The BBC’s ‘simpleton’ [©The Guardian] reporter, Hugh Sykes, thought that Cologne was down to a Far Right conspiracy to trick immigrants into behaving badly…..but a more credible theory is that it was orchestrated by the dark forces of the EU….this ‘conspiracy theory’ is actually backed with evidence of intent….
EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ says UN migration chief
The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
The EU of course didn’t get its hands dirty by openly inciting the attacks but it made them possible by its migration policies and it knew that the result of those policies was likely to result in conflict and the breakdown of the nation state….and they couldn’t care less.
And let’s not forget this…
Secret plot to let 50million African workers into EU
Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe.
The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population.
The report, by French MEP Francoise Castex, calls for immigrants to be given legal rights and access to social welfare provision such as benefits. Ms Castex said: “It is urgent that member states have a calm approach to immigration. To say ‘yes’, we need immigration … it is not a new development, we must accept it.” The proposals include the creation of a “blue card” system, based on the American green card, that provides full working and welfare rights. Blue card holders would be entitled to move freely across the EU, setting up home in any of the 27 member states.
Deluded and dangerous politicians given free rein to do as they please by the likes of the BBC who do not challenge such policies because they agree with them.
Merkel, taking her unilateral decision to swamp Europe with migrants, is just the latest example of that.
The Guardian naturally begs to differ…
The European Union is not a conspiracy against democracy
We could interpret the EUs intention as being to create a United States of Europe on the model of the USA.
A nation of inward migration gradually (and violently when necessary) with the migrants, united by a single culture and language usurping and replacing the current populations societies and nations. But who are the Native Americans if this analogy holds? could it be that……….we are?
Or alternatively we could look at US demographics, noting that the US is moving towards majority Spanish language use, learn Spanish and migrate en mass, at least we Europeans would end up speaking a European language in our new homeland!
It seems certain that the German government must have recognised the likelihood ( certainty may be a better word) of attacks upon Germans by immigrants such as those we have seen last week, and it will get much, much worse, before they made their open arms offer to anyone who wanted to go to Germany. Therefore , for whatever reason, Merkel was prepared to sacrifice her countrymen and women in order to attract millions of Muslim immigrants to Germany. I cannot find any credible reason as to why she would want to bring this plague on her own country and of course the rest of Europe. The notion that she believes that Germany needs millions of young people to combat a demographic time bomb doesn’t explain it because she could easily of invited to Germany some of the millions of unemployed southern Europeans who are well educated, immediately employable,who share Western values and won’t rape and kill Germans. There really is something crazy going on with many politicians and the liberal left as a whole across Europe. It seems like they have a death wish for their country, indeed for European civilisation as a whole. Getting rid of nation states and replacing them with a pan European state is one thing . But actively encouraging the Islamification of a whole continent is insane and something I just can’t understand.
So whatever the reason behind her lunatic policy , perhaps she was encouraged to think that she would ‘get away it’ long enough for it to become a fait acompli, and by the time the German people realised what had happened there would be far too many immigrants for them to do anything about it. After all this is exactly what New Labour under Blair did in the UK. ( We know why New Labour did it , just to import more Labour voters and to hell with the long term effects on our country, but Muslims won’t vote for Merkel on the centre right, so why?) Of course for this strategy to work the whole thing has to be done under the radar so the population don’t really understand what is going. Control of the media is therefore key. Blair knew that the BBC would welcome the influx of millions and would do all it could to assist. Stupidly Merkel announced her plan in advance and so alerted to German people .Also her control of the news agenda is not as absolute as Blair’s was, thanks to social media being much more advanced now than 15 years ago, and so the stories leaked out despite the MSM trying to bury them. If social media had been as powerful 20 years ago, or if the BBC had done its job and told the truth , then I am sure that there would be many fewer immigrants in the UK today. What happens next in Germany is anybody’s guess.
I have always dismissed conspiracy theories, and tin foil hat wearing evangelists. However this is beginning to make sense.
It’s Agenda 21 gaining momentum.
The huge assumption of Merkel and Co. is that immigrants will be willing pawns in their plans to destroy national identity and create a borderless world with a single eco-socialist government, whilst totally missing the point that Islam has ambitions for a world government of its own.
Geert Wilders
“Cultural enrichment” has brought us a new word: Taharrush. Remember it well, because we are going to have to deal with it a lot. Taharrush is the Arabic word for the phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped, raped. After the Cologne taharrush on New Year’s Eve, many German women bought pepper spray. Who can blame them?
A culture that has a specific word for sexual assaults of women by groups of men is a danger to all women. The existence of the word indicates that the phenomenon is widespread. Frau Merkel, Prime Minister Rutte and all the other open-door politicians could and should have known this.
The Islamic world is steeped in misogyny. The Koran explicitly states that a woman is worth only half a man (Suras 2: 228, 2: 282, 4:11), that women are unclean (5:6), and that a man can have sex with his wife whenever he wants (24:31). The Koran even says that men are allowed to have sex slaves (4:24), and that they have the right to rape women whom they have captured (24:31).
The hadiths, the descriptions of the life of Muhammad, the ideal human being whose example all the Islamic faithful must follow, confirm that women are sex objects, that they are inferior beings like dogs and donkeys, and that there is nothing wrong with sexual slavery and raping female prisoners.
Liberal Democracy vs. Transnational Progressivism: The Future of the Ideological
Civil War Within the West
Click to access idealogical_war.pdf
A long read but worthwhile.
The biggest load of conspiracy New World Order Nonsense I think I’ve heard !
It’s all the issue with Saudi Arabia pumping massive amounts of money into the West to change society, and promote Islam. We KNOW that this is going on, and we know that the Saudi Wahhabist version is particularly intolerance, inflexible, aggressive, violent, and worse, backwards.
How much has this affected Turkey, in the election of a much more religious government is anyone’s guess, but it’s significant.
We also know that Turkey has had a hand in putting forward the idea of Syrians moving from Turkish refugee camps into Europe with Saudi blessing. Merkel blinded by the Saudi petrodollars has simply allowed it. When pressed as to why she cannot even give a cogent response. Even a cogent sentence appears beyond her, she knows exactly what she’s done was wrong, but the cash is waiting for her and all she needs do to collect is to leave office which seems highly likely to be soon.
Our universities and institutions are all being influenced by Sunni petrodollars so they are in the USA, and you don’t have to look very hard to see the results of that. The LSE was even taking money from Saif Ghaddafi for goodness sake ! You seriously think they don’t get anything for those generous donations?
I would be interested in your view as whether Isis and the Saudis have identical interests or are fundamentally opposed. Isis seem to want the house of Saud gone.
You seem to have an obsession with politicians being bribed by Saudi money. If that were so the situation would be less dangerous than it now is.
So is Isis a Saudi financed outfit or what?
Is Iran and the other Shiites happy with this or what?
Is Turkey as ever desiring to lead the Muslim Sunni world?
Is this an inevitable clash of civilisations or what?
It is all a bit more complex than simple bribery of Western politicians.
Has the West simply lost the will to survive.?
Has our culture run it’s course.?
There are a thousand questions and as many possible answers
Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi & others of Sunni background are all involved in the financing of ISIS, Saudi takes the lead in foreign policy.
When they were fully aligned with ISIS in the early days we were also backing them to the hilt. You might want to cast your mind back to a certain G8 meeting in Scotland, when Vladimir Putin spoke out alone against ISIS – using the news story of one Jihadi who ate a dead mans heart.
When ISIS came out and said they wanted to overthrow the Saudi royal family & destroy the Kaaba at Mecca, the Saudi’s didn’t like them – so suddenly we didn’t like them either!
Saudi is currently still financing ISIS due to it’s absolute hatred of what it regards as heretical Alawites, Yazidis, and Amahdis. Saudi wants them wiped out, and ISIS is the tool they want to use.
No Iran & the other Shiites are not at all happy about this and have been fighting ISIS themselves.
I’m quite sure that Erdogan would love to be in charge of a new Caliphate, but equally he still wants to be part of the EU.
Yes it is a clash of civilisations, however you only need to look at the way Western Politicians are Islamising Europe to know who is taking over.
A bit more complex than simple bribery? Well nothing is ever simple, but look at what the Nazis said of the British and the fact that it would have been easy to rule Britain due to the civil service apparatchiks eagerness to conform and please.
People do as they are told regardless of whether they know what they are doing is wrong.
How do you account for the fact that the almost the entirety of the £130 million given to Tony Bliar since he left office has come from Sunni Muslim Oil Rich Countries?
If a country like Qatar is prepared to bribe Western officials for a few football matches what else do you expect them to do for the promotion of their religion?
Are you aware of the links Obama has to Saudi? Or the Clintons? Have you taken note of the Saudi involvement in the Balkan war? Something which the BBC has never even attempted to explain the causes, other than simply suggesting a few bad men woke up one morning & decided to kill the Muslims?? That was the start of another Saudi curse, Al Qaeda, they ended up in Afghanistan spreading their poison.
Money talks, and it buys greedy and intelligent power hungry people. It bought Jonathan Aitken. The Middle East does its business by bribery, why do you think it would try anything different?
Once Blair Mandleson & Campbell were in the pocket they would do anything they needed to a) keep power & b) not get found out.
There is a wealth of circumstantial evidence to support the theory a prima facie case for investigation certainly exists. If you are expecting to see the smoking gun, then you aren’t going to find it, and looking for that in denial, means that those in power can continue with impunity.
An interesting reply. I have a problem though. I do not think the Saudis and the other ME states have the intellectual capacity or the ability to organise the takeover of Europe. They seem rather to be addicted to luxury and a tribal type of hegemony over their own.
It seems that the impetus comes from closer to home. In which case the oil nations are being used to finance islamification and subvert our countries at the behest of our own elites.
Conspiracy theory ? maybe but there seems no other explanation that makes any sense.
It would fit with your insistence that our politicians have been bribed.
Who exactly and why are still mysterious .
Certainly our elites in Europe show every sign of despising their own people. Again the why is not clear to me.
Events may help to make things clearer.
What is true of human affairs is that however well planned things seem there is never a certain outcome. That will prove to be our chance of surviving these times.
Dave S “Conspiracy theory ? maybe but there seems no other explanation that makes any sense.
It would fit with your insistence that our politicians have been bribed.”
Sometimes Dave you do not need to bribe politicians; their own vanity or sense of having immense power or even of lacking it yet wanting to leave a legacy (Merkel & Obama now, Cameron soon) is enough for them to get into a whole lot of trouble. Thatcher & the Community Charge? Bush in Afghanistan & Iraq?
Here’s just one timeline suggestion:
Next year, about the time of the EU Referendum in UK, Merkel & Juncker decide the migrant crisis is threatening to overwhelm the EU. They persuade other EU leaders – with or without Britain – to put together a force and invade broken Libya. A safe zone is created in the whole country to stabilise it and provide a place for illegal economic migrants to be returned.
The Libyans eventually welcome this neo-Imperialism as it brings peace to a shattered country. Local countries (Tunisia perhaps?) may welcome it also but others in the Middle East, with help from different sources & ‘influences’, object to ‘the West attacking Islam’ & ‘the West invading as it always has in the past’ & start to attack an EU-run Libya.
The West merely increases its hold on Iraq, with Russia’s help on Syria, and responds in kind. Its military superiority leaves the EU & Russia in control of the western half of the Middle-East, Egypt excepted (who are only too happy to sign peace & trade deals) and who long for stability from partial revolution plus Iraq with similar desires.
The prospect of some brokered firm peace deal between Palestinians & Israel is also held out tantalisingly to both parties along with trade deals, etc., etc..
The EU now controls quite a bit of oil, has a buffer with north West, Central & north East Africa, and has access to food sources there as well.
The tax bill for all this and the unsolved housing, energy & jobs crisis for the migrants already entered before the ban is kind of mind-boggling but it is the sort of ‘Big Project’ that some leaders love and will be a welcome distraction for the failure of the last ‘Big project’ from 1992. It might help hold a fracturing EU together & will expand its borders yet further. A crazy, lazy Sunday afternoon idea, isn’t it?
I can imagine some European political leaders, though, licking their lips at the prospect.
How interesting. What made you buy into the idea that a bunch of male nomadic desert dwellers, who gained sudden vast wealth in very recent times, are now working as a lone crew of highly sophisticated architects setting out their plans for global human life? The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was deliberately coined to ridicule those who dare to use their brains and ask questions.
Well how about the British government helping the Saudis become head of the UN Human Rights, or their outright refusal to condemn the 47 executions ?
They don’t have to be “a lone crew of highly sophisticated architects setting out their plans for global human life” They only have to expect that the corrupt will ‘promote the interests of Islam’ and then reward them afterwards for their results !
Saudi alone spent an estimated $2500 million per year on the promotion of Islam in the West, the other Sunni Muslim countries also spend similar amounts.
In a culture where bribery is a part of everyday life (witness BAe & Al Yamamah) why would it be such a surprise that along with the above the table spending, there isn’t some money which isn’t so public?
Who wish to return the empire that they DID have? So not just a conspiracy theory actually.
The Blairites and Cameronites are careerists, they make up the majority of the two main parties. We are supposed to think they are the moderates. The mainstream media supports these greaseballs by calling Principled Labour and Tory supporters and MP’s extremists. Grassroots Labour responded to this by voting for the return of the dinosaurs, while its supporters responded by voting UKIP or SNP. Grassroots Tories live in a fantasy world of hope that Cameron can change into someone NORMAL, while its supporters vote UKIP, unless Cameron offers them a referendum.
But lets all live in the real world by voting UKIP.
What happens next in Germany will be the repatriations and funerals for those killed in the Istanbul suicide bombing.
Mad Merkel invites a million men to invade her country but they still target German tourists. So her appeasement has failed – she should have studied Chamberlain.
Merkel is destined to go down in history as the destroyer of Germany ( by that I mean the German people) .
This looks inevitable now as in the key demographic 18 to 35 at the current and probable future rate of immigration young German males will soon be in a minority. That effectively signals the end of the German people. In my opinion German will split again and an eastern rump centered on Dresden and Leipzig will ally with the old Eastern countries and eventually Russia.
Speculating on the why is pointless. We need to learn from this and fast. This makes leaving the EU an existential matter and necessary whatever the economic costs may be.
I fully expect the referendum to be rigged and held before the Eu starts to implode. This implosion cannot be avoided now. If we vote to leave the EU is finished. I am sure the elites know this. Expect a very rough ride now .
Come on Alan, the Peter Sutherland article is four years old ! Since then he’s been proved completely wrong, as the USA has seen what Muslim migration really means, and Donald Trump has shown that they are not ready to be tolerant. Neither is Australia, nor New Zealand, where Islam has also caused unrest.
Perhaps you should read some of the new world order conspiracy theories which suggest that the global elite want to completely destroy countries and their cultures in order to rule them more effectively.
I don’t really buy into the New World Order conspiracy at all though !
Perhaps you should read some of the new world order conspiracy theories which suggest that the global elite want to completely destroy countries and their cultures in order to rule them more effectively.
There’s no conspiracy about Agenda 21 which is the real agenda behind global warming – it’s ‘hidden in plain view’ as they say.
Come on Thoughtful – you have a brain. Why is your brain failing to consider the long term impkications of a fairly recent event? Sutherland is an immensely rich and powerful strutter on the global stage. His speech was delivered to a bunch of career politicians who are deeply impressed by wealth and power.
You have evidence that the EU, or another government is taking Sutherlands suggestions seriously and is acting on them?
Four years is a long time and we would expect to see at least some policies in place if they were going to be implemented.
The fact he’s been proven to be wrong might well have changed his mind ?
This business of requiring more young people to support an increasingly elderly population (demographic ‘timebomb’) will probably turn out to be alarmist rubbish again like climate change. People have been predicting doom since the world began & it hasn’t happened yet. They are merely using projections to support their own agenda. These people who think that we should import millions of people to support an aging population are making the fatal & baseless assumption that the trend is going to continue. There is no guarantee that this is going to happen. They also make the baseless assumption that the elderly are a bunch of useless drones & are therefore parasitic on the rest when in fact people are increasingly working to a greater age & also consume less as they get older. They also enjoy better health than ever before which is one reason for working longer. They do not consider that populations can adapt to the problem without bringing in loads of migrants which simply overcrowds the country & ruins the quality of life for everyone already here.
Also those young people will, in turn, become old. What then, yet more immigration?
Useless governments should also have addressed their unaffordable pensions obligations decades ago, which has also helped create the problem.
Lots of statements are made by politicians, campaigners & repeated by the media without intelligent questioning. The need to support a growing and increasingly elderly population can be a simple fact if certain economic parameters remain fixed but they do not – they vary, especially over – say – half a working lifetime.
Tax & pension changes can alter the required balance. A change away from certain resources (mining coal) or industries (ship building) may mean that workers for jobs are no longer needed.
Ye Gods!
Blears ex “race adviser” and someone from Sandi Toksvigs party come together on Channel 4 News to discuss why feminists really must not discuss Cologne-only feeds the Right, stigmatises our Asian friends…and whether its Ken Clarke or Anjem Choudhury, Tyson Fury or Abyu Hamza-they`re all bloody blokes , so Cologne is not worth fussing over.
Did you know two women a day are equally traduced in Britain.? by my reckoning the Equality Sisters night want to come back to Krishnans bean bag on April 11th or so when we can discuss men as the problem-not migrant muslims playing rapey games in a boisterous and exuberant manner. They assaulted over 100 in Cologne-we`ll revisit when WE`VE “raped” as many, being the mad meme.
Even Krishnand and Snowballs could hardly imagine that religion or race were no indicators of what`s occuring…`twould be bad manners to gather facts on such things-the Karachi and Lahore certainly don`t do they after all?
Unbelievable-will we soon be labelling this one “Colognoscopy”?…a physical equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome, where your women are raped as the sisters yell at you for being a patronising racist, should you wish to help out?
Didn`t know things had got this bad in the womens rooms of liberal privilege…really didn`t.
Especially when the reporter said that Merkel was EVEN thinking of stripping sex-attackers of their right to refugee status!
EVEN…as if that`s really uncalled for, intemperate and draconian?
God-things are bad at Channel 4.
Those who have sought power and control in the BBC appear to have a particular liking for people who are often considered odd and peculiar by the corporation’s paying customers. Blears is a case in point.
Yes, saw that interview too. The official feminist position as outlined by those two clowns does seem to be that Cologne attacks are just another example of bad male behaviour. She even claimed 85,000 rapes a year in UK I think (of course, most are not prosecuted blah blah). Ridiculous and I do expect there will be no votes for the WEP from any sane women in future.
Listening to them sit there and deny any connection to Islam or migrants whilst repeatedly castigating the “far right”, I suddenly realised that feminism is has become similar to communism. The middle-class, educated communist leaders claimed to support worker’s rights, but the reality was that they didn’t give a damn about individual worker’s lives. And just as the communists wanted to overthrow their defined enemy, the state, at whatever cost to workers jobs and lifestyles, these feminists want to overthrow the state at whatever cost to individual women’s lives.
Good post engineer. This is a variation of the ‘enemy’s enemy is your friend’ idea. It’s a tactical means to an end.
The ‘Far Left’ see mass open-door immigration as a way to so strain our market economy that it will break down, their previous approach of mass trade union action, winter of discontent, miners’ strikes all having failed.
This break down then provides the justification for the alternative – the state-controlled, centrist, collectivist socialist nirvana they wanted all along. It’s why Corbyn is in politics.
The hard-feminists, loony-greens and their ilk all pretty much go along with this approach, so they all support each other, even if the people they are supposed to represent get short changed.
I can’t prove this, but I strongly suspect that if a gang of several Men started to abuse a Woman, in a public place, surrounded by other Men, the other Men would step in and stop it, and probably hand the abusers a first class hiding.
Depending of course on the predominance of the Men who made up the crowd.
The feminazis are wilfully missing the point, as to do otherwise means confronting a very uncomfortable truth, mob sexual abuse seems to be confined to a certain section of the Male population. The other truth is that when things turn violent, Women need decent ordinary Men to stand up for them.
Taking to twitter won’t do you much good when some ROPer, has his hand down your top.
I remember the look on Angela Merkel’s face when she was handed a German flag at an event. It was if she had been given a handful of used toilet paper, and she quickly handed the offending item to an underling. She seems to have no feeling of patriotism for her country. Perhaps the effects of Nazism and Communism (she is an Ossi after all) make her think that Germany is not worth keeping. She is certainly behaving as if that is what she thinks. If she cared about the refugees a few billion Euros would have helped them out very well in their refugee camps, she did not have to import a million young Muslims to make her point.
The most symapthetic thing I can imagine is that Saudi Arabia has given her a huge bribe to let Muslims swamp Germany. That would at least make sense, though it would be evil. But if that is not the case, then I can only conclude that she does not believe her own country is fit to continue, and wishes to replace it with a new population. If that’s true, she makes Caligula look sane. Which is it?
“The most symapthetic thing I can imagine is that Saudi Arabia has given her a huge bribe to let Muslims swamp Germany.”
Brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things.
The truth is simple: To bolster Europe’s economy we need net immigration to boost population! It’s no more than a huge Ponzi scheme. We need more people at the bottom of the ladder than there are at the top. Our politicians are betraying us!
Two ‘Mohameds’ shoot up Calgary bar; here’s how the media reported it
Hypocrite Lecteur
Bloody brilliant!