Pillage and rape across Europe…the Guardian thinks this is ‘Christmas come early for xenophobes’ as if the crimes do not matter, whilst Peter Allen on the BBC wondered if it wasn’t just a case of bored young men full of energy….no doubt an energy that they have been prevented from using productively and positively by discrimination and racism.
Oh, and it’s all the police’s fault not the criminals themselves.
Any bias out there? List away…..
Jenny Hill on both the 6pm and 10pm BBC1 News in Cologne wittering on about whether the perpetrators of the assaults were asylum seekers. Trust the BBC to use this angle to deflect the fact that the attackers, as far as I understand were all of ME or North African origin.
Then we had reports of the migrants suffering in the snow. I am sure that if they had gone to Iran or Saudi they might have stayed warm.
Well, all these children – you know, the ones with the beards – have been very naughty.
I have been waiting all winter for the obvious ‘bad weather/migrant/suffering story’ it was so predictable, I really don’t give a S”^*”.
I feel so detached when viewing the mainstream news, especially the BBC and often wonder who exactly they think is being taken in by their bull…
Yeah, they leave warm climates, pay thousands of dollars to criminal traffickers and then tramp through half of Europe looking for the best place to skim taxpayers for benefits – and then they have gall to complain about the cold in northern climes.
Go back to where you came from – problem solved.
TBF Highland Rebel, the invaders I saw on TV werent complaining much, they all looked well togged up against the cold and happy, a bunch of Kurds even dancing, the ones worried about the cold were the BBC presenters and a Serbian charity worker!
It’s pretty cold in Syria, Iraq and Turkey this time of year. Rain, freezing temperatures and snow are a regular feature of winter there.
It is a false narrative to pretend that they are leaving a warm climate at this time.
Therefore they should be used to it and stop their effing moaning.
The trouble is, Geoff, too many people DO believe the Ministry of Truth (BBC)
This is, sadly, true. We have a tendency to overestimate the reach and influence of the blogosphere.
Add Sky’s profoundly Left wing bias and that’s just about the entire visual media sewn-up (I don’t think anyone takes much notice of ITV – even ITV itself).
But Geoff, surely you realize they are suffering all these hardships so they can come here to help our economy.
“Immigrants” and “Asylum Seekers” dying of hypothermia.
I think I will pop out for a pint, to celebrate.
That`ll be 10 of your fourteen units, Mr Delenda.
If you sink one in a cause that Dame Sally and the Progressive Alliance don`t like…that`s ten units of hatred apparently…and very dangerous to your job prospects.
But if you sip the same in joyous celebration -say the Paralympic games of diverse ladyboy loveliness…that apparently gives you minus units…so you can drink more for your bulging heart filled with PC Pride.
Apparently reports say “over 50% were asylum seekers” , a statistic that allows for it to be 100%!
The attacks are not just in Cologne. These sexual assaults are taking place in every major city where there are a large number of Muslims. Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Rotterdam, Bradford, Glasgow, Marseilles, Turin, Zurich, Vienna and so forth. Certainly the news of the last two, Zurch and Vienna, is only just coming out on the internet. For five days the authorities and the media had been successful in hiding the truth. So the question is, how many attacks on women by Muslims have taken place in other cities on New Year’s eve.
The problem is Islamic, and not race or geographic. In Cologne it might appear North African but it is Islamic doctrine. In Britain it appears Pakistani, but the problem lies in Islam itself.
I am not one for reposting things but I know how my fellow kafir, infidel, right wing, xenophobic, lslamaphobic, bigoted, racist, nazi, UKIP supporters love to hear good news. Just wanted to make sure you guys didn’t miss this :)…..
Just read the most in utter denial, delusional, round the houses, game of ‘say it’s everything but those dirty rapist bastards fault’ on the BBC webshite. The article is about how ‘how colognes police require rethink’…..WTF!!! If they removed/deported/gave each and every one of them some religion of peace justice (beheading the bastards) to every single one of those evil, backward, racist, Jihadi loving scumbags tonight this event would never happen again. But noooo!! What do our weak, traitorous, sickening, liberal elite think the answer is?? You guessed it! Change the policing! The supposed champions of the free think sending a few more community scarecrows out to watch helplessly as our women are raped is the answer!! Let’s take away even more of our personal freedoms and live in fear so we can protect the worst shite on the planet!!
Ladies, gentlemen, peer’s. If you thought things couldn’t get any worse I have taken this exact quotation from the BBC webshite. I shit you not my friends. Happy reading…
“Mr Jaeger (interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia) warned that anti-immigrant groups were trying to use the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees.
“What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women,” he said. “This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
You read that right folks. Talking about the destruction of our way of live and how our leaders are allowing our women to be raped is “AS AWFUL AS THE ACTS OF THOSE ASSAULTING THE WOMEN”
So the “leaders”, the “authorities”,must be replaced.
Since they will not leave, voluntarily, it’s heads on spikes time.
Our ancestors deserve, and demand, nothing less.
I too would be happy for my incompetence impotence and pig-headed arrogance to be amply rewarded by gardening leave sine die, my inevitable victory at a tribunal three year hence and a vast pay-off.
The Shoesmith Shuffle I could call it-but the likes of Yentob, Thomspon, Entwhsitle, Batmanghedligh, Huhne/Pryce and Laws might suffice for the public sector trough quaffing misfits and smoothychop freaks that populate PublicSekta Heaven.
Paul Flowers-now Dilly of Barbados-they really take the piss, only hope their names are getting noted for the Ernest Saunders Home for grasping greedyfux who dance on our graves, and say it`s cos they`re worth it.
Thatcher started THIS one…
This is how illogical liberals have become.
Me: Those mass sexual assaults and rapes by Islamic immigrants across German Cities are abhorrent. It’s time to accept the truth that there really IS a problem with Islamic ideology and do something to protect women from such vile people.
Liberal: You racist [note, I never mentioned race) You cannot blame ALL Muslims for the actions of those Men [I didn’t, there is a difference between ALL Muslims as individuals and the vile implementation of a violent Islamic ideology by some of them]. If anything ALL those rapists were men, so ALL men are rapists!!!
Me. Oh I am sorry, I never realised you spoke Liberal. Allow me to translate, You are a CISphobic bigot. STOP assuming that those rapists self-identify as male. They could be female rapists. You are a vile Bigot #BLOCKED
I mean come on!
They believe that being a sexist mysogynist is wrong and should be condemned and I agree with them.
They believe that being homophobic is wrong and should be condemned and I agree with them.
They believe that being racist is wrong and I agree with them.
BUT when all three of those prejudices are combined inside a violent Islamic shell? All of a sudden they defend the evil rapey bastards!
I believe in learning about different cultures and their beliefs. I try my best to do that, and by researching dozens of different cultures I have learnt that Multiculturalism is wonderful and we can learn so much from all sorts of foreign cultures.
I have also learned of only ONE foreign culture which opposes multiculturalism, but loves to use and abuse it to place their culture in a position to eradicate, or enslave all other cultures whenever they get the chance. That culture is Islam. This is NOT racist because Islam is not a race. It is a violently homophobic, and misogynistic supremacist ideology, much like NAZIsm, or KKK racism etc.
Any one who refuses to understand that is a truthophobic fool.
AS one lefty girlfool said on the anti-Pegida march today.
“It is verboten to mix sexism with racism”.
Just as it is to imagine any links to Islamophobia with homophobia…to connect the two,and bring in the Top Trump of Xenophobia( an EU confection we`ll have to get used to spelling) is WAY too much for the Snowflakes to stomach.
You see-the girlies have the John Lennon piano sheet music in Cologne-and the gay boys of Paris have their Jim Morrison/Pere Lechaise posters and crap poetry.
So problem solved…who needs bullet proof vests , a security service or police then?
Not Corbyn, not Brand, not Ming…that`s what the BBC Green Rooms and islington gated community is all about.
Sooner we bin these creeps the better-couldn`t we send them all out there in orange suits and get them working on the pretext of the new High Speed Camel Train link between Aleppo and Mosul?
Exactly so. On Andrew Neil’s This Week on Thursday night they had a guest on who said that one of the main causes of radicalisation was the conditions that Muslims in the UK had to live in. It was very clear from Mr Neil’s questioning that this was not the case. Messrs Neil , Portillo and Johnston then spent sometime musing as to what the causes really were. They ran through all the usual stuff but, true to form, ignored the obvious cause as being Islam. Other immigrant communities, Chinese, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddists, Jews , live here with little or no trouble, but right across the western world we have Islamic terror attacks more or less every day. Even the most stupid person can see that the link is Islam. Unlike the other religions listed above Islam gives rise to sustained outbreaks of violence wherever it is. The liberal left will turn themselves inside out to avoid this obvious conclusion as evidenced by the way the BBC and other European media report of terror attacks and rapes.
Surely after the attempted Cologne cover up the media has lost all credibility ,and people are waking up to the fact that they have been consistently lied to about immigration and Islam by the media and politicians for decades. I note that the leaders of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary are all repeating their sensible call to to put a stop to all Muslim immigration into Europe. The Slovak president makes the point that Muslim values are not compatible with Western values. The rape epidemic all over Europe confirm that this is the case. I hope that other leaders heed the call for putting a stop to Muslim immigration, regardless of what the empty headed liberals say , before we import more active and latent terrorists into our midst, as well as millions who despise our values and those of us who hold them.
Great post doublethinker!
The creation of lslam clearly happened at a time where the tribes of Arabia had incompressible levels of violence and utter hatred towards their own, especially their own women. This fact runs through the Islamic teachings like a stick of rock from the seaside. Islam means obedience to gods laws and submission to his will. The ‘convenient’ thing that Muhammad has done is proclaim that there will never be any further messages or proclamations from God. The words written by Muhammad are the final scriptures. The only path to heaven and a place at the side of Allah is to obey the words written in the Qu’ran and live the life of a perfect Muslim. There aren’t any deviations. Now with this in mind, can someone please tell me how the fuck can there be moderate, extremist or radicalised Muslims when unlike the other faiths, there is only one message. Only one path. Only one way to heaven. Surely there are good Muslims (those who are merely going around Saudi Arabia and IS dishing out sweet Islamic justice to anyone who even blinks in a way that can be conceived as not Islamic) and bad Muslims (those who are are saying there’s another way to practice Islam). Islam cannot change. The caveat in the Qu’ran is that if anyone tries to question the Qu’ran, they are worse than the infidels and will be gifted some peaceful Islamic justice and beheaded or stoned to death.
Who do we trust to tell us who the real Muslims are. The liberal politicians and delusional, politicised MSM such as Al Beed? Or are we going to believe the Islamic State, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, who are so utterly barbaric, cruel, and utterly relentless in their pursuit of enforcing the word of Islam on its own people? Is the killing, rape and subjection of the infidels allowed in Islam? The BBC say no, however the lslamic State, the Mamluks, and every other caliphate or Islamic country says it’s perfectly fine.
What we witnessed in the attacks in Paris is allowed and is a requisite of lslam. It was an Islamic act. The rape and molestation of the infidels in cologne was an lslamic act as the infidels are mere cattle to be enslaved and abused as the believer’s see fit.
The more we witness of the lslamic world, the more terrifying it becomes. As the BBC go more and more into a state of delusion and denial about Islam and the perpetual Jihad that is taking place against the infidels, the more attacks and incidents driven by Islam take place. Appeasement will never work. Mixing and coming to a peaceful agreement can never work. Islam cannot allow it. Muhammed made sure of that
Excellent post you two above(doublethinker/Tothe point).
I`ve been coming here long enough to remember the time when all BBC-reported crimes re sex gangs and terrorism were never named for being the Muslims we all knew them to be…so we said ITMA(It`s Those Men Again).
Now after all the words above, can I save some typing if I use the NDI acronym-Nothing to Do with Islam?
Works from Munich 72-through to Leon Klinghooer 85- to 9.11 01…right through to Saudi Sunnis executing iranian back mullahs last week…as long as we all accept that the Sunni Shia split, the atrocities against Israelis and western human beings and their children is NDI…then all`s well at the BBC.
Please read and distribute this excellent research document; http://lawandfreedomfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
Aerfen. This is based on the following: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/germany-identifies-31-suspects-cologne-sex-attacks-113248798.html 18 were asylum seekers, states the article. BUT, from this article, 27
were of arab/N African descent. This is from a total of 31 suspects. A
definite indictment of of Merkel’s “let everyone in” policy!
Re Deborah’s post – The Persians and the Saudis have more sense than to let these “asylum seekers” come anywhere near their countries.
Did you notice on the report how the women interviewed were all obviously from ethnic minorities rather than Northern European German women?
Seems a few others have too.
Correct, here is one comment
So it’s gone like this:
1. It did not happen, so we are not reporting it.
2. Something happened, we know not what.
3. Something happened, but it was mostly the usual criminal stuff – you know bag snatching and the like.
There is no evidence as to the background of the perpetrators.
4. OK, something happened and it might have involved sexual assault but that wasn’t the prime motive and anyway it’s still unclear about the background of the perpetrators although they might have been North African or Arab.
5. OK, something happened, and it shouldn’t have and we’ll tell you a bit about what went on, but let’s not assume the perpetrators were asylum seekers.
6. OK, some of them were asylum seekers, but Mrs Merkel will deport them so that’s all right, isn’t it? Anyway, the perpetrators come from a marginalised group. What do you expect – and our attention should be on the danger of a “backlash”.
Level 6 is about as far as the BBC are willing to go. They are unwilling to admit the vast majority of perpetrators were Muslim and migrants to Germany. They are unwilling to admit (as testified by the women) that the main point of the crimes was assault and humiliation (smart phones were left alone though they could easily have been taken). They (and the rest of the MSM) also seem unwilling to admit that fireworks were being shot at the Cathedral as well. I don’t think that was entirely random. They also seem unwilling to admit this is a Europe-wide problem.
Anyway, the perpetrators come from a marginalised group.
This argument by the liberal left is easily dismissed by pointing out they allegedly come from a group that has been offered sanctuary from murder and mayhem by a generous nation willing (misguidedly) to give them shelter, money, a job and most likely in the longer term, citizenship. And this is how they repay that generosity?
On the other hand they may not be asylum seekers at all but economic migrants who were not in any remote kind of danger where they came from.
Excellent sum up of the BBCs response to ALL their stories where “social cohesion” is at stake.
Unless it`s Occupy or trashing the Cenotaph…in which case, we`ll fetch the light meters for your promo.
And I heard dear Jenny on “From Our Own Correspondent” a few hours ago,
Apparently the mulitculti dream now hangs in the balance after the recent kerfuffles all over Northern Europe-and Frau Merkels Ossies Dream is in jeaopardy.
She said it was like delicate flower petals in the harsh winds of winter…Very Sylvie Krinn!
The Iraqi boy who said he was sad at what had happened however DID LOOK sad…so he was…and he had green eyes too, which swung it for me…no doubt you too.
Shes Jenni…and we`re all Forrest Gumps in her (are they green?) eyes.
Sad face.
“Peter Allen on the BBC wondered if it wasn’t just a case of bored young men full of energy”
Reading this absolute idiocy I am reminded of the following exchange from (I think) Citizen Smith:
[Wolfie Smith]: “You’ll be first against the wall when the revolution comes!”
[Lackey]: “With all these names you’re going to need a very long wall.”
[Smith]: “We’ll use Hadrian’s Wall.”
Though with all these traitors in al_beeb and government, I wonder if even that wall will be long enough. Great Wall of China, perhaps?
‘Bored young men full of…’
I was pondering what young men are full of long ago when there were stories of child policies in China and the Indian subcontinent resulting in practices that skewed the male/female ratio.
Now we have boatloads rather clearly not containing a sensible balance of the sexes, and local lasses may not always be convinced of the attractions of feral fellows with unfamiliar cultural aspirations who WLTM with a view to a quickie behind the wheelie bins.
Angela, Francois, Dave…. what have you done?
“Bored young men full of…” …Islamic certainty that non-Muslim women are fair game for a bit of rapey fun.
OT – Well at least as far as the beeboids are concerned.
And you wonder why Bliar banned handguns!!
PS. Why didn’t he shoot off their kneecaps???
That… is downright scary. Broad daylight. No fear. Out of control. Just 20 miles of water between them and here.
Of little IQ, reminds me of a circling pack of hyenas and we’re the intended prey…
That is why the Americans will NEVER give up their right to bear arms.
It also provides a compelling reason why we should be able to arm ourselves to for self-defence; imagine what would have happened if that policeman hadn’t been carrying his sidearm or if he’d just been a Joe Public: dead? Life support? Wheelchair? Brain injury?
Al Beebus would rather go off the air than show a film like that to the indigenous people of the U.K. as it runs counter to so many of the tenets of the multiculturalist and political correct ideologies.
Thanks for posting that No7 it is one of the most powerful anti-immigration pieces I’ve seen, you don’t need to even understand what is being said – the images speak for themselves. It should be shared as widely as possible.
If you have ever walked around places such as Bury and Burnley and seen the groups of RoPer men just standing around you’ll get an appreciation of just how real is their hatred of us. They stare at us as we walk past them with undisguised loathing. Now imagine having to push your way through a thousand strong mob of them, not knowing if they are carrying weapons or if they are going to use them. Then imagine that they have surrounded your wife or girl friend or daughter and being unable to protect her because of the sheer numbers of these savages. They have achieved that objective handed out in the mosques, namely to instill terror in the hearts of us normal people. I believe these mass muslim attacks were planned and I believe this is just the start. Soon I have no doubt that the order will be given to rampage through a residential area, slaughtering everyone in sight and there is not a thing the victims will be able to do about it because we are unarmed and the police, if they actually respond will be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the violence. To counter the muslims two things will have to happen; namely, one we are going to have to learn how to defend ourselves and two the army will have to be used to defeat this muslim army in our midst.
I have to agree that when half a dozen cities across Northern Europe suffer almost identical attacks on the same night… well, yes, that does sounds planned – or at least, well co-ordinated.
Sensible people have been warning about this and have accurately predicted it for over a year. All we have heard in response from the BBC and its fellow travellers is that we are ‘xenophobes’ and ‘racists’.
It is high time the BBC, in particular, was held to public account for this betrayal.
“I have to agree that when half a dozen cities across Northern Europe suffer almost identical attacks on the same night… well, yes, that does sounds planned – or at least, well co-ordinated” Or perhaps natural behaviour for societies who must not be named?
Actually…that frenchman is a policeman, searching for criminals…..seems he found them.
Get yourself prepared…..learn Krav Maga….it’s an amazing self-defence technique, from the Israeli Army no less….learn to knife fight properly…get a KABAR…US Marine fighting knife, about £40..top quality, deadly…get fit, good reason to. A tomahawk is a superb close in weapon, search them out, light and lethal [ certified as such by the US Cavalry ] Go for the bastards eyes, they will be out of it..fight dirty. The Govt do not care for you…indeed, despise you…the Police are useless now…pass it on.
I saw a US cop training film where it shows that a thug with a knife can get you before you have your gun ready to fire. It gave advice on hand to hand fighting for cops. Perhaps, shooting from distance might be safer, but a lot of UK cops will have to die before our government sanctions a pro active defence by the police.
Seems to me that we`ll ALL be needing translators with us when we meet such vulnerable young men from Eritrea or such.
French to Arabic, with key phrases in-say-Romanian.
“Nice tits”…”I`ll rape you”…”we`ve screwed and robbed our way around Europe-so why should YOU be any different?”
As opposed to
“This gun says you`d best get off this property”…”This way to Corbyns Hotel turn left for Emily Thornberry and you`l find Dianne Abbott in the BBC Green Room as ever”
Sexual assaults by Muslim bastards in Cologne where the authorities had ‘lost control’, and similar incidents in various other large cities in Europe; Muslim migrants in huge numbers on the coastline of France becoming violent towards lorry drivers in an attempt to get here; Mohammed is the number one name of newborn males in this country; Halal meat is being offered for sale and prepared in school meals when we are not aware of it; exam dates being altered to favour the Ramadam period; 1 in 3 (soon to be 1 in 2) of those living in London are foreign nationals – Islam being the greater faith; the majority of doctors, chemists and opticians in this country are of the Islamic faith; I am not ‘concerned’, I am bloody SCARED !
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35269160 ??????!
Stephen Doughty is white, male and Christian, you know…not part of the Ummah or the progressives idea of a human being…so they made great play of his resignation.
He just had to go.
As posted inattentively on the ‘start the week’ thread (plus edits):
The benefits of miscegenation.
Ah, how much we owe to out Neanderthal predecessors. But this bit caught my eye:
“Modern-day people can trace their ancestry to a small population that emerged from Africa about 60,000 years ago.”
Well, apart from all those Africans and ‘African-Americans’ etc. whose ancestors didn’t… Racists!
Complaint fired off, I await their contrite response to this #casualracism.
Don’t hold your breath.
‘But interbreeding may have had a downside’
That’s true. We’re seeing it every day on the streets of Europe.
The evolution of spinal columns have apparently only migrated as far as Eastern Europe.
They are nowhere to be seen on Downing Street Man.
Not directly BBC-related, but recommended to all right-thinking patriots. I’ve been enjoying working through Wikiquote’s Enoch Powell page. The man was a true prophet. I share this little gem, but do go and mine for yourselves (it’s about Northern Ireland in the 1970s, but the principle can be easily reapplied):
“One of the most dangerous words is ‘extremist’. A person who commits acts of violence is not an ‘extremist’; he is a criminal. If he commits those acts of violence with the object of detaching part of the territory of the United Kingdom and attaching it to a foreign country, he is an enemy under arms. There is the world of difference between a citizen who commits a crime, in the belief, however mistaken, that he is thereby helping to preserve the integrity of his country and his right to remain a subject of his sovereign, and a person, be he citizen or alien, who commits a crime with the intention of destroying that integrity and rendering impossible that allegiance. The former breaches the peace; the latter is executing an act of war. The use of the word ‘extremist’ of either or both conveys a dangerous untruth: it implies that both hold acceptable opinions and seek permissible ends, only that they carry them to ‘extremes’. Not so: the one is a lawbreaker; the other is an enemy.
“Then there are the ‘no-go’ areas which have existed for the past eighteen months. It would be incredible, if it had not actually happened, that for a year and a half there should be areas in the United Kingdom where the Queen’s writ does not run and where the citizen is protected, if protected at all, by persons and powers unknown to the law. If these areas were described as what they are—namely, pockets of territory occupied by the enemy, as surely as if they had been captured and held by parachute troops—then perhaps it would be realised how preposterous is the situation. In fact the policy of refraining from the re-establishment of civil government in these areas is as wise as it would be to leave enemy posts undisturbed behind one’s lines.”
Indeed, with a simple cursory search revealing that Mr Powell had a VERY sound understanding of military terms.
Quite a remarkable story actually.
I suspect that one of the problems we now have is that there is currently an entire generation who do not truly know the meaning of war and as such really are like lambs to the slaughter to those who do.
I guess that could be re-interpreted as me saying that we are at the point where we need another war.
The re-interpretation would be accurate.
Enoch Powell rose from Private to Brigadier in the British Army.
Hence his understanding of military terminology.
One nice story i read of Enoch was that he cadged a lift in a 3 tonner or similar, to Tunis from Alex…or the other way, i forget. By the time the journey was done, Enoch had regaled the driver with the complete Punic Wars and Greek Myths from memory. What a man.
Times were, not so long ago, when stupid people simply didn’t survive — but antibiotics and other medical advances, plus the welfare state, put an end to that.
Existential stupidity is no longer a luxury — no matter what idiocy you get up to these days, there will be people there to rescue you and nurse you back to health.
That seems to be playing out at a national and even supra-national level.
You’re completely wrong hadda.
This is totally bBBC related !
Excellent post. Para 1 is brilliant.
WOW! Such intellectual eloquence is a very rare pleasure to read. Those paragraphs are accurate, correct and written in plain and crystal clear English, its truth is indisputable. We all miss having such a colossus of the polemic art.
Wow http://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/news/bbc-twos-new-reality-tv-show-sounds-absolutely-amazing/ar-AAgucRM?ocid=spartandhp Yep this looks like another steaming pile of poop.
Looks riveting. How may white people actually retire to India in real life is it somewhere around the zero mark. Maybe they could Nana off the couch to be a tea lady in the canteen or something she obviously is not getting this journalist thing .
Give it ten years and any elderly white people that can will be emigrating to india or wherever else they can to escape britainistan.
Agreed . Dave and Merkel will have probably fled to Argentina to stay with Adolph
Except that you cannot, Brett.
If I recall correctly, in some Indian States, the British are not allowed to live there beyond the length of a tourist visa or a specified time limit (1, 3 or 5 years?) is applied and/or the buying of property is also not allowed. Outside the UK, many countries impose strict quotas or restrictions on who can enter to reside.
On a slightly different point, why is it that the BBC has to give yet more money to wealthy actors, actresses, media people, etc., to go to another country that is beyond the income of many in the UK to visit on a holiday, let alone live in a mansion for a period of time? If they had taken some families who hadn’t had a holiday in years to India for a month or two, then I would be much more impressed.
Point taken. I suppose its the same story in the u.s,australia, new zealand too. Anyone have any idea of a safe country that we are allowed to go to when the shia hits the iman,or are we the only race on earth unable to up sticks for a “better life”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35271171 Door, Horse & bolted. I wonder if stretch Armstrong will be going back to interview some of the idiots they filmed welcoming the invaders. Mind you they probably think everything is still fluffy like a leftie womans page I was looking at on Farcebook who didn’t appreciate my input, announced that no one is pointing out the sex crimes non-invaders are involved in. Seriously there is something wrong mentally with these people.
They proudly display all the delusional qualities of truthophobia as a way to signal their virtue.
Shock Nana is wittering on about the National Lottery I can’t quite make out what her angle / argument is think it’s from a fourth form mindset. Bad for some reason . I turned the TV on at 7.20 and filling the screen was some bird in a head scarf .Can’t we get a couple of Syrian’s to replace Charlie and Nana . I mean how hard is it to read an autocue. Mike Bushell seems to struggle to do his tie. Apparently Exeter drawing with Liverpool’s third team is a cup upset.No its not I follow League 2 football and Exters first team is on a par with Liverpools kids and loanees.
Listening to World Service news last night and we got the predicted “backlash” narrative. The events of Cologne etc will now spur the extreme right to target all “refugees” the majority of course have nothing to do with the events that took place on New Years Eve, blah, blah, blah.
The WS report said that of the 31 (I think) detained by the German police 18 were asylum seekers, the rest were “German” nationals and even a Brit and an American, so this is a problem for that occurs for all nationalities!! What of course the Beeb doesn’t do is to identify the common thread that links the actions of these nationalities together, we all know the answer to this and the Beeb not even hinting at it makes itself look ridiculous.
Im willing to bet my life that there isnt ANY Hans or Frans involved in those sex attacks whatsoever. Memo to bbbc-we can see through your agenda driven lies!
Any mention of backlash should be taken with a tub of salt and this thrown into the conversation.
Then wait for the sewing machine moped…….but..but….but..but
I am shocked. Not by the lie, that’s now expected, but by the paltry £90 fine. She should have been fined at least £1000, or at least the nominal amount she cost the police, and two weeks inside. Prison time would be completely justified in this case.
And I’ll bet ‘Tell Mama’ will still have this non-incident as part of their clearly bogus statistics and I would bet they will still quote the incident to show they are the “true victims”.
I cant find that the Beeb reported the story initially, they have the current story hidden under the Brum section of their website
The Huffington Post were quick to report the “attack”, seem not to worry to report that it was cock n bull
Oh to be an editor in Al Beeb la la land over the Cologne affair.
They have to choose between a feminist pc line and and an open door immigration pc line.
It has been most illuminating (and utterly disgraceful imo) to observe that for Al Beeb a racist is a more serious criminal than a rapist.
Bargain basement holiday ? Try Egypt or Cologne this year….
Wonder if Trip advisor will give the same advice for women travelling to Germany and Finland as they do for Egypt? i.e. High possibility of groping (or worse)…
How come superstar journalist Nana Munchrugger is making out this morning that this Cologne story is almost breaking news when we all new about it on January 1st ? don’t they have the internet at the BBC or is it still being hacked by that twelve year old in his bedroom
Al Beeb……..
“The little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike” of multiculturalism .
When talking about the BBC the phrase “finger in the dike” does not conjure up the image I think you intended.
Point taken but this may be applied ……………………..
“Honi soit qui mal y pense” 🙂
German womens clothes may be inciting men to commit sexual assaults when they are used to living in societies where women dress more conservatively. Yes, that’s the gist of part an astonishing interview broadcast on the BBCs Today this morning around 0845-0850……a must listen when it gets onto the iplayer. (It preceded an item on the lottery rollover)
BBC female interviewed a female professor from the university of Kent, who specialises in gender and in particular, violence against women.
Her findings from India and China suggested that young men, who are unable to make the transition into having a stake society by employment or marriage are prone to substance misuse, crime and violence against women.
She was then asked if a particular culture or religion might produce this effect….this was not in the findings cited.
But…after a brief interview clip with a migrant who said many people believe they can do what they want in Sweden and if they go to jail for 6 months or a year, it’s better than the camp, the professor then started talking about the overwhelming majority of migrants to Germany being young men and that these assaults by migrants against German women had been taking place all over Germany for the last year, it was then that she made the remark about the womens clothes possibly being seen as incitement by men from societies used to seeing more conservatively dressed women.
The truth is slipping out but still the issue of Islam and its cultural influence was avoided and unmentionable.
To hear a female professor of gender studies “blaming the victim” should give us all pause for thought.
What is it about Islam that means its influence must never be mentioned negatively, and that long held feminist ideas about western women’s clothing can be turned on their heads?
Its the threat of violence.
Surely history tells us that we Europeans are not strangers to violence?
There’s something else, I’d call it liberal self loathing and a form of developing “Stockholm syndrome” that is communicated by the likes of the BBC and is designed to weaken our resolve and our willingness to defend our hard earned way of life, ourselves and our women.
From embolden’s post above
” the professor then started talking about the overwhelming majority of migrants to Germany being young men…”
That’s not what the traitorous politicians and treachorous BBC have been telling us, surprised the prof’s microphone didn’t start suffering technical problems at that point. Be nice of the BBC to clarify that point.
At about 01:47 in the good prof says “predominantly men” and goes unchallanged by the interviewer, I’ll take that as an admission of guilt by the BBC who have been lying through there teeth about both the make up and intentions of the migrant invasion forced upon the indigenous population of Western Europe by clueless quisling technocratic “leaders”.
The learned professor is mistaken about the majority of migrants being men. She has been confused by the large number of women and children with beards.
AS that female oaf/victim in Germany says.
“We are not to conflate racism with sexism”
Very BBC-binary idiots who regard “racism” which is a totalitarian term , as being worse than sexism…another -ism, ism ism( Lennon got it right that once, at least).
If they are forced to choose…and they hate that, but Breibart smoked them out…then a drug pushing boy who gets the adrenaline going is preferable to some fishmongers girlies who can live with the burqa…as we remove all memories of girl power gestures on YouTube back when the Moral Police of Islam were yet to break into the girlschool.
Powell was right that racism(a State calling out to deny free speech) is not the same as racialism-which is a personal human-scale wrong…but is NOT State-managed baiting of the indigenous people.
Scarman and MacPherson are the gargoyles that our Cologne kittens need to “give it up for”.If that`s their virginity, then that`s a small price for assuaging the guilt-tripping of the idiot left, as far as THEY`RE concerned anyhoo….
Many posters on these pages are entirely missing the point behind what is going on, and that is the politics of the Fascist Left which absolutely HATES and DETESTS white people. It needs them to carry the blame for everything and treats them in the same way the Nazi’s described the Jews.
We cry out in pain at what is being done to us, and the Fascists respond with noxious meaningless bully words. You can see the full effect of this far easier from a distance when it’s in Cologne.
We have witness the Fascist Mayor seek to deflect the blame from the perpetrators onto the white populace because it can’t possibly be the fault of the brown eyed boys.
Suggesting this might be Christmas come early for Xenophobes is a typical Fascist response from the Fascist Left. Those people rightly frightened and concerned are labelled as ‘far right heretics’ because of their failure to accept their status as ‘untermenschen’, and to allow the Ubermensch to do as they please to them.
The German people are not Xenophobes, they do not have a pathological fear of foreigners and it is indicative of the thinking of the Fascist left, that they are prepared to misuse such a word. We also know that all their made up isms and phobias are meaningless – just look at the angst that causes when it’s pointed out !
They aren’t “fascists” they are leftists.
Fascism whatever else it was, was patriotic, leftism was and remains anti-patriotic.
Note I differentiate fascism from nazism, a very important difference.
Embolden, the left hate more than anything being called Fascists so maybe your one of them.
Anyone who supresses my right to freedom of speech is in my book a fascist.
In my book Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, Hitler- greatest world murderers- were all fascists who supressed freedom of speech. Interesting they were all left wing, therefore i have every right to call them fascist. Your line is typical left wing semantics. Let’s call it something else because we don’t become associated with those who shout down debate like the left do. The left like to pigeon hole the right with ism’s – name calling.
As much as left wingers hate being called Fascists, they in fact are the new Fascists. They are trying to stop me from speaking out and the Albeeb has its own Fascist narrative.
The left can call me a fascist/racist if I critise the current level of immigration but I can’t name them as as fascist. Think again they -the left-desreve to be called fascists. If that hurts then tough,live with it.
Wronged, it is the misuse of political terminology that frequently lets the left off the hook.
The liberal left hate being associated with Stalin, Mao and their apprentices, Honecker, Jaruzelski, Caecescu at al and like to hide their leftism behind words like totalitarianism.
Leftism needs to be named as the destructive force that it is and is often a front for Marxist -Leninist communism or one of its sects, Maoism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, Castroism etc etc.
Leftists also, invariably blur what Fascism actually was which was a patriotic response to the global imperialistic ambitions of Soviet Bolshevism.
You are free to speak as you will wronged, and I am free to point out your errors in terminology.
Calling Communists fascists is simply inaccurate. Authoritarian, lying, parasitic, hypocritical, anti patriotic is more accurate.
In my university days of many moons ago, I soon understood that the lines and overlap between Fascism,Nazism,Socialism, Communism often became blurred. Pigeon holing becomes messy and evokes prolonged and sometimes unecessary debate usually in the early hours of the morning after a few bottles of wine.
I believe that with Islam has come Fascism and restricting hard one historic freedoms by past British generations. I believe the terminology of Facism is a transient depiction of a word often in the past associated by Mussolini’s three rules. The game is changing with the people, new leaders,politics and religions of the world.
So from a simplistic viewpoint I believe the Left , UAF,AlBeeb,pro Islam are the new Fascists who shout down free speech, propagandacise and dictate how we live in true Orwellian fashion.
Finally I know the left hate to called fascists and if I can make the cap to fit I encourage the Left to wear it.
How refreshing to see a civilised debate like the one above – showing by example the Left wing trolls who occasionally infest this place how a proper argument can take place between intelligent, educated people.
And just in case anyone wonders – no I am not being ironic! That was the sort of exchange that makes this place so much more adult than the haunts of the Guardianista/BBC louts.
Just because one single policy aspect is changed you suddenly decide the entire thing is different ! It isn’t and you are wrong!
Fascism is a construct of Socialism ALL of its practitioners started off as Socialists so it’s not a surprise to find it rising from there again.
You say that Fascism involves patriotism – and although todays Fascists are certainly very much anti their country, that does not preclude them from championing a different country. In the case of today, they have chosen to champion Islam. Not as odd a choice as you might think as Hitler was fascinated by Islam, and might even have converted himself.
Muslims fought for Fascists causes all over Europe and the Middle East as its policies certainly appeal to their religious beliefs.
I’m not alone in noticing the similarities, Wikipedia has a considerable entry on the subject.
An interesting discussion. I agree completely that the actions and beliefs of the left are now predominantly fascist in nature. It’s a big mistake to assume that fascism is just right wing.
The best and most succinct description I have heard (unfortunately, don’t know where it came from) is:
Socialism : control of commerce (eg industry) by the state
Fascism: control of the individual (eg media, education) by the state
Communism: control of both commerce and individuals by the state
These definitions make a lot of sense to me. As soon as the left start to try and control what people think, then their actions are of fascists.
And not just the obvious ‘political’ Left. This is how cultural Marxism works. It doesn’t bang the same old drums about poverty and class warfare – it nags about everything from veganism to gender and sexual proclivities, to the very language that we speak.
The demon is the desire to control what other people think. It wears many faces.
There are different strands of fascism, but I understand the standard definition as the unity of state and corporate power combined to advance the interests of a unified nation state in which patriotism was a powerfully cohesive force.
Italy, Spain and Portugal all had this in common along with a socially conservative set of moral values derived from Catholicism.
Greece too had military juntas which took their moral values from Orthodox Christianity.
Nazism was a hybrid of fascism, which added ideas of race biology and obsessive anti semitism and to this end was prepared to try to harness a historic German admiration for the ruthlessness of Islam. (They tried to harnesss Islam in the First war as well).
Soviet Communism or as it used to be termed, Bolshevism, sought to bring the state and industry under the control of class rather than national interests, and divided nations by class.
It’s stated aim was “dictatorship of the proletariat” was atheistic and modernising and had little sympathy with any religion, which was viewed as a force of reaction, and was suppressed ruthlessly.
What we face is a cocktail of “progressives” in which social democrats, leftists, disguised Communists, social liberals and internationalists seek to destroy national states and identities to create a world of masters and servants….ruled by an international elite drawn from all ethnic and cultural groups……the elite are seeking a global government of supra national power that controls states and corporations, and the mass of the people by regulation and legalism. All people are interchangeable and can move wherever economic demand or global elite class interest dictates.
Whether we think left and right count for anything anymore is a matter for debate, but it’s a debate that divides us at a crucial juncture in our national history. (The same process is taking place across what we used to call the free world…the west…..call it what you will)
The new politics looks to me like a contest between globalising, supra- national forces and nation states. Of course the globalisers are using control techniques derived from fascism and communism but fascists they are not. They are neither socially conservative, respectful of the past achievements of peoples nor of nation states.
They are self serving and interested only in the atomisation of national consciousness in order to control means of production. Islamisation provides a means of imposing a new means of social control and of creating division among cohesive national groups and nation states.
Look at Saudi Arabia and the gulf states or the international trading cities of China.. free consumer markets, cowed international work forces atomised by personal acquisitiveness, consumerism and corruption overseen by a rich and powerful elite who live as they please behind high walls on secure compounds whilst using Islam or Communism to control the underlings, and crush dissent.
That’s the model of future development, a golden cage for conformists, a bullet or a dungeon for dissenters. It starts with the suppression of national consciousness, imposition of political correctness, and power gravitating to those able to buy leaders to the cause….hence the power wielded by China and Saudi/Qatari finance.
Over to you.
It’s that realisation by all these people that everything they have spouted for most of their lives is wrong and they are starting to see that and tying themselves up in ever decreasing circles of lies.
I also heard, with incredulity , the Today interview with the stupid female gender ‘expert’ from Kent. Well she had an American accent actually . Why do the BBC drag these people up from the depths of obscurity to insult our intelligence?
The whole point of this exercise was to give us the message that the cause of the mass sexual assaults was that the poor dears were without women and stuck far away from their loving famlies in Syria, North Africa etc. It was nothing cultural and nothing to do with Islam.
When is the BBC going to be reformed so that this Goebels style propaganda is eliminated ?
When enough people unite to generate the necessary action to make it happen.
A mass tv licence boycott would be a start.
Spread the word.
A regular visitor but first time commenter. I got ‘caught’ without a licence about ten years ago when my Mrs let the man in to the house. After arguing with him for what seemed an eternity, his advice to me was to set up a direct debit and cancel it after the first payment. This is what I did and have not heard from them since….apart from the brown envelopes which come every other month and go straight in the bin unopened.
I’m sorry but I see no chance of a mass refusal to pay the TV licence. Certainly not because of political bias . The British are a law abiding bunch on the whole and unlike us here, most people are not that interested in politics.
Technology will make the current model of funding impossible to continue but until that’s forced on the politicians, I don’t see much changing.
Whittingdale talks a good fight but action is terribly slow . It’s a bit like changing the Human Rights Act or recognising that the NHS is not in fact the best system in the world . This government doesn’t have the stomach to be radical . In any case it’s too busy trying to attract labour voters who don’t want to vote for a party taken over by a Marxist clique .
It doesn’t need a massive amount of people to refuse to pay the TV license to stop the BBC broadcasting lies. It just needs a few influential people to speak out in public places and on social media and make a noise against the abuses of the BBC. The one Christian Minister who bravely made a sermon from the pulpit in Germany against Hitler’s policy of killing disabled and retarded Germans was able to stop Hitler’s regime from killing more.
Check this report of a beardy trying to shoot a police officer in the US (for Islam etc.) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35264935
All goes well with the report until the Mayor does his standard “does not represent Islam” piece.
Reminds me of the scene from Dirty Harry…make sure you watch all the way through! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRA5FBtbHHM
I had forgotten that bit from Dirty Harry , very apt. It seems that sales of pepper spray has rocketed in Europe. I’m not sure about the legality of them but I would keep a small can 50ml size of body spray in my coat. I caught myself in the face one day and that stuff stings.
It works even better with a lighter. Ignite lighter and direct spray over lighter flame. You got a 6ft flame thrower.
Wife used to have to go to work at sparrow fart in the morning and walk through a park to get there. Carried aerosol in one pocket and lighter in the other.
The brainwashing we see in Europe is shocking; mass rape and abuse by immigrants and yet the left still manage to turn it round and blame the ‘far-right’. It’s simply beyond belief. I am actually, for the first time, lost for words. The bias is loathsome; it’s simply horrid not to mention the terror that is spreading across the west like a festering toe nail. I really think that Europe is heading for war… it’s unavoidable.
PS Alan thanks for all your wonderful posts and keeping the site moving. I think you do a fantastic job of highlighting the relentless bias, with a good dash of wit and humour too! Cheers
How has BBC “journalism” got to the point where reporters seem to be claiming that serious crimes should be excused on religious and ethnic grounds? Is the BBC so rascist and xenophobic – I abhor the way the Left throws these terms around, but if the cap fits – that they think migrants from the Middle East and Africa have no moral compass? Because those of us outside the BBC newsrooms know that where these men come from, thieves get their hands cut off and rapists are stoned or lashed for their crimes.
At Calais, serious attacks on hauliers and other crimes in the town are brushed away as collateral damage – whereas most of us think that we should never countenance giving asylum to those who have already shown they have no respect for our laws.
Surely the right people to help are those sitting patiently in UN camps in Turkey (some of them women!). Yet the BBC continues relentlessly with the narrative. Why is it that those who make the biggest noise about wanting to help humanity are so often those who seem to have no understanding of human nature or common sense?
I touched on this last night, but there has never been such an MSM stitch up as there was last night on Winston McKenzie in ‘Celebrity’ Big Brother, comparable only to Nick Griffin and Question Time. In the program he was forced to admit to his disagreement with gay adoption and his Christian belief’s in front of gay housemates and right on ‘celebs’ with hardly a braincell between them.
It was left to these housemates to decide who, between him and Sven Goran shagging Nancy would go, unanimously Winston obviously was the one to go. This was not enough, in the post eviction interview he was still attacked for his belief’s, by a no mark female presenter and of course a gay presenter.
In any other world this would be deemed racism, the housemates turning on a minority (remember the careers ruined over the Shilpa Shetty affair?) yet because Winston is a Christian and more so ex UKIP he was fair game. Even though Winston is no longer an member of UKIP, the party was constantly mentioned when referring to him.
One reason and one reason only was Winston chosen for this program and that was to expose his (to the right lefty media types) bigotry. I wonder if Richard Desmond were still the owner of Channel Five, this would of been allowed to happen?
Good to see the commentors in Mail have seen through the set up.
I hasten to add I watch it because Mrs G likes it (I don’t either!) yet after last nights stitch up she has decided to forgo the rest of the series.
I agree Geoff. The slogan of the programme is “Who goes? You decide”, yet when it came to Winston the choice was given to the cretinous z listers in the BB house. Is it possible that the British public decided that Winston should have stayed? I find it pretty scandalous that people paid to vote, and then had their votes disregarded. I didn’t know that Lutfur Rahman had got a new job as the producer of Big Brother.
Reading the posts here can be depressing but exhilarating at the same time – and also quite frightening! The depressing bit is reading about the powers-that-be who can’t seem to see the wood for the trees; the exhilarating bit comes from we band of brothers (a contributor used that at New Year and I liked it) who correct the lies, inform, educate and promote common sense whilst having a bit of a moan, getting things off our chests with several wry comments along the way which make us smile. And the frightening bit is what is happening to our country and communities.
In one way, it’s quite difficult to put the whole immigration/muslim issue into perspective; the drip-drip of information (if you can call it that) from the bBc insults the intelligence of the people; all politicians of every country are desperately trying not to frighten off the electorate for a variety of reasons, some more understandable than others. One or two videos posted over the past week have been spot on, talking common sense and explaining why it’s all happening.
And then Germany now says it will change the laws regarding sending back criminals!! One Syrian refugee apparently tore up his asylum papers while taunting the police…you can’t do anything to me; I’ll get new papers tomorrow! The ingratitude of some of these people is beyond astonishment!!
This led me to thinking about what actually happens when an immigrant goes through the asylum application process – whatever country. I have no idea how the process is conducted or how long it takes but it cannot be beyond the wit of man to devise a system whereby the applicant at some point is given a document which lists the rules of our society, what constitutes a crime, what he can and cannot do and how the culture works in the country of application. Obviously this would or should be presented in a language he/she understands and then the applicant should be made to sign it and affix his/her fingerprint to the document proving that it has been read and fully understood, knowing that if he/she breaks any one of these rules, they will be immediately arrested and deported – no ifs, no buts! Those are our rules; these are the codes of living in our society. If you wish to join us, you MUST comply with our rules. If you don’t, you will have to go.
I suspect I am being far too simplistic.
Soapbox – sounds good in theory – but deported to where? If people arrive in a country with no papers to prove where they come from, this country may have a problem finding a country willing to receive people who break the law here.
A detention center in a remote uninhabited Hebredian island, then they’ll know what bloody cold is.
At that point they can choose go back to where they came from or spend the rest of their natural in the most basic of surroundings….
Put ’em on Rockall.
Deborah, if people refuse to admit where they came from, bring in linguistic experts who will establish their true origin. If their country refuses to take them back then we must dump them at their airport.
Oh, and sod the in”human rights” lawyers. They need to be told that there is no grounds for a trial in a British court.
“If people arrive in a country with no papers to prove where they come from, this country may have a problem finding a country willing to receive people who break the law here.”
I bet a pound to a penny that if any of us arrived in another country and tore up our papers on arrival, I know where we’d land up – in prison ! not some bloody cushy b & b with an allowance every week. What happened to the immigrant family who ‘lived’ at Moscow airport ? and the other guy who lived in an airport who was proved to be ‘stateless’ ? Sadly we are not talking about the ‘odd’ few who are trying their luck here, its overwhelming masses, and yes Australia has the right idea, – if these people want to live and behave like animals, then cage them in a huge coral on an offcoast island – that would prevent others following ! I think we are past the point of ‘caring’ for our fellow man when they are congregating in the size of armies. Hardly surprising the German police were helpless, and even more surprised that the water cannons weren’t brought out. Personally I’d round up the swines, every last one of ’em and plane them over to Saudi.
If you arrive in the KSA without the proper paperwork (passport, visa etc) you remain air side, you aren’t brought through immigration control; and the carrier who brought you returns you on the next available flight to where you’ve come from, at their expense, then they get a b@ll@cking from the Saudis for bringing you without checking you had a right of entry in the first place.
There is a prime example in London. A self proclaimed Indian National gained illegal entry to the UK. He destroyed his Indian documents. After living rough for a number of years and hearing news that his elderly parents were poorly he wanted to return home and handed himself in to be deported.
14 years later India claims to have no knowledge of his existence and he continues to live rough in stateless limbo.
The Stephen Doughty resignation is creating some waves as I’m sure most here will recognise. I am uncomfortable with the way this was facilitated, as I don’t think the BBC should be orchestrating these things especially after the Cliff Richard thing, which was not so very different. With something like 70% of the country’s overall news media they don’t need to get down and dirty in this grubby type of work.
They should be just reporting news with editorial, not creating news.
That said, I am very amused by the Lefty uproar about it all. Claims of BBC bias proliferate and this is amusing. Someone on my Twitter timeline has suggested that the Left are starting to boycott the BBC now as they are biased to the tories. I suppose this is a reflection of the fact that Corbyn has taken Labour so far to the left that anything to the right strikes them as unacceptable.
What a state !
Having finally been forced into reporting the Cologne attacks by social media outrage, the BBC is now desperately portraying the attacks as sexual assaults by “men” and airbrushing out any reference to Islam. Radio 5 news yesterday reported the Cologne Police Chief’s resignation as a result of his failure to respond to mass sexual attacks – no mention of Islam. Last night’s Radio 4 news acknowledged a potential immigrant connection, and interviewed a Yazidi (i.e. Christian) immigrant in an attempt to ensure no connection to Islam could be made.
This morning Radio 4 dragged-up a female researcher in Gender Studies from University of Kent to opine in a very lengthy interview that the attacks are a typical problem when there are groups of young males without women and families, not mentioning Islam at all. The inconsistency with weeping St Fergal giving nightly television broadcasts showing only immigrant women, children and babies was not noted.
I am increasingly concerned about the blatant bias and propaganda being put out by the BBC. The BBC is not impartial. It is in complete alignment with The Guardian and The Independent newspaper stances. I worry why we are being told such lies and misinformation. There is a purpose behind it. What?
There was a very enjoyable debate between Peter Hitchens and Gaby Hinsliff of The Guardian yesterday on World at One. Hitchens demolished her and made the accurate observation that mass immigration means that the host nation has to change. Exactly, and this is what is NOT being told, but we are being pushed into, e.g. the Mayor of Cologne opines that western women’s behaviour and dress should change, in UK exam dates should change and UK even has Sharia Courts (outrageous).
Gaby Hinsliff wrote a shameful article in The Guardian yesterday blaming everyone and everything except Islamic immigrants for the Cologne attacks. She primarily blamed the police and most disturbingly the victims themselves. Over 6,000 comments absolutely pilloried her – well worth a read, if they are still there.
The liberal left is in knots supporting both feminism and Islam and is trying hard to not have to choose. Surprisingly for me when they are forced to chose, supporting Islam wins! Ah well, guess we always knew the liberal left are fools. It will need those of us who are democrats and patriots to remain firm and, as part of that, scrap the BBC because it’s clearly been hijacked by propagandists for mass immigration and the elimination of UK democracy.
I hope Guardian Gaby is culturally enriched very soon , maybe a spot of spit roasting, would bring out the feminist in her. I ain`t talking Ye Olde English Hog roast either.
I heard part of the interview. What is fast becoming obvious to these (hard) lefties is that they will now have to go to any lengths to sustain their internationalist, open borders agenda as they are beginning to see that people who value their countries’ freedoms, traditions and democracy have finally woken up to what is going on and are determined to do something about it.
Hinsliff even barked (and she does bark) the tired old mantra about the economic benefits of immigration. But what was really interesting was that the mantra has changed – it is now the economic benefits of mass immigration i.e. there is now no attempt to hide the real agenda of the left which most on here managed to suss out within a couple of years of Blair coming to power.
The gloves are off, the battle is on.
I heard part of the interview. (Hitchens vs Hinsliff)
Is it possible to listen to it again someplace in cyberspace?
The BBC are being CISphobic. How can they claim any of those people who committed those sexual attacks self-identify as being of the male gender. They may identify as female, and if they do, should be surely sent to a female only prison.
Is this not how Political Correctness is going these days?
Gaby Hinsliff wrote a shameful article in The Guardian yesterday blaming everyone and everything except Islamic immigrants for the Cologne attacks.
Yes, I read that, against my better judgement. Made me feel ill. The comments are still there, though it’s closed to new comments.
Midday BBC News: Anna Holligan, last seen propagandizing on the migrant trail in East Europe, is now outside Cologne railway station standing in front of what she describes as “the anti-fascists”, who are counter-demonstrating against a PEGIDA demonstration on the other side of the station. Holligan explicitly tars the concerned citizens of PEGIDA as fascists. If you are anxious about the rapidly changing cultural and demographic situation of your country then according to Holligan (and the rest of the BBC) you are a fascist. Terms like Nazi, Fascist, Racist and Islamophobe are so over-used that they have little meaning now. Not that Anna Holligan cares.
Yeah , noticed the BBC news bint ,( Jenny must be away on a culturally enriched diversity course ,at a 5 star hotel) stuck like glue to the lefty scum`s side of the protest , she must have some mates in the demo , lefty scum mob side,without a doubt , with the usual blah , blah ,far right rant. Another BBC bint for the enrichment centre, it goes with the job.
How will the BBC report this? As a triumph of multiculturalism or trumpet they were backing the right horse all along?
This is becoming scary when the British legal system works in parallel with Sharia law. When a Crown Court judge (who is Muslim I am assuming by his name) is allowed to sit as a presiding judge in a Sharia court then the lines are becoming dangerously blurred as to which system has precedence in the UK. Yet another subtle nail.
Meanwhile for a little perspective we have to go Down Under to the land of the True Blue Aussie:
Fantastic, thanks for posting Mr G.
Australia -great country, great people!
I have an impending sense of doom.
Everytime I hear the “religion of peace” mantra I think of Neville Chamberlain and “peace in our time”.
I’m very afraid that war isn’t far away.
Actually we are already at war and it is escalating. We bomb Syria and Iraq; Islamic fanatics attack Europeans in Paris, Tunisia, Egypt and of course in UK too. Merkel was foolish to allow over one million (and rising) immigrants into Europe, of course there are current and future terrorists amongst them.
One of our visiting real-world-evidence-deniers recently asked on here for examples of the BBC promoting the idea that the recent weather is connected to ‘climate change’ (the science formerly known as ‘man-made climate change’ formerly known as ‘global warming’ formerly known as ‘man-made global warming’).
Well this was Paul Lewis on the subject of flooding insurance claims on this lunchtime’s ‘Moneybox’:
Lewis: ‘And is the weather getting worse?’
Insurance spokesman: ‘Climate change climate change climate change floods increased rainfall climate change global warming’.
Job done. Trusting listeners once again lied to.
I wonder why man-made GLOBAL warming has seen a continuous significant reduction over the past decade in the amount of money paid out by insurance companies globally for weather related damage?
“Dozens of Uber drivers ‘urinating in gardens, leaving Tesco bags of faeces in the road, and playing music through the night’ in residential streets near Heathrow”
Of course no mention made of who these ‘drivers’ actually are, ain’t ‘enrichment’ great eh? Can we expect a Panorama special on this subject? Thought not…
London/Greater London is fast becoming 3rd world thanks to the never ending tide of 3rd world immigration that is fast moving beyond those boundaries north, south, east and west and coming to a town near you soon, if it already hasn’t….
What the leftist losers fail to appreciate is that when you import millions of Pakistanis and Somalis, they do not don bowler hats and behave like John Steed; they stay exactly the way they were in the old country, and simply make London ever more like Karachi or Mogadishu. If I wanted to live in Karachi I’d go there, I don’t need that shithole coming to my country, which is why the establishment has been very careful never to allow the British people a say in their colonisation and ethnic cleansing.
In a recent post I mentioned that in any BBC programme – whether news, current affairs, documentary, historical, the weather or entertainment – I always look for (and expect) an agenda.
Doing a bit of catch up on a BBC documentary about the modernisation of Britain’s railways, which was about the use of diesel engines and electrification facilitating a faster and more refined mode of travel on inter-city routes.
Slap bang in the middle of it, with no discernible connection whatsoever to the main theme, was a minute or so on immigrants using the railways to, er, get about e.g. like port of entry to London, or something (all a bit vague), with footage of lots of Caribbean immigrants milling about in a, um, station.
Another subliminal message, another agenda item ticked in the ongoing brainwashing of the trusting yet gullible British viewing public.
Its everywhere, every minute of the day if you watch TV. The same faculties that brain wash the lefty journalists also churn out lefty advertising staff. Initially it was “quotas” of minority bodies in ads now they are carefully adding “mixed race couples”.
Its called subliminal propaganda. Not immediately noticeable to ordinary inspection but a conditioning process to the new normal.
You see if we had mandatory “quotas” you’d hardly ever see them.
It appears the stupidity has spread into the ranks of conservative Conservatives. I have just heard Fraser Nelson on Any Questions slander by proxy Sweden’s largest political party by saying: ‘it has been described by the Swedish press as neo-Nazi’.
Nice try, Fraser, exonerating yourself from a potential slander suit by trying the old ‘some people say’ ploy.
The Swedish Press? I don’t doubt Radio Pyonyang would describe his magazine, The Spectator, as ‘neo-Nazi’ too. But since when have the views of the luegenpresse been a yardstick? Sweden is in the mess it is in precisely because of the liberal bed-wetters, trendies and traitors who infest its media and political class.
Still, perhaps that is where Nelson feels most at home.
A few years ago, when the staff at the Spectator had managed to get themselves in the news, the Figaro habitually described it as a magazine “ultraconservateur”, – the same adjective that they employ for the more hawkish leader in Iran. Perhaps someone should tell Fraser Nelson.
Fawning News Channel coverage of Nicola Sturgeon’s PR visit to flood affected locations in Scotland today from the BBC.
Rather than follow her around with a team the BBC seemed to have reporters everywhere the great woman went. The tone of reporting was a cross (or should that be saltire) between that usually reserved for royalty or a papal visit.
I was half expecting Wee Jimmy Krankie to go for a walkabout on the flood water.
In a limp pretence at a challenging line of questions from the BBC their man took a hard-line Green standpoint with lots of ‘unprecedented is the new normal, government needs to spend more and more and more’ . A cynic might conclude North Sea oil production will have to be enormously increased to pay for it all.
I’ve said it before but our Nicola Sturgeon has the simplest jammiest job in British politics. She can promise this and promise that and dish out all the goodies like some tartan santa – any shortfall in meetiing the largesse she can blame on the English grinch.
How did Britain get to this state of affairs – oh yeah, the Labour Party’s decades of anti-London propaganda.
Quote “I’ve said it before but our Nicola Sturgeon has the simplest jammiest job in British politics.”
you left out best paid.
Right wing? This of course begs the question where were the water canons on New Years Eve?
Live feed of the “Far Right” citizens, who are merely giving voice to their desire to preserve their values and culture, and protect their country, and themselves. Funny how the police have found plenty of “reinforcements” today, isn’t it?:
It might be said the counter Pegida demonstrators are wanna be rapists, gay Jew haters who want a second go at the holocaust !
Don’t forget that Haj Amin Al Husseini was at the death camps, and approved of them greatly. He signalled what was happening to his Muslim counterparts all over the Middle East and recruited Muslims to fight for the SS. These descendants who were never de Nazified are who the German anti Pegida demonstrators are standing up for. They are the true heirs to Hitler and todays Nazis !
Precisely what I said in my earlier comment ! except they are using the cannons on the WRONG people !!!!
Another reading from the Prophet Enoch (pbuh), from 1976:
[My emphasis]
The great sadness is that most British today would not even understand Enoch’s uses of the English language, let alone his historical and philosophical references. Enoch, RIP. I doubt if it would give you much pleasure to know that you have been proven right. Hadda, thank you for reminding me of that great intellect.
“Told you we did, listen you did not, now f****d you all will be.”
(J.Enoch Powell as channelled by Yoda)
The whole excerpt is a brilliant analysis of where we are 30 or 40 years later. The part you emphasise is a chillingly accurate description of the creeping Islamification of Europe and the sell out to minorities by our craven politicians aided and abetted by a thoroughly corrupt and biased media. Enoch Powell was the prophet that his country ignored, in fact pilloried , and now the next generations are facing an awful future because of it.
…and that is exactly why such a statesman as Enoch Powell would not be allowed to exist now. What we have are saccharine pastiches of “politicians” who exist in their own privileged bubble that such a politician as Powell’s stature and conviction would be a threat to their very existence. He had a hard enough time in his day but today he would be virtually tarred and feathered and broken by his own kind. Even Al-Beeb would not have to do much.
Sad; so very sad!
I think that when that evil bastard Edward Heath destroyed Enoch Powell in 1968 he sealed Britain’s fate. Ever since then no mainstream politician has ever been seriously able to take to task either mass immigration or multiculturalism. Even today they way spineless political eunuchs tiptoe around islam proves that they have learned nothing, and are content to preside over the death of a 2000 year old civilization.
Enoch really was a prophet.
The BBC does not need to use water cannon to disperse or cowe those who protest. They simply use biased journalism – including bias by omission.
Any Answers is just about the only place on Radio 4 where the public has any chance of a say on current events- even after going through all the BBC filtering. This week’s Any Questions had the Cologne sex rampage as a major topic. And the topic is now on all the front pages. But when Anita Anand presented Any Answers this afternoon, the “feedback” to Any Questions, surprise surprise ! she ran out of time before there could be any calls from listeners on the dreadful events in Cologne and the media, police and government cover-ups and denials. Only 2 topics were discussed over the programme’s 30 minutes, the junior doctors’ dispute for most of the time (of course (with most of the calls taken from doctors) and then the floods. No mention whatsoever of Cologne or any of the other cities across Europe where Muslims went on a sexual rampage.
It is blatantly obvious that the BBC is struggling to keep a lid on it all, to regain control of the pro-immigration narrative. And now they will use the PEGIDA demo as a further distraction from the core issue – invasion of the West by an alien “culture”, predominantly by young men, none of whom can properly be classed as “refugees”.
BBC policy straight through – commitment across all its channels to “Suppressio Veri”, suppress the truth, twist the truth, hide the truth – above all, AVOID the truth.
I think you are on the money there John, probably due a big ramping up of pro migrant propaganda over the next couple of months, it increasingly looks like the mainstream media have been backed into a corner and had no option other than to report on events in Cologne. If the BBC could have avoided this story they would have, nasty vindictive bunch that they are they are already trying to pass some of the blame onto the victims. And lets not forget, they sat on this story for a good few days, somebody in the BBC needs to be held to account for that.
John Anderson
Joseph Goebbles would have been proud of them .
While our PM does nothing about them .
England , next time vote UKIP .
Wonder if we have a new record for the “BBC Correspondents Look Ahead” category of fat liberal halfwits prediction blowing up before reaching kite length levels?
Rod Liddle was good enough to suggest as much-Lyse Doucett I think it was who said that this year would see the rapprochment between Sunni and Shia to deal with Uncle Sam and Israel-she seemed to hope that this would pass.
Now I need to know was this show recorded live on the Friday night at 8pm…or was it prerecorded a day or so beforehand?
For if it was “live”-then Lyse`s prediction exploded like Challenger-a few seconds then catastrophe…for at dawn next day ( I think-and they`re four hours ahead maybe in Saudi?) an Iranian Shi`a cleric was beheaded…maybe had Lyse kept her Grossman impressions a little more private, he`d still be alive!).
But if it was prerecorded…then at least Tim Peake got to send earthly greetings from Lyses lilo before crashing to the flames of hell.
More Or Less maybe to adjudicate?…how many hours officially do I put Lyse down for? Don`t ever recall a “pundit” at the BBC being so brutally stripped of any pretence to know anything-and I`ve seen Stephen Sackur!
So-if you want your mates or enemies killed in the Middle East?…just get Lyse to predict a happy outcome for them on the World Service-allow a few hours to pass though for the translations though!)
I`ve said it was Lyse-might have been Bridget, but I used to like her when she was in Russia…
It is clear that the liberal left has evacuated its forward positions and has now retreated to touting the ‘explanation’ that the rape fest in Cologne was due to THE SPEED of immigration and not to the basically incompatibility of Islam with Western values.
I think that the left will have many other lines of defence to ‘explain’ why Muslims do the things they do and why it was a good idea to import millions of them. But as Muslims do the things in Europe that they do all over the rest of the world, each of these defence lines will in turn fall and the resistance to Islamification will grow all over Europe. The politicians need to break the shackles of the liberal left and do what their people want them to ie shut the door and keep Muslims out and deal with those already here. Perhaps Mr Trump can advise them!
The sheer illogicality of the ‘liberals” position on this latest outrage is mind-boggling. As you say, the same behaviour is being repeated all over the world and, in any case, no one can pretend the incidents in Rotheram and other English cities was due to the ‘speed’ of immigration!
Whenever Donald Trump is mentioned on the BBC the tone is snide. He is obviously as bad as that awful UKIP mob – such a minority view that they account for only 17% in the latest poll, (up from 13% at the General Election) – nearly only one-in-five of the electorate, obviously a viciously extreme and demented crowd.
The BBC is supposed to have a mission to “inform”. I don’t want the BBC’s diatribes against Trump, I want information on how this guy can still lead in all the national polls of Republicans even though he appears to have spent almost zero on TV ads, is opposed by the party establishment.
The BBC canard is simplistic – Trump is “extremist” in his views. Of course the BBC twists his views – he has never called for a permanent ban on Muslim immigration, merely a pause until the US can “figure out what the hell is going on”. A thought that probably chimes with most people in Britain and Europe right now, but which is heresy to the BBC. What is commonsense to many of us is “extremist” to the leftie BBC.
The BBC spends a lot of our money on its US operations. Millions and millions of pounds. But their reporting of the Republican campaigning has been very incomplete and mostly crap. Not just the bias that we recall for so many years from the BBC US operation – a failure to give any proper factual reporting. Trump is a huge phenomenon – why ? Other than sloppy arguments about Republican redneck, s the BBC has given us no clue.
Here in a single article Mark Steyn gives us a clear account of Trump’s attraction and success on the stump.
The BBC ought to sack virtually all its BBC staff, and then have just one roving reporter/edotor to cover big news events (using all the agency news feeds) – plus Mark Steyn reporting from a Republican view and someone equally as acerbic from the Democrat side. This would achieve huge savings – and would likely give us a much clearer view of what is happening in the US.
In case anyone isn’t aware of this, Steyn once worked for the BBC. They soon kicked him out, once it became clear he is both a great broadcaster and that his political opinions (by the BBC’s house standards) are something akin to those of Himmler.
As for US coverage, the BBC is a joke, as David Preiser, once a frequenter of this site, regularly used to remind us.
I’m finding it difficult to understand why al-Beeb mentions the peado was a bell-ringer; it doesn’t have any relevance to the case, unless they are deliberately stirring up anti-Christian hatred. I don’t recall al-Beeb mentioning the rapists in Koln regularly attending Mosques, or the same in Rochdale or Rotherham.
With reference to Peter Allen and his bored young men of Cologne –
A turning point for me in my perception of BBC as being biased and agenda driven was their handling of Jeremy Hanley in 1990s when he was Tory party chairman.
I was watching the programme where he was asked to comment on the behaviour of some fans at, I think , a boxing match.
You could see in the lead up to the question that the event was being downplayed by the BBC interviewer, and not to overstate the disruption Hanley added his comment that he thought it was probably just a ’bout of youthful exuberence’.
The interviewer pounced on this and it was headline news for that day and most of the next.
BBC continued to hound Hanley till he was moved from his post the following year.
The bias of BBC in this period was astounding – and, at times, is not much better now.
Perhaps Peter Allen should be removed from his post for understating what is clearly a serious and developing incident.
BBC is truly a loathsome organisation.
Peter Allen is an atrocious specimen. Despite his blokey persona, he is a dyed in the wool BBC Left winger as was made more than apparent when the Stalinist hag Gwyneth Dunwoody finally did the world the courtesy of dying. Allen reacted as if Mother Theresa had passed away while giving a blood transfusion to an AIDS victim. Any semblance of perspective was tossed aside as Allen revealed his true colours – red, through and through.
He is in the perfect place on Radio 5.
The BBC, BBC managers, BBC unique managing, and who pays, loses…
‘hours of lawyerly fun to be had’
One is sure. But, on whose tab?
And if any other outfit handled staff in such a way?
James has been in the job some 28 months.
And will likely be in it many more.
At a very nice rate.
I’ll chip in.
‘Second, content. What can we do to tell the story better?’
Try and report facts, accurately, rather than opinion, lying through your teeth. That way objectivity and impartiality will follow naturally.
Unlike now.
Still, the cuts are biting:
‘As at 31 October 2015, 7,355 staff were employed within the BBC News division (including Global News & World Service and English Regions), up from 7314 in March 2015. That compares with 6,302 in December 2010 – the division now clearly reeling from the impact of cuts under the Delivering Quality First programme, which started in 2011.’
Frankly, when Lord Hall hall opens his mouth, what he says is should be pretty much taken to be the exact opposite.
A bit like the BBC’s educational and informational output.
Those staff figures are amazing – what on earth do all those thousands of people do all day apart from talk to each other, maybe performing half an hour of real journalistic work per day ?
Come on John, look at it from their point of view. You’ve got an income of 4 billion, you’re not all that bothered about making new programmes because there’s plenty of tape still in storage, but getting the right sort of message across is paramount. Surely the best use for all that money is to employ like-minded graduates to establish the correct ethical environment? I mean, even Robert Peston understood the economics of that.
Some spend time on BBBC, using its content to anticipate and deflect arguments.
Some “contribute” here.
IslamicAl-Beeb always going that extra mile, or should it be kilometre, to perfect their bias and ensure its prominent presence in every production.
The BBC “message” dictates, controls and propagates absolutely everything associated with it. Each and every program (from C(al)Beebies, to the removal of the final bastion of sanity in the land of al Beedistan, Top Gear) has its agenda, content, employees, actors, presenters choosen then controlled and sensored to fall utterly in line with this completely politicised shite. For those of us on here it’s laughabley/frustratingly obvious, but the BBC are not even trying to be subtle! The BBC are literally ramming down our throats what they believe is the only acceptable opinion on absolutely everything. They have stopped being a broadcaster and become the SS thought police. They alone hold the moral ground. They alone are untainted by political opinion and review with impartiality…it’s laughable but the delusionists genuinely believe this utter shite! All of us on here know that the BBC are nothing more than a bunch of horrid, traitorous, spineless, hypocritical, fuck wits, who are dangerous fantasists that will lie and deceive to us all to stay true to their ‘message’.
Not literally ramming themselves down your throat I hope.
Top story on BBc news 19:00 Partner of former EastEnders star. she was in more than 50 episodes you know has been arrested. Meanwhile some special representative , boy is he special, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sutherland(Peter Sutherland) from UN says the Germans shouldn’t react to an “over exaggeration” to events to deny the invaders “their right to sanctuary” is on via the BBc thanks for that Peter only around 170 assaults on women let’s just forget about it shall we.
Back to banking again and look it’s Vince (I predicted the crash before the crash) Cable sorry as soon as he came on I tuned out.
19:15 & they’ve just summarised the Cologne attacks “some blamed on Immigrants”, “some” the BBc are a disgrace and a joke, a sick joke at that.,,
Sutherland was an EU Commissioner before he went to the UN. He is very much on the BBC’s speed-dial list, can be guaranteed to spout the right-on PC rubbish the BBC loves.
I don’t think that I have ever heard, over the years he has been around, Peter Sutherland saying a single sensible thing. He is of course Irish, and the BBC loves to use Irish commentators and “journalists” to stick it to the Brits.
I’m glad to see someone else mention the ‘Irish problem’. You are quite right – the BBC seems to go out of its way to employ Irish, ultra-Left guilt-trippers (no doubt the infamous Catholic education process at work) in its propaganda service. It also seems to specialise in hiring virtually unintelligible French Canadians to perform a similar service.
It’s hard not to suspect there’s a motive at work there.
Sutherland was also chairman of the great “vampire octopus” Goldman Sachs International.
Sometimes the Big Men like Ban-KI Moon, Peter Sutherland and Herman Von Rumpoy are just SO much bigger than those little countries that gave them to the WORLD.
Kofi Annan and that New Zealander come to mind too….their countries , of course are never obliged to act on a damn word that they serve for the rest of us.
Sutherland would no more take a refugee than Higgins, Spring, McAleeses, Robinson and all those other plastic paddies who are just TOO global, too worthy for this fallen world.
Which is why the UN and EU like them so much as gombeen gobshites.
“Little Country Syndrome”….
That is an insult to the hard working octopus community. Goldman Sachs is the great vampire squid.
Tedious socilialist rant with an unsavoury Scottish tinge, ‘From Fact to Fiction’, on Radio 4 at 7.00pm this evening! Message being that unless one was on the left one’s life was worthless. ..yuk!
Noted that the BBC were happy to have McDonnell accuse the Osborne for “blaming world problems” for the tanking economy.
Maybe-but didn`t the same BBC happily report on Mandelson accusing the Tories of “talking the country down” when HE was in power, and the Tories attacked Browns economic disasters?
And- “blaming world problems”…isn`t that all that Sturgeon does 24/7…blaming all her shambolic shamanisms of the malicious, incompetent Nationalist Socialist Party on “Westminster”…”the Tories”…and the BBC never question that.
To be fair, saw Labour MSPs sticking the boot into the SNP the other day on the Parliament Channel…might be worth the popcorn in May if that`s the hatred that the lefties up there hate each other so…gave me some respect for Mary Fee at least!
Be prepared for a rapefugee epidemic:
but, but … Islam is the “victim” doncha know