There were massed attacks on women across Germany by groups of men of ‘north African or Arab appearance’…the BBC reports this and the appearance of the attackers and yet…and yet the BBC plays down that identity and the fact that they are almost certainly migrants. The BBC seems a little too eager to tell us that some of the sites of the attacks were well known to be areas where pickpockets are operating or a street has ‘boisterous nightlife’…
….is the intention to suggest that the women perhaps had it coming being in such areas?…..erm like outside a train station and Cathedral….get raped or sexually’s your fault….
The pretty Christmas market and medieval setting may look idyllic, but at Christmas and New Year the area around Cologne Cathedral is a notorious danger zone when it comes to pickpockets and theft.
In Hamburg several women told police that gangs of men had molested and robbed them on New Year’s Eve on the Reeperbahn – a street known for its boisterous night life.
Some similar attacks were reported in Stuttgart.
Pickpockets? Yes you may expect that, what you don’t expect is this…
Witnesses described groups of five to 15 men of who “hunted” women in the streets.
Nice of the BBC to play down the seriousness of such attacks.
And of course it shouldn’t be linked to migration…..
German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that “we won’t tolerate these abhorrent assaults on women – all those responsible must be brought to justice”.
But he also warned against simply linking the crimes to the issue of migrants and refugees.
A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year’s Eve trouble told the city’s Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. “They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates,” he said.
However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Commentators in Germany were quick to urge people not to jump to conclusions.
The Telegraph in contrast is more rounded and reveals that there is concern with immigration and a link to these attacks…
One MP from Angela Merkel’s party called for the numbers of refugees in the country to be reduced in the light of the attacks.
“It can’t go on like this,” Steffen Bilger wrote on Twitter. “Urgently needed: reduction of influx, secure borders, intensifying of deportations and meaningful justice. #Cologne.”
There were allegations of a police “cover-up” on social media after it took five days for the scale of the incidents to emerge, with some claiming the authorities wanted to hide the ethnicity of the perpetrators to avoid social tensions.
“The crimes were committed by a group of people who from appearance were largely from the North African or Arab world,” Wolfgang Albers, the Cologne police chief, told a press conference.
“It is intolerable that such offences are committed in the heart of the city,” he said.
In Hamburg, witnesses described groups of young men who followed women calling out “Bitch! Ficky ficky!”
The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, where Cologne lies, vowed to take action.
“We will not take gangs of North African men humiliating defenceless women with brazen sexual attacks,” Ralf Jäger, the state’s interior minister, said.
Rapists aren’t on al – Beebs official list of terrorists – neither are beheaders, suicide bombers, crucifiers, child killers or mass murderers.
The official terrorist list is –
Climate change deniers
Cliff Richard
Donald Trump
Geert Wilders
Daily Mail readers
The Highland Rebel
You have left out biasedbbc
And Telly Tax deniers
Where are all the young German men defending the women then? Shame on them…neutered by ‘shame’ of the War?….A few hundred SS troopers would have sorted that bunch out….killed the lot of them…and rightly so. I have relatives dead by the war, but others praised the skill and tenacity of the German soldier….set the German Army on these savages now before all Germany falls.
Good point , Grim. Anyone attacks my women or children, I kill them . But, I suspect the German Army may do something , unless all German men have been emasculated
Have seen similar posts on breitbart – I share here my reply
No one in Britain can criticise the Germans in such a way all the time the industrial scale sexual abuse of exclusively young white girls and the hands of moslem men goes unanswered- The men of Rotherham re-elected the same politicians that enabled that abuse
( at least their broadcaster has apologised)
Too true. al Beeb is harping on about women and children starving to death in Syria.
Is there any wonder when the menfolk are all in Europe scrounging benefits and raping the local people instead of looking after and protecting them.
Joined up thinking – one of the great mysteries of the looney left.
Just read the most in utter denial, delusional, round the houses, game of ‘say it’s everything but those dirty rapist bastards fault’ on the BBC webshite. The article is about how ‘how colognes police require rethink’…..WTF!!! If they removed/deported/gave each and every one of them some religion of peace justice (beheading the bastards) to every single one of those evil, backward, racist, Jihadi loving scumbags tonight this event would never happen again. But noooo!! What do our weak, traitorous, sickening, liberal elite think the answer is?? You guessed it! Change the policing! The supposed champions of the free think sending a few more community scarecrows out to watch helplessly as our women are raped is the answer!! Let’s take away even more of our personal freedoms and live in fear so we can protect the worst shite on the planet!!
Ladies, gentlemen, peer’s. If you thought things couldn’t get any worse I have taken this exact quotation from the BBC webshite. I shit you not my friends. Happy reading…
“Mr Jaeger (interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia) warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
You read that right folks. Talking about the destruction of our way of live and how our leaders are allowing our women to be raped is “AS AWFUL AS THE ACTS OF THOSE ASSAULTING THE WOMEN”
missed out the Murdoch Press, which the BBC ironically considers a near monopoly.
Go on Kane, spit it out , tell us …………..
There is a line, and it has been crossed in Germany and Sweden and there will be blood. Under a Conservative government that line is also being crossed with the decision to introduce sharia law part one by changing school exams to fit in with Ramadan and the Muslim Brotherhood. Will Ramadan also be declared a national holiday? No doubt very soon, and even the Swedes have so far baulked at that one. Our craven politicians are again hand in glove with their BBC wine bar chums in PC cahoots laughing at the electorate who have made it clear in poll after poll that they don’t want any more immigration or any more Muslims. The electorate did not vote for Blair 2 to facilitate the transformation of English culture via sharia law, don’t the quislings at the DofE even realise that children are not required to starve during Ramadan. An end to this and an end to the BBC and all Muslim immigration, is there a Trump in the house?
There is now a follow-up Beeb story, though not on the main News section of the website:
Protest over Cologne attacks on women
We get treated to video of 3 Cologne women (quite old women), the first one obviously wasnt buying the spin of her Mayor but the other 2 followed the BBC line rather nicely. But the overall article doesn’t hide what happened on NYE even if the Beeb would rather portray a different account of what took place, it ends with the following
A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. “They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend’s bag,” she told the BBC.
“Another tried to get us into his ‘private taxi’. I’ve been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I’ve never experienced anything like that.”
The Cologne events could easily develop a momentum of their own and if that happens no amount of MSM manipulation will be able to stop the protests.
Germany is reaping what Ms Merkel sowed and these are only the first green shoots.
Has the Beeb started reporting this on the TV news yet?
In the Kölner Stadt Anzeiger a police union representative calls it ” an unprecedented form of sexual violence”. It’s a classic BBC “men” non-story. The police are now bit twitchy about the forthcoming Karneval and are talking about “firm action”. It’s all a bit late for that. Willkommenskultur at its most enriching
About 70-80% of the current immigrants are said to be young men in their twenties. They lack the language, social and cultural skills to hook up with a willing female and most come from societies where an unaccompanied woman is considered of low morals. That characteristic may extend to any non Muslim woman. Even prostitutes may be too expensive.
This was an entirely predictable problem.
‘Radio 5 nearly Alive’ reported it about 10 this morning and mentioned the Arab/ African angle. However the next news bulletin went along the lines of ….’there were demonstrations in Cologne by hundreds of women who had been assaulted on New Years Eve’.
Yup, that was it, the main point of the Muslim /African angle was dropped, so if you hadn’t heard the first report the only thing you could say would presumably and understandably be ……’and’?
Merkel has not just put an existential threat over Germany, but over all Europe.
Lets see now. In 30 years, Muslims will be demographically more then real Germans. Germany, the greatest technological power in Europe, will then become Islamic. Countries such as Hungary, Poland and other East European countries that have resisted Islam, will automatically become targets for invasion (Koranic requirement). Shades of WWII.
These countries need to plan for an Islamic Germany now. In twenty years, it will be too late.
What options
1. Become nuclear weapon states.
2. Get out of NATO, as the USA is a lapdog of Saudi Arabia
3. Sign a defence pact with Russia and China
4. Submit to Islam.
I think Western Europe is lost. Eastern Europe may have to submit to Russia as the lesser of 2 evils. Certainly the Russians will never submit to Islam .
Native europeans have been so protected from the true nature and horror of lslam, that we allowed the weakest, most delusional, egotistical, self serving shit eaters in the history of mankind to get to the positions of leadership of our great and proud countries during the time of potentially the greatest threat that Europe and Christianity has ever faced. They are so desperate to be seen as never doing anything difficult or controversial to the soppy, bedwetting fuckers that have taken over our powerful media bodies, they have laid out the red carpet for the most vile, disgusting animal, scumbags, from every shithole of the world.
We saw how desperate these vile animals were to get here. Do you think they will go back without a fight? They will be encouraged by our own people to do everything it takes to stay? We are on the way to winning back Europe. The results of the anti immigration parties will be like nothing we have seen so far. We win back the power of Europe first. We win back our own destiny to choose how we want our future to be. The traitors at the BBC and liberal politicians in every party have had their day. It’s over. The writing is on the wall and they will know it soon enough. The left should never be able to forget the destruction and chaos that follows Europes decision to end this madness.
Considering the scale of treason that our politicians have committed, aided and abetted by an equally treasonous media, your post is a shining example of restraint.
I said before, that stupid lefty bitch will have blood on her hands…Germans!…Rise up….string her up.
Grim , LOL , I do not disagree. For the first time in my life, I want the krauts to succeed. I almost wish the Nazis had won the war !
Trouble was Grant, Hitler was in league with the Grand Mufti during WW2, and the muslims welcomed the Germans attempt to exterminate the Jews….Mein Kamph is widely read in muslim states.
I went all Charles Branson in Death Wish on this event yesterday on the ‘fascist swedes’ section of this wonderful website.
I cannot begin to describe the total and utter lack of display of courage, dignity, honour, humanity… (this list is endless) displayed by the BBC on this most shocking of events. What Europe needs now is leadership and showing those privileged enough to be allowed in that total respect and obedience to our way of life is mandatory. That isn’t a right wing, xenophobic response but a completely fair and minimal one.
What we on this website have known all along though is the articles and pictures of migrants the BBC and liberal politicians wanted us to see are not the people we have allowed in. These young, vile, disgusting, Muslim men have come here to abuse everything we stand for. The detest us and everything we stand for. They think our women are nothing but sluts to be abused and raped. We are subhuman, infidels, who in the eyes of Allah and the way of Islam are worse than cattle to them. They will never conform. They will react to any forceful response with violence. That’s what they do. That’s what they do to their own people, never mind the infidels.
We on this website have warned about this, but we have been sensored and ignored by the BBC, the left, and all political parties. We knew this would happen yet these people are still trying to excuse or make up alternative realities for what is happening. There are so many of us like minded people all over Europe who are waiting for that leadership to do the right thing for us and for the countries we all love. That time is getting ever closer, but unfortunately I feel it will be after things are so bad it will be the beginning of unrest and violence on unimaginable scales.
There’s a bad smell eminating from Cologne
“Up to a 1000 men…” “organised gangs…” “attacks on women…” “no arrests yet made….”
Our friends on the BBC Breakfast sofa are prepared to tell us that there have been protests about this issue – they are less keen to give any detail or context. So they leave us to go off to work at about 9.20 this morning knowing no more than “men” are to blame. This is blatant news management with a biased pro-multiculti agenda.
By the way, if the BBC is allowed to call this city Cologne and not Köln, how come they have to say Mumbai and not the well-recognised and perfectly recognisable word Bombay?
Self-hating white liberal cringe – now being taken to a criminal extent. How dare the BBC smear ‘men’ in this outrageous way. There is one already identifiable group that is to blame for this – but the BBC is willfully hiding their crimes and smearing others.
Quite, its those “men” again. A casual viewer would be no wiser as to the true nature of the gangs. If they had played the 45sec video on their web article, it would. But they chose not to, mmmm.
It’s the same with Florence , the BBC can’t bring themselves to call it by its modern name , no doubt this would spoil the luvvies atmosphere when they go to the opera .
“By the way, if the BBC is allowed to call this city Cologne and not Köln, how come they have to say Mumbai and not the well-recognised and perfectly recognisable word Bombay?”
In the same way that we are supposed to call the Ivory Coast ‘Cote d’Ivoir’ and East Timor ‘Timor l’Est’, but not call Germany ‘Deutschland’ or Austria ‘Österreich’.
Demon , LOL ! The BBC are crazy morons. They do not know what they are doing !
Shades of Rotherham, and other cities in the UK. Tens of thousands of young White girls gang raped by Muslims, and all of it deliberately hid for decades.
Would that now be the new culturally enriched Eau de Cologne?
The female mayor has waded in and is now blaming the……..drum roll …..women, yep she’s saying they should stick in a group, not dress provocatively and call for help from onlookers. I’m still picking my jaw off the floor, and where are the femnazis ????? Tumbleweed rolling past.
Well what did they expect, walking around freely, tactlessly unveiled….? Next year we’ll all be more careful and the BBC will report, as they did for the Mohammed cartoonists, that those attacked were just too slow in adapting to the new multicultural Europe.
(Happy New Year to all who run and comment on this site which helps ward off despair).
Any sign of the Gastric barrage blimp Jenni Murray sending her minions over to Cologne to check for her Womans Whore Show?
Nah, course not….and now Charlotte Proudman on why air conditioning is manspreading in gaseous form…
Wish I had THEIR problems…
That was the advice given by a Swedish minister to women many years ago, as Swedish women were being set upon and gang raped.
These socialists are beyond the pale of civilised society.
(Liberal-minded) CNN report here makes some interesting points
‘On social media, some accused the news media of failing to report on the assaults in a timely fashion due to sensitivities around the alleged ethnic identities of the assailants.’ Is BBC Trending picking this up?
“During these investigations it will become clear which circle of perpetrators is involved,” he said (German Justice Minister Heiko Maas)
Steffen Bilger, a member of parliament for Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, tweeted that the reports demonstrated the urgent need for Germany to reduce its migrant intake, secure its borders, intensify deportations and uphold “consistent justice.”
Funny you should mention Maas. Maas is unknown in Britain but he spends all his time trying to coerce American-owned social media into censoring negative comments about the new arrivals. He is also trying, and may well have succeeded, in strengthening the law against “Volksverhetzung”, mass incitement to violence and “hate speech”. At a PEGIDA demonstration, Merkel was hung in effigy. Maas would like this to be treated as incitement to murder and receive an appropriately long prison sentence. You can be certain, if Maas has anything to do with it, any German citizen pointing out who the perpertrators really are, will end up in prison for incitement. Maas is now saying that “it all seems to have been organised”. The media is claiming that it all the police’s fault and although the majority were of a “North African appearance”, there were no “refugees” amongst them, as “refugees” would be frightened off by rough behaviour of that kind.
Cover up? What cover up?
“The major migrant cover-up claim was sparked after it became clear at least one public funded broadcaster ignored the brutal assaults on women by marauding gangs up to 1,000 immigrant men in Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart.”
Surprisingly the BBC doesn’t get a mention…….Yet.
‘Surprisingly the BBC doesn’t get a mention”
Probably well covered by “at least one public funded broadcaster ignored the brutal assaults”.
I just watched ED (him of the “albert” – allegedly!) giving a very hard time to a German who was taking him down on the above subject.
In loosing the argument ED reverted to slang – “so you are tarring them with the same brush”.
Apart from the racist comment by ED, this threw the interviewee.
Next from ED – “I’m sorry we are out of time”.
Bias or what?
PS. I apologise to some of the more erudite commentators on this site, my degree is not in Classics.
As a “thick scientist” I just comment on my observations.
However, I do enjoy surfing this site.
I think on this site real scientists are valued a lot more highly than on BBC, or likeminded, sites. Keep up the good comments.
Listening to the TV weather presenters, the weather now gets ‘Cooler’.
What’s happened to ‘Colder’?
Has ‘Cooler’ become Al Beeb’s latest Non PC word ? …….You gotta larf………………….
The “sorry we are out of time’ ploy is one well used by the BBC, especially when devoting most of the ‘time’ allotted to stitching up an interviewee and then making sure they cannot counter. Or to bail if things are not going as per narrative.
As noted here, it was deployed with Zac Goldsmith only the other day, in an interview that the BBC may come to regret staging.
People do notice when they are desperate.
Women in Cologne were apparently demonstrating yesterday with placards stating… ‘against sexism, against racism’.
I can only presume the racism bit is because the Muslims and Africans perceived racism in that these young Aryan women ran off and didn’t give freely of themselves to their new friends.
Or have I missed the point!
Joking aside and it really is the only sane thought I can make at the moment just what sort of pathetic self flagellating people are these women becoming?
So predictable – women protesting against racism when it is admitted thst the attacks were made by men of north african or arab appearance. Stand by for the BBC to move to the next stage. Fear of a backlash against Muslims in Germany. BBC interviews immigrants in Germany who express their fears and are afraid to go out.
Hence their reluctance to leave the childrens home or the school dorms or student nurses quarters-and leave them all badly lit in the cause of “saving energy”.
Islamic dreamtime-hospital car parks at 4am…but the Greens would rather have the rapes that give them decent lighting…raped in the gutters but a good view of the stars as it happens…to paraphrase something Oscar would have noted…
Ah yes the dreaded backlash that never happens. We will hear of a woman who had her hijab tugged.
Am I mistaken, but has Mad Merkel gone quiet for some time now ?
On the BBC1 10pm news last night, they did mention this story without once mentioning that the appearance of the attackers had been defined by the German Police themselves as ‘Arab or North African’
Then on R4 Toady this morning, the same story came up around 7.20am. A feminist was interviewed and only at the last breath of the interview did the presenter – Sarah Montague I think – fess up to the ‘North African’ appearance.
Al-bBBC are just totally in denial.
Any immigrant, even up to the fourth generation, should be deported straightaway (even back to Syria) if they will not abide by the law of the land they immigrate into. No ifs nor buts, no right of appeal – one strike and you’re out.
So if Nigel Farage’s wife breaks the speed limit she should be sent back to Germany?
Please keep comments like this coming. Most enjoyable. That is what I love about the liberal left. it’s sheer absurdity.
It is clear to anyone with a minimum of intelligence exactly what Demon was referring to. See the title of this thread.
Dave S, You hit the nail on the head. It is the total lack of sensitivity and self-awareness of themselves and other people which makes Lefties so absurd. That coupled with their total lack of sense of humour !
Just look at Marvin’s comment above . That sums it up !
He must have been so pleased with himself when he made that comment, probably with one hand….
I didn’t realise Frau Farage wasn’t culturally European or Christian.
Marvin , a simple question , why do you post on this site ?
Have you voted here yet ?
The strike will only apply to people whose ideology/culture requires them to destroy Infidel culture and impose sharia. Islam is at war with the West, therefore the rules of war apply.
It wont apply to Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Atheists, or any other group, but only to Muslims. Nothing to do with race unless it bacame obvious that we were being attacked by a certain identifiable racial group. then race will come into it.
An Indian colleague (i.e. he is Indian and works at our Indian site) visited us in the UK and was amazed at how courteous car drivers are in the UK by letting people in at junctions when there is a tailback. Apparently in Bangalore you can wait for ages.
This little ostensibly insignificant event made me start to look at people in cars who do not let me in, and I’ll leave you to guess about my conclusions.
The point being that multiculturalism is a totally unworkable concept. For all kinds of reasons you need one set of rules which everyone buys into, legal, safety-related, norms, rituals, values. The alternative is anarchy and division. Only those who are prepared to buy-in to the rules (irrespective of nationality, religion, sexual preference etc. etc.) can be part of a given society.
Unfortunately our state broadcaster continues to live in a parallel universe John Lennon world of peace, love, holding hands and lighting candles, where ‘diversity’ is an end in itself, irrespective of the outcome.
Wonder just how many of those assaulted , attacked or pestered, threatened at Germanys trains stations on New Years Eve were to be found on the same platforms last summer/autumn with sweets and “Refugees Welcome” placards?
It`s the sort of thing that a decent “More Or less” would be looking at-does Hamburg have a higher ” %useful idiot” quotient than Stuttgart of Cologne?…or is it lower?
Bet Munichs women are glad now that all the “boisterous fun” events for New year were cancelled now-imagine the poor Muslims had to joyride taxis around the childrens homes instead that evening.
I am, of course, not blaming the good people of Cologne for what happened to them and their mothers. kids or friends…but I am saying that the same liberal drips of last August DO have responsibility for the results we hear of now.
If it emerges that these attacks were coordinated then we are witnessing the first significant event of 2016
By that I mean those events that threaten to turn Europe upside down and bring about a destabalising situation in which anything can happen. Which is why I have said that nothing is now predictable.
The BBC/liberal ascendancy will go deeper into denial and into an unreal world. They have no choice now. The die is cast and we will have to await events and stay alert.
Avoid cities is about the only advice worth heeding.
Oh and learn to read between the lines when any politician or commentator speaks unless you are sure he or she can be trusted.
They may have turned blind eye to these assaults but were in full outrage mode over Chris Gayle’s clumsy flattery to some dopey female journalist employed presumably largely because of her looks – that was serious sexual assault
I just logged in to make that point, Selo. They’ve lost their moral compass. (if they ever had one)
I said earlier,maybe if one of the north african/arab suspects were to ask a female reporter for a date,things may be different…..cough cough
As Arab Spring in their step seems to have made its merry way to the streets of Cologne, maybe the lads from the local BBC office could invite over a few anchors to join them on some hotel balconies overlooking the swelling scene, whilst sending a few hardy ladies down into the crowds to experience some of the diverse pleasures on offer?
Then not report that either.
Those watching the BBC1 10:00 “News” last night would have noticed that the deliberately uninformative – indeed misleading – item concerning “men” being over-boisterous in Cologne over New Year’s Eve followed a “cry me a river” contribution from Fergal Keane stationed in the Aegean. Fergal wept copiously as more
brain surgeons and lawyersillegal immigrants from Turkey (BTW they are not “refugees” by international law since Turkey is “safe” territory) landed in Lesbos. He also stood on the shore in Turkey to show how temptingly (irresistably per Fergal) close is Lesbos – or “Europe” – to Turkey.According to Fergal the immigrants on camera included Yazidis. Yazidis have certainly suffered at the hands of ISIL and might be justifiably worried about their long-term reception by the Turks (who are Moslems after all and, accordingly, owe no duty of charity to Kaffirs). Once again Fergal failed to ask why safety in Turkey – even pro tem – wasn’t enough for those fleeing war and/or persecution. Mind you Fergal (nor any other BBC enabler) never do ask obvious, let alone searching, questions. After all, asking such questions may – horrors! – elicit answers contrary to the Narrative or, worse, might help viewers/listeners stumble towards the truth of what’s going on here.
You wont find many Christians in Turkish camps as it is too dangerous for them,.If they were found to be Christians – they would be killed. Ditto on the journey across the seas. If they are found on a boat, they would be thrown into the water and drowned. Cant have enemy personnel in a boat that is reserved for invaders. Ditto, camps in the West.
Most Syrian Christians know that they have protection and freedom in Syria from the Syrian government, which they dont have from the allies of Saudi Arabia – the US, and the rest of the West. .
The most recent report on these events was on the IBBC Today, today. The nuance was that the rapist were not recent ‘migrants’ , but were of African & Arab appearance.
So chaps it is only when they are well settled and have lived for while in their new homes that they become rapist. These ‘new migrants’ it appears are really nice guys.
The possible explanation is that living in the corrupt west debauches them and therefore it is all our fault.
So please leave the lovely people alone.
“Cologne sex attacks: What went wrong?”
is the headline from the BBC website.
For f**ks sake are the BBC stupid or just disingenuous?
I have just read the article Pollytuscanvilla, I am gob smacked.
Its those BBC experts always there for a quote but un named.
‘However, experts stress that sexual violence is an issue for people of all ethnic origins.’
See, just like Rotherham – all ethnicities.
Now all we need is a Gurdian feminist to point out that the majority of rapes on women are conducted by men.
Immediately after Rotherham the BBC had an Asian female (backlit to protect her identity) saying there were “probably” many Asian/Moslem girls who had also been victims in Rotherham (there was no more evidence than that). Note “probably.”
The BBC trumpeted this on their TV news.
However, to this date, I am unaware of any Asian girls being abused in Rotherham.
Has the BBC retracted this speculative story? Is it the BBC’s job to suggest “might be’s” or simply to record facts?
My dad “maybe” Basil Brush. He maybe Boris Becker… why not if that’s how we do the news.
On the German note… the BBC has a COLOGNE office:
BBC Worldwide Germany GmbH
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 17-21
50672 Cologne
Tel: +49 221 790 790
Fax: +49 221 790 79100
Funny it took them so long to relate to us the Cologne attacks (quicker than Rotherham I guess). How many days was it?
Now all we need is a Gurdian feminist to point out that the majority of rapes on women are conducted by men.
Does that hold in women’s prisons?
Incidentally, it may come true if men can decide which gender they want to be, in making a choice on a prison.
My remark about a Guardian feminist was directed at one who made the general claim concerning Rotherham, that the problem of rapes was not from ethnicity but was something connected to all men. The objective was clear – to spread the guilt widely beyond ethnicity or religion. So my remark did not relate to the complex gender arrangements that exist in prisons etc.
The BBC are utterly dangerous and completely out of control. Their utter contemp for the native populations and their crass openness with their lies and decept has shocked me. The fanatical pursuit in peddling their bullshit agenda and complete addiction in force feeding the ‘islam and Muslims are our friends’ propaganda is becoming more aggressive every day. If I wasn’t feeling so utterly repulsed after reading that fu#ked up article of pure fiction, delusion, denial, and lies, I would be impressed with how the BBC have managed to massage an impossible alternative to what happened that night. I cannot describe how ashamed and angry I am at what people are doing to our once great and proud country. This article is nothing short of psychotic and the BBC are nothing but a brainwashed cult of lslam worshipers! By far the most disgusting, traitorous, sickening, liberal piece of shit article I have ever read in my entire life! How low will the BBC go?
BBC headlilne now blames the police!
“Cologne sex attacks: Germany’s [Interior Minister] De Maiziere criticises police”
I don’t think German politicians who have created this mess should think that the victims will blame the police.
I thought it was global warming that made them reluctantly attack girls
apparently so
But now global warming has been eradicated by the Paris Conference, there should be no more attacks,no more terrorism, just love and peace
Apparently you say this about Muslim rapists in Germany..
And the British state do this to you….You read his book and you quickly realise that he’s telling the truth because it keeps on happening..
It’s disgusting the way he has – and is – being treated by the British system. Quite simply the British establishment is terrified of anyone telling the truth about Islam. If it really is a ‘religion of peace’ what are they so frightened of? He is being made an example of to frighten others into keeping quiet – nothing to do with law or decency.
There is a petition asking for an independent review into his treatment (for what good it will do).
In the words of the odious Nick Lowles, Tommy is the one that the establishment are genuinely wary of, because he’s got a “ladish” charisma that could persuade vast swathes of out people to stand behind him…..That’s why he needs to be jumped on at a great height by the establishment, every time he raises his head..
Any idea what the badge is on Robinson’s sleeve?
Stone island clothing logo?
Oh gawd, the lackey police will be doing him for wearing a uniform.
Thanks Brett. I’m way out of touch with current fashions, clearly, but wondered about something more sinister. In that video he was right in all he said but I was surprised to see him as the Big Brother authorities were keeping him down. I also thought he had linked up with the more “moderate” Islamic group (The Quillam Foundation?).
Robinson sells Stone Island clothes direct….That’s why he’s always wearing it..
Tommy needs to ask for political asylum in another country. It appears he has good grounds for doing so.
However that would no doubt please our elites. Shades of the old USSR .
Robinson is organizing a Pegida walk, coordinated with Dresden Pegida – stressing that it must be a silent peaceful event – in Birmingham early in February. In response, the left, faith groups including Jews, Christians and Muslims, trade unionists, the UAF, Labour and all are screaming about Nazis coming to Birmingham. This, or course, is false. But the cops will respond to the objectors and prevent him from organizing it.
If the Pegida walk in Birmingham does not attract many people – and with Robinson out of the way it won’t – then the handful of UK Pegida people will be violently assaulted by Cameron’s friends, as they did in the railway station when they attempted a walk in Liverpool.
Please do not think that the Government, headed by a Prime Minister who supports the Trotskiest UAF, is not directing the police with regard to Robinson.
Id say it’s more likely to be Teresa May… Robinson gatecrashed her constituency surgery meetings a few years back, since which time he’s been persecuted by the state..
This was posted by Diana West at her blog
The Great Geert Wilders: Where Are You, Mr. Prime Minister?
Written by: Diana West
Wednesday, January 06, 2016 8:02 AM
Geert Wilders, whose Party for Freedom tops Dutch polls, has written an open letter to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. It concerns rampaging mobs of Muslim men on New Year’s Eve in Germany, particularly in Cologne/Koln, which is about 50 miles east of the Dutch border.
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Yesterday and today, I received hundreds of emails. Hundreds of emails full of fear and indignation. About the horrific events on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
I have not heard you about those events. I find that very strange. After Paris last November, we now have Cologne. After the Islamic terror, the sexual jihad. But we do not hear you. Hello, Mr. Prime Minister? Are you still there?
What happened in Cologne is repulsive. Fear reigns in Germany, but also in the Netherlands. Don’t you notice it? Thousands of Dutch women worry about their safety. Thousands of Dutch men fear for the safety of their wives. And thousands of Dutch parents are afraid of what might happen to their daughters.
All these people realize that it will not be long before large group attacks on women will also take place in the Netherlands. Testosterone bombs I have called them, but it is far worse. This is sexual terrorism, this is sexual jihad.
On a smaller scale, it is already happening in the Netherlands today. Ever more women are being harassed. Yesterday, the media reported about a girl in the province of Zeeland which had been assaulted by an Arab man. For years already, there is a plague of assault rapes by non-Western men in Sweden and Norway. It is coming our way.
You do not like to hear this, Mr. Rutte. And that is undoubtedly the reason why you are so quiet now. But you are responsible for this situation. Because, despite all the warnings, you have opened our country’s borders to tens of thousands of people – mostly young men – from an Islamic culture.
I hope that your eyes will finally open and that you will close our borders at once and start to de-Islamize the Netherlands. So that our country may once again be the safe country the Dutch people are entitled to.
Geert Wilders
It just occurred to me, what a superb term Wilders uses: “de-Islamize” it needs to get much more exposure online and anywhere else – I certainly intend to see that it does.
I found the press conference held by the mayor and police chief of Cologne to be most instructive. Watch it carefully. Television is a pitiless medium and exposes people in a way nothing else does. It is our ally not an ally of the liberal fantasists.
The mayor looked bereft and way way our of her comfort zone. The same with all of the panel. Useless and it showed on their faces. This cannot be spun away with words and I am sure millions around Europe saw it.
The liberal elite has held sway over us and denied reality with trickery and lies and as events close in on them we will see the failure on their faces and we will hear the fear in their voices. Fear of the future . Fear of us the folk and fear of just about everything.
Watch our politicians now and you will see the same fear and the same awareness that they cannot cope with the future.
The new men and women will be watching and waiting. At least I hope so or we are lost.
It is now that this elite is most dangerous.
Like this?
An excellent film .
Surely people are seeing through these lies now. I rekon its only a matter of time before these liberal creeps ,one by one,start turning coat,and trying to save their asses. I think we as a people have just about ran out of “tollerance,diversity” – is there any other “minority” that demands,and gets so much?
That’s an excellent summary, Dave S.
I have just scanned the front pages of Thursday’s newspapers at the Sky TV site. Several of the FRONT PAGES have stories about the sex rampage by migrants on Cologne. (and all the US websites I visit have carried the Cologne story) But I have heard hardly a dicky-bird from the BBC about all this.
Likewise – several papers carry FRONT PAGE stories about the altering of the exam dates to fit in with Ramadan. (I thought that children are exempt from fasting ?) Again – hardly a headline with the BBC.
I then watched a 14 minute clip on the BBC News channel reviewing the front pages. No mention whatsoever of the Cologne story carried on several FRONT PAGES. At the tail end there was reference to the Ramadan story – with the BBC’s Lance Price leaping in to say it was a Daily Mail-style stir-up, why shouldn’t the changes be made. He made the ridiculous remark that we change the dates of Easter school holidays to fit in with the changing Christian calandar. As if that is a sound reason to alter summer exam dates – in a nominally Christian country – to fit in with an alien religion.
BBC as ever – sod the rest of us, let’s be nicey-nicey at every turn to Feargal Keane’s chosen flock, play down or bury the bad news such as Cologne, excuse away pusillanimous nonsense like the Ramadan exam changes.
Radio 4 has a weekly “Media Show” – maybe it is time that programme did an analysis of how many days in 2015 our press was not full of bad news about Islam’s followers. And compared the UK press coverage with the BBC’s constant slant aimed at making out that everything is sweetness and light, and any bother is always our fault.
Lance Prices comment is a typical “all religion is the same” comment so beloved by “enlightened atheists” and their offspring cultural Marxists.
Its ignorance (or is it mendacity?) speaks for itself in that the religious teachings of different religions and their scriptures are…kind of…..different. The contrast between Love thy neighbour versus kill the unbeliever springs to mind.
Sadly there are those in various Christian denominations who are prepared to go along with this idea, that religious people belong to one big, happy, family, who broadly believe in the same god and hte same cultural norms. Some of them, like Adrian Chiles in “My Mediterranean” get air time to push this false idea.
You wouldn’t think a BBC reporter expressing an opinion based on leftist moral relativism would be acceptable given the BBC’s charter obligations to impartiality.
Just goes to show how low our national broadcaster has sunk and how untouchable it has become that it can behave repeatedly with such arrogance.
At 7.40am the Today programme reviewed today’s papers – quelle surprise, no mention of the Cologne and Ramadan stories that are splashed across many front pages.
For the BBC – every day is a good day to bury bad news. “Bad” in the sense that it cuts across BBC prejudices.
The reports coming out of Germany about the attacks are starting to take a very sinister tone, more and more are focusing not on the attackers but on blaming the victims and the Police.
OTish, except for the fact that the BBC has been oddly supportive of David Cameron in his distain for those seeking to spoil the great EU project.
Last night our regional (Tory) MEP held a Q&A meeting in a local hall to ‘answer questions about the referendum’.
The turnout was massive.
Credit it to her for the initiative, and she was a confident performer, but if the intention was to persuade on staying in, it could have gone better.
The level of delusion at political level on what people know and are concerned about is breathtaking. As is the lack of knowledge of realities by these supposed leaders. They really need to move in broader circles and rely on news beyond the BBC.
I was amazed by the calibre of questions, on immigration, economics, sovereignty, defence, etc, almost all of which left her floundering in PC waffle. She was corrected several times on claims she made with facts in counter.
The turning point was when she tried to spin leaving the EU as an excuse for the French in Calais to unleash the hordes our way. This on top of no more grants to our county (using money taken from it and doled out to quangos less cut).
The collective intake of breath was tangible. If the core argument is that the UK will be punished for leaving via threats, they are truly stuffed. The British, especially in the shires, do not respond well to such things.
I’d say the ‘ins’ vs. ‘outs’ were a mixed bag on entering. That event created near 100% for leaving.
It looks like the attempted cover up is starting to unravel. Lie upon lie from both politicians and the usual media suspects.
“Leaked police report claims senior police officers feared fatalities and that one of those involved in attacks told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me” “.
I think they made a mistake when they muzzled the German Police and then tried to blame them and the victims.
Yes Number 7. And more evidence is emerging of the nature and scale of the violence.
Thanks for The Telegraph link; if there is such a police report then it will add a whole new dynamic to events. I dont see how the authorities will be able to bluff there way out now if Bild and Spiegel are able to authenticate that it is genuine. Surely the clueless Mayor will have to resign at the very least.
But it is sad to say that as we start 2016 there still seems to be no EU strategy or response that will stop millions more trying to cross the med this year. This will cost migrant lives and increases the chances of a powder keg igniting in the EU as the peoples tolerance is stretched beyond breaking point.
I million migrants in Germany in 2015 means 3 or 4 million by the time they bring in dependents. And they will soon have free access to Britain.
I have heard forecasts that the overwhelming success of the invasion in 2015 points to more millions flooding in through Greece and Italy in the next couple of years. Who will in due course bring in their dependents.
You reckon that stupid Mayor of Cologne will resign ? Wanna bet ?
This was referenced in a comment elsewhere and is outstandingly prescient,
And how many more countries and women that we don’t know about.
Guardian, BBC and Independent grudgingly reporting the awful (but somehow predictable) behavior of German “guests”. None have offered the public any HYS.
All three trying now, days after the event, to infer that ALL men share some blame. Their sneering fingers point at the “Right” and Pediga who they say will take advantage and of course the dreaded “Right wing backlash”…that never seems to come except in the elites minds. What they really mean is the decent citizenry might just have a cottoned on to whats happening and well “turn” and that could prove very very nasty.
Reference has been made that they are probably not refugees. If that is the case, and I don’t believe a word, I can only glean these individuals have been in Germany for some time AND still clearly don’t care how they behave. Which is just if not more disgusting.
Where the tolerant meet the intolerant.
This is one of the best articles I have read about the New Year “celebrations” in Cologne, from –
The Long Silence—The Cologne Sex Attacks And The German Media.
Friedrich Zauner
January 6, 2016, 9:22 pm
It took four days for the German Mainstream Media to report New Year’s Eve mass sex assaults on women by up to 1000 heavily intoxicated immigrants of “Arab or North African origin “, as the German police describe the still-unapprehended perpetrators—now. The internet and social media alone forced the MSM’s hand. And the German political class has plans for that.
What happened on a Cologne square near to Germany´s most famous Catholic cathedral recalled the sexual mob crimes on Tahrir Square in Cairo during the infamous “Arab Spring. “ While Germans welcomed the New Year with fire crackers, well-organized groups of immigrant men 18-35 surrounded and isolated their victims. So far more than 118 women have reported to the police that they were mugged by dozens of men who groped, insulted and robbed them. At least one woman was raped. [‘I Feel So Dirty. So Used’ — Harrowing Testimony Of Cologne Victims, Breitbart, January 6, 2016]
Significantly, similar attacks happened on New Year´s Eve in Hamburg, in Stuttgart and in other German towns. [Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women, BBC, January 5, 2016]
As in most cases of crimes committed by immigrants and “refugees” in Germany, the news was available only in the social media. At first, only two MSM outlets—the online editions of a local paper in Cologne and a magazine in Munich—reported the assaults.
One key reason for the delay: the reluctance of the local police themselves to report crimes linked to asylum seekers. “Exuberant atmosphere—celebration mostly peaceful” was the title of the Cologne police report published the morning after. [Archived copy: POL-K: 160101-1-K/LEV Ausgelassene Stimmung – Feiern weitgehend friedlich]
But in fact the police were very well informed about the events in the historic center of the city. Apart from anything else, a police woman had been assaulted too. Several police officers witnessed what was going on but were not able to intervene because they were surrounded and threatened by hundreds of aggressive and violent delinquents.
But only on Monday January 4—four days later—did Police Commissioner Wolfgang Albers denounced “criminal offenses of a completely new dimension” with a thousand suspects whose appearance indicate their “Arab or North African origin”.
Nevertheless, although the delinquents could not be identified arrested, the commissioner was sure that there were no asylum seekers among them!
On Tuesday January 5, the story finally entered the MSM—accompanied by the usual warnings not to blame Islam, mass immigration and Angela Merkel’s welcome policy towards “refugees,” which allegedly have nothing to do with the marauding gangs of Arab sex offenders.
It was a worst scenario for Leftists of all colors, Open Borders activists, feminists and Merkel´s cabinet because it affected women and immigrants, two of the most coddled client groups of the German welfare state.
But what happened in Cologne was simply too big to be ignored like the numerous individual cases of sexual violence committed inside and outside Germany’s refugee centers, the brawls between different ethnic and religious groups, and the continuous harassment of Christian refugees by Muslims.
Germany’s rulers prefer not to see what really happens in their country. In their eyes, the real danger are not militant Islamists and violent gangs of young men “with an immigrant background”, but Germans who Notice those crimes and are therefore regularly insulted as “racists” and “Nazis”.
A solid majority of the Germans does not trust politicians and the MSM. But multiculturalism and the ideology of perennial German guilt still dominate televised debates and op-eds in Left-leaning newspapers like the influential Süddeutsche Zeitung.
The tyranny of Political Correctness is supported by legal constraints, which do inhibit the police and the MSM’s ability to mention the ethnic origin or the religious affiliation of a perpetrator, particularly if he is part of a “vulnerable minority”. As a rule, the police do not report it at all.
(In December the Ministry of The Interior in the German state of Baden-Württemberg published for the first time figures on criminal offenses related to asylum applicants between January and November 2015. They represented one percent of the total population of Baden-Württemberg but were involved in five percent (27,255) of all registered crimes— among them 1000 cases of grievous bodily harm, 22 of attempted homicide and 700 of domestic burglary. Syrian asylum seekers were on top, with 5,576.)
The German “Press Council”, instituted in 1956 to head off government regulation by voluntary self-regulation, allows in its Code of Conduct the mention a criminal’s affiliation with an ethnic, religious or another minority only if the crime is directly related to that affiliation. [Guideline 12. 1 Reports On Crimes]You may report it, for instance, when Muslim gangs attack Christians because of their religion, or when Palestinians march together with German Communists and Nazis shouting “Hamas! Hamas! Jews to the gas!” as in Berlin last June. [Wave of anti-Semitic rallies hits cities across Germany, Times Of Israel, July 21, 2014] But you must not mention it in the case of sexual assaults, robbery, burglary or other crimes, because these crimes are not exclusively committed by these ethnic or religious groups.
In Cologne, there were simply too many women who described the sexual mob as of “Arab or North African origin” to be ignored. But one or even several individual cases would not have been enough to break the wall of silence.
Not less alarming are the attempts to shut down dissent voices against Merkel´s reckless policy of Open Borders. Take the case of Akif Pirincci, a German writer of Turkish origin, who warns constantly against the danger of Islamization and the transformation of Germany into a “Muslim dumping ground”. His books, among them Germany Gone Mad, [Deutschland von Sinnen ] were bestsellers—until this fall, the big publishers and bookshops decided not to distribute them anymore. It was the first time since the Nazi era that such a boycott had occurred. But instead of protesting, most German public intellectuals defended censorship.
Similarly, the Catholic journalist Matthias Matussek was fired by the newspaper Die Welt because he after the November massacres in Paris he posted on his personal Facebook page: “I think that the Terror in Paris will move also our debate about open borders and a quarter million of non-registered young Muslim men in our country in an entirely new and fresh direction”.
That debate has not happened, but Matussek lost his job.
Although German government, Establishment political parties and the MSM do their best to protect multiculturalism against a dissenting public, the country still does not meet the Political Correctness requirements of supranational European institutions. Thus the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), arguably the most dispensable body of the Council of Europe, has lambasted Germany because “the notion of racism is often interpreted too narrowly”—it does not cover “certain statements about Muslims focusing on security issues or a supposed `integration deficit’.”[ECRI Report On Germany, February 25, 2014 PDF]
These European guardians of PC criticized the fact that German newspapers carried excerpts from Thilo Sarrazin’s best-selling book Germany Abolishes Itself, which allegedly contains arguments “close to the theories of eugenics espoused by the National Socialists”.
Here are some of the citations the ECRI regards as typically Nazi:
“Immigrants from former Yugoslavia, Turkey and the Arab countries are at the heart of the integration problem.”
“Many Arabs and Turks in this city have no productive function, except for the fruit and vegetable trade.”
“If the least intelligent people have a higher fertility rate, the average intelligence of the population decreases.”
“I do not want the country of my grandchildren and great grandchildren to be mainly Muslim, that Turkish and Arabic are largely spoken, that women wear headscarves and the daily routine is determined by the call of the muezzins.”
What can we expect from 2016? Recently, the European Commission estimated that 3 million “refugees” could arrive in the EU in the course of the year—three times more than in 2015. Ms. Merkel still refuses to fix an upper limit to the influx of asylum seekers. If anything, the debate in Germany about a tightening of the asylum law only increase the influx—they want to get in as soon as possible because they fear that the gate could close.
My prediction: the dictatorship of Political Correctness will be further strengthened in Germany. Dissidents will be persecuted. Violence will occur between different groups of asylum seekers and between asylum seekers and the native German population. Social assistance will be redistributed from the European working poor to Arab immigrants. Islamization will continue.
And not just Germany, but also Europe, abolishes itself.
Friedrich Zauner [Email him] is a writer in Germany.
Excellent article. Note his expectation that some 3 million more will come in 2016. And that means they will then bring in millions of dependents.
“Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”
German police speak out. The events in Cologne are worse than reported, and more information is coming out.
Me thinks the police chief is resigning ?
According to Sky he’s been suspended (16.07).
BBC radio 2 tell us that an American and a German have been arrested re the Cologne ‘sex rampage’.
We are told not to assume that this ‘sex grab fest’ is anything to do with the migrants.
I wonder if they were arrested for political expediency ….. and of course we assume that they are white American and European white German. No doubt the BBC are working out a spin on this one as I type.
I suspect the BBC spin will turn towards the all encompassing “men” as the perpetrators withthe references to “arab and north african looking” airbrushed out….as far as possible.
But the cat is out of the bag…… media watchers and commentators need to ensure it isn`t shoved back in and its miaows suppressed!
An American Man and a German Man, ((c) A. UK Sub – ), at the very least, surely?
Else one might mistakenly think it was some off duty marine ladies from their respective armed forces resisting the amorous advances of the host country’s new, or now filly integrated (reports vary) wave of doctors, engineers and promising football and/or cricketers (Cologne field a pretty impressive eleven, and a world class Dumme Mitte off, sources close to the BBC hear. Apparently).
I’ll leave the ‘filly’ typo as it almost applies.
Perhaps the American and German men were just trying to protect their womenfolk.
Damn those “drunken men”, I wonder if they could turn out to be as bad as all those “lone wolves”.
The media are revealing ‘over half of the Cologne attackers were migrants’?
So what percentage would that be then?
51% or 100%?
It will be interesting how BBC Maffs ends up coming down on such figures.
Where 2,000 can become 50,000 or 500,000 can become 10,000 (depending) and 1 in a hundred views are deemed them being ‘split’, I’m erring on ‘over 50%’ for 99% being semantically correct but as accurate as can be expected from ‘the media’.
Read this disgusting article in the Guardian. Even the Guardian’s HYS is having a meltdown.
I would find the Liberal left’s crisis of conscience over Cologne ironically amusing but I can’t certainly not for the price of sexual abuse.
It’s a shame the Guardian Journalists when they finally printed/opinioned the story pointed the finger at everyone (the “Right”, Police, men in general, society, alcohol and everyone else even, it seems, women) but never themselves nor the perpetrators.
The article was written by one ‘Doris Akrap’, which I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t a made-up name (it isn’t). Here’s what Ms Krap wrote in The Guardian on September 6th:
I often ask myself: what is going to happen, when the new refugees demand more than a tent, a bottle of water and a slice of bread?
What, like what happens if they demand, say, a woman? Do you know the answer now, Ms Krap?