Rape Jihad? Labour at war with itself? No. Bowie is dead and the BBC are in mourning. Don’t get me wrong, I was a big fan too but I seriously wonder why this story is so big for the BBC. A cross dressing bisexual image (back in the day) probably gets BBC hearts a fluttering. Anyway, here is a new OPEN Thread. Fill it with bias in the same way as the BBC fills every news programme with unrelenting bias.
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This doesn’t get mentioned on the BBC.
Apparently Nigeria has cancelled all flights to the NHS, sorry I mean UK until after the Doctors Strike.
Going off piste on current comments, I just want to ask…………… as a license payer……………… how in hell can the BBC justify paying Nicki Chapman a salary by doing a couple of soundbites – usually with an exotic coastline behind her, on Wanted Down Under ! (for those that work, this is a daytime programme for those wishing to emigrate to Australia/New Zealand, to which I have been sucked into in my retirement). Clearly the participants have all expenses paid (as no doubt do the Escape to the Country lot), but Ms Chapman hardly works overtime and is never seen with the participants, just the opening and closing credits. Nice work if you can get it, but as with all the staffers at the Beeb on ‘jollies’ whether its ‘Glasto’ or long haul trips, I want more value from them for my license.
“I’d rather shoot myself than cover politics for the BBC. Can you imagine anything more nightmarish?”
‘Not just “nightmarish”, he continues, the BBC news is “boring” and bureaucratic…’
– Tom Bradby ITV
Bradby is head of News at ITV and has been leading the attack by their 10pm news on the BBC’s 10pm programme. Like sharpening things up, poaching staff etc. Presumably that is why the BBC has extended its 10pm programme – but thereby damaging Newsnight (no great loss!).
We need more people like Bradby to tell the public that PROFESSIONALS in TV think the BBC’s claims to superiority and quality are mostly BS.
With 7000 staff in its News Division the BBC ought to be able to knock everyone aside. But they fail to do this.
Those BBC ‘men” really are wonderful human beings…
I would love to get hold of that piece of filth and crack his f!@#$ head in half
People who complain about the rapes are boring says Laurie Penney
Shame it wasnt laura penny getting attacked in that video. Jenny thinface on news at ten wetting herself about a backlash in germany too. I prey for the day when there is an ACTUAL backlash and these herberts get whats coming. See how they cope against MEN
Don’t you just love the picture of her standing in full pout in front of a graffiti splattered brick wall?
She’s an upper class girl who comes from leafy Lewes for chrissake. Went to a top public school, Brighton College then off to Oxbridge.
“So bored with toffy nosed lefty writers pretending to care for womens rights when they only care for themselves.”
Irritating,privelaged twonk. @pennyred !ffs
Penny Dreadful.
So bored with lefty feminists when they can only attack Tim Hunt.
So bored of feminist fruitcakes who only pretend to care about women’s rights when they see an opportunity to bash non-Muslims who make a nothing remark, while not caring when women are actually abused. (While fully supporting the male abusers).
Bus load of children attacked by Calais migrants. BBC report it as a bus passing through a confrontation between police and migrants . Nothing to do with the children eh Beeb? Next report will blame the police.
Worth checking other sources.
‘Migrant crisis: Coach full of British schoolchildren ‘ATTACKED by Calais refugees”
Everywhere is home to someone but UK/Scotland/Highlands & Islands isn’t exactly ‘Bowie’ scale reporting is it?
Why the hell has the BBC relegated that story about the attack on a bus full of British children to its Highlands and Islands page ? Why not on its main news homepage ? Why is there not even a link from the homepage ?
Suppressing the real news as usual !
Are the BBC playing down the suicide bombing in Istanbul this morning. I heard them describing the incident as happening “in a well-known tourist area”.
Jeez, Sultanahmet is THE tourist area. I gather the bomb was near the Obelisk, therefore near the ancient Roman centre – near the hippodrome, near the end of the Via Eglesia Roman road that continued the Appian Way all through Albania and Greece to Constantinople, very close to Justinian’s magnificent 1500-year-old Hagia Sophia Byzantine basilica, even closer to the copycat Blue Mosque built 1000 years later, and also close to the Sultan’s Topkapi Palace and the “Sublime Porte”, the very centre of the Ottoman Caliphate.
I would imagine this could be very damaging to the tourist trade – it is equivalent to a bomb killing a lot of people in Westminster..
Are the BBC downplaying this ?
I see that 8 of the 10killed were Germans. Over 5 million Germans a year visit Turkey, 4 times as many as the Brits.
Another reminder to Merkel and her electors what a fun-loving bunch the RoP is ?
The BBC’s Obama proctologist, Jon Sopel, is unwaveringly on-message prior to the great one’s final State of the Union address, simpering over his original ‘hope and change’ bullish*t. A job at MSNBC awaits.
I know he’s not on al beebus, though he would fit right in there, but here’s the piece of s**t that is Piers Morgan “interviewing” Ann Coulter. What a complete tw@t he is.
Why are all these people within the MSM so concerned about the welfare of Muslims? After all the damage they’ve done and the ever increasing harm they will do here in the West.
Morgan obviously a very clever bloke and like many lefty types good at throwing questions at a tangent but what a complete shit. That last little comment was a particularly nice touch – what a pro!
The point which Ann Coulter was trying to make, which applies to us equally is that we have enough of our own lazy, troublsome members of society so why do we have to import even more from other countries.
Morgans suggestion of course was WAAAAAYYYYCIST!!!!!!! -Debate over!
When I think about this problem it seems to me that yet again our political class, (probably not including IDS) want to be seen as cuddly and nice so lets import more cheap labour and put the problem off for another ten years. Unfortunately many of these new people want to be brain surgeons and engineers and in their frustration many are forced to throw fireworks around and committ rape and sexual assault.
Fortunately we still have quality journalists like the BBC and Morgan who will keep on using smoke and mirrors. If we were nicer they would be nicer! This will all probably carry on till all our women wil resemble that strange creature who is Cherie Blairs sister and we will all have to wear beards and go to Friday prayers -job done!
Yep! … Not content with faking our soldiers photo s, to create a shitstorm that still continues today, sacked from mirror, axed from CNN, turned to reality show judge with simon cowell then actually dropped from his guest spot over advertising deal with the National Lottery compromised his contract with ITV only last year, Piers Morgan turns up again to dredge a last few drops
from a D Trump story weeks old … just the odious individual you want to see at breakfast.
This must be his Al BBC job application
Didn t go down so well, when pulling his snake oil salesman patter in the states with Breitbart
as I recall
Thanks for posting that nog; what a God awful b@st@rd Morgan is, if he is losing a debate his default setting is to insult his opponent.
This c**t should have never got another job in the media after he put the lives of British soldiers at risk both in Iraq and here in the U.K. by publishing those (obviously) fake photos of “Iraqi” prisoner abuse. Yet he’s always keeps cropping up – just like a turd that won’t flush.
Why does France open new migrant camps at Calais and Dunkirk ?
Why don’t they build them near to the warmer climes, closer to the lands that they came from , near the Mediterranean ? I am sure that France has an ulterior motive in keeping near the English Channel.
Why don’t migrants claim asylum in France ?
The people that our forefathers fought for and freed during the Second World War – France, are letting us down .
They always have done .
Taffman,im sure your average jaques is as disgusted as we are,its the traterous bastards in charge that are letting us down,same as germany and here in my opinion. Ukip from now on for me.
They are conveniently placed near Calais for easy access to Britain once Cameron, under pressure to accept them, and with a vote to stay in the EU tucked under his belt, reluctantly admits that there is no alternative but to accept them. It’s the law you see. He will have done his best to prevent them coming, like his Home Secretary has done her best to deport criminals.
Related topic. I saw one proposal for a camp for 3000 migrants. It will cost a few million. They were complaining of rats on the site and that it was muddy. Has anyone thought what a properly directed labour force of 3000 young fit men could achieve. With tools and materials under, say, army engineer’s supervision, they ought to be capable of building something substantial.
They have ‘community leaders’ already. How very democratic.
So, ” Do we need more than two genders?”
Probably not I thought but I’ll read what the four “experts?” have to say anyway. I was expecting a pro/con type debate but had forgotten I was reading a BBC article. Only one side of the argument is needed because there is no downside, headlong down the road of vanity and debauchery we career. Can’t wait for the first shipment of Hijras to arrive, tick every box going and then some, enought to send the BBC into a Hijra frenzy, Hijra baking, Hijra dancing…
Maybe… they just need to talk about it? A lot.
It’s like they move as one.
Hadn’t come across the article on the BBC web-site but during a quick scan of it, thanks to Oldspeaker’s link, this had me wondering about some of the motives behind this sudden interest in gender:
“The space these people have occupied has receded with the spread of the Judeo-Christian ethic and western culture, but they’re still very much there.”
It would appear that our Mr Harrabin of our BBC has an agenda. Now I wonder what that could be?
I wonder how Mr Harrabin’s strawberry is doing? It was minus 5 on Dartmoor last night, all down to Global Warming and Climate Change of course.
Is this picture an accurate representation of the age/gender make up of the average migrant to Europe?
Just because the average BBC picture editor may be a credulous halfwit it doesn’t follow that the rest of the populace are, I can see who is walking around on the streets of my home town and it’s not the people in that picture.
It’s beyond parody. We can all see the make up of the invader swarm when they pull out of the close up of the odd women and kids
Didn’t you know?
There’s a ‘Star Trek’ style de-materialisation unit somewhere near the German border where ‘vulnerable’ refugee women and children go in and aggressive young adult African males come out.
Energise !
Moaners hour on Radio 4 is broadcasting pure lies and anti white hatred about the rapes in Germany.
They are trying to claim that this happens whenever there are ‘disempowered’ young men and those who are under employed.
They provide no evidence of a single gang rape of women by white males, but they do KNOW that it’s not a Muslim, or a North African cultural issue.
Lots of far left pontificating, and threats of the shadowy ‘far right groups’ which don’t actually exist, but precious little fact or evidence.
Whilst that sort of thing gets my blood pressure up, it’s also reassuring in a way to see how their contortions become more ridiculous as they try to convince themselves that what’s right in front of everyone’s eyes isn’t really happening. This wriggling must surely be getting obvious to more and more people who previously wouldn’t have registered it.
Mustn’t it?
What’s with the current BBC web-site thing of opening Threads for discussion during the wee small hours? Several recently have been opened started after midnight.
I’m guessing none of them will be about rape gangs in Cologne?
This is an urgent appeal for help on the behalf of Varg Gyllander of the Stockholm Police and Katie Razzall of the BBC, they both desperately need your help in discerning the difference between “not telling” and “covering up”, because as far as I can tell in relation to this story they are pretty much one and the same.
Let’s not mention the wider picture in Sweden either eh?, now is that “not telling” or a “cover up”, better ask Katie, the way she just accepts that ropey copper’s explanation is priceless.
I noticed Newsnight was trailing that it was going to cover this last night and I was, to be honest, surprised. Did anyone see how it was actually dealt with?
Bit by bit the abuse of Europe’s womenfolk by Islamic settlers is (very slowly) eeking out. Even the dear old BBC have had to, reluctantly, look into it. All be it in a very pc way, as you’d expect. Last night I caught a little of News Night. I just can’t stomach more than a few minutes of Evan Davis; the bloke gives me the heeby geebies. They were discussing the recent problems refugees have caused in Germany, Sweden, Poland …you name it…
There were a couple of Muzzies, Evan and Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator. Now, being the editor of what is supposed to be a “right wing” magazine, you might have thought Nelson would be rather more gung ho in his attitude. I’m afraid he wasn’t. These journo’s are so terribly timid whenever they have to say ANYTHING that might be construed as pejorative when it involves Muslims. So we had phrases like, “suggestion that some refugees” and “possibly some men”…For Gawd’s sake there were a thousand men committing crimes in Cologne on New Year’s Eve and the number of female victims is rising. We also know that this wasn’t an isolated incident and that Europe wide the police have been incredibly cautious and tardy in doing or saying anything.
Someone mentioned our own delightful experiences in Rotherham, but good old Nelson put us right on that one. These criminals were local men, born and bred. Yep, I guess so, but as a great man once said “if my cat gave birth to kittens in a stable would that make them horses?”
Poor old Nelson has form on this; “Immigration has been a stunning success for Britain,” he told The Guardian. On Charlie Hebdo “What does a massive terrorist attack in Paris have to do with Muslims?” Absolutely nothing, of course not…
This is the same bloke who said he would gamble £1000 on an Ed Miliband victory at the last election and thought it “highly likely” that Scotland would vote to end their union with the rest of Britain.
I really hope he doesn’t start supporting UKIP…
I singled out Fraser Nelson on here last weekend for his appalling nonsense. It’s a sign of how much damage the Barclay Brothers have done to the once proud Telegraph group that such a squishy right-on twerp is running a magazine like The Spectator. Lord knows, Boris was bad enough!
As the US Lottery offers a jackpot of $1.5bn to one potential winner the BBC unironically wonders what frippery and nonsense the recipient could waste their $millions on… Without any self-awareness, the BBC suggests a few baubles and trinkets…
“…But what can one purchase these days if you win the full amount? A billion-dollar yacht, a few Airbus A-380s, or an entire football team, for starters.”
Hmmm, one can almost feel the avaricious greed dripping off the page. I’m just guessing, but surely if one is truly a liberal progressive anti-capitalist footsoldier, one could just as easily give the whole lot away to Syrian refugees..? No..?
Here’s a great video which captures the idiocy and rampant virtue-signalling hypocrisy of the so-called ‘anti-capitalist’ brigade:
The US lottery jackpot is taxable, unlike the European ones, and they don’t pay the entire sum in one large lump. With property prices in the most expensive Western cities now North of £50 for a home, it would be easy to buy a nice property portfolio for which the running costs were ruinous !
One Chateau recently sold just outside Paris fetched an eye watering $300 million !
(C)rapper 50 Cent is selling his home which is apparently worth around $5 million, costs $72,000 per month just to run it!
No wonder suddenly getting their hands on so much money makes so many people miserable !
BBC are not at all happy about the Danish government passing a new law that migrants will have to surrender any assets including jewellery worth more than £1000.
Free rein has been given to the Fascist left to criticise and name call with their usual hatred – “it’s a reminder of what the Nazi’s did” – funny how they censor any criticism of Left Wing Fascism though !
Lardell on TWATO is seething with rage about this and just look at how its headlined on the BBC website:
Migrant crisis: Denmark MPs debate seizing valuables
As the Danish MP says though, there are people arriving in Private aircraft & claiming asylum – Lardell is scathing and sneering – “well how many arrive in private jets?”
The Danish minister is cool – “well not many, but why should these people be able to claim benefits from day one? Where exactly do you draw the line as to where they contribute to their keep?”
Silence and the interview ends without Lardell offering any kind of figure.