Have you noticed the difference between how the BBC reports that the Swedes have started to control migration and the alarmed rhetoric we got when ‘Right-wing’ Hungary did the same?
No claims of fascism or Nazism or racism as levelled at the Hungarians….in fact the Swedish story has vanished off the BBC pages to be replaced by one about Denmark reacting to the Swedish actions.
The BBC isn’t resorting to the same abuse that it did with Hungary when we were told that the problem with East Europeans is that they are stuck in the dark ages due to their history and that their innate racism hasn’t been educated out of them yet, however Sweden is still treated to the glare of disapproval however moderately expressed….
Denmark has tightened its border controls with Germany, hours after Sweden imposed similar measures to deter migrants entering from Denmark.
Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen said the decision was “not a happy moment” but Denmark “must respond” to Sweden’s restrictions.
Stojberg, Denmark’s integration minister, said the measures taken by Sweden meant Denmark was “faced with a serious risk to public order and internal security because a very large number of illegal immigrants may be stranded in the Copenhagen area”.
The move is expected to cause serious disruption to traffic flows from Denmark.
Danish Transport Minister Hans Christian Schmidt called the checks “extremely annoying”.
Holly Snaith, a British academic who commutes from Malmo to her job at Copenhagen University, told the BBC that the changes had added at least half an hour to her journey.
“We are all on tenterhooks hoping that the Swedish government will resolve things soon,” she said.
Nicholas Bean, who commutes from Malmo to his marketing job in Copenhagen, said: “Travellers aren’t happy about the Swedish government’s action… There has to be a better way to handle the problem.”
A similar set of border closures in eastern Europe in October left thousands of migrants stranded in poor weather conditions.
Apparently nobody is happy with Sweden which has taken such an irresponsible action…and oh those poor migrants ‘stranded in poor weather conditions’…should have stayed in sunny Turkey then…or one of the refugee camps provided at great expense but ignored for some reason as the migrants preferred to head for the land of milk, honey and free housing.
Oh yes…more BBC propaganda designed purely to push the line that we must accept refugees…nothing to do with ‘reporting’ in the slightest…you may have heard John Simpson’s attempt to persuade us that allowing millions of refugees into Europe is a good and humane thing to do, he used the fact that 250,000 Belgium refugees were allowed into the UK during WWI to bolster his case….what he didn’t mention was that as soon as the war was over the government forced nearly all of them out and sent them packing back to Belgium…Simpson should know that history as the BBC told it to us last year…..
“It was the largest influx of refugees in British history but it’s a story that is almost totally ignored,” says Tony Kushner, professor of modern history at the University of Southampton.
Syria might be in need of all those people itself when the time comes to rebuild…..but the BBC has decided that’s not a good idea.
Will the government send Syrians et al packing? We know that ain’t going to happen with Syrians and others from the Middle East, or from wherever, today as once they get there feet across the threshhold they know they are here to stay…so the best thing is to keep them out from the start and care for them in locations closer to their own homes from where they can be repatriated when the time is right.
Simpson does admit to the real problem…Islam…
Yet there is one major difference between these waves of migrants in the past and the one we have seen in 2015.
Professor Alex Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University, explains: “What’s dramatic about today is that this is the first time Europe has faced people coming in from the outside in large numbers as refugees.
“The fact that many are Muslims is perceived as challenging Europe’s identity.”
European societies are changing very fast indeed as a result of immigration.
Unfortunately he doesn’t go further and dodges the major conflicts that will ultimately arise from invasion of millions of Muslim migrants and instead blames bad government…
The influx of migrants reinforces people’s sense that their identity is under threat.
But how can the world deal conclusively with the problem?
The former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Sir John Holmes, blames poor global governance.
We have endured an entire century of exile and homelessness and the cause is almost always the same – conflict and bad government.
Unless these are dealt with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped.
Actually the migrant flow can be stopped…Hungary proved it…you just shut the border. The reason we get so many flooding towards Europe is because they heard Merkel’s siren call that all would be welcome…..when they start to realise the borders are shut they will stop coming in their millions….Turkey and other such transit countries will be lumbered with those ‘stranded in poor weather’ and will soon start to shut their borders…ala Denmark….a domino effect all the way back to the countries of origin. Simples.
The BBC says we cannot stop them and we’d better get used to mass migration [Mark Easton™] but we can stop them if there is the will. Just say no you’re not coming in.
Simpson is in denial as are the lot of them- liberal intelligentsia/media /etc.
There are no Muslim majority democratic states as Europe understands the word. None.
There never have been and never will as long as sharia and a theocratic view of the human governance are the rule in Muslim lands.
This is actually very easy to grasp and this is exactly why the BBc and the rest waffle and obscure the reality. Can’t face it .
Social capital in a European /Western country has a quite different meaning. This is particlarly true of England and Anglo Saxon lands. We have absolutely nothing in common with Islamic systems of government.
Large scale immigration is an experiment in a liberal’s avoidance of reality and ignorance of human nature. The third world wants to come to us exactly because we are the possessors of real social capital and well governed in comparison to their countries.
Immigration is easily ended. It just takes will and the desire to say no. Look at Japan. Look and learn.
The liberal is unable to comprehend just how simple things really are.
To the liberal Sweden is an ideal state. To a conservative realist Sweden is on the way to God knows what and is already a failing state. The difference in approach is unbridgeable and argument is futile.
We will have to await events to see exactly who is proved right.
Great post.
Sweden is now trying to stop Muslim immigration, but its too late.
Sweden as a historic country, is a terminal case. If there was a Macmillan type of hospice for nations, Sweden could join, so its impending death could be as pain free as possible. Poor Sweden. I remember Abba and Waterloo. How apt that Sweden has met its Waterloo from its own hands, or the stupidity of its socialist politicians, which by the way Swedes continued to elect.
Is there a way out for Sweden. Yes. Its known as “Exchange of populations” and can be justified on humanitarian grounds.
Since 9/11, I have posted that the only way out from this self inflicted fatal wound, is to exchange populations – Muslims in the West for Christians in Muslim countries.
Its only fair. Christians in Muslim countries will be saved from execution, and we wont have to worry where the next bomb is coming from. Muslims will be happy living under sharia.
Once such a situation is achieved, a Cold War type of boundary will automatically come about – Muslims will not be able to come to the West for any except the most pressing reason, and for a very limited time.
We could then live in peace without the state’s intrusive monitoring of every one’s actions, and the humiliating procedures we are put though at airports etc. Then of course the huge savings in trying to maintain security while allowing Muslims to live in the West. The present situation is like WWII – war against Germany while allowing millions of Germans to settle in Britain. Total Madness.
That’s all well and good, but the Koran commands muslims to create a worldwide caliphate, which they are steadily infiltrating the west to achieve right now. Why would they agree to any ‘solution’ that denied them that aim?
So here we are.
1. We cannot defeat Islam or Allah without waging such a ruthless war that it will besmirch our own values for centuries.
2. We cannot assimilate Islam, as it is too different from Western Judeao-Christian culture, and besides it is aggressively intolerant.
3. We cannot democratise Islam, as almost all Muslims regard sharia as Allah’s law, and above man-made laws.
All these options, which we are now trying out, are ineffective and impossible to implement, and this manifestlky clear passes. We are thus left with no option but to separate from The Islamic world in all matters except common trade.
My view, long held, is that we need to have a separation from the Islamic world. As a start one needs to take Muslims at their own words and agree wholeheartedly that there is indeed a dar ul islam and a dar ul harb, and for the good of humanity, infidels and muslims alike, it is better to live apart.
Harsh as this is, it is the most humane way to progress. What frightens me is that we are moving towards a new world war that is quite unlike previous world wars. We are looking forward to a Three Conjecture scenario (Google), leading to deaths on an unprecedented scale.
How are our politically correct Quisling politicians any different to the Swedes? The absolute disdain our political class have for the public can be summed up in the incredible appointment of our first Muslim sergeant at arms at the mother of parliaments. Mr el-Hajjii, previously a civil servant is a known lobbyist for suspected terrorists. So much for the Islamic appreciation of our democratic system and the political neutrality of the civil service, he immediately sent a good-luck Tweet to the Labour Party’s first Muslim candidate for Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan on his accession. No doubt the first to be removed from the House of Commons under his sharia compliant tenure will be those voicing any criticism of the “religion of peace”.
Re : Social capital
Is something that one cannot quantify. For instance, Spain or Portugal are not as wealthy as England, but they do have social capital. It is trust that one puts in one’s fellow citizens, that they are working for your good. In the army, social capital manifests itself as the trust one has in one’s comrades, in battle particularly.
Islam and its followers not only eat the social capital without putting more then they eat, but actively destroy social capital.
Would you trust the lives of your loved ones to a doctor who has served with ISIS? Would soldiers in the US army, particularly ones at Fort Hood, put their lives in the hands of a Muslim soldier?
In both cases – social capital has been destroyed by Muslims, without them putting something more in, then they have destroyed.
NCBBC, Well said. Islam only destroys, it does not create
The Today programme ‘covered’ (I’m being kind) the story this morning. The average listener not up to speed with the huge financial, logistical, cultural and law/order problems being caused in Sweden by the massive influx of young muslims would have benefitted from a look at any of these aspects. Which did the BBC look at? None of them! Instead they ignored their charter obligations yet again and only looked at this from the point of view of a single Dane who was being inconvenienced by the border restrictions.
Why did they do this? Well it is because it suits their pro immigrant narrative, even when Sweden is on its knees. Scumbags.
The sobering reality is that the peace and prosperity enjoyed by the continent of Europe, and which has allowed the liberal elite to grow, and completely dominate world policy and media agenda, was born about through the sacrifice or millions of men and women during the 2 world wars. These wars were fought for the very reasons we see happening around us today. We are being invaded by those who care nothing about the Europeans who have taken them in. We are the religious enemy who are doomed to an eternity in hellfire. The infidel is fair game to be exploited and abused. Appeasement will only allow the virus that is Islam to invade and destroy every single aspect of our heritage and culture as Muslims will only ever conform to lslam. In a social experiment that has never been approved by any population in Europe, the leaders of Europe are erasing our identity. Changing everything we love about our countries. We are being made to like we are the problem for not allowing this to happen! These people will create laws, quash debate, do everything in their power to make their delusion a reality. Every life given during the great wars, appears to be in vain, as everything they fought and died for is now just happening through legislation none of us voter for. The path we are heading down is doomed to failure. It is doomed to lead to rise of a nationalism never witnessed before. It will lead to a unity in Europe only dreamed of by the liberals but this unity will be born out of the fight for survival of everything we live for. This bleak future is already apon us. Whole sections of society from Christian and Muslim communities are a just a spark away from unimaginable violence and bloodshed. The people who have forced this apon us all should never be able to forget what they have done. They have forced their selfish, delusional, egotistical agendas on Christians and Muslims all over the world and created a world at the point of destruction. Remember none of us every asked for this. We never needed this. May those responsible never be allowed to forget what they have done
When a liberal starts on just ask him or her to name one people in the whole of human history that has voluntarily ceded their land and way of life to another.
It has never happened yet the liberal believes that the ethnic European will do exactly that. Sweden has almost admitted as much and is finished. Merkel in her delusion thinks that the Germans will follow the Swedes into oblivion.
Our liberals hope for the best. Hoping for the best has always led to disaster. It is the business of a governor to act cautiously and to understand that a people and that people’s way of life is a compact between past present and future generations. It is never the right of one generation to break this compact.
That is rightfully described as treachery and treason.
Any governor that does this wilfully has forfeited the loyalty of the governed. That is the way of the world and has always been the way of the world.
How the future of England will work out I do not know and cannot forsee but the marginalisation of respectable and logical conservative views by a vicious and ill educated elite has bought us into peril.
The entire power structure is compromised now and will have to stand down eventually. it is just a matter of time.
Really well put Dave S.
Unarguable-so absolutely no pint on wasting time arguing the toss re semantics and correct syntax with the liberal left elite.
Their responses are mere fortune cookie/Christmas cracker type mottos that pretend to be balanced and measured statements,,,but are crazy oxymorons like their spouters.
Witness the confections about Trump being “clipped” onto an Al-Shabab video…we can expect more of this, now that Hillary Clinton is required by the liberal elite to further feed the Islamic takeover of the USA.
It was Hillarys idea after all-and so the meme runs to schedule..and the BBC push the same crap.
Farages car was tampered with?…yet no BBC comment on it?
If YOU were Al Baghdadi-who would YOU fear most?…Trump or Clinton?
NO wonder the liberals are so desperate to get Hillary in-probably getting measured for a burqa if not getting Lewinsky back as back-up wifelet for Imam Bill.
Saw Boris Johnsons crap on Islam today in the Telegraph-like me, he`s just read Houellebecqs “Submission”…but refused to accept its obvious premise that Turks like Boris will return to islam at the right price and inducements…all that fornication will be allowed for BIll and Boris, so no surprises that Islam is coming through the institutions in its curly carpet slippers.
No resistance-just submission at County Hall and the White House, and as long as the minarets have an option on a BBC loudspeaking role to call the Jews and Christians out of line-then demographics will do the rest.
But not without a fight.
Well said Tothepoint, Dave S and chrisH. Excellent posts!
Second that.
With sadness, I have to agree with you.
The present ignorant political elite have brought us into this situation. No matter what happens now, we will end up with shame on our hands. It was never necessary that such a situation should have been made. Enrichment from Islam was never really necessary for England’s survival.
Great post.
Also see Fjordmans. He has ceased posting, but much has been posted there years ago.
They have forced their selfish, delusional, egotistical agendas on Christians and Muslims all over the world and created a world at the point of destruction. Remember none of us every asked for this.
Exactly. There is going to be a terrible awakening. Everyone but everyone is going to suffer, including Muslims, who through no fault of theirs, have been made to understand, that all of Christendom was up for grabs.
Civil wars are real nasty affairs. Unlike a normal war between nations, civil wars end with the loser being evicted from the nation.
In Fjordman’s blog some ten years ago
The situation in Sweden is highlighted, as well that in England.
They will not forget Tothepoint….i will make sure of that…rest assured they will be dealt with, in a manner be-fitting of their smug treachery.
i`m not going to bother to listen again to the 9am news headlines on Radio 4 (may have been 8.45 or earlier even) that gave me this nugget (Sweden closing its border to the Danes), but didn`t add even ONE sentence of context or with context.
Just one sentence-so you know they`re stuffed and desperately trying to find their usual angle…but it`s the Swedes and the Danes…so how the hell can we shaft Cameron, puff up the EU…and scorn the racists…when the Swedes are at it!
If I wanted to see a nasty little typical anti-Israel storys genesis, development and parking-I could do worse that that recent one about two Israelis getting shot in Jerusalem at the weekend.
Breibart said the attacker had a Koran in his backpack…so I knew then it`d be going down the hole…and, the BBC seem to have forgotten the story-even when they were quick to move it up their agendas in New Years Day…
Funny how I can`t hear the “What` the point of the Met Office” programme from last August-even though the pathetic naming of “Storm Drain Frank” only shows how redundant and stupid they now are.
BUT-if I want to hear about “What`s the point of the Book Of Common Prayer”-then, conveniently enough-that`ll be available.
If only the Christian church was as arsey and antsy in defence of their God, as the Green loonies are in defence of THEIRS…Gaia and Hera the health food goddess…a lesbian partnership if ever I saw one.
If we have a government in
power to 2025 with the same approach as this one to immigration then it will be too late to prevent an islamic take over of the uk. Demographics will see to that. On top of Muslim immigration there will be the continuation of a high Muslim birth rate. The idea that muslims will track down to the birth rates of the non Muslims is fantasy. The take over will not have occurred by 2025 but it will become a mathematical certainty by 2050.
In this environment, the period 2025-50 will become one of a no-choice violent struggle by the original indigenous population to retain their civilisation before they permanently lose political power .In the interim before full islamic takeover, swathes of inner city areas and some suburbs will become no go areas for the police and for our system of law. The sectarianism and violence of post 1969 Northern Ireland may look tame in comparison .
We can thank the left-liberal establishment including the BBC for this delightful prospect.
Just before Christmas Hamtramck, Michigan became the first US town to elect a muslim council. Previously, the town was majority polish. The writing is on the wall. I wonder which town in UK will be the first ?
Yup. Non-Muslims are leaving Rotherham as they can see and read the writing in the wall.
Yup. Non-Muslims are leaving Rotherham as they can see, read and understand, the writing on the wall.
Well, with, i suspect, Police, Council and social services accepting bulging brown envelopes to keep quiet, i’m not surprised. By the way, i wanted to edit the last post made just now….thinking armed cops would batter my door down, as they do, the morons…and lo….no edit facility…what gives?
Oh…sorry, it’s there now….bit late really….better get my house barricaded then…ta.
… and of course, we mustn’t forget we will have the hordes of mindless Labour voters to ultimately thank for the destruction of our society.
As usual with tribal idealogues, they have no idea of what is coming their way, because of the self-serving and self-gratifying choices they made when casting their vote.
I believe everyone is responsible for their own actions, and they must not be allowed to forget that it is they, themselves who have facilitated this. Will they realise their errors in time? I doubt it, they will be too busy feverishly discussing which hijab wearer should win this years live infidel decapitation contest. “So good to see those racist white heterosexual males getting what’s coming to them for their centuries of oppression of non-whites and women.” Shortly followed by that evening’s BBC ratings-busting two minute hate, featuring the evil Thatcher witch for only the three hundredth time this year.
Well, lad, i know a few diehard Labour voters…and the only thing that get’s them agitated is footie…darts…porn…cars…..poor bloody fools.
I’ve recently watched an old TV drama involving the arrival of Belgian refugees in Britain in World War 1. (It was an episode of the old Upstairs Downstairs, a sort of 1970s Downton Abbey.) It had comical overtones of our own era. To house a family of Belgians was – apparently – THE fashion accessory of 1915, so the upper-crust Bellamy family agree to take one. Unfortunately, the new arrivals prove to be lice-ridden peasants. They are then dumped in the servants’ quarters to be cared for. How like our own virtue-signalling celebrities, who emote over refugees but leave all the hardship of their care to the lower orders!
By the way, I can recommend this ITV series – available on DVD, and vastly less tedious and politically correct than the BBC’s recent re-make. It’s probably better scripted than Downton, which features cringe-making language modernisms.
The comparison to WWI and WWII refugees is not valid.
1 The refugees were nearly all genuine, rather than economic migrants
2 They came from Europe and had a similar ethnic and cultural background; even if they had a different religion, integration was still easier
3 The Government basically gave them nothing other than sanctuary; no free housing, no cash, etc nor did the refugees expect anything, they were grateful for being given a place of safety.
Just for an experiment I thought I’d check out Holly Snaith on Twitter, the academic who is so awfully inconvenienced by the new rules.
She likes the EU and tweets about giving rooms to refugees. The BBC’s kind of person. What a coincidence.
And , of course, she will be housing refugees in her house ?
She needs to meet a few sexually repressed, agitated muslim youths…..
The BBC’s kind of person. What a coincidence.
Common Purpose speed dial in action.
Her comment “We are all on tenterhooks hoping that the Swedish government will resolve things soon,” roughly translated = ‘They need to start letting them all in again pronto’.
I am dedicated to fighting against the Islamic invasion and fight in defence of traditional British values. However, there are times when I feel it is a futile fight. When the liberal deluded idiots refuse to even accept what Islam represents at all, and they insist on appeasing their vile supremacist, homophobic, mysoginisic ideology, I wonder what is the point? When I write in opposition to Muslims raping kuffir women and taking them as sex-slaves, these stupid lefty “new age feminist” women call me racist and are appalled. They genuinely do not understand that I am trying to stop those Muslims from having the right to rape those women with impunity. Perhaps we should just give in, convert, and get all rapey. Perhaps that’s what those stupid liberal feminist women really want? Their logic is utterly baffling.
Geyza , I suspect that some of the lefty femifascists actually fantasise about being raped by a muslim. It is all about submission.
Grant, I think you have a point here. Look at the BBC photos of ISIS soldiers, swaggering in some kind of manly fashion, posing with their guns, rough tough men who would tame and conquer the kind of western feminist who offers her body to the eternal victims of western neo liberal imperialism
GWF, To paraphrase a joke ” Human beings are amazing. They can put a man on the moon but they cannot put a man on femifascists. Unless it is an ISIS soldier. ” I think the femifascists know that the only men who would rape them are muslims. Makes the girls feel superior to goats !
**Their logic is utterly baffling.**
Because no logic is employed before the fact.
Their decision to be pro-Muslim, pro-refugee and anti-Western is made at a purely emotional level, where they love failure and hate success.
Having arrived at that emotional decision, they subsequently use logic simply as a means to rationalise and justify that decision; because the decision is a stupid one, the logic used to defend it is necessarily baffling.
From Fjordman’s blog, some 10 years ago.
Its not as if this situation was not predicted. From the Daily Telegraph
This would not have been such a problem had the change not been so, well, wholesale. The demographic balance seemed to change in the blink of an eye, as the traditional Cockneys departed and the council flats of Tower Hamlets soon came to resemble the slums of Dhaka. Soon we were the only white family on our road. Street names were being translated into Bengali and the foundations for the East London Mosque were being built.
even worse, if Britain’s ghettos are not tackled, they will produce even greater numbers of alienated Muslims, compensating for their alienation in the most fundamental and uncompromising way of all.
Last sentence is just a coded form for civil strife.
The DT link is no longer available.
Listening to World At One news on Radio 4 just now, hearing another bleat story about migrants drowned off the coast of Turkey. I thought Europe had agreed to pay some £3 billion a year to stop this flow ?
Even worse – the BBC presenter looks to a UK “migrant charity” to comment on the latest incident. Hard to understand what the charity worker is saying – all in a thick foreign accent !
The BBC never speaks to the poor Greeks on Lesbos about all this, nor to indigenous Brits and indigenous Europeans who mostly oppose strongly this huge flow of immigrants. Immigrants from all parts of Asia and Africa. No, the BBC stays in its leftie bubble, speaking only to pressure groups wanting to have virtually open borders.
Two existential threats face Europe. One is the EU ( dismembering the nation state), and the other is the demographic invasion & conquest of Europe by Islam. Islam will destroy the cultural heritage of Europe.
Both these threats – the EU and Islam, there is willful blindness, ably fostered by the BBC, in the naïve hope, that they can be reformed. In the case of the EU, forty years plus, trying to reform the EU has failed . In the case of Islam, no “Reformation” in the acceptable meaning of the word, is possible.
Failure to recognize existential threats, external or internal, is the prime cause of downfall of even the most powerful civilization.
UK: Doctors who joined the Islamic State expected to return and work for National Health Service
A British Home Office source said the students would not automatically face prosecution if they returned to Britain under anti-terror legislation, so long as they could prove they have not been fighting.”
As if those who went over to join the Islamic State and provide medical services have no belief system, no ideology, that could possibly render them disloyal to Britain.
I really don’t think I’d want to be treated by a Doctor who hates us this much. I hope they will be named and the health service they work for publicised.
I won’t be holding my breath though.
You’ll be fine. Just… no funny looks, mind.
No matter what gap-year pictures they have on the wall next to the Deeplomar.
From the link Many of those who have already joined up with ISIS include at least 17 British doctors who were studying at Sudan’s University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST).
These are people who are so stupid that despite being ethnically diverse, were unable to get admission to any UK medical; school.
In fact they couldnt even get admission to any medical school in Asia. So it had to be in Sudan.
I would advise that these doctors be allowed to join ISIS. With luck they will cause more deaths then save ISIS lives. Allowing them to practice in the UK will lead to deaths due to incompetence.
But Lord Haw Haw was hanged ! Forget about anti-terrorism laws. What about treason ?
Even for the BBC, I have just read the most sickening, antagonistic, delusional left riddled piece of shit in my life! It’s literally made me want to go Jihad on those disgusting traitors at the BBC! Their head line for the mass pillage and rape of Western women in cologne is as follows “Germans shocked by new year gang assaults on women”! I have never seen anything so pathetic in my whole life! How can they get away with that headline? Why did the only use the most fleeting of text to admit they are all Arabs who do not talk English or German? Why not link the fact Hamburg has had the same thing happen? WTF use a statement which is nothing short of psychotic which is clearly from a politically driven justice minister that they have “warned against linking this to migrants and refugees”!! Of course it’s fu(§¥£^ linked to both of those horrid, scumbag b@stards and the traitor politician knows it! We are truly fu(ked! What have the political elite done!
This may be the article you read Tothepoint
At least it was reported, maybe only because the BBC cannot keep the lid on forever, but at least the news has breached the BBCs firewall on negative immigrant stories. Lets hope the traitorous proponents of open borders are starting to feel an icy chill regarding their own futures.
It is also possible that some BBC staffer has had to fight tooth and nail to get as little as that published, notice it’s another anonymous article.
That’s not the exact article I read. It seems the BBC have adapted the article to box tickingly include more of the anger felt by German women to hypocritically show the feminist angle is all that mattered. Laughably however, the BBC is still is doing everything it can (like the BBC was the propaganda arm of the Islam war machine itself) to brush over/purposesly ignore the fact that the the sole cause/reason these events happened and will relentlessly continue like they did in Rotherham and every town and city up and down the UK, is Muslim men believe all infidel women are subhuman cattle to be enslaved, raped and abused. The Biblical levels of young healthy Muslim men desperately encouraged by the BBC and liberal politicians into our lands and with no strings attached, was only ever going to led to what happened in cologne. These weren’t men escaping for there lives! These are sex starved men from every Islamic shithole going, desperate to take everything they can from the infidels and get amongst the cattle and do Allahs work in terrorising everyone of us. The continuous reporting of hidden truths and using alternative language to allow the most shocking of events to fall in line with the BBC pro Islam, pro immigration agenda, is what is allowing and escalating our women being abused and raped and our future massacred like they did in Paris. What will it take before the BBC admit they have got this so unbelievably wrong and have brought unimaginable evil into our lands? Can these fascist left, power crazy bastards ever admit they are wrong? These weak, self serving, embarrassments will do everything to protect themselves, even when everything is falling apart around them. What are we going to do about this? Are we all going to gullibly follow these delusionists into the abyss? Will we act before its too late?