Rape Jihad? Labour at war with itself? No. Bowie is dead and the BBC are in mourning. Don’t get me wrong, I was a big fan too but I seriously wonder why this story is so big for the BBC. A cross dressing bisexual image (back in the day) probably gets BBC hearts a fluttering. Anyway, here is a new OPEN Thread. Fill it with bias in the same way as the BBC fills every news programme with unrelenting bias.
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Riot police used water cannon to disperse anti-migrant protesters in Cologne on Saturday.”
No BBC they aren’t anti-migrant just anti the mass uncontrolled immigration of Muslims from outside the EU
A godsend for the far left media like the bbc and Sky.
Murkle probably can’t believe her luck.
Blanket coverage of Bowie gives them an excuse to ignore the Cologne goings on.
What our honourable members call “a good day to bury bad news”.
I just show people RT on the Freeview Channel 135.
It may be owned by a gangster, but on Islam, the EU and Climate Change, it’s the best you can get on British Freeview Channels. And far superior to the BBC, both in information and the quality of its journalists. But mostly the fact that it does not bar “high IQ” guests. It even has free and open debate with up to three guests at a time.
I find RT generally anti-Semitic , anti-capitalist and dangerous because they try to select young presenters for their sex appeal .I dip into the economics programme `Boom and Bust` which has a range of views but the interviews are sycophantic and never ask tough questions of their economic experts.
I used to watch `Breaking the Set` with Abby Martin which has now ceased but it was 30mins of non-stop left wing activist propaganda and with a fanatical Anti-Israel agenda.
There must be two versions of Russia Today, I watch the other one.
I’ m sorry but I never understood the appeal of Bowie, I always felt he was ‘having a laugh’, how much caterwauling could he get away with before someone would do the Emperor’s New Clothes bit and call him out. I expect that was why the BBC took him to their hearts, they recognised a fellow player. They are certainly giving him saturation coverage today.
I appreciate though that ‘some’ people don’t share my opinion and that everyone’s death is a loss to us all.
Could it have something to do with his bisexuality, androgyny and crossdressing ?
“…Could it have something to do with his bisexuality, androgyny and crossdressing?”
Doubtful – there’s no real evidence that Bowie was ever anything other than a ‘normal’ heterosexual man playing around with sexual mores to scandalise and sensationalise his own brand. Sure, there’s plenty of hearsay, rumours, whispers and anecdotes, but The Great Man Himself always remained fairly tight-lipped about his alleged (and once self-professed) ‘bisexuality’. Certainly, if I look objectively at the public evidence of his personal life I don’t find any reason to suppose that this twice-married father of two was anything other than a ‘gender bender’ – just some bloke who ponced about on stage flirting with fellas now and again and enjoying the frisson of an invented scandal. He actually later expressed his regret at claiming he was bisexual as he considered it had caused his US career great harm.
I was a big fan of Bowie in his 70s period. I never bought into the whole ‘bisexual’ thing – to me (and I am a gay man) Bowie, whilst a fantastic song writer and performer, always seemed to be a fake when it came to his sexual peccadilloes.
As for him more generally being a ‘faker’ – well, he was a showman at heart ; a stage performer. He would claim in later years he didn’t enjoy doing live shows, but watch any footage of him performing live and you’ll see he clearly loves it. Whether he believed any of it… who knows?
Just waiting for the BBC to get around to reporting on Bowie’s unfortunate ‘Nazi’ period – http://www.muhistory.com/from-the-archive-2-mu-response-to-david-bowies-nazi-salute/
I agree , with Obi wan , Bowie hinted at being bi – sexual , but it was more of the artistic performer , than being a rock star. That cross dressing thing, was the glam rock era clothes , even the hetro rock stars had very effeminate clothes in the 70`s.Incidentally the first Mrs Jones (Bowie) is on Celebrity Big Brother now , I am sure she will mention any of this in the future.
Whether he was or not, my point was that the BBC get excited because there is a chance that he was.
Does anybody else think that the BBC on its news has spent more time on the death of David Bowie than they did on the death of the Queen Mother?
I am glad that you and others have mentioned the ‘way over the top’ coverage tonight. I had to come on to Biased Beeb to assure myself I was not the only one surprised by this. Thank you. The Devon Spotlight programme even managed to find an ancient reverend who in his youth offered the young Bowie/Jones a gig just before he became famous!
Ditto with Points West.
Ditto. I have no problem with people genuinely mourning their heroes, But I was never a Bowie fan and I find the BBC’s emoting to be somewhat over the top, and feeding a “Diana-esque” mass hysteria, which no human being on the planet deserves.
As with Diana and Mandela, it’s a bad case of emotional incontinence.
Certainly a lot more than it did with Lemmy, but then Motorhead weren’t as arty.
Last word on the Beeb’s beloved feminists at:http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2016/01/creepy-modern-feminism.html
That is a quite superb article with information about a phenomenon of which I was completely unaware: “taharrush”; such delightful folk our leaders have allowed into the West, such charming cultural idiosyncrasies they bring with them. Thanks for posting the link Alex.
“The stranger within my gates
He may be evil or good
But I cannot tell what powers control,
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.”
Rudyard Kipling
There was a piece about taharrush on Breitbart. So far no sign of anything on BBC Trending.
Thanks for the link above Alex-and the new concept of taharrush( or mu`aksa) will become yet MORE Arabic words we`ll need to know…like taqqiya, jihadi or sharia I expect, kitman or kuffar.
By then, we`ll at least have had the word “Alcohol” booted out though of our language if the BBC and Dame Sally have their way.
Tommy Robinsons video is a must- what I got out of it was the fact that you fear for your safety, your job if you so much as dare to walk on the 6th Feb…what a cowed and snooped-upon bunch of saps we`ve let ourselves become.
To have stepped in to protect women in Cologne would probably have got Charlotte Von Proudman onto your case on Womans Hour as being “patronising and sexist”.
Any word from Jenni Murray or Jane Garvey re Cologne and what Muslim migrants are doing now across Europe then?
My take on it is that the places where independent thinking would once have taken place are now cowed PC World zombie safe spaces for Islam and snowflakes…where Moazzem Begg is welcome, but David Starkey is banned.
Universities, the liberal media, councils and unions, BBC and journalism?…all no longer “safe spaces for the likes of Tommy-and, increasingly dangerous to the rest of us.
The Ichneumonida wasp paralyses its caterpillar, lays its eggs in it, and then they eat it from within.
This repulsed Darwin enough into ditching God-what kind of creator would do such a thing?
And we got evolution…
My thinking is that Islam has paralysed the West, but the liberal brahmin caste have provided the funds, the cover and shown it where our girls are, where UKIP live.
As Tommy says-best wake up!
Solid post chrisH.
Lest we ignore the irony – we owe the word “alcohol” to Arabic. Along with every other word beginning with “al…”, (the definite article), Algarve (“The West” – note not “The The West”), Al Andalus (Andalucía), Almera, Alhambra, Al Laqant (Alicante) etc., etc. (I appreciate that my anecdotes are Hispanic centric).
Back in 711 AD the Muslims (Moors) brought so much by way of positive advance to a backward Christian Spain. A Spain which went backwards under the conquistadores’ expulsion of Islam in the centuries leading up to 1492. How times have changed where Europe is one of the modern cradles of the civilised world and the Middle East, for all of its enormous mineral wealth, contributes precisely no culture or advance of civilisation to the world.
“enormous mineral wealth”
Wealth discovered, like most mineral wealth, by Western geologists.
wealth which, like most mineral wealth, would still be underground, unknown to its primitive inhabitants
I am not convinced by this Islamic “Golden Age” nonsense,
You are quite right not to be Delenda; as a reading of the excellent books “Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited” and “The Impact Of Islam” by Emmet Scott will confirm.
The “Golden Age” was nothing of the sort: ‘…the real destroyers of classical civilisation were the Muslims.’ Henri Pirenne.
Yes, AL, i endorse those books, excellent reading. The muslims replaced a Med teeming with trading ships….to one full of their slave-ships…..irrigation systems in Egypt, Judea etc were ignored and allowed to fall into uselessness. They have brought bugger all to humanity, and scurrilous arses try to convince us of their prowess in mathematics, science and medicine…when in fact most advances were under the Greeks and Romans. arses like Y A-Brown, with her big, worthless mouth.
Quite right – 100% agree. But find it the west did. And then extract and buy it, pumping trillions into the local economy of the ME. But the primitive inhabitants have only succeeded in translating it into ownership of gold plated Lamborghinis that clutter up the West End. Wealth isn’t culture, knowledge, technology, progress or net value add to society. The present day ME makes zero contribution to the planet on any level outside of a convenient place for the world’s oil to be stored.
“The whole of the Arab world, minus its oil, matters less to the rest of the world than the Nokia phone company of Finland.” Theodore Dalrymple
What a brilliant remark – Theodore Dalrymple really is a sage. Unlike the other Dalrymple whom the BBC favours, based in India and creepingly pro-Islam.
The Rape of Europe
Where are the Femen or the feminists, when you need them.
Flexdream, the I in PEGIDA actually stands for “Islamisation” which, it is crucial to remember is facillitated by the leaders and governments of Europe.
What does that mean? says the BBC if they even pause to think about it rather than try to silence by innuendo and use of trigger words like “anti migrant” or “xenophobic”.
Well BeebDweebs the Islamisation that PEGIDA opposes is stuff like…..
accepting the need for ever more mosques, prayer halls and islamic community centres,
accepting the need for new laws, new policing methods, new items on the education curriculum, new health advice, new laws on food processing…all to take account of Islams demands.
accepting the notion that opposing Islamisation is racist, and that Islam can be viewed as a race.
accepting large scale electoral malpractice and the influence of clan leaders.
accepting the influence of “community leaders” and consulting with them on matters of interest to them such as policing and “community cohesion”.
accepting that Islams rights to free expression outweigh LGBTQ , womens and childrens rights.
accepting and denying the existence of areas in European cities where Islam sets the standard of accepted public behaviour.
accepting the exam timetable should be changed to accomodate Ramadan fasting (ignoring that kids are exempt anyway)
accepting different standards of behaviour from muslim men, and when this is pointed out, label the opposition “islamophobic”
accepting that Islam alone of all religions is to be recognised and respected on its own terms, so the Koran is referred to as “the holy book” and Muhammad is “the Prophet” and “Islam is the religion of peace” regardless of any evidence to the contrary.
accepting the teaching of Islam in all day madressa “schools” that are unregulated.
accepting that unlabelled halal meat should be the standard for meat in the food chain,
accepting the validity of Sharia law,
accepting that women should dress “conservatively” or face the consequences,
accepting that cartoons and jokes about Islamic figures are capital offences (all other religions can be mocked bar Islam)
Another reading from the Prophet Enoch (from 1977):
If only he were alive today to deal with the Beeb’s Charter renewal.
The tragic thing is that now there are precious few indigenous inhabitants of Brixton, Southall et al. They have all been successfully ethnically cleansed. Although Enoch Powell warned it might happen, I doubt even he could have foreseen the ruthless efficiency with which the British have been removed from many of their own towns and cities. Outside a catastrophic military defeat, has this ever happened anywhere in history?
A great book about J.E.P. is “Like The Roman” by Simon Heffer; it’s a weighty tome; but as a biography of a major political figure it is a tour de force.
One of the amazing things about Powell (in my view) and indicative of the man’s sheer scale, is this: can anybody name a single speech of the past 48 years which came near to being as memorable or having a similar impact to the “Rivers of Blood” speech (or “Birmingham Speech” as the man himself referred to it) had?
It is astonishing: what a P.M. we could have had and what scum we got in the form of Heath and Wilson.
I’m currently working my way through Enoch at 100. His prescience re what the EEC would become is incredible.
BBC Radio 4 beyond belief – Islamophbia in France has become the acceptable face of Racism hiding behind freedom of expression.
Typical left wing Islamophilic lies and more proof that they would like to ban the freedom to say what you please. Where even what might be seen as the mildest criticism of Islam is perceived by the Fascists as ‘Islamophobia’ and the limitation of their rights to force their religion on everyone regardless, by a secular state is also perceived as ‘Islamophobic’ !
The thing is there is no such thing as Islamophobia because a phobia is defined as an ‘irrational fear’. There is nothing irrational about fearing a religion or its followers who set out to murder, rape and enslave those who follow a different religion or hold different views.
(Already posted on Breitbart)
Another incompetent gone:
How do these cretins ever get appointed, in the first place?
And why did they dump Owen Paterson, who was probably the only incumbent with a sensible head on his shoulders?
Fools, all of them.
More proof that there’s no such thing as ‘waycism’ as a white man kills another white man in a so called waycist attack !
Has Christ died and gone to heaven again , I ask because I listened with horrified fascination to the PM programme’s self indulgent love fest about the death of a pop star who may have been talented and was a good publicitist for himself .
Wasn’t it ridiculous? Fifteen minutes of the likes of Nicola Strugeon, Boy George and Mark Mardell telling us how Bowie had changed their lives. Fifteen minutes of relentless pre watershed yap about “gender fluidity”,
Well yeah, he only married two women and had two kids.
He said and did anything for publicity and money at least in the early years, ranging from bisexuality to Fascism to naming his kid “Zowie”…..guys, it was an act…..it was all done for money, your money.
He could knock out a tune right enough. I admire his fortitude in the face of death and his refusal to let the media in to his last months. In his last year and a half he just made his music. I respect and admire him for that.
The LOL media moment for me was the woman who on the Today programme described being David’s lover when he and she had an “unconventional” landlady-tenant relationship, she described how she was a “bit devastated” and might not express herself properly before describing a few more magical memories…..she remembered to tell us she’d written a book and then when asked whether she had kept in touch with David, she revealed she’d last spoken to him at a party in 1973.
The BBC, ffs, just beyond parody, these days they manage somehow, to diminish everything and everyone they touch, and they do it with our money!
He’ll soon be canonised if its left to the BBC ! Its been mentioned before on here about the age group of ‘those in charge’ – well, if the wall to wall coverage of Bowie doesn’t indicate how old they are who govern the air waves, (given credence by comments from Cameron & Welby that new comedy duo) then nothing will. I just wonder in future years, when the Yuni graduates of the noughties are in charge, who they will be putting up for sainthood from the pop world then !
If things go well over the next few years they’ll be lionising the composer of the PEGIDA anthem, Together we are Strong.
If not, it’ll be Abdul Rahman and his Koran recitation.
“He’ll soon be canonised”
That will be a change.
Most of the individuals the BBC has been offering as role models recently have been caponised.
Thanks to the one individual who, currently, has appreciated this.
Did it go over heads or was not as funny as I thought?
The BBC’s reporting on what happened in Cologne disgusts me more by the day. I notice the news is now being filed in the ‘Europe’ section and not the main page (so we are only in Europe when it suits Albeeb?) Today we get Gavin Hewitt musing on the topic. He thinks that parts of Paris and Brussels are looking a bit iffy, but in London “you see groups of young people hanging out together – regardless of background or creed”. Cool, man. What a load of fluffy garbage. Hewitt knows no more about their backgrounds or choices of religion than he does the colours of their mums’ hair. But then Hewitt, 64, will never know what it’s like to be a woman alone at night. Hewitt will never be vulnerable to being sexually assaulted by one man or a gang. Nor will the pontificating Pope. Nor will the group of frock wearing bishops who are too busy agonizing over the churches stance on homosexuality to have any opinion on mass sexual assaults on women in a European country. Merkel’s spokesman says that “nothing excuses retaliatory assaults on immigrants” – I translate that as an instruction to us all to “meekly accept a future in which women will no longer be granted protection by the forces of law and order”.
Whoever that non-person was that they had on for ‘Thought for the day’ was asked about ‘balancing welcoming migrants with protecting German people’. He said that those convicted should be deported.
So, he is happy to allow everybody in, wait for the rapes and then deport the perpetrators. Wonderful news for German women.
Sad I know but, a few years back, I always used to enjoy the act of switching the radio off for a few minutes when Thought for the Day came on. Nowadays, even this small window of enjoyment has been denied due to the frequency with which I feel obliged to hit the ‘Anti-Propaganda’ switch.
Have the BBC reported the shooting in a Canadian nightclub by Mohamed and Mohamed? No Kidding!
More here
Maybe it’s the new policy of just don’t report it, even the beeb must get fed up of trying to hold back the tide of muzzer shit from time to time.
I live in Mankychester and I have seen a couple of clubs shut down in my time thanks to some some shootings by nutters who were turned away for being from Salford, I’m guessing there are no parallels with this shooting…Mo and Mo and the RoP gave the game away…I’m guessing the liberal socialists will light candles hug strangers and shut all night clubs as a result, you know, so they can carry on as normal and show they’re not scared.
As of 12:23 a search does not find this event reported on the BBC.
Which is why people are increasingly looking elsewhere for the truth, and finding it.
Without the compulsory BBC tax it would wither and die as being not fit for purpose.
Got to say that I`m enjoying the liberal gloop and sentiment, the cheap emoting of yoof/public school suckups like Snow, Gompertz and kids who project their own liberal, knicker-wringing angst and presumptions.
So lazy, so flat pack , off-the-shelf liberal bull.
They seem to love the androgyny and the sci-fi stuff…less so the Fascist sympathisings which are much more the coming force than a load of Boy Georges or Susan Calmans clutching their “Ziggy “CD.
His Diamond Dogs needs a second lesson-he clearly got Orwell…and we need 1984 “hate speech” categories revisited.
If you see the liberals projecting THEIR crap onto Mr Bowies life-then you can enjoy his life for the very opposite for what THEY
would like to promote.
I liked Bowie, but let’s face it, his creative period was 1972-82. Like most creative people, the well eventually runs dry. Sadly, that fact does not necessarily stop them sending the bucket down and coming back with nothing.
Apologies for repeating myself but I posted this very close to the replacement of the weekend thread. I think the point is still valid, however and may have been missed.
Here is another story the BBC could be spending some of our money looking into.
So, much as we were saying on here last week, Bonkers Sally Davies’ latest quack remedy is based on non-science which was funded by a fanatical bunch of abolitionists.
Isn’t that worthy of a little journalism, BBC? Aren’t you the ones who believe in the importance of holding government to account?
Makes me wonder if there isn’t more of a Saudi influence going on there, after all money talks !
BBC aren’t making much of this at all, wonder why ??
I never really ‘got’ Bowie. Not arty farty enough. Some of the songs were OK but if he was as good as Gompertz et al are saying, I’ll have to defer to the BBC arts grad experts.
Perhaps in this case it is they who are right and me who is wrong – fair enough.
Anybody looking an antidote, may I present the mighty fine Ms Gretchen Wilson with ‘Redneck Woman’. YEE-HAW!
You gotta love a red neck woman..especially when it looks like Gretchen Wilson!!
Music is a major passion for me and I do think Bowie was right up there with the icons of the music world, Heroes and China Girl are brilliant songs, but I do think the BkgbC have gone OTT in their usual wallowing in misery way, they just love a good death don’t they, in a sort of…a good day to bury bad muzzer/immigrant/ISIS news way!!
Silent Witness looks interesting tonight…The team investigate the death of a ‘well known anti-fundamentalist muzzer’, you know, like the many we see on TV,ok, maybe not. It leads them into the murky world of counter-terrorism…I’m guessing the terrorists will be white and right wing as we all know they are the major threat to world safety right now.
I won’t be watching to find out, I remember when SW was worth watching, now it’s utter shite.
I’m guessing that wasn’t filmed at ‘Glasto’ or WOMAD…
Could be a trend here…Hell yeah!
Got a good line dance as well-but he`s nothing on the eye, unlike gorgeous Gretchen!
Here is a nice video for a share, a cover of Bowie’s “Heroes” and some scenes from one of my favourite flight simulators, FSX. enjoy.
Wonder if anyone on the radio/tv will point out that Donald Trump is David Bowie in his Thin White Duke period and that the 1/2 million people petitioning for Trump to be banned from the UK would if a time machine transported Bowie 76 to 2016 be calling for Bowie to be banned.Thats how political correctness has transformed society and all the 70`s left wing media leftovers don`t get it.Hallo Nicky Campbell…..
74% of Likely Republican Voters think Trump will be their nominee, http://www.rasmussenreports.com .
Silent Witness, Monday BBC1 9pm.
Caught a few minutes with the family watching this before having to leave the room in anger.
Unless I’m much mistaken the story featured an oh-so-peaceful-&-loving bearded muslim who’d been murdered by either evil white racists or some shady state anti-terrorism outfit. Nothing less than a blatent attempt to kiss muslim arse and demonise the white indigenous population – not to mention normalising the Burka.
What gets me is my other female family members watching were oblivious to the fact that they were being drip fed pro-muslim propaganda. To them it was just their weekly dose of Miss-Marple-like who dunnit. The BBC are f**king brainwashing bastards. I’m sick to the back teeth of their endless promotion of Islam at a time when muslims are murdering and raping their way across the continent to join the growing horde here in the UK. Sickening.
This is how the BBC goes about its work. From housewives listening to The Archers as they prepare dinner, to kids and mums watching East Enders, from Dr Who’s storylines to Call The Midwife, Radio 4 afternoon plays, CBBCC tales – there is no end to the BBC’s use of drama as propaganda, dripped like so much poison into the ears of its half-awake audiences.
Think we’ve been here so many times, yes the BBC without fail is the main culprit but many/most adverts today carry the ‘message’ and last nights ITV drama ‘Endeavour’ featured a nasty white man thread and miscegenation.
Miscegenation? OMG!
You are correct.
I point out to anyone who will listen the propaganda in the adverts.
I do not buy the products of, or the services provided by, these advertisers. I also encourage others not to.
We need a register of non-approved companies from which support should be withdrawn.
We also need a register of “charities” which should be deprived of our support.
The statements above assume that these registers do not already exist; if they do exist I would be grateful for links to them.
“We also need a register of “charities” which should be deprived of our support.”
The only national charities I still support is the RNLI, Help For Heroes and SSAFA, otherwise local charities only.
Not since the death of Princess Margaret or Linda Bellingham has the nation been plunged into a pit of despair and grief as that caused by the death of David Bowie. Thank goodness we have the BBC to help us all try and cope, particularly in the difficult days ahead.
You forgot Cilla Black….
That was an unforgiveable omission on my part. Before I am lynched by a mob of angry Scousers can I take this opportunity to apologise to the population of Liverpool.
Was that to or for?
What’s it all about….
have you forgotten the death of the blessed saint, wasn’t he like Jesus(????) Nelson Mandela ?
I can but apologise for that and all the other deaths my cruel heart has overlooked.
Q Who said “We shall fight them on the beaches”?
A Winston Churchill.
Q Who said “There will be no whitewash at the White house”?
A Richard Nixon.
Q Who said “Defeat is hard”?
A Nelson Mandela’s chiropodist.
This must be the end of the bBBC. The luvvies cancelling most other programmes (especially the news that they don’t want to report) to obsess about Bowie. Most of their ‘news’ appears to consist of asking people who had never met him how they felt about his death. Just like they did with Mandela, Diana, Cilla, etc, but not Thatcher of course.
“how they felt about his death..”
Journalists from all channels are guilty of asking the ‘bleeding’ obvious at times. I just wish I could get stopped in the street and be asked… but then, my reply of “oh I’m gonna have a party” would never get aired.
The studio anchor ALWAYS says to the reporter on the ground “give us a sense of ” or “whats the mood like”…. then the journalist asks the thickest member of the public he can find “how do you feel”. They are all so predictable that I could do the job – oh, perhaps not, I’m white, English and a lineage that’s traced back to 1670 !!!!
1670? bloody immigrant.
lol ! I like it !
;o) Good. I’m used to a lefty site where they’d try and get you banned for something like that. (sigh)
The one I most enjoyed was Nicola Sturgeon, whose own dress sense has been so obviously and deeply influenced by her hero..
A few days ago BBC Trending had a segment on the initiative by Facebook to bring free Internet to a poor community in India:
From 9:15 min in:
This got me thinking that there’s a huge story waiting for an intrepid BBC investigative reporter to delve into and shout from the rooftops, namely the anti-Israel incitement on Facebook that is currently fuelling the stabbing attacks by Arabs on Jews and the indifference shown by Facebook to complaints about this vile content.
Founder Mark Zuckerberg, though Jewish, is apparently committed to defending American Muslims against imaginary xenophobic attacks after Donald Trump’s remarks, but not Israeli Jews against very real knife attacks. Worse, he is apparently siding with the Arab attackers against the Jews:
Well, there’s a gutsy Israeli lawyer who conducted an experiment a few weeks ago to evaluate Facebook’s reaction to incitement.
She launched two pages: one page incited hatred and violence against Palestinians and one against Israelis. She then reported both pages two days later. The page against Palestinians was promptly taken down but the one against Israelis was left up and when she complained about it she was told it was “not in violation of Facebook’s rules,” believe it or not.
Subsequently Facebook did take the page down, claiming it had “made a mistake.”
That, of course, is the excuse the BBC habitually uses when caught pumping out its bias.
Now I’m wondering what the chances are of BBC Trending reporting this significant story, given its strong interest in all social media.
The gutsy lawyer is suing Facebook for allowing itself to be used as a platform for murderous incitement against Israelis. I guess that would be a good enough excuse for the BBC not to get involved.
The BBC are not alone in overdoing reaction to David Bowie. C4 and ITV no better. It’s a sign if our times. Years ago, serious news programmes would not have obsessed like this.
Once the Evil Easton starts reporting about Bowie , you know that ***T , knows nothing about him, he even said the early 70`s were grim & colourless , that`s a total lie, hmm , oh yeah , it must of been , the Conservatives were in power .That man is the most disgusting reporter on BBC news , all of his reports are total bollocks.
Grim & colourless. Bright green Ford Escort Mexicos / Purple Triumph TR6s
Bright yellow platform shoes, red bell bottom trousers, turquoise shirts and multicoloured tank tops.
Easton is a prisoner of BBC Mantraworld.
At long last the Dianification of Bowie on the 10pm News has stopped to allow reporting of other news. We have been shown a starving boy and baby in Syria. But the report started and finished with three women in burkas. The children may be starving (sorry, they are starving) but the ladies who claim to be living in the besieged city do seem to have either been eating or they were buxom before the war.
Were they show to be starving or was it more “unverified footage”?
The Tracy Ullman show. She’s been away for 30 years. She shouldn’t have bothered returning with that pastiche of the usual non comedy the BBc graces us with these days. Particularly not funny and slightly passé a job interview where the candidate who has been convicted of genocide guess the job which of course transpires to be with a bank. Then the song and dance which takes place in a library which is being closed. Was the lyric “Tory cuts” in there?
You wouldn’t have watched it if you’d seen the preview on the One Show. They showed a clip where Ullman played Angela Merkel, finishing with a punchline about her revulsion at George Osborne. Totally irrelevant but of course, mainstream for the bBBC.
Ms Ullman’s daughter Mabel McKeown was a prospective Labour candidate for Neath, but wasn’t selected, she was also an aide to Harriet Harman. Neil Kinnock appeared in one of Ullman’s music video’s, so her politics are pretty obvious and of course the BBC love her….
Where does the bloody bBC get the right to constantly brief against the Unites States Constitution, particularly the 2nd amendment? I am quite positive there are more deserving shit holes in the world that would be more worthy of their scum sucking opinions.
Shut it down.
Agreed, the site of the BBC lecturing the USA on the subject of morality is one of the most disgusting and hypocritical of all the things that are wrong with that vile organisation.
This country, with its corrupt police forces, biased judges, bloated and mendacious ‘charities’ and quangos has plenty to sort out before we start wagging fingers at anyone else.
I am not sure how many readers of this website are aware of the ‘big debate’ between Nigel Farage, (UKIP) and Carwyn Jones, (Labour) the ‘First minister of Wales’ about the UK’s future within the European Union? I cant find any TV channel broadcasting it yet, but perhaps the death of Bowie (the magnificent & the hero?) was used to ‘bury’ it for another time?
It was a lively debate Nigel Farage carried the day. Carwyn Jones continued to interrupt Farage when he was making good points. Jones angled at the uncertainty of the country if we left, and piled on the fear of this nation standing alone. It appears that this will be the argument for the ‘staying in’ campaign’
This nation was not called Great Britain for nothing. The biggest innovators and industrialists the world has ever seen! Just look at the legacy of the British Commonwealth as evidence.
Interestingly the point of immigration was brought up and Jones agreed, that there was a problem with immigration, indicating leaving the EU would make it worse?
“However, Mr Jones dismissed the suggestion that EU membership had “anything to do” with immigration, saying if the UK was not a member, France would simply allow refugees camped at Calais to pass through.”
What a load of tosh!
Here is the BBC’s synopsis…
Shwmae Taffman. I’ve just watched it – Jones came over as a slightly more polite version of Kinnock, i.e. a snake oil salesman.
“It was Nigel Farage who won tonight’s heated EU referendum debate against Carwyn Jones, says reporter David Deans”.
And this is from the Western Mail (Mirror Group – for those East of the river).
I saw somewhere that it will be (edited no doubt) on ITV Wales tomorrow at 10.40. For those who can’t wait, yurr tiz:-
Next May could be interesting!
Number 7
Diolchaf ichi am eich sylwadau caredig.
Greetings from the ‘sticks’.
Jones is a lawyer, like most politicians these days, ‘never done a real day’s graft’.
Time to get rid of the QUANGOS – The EU and The Welsh Assembly – a waste of money, time and a waste of space.
Vote UKIP and bring industry back to Great Britain.
Nos dda.
Give me a chance Taffman – dysgr cymraig!!
I’m an immigrant, also in the “sticks” off the end of the M4.
As you know we are still using horses and carts round here, at least that what some of my old countrymen think!!!!
Nos dda.
Greettings No 7
I live in a cave and like sheep (with mint sauce ) ! What’s the problem ?
Dim problem.
I hope you hunt them with Corgis and a spear. That’s what we do round here.
Na, a pair of wellies does the job 🙂
Chwarae teg 🙂
Thanks for posting that taffman. I’ve just watched it here:
Nigel Farage has the makings of a PM.
Al Beeb’s top story today – Bowie’s death. What can I add ………………….?
If only all Beeb reports on the migrant crisis could be as plain and matter-of-fact as this one.
It looks like the proverbial ” SH one T ” has hit the fan ?
Some one in a high place, perhaps a highly paid so called ‘Trustee’ , has noticed that the recent censorship has been compromised and she has taken remedial action?
Can somebody explain to me why we can’t send our “illegals” straight back to the “cheese eating surrender monkeys”?
Rhetorical question.
Good morning all.
Apologies if this has already been noted.
Anti-whiteism is now officially part of the core curriculum.
All at BBBC are aware that this has been the official, unofficial, policy, for decades.
Migration GCSE, IslamicAl-Beeb now in continual orgasm mode.
The official policy of encouraging the dregs of history to rape our children’s bodies, has now been augmented, raping our children’s minds is now approved, nay compulsory
Fascinating little aside from our BBC man Tim Muffett who was down in Brixton checking… and Bowie is still dead. Anyway our Tim slips in the statement “Some people might think that all this about David Bowie is a little over the top”
Wow, someone must have been very busy on Twitter to have caught BBC notice. Now let me think…. any guesses? Country and Western fans….? No. I’ll tell you exactly who it is in a tizzy that the BBC are obsessing on Bowie…. Corbynista Junior Doctors, anyone?
Still, our Tim is not to be deflected by “Some people might think” as he gives the BBC blessing to the “Shrine” down there in Brixton and chats with all those who, inspired by Bowie “to be themselves”, have decided to imitate his look.
And guess what, in further news from London our Asad Ahmad has figures “obtained by the BBC” that “attacks ” on moooslims are up in London . Gosh. Meanwhile the BBC has yet to obtain much news of anywhere in the world muslims are not knocking seven bells out of someone else or failing that, one another.
Soon Tim and chums are going to twig that the Bowiegeddon clearing of schedules has also derailed the Trump obsession, and that will never do.
BBC not biased in Scottish Referendum according to Sturgeon.
“Ms Sturgeon also said the corporation had not been institutionally biased during the independence referendum.”
She then goes on to say
” there had been “occasions when its coverage – through oversight, apparent ignorance of the detail of an issue or as a result of simply following the agenda of openly partisan print media – lapsed from the objective output the referendum deserved into what could seem partial and, at times, pejorative.”
Which sounds remarkably like bias to me.
Sturgeon on BBC bias: Yeah, but no but yeah but no….
She’s come over all Vicky Pollard and there was me thinking she was Jimmy Krankie
Makes sense, I guess, she does want to see a Little Britain
But what’s a ‘fib’ between friends?
Nick Robinson on Today with a quick David Bowie anecdote, the one where he
Ahem, apologies for previous truncated post…
Nick Robinson on Today with a quick David Bowie anecdote, the one where he is challenged by a New York cop,
“why are you wearing a womans dress” to which David replied….”it`s a mans dress”…..boom tish!
Oh Nick, we didn`t see what you did there and we can`t imagine there`s an agenda behind the BBCs sudden Bowie mania.
Still no mention of how Brave Dave the groundbreaker hedged his bets by describing Hitler as “the worlds first pop star” and praising Fascism….. for a time, in the 70`s until he`d calculated which way the wind was blowing.
Just saw Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher on BBC2
It was about Hyksos, who existed Second Intermediate Period (18th-16th centuries B.C.E.), towards the end of the Middle Bronze Age. At the the end of episode 2, a map showed the expulsion of Hyksos from Egypt to “Palestine”.
Can anyone confirm Joan Fletcher is a proper historian with any understanding of the ancient world?
Would someone with her credentials really think Palestine existed at the time of the Second Intermediate period? Because wasn’t the reign of Solomon about that time, the Hebrew exodus, in other words ISRAEL. If she’s just giving a modern place name, then why not that Zionist entity?
If the BBC has a factual program and they are casting about for an ‘expert’ or academic, I think the search algorithm goes something like this :
1. Compile list of candidates – and reject anyone with ‘non BBC’ views. Check for previous articles published in the Guardian.
2. Is there a black woman who can do the job?.. Then loop through..black men, LGBT, disabled etc etc.
3. Finally down to white heterosexual women, and (now scraping the barrel) white heterosexual men.
I think Ms Fletcher got the odd brownie point for sounding vibrantly northern. I can imagine her pulling pints in the Rovers Return.
Interesting answer from BBC Complaints Committee about their use of experts in a documentary by Michael Woods in 2003.
That’s unbelievable, or at least it should be! Unfotunately, rewriting history in this way is all too easily believable when done by the BBC.
Do not be concerned, the collective editors of Wikipedia are redressing the balance, in spades.
She looks like she’s been dipped in Cayenne pepper and left out in the sun. I can’t comment on her historical qualifications though.
From Wiki – “Fletcher writes for The Guardian newspaper and the BBC’s History Online Web site”, no surprise there then
I’m not sure about her academic credentials, but she looks like she’s just escaped from the circus.
Just turned on breakfast…. David Bowie….they’ve even got a drone in Brixton.
They did it. They nearly did it.
On ‘Bowie news’ last night, the bBBC managed to line up three vox pop/interviewees out of four majoring on his ‘sexuality’ i.e. the gay aspect of it. Even for the bBBC, the 70s were a bit too early for the transgender agenda. They so nearly managed to get ‘three in a row and a bonus point’.
They were put right this morning. Mick Rock, his long-time photographer, said straightforwardly that Bowie was simply an agent provocateur, he was deliberately provocative in order to draw attention to the music. No more, no less.
Proof? Well being married to an attractive model like Imam for 20+ years implies a certain heterosexuality, yes?
So in other words Bowie was good at marketing – in the style of, say, Lady Gaga today. Nothing wrong with that in itself.
More proof? Well, I will fess up that we took out our original 1971 vinyl ‘Hunky Dory’ for a play last night. That’s right. 1971. Who remembers now that ‘Life on Mars’ in 1973 was a re-release? Ziggy didn’t just play guitar, he re-vitalised the brand.
So actually it’s just another example of classic bBBC bias – conveniently skewing the facts in order to fit their own editorial and managerial chattering class socialist narrative.
in the interests of full disclosure….
BBC biased?…..perish the thought!
Yeah, I watched the Bowie documentary (‘5 Years’) on BBC 2 late last night. Time and again The Great Man reiterated how every transformation was another ‘role’ – how he saw himself as a performer, an actor playing a multiplicity of different roles. Ziggy was a confection; a completely make-believe, fictitious invention and his so-called ‘bisexuality’ no more than an imagined aspect of that fictional character’s life. Bowie himself was a married man with a child at the time – when he painted his face, slipped into a skin-tight spandex body suit and fluffed up his hair he became nothing more than an actor playing the role he’d created for his stage shows.
The BBC, like countless other unobjective Bowie fans, only sees what it wants to see. Newsnight last night wheeled on a selection of Bowie acolytes to praise The Great Man, one of whom was none other than that other ‘gay’ man Tom Robinson. The creator of the (alleged) ‘gay anthem’ ‘Glad To Be Gay’ (personally, I’ve always hated that song and if I must choose something from Robinson’s limited ouvre, I’d much prefer ‘War Baby’), Robinson was another ‘gender bender’ who, ultimately, discovered he would much rather settle down with and marry a woman and father two children. Robinson maintains to this day that he still ‘identifies’ first and foremost as a gay man, btw. Hmmm…something about having your cake and eating it, methinks. Robinson works primarily for BBC Radio these days. Ho-hum.
Who knows? Could Bowie have done the same as Robinson – twice – and have somehow have still considered himself to be at the very least ‘bisexual’? My instincts say ‘no’. Bowie loved the thrill of the flirt, the breezing about at the edges of sexuality, but everything I know – not least his rock-solid 20 year marriage to Iman – about him suggests he was a man who knew his own (hetero)sexuality very well but enjoyed the mischief and misdirection very much in keeping others guessing.
Honestly, this is all becoming a bit much! I actually quite liked Bowie’s music, but did anyone catch this in last night’s London Evening Standard?
Evan Davis sort of trying to pin the financial crash on him in a kind of eulogising, pioneering kind of way (he was the first to “securitise” future income flows blah blah blah)…
Err… actually no! He was not among the first. If he (Davis) were to have researched the Leeds Utd securitisation, he would have discovered that securitisation led to the ruin of a once great football club back in 2004. Even if he knew nothing about football, there are loads of examples of securitisation going back well before the so-called Bowie Bonds.
It has to stop!
When bBBC are all out in support of #juniordoctorstrike then I automatically question why? Supposedly the majority support the strike: because they get their information from the state broadcaster?
Supermarkets, nuclear power stations, in fact most industries don’t run on reduced staff during weekends they cater for demand. Spreading the load over seven days would likely make the service more efficient. Remember many junior doctors have been qualified for many years, they may not be qualified or wish to take on the extra responsibilities of promotion but they should be proficient in doing their jobs after years of training and years of experience. Saying the strike is about patient safety points fingers back to themselves.
How many hours do you work? Can you hold your employers to ransom by going on strike?
Doctors work for the NHS.
The NHS is in the public sector.
The purpose of the public sector is to work towards collective ownership of the means of production (COMP).
COMP is not a new idea, it has been tried before.
In Hell on Earth societies like the USSR, PRC, Vietnam, N Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia and others.
Naturally the failure of COMP, and the one hundred million deaths it caused, do not concern the Marxists of today.
The answer to the failures of Marxism is more Marxism, at any cost. Naturally the first group to feel the virtues of COMP, to be murdered, will be those in the private sector. Those in the private sector have been described by an adherent of COMP as “lower than vermin”, since vermin are by defintion, unwanted there is only one thing to do with them.
Back to the doctors.
Many of the doctors, are not doctors at all, they have diplomas entitling them to practice medicine which are not worth the paper they are written on.
Many of the doctors are not doctors at all, they cannot speak English properly, very few have a command of Latin or Greek which are the bases of for medical terminology.
Many of the doctors are not doctors at all, in the many hospitals where defects in care have been publicised (and in most of the others not so affected – yet) doctors were so inexpert that they could not recognise the symptoms of malnourishment or actual starvation in patients on their wards.
Mistreatment which was, and probably still is, part of a regimen which included other mistreatment and neglect.
Mistreatment which was racially motivated, all known (to me) patients were white.
It might be stated that doctors were not inexpert as described above. In which case they overlooked, condoned or actually approved of, the mistreatment.
I have been unable to discover this neglect mentioned in the Hippocratic Oath, thus they are not doctors.
These doctors have no function until the Marxists take over, then their function will be to write “natural causes” on the death certificated of the tens of millions of white people the Marxists will murder.
So a strike is just a nuisance.
Archeology discussed this morning on Today. Some Iron age huts found in a remarkable state of preservation, the roof remains show evidence of burning, they then fell into a watercourse that preserved the reamins, underneath was found a wide range of artefacts including a spoon, a ball of thread, a skull, foodstuffs, evidence of a broad diet of meat, vegetables and grains, complete pots, continental jewellery (seized upon by the interviewer as evidence of trade with the continent).
Then it got really interesting…evidence that the settlement was “left in a hurry”, evidence of a fire, of the buildings being burned down. Then…no further questions…so what happened? an accident? a tribal war? an invasion? suddenly we were into no further questions mode, and an attempt to compare with Pompeii (dismissed on grounds of size of site rather than the more obvious lack of volcano activity in Cambridgeshire)…..call me sensitive but there are at least theories on the context of Iron age history.
Perhaps invasion from without or tribal war were too sensitive a subject for our ears.
When I switched on in the middle of this I thought they were discussing the contents of an average teenager’s bedroom.
I have visions of the PC bBBC ‘equality and diversity’ directorate crossing their fingers and other anatomical items, hoping against hope that the archaeology team will find parts of a primitive wheelchair, fabrics providing strong implications of cross dressing, and DNA skeletal evidence that the people who lived there may have originated in another country.
The box-ticking team would go into melt-down, and the ‘special programmes’ department would have work for years ahead.
Just came across the web report on that (Bronze Age, not Iron Age). Never a chance missed:
Thanks hadda, my mistake about the iron age. Plus you`ve added a new dimension!
also on the web report, another chance not missed……..
“The Bronze Age lasted from between 2500 and 2000BC until the use of iron became common – before 1000BC in parts of what is now Turkey, later in Europe and Britain”.
Could have said “Ancient Greek settlements in Asia Minor”.
Had to say Turkey. (The people later to become “Turks” were much further east during that epoch)
More likely the bastards are hoping to find evidence of a bleeding mosque….
Well I do know that people from Paris invaded East Yorkshire before the Romans. But Mosques before 600AD are only found on Historical BBC Dramas, and left-wing Documentaries. The BBC would obtain such historical information from the official Islamic State history team, which amends historical information and also is responsible for destroying archaeological sites and demolishing historical structures in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.
I remember some years back a disabled, Asian actor presented a “history” programme about the Vikings, part of a Viking leader’s name was “The Boneless” – he wanted to find out if that meant he had been physically handicapped and had been carried by his men and still gone into battle and led them – this is the Vikings FFS but hey ho.
He interviewed various experts about his theory regarding the name, but it turned out many Viking names were in-jokes which meant exactly the opposite, e.g. “Erik the Small” would be built like a house side, “Boneless” could mean he was hung like a shire horse etc.
I recall the chap’s disappointment when he was told that any deformed or disabled babies born amongst the Vikings were killed, as they were seen as being the work of evil spirits.
If “anatomical items” of IslamicAl=Beeb staff need to be crossed I have some suggestions.
Carotid artery.
Vena Cava.
For all the Bowie news (and I loved some of his early stuff) I had to laugh at some of the “mourners” who self importantly declared how much Bowie meant to them, and what an influence he had on their lives, many of them looked barely into their 20’s.
And the amount of journo’s hanging round a mural and declaring it to be Ziggy Stardust, when it was clearly Aladdin Sane, most embarrassing and totally cringeworthy.
The Man himself managed his own death like he did his later personal life, stylishly and enigmatically, what a shame our increasingly hysterical MSM can’t do the same.
Am not surprised that youngsters, teens even, enjoy Bowie’s music. As I understand it, vintage music from the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s is searched out (no doubt mostly via the internet) and enjoyed by today’s pre-teens, teens & young adults because so much of their contemporary music is either dire or a mere pastiche of that produced before their time.
There are exceptions but they tend to appeal widely across the generations, Adele for example, so it is quite trendy, say, at school to have ‘discovered’ Donovan or Dave Brubeck or the Moody Blues. The BBC plays up to this with repeats of Top of the Pops or specials on Guitar Heroes and the like.
Even a 40 year old wouldn’t have been born when in his Aladdin Sane/Ziggy Stardust persona, 4 during his Ashes To Ashes phase and just 7 when Lets Dance was number one.
The car crash (excuse the pun) that appears to be the new Top Gear seems to go on. If true, David Coulthard has snubbed Evans and the BBC as co-presenter on the new show, preferring to be a presenter on Channel Four’s F1 output.
I can believe this to be true, I’m guessing he agreed thinking that the BBC were going to see out their F1 contract with him intact in his role, they copped out, Channel Four approached him and it was two fingers to the BBC.
My opinion of Coulthard has improved, I can’t wait to see the Evans and the BBC miserably fail.
BBC Complaints – Case number CAS-3616204-M6NPPJ
“Thanks for getting back in touch. Apologies for the delay in replying. We do very much regret that we’ve not been able to get back to you as quickly as we, and you, would have liked.
We raised your complaint with the Breakfast production team.
The Laquan McDonald story only featured in our news in brief and as such did not go in to detail. Our item dealt with the key and new fact of the story which was the announcement of the murder charge. The details on the exact circumstances surrounding the incident will be examined at trial in future.
If you would like to take your complaint further, you can contact Stage 2 of the complaints process, the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation. You can email them at: ecu@bbc.co.uk, or alternatively write to them at the following address:
Even for the BBc this is lame, first of all they told me they didn’t have time, now they didn’t plan to mention salient facts but still managed to state he was shot 16 times as opposed to just shot. To me this was agenda driven and nothing else. Stage 2 bring it on. I’m unsure as to how the BBc carry out an independent investigation into the BBc.
Of course I would say he was carrying a knife had damaged a police car and his blood contained angel dust were KEY facts but hey I’m not a journalist with an agenda.
13:00 news and more blatant mis-representation Apparently the BBc tells us junior doctors pay is less than bankers. Really what bankers? Funny when I recently went for a job interview at a bank (probably would have helped if I’d had a conviction for genocide, see Tracy Ullman if you don’t get that) the wages on offer were less than half. I imagine lazy arsed BBc “journalists” get higher wages. We have a sob sob with one who doesn’t like working at weekends oh dear how sad for him.
Also the junior doctors seem unaware of how many people should be on the picket line. Back in the days of Red Dave when I lead my troops in industrial action (only to be sold out by the union hierarchy) the office manager used to phone the Police and complain To be fair the Police were always ok and just had a bit of a chat with us before leaving. London local news tells us they have obtained information on an increase in islamophobia hate crimes including some who are not members of the cult. So I would have thought they would have been different “hate” crimes then. They give an example of the brutal and vicious events when one person (not cult) tells us he was refused entry to a nightclub. Wow I used to get refused entry in clubs all the time….now I know why!
Right on Dave666
The ‘why don’t nurses/doctors/teachers earn as much as (greedy) bankers’ bBBC narrative has been rife ever since the crash. But surprisingly they don’t seem to mean the cashiers, admin clerks, counter staff, call centre workers etc., who would give their eye teeth to earn what even a nurse earns (and especially what such nurse gains also as a pension entitlement (conveniently almost NEVER mentioned)).
Given the junior doctors reluctance to work at the weekend (btw junior doctors can earn up to about £47k http://www.bma.org.uk/support-at-work/pay-fees-allowances/pay-scales/juniors-pay-england – plus pension benefits) I’m sure they will show solidarity with the shop workers who serve them when they go shopping at the weekend, perhaps by giving them each a gratuity. No?
My most vivid recollection of an NHS strike was when the strikers occupied the hospital’s office block and wouldn’t allow the admin staff in, but refused to describe their grievance because “they weren’t talking to management”. They wouldn’t talk to anyone at the hospital, so their grievance was relayed up the union hierarchy, passed to the local Health Authority and then down the chain to the hospital. It was very much like an episode of Yes Minister (from when BBC comedy programmes were funny).
New topic : bbcPolska.com
Why does it seem that the BBC is running a large Polish website bbcPolska.com
..like doesn’t Poland have it’s own broadcasters ?
..And the The BBC World Service Polish Section was abolished in 2005.
It’s part of BBC Worldwide, which is a commercial division of the BBC which made £157.4m in 2013/14.
“BBC Worldwide Ltd. is the wholly owned commercial subsidiary of the BBC, formed out of a restructuring of its predecessor BBC Enterprises in 1995. The company monetizes BBC brands, sells BBC and other British programming for broadcast abroad with the aim of supplementing the income received by the BBC through the licence fee.”
I guess in essence they use the licence payers money to fund programs, then ‘sell’ them through BBC Worldwide for profit, so maybe its the case that we pay for the multicult/diverse/agenda driven cr#p (programs) to make them more commercially appealing abroad? BBC4 broadcasts the ‘World News Today’ at 7pm
Are you sure ? I had considered that, but It’s much more than pages about export progs like
Top Gear etc.
Cos it shows today’s TV schedule and news pages, which is how I came across it.
Must be just old news pages , nothing recent.
Yea, the channels shown are BBC BRIT, BBC Earth and BBC Lifestyle, all operated by BBC Worldwide
The news item I saw was this Peak oil alarmism story, but I see at that time in 2005 it was in the Business section and a lot of Business pages were then in Polish also. Now in 2016 when I click the news button it just takes to the English site.
This lunchtime’s TWATO understandably had extensive coverage of the doctor’s strike.
Doctors were interviewed on the picket lines.
Patients with hospital appointments were asked for their views.
The Chairman of the Patients Association was interviewed.
There was a long interview with Jeremy Hunt which, by BBC standards, was quite fair. Like him or loathe him, Hunt was articulate, on top of his brief and a model of restraint – not once did he criticise the doctors or the BMA – and let’s face it, the BMA with its Corbynite/Momentum leadership is an absolute sitting duck.
The elephant in the room? None of the BMA leaders was interviewed. Not even ‘They were invited for interview but declined’. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
BBC – you stink.
These being the BMA leaders with ‘interesting’ affiliations, by way of context?
Probably no, er, ‘time’.
Pieces of string spring to mind.
‘Let me count the ways…’
The BBC is The Ministry of Misinformation for a government-by-stealth led by leftist subversives who seem to have infested every nook and cranny of our public life.
Just watched Cameron get a grilling from that great faux feminist Harriet Harpyson about Libya etc.
I expected her to bemoan the lack of female dictators in the world but it never got am mention. Some feminist she is!