As Mrs. Merton might ask, what is it about public-spurned, loss-making activist commentators that so attracts the BBC to Mr. Hasan. And Mr. Morgan. And. Ms. Toynbee. And Ms. Penny. And…
‘…you can get from every quango, charity, government body to Shami in actually two moves, rather than eight. And the same names keep cropping up all the time. All with the same views.’
BBC Breakfast just now, an ex Soldier volunteering in the Calais jungle is up before a French court today charged with trying to smuggle a child into Britain, to be with some relatives in Leeds. Presumably the rest of her family would then be allowed in after a decent interval.
After tentatively pointing out that this Saint had technically broken the law, Turnball gave the soldiers mate, another “campaigner” free reign to spout a load of nonsense about what a kind caring bloke he is, how terrible the conditions are there, that this is going on right on our doorstep (yes we had noticed thanks).
No mention of the fact that these people are already in a safe country, just the usual sob story with no alternative view. And Turnbull just let him push this agenda at the T.V. Poll tax payers, sorry viewers.
It was then followed by a story from the Beeb’s very own transgender reporter, about the lack of support for very young transgender kids.
And no I’m not making it up !
Yup, just saw it and wrote this comment before seeing yours:
“BBC breakfast news at 8am on Thursday 14th – totally biased one-sided reporting on the “compassionate” Leeds man charged with smuggling illegal migrants into the UK. The report focuses entirely on the “little Afgan girl” who’s family “pleaded” to be taken over to join other family members in Leeds(!?) cue photos of the defendant smiling with the girl on his knee saying he was ” inspired to help” after seeing the Aylan Kurdi pictures (inspired to encourage more dangerous illegal immigration more like). Then right at the end of the report they casually mention the two Eritrean men who were also in his van “unbeknownst to him”. No photo’s of the Eritreans of course!!
Unbelieveable. They should lock the f**ker up and send the BBC reporter’s daughters to live in an Eritrean/Afgan ghetto in Leeds for a year – see how they like it.”
I didn’t even see the bit about the two Eritreans, I suppose hairy arsed adult men don’t tug on heart strings like 4 year olds.
Its so disconcerting isn’t it, when you open the back of your van and find two Illegal immigrants sitting there, it happens to me all the time.
Desperately unhappy people selecting surgery in order to cure all their problems and finding the results are not what they hoped for.
There is also a facinating interview with Walt Heyer here,
Be warned, this is a Christian based podcast, don’t let that deter you, I am fully aware that Christianity is a derided and unfashionable pastime but you are not going to hear first person facts like this anywhere else.
Suicide rates are higher amongst those who have had sex-change surgery than they are in the “non-reassigned”, or “pre-op transexual” in the transgender community as a whole. This means encouraging those who seek “gender reasignment surgery” to have surgery is more likely to lead to suicide, than treating them for the psychological condition in which they believe that their identity gender is different from their physical gender. Gender dysmorphia is an entirely psychological condition. Pandering to it will not cure it.
Give Women the Right to Defend Themselves Geert Wilders..
“Cultural enrichment” has brought us a new word: Taharrush. Remember it well, because we are going to have to deal with it a lot. Taharrush is the Arabic word for the phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped, raped. After the Cologne taharrush on New Year’s Eve, many German women bought pepper spray. Who can blame them?
A culture that has a specific word for sexual assaults of women by groups of men is a danger to all women. The existence of the word indicates that the phenomenon is widespread. Frau Merkel, Prime Minister Rutte and all the other open-door politicians could and should have known this.
What will it take for the BBC and the fascist left to admit the ugly truth of Cologne.. and elsewhere in Europe.
There’s none so blind as those who will not see
Rather casually at the end of his piece to camera our BBC reporter outside the court delivered the information that this chap from Leeds was stopped with with two illegal immigrant men in the back of his vehicle ‘he knew nothing about’. Presumably the young girl with him in the front was undeniably in his care and clearly his responsibility? Bang to rights and playing the sympathy card? Seems to be working with the BBC – our Naga Munchetty “This is a story of compassion….”
Interesting BBC treatment of the murderous attack on the Jakarta branch of Starbucks this morning – ‘we don’t who might be responsible’ [fair enough at this early stage] ‘the authorities describe it at terrorism’.
Now watch how this plays out in BBC reports. I’m willing to bet as it emerges that this is an attack by Isamic Terrorists the Terrorist word will fade and wither on the vine of BBC reporting.
The culprits are either some species of Islamists or disgruntled coffee fanatics unhappy with with the service or quality of product. If it is the latter will we have David Cameron, bbc et al telling us it’s nothing to do with caffeine?
Last night on BBC1 10:00 News a concerned “reporter” got to the bottom of a crime wave in Manchester involving armed street gangs. One word conspicuously absent was the word “black”. Then on to London “news where you are” where Emma Thompson was lauded for leading the capital’s fight against a resurgent TB. One word conspicuously absent (despite a map showing that the local areas most at risk are areas of recent immigrant settlement) was the word “immigrants”. Then, with total absence of irony, the very next item concerned the arming of another 2,000 coppers in London to counter a “terrorism threat”. One word conspicuously absent was “Moslem”. Such reportage is not only an insult to the viewers – who’s being kidded after all? – but a clear indication that the BBC restricts or skews what information it’s prepared to broadcast to those aspects of current events which suit its Narrative. This isn’t “news” – it’s propaganda.
London is the TB capital of Europe. Even the BBC (here) has had to report that – but they also fail to state WHY it remains so persistently high. The reality is a little bit different. This report by the LANCET is quite clear that it is immigration is to blame (2010) it has got worse since then. The BBC blame local poverty and the common cold. TB is also linked to sexual practices and misuse of drugs as well as immigration. That is why it is so high.
WOW…you are all on excellent form today! My index finger is aching from all the up-ticking I have done! There seems no end to the s**t that emanates from our so called nationalist broadcaster these days. They should be put in the stocks!!!
The EU is slowly…no, that should be quickly…falling apart. Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Hungary and others all rebelling in their own way. Their country comes first. Shame it doesn’t happen here.
Mind you, all will be well once there is a statue of David Bowie on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square or a plaque in Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey! Did anyone else hear that on Today this morning? Could hardly believe me ears!
Best headline of the day was the resignation of Chakrabi of Liberty. Can’t stand listening to the women; she can’t string…she can’t…she can’t string a sentence together without…without, you know….without repeating words!! Drives me nuts!
I just read Shameless Chuckmybutty is leaving Liberty (the terrorist rights group not the shop). I wonder which human rights group she will go to next my money is on those bastions of freedom, fair play, tolerance and democracy CAGE.
I’ve just heard the very sad news that Shami Chakrabarti is now unemployed and on the look out for a new job. I’ve had a brain wave. How about she teams up with that other paragon of the left wing conscience, Camilla Batmanblancmange and form a comedy double act?
“Shami and Batty”, a sort of pc, post feminist, ironic, minority fun girl duo for the 21st century. They would have their own show on BBC 2…Radio 4 would love ’em and they could cream off tons of taxpayers money, they’d love doing that. Surely they’ve got to be funnier than French and Saunders.
I’m only trying to help…
Great idea Jeff.
Got me thinking of the worst double acts.
1. Lenny and Gerry
2.Hope and Keen
3.Little and Large
4. Cannon and Ball
5. Hale and Pace.
6. Mayall and Edmondson
Best ones?
1.Trevor and Simon
2.Dustin Gee/Les Dennis
3. Two Ronnies
4. Enfield and Whitehouse
5. Vic and Bob(up to 1989 only-shit ever since)
6. Jimmy Savile and the BBC
The BBC seem to have left Copenhagen…havng been disappointed in the Danes.
They seemed to still be sad about Istanbul, but Bowie took all the tissues, so forget that one will you?
Today it`s Jakarta…who`d have thought the most complex archipelago on Earth, stuffed with all manner of Muslims would EVER present a problem?
Well the BBC are rubbernecking THERE today-and nicely stapling this non-event to “a plan to arm more police people in London”.
See what the BBC did there then?…we`re all doomed…Islams angry sword knows no boundaries…that`ll be the bloody Danes and their cartoons and their Drancy tactics…and Chris Graylings fault for not wanting Turkey in the EU, unlike Lord Sir William Baseball Cap of Richmondshire!
Far easier to bend all their stories into a comedy string of fanny floss..then push it around the room until the next ” Islamic newsgrab comes along-and if it tinkles Davis` knob and pulls his chains…then wup-di-doo!
No-anyone remember a day when Islam wasn`t bombing or moaning, sexing or raping, murdering or beheading?
THAT would be news, you Beeboid dickies!
Any chance of us billing Jihadi Johns clan for the cost of an instant cremation?…we saved them a lot of money, as well as taxpaying types like me…Friday bucket at Regents Park tomorrow anybody?
Well, it looks like if Bowie was causing a run on the Kleenex in W1A, Alan Rickman has now stepped up to the plate to push matters of note points East a wee bit down the BBC home page.
Just reading the bBBC reports of the Jakarta bombings and shootings and surprised to note that the I and M words they don’t like to use with any negative connotation are in fat being used, if sparingly.
Clearly the editorial team in the Al Beeb newsroom have calculated that with Indonesia being on the other side of the world, and itself a Muslim country, they might risk using the I and M words occasionally without ‘causing offence’ among our esteemed minority communities.
Utter hypocrisy of course.
The problem with the whole of Indonesia (for the BBC) is that it is the world’s largest muslim nation.
Indonesia is constitutionally a secular state (but the government officially recognises only six formal religions), with Islam being the dominant religion in the country. Indonesia also has a larger Muslim population than any other country in the world, with approximately 202.9 million identifying themselves as Muslim (87.2% of Indonesia’s total population in 2011).[1]
So I’m putting my money on these terrorists being unquestionably Scientologists. It’s the only logical assumption.
Oddly, Cameron, Whittingdale and Norman all seem to feel OFCOM is the best outfit to ‘oversee’ the fanatically Europhile, but supposedly inertial, BBC.
Just like to add to that post Guest Who. On that weblink we also learn ‘UPDATE: Emmott was also the Executive Producer of the BBC pro-EU propaganda film ‘The Great European Disaster Movie’’ Why are we not surprised? OFCOM should have oversene the BBC years ago – but fat chance that it will make any difference now on BBC propaganda well aligned to further EU integration. I have just signed this GOV Petition (currently at 20,000) to stop Cameron using taxpayers money to mailshot everyone in the UK that the EU is as good as the BBC thinks it is. If anything there should be TWO leaflets, on IN and one OUT. I call for BREXIT. Cameron obviously thinks it can be rigged to stay in by dropping leaflets through your letterbox and more EU funding to solve the ‘problems’ such as immigration.
I signed this today :
57 mins · At 1pm MP Maria Miller will be answering your questions on a new report she’s lead into what needs to be done for trans people. Some of the new recommendations for young people according to her report are:
– The lowering from 18 to 16 of the age limit for obtaining official recognition of a new gender without parental consent.
– The option to record gender as ‘X’ in a passport, and an end to the need to show a doctor’s letter to alter the gender shown.
– More training for school staff to better support “gender-variant” young people.
-Official recognition of gender should be based on “self-declaration”, rather than one from a doctor.
– A review into how the NHS treats trans people.
– A review into transgender people in prison.
Leave your questions for her below in the comments, or share if you think this is something that would interest your friends.
So far, 2 likes, 1 share and 0 comments.
Maria and the BBC really tapping into youth concerns.
A quick trawl through the internet puts lesbian and gay people at about 1.7 – 2.5% of the population and transgenders at about a tenth of that, say 0.25% max.
This is a classic case of political correctness gone mad, which in my definition is the excess of positive focus, time, resource, public money and media coverage on a defined group in relation to their actual numbers.
I see no moral imperative for spending more public resource on this group than on any other group as a proportion.
The nonsense of the bBBC Newsbeat above and the recent glaringly obvious pro transgender bias on the bBBC serves to show that the liberal elite are running very short of ‘minorities’ to support, and their spokespersons are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to keep the ‘industry’ going. What next? Wheelchair-bound transgenders under the age of 60 (approx. 0.5% of 0.25% of the population)? Don’t bet against it.
The whole bunch of liberal gits are in a panic. They are distracting themselves as much as trying to foist propaganda on the rest of us.
The year is going badly for them. Cologne, cover ups, Sweden , terrorist attacks everywhere that simply cannot be passed off any longer as militant this or that. The EU imploding whatever anyone else says. Economic melt down on the way? The list goes on and on and it is only Jan 14.
How can we not have sympathy for the poor dears. Their world is breaking apart and all we do is snipe at them.
Let’s make March a’ be kind to beeboids month’. It is the right thing to do. Hard working beeboids need support.
By March at this rate the whole lot will be having a collective breakdown. .
be kind to beeboids month
Do you mean act as a UK version of Dignitas and put them out of our misery?
If so let’s make it a year, not a month, and start now.
The one who fiddled her expenses and cheated all over the place until Cameron binned her a year or so back-Basingstokes cross to bear as I recall!
So who else to dip into our handbags to get some moolah for her new transistas…Prada and Jimmy Choos on the public tab…Maria seems prone to the odd pie, so Slimming World will benefit from her patronage.
Would be funny if we weren`t paying-the joke is on us.
How many geezerbirds are there in this country?….5000 tops?
Yet-like Islam-their media presence is out of all proportion to their numbers…Twitter fluff, grievance-seeking speed-dial pimps who`d disappear if the BBC didn`t fluff the soufflet.
Miller-lite?…maybe in the next world, the burqa should cover it anyway.
I`m hoping that making Miller the transista for Camerons cause will bring the whole pantie pile crashing down around their pinkies…only the Left and BBC give a stiff!
Does anyone remember one of Alan Rickman’s early appearances as Obadiah Slope in The Barchester Chronicles? A wonderful performance and full marks to the BBC (of those days) for a wonderful adaptation. I think I’ll miss Rickman a lot more than Bowie.
“I grew up” with Alan Rickman (as apparently so many did with Bowie !) – so how come there hasn’t been the same wall to wall coverage of his life and career lot wot the media did with Bowie on Monday !
EnglandExpects – Oh yes, wasn’t he brilliant in that? I never saw the series at the time but having recently read the books, I bought the DVD. He was just as I had imagined. Brilliant.
Here’s some essential listening. Tonight on 4 Extra: Susan Calman is Convicted. (No, sadly not locked up and key lobbed into the deepest ocean.) And on what topic has she (can we still say ‘she’?) chosen to muse and share her thoughts? Would you believe, ‘equal’ marriage? Whoever would have guessed…
Here’s some more essential listening, this time Jon Gaunt’s Tuesday podcast interview with Raheem Kassam the editor of Raheem talks about the sexual assaults at Cologne and the two-tier German legal process now being applied for the offenders and states that the EU is a political union that is not operating in the interests of its citizens. He calls for ‘criminal trials’ for treasonous European career politicians who have embarked on the intentional destruction of European nation states while deliberately lying to citizens. Perhaps those at the BBC should take note.
Excellent stuff from Gaunt and Raheem and probably without precedent for UK radio.
All hunky dory with Iran and the US over the captured sailors who apologised and then thanked the Revolutionary Guard for their hospitality. No serious questions asked by the BBC. No criticism of Iran.
Article 13 of the Geneva Convention may or may not be relevant given that technically speaking the US and Iran are not at war.
But displaying the US sailors with their hands on heads is a propaganda coup for the ROP.
Now turn to daily complaints on the BBC about Muslim women having their veils tugged by evil far right racialists. Is it not equally offensive for a serving female sailor to be forced to wear that ridiculous rag on her head for the world to see her humiliation? Hopefully, arrested Muslim women should not complain at being required to remove these items of clothing..
‘If you are to extend your bulletin “to explain the events that impact the country”, let’s do that. Let’s not have info-lite, Janet-and-John numpty explainers.’
Bu…but… envy off the world!
‘Mark said the BMA disputes these figures, but gave no further detail’
‘Effectively I act as my own producer, I fix all the interviews, I read all the books, I book the studios, I am involved in editing the pieces and so on’
Quite the turnkey op. I wonder if he ‘handles’ the complaints too, to complete the circle?
This is good hadda!…about time we (or in this case, the Jews of Israel) used mockery and scorn to deal with the incessant bias.
Noted David Bowie got an instant cremation-this would be “hashish to ashes” .
No-not funny really-I like Bowie-but I`m sick of Donald Trump abuse…and really think we missed a few tricks with Benn and Crow.
You`ll never hear in on the BBC-but this post of yours is good!
So as another Labour Luvvie shuffles off this mortal coil, the BBC moves into overdrive for the eulogising. I have to concede Rickman was a very watchable actor, but he was also another insufferable leftie:
“In 1965, at the age of 19, Rickman met 18-year-old Rima Horton, who became his first girlfriend and would later be a Labour Party councillor on the Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council (1986–2006) and an economics lecturer at the nearby Kingston University. They lived together from 1977 until his death.
In 2015, Rickman confirmed that they had married in a private ceremony in New York City in 2012. He was an active patron of the charity Saving Faces and honorary president of the International Performers’ Aid Trust, a charity that alleviates poverty in some of the world’s toughest conditions. When discussing politics, Rickman said he “was born a card-carrying member of the Labour Party.”
His death took the headlines away from the dreadful attacks in Jakarta by the RoP – again but then, he was a leftie luvvie, so what could possibly be more important?
I am getting pretty tired of this fashionable, self-indulgent ‘dying of cancer’ that these British entertainment legends are now making a spectacle of themselves doing. One or two doing it? It’s original and pretty cool in the totality of their dedication. But now that it is becoming a fashionable thing to do? It’s not big and it’s not clever and they should just PACK IT IN!!!
Hi ladies n gents. I was visiting the excellent Falklands United twitter account and noticed this petition.
I have signed, and I hope all of you will consider joining me in support of our friends in the South Atlantic, on the beautiful Falkland Islands.
Also have a look at their twitter – some stunning pics of the Falklands, and watch ‘An Island Parish’ on iplayer. A really good BBC programme – rare as hen’s teeth I know.
Not BBC related, but very like their attitude….i woke up to find Facebook had given me 24hrs ‘on the bench’….apparently….for commenting on the arson of a mosque recently. I said in view of the countless churches and temples torched by muslims the world over, they are getting a taste of their own medicine, and down to me, i’d bulldoze the mosques in Britain. Far worse is spouted on this ‘social’ network by muslims daily, yet i wager they get away with it…….so be careful, Facebook has given in like the BBC and others to Muslim terror think. I will report every goddam muslim comment from now on, see what happens.
If you threaten to take them to court on the grounds of discrimination due to Political Belief, then the chances are that you will get nowhere. If on the other hand you start asking them for information prior to beginning a case then they might actually do something !
The trouble is that American companies are extremely litigious and if you reach for a legal solution, they are likely to spend a million dollars defending a cent, in the belief that it ‘sends a message’ to other litigants, that regardless how meritorious their claims might be, they will never settle without a protracted & costly fight.
Thoughtful may be correct.
Never used Facebook.
I have made progress when the complaint comes via my MP.
Depends who the MP is, most of the current lot are only useful for increasing the fertility of our green and pleasant land.
That was before some of them decided the UK needed to become the most squalid place on earth and imported ten million proto-humans to effect this.
With Gordon Brown now a very Grand Poobah and the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education his presence on this morning’s World Service took us back to the days of Mr Cholmondeley-Warner as the BBC person prostrated himself before the great man.
Just shows how little we can actually hold our politicians to anything close to account, and how a catalogue of failure can lead to a top job in the field you screwed up in, in the first place !
England is the only country in the developed world where the generation approaching retirement is more literate and numerate than the youngest adults, according to the first skills survey by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The minister for skills and enterprise, Matthew Hancock, said: “This shocking report shows England has some of the least literate and numerate young adults in the developed world. These are Labour’s children, educated under a Labour government and force-fed a diet of dumbing down and low expectations.”
“The implication for England and Northern Ireland is that the stock of skills available to them is bound to decline over the next decades unless significant action is taken to improve skills proficiency among young people,” the OECD said.
These changes have already had major implications for the global talent pool. Britain used to provide 8% of the best-educated workers but today provides only 4%.
As someone who has quite a lot of contact with young people professionally, I despair. Trained apes would often be more skilled and the worst aspect of it is that the little dears tend to have an attitude you could strike flints on.
GC. That has been my experience in commerce. Chippy little know alls that (not who) can’t even add 2+2 let alone write a memo – don’t even mention a well thought out letter. I’m (personally) very happy to be away from the little sh*tes .
How this reflects on the future of this country is another matter. 🙁
I agree. And as to how it reflects, it certainly reflects very badly indeed on successive governments’ inability to control the Left wing stranglehold on education.
It also reflects very badly on the BBC which has taken the lead in promoting progressive ideas and pooh-poohing traditional educational values and methods as outdated and irrelevant.
GC – You just highlighted the difference between Teaching (listen to the facts as they are known – e.g.. multiplication tables – and build your understanding on the basics) as opposed Learning ( throw in some facts and expect knowledge – don’t forget that 2+2 = 4 is open to discussion).
The “Left”, or should it be said Marxist/Stalinists, have taken over the Education system. We can only hope that the real “teachers” are still in the likes of Eton! Before they are banned!
These are Labours children then?
And there was me thinking that Labours children all dandled on the laps of henna`ed bearded gentlemen in childrens homes all over the north and down as far south as Oxford.
Certainly they weren`t UKIPs…who were banned from fostering up in Rother Valley as I recall.
And wasn`t Cyril Smith a Labour MP before he went liberal on us?…AND Greville Janner( who I think innocent at this stage) was a LABOUR MP.
Which factor can be shown most linked to paedophilia?
a) Labour
c) BBC
THAT`S one for More Or less I`d have thought….and I`d worry if anybody had all three factors in their CV at the minute.
As for poor Mr Janner-only the Left would think it a runner to dig up a dead mans bones to try them…and I used to laugh at how the likes of Cromwell and Ridley were exhumed and re-rubbished in public through those dark, bigoted times.
So unlike today eh?
One more thing-who needs a trial of the facts…the BBC have tried him anyway…I give you BBC v MacAlpine, BBC v Cliff, BBC v Ted, BBC v Leon.
Funnily enough though…NOT BBC v Savile BBC v Denning BBC v…well, anyone who ever worked for them…or was Labour…or Muslim…or Labour again…I can`t emphasise that point enough!
Listened to 5LIVE Interview this morning between Peter Allen and a transperson now called Sophie (but to an untrained ear sounding very pre-op, and could indeed pass for Sid James on radio). This obviously affected the very sympathetic Allen, who did all the right oohing and aahing as expected of all BBC personnel these days, without a critical thought in his head.
Until that is, it was time to wrap up the interview, and Allen, hilariously, referred to the precious newly bloomed delicate flower ‘Sophie’ as ‘mate’.
Re-education school for him methinks.
Had the sound down last night for Channel 4 News.
But did see one Jack Monroe-boys name, formerly a lady, identifies as non-binary trans….oh, those poor typists doing the straplines was talking across Matt Frei to some bloke…well, seeing it was all transfatcrap, I imagine s/he was Clarke Kent had he copulated with Sue Perkins!
AS I say , sound down-but lots of phantom beard stroking and putting out pipes on each others shaving strops.
Prior to this, we had two drag axes going into battle-called Tallulah Gaye and Tiffiny Tinkerbell…or such other non-gender specific monicas of their own indulgings.
Cavorting into camera, deeply throating songs about hairdos and being unable to get mulberry wine shade of nail varnish in Kiribata…or some other hyperfeminine drag impression of what a Barbie Doll might have looked like in 1968, had Boeing made the false eyelashes.
No-no stereotypes of cruel caricatures here…and lefty women don`t SEE that all Germaine fought for is getting pissed up the femotunnel and onto a wall?
Humourless, irony free thikfux all of `em…Justice for Davina Ayrton NOW…why the hell should a self-identifying girlie have to go to a mans prison, and not get a fluffy boudoir in funky Holloway?
Yes, it MAY have been rape…but wasn`t headbutting a barman just as manly an assault, as our Bristol birdie did before Yule…and all the transfatties were yowling outside Broadmead for their “sister” to be spared jug.
At least, now we`ve seen Davina, Caitlyn and Kelly, Chelsea and the like-we can all say we know what a Feminist looks like…bottletops, muffin tops, bingo wings and a voice that is a sonar depth charge worthy of Barry White.
Now that the ‘Alyan’ story is wearing thin we have the ‘little girl in the jungle’ propaganda in the news.
Has any reporter questioned the French Government about the dreadful state of the the so called jungle ? Why is it always Britain’s fault ? This ‘little girl in the jungle’ story is being milked by the media who should be pointing the camera to France and the absolutely useless European Parliament who have done sweet F.A. to control their borders and are now beginning to pay the price.
As you read this have you seen any decision being made by the EU – No ?
Vote UKIP to get out and pull the drawbridge up.
Apparently his crime was not using a seat belt on her – perhaps he was worried about being confused with the other seat belt advocate from Leeds who put other people’s children in his car? I’m surprised the BBC hasn’t made the link, it usually has time.
Did anyone else catch Monday’s extraordinary bigoted, xenophobic rant in the old rag that acts as news feeder to Albeeb? Apparently it is now perfectly acceptable for this so-called ‘ British’ newspaper, with its high moral stance on all matters relating to bigotry and xenophobia, to publish an article inciting hatred against a nation and its people – but only as long as that nation is England and the people are “English”.
The Graunian’s customary line is to deny our existence and insist that everyone in England is an immigrant who arrived with waves of invaders starting with the Romans. Journalist Joris Luyendijk , however, is permitted to refer to us as a nationality. The Dutch author of ‘Egypt – Sometimes A Good Man Beats His Wife” (strangely only available in Dutch and German) appears to have a deeply worrying attitude towards violence. The article is couched in language that conjures up images of the nastiest type of playground bully. Joris quickly gets down to all of the nasty things that he would like seen done to the English. If the English dare to vote to leave the EU, Joris gleefully forecasts that “Yes, we would strangle or crush the English”. The EU must “hit the English as hard as we can”.
According to Joris, the naughty little English have been “taught the lie that nationalism is what saved them from Adolf Hitler”. Who fed us those “lies” then Joris? What would the outcome have been for all of us if the English people hadn’t given a toss for England and said “Nah, I don’t fancy dying in a muddy ditch or being bombed, so do come in Mr Hitler, do you like jam on your scones?”. What “lies” did the Germans buy into Joris? Who fed those lies to the Germans,Joris?
What a weirdo. Where does the Guardian find them? For a man who clearly hates England and who claims to be an intellectual, one would have thought that Joris might have some understanding of the population that now inhabits England; some basic understanding of its population distribution and density ,the small amount of space allocated for urban living, the spaces that cannot be built upon and the reasons why , and at least some ability to distinguish between the land itself, the millions of ordinary people who seek to exist on it, and those who seek power and control over the land and the people.
But no. Dutch born journalist Joris, with his life experiences of Holland, the US, Egypt and the banking world in the foreign city of London appears to have a mind that doesn’t stretch that far – he just wants to talk about ways in which “we will make the English suffer if they leave”. He yearns to make millions of people living in England feel their “vulnerability and dependence” for having the gall to question how the country’s existing infrastructure and services can cope with the now, never mind the future.
Well, Joris, I think you sound like a deeply disturbing man and that the Guardian should be referred to the IPSO for printing an article that appears to be inciting hatred of a group of people who can be defined by their nationality (including citizenship). Joris claims to be concerned about the vast hordes of migrants in Europe. His own land of birth only ranks at 30th on the list of population density ,so lots more room there, Joris. Get campaigning. dear, Feel free to welcome millions of peoples from other countries into your homeland. Make your living out of writing books that try to understand the minds of men who beat women. But you’ll never have to experience being a woman living under Sharia law whose husband is permitted to beat her, will you Joris? You’ll never have to experience being a woman walking on her own at night, will you Joris? You’ll never have to be a woman vulnerable to being groped and sexually assaulted, will you Joris? Sadly for us, and for you Joris, your fate appears to indicate that you are doomed to be just one more self- important, greedy and arrogant bully in an endless stream of similar humans whose primary ambition is to strangle and weigh down the rest of humanity. Even more sadly for the rest of us, the views of men like Joris are those that will rule the days of our children’s lives. MBE for services to something or other heading your way Joris. Enjoy.
As a mongrel ( in Joris’ terms – 1/2 Celt/1/2 Dane in terms of research ) Joris can , in pure Anglo/Saxon Foxtrot Oscar ( phonetic alphabet ). That’s why I’ve emigrated West – to live in a cave apparently!
Err…yes Pillar, I also caught that, and posted a link to it with the following introduction:
“Those with a parochial view will find some English bashing comfort in this article in the Grauniad. It’s one of the most poisonous anti British articles I’ve ever read.”
There are those in Wales with such an anti-English prejudice, but who would cry ‘waycist’ to anyone who bad mouths any other race ( or religion) on earth.
How anyone can support such a treacherous rag is utterly beyond me.
Oh indeed I agree Mr Golightly. Pillar expresses it so well.
I was quoting the words I used in a post I made on my facebook page.
As my comments are mostly ignored, I need to keep them bruef, and if possible, attention grabbing.
I am amazed by the torpor, apathy or plain simple lazy ignorance of many on tne Facebook medium, but nevertheless keep trying to stimulate some debate. I’d prefer any debate rather than silence.
Sorry Pillar, I didnt make myself clear. Your comments were superb, my comment was about the praeamble i wrote to a facebook item about that. I needed to keep my post brief, as so many of my ‘friends’ will switch of after a few lines. I try to follow, ‘ less is more’ as far as facebook is concerned. But here amongst interested parties your analysis will be, and indeed is, very much appreciated.
This man has a strange idea as to what constitutes a bully!
I loved this bit: “Clearly multinational corporations from China, Brazil or the US cannot have their European HQs outside the EU. So let’s have an EU summit about which European capitals these headquarters should ideally move to.”
Why would any multi-national even want to trade with a ‘Europe’ that dictates where it sets up shop?
Or this bit: “Or consider the UK-based Japanese car industry – would Greece, with its excellent port and shipping facilities, not be its ideal new home? Oh yes, and sooner or later, the 1.3 billion Indians will object again to not having a permanent seat on the UN security council when 55 million English do. Let’s work out what favours we want from India in exchange for our support.”
Isn’t Greece at the wrong end of the Mediterranean? Not the most stable of countries either. I’m sure France would be only too pleased to offer up its security council seat, on behalf of the EU, to India.
I can’t say using Belgium as a unit of area is commonly used in my circle; London Buses for length, Homes for power and Wales for area I think. He’ll be expecting us to use the kilometre next!
Besides which, all those car companies have said very clearly that they will STAY in the UK whatever the result of the referendum. And that bullshit about the UN security council seat? the EU was planning to take the British and French seat in the next 15 years anyway. We are more likely to keep that seat, if we are outside the EU. If we remain inside the EU, there will be no point of having a UK seat on that security council. The EU will be speaking for us (whether we like it or not) on pretty much everything by then anyway.
Is the word ‘ghetto’ racist?
Well yes, probably, if you want it to be, according to some carefully selected academics.
Jamie Foxx ‘calls out’ Quentin Tarantino for using the G-word at the Golden Globe awards. This is the same Jamie Foxx who famously made the non-racist comment ‘black people are the most talented people in the world’. Also, and coincidentally, he made another non-racist comment at an awards ceremony following his role in Django, another of Tarantino’s films. This time he said “I get to kill all the white people in the movie…How great is that?’ I’m detecting a non-racist pattern emerging here.
After the Golden Globe ceremony Foxx returned to his $10.5m house in Thousand Oaks, California to slum it at his 40 acre ghetto, complete with Olympic size swimming pool and tennis courts. It’s a tough life living in the ghetto.
Isn’t it strange when the luvie lefties show their hand, hypocrisy is never far away.
“Even with that quick statement, the director insinuated the ghetto was not white, European, male composers, even if he didn’t mean to, says Khadijah Costley White, a professor of race, gender and politics in the media at Rutgers University.”
The Oscar nominations have had a bashing because of their lack of ‘diversity’, – it cant possibly be that none of the black actors in roles were up to scratch then ? sorry if its un pc to say that. With the exception of one or two – Denzil Washington being one, I find that very few black actors have a wide range of acting – they generally act as themselves or very amateurishly, but of course no critic dare say such a thing.
The Jakarta ‘incident’ seems to have dropped down the rankings quite quickly, perhaps due to a mercifully low slaughter tally. Mishal must be devastated.
I was sent this from an expat based there:
The media reports yesterdays attack in Jakarta as being somewhat like Syria. Watching local media as it unfolded pretty much showed a bumbling attack.
International media reported, “Highly coordinated attacks across Jakarta’s business district.” The reality it was 100m2 area.
It seems the undercover cops had intelligence they were coming and thwarted the attack. That was the gunfight. They scattered and only after being shot, they let their bombs off.
The “bombs” were so pathetic they didnt even tear apart the terrorists bodies. The person who died in Starbucks was killed by glass shattering, cutting her throat. The damage to the police post was cosmetic, tearing apart thin, tin cladding. Sadly one policeman was killed.
I think its sad such a story was made about the “coordinated brutal terrorism” instead of being about the AMAZING job the police did to get the intel and thwart what could have been far more deadly had the 5 of them got into Starbucks together.
The terror being built into reports is EXACTLY what the terrorists want. I seriously question whether this had ANYTHING to do with ISIS!
The police action to protect us should be the story!!!!
Meanwhile, on the world’s most trusted broadcaster:
We all know now that the Cologne attacks were carried out by ‘men’, as it is a fact that all men are rapists so it is disingenuous to blame a specific sub-group of men. Or at least that is the ‘official’ feminist line carried by Woman’s Hour and others.
Now that super-highway to BBC opinion, Thinking Allowed reveals the truth about ‘Rotherham’ etc. The writer and journalist, Rahila Gupta tells us that it was all the fault of ‘reactionary’ police forces. Can’t be long before BBC Inside Science or the irritating monkeys Robin Ince and Jo Brand, (good grief), and comedian Brian Cox tell us it was all the fault of ‘Climate Change’.
WOW. what genderphobic, trans-hating CISphobia. How do YOU know what gender they are? They could self-identify as any number of Genders, and probably not men. In fact, if you take into account “otherkin” they can self-identify as anything they wish. /sarc…
That particular journalist is just another Guardian regular. No point in even listening to her. She is talking to the wind now and sadly does not get it.
Anybody else but Fatty Mardell give a stuff about Ken Livingston doing a defence review for his moribund shagged out lefty vehicle?
No?…well TWATO Himself certainly did-and can we PLEASE have MUCH more from delightful Emily Thornberries…that voice will pile on Tory and UKIP votes every time we hear the deep plum tones of Lefty privilege and private schools!
Has anybody told the BBC that Ken is an unelected has-been who never seems that well? An anti-Semitic nomark who covers his own failing mental faculties with calling our Kevan Jones and other dim bulbs of the Left.
Ken is unelected Mark…he has no say in any democratic process, no matter HOW much you peddle him…neither has Falconer, Williams, Kinnock or Campbell-anybody TOLD them that we don`t need their noises off…they`re money grubbing misfits and traitors with David Kellys blood on their hands…or car tyres anyway as they scooted off having condoned the deeds at that time.
Livingston is a dead newt who the BBC reckon is a chameleon still-just a brownshirt and a shit inside it.
Never seen Pat as cold and clear as this…the humour gone, strictly business.
And that`s the only mood required for what`s coming.
Saw today that a German town has had to ban “migrants” from their swimming pools due to a sex assault on a couple of girls who (mistakenly) thought that they could still swim in their home town, as they`d have done before Angela let her friends in.
Saw too a book by Shadi Hamid…Brookings Institute, Muslim “moderate” who`s researched the Arab Spring crap of 2011.
His view?…you`ll only get a “moderate Islamic” voice in the democratic sphere if you “moderately repress it”.
If you choose to indulge it, compromise with it, try to co-opt it into your interfaith/council conflabs…it`ll eat you up from within, then wipe you out.
Obviously Nasser and Mubarak went too far…but not by much!
And this from a moderate academic Muslim scholar who saw more of the Arab Spring and its results than most.
Islam only responds politically to crushing or corralling…if you choose to let it out of its pen and off its leash?…you`ll get rabies after the ferals of Cologne.
Never seen Pat as cold and clear as this…the humour gone, strictly buisness.
My thoughts exactly. He was sombre and subdued. Muslim rapists have always made him particularly angry but he’s always managed to work in a few cutting and astute remarks while discussing them.
His attitude in this video seems to show how seriously he views the situation.
Noting the BBC still fussing about the “survivors”(or are they “victims” on Fridays?) of Greville Janner MP?
A “LABOUR MP”…to be said in Neil Kinnocks windiest tones!
Whci gets me thinking-all those poor people who won`t get their day in court?
Are we talking of the “allegedly abused”?(note we never see that alleged word in these pieces do we?)
Or are we talking about Liz Dux, Phil Shiner, Peter Sandford, Joshua Rozenberg and Hugh Pym?
Matrix Chambers will only be on the doubles tonight then?…let`s hope Moazzem, Mau Mau survivors or Rasta Trustifarians from Jamaica can shore up Cheries Bahamas hols with a new cause to hustle us over.
No doubt, the BBC stays open at weekends just for this kind of “miscarriage”.
Good luck with Savile or Balen though….
Now seeing film footage of rescue boats in the Aegean sea picking up migrants from an upturned boats. Three toddlers have lost their life. Shame on their parents, for even attempting to cross in the dead of night. They would still have their children if they stayed in the safety of Turkey. Shows the lack of intelligence of these people, so bearing that in mind, what job in Europe do they think they can do that will be of benefit to anyone ? Rather than Save the Children charities, these people need family planning lessons.
It’s often said that a big problem with the people in the West simply do not understand Islam nor the mindset of those who follow it. We condemn those on the left for this, and then go do it ourselves !
Islam is a fatalistic religion, one lives or dies by the will of Allah (insh Allah). If he wants to end your life then he will, and if he wants to save you then he can.
It is not therefore the responsibility of the parents, it is the will of Allah. Odd that the BBC always miss this out, but then their leftie reporters probably don’t realise it either !
Save the children, pseudo charity’s, facebook page is showing a picture with a child and the sea as a backdrop captioned as you would only take your child to sea if it was more dangerous on the land. I have twice asked them how Turkey is more dangerous than the Med. Strangely they appear to not want to reply. Funny when they are more than happy to gob off about how we should be taking more.
“”Has Belgium created ‘a system of apartheid””? (a rhetorical question that makes no sense).
“”She thinks divisions have been reinforced because many young Belgians of Moroccan and Turkish descent have reacted against anti-Muslim feeling since 9/11 by defiantly adopting a more religious identity””. (defiantly adopting? anti-muslim feeling?).
“”The only thing I hear from the political leadership is repression – ‘clean-up’,” says the organiser of the women’s meeting, Johan Leman, of Le Foyer community centre, a veteran campaigner for integration”” (Repression? It’s an investigative process following mass murder committed by Islamics from their community).
Once again, the BBC creates Islamics as victims. No balanced view. Therefore biased. And Left Wing biased. Exactly the standpoint of the far left.
I’ve noticed over time that the BBC give full flower to their far Left views on ‘Feature’ articles away from their front page news. Back door sedition/treason?
Not a bias issue as such, BBC favourite Stephen Hull who is Huffington Post UK editor-in-chief says he is “thrilled” that
the Duchess of Cambridge is to spend a day as a guest editor at the Huffington Post UK.
Royalty and the Huffington Post seem a bit of a strange mix.
Maybe an attempt to show their ‘no misogynist voyeurism’ cred, which Guido keeps highlighting as a hypocritical crock. Unless HRH is planning a swimsuit edition.
BBC Breakfast- yet another “political correspondent” (how many of these peeps do we employ ?), trailing an Uncle Jeremy speech, notes that he has had ” bit of a tough start” , which may well be the understatement of the millennium. No worries though because we poor saps are also about to hear the words of wisdom on Breakfast from the chief political correspondent of the Grauniad. And he thinks Uncle Jeremy has had ” a bit of a bumpy start”. The good news is that he will now be talking about ” policies and not process” (er, that would include the “process” of getting rid of Trident ?). It is good to know Al Beeb continues to be joined at the hip to our most progressive political commentators.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, islamic terrorists have slaughtered more people, this time in West Africa. While there is no truly comprehensive list of all these attacks, since the start of 2016 we have seen attacks in Israel, France, US, Turkey, India, Cameroon ,and Indonesia, plus all those places where such events hardly get a mention: Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt,and Pakistan. An average of one major incident every day. Fortunately we have Uncle Jeremy and Al Beeb to keep us all safe.
Jeremy Corbyn to warn businesses over ‘unfair’ pay.
Jeremy Corbyn ‘is to say’ that a Labour government could ban companies from paying dividends to shareholders unless they pay workers the living wage.
Mr Corbyn will say….
Just a minute, has this speech been carefully leaked to the BBC?
Wait a minute, I can immediately see a flaw. I suspect it’s the bit where he says ‘Labour Government’. He must have written this speech just before he woke up, dreaming in REM sleep.
And you’re back in the room.
Here’s a clue – buy a tie.
Be funny if this ‘will say’ bs is exposed again and all the BBC press release forwarders shown for the overpaid copy typists they are, if Jezza bounces on and says ‘To be rich is glorious!’
Can’t copy and paste from Facebook on my tablet, but BBC News has a heartwarming tale about a lovely couple of ladies saying sorry with flowers in Germany.
Suffice to say the comments could be going better.
The editor has made the mistake of wading in and dug the hole so much deeper it is embarrassing.
“Refugees have been handing out flowers to try to challenge negative perceptions that have arisen following wave of sexual assaults on women in some German cities on New Year’s Eve.”
The liberal media is desperate for ‘good news’..Handing out flowers does not erase what happened in Cologne although liberal fantasists would like it to do so.
The next part of the article on the Jews is as bad. Why should a Jew identify himself in a hostile environment to appease liberal consciences? Madness.
They are a devious and slippery lot. Do not have anything to do with them. They are not to be trusted under any circumstances. The only solution is to send them back from whence they came.
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
BBC sofas the length of the land are fluffed and primed.
Shami Chakrabarti – a hater of Britain, a true BBC fit.
Moto “Love thy enemy”.
Oh great, she’ll be available now to join the likes of Bonnie Greer, and be the ‘go to gob’ for comments on everything. Cant wait.
And the sofas also look set to soon again host another favoured BBC bum.
As Mrs. Merton might ask, what is it about public-spurned, loss-making activist commentators that so attracts the BBC to Mr. Hasan. And Mr. Morgan. And. Ms. Toynbee. And Ms. Penny. And…
‘…you can get from every quango, charity, government body to Shami in actually two moves, rather than eight. And the same names keep cropping up all the time. All with the same views.’
Meanwhile, in other news…
She is sexy, though…..
BBC Breakfast just now, an ex Soldier volunteering in the Calais jungle is up before a French court today charged with trying to smuggle a child into Britain, to be with some relatives in Leeds. Presumably the rest of her family would then be allowed in after a decent interval.
After tentatively pointing out that this Saint had technically broken the law, Turnball gave the soldiers mate, another “campaigner” free reign to spout a load of nonsense about what a kind caring bloke he is, how terrible the conditions are there, that this is going on right on our doorstep (yes we had noticed thanks).
No mention of the fact that these people are already in a safe country, just the usual sob story with no alternative view. And Turnbull just let him push this agenda at the T.V. Poll tax payers, sorry viewers.
It was then followed by a story from the Beeb’s very own transgender reporter, about the lack of support for very young transgender kids.
And no I’m not making it up !
Yup, just saw it and wrote this comment before seeing yours:
“BBC breakfast news at 8am on Thursday 14th – totally biased one-sided reporting on the “compassionate” Leeds man charged with smuggling illegal migrants into the UK. The report focuses entirely on the “little Afgan girl” who’s family “pleaded” to be taken over to join other family members in Leeds(!?) cue photos of the defendant smiling with the girl on his knee saying he was ” inspired to help” after seeing the Aylan Kurdi pictures (inspired to encourage more dangerous illegal immigration more like). Then right at the end of the report they casually mention the two Eritrean men who were also in his van “unbeknownst to him”. No photo’s of the Eritreans of course!!
Unbelieveable. They should lock the f**ker up and send the BBC reporter’s daughters to live in an Eritrean/Afgan ghetto in Leeds for a year – see how they like it.”
I didn’t even see the bit about the two Eritreans, I suppose hairy arsed adult men don’t tug on heart strings like 4 year olds.
Its so disconcerting isn’t it, when you open the back of your van and find two Illegal immigrants sitting there, it happens to me all the time.
Yup – and this wasn’t some giant articulated lorry. Just a little white transit van. So easy to miss two Eritreans sitting in the back of your van.
There is a flipside to this story but you are unlikely to read about it on the BBC.
Desperately unhappy people selecting surgery in order to cure all their problems and finding the results are not what they hoped for.
There is also a facinating interview with Walt Heyer here,
Be warned, this is a Christian based podcast, don’t let that deter you, I am fully aware that Christianity is a derided and unfashionable pastime but you are not going to hear first person facts like this anywhere else.
Suicide rates are higher amongst those who have had sex-change surgery than they are in the “non-reassigned”, or “pre-op transexual” in the transgender community as a whole. This means encouraging those who seek “gender reasignment surgery” to have surgery is more likely to lead to suicide, than treating them for the psychological condition in which they believe that their identity gender is different from their physical gender. Gender dysmorphia is an entirely psychological condition. Pandering to it will not cure it.
Give Women the Right to Defend Themselves Geert Wilders..
“Cultural enrichment” has brought us a new word: Taharrush. Remember it well, because we are going to have to deal with it a lot. Taharrush is the Arabic word for the phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped, raped. After the Cologne taharrush on New Year’s Eve, many German women bought pepper spray. Who can blame them?
A culture that has a specific word for sexual assaults of women by groups of men is a danger to all women. The existence of the word indicates that the phenomenon is widespread. Frau Merkel, Prime Minister Rutte and all the other open-door politicians could and should have known this.
What will it take for the BBC and the fascist left to admit the ugly truth of Cologne.. and elsewhere in Europe.
There’s none so blind as those who will not see
Very interesting that Arabic has such a word. There are other meanings that give you a fuller idea of it:
Taharrüş = itch, itching, irritation (Turkish, borrowed from Arabic, a medical term).
Rather casually at the end of his piece to camera our BBC reporter outside the court delivered the information that this chap from Leeds was stopped with with two illegal immigrant men in the back of his vehicle ‘he knew nothing about’. Presumably the young girl with him in the front was undeniably in his care and clearly his responsibility? Bang to rights and playing the sympathy card? Seems to be working with the BBC – our Naga Munchetty “This is a story of compassion….”
Interesting BBC treatment of the murderous attack on the Jakarta branch of Starbucks this morning – ‘we don’t who might be responsible’ [fair enough at this early stage] ‘the authorities describe it at terrorism’.
Now watch how this plays out in BBC reports. I’m willing to bet as it emerges that this is an attack by Isamic Terrorists the Terrorist word will fade and wither on the vine of BBC reporting.
The culprits are either some species of Islamists or disgruntled coffee fanatics unhappy with with the service or quality of product. If it is the latter will we have David Cameron, bbc et al telling us it’s nothing to do with caffeine?
LOL very good, Yasser. Those coffee fanatics are in the middle if a civil war with the apostate Tea-ites from Iran.
indeed. It will be replaced by “militants”
Turkey, Indonesia, Sydney… just what could link all that is going on across the globe?
Or, what could it be nothing to do with?
Mysteries abound.
It must be those bloody Amish, with their hatred of 21st century technology. Or, Wiccans, or porridge troughing Quakers. Simply must be.
Last night on BBC1 10:00 News a concerned “reporter” got to the bottom of a crime wave in Manchester involving armed street gangs. One word conspicuously absent was the word “black”. Then on to London “news where you are” where Emma Thompson was lauded for leading the capital’s fight against a resurgent TB. One word conspicuously absent (despite a map showing that the local areas most at risk are areas of recent immigrant settlement) was the word “immigrants”. Then, with total absence of irony, the very next item concerned the arming of another 2,000 coppers in London to counter a “terrorism threat”. One word conspicuously absent was “Moslem”. Such reportage is not only an insult to the viewers – who’s being kidded after all? – but a clear indication that the BBC restricts or skews what information it’s prepared to broadcast to those aspects of current events which suit its Narrative. This isn’t “news” – it’s propaganda.
London is the TB capital of Europe. Even the BBC (here) has had to report that – but they also fail to state WHY it remains so persistently high. The reality is a little bit different. This report by the LANCET is quite clear that it is immigration is to blame (2010) it has got worse since then. The BBC blame local poverty and the common cold. TB is also linked to sexual practices and misuse of drugs as well as immigration. That is why it is so high.
WOW…you are all on excellent form today! My index finger is aching from all the up-ticking I have done! There seems no end to the s**t that emanates from our so called nationalist broadcaster these days. They should be put in the stocks!!!
The EU is slowly…no, that should be quickly…falling apart. Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Hungary and others all rebelling in their own way. Their country comes first. Shame it doesn’t happen here.
Mind you, all will be well once there is a statue of David Bowie on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square or a plaque in Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey! Did anyone else hear that on Today this morning? Could hardly believe me ears!
Best headline of the day was the resignation of Chakrabi of Liberty. Can’t stand listening to the women; she can’t string…she can’t…she can’t string a sentence together without…without, you know….without repeating words!! Drives me nuts!
Poland doing a bit of back-pedalling, though, apparently…
I just read Shameless Chuckmybutty is leaving Liberty (the terrorist rights group not the shop). I wonder which human rights group she will go to next my money is on those bastions of freedom, fair play, tolerance and democracy CAGE.
I’ve just heard the very sad news that Shami Chakrabarti is now unemployed and on the look out for a new job. I’ve had a brain wave. How about she teams up with that other paragon of the left wing conscience, Camilla Batmanblancmange and form a comedy double act?
“Shami and Batty”, a sort of pc, post feminist, ironic, minority fun girl duo for the 21st century. They would have their own show on BBC 2…Radio 4 would love ’em and they could cream off tons of taxpayers money, they’d love doing that. Surely they’ve got to be funnier than French and Saunders.
I’m only trying to help…
Great idea Jeff.
Got me thinking of the worst double acts.
1. Lenny and Gerry
2.Hope and Keen
3.Little and Large
4. Cannon and Ball
5. Hale and Pace.
6. Mayall and Edmondson
Best ones?
1.Trevor and Simon
2.Dustin Gee/Les Dennis
3. Two Ronnies
4. Enfield and Whitehouse
5. Vic and Bob(up to 1989 only-shit ever since)
6. Jimmy Savile and the BBC
The BBC seem to have left Copenhagen…havng been disappointed in the Danes.
They seemed to still be sad about Istanbul, but Bowie took all the tissues, so forget that one will you?
Today it`s Jakarta…who`d have thought the most complex archipelago on Earth, stuffed with all manner of Muslims would EVER present a problem?
Well the BBC are rubbernecking THERE today-and nicely stapling this non-event to “a plan to arm more police people in London”.
See what the BBC did there then?…we`re all doomed…Islams angry sword knows no boundaries…that`ll be the bloody Danes and their cartoons and their Drancy tactics…and Chris Graylings fault for not wanting Turkey in the EU, unlike Lord Sir William Baseball Cap of Richmondshire!
Far easier to bend all their stories into a comedy string of fanny floss..then push it around the room until the next ” Islamic newsgrab comes along-and if it tinkles Davis` knob and pulls his chains…then wup-di-doo!
No-anyone remember a day when Islam wasn`t bombing or moaning, sexing or raping, murdering or beheading?
THAT would be news, you Beeboid dickies!
Any chance of us billing Jihadi Johns clan for the cost of an instant cremation?…we saved them a lot of money, as well as taxpaying types like me…Friday bucket at Regents Park tomorrow anybody?
Well, it looks like if Bowie was causing a run on the Kleenex in W1A, Alan Rickman has now stepped up to the plate to push matters of note points East a wee bit down the BBC home page.
Just reading the bBBC reports of the Jakarta bombings and shootings and surprised to note that the I and M words they don’t like to use with any negative connotation are in fat being used, if sparingly.
Clearly the editorial team in the Al Beeb newsroom have calculated that with Indonesia being on the other side of the world, and itself a Muslim country, they might risk using the I and M words occasionally without ‘causing offence’ among our esteemed minority communities.
Utter hypocrisy of course.
Bombay to Mumbai, Peking to Beijing..and now they’ve dropped the ‘D’ from Jakarta. When are we finally going to get the ‘istan’ added to London?
The problem with the whole of Indonesia (for the BBC) is that it is the world’s largest muslim nation.
Indonesia is constitutionally a secular state (but the government officially recognises only six formal religions), with Islam being the dominant religion in the country. Indonesia also has a larger Muslim population than any other country in the world, with approximately 202.9 million identifying themselves as Muslim (87.2% of Indonesia’s total population in 2011).[1]
So I’m putting my money on these terrorists being unquestionably Scientologists. It’s the only logical assumption.
Oddly, Cameron, Whittingdale and Norman all seem to feel OFCOM is the best outfit to ‘oversee’ the fanatically Europhile, but supposedly inertial, BBC.
Just like to add to that post Guest Who. On that weblink we also learn ‘UPDATE: Emmott was also the Executive Producer of the BBC pro-EU propaganda film ‘The Great European Disaster Movie’’ Why are we not surprised? OFCOM should have oversene the BBC years ago – but fat chance that it will make any difference now on BBC propaganda well aligned to further EU integration. I have just signed this GOV Petition (currently at 20,000) to stop Cameron using taxpayers money to mailshot everyone in the UK that the EU is as good as the BBC thinks it is. If anything there should be TWO leaflets, on IN and one OUT. I call for BREXIT. Cameron obviously thinks it can be rigged to stay in by dropping leaflets through your letterbox and more EU funding to solve the ‘problems’ such as immigration.
I signed this today :
57 mins ·
At 1pm MP Maria Miller will be answering your questions on a new report she’s lead into what needs to be done for trans people. Some of the new recommendations for young people according to her report are:
– The lowering from 18 to 16 of the age limit for obtaining official recognition of a new gender without parental consent.
– The option to record gender as ‘X’ in a passport, and an end to the need to show a doctor’s letter to alter the gender shown.
– More training for school staff to better support “gender-variant” young people.
-Official recognition of gender should be based on “self-declaration”, rather than one from a doctor.
– A review into how the NHS treats trans people.
– A review into transgender people in prison.
Leave your questions for her below in the comments, or share if you think this is something that would interest your friends.
So far, 2 likes, 1 share and 0 comments.
Maria and the BBC really tapping into youth concerns.
A quick trawl through the internet puts lesbian and gay people at about 1.7 – 2.5% of the population and transgenders at about a tenth of that, say 0.25% max.
This is a classic case of political correctness gone mad, which in my definition is the excess of positive focus, time, resource, public money and media coverage on a defined group in relation to their actual numbers.
I see no moral imperative for spending more public resource on this group than on any other group as a proportion.
The nonsense of the bBBC Newsbeat above and the recent glaringly obvious pro transgender bias on the bBBC serves to show that the liberal elite are running very short of ‘minorities’ to support, and their spokespersons are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to keep the ‘industry’ going. What next? Wheelchair-bound transgenders under the age of 60 (approx. 0.5% of 0.25% of the population)? Don’t bet against it.
The whole bunch of liberal gits are in a panic. They are distracting themselves as much as trying to foist propaganda on the rest of us.
The year is going badly for them. Cologne, cover ups, Sweden , terrorist attacks everywhere that simply cannot be passed off any longer as militant this or that. The EU imploding whatever anyone else says. Economic melt down on the way? The list goes on and on and it is only Jan 14.
How can we not have sympathy for the poor dears. Their world is breaking apart and all we do is snipe at them.
Let’s make March a’ be kind to beeboids month’. It is the right thing to do. Hard working beeboids need support.
By March at this rate the whole lot will be having a collective breakdown. .
be kind to beeboids month
Do you mean act as a UK version of Dignitas and put them out of our misery?
If so let’s make it a year, not a month, and start now.
Next will probably be adult consensual incest, or a creeping lowering of the age of consent.
The one who fiddled her expenses and cheated all over the place until Cameron binned her a year or so back-Basingstokes cross to bear as I recall!
So who else to dip into our handbags to get some moolah for her new transistas…Prada and Jimmy Choos on the public tab…Maria seems prone to the odd pie, so Slimming World will benefit from her patronage.
Would be funny if we weren`t paying-the joke is on us.
How many geezerbirds are there in this country?….5000 tops?
Yet-like Islam-their media presence is out of all proportion to their numbers…Twitter fluff, grievance-seeking speed-dial pimps who`d disappear if the BBC didn`t fluff the soufflet.
Miller-lite?…maybe in the next world, the burqa should cover it anyway.
I`m hoping that making Miller the transista for Camerons cause will bring the whole pantie pile crashing down around their pinkies…only the Left and BBC give a stiff!
Regardless of his politics, I loved Alan Rickman, a good actor with a voice to die for (like Burton and Hopkins), and sad we wont see his like again.
Does anyone remember one of Alan Rickman’s early appearances as Obadiah Slope in The Barchester Chronicles? A wonderful performance and full marks to the BBC (of those days) for a wonderful adaptation. I think I’ll miss Rickman a lot more than Bowie.
“I grew up” with Alan Rickman (as apparently so many did with Bowie !) – so how come there hasn’t been the same wall to wall coverage of his life and career lot wot the media did with Bowie on Monday !
EnglandExpects – Oh yes, wasn’t he brilliant in that? I never saw the series at the time but having recently read the books, I bought the DVD. He was just as I had imagined. Brilliant.
Who can forget his wonderfully over-the-top Sheriff of Nottingham?
He was also very good at comedy – e.g. Galaxy Quest.
Here’s some essential listening. Tonight on 4 Extra: Susan Calman is Convicted. (No, sadly not locked up and key lobbed into the deepest ocean.) And on what topic has she (can we still say ‘she’?) chosen to muse and share her thoughts? Would you believe, ‘equal’ marriage? Whoever would have guessed…
Anyone taking bets for how long it takes her to mention her wife? I’d say within the first minute.
Here’s some more essential listening, this time Jon Gaunt’s Tuesday podcast interview with Raheem Kassam the editor of Raheem talks about the sexual assaults at Cologne and the two-tier German legal process now being applied for the offenders and states that the EU is a political union that is not operating in the interests of its citizens. He calls for ‘criminal trials’ for treasonous European career politicians who have embarked on the intentional destruction of European nation states while deliberately lying to citizens. Perhaps those at the BBC should take note.
Excellent stuff from Gaunt and Raheem and probably without precedent for UK radio.
All hunky dory with Iran and the US over the captured sailors who apologised and then thanked the Revolutionary Guard for their hospitality. No serious questions asked by the BBC. No criticism of Iran.
Article 13 of the Geneva Convention may or may not be relevant given that technically speaking the US and Iran are not at war.
But displaying the US sailors with their hands on heads is a propaganda coup for the ROP.
Now turn to daily complaints on the BBC about Muslim women having their veils tugged by evil far right racialists. Is it not equally offensive for a serving female sailor to be forced to wear that ridiculous rag on her head for the world to see her humiliation? Hopefully, arrested Muslim women should not complain at being required to remove these items of clothing..
Hunky Dory…or This is Not America?
Think I`ll drop in as many Bowie song titles into my conversations now for a few days….
I believe the only ting that the Muzzies know about Geneva is that it needs more explosive enrichment.
Tea time. So a bit of ‘in other news’ over a cuppa…
‘BBC World News is available by cable and satellite in 115.5m US homes, but has yet to share viewing figures
Odd. Usually they are keen to trumpet.
Shame about AJ. Maybe they need a BBC model where no one has any choice put to pay?
‘If you are to extend your bulletin “to explain the events that impact the country”, let’s do that. Let’s not have info-lite, Janet-and-John numpty explainers.’
Bu…but… envy off the world!
‘Mark said the BMA disputes these figures, but gave no further detail’
Maybe time ran out?
Or some other reason to keep things vague.
Information and education, eh?
‘Effectively I act as my own producer, I fix all the interviews, I read all the books, I book the studios, I am involved in editing the pieces and so on’
Quite the turnkey op. I wonder if he ‘handles’ the complaints too, to complete the circle?
A little light relief:
Scholars Yet To Find Act That Has Anything To Do With Islam
This is good hadda!…about time we (or in this case, the Jews of Israel) used mockery and scorn to deal with the incessant bias.
Noted David Bowie got an instant cremation-this would be “hashish to ashes” .
No-not funny really-I like Bowie-but I`m sick of Donald Trump abuse…and really think we missed a few tricks with Benn and Crow.
You`ll never hear in on the BBC-but this post of yours is good!
So as another Labour Luvvie shuffles off this mortal coil, the BBC moves into overdrive for the eulogising. I have to concede Rickman was a very watchable actor, but he was also another insufferable leftie:
“In 1965, at the age of 19, Rickman met 18-year-old Rima Horton, who became his first girlfriend and would later be a Labour Party councillor on the Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council (1986–2006) and an economics lecturer at the nearby Kingston University. They lived together from 1977 until his death.
In 2015, Rickman confirmed that they had married in a private ceremony in New York City in 2012. He was an active patron of the charity Saving Faces and honorary president of the International Performers’ Aid Trust, a charity that alleviates poverty in some of the world’s toughest conditions. When discussing politics, Rickman said he “was born a card-carrying member of the Labour Party.”
His death took the headlines away from the dreadful attacks in Jakarta by the RoP – again but then, he was a leftie luvvie, so what could possibly be more important?
If I were a Lefty luvvie I’d be a wee bit dubious about the extent of the ‘taking one for the team’ commitment on news management at present.
another insufferable leftie……….
Sod his politics, he could have been as insufferable to me as he liked !!!
I am getting pretty tired of this fashionable, self-indulgent ‘dying of cancer’ that these British entertainment legends are now making a spectacle of themselves doing. One or two doing it? It’s original and pretty cool in the totality of their dedication. But now that it is becoming a fashionable thing to do? It’s not big and it’s not clever and they should just PACK IT IN!!!
Watching Seb Coe slipping and sliding like a good `un!
Now then-is he our Sepp Blatter or our Michel Platini?
Hi ladies n gents. I was visiting the excellent Falklands United twitter account and noticed this petition.
I have signed, and I hope all of you will consider joining me in support of our friends in the South Atlantic, on the beautiful Falkland Islands.
Also have a look at their twitter – some stunning pics of the Falklands, and watch ‘An Island Parish’ on iplayer. A really good BBC programme – rare as hen’s teeth I know.
Not BBC related, but very like their attitude….i woke up to find Facebook had given me 24hrs ‘on the bench’….apparently….for commenting on the arson of a mosque recently. I said in view of the countless churches and temples torched by muslims the world over, they are getting a taste of their own medicine, and down to me, i’d bulldoze the mosques in Britain. Far worse is spouted on this ‘social’ network by muslims daily, yet i wager they get away with it…….so be careful, Facebook has given in like the BBC and others to Muslim terror think. I will report every goddam muslim comment from now on, see what happens.
If you threaten to take them to court on the grounds of discrimination due to Political Belief, then the chances are that you will get nowhere. If on the other hand you start asking them for information prior to beginning a case then they might actually do something !
The trouble is that American companies are extremely litigious and if you reach for a legal solution, they are likely to spend a million dollars defending a cent, in the belief that it ‘sends a message’ to other litigants, that regardless how meritorious their claims might be, they will never settle without a protracted & costly fight.
Thoughtful may be correct.
Never used Facebook.
I have made progress when the complaint comes via my MP.
Depends who the MP is, most of the current lot are only useful for increasing the fertility of our green and pleasant land.
That was before some of them decided the UK needed to become the most squalid place on earth and imported ten million proto-humans to effect this.
Grim Reaper – Facebook is very censorious on illegal immigrants:
With Gordon Brown now a very Grand Poobah and the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education his presence on this morning’s World Service took us back to the days of Mr Cholmondeley-Warner as the BBC person prostrated himself before the great man.
Just shows how little we can actually hold our politicians to anything close to account, and how a catalogue of failure can lead to a top job in the field you screwed up in, in the first place !
England is the only country in the developed world where the generation approaching retirement is more literate and numerate than the youngest adults, according to the first skills survey by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The minister for skills and enterprise, Matthew Hancock, said: “This shocking report shows England has some of the least literate and numerate young adults in the developed world. These are Labour’s children, educated under a Labour government and force-fed a diet of dumbing down and low expectations.”
“The implication for England and Northern Ireland is that the stock of skills available to them is bound to decline over the next decades unless significant action is taken to improve skills proficiency among young people,” the OECD said.
These changes have already had major implications for the global talent pool. Britain used to provide 8% of the best-educated workers but today provides only 4%.
And on that very subject, here is a headline from the Mail which I’m willing to be we won’t see on the BBC:
“Head teacher says his school’s worst-ever GCSE results are because he has ‘very, very, very weak’ students and many of them are asylum seekers”
As someone who has quite a lot of contact with young people professionally, I despair. Trained apes would often be more skilled and the worst aspect of it is that the little dears tend to have an attitude you could strike flints on.
GC. That has been my experience in commerce. Chippy little know alls that (not who) can’t even add 2+2 let alone write a memo – don’t even mention a well thought out letter. I’m (personally) very happy to be away from the little sh*tes .
How this reflects on the future of this country is another matter. 🙁
I agree. And as to how it reflects, it certainly reflects very badly indeed on successive governments’ inability to control the Left wing stranglehold on education.
It also reflects very badly on the BBC which has taken the lead in promoting progressive ideas and pooh-poohing traditional educational values and methods as outdated and irrelevant.
GC – You just highlighted the difference between Teaching (listen to the facts as they are known – e.g.. multiplication tables – and build your understanding on the basics) as opposed Learning ( throw in some facts and expect knowledge – don’t forget that 2+2 = 4 is open to discussion).
The “Left”, or should it be said Marxist/Stalinists, have taken over the Education system. We can only hope that the real “teachers” are still in the likes of Eton! Before they are banned!
These are Labours children then?
And there was me thinking that Labours children all dandled on the laps of henna`ed bearded gentlemen in childrens homes all over the north and down as far south as Oxford.
Certainly they weren`t UKIPs…who were banned from fostering up in Rother Valley as I recall.
And wasn`t Cyril Smith a Labour MP before he went liberal on us?…AND Greville Janner( who I think innocent at this stage) was a LABOUR MP.
Which factor can be shown most linked to paedophilia?
a) Labour
c) BBC
THAT`S one for More Or less I`d have thought….and I`d worry if anybody had all three factors in their CV at the minute.
As for poor Mr Janner-only the Left would think it a runner to dig up a dead mans bones to try them…and I used to laugh at how the likes of Cromwell and Ridley were exhumed and re-rubbished in public through those dark, bigoted times.
So unlike today eh?
One more thing-who needs a trial of the facts…the BBC have tried him anyway…I give you BBC v MacAlpine, BBC v Cliff, BBC v Ted, BBC v Leon.
Funnily enough though…NOT BBC v Savile BBC v Denning BBC v…well, anyone who ever worked for them…or was Labour…or Muslim…or Labour again…I can`t emphasise that point enough!
Listened to 5LIVE Interview this morning between Peter Allen and a transperson now called Sophie (but to an untrained ear sounding very pre-op, and could indeed pass for Sid James on radio). This obviously affected the very sympathetic Allen, who did all the right oohing and aahing as expected of all BBC personnel these days, without a critical thought in his head.
Until that is, it was time to wrap up the interview, and Allen, hilariously, referred to the precious newly bloomed delicate flower ‘Sophie’ as ‘mate’.
Re-education school for him methinks.
You ain’t no woman, bruv?
He probably thought that “mate” was a proposal. 🙂
Had the sound down last night for Channel 4 News.
But did see one Jack Monroe-boys name, formerly a lady, identifies as non-binary trans….oh, those poor typists doing the straplines was talking across Matt Frei to some bloke…well, seeing it was all transfatcrap, I imagine s/he was Clarke Kent had he copulated with Sue Perkins!
AS I say , sound down-but lots of phantom beard stroking and putting out pipes on each others shaving strops.
Prior to this, we had two drag axes going into battle-called Tallulah Gaye and Tiffiny Tinkerbell…or such other non-gender specific monicas of their own indulgings.
Cavorting into camera, deeply throating songs about hairdos and being unable to get mulberry wine shade of nail varnish in Kiribata…or some other hyperfeminine drag impression of what a Barbie Doll might have looked like in 1968, had Boeing made the false eyelashes.
No-no stereotypes of cruel caricatures here…and lefty women don`t SEE that all Germaine fought for is getting pissed up the femotunnel and onto a wall?
Humourless, irony free thikfux all of `em…Justice for Davina Ayrton NOW…why the hell should a self-identifying girlie have to go to a mans prison, and not get a fluffy boudoir in funky Holloway?
Yes, it MAY have been rape…but wasn`t headbutting a barman just as manly an assault, as our Bristol birdie did before Yule…and all the transfatties were yowling outside Broadmead for their “sister” to be spared jug.
At least, now we`ve seen Davina, Caitlyn and Kelly, Chelsea and the like-we can all say we know what a Feminist looks like…bottletops, muffin tops, bingo wings and a voice that is a sonar depth charge worthy of Barry White.
Now that the ‘Alyan’ story is wearing thin we have the ‘little girl in the jungle’ propaganda in the news.
Has any reporter questioned the French Government about the dreadful state of the the so called jungle ? Why is it always Britain’s fault ? This ‘little girl in the jungle’ story is being milked by the media who should be pointing the camera to France and the absolutely useless European Parliament who have done sweet F.A. to control their borders and are now beginning to pay the price.
As you read this have you seen any decision being made by the EU – No ?
Vote UKIP to get out and pull the drawbridge up.
No mention of the two of the two Eritreans he “didn’t notice” in the back of his Transit van.
Were they paying his ferry charges????
Apparently his crime was not using a seat belt on her – perhaps he was worried about being confused with the other seat belt advocate from Leeds who put other people’s children in his car? I’m surprised the BBC hasn’t made the link, it usually has time.
Did anyone else catch Monday’s extraordinary bigoted, xenophobic rant in the old rag that acts as news feeder to Albeeb? Apparently it is now perfectly acceptable for this so-called ‘ British’ newspaper, with its high moral stance on all matters relating to bigotry and xenophobia, to publish an article inciting hatred against a nation and its people – but only as long as that nation is England and the people are “English”.
The Graunian’s customary line is to deny our existence and insist that everyone in England is an immigrant who arrived with waves of invaders starting with the Romans. Journalist Joris Luyendijk , however, is permitted to refer to us as a nationality. The Dutch author of ‘Egypt – Sometimes A Good Man Beats His Wife” (strangely only available in Dutch and German) appears to have a deeply worrying attitude towards violence. The article is couched in language that conjures up images of the nastiest type of playground bully. Joris quickly gets down to all of the nasty things that he would like seen done to the English. If the English dare to vote to leave the EU, Joris gleefully forecasts that “Yes, we would strangle or crush the English”. The EU must “hit the English as hard as we can”.
According to Joris, the naughty little English have been “taught the lie that nationalism is what saved them from Adolf Hitler”. Who fed us those “lies” then Joris? What would the outcome have been for all of us if the English people hadn’t given a toss for England and said “Nah, I don’t fancy dying in a muddy ditch or being bombed, so do come in Mr Hitler, do you like jam on your scones?”. What “lies” did the Germans buy into Joris? Who fed those lies to the Germans,Joris?
What a weirdo. Where does the Guardian find them? For a man who clearly hates England and who claims to be an intellectual, one would have thought that Joris might have some understanding of the population that now inhabits England; some basic understanding of its population distribution and density ,the small amount of space allocated for urban living, the spaces that cannot be built upon and the reasons why , and at least some ability to distinguish between the land itself, the millions of ordinary people who seek to exist on it, and those who seek power and control over the land and the people.
But no. Dutch born journalist Joris, with his life experiences of Holland, the US, Egypt and the banking world in the foreign city of London appears to have a mind that doesn’t stretch that far – he just wants to talk about ways in which “we will make the English suffer if they leave”. He yearns to make millions of people living in England feel their “vulnerability and dependence” for having the gall to question how the country’s existing infrastructure and services can cope with the now, never mind the future.
Well, Joris, I think you sound like a deeply disturbing man and that the Guardian should be referred to the IPSO for printing an article that appears to be inciting hatred of a group of people who can be defined by their nationality (including citizenship). Joris claims to be concerned about the vast hordes of migrants in Europe. His own land of birth only ranks at 30th on the list of population density ,so lots more room there, Joris. Get campaigning. dear, Feel free to welcome millions of peoples from other countries into your homeland. Make your living out of writing books that try to understand the minds of men who beat women. But you’ll never have to experience being a woman living under Sharia law whose husband is permitted to beat her, will you Joris? You’ll never have to experience being a woman walking on her own at night, will you Joris? You’ll never have to be a woman vulnerable to being groped and sexually assaulted, will you Joris? Sadly for us, and for you Joris, your fate appears to indicate that you are doomed to be just one more self- important, greedy and arrogant bully in an endless stream of similar humans whose primary ambition is to strangle and weigh down the rest of humanity. Even more sadly for the rest of us, the views of men like Joris are those that will rule the days of our children’s lives. MBE for services to something or other heading your way Joris. Enjoy.
Hear! Hear!
As a mongrel ( in Joris’ terms – 1/2 Celt/1/2 Dane in terms of research ) Joris can , in pure Anglo/Saxon Foxtrot Oscar ( phonetic alphabet ). That’s why I’ve emigrated West – to live in a cave apparently!
Your darling Merkel has settled the argument.
Get out of the EU.
Vote UKiP
Err…yes Pillar, I also caught that, and posted a link to it with the following introduction:
“Those with a parochial view will find some English bashing comfort in this article in the Grauniad. It’s one of the most poisonous anti British articles I’ve ever read.”
There are those in Wales with such an anti-English prejudice, but who would cry ‘waycist’ to anyone who bad mouths any other race ( or religion) on earth.
How anyone can support such a treacherous rag is utterly beyond me.
Sorry Dysgwr. I missed your comment. It was rather more succinctly put than mine! Apologies to all for my long rant.
Don’t apologise Pillar, it was an excellent rant.
Oh indeed I agree Mr Golightly. Pillar expresses it so well.
I was quoting the words I used in a post I made on my facebook page.
As my comments are mostly ignored, I need to keep them bruef, and if possible, attention grabbing.
I am amazed by the torpor, apathy or plain simple lazy ignorance of many on tne Facebook medium, but nevertheless keep trying to stimulate some debate. I’d prefer any debate rather than silence.
Sorry Pillar, I didnt make myself clear. Your comments were superb, my comment was about the praeamble i wrote to a facebook item about that. I needed to keep my post brief, as so many of my ‘friends’ will switch of after a few lines. I try to follow, ‘ less is more’ as far as facebook is concerned. But here amongst interested parties your analysis will be, and indeed is, very much appreciated.
Read it here: It’s time for Europe to turn the the tables on bullying Britain.
This man has a strange idea as to what constitutes a bully!
I loved this bit: “Clearly multinational corporations from China, Brazil or the US cannot have their European HQs outside the EU. So let’s have an EU summit about which European capitals these headquarters should ideally move to.”
Why would any multi-national even want to trade with a ‘Europe’ that dictates where it sets up shop?
Or this bit: “Or consider the UK-based Japanese car industry – would Greece, with its excellent port and shipping facilities, not be its ideal new home? Oh yes, and sooner or later, the 1.3 billion Indians will object again to not having a permanent seat on the UN security council when 55 million English do. Let’s work out what favours we want from India in exchange for our support.”
Isn’t Greece at the wrong end of the Mediterranean? Not the most stable of countries either. I’m sure France would be only too pleased to offer up its security council seat, on behalf of the EU, to India.
I can’t say using Belgium as a unit of area is commonly used in my circle; London Buses for length, Homes for power and Wales for area I think. He’ll be expecting us to use the kilometre next!
Besides which, all those car companies have said very clearly that they will STAY in the UK whatever the result of the referendum. And that bullshit about the UN security council seat? the EU was planning to take the British and French seat in the next 15 years anyway. We are more likely to keep that seat, if we are outside the EU. If we remain inside the EU, there will be no point of having a UK seat on that security council. The EU will be speaking for us (whether we like it or not) on pretty much everything by then anyway.
Vote leave.
Those ever consistent, always adhered to BBC Editorial Guidelines get raised here..
Oh, and here…
It’s like they make it up as they go along… if the journey is in a singular direction.
Is the word ‘ghetto’ racist?
Well yes, probably, if you want it to be, according to some carefully selected academics.
Jamie Foxx ‘calls out’ Quentin Tarantino for using the G-word at the Golden Globe awards. This is the same Jamie Foxx who famously made the non-racist comment ‘black people are the most talented people in the world’. Also, and coincidentally, he made another non-racist comment at an awards ceremony following his role in Django, another of Tarantino’s films. This time he said “I get to kill all the white people in the movie…How great is that?’ I’m detecting a non-racist pattern emerging here.
After the Golden Globe ceremony Foxx returned to his $10.5m house in Thousand Oaks, California to slum it at his 40 acre ghetto, complete with Olympic size swimming pool and tennis courts. It’s a tough life living in the ghetto.
Isn’t it strange when the luvie lefties show their hand, hypocrisy is never far away.
“Even with that quick statement, the director insinuated the ghetto was not white, European, male composers, even if he didn’t mean to, says Khadijah Costley White, a professor of race, gender and politics in the media at Rutgers University.”
A bit like Leonardo and modes of travel to eco conferences, the words and deeds of Hollyvies seldom last more than one sound bite cycle.
I recall when they all got excited about violence on certain games and movies after a mass shooting, which unfortunately coincided with Django.
Seems it was, in ways only the BBC could love, ‘different’. They may even have gone for ‘another time’.
The Oscar nominations have had a bashing because of their lack of ‘diversity’, – it cant possibly be that none of the black actors in roles were up to scratch then ? sorry if its un pc to say that. With the exception of one or two – Denzil Washington being one, I find that very few black actors have a wide range of acting – they generally act as themselves or very amateurishly, but of course no critic dare say such a thing.
As a populist and conservative Islam sweeps all before it, the Anglicans can’t work out whether they are Arthur or Martha.
“The Archbishop of Uganda left early, but the others remained to talk and pray over their differences….”
The Archbishop no doubt needed to attend to “Ugandan Affairs”.
More likely he was making a point . The African bishops are not as wimpy and wet as our lot and probably find their company not to their liking.
The Jakarta ‘incident’ seems to have dropped down the rankings quite quickly, perhaps due to a mercifully low slaughter tally. Mishal must be devastated.
I was sent this from an expat based there:
The media reports yesterdays attack in Jakarta as being somewhat like Syria. Watching local media as it unfolded pretty much showed a bumbling attack.
International media reported, “Highly coordinated attacks across Jakarta’s business district.” The reality it was 100m2 area.
It seems the undercover cops had intelligence they were coming and thwarted the attack. That was the gunfight. They scattered and only after being shot, they let their bombs off.
The “bombs” were so pathetic they didnt even tear apart the terrorists bodies. The person who died in Starbucks was killed by glass shattering, cutting her throat. The damage to the police post was cosmetic, tearing apart thin, tin cladding. Sadly one policeman was killed.
I think its sad such a story was made about the “coordinated brutal terrorism” instead of being about the AMAZING job the police did to get the intel and thwart what could have been far more deadly had the 5 of them got into Starbucks together.
The terror being built into reports is EXACTLY what the terrorists want. I seriously question whether this had ANYTHING to do with ISIS!
The police action to protect us should be the story!!!!
Meanwhile, on the world’s most trusted broadcaster:
Latest images as blasts rock city
BBC – Who is mastermind suspect?
‘”Be lone wolves by whatever means you can,”
Preferably hot ones, to suit an astoundingly uncurious gush BBC and groupies.
Your expat friend is a liar. The attackers were not terrorists. They were militants. The BBC told me so.
We all know now that the Cologne attacks were carried out by ‘men’, as it is a fact that all men are rapists so it is disingenuous to blame a specific sub-group of men. Or at least that is the ‘official’ feminist line carried by Woman’s Hour and others.
Now that super-highway to BBC opinion, Thinking Allowed reveals the truth about ‘Rotherham’ etc. The writer and journalist, Rahila Gupta tells us that it was all the fault of ‘reactionary’ police forces. Can’t be long before BBC Inside Science or the irritating monkeys Robin Ince and Jo Brand, (good grief), and comedian Brian Cox tell us it was all the fault of ‘Climate Change’.
WOW. what genderphobic, trans-hating CISphobia. How do YOU know what gender they are? They could self-identify as any number of Genders, and probably not men. In fact, if you take into account “otherkin” they can self-identify as anything they wish. /sarc…
That particular journalist is just another Guardian regular. No point in even listening to her. She is talking to the wind now and sadly does not get it.
Brian Cox ‘identifies’ as a scientist, although he is yet to transition.
Does anyone know of how Mr Roger (Jerrod) Harrabin’s strawberry is doing?
TOB, Roger’s strawberry has set up a menage a trois with “the last apple picked today” and the Kashmir White Geranium, “that can’t read”.
Anybody else but Fatty Mardell give a stuff about Ken Livingston doing a defence review for his moribund shagged out lefty vehicle?
No?…well TWATO Himself certainly did-and can we PLEASE have MUCH more from delightful Emily Thornberries…that voice will pile on Tory and UKIP votes every time we hear the deep plum tones of Lefty privilege and private schools!
Has anybody told the BBC that Ken is an unelected has-been who never seems that well? An anti-Semitic nomark who covers his own failing mental faculties with calling our Kevan Jones and other dim bulbs of the Left.
Ken is unelected Mark…he has no say in any democratic process, no matter HOW much you peddle him…neither has Falconer, Williams, Kinnock or Campbell-anybody TOLD them that we don`t need their noises off…they`re money grubbing misfits and traitors with David Kellys blood on their hands…or car tyres anyway as they scooted off having condoned the deeds at that time.
Livingston is a dead newt who the BBC reckon is a chameleon still-just a brownshirt and a shit inside it.
And the BBC is a peddle bin.
BBC’S Thought for the Day on Muslim rapes, courtesy of Pat Condell. Oops sorry. Not the BBC.
Question Time audience circa 2030?
Is that from Dr Who?? I’m off to the rear of the sofa..
I thought it was a fake picture when I first saw it, yes there is something deeply sinister and not of this world about it.
Never seen Pat as cold and clear as this…the humour gone, strictly business.
And that`s the only mood required for what`s coming.
Saw today that a German town has had to ban “migrants” from their swimming pools due to a sex assault on a couple of girls who (mistakenly) thought that they could still swim in their home town, as they`d have done before Angela let her friends in.
Saw too a book by Shadi Hamid…Brookings Institute, Muslim “moderate” who`s researched the Arab Spring crap of 2011.
His view?…you`ll only get a “moderate Islamic” voice in the democratic sphere if you “moderately repress it”.
If you choose to indulge it, compromise with it, try to co-opt it into your interfaith/council conflabs…it`ll eat you up from within, then wipe you out.
Obviously Nasser and Mubarak went too far…but not by much!
And this from a moderate academic Muslim scholar who saw more of the Arab Spring and its results than most.
Islam only responds politically to crushing or corralling…if you choose to let it out of its pen and off its leash?…you`ll get rabies after the ferals of Cologne.
Never seen Pat as cold and clear as this…the humour gone, strictly buisness.
My thoughts exactly. He was sombre and subdued. Muslim rapists have always made him particularly angry but he’s always managed to work in a few cutting and astute remarks while discussing them.
His attitude in this video seems to show how seriously he views the situation.
Noting the BBC still fussing about the “survivors”(or are they “victims” on Fridays?) of Greville Janner MP?
A “LABOUR MP”…to be said in Neil Kinnocks windiest tones!
Whci gets me thinking-all those poor people who won`t get their day in court?
Are we talking of the “allegedly abused”?(note we never see that alleged word in these pieces do we?)
Or are we talking about Liz Dux, Phil Shiner, Peter Sandford, Joshua Rozenberg and Hugh Pym?
Matrix Chambers will only be on the doubles tonight then?…let`s hope Moazzem, Mau Mau survivors or Rasta Trustifarians from Jamaica can shore up Cheries Bahamas hols with a new cause to hustle us over.
No doubt, the BBC stays open at weekends just for this kind of “miscarriage”.
Good luck with Savile or Balen though….
London Terrorist Attack On A Bus??
No mention on BBC.
It seems this story is about four weeks OLD!!! It looks like the MSM have found a way to bury any incendiary news – just don’t report it at all. If you do have to report it, and no luvvie does you a favour by dying, then hide it as long as possible.
Coming to an al-Beeb propaganda channel to you soon? Don’t hold your breath……
Now seeing film footage of rescue boats in the Aegean sea picking up migrants from an upturned boats. Three toddlers have lost their life. Shame on their parents, for even attempting to cross in the dead of night. They would still have their children if they stayed in the safety of Turkey. Shows the lack of intelligence of these people, so bearing that in mind, what job in Europe do they think they can do that will be of benefit to anyone ? Rather than Save the Children charities, these people need family planning lessons.
It’s often said that a big problem with the people in the West simply do not understand Islam nor the mindset of those who follow it. We condemn those on the left for this, and then go do it ourselves !
Islam is a fatalistic religion, one lives or dies by the will of Allah (insh Allah). If he wants to end your life then he will, and if he wants to save you then he can.
It is not therefore the responsibility of the parents, it is the will of Allah. Odd that the BBC always miss this out, but then their leftie reporters probably don’t realise it either !
Save the children, pseudo charity’s, facebook page is showing a picture with a child and the sea as a backdrop captioned as you would only take your child to sea if it was more dangerous on the land. I have twice asked them how Turkey is more dangerous than the Med. Strangely they appear to not want to reply. Funny when they are more than happy to gob off about how we should be taking more.
BBC Online News:
“”Has Belgium created ‘a system of apartheid””? (a rhetorical question that makes no sense).
“”She thinks divisions have been reinforced because many young Belgians of Moroccan and Turkish descent have reacted against anti-Muslim feeling since 9/11 by defiantly adopting a more religious identity””. (defiantly adopting? anti-muslim feeling?).
“”The only thing I hear from the political leadership is repression – ‘clean-up’,” says the organiser of the women’s meeting, Johan Leman, of Le Foyer community centre, a veteran campaigner for integration”” (Repression? It’s an investigative process following mass murder committed by Islamics from their community).
Once again, the BBC creates Islamics as victims. No balanced view. Therefore biased. And Left Wing biased. Exactly the standpoint of the far left.
I’ve noticed over time that the BBC give full flower to their far Left views on ‘Feature’ articles away from their front page news. Back door sedition/treason?
Not a bias issue as such, BBC favourite Stephen Hull who is Huffington Post UK editor-in-chief says he is “thrilled” that
the Duchess of Cambridge is to spend a day as a guest editor at the Huffington Post UK.
Royalty and the Huffington Post seem a bit of a strange mix.
Maybe an attempt to show their ‘no misogynist voyeurism’ cred, which Guido keeps highlighting as a hypocritical crock. Unless HRH is planning a swimsuit edition.
“”So Bob Geldof, where are your refugees?””
Sir Bob has gone deaf. What a two faced hypocrite!
If Farage had offered to take in refugees and had failed to do so, what would the BBC have said?
As with Animal Farm, the BBC are superior to all animals.
“Sir” Bob has always been a total hypocrite.
E.G. Live Aid – “Give us your fucking money”.
How much did you contribute from your millions?
Doom Town Prat.
Charae teg – Have some more recommends.
BBC Breakfast- yet another “political correspondent” (how many of these peeps do we employ ?), trailing an Uncle Jeremy speech, notes that he has had ” bit of a tough start” , which may well be the understatement of the millennium. No worries though because we poor saps are also about to hear the words of wisdom on Breakfast from the chief political correspondent of the Grauniad. And he thinks Uncle Jeremy has had ” a bit of a bumpy start”. The good news is that he will now be talking about ” policies and not process” (er, that would include the “process” of getting rid of Trident ?). It is good to know Al Beeb continues to be joined at the hip to our most progressive political commentators.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, islamic terrorists have slaughtered more people, this time in West Africa. While there is no truly comprehensive list of all these attacks, since the start of 2016 we have seen attacks in Israel, France, US, Turkey, India, Cameroon ,and Indonesia, plus all those places where such events hardly get a mention: Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt,and Pakistan. An average of one major incident every day. Fortunately we have Uncle Jeremy and Al Beeb to keep us all safe.
I see one of al-Beeb’s favourite charities “Islamists In Need” have been fundraising and chugging for peace in Burkina Faso yesterday.
Jeremy Corbyn to warn businesses over ‘unfair’ pay.
Jeremy Corbyn ‘is to say’ that a Labour government could ban companies from paying dividends to shareholders unless they pay workers the living wage.
Mr Corbyn will say….
Just a minute, has this speech been carefully leaked to the BBC?
Wait a minute, I can immediately see a flaw. I suspect it’s the bit where he says ‘Labour Government’. He must have written this speech just before he woke up, dreaming in REM sleep.
And you’re back in the room.
Here’s a clue – buy a tie.
Be funny if this ‘will say’ bs is exposed again and all the BBC press release forwarders shown for the overpaid copy typists they are, if Jezza bounces on and says ‘To be rich is glorious!’
Can’t copy and paste from Facebook on my tablet, but BBC News has a heartwarming tale about a lovely couple of ladies saying sorry with flowers in Germany.
Suffice to say the comments could be going better.
The editor has made the mistake of wading in and dug the hole so much deeper it is embarrassing.
“Refugees have been handing out flowers to try to challenge negative perceptions that have arisen following wave of sexual assaults on women in some German cities on New Year’s Eve.”
That should do the trick!
The liberal media is desperate for ‘good news’..Handing out flowers does not erase what happened in Cologne although liberal fantasists would like it to do so.
The next part of the article on the Jews is as bad. Why should a Jew identify himself in a hostile environment to appease liberal consciences? Madness.
They are a devious and slippery lot. Do not have anything to do with them. They are not to be trusted under any circumstances. The only solution is to send them back from whence they came.
Were they apologising for being raped by muslim immigrants in Cologne by any chance?