to hear the views of the poor women involved to see if they think a few truthful words are as awful of what they had to endure. I would also like you to hear their views as well – face to face – but best put your tin hat on if I were you.
How can this idiot remain in post? He’s effectively accusing us as being worse than the perps. It’s no different to blaming a woman for being raped. Now, what religion is good at that? Hmmmm, let me see…….
neilw, It just shows how warped the Leftist mind is. They are mentally ill.
Internet is buffering and looping this morning so not easy to follow.
Breakfast haul some ****** ****** **** Head teacher ******* ******* **** He informs us changes are for a level playing field. So changing conditions for the majority to pander to a minority is a level playing field what a ****.
“Cologne sex attacks ‘require police rethink'”
I can’t believe some of the stuff printed here. A gang of 1000 men (of Arab or North African appearance, but not necessarily immigrants apparently) attack, rob, sexually assault and rape women in an evening-long rampage. Shocking, you might think. But no.
It’s the fault of the police according to Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, He said police had to “adjust” to the fact that groups of men had attacked women en masse.
Here’s a suggestion – take the kid gloves off and treat these muslim criminals the way you would treat any other gang roaming the streets and breaking the law. It’s pure Liberalism in action (or inaction)
He then goes on to blame the right-wingers…
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.” – And gang rape on the streets of Cologne doesn’t? I’m speechless.
After seeing the deeply respecting Ramadan garbage on BBC Breakfast
changed channels to see, protesters about the New Year rapeathon in Cologne
being forcibly rough housed by German police, pushed away from Cologne station
and Frau Merkel donning her burkha again, to warn people against blaming immigrants.
Well Frau … its Islamic adherents, immigrants or both … that’s it.
By the way, how s the popularity going?
What a pity the police didn t show the same attitude New Years eve eh!.
over at
Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia is being quoted.
Mr Jaeger also warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
So presumably Mr Jarger considers Biased BBC to be “right-wing” and that what we are writing here to be as bad as what occurred in many parts of Germany on New Year’s Eve?
Are we fucked?
Are we fucked? No, but increasing numbers of our women folk will be, without their consent, with total impunity.
The Germans continue to leave me amazed at their ineptitude. The fact that Europe is inevitably dominated by this nation is reason alone for Britain to leave the EU.
We fought two world wars to ensure that Europe could not be dominated by an anti democratic nation led by a militaristic Junker class or a crazed psychopath who commanded the allegiance of this class.
Having turned Germany into a democracy, we still face a powerful nation that is utterly incapable of giving Europe any political or moral leadership. It created the the euro to enable its export orientated industry to trade with an undervalued currency while impoverishing other nations like Greece. It further impoverishes these other nations when they face the inevitable crisis by forcing crazy economic contraction on them.
Next problem for Germany- it’s ageing population . Solution ? Let in millions of Muslims who will never integrate properly, who will accelerate the decline of our civilisation and of whom a percentage will be violent terrorists and a larger percentage rapists, gropers and thieves . European nations, often former victims of German militarism, are told to put up with this influx by Merkel , showing contempt for their democratic rights.
The BBC has reported on all of this in a blinkered and unquestioning way because of its obsessive pro EU, pro Muslim and pro immigration bias.
Newsnight last night was an interesting exercise in how the BBC chooses to deal with ‘awkward’ stories it would really rather not cover at all.
The programme (fronted by Evan Davis) began, as always these days, with yet another pointless examination of Labour’s interminable shadow cabinet reshuffle, complete with in-studio interview with Diane Abbott. This took up a good 15mins. Evan then had to confront the elephant in the room – the reports of massive numbers of women having been sexually assaulted by ‘North African men’ in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.
Evan squirmed, before Katy Razzle (yes, really) rescued him with a brief, entirely bored-sounding (and pre-recorded) quick ‘recap’ of events – peppered liberally with ‘some say’-isms and a mention of those troublesome ‘refugees’ through gritted teeth. The whole ‘package’ lasted barely more than five minutes, tops. Back in the studio, Evan then turned to his guest (via TV link) – Marcus Pretzell MEP (Alternative for Germany).
Just for a moment I thought Newsnight might be about to break an in-house rule and actually be prepared to take journalistic enquiry seriously.
Alas, 3.5 minutes later the ‘interview’ was over. This is what happens when the BBC enters into a ‘debate’ with a right wing commenter. NO TIME, SORRY!
Apparently, time was suddenly – and very abruptly – short on this subject (the already under-reported sexual assault of hundreds of German women by predominantly ‘North African, Arab and Southern European men’, lest we forget) as Evan had to move us all on the much more important subject of the heart-breaking tale of a Kurdish woman separated from her parents as a baby.
The farce was maintained on this morning’s VD show where, almost unbelievably – though, of course, we know all too well what the BBC want us to regard as believable – the two young German women interviewed were something less than representative, yet comfortably within BBC parameters. Essentially we learn that making too much of an issue of the issue will only encourage neo-Nazi groups and that focusing on the ethnicity of those involved will only transform that into an unfortunate, and by inference, irrelevant issue. That’s all right then.
Israeli war criminals, who detain and mistreat Palestinian children, must be kept on a “watch-list” in case they attempt to enter Britain, a Labour MP has said.
While addressing MPs in Westminster Hall on Wednesday during a 90-minute debate, Labour MP Sarah Champion urged the government to create a list for “all known war crime suspects” who enter or attempt to enter Britain.
She said the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is guilty of the “collective punishment” of Palestinians in order to protect Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
She then criticized Israel’s treatment of Palestinian child detainees.
So Russia Today reports.
Searched IslamicAl-Beeb, no trace whatsoever.
Probably too busy organising the import of more loveable, friendly Muslims.
Muslims who wouldn’t rape a sly, well nor if there were any white British or German children around.
Why do these treasonous, hare-brained suggestions always come from women?
Would that be Rotherham MP, Sarah Champion?
That’s the one.
Now Shadow Minister for Preventing Abuse, no less.
Sarah, the Grade A dimwit, who if anyone ever was, is in the wrong job.
Sarah, the Grade A dimwit, whose response to the report on mass rapes of white children by MUSLIM PAEDOPHILES, in case you missed that, by MUSLIM PAEDOPHILES, was to ask the Government for more funds.
Sarah, you Grade A dimwit, why should Rotherham get more funds when the funds they were already receiving were being wasted. The overpaid LABOUR Council officials were covering up this most disgusting mass criminal conspiracy. Senior Police officers were covering up this mass criminal conspiracy.
The only reason additional funds could have been required was to buy more shredders to destroy the evidence of LABOUR collusion and involvement in the cover up of MASS RAPES BY MUSLIMS.
Sarah, is there chance you will bring your Socialist brain cell to work one day and start concerning yourself with British people in your own constituency? WHO ARE STILL BEING RAPED BY MUSLIMS.
Sarah, even by the disgusting standards set by previous generations of the treasonous Labour party you are just fertiliser which needs to be put in the ground PDQ, the only place where you will do some good.
The people of Rotherham get what they deserve !
They enjoyed their children being raped by Pakistani Muslim men, that when the corrupt Labour councillors were removed from office they showed their approval by voting in a fresh set.
There’s nothing to be said about Rotherham, other than if you don’t want your children raped, don’t live there !
I noted that BBC News Channel reporter covering the current Paris Ally Ackbar situation chose only call the charlie Hebdo death count as only those at that site, rather than from the whole incident and its aftermath. So I thought I would comment here & went to Wiki for info. The reporter might have done the same as Wiki suggests no deaths took place at the Kosher supermarket:-
While the Kouachi brothers were holding hostages in Dammartin-en-Goële, Amedy Coulibaly, who had met the brothers in prison,[135] took hostages in a kosher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes in east Paris. Coulibaly was reportedly in contact with the Kouachi brothers as the sieges progressed, and told police that he would kill hostages if the brothers were harmed.[127][136]
The siege lasted for eight to nine hours, and at around 4:30 p.m. there were at least three explosions near the building. At around 5:00 pm, a police team landed on the roof of the building and a helicopter landed nearby.[137] Before police could reach them, the pair ran out of the building and opened fire on police. The brothers had stated a desire to die as martyrs[138] and the siege came to an end when both Kouachi brothers were gunned down. Lilian Lepère was rescued unharmed.[139][140] A cache of weapons, including Molotov cocktails and a rocket launcher, was found in the area. (references here to siege are at a separate incident to the supermarket, where apparently nothing happened at all)
However the BBC website report is comprehensive in the death count
Gunmen murdered 17 people in a series of attacks including at Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket.
Here is the (anti) BBC News at one
At least we know now where the translads, the Evans the cis-lesbians and all other shades of beauteous sexual diversity…could go undercover next New year in Cologne.
Imagine-all those Muzzies grabbing meat and veg under the thongs…and their selfless acts would save women from the nasties of Libya, put the buggers off for life from groping our intersexies…AND they could get to explore further the cultural joys of Islam that are coming.
Richard North can be something of an acquired taste, but his EU Referendum website has a through analysis of the various levels of bias in the BBC programme “How to make a Brexit”, presented by Carolyn Quinn.
The programme is deconstructed in great detail, with the conclusion:
“Obviously, this was what the BBC thought was high-quality broadcasting. But, as an attempt at impartiality, it was irredeemably flawed. So subtle was the bias, though, that not everyone recognised it for what it was. This was bias by ignorance, bias by omission. Quinn the ignorant chose – with her producer and researchers – from a tiny gene pool of “prestigious” voices who simply do not have the knowledge to inform us on crucial questions. Others were prepared to lie about the subject, in a way that Quinn was quite unable to detect. ”
There’s nothing that will be a surprise to anyone here, but it’s worth the read.
North concludes
“If there is to be a free and fair debate, we need far better from the BBC”
Everyone here knows that this is exactly the opposite of what will happen.
That used to be a daily read of mine, as North’s analysis is usually meticulously researched. I gave up about a year ago due to his inability to appreciate anyone else might have a different approach to Brexit and the poisonous atmosphere that had arisen to anyone who disagreed. A shame, because he could be such a potent weapon for Brexit but seems unable to work with anyone but yes-men.
Have things improved? I might take another peek.
Likewise. I used to be a great admirer of Dr North’s (and have praised him on here in the past) but in the end his ego got the better of me and I gave up on his site.
I too used to appreciate his rigour but I think in many ways he has ‘gone native’, he doesn’t like the EU but he would replace it by something just as legally complex.
He seems to put most effort into attacking everyone who is anti-EU but not on his team and he doesn’t appreciate that when it comes to delivering votes something like a UK ‘Braveheart’ will have more effect than his ‘Brexit’ essay, that probably hasn’t been read by more than twenty people. The lesson from the Scottish referendum wasn’t that it was lost by the proposers through insufficient analysis but that it was nearly won by patriotic populism.
Delingpole puts the boot into the Met Office, the BBC, and Harrabin, once more.
Deservedly so.
Who else but those “British Expo” Champions of Enterprise-Winifred Robinson and John Humphries-to take M&S, Gumtree down for not being -well, very good at business,
As opposed to themselves and their lotus petals industries, their hot air ballooning live from a padded BBC chair-and long established public sector sucking leeches since the 70s or so?
Both managed to pop at M&S bloke who`s leaving,and advise Gumtrees CEO about-well, customer service and handling complaints.
Oh if only they could learn from the BBC-Balen, Savile, Patten, Thompson, Ross/Brand…and, of course handling all those complaints of anti-Semitism, pro-Labour bias, institutionalised and bought-up drum banging for the EU…and all those 24/ 7 lies and sleights of hand that their Trusts and Complaints department park under the Vivaldi shroud-whilst checking our medical histories no doubt.
Will only ONE Business leader ask the bloody obvious-how many companies have YOU run John?…how did you handle the Balen Report Complaints Winnie?
Unless you`re John Lewis or the Co-Op…the BBCs default it to dislike and smear you…like the churches in fact.
But Winnie was fond of Next today-has one of her kids got a job there?…or do the BBC pensions require a big-up for them?
Something ELSE that More or less /Feedback etc will not be looking at…
Only the BBC think that a liberal arts graduate would be able to ask a businessman a question, other than the way to the tuck shop….
Only the BBC will be fussing about some bloke who ran into a police station in France-shouting Allah Akbar, meat cleaver in hand on the day that Charlie Hebdo happened last year-who has now been dispatched to the land of Sun-Kist(anybody told those thick jihadists that it`s not 72 virgins, more likely to be 72 raisins(with an option on grapes if you REALLY died well).
Our BBC monkeys on TWATO seemed keen to build up a narrative that the French IPCC might want to look at-, hardly a serious attempt,more a cri de coeur,suicide vest not well wired up,(their physics is as shit as their chemistry apparently-special needs , or too much madrassa spankies?…where`s OFSTED then?)…bloke obviously confusing the police station withe the halal butchers…usual BBC liberal shite that allows Muslims to run rampant in Paris to the day, but le flic were still callous enough to send R2D2 along to sniff the stiff for semtex…an affront to Islamic burial rites no doubt.
The BBC and its liberal tard`ies would rather have 10 dead Lee Rigbys or Sharon Beshenevskys that one Emwazi…utter Gramscian Gumboils that need lanicng, once and for all.
I wonder who may be gracing BBC sofas to suggest this is a retrograde step?:
Frankly, in the hands of Labour place(wo)men and the BBC PR as news squad they could hardly be more politicised and weaponised than they are already.
If that doesn’t get Botney back from Barbados on the first private jet to advise on who to swing ‘unique exemptions’ like the BBC, what will?
With the cold air now over us, and a storm runner now heading to France instead of us, clear skies will have our temperatures plummeting tonight. With a bit of luck, the temp’s will get to below freezing across most of the U.K. and freeze Mr Roger “Climate Change” Harrabin’s winter strawberry to a pulp. (If I have offended any strawberries reading this, I apologise and you can contact me in my second home in Barbados)
On a serious note, if the skies stay clear to dawn, watch out for black ice everywhere, drive safely tomorrow good people.
‘a storm runner now heading to France’
Should we prepare ourselves for soggy/cold migrant sob stories from Calais?
Don’t be surprised if they take shelter in a tunnel somewhere.
“black ice”?
I thought this had been replaced by rainbow ice.
The BBC gloated when it reported that the petition to ban Trump from entering the UK is to be debated in Parliament. I wonder if they will report that the petition not to ban him will also be debated on January 18th. Here is the reply to my request.
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Don’t ban Trump from the United Kingdom”.
The debate is scheduled for 18 January 2016.
Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
It“s only Scotland and golf.
So let Salmond and Sturgeon sort it.
Trump needs to cut their sporrans for the rest of us, maybe if we offered him a few places to hang his toupee over the border in Northumberland we could put the SNP back in their fetid shortbread tin.
Nice golf round Otterburn I`d guess?
These petitions being debated are getting beyond a joke.
Debate what? Are there not more pressing issues?
Pro or con the motion it is just another opportunity for petty grandstanding by hustlers like Abbott that the likes of the BBC will lap up for weeks.
If there are any counters it will be of the ‘don’t like him, but…’ Variety.
Free speech and democracy will not get a look in.
Who Theresa May has already banned, and for what venal reasons, vs. who she has waved in, will barely rate a mention.
And if it is, the BBC won’t have time for it.
I think I’d like to start a petition to stop petitions! Is there one already in existence?
I just wonder how many more countries it has happened in and how many women have been assaulted . Cover up NO SURELY NOT.
Vitriolic article by Katie Hopkins on the Muslim behaviour in Cologne and elswewhere – attacking the stupidity of the political class and the chatterati. No doubt she will be the main guest on tomorrow’s Wimmins Hour.
Good article by K.H.
A quote from the Katie Hopkins article above:
“”How about all those do-gooders who said they would welcome them into their homes? How is that going, Saint Geldof? Do you have a family in your second home?””
Look at the scores for those supporting her articles – they amount to thousands. Ha ha. Stupid Daily Wail readers says the BBC and Guardian readers. Not so. She is speaking for the majority.
Great article. Never used to like her but she has come out with some good stuff lately.
I like most people the bBBC and The Guardian dislike. They immediately go up in my opinion, sometimes without even uttering a word, such is the contempt I hold for these two Fascist organisations!
Three years ago, I met a young Australian couple living in London. The girl looked similar to “Michelle” in the Mail article, and on the occasions I met her was always modestly dressed. Several times a week, on her way to work, she had been pawed by brown-skinned men. The couple had reported this to the police who visited them and were sympathetic; unfortunately, they said, there was little they could do. They were aware, however, that this sort of thing was going on regularly in London tube stations.
The young man took to following his girlfriend on his occasional days off from work, but didn’t catch anyone. In some respects I’m pleased he didn’t: had he broken someone’s head he would doubtless have been prosecuted for racially aggravated assault.
I don’t think I’d describe myself as a misogynist but I am slowly getting there…thornberry, abbott, the feminazis, any female bbc radio presenter and now Herr merkel is high up on that list. And where are all the muslim women taking to the streets in support of their sistas?
How can Merkel expect anybody to believe that her comments about “Germans finding the sex attacks intolerable” to be genuine? Did she really expect the immigrants to be so grateful that they would would become fine upstanding Germans and abide by their way of life? If so then the woman is severely deluded and clearly knows nothing about the mindset of a muzzer or about how corrupt and lawless these people are…has she been walking around both blind and deaf for the last five years!
Rape statistics around the EU are at epidemic proportion but how many go unreported or aren’t investigated by the useless, spineless morons who run the police forces? It’s clear that these victims are merely collateral damage to the likes of Merkel, Camoron and co, acceptable numbers in their pursuit of their warped world.
The sad thing is that most people just can’t see it and will continue to vote them in to power and so tighten the noose around their own necks, these people will be the most shocked when the whole house comes crashing down on their heads…it just beggars belief. Never mind, there’s always hugs and candles!!
Glen, i agree completely ,however , thanks to sites like this and others, people are starting to see that they are being taken for a ride by all of the liberal elite in charge- regardless of political colour. As for the bbbc,it gets more payhetic by the day. Take the “sexist” cricketer for example,more worthy of a report than the muslim attacks accross germany!!!
That’s the BkgBC for you, Brett, never afraid to tackle the big stories, eh? I do see on many sites, such as Twitter, Guido, Bare Naked islam, etc,etc, that people have had enough but nothing is happening, absolutely nothing changes in this country.
To me it seems the left run every media outlet and can destroy anyone who dares go against the world of the warped, they run every gvnmnt agency, the police…everything! How long will it take for a serious change to happen? 30 years for UKIP to actually have more than one politician? 50 years before the coming generations actually realize that their way of life is finished and that their children will live a life of utter misery.
I recently spoke to a friend who’s grown up kids can’t stand what is going on with immigration but when he asked if they voted in the General election they replied “no, can’t be bothered”!!! I’m just exasperated at the sheer stupidity of many people, people like the arsehole’s who live in that god forsaken rat hole, Rotherham, who actually voted liebour back in after the paedo scandal??
Many can see exactly what madness we are living through under the liberal socialist regime that is the EU but I just don’t see an end to it.
Saw a story in the Mail about the exams being shifted around to account for Ramadan.
But on reading it, it`s not the fault of the Muslims at all.
Mere cultural cringing that they never sought…the liberal western fools merely rolling themselves up in Anjems carpet, whilst others offer the stanley knives for carpet cutting…or throats if that is merited.
I blame
1. Mrs Thatcher and Kenneth Baker for the national curriculum and putting schools and exam boards out to competitive tender.
The easier the exam, the more popular the exam as chosen by thick lazy; lefty schools.
2. The neuroscience new age oafs who let kids come into school late so their body clocks would be better…and who stuffed their kids with haribos before exams to boost sugar levels…and all those yogic flying NLP cretins who now run schools and performance units…very Agenda 21, Common Purpose, 38 Degrees loonies who have reduced science to Green New Age and Behaviourist bollocks.
3. The schools making ever desperate efforts to do better-once you`ve chosen the easiest exam board, might as well get them to do do the tests at full moon or such-no loopier than biorhythms and glucose boosts is it.
My guess-girls could do the tests late at night( after feasting, they`ll do better)…single sex-and maybe during their periods when they`re inclined to do well…research grant please Maryam!
And boys could do them in city centre piazzas, with available blonde girls to wander through-maybe at bus stops with directions to the nearer university female accomodation…or childrens homes should that prove to be easier.
Looking forward now to universities being made to do exams at the behest of IslamicSoc…
You also need to remember that apparatchiks in the public sector cannot gain promotion without being able to provide concrete evidence of what they have done to promote equal opportunities (positive discrimination).
We see therefore such crazy schemes as an attempt to install squat toilets in a shopping mall because the apparatchik thought Muslims used them. In some countries they might, but they went ballistic when they heard about it!
Never the less it was a box ticked, and this has now to fall at the feet of the man who was elected to change this idiocy, but appears too lazy to do so.
Where the tolerant meet the intolerant.
(Oops, wrong thread, sorry.)
Three days ago the BBC covered a story about ranchers ( the Bundy and Hammond families) occupying a government building in Oregon. Ha, an occupation, opposing a government, sounds good for the BBC. Wrong. The occupiers did not tick the left wing BBC boxes. They were hard working white ranchers and farmers who protested against a Federal grab of their land which was illegal with some shady background deals for anyone who wants to look into it. They were initially supported by armed militias but no shots were fired and no one threatened violence. The ranchers had burnt fires which spread to land claimed by the Feds. Burning land is a longstanding practice which destroys crop harming beetles and other pests, restoring the land for use again. But it goes against plans to tackle climate change, and members of the family were jailed.
The BBC account, link here, was biased to say the least and they described the ranchers as terrorists, and on one HYS an unmoderated comment even compare them to ISIS.
Here is the BBC link. Next, feel free to turn to a constitutional law expert detailing the case in a skilled presentation of the sort that a national broadcaster should give with with its commitment to educate and inform.
BBC link
Now here is a constitutional law expert who slams the media and government.
Everything about the people of Oregon and Montana and that part of the north vwest USA is anathema to the BBC/liberal media. They are incapable of understanding them. I have a very old friend who ranches in Montana. There a man can still feel free. He left Georgia as it was getting too developed and too full of the wrong sort of Yankees.
Terrorists these disgusting liberals call them. I call them free living men and women. Some of the last free men of the European stock. On this story ignore the BBC as you would ignore a fool gibbering in the street.
If you ever want to hear a bleeding heart Liberal trying to defend the actions of the Liberal Elite and perpetrators of injustice, just listen to this hand wringing Liberal talking over Katie Hopkins. This man Ian Dale is so in denial it simply beggars belief and mirrors the BBC’s position exactly. Not pretty listening:
If you ever want to hear a bleeding heart Liberal trying to defend the actions of the Liberal Elite and perpetrators of injustice, just listen to this hand wringing Liberal talking over Katie Hopkins. This man Ian Dale is so in denial it simply beggars belief and mirrors the BBC’s position exactly. Not pretty listening:
You should of heard Ian Collin`s tonight on LBC , he said he was a friend of Ian Dale , but disagreed with him , & agreed with Katie Hopkins, on the happenings in Cologne .I C, laid it on the line, that these men had come from a Medieval Society , & this was just waiting to happen . He & most of the callers were incensed ,with the German police , the Mayor ,& the BBC for trying to cover it up.Then he went into attack mode, on Fatty Abbott. He even had a dig at O`Brian , saying he would of probably blamed the Conservatives(Party) ,for what happened in Cologne. Incidentally 33 years ago on NYE 82/83, I too was in Cologne . It was one of the best ones I have ever attended. There was some English , civilians ,plus RAF & Army,Germans, USAF , & US Army.We were all drinking to about 6 am , really good NYE , all round. The new drinking advice , total rubbish , my Camra friends often drink 7 pints in a night anyhow .
Iain Dale is torn apart in the comments below. The link has a headline about Dale giving Katie Hopkins both barrels – in fact he was derogatory, but the real fire came from Hopkins.
That headline is a masterpiece from the ‘tell it often enough’ school.
Thing is, it probably gets believed by the guy who wrote it and Mr, Dale, and no one else.
And even at least one of them may have their doubts.
Sleep easy Iain. No kicking the cat when you wake up.
Dale won’t get any credit for his grovelling to the RoP- he would still be thrown off a car park roof with his hands and feet tied by them. Still,never mind eh?
Dale always was a useless wanker
What these interviews show is that there is an increasing number of people in this country who do think in the same way as Katie Hopkins in these issues and are prepared to say so.
Shelagh Fogarty (ex-BBC) runs an afternoon programme on LBC and ran a similar section earlier in the week which also didn’t go to plan. She struggled to retain her control over the discussion, and on occasion lost by picking hairs into what people were saying.
She and Dale and their like have no real argument, and resort to splitting hairs and playing with words as untrained callers use somewhat looser phraseology.
As far as Dale is concerned, I have noticed that he always has to have the last word, resorting to forcing his own opinion as he cuts the caller off. Most interviews end that way. very annoying.
“On the square outside were several thousand men, most of a migrant background, who were firing all kinds of fireworks and throwing bottles into the crowd at random.”
“German media, also quoting internal police reports, say that significant numbers of Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi migrants were in the crowd – although it is unclear if any were involved in the attacks.”
“But Cologne’s mayor said there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees.”
I think Cologne’s Mayor is living in some sort of parallel universe.
I was in Cologne on business just before Christmas last year, and I felt perfectly safe walking around the city centre in the evening. It seemed a pretty friendly place for a big city, an example of which came in the form of a drunken tramp lady in her sixties who offered to help me (in pretty good English I might add) understand the tram timetables. I never even remember seeing many brown faces, certainly not the usual “north African & Arab” types that can be found profaning most European city centres these days. Now, that was LAST year, so I wonder what’s changed? Could it be that the high Turkish population that Germany has had for many years have all of a sudden decided to attack their hosts, or could it be, I wonder, some other group……… Of course not, because Cologne’s mayor has reassured us, and so kindly parroted by Al Beeb, that “there was no reason to believe those behind the attacks were refugees”. Well they are, strictly speaking, correct, because not one of the thieving sexually molesting parasites is a refugee. They forfeited their refugee status the second they stepped foot out of Turkey.
Only now (2hrs ago) Al Beeb are getting the story out ? I presume that they had hoped it would go away ? Nothing to see here .
Oh look at that fluffy squirrel over there ……………….
So much for this, “Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news”
CECUTT operating at predictable levels, one sees.
If the complaint is pursued as far as The Trust, I wonder if BBC ‘belief’ in its rectitude will get deployed?
At least then the inevitable multi-page ‘finding’ will be in the public domain and available to spread around.
… and now the BBC uses its print arm to defend itself…
It is incidents like this that allow the BBC to say it is politically neutral and unbiased, except of course we all know that it isn’t. The whole thing is manufactured by the BBC, who are there to report news, not create it.
Be interesting if those upset by this cancel their TVL DDs and advocate other forms of funding, or agitate more for banning anything except what they want to be served on the public tab.
Fair to say our Gaby not really getting the support from her public on what ‘we’ must do, that she may have hoped.
The Guardian “picks” are most amusing and don’t seem to mirror the general sentiment. Reminds me of another well-known media name.
The top comments are scathing!