Pillage and rape across Europe…the Guardian thinks this is ‘Christmas come early for xenophobes’ as if the crimes do not matter, whilst Peter Allen on the BBC wondered if it wasn’t just a case of bored young men full of energy….no doubt an energy that they have been prevented from using productively and positively by discrimination and racism.
Oh, and it’s all the police’s fault not the criminals themselves.
Any bias out there? List away…..
Is this for real? If so why no coverage at all in the MSM?
Migrants firing gunshots and hurling fireworks in Berlin on New Year’s Eve while the public rush for cover.
Incredible. Seems they’re practising to literally reignite the Arab ‘Spring’ in Germany. Looks like the one running at the end of the video aimed a kick at the camera or whoever was filming.
The BBC employs 7000 people in its news division.
All this sort of footage is readily available to them. They KNOW what was going on.
Why can we only see this sort of stuff on websites like this – but never on BBC news ?
The BBC truly is despicable.
I just visited ‘Comment is Free’ for the first time in ages to check what they aren’t saying about Cologne. An article that started off in a promising fashion deteriorated into alternately saying nothing about anything relevant to the barbarian invasion and having a few vicious digs at the right.
Here’s an extremely angry comment in response, which gleaned more than 2000 recommendations and was one of over 6000 comments in the course of one day:
Finally, after several days of refusing to report the biggest story of 2016 so far because it does not fit with its highly ideological driven narrative, this paper is allowing comments on a story which has shown its contempt for victims of sexual assault. It’s predictable enough that the first writer to tackle this does not ask why the Mayor of Cologne and many on the left are blaming the victims themselves for their own rapes. The writer should at least acknowledge the only solution left available to citizens, when the police cannot protect them from clear danger and politicians blame victims for the crime simply because the perpetrator was a foreign male of arabic extraction, is to arm themselves. Please never print another article on women’s rights ever again, you have no credibility on this issue and owe those on the opposite side of the political spectrum who have now been proved correct a massive apology. I write this as a guardian reader and buyer of 17 years and someone who has always voted for left of centre parties (both of which I won’t be doing ever again).
And here’s another one that joined dots I hadn’t thought to join:
Victim blaming – the female mayor of Cologne said women should stay away from men they didn’t know and trust, should stay an arm’s length away from men, should try not to go out by themselves, in other words, should limit and police their conduct to that expected of North African and Middle Eastern Muslim women.
From reading a few of the other comments, it’s apparent that the lefty ideologues at the Guardian are coming under intense fire from people who are revolted by their evasive response to Cologne.
Naturally the article is now closed to comments.
Here’s the link:
I’ve never known a CIF article to get that many comments in a day and also that many recommendations for a comment. Could be partly due to the fact that the ‘liberal’ lefties who run that rag would not open their few Cologne articles to comments until this one.
Any normal editorial team reading the comments and recommendations regarding that article would realise they have misjudged the mood of its readership. The Grauniad, however, will merely feel increased resentment for those without the intelligence to share its world view.
The comments on several of their articles show that their lefty opinions are in the minority, even on their very own website.
But I guess they need all those contributors to attract advertisers otherwise they’d go down the tubes.
What a dilemma – they have to host all these horrible people and publish their horrible ideas simply for revenue. I almost feel sorry for the poor dears.
First post on here and not really to do with bbc bias (sorry) but I do think that the dam is now beginning to burst. BBC/Guardian’s naive world view now being attacked by their own readership. Probably too late to be of any use but then maybe not. Am I the only person who remembers William Hague’s 2001(?) “Foreign Land” speech, roundly condemned by the usual channels and a few of the tory left at the time. I recall a coincidental BBC article on their website at the time all about how Labour party membership “surged” during/after it. Maybe he was a prophet after all. Condemned like Enoch Powell in 68 and afterwards,of course, but I feel that if a similar speech was made today the chorus of denunciation and execration(?) might be a lot less and the support a bit more noticeable.
Welcome mate… I don’t post often and then only ‘drive-bys’ generally, but I devour these pages avidly, much to Mrs. P-i’s chagrin. The main contributors are very busy leaving furious posts about the dreadful conduct of our state broadcaster (that I totally support) to probably say hello, so if you’ll allow me….
The BBC is inept at strategy. That is a trait it has in common with most of the MSM and our liberal elite in politics.
Take the demonstration in Cologne against the immigrant attacks. Those who object are routinely labelled far right. Now a moment’s thought is enought to realise that this is unlikely. Objections to what happened cannot be put down to any one political stance.
Furthermore it is almost certain that the demonstration is supported by far more people in Germany than those actually demonstrating. The police reacted fiercely again not that sensible when considering their lack of action before.
The elite is flummoxed by events and it shows. So is the MSM and especially our useless BBC.
I know that it is getting impossible to look even three months ahead. Anything can happen now and will. Also the pace is accelerating. This always happens when events like these accur. Why I do not know. It just is the way of things.
The entire liberal fantasy world built up in the last 50 years is tottering. To adopt a saying of Lenin. One has only to push at the door and it will open. Make of that what you will.
Liberals are cowards at heart . Bullies as well but still capable of inflicting harm on us and our countries.
2016 is going to decide many things for generations to come. I wish I knew what things but there you go. The uncertainty of life on this earth.
There will come a day when their faces and voices tell us – the folk – that they are finished. It is then that we need to have faith in ourselves and the future.
We will have a chance to rebuild our countries and our civilisation. Then we can bring an end to the liberal world that has all but destroyed our civilisation .
Just to change the topic to something more pleasant, have a look at this lady’s amazing achievement in flying solo from the UK to Australia:
Just for once, I thought, the BBC can be forgiven for trumpeting the exploits of a woman given what she went through in emulating Amy Johnson (a true aviation legend).
However, knowing BBC doublespeak as we all do, a couple of comments in the article caught my eye, including:
‘Some early reports suggested it was a solo flight – Ms Curtis-Taylor was the only pilot to fly the vintage bi-plane, but she had a support team of engineers travelling with her in a separate aircraft, as well as a camera crew, who would sometimes sit in with her.’
Intrigued by this I did some digging and came across this web discussion:
In the discussion thread the occupancy of the cockpit is given more detail:
‘She did 44 flights within Africa from Cape Town to Crete in Greece.
On 40 of these flights, she was accompanied by her instructor (20000+ hours, and the same man who (beautifully) rebuilt the aeroplane from scratch).
On two of the solo flights, she asked the C208 to fly slowly in front of her as she was worried she wouldn’t find the destination airfield (despite having two moving map GPS in the cockpit).
She had three pilots doing all the flight planning and preparation, filing of flight plans etc. and a full support organisation for all the ground logistics.’
The above was posted online by the support team.
Oh dear, what a shame, seems it was all a bit over-hyped and it appears Ms Tracey Curtis-Taylor has a bit of a cheek allowing comparison with Amy Johnson.
Still, we can’t expect £4 Bn to buy sufficient journalistic curiosity to get to the bottom of a good news ‘wimmins’ story, can we?
PS. One comment in the Flyer had me in stitches,’I’m off on a solo flight to Lisbon later this week. Ryanair are providing the aircraft and support crew. Like Tracy I will be sitting in the rear’ Hahahahahaha
Thanks for the chuckle. I also went on a solo flight last year from Tel Aviv to New York and back. I had a window seat somewhere in the middle of the plane and luckily was able to rest for a few weeks before the arduous return flight.
What you also probably don’t know is that before she set off she “ran over a helicopter” whilst taxing. She said she didn’t/couldn’t see it. Half the helicopter disappeared as her propeller munched through it.
Her departure was delayed as they had to locate another suitable propeller.
Also, why is she wearing what looked rather like RAF Pilot Wings on the left side of her jumpsuit? Her main link to the armed forces seems to be a variety of moans that the RAF never let her join as a pilot.
……..and on the bBBC news channel reviewing tomorrow’s newspapers is…….errrr…..the guy that used to work for Tony Blair!!!
They are so cocksure they don’t eve need to show any semlance of impartiality, do they?
Still, i might catch a few minutes as at least some of the Sunday press might just say it as it is ref. Cologne, so we can watch as Far Left Al-Beeb contort to blame everyone except the perpetrators.
BBC Online News:
“”Cologne attacks: Pegida and police clash at migrant protest””
Biased BBC Comment in the article:
“”The New Year’s Eve attacks, SOME of which were carried out by men of North African and Arab appearance, have led to criticism of Mrs Merkel’s policies””‘.
German Police Comment in the article:
“”Those in focus of criminal police investigations are MOSTLY people from North African countries. The majority of them are asylum-seekers and people who are in Germany illegally,”” the statement said.
The facts provided by the German Police are that the attackers were MOSTLY from North Africa.
The BBC chose to use the word SOME from North Africa.
In this article, the BBC have intentionally changed the word MOSTLY to SOME.
Why? To lie in favour of Islam, their chosen victims. Typical Left wing behaviour you would expect of the more extreme left of the Labour party. Why?
Because the BBC is heavily biased to the Left.
It’s the BBC Editorial ‘special stuff’ Guidelines.
So, a 100 to 1 panning of the Graun 10:10 support can be portrayed as ‘views being “split”‘.
Equally, anything between 0 and 100% can be ‘some’ or ‘most’, either way, according to the needs of the few. Or many. Who are spoken for. Apparently.
Beeb has just got round to reporting the “far right” Pegida rally in Cologne
Cologne attacks: Pegida and police clash at migrant protest
Interestingly near the end of the report we are now told:
“the A statement issued by Cologne police on Saturday (in German) said the number had reached 379 – 40% of them cases of sexual assault.
“Those in focus of criminal police investigations are mostly people from North African countries. The majority of them are asylum-seekers and people who are in Germany illegally,” the statement said.”
Ed Stewart of Junior Choice has died. Farewell.
No way could bBBC have this prog today. what would they play?
The Runaway Train? No, implies poor performance of aslef and rmt members.
Sparky’s magic piano? No, caracatures those with speech impediments.
Ernie, the fastest milkman? No, promotes poor attitude to women.
Two little boys? Errr, no!
Grandad? No, ageist obviously.
Still maybe someone has set Allah Akhbar to music in the interim.
Not strictly true, his show Junior Choice has been on Radio 2 every Christmas since 2007 playing such songs, however he was sacked from his weekly Sunday show in 2006 for questioning the corporation, the Sunday 5pm slot now is occupied by the Paul O’Grady show…..
Paul O’Grady must be broadcasting his show from abroad because he said he would leave the country if the Tories won the election. If there is one thing that unites luvvy lefties (Bob Geldof, Cumbertwat et al) it is that they have proved time and again that they are people of their word.
Some good stuff above.
1. The judge Shamim Qureshi who`s being allowed to make up his own laws where Sharia meets UK Law?
Andrew Gilligan knows his stuff, but I did wonder if that name Qureshi might link to our CAGE friend Asim…he who thinks that Jihadi John was a beautiful young man who`d be scampering round with the Andrex loo roll now, had MI% not been “judgemental”.
“Father And Son” I wonder?
2. To my mind, the good debate re Fascism and the Lefties is a bit redundant now.
We have Islamic totalitarian Fascism as one pincer-and soft pink, lime green and lavender mauve rainbow weaves that are really Communists, but dress in pastel rainbow shrouds-and demand we do the same so they feel nice about themselves-these spineless lefties are nothing if not communalists who need the poor and stupid to sacrifice for their ease(That`ll be the unenlightened like us)
Communislam…the black sharia van or the brownshirts…I despise the latter more than the former…at least Islam STANDS for something, even if its a death cult…the rainbow warriors are traitors with big words,excuses for all evils but those of the white trash they had to live among…and are spineless lazy privileged whores and scum.
Don`t want Islam to ever confuse these limpdicks that speak for us all, with the real people of this country..and their moles and mules will do a Vichy on the rest of us if we let them continue to do so..we`re past improving or educating them-they need removing and eliminating…and Islam will oblige us only if WE are the strong horse…not the BBCs show pony with a rolling bandwagon as a trap behind it.
But, but, but.
It is a religion of peace. As you can see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuff said really.
Croeso y Cymru might have a different meaning in the future.
Proud to be OZ
The BBC is involved in a right wing conspiracy to make the Labour Party look bad
.. snork…. splutter…..
Author – A Campbell (a personal friend of T Bliar).
I am sat here incandescent at the latest BBC news item about the PEDIGA rally in Cologne today. It was so factually incorrect as to be utterly appalling. Firstly the constant claim of PEDIGA being a far right group. They are not right or left wing. They are a bi-partisan group who rightly oppose extremism and violence which is endemic within the expanding Islamic community. Secondly the woman reporter on the scene claimed that PEDIGA was opposed by a majority of Germans for exploiting ONE attack on order to inflame division in Germany. ONE? There were over 100 attacks in Cologne and dozens of others in several other cities across Germany and more still in other countries across Europe! ONE ATTACK??? Sack that woman!!!
Infuriating as BBC lies and omission can be at least more people seem to be cottoning on, hopefully one day those responsible will have to explain themselves in court.
“will have to explain themselves in court”
If I have anything to do with the court will be filled with large, hopping, marsupials.
Just like Alice, sentence first, verdict afterwards.
In fact no verdict, the verdict of history will suffice.
You may be incandescent Geyza, but I am absolutely raging. Furthermore how compltely distasteful for there to be an anti PEGIDA protest at the same time. Why hasn’t Albeeb highlighted the anti PEGIDA who by their appearance should be seen as a disguting slap in the face to those woman who were raped and abused.
I also noticed that the cowardly feminazi’s held a separate protest. Feminazi’s over here only protest if Ched Evans is found guilty of rape. They don’t seem to mind if thousands of children get raped in Rotherham, probably because Rotherham is a Labour stronghold. Feminists are a spineles pathetic excuse for human beings.
I sense in Germany there is revoltion in the air. When Geert Wilders gains the mandate to lead Holland I sense things will take off in Europe.
Indeed, Can anyone explain to me the logic in liberal progressive truthophobic reasoning?
They believe that being a sexist mysogynist is wrong and should be condemned and I agree with them.
They believe that being homophobic is wrong and should be condemned and I agree with them.
They believe that being racist is wrong and I agree with them.
BUT when all three of those prejudices are combined inside a violent Islamic shell? All of a sudden they defend the evil rapey bastards to the end of the world.
It is sheer lunacy. Such left wing thinking is a mental disorder.
The erm “trouble” was caused by a defined hooligan group, nothing to do with Pegida, who were however water cannoned by the police (so keen to get involved … unlike New Years eve eh!).
All smacks of state collusion and stitch up.
PEGIDA Rally In Cologne Derailed By Violent Protesters
the “wheels are off the wagon”
Brilliant. The first section explains the whole Cologne disgrace. Lies, lies, lies by the police chiefs, the politicians – and the media such as the BBC. Lying for days on end.
Scum, the whole damn lot of them. In their book a Muslim sex rampage is just fine.
Is it “right wing” to love ones nation, love its people and land, its high culture, its faith and its people’s history?
Is it “right wing” to oppose the destruction of ones nation, the imposition of a foreign and hostile culture on its people, to oppose the BBCs persistent manipulation of mass broadcast news, drama and history in a way that denigrates the history and culture of the nations people?
Who cares if the BBC uses the term “right wing” to describe PEGIDA? The people of Britain and Europe are not all fools, the people of Britain and Europe are seeing through the lies they are being told.
The all too influential and powerful media outlet named the BBC can only be properly exposed if other channels such as SKY openly lend their support to groups like PEGIDA. Sadly, I don’t believe Joe Public really understands the level of anti British propaganda and brainwashing diatribe espoused from Albeeb.
It would be a good idea if the Daily Mail had a fundraising week for PEGIDA in promoting its aims. Why should the Left only be allowed to use funds to support the UAF and CAGE?
The monitoring of the bias contained in news and political platforms is obvious and clear to some but not nearly enough people, many viewers seem to be gullible, for them information on the intentions of Albeeb needs to be slap bang in their faces, SKY and The Daily Mail would do the trick. I am ashamed and feel somewwhat let down by the Tories for not taking a stronger hand in the Albeeb’s undisguised impartiality. The Tories seem not to care about the country in its accepting through compliance the Albeeb’s left wing political bias.
There again, Cameron wants the Albeeb’s support in the EU elections, maybe he’ll act after that is over but I wouldn’t trust the spineless Flashman, David Cameron to deliver.
Be careful what you write, or Essexman will be after you .
He’s Mr Car Moron’s apologist .
I am not the Guardian or the BBC , he can write or say what he wants . Whatever Cam recommends on the EU ,you can vote to leave anyhow . You may be pleased to know , I have decided after this illegal flood to Europe , I think the only way for Essex ,( like it ) is exit, or leave the fuckers in the EU, to rot in hell. Mrs Merkel , has been worst than Adolf for Europe .
It’s the 5 M’s. Mad Merkel’s Million Migrant Men.
Demon, I see your 5 M’s and raise you one. Mad Merkel’s Million Moslem Migrant Men
Mad Merkel’s Million Misogynistic Moslem Migrant Men
He’ll tell us to ‘hug a rapist’ and everything will be fine.
The BBC will have to be Impartial, or the Election Commission or the Courts will heavily fine them .
You have to be a total fool to believe that.
C’mon Essexman, be sensible. The BBC starts from a position of almost total support for the EU, it may possibly rein this back a little – but its barrage of propaganda will have a huge effect on the outcome of the vote After the vote, if it goes the way the leftie BBC staff (whose salaries we pay) want – crying to the toothless Electoral Commission chaired by a leftie bird would be too late and a total waste of time.
I trust you are being ironic ?
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but on the EU referendum my concern is less with the BBC but more with the Cameron Government and its allies. Ballot boxes will disappear, the polls will be proved wrong and Britain will vote to stay in by a small but decisive majority.
If the result is a narrow majority in favour of staying in then, just as with the Scottish independence referendum, campaigning will start immediately for another EU referendum…won’t it?
About as impartial as ‘Question Time’?
Never, Watch QT
There is not a hope in hell of the Daily Mail doing any such thing. Despite the bricks regularly hurled at it by the Left, anyone who actually studies the Mail will see that it really has only two goals: to make money and uphold whoever is leading the Tory party at the time.
It has no morality that it will not sacrifice to either of those two ends. It’s every bit as filthy a rag as the Guardian – just in a different way.
It was truly amazing Geyza. She said ONE attack in ONE city.
Everybody (including her) know there have been hundreds if not thousands across a multitude of towns and cities.
They don’t even try to hide the bias anymore.
Utterly fucking disgusting and more than a little disconcerting
bBBC news channel 10pm . Slightly dumpy Martine Croxall who has been on duty for hours presents a 3 min. summary.
10.05pm. Asian Rita Chakrabati takes over to do the high profile bBBC1 main news, broadcast simultaneously on the news channel.
Another tick in the diversity box, but was the news actually presented any better?
Not least as the ‘Far Left’ al Beeb still accuses anyone opposed to open door immigration as ‘Far Right’ as evidenced by the latest from Cologne.
OTish, but just watched the first episode of a big budget French thriller called ‘Spin’ on 4OD.
The premise is based on the assassination of the President by a suicide bomber.
But it would seem that the suspect is not usual and it is the right wingers who need to be watched out for.
Now, where could this possibly be leading?
The terrorist will have links with Nazi collaborators and Pieds noire from colonial Algeria and will be apprehended by a special police unit consisting of a gay black man, a strong white woman (with 3 kids, one of whom is black), a Muslim with a beard (who likes a cheeky pint with the team) and a one legged lesbian from Montreal.
I made the mistake of switching on BBC Two’s ‘Victorian Bakers’ tonight.
Bloody hell . What a stupid, aggravating, waste of time. Is there no tiny corner safe from the relentless snd endlessly patronizing propaganda machine? Most people with British ancestry have some concept that the 19th century was grindingly awful for those who preceded them, and that millions of poor northern and southern English men and women were forced to migrate to cities in search of work. In 2016, many of their descendents have fled, or are actively seeking to escape, the hideous, blood sucking, towers of Babel so beloved by the curious bunch of egomaniacal (psychologically abnormal), city obsessed, weirdos who control the MSM and politics. But, in 2016, the latter demand that the plebs must dutifully salivate over an ethnically diverse, headscarfed women who can do ordinary things with supermarket bought flour. Progress, init? No – it’s rather pathetic, as is the BBC’s deliberate denigration of the efforts of the millions of ‘ordinary’ human beings who preceded the current mishmash.
As someone who has been fed the establishment’s message on the health risks of obesity, the societal inconvenience of the ‘ageing population’ and the dire consequences of inequality, one can but wonder why the MSM and Btitish politicians are so in awe of a very rich and aged man who resembles Jabba the Hutt.
Cologne – Merkel’s Frankenstein?
Despite Al Beeb’s feeble attempt to water down the mass rape crimes in Germany . The facts are that Ms Merkel’s open door policy was a big mistake for her and Europe .
If it was not true , why does she now want to deport them – Simples !
From our Al Beeb’s very own ‘press office’ ………………………….
From a chilling article on an Aussie website :
“A few weeks ago a Muslim sex gang was convicted at the Old Bailey, London’s central criminal court, of raping a girl when she was under sixteen and arranging for another sixty men to do the same. The offences occurred in the quiet market town of Aylesbury. It is just the latest in a long series of trials for rape and sex attacks on under-age English girls by Muslim gangs in town after town right across the country including Banbury, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bristol, Burnley, Cambridge, Carlisle, Derby, Leeds, London, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Oldham, Oxford, Peterborough, Preston, Rochdale, Rotherham, Sheffield and Telford. The victims of these horrible sex crimes were usually vulnerable young girls without families to protect them. More trials are currently taking place in Newcastle and Manchester. The gangs were often traffickers who once they had gained control over a girl would pass her around as a sex-object so that as many of their fellow Muslims as possible could enjoy her.
What is striking is that whenever a group of Muslims commits a crime of this kind, the press and broadcasters go out of their way to avoid identifying the religion of the malefactors. They are even less willing to suggest any causal connection between these acts and the central practices of that religion, the connection that makes it both ethical and necessary to identify and stress the faith of the perpetrators.
When Muslim sex attacks are reported in the British press, the guilty ones are nearly always referred to as Asians (meaning South Asians) which is a gross insult to Britain’s many Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Parsees, who very rarely commit offences of this kind. The members of all these other South Asian religious communities are remarkably law-abiding and much respected. It is only the Muslims who are grossly over-represented among the prison population.”
When have we seen large demos by the Muslim community in ANY those towns protesting about the crimes by their compatriots ?
And has anyone seen a march by “moderate Muslims” in Cologne protesting about the sex rampage by their fellow-Muslims ?
The article mentions successful prosecutions in :
“town after town right across the country including Banbury, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bristol, Burnley, Cambridge, Carlisle, Derby, Leeds, London, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Oldham, Oxford, Peterborough, Preston, Rochdale, Rotherham, Sheffield and Telford.”
We know there are many many more towns where this has been going on but where no prosecutions have yet been brought.
WHEN – OH WHEN will our national broadcaster start connecting the dots ? When will the BBC present the wider picture of predatory Muslim rape gangs across much of Britain ?
When will pigs fly ?
WHEN – OH WHEN will our national broadcaster start connecting the dots ? When will the BBC present the wider picture of predatory Muslim rape gangs across much of Britain ?
Well, they would rather people didn’t know about it at all of course. After all, what if the masses began questioning the whole immigration, multi-cultural, pro-criminal project that the BBC champions? It needs to be kept in mind that to the Establishment, events like Cologne and Rotherham are not really problems – they are just examples of ‘collateral damage against the civilian population’ which they can accept as part of the benefits of cheap workers and globalism. Particularly as it doesn’t affect them personally – yet.
(Sorry… accidental report. Waaaay too close to ‘reply’ for fat fingers and small tablet)
Here’s some dots the BBC does like to connect. Well, one dot, versus the thousands of lone dots they don’t fancy as much:
I wonder how Sir Bob and Yvette are doing? Probably still hung up on the vetting procedures trying to swing one or two more doctory and engineery than rapey and stabby before a few weeks chez Geldof and Balls, before being ushered onto the Breakfast sofa.
The BBc won’t join the dots because I would say the BBc has been complicit in the cover up.
German police fire water cannons at anti- “rapefugee” protesters in Cologne, But not, you’ll note, at the Muslim migrants who committed a huge number of sex assaults on New Year’s Eve.
It is clear that there is a new protected class in Germany, as in Britain and elsewhere, and those who oppose this invasion are branded “right-wing” and shot with water cannon.”
R Spencer.
Can you imagine the BBCs erm … “preparations” for reporting on the UKs PEGIDA rally?
Feasibly two scenario s, if it is a success “no platform” no report and a character assassination on the organisers … or … the well trodden BBC staple of “far right far right” hysteria and “hatchet job”.
Deborah and Gaby’s phones must be ringing off the hook from BBC producers keen to get them on Breakfast sofas…
Just a few days into the new year yet al-Beeb are already promoting their evil Jews propaganda.
The Police Chief of Cologne has stated quite clearly that the youths were of N. African and Arab origin. But, it became clear that he and others deliberately covered up the extent of the riot, presumably for fear of being labelled racist. The police chief has now resigned….. Sound familiar?
The Swedish and Danish Governments have been forced to act to keep out further numbers of Muslim and African migrants. Note that these Governments severely criticized Israel for putting up the security fence around the West Bank to prevent the incursion of Palestinian Arabs, both illegal workers and terrorists. They now themselves have to close their borders to Muslims, contrary to the EU Schengen Agreement of open borders. After a sharp rise in the past five years, Sweden now has the second highest rate of rape in the world. In Germany, women are now afraid to go out alone in public. The fact is that most of the immigrants are young men, who are essentially unemployable, with no education, training or trade and are unable to speak the local language. Among them are some older professional men with families who are taking the opportunity to escape the terrible situation in their home countries to establish themselves in Europe.
There is little doubt that the situation in Germany and Scandinavia will get worse as the impact of the current wave of immigrants is felt and as the unemployed Muslim youths get bolder. But, frankly I have little sympathy for the liberal-leftist anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian Germans and Swedes. They have chosen sides and this is their fate.
My initial reaction was that the lies and cover up in Cologne were a last desperate throw of the die by panicky people with one eye on their pension, now I believe the officials involved actually thought they were going to get away with it. The BBCs criminal neglect should not be forgotten either, they must have known fine well what happened but kept quiet hoping it would all just go away. Just when you think the BBC couldn’t sink any lower they pull a stunt like this.
Since the ‘We are entering a new epoch’ story on bbc.con during the week I have done some research and found that, in true lefty academic form, the story started years ago and is still just a proposal because no one can agree on the facts or pseudo facts.
In fact the BBC have toned down their initial offering that we are entering a new epoch to ‘the case is made’. But we are, alas, still in the present epoch despite the best efforts of the alarmist, apologist, anti-everything folks at the BBC.
But just to confuse the issue this weekend the BBC wheeled out their pet dinosaur Mark Lawrenson for their annual foray into soccer. Mark is from the Jurassic period so who knows which epoch we are really in.
PS the world was a lot warmer in the Mesozoic era. We must have had some global cooling since then. Just thought I would mention it.
BBC “so called” flagship, the Religious/Moral issues show The Big Questions returns.
The big religious/moral issue at present? …. the BIG and growing story now worldwide?.
Yep! folks, of course its Colog … oops I mean the future of the worldwide Anglican Communion
and should police harrass/bully female protesters over rapefugee s … apologies
I mean should doctors have the right to strike?
yesterdays news today chip paper … BBC?
Lara Logan,
“Suddenly cut off from her producer and CBS news team, then stripped and brutally molested and gang raped by a violent mob of Muslim men, Ms. Logan suffered terribly in the moment, fearing for her very life, and has continued to suffer from the internal injuries and physical trauma of that vicious attack.”
Anyone remember the BBC and its erm … “carnival atmosphere” over the inverted reality of the Arab Spring?
Hospitalised again Lara Logan – BBC News
British muslim = oxymoron
Andrew Marr has the Prime Minister on and they are babbling on about pulling down sink estates and house building . How about we ask him about what is going on in Cologne ? What he thinks about Rotherham ? What the hell is that Merkel woman doing ?
There is a bloody big elephant running around in the background with a Tee-sirt on saying ‘Immigration / Invasion’ BBC you are supposed to be doing investigative journalism ?
Scottish Amicable = oxymoron
I’d like to see Andrew Marr doing some investigative journalism into how a reporter working for a publicly funded broadcaster can afford to take out a super injunction.
Andrew Marr would know nothing about that. As a family man with no history of infidelity he would have no need of such a thing.
The BBC thinks political activism is investigative journalism.
Now that is very perceptive – it is exactly how the BBC works!
It’s a diversionary tactic.
Now, imagine the power of 24fps via an edit suite at the BBC.
In a ten minute segment which avoided anything other than domestic news our Gavin Esler was channelling his inner Ed Miliband on this morning’s BBC News Channel paper review –
Gavin : “The other day I was chatting with a Labour person…” [Presumably, unlike one of Ed’s famous encounters, this wasn’t on Hampstead Heath?] “…. this person said to me every time there are stories like this in the press about Corbyn [ie negative stories] it makes lots more people join and support Corbyn”
There really is quite a debate to be had there and to be fair to our Gavin there’s no direct bias in his statement here. Although generally I find him very biased he does it in a most subtle and almost under the radar way. In fact his brand of liberal internationalist elite lefty bias is all the more incidious because it is so casual and so soft spoken.
But the interesting point is our Gavin musing on the efficacy of negative political media stories. I wonder how our Gavin would relate his apparent insight into the positive for Labour side effect of anti-Corbyn news with the BBC’s relentless serial trashing of UKIP – intermittant with opperating a news blackout against the 4 million votes party?
Perhaps our Gavin will present a short introductory piece at the next BBC in-house seminar on the subject of negative political stories vis-a-vis news blackout technique – with particular reference to events in Cologne – if he’s up for it?
Sorry to hear of the death of Ed “Stewpot” Stewart.
His “Junior Choice” was a decent show from 1968-1980( so says my Radio Times)…and I`m thinking that he was booted off Radio 2 in 2006, for not being as “relevant or PC” as Paul O Grady.
And O`Grady IS moving to Venice isn`t he?…so Ed might have got his show back, seeing that O¬Grady-like Balls and Geldof, Sturgeon and the like-keep a promise once they make one…don`t they?
Would loved to have seen the size of the vaporettos needed to move Paul into his Canal St apartments…how may chihuahuas would fit into his knicker drawer could have been a “Pointless” question!
So-sorry to see Ed depart…hope his funeral is streamed as well, a la Lemmy!
But I`ll not yet be giving the eulogies-if you worked for the BBC in targeted “Childrens Output” in what we geologists call the “Savilonic Epoch”( 1963-2011),you`ll need to accept that there must be five year moratorium on obsequiescenses until Yewtree has finished pissing on their wooden zimmer frames.
Still-Ed was a good lad, Everton fan wasn`t he?…hoping for a 90 minute tribute.
We used to have it on in our house in the 1970s but, as I heard a commentator once say, it was what parents wanted their children to listen to, rather than what the children really wanted to listen to. It was never going to survive the arrival of punk, new wave, goth etc. No disrespect to Stewpot , who did a great job.
Good point Techno.
I`d say that there came a point where parents gave up on any efforts to either educate their own children or transmit the best of their own culture as well as previous ones they`d experienced.
They chose to let the schools and the BBC effectively take their roles…and no we live with the results.
Stewpots last programme is still on iPlayer from Christmas Day…the list of songs represent so much old common cultures that were worth something…and so poignant to hear some of his musings on it all, given that he`d be dead withing the fortnight…clearly no idea that this would be his last Christmas, comments about being 75 next year etc.
Radio at its best, in that it reminds us daily what we`ve lost.
Think I`d rather be remembered as a Steve Wright or a Stewpot, an Alex Dyke or an Alan Keith than a Lemmy,Whitney,Steve Strange or Amy…but the Lefties like cheap gestures and aimless rebellions like the latters.
Didn`t Stewpot use to play , that well loved BBC fav. “The Sun has got his hat on” , or it might of been the Jonathan King version that left out the n`s in Timbuktu. Saw him in Harwich once , when they did Pirate BBC Essex , from a lightship , recreating the 60`s Pirate stations . All the off air DJ`s, were in the Pub nearby .
And they are out of the blocks and away with the above sickening piece of apologetics, courtesy of Jenny Hill
“Even now, no-one – and that includes the police – really knows what happened” I think we are starting to get the idea Jenny, no thanks to you and yours.
” migrants were among the suspected attackers.” Among them or comprised of? How do you know Jenny?
This ” migrants were among the suspected attackers.” only means that there were some new arrivals but all the rest are probably already German citizens but with ME or North African origins. Just like all these “British” going to Syria to murder or whore for IS.
‘suspected attackers’ like if the women may have raped themselves?
Yes. The women are all far-right and did it to each other purely to discredit the poor, much-maligned refugees.
Nicky Campbell, well they say the devil comes in many guises. The apparent voice and compassion of reason yet he frequently slip into a consistent theme of right wing bad, left wing good. Today on the Big Questions programme it was the right wing Islamic radicals, the right wing klu klux klan, the right wing BNP. No mention of any left wing groups although CAGE was mentioned although no mention of their left wing sponsorship. No mention that most muslims vote Labour.
Nicky Campbell you are an evil and twisted man.
Should Universities foster free speech?
it is literally astounding, that a gaggle of largely incoherent, “effniks”, and lowest common denominator secondary school wafflers, are allowed to fill this airtime?. with safe spaces, and offence, LGBT, non binary gender fluid, back turning no platform … Islam trumps them all, instigated the offence industry, and through thinly “veiled” threat gets its way.
Douglas Murray, or Anne Marie Waters, or Peter Hitchens would have torn this shower a “new one” and exposed
the utter hypocrisy of their babble.
If they don’t foster free speech, what is the point of universities at all?
These days, not much point at all.
Rabbi Laura Jenner-Klausner was always a regular shouting her mouth off on the front row of the BQ ; given the furore surrounding her late father – Lord Greville Janner, it will be interesting to see whether she’ll be asked to appear any more – it only takes one to ask an uncomfortable question (?).
The indispensable Peter Hitchens calls out the BBC’s “impartiality” and David Cameron’s “conservatism” in relation to the “live-on-air” resignation of somebody in the Labour party last week –
“…..a BBC News programme last week arranged for some Blairite nobody to resign from his non-job, live on air……
But of course the BBC isn’t impartial and its idea of what is news is tinged with pink. It’s crammed with shameless Leftists from cellar to chimney. So if the BBC is actively helping the Tories, which it does these days, then that must mean the Tories are now the main party of the Left. And that’s Mr Cameron’s problem. He’s an EU-loving, pro-immigration, anti-grammar-school, politically correct social and economic liberal.”
Notice no comments allowed, I wonder why?
You can comment on Peter Hitchens’ blog http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/
Well said Peter Hitchens, let us have other journalists saying the same. Cameron disgusts me, he’s certainly no Tory.
On the other hand it could be I’m not giving him enough credit. Is this fluffy Tory boy playing the Blairite politics ruse in order to take the political ground away from Blairite Labour voters?
Whatever he’s doing, it isn’t always for the good of the country. History will judge him to be a poor leader at a low time of political talent, a man of no backbone or conscience
I don’t think I’ve ever known such a sub standard set of MP’s as we currently have in British politics today.
Sorry to be pedantic, but he is the archetypal tory. He is not a conservative. Pre Thatcher, most tory leaders were like Cameron. They came from privilege and had very “wet” ideas. Thatcher and Major were from “common” backgrounds, went to grammar schools and rose through the ranks. We need real conservatives, not old fashioned, out-of-touch tories like Cameron and Osborn.
Good post Geyza – Tories of Cameron’s hue, back then, hated Thatcher and ultimately did for her politically (Heselswine etc); but she got them into power because what she stood for resonated with so many people in this country; whereas what they stood for didn’t and still doesn’t for that matter.
Camoron’s Tories only got elected because he and they were the least worst option – what a mandate on which to govern a country FFS!
BBC Online News:
“”Why women and asylum-seekers are now feeling uneasy””
“”The BBC’s Jenny Hill looks back on a week that has left both women and asylum-seekers feeling vulnerable””
As ever, the BBC/Left causes Islam to become a ‘victim’. Has there been an joint outcry of Islamic shame? No.
The Islamic migrants (are there any Christian or Hindu?) have nothing to fear. That’s why they’ve made the trip. They had more to fear from extreme deprivation and murder in their own countries. They’ve had a lottery win by comparison.
The BBC/Left always excuse criminals by blaming their actions on their upbringing. The criminal is never to blame. The crimes against women in Cologne and across Europe are blamed on the criminals restricted sexual upbringing which left them with no choice but to attack and terrorise.
More evidence of BBC left wing bias.
Shocking recent events in Europe and elsewhere have quite starkly made things very clear to us. Cologne, Frankfurt, Stockholm etc were, of course, dreadful, but much more concerning was the establishment response.
Firstly we had the Cologne police informing everyone how peaceful a night it had been. “Not a single arrest” no, well that was true and now we all know why…
Our dear old state broadcaster seemed, as you’d expect, just a tad reluctant to report events and we had that pathetic and deliberately misleading nine second piece telling us, vaguely,that there had been some unpleasantness in Cologne. It took them nearly a week to get close to the truth.
And then we had the response from the appalling FEMALE mayor who advised women to keep men at arms length and to watch their behavior. This is quite incredible.
And yesterday we had a demonstration by people who are as horrified as we are at what is happening on the streets of Europe only to have an incompetent and previously impotent police force equipped with batons and powerful water cannon attacking THEM. And, as we all knew would happen, the media then tell us that the fascists and neo Nazis are trying to exploit the situation.
Every piece of “news” we receive is filtered through a politically correct prism so by the time it gets to us the correct message is being given.
That’s the truly worrying thing as far as I’m concerned. I never expected that encouraging a million young men from a deeply backward, mysoginistic, intolerant, bigoted, anti semitic cult would end well. However, you might have hoped that the people we rely on, ie the politicians and the media, might just have had the balls to be honest with us.
Says it all Jeff . It is very worrying I think the MP’s think they are immune do they think Johnny Muzzo is not going to get down to Islington or the Cotswwolds and get them eventually. Same with the BBC couch auto cue readers from home to studio in a nice limousine no contact with the real World . Do they think they and their families are all immune from what we can all see is coming this Summer
The thing is Lock13, that as the general personal security and crime situation worsens our MPs and other members of the self professed elite, the big business chiefs, the media will live in secured environments, gated communities protected by private security within neighbourhoods “prioritised” for community policing, supported by more CCTV and yet more private security. Anyone without reason to be there will be swiftly moved on.
This is how third world and developing world elites live. Look at, for example, Sao Paolo, millions living in slums and cheap housing districts which are free fire zones for drug gangs and other criminals whilst the elites commute by helicopter from secure communities in to secure business districts, shopping in patrolled malls. In Saudi a similar picture….secured compounds for the rich (who, discreetly, live as they please) with the oppression of Islamic law and religious police for the middle class and the poor.
Yes your are correct . I think people have to be very careful where they are living at the moment this aint gonna be pretty
The one thing we can be certain of is that the broadcast media in the UK will lie to us. Both the BBC and Sky are run by what most of us would regard as Left-wing ‘internationalists’ and they will move heaven and earth to suppress any truth that disturbs their political ambitions.
They even regard it as their duty to play down threats to the people of this country that might disturb the comfortable status quo they enjoy. Sadly, our print media are almost entirely as bad.
Keeping us, the proles, in our places has been the main aim of whatever establishment has been lording it over us since Anglo Saxon times and things are no different now. As knowledge is power, they know that if they can control the flow of it they can keep us doing their bidding through ignorance. But they have one weakness and it will be their undoing: the Internet. It is our equivalent of the 18th century pamphlet but it is immeasurably more powerful
We can now disseminate news without it being censored and we can pass opinions (providing we are careful to avoid the laws they have passed taking away our freedom of speech). It is very important that we use this resource and fight any attempts the establishment are making to snatch it out of our hands.
Used wisely, we can defeat those who would destroy our country and our lives simply by ignoring them and taking control of our own news sources. They only hold power over the truth so long as they can control it. Take that away and they are finished.
Very well put Jeff, everyone can agree with what you have said. It seems the horrific crime of gang rape, is just youthful exuberance, depending on the perpetrators (BBC Peter Allen ultra, ultra liberal). It would have been safer to just open up all the prisons in Germany, rather then let this army of backward, raping, thieving, grasping trash into their country.
I just hope Mother Merkel will follow Heir Hitler’s example once he realized it was over. This whole biblical size disaster is her doing. Judas Merkel.
BBC can try and muddy the waters regarding the background of the sickos, but EVERYBODY knows the truth
The Cologne story shines a light on the Lefts response to any attack on the white chavs that fund them.
Those girls in Cologne would, no doubt, have been giving out sweets, waving placards about “refugees welcome here”…all that pro-mulikulti crap for Eurovision.
And now it all bites them on their arses-or even more intimate places, if they`re to be believed-as they are!
But no university or school has ever dared teach them about how Islam acts or comes to dominate the “weak horse” that presumes to ride alongside it in the parade.
There was Germany thinking that their second-generation gastarbeiter would “get alongside” the new migrants and assimilate them-sorry bub…learn your Koran-there are NO Germans, no Refugees in Allahs sandpit-just Muslims under umma, who rather like the taste and smell of fresh blood from an infidels sweaty neck.
Yet on the elite go-throwing fish heads overboard, then wondering why the sharks continue to push the boat…so easy to tip it, and Allah will bless them for it.
The likes of Terry Eagleton used to boast of being the “barbarians at the gate”-when a Billy Bragg or a Paul Weller gets a record out,when a cross dresser can show up to the Oxford ball in drag, when Mrs Thatcher gets refused a gong at her old university.
The Good Rebellion…and all BBC, 38 degrees, Common Purpose, Guardian/Channel 4 etc subscribe to Terrys easy rebellion, cheap grace and virtues signalled to the other illuminated…
It`s now turned literal-barbarians at the Brandenburg-and Terry and the BBC think that moving a copper, water cannon at the chavs and yet more sob stories about Muslim opportunists as White Dee fellow-victims…fellow travellers though.
Disconnect the cables, set to stun , get the popcorn and watch the tumbleweed where race meets sex…the Left will lose, we need to keep well clear of them for the Islamic roll call…probably your duty to not buy a kaffir BBC license anymore.
The Cologne affair again lays bare media and government collusion in first suppressing the story (as in Rotherham and elsewhere) then blaming the victims and excusing the perpetrators followed up by attempting to criminalise any protests and spraying allegations of racism and xenophobia along with the literal spray of water cannon in Cologne.
It’s becoming ever clearer that they equally hate and fear the European public, who increasingly can see through the lies underpinning multiculturalism, and reject it.
The European public also see that when the far right and nationalists tried to raise the alarm, they were telling the truth about multiculturalism, whilst the mainstream politicians were not.
GCooper, ChrisH, embolden – great posts again.
If anyone was ever in any doubt of how free we actually are then read those posts. It really is all about control and those in power will destroy everything around them just to stop those who disagrees with their plans for a socialist utopia. The aspirational, patriotic, intellectual European really is the only evil they see in the world. They despise us. They think we are scum. They think fuck us! Well fuck them straight back my brothers and sisters! As leftie luvvie Bob Dylan once sang “the times they are a changin”
I myself would be curious about on what basis, pepper spray and water cannon was aimed at Pegida supporters…but not at the Hope Not Hate lime green Nazis who-presumably-think that what happened in Cologne is a fair response to whiteys racism.
I`d also like to know some facts-what % of those who attacked the women of Cologne was “Muslim”-as opposed to those who were not…am I talking 90% or more?
Also-how was this co-ordinated?…from the Mosques?…the social media-and whose platforms were they using….Google?…Facebook?…and-as yet-how come there are no facts to be had on the figures?
All else from the BBC is bullshit-we know the Eurovision brahmins took days to massage and dampen down the story-and only Breibart and Twitter types got the story out from under the liberal squatters on the cultural thunderbox…who won`t give us a fact, just a few lavender farts.
Odour Cologne indeed…the Left hope we`ll get used to the stench of the New Odour.
I`d give it five hundred and seventy two years before I`d go in if I were you.
Last night I got around to watching Fridays BBC4’s ‘Top Of The Pops – The Story Of 1981” as a young teenager into music at the time, I was somewhat interested.
The program starts reminding us just how grim the Britain of 1981 was (was it really?) with the obligatory clips of Sir Norman getting on his bike, and duffle coated individuals gathered around braziers. Finally we get around to some music, Depeche Mode and the old Ultravox v Joe Dolce story, all somewhat interesting but nothing new.
We move on to the summer, we see shots of the preparations for the Royal Wedding, but this is quickly glossed over, again to remind us (or maybe more so to inform/nudge those that weren’t born) of how grim Thatcher’s Britain was, against the backdrop of the wedding – described as the ‘harsh realities’. Sus laws were brought up, which of course led on to the riots and The Specials song Ghost Town, cue the songs writer (who also wrote ‘Free Nelson Mandella’)
He tells us that, although the song was about the ‘breakdown of Britain’ it was coincidental that it got to number one at the time of the riots, he goes on, ‘the whole country was irrupting’ (I don’t recall an ‘irruption’ in Somerset) and that on a Friday after the show being aired ‘kids would be discussing politics at school’ strange I don’t recall chatting to my mates about the riots or the ‘irruption of Britain’ more likely in July 1981 we would have been talking about Sir Ian Botham’s single handed destruction of the Aussies, our Royal Wedding street party’s or where we were going on holiday…
Never were we told of Maggie’s weak opposition and their policies, In reality I reckon Ghost Town got to No1 because it was a good tune, teenagers didn’t really care about the lyrics…
We end with the ‘coldest winter’ of the 21st century, was that to remind us of how warm it’s got since then?
There were a couple of strange omissions, Bucks Fizz won the Eurovision Song contest, too white, or too cheesy maybe? and a certain Mr Savile and Mr Travis presented a 3rd of the shows that year, yet no mention, sight or sound of them…
We even get to see a pre fame Boy George posing on the dance floor, it would seem nothing has changed in 35 years, he’s still on the bloody BBC and looking just as foolish.
Still musically, in comparison to today, 1981 was a pretty good year.
Yes, but not in the 21st Century!
Silly me!
Never let it be forgotten that the people who control our media were coming of age in the early 1980s – hence all the dreary programmes on BBC Four about artists whose musical abilities would be dwarfed by comparison with any one of the Teletubbbies.
Spot on and exemplified by Squeeze on this mornings Marr show changing the lyrics of one of their songs to to embarrass Cameron who was also in the studio. Obviously pre planned.
Maybe I would be in agreeance with them if instead of singing about a shortage of housing, change a few lyrics and tell us the real reasons why, I’m sure all those new arrivals will be appreciating the Britishness of their songs and rushing out to buy their latest album….
Squeeze are also regular guests on the Jeremy Vine show, enough said.
Maybe they and UB40 and Billy Bragg and Mitch Benn could have a celebrity twat version of The Voice, where they all try and slip a tee tee NaughtieMarr in a song and see if the BBC sofa is left a little moist by the studio team.
Just came here to note that Squeeze appearance: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35276200
So what was this pop band – or any pop band – doing on a political show in the first place?
BBC says: “A BBC spokeswoman said producers had not been aware of Squeeze’s protest beforehand.” That is one of those statements that is strictly and technically true, but the producers would have known what they doing. Playing it all innocent.
I did my A levels in the early 80’s and got a job . Me and my friends had a fantastic time in the 80’s everyone was employed from roofer to banker we all had money . The UK had strong leadership and was not to be messed with. I do not recognise the 80’s the BBC talks about. Lots of people loved the Specials that is why Ghost Town got to No.1 same with all the Jam records there was a mini-mod revival I had lots of friends with scooters and parkas. The riots they talk about I largely remember as a few drunk people going for a punch-up down the high street in my town then all forgotten about the next day as everybody went back to work
“Me and my friends had a fantastic time in the 80’s ”
“I do not recognise the 80’s the BBC talks about”
“we all had money”
Ditto! it was the last British decade.
I come from one of those “grim” Northern industrial towns that the BBC likes to claim is representitive of Thatcher’s Britain. There was a lot of old fashioned heavy industry which closed down in the 1980s. But we embraced new companies and my town boomed. From being a rock solid labour seat, it turned Tory. Then when Thatcher lost, we turned labour again. Now UKIP are gaining ground fast. There is no way that many people in this town will vote for the CND dressed up as a political party. The choice next time will be between tory and UKIP.
This is the problem, youngsters watching such programs come away with the distinct impression that the 80’s were as grim as the depression of the 20s & 30s and all down to Thatcher, a common theme that runs through all BBC productions depicting the times.
The BBC have seen to it that our youngsters are so genned up on the subject that they feel well enough qualified to blame Thatcher for the country’s woes at almost every opportunity on such programs as Question Time. More worryingly such statements always get a rapturous round of applause and chorus of whooping…
Again I fail to recognise the portrayal of 1981 as my experience. I left school in 1977 so have lived through what we are told were some of the “harshest” years in recent Britain history. I was no fan of Thatcher however the Blair regime is where I had some of the hardest and worst years of my life.
The left has been reduced to trying to scare people with the bogeyman years of Thatcher in order to try and get themselves back into power. Look at the idiots dancing in the streets when Thatcher died. Many weren’t even born when Thatcher was ousted; they were brainwashed. The left doesn’t like to be reminded that by the time Labour was voted out in ’79 they had reduced this country to the level where the rubbish was left piling up in the streets and the dead left unburied. Also, Wilson closed more pits than Thatcher.
In summary, and apologies for the lack of eloquence, the left can f*ck off.
Wilson and his Energy Secretary Benn…score 211 in five years
Thatcher…..score 154 in eleven years.
Every time you meet a lefty, stick that statistic right up his arse.
What lefties really detest even more is the association of their golden boy Benn with the closures.
‘what if you also point out some reasons to believe that conspiracy theory as well?’
“Them thar’s an expediting offence”. Ask further and a world of FoI exemption pain awaits you.
But there’s more on (has a certain ring) Hugh….
Interesting precedents set, especially when colleagues, such as Nick ‘sources say’ Robbo, allude to all manner of things without, as such, offering any substantiation.
Or Newsnight, who do it and then get the licence fee payer to pick up the legal tab.
So, basically, the BBC and its staff can say anything they like and are to all intents and purposes, unaccountable and immune.
How very unique.
I heard that this morning and had to turn off lest my radio meet with an unfortunate accident. I couldn’t believe he was seriously suggesting there could be mileage in the theory that the “far right” had encouraged the invaders to believe that such behaviour was OK. What, in so many cities in different countries at once, if other reports (seemingly sat-upon by the MSM) are to be believed? These far-right bastards clearly have significant and well-oiled organisation in place.
But let’s just humour him. Suppose that’s exactly what happened. He’s saying we have imported hundreds of thousands of men who are happy to believe that congregating in large groups and sexually molesting females in large numbers is perfectly OK. And he sees no problem with this?
‘ And he sees no problem with this?’
Apparently not.
Yet the BBC employs him and hands him public money and gives him a brand backing, microphone, crew and transmission system to broadcast his notions under the banner of professional, objective reporting of integrity.
When they have run out of arguments, the left always seem to fall back on some mythical “far right conspiracy” and it is utterly ridiculous. Other than the fact that PEDIGA is NOT a right wing organisation in any way shape or form, there is no evidence whatsoever of a far right conspiring on anything. If there was, I would have joined it by now.
Listening now to Ed “Stewpot” Stewarts last broadcast on Christmas Day.
Little did he he know that this classic comedy song would sum up the Liberal Elites “Weltenschaung” for Cologne and Rotherham better than nearly any other song I know(There is one more by Pete Seeger funnily enough too…let it not be said that I`m not “balanced” in my choices)
Burt Bacharach wrote this one!…AND the lead singer is Barry McGuire, who`s “Eve of Destruction” would be funny if it wasn`t so damned lefty and earnest…but , in the current climate-maybe it WAS right.
Huw Sykes this morning on the Cologne attacks: A depressingly typically piece of propaganda masquerading as news. Apart from the general gist of, “it’s nothing to do with the migrants” narrative, I was amazed to hear him cite a conspiracy theory that the whole thing was started by right wing groups encouraging the migrants. Apparently conspiracy theories are now news.
He even managed to find a pro-migrant demonstrator who thought German men behave in exactly the same way. Really??
Later in the studio what did we have but two guests, both staunchly on the side of the migrants. I had no idea that a few Kebab shops were a sign that multiculturalism is such a resounding success.
That was the point at which I turned off, so I wouldn’t have to buy a new radio.
The BBC’s long and growing list of uniques never ceases to amaze.
When it’s something they don’t like the sound of, they deploy every tinfoil hat snark in the book.
If it is one they fancy, then all of a sudden a battery of ECU directors stands ready to support their belief in the BBC’s editorial integrity, and if that fails Hugs and her legal team are there to make sure any dodgy sources cited are well and truly behind ‘purposes of’ exemption.
Huw, and the BBC, seem to have varying tolerances for ‘conspiracy theories’, ranging between one’s they conjure up themselves to those put forward by folk who get through the filter…
‘Causing offence is just one aspect of this story; the other is the mainstreaming of falsehoods, antisemitic discourse and conspiracy theories on public radio. To that, the BBC has yet to provide an adequate and responsible response’
At least he seems named and quoted. But then they appear to like what he had to say and he was prepared to put his name to it.
Huw’s little punt seems destined to stay in the realms of ‘sources…. however ‘respected’, by him, the may be’… who say’. Which could mean he heard from JonDon who heard from a bloke who once danced with a girl who heard from the Prince of Wales.
That editorial integrity schtick is getting a wee bitty threadbare by now.
Don’t know if it has been mentioned already, but the ever excellent complement that is ITTB had this a few days ago….
Now there is this:
SADIQ KHAN wasn’t happy with his London mayoral rival Zac Goldsmith calling him a “radical”, warning: “When you say that about a candidate of Islamic faith, what are you implying?”
Yet Corbyn backer Khan doesn’t usually have a problem with the word.
He has described his own policies as “radical” no fewer than 19 times.
Even fellow MP Andy Slaughter says Khan would be the “radical Mayor that Londoners need”.
Surely if he backs radicals and promises to be radical, he’s a radical?
Anyone told Sarah Montague?
“When I use a word,” Sadiq Khan said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Sarah, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Sadiq Khan, “which is to be radical—that’s all.”
With apologies to Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice Through the Looking-Glass’.
I had that type of linguistic problem with a left-wing moron, most probably Roger Harrabin, as a troll on this site.
Apparently, both the Arctic and the Antarctic are Landlocked. This is a paradox of the English Language, as the word Sealocked is not used for Land locked in by the sea, or a Sea locked in by the land.
But the troll regarded it as a very important scientific point, in which scientific reality could be determined by a word.
That would sum up Roger Harrabin.
A lot of words sum up Roger Harrabin. ‘Deluded’ is one of the kinder options from many.
‘Unqualified’ is another.
I struggle to believe that all the staff at the Beeb (and Sky) are ‘liberally minded’, and that most are there because its a job with a good salary. There must be those that mutter under their breath about yet another journalistic vacancy being filled by an ethnic because of a ‘diversity’ quota, but sensibly wouldn’t dare to speak out. There will come a time when, like Leicester, the community of the BBC will be engulfed by ethnics with unpronounceable names (at least at ground level) – but whether or not we shall see a black and female DG remains to be seen.
Apropos the comment from above that “those born in the 80’s now have careers at the Beeb” (which is why there is so much crap being commissioned) – many years ago Joan Bakewell commented that the BBC is run by children. Never has someone spoken a truer word.
I never thought I ‘d say this but here we are on biased bbc. Is there an equivalent unbiased Russia Today?
I’m just watching a well balanced programme on RT ref. the Med problems plus mass immigration. Sun at 7pm.
The general cock ups in Libya, Syria , Iraq are given fair hearing. As are islamophobia attacks – on the increase.
More interesting a range of generally anti open door immigration vox pop from Germany takes place without a single mention of the ‘Far Right’. No skinheads with quasi swastikas were picked out, just ordinary looking folk.
Then we hear that Germany was not the only place where the womenfolk enjoyed the multicultural beneefits of attack, molestation, and rape. Finland, Poland, And others have also had problems. Don’t remeber this getting a mention on al Beeb.
Now I’m not so naive as to believe that Putin is not pulling strings on this but I just can’t identify the downside for us as it just seems completely credible and a very balanced report with more content and angles than you ever on Al Beeb.
Just another RT update.
They are now interviewing the secretary general of NATO.
Meanwhile on bBBC ‘news’ channel we have …..errr….. an advert for their weather app!!!
And we are compelled to pay £140 a year for this utter garbage.
And on BBC1 Countryfile has a new feature ‘My Countryside’ with Nina Wadia and Tony Singh …. !
Funnily enough, today I was actually thinking about al-Beeb programming in about 10 years’ time.
Antiques Road Show – presented by Nadia Wahhabi – “Tonight we will be blowing up the 19th century statues in Trafalgar Square and visiting beautiful Castle Howard that is now an academy Madrasa”.
CountryFile – presented by the frontline war correspondent hero Abu al Britani – “Tonight we are in the beautiful Brecon Beacons visiting a pioneering Daesh scout camp where they learn such life skills as IED manufacture, knife skills and social media propaganda. Also, we will be visiting the old market town of Garstang in Lancashire where an enterprising local businessman has turned the old cattle markets into a modern-day slave market”
It’s uncanny Lakeman, because I too was musing over what a fully Shariah-compliant BBC would look like. I was watching the double-act Jane Hill and Simon McCoy on the news a few days ago, when I thought how a hijab might suit her quite well. But wait. A hijab may not be enough for Jane, or even Clare. And what about Evan? No, a fully compliant BBC would also be a very depleted BBC. As Dave S often points out on this blog – The Liberal Left coming face-to-face with Reality is not going to be pretty to watch.
Witness the German policeman almost in tears once he realised that those lovely migrants were the ones doing the raping – “that hurt”.
Thought Mr Singh was a local, by his voice, as I wasn’t really watching, but had the sound up.Quite a shock when I looked up, he was in Indian gillie dress. You can expect , the full Mossie Monty, in coming weeks full hijabed halal slaughter down the abattoir,with Jihadi John.
UK government helps immigrants quash convictions for illegal entry into the country
“And so it is clear: the David Cameron government doesn’t want critics of jihad terror in the country
… It does, however, want preachers of jihad terror and Sharia oppression and large numbers of Muslims who have entered the country illegally, with who knows what background and what purpose in mind.
Besotted by its multiculturalist fantasy, the British government is setting the stage for a future of civil war and bloodshed in the streets.
David Cameron and Theresa May should be given the titles Destroyers of the Realm”.
… anyway
As the German New Year Rapeathon hits 500 victims
The BBC issues – arms length advice
Rapeathon that’s hilarious. For some reason it’s conjuring up Blind date- will it be contestant number 1 – Mohammed from Syria , or contestant number 2 Muhammed from Syria…… you get the jist
Re contributors around 5pm re revisionist bBBC attitude to 1980s.
Just watched Antiques Roadshow. There was a cartoon by JAK from 1980 of the interior of a school.
The cartoon shows a notice board and pinned on there is a notice ” NUT 14th mass day of action”
Am amazed it got through the bBBC censors and editors but hidden away in the detail right there is a true reflection of the 1980s you don’t get from the bBBc.
What the BBC never dares look back at is the early 1970s when the three day week paralysed the country, there were routine shortages of even the most basic items and the country was literally staring ruin in the face. Margaret Thatcher didn’t win elections and the respect of millions in a vacuum, whatever a bunch of brainwashed journalists like to claim!
Lovely series on Radio 4 extra by Marguerite Patten working her way through cooking in the decades of the 20th century.
This week was the 70s. Started with Raymond Baxter eulogising about the jumbo jet. He did add that although BOAC had ordered 12 they had not yet reached agreement with the unions as to the rate for the job.
Later they played Ted Heath’s 3 day week broadcast and towards the end MT,s Downing Street arrival in 1979.
I suspect whoever let that lot through will be on the carpet next week!
Yes, the Margeurite Patten series has been a delight, decade by decade. But then the BBC used to make some good stuff back then.
So the fact that the number of criminal cases in Cologne has risen to over 500, and that over 200 of those relate to sexual assaults on women, all carried out on one night in one German city, is demoted from the main BBC News web page to make space for a) another bit of news about the arrest of a man suspected of murdering a woman and two children because said woman was an ex-actress in a BBC soap and b) some trivial celeb fest US award ceremony because the BBC hopes it will be won by one of its favoured male luvvies who gained massive brownie points for making a film in which he looks really sweet in a dress and a bit of lippy. I weep for the future of my granddaughter. My only consolation is that the BBC puppet known as Jenny Hill is getting massive stick on twitter. If only the twitterati would get behind the facade and go for the puppet masters.
The more one hears about Cologne in the context of events in other cities across Europe, the more I smell a co-ordinated attack.
A decently run news organisation would be investigating this.
If only we had one.
Pillar in a circle, I share your tears for your granddaughter. My grandson will be my age in 2074! What future for them and their children? What have we done to the legacy passed down to us from our parents and grandparents?
We can do very little. Things have been deliberately engineered to disable the vox populi. I now see post world war Britain as just a tiny fraction of time that flickered with little rays of hope lit by millions of people who were sickened by the cycles of cruelty and destruction. Those little flickers were, inevitably, going to be smothered by the greater forces of ugliness and darkness. I can’t be doing with organized religions, but I do find it interesting that many millions of people pray to their version of god five times a day and that current events suggest that their efforts appear to be manifesting the world they desire.
Poor little Jenny Hill found a pot of cyclamens and a cute little message about not beating women, even with flowers, on the steps in front of Cologne Cathedral. I think It was a plant.
MBE, or some other type of gong, definitely heading Jenny Hill’s way for her devotion to the abandonment of normal human scruples in her efforts to climb the BBC’s greasy pole. She claims to have ferreted out a middle aged German woman who was worried about blaming refugees because “they need our help” yet who appears to have nothing to say about the impact on her daughter of being sexually molested by non German or English speaking men in Cologne on NYE. Good old Jenny even managed to ferret out an Iraqi man with “striking green eyes” who claims to “love Germany”. She’s clearly very easily impressed. The establishment will smile on her.
I just learnt a new word in the enrichment genre.
Apparently it has some sort of North African connection.
BBC Online News:
By Jenny Hill:
“”Cologne attacks: Germans left feeling vulnerable””
“”News that migrants were among the suspected attackers. The BBC’s Jenny Hill looks back on a week that has left both women and asylum-seekers feeling vulnerable””
“”And then I spotted the flowerpots, three tiny plants left on the steps of the cathedral. Small white flowers shivering in the wind, ignored by the people walking by. There was a note stuck to one of the pots. “We don’t attack women,” it read. “Not even with flowers.” No signature, no way of telling who left them here”” (Any evidence as to who planted this? No? Then why report it? Some might say that the BBC News team planted this).
“”Many here fear a violent backlash against the 4,000 asylum-seekers living in Cologne”” (Who is ‘many’?).
“”I met a young Iraqi man with striking green eyes outside one of the city’s larger refugee homes. It’s a depressing place, a red-brick building with dirty windows overlooking a busy dual carriageway”” (What’s the relevance of ‘striking green eyes’? Sympathy? Does she fancy him? Is the refugee home more depressing than Iraq? I think not).
“”Even so, Hassan grinned as he described his plans to stay in Germany and work as a mechanic. “I want to thank Angela Merkel,” he enthused in his newly acquired German. “I love this country!” (Is he a trained mechanic? Did she ask? How can you newly acquire German?).
“”I asked him if he’d heard abut the attacks and for a moment he looked sad. “Yes,” he replied. “I’m so sorry this has happened. But Iraqi and Syrian men are good people”” (For a moment he looked sad? But Iraqi and Syrian men are good people? Did she ask him to explain this? If he really existed?).
Words almost fail me. What a totally biased piece of journalism.
Some may say fabricated….. It’s fun playing the BBC’s warped Left stance on reporting. Must get it ready as a Christmas game for all the family. Monopoly salaries included.
Anyone who has been following the posts on this website for some time would be fully aware of the events unfolding in Europe, particularly Germany, and could say ‘we told you so!’ This is one of the best places to get your uncensored news from . You certainly won’t get it from Al Beeb. It is a worthless, redundant QUANGO . These votes are still coming in …………… https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
I am totally amazed that our Mr Car Moron has not mentioned making Britain more secure against the vile events that are happening across the channel now. No, Mr Car Moron states he did not think quitting the EU was “the right answer…….” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35275297 .
He acts like the ‘Flash Harry’ that he is, pretending that there will be some ‘Big Deal’ to be gained from the EU. Its an outright sham , just a load of ‘flim- flam ‘, a load of ‘flim-flam’.
Bravo to those who keep this site going !!!
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