It’s probably been posted on here countless times, but this video proves how vile the BBC is.
This was nothing short of a character assassination.
Like him or loathe him, Robinson wasn’t allowed to put his opinions across. Instead, the host – typical of all BBC employees – decided to shut him down, whilst at the same time ridiculing his beliefs.
The BBC seems to have decided to hitch themselves to the Transgender agenda this week. We’re all of us (except maybe some enlightened feminists and gay comedians) suffering from Transophobia (hurrah – a new stick with which to bash Middle Enland). We need educating, society needs to be re-programmed to accept the ‘reality’ of the full spectrum of human sexuality.
I think i may invest in shares in toilets. We’re going to need a lot of toilets.
“Iran’s Revolutionary Guards take lead on foreign affairs”
A balanced and objective piece? Don’t be silly, it’s just an advert for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as far as I can see with a bit of anti-Jewish rhetoric thrown in for good measure.
“We will fight to the end to destroy Israel”
“The liberation of Jerusalem is near,”
And this is the country that Obama want’s to let back onto the world stage believing they will halt their nuclear weapons program ? Hilarious.
Obama, you clueless, liberal twat.
Apologies for reposting this article by Anne Marie Waters (Nov 2015) but it bears re-reading – “Western women will be sacrificed at the altar of mass migration” –
It is not just feminists who are betraying women, it is all of us who believe that women have made their own beds and can now lie in them. Western women may have decided they “need men like a fish needs a bicycle”, but times have changed and we men need to grow a pair and start protecting our women and girls, our wives and daughters whether they want protection or not. The worm has turned.
Swedish police say they “made a mistake” not telling public about attacks
… but it was “not a cover up”
is that a cover up of a cover up?
BBC Newsnight
Remember BBC’s fawning over Shaker Aamer? I wrote to my Conservative MP (who is very good) and he requested a response from the Home Office regarding Aamer’s legal status here, and his repatriation from Guantanamo. Here is the reply from the Minister. If you have high blood pressure move on to the next post.
Seems the picture link does not seem to work but the reply from Rt Hon James Brokenshire is;
No legal aid was provided to Aamer at gitmo. In an arrangement with the USA to clear prisoners from gitmo they arranged his repatriation to the UK on a private chartered jet at UK tax payer expense. In terms of his current residency status they are not prepared to comment under DPA.
My question was; Aamer is a Saudi national who was granted asylum in the UK. He left of his own volition to Afghanistan and openly admits to admiring the Taliban and life under the Taliban. The moment he left the UK he forfeited his right to protection by the UK. Why was he repatriated to the UK?
Glad to see bBBC folk are keeping tabs on the Shaker Aamer situation. The government clearly hopes we will all forget it! Brokenshire’s reply suggests that the only reason we took this undesirable man back was that we cooked a deal with the Americans. The legal status of this man ( not a British national, an asylum seeker who skipped off to Afghanistan etc) counts for nothing. Of course we can’t annoy our Saudi ‘friends’ (bankers to ISIS) by dumping Aamer back there. So we are stuffed. The £1million ‘compensation’ payment to him is no doubt pending. Perhaps a role with CAGE? I wonder how much his wife and kids have cost in welfare over the years? Makes you proud to be British doesn’t it?
Never let it be said that the terminally unfunny Susan Calman is predictable. Yesterday she was on Matthew Parris’ lightweight show ‘Great Lives’ talking about Molly Weir. Actually, she was talking about herself with the effete host occasionally steering her gently back onto the subject. With the show almost finished I was beginning to think she wasn’t going to get a mention of her other half into the conversation. Right at the end she was presented with a book and, amazingly, she managed to use that to shoehorn the phrase ‘my wife’ into proceedings. Good work Susan.
I heard the announcement just before the programme started and I thought that surely the BBC’s own Susan was too young to have remembered Molly Weir, perhaps we were about to be told something about her sexuality that was never of importance before?
I took it as a given that Susan would get her catch phrase ‘my wife’ in somewhere and that that ‘joke’ was wearing a bit thin now. Consequently I left the mixed-up duo to their own interpretations and listened to some music instead.
Just caught a little of the Beeb’s coverage of St Barack of Obama’s State of the Union address on the news.
Naturally they focussed on his mention of the adherents to the Religion of Peace and their permanent status as victims.
He mentioned that it wasn’t right for Muslims to be caused offence (heaven forefend!!) – for a mosque to get vandalised or for a child to be called names (can you imagine the horror of a child being called names?).
Now I’m not sure if he mentioned the hundreds gunned down in cold blood or murdered by suicide bombers on an almost daily basis across the globe in the name of Islam?
Or the thousands of women and children raped and slaughtered across the globe in the name of Islam on an almost daily basis?
But if he did (and I’d love to know if he did), the BBC certainly didn’t cover it in their item.
But why would they – that would be deemed culturally insensitive right?
In a radio interview about Obama’s usual empty rhetoric Jon Sopel must have said ‘kind of’ 10 times in 2 minutes. I expect that of ill-educated teenagers brought up on American TV programmes but not a ‘serious’ BBC reporter. Oh by the way Jon Sopel is very impressed by Obama. I don’t think that will in fact be the verdict on him at least in foreign policy terms. It will be left to his successor to extinguish ISIS and to face the consequences of the appeasement of Iran.
I guess it doesn’t really matter now whether Obama is a Muslim pretending to be a secularist pretending to be a Christian. After 2 terms in office the damage is done. However, I find it instructive in the following BBC clip that as he says “When politicians insult Muslims……” he simultaneously brings his right hand up, palm facing towards himself. Is he referring to himself as a politician or as a muslim? The answer to that is probably “Who cares anymore?”. Nonetheless his body language is revealing.
Let’s hope that after January 2017 when he hands over to the next President, we have heard the last of him. I think we should pray that he doesn’t take over as head of the UN when Ban Ki Moon steps down at about the same time.
In the finest traditions of ‘Alice in Wonderland’, our esteemed state broadcaster on the Toady R4 programme this morning reported in all seriousness, as a news item, that the press/media have been reluctant to mention immigration in the context of the Cologne and, as we now discover, earlier Stockholm attacks.
‘You couldn’t make it up’ does not really come close.
But they are listening, with featured comments probably through a very fine filter…
BBC News
2 hrs · Join the #BBCWorldDebate on the future of Europe and tell us how well do you think European leaders are dealing with the refugee crisis? Can the Schengen system of open borders survive? Leave your thoughts below for our live debate from Davos on January 22nd.
LIVE on BBC World News – January 22nd, 2016
Comments already unlikely to be ‘thoughts’ editorial integrity BBC-style keen to share.
Sat in my van having my cheese sarnies,jezza vine has got bonnie greer on. Sarnies nearly make reappearance,off switch just in time. What a bloody drip that man is.
Can anyone explain why Bonnie Greer is on the bBBC so much? Apart from being foreign, anti-British, black, feminist and Marxist, I can’t think of a reason.
Oh no but she’s not foreign is she? “She acquired British citizenship in 1997″wicki. She’s Gor blimey Mary Poppins apples & pears british. At least she can never be English. From the multitude of jobs she has she is obviously outstanding…although I’m not sure at exactly what.
She is ugly, even her name is ugly.
IslamicAl-Beeb thrives on ugliness, it must; most of their preferred persons are congenitally unattractive.
Muslims, ugly, Africans ugly.
Which is the reason the dregs of the planet Muzzies have been kidnapping and enslaving white girls for a millennium, and mass rape them today.
I understand that the houris in Islamic heaven are white.
So where is the condemnation of these racist Muzzies from the world’s most trusted broadcaster?
Answers inscribed on the corpse of Tony Blair please.
I tuned in towards the end of her – what would you call it – sermon?
She sounded like a female HAL, all flesh-creepingly soothing reassurance about our exciting, borderless, stateless future – we are a migratory species, doncha know? – where all nations have become one and Artificial Intelligence caters to our every need. Apparently, in this brave new world humanity will have to learn to be ‘flexible’, like it will be a first. Yes, flexible – she used that word a lot. And so much of her futuristic ball-gazing is actually ‘fact’, presumably using models from a ‘settled science’ not a million miles away from Lord Hall Hall’s laboratory suite at Babel Towers (Room 101, somewhere below the basement).
As for Vines hushed, reverential reaction at the end of it: oh, sweet Jesus, it was Bonnie receiving the holy Agenda 21 burnt into tablets of stone by Gaia herself.
The BBC couldn’t get worse, you think, but somehow they always manage to pull it out of the bag.
What a filthy, disgusting, steaming pile of hard left propagandist shite they are.
I just caught lickspittle Vine’s sycophantic introduction of her and hit the “off” switch – silence is always a better option than listening to that rambling, American @rsehole.
Yeah it was bad- even by the bbc /jezza vine usual standards. Its almost like they are clutching at liberal straws. Earlier in the show i heard a bit about Denmark,guess what,the Danish woman caller i heard was”ashamed” of what her country is doing. Whodathought eh?
If I understood Bonnie Greer right we have to give over our future to those with their heads stuck permanently up against their smart phones. Somehow between all their ‘liking’, ‘re-tweeting’ etc. they will start thinking ‘flexibly’, unlike the Chinese who, being racially inferior, don’t posses this trait.
In this ‘Brave New World’ everyone will have multiple-identities and none and will live in a multi-cultural mishmash, everything and nothing, rooted to their i-phone but rootless.
Indeed the smart phone will be one’s essential interface with the world, a mobile ‘safe space’ populated solely by one’s ‘friends’. Physical neighbours and relationships will be avoided as it will be impossible to know if one’s clothing, expression or language are offensive or ‘triggering’ to the ‘other’.
Her solution will be that we all earn a living by producing ‘content’ for the virtual world that we will all live in via our phones! What makes us human is becoming a computer!
Newsnight is easy pickings for overt BBC bias. The bias is engrained in the political and cultural upbringings and lives of the left wing, moneyed metropolitan/cosmopolitan/interantional elite and aspiring elite, who dominate the Newsnight staff, top to bottom (or should that be left to far left?) Consistent features of this bias are moral relativism, Pro left/progressive/liberal, pro big-state, intellectual arrogance, pro multiculturalism and anti-English. The bias is served up by the bbc staff and their hand picked co-cultural commentariat and intellectual favourites, and don’t forget’ ‘we’re all immigrants’, even if we are not.
Having reviewed Newsnight for bBBC readers for many months leading up to GE2015 and a little beyond, I had given myself a well-earned rest from the relentless broadcasts – supporting the unsupportable, ignoring the un-ignorable, deriding those with wisdom, giving voice to the extremists and their supporters, silencing and stigmatising those whose words need to be heard. Tonight, however, I braved part of the program as a discussion on Sweden/immigration/sexual assaults/rape/Rotherham was to be aired.
The discussion included no English guests. All guests were pro-immigration. Nesrine Malik, pro-uncontrolled immigration (columnist?), Sunny Hundall, immigration enthusiast (blogger) and Fraser Nelson, Pro EU, Cameronite pro-immigration advocate (Spectator Editor). Chaired by comrade Evan Davies. Faux confusion from Davies who ensured that the ‘debate’ had no theme, substance or clarity. I was certainly confused. Were they discussing immigration, or rape, or culture, or liberalism, or ethnic integration, immigrants, crime, police cover ups, Rotherham? At one point Mr Hundall appeared to view rape as a bump in the road in the life of a third world migrant. Not once did the question arise (Evan will not ask it), why do our governments wish to force the people to accommodate ever increasing proportions of foreigners, including Muslims, into our country? Is it not OK for England to be, well, where English people live? Evidently not for very long. If Newsnight insist on foreigners, why not hear Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Anne Marie Waters and Gurt Wilders bounce a few ideas and theories around? At least they are educated on the real substance of the issues.
Ongoing analysis of the BBC’s output is becoming futile. The ambivalence that all reporters and guests had for the following was truly shameful:
The many hundreds of victims of rape in Germany, Denmark, Austria, Sweden, France… in co-ordinated attack on NYE.
The severity of the crimes.
That the police (in UK and throughout Europe) are not working for the people.
That the police would hide crimes based on the race of perpetrators and think that that is OK.
That the police decide whether to pursue criminals based on party political popularity considerations.
The English.
That sexual assault and rape are ‘cultural differences’. Sunny Hundall.
That girls in Rotherham get raped, but it matters not because Fraser Nelson states (erroneously) that the ‘perps’ were born in the UK. (Reason check Fraser:- If Muslim men of predominantly Pakistani origin of all ages rape white girls, whether they have been in the country two weeks or two decades that maybe suggests that integration may not be a ‘given’, doncha-think?)
The BBC talking-head pool is terminally morally bankrupt. Fraser Nelson too.
I’m an ordinary Englishman with legitimate concerns about the welfare of the sons and daughters, the grandsons and grand-daughters of my neighbours and compatriots. I have no ill-will towards an immigrant, who integrates, works and lives a peaceful life respectful of English Law and thankful to the English people who have given him/her such a privilege – to live a life on English soil! That’s what it is to be English, tolerant and welcoming – especially of those who have been subject to persecution. But it is a privilege that should be respected and offered by our representatives rarely, with humility towards the people, and with good reason, in each case granted. In what passes for the public realm of discourse, the BBC, the Guardian, other main stream media, we now have a drowning and demonising of English history and Englishness and basic principles of birthright and property rights, a perceived truth that foreigners have a right to enter our country without the consent of the people. Our law makers have ceded sovereignty to foreign powers and our borders are sieves where criminal and illegal immigrants stake a claim to that which they have no right – a piece of England. Can a logical, reasoning Englishman who understands Islam, its teachings and the recorded activities and histories of the people who submit to it (Muslims) think that a government that allows even one of its adherents to take up residence or own land in England is acting in the interests of the people of England? I would like to hear his/her argument to suggest that it would be if such an Englishman can be found.
Newsnight reflects the BBC culture. The Licence Fee has to go. The Polish government is doing the right thing in trying to rid the broadcast media of the ‘Cultural Marxism’ with which it has been infected. The infections in our UK institutions run deep and can only be peacefully healed through our parliamentary democracy, however damaged its reputation has become.
“……I don’t want to change the world, I’m not looking for a New England” Billy Bragg. Seems like I’ve got a New England, whether I wanted it or not. We’ll have to make it into something good, but a change in direction is needed.
Oh, and Jeremy Hunt was the only contributor to the ‘Doctor on Strike’ piece who actually reflected what the people are interested in – a 7 day a week service. A stretched NHS is nothing to do with uncontrolled immigration though, and financial constraints have nothing to do with our busted economic system (any doctors know the national debt? The deficit?) Dumb, obfuscatory, leftist, head in the sand BBC, cheerleading us along ‘the Road to Serfdom’.
I never wanted to involve myself in politics. Now I feel it is an obligation, because the times, they are a changin’. Nothing can improve until we are out of the EU, and once we leave there will be much work to do.
Vote Leave, Take Control. Vote UKIP. Join UKIP. For Common Sense in governance, not Common Purpose.
Your post was long ,but it was worth the read. I agree with most of it. However, you state that you bear immigrants no ill will. A few years ago I would have shared that view but no longer, particularly if they are Muslim. I retired four years ago and have had time to watch with despair what is happening to our country. The usual English feelings of fairness and tolerance have been driven out of me by the liberal left policy of mass immigration and I now want all immigration stopped and for us to start taking strong action to ensure that the creeping Islamification of our country is reversed. I’m afraid that this now informs my views on all manner of topics, eg the EU , I am now firmly an outer, not because I am against Europeans working and living here , but because of what Merkel has done in inviting millions of Muslims into Germany, and hence Europe, and the long term impact on the UK. I loath the BBC and most of the rest of the MSM because of the way they try to brainwash us into accepting Muslims by the boat load, no lie being to gross if it helps their narrative. I am suspicious of the motives of the police because they are so fearful of being seen as non PC . The list goes on and on.
To me the evidence is clear, Muslim migrants harbour dangerous men and women who wish us great harm, and events show that even those who aren’t actively aggressive at present can easily become so in future. Integration is a pipe dream , look at the rape gangs in Rotherham, and half a hundred other towns, many of the perpetrators were second , third or even fourth generation migrants, look at the number of UK citizens who joined ISIL , look at the % who support the attacks in Paris. Islam and our values simply don’t mix and given a few decades Europe and the UK will be unrecognisable and our culture and civilisation lost forever. But you will never hear this truth on the BBC. Almost all our politicians seem not to care or are too frightened to say anything , let alone do anything, by the likes of the BBC. I don’t believe that you can create a stable, fair and open society built around people of vastly differing value sets and beliefs. History tells us it will all end in appalling violence ,a catastrophe for all concerned. Yet the liberal left plough on with their insane plan. You have to be gullible beyond belief to think it will all work out well and that there will be a happy ending for all involved . What I am certain of is that the best first step that can be taken to address this existentialist problem is to close down the BBC, who I see as the propaganda foghorn of the those hell bent of forcing us down the road of mass immigration and consequent Islamification.
‘The usual English feelings of fairness and tolerance have been driven out of me by the liberal left policy of mass immigration and I now want all immigration stopped and for us to start taking strong action to ensure that the creeping Islamification of our country is reversed. I’m afraid that this now informs my views on all manner of topics…’
Well said Doublethinker. My feelings too. And I agree – the BBC is too powerful. It has to be taken down
That reminds me of what a U.S. Senator from the South (whose name eludes me) said during the American civil rights era of the 1960’s: “A cure for Liberalism is a stiff dose of negroes.”
The same applies here, all the Progressives who think we should welcome the world and all four of his wives to live here and destroy our nation (at our expense, of course) need to be sent to live as an infidel in a (poor) Islamic country or to reside in one of the many thriving Muslim s**t holes we have here, and I don’t mean for 3 days but 3 – 6 months; though I doubt many of them would last that long – especially the women.
I wonder how many would still believe unfettered, mass immigration from Muslim and Third World states is still a great idea?
What you are proposing is a dose of reality. Unfortunately, as we know, leftists don’t do reality. They think the world should be what Marx said it would be, not what it is. I am going to call this Corbyn’s Law in honour of the great man.
I also saw the Newsnight ‘debate’ on immigration/sexual violence etc and agree with you about its lack of balanced coverage. All the contributors were pro-immigration and the worst of them (female blogger/person with no credentials to be there) didn’t really want to link muslim immigration with sexual violence at all. She certainly didn’t see it as a reason to reduce immigration and no doubt will be cheering and whooping when another million or so hit Europe next summer. Any attempt at balance would have included at least one person who represents what used to be called the indigenous population and has had enough of uncontrolled immigration.
Great post apart from the reference to 7 day NHS.
Yes doctors are fully aware of the deficit / national debt that was created by the Bankers, which by the way, was higher when the NHS was created!! (You clearly swallowed Govt. propaganda on that one).
Here in Cumbria there is minimal demand for Saturday/ Sunday GP services. My wife is a GP and has tried to introduce this with appropriate publicity, but virtually no-one turned up over the few weeks it was running! She’s also been trying FOR A YEAR to get another GP to join what is a well run practice in a beautiful, not remote area. Ask yourself WHY? Also WHY are junior doctors so angry? I assure you the vast majority are certainly not members of the liberal left or part of some sinister Trades Union conspiracy.
With regards to Hospital services, there already is a 7 day week service, I find it Interesting that some of us choose to believe the “science” behind slimy Jeremy H(c)unt’s numbers (indicating higher death rates at weekend) but not the climate change science… (could say this is Chomsky-like).
The problem is that the NHS is badly led (i.e. Hunt); has too many tick box /poor quality managers and depends on council run “Support Services” that work Mon-Fri 0900-1700 (1600 on Fridays)… That’s the real problem.
The doctors are the good guys and most (not all) have completely honourable motives in the strike, but the Government AND the BBC are doing their best to undermine and discredit them. In my view this is in preparation for sell of to Branson’s goons and other US so-called “Healthcare” companies as has been done in other European countries (of course not reported) such as Portugal and Finland.
The seven day a week “issue” is simply a red herring. that seems to have worked to an extent…
Ditto Mr AMUN…your Muslim Name if you like!
Oldartist is spot on-a brilliant article from the mighty Anne Marie…who joins Melanie, Ayaan, Pamela,Brigitte in the gallery of women who will NOT get asked to the Womans Hour muffin bake up anytime soon.
Next week-ricin cakes and a rohypnol milkshake.just like your old Tell Mama used to bake.
Best article I`ve seen that skewers the partial feminists…who died when they trashed the doyenne and driving spirit behind Western Feminism who was Germaine Greer.
So bleeding obvious isn`t it?…so what mad cow disease has infected the likes of Laurie Penney, Bea Campbell and those BBC broody mares at Womans Hour?..who STILL-as far as I know-have yet to do anything about Cologne etc.
Am I allowed to say this? Some of those lefty women who prattle on about wimmins rights and on and on and on about waysissm Penny et al need a short sharp shock . I’m thinking of the poor TV reporter in Egypt ,Lara Logan if she wants to beat them up I’ll hold them for her.
In England, only you have authority and responsibility for what you say. And the lefty women really don’t want to know the truth about Lara Logan, nor that their world view will ensure many other women suffer as the stoic Ms Logan suffered, and suffers to this day.
“Labour’s Alan Johnson warns that quitting the EU could damage London’s global status – but what if staying in means taharrush gamea for female commuters at Waterloo or St Pancras? We want to offer sanctuary to the desperate while having the power to keep out those who despise our way of life.
After Cologne, the EU referendum is about nothing less than the safety and security of British women. We, the Euroclueless, need to woman up and vote for the right of our daughters and granddaughters to live as they choose and to smile in the street. No more Mrs Don’t Know – let’s get the hell out.”
Not all the DT’s columnists have gone over to New Labour. Allison isn’t going to be asked on to Women’s Hour.
Not Just Cologne. A complete raft of daft EU proposal will sink us. Not just our identity is being eroded but our rights to fish in British waters. From January 1st it is illegal to catch more than one BASS. Fine £50,000 for each fisherman. It gets worse when you read though it and no doubt the ‘EURO POLICE’ will be here soon to check that migrants can molest who they wish and that we are not to upset the EU invaders. The battle for the UK independence has never been greater. That Europe is heading for serious trouble and the invaders will be at our shores soon and cannot be refused (if Cameron wins) there is no effective opposition and we have all lost our identity to object. This is the last Battle-of-Britain to change the outcome of totalitarian rule. Bugger the BBC and the agitprop mob. We are all better of out and no mistake, what happens in Cologne will happen here – along with fishing being banned from our own shores. Read more on that here.
Not Just Cologne either, that’s bad enough. A complete raft of daft EU proposal will sink us. Not just our identity is being eroded but our rights to fish in British waters. From January 1st it is illegal to catch more than one BASS. Fine £50,000 for each fisherman. It gets worse when you read though it and no doubt the ‘EURO POLICE’ will be here soon to check that migrants can molest who they wish and that we are not to upset the EU invaders. The battle for the UK independence has never been greater. That Europe is heading for serious trouble and the invaders will be at our shores soon and cannot be refused (if Cameron wins) there is no effective opposition and we have all lost our identity to object. This is the last Battle-of-Britain to change the outcome of totalitarian EU rule. Bugger the BBC and the agitprop mob of ‘open door’ immigration and Police appeasement of Muslim hords. We are all better-off out and no mistake, what happens in Cologne will happen here and not be reported (like Rotherham but worse) – along with fishing being banned from our own shores. Read more on that here (download PDF): I have never been so sure of getting out from what the EU has become.
BBC are not at all happy about the Danish government passing a new law that migrants will have to surrender any assets including jewellery worth more than £1000.
Free rein has been given to the Fascist left to criticise and name call with their usual hatred – “it’s a reminder of what the Nazi’s did” – funny how they censor any criticism of Left Wing Fascism though !
Lardell on TWATO is seething with rage about this and just look at how its headlined on the BBC website:
As the Danish MP says though, there are people arriving in Private aircraft & claiming asylum – Lardell is scathing and sneering – “well how many arrive in private jets?”
The Danish minister is cool – “well not many, but why should these people be able to claim benefits from day one? Where exactly do you draw the line as to where they contribute to their keep?”
Silence and the interview ends without Lardell offering any kind of figure.
I heard that interview, too. It’s clear that Lardell was irritated at even having to interview a hated ‘right-winger’ – his sneering condescension was clear to all. One can (almost) understand his twisted reasoning: he’s a BBC ‘journalist’, after all – why the hell should he have to speak to anyone from the right? That’s not what the BBC is there for!
“BBC are not at all happy”
That has cheered me up a little.
If you had gone on to say that so unhappy were they that every last treasonous scumbag had died from apoplexy, that would have cheered me up a great deal more.
If you had gone on to say that so unhappy were they that every last treasonous scumbag had committed suicide, that would have cheered me up more than the apoplexy.
If you had gone on to say that their unhappiness was disturbed by an attack on Broadcasting House by loveable Muzzies: loveable Muzzies who had raped all the women to death: loveable Muzzies who had thrown all the queers from the top of the building and beheaded the remaining staff, that would have produced in me a wider smile than the characters in Mad Magazine. Because they deserve it in Spades.
Many are part time actors who are hired for interviews in Media City Studios where they play the role of activists and doctors dealing with misplaced bombs from the Joos, and in any other war theatre where they can give mock interviews to discredit British soldiers and our allies.
Indeed, there is no shortage of roles in Pallywood:
[camera pans scene of devastation with bodies lined up on makeshift stretchers. The BBC journalist narates]: “look at these scenes of carnage. The lines of bodies laid under white cloths awaiting burial. Dozens if innocent victims of Israeli aggression….. CUT! Why has that body got up? Tell them all to lie still UNTIL I yell cut! Do they not know that dead bodies are NOT supposed to move? Go again from the top.”
The 2nd Severn Crossing is closed because of a ‘Freedom For Turkey’ protest halfway across the bridge, traffic gridlocked, quite a major local story, yet neither the BBC Bristol or BBC Wales News websites are reporting it.
I do like this site.
A few days ago, someone said that(in the light of Mr Bowies death) that he liked Tom Robinsons “War Baby”-for me one of the worse records ever done…but that`s the beauty and power of music eh?
Got me thinking on the Bowie Era of 1983-Let`s Dance and all.
In contrast to the mighty David-I think I`ve got a list of the 10 worse songs of 1983…and hope to pop at a few lefty heroes of the moment, who did crap records while David was doing his last set of true gems(IMHO).
Worst…ie No#1….GOLD/Spandau Ballet-bloody awful!
No3…DEAR PRUDENCE-Siouxsie and the Banshees
No4…MONEY GO ROUND-Style Council
No5…BAD BOYS-Wham!
No6…TRUE…Spandau Ballet(again)
No7…SOLID BOND IN YOUR HEART-Style Council(again)
No8…WE ARE DETECTIVE-Thompson Twins
No10..WAR BABY-Tom Robinson
Let me draw attention to Gary Kemp, Siouxsie, Tom Robinson and Paul Weller-Lefties who only made good records by accident…Bowie surely needs no eulogies from their likes.
I have to disagree with a few but have to add that what passes for music now has me sniggering and snorting and then asking for a translator. Yes I’m now an older person who can say “in my day they made decent music that you could sing along to “.
Just wish that the Beeb and the MSM would get off it , it’s turning into a Mandela week and I don’t think he DB would have wanted that.
Chris, after reading that list I’ll have to recover by listening to one of my Caravan albums (from an earlier time than 1983): “If I could Do It All Over Again, I’d Do It All Over You”. A frequent thought when watching the poseurs of the BBC – especially as the first line of the title track is “Who do you think you are.”
But….isn’t Tony Hadley the lead singer of Spandau Ballet, one of the very few confirmed Tory ‘popstars’ also isn’t Stewart Copeland of the Police somewhat right leaning?
Talking of 1983, the song’s rubbish but I like watching the video, can’t think why… Did she ever look better? A blonde Swede, becoming somewhat of a rarity…
It was with a heavy heart Geoff, believe me.
Tony`s a good lad, and many “normal civilians” have testified to his decency.
So it`s not personal-just hated that bloody “Gold”…I did love Chant#1 though-but this fell outside my strict parameters.
Hat-tip to Brian Matthew for self imposition of strict, if utterly pointless rules!
As Thoughful says below…the BBC are leading with their take on the Danish plans to take asylum seekers stuff if over £1000 so they can pay for their keep.
1. Why is this headline news?-I have no vote in Denmark, no doubt their electorate are sick of being fleeced, and Cologne won`t have helped?
2.It is headline news because the BBC liberal left want to create some storm-maybe boycott Lurpak, kill a danish nun in Islamabad…like the Danish cartoons crisis of 2006 maybe?
3. This is a BBC non-story…I can and will do nothing about it, certainly won`t attack the Danish Embassy on the BBCs account…but why else would the BBC lead with this if not to incite the same?
4. As for the “some critics are saying that it reminds them of the Nazis” meme?…I`m sure I could find “some critics that say that rich migrants intent on screwing over the Danes say it`s not before time”…but the BBC won`t tell you THAT in their sideline headlines…that is selecting an angle-and is NOT a headline.
5.Incorrigible BBC liars and slimers of the previously-pristine Danes-as long as their women get raped and they`re scared to publish cartoons with no fuss.
Oh-and aren`t the Iranians so kind…John Kerry is still up the djellabab licking Khameinis arse?
Obama has turned his country into THIS?…only hope Donald gets in!
Never understood what she saw in the uglier one of two pretty ugly blokes in Abba?
I include their highlight to me-truly brilliant-and a real precursor to the houndings of Tommy Robinson etc that we`ll soon be having to get used to-in the cause of social cohesion of course.
Non BBC Breaking news … Looks like big brother is putting the fix in, for Pegida here in the UK
“Tommy Robinson now charged with battery for some altercation from when in prison.
3 Feb date, though likely to be rescheduled.” … and erm No bail conditions.
… the state orchestration continues
The state are clearly engaged in a vindictive vendetta against Tommy Robinson. All to protect evil terrorists who hate us. I never believed how bad it was, until I saw the video where he was assaulted, and as the victim of that assault, was arrested. He committed no crime whatsoever. He was clearly the victim, and was arrested none-the-less. This country has got so bad, that being the victim of crime has become a criminal offence.
I watched Silent Witness ( yes alright it is cr*p now ) it was about Islam. In the first episode after the murder of an Imam, the EDL were mentioned within a few seconds and an EDL supporter with tattoos etc was brought in and he was clearly not meant to warm the cockles of your heart.
At the finale of episode two ( the middle bit ie approx 1.55 hrs was a bit cr*p ) the female Jihadi had a gun pointed at a female Muslim MP’s head at a Muslim women’s meeting (!) ( coz they attack Muslims too you know ). The MP went on her knees which meant that the marksman could take out the terrorist.
However in BBC lala land the chief operations cop talked the Jihadi over a period of some minutes ( remember she could have been taken out as the marksman had a clear shot ) into giving her gun up using her baby as a reason not to shoot.
The Jihadi then lowered her gun slowly and lowered her head in submission, game over I thought but oh, no!
The chief operations cop spoke quietly into his phone to the marksman when the Jihadi was no longer a threat ‘take her’.
She was then shot in the forehead.
I thought this was a disgraceful slur on our forces who shoot as a last resort. This BBC disgrace was threefold.
1. Making the viewer feel sorry for the repentant Jihadi.
2. Probably inciting Muslim viewers even more than they already are.
3. Presenting our security forces as cold blooded killers.
What a bloody disgrace the BBC are.
Yup – I commented on ep 1 in the previous thread. I only caught 1 minute of it and I could predict exactly what the story would be. Afraid my blood pressure couldn’t stand more than 60 seconds – but my CSI/Marple-loving female family members watched the whole thing and didn’t seem to realise they’d just been watching pro-Muslim anti-UK propaganda for 2 hours. Drip drip drip goes the poison – and most of the viewers don’t even realise what they’re watching: sophisticated propaganda dressed up as entertainment.
All valid points Jerry, but I can’t help feeling that the Beeb might have been a little depressed, not to say frustrated, if they’d known just how many viewers muttered ‘Yessss!’ when that bullet hole appeared. They really seem to believe that they are both moulders and arbiters of public opinion but they also seem blissfully unaware of what those genuine opinions might be.
The really ironic thing of course was that she was clearly the ‘Jihadi star’ of Silent Witness she held a Muslim MP at gun point right at the finale, yet the BBC couldn’t bring themselves to use a ‘true’ Pakistani / Arab / African Muslim, but an Eastern European pretty much white western looking actress to play the part …..just to show that Muslim Jihadi’s could be anyone anywhere of any race.
In the spirit of balance, and to give the number crunchers in BBC high command more ammo to claim they are useless in all directions as if this averages out as anything than doubly useless:
“Nobody with a questioning mind seriously expects impartiality from BBC News.”
“Despite grand documents, notably its much-trumpeted Royal Charter, and robotic PR statements about maintaining impartiality and independence, and being ‘vigilant about our values’..”
“The position of BBC political editor plays an important role in this propaganda system.”
OK, all this is from the position that they are not left enough, and if the BBC was up for moving to a sub-model ML will doubtless be amongst those screaming ‘national treasure!’ the loudest as the rest of us shrug and say “good luck with that”, but those are their statements.
There are a couple more though which should send a shudder down the Bolly-clinking corridors of W1A:
“Note that the deleted blog was ‘only suitable for an internal audience’. That tells us much about the BBC’s fear of public scrutiny.”
Noted. Was here. And indeed it does.
“No wonder the BBC did not want that ‘internal’ discussion made public”
No wonder they never do, and will move heaven, earth and many lawyers to ensure it doesn’t happen. Speaking of which….
“This all adds to the compelling case that BBC News editorial decision-making should not be exempt from the UK’s Freedom of Information Act.”
Radio 4 PM on the Danish asylum law, might well have been presented as
We don’t like the idea that the state won’t fund illegal migration – so here’s a few lefties to criticise it. We won’t allow anyone to reply to those criticisms in case someone has a reasonable point!
John Diamond describes the re-introduction of border controls as “beggar my neighbour policies” because they prevent the freedom of movement to migrants !
This is totally tongue in cheek, but Sky News are getting very excited about a new English Anthem. They have had an expert on who seemed to believe we needed some martial references and thought La Marseillaise was an excellent symbol for the French. In view of this, I have penned a quick suggestion.
Farewell to the first born of the Taffs and Jocks and Paddies,
And when we’ve done all that, continue with their Daddies.
I’m a fan of Flanders and Swan and this is one of their best. It’s only at the end you realise that the main joke is actually on the English, which is not surprising as both were left wingers. Swann, despite being a so-called “pacifist”, I believe was a great admirer of the USSR (including visiting it – when that was very rare – and being fluent in Russian) whereas Flanders’ daughter called her father “old school Labour”.
Heard Chris Patten doing his best to explain why a university education entails the right to hear views you don`t like-this in the light of the Cecil Rhodes flim-flam at Oxford Uni, where he`ll be something big I`d say.
John Humphrys street urchin impression of being Devils interrogator of Fat Pang was am-dram tosh…one white millionaire asking another about the latest aimless controversy of their media creatings.
Good jape chaps!
My problem is that these BBC stiffies and EU suckups seem not to have noticed their OWN role in removing “alternative points of view”-say over the EU…UKIP…global warming as a reality…ending immigration…Islamic jihad as a tool in the Ummas armoury to turn us all into serfs and slaves of Allah..that kind of thing.
Bit late now to be quoting Popper now Lord Chris…when Stanford Uni started the whole PC movement in 1980/1 Patten would have seen this as only “good manners…inclusion…etc”.
And we now live with the results. Witness Cologne and Womans Hour.
QED-no further questions. And no further point in the BBC bemoaning the limpdick snowflakes and cornballs we`ve created as “Yoonistewdentz “.
O/T and not BBC related – but unless I’m mistaken that’s the 2nd Santandar advert in a row promoting misgenation – or more specifically; a white woman getting f**ked by a black man (I’ve yet to see an Ad featuring a white male & black female ). Now normally I wouldn’t object to this sort of thing; I might just think ‘hmm, how unusual’ but I’m starting to see a pattern here : it seems just about every advert on telly purporting to show a ‘normal British family’ consists of at least one black male / white female couple. You wouldn’t think Britan was 85% white if you just watched the ads. I think I’ve had enough of this not-so-subtle anti-white-male social engineering by corporates that rely on white males for their income. I’ll be avoiding all Santandar products in future.
Funny you should say that… after watching several soaps followed by the more ethnically diverse these days Midsomer Murders romp last night I said to my partner (a white English female in case you were wondering) ‘Have we missed something here – are mixed race partnerships and marriages now compulsory?’. Judging by the ads and Midsomer itself you night well think so….
Midsomer Murders managed to have a mixed race gay couple, just like every village does. They are really loving pushing Brian True-May’s nose in the dirt aren’t they?
Its all getting too ridiculous now. First they shove in an ethnic pathologist, and now its a mixed race marriage. Do they imagine the public are thick, and don’t see what the agenda is ? Although I’ve seen one or two in a shopping centre, mixed race marriages aren’t exactly the mainstay of life today in Britain – certainly not where I live anyway. Its the same with the adverts, but this have been mentioned on here before.
Steve Hewlett was on the news the other day pouring scorn on Murdochs wedding plans or such.
You`ll not be surprised to know he sprayed NewsCorp with his usual slurry.
He was also on the Media Show( something he made earlier, paid for by the linen suits he used to belong alongside).
He`s making it clear that he`s not happy with any plans to cut the BBC,
See?-“Independent Media Commentators say as one voice-“Save the BBC”.
Or else bloody Rupert will be getting his tits out to read the weather.
That`s the jist-I listened so no-one would need to!
What exactly ARE the listening figures for anything that Howlers Media Produx do…are we talking dead(Newsnight) or comatose(Laurie Taylor)…or moribund( Libby Bloody Purvis)?
What`s the betting now that all those Danish “migrants” at the border will soon be wearing crucifixes and gold wedding rings to show how family oriented and Christian they are…for as long as Jenny Hill or Jon Snow are there and the camera light meters are in the green zone for them?
What then will be the next thing?…well, lots of dopey “Christian Churches” will put out the pastries, turn the pulpits to Mecca and welcome the refugees and the BBC will purr at this.
And then-the suicide bombs, the live stabbings at a church meeting…and the BBC will then say.
“The lone wolf was a Christian convert-so, let`s shut down the churches and banish Christianity as an evil”
Rather like the “let`s remove the faith schools of the Jews and Christians”..because not to do so would be racist Islamoxenophobia…
Coming very soon-it`s called taqqiyya-and once Christianity accepts the hobbling-then comes the deluge of Islam.
Just been listening to Off the Page on 4Extra, this week’s episode entitled Mustn’t Grumble. It’s about the art of complaining, and there are some hilarious bits about how difficult many organisations make it for complainants to get any sort of response. From about 5 minutes in. Obviously the BBC doesn’t feature in any of the anecdotes presented.
On 5Live the Danish government is described as ‘centre-right’ and then on PM on R4 they are referred to as ‘right-wing’. All apropos of their very sensible proposal for migrants who can afford it to pay towards their benefits, but anathema to the BBC, of course.
In all his time as president, I’ve never heard Hollande’s government described by the BBC as ‘left-wing’.
Apologies for no real BBC content but the DT reports today on declining CofE attendances and Justin Welby saying “it was battling to maintain its place in an increasingly “anti-Christian” culture”.
Hello JW, can you remind me who keeps chiding the government to let people in who will increase the anti-Christian culture?
Oh, I see there is a BBC connection after all! If any media organisation is attempting to increase the anti-Christian culture of the nation it is the elephant in the room of U.K. media. Step forward the BBC to collect your prize!
BRITISH broadcasting corporation = pro Muslim,pro feminist, pro Left, pro UAF, pro Hope not Hate, pro child abuse, pro immigration, pro EU, anti British.
Reinforcing the idea that anyone who relies on the BBC for news is being starved to the point of malnutrition, here is a headline from Breitbart London: “Rotherham Abuse Trial: Corrupt Cop Allegedly Protected Violent Member of Child Grooming Gang”
We would not know about the mass sexual abuse of women in Cologne at all, if it were not for Breitbart. They are an ocean of sanity in a world of delusion.
The BBC sticks the knife, a little too enthusiastically, into the barely alive Charlie Hebdo. How the BBC trumpeted the hashtag solidarity of one year ago. Now it administers the coup de grace. BBC hypocrites.
“The magazine has been widely condemned on social media and accused of racism.
Twitter users called the image “disgusting” and “tasteless”, as well as accusing the magazine of racism and Islamophobia.”
I saw the BBC article and the cartoon. It is supposed to be offensive, tasteless, that is the point of the magazine. Now can anyone tell me what is racist about it?
G.W.F., I think it’s racist because anyone can call anything racist these days, isn’t the correct term racialist anyway? Now there is an argument to be had about good taste and Charlie Hebdo, but as you already commented isn’t that what Hebdo does?
Naughty Charlie Hebdo. fancy being anti-islam when all the islamic terrorists did was murder eleven of their staff. What a rotten bunch of islamophobes they are.
For the life of me I can’t understand those (supposed) Euro-sceptics in the Cabinet who are waiting until Dave’s negotiations are over. What on earth is the point. We all know what’s on offer, and far more importantly, what’s not. What most people want is immigration control. There is no way on God’s earth Angela will let us control our borders. I mean in three years time, when their passports come through, someone will have to help mop up the millions of enriching “refugees” living so contentedly in Germany.
Dave’s “negotiating” is a bit like a bloke who’s bought a crappy car from a dodgy dealer and one of the wheels drops off. Our prime minister has had the wreck towed back to the spiv who flogged it to him and has been arguing about replacing the windscreen wipers. It’s not what’s wrong and it’s not what anyone wants. Even now Merkel and her minions are only going to swap one of the wipers.
And yet these Tories are supposedly sitting there happily waiting for the old banger to be dragged back. And you know what. The buggers will tell us Dave’s got us a great deal…”we’re voting to stay in”. Good luck with that.
Clunk click…
They are cowards Jeff, whose first concern is their own worthless and pathetic careers. If Cameron got every single thing he asked for (and he won’t) it would amount to the square root of fuck all. I know it, you know it, they know it, but we have to keep up with this meaningless farce because they don’t want to take a pay cut and go to the back benches after so long climbing the greasy pole.
Yet again tonight’s Points West leads with another sob sob ‘M word’ story. They drag up a story that is five weeks old (why?) and it takes up a 20% of the program. Just post the Paris attacks Ibrahim Ismail was thrown off of a Bristol to London National Express coach, as other passengers felt ‘uncomfortable’ . Cue talk of ‘hate crimes’ and a lack of police to investigate such crimes, double whammy for the BBC a dig at the Tory’s and undertones of racism towards their favourites…
Mr Ismail gives an interview to our ‘local’ reporter Sabet Choudery in full 11th century garb (as he was dressed on the day) complete with an abundance of baggage. Apparently he never reported it to the police, which begs the question how did the BBC find out and why are they reporting it now? Is it beyond them to conceive that post Paris people were genuinely scared and if this guy didn’t want to draw attention to himself why dress in such a way? Could it not be possible that he knew exactly what he was doing? is that compo I can smell?
This wasn’t all, it was also the lead story on tonight’s Inside Out West.
Forgot to add that the story immediately following the above was about the start of the trial of a Gloucestershire man (with a name I cant spell) charged with terrorism offences, the irony is lost on me!
Geoff, they call that “balance” at the BBC, the editorial guidance will be to the effect that you must have a sympathetic muslim story to precede or follow any terrorism related court case story.
Of course the fact they had to go back to November to find a sympathetic story to virtue signal with tells us all that it isn’t “balance” it’s bias……again.
‘The move has been likened by some commentators to the treatment of Jews by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.’
without actually attributing the remark.
Perhaps the BBC got the remarks from their SWP pals who run the UAF, whose FB page carries these comments.
Michael Ngan Don’t forget to check their mouths for gold teeth, and pull them out for the Danes before lock them up in concentration camps..
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Clint Barr Humm!! sounds like what the nazis said to the Jews,
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As I try to avoid exposure to the BBBC news can anyone confirm they have faithfully reported the BMA line about doctors leaving for Australia?
A letter in the DT reminds us that it is £18 to see a GP in Australia and £500 a night in hospital. Now with that sort of extra income…..
Perhaps if a beeboid asked the BMA representative(s) should we follow the Australian way, the answer may not be in the affirmative for some reason, yet they would still like the money!
Alison Pearson, as often, deserves a read. She neatly ties up the “Cologne” (media non-) event and Brexit.
And, similarly, the BBC hasn’t revealed the very strong links between some of the militant junior doctors’ leaders and the far Left organisations whose aim (shared by some of those doctors according to what they have published) of ‘bringing the government down’.
Can you imagine the fuss if any doctor had links to a ‘far Right’ organisation with a seditious aim?
Bbbc look east this evening reported a car that exploded, according to a witness”like a bomb going off” on the m11 today. Bomb disposal squad attended, and police are refusing to “rule anything out” . Southbound m11, stanstead? London? Jihadi?
43 yr old “Foyzal Islam” named as the driver. Car exploded in the fast lane “like a bomb going off” according to eye witnesses,no collision, police still investigating. I dont expect much investigating from the bbbc, but it seems fishy to me.
A different angle on the feminazi remarks above ref Cologne etc.
Up in Durham University, a male student has just been acquitted of a rape charge. In essence he had consensual sex with a female student.
He has lost his course, failed his degree and has his personality traduced on the social media. He is named and known, and may struggle to get a decent job.
His female accuser, who by definition the jury has decided was not to be believed, remains anonymous and this is protected by law.
I find this utterly deplorable.
Needless to say, no mention of it on the bBBC ‘right on’ news
Oh well done Beeb!
Yet another undercover sting on a private provider for the runts of our society-and unsurprisingly, given the crap pay and conditions, we get some oafs in there.
A care home a few years ago-a Young Offenders Institute today.
And-given the extremes, lack of time and the low status of the work-with difficult “clients”-things are crap at times.
But guess what-the STATE provision doesn`t get the undercover stings.
SCHOOLS?…SOCIAL SERVICES?…CHILDRENS HOMES?…PRISONS?…MENTAL WARDS?…and what about BBC editorial undercover stings or how Hope Not Hate behave? How footballers spend their time after matches?
No-G4S again(shit as they are) and the piss-stainede remnant of a care home or two…whilst Mid Staffs, Strasbourg or halal slaughter gets absolutely NO coverage.
The lowest of the low hanging fruit,…and never camera or bug in the room when we`re looking at Kids Company or how Graham Nortons salary is decided upon.
“Jihadi Johns replacement was not agreed in a democratically-sustainable way…Panorama shows tonight that the new IS spokesman with a British accent did NOT adhere to his home-school agreement as he took his kid to Syria-Orla Guerin reports”
I`d watch THAT anyway…
“”The next ice age may have been delayed by over 50,000 years because of the greenhouse gases put in the atmosphere by humans, scientists in Germany say””
As many here will be aware, Dr Moore is one of the founders of Greenpeace, who left the organisation after realising that its grasp on science was terminally failing, and who disagrees quite radically with the CAGW crowd, while retaining his ecological campaigning credentials in other respects. He has been understandably ‘unperson’-ed by the climate alarmists. The talk above proposes that contrary to today’s received wisdom, it is human emissions of substantial quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere that are likely to preserve life on earth, providing we don’t quixotically abandon the enterprise now. As a fascinating aside he points out the quadrillion tons of carbon that are currently sequestered in the global burden of carbonaceous rocks, quite dwarfing the amounts contained in fossil fuels, and even the outgassing by volcanoes. He is an apparent enthusiast for increasing atmospheric CO2 quite significantly from its current level, on the basis that it would lead to a boom in plant life, and therefore animal life too. Interesting talk.
Its the Atmospheric Physics in this BBC article which is fraudulent. But Astronomers can blame the United Nations for that, if they are found out, in future. As Piers Corbyn would say, the evidence is that only a maximum of 4 percent (16 percent of the 100pm increase) of CO2 could be man-made. Apart from repeating the details about the 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase, as the answer to that. The proof of the fraud comes from three scientific papers. (1) “Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad” shows up the scientific fraud in the Carbon Cycle for man-made CO2. (2) CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time by Zbigniew Jaworowski, shows that Ice Core data underestimates CO2 levels of the past, which is proven by (3) “180 years of Atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods” (2007) by Ernst-Georg Beck”. THIS IS CENSORED BY THE BBC as it would prove that all articles not censored by the BBC where based on scientific fraud.
Staggering claims in the article you link DS, totally unprovable too given the timescale, it’s a win win for the “science” once again.
From the same article ,
“In the south, a vast expanse of what are now Chile and Argentina were also iced up.” I picture a headphoned yoof with one eye on youtube writing this rather vague drivel.
Even in the very unlikely event of another ice-age being delayed at all, I would still far rather avoid an ice age, than have to adapt to the very very moderate climate change which is most definitely occuring. The earth is always much more abundant with far richer bio-diversity when it is warming, than during an ice age.
So IF we have managed to delay an ice age, then that is cause for much celebration! Hooray for CO2!
I don’t think you’ve grasped this one Old Bloke. The article demonstrates (to Harrabin) that he is right! The ‘pause’ can now be revealed by the BBC with the explanation that the temperature ‘increase’ has merely been offset by the ‘decrease’ forced by our near miss of an ice age! Phew! Another hole for Harrabin to dig in.
I do like how certain these BBC preferred ‘scientists’ are. Commenting on the study, Prof Eric Wolff…….”It represents a nice confirmation that there is a relatively simple way of estimating the combination of insolation and CO2 to start an ice age,” he told the Science Media Centre. Yep. Simple. He must be right! He’s got computers, computer models and a professorship at Cambridge. Confirmed.
But correlations between temperature and carbon dioxide levels have an 800 year lag after the temperature. That seems sufficiently simple for people on the Weatheraction website and in Mensa. Computer Models can produce any fictional fantasy that you want, as long as you use it to predict the future.
The fact that the “length of the Solar Cycle” always correlates with Climate Change. And the scientists (CENSORED BY THE BBC) who use Planetary motions to predict this, retrospectively predicted that Global Warming would end in 1997, and then predict that the pause, or peak as they say, will end in 2018. But that it will be a mini-ice-age. Other scientists such as Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, who directly prove that carbon dioxide has a zero greenhouse effect are also CENSORED BY THE BBC.
This proves that a scientist has too commit scientific fraud to escape censorship by the BBC. Either that or avoid talking about Climate science.
The Old Bloke
Yes, but here is the rub…… the global warming experts (or whatever they call themselves) will claim that the action we have already taken to prevent ‘warming’ is taking effect!
‘Heads they win tails we loose’. 🙂
i am getting sick of people on AlBeeb saying they don’t know what British values are! I am ashamed to say they might have a point. When I was young, nearly sixty years ago. Fair play, decency, helping your neighbour in difficult times, speaking out and saying your piece without fear of being arrested for being an ‘ist’. Manners were important, please and thank you,in my case alays being reminded to tuck my shirt in and take a pride in your appearance, comb your hair. Marriages seemed to last longer, lose your job one week and get a different one the next down the road at the other factory, pubs were social gatherings mainly for men, wives seemed to want to stay at home and look after the children, NHS had less administration, nurses had great uniforms, murders were rare, less people on benefits -you had to work or people looked down their nose at you if unemployed, roads were safer with less cars, children played football with jumpers as goal posts. Clever kids broke out of deprivation and went to Grammer. Family life seemed to thrive. Men learnt trades which promised work for life.
Values probably evolve from the society in which you live, looking back, because of the liberal left and multiculturalism being pushed onto us our values have been diluted and slipped. The word tolerance has been given too much weight as a mainstream value. We have been told to be tolerant by politicians in order to self fulfill the prophesy. I remember my older relatives being intolerant the people with bad values and would tell them to their face. Tolerance was not very highup on the list in as a value in those days. It is a made up value to get the indigenous populace accomodate multiculturism. Our values have by and large changed, and much for the worse.
I’m afraid to say that we have lost our identity and are now a country without values.
Life seemed so much more straightforward in those days. I am minded by a quote from Nye Bevan, it went something like,
‘Progress is all well and good but it is how it affects the individual what counts’.
Almost all of the above changes can, one way or another, be laid at the door of Cultural Marxism.
The irony is that many of the values you describe (most of them, actually) were solidly upheld by the working class and yet it is the ‘Left’ that has worked so hard to destroy them.
My long since departed Grandpa always drummed into me, as a child, never make someone earn your respect, you give respect automatically, they can only lose your respect.
He was always a Labour voter until Wilson gained office and cut his war pension, he risked his life on many occasions on the Atlantic convoys. He voted Tory thereafter. He saw this act of Wilson’s as a lack of decency and respect.
Respect for each other is another value long since departed from the British psyche. The opinions of the elderly were listened to, we were taught to respect our elders.
Politicians then were older and had worked in other jobs or fought in the war. The very best from the top universities went into politics. Nowadays they go into business. The direction of change for this country has been dictated by incompetent weak politicians. The AlBeeb has been a major player in this country’s demise, promoting every value against those we called British and pushing down our throats the multicultural word tolerance, which we never were as a country.In essence our forefathers ‘never took any crap’. If they did those who threw it got double back. That is how it really was.
We are today a left leaning suppressed society, if that’s being tolerant then they can stick the word where the sun don’t shine.
Following on from your comment Wronged, I would add that we now live in an age where ‘casual dress’ has slowly creeped into all areas of life. The number of presenters/guests who appear on Beeb and other channels tieless, the contestants who appear on game shows dressed as though they are going to a football match, the state of visitors apparel when visiting patients in hospital., anoraks at the theatre, I could go on, and why ? do people no longer ‘like’ dressing nicely? On the Continent you don’t see anyone dressed like a builder visiting a friend or relative in hospital, so why here ? but sadly even medics have shunned the white coat, which was always a reassuring sight when feeling ill – but now they turn up in their Fat Face gear. This casual attitude has also seeped into they way we are addressed. What’s the point of being married if the Mr or Mrs is never referred to; time and again I’m asked for my first name and then its the name I’m addressed by – and sod whether I care or not about being referred to as Mrs …… Ah well, I comfort myself that I’ve experienced the best years (even with David Bowie) in a mainly immigrant free country, and if the younger generations vote for staying in Europe, then they deserve all they get in life.
Medics didn`t “shun the white coat” they were ordered by the Department of Health to stop wearing them due to “infection risk”, strangely, ties too were ordered to be removed in clinical areas…”infection risk” again.
Oddly though full beards, man buns, turbans and flowing headscarves pose no such risk.
Watching Sky news re strike by the doctors I saw a consultant SIT on a patients bed, my old Matron would have ripped him a new one, not only was he transferring germs but showing disrespect by not addressing the patient as Mr .
Here in France even my neighbour still calls me Dame (south of France so not Madame) and doffs his cap to me. At times we joke that where we are it’s like being back in the 80’s in UK
(apropos the Dept of Health deeming white coats an ‘infection risk’ – funny how medics in Swiss Hospitals still wear Persil white coats with no adverse effects !!)
wronged, the beeboids and their friends throughout the governing class are the hypocritical pushers of a giant fraud that they call “meritocracy”.
Their kids, on the whole, go to public schools, selective grammars or high performing comprehensives where the old values are still taught, and where high academic standards are linked with access to further education and the social networks offering entry to the well paid jobs of the future.
This is why they hate the Christian faith schools, who continue to provide opportunity to those outside the new elites secular, multicultural and fixed “meritocracy”, this is why they hated and destroyed the opportunity that all kids used to have in being given the chance of entry to the 11 plus with the possibility of access to the grammar schools of our youth.
It is the children of the underlings who are being prepared for the lives of sloppiness, low standards and a single value…can you compete with cheap, foreign labour for work?
I wonder what proportion of the average Briton’s ‘knowledge’ of Donald Trump has been supplied by the BBC? Quite a bit I expect. Is Hillary Clinton in prison yet BBC? If not, why not? Could the BBC explain this with a few articles?
No. We have this pro H Clinton female empowerment mush piece.
It Suits Al Beeb who often tell us that we have been multicultural since Roman times – they often promote the ethnics that populated our land, but ‘Joseph of Arimathea’ ? He’s the wrong type of ethnic for Al Beeb .
Al Beeb Propaganda in full force.
Where, oh where is our John Whittingdale , what does he do, what is his purpose ? Time to get rid of Al Beeb vote here ………………………….
Quite right AMUN sab!
Diarmad McCullough is a professional plastic paddy-to be fair, he knows his stuff and only the BBC would select THAT quote of his.
McCullough won`t get much from RTE-so like many cultured Oirish types of Trinity College, Dublin-gets a nifty wad of cash he`ll NOT be blowing in the pubs of County Kilburn this Friday night.
Only Irish in a Colm Toibin way…and to accused by the irish of “self-promotion” is a bit galling.
This country lets O`Bhama pretend he`s a son of the Gael as well…gets Jack Charlton to show them how to play football…and lets Elvis Costello lead them all in a rousing rebel song from the stage at “Englands Royal Albert Hall”!
Amidst the ermines and pearls, the likes of Peter Sutherland, Mary Robinson and Bono…they sing of crushing the British state-while leeching off the BBC, EU grants and “the Riverdance Effect”.
No-any country that has a wrinkly thick nomark of a garden gnome like Michael O Higgins as its current President is not a serious proposition…it`s as self-mocking as having the French put Hollande as their soggy bottomed Mr Pastry as THEIR new DE Gaulle!
PS-Hollandes presidential inauguration getting soaked in an open top car is funny-hope the EU haven`t cleared it from YouTube, don`t seem to be able to find it!
All exertion of authority, whether the making or the enforcement of law, the taking of collective decisions of an executive (i.e. not legislable) character, the imposition and collection of taxes, the judgment of causes—in short, all duress brought to bear by the society upon the individual—proceeds from one source, and that source an internal and native one. The England of Henry VIII found it impossible that its laws should be made, that its causes should be judged, or that a revenue should be procured from it by an external authority. In other words, there was no such thing as external authority: the expression was a contradiction in terms… There is a name for appealing over the head of the Crown to an authority outside the realm, and that name is treason. The word may be disused, but the thing is not; and the penalties of praemunire, which those guilty of it formerly incurred, were not disproportionate to its seriousness.
We`ve got ourselves an alternative Thought For The Day…indeed there once WAS a Book of Enoch in the books available for theOld Testament…maybe we need to staple a few of his sections into The Gideons Bibles-while we can still own one, as opposed to McDonnells preferred Little Red Book…that of Comrade Mao.
Not far from reality either Welby, you dope you! I’m unsure as to why thus has become in issue all of a sudden. Normally the powers that be do their best to ignore the English as an ethnic group. ~Incidentally ICM polls who I filled out n opinion poll for on the back of one of my complaints has failed to reply to me as why English was not a separate entry of the racial diversity section.
Personally I’d back England belongs to me by Cock sparer but that’s just me.
Your right 666 Noel Edmunds is at this very moment harnessing the right wing punishment squads at Crinkly Bottom to smash all Asylum Seekers ! Hence we will need more armed Officers to protect all these engineers, surgeons and all these poor children from this bearded Nazi!
Slightly off point but sort of relevant and at risk of sounding like a rightous anger lefty. It is interesting how the left and especially the BBC have tried to sex up the migrant story into somthing holacaust like.
I was reading a magazine article at the weekend about a girl who survived the concentration camps. She had been forced to leave home, had her family ripped apart in the camps, brutalised, starved, family members murdered…………
What the hell are we doing to these refugees in the western world – Its like history repeating itself.
We have forced all their young males to come here from all over Africa as well as the Midle East (fortunately most of the troublesome christians and yazdis were left in the middle east)
We have written identity numbers on their arms with dry marker pens (I am sure none of them threw away their identity cards)
We have even asked some of them to give up some of their jewellery to help pay for their keep.
We have complained when some of the poor boys had a little bit of fun at Cologne (after all boys will be boys)
We are changing the exam system in this country to fit in with Ramadan
Ye Gods – what Barbarians we have become! How can we treat these poor people so badly!
The MSM and particularly the BBC are so arrogant that they know they have a right to use any act no matter how brutal or degraded to draw false parallels and so to justify their world view.
I f I was a jew who had lost family members in the Holocaust I think I would be constantly puking over all this faux moral outrage and disengenous reporting. How Cohen and Yentob could hold their heads so high I will never know.
As if any would be armed police officer would DARE to shoot a Duggan or a drug runner in Tottenham.
They`d be up before May and Hogan Howe…but more importantly Abbott, Livingston and Shiner…before you know it.
Maybe we could train them to use swords instead…or maybe ricin in a brolly.
Pathetic…the State no longer backs its “security personnel”-unless they`re arming Islam, or neutering any resistance to the feral druggies who comprise their “client base and core voters”.
While I’m at it I should mention that bombs are going off in Jakarta. Despite being a 98% muslim country the event will have nothing to do with Islam no doubt.
On another topic I hear that there will soon be a by-election in the constituency of Ogmore. A safe labour seat but UKIP need to try to take it. So, Taffman, we are relying on you! Time to stop harassing poor old Essex Man and get campaigning. Back your candidate, grab the leaflets, pound the streets. Good Luck!
Get ‘Land of My Farage’ echoing across the valleys
Yasser Dasmibehbi
We are on the case . It was ‘Land of My Fathers’ until Al Beeb and changed all that .
Car Moron is carrying on where ‘B’ liar left off.
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Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
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Our beloved, globally to die for national broadcasting envy of the world this morning poses this earth shattering and critical question:
Answers on the back of a postcard, and sent to the planet Zog please
‘And scientists are finding more evidence to suggest that even biological sex is a spectrum.’
Sounds like these ‘scientists’ are taking a sabbatical from their ‘climate change’ theorising.
Kinnell, beam me up Scotty (no, not you).
‘We’ likely don’t. The BBC clearly could not do without.
Is Zog where Dr. Frank N. Furter hails from?
Nope that was Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania…….A very misspent youth by me carrying on into growing old disgracefully LOL
Worried that further confusion with ZOB, a small child in the Rowan Atkinson Sketch of The School Master
Zog is the planet where Edward dwells.
A utopian place where there are no white people.
Yes we do need new genders – I suggest Men, Women, Wimmin and Evan Daves !
Aren’t the 4 genders “in no particular order” male, female, hermaphrodite and immature?
Or are we not talking biology?
It’s probably been posted on here countless times, but this video proves how vile the BBC is.
This was nothing short of a character assassination.
Like him or loathe him, Robinson wasn’t allowed to put his opinions across. Instead, the host – typical of all BBC employees – decided to shut him down, whilst at the same time ridiculing his beliefs.
The BBC seems to have decided to hitch themselves to the Transgender agenda this week. We’re all of us (except maybe some enlightened feminists and gay comedians) suffering from Transophobia (hurrah – a new stick with which to bash Middle Enland). We need educating, society needs to be re-programmed to accept the ‘reality’ of the full spectrum of human sexuality.
I think i may invest in shares in toilets. We’re going to need a lot of toilets.
Actually a local toilet shop locally had to close down recently as it was required to put in a coffee machine.
“Iran’s Revolutionary Guards take lead on foreign affairs”
A balanced and objective piece? Don’t be silly, it’s just an advert for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as far as I can see with a bit of anti-Jewish rhetoric thrown in for good measure.
“We will fight to the end to destroy Israel”
“The liberation of Jerusalem is near,”
And this is the country that Obama want’s to let back onto the world stage believing they will halt their nuclear weapons program ? Hilarious.
Obama, you clueless, liberal twat.
You’re giving liberal twats a bad name.
What do you do after giving them a bad name?
Correct, hang them.
Excellent article by Jane Kelly on Conservative Woman – “Feminist BBC would rather canonise Bowie than admit the ugly truth of Cologne” –
Apologies for reposting this article by Anne Marie Waters (Nov 2015) but it bears re-reading – “Western women will be sacrificed at the altar of mass migration” –
It is not just feminists who are betraying women, it is all of us who believe that women have made their own beds and can now lie in them. Western women may have decided they “need men like a fish needs a bicycle”, but times have changed and we men need to grow a pair and start protecting our women and girls, our wives and daughters whether they want protection or not. The worm has turned.
Swedish police say they “made a mistake” not telling public about attacks
… but it was “not a cover up”
is that a cover up of a cover up?
BBC Newsnight
“We didn’t tell” says it all!
By tradition we had three monkeys, ‘hear no evil, see no evil, say no evil’, now we have mono-monkey that possesses all the characteristics.
‘Aware of the crime, but did not make them public’.
No cover up… but didn’t tell.
Hmm. Awkward. At least the police alone are under flak. Must be over the target.
ps: The media doesn’t talk about much either. Or like democratic parties riding high in the polls for some odd reason. Oh, and ‘right wing groups’.
One person prosecuted. That’s one more than in Rotherham
Remember BBC’s fawning over Shaker Aamer? I wrote to my Conservative MP (who is very good) and he requested a response from the Home Office regarding Aamer’s legal status here, and his repatriation from Guantanamo. Here is the reply from the Minister. If you have high blood pressure move on to the next post.
Seems the picture link does not seem to work but the reply from Rt Hon James Brokenshire is;
No legal aid was provided to Aamer at gitmo. In an arrangement with the USA to clear prisoners from gitmo they arranged his repatriation to the UK on a private chartered jet at UK tax payer expense. In terms of his current residency status they are not prepared to comment under DPA.
My question was; Aamer is a Saudi national who was granted asylum in the UK. He left of his own volition to Afghanistan and openly admits to admiring the Taliban and life under the Taliban. The moment he left the UK he forfeited his right to protection by the UK. Why was he repatriated to the UK?
Glad to see bBBC folk are keeping tabs on the Shaker Aamer situation. The government clearly hopes we will all forget it! Brokenshire’s reply suggests that the only reason we took this undesirable man back was that we cooked a deal with the Americans. The legal status of this man ( not a British national, an asylum seeker who skipped off to Afghanistan etc) counts for nothing. Of course we can’t annoy our Saudi ‘friends’ (bankers to ISIS) by dumping Aamer back there. So we are stuffed. The £1million ‘compensation’ payment to him is no doubt pending. Perhaps a role with CAGE? I wonder how much his wife and kids have cost in welfare over the years? Makes you proud to be British doesn’t it?
Never let it be said that the terminally unfunny Susan Calman is predictable. Yesterday she was on Matthew Parris’ lightweight show ‘Great Lives’ talking about Molly Weir. Actually, she was talking about herself with the effete host occasionally steering her gently back onto the subject. With the show almost finished I was beginning to think she wasn’t going to get a mention of her other half into the conversation. Right at the end she was presented with a book and, amazingly, she managed to use that to shoehorn the phrase ‘my wife’ into proceedings. Good work Susan.
I heard the announcement just before the programme started and I thought that surely the BBC’s own Susan was too young to have remembered Molly Weir, perhaps we were about to be told something about her sexuality that was never of importance before?
I took it as a given that Susan would get her catch phrase ‘my wife’ in somewhere and that that ‘joke’ was wearing a bit thin now. Consequently I left the mixed-up duo to their own interpretations and listened to some music instead.
Brilliant, I thought it was just me that was annoyed by that idiot that seems to be on everything at the moment…
Just caught a little of the Beeb’s coverage of St Barack of Obama’s State of the Union address on the news.
Naturally they focussed on his mention of the adherents to the Religion of Peace and their permanent status as victims.
He mentioned that it wasn’t right for Muslims to be caused offence (heaven forefend!!) – for a mosque to get vandalised or for a child to be called names (can you imagine the horror of a child being called names?).
Now I’m not sure if he mentioned the hundreds gunned down in cold blood or murdered by suicide bombers on an almost daily basis across the globe in the name of Islam?
Or the thousands of women and children raped and slaughtered across the globe in the name of Islam on an almost daily basis?
But if he did (and I’d love to know if he did), the BBC certainly didn’t cover it in their item.
But why would they – that would be deemed culturally insensitive right?
In a radio interview about Obama’s usual empty rhetoric Jon Sopel must have said ‘kind of’ 10 times in 2 minutes. I expect that of ill-educated teenagers brought up on American TV programmes but not a ‘serious’ BBC reporter. Oh by the way Jon Sopel is very impressed by Obama. I don’t think that will in fact be the verdict on him at least in foreign policy terms. It will be left to his successor to extinguish ISIS and to face the consequences of the appeasement of Iran.
I guess it doesn’t really matter now whether Obama is a Muslim pretending to be a secularist pretending to be a Christian. After 2 terms in office the damage is done. However, I find it instructive in the following BBC clip that as he says “When politicians insult Muslims……” he simultaneously brings his right hand up, palm facing towards himself. Is he referring to himself as a politician or as a muslim? The answer to that is probably “Who cares anymore?”. Nonetheless his body language is revealing.
Let’s hope that after January 2017 when he hands over to the next President, we have heard the last of him. I think we should pray that he doesn’t take over as head of the UN when Ban Ki Moon steps down at about the same time.
A case is being made for Obama to replace Banky. One hopes that the US tax payers will not resist calls to defund the UN.
Nogginator at 11.20am
In the finest traditions of ‘Alice in Wonderland’, our esteemed state broadcaster on the Toady R4 programme this morning reported in all seriousness, as a news item, that the press/media have been reluctant to mention immigration in the context of the Cologne and, as we now discover, earlier Stockholm attacks.
‘You couldn’t make it up’ does not really come close.
But they are listening, with featured comments probably through a very fine filter…
BBC News
2 hrs ·
Join the #BBCWorldDebate on the future of Europe and tell us how well do you think European leaders are dealing with the refugee crisis? Can the Schengen system of open borders survive? Leave your thoughts below for our live debate from Davos on January 22nd.
LIVE on BBC World News – January 22nd, 2016
Comments already unlikely to be ‘thoughts’ editorial integrity BBC-style keen to share.
Sat in my van having my cheese sarnies,jezza vine has got bonnie greer on. Sarnies nearly make reappearance,off switch just in time. What a bloody drip that man is.
Can anyone explain why Bonnie Greer is on the bBBC so much? Apart from being foreign, anti-British, black, feminist and Marxist, I can’t think of a reason.
Oh no but she’s not foreign is she? “She acquired British citizenship in 1997″wicki. She’s Gor blimey Mary Poppins apples & pears british. At least she can never be English. From the multitude of jobs she has she is obviously outstanding…although I’m not sure at exactly what.
She is ugly, even her name is ugly.
IslamicAl-Beeb thrives on ugliness, it must; most of their preferred persons are congenitally unattractive.
Muslims, ugly, Africans ugly.
Which is the reason the dregs of the planet Muzzies have been kidnapping and enslaving white girls for a millennium, and mass rape them today.
I understand that the houris in Islamic heaven are white.
So where is the condemnation of these racist Muzzies from the world’s most trusted broadcaster?
Answers inscribed on the corpse of Tony Blair please.
I tuned in towards the end of her – what would you call it – sermon?
She sounded like a female HAL, all flesh-creepingly soothing reassurance about our exciting, borderless, stateless future – we are a migratory species, doncha know? – where all nations have become one and Artificial Intelligence caters to our every need. Apparently, in this brave new world humanity will have to learn to be ‘flexible’, like it will be a first. Yes, flexible – she used that word a lot. And so much of her futuristic ball-gazing is actually ‘fact’, presumably using models from a ‘settled science’ not a million miles away from Lord Hall Hall’s laboratory suite at Babel Towers (Room 101, somewhere below the basement).
As for Vines hushed, reverential reaction at the end of it: oh, sweet Jesus, it was Bonnie receiving the holy Agenda 21 burnt into tablets of stone by Gaia herself.
The BBC couldn’t get worse, you think, but somehow they always manage to pull it out of the bag.
What a filthy, disgusting, steaming pile of hard left propagandist shite they are.
I just caught lickspittle Vine’s sycophantic introduction of her and hit the “off” switch – silence is always a better option than listening to that rambling, American @rsehole.
Yeah it was bad- even by the bbc /jezza vine usual standards. Its almost like they are clutching at liberal straws. Earlier in the show i heard a bit about Denmark,guess what,the Danish woman caller i heard was”ashamed” of what her country is doing. Whodathought eh?
If I understood Bonnie Greer right we have to give over our future to those with their heads stuck permanently up against their smart phones. Somehow between all their ‘liking’, ‘re-tweeting’ etc. they will start thinking ‘flexibly’, unlike the Chinese who, being racially inferior, don’t posses this trait.
In this ‘Brave New World’ everyone will have multiple-identities and none and will live in a multi-cultural mishmash, everything and nothing, rooted to their i-phone but rootless.
Indeed the smart phone will be one’s essential interface with the world, a mobile ‘safe space’ populated solely by one’s ‘friends’. Physical neighbours and relationships will be avoided as it will be impossible to know if one’s clothing, expression or language are offensive or ‘triggering’ to the ‘other’.
Her solution will be that we all earn a living by producing ‘content’ for the virtual world that we will all live in via our phones! What makes us human is becoming a computer!
13.1.16 Newsnight BBC2. Long post warning.
Newsnight is easy pickings for overt BBC bias. The bias is engrained in the political and cultural upbringings and lives of the left wing, moneyed metropolitan/cosmopolitan/interantional elite and aspiring elite, who dominate the Newsnight staff, top to bottom (or should that be left to far left?) Consistent features of this bias are moral relativism, Pro left/progressive/liberal, pro big-state, intellectual arrogance, pro multiculturalism and anti-English. The bias is served up by the bbc staff and their hand picked co-cultural commentariat and intellectual favourites, and don’t forget’ ‘we’re all immigrants’, even if we are not.
Having reviewed Newsnight for bBBC readers for many months leading up to GE2015 and a little beyond, I had given myself a well-earned rest from the relentless broadcasts – supporting the unsupportable, ignoring the un-ignorable, deriding those with wisdom, giving voice to the extremists and their supporters, silencing and stigmatising those whose words need to be heard. Tonight, however, I braved part of the program as a discussion on Sweden/immigration/sexual assaults/rape/Rotherham was to be aired.
The discussion included no English guests. All guests were pro-immigration. Nesrine Malik, pro-uncontrolled immigration (columnist?), Sunny Hundall, immigration enthusiast (blogger) and Fraser Nelson, Pro EU, Cameronite pro-immigration advocate (Spectator Editor). Chaired by comrade Evan Davies. Faux confusion from Davies who ensured that the ‘debate’ had no theme, substance or clarity. I was certainly confused. Were they discussing immigration, or rape, or culture, or liberalism, or ethnic integration, immigrants, crime, police cover ups, Rotherham? At one point Mr Hundall appeared to view rape as a bump in the road in the life of a third world migrant. Not once did the question arise (Evan will not ask it), why do our governments wish to force the people to accommodate ever increasing proportions of foreigners, including Muslims, into our country? Is it not OK for England to be, well, where English people live? Evidently not for very long. If Newsnight insist on foreigners, why not hear Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Anne Marie Waters and Gurt Wilders bounce a few ideas and theories around? At least they are educated on the real substance of the issues.
Ongoing analysis of the BBC’s output is becoming futile. The ambivalence that all reporters and guests had for the following was truly shameful:
The many hundreds of victims of rape in Germany, Denmark, Austria, Sweden, France… in co-ordinated attack on NYE.
The severity of the crimes.
That the police (in UK and throughout Europe) are not working for the people.
That the police would hide crimes based on the race of perpetrators and think that that is OK.
That the police decide whether to pursue criminals based on party political popularity considerations.
The English.
That sexual assault and rape are ‘cultural differences’. Sunny Hundall.
That girls in Rotherham get raped, but it matters not because Fraser Nelson states (erroneously) that the ‘perps’ were born in the UK. (Reason check Fraser:- If Muslim men of predominantly Pakistani origin of all ages rape white girls, whether they have been in the country two weeks or two decades that maybe suggests that integration may not be a ‘given’, doncha-think?)
The BBC talking-head pool is terminally morally bankrupt. Fraser Nelson too.
I’m an ordinary Englishman with legitimate concerns about the welfare of the sons and daughters, the grandsons and grand-daughters of my neighbours and compatriots. I have no ill-will towards an immigrant, who integrates, works and lives a peaceful life respectful of English Law and thankful to the English people who have given him/her such a privilege – to live a life on English soil! That’s what it is to be English, tolerant and welcoming – especially of those who have been subject to persecution. But it is a privilege that should be respected and offered by our representatives rarely, with humility towards the people, and with good reason, in each case granted. In what passes for the public realm of discourse, the BBC, the Guardian, other main stream media, we now have a drowning and demonising of English history and Englishness and basic principles of birthright and property rights, a perceived truth that foreigners have a right to enter our country without the consent of the people. Our law makers have ceded sovereignty to foreign powers and our borders are sieves where criminal and illegal immigrants stake a claim to that which they have no right – a piece of England. Can a logical, reasoning Englishman who understands Islam, its teachings and the recorded activities and histories of the people who submit to it (Muslims) think that a government that allows even one of its adherents to take up residence or own land in England is acting in the interests of the people of England? I would like to hear his/her argument to suggest that it would be if such an Englishman can be found.
Newsnight reflects the BBC culture. The Licence Fee has to go. The Polish government is doing the right thing in trying to rid the broadcast media of the ‘Cultural Marxism’ with which it has been infected. The infections in our UK institutions run deep and can only be peacefully healed through our parliamentary democracy, however damaged its reputation has become.
“……I don’t want to change the world, I’m not looking for a New England” Billy Bragg. Seems like I’ve got a New England, whether I wanted it or not. We’ll have to make it into something good, but a change in direction is needed.
Oh, and Jeremy Hunt was the only contributor to the ‘Doctor on Strike’ piece who actually reflected what the people are interested in – a 7 day a week service. A stretched NHS is nothing to do with uncontrolled immigration though, and financial constraints have nothing to do with our busted economic system (any doctors know the national debt? The deficit?) Dumb, obfuscatory, leftist, head in the sand BBC, cheerleading us along ‘the Road to Serfdom’.
I never wanted to involve myself in politics. Now I feel it is an obligation, because the times, they are a changin’. Nothing can improve until we are out of the EU, and once we leave there will be much work to do.
Vote Leave, Take Control. Vote UKIP. Join UKIP. For Common Sense in governance, not Common Purpose.
Your post was long ,but it was worth the read. I agree with most of it. However, you state that you bear immigrants no ill will. A few years ago I would have shared that view but no longer, particularly if they are Muslim. I retired four years ago and have had time to watch with despair what is happening to our country. The usual English feelings of fairness and tolerance have been driven out of me by the liberal left policy of mass immigration and I now want all immigration stopped and for us to start taking strong action to ensure that the creeping Islamification of our country is reversed. I’m afraid that this now informs my views on all manner of topics, eg the EU , I am now firmly an outer, not because I am against Europeans working and living here , but because of what Merkel has done in inviting millions of Muslims into Germany, and hence Europe, and the long term impact on the UK. I loath the BBC and most of the rest of the MSM because of the way they try to brainwash us into accepting Muslims by the boat load, no lie being to gross if it helps their narrative. I am suspicious of the motives of the police because they are so fearful of being seen as non PC . The list goes on and on.
To me the evidence is clear, Muslim migrants harbour dangerous men and women who wish us great harm, and events show that even those who aren’t actively aggressive at present can easily become so in future. Integration is a pipe dream , look at the rape gangs in Rotherham, and half a hundred other towns, many of the perpetrators were second , third or even fourth generation migrants, look at the number of UK citizens who joined ISIL , look at the % who support the attacks in Paris. Islam and our values simply don’t mix and given a few decades Europe and the UK will be unrecognisable and our culture and civilisation lost forever. But you will never hear this truth on the BBC. Almost all our politicians seem not to care or are too frightened to say anything , let alone do anything, by the likes of the BBC. I don’t believe that you can create a stable, fair and open society built around people of vastly differing value sets and beliefs. History tells us it will all end in appalling violence ,a catastrophe for all concerned. Yet the liberal left plough on with their insane plan. You have to be gullible beyond belief to think it will all work out well and that there will be a happy ending for all involved . What I am certain of is that the best first step that can be taken to address this existentialist problem is to close down the BBC, who I see as the propaganda foghorn of the those hell bent of forcing us down the road of mass immigration and consequent Islamification.
‘The usual English feelings of fairness and tolerance have been driven out of me by the liberal left policy of mass immigration and I now want all immigration stopped and for us to start taking strong action to ensure that the creeping Islamification of our country is reversed. I’m afraid that this now informs my views on all manner of topics…’
Well said Doublethinker. My feelings too. And I agree – the BBC is too powerful. It has to be taken down
That reminds me of what a U.S. Senator from the South (whose name eludes me) said during the American civil rights era of the 1960’s: “A cure for Liberalism is a stiff dose of negroes.”
The same applies here, all the Progressives who think we should welcome the world and all four of his wives to live here and destroy our nation (at our expense, of course) need to be sent to live as an infidel in a (poor) Islamic country or to reside in one of the many thriving Muslim s**t holes we have here, and I don’t mean for 3 days but 3 – 6 months; though I doubt many of them would last that long – especially the women.
I wonder how many would still believe unfettered, mass immigration from Muslim and Third World states is still a great idea?
What you are proposing is a dose of reality. Unfortunately, as we know, leftists don’t do reality. They think the world should be what Marx said it would be, not what it is. I am going to call this Corbyn’s Law in honour of the great man.
I also saw the Newsnight ‘debate’ on immigration/sexual violence etc and agree with you about its lack of balanced coverage. All the contributors were pro-immigration and the worst of them (female blogger/person with no credentials to be there) didn’t really want to link muslim immigration with sexual violence at all. She certainly didn’t see it as a reason to reduce immigration and no doubt will be cheering and whooping when another million or so hit Europe next summer. Any attempt at balance would have included at least one person who represents what used to be called the indigenous population and has had enough of uncontrolled immigration.
“truly shameful”
Pretty much sums up BBC news and current affairs.
Great post apart from the reference to 7 day NHS.
Yes doctors are fully aware of the deficit / national debt that was created by the Bankers, which by the way, was higher when the NHS was created!! (You clearly swallowed Govt. propaganda on that one).
Here in Cumbria there is minimal demand for Saturday/ Sunday GP services. My wife is a GP and has tried to introduce this with appropriate publicity, but virtually no-one turned up over the few weeks it was running! She’s also been trying FOR A YEAR to get another GP to join what is a well run practice in a beautiful, not remote area. Ask yourself WHY? Also WHY are junior doctors so angry? I assure you the vast majority are certainly not members of the liberal left or part of some sinister Trades Union conspiracy.
With regards to Hospital services, there already is a 7 day week service, I find it Interesting that some of us choose to believe the “science” behind slimy Jeremy H(c)unt’s numbers (indicating higher death rates at weekend) but not the climate change science… (could say this is Chomsky-like).
The problem is that the NHS is badly led (i.e. Hunt); has too many tick box /poor quality managers and depends on council run “Support Services” that work Mon-Fri 0900-1700 (1600 on Fridays)… That’s the real problem.
The doctors are the good guys and most (not all) have completely honourable motives in the strike, but the Government AND the BBC are doing their best to undermine and discredit them. In my view this is in preparation for sell of to Branson’s goons and other US so-called “Healthcare” companies as has been done in other European countries (of course not reported) such as Portugal and Finland.
The seven day a week “issue” is simply a red herring. that seems to have worked to an extent…
A message to feminists and leftists and their facilitators at the BBC. Read this from the marvelous Anne Marie Waters.
True feminists join, represent and vote UKIP. And they will Vote Leave to Take Control.
Thanks for that link Angrymanupnorth. I didn’t know anything at all about Anne Marie Waters. What a good article.
Ditto Mr AMUN…your Muslim Name if you like!
Oldartist is spot on-a brilliant article from the mighty Anne Marie…who joins Melanie, Ayaan, Pamela,Brigitte in the gallery of women who will NOT get asked to the Womans Hour muffin bake up anytime soon.
Next week-ricin cakes and a rohypnol milkshake.just like your old Tell Mama used to bake.
Best article I`ve seen that skewers the partial feminists…who died when they trashed the doyenne and driving spirit behind Western Feminism who was Germaine Greer.
So bleeding obvious isn`t it?…so what mad cow disease has infected the likes of Laurie Penney, Bea Campbell and those BBC broody mares at Womans Hour?..who STILL-as far as I know-have yet to do anything about Cologne etc.
Am I allowed to say this? Some of those lefty women who prattle on about wimmins rights and on and on and on about waysissm Penny et al need a short sharp shock . I’m thinking of the poor TV reporter in Egypt ,Lara Logan if she wants to beat them up I’ll hold them for her.
Never ask if you are allowed to say anything!
In England, only you have authority and responsibility for what you say. And the lefty women really don’t want to know the truth about Lara Logan, nor that their world view will ensure many other women suffer as the stoic Ms Logan suffered, and suffers to this day.
There is a good article by Allison Pearson in today’s DT on the wider implications of the Cologne assaults.
“Labour’s Alan Johnson warns that quitting the EU could damage London’s global status – but what if staying in means taharrush gamea for female commuters at Waterloo or St Pancras? We want to offer sanctuary to the desperate while having the power to keep out those who despise our way of life.
After Cologne, the EU referendum is about nothing less than the safety and security of British women. We, the Euroclueless, need to woman up and vote for the right of our daughters and granddaughters to live as they choose and to smile in the street. No more Mrs Don’t Know – let’s get the hell out.”
Not all the DT’s columnists have gone over to New Labour. Allison isn’t going to be asked on to Women’s Hour.
Not Just Cologne. A complete raft of daft EU proposal will sink us. Not just our identity is being eroded but our rights to fish in British waters. From January 1st it is illegal to catch more than one BASS. Fine £50,000 for each fisherman. It gets worse when you read though it and no doubt the ‘EURO POLICE’ will be here soon to check that migrants can molest who they wish and that we are not to upset the EU invaders. The battle for the UK independence has never been greater. That Europe is heading for serious trouble and the invaders will be at our shores soon and cannot be refused (if Cameron wins) there is no effective opposition and we have all lost our identity to object. This is the last Battle-of-Britain to change the outcome of totalitarian rule. Bugger the BBC and the agitprop mob. We are all better of out and no mistake, what happens in Cologne will happen here – along with fishing being banned from our own shores. Read more on that here.
Not Just Cologne either, that’s bad enough. A complete raft of daft EU proposal will sink us. Not just our identity is being eroded but our rights to fish in British waters. From January 1st it is illegal to catch more than one BASS. Fine £50,000 for each fisherman. It gets worse when you read though it and no doubt the ‘EURO POLICE’ will be here soon to check that migrants can molest who they wish and that we are not to upset the EU invaders. The battle for the UK independence has never been greater. That Europe is heading for serious trouble and the invaders will be at our shores soon and cannot be refused (if Cameron wins) there is no effective opposition and we have all lost our identity to object. This is the last Battle-of-Britain to change the outcome of totalitarian EU rule. Bugger the BBC and the agitprop mob of ‘open door’ immigration and Police appeasement of Muslim hords. We are all better-off out and no mistake, what happens in Cologne will happen here and not be reported (like Rotherham but worse) – along with fishing being banned from our own shores. Read more on that here (download PDF): I have never been so sure of getting out from what the EU has become.
Thanks for the link – what a powerful article.
BBC are not at all happy about the Danish government passing a new law that migrants will have to surrender any assets including jewellery worth more than £1000.
Free rein has been given to the Fascist left to criticise and name call with their usual hatred – “it’s a reminder of what the Nazi’s did” – funny how they censor any criticism of Left Wing Fascism though !
Lardell on TWATO is seething with rage about this and just look at how its headlined on the BBC website:
Migrant crisis: Denmark MPs debate seizing valuables
As the Danish MP says though, there are people arriving in Private aircraft & claiming asylum – Lardell is scathing and sneering – “well how many arrive in private jets?”
The Danish minister is cool – “well not many, but why should these people be able to claim benefits from day one? Where exactly do you draw the line as to where they contribute to their keep?”
Silence and the interview ends without Lardell offering any kind of figure.
I heard that interview, too. It’s clear that Lardell was irritated at even having to interview a hated ‘right-winger’ – his sneering condescension was clear to all. One can (almost) understand his twisted reasoning: he’s a BBC ‘journalist’, after all – why the hell should he have to speak to anyone from the right? That’s not what the BBC is there for!
“BBC are not at all happy”
That has cheered me up a little.
If you had gone on to say that so unhappy were they that every last treasonous scumbag had died from apoplexy, that would have cheered me up a great deal more.
If you had gone on to say that so unhappy were they that every last treasonous scumbag had committed suicide, that would have cheered me up more than the apoplexy.
If you had gone on to say that their unhappiness was disturbed by an attack on Broadcasting House by loveable Muzzies: loveable Muzzies who had raped all the women to death: loveable Muzzies who had thrown all the queers from the top of the building and beheaded the remaining staff, that would have produced in me a wider smile than the characters in Mad Magazine. Because they deserve it in Spades.
Just for you, here’s a photo of loads of Muslims outside of Media city, where unfortunately they didn’t get in !
The BBC even manages to lie about the protest against in which it describes them as ‘anti war protestors’ but never mentions Muslims !
Are those minarets in the foreground? Essential bolt-ons for the BBC buildings nowadays!
Muslims congregate outside Media City ? have they heard there are more vacancies available for reporters, presenters and head of departments >
Many are part time actors who are hired for interviews in Media City Studios where they play the role of activists and doctors dealing with misplaced bombs from the Joos, and in any other war theatre where they can give mock interviews to discredit British soldiers and our allies.
Indeed, there is no shortage of roles in Pallywood:
[camera pans scene of devastation with bodies lined up on makeshift stretchers. The BBC journalist narates]: “look at these scenes of carnage. The lines of bodies laid under white cloths awaiting burial. Dozens if innocent victims of Israeli aggression….. CUT! Why has that body got up? Tell them all to lie still UNTIL I yell cut! Do they not know that dead bodies are NOT supposed to move? Go again from the top.”
“loveable Muzzies who had thrown all the queers from the top of the building ”
You think they’d have that much time?
Point taken.
The 2nd Severn Crossing is closed because of a ‘Freedom For Turkey’ protest halfway across the bridge, traffic gridlocked, quite a major local story, yet neither the BBC Bristol or BBC Wales News websites are reporting it.
Shouldn’t they have held this demo before Xmas ?
Now open again.
I do like this site.
A few days ago, someone said that(in the light of Mr Bowies death) that he liked Tom Robinsons “War Baby”-for me one of the worse records ever done…but that`s the beauty and power of music eh?
Got me thinking on the Bowie Era of 1983-Let`s Dance and all.
In contrast to the mighty David-I think I`ve got a list of the 10 worse songs of 1983…and hope to pop at a few lefty heroes of the moment, who did crap records while David was doing his last set of true gems(IMHO).
Worst…ie No#1….GOLD/Spandau Ballet-bloody awful!
No3…DEAR PRUDENCE-Siouxsie and the Banshees
No4…MONEY GO ROUND-Style Council
No5…BAD BOYS-Wham!
No6…TRUE…Spandau Ballet(again)
No7…SOLID BOND IN YOUR HEART-Style Council(again)
No8…WE ARE DETECTIVE-Thompson Twins
No10..WAR BABY-Tom Robinson
Let me draw attention to Gary Kemp, Siouxsie, Tom Robinson and Paul Weller-Lefties who only made good records by accident…Bowie surely needs no eulogies from their likes.
I have to disagree with a few but have to add that what passes for music now has me sniggering and snorting and then asking for a translator. Yes I’m now an older person who can say “in my day they made decent music that you could sing along to “.
Just wish that the Beeb and the MSM would get off it , it’s turning into a Mandela week and I don’t think he DB would have wanted that.
Chris, after reading that list I’ll have to recover by listening to one of my Caravan albums (from an earlier time than 1983): “If I could Do It All Over Again, I’d Do It All Over You”. A frequent thought when watching the poseurs of the BBC – especially as the first line of the title track is “Who do you think you are.”
I have spent many ‘happy’ hours listening to Caravan. Oh my long lost youth. Thanks for the memories.
But….isn’t Tony Hadley the lead singer of Spandau Ballet, one of the very few confirmed Tory ‘popstars’ also isn’t Stewart Copeland of the Police somewhat right leaning?
Talking of 1983, the song’s rubbish but I like watching the video, can’t think why… Did she ever look better? A blonde Swede, becoming somewhat of a rarity…
It was with a heavy heart Geoff, believe me.
Tony`s a good lad, and many “normal civilians” have testified to his decency.
So it`s not personal-just hated that bloody “Gold”…I did love Chant#1 though-but this fell outside my strict parameters.
Hat-tip to Brian Matthew for self imposition of strict, if utterly pointless rules!
As Thoughful says below…the BBC are leading with their take on the Danish plans to take asylum seekers stuff if over £1000 so they can pay for their keep.
1. Why is this headline news?-I have no vote in Denmark, no doubt their electorate are sick of being fleeced, and Cologne won`t have helped?
2.It is headline news because the BBC liberal left want to create some storm-maybe boycott Lurpak, kill a danish nun in Islamabad…like the Danish cartoons crisis of 2006 maybe?
3. This is a BBC non-story…I can and will do nothing about it, certainly won`t attack the Danish Embassy on the BBCs account…but why else would the BBC lead with this if not to incite the same?
4. As for the “some critics are saying that it reminds them of the Nazis” meme?…I`m sure I could find “some critics that say that rich migrants intent on screwing over the Danes say it`s not before time”…but the BBC won`t tell you THAT in their sideline headlines…that is selecting an angle-and is NOT a headline.
5.Incorrigible BBC liars and slimers of the previously-pristine Danes-as long as their women get raped and they`re scared to publish cartoons with no fuss.
Oh-and aren`t the Iranians so kind…John Kerry is still up the djellabab licking Khameinis arse?
Obama has turned his country into THIS?…only hope Donald gets in!
Never understood what she saw in the uglier one of two pretty ugly blokes in Abba?
I include their highlight to me-truly brilliant-and a real precursor to the houndings of Tommy Robinson etc that we`ll soon be having to get used to-in the cause of social cohesion of course.
Non BBC Breaking news … Looks like big brother is putting the fix in, for Pegida here in the UK
“Tommy Robinson now charged with battery for some altercation from when in prison.
3 Feb date, though likely to be rescheduled.” … and erm No bail conditions.
… the state orchestration continues
The state are clearly engaged in a vindictive vendetta against Tommy Robinson. All to protect evil terrorists who hate us. I never believed how bad it was, until I saw the video where he was assaulted, and as the victim of that assault, was arrested. He committed no crime whatsoever. He was clearly the victim, and was arrested none-the-less. This country has got so bad, that being the victim of crime has become a criminal offence.
I watched Silent Witness ( yes alright it is cr*p now ) it was about Islam. In the first episode after the murder of an Imam, the EDL were mentioned within a few seconds and an EDL supporter with tattoos etc was brought in and he was clearly not meant to warm the cockles of your heart.
At the finale of episode two ( the middle bit ie approx 1.55 hrs was a bit cr*p ) the female Jihadi had a gun pointed at a female Muslim MP’s head at a Muslim women’s meeting (!) ( coz they attack Muslims too you know ). The MP went on her knees which meant that the marksman could take out the terrorist.
However in BBC lala land the chief operations cop talked the Jihadi over a period of some minutes ( remember she could have been taken out as the marksman had a clear shot ) into giving her gun up using her baby as a reason not to shoot.
The Jihadi then lowered her gun slowly and lowered her head in submission, game over I thought but oh, no!
The chief operations cop spoke quietly into his phone to the marksman when the Jihadi was no longer a threat ‘take her’.
She was then shot in the forehead.
I thought this was a disgraceful slur on our forces who shoot as a last resort. This BBC disgrace was threefold.
1. Making the viewer feel sorry for the repentant Jihadi.
2. Probably inciting Muslim viewers even more than they already are.
3. Presenting our security forces as cold blooded killers.
What a bloody disgrace the BBC are.
Yup – I commented on ep 1 in the previous thread. I only caught 1 minute of it and I could predict exactly what the story would be. Afraid my blood pressure couldn’t stand more than 60 seconds – but my CSI/Marple-loving female family members watched the whole thing and didn’t seem to realise they’d just been watching pro-Muslim anti-UK propaganda for 2 hours. Drip drip drip goes the poison – and most of the viewers don’t even realise what they’re watching: sophisticated propaganda dressed up as entertainment.
All valid points Jerry, but I can’t help feeling that the Beeb might have been a little depressed, not to say frustrated, if they’d known just how many viewers muttered ‘Yessss!’ when that bullet hole appeared. They really seem to believe that they are both moulders and arbiters of public opinion but they also seem blissfully unaware of what those genuine opinions might be.
The really ironic thing of course was that she was clearly the ‘Jihadi star’ of Silent Witness she held a Muslim MP at gun point right at the finale, yet the BBC couldn’t bring themselves to use a ‘true’ Pakistani / Arab / African Muslim, but an Eastern European pretty much white western looking actress to play the part …..just to show that Muslim Jihadi’s could be anyone anywhere of any race.
In the spirit of balance, and to give the number crunchers in BBC high command more ammo to claim they are useless in all directions as if this averages out as anything than doubly useless:
A few choice “quotes”:
“BBC Caught Manipulating The News”
“Nobody with a questioning mind seriously expects impartiality from BBC News.”
“Despite grand documents, notably its much-trumpeted Royal Charter, and robotic PR statements about maintaining impartiality and independence, and being ‘vigilant about our values’..”
“The position of BBC political editor plays an important role in this propaganda system.”
OK, all this is from the position that they are not left enough, and if the BBC was up for moving to a sub-model ML will doubtless be amongst those screaming ‘national treasure!’ the loudest as the rest of us shrug and say “good luck with that”, but those are their statements.
There are a couple more though which should send a shudder down the Bolly-clinking corridors of W1A:
“Note that the deleted blog was ‘only suitable for an internal audience’. That tells us much about the BBC’s fear of public scrutiny.”
Noted. Was here. And indeed it does.
“No wonder the BBC did not want that ‘internal’ discussion made public”
No wonder they never do, and will move heaven, earth and many lawyers to ensure it doesn’t happen. Speaking of which….
“This all adds to the compelling case that BBC News editorial decision-making should not be exempt from the UK’s Freedom of Information Act.”
Power to the people, comrades!
OK, all this is from the position that they are not left enough,…
So true. I recall reading some of their complaints against the BBC. They were without any substance.
Radio 4 PM on the Danish asylum law, might well have been presented as
We don’t like the idea that the state won’t fund illegal migration – so here’s a few lefties to criticise it. We won’t allow anyone to reply to those criticisms in case someone has a reasonable point!
John Diamond describes the re-introduction of border controls as “beggar my neighbour policies” because they prevent the freedom of movement to migrants !
Jonny Diamond doesn’t like border controls because he tends to get busted for carrying dope.
This is totally tongue in cheek, but Sky News are getting very excited about a new English Anthem. They have had an expert on who seemed to believe we needed some martial references and thought La Marseillaise was an excellent symbol for the French. In view of this, I have penned a quick suggestion.
Farewell to the first born of the Taffs and Jocks and Paddies,
And when we’ve done all that, continue with their Daddies.
CP, Flanders & Swann have already written it.
The campaign begins! RJ many thanks.
Seconding Captain Panick.
Thanks RJ-this is JUST what is needed.
Brilliant-am now rearranging my stamps according to FS rules!
Excellent song. Forwarded to every country in the world for their information and comment.
I’m a fan of Flanders and Swan and this is one of their best. It’s only at the end you realise that the main joke is actually on the English, which is not surprising as both were left wingers. Swann, despite being a so-called “pacifist”, I believe was a great admirer of the USSR (including visiting it – when that was very rare – and being fluent in Russian) whereas Flanders’ daughter called her father “old school Labour”.
Heard Chris Patten doing his best to explain why a university education entails the right to hear views you don`t like-this in the light of the Cecil Rhodes flim-flam at Oxford Uni, where he`ll be something big I`d say.
John Humphrys street urchin impression of being Devils interrogator of Fat Pang was am-dram tosh…one white millionaire asking another about the latest aimless controversy of their media creatings.
Good jape chaps!
My problem is that these BBC stiffies and EU suckups seem not to have noticed their OWN role in removing “alternative points of view”-say over the EU…UKIP…global warming as a reality…ending immigration…Islamic jihad as a tool in the Ummas armoury to turn us all into serfs and slaves of Allah..that kind of thing.
Bit late now to be quoting Popper now Lord Chris…when Stanford Uni started the whole PC movement in 1980/1 Patten would have seen this as only “good manners…inclusion…etc”.
And we now live with the results. Witness Cologne and Womans Hour.
QED-no further questions. And no further point in the BBC bemoaning the limpdick snowflakes and cornballs we`ve created as “Yoonistewdentz “.
The BBC is an irony-free zone, its presenters totally lacking in self-awareness.
O/T and not BBC related – but unless I’m mistaken that’s the 2nd Santandar advert in a row promoting misgenation – or more specifically; a white woman getting f**ked by a black man (I’ve yet to see an Ad featuring a white male & black female ). Now normally I wouldn’t object to this sort of thing; I might just think ‘hmm, how unusual’ but I’m starting to see a pattern here : it seems just about every advert on telly purporting to show a ‘normal British family’ consists of at least one black male / white female couple. You wouldn’t think Britan was 85% white if you just watched the ads. I think I’ve had enough of this not-so-subtle anti-white-male social engineering by corporates that rely on white males for their income. I’ll be avoiding all Santandar products in future.
Sorry – typo – Miscegenation
Funny you should say that… after watching several soaps followed by the more ethnically diverse these days Midsomer Murders romp last night I said to my partner (a white English female in case you were wondering) ‘Have we missed something here – are mixed race partnerships and marriages now compulsory?’. Judging by the ads and Midsomer itself you night well think so….
Harry Enfield very prescient. In the 80’s, Waynetta to Wayne – “Ah’m leaving you, Ah want a braaan baby, everyone else on the estate has got one”
Midsomer Murders managed to have a mixed race gay couple, just like every village does. They are really loving pushing Brian True-May’s nose in the dirt aren’t they?
Its all getting too ridiculous now. First they shove in an ethnic pathologist, and now its a mixed race marriage. Do they imagine the public are thick, and don’t see what the agenda is ? Although I’ve seen one or two in a shopping centre, mixed race marriages aren’t exactly the mainstay of life today in Britain – certainly not where I live anyway. Its the same with the adverts, but this have been mentioned on here before.
Steve Hewlett was on the news the other day pouring scorn on Murdochs wedding plans or such.
You`ll not be surprised to know he sprayed NewsCorp with his usual slurry.
He was also on the Media Show( something he made earlier, paid for by the linen suits he used to belong alongside).
He`s making it clear that he`s not happy with any plans to cut the BBC,
See?-“Independent Media Commentators say as one voice-“Save the BBC”.
Or else bloody Rupert will be getting his tits out to read the weather.
That`s the jist-I listened so no-one would need to!
What exactly ARE the listening figures for anything that Howlers Media Produx do…are we talking dead(Newsnight) or comatose(Laurie Taylor)…or moribund( Libby Bloody Purvis)?
What`s the betting now that all those Danish “migrants” at the border will soon be wearing crucifixes and gold wedding rings to show how family oriented and Christian they are…for as long as Jenny Hill or Jon Snow are there and the camera light meters are in the green zone for them?
What then will be the next thing?…well, lots of dopey “Christian Churches” will put out the pastries, turn the pulpits to Mecca and welcome the refugees and the BBC will purr at this.
And then-the suicide bombs, the live stabbings at a church meeting…and the BBC will then say.
“The lone wolf was a Christian convert-so, let`s shut down the churches and banish Christianity as an evil”
Rather like the “let`s remove the faith schools of the Jews and Christians”..because not to do so would be racist Islamoxenophobia…
Coming very soon-it`s called taqqiyya-and once Christianity accepts the hobbling-then comes the deluge of Islam.
So true. And it is so tragic that so few people know and understand Taqiyya and Kitya.
Just been listening to Off the Page on 4Extra, this week’s episode entitled Mustn’t Grumble. It’s about the art of complaining, and there are some hilarious bits about how difficult many organisations make it for complainants to get any sort of response. From about 5 minutes in. Obviously the BBC doesn’t feature in any of the anecdotes presented.
On 5Live the Danish government is described as ‘centre-right’ and then on PM on R4 they are referred to as ‘right-wing’. All apropos of their very sensible proposal for migrants who can afford it to pay towards their benefits, but anathema to the BBC, of course.
In all his time as president, I’ve never heard Hollande’s government described by the BBC as ‘left-wing’.
They really are despicable, beyond belief, the metro sexual cnuts in London are out of control.
Apologies for no real BBC content but the DT reports today on declining CofE attendances and Justin Welby saying “it was battling to maintain its place in an increasingly “anti-Christian” culture”.
Hello JW, can you remind me who keeps chiding the government to let people in who will increase the anti-Christian culture?
Oh, I see there is a BBC connection after all! If any media organisation is attempting to increase the anti-Christian culture of the nation it is the elephant in the room of U.K. media. Step forward the BBC to collect your prize!
BRITISH broadcasting corporation = pro Muslim,pro feminist, pro Left, pro UAF, pro Hope not Hate, pro child abuse, pro immigration, pro EU, anti British.
British my arse!
BBC wins prize for Oxymoron of the decade.
The BBC should stand for “Buggering British Children” because that is what they have consistently appeased for 60 years.
Reinforcing the idea that anyone who relies on the BBC for news is being starved to the point of malnutrition, here is a headline from Breitbart London: “Rotherham Abuse Trial: Corrupt Cop Allegedly Protected Violent Member of Child Grooming Gang”
Anyone relying on the lying BBC would not even know there was a trial!
They would, however, be reaching for the smelling salts over affairs in Denmark.
And that’s bias. Plain and simple.
We would not know about the mass sexual abuse of women in Cologne at all, if it were not for Breitbart. They are an ocean of sanity in a world of delusion.
The BBC sticks the knife, a little too enthusiastically, into the barely alive Charlie Hebdo. How the BBC trumpeted the hashtag solidarity of one year ago. Now it administers the coup de grace. BBC hypocrites.
“The magazine has been widely condemned on social media and accused of racism.
Twitter users called the image “disgusting” and “tasteless”, as well as accusing the magazine of racism and Islamophobia.”
I saw the BBC article and the cartoon. It is supposed to be offensive, tasteless, that is the point of the magazine. Now can anyone tell me what is racist about it?
G.W.F., I think it’s racist because anyone can call anything racist these days, isn’t the correct term racialist anyway? Now there is an argument to be had about good taste and Charlie Hebdo, but as you already commented isn’t that what Hebdo does?
Naughty Charlie Hebdo. fancy being anti-islam when all the islamic terrorists did was murder eleven of their staff. What a rotten bunch of islamophobes they are.
For the life of me I can’t understand those (supposed) Euro-sceptics in the Cabinet who are waiting until Dave’s negotiations are over. What on earth is the point. We all know what’s on offer, and far more importantly, what’s not. What most people want is immigration control. There is no way on God’s earth Angela will let us control our borders. I mean in three years time, when their passports come through, someone will have to help mop up the millions of enriching “refugees” living so contentedly in Germany.
Dave’s “negotiating” is a bit like a bloke who’s bought a crappy car from a dodgy dealer and one of the wheels drops off. Our prime minister has had the wreck towed back to the spiv who flogged it to him and has been arguing about replacing the windscreen wipers. It’s not what’s wrong and it’s not what anyone wants. Even now Merkel and her minions are only going to swap one of the wipers.
And yet these Tories are supposedly sitting there happily waiting for the old banger to be dragged back. And you know what. The buggers will tell us Dave’s got us a great deal…”we’re voting to stay in”. Good luck with that.
Clunk click…
Great analogy
They are cowards Jeff, whose first concern is their own worthless and pathetic careers. If Cameron got every single thing he asked for (and he won’t) it would amount to the square root of fuck all. I know it, you know it, they know it, but we have to keep up with this meaningless farce because they don’t want to take a pay cut and go to the back benches after so long climbing the greasy pole.
Yet again tonight’s Points West leads with another sob sob ‘M word’ story. They drag up a story that is five weeks old (why?) and it takes up a 20% of the program. Just post the Paris attacks Ibrahim Ismail was thrown off of a Bristol to London National Express coach, as other passengers felt ‘uncomfortable’ . Cue talk of ‘hate crimes’ and a lack of police to investigate such crimes, double whammy for the BBC a dig at the Tory’s and undertones of racism towards their favourites…
Mr Ismail gives an interview to our ‘local’ reporter Sabet Choudery in full 11th century garb (as he was dressed on the day) complete with an abundance of baggage. Apparently he never reported it to the police, which begs the question how did the BBC find out and why are they reporting it now? Is it beyond them to conceive that post Paris people were genuinely scared and if this guy didn’t want to draw attention to himself why dress in such a way? Could it not be possible that he knew exactly what he was doing? is that compo I can smell?
This wasn’t all, it was also the lead story on tonight’s Inside Out West.
From the start….
Forgot to add that the story immediately following the above was about the start of the trial of a Gloucestershire man (with a name I cant spell) charged with terrorism offences, the irony is lost on me!
Geoff, they call that “balance” at the BBC, the editorial guidance will be to the effect that you must have a sympathetic muslim story to precede or follow any terrorism related court case story.
Of course the fact they had to go back to November to find a sympathetic story to virtue signal with tells us all that it isn’t “balance” it’s bias……again.
Can’t get Iplayer in France but have googled story
42yr old “student,” no fixed abode and he refused to put luggage in hold wtf
As I can’t get Iplayer I’m assuming Beeb didn’t report the above.
Thanks for that, no they didn’t mention it, nor did they mention he was a 42 year old student (WTF) of no fixed abode.
This happened on the 6th December and was reported in the local press, I wonder why the story has resurfaced….
eesh … the putrid agitprop and smearing of the Danes would be Godwin-esque if they’d actually taken a run up – but no… – some creep slips in:
without actually attributing the remark.
Never mind that aiui The Danes are simply proposing is to extend rules for actual native Danes claiming state benefits to incomers …
And then – we have the repeated fawnings over great gong collector Peter Sutherland …
The world’s most trusted broadcaster gets the ball in the back of the net yet again…..
‘The move has been likened by some commentators to the treatment of Jews by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.’
without actually attributing the remark.
Perhaps the BBC got the remarks from their SWP pals who run the UAF, whose FB page carries these comments.
Michael Ngan Don’t forget to check their mouths for gold teeth, and pull them out for the Danes before lock them up in concentration camps..
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Clint Barr Humm!! sounds like what the nazis said to the Jews,
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As I try to avoid exposure to the BBBC news can anyone confirm they have faithfully reported the BMA line about doctors leaving for Australia?
A letter in the DT reminds us that it is £18 to see a GP in Australia and £500 a night in hospital. Now with that sort of extra income…..
Perhaps if a beeboid asked the BMA representative(s) should we follow the Australian way, the answer may not be in the affirmative for some reason, yet they would still like the money!
Alison Pearson, as often, deserves a read. She neatly ties up the “Cologne” (media non-) event and Brexit.
And, similarly, the BBC hasn’t revealed the very strong links between some of the militant junior doctors’ leaders and the far Left organisations whose aim (shared by some of those doctors according to what they have published) of ‘bringing the government down’.
Can you imagine the fuss if any doctor had links to a ‘far Right’ organisation with a seditious aim?
Same with the teaching unions, who support far left organizations and provide conference facilities for UAF and SWP fronted organizations.
Bbbc look east this evening reported a car that exploded, according to a witness”like a bomb going off” on the m11 today. Bomb disposal squad attended, and police are refusing to “rule anything out” . Southbound m11, stanstead? London? Jihadi?
43 yr old “Foyzal Islam” named as the driver. Car exploded in the fast lane “like a bomb going off” according to eye witnesses,no collision, police still investigating. I dont expect much investigating from the bbbc, but it seems fishy to me.
A different angle on the feminazi remarks above ref Cologne etc.
Up in Durham University, a male student has just been acquitted of a rape charge. In essence he had consensual sex with a female student.
He has lost his course, failed his degree and has his personality traduced on the social media. He is named and known, and may struggle to get a decent job.
His female accuser, who by definition the jury has decided was not to be believed, remains anonymous and this is protected by law.
I find this utterly deplorable.
Needless to say, no mention of it on the bBBC ‘right on’ news
Apparently he was posh, so he must have deserved everything he got. Call Me Dave was wise to stick to dead pigs at Oxford.
Oh well done Beeb!
Yet another undercover sting on a private provider for the runts of our society-and unsurprisingly, given the crap pay and conditions, we get some oafs in there.
A care home a few years ago-a Young Offenders Institute today.
And-given the extremes, lack of time and the low status of the work-with difficult “clients”-things are crap at times.
But guess what-the STATE provision doesn`t get the undercover stings.
SCHOOLS?…SOCIAL SERVICES?…CHILDRENS HOMES?…PRISONS?…MENTAL WARDS?…and what about BBC editorial undercover stings or how Hope Not Hate behave? How footballers spend their time after matches?
No-G4S again(shit as they are) and the piss-stainede remnant of a care home or two…whilst Mid Staffs, Strasbourg or halal slaughter gets absolutely NO coverage.
The lowest of the low hanging fruit,…and never camera or bug in the room when we`re looking at Kids Company or how Graham Nortons salary is decided upon.
“Jihadi Johns replacement was not agreed in a democratically-sustainable way…Panorama shows tonight that the new IS spokesman with a British accent did NOT adhere to his home-school agreement as he took his kid to Syria-Orla Guerin reports”
I`d watch THAT anyway…
BBC Online News:
“”The next ice age may have been delayed by over 50,000 years because of the greenhouse gases put in the atmosphere by humans, scientists in Germany say””
And I’ll also predict the winner of the 3.30 at Newcastle in 50,000 years with equal certainty…..
Not quite so daft, perhaps..
As many here will be aware, Dr Moore is one of the founders of Greenpeace, who left the organisation after realising that its grasp on science was terminally failing, and who disagrees quite radically with the CAGW crowd, while retaining his ecological campaigning credentials in other respects. He has been understandably ‘unperson’-ed by the climate alarmists. The talk above proposes that contrary to today’s received wisdom, it is human emissions of substantial quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere that are likely to preserve life on earth, providing we don’t quixotically abandon the enterprise now. As a fascinating aside he points out the quadrillion tons of carbon that are currently sequestered in the global burden of carbonaceous rocks, quite dwarfing the amounts contained in fossil fuels, and even the outgassing by volcanoes. He is an apparent enthusiast for increasing atmospheric CO2 quite significantly from its current level, on the basis that it would lead to a boom in plant life, and therefore animal life too. Interesting talk.
Its the Atmospheric Physics in this BBC article which is fraudulent. But Astronomers can blame the United Nations for that, if they are found out, in future. As Piers Corbyn would say, the evidence is that only a maximum of 4 percent (16 percent of the 100pm increase) of CO2 could be man-made. Apart from repeating the details about the 800 year lag for natural CO2 level increase, as the answer to that. The proof of the fraud comes from three scientific papers. (1) “Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, (1997) by Tom Segalstad” shows up the scientific fraud in the Carbon Cycle for man-made CO2. (2) CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time by Zbigniew Jaworowski, shows that Ice Core data underestimates CO2 levels of the past, which is proven by (3) “180 years of Atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods” (2007) by Ernst-Georg Beck”. THIS IS CENSORED BY THE BBC as it would prove that all articles not censored by the BBC where based on scientific fraud.
Staggering claims in the article you link DS, totally unprovable too given the timescale, it’s a win win for the “science” once again.
From the same article ,
“In the south, a vast expanse of what are now Chile and Argentina were also iced up.” I picture a headphoned yoof with one eye on youtube writing this rather vague drivel.
Even in the very unlikely event of another ice-age being delayed at all, I would still far rather avoid an ice age, than have to adapt to the very very moderate climate change which is most definitely occuring. The earth is always much more abundant with far richer bio-diversity when it is warming, than during an ice age.
So IF we have managed to delay an ice age, then that is cause for much celebration! Hooray for CO2!
In common with most AGW claims and counterclaims, 50,000 years allows a fair margin of error.
BBC Online News:
“”‘I’ve been shot at 70 times and survived””
Perhaps it time that the Greater Manchester Police provided shooting lessons as part of their Community Cohesion strategy?
Perhaps he was in this type of ‘shooting gallery’ ………….
So, man made Co2 does not warm the planet then? Well done those German scientists, they just blew Mr Harrabin clean out of the water.
I don’t think you’ve grasped this one Old Bloke. The article demonstrates (to Harrabin) that he is right! The ‘pause’ can now be revealed by the BBC with the explanation that the temperature ‘increase’ has merely been offset by the ‘decrease’ forced by our near miss of an ice age! Phew! Another hole for Harrabin to dig in.
I do like how certain these BBC preferred ‘scientists’ are. Commenting on the study, Prof Eric Wolff…….”It represents a nice confirmation that there is a relatively simple way of estimating the combination of insolation and CO2 to start an ice age,” he told the Science Media Centre. Yep. Simple. He must be right! He’s got computers, computer models and a professorship at Cambridge. Confirmed.
But correlations between temperature and carbon dioxide levels have an 800 year lag after the temperature. That seems sufficiently simple for people on the Weatheraction website and in Mensa. Computer Models can produce any fictional fantasy that you want, as long as you use it to predict the future.
The fact that the “length of the Solar Cycle” always correlates with Climate Change. And the scientists (CENSORED BY THE BBC) who use Planetary motions to predict this, retrospectively predicted that Global Warming would end in 1997, and then predict that the pause, or peak as they say, will end in 2018. But that it will be a mini-ice-age. Other scientists such as Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, who directly prove that carbon dioxide has a zero greenhouse effect are also CENSORED BY THE BBC.
This proves that a scientist has too commit scientific fraud to escape censorship by the BBC. Either that or avoid talking about Climate science.
Anyone fancy a foot of snow next Thursday?
The Old Bloke
Yes, but here is the rub…… the global warming experts (or whatever they call themselves) will claim that the action we have already taken to prevent ‘warming’ is taking effect!
‘Heads they win tails we loose’. 🙂
i am getting sick of people on AlBeeb saying they don’t know what British values are! I am ashamed to say they might have a point. When I was young, nearly sixty years ago. Fair play, decency, helping your neighbour in difficult times, speaking out and saying your piece without fear of being arrested for being an ‘ist’. Manners were important, please and thank you,in my case alays being reminded to tuck my shirt in and take a pride in your appearance, comb your hair. Marriages seemed to last longer, lose your job one week and get a different one the next down the road at the other factory, pubs were social gatherings mainly for men, wives seemed to want to stay at home and look after the children, NHS had less administration, nurses had great uniforms, murders were rare, less people on benefits -you had to work or people looked down their nose at you if unemployed, roads were safer with less cars, children played football with jumpers as goal posts. Clever kids broke out of deprivation and went to Grammer. Family life seemed to thrive. Men learnt trades which promised work for life.
Values probably evolve from the society in which you live, looking back, because of the liberal left and multiculturalism being pushed onto us our values have been diluted and slipped. The word tolerance has been given too much weight as a mainstream value. We have been told to be tolerant by politicians in order to self fulfill the prophesy. I remember my older relatives being intolerant the people with bad values and would tell them to their face. Tolerance was not very highup on the list in as a value in those days. It is a made up value to get the indigenous populace accomodate multiculturism. Our values have by and large changed, and much for the worse.
I’m afraid to say that we have lost our identity and are now a country without values.
Life seemed so much more straightforward in those days. I am minded by a quote from Nye Bevan, it went something like,
‘Progress is all well and good but it is how it affects the individual what counts’.
Well said.
Almost all of the above changes can, one way or another, be laid at the door of Cultural Marxism.
The irony is that many of the values you describe (most of them, actually) were solidly upheld by the working class and yet it is the ‘Left’ that has worked so hard to destroy them.
Al Beeb hate Great Britain and British values, they have been undermining them for the last fifty years – Simples !
Agreed Taffman and GCooper,
My long since departed Grandpa always drummed into me, as a child, never make someone earn your respect, you give respect automatically, they can only lose your respect.
He was always a Labour voter until Wilson gained office and cut his war pension, he risked his life on many occasions on the Atlantic convoys. He voted Tory thereafter. He saw this act of Wilson’s as a lack of decency and respect.
Respect for each other is another value long since departed from the British psyche. The opinions of the elderly were listened to, we were taught to respect our elders.
Politicians then were older and had worked in other jobs or fought in the war. The very best from the top universities went into politics. Nowadays they go into business. The direction of change for this country has been dictated by incompetent weak politicians. The AlBeeb has been a major player in this country’s demise, promoting every value against those we called British and pushing down our throats the multicultural word tolerance, which we never were as a country.In essence our forefathers ‘never took any crap’. If they did those who threw it got double back. That is how it really was.
We are today a left leaning suppressed society, if that’s being tolerant then they can stick the word where the sun don’t shine.
Following on from your comment Wronged, I would add that we now live in an age where ‘casual dress’ has slowly creeped into all areas of life. The number of presenters/guests who appear on Beeb and other channels tieless, the contestants who appear on game shows dressed as though they are going to a football match, the state of visitors apparel when visiting patients in hospital., anoraks at the theatre, I could go on, and why ? do people no longer ‘like’ dressing nicely? On the Continent you don’t see anyone dressed like a builder visiting a friend or relative in hospital, so why here ? but sadly even medics have shunned the white coat, which was always a reassuring sight when feeling ill – but now they turn up in their Fat Face gear. This casual attitude has also seeped into they way we are addressed. What’s the point of being married if the Mr or Mrs is never referred to; time and again I’m asked for my first name and then its the name I’m addressed by – and sod whether I care or not about being referred to as Mrs …… Ah well, I comfort myself that I’ve experienced the best years (even with David Bowie) in a mainly immigrant free country, and if the younger generations vote for staying in Europe, then they deserve all they get in life.
Medics didn`t “shun the white coat” they were ordered by the Department of Health to stop wearing them due to “infection risk”, strangely, ties too were ordered to be removed in clinical areas…”infection risk” again.
Oddly though full beards, man buns, turbans and flowing headscarves pose no such risk.
Funny that.
Watching Sky news re strike by the doctors I saw a consultant SIT on a patients bed, my old Matron would have ripped him a new one, not only was he transferring germs but showing disrespect by not addressing the patient as Mr .
Here in France even my neighbour still calls me Dame (south of France so not Madame) and doffs his cap to me. At times we joke that where we are it’s like being back in the 80’s in UK
like being back in the 80’s in UK …………
Oh, I wish !!!!!!
(apropos the Dept of Health deeming white coats an ‘infection risk’ – funny how medics in Swiss Hospitals still wear Persil white coats with no adverse effects !!)
wronged, the beeboids and their friends throughout the governing class are the hypocritical pushers of a giant fraud that they call “meritocracy”.
Their kids, on the whole, go to public schools, selective grammars or high performing comprehensives where the old values are still taught, and where high academic standards are linked with access to further education and the social networks offering entry to the well paid jobs of the future.
This is why they hate the Christian faith schools, who continue to provide opportunity to those outside the new elites secular, multicultural and fixed “meritocracy”, this is why they hated and destroyed the opportunity that all kids used to have in being given the chance of entry to the 11 plus with the possibility of access to the grammar schools of our youth.
It is the children of the underlings who are being prepared for the lives of sloppiness, low standards and a single value…can you compete with cheap, foreign labour for work?
The BBC don’t like Trump.
And the BBC don’t like Republicans either.
I wonder what proportion of the average Briton’s ‘knowledge’ of Donald Trump has been supplied by the BBC? Quite a bit I expect. Is Hillary Clinton in prison yet BBC? If not, why not? Could the BBC explain this with a few articles?
No. We have this pro H Clinton female empowerment mush piece.
Bias? What bias?
Yes, you pay for this:
I particularly enjoyed the quote from the (Irish?) Oxford Professor: “…It’s just silly English self-promotion. Nothing more to it than that.” Nice.
It Suits Al Beeb who often tell us that we have been multicultural since Roman times – they often promote the ethnics that populated our land, but ‘Joseph of Arimathea’ ? He’s the wrong type of ethnic for Al Beeb .
Al Beeb Propaganda in full force.
Where, oh where is our John Whittingdale , what does he do, what is his purpose ? Time to get rid of Al Beeb vote here ………………………….
He has a Common Purpose. 😉
Quite right AMUN sab!
Diarmad McCullough is a professional plastic paddy-to be fair, he knows his stuff and only the BBC would select THAT quote of his.
McCullough won`t get much from RTE-so like many cultured Oirish types of Trinity College, Dublin-gets a nifty wad of cash he`ll NOT be blowing in the pubs of County Kilburn this Friday night.
Only Irish in a Colm Toibin way…and to accused by the irish of “self-promotion” is a bit galling.
This country lets O`Bhama pretend he`s a son of the Gael as well…gets Jack Charlton to show them how to play football…and lets Elvis Costello lead them all in a rousing rebel song from the stage at “Englands Royal Albert Hall”!
Amidst the ermines and pearls, the likes of Peter Sutherland, Mary Robinson and Bono…they sing of crushing the British state-while leeching off the BBC, EU grants and “the Riverdance Effect”.
No-any country that has a wrinkly thick nomark of a garden gnome like Michael O Higgins as its current President is not a serious proposition…it`s as self-mocking as having the French put Hollande as their soggy bottomed Mr Pastry as THEIR new DE Gaulle!
PS-Hollandes presidential inauguration getting soaked in an open top car is funny-hope the EU haven`t cleared it from YouTube, don`t seem to be able to find it!
Today’s lesson from the Prophet Enoch (from 1980):
[my emphasis]
Treason is the word and treason is their game – next time vote UKIP.
We`ve got ourselves an alternative Thought For The Day…indeed there once WAS a Book of Enoch in the books available for theOld Testament…maybe we need to staple a few of his sections into The Gideons Bibles-while we can still own one, as opposed to McDonnells preferred Little Red Book…that of Comrade Mao.
Not far from reality either Welby, you dope you! I’m unsure as to why thus has become in issue all of a sudden. Normally the powers that be do their best to ignore the English as an ethnic group. ~Incidentally ICM polls who I filled out n opinion poll for on the back of one of my complaints has failed to reply to me as why English was not a separate entry of the racial diversity section.
Personally I’d back England belongs to me by Cock sparer but that’s just me.
“Met police to increase armed officers” , anything to do with the so called ‘religion of peace’?
No certainly not more likely on he look out for the much heralded “back lash”.
That Quakerophobia really is getting out of hand, isn’t it?
Armed officers equipped with bacon slice detectors to prevent backlash at mosques in response to child rapes covered up by the police.
Your right 666 Noel Edmunds is at this very moment harnessing the right wing punishment squads at Crinkly Bottom to smash all Asylum Seekers ! Hence we will need more armed Officers to protect all these engineers, surgeons and all these poor children from this bearded Nazi!
Slightly off point but sort of relevant and at risk of sounding like a rightous anger lefty. It is interesting how the left and especially the BBC have tried to sex up the migrant story into somthing holacaust like.
I was reading a magazine article at the weekend about a girl who survived the concentration camps. She had been forced to leave home, had her family ripped apart in the camps, brutalised, starved, family members murdered…………
What the hell are we doing to these refugees in the western world – Its like history repeating itself.
We have forced all their young males to come here from all over Africa as well as the Midle East (fortunately most of the troublesome christians and yazdis were left in the middle east)
We have written identity numbers on their arms with dry marker pens (I am sure none of them threw away their identity cards)
We have even asked some of them to give up some of their jewellery to help pay for their keep.
We have complained when some of the poor boys had a little bit of fun at Cologne (after all boys will be boys)
We are changing the exam system in this country to fit in with Ramadan
Ye Gods – what Barbarians we have become! How can we treat these poor people so badly!
The MSM and particularly the BBC are so arrogant that they know they have a right to use any act no matter how brutal or degraded to draw false parallels and so to justify their world view.
I f I was a jew who had lost family members in the Holocaust I think I would be constantly puking over all this faux moral outrage and disengenous reporting. How Cohen and Yentob could hold their heads so high I will never know.
As if any would be armed police officer would DARE to shoot a Duggan or a drug runner in Tottenham.
They`d be up before May and Hogan Howe…but more importantly Abbott, Livingston and Shiner…before you know it.
Maybe we could train them to use swords instead…or maybe ricin in a brolly.
Pathetic…the State no longer backs its “security personnel”-unless they`re arming Islam, or neutering any resistance to the feral druggies who comprise their “client base and core voters”.
Smash the left.
I was looking at the last few threads. (I didn’t realise how wise Enoch was)
and the link about England from Dave666. (Get to the point Derek).
the Albeeb page has the usual oh so important story about “Transphobia” which gave me an idea.
I’m going to take a camera crew along when I go to a gynaecologist and ask Him / Her / Other to have a look at my dick.
Sorry about the crudity of my last post. This one race / one sex / one religion bias gets under your skin.
On a lighter note, why don’t the BBC change their name to something that’s easier to spell?
I suppose ‘Lies R Us’ springs to mind.
While I’m at it I should mention that bombs are going off in Jakarta. Despite being a 98% muslim country the event will have nothing to do with Islam no doubt.
On another topic I hear that there will soon be a by-election in the constituency of Ogmore. A safe labour seat but UKIP need to try to take it. So, Taffman, we are relying on you! Time to stop harassing poor old Essex Man and get campaigning. Back your candidate, grab the leaflets, pound the streets. Good Luck!
Get ‘Land of My Farage’ echoing across the valleys
Nice one old son.But who is leaving / left that Labourite seat?
Huw Irranca-Davies is stepping down as I understand it. I’ve no idea if it relates to the Corbyn circus.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
We are on the case . It was ‘Land of My Fathers’ until Al Beeb and changed all that .
Car Moron is carrying on where ‘B’ liar left off.