Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
Socrates was put to death for impiety and immorality in teaching denial of god. Jesus put to death for being a blasphemer. Solzhenitsyn jailed in the Siberian gulags for questioning the party line.
To open a discussion in the world about something which deeply concerns everyone, and of which it was previously ignorant, to prove to it that it is mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow-creatures. That the messengers of these ideas should be martyred, that their reward should be to be dealt with as the vilest of criminals is a deplorable error and misfortune.
The British State has run a campaign to silence Tommy Robinson and to discredit the EDL whilst at the same time working closely with Muslim extremists and ‘conservative’ organisations.
We have reported on this site that the government sent out letters to Muslim organisations laying out their strategy for dealing with the EDL, the same government that imprisoned Robinson in order to take him off the streets and to silence him, the same government that paid the noxious Hope Not Hate left wing propaganda site to produce anti-EDL propaganda…and the BBC of course which no doubt was in close contact with the government and shaped its reporting to be in line with government policy on the EDL…who can forget Sarah Montague declaring that the EDL had ‘polluted’ the public’s mind about Islam or Andrew Neil’s hatchet job on Tommy Robinson…done at the instigation of the Islamist Mehdi Hasan.
The BBC has no problem with any of this. The same BBC that campaigned so vigorously to free a self-admitted terrorist and extremist from Guantanamo Bay…and who is now freely touring the country promoting the Islamist’s narrative.
Robinson is in essence a political prisoner….once again the British State has sought to silence him by taking court action against him. Douglas Murray in the Spectator spells out the State inflicted troubles that Tommy Robinson suffers…and the BBC doesn’t care one jot…if however he was a Muslim that would be a different that would be on every BBC ‘front page’ demanding justice.
Tommy Robinson, campaigning against violent Islamists, is an ‘enemy of the British State’ and yet those extremists and terrorists are themselves free to travel the UK inciting hatred and violence.
A quote from Lieutenant Colonel Balfour, 1779, during the War of Independence…‘How strange must our system of politicks appear in future ages, when it appears, that while we were carrying on offensive wars in all quarters of the globe with vast fleets and armies, that an enemy rode triumphant in our own harbours.’
Haven’t other people of the world said of the British [establishment] bad friends , good enemies ?
What’s the odds that Tommy will be in for questioning on the day that PEGIDA are due in Birmingham?
Everyone should read his new book. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Agreed. I bought it and it is terrifying how the British state have repeatedly abused a great, proud and very very brave patriot. It is truly sickening. Especially compared to the way the state has bent over backwards to appease Islamic hatred, racism, rapes and violence. Just like in Rotherham where a father was arrested trying to save his own daughter from being brutally raped by Islamists. The police did not even investigate the house he had turned up at.
Tommy is old school British. He says what is on his mind and then tries to put it right. Our society today condemns people who say what they think for fear of offence, and the government jail people who try and put it right. We live in a Fascist left wing controlled state led by a Blairite. I admire Tommy for his guts and perseverance. One day, people will say Tommy was right, but it will be too late. Like most sane people do today who care about the direction Britain is taking (note: I do not include the Albeeb in this category) they refer back to Enoch Powell and say the same, he was right.
BTW Good quote from Balfour, how poignant.
Freedom has been declining in this Country for years, particularly under New Labour, but it started with Old Labour.
[Of course before that it was the Church]
The BBC is especially intolerant and narrow minded – which is ironic given that it promotes itself as the British Broadcasting Corporation.
If you talk to Leftists long enough (and sometimes you don’t have to talk very long) you discover that at root they are Fascist cunts (especially the ones who claim to be tolerant).
The intolerance of British Conservatives is mostly made up (they just want to be left alone and believe in old fashioned things like paying your debts and so forth) but real intolerance (for example Islam or Marxist academics) is ignored.
Nine times out of ten beneath all those protests of superior virtue is a heart boiling full of hatred. Who would you rather live with Peter or Christopher Hitchens, Enoch Powell or Diana Abbot?
The British Establishment has always dealt severely with those amongst its own indigenous people whom it determined were a threat: look at the fate of Percy Topliss after he led a mutiny during WW1 and how he was hunted down and “neutralized” prior to the coming General Strike in 1926.
In times of social instability those among us who are natural leaders, are always perceived as dangerous and are always targeted.
I remember Douglas Murray touched on Tommy Robinson’s travails during his appearance at a freedom of speech event with Mark Steyn in Denmark last year; he raised the point that if the organs of the British State can be brought to bear against Robinson in such a fashion, why can’t the same methods, with the same implacability, be used against Chaudray and his ilk? That isn’t a question al Beebus or the rest of the MSM will ask anytime soon.
“why can’t the same methods, with the same implacability, be used against Chaudray and his ilk?”
The BBC, mainly.
Very good point. The answer must be because they dont want to.
The establishment watched tens of thousands of young girls being raped by Pakistani Muslims. They turned a deaf ear to the desparate pleas of the girls and their parents. When the EDL protested, they were kettled by the police.
Shame on the police.
In the same way, the German police stood by and watched young German girls sexually assaulted. Shame on the German police.
Shame on the Swedish police.
Shame on the Norwegian police.
The French don’t record crimes by race. Ditto I suppose for the French police.
Al Shubtill
In my quote’ Tommy is old school British. He says what is on his mind and then tries to put it right.’ I need to make myself clear. I’m referring more to common or garden people of the 50’s (when I was a young lad and sixties, and some extent the seventies). The people who lived through the war seemed much more protective of their country then.
You’re right in that the establishment have always kicked hard against a genuine threat to their own personal power base. They don’t see Choudray as a threat. They do Tommy.
I’m not sure there was lot to admire about Percy Topliss as he was always a bit rum.
The point I was making about Topliss was that he was a man whom other men would be led by – he must have possessed something innate to do that, as Tommy Robinson must; as a result such men are a danger to the status quo and are “dealt with”.
I’m sure in some other, less sophisticated countries, T.R. would have entered the road accident statistics by now.
I’ve upticked you’re comment and agreed, ironic that Princess Di was most definitely a perceived threat. She was about to reveal a great deal about the establishment (it most definitely was not about being pregnant or any impending marriage to Dodi) and was a great friend of Jill Dando. Both were about to reveal the same thing (some of which has already come out) but am I as brave as Tommy R. No, I don’t think I am so I’ll say no more. it’s not politically correct to do so. The establishment call people who seek truths as conspiracy theorists. People who use this soubriquet as a put down are the real villians of society.
These people shut down inquiry and debate. Kenneth Clarke is good example of this establishment behaviour.
I hadn’t heard of Percy Toplis until Al Shubtill introduced him. From what I read comparing him with Tommy Robinson does a grave disservice — to Robinson.
Toplis had quite a criminal record: attempted rape, regularly impersonating an officer in WWI, desertion, fraud, selling rationed fuel on the black market, forging false papers to gain access to other soldiers’ salaries, may have murdered a taxi driver, and did wound a police officer who attempted to arrest him. There is an absence of evidence that he was present during the Étaples mutiny and certainly did not lead it.
Ironically the BBC did a great deal to promote the mutiny-conspiracy theory when they dramatised ‘The Monocled Mutineer’ in 1986.
I think Al Shubtill was making reference to his innate ability to lead men as a perceive threat, admittedly Mosley may have been a better example, but I understand his thoughts.
As I said and agree with you that yes, Toplis as a wrong ‘un. The AlBeeb attempted to distort historical facts -again-with I believe ‘Boys from the black stuff’ writer Left wing Scouse Bleasdale.
I read the book about him by Fairley & Allison, never seen the al beebus “drama”.
“desertion, fraud, selling rationed fuel on the black market, forging false papers to gain access to other soldiers’ salaries, may have murdered a taxi driver, and did wound a police officer who attempted to arrest him.”
Clearly BBC hero material.
In a hundred years from now; do you think British people reading about Tommy Robinson via the MSM reporting and the government documents of our time, would form a favourable or unfavourable opinion of him?
(That is assuming their Imam will allow them to read about so foul an infidel.)
Comments above about Brillo Pad are very relevant.
Back in the day, when he attempted his character assassination of Tommy Robinson, I was very active on the twitterspehere. Not so now, but, Brill came in for a lot of twitter abuse over his interview. His defence at that time was tha he would treat an ‘islamist’ in the same manner.
However, interview came there none. Brave talk is cheap, but he has wimped out of ever keeping that promise.
I know this is a cliche but it seems to fit the case of Tommy Robinson perfectly…….
“The flak gets heavier the closer you get to the target .”
Tommy needs a more effective fighter escort, and more brave pilots to divert some of the flak from him.
This is why the BBC hate Mr Robinson:
The AlBeeb hate the spoken truth when it goes against their agenda. Funnily enough, Jill Dando was researching a programme about the abuses taking place in society at the time of her murder (this would have involved the Beeb, I think this would have also included Savile). As to who actually killed her I have no idea, but what I will say is, Tommy keep up the good work but….
Be careful Tommy watch your back, front and sides. AlBeeb is watching you.
What a shame there is no politician with the guts like Enoch Powell had to support what Tommy is saying.
Here’s a video of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll being arrested by our duplicitous police force two years ago.
Warning: Don’t watch if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from high blood pressure.
How embarassing. Now will people believe Tommy Robinson and the detestable condition of the British Police, the arm of the state. Why isn’t there an inquiry promoted by a politician looking into this. Because they are like Cameron, both cowardly and pathetic.
nothing surprising really. It’s the same police who hand over non-Muslim child rape victims back to their attackers and threat their parents with arrest if they complain.
Doubtless there are thousands of police officers doing a very difficult job to the high standard required.
But the chief constables, police commissioners [what a good idea that was Dave, more money wasted on politicised QUANGO trough snufflers] and Common [evil]Purpose Marxist Councillors and senior Council staff just ignore the law, shred the records and fiddle the crime statistics. The very people who are pledged, and paid, to uphold the law are misusing it for their own purposes.
Recent events have shown the same pattern of behaviour in other EU countries.
The Public Sector, intended by be serving us, are self-serving lefties perpetually grinding their personal axes.
Just privatise it, PDQ.
I read Tommys book with extreme interest because what he was faced with, was a psychological structure that is used across the board, by those that claim to be our intellectual superiors…….Now because this is Tommy Robinson, a charismatic working class lad, that pulls no punches and was the figurehead of a perceived (by the chattering classes like the BBC) as an anti establishment street movement that criticised an alleged ‘religion”, Tommys outcome was always going to be the most vindictive and underhanded that the state could possibly come up with, essentially as a warning to the working class public to tow the establishment line – or else!…
It goes like this…And of course it can never be proven, because those in the top echelons carrying out the “punishments” will never ever admit to any of it…
@ So you’re an ordinary member of the public that steps on the toes that those that preside over us, and by that very definition obviously know what’s best for us all….
How dare you – I mean – how bloody dare you! – You need to be taught a long and painful lesson…
First they attempt to break you, no matter what the cost, using anything at their disposal to isolate you and then create your “pariah” status, in an full scale vindictive attempt to alienate you from your usual peers… and when that’s been achieved and your a broken wreck of a shell, they then demand that you do what they say, (In Tommys case infiltrate Britain First and Paul Goulding for them) offering you a bone of what they deem is worthy if you submit to their will fully….(In Tommys case, not going after his wife and family for a minor mortgage fraud).
If like Tommy, you refuse to comply with their orders, then they continue on unabated making you life a complete misery – because they can – they have the clout – they have that power to do so.
So now you’re left with two choices. You can besmirch your integrity and obey to their vindictive command, or you can retain your honour and be perpetually screwed over.
Hell one day, you may be found with a noose around your neck having taken your own life….
That’s what the pathologist will conclude as the cause of death anyway…..
Ask the family of Dr David Kelly – Because just like Tommy, he wouldn’t readily comply with the British state either – Hence his expiry date came to pass and he was thrown to the sandman…
We have been here before in England. In fact the elites have never given us a real chance to say what sort of country we really want. Once in a while they have to compromise and give up some of their wealth and power but they really don’t like us at all.
After the Peterloo massacre of 1819 the Six Acts were passed which turned England into a totalitarian state. Fear again at work in the elites of the day.
It has to be said . Every freedom we -the ordinary folk – have has been fought for and dragged from the hands of the ruling class.
Abolish freedom of assembly and bring in the charge of seditious libel and most of the work is done. It will be a measure of just how bad the situation really is and just how fearful our elites are when this type of legislation is introduced again.
Tommy is a very brave man .But against our vicious elites this is not enough.
What is truly depressing is that the so called liberals that now enforce their will on us are nothing of the sort. That is why it is so sickening listening to their tame mouthpiece the BBC.
Liberals – the so called intelligensia behind the BBC are up front on their overall support for the sexual favours of the sort that never get reported (as they are now broadly legalised). The hope that all paeodophiles will be exonerated from intrusion by the Police (or public inquiry) investigation dropped. Lord ‘Janner’ (guilty NOT charged) abusing young boys seems to be acceptable in high Labour circles as it is in the upper echelons of the BBC who even now deny any knowledge. It seems the political class favor boys in care, and look the other way when lower casts abuse woman in care. These are our past Leaders, The Heaths (I voted for but not the abuse in Jersey), the Blairs (I voted for) but the alternative was worse – the extensive PIE network within Labour is very worrying as are the Tory benefactors. The more the BBC deny it ever was true, the more we know it still exists and the aim is to make it appear perfectly ‘normal’. It was just a bad dream. Alas we now know the movement behind the BBC. Examples go back to 1968 and beyond. It will be (along with hard drugs) legalised and you would be arrested in the future for suggesting that it is moral bankruptcy. The BBC past is as bad as our future if we allow it to happen again. At least we have a free press (compared to the EU) it really is the only exposure these creeps get. Abuse of girls seems almost acceptable in the BBC as it is in certain political parties not allied to Cyril Smith (not charged). You could be arrested by the thought Police for thinking they all had something in common. That would be the BBC failing to report it..