The BBC has been hitting us hard all day with the politically motivated anti-drink ‘science’ (Where do we get that normally?) of risk, alcohol and cancer. Quite aggressively negative interviews with those who criticise and more positive friendly ones with those who feed us this guff.
All to be taken with a dose of salt….as long as you keep it within your government approved daily recommended amount of course.
Here’s some other health warnings from the ‘experts’ that should come with a health warning themselves….
The cancer timebomb: Parents sentencing their children to disease by letting them sit in front of TV and computer screens for hours on end, warn experts
Taller people at greater risk of cancer
Every four inches in height increases the risk of cancer by 20 per cent, researchers found in the largest study of its kind
How oxygen in the air could trigger lung cancer: Rates of the disease found to decrease at higher altitudes
The BBC, as always, acting as an arm of government propaganda when it suits.
Charles Moore in the Telegraph suspects the motivation behind this zealotry…
….politicised campaigners who see industry as bad, consumers as stupid, government as good, and themselves as legislators to compel the public to behave in certain ways. Since I suspect such people’s motives, why should I accept the objectivity of what they say about health?
Well if Moh the murderer said don’t drink alcohol then we bloody well mustn’t drink alcohol.
Doing so would be an act of racism and Islamophobia and admitting we have some kind of mental disorder.
Why do I get the idea that the BBC want anything that upsets Muslims to get the softshoe shafting from the linen suits at the BBC-as well as the liberal press idiots, the healthcare lobby, NHS-and those pliable playdoh “readers in psciency thingies ” at East Anglia or Westminstayuni?
And Moore gave me the idea that the likes of wor Sally now say that there “is no such thing as safe drinking”.
Funny that-but there IS such a thing as “safe sex”? Maybe not if you dip your wick in Boddingtons then?
Why so Sal?…is it because you too are drinking too much sex change water from Thames as Richard P says below yourself?
I`d have thought that gay sex killed more people that Watneys did-Party Seven excepted maybe?
Next from Dame Sally-“Conversion to Islam might diminish your life chances”…but WILL allow you to grope teenage girls, dress little boys in your third wifes lingerie, inspect childrens homes and of course-no licenses needed for your car or your telly(Islam correct about the latter though).
Come on Sal-follow the logic wherever it takes you…get off the panto stage in Sheffield(where all the health zealots have most purchase)-and let`s see you announce the Muslim=illness meme at Lutons Mosque!
I`d pay to watch it-oh yes I would!
Al Beeb has been using it as a good way of ‘burying’ the bad news from Cologne. Its all part of their censorship .
biasedbbc contributors and a growing number of the public can see through their transparent propaganda ……….
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
If you have not voted here yet, now is your opportunity …………………
Note the BBCs creeping crap over the sacking(or was it suspending?…the BBC have said both at different times) of Colognes chief plod.
Note too the “press seemed to be slow in reporting it” gets less scrutiny that does the police not following it all up.
Wouldn`t want to point out Germanys equivalent of the BBC were as able to allow the sexpests to go unimpeded , as were the police themselves.
Wolfgang seems as clueless as Blair, Hogan Howe and the other Yurokoppaz who owe alliegance to Gramsci and Von Rumpoy-as opposed to their countrymen(urgh, as far as the idiot left are concerned).
The sad liberal ponce even seemed to think that women not sticking around the police vans to report the crimes only showed that they themselves rather enjoyed it, or didn`t fuss overmuch.
The New Liberal default when it comes of Muslim atrocities.
Didn`t hear the Now Show or whatever comedy vehicles of the Left are on telly or radio at the mo…can`t imagine any jokes about it…when the whole media response and cyclops like “analysis” of New Year across Europe is funny.
Maybe if we tell ZDF and the BBC that those fireworks lit in Cologne square were an unlicensed show-and diminished our wriggle room re climate change?…would it FINALLY be seen to be a crime then?
AS ever-Muslims commit atrocities-Left blames the police for not…well, not doing anything about it.
Don`t the institutions ever think that they are ALWAYS in the dock when it comes to anything?…the Left do nothing but blame whitey and the Man…and excuse the noble savage…whether its Duggan or Emwazi?
Sack the BBC-and better still, best be ready to remove Eurovision that will step in afterwards if we`re not careful
Too late, I stopped drinking at midnight on New Years Eve, but will have a glass of English Sparkling Wine today in revenge against the BBC. Will also eat my weight in sugar over the next few weeks. At least I don’t drink Thames Water, which can cause sex change problems, as is proved for inland fish stocks, and for the recent metropolitan fashion in London politics. I heard that if your child has been influenced by the Hormones in the water supply, you can add even more with Tory government sanctioned Hormone treatment for the child until it can change sex when it reaches 18 years of age. Something for a satirical comedy sketch, if it didn’t cause a Liberal Fascist to turn violent. But the most important issue for the nation is to avoid mental illness by not watching too much BBC News.
But the champagne flows freely at al-Beeb mosque.
Not as much as it used to as the polls stay a worry on politicians who have stated the BBC is safe with them, but they do seem to have mixed views on the demon drink.
The people behind this ‘study’ notably include something called the Alliance House Foundation (AHF), which began life in the mid-19th Century as part of the temperance movement. Its original name was the catchy “United Kingdom Alliance to Procure the Total and Immediate Legislative Suppression of the Traffic in All Intoxicating Liquors”. The AHF funds the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS), which is a subsidiary company of it. Taking a look at the IAS website reveals the following tidbits:
“We also receive funding from other sources for particular projects, including the European Commission”
“The AHF itself… was linked to a number of other progressive movements (including the founding of the Labour party).”
Taking a look at the IAS staff shows ‘the usual suspects’ that one would expect.
Thank you for this information.
I usually do a little research myself when an organisation, new to me, is mentioned.
They are always “progressive”, always lefties, always lying about their true motives.
Always funded by ourselves, via one or more money laundering organisations like the UK government or the EU.
As the UEA are the toxic root of climate change quackery…I`d place Sheffield as the health nazis doggy bowl of media treats.
They have demographic chumps like Danny Dorling-usual poverty=bad `elf meme, and saw a smattering of Sheffiyuni poppets calling by the BBCs Sky Blue rooms to beg us all to stop drinking yesterday.
Rest of the BBCs “talking heads” were of course “survivors” of binges, drunken hubbies, attention seeking killjoys that head up all the usual Labour quangos.
Reckon they swap the heads at the old Spitting Venom studios in Birmingham-and the mottos used cros from sugar to booze to obesity to drinking to eating to sleeping-in fact anything but flogging wind turbines, paying your TV License, and voting Labour until Islam sorts us all out.
Did see one bloke from the IEA…who said it as it is…but the BMA/Press Association/Parliamentary lobby fodder presumably need “further evidence ” that they themselves are pissed-up failures who get too much subsidised booze and access to the drinks cabinets-and project their pink and lime green big elephants onto our screens-and call it “health policy information”
Remind me again-drinking hours at Westminster and the BBC?…and the cost of a pint in each?
Hypocrites in Arabic anybody?…they`ll need to know it very soon.
“Every four inches in height increases the risk of cancer by 20 per cent, researchers found in the largest study of its kind”
So if a person is 20 inches taller (than what exactly? The national average? The national average varies by country, so who knows what they mean) you have a 100% chance of getting cancer? Great statistics and scientific writing peddled as always by the mass media.
This would explain why we have no 20 inch people-presumably the cancer has got to them earlier than the 40 inchers.
Can I specify that my £5 that the Paralympic pimps want from me gets used for elevator shoes or cuban heels for those at the 39-41 inch interface…so their rates of cancer get cut by 20%?
Either that, or pay for the one-legged ice-skater again!
Anybody else see that ADHD/Aspergers lobby are getting their sperm rejected for donations as their condition is self-referring as “a genetic condition”?
Brilliant-Pop will eat itself…and where are the comedy gold-miners at the BBC regarding this one?…”zees eez not funnee!
The Homer Simpson Sperm Appeal to teach sperm to be more active, read or be clever is now available for your donations( money…and not what thickies might infer with that!)
Is this body mass they’re worrying about, or just erections?
Repeating myself but……
1. Everyone dies exactly once. No medical intervention prevents death, it only postpones it
2. For most people in most situations, the biggest expenditure from the nhs on them in their lifetime is in the last few weeks before dying. Its a simple thing to note that most people die in hospital and we all know how expensive they are to run. Qed.
3. Therefore any public body claiming a public health benefit should also explain the total lifetime cost of that benefit.
We can decide whether we want to spend our taxes in that way of course, but dont patronise and bullshit us with all the saving money guff.
And ‘The Who’ were wrong. Its not ‘hope i die before i get old’. Its ‘hope i die before i end up with severe dementia in a care home’.
Not a logic sequence i expect to be considered by our money-grows-on-trees state vroadcaster.
Modern medicine (at least as practised in the UK) has moved so far away from common sense that it is hard to see how it can be put right again.
Unable to cure the contemporary big killer diseases with the panache that wiped out the infectious diseases that plagued humanity until the 20th Century, it casts around looking for ’causes’ but instead of doing proper research leans on the pseudo-science of epidemiology. Using dodgy statistics enables cranks and axe-grinders to hijack an agenda and the result? Among many other things, 50 years of the wrong advice on dietary fat intake (how many hundreds of thousands did that kill?).
This very week the U.S. secretaries of health and agriculture have finally announced: “Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption,” which is quackspeak for ‘we’ve been talking crap about cholesterol for over 30 years’.
Apologies to all the farmers whose healthy foods have been traduced and whose businesses have been harmed? None. Apologies to all the patients whose lives have been ruined because the medical profession can no longer do proper scientific research? None.
Now we have the alcohol and sugar zealots at work, as others have said, being encouraged and prodded by some very questionable bodies indeed. People consume far less alcohol than they used to even relatively recently and sugar consumption is nothing new, either. These are engineered moral panics, not scientifically justified ones, and are driven by neo-puritan fanatics, whose real problem is that they cannot abide the thought of people enjoying themselves.
“Too Much BBC Causes Cancer”
I look forward to the scientific report which concludes that the electro-magnetic radiation from the BBC’s transmitters causes cancer. The BBC should then be shut down to prevent further harm. Indeed, now that the idea has occurred to me I think that under the “Precautionary Principle” the BBC should be shut down immediately until proper research has been carried out into this potential threat to human heath.
Come on you lot – Alcohol is obviously so passé in this brave new world of which we live – I mean come on! – the BBC are doing us their usual self righteous public service – Showing us the errors of our ways with the usual saturated well meaning coverage, Constantly highlighting to us, the orders and decrees of their favourite left wing doctors and media outlets.
Alcohol gives you cancer – Even a sip is bad for us now – Just like tobacco – and of course pork is highly suspect – Why don’t we realise that we need a new outlook to our shallow self centered lives? …That nice Mullah Mohammed, preaching love and understanding down at our various local Mosques also has total disdain for Alcohol, Tobacco and filthy pork. Why can’t we all be more like him? – Why can’t we be joyously peaceful? – Why don’t we follow Mohammeds beliefs and edicts without question? – Why can’t we “submit” to Allah, and learn the errors of our heathen ways? – Why can’t we see that the left are as ever, the trusted and unquestionable oracle, and they’re simply helpfully pointing us to a seventh century paradise? If the BBC harangue us long enough, perhaps we’ll eventually see the light…(sic)
I’ve noticed the BBC are trying to get us to give up gambling too. Hence all the national lottery coverage.
With you there aborigine.
Never discuss gambling as a disaster do they?
Anymore than Dame Sally and her elves will dare to tell us all this shite diring the Euro Championships later this year-imagine what Portman, Walkers crisps etc would make of THAT show of health awareness just before we flop again in June.
That`s the BBC for you-and let me add that Plane Stupid and their reps would be welcome at the BBC when the chances to see Hillary get voted in or not in November when Snow, Edwards and Dimbleys seek the magic fairy dust of the West Wing pretensions…I blame Woodward and Bernstein for the arrested development.
Hard to image any one of them ever being a proper journalist though…mere Robert Redfords without the Italian salad dressing bottle to use as a foil…
Aint it strange that Richard Bacon finished his his radio 5 dead show saying he was going to be commuting between London and New York.
wonder if he considered his carbon footprint before his career?
Yes, bookmaking establishments emit an Islamophobic clientele that must be eliminated no matter what the cost…
Whenever I have a lot to drink and fall asleep with my boots still on I wake up with a headache . I must be allergic to shoe leather .
Attacking the Drinkers after all but finishing the smokers.
This is more about control. People gather in pubs and clubs and discuss things, it’s called community.
The best way to stop( ethnicaly British) public gatherings in a communial way is to get them away from their base.
Thats why they are attacking the pubs and clubs in a mission creep kind of way.
Very good point Beness, I hadn’t thought of that but it makes sense in a Machiavelian way.