We have Hedgehogs in Europe , Africa , Asia and New Zealand so pretty much everywhere and in every type of climate there is . BBC got an expert on telling us they are in danger due to the wet and warm December in the U.K. and talking some crap about how they may not survive the Winter. Now my garden is full of birds and squirrels the size of bowling balls as they have had more time to fatten up for Winter. I guess ditto for the hedgehogs. Where do they get the experts from ? he probably ran over on once and now is studying Climate change and how it affects Hedgehogs at the University of bollox along with the rest of the BBC experts
Obviously in an ideal world it would be best to attribute the decline in hedgehog numbers to global warming or whatever emotive tag it may currently enjoy, but the sad reality is that the prickly little chap is a favourite snack of good old Bill Badger – whose numbers have risen in geometric progression, thanks in part to the benefits of a high-protein diet and its previous blanket protection, which created the problem. Don’t tell Countryfile though.
Add to the badgers the growing tendency to secure fencing without hedgehog friendly gaps and the use of decking . Suburbia is no longer as friendly a place for them as it was.
The man who fell to earth
No, not David Bowie – our attention is now to be drawn to Jose Matada, 27, the African would-be illegal immigrant stowaway in the undercarriage of a BA Boeing 777 who fell to his death on the pavement of Portman Avenue East Sheen in 2012
If Bowie had not died this week and well and truly stolen the truncated attention span of our media (which much prefers showbiz and sentiment to fact and reality) this post might have better been titled:
‘With hope in his heart and a pound in his pocket’
The concept for that title comes firstly from the fact that within the pocket of Matada’s thin clothing there was a single one pound – by the way, we are told he probably died of hypothermia and lack of oxygen (perhaps for his sake we should hope the poor deluded man died before he hit the ground).
But there’s a second meaning for ‘With hope in his heart and a pound in his pocket’ – because I think it can just as well stand as a motto for short movie director Jörn Threlfall (no puns intended).
Threlfall is the darling of the judges on the movie awards merry-go-round and his latest project is called “Over” – it focuses on the Matada story.
Now you don’t get to delight the cultural arbiters – or even get your project off the groud – if you don’t espouse a certain narrow left-liberal viewpoint. So inevitably Threlfrall says he hopes his movie will “help change people’s perception of migrants” (well, quelle surprise – you could have knocked me down with a feather)
Mind you, the plot for this film will only ‘resemble the case of Jose Matada’. Any rough edges, gaps or unwholesome aspects to his case will presumably be filtered out and additional sentiment and liberal messaging will be added into the mix. A massaged manipulated and soft-focus – but, no doubt, artistically deft tale will emerge. Still, according to the director his work is supposed to be extrapolated back to reality and to nudge a viewer’s perception of reality in a different direction. I call that propaganda.
Am I being unfair to Threlfall? This propagandising accusation – he’s just a movie director with ‘hope in his heart’, right? And the ‘pound in his pocket’ slur – is that fair to an indie film maker?
Well, actually he makes his living selling the public the soft propaganda of advertising. He works for corporate giants like McDonald’s, Disney, BWM, Honda, Charles Schwab and capitalistic household names such as Persil, Hellman’s and Nutella. Products that like bien pensant sentiment , cheap labour and mass markets. But there are Charities in his CV – RSPB (Not, I suspect, pro bono work – for Charities too have a politicised message to sell the public these days and they have to pay out for it).
To be fair he’s just making a living and exercising his creativity. But what really put grit in my gears when I read about it was this: ‘he wanted to capture the story’s “surrealness, outlandishness” in the “bland” context of suburban London’. The word ‘bland’ got my goat. Bland as in safe, lawful, happy, predictable, and moderately prosperous.
You see, ‘bland’ (white) suburban London apparently has no right to exist. ‘He hoped it would help people “understand tragic horrible things are happening on our doorsteps and we’re part of it whether we like it or not”.
Actually, no. We are blessed to have the English Channel and if necessary we could built a wall to protect our ‘blandness’ because we like it – we certainly prefer it to ‘tragic horrible things’ – so there!
What we do need to defend our land and ourselves from the invasion by an army in disguise which is coming, is a large number of fast armed patrol boats to protect our coastline, ports and harbours. They should be part of a force which is under strict orders not to land any illegals on our shores. They must be taken back to the other side.
Nothing from our MPs to support this teenager, jailed for trying to join Kurds in the fight against ISIS. Twenty One months inside. That will teach her. Perhaps Keith Vaz will have a word with her parents.
There is a petition for her release – to Teresa ISIS appeaser May. Remember her, the Home Secretary that wants to combat extremism, as long as it is not from ISIS.
Confirmation today, as if it were needed, that BBC News is a lazy and cowardly organisation.
The Newswatch programme led with criticism of the enormous amount of time given over to David Bowie’s death and there was the usual BBC type saying the critic didn’t understand. The critic said that more important issues such as the problem with the starving people in Syria was as a result pushed down the agenda.
Our BBC man said that in respect to this they had used all the images they had for this situation and as a result they couldn’t devote any more time to it; and it was far too dangerous to expect anyone from the BBC to go in there and get more.
It had not been long before that I had been watching Russia Today; they had a reporter on the front line with the Kurds fighting IS, they have been covering this directly for some time. Their reporters have courage.
So the BBC gave Bowie loads of coverage because they had loads of pictures and lots of people to talk to. But not many pictures from Syria, and don’t expect us to send anyone to go and get some – far too risky.
As I said, lazy and cowardly. When is something going to be done about the BBC? It is a disgrace and an embarrassment.
I understand the point about the pictures, but anybody over 40 can remember the TV news in the 1970s, 1980s and even the 1990s, and they seemed to manage alright, in fact they did a lot better. They had much less footage as there weren’t hand-held cameras, smartphones and CCTV etc.
Yes, in the ‘old’ days, there would be footage of reporters in Press flak jackets or b/proof vests with the ‘action’ going on behind them, wherever in the world it was going on. Now the journalists speak from the safety of hotel balconies (at night) where the glow of landing bombs can be seen in the distance. Or you get the anchor speaking to a head & shoulders on a laptop – probably in the next studio !
Confirmation today, as if it were needed, that BBC News is a lazy and cowardly organisation.
So true. They have Jim Muir who has been embedded in Beirut for at least a decade but is too chicken to hop over the border to Syria – and so gets his ‘news’ of that conflict second or third hand. I recall that a female journalist was killed in Syria a few years back along with her cameraman, I think, while Muir was skulking in Beirut. Needless to say, she wasn’t from the BBC.
And as the Libyan ‘rebels’ advanced against Gaddafi the BBC had an excited ‘reporter’ there who was so far behind the action that he couldn’t give any specifics as to what in fact was going on. The anchor back in the studio sounded embarrassed as she tried to make sense of his enthusiastic but vague report.
Does JIm still carry around that plastic palm tree so beloved of Rageh Omar circa 2003?
That prop has seen far more action than most of the BBCs “frontline correspondents”
Probably gets its own seat in First Class, and carries on a small sack of sand as frond luggage?
Certainly a better actor than most of those dole wallahs that the BBC roll out(literally) to tell us about the Tory cuts and their effects on the Jaegerbomb industrial consumption in Newall Green or Whitehawk.
No doubt the ninth floor of the Amman Hilton gives you a splendid panorama of the coming fun…and the I Spy Book enables you to tick off the variety of lamp-posts and piledrivers that so illuminate the skies near Israel…Kate Adie had more courage and integrity than the whole lot of knicker-wringing weepiwilloze that followed her.
Does JIm still carry around that plastic palm tree so beloved of Rageh Omar circa 2003?
Dunno, I’ve never had the misfortune to see him on video. I’ve only heard him on the World Service. During the 2006 war he was trying to express his bias with ridiculous statements like, Israeli warships are lurking on the horizon and sending missiles lurching towards Beirut.
BBC shmucks can only end up doing comedy when they are trying to be serious. And all we can do is laugh at them.
I quite liked David Bowie he made a few catchy songs and seemed like a normal London bloke end of. I did not know the bloke personally so I don’t feel anything. There is something very odd about all this ‘he inspired a generation crap.’ Inspired them to do what exactly ? . He was a popstar and he made a lot of money nothing more really. RIP David. There is something very odd about people who go into mourning for somebody they have never met
Too true. I was his ‘generation’, and he didn’t inspire me. In fact in his face painting days, he was just too weird, and I don’t know about his songs being ‘catchy’, as I remember you couldn’t exactly jive to them.
Bowie was a real enigma to me. I grew up in the 70s and he always seemed distant, strange, mysterious and I liked the way he seemed to avoid too much publicity. I thought his music was hit-and-miss, but there’s no denying his track record of genuinely great hits. I felt his death more than I would have anticipated – something about a part of one’s youth finally fading away, etc. I feel very sorry for his wife and young daughter, and for his son, Duncan – whatever I feel about his loss is nothing compared to their grief.
In reality, I still have the same David Bowie I always had when he was alive – he was something far away and rarely seen when he was alive, but his music was always in my life one way or another and – really – nothing much has changed in that respect. I feel sad that he’s gone, but his back catalogue remains and I can enjoy it any time I like.
Yes I liked Bowie too. Some great songs and very often original. Very British too, with his early influence including Anthony Newly! I always felt I knew where he was coming from.
He was his own man and no lefty luvie he. Bowie bonds and happily lived in New York. Wasn’t his only political intervention to be against Scottish independence?
Quite instructive that the BBC’s obituaries majored on his supposed trans/bi sexuality. Very minor aspect of his life
Funny how the likes of Bowie, Page, Jagger, Sir Paul-among others-seem to be safe from Operation Yewtree types-whereas Cliff, Davison, Janner, McAlpine are continually traduced , probably with much less public evidence( Stray Cat Blues?..Good Morning,Little Schoolgirl?…and enough stories from various books about them).
It was clearly a different time, I`d not be hounding ANY of them…but is it just Jews, Tories or naff acts who do panto who get the dawn knock?…whereas if you`re rich, a cultural icon and would refuse to feed The likes of Gompertz or O Leary…well the BBC choose to look elsewhere for people to smear.
Only wish Cliff would wipe the BBC out in legal suits…and someone else is looking at the BBC helicopters rotor blades, so they won`t dare to film police raids,even IF local plod reckons that`ll keep our minds off Muslims…
As an intuitive woman, who has undergone the agonizing process of bringing new life into this strange and mysterious world, I have always found it extremely easy to pinpoint those who were clearly designed, by whoever designs humanity, to threaten the greatest dangers to babies and young children. I don’t understand the reasons underlying the creation of those who prey on young children, but I do possess a sense of intuition that has enabled me to identify and avoid them as though they were a plague. I knew that something was deeply amiss when the BBC started deliberately promoting men who I found utterly repulsive – men like like Savile, Jonathan King and Gary Glitter. It seems to me that those who now control the BBC are just suckers on a tentacle that writhes out from a heart of darkness. Luckily for me I have had the fortune to exist in the sole century in western civilization when women were not burned, drowned or committed to mental institutions for daring to be anything other than the subjugated and submissive 50%. Unluckily for my descendents, and their children, those who now rule the world seem to have reverted to the view that sexual abuse, child abuse and extreme cruelty are just the price that the power crazed and perverted expect the masses to pay while they fashion the world in which the masses must seek to exist.
Good post. Only when our women stand up and say enough is enough to the foul equivocating rubbish ( mostly men) that runs Europe will the possible nightmare future start to recede.
Much ado on bBC about Corbyn saying he will bring in an equal, fairer society. What does this mean? Fair to whom? And by equal does he mean we all get a share of the wealth? That is the implication. But that wouldn’t be fair. Why should those who haven’t contributed get a share of my beans? Everyone’s definition of what is fair is different. My idea of fair is that the more you contribute workwise, taxwise, etc. the more you should be rewarded. Once left wing, I graduated to the right as I realised that socialism is wonderful as a dream, as a theory, but it ignores the realities of human nature. Corbyn and his kind have this utopian blindness wherein they think that sharing the beans will get those in the fringes more community-spirited. I’m afraid too many people don’t think like that. We all, to an extent, like something for nothing. Life is not and never has been fair. My brain hurts when I read bBC type articles on ‘white boys do better at school than black boys’ or ‘kids in the south do better than those in the north’ as though the ideal is for everything to be split fifty-fifty. It’s a nonsense, totally unachievable goal. Life is about competition, and the best will always rise to the top. Get over it.
What Corbyn and all like-minded lefty idiots fail to understand is the following:
Equal opportunity is fine, but people are not equal, never have been and never will be. Some will grasp available opportunity and succeed while others will fail. The only way to force equality on society is to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. That, of course, does not create utopia but a communist hell.
The Corbynista`s want to bring back , The Flying Pickets, not the group , British Rail FFS . I have traveled on Virgin East Coast , very good , a bit like the airline. Can anyone remember the constant strikes of the 70`s , power cuts , constant shortages of sugar , petrol , electricity , it was a fucking nigntmare . I was at school so ,it was all a laugh ,but in reality it would chaos .
Perhaps our Ken might have suggestions for trading with Venezuela – he is a member of the Solidarity Campaign for Venezuela, that successful socialist utopia.
Yep, its all gone wrong there. State of emergency. Needless to say the BBC has a good word for the struggling dictatorship.
‘The government says the country’s soaring inflation and basic goods shortages have been induced by political opponents’.
And I thought the crisis was manufactured by the CIA and assorted Zionists.
I believe it was on this very thread that some of my esteemed colleagues were chatting about Angele Merkel’s appeal to Mark Zuckerberg to stop Germans venting their feelings over the Muslim invasion on Facebook. It was in September:
Earlier this month, Facebook said it would begin removing racist content from the German version of its website by joining forces with a nonprofit German Internet watchdog to monitor for hate content.
Yet Facebook had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to even look at hate-filled incitement by Arabs against Jews, which is fuelling the current wave of terror attacks in Israel:
So those who object to the invasion of Germany by an army of Muslim thugs are to be silenced while over in the Holy Land Muslim thugs who rouse the rabble to murder Jews are free to use Facebook as their platform.
No doubt Mark Zuckerberg, who is Jewish, regards himself as pure as the driven snow because of his ability to ascend to such dizzy heights of political correctness. In fact, he is a perfect example of the idiocy of the lefty who puts ideology before morality and common sense.
An Israeli lawyer is suing Facebook over this very issue. I really hope she wins the case.
BBC won’t report this, or if they do, it won’t be reported in a widely accessible form or format. Won’t sit well with the pro-islamic and pro-migrant propaganda.
And those German trannies are obviously ‘far right’.
The Islamist BBC are happy for transgender people to be stoned and women to be raped. Its all part of the Islamisation of Europe that the BBC are promoting and facilitating. White indigenous European’s and integrated immigrants had better get used to it, or get politicians who aren’t traitors and who will bring the real criminals to book.
Islamic BBC – the real criminals.
How will they report on the inevitable political breakdown in Germany and Sweden? With surprise, because nobody can see it coming can they? The more immoral the BBC becomes, the more ‘far right’ I become. Go figure.
If it’s like the response to the Cologne attacks then the response will be:
1) Ignore it
2) If forced to report it, then report it as yet another hate crime perpetrated by men
I`ve now got to add four more Top Trump cards now to my deck.
Thought I`d got all the sets of grievance-hustling victims who might be next for a pay-off or a Panorama special.
Transexuals of The Ruhr weren`t an issue a few years back…so now THEY need to be added to the deck for shuffling and random prominence.
Teenage girls in swimming pools?…teenagers getting off a train in Cologne?…best get the rules translated into German for the export market of Grievance-Hustling Top Trumps.
But-no matter how many OTHER sets of cards I have to make…disabled lesbian piano tuners in Mainz or whatever-it`ll go without saying that Islamic Men without wives and kids will ALWAYS be the Top Cards…and their donkeys, their passkey to the kuffar kiddies home and their mobile chargers will ALL take priority over wives and kids.
The BBC will continue to knit tumbleweed at the base of the tumbrils, but will be liberal with the rosewater as they attempt to conceal the smell of blood and Dettol.
At least one of the pictures shows a sign for WORMLAND. Having lived in Dortmund for four years, my slightly hazy memory went back to a store called Vurmland just off the main square – WO from my addled memory is pronounced VU. A quick check, and it came flooding back – it is a gentlemens outfitters! I was there in the 1980’s and it sold some horrendous fashions even by German Standards. How nice to see it in a story of stoned transsexuals in the next century.
That Daily Mail headline is misleading in the extreme. They were not stoned, but threatened with stoning by the teenagers. Still, if Germany could release itself from paralysing political correctness, it would find a way to deal with these problematic members of the Religion of Peace. Could be that the pro-Merkel (i.e. pro-lefty, bleeding-heart idiocy) faction is just too strong.
The BBC innovated this type of reporting GW, they have managed to report numerous crimes in which the perpetrator was still at large without giving the merest hint of the one major identifying characteristic that could help in capturing said perpetrator. True pioneers, nice to see the Swedish cops catching up.
What motivates these lunatics? They must have planning committees and establish the most effective way of doing anything, and then move as far away from that model as possible.
“Two German transgender women ‘are STONED in the street’ by a gang of three North African teenagers in Dortmund who said ‘such people’ should be killed”
Thoughtful said: (Sounds like some of the contributors here !)
I guess that was directed at myself amongst others. Well, no, not at all. I do not advocate killing or persecuting or even discriminating against transsexuals (or gays, or disabled), but what I do object to is the active promotion and ‘normalisation’ of such people. We should all be treated as individuals (*) and not as a group. The BBC would have us believe that every transgender, gay (or disabled) individual is virtuous and beyond criticism. They must never be shown in a bad light, even though their desires (not needs, except disabled) impinge on the lives of others. I have known and worked with both homosexual and disabled people, most of whom were perfectly ‘normal’ and reasonable people, but the odd one was an utter c**t. Now, if I were to point that out in the current left/liberal climate I would be lambasted as some sort of prejudiced ‘phobe’. It has to stop, because it’s poisoning our way of life.
* – muslims excepted because they have, as individual parts of a group, chosen to embrace a vile set of ‘values’ that decent members of society find utterly obnoxious.
Agree with neilw. My issue over transgender is mainly at the media and multicultists who want a distinct identity for every difference, and thereafter use that identity to draw attention to a victim class who must be elevated to supreme virtue and protected from the rest of the population who can be demonized as bigots.
The problem is when two perfect victim classes come into conflict as we see in Dortmunt stoning incident.
After hitting on the transgenders our lovable ROPers were shocked, I tell you, to discpver they were not proper women. And that calls for honour to be restored. Come on BBC. Guide us through this ethical dilemma.
What amazes me about Al Beeb’s bias, propaganda and censorship is the total lack of any comment or action from the present Tory government to do, or state, anything about an organisation that the British people are compelled by law to pay for, even if they don’t watch or listen to the absurd service?
Vote here if you have not already done so………………………………….. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
I’m sure the Tory Government is exasperated by the BBC but they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Up against the most powerful propaganda organisation in the country it would be too easy for the BBC to portray any government criticism as right wing interference with free speech. Nigel Farage has spoken up against the BBC, but most UKIP voters agree with him already on this issue. I don’t see anyone in the present Tory party having the same resolve and courage to take on the BBC and tough out the inevitable hostile response and possible loss of votes. They probably shudder in fear each time they see a QT audience.
I’m afraid I agree with you. It would take a real ideological conservative (small ‘c’) to take on the BBC and self-evidently that won’t be Cameron, who would have been quite at home in ZaNu Labour. Even the Blessed St. Maragret had limits to her resolve. She allowed the Marxist takeover of academia to continue and she never managed to find time to hamstring the BBC.
Perhaps she underestimated the power of the termite? It may seem small or insignificant yet it can bring down a house as surely as any bomb.
R4 ‘Point of View’ : Again, a platform for lefty Tom Shakespeare, this time to tell us all that our beloved National Anthem is passé, and we need a different one that he could be comfortable with. It hardly came as a surprise that he suggested Elton John and Billy Bragg could help to write a new one, and that he described both as ‘national treasures’. Aaaaarrrrh! Not in my opinion.
Radio 4 is like a Socialist Workers Party propaganda station this morning !
A point of view sees far left uni lecturer (is there any other kind) Tom Shakespeare who thinks that a new national anthem could be written by Frank Cottrell Boyce or Billy Bragg !
Then we move to Broadcasting House with far left guests Jarvis Cocker, & Frank Cottrell Boyce bemoaning the death of David Bowie. Telling us that Bowie was an Auto Didact when he was nothing of the sort, having gone to university, and that he was a member of the working class (yeah course he was !).
TWATO with Mark Mardell, and Trade Union Leader Len McClusky Discussing Labours defence review !
Why do they even bother trying to lie that it isn’t politically biased, not to the left, but to the far left !
Typical soft ball interview by Marr with Corbyn.No attempt to point out that Corbyns populist idea of banning companies paying out dividends will probably lead to job losses either by computers moving abroad or employing robots to replace low paid workers .Strange how whenever there is a terrorist/Cologne event the tv media always go on about `the right wing backlash` but one never hears when people do popular capitalist bashing one never ever hear that it might encourage `left wing extremists.
There is certainly a case for getting rid of Trident but if nuclear power France elected Front National in 2017 into govt would Corbyn do a U-turn on Trident? Hate the way at the end of the interview Marr gave a Corbyn a sneaky smile.
I hadn’t come across the idea that paying dividends was bad! Banning dividends would cost pension funds and pensioners income and put even less pressure on companies to show some financial competence.
Corbyn is the gift that just keeps on giving, cant wait for the next idea.
It would be more to the point if companies were banned from handing out money to political parties. It buys influence and it corrupts the system.
Moreover, legally, that money belongs to the shareholders and a surprising number of companies donate to Labour, most probably without their shareholders’ knowledge or consent.
You would have thought Marr would have a good idea what happens to liars by now and try and be a bit more contrite. Did anyone hear on R4 some bloke is walking across Antarctica 1260 miles or something in minus loads how can that be with Global Warming surely he is splashing about in his speedos surrounded by a few evaporating ice cubes
By the time the researchers, camera chimps, media and Greenpeace have accompanied him to “film the naqba of global boilings”-…AND we`ve paid the thermals bill to Antarctic Energy Solutions( penguins beating their little wings by a row of mobiles and wind chimes)…well, they`ll oil the ice, run over the seals and leave a pile of Hera health food tins for sherpa Eskimo-sab to deal with.
But next Wintervals cards to Tristrams and Jocastas are assured….great snaps chaps!
AND-if they`re not sneaking into comps all over the home counties to blag a full cheridee bucket from orphans and thick kids…then I`ll be very surprised.
Did Geldof know that he wrote “Feed the WORK”?…for these guilt-trippin` showponies from UEA/BBC Bristol seem to think that`s what he did sing…mind you, he thinks there`s normally snow in Africa does he not?
Interesting contrast between Marr’s friendly fireside chat with Uncle Jeremy this morning and his more hostile questions and the constant interrupting of Cameroon last week. And a nice gentleman playing the classical guitar at the end of the “show” this time rather than those spiky sarf London Squeeze ‘bruvvers”.
Absolutely no bias of course. Oh, and Andrew thanks for falling over yourself to remind us all that the Falkland Islands are aka “The Malvinas…”
Marr’s presence on our screens serves to remind us not only that the BBC is absolutely biased to the Left – but that it knows we know it is and doesn’t give a damn.
BBC1 – TBQ s elite Koranic scholar Nikki Campbell, bombasts some Christian lady into silence
“Mohammed said, that’s nonsense!” … yep!, talk to the hand baby.
Actually the off switch beckoned, as I heard some Islamic apologist from the MCB get lots of airtime, waffling on about Koranic erm … science?
Some babble about Tim Hunt and his offence … wasn t that proven to be false?
Another city the same issue, Islamic mandated child rape, and child sex slavery,
however the reporting here isn t all BBC … full of “grooming” “heritage” and “Asian”.
Actually the reporting is all BBC, as he stated the story wasn’t reported on Canada’s equivalent broadcaster. The UK doesn’t, is not alloweed to have an equivalent to Ezra Levant, the closest I guess is Jon Gaunt’s radio station, and even that can be pro Muslim.
Poor old Tom Shakespeare…poor sap will never be confused with William, that`s for sure.
Is he the small dwarfish little chap with lots of water in his bonce?…this would explain much of his thinking.
But only the BBC would think that he speaks for anybody but licensed grievance hustlers, wordy disability schticks at Brunel-and(need I add) for the patronising, wet lettuces in linen suits that run the Touretties Wing of BBC Output( at the last count, 85% of it).
If you fink am gonna shaht along to Billys “Fashists marchin` dahn the Eye Street…carvin` up the well fair state” idea of a national anfem Tom…your radiator needs draining up top, moi sahn!
Tom Foolery=cockney rhyming slang for jewellery I believe( with due thanks to our grey panthers at Hatton Gardens last Easter).
Clearly also means a piss taking leftie with an over inflated head who confuses Braggs “bellicose squauk” wiv miouwzik!
Next up Fransesca Martinez-and we`ll all have to sing it like she does, no doubt…then be put in jug for mocking her!
Andrew Marr tries to understand film this week. The Revenant starring Leo Di Caprio. Leo tells Marr in some detail how grueling it was making the film. Marr then dismisses the grueling aspect almost out of hand and then you know that something is coming, something that doesn’t belong. Somehow Marr is going to turn this, as yet, enjoyable interview into a leftie rant. And then as if by an ‘Impractical Joker-esque’ challenge the viewer feels that Marr has been dared to somehow shoehorn some text into the program and here it comes at 27:06 BOOM.
‘To what extent do the Inuit Americans become the heroes of this film?’
Leo is taken aback but does well to avoid the ridiculous question spoiling the entire interview. He gives some input on the general treatment of this minority historically but completely avoids answering the question directly because, it would seem, they don’t become the heroes. It’s a bloody stupid question that the masterful Di Caprio answers by not answering.
I think Will Gompertz and Mark Kermode’s jobs are safe for now.
Hope Tommy Robinson thanks me for this one.
Been listening to the Godforsaken jobbie from Mr Stourton that is “Sunday”.
Yep-you`ve guessed it-gays, charity pleadings and migrants.
BUT-I did hear about a “vulnerable migrant” who seems to have avoided being sent back to Italy…by claiming sanctuary in a German church.
This seems fine by the Catholic Archbishop here…and Ed seems happy.
Right Tommy…get yourself into Birmingham Oratory on February 3rd, enjoy the hospitality and speak to us all from Skype…the Lutherans and Catholics seems OK with that-and the BBC SURELY would have to accept that your case is in the best traditions of political persecutions being defended by those fearsome Bishops and Catholics like Patten and Childs.
AND-bring your passport-just step out on Feb 7th and ask to be “deported” to Sicily for a break…
Don`t tell Assange though…Ecuador deserves his smelly socks a while longer.
Just one thing-hope those German churches have no baptismal pools…we all know what the worst migrants think of little girls wandering past swimming pools in Germany…
Heard the whole of Stourtons Sunday Simpering for Satan Show this morning.
What is it with than name “Ed”…and cringing supine stupidity, sucking up on all the wrong causes?
His blasted bullhorn of a prog gave us twenty minutes on gays in the Anglican Church, but nothing whatsoever on Cologne.
I got more theology from Bowies “Station To Station” than in the whole of this so-called “religious programming “of Radio 4.
We got a few minutes on a monks old recipe for chicken curry, and some guff about the Tories hobbling the vibrant charity sector…when you see it ending up buying Mr Stinks Chemistry sets for Gaza, you can see why!
Yet the biggest story of the week for any “Church” in this country-the planned fixing of Easter-gets just one sentence on his show.
Boy-Welby`s a thick stick isn`t he?…if the BBC, teaching unions, Pope Francis and the Guardian think it a wizard prank…then it`s the complete opposite of a good idea-no matter what Anjem, the hairy Bikers or Chris Patten says.
One reason-it`s no longer a moving target if you leave the lunar stuff to the Muslims…and only THEY will now be setting the calendars for exams, school holidays and Eid/Ramadan…that “prophets birthday crap” is going to hop around the year in the cause of chronological jihad very soon.
Stop feeding Islam and the lefty unions Justin you tool!
chrisH, if ‘the planned fixing for Easter’ goes ahead, surely it makes sense to do a similar fix for Ramadan. This would obviate the need to screw up skool exam timetables and indeed prevent clashes with any other cultural events. A win-win, surely?
Sunday’s WATO has a tremendous scoop today over on R4 – the thoughts of Chairman Len McCluskey!
BBC broadcasting at its most terminally irrelevant: the future of the Labour Party (about which fewer people than ever give the proverbial damn) as determined by a bullying trade union fascist.
If its true that over 20,000 Indians are living here on Portuguese passports (with thousands more to come) because of a loophole that Goanians can apply for such, despite never intending to set foot in Portugal, then we may just as well throw ’em the keys, and we’ll all piss off elsewhere and leave the foreigners to it. As the Sun said 100 years ago – last one out turn out the lights ! Complacency can develop as we get used to these numbers, BUT for every one foreigner that settles here, they breed and bring family over, so its not just ONE body, over time that spreads to a family of 10 or more, multiply that by 20,000 ???!!!!
‘The BBC insists it can find no record of having paid Siddhartha Dhar for four TV appearances before he fled to Syria.
Though it did not deny that the licence-payer had forked out for taxis to take him along to the studio.’
Was the information requested by FOI, and in which case blown off as finding ‘no record’ would take too much time or exempted ‘for the purposes of not looking like a bunch of tools yet again’?
Al Beeb Radio 4 currently ‘debating’ ‘can we trust the opinion polls’, with particular reference to last year’s GE.
Wrong question, Al Beeb should be discussing wtf their GE reportage was so dependent upon the Corbynutta dominated social media and those polls rather than real vox pop and real people.
Isn`t Mark Mardell the charmer?
Never heard the fatwad tiptoe round the tulips with any Tory in the way that he just did with Len McClusky.
Mardell asked our Len…”where is the poetry in the soul of todays Labour party”?
I kid you not…
Can`t find Lens reference to “thieving Tory bastards at the Durham Miners Gala last July…but DID find this little piece re the poet McClusky?
Todays Shelley maybe?
I had the misfortune of listening to the repeat of The News Quiz on R4 yesterday. We all know the format – fill the panel with the usual sanctimonious left-wing suspects, sit them in front of last nights Question Time audience who the BBC have just bussed back to London from where they originally came, and then have a good old lefty love-in at the expense of your political opponents, i.e. the grown ups.
Well, here’s a shining example of the BBC hypocrisy – some tiresomely unfunny woman on the panel (Sarah Kendall I think) was ripping into Rupert Murdoch. Fair enough you might think, after all, an ageing billionaire marrying a former model somewhat younger (and somewhat less wealthy) than himself is ripe for a bit of comedy. However, we didn’t just get the expected line of “So what does Jerry Hall see in the 85 year old multi-billionaire Rupert Murdoch”. Instead she launched into an attack of his physical appearance, comparing his facial skin flaps to an advent calendar. Now, forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m of the understanding that you can’t help your physical appearance, and you put up with what you inherited at birth, you know, a bit like skin colour.
Can you imagine if one of these so-called comedians launched into an attack on a black public figure (yes, I know, but stick with me) and mocked the appearance of their hair, lips or nose? I mean, what the f**k makes them think they have the right to mock the physical appearance of the bloke just because they don’t agree with his politics – or, more likely, are simply jealous of his success & wealth? And it’s all sanctioned and encouraged by the BBC of course, paid for by us.
The BBC Complaints is always good for a laugh, especially when it comes to when they pull out what they reckon the country is most upset about, and respond to in what, for them, is record time.
Currently, you’ll never guess:
Responses to recent complaints
Question Time logo15 JANUARY 2016
Question Time, BBC One, 14 January 2016
We received complaints from viewers who felt the panel had a right wing bias.
BBC News
Fraser and minions clearly moved to action agin by those they need to placate quickly.
Over the course of a series Question Time aims to achieve balance and hear from a range of voices. Each programme usually consists of one senior politician from both the Labour and Conservative party, as well as representatives from other political parties. The rest of the panel is made of political commentators, journalists, and other public figures that add a different perspective and represent a range of viewpoints across the series.
We also aim to ensure that each episode has a divergent and broad range of views from the panel on the likely topics that our audience wish to raise. David Dimbleby moderates the debate to ensure panellists are given the opportunity to make their views known in a fair way. It makes for an engaging debate and ensures that views are challenged and tested, as was the case with this edition of the programme.
With the exception of the discussion on the merits or otherwise of arming UK police forces, where there was broad agreement from the panel that this was not appropriate in the UK, the other topics on Europe, Housing and Junior Doctors had a cross section of opinions across the panel. We hope this goes some way to explaining our thinking on how we put the programme together and can assure you that our intention is always to bring our audiences a good spectrum of contested views and opinions.
In the first of a new series, Allan Urry investigates claims by former officers from one of Britain’s biggest police forces that they’ve been the victims of crimes committed by their own colleagues.
So I tune in expecting an in depth expose, but it’s yet another BBC moan that a Muslim has been found to be corrupt, and the whole program turns on the flimsiest of evidence of wrongdoing, that some dead builder made a death bed confession that he had perjured himself in the court case. Obviously no evidence can be given to support this.
After the guilty verdicts, Elisa Hopley, senior crown prosecutor from the CPS North West Complex Casework Unit said: “Mohammed Razaq embarked upon a prolonged period of dishonesty, breaching the trust that was placed in him as a serving inspector for Greater Manchester Police.”
This prolonged dishonesty was never mentioned or covered by File on 4
Inspector Mohammed Razaq, 53, swindled thousands of pounds relating to four houses he owned, a court heard.
A jury at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court found him guilty of five counts of fraud, three counts of money laundering, and a charge of failing to disclose information.
A SENIOR Bolton police officer made a string of fraudulent insurance and mortgage claims worth almost £46,000, a court heard.
Insp Razaq owned four homes: two neighbouring houses in Bradford Road, Great Lever, where he lives, one in Bowker Street, Higher Broughton, and one in Duncan Street, Salford.
He was also trying to buy a fifth property in Georgina Court, Daubhill.
The court heard how he used several different identities in a bid to cover his tracks.
So hard evidence was uncovered, and the deathbed confession was actually meaningless.
However, the income from the properties was linked to the housing market, which was hit by the recession.
“The effect of this financial demand on Mohammed Razaq was that his bank account, that was in good credit, started to go down in balance to where money was needed to keep them in the black,” Mr Hall told the jury.
The deathbed confession was made by another Muslim – who is obviously as honest as the day is long to the BBC, but he was also accused !
Builder Mushtaq Hussain, aged 50, of Armadale Road, Ladybridge, is accused of trying to help him cover up the fraud by putting money through his books which he never received.
Labour MP Andy Burnham is wheeled out as Rent a Gob
The local paper has a comprehensive report on the issue, most of which was never covered, and presumably ignored by the BBC as it simply didn’t fit the narrative of ‘racism, Islamophbia, and discrimination’ they wish to peddle. Sometimes their programs leave me convinced, other times they don’t, but this one has simply made me angry, because I can tell they are trying to smear the Police because one of their brown eyed boys has been caught misbehaving and they don’t like it !
More evidence of Qatari open bribery attempts, this time of Athletics officials to get the games held in Qatar.
This is a way of life in the Middle East, if anyone thinks that those prepared to use corruption just to get games to their country are not going to be offering much larger amounts to influence international politics in the region they must be very naïve.
why don t they just go for London again?
they aim to own most of it
Harrods: The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) bought Harrods from Mohammed Al Fayed for £1.5 billion in 2010.
The Shard: The Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company owns 95 per cent of the the tallest building in western Europe
The Olympic Village: Qatari Diar acquired the site for £557 million in 2011 and took it over after the games. The British government lost around £500 million in the sale of the site. Oppositely, it is predicted that Qatar could make a £1bn profit in any future sale.
Canary Wharf: The QIA bought Canary Wharf last year, in conjunction with Canadian developers Brookfield Properties, for £2.6bnn. The QIA can also lay claim to its first City property, as part of the ‘Walkie Talkie’ building comes under Canary Wharf.
Sainsbury’s: QIA increased its stake in the supermarket giant to 26 per cent in 2007, becoming its biggest stakeholder.
Heathrow Airport: Qatar Holdings – a subsidiary of QIA – snapped up a 20 per cent stake for £900m in 2012.
The Former US embassy building: The 600-room Chancery Building on Grosvenor Square, in the heart of Mayfair, was acquired by Qatari Diar in 2009.
One Hyde Park: Half of the building is owned by Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the former Qatari prime minister, through development company Waterknights.
Chelsea Barracks: Qatari Diar acquired the site from the Ministry of Defence for more than £900m in 2007.
Claridges, The Berkeley and The Connaught: Constellation Hotels, part of the Qatar Holding investment subsidiary of the QIA, bought a 64 per cent stake in hotel company Coroin – which owns Claridge’s, The Berkeley and The Connaught – for an undisclosed sum from the billionaire Barclay brothers in 2015. The reported figure was as high as £1.6bn.
London stock exchange: The QIA owns 10 per cent of the London stock exchange
Barclays: The state owns 7 per cent of the banking giant
Camden market: The QIA acquired a 20 per cent stake in Camden Market in 2008 for up to £80m, although this figure was said to be exaggerated.
And in Scotland…
Highland hideaways Anders Povlsen, a Danish fashion billionaire has bought a number of estates in the Highlands, including 43,000-acre Glenfeshie, and is now Scotland’s second- largest landowner after the Duke of Buccleuch.
Sigrid Rausing, the Swedishborn Tetra Pak heir, owns the 40,000-acre Coignafearn estate south of Inverness.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the emir of Dubai, is building a 16-bedroom hunting lodge on the banks of Loch Duich.
The crown prince also owns a 63,000-acre estate in Inverinate in Wester Ross.
David Attenborough at it again with the climate change nonsense. In tonight’s edition of Great Barrier Reef he solemnly tells us, with the willing help of his marine biologist chumps, that in the context of something he and they keep calling ‘climate change’ the Great Barrier Reef has lost over 50% of its extent.
A quick google revealed that’s not the scientific proof…
A new scientific paper, The 27 Year Decline of Coral Cover on the Great Barrier Reef and its Causes, released today by the Australian Institute of Marine Science reveals a staggering 50 per cent loss in coral cover since the early 1980s.
The report attributes the majority of this coral decline to infestation by the coral-eating Crown of Thorns starfish, which thrives in fertiliser-polluted waters.
However, I suspect that hinting that a Corbyn government would take us back to the 1970’s glory days of sympathy strikes and secondary picketing is just a ploy to speed up the inevitable ousting of the great leader, because even the BBC realise that he’s a liability to their cause. I sincerely hope they fail.
What made me laugh though is this little gem of irony from Corbyn:
“Nobody willingly goes on strike. They go on strike as an ultimate weapon…” ROFL.
Stark contrast in news values this evening at 18.00
BBC news top stories in order…
1 The thoughts of chairman Corbyn on disarming the submarine service and reducing it to a job creation scheme for Unite members.
2. Obamas diplomatic triumph ( the Iranians have already defaulted by testing a ballistic missile ) but the agreement went ahead anyway so an “Iranian American” journalist could be freed. The Christian minister also freed got airbrushed out of course.
3. More protection for the environment around Britains coasts.
4. Wayne Rooney scored a goal.
Meanwhile flicking on to Sky I found more thoughts of Corbyn, something about “back channels” to negotiate with IS and the need to look for the strengths as well as weaknesses in IS, oh and and we need a friendly chat with Argentina about the Falkland Islands. (What’s to talk about? They want ’em, we’ve got ’em, the residents are content……end of.)
Imagine my surprise to turn to Qatars propaganda channel, Al Jazeera to find….IS massacring hundreds and taking scores of hostages in Deir a Zor, IS getting a good kicking in Iraq, dozens killed, the hunt for terrorists in Burkina Faso following the terrorist attack on hotels and coffee shops, Sunni v. Shia war in Yemen and impending famine in Ethiopia.
But NO MENTION of Jeremy Corbyn…..call themselves a news channel?…..pah!
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
We have Hedgehogs in Europe , Africa , Asia and New Zealand so pretty much everywhere and in every type of climate there is . BBC got an expert on telling us they are in danger due to the wet and warm December in the U.K. and talking some crap about how they may not survive the Winter. Now my garden is full of birds and squirrels the size of bowling balls as they have had more time to fatten up for Winter. I guess ditto for the hedgehogs. Where do they get the experts from ? he probably ran over on once and now is studying Climate change and how it affects Hedgehogs at the University of bollox along with the rest of the BBC experts
Obviously in an ideal world it would be best to attribute the decline in hedgehog numbers to global warming or whatever emotive tag it may currently enjoy, but the sad reality is that the prickly little chap is a favourite snack of good old Bill Badger – whose numbers have risen in geometric progression, thanks in part to the benefits of a high-protein diet and its previous blanket protection, which created the problem. Don’t tell Countryfile though.
Add to the badgers the growing tendency to secure fencing without hedgehog friendly gaps and the use of decking . Suburbia is no longer as friendly a place for them as it was.
What , that means he would of been an evil car driver , maybe he hit one, on his eco bike, or trod on one ,with his eco sandals .
The man who fell to earth
No, not David Bowie – our attention is now to be drawn to Jose Matada, 27, the African would-be illegal immigrant stowaway in the undercarriage of a BA Boeing 777 who fell to his death on the pavement of Portman Avenue East Sheen in 2012
If Bowie had not died this week and well and truly stolen the truncated attention span of our media (which much prefers showbiz and sentiment to fact and reality) this post might have better been titled:
‘With hope in his heart and a pound in his pocket’
The concept for that title comes firstly from the fact that within the pocket of Matada’s thin clothing there was a single one pound – by the way, we are told he probably died of hypothermia and lack of oxygen (perhaps for his sake we should hope the poor deluded man died before he hit the ground).
But there’s a second meaning for ‘With hope in his heart and a pound in his pocket’ – because I think it can just as well stand as a motto for short movie director Jörn Threlfall (no puns intended).
Threlfall is the darling of the judges on the movie awards merry-go-round and his latest project is called “Over” – it focuses on the Matada story.
Now you don’t get to delight the cultural arbiters – or even get your project off the groud – if you don’t espouse a certain narrow left-liberal viewpoint. So inevitably Threlfrall says he hopes his movie will “help change people’s perception of migrants” (well, quelle surprise – you could have knocked me down with a feather)
Mind you, the plot for this film will only ‘resemble the case of Jose Matada’. Any rough edges, gaps or unwholesome aspects to his case will presumably be filtered out and additional sentiment and liberal messaging will be added into the mix. A massaged manipulated and soft-focus – but, no doubt, artistically deft tale will emerge. Still, according to the director his work is supposed to be extrapolated back to reality and to nudge a viewer’s perception of reality in a different direction. I call that propaganda.
Am I being unfair to Threlfall? This propagandising accusation – he’s just a movie director with ‘hope in his heart’, right? And the ‘pound in his pocket’ slur – is that fair to an indie film maker?
Well, actually he makes his living selling the public the soft propaganda of advertising. He works for corporate giants like McDonald’s, Disney, BWM, Honda, Charles Schwab and capitalistic household names such as Persil, Hellman’s and Nutella. Products that like bien pensant sentiment , cheap labour and mass markets. But there are Charities in his CV – RSPB (Not, I suspect, pro bono work – for Charities too have a politicised message to sell the public these days and they have to pay out for it).
To be fair he’s just making a living and exercising his creativity. But what really put grit in my gears when I read about it was this: ‘he wanted to capture the story’s “surrealness, outlandishness” in the “bland” context of suburban London’. The word ‘bland’ got my goat. Bland as in safe, lawful, happy, predictable, and moderately prosperous.
You see, ‘bland’ (white) suburban London apparently has no right to exist. ‘He hoped it would help people “understand tragic horrible things are happening on our doorsteps and we’re part of it whether we like it or not”.
Actually, no. We are blessed to have the English Channel and if necessary we could built a wall to protect our ‘blandness’ because we like it – we certainly prefer it to ‘tragic horrible things’ – so there!
What we do need to defend our land and ourselves from the invasion by an army in disguise which is coming, is a large number of fast armed patrol boats to protect our coastline, ports and harbours. They should be part of a force which is under strict orders not to land any illegals on our shores. They must be taken back to the other side.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satish_Kumar bores you shi***ss. In a “spiritual journey” into Dartmoor wildlife which twonk commissioned this pile of pants.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse… Dutch arrest ex-soldier that fought with the Kurds against ISIS.
Neville Chamberlain was a warmonger compared to these guys…
Someone asked about the religion peace’s s body count…this is really good:
Nothing from our MPs to support this teenager, jailed for trying to join Kurds in the fight against ISIS. Twenty One months inside. That will teach her. Perhaps Keith Vaz will have a word with her parents.
There is a petition for her release – to Teresa ISIS appeaser May. Remember her, the Home Secretary that wants to combat extremism, as long as it is not from ISIS.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/proginfo/2016/03/phone-shop-idol I’ve just seen the trailer for this I was convinced it was a spoof & the BBc had seen the t5hat bake/ sew/ pot a thon are indeed sh*te. But no it looks kike it’s 4 real. Really WTF?
Confirmation today, as if it were needed, that BBC News is a lazy and cowardly organisation.
The Newswatch programme led with criticism of the enormous amount of time given over to David Bowie’s death and there was the usual BBC type saying the critic didn’t understand. The critic said that more important issues such as the problem with the starving people in Syria was as a result pushed down the agenda.
Our BBC man said that in respect to this they had used all the images they had for this situation and as a result they couldn’t devote any more time to it; and it was far too dangerous to expect anyone from the BBC to go in there and get more.
It had not been long before that I had been watching Russia Today; they had a reporter on the front line with the Kurds fighting IS, they have been covering this directly for some time. Their reporters have courage.
So the BBC gave Bowie loads of coverage because they had loads of pictures and lots of people to talk to. But not many pictures from Syria, and don’t expect us to send anyone to go and get some – far too risky.
As I said, lazy and cowardly. When is something going to be done about the BBC? It is a disgrace and an embarrassment.
I understand the point about the pictures, but anybody over 40 can remember the TV news in the 1970s, 1980s and even the 1990s, and they seemed to manage alright, in fact they did a lot better. They had much less footage as there weren’t hand-held cameras, smartphones and CCTV etc.
Yes, in the ‘old’ days, there would be footage of reporters in Press flak jackets or b/proof vests with the ‘action’ going on behind them, wherever in the world it was going on. Now the journalists speak from the safety of hotel balconies (at night) where the glow of landing bombs can be seen in the distance. Or you get the anchor speaking to a head & shoulders on a laptop – probably in the next studio !
‘Now the journalists speak from the safety of hotel balconies’
Well, the men, anyway.
And the reporters interview reporters, who happen to be in the same hotels.
Confirmation today, as if it were needed, that BBC News is a lazy and cowardly organisation.
So true. They have Jim Muir who has been embedded in Beirut for at least a decade but is too chicken to hop over the border to Syria – and so gets his ‘news’ of that conflict second or third hand. I recall that a female journalist was killed in Syria a few years back along with her cameraman, I think, while Muir was skulking in Beirut. Needless to say, she wasn’t from the BBC.
And as the Libyan ‘rebels’ advanced against Gaddafi the BBC had an excited ‘reporter’ there who was so far behind the action that he couldn’t give any specifics as to what in fact was going on. The anchor back in the studio sounded embarrassed as she tried to make sense of his enthusiastic but vague report.
Does JIm still carry around that plastic palm tree so beloved of Rageh Omar circa 2003?
That prop has seen far more action than most of the BBCs “frontline correspondents”
Probably gets its own seat in First Class, and carries on a small sack of sand as frond luggage?
Certainly a better actor than most of those dole wallahs that the BBC roll out(literally) to tell us about the Tory cuts and their effects on the Jaegerbomb industrial consumption in Newall Green or Whitehawk.
No doubt the ninth floor of the Amman Hilton gives you a splendid panorama of the coming fun…and the I Spy Book enables you to tick off the variety of lamp-posts and piledrivers that so illuminate the skies near Israel…Kate Adie had more courage and integrity than the whole lot of knicker-wringing weepiwilloze that followed her.
Does JIm still carry around that plastic palm tree so beloved of Rageh Omar circa 2003?
Dunno, I’ve never had the misfortune to see him on video. I’ve only heard him on the World Service. During the 2006 war he was trying to express his bias with ridiculous statements like, Israeli warships are lurking on the horizon and sending missiles lurching towards Beirut.
BBC shmucks can only end up doing comedy when they are trying to be serious. And all we can do is laugh at them.
I quite liked David Bowie he made a few catchy songs and seemed like a normal London bloke end of. I did not know the bloke personally so I don’t feel anything. There is something very odd about all this ‘he inspired a generation crap.’ Inspired them to do what exactly ? . He was a popstar and he made a lot of money nothing more really. RIP David. There is something very odd about people who go into mourning for somebody they have never met
Too true. I was his ‘generation’, and he didn’t inspire me. In fact in his face painting days, he was just too weird, and I don’t know about his songs being ‘catchy’, as I remember you couldn’t exactly jive to them.
But he couldn’t sing – he made up for his lack of talent there by dressing and painting up…etc..
Bowie was a real enigma to me. I grew up in the 70s and he always seemed distant, strange, mysterious and I liked the way he seemed to avoid too much publicity. I thought his music was hit-and-miss, but there’s no denying his track record of genuinely great hits. I felt his death more than I would have anticipated – something about a part of one’s youth finally fading away, etc. I feel very sorry for his wife and young daughter, and for his son, Duncan – whatever I feel about his loss is nothing compared to their grief.
In reality, I still have the same David Bowie I always had when he was alive – he was something far away and rarely seen when he was alive, but his music was always in my life one way or another and – really – nothing much has changed in that respect. I feel sad that he’s gone, but his back catalogue remains and I can enjoy it any time I like.
Yes I liked Bowie too. Some great songs and very often original. Very British too, with his early influence including Anthony Newly! I always felt I knew where he was coming from.
He was his own man and no lefty luvie he. Bowie bonds and happily lived in New York. Wasn’t his only political intervention to be against Scottish independence?
Quite instructive that the BBC’s obituaries majored on his supposed trans/bi sexuality. Very minor aspect of his life
Funny how the likes of Bowie, Page, Jagger, Sir Paul-among others-seem to be safe from Operation Yewtree types-whereas Cliff, Davison, Janner, McAlpine are continually traduced , probably with much less public evidence( Stray Cat Blues?..Good Morning,Little Schoolgirl?…and enough stories from various books about them).
It was clearly a different time, I`d not be hounding ANY of them…but is it just Jews, Tories or naff acts who do panto who get the dawn knock?…whereas if you`re rich, a cultural icon and would refuse to feed The likes of Gompertz or O Leary…well the BBC choose to look elsewhere for people to smear.
Only wish Cliff would wipe the BBC out in legal suits…and someone else is looking at the BBC helicopters rotor blades, so they won`t dare to film police raids,even IF local plod reckons that`ll keep our minds off Muslims…
As an intuitive woman, who has undergone the agonizing process of bringing new life into this strange and mysterious world, I have always found it extremely easy to pinpoint those who were clearly designed, by whoever designs humanity, to threaten the greatest dangers to babies and young children. I don’t understand the reasons underlying the creation of those who prey on young children, but I do possess a sense of intuition that has enabled me to identify and avoid them as though they were a plague. I knew that something was deeply amiss when the BBC started deliberately promoting men who I found utterly repulsive – men like like Savile, Jonathan King and Gary Glitter. It seems to me that those who now control the BBC are just suckers on a tentacle that writhes out from a heart of darkness. Luckily for me I have had the fortune to exist in the sole century in western civilization when women were not burned, drowned or committed to mental institutions for daring to be anything other than the subjugated and submissive 50%. Unluckily for my descendents, and their children, those who now rule the world seem to have reverted to the view that sexual abuse, child abuse and extreme cruelty are just the price that the power crazed and perverted expect the masses to pay while they fashion the world in which the masses must seek to exist.
Please have a word with the BBC’s feminists and in particular Women’s Hour who are completely on board with Islam.
Good post. Only when our women stand up and say enough is enough to the foul equivocating rubbish ( mostly men) that runs Europe will the possible nightmare future start to recede.
Much ado on bBC about Corbyn saying he will bring in an equal, fairer society. What does this mean? Fair to whom? And by equal does he mean we all get a share of the wealth? That is the implication. But that wouldn’t be fair. Why should those who haven’t contributed get a share of my beans? Everyone’s definition of what is fair is different. My idea of fair is that the more you contribute workwise, taxwise, etc. the more you should be rewarded. Once left wing, I graduated to the right as I realised that socialism is wonderful as a dream, as a theory, but it ignores the realities of human nature. Corbyn and his kind have this utopian blindness wherein they think that sharing the beans will get those in the fringes more community-spirited. I’m afraid too many people don’t think like that. We all, to an extent, like something for nothing. Life is not and never has been fair. My brain hurts when I read bBC type articles on ‘white boys do better at school than black boys’ or ‘kids in the south do better than those in the north’ as though the ideal is for everything to be split fifty-fifty. It’s a nonsense, totally unachievable goal. Life is about competition, and the best will always rise to the top. Get over it.
What Corbyn and all like-minded lefty idiots fail to understand is the following:
Equal opportunity is fine, but people are not equal, never have been and never will be. Some will grasp available opportunity and succeed while others will fail. The only way to force equality on society is to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. That, of course, does not create utopia but a communist hell.
The Corbynista`s want to bring back , The Flying Pickets, not the group , British Rail FFS . I have traveled on Virgin East Coast , very good , a bit like the airline. Can anyone remember the constant strikes of the 70`s , power cuts , constant shortages of sugar , petrol , electricity , it was a fucking nigntmare . I was at school so ,it was all a laugh ,but in reality it would chaos .
I caught the end of Any Questions? today where even the EU-sceptic Anne Widdecombe was casting doubt about how we might survive outside of the EU.
Ken Livingstone wondered why the likes of ‘giant China should stoop to make a trade deal with a minnow like the UK. Why indeed. Perhaps it is exhausted after making trade deals with the likes of Iceland (Iceland First European Country To Make Trade Deal With China)?
Full of hatred of our nation and its people, these Liberal/Left Fascists.
Perhaps our Ken might have suggestions for trading with Venezuela – he is a member of the Solidarity Campaign for Venezuela, that successful socialist utopia.
Yep, its all gone wrong there. State of emergency. Needless to say the BBC has a good word for the struggling dictatorship.
‘The government says the country’s soaring inflation and basic goods shortages have been induced by political opponents’.
And I thought the crisis was manufactured by the CIA and assorted Zionists.
Don’t cry for me Venezuela. Its good to know we have our very own Uncle Jeremy with some utterly brilliant ideas to lead us down the same path.
I believe it was on this very thread that some of my esteemed colleagues were chatting about Angele Merkel’s appeal to Mark Zuckerberg to stop Germans venting their feelings over the Muslim invasion on Facebook. It was in September:
Earlier this month, Facebook said it would begin removing racist content from the German version of its website by joining forces with a nonprofit German Internet watchdog to monitor for hate content.
Yet Facebook had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to even look at hate-filled incitement by Arabs against Jews, which is fuelling the current wave of terror attacks in Israel:
So those who object to the invasion of Germany by an army of Muslim thugs are to be silenced while over in the Holy Land Muslim thugs who rouse the rabble to murder Jews are free to use Facebook as their platform.
No doubt Mark Zuckerberg, who is Jewish, regards himself as pure as the driven snow because of his ability to ascend to such dizzy heights of political correctness. In fact, he is a perfect example of the idiocy of the lefty who puts ideology before morality and common sense.
An Israeli lawyer is suing Facebook over this very issue. I really hope she wins the case.
Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear, how is the BBC going to ever report this?
Two German transgender women ‘are STONED in the street’ by a gang of three North African teenagers in Dortmund who said ‘such people’ should be killed
(Sounds like some of the contributors here !)
The social justice warriors current favourites attacked by the top predator of the hierarchy of ‘isms’ !
BBC won’t report this, or if they do, it won’t be reported in a widely accessible form or format. Won’t sit well with the pro-islamic and pro-migrant propaganda.
And those German trannies are obviously ‘far right’.
The Islamist BBC are happy for transgender people to be stoned and women to be raped. Its all part of the Islamisation of Europe that the BBC are promoting and facilitating. White indigenous European’s and integrated immigrants had better get used to it, or get politicians who aren’t traitors and who will bring the real criminals to book.
Islamic BBC – the real criminals.
How will they report on the inevitable political breakdown in Germany and Sweden? With surprise, because nobody can see it coming can they? The more immoral the BBC becomes, the more ‘far right’ I become. Go figure.
If it’s like the response to the Cologne attacks then the response will be:
1) Ignore it
2) If forced to report it, then report it as yet another hate crime perpetrated by men
I`ve now got to add four more Top Trump cards now to my deck.
Thought I`d got all the sets of grievance-hustling victims who might be next for a pay-off or a Panorama special.
Transexuals of The Ruhr weren`t an issue a few years back…so now THEY need to be added to the deck for shuffling and random prominence.
Teenage girls in swimming pools?…teenagers getting off a train in Cologne?…best get the rules translated into German for the export market of Grievance-Hustling Top Trumps.
But-no matter how many OTHER sets of cards I have to make…disabled lesbian piano tuners in Mainz or whatever-it`ll go without saying that Islamic Men without wives and kids will ALWAYS be the Top Cards…and their donkeys, their passkey to the kuffar kiddies home and their mobile chargers will ALL take priority over wives and kids.
The BBC will continue to knit tumbleweed at the base of the tumbrils, but will be liberal with the rosewater as they attempt to conceal the smell of blood and Dettol.
At least one of the pictures shows a sign for WORMLAND. Having lived in Dortmund for four years, my slightly hazy memory went back to a store called Vurmland just off the main square – WO from my addled memory is pronounced VU. A quick check, and it came flooding back – it is a gentlemens outfitters! I was there in the 1980’s and it sold some horrendous fashions even by German Standards. How nice to see it in a story of stoned transsexuals in the next century.
Sorry, this was supposed to attach to the DM story from Thoughtful about the transsexual stoning by North African Teenagers in Dortmund.
That Daily Mail headline is misleading in the extreme. They were not stoned, but threatened with stoning by the teenagers. Still, if Germany could release itself from paralysing political correctness, it would find a way to deal with these problematic members of the Religion of Peace. Could be that the pro-Merkel (i.e. pro-lefty, bleeding-heart idiocy) faction is just too strong.
Seems ‘dealing with’ problems can see innovative solutions…
Crimewatch may struggle to fill its slot.
The BBC innovated this type of reporting GW, they have managed to report numerous crimes in which the perpetrator was still at large without giving the merest hint of the one major identifying characteristic that could help in capturing said perpetrator. True pioneers, nice to see the Swedish cops catching up.
What motivates these lunatics? They must have planning committees and establish the most effective way of doing anything, and then move as far away from that model as possible.
Julia M, as Ambush Predator, uses the term “MANO” – Man (or Men) Of No Appearance. Works for all reports of criminal activity not involving whitey!
Attempted stoning in Dortmund. Prepare for a far right transgender backlash.
“Two German transgender women ‘are STONED in the street’ by a gang of three North African teenagers in Dortmund who said ‘such people’ should be killed”
Thoughtful said: (Sounds like some of the contributors here !)
I guess that was directed at myself amongst others. Well, no, not at all. I do not advocate killing or persecuting or even discriminating against transsexuals (or gays, or disabled), but what I do object to is the active promotion and ‘normalisation’ of such people. We should all be treated as individuals (*) and not as a group. The BBC would have us believe that every transgender, gay (or disabled) individual is virtuous and beyond criticism. They must never be shown in a bad light, even though their desires (not needs, except disabled) impinge on the lives of others. I have known and worked with both homosexual and disabled people, most of whom were perfectly ‘normal’ and reasonable people, but the odd one was an utter c**t. Now, if I were to point that out in the current left/liberal climate I would be lambasted as some sort of prejudiced ‘phobe’. It has to stop, because it’s poisoning our way of life.
* – muslims excepted because they have, as individual parts of a group, chosen to embrace a vile set of ‘values’ that decent members of society find utterly obnoxious.
Agree with neilw. My issue over transgender is mainly at the media and multicultists who want a distinct identity for every difference, and thereafter use that identity to draw attention to a victim class who must be elevated to supreme virtue and protected from the rest of the population who can be demonized as bigots.
The problem is when two perfect victim classes come into conflict as we see in Dortmunt stoning incident.
After hitting on the transgenders our lovable ROPers were shocked, I tell you, to discpver they were not proper women. And that calls for honour to be restored. Come on BBC. Guide us through this ethical dilemma.
Surely the most successful outcome for a male to female transgender would be that they are a woman! Why on earth do we need a third sex.
What amazes me about Al Beeb’s bias, propaganda and censorship is the total lack of any comment or action from the present Tory government to do, or state, anything about an organisation that the British people are compelled by law to pay for, even if they don’t watch or listen to the absurd service?
Vote here if you have not already done so…………………………………..
I’m sure the Tory Government is exasperated by the BBC but they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Up against the most powerful propaganda organisation in the country it would be too easy for the BBC to portray any government criticism as right wing interference with free speech. Nigel Farage has spoken up against the BBC, but most UKIP voters agree with him already on this issue. I don’t see anyone in the present Tory party having the same resolve and courage to take on the BBC and tough out the inevitable hostile response and possible loss of votes. They probably shudder in fear each time they see a QT audience.
I’m afraid I agree with you. It would take a real ideological conservative (small ‘c’) to take on the BBC and self-evidently that won’t be Cameron, who would have been quite at home in ZaNu Labour. Even the Blessed St. Maragret had limits to her resolve. She allowed the Marxist takeover of academia to continue and she never managed to find time to hamstring the BBC.
Perhaps she underestimated the power of the termite? It may seem small or insignificant yet it can bring down a house as surely as any bomb.
I wonder if ‘Ladies Tea Afternoons’ will appear any time soon in an HIGNFY script?
R4 ‘Point of View’ : Again, a platform for lefty Tom Shakespeare, this time to tell us all that our beloved National Anthem is passé, and we need a different one that he could be comfortable with. It hardly came as a surprise that he suggested Elton John and Billy Bragg could help to write a new one, and that he described both as ‘national treasures’. Aaaaarrrrh! Not in my opinion.
Radio 4 is like a Socialist Workers Party propaganda station this morning !
A point of view sees far left uni lecturer (is there any other kind) Tom Shakespeare who thinks that a new national anthem could be written by Frank Cottrell Boyce or Billy Bragg !
Then we move to Broadcasting House with far left guests Jarvis Cocker, & Frank Cottrell Boyce bemoaning the death of David Bowie. Telling us that Bowie was an Auto Didact when he was nothing of the sort, having gone to university, and that he was a member of the working class (yeah course he was !).
TWATO with Mark Mardell, and Trade Union Leader Len McClusky Discussing Labours defence review !
Why do they even bother trying to lie that it isn’t politically biased, not to the left, but to the far left !
Typical soft ball interview by Marr with Corbyn.No attempt to point out that Corbyns populist idea of banning companies paying out dividends will probably lead to job losses either by computers moving abroad or employing robots to replace low paid workers .Strange how whenever there is a terrorist/Cologne event the tv media always go on about `the right wing backlash` but one never hears when people do popular capitalist bashing one never ever hear that it might encourage `left wing extremists.
There is certainly a case for getting rid of Trident but if nuclear power France elected Front National in 2017 into govt would Corbyn do a U-turn on Trident? Hate the way at the end of the interview Marr gave a Corbyn a sneaky smile.
I hadn’t come across the idea that paying dividends was bad! Banning dividends would cost pension funds and pensioners income and put even less pressure on companies to show some financial competence.
Corbyn is the gift that just keeps on giving, cant wait for the next idea.
It would be more to the point if companies were banned from handing out money to political parties. It buys influence and it corrupts the system.
Moreover, legally, that money belongs to the shareholders and a surprising number of companies donate to Labour, most probably without their shareholders’ knowledge or consent.
You would have thought Marr would have a good idea what happens to liars by now and try and be a bit more contrite. Did anyone hear on R4 some bloke is walking across Antarctica 1260 miles or something in minus loads how can that be with Global Warming surely he is splashing about in his speedos surrounded by a few evaporating ice cubes
By the time the researchers, camera chimps, media and Greenpeace have accompanied him to “film the naqba of global boilings”-…AND we`ve paid the thermals bill to Antarctic Energy Solutions( penguins beating their little wings by a row of mobiles and wind chimes)…well, they`ll oil the ice, run over the seals and leave a pile of Hera health food tins for sherpa Eskimo-sab to deal with.
But next Wintervals cards to Tristrams and Jocastas are assured….great snaps chaps!
AND-if they`re not sneaking into comps all over the home counties to blag a full cheridee bucket from orphans and thick kids…then I`ll be very surprised.
Did Geldof know that he wrote “Feed the WORK”?…for these guilt-trippin` showponies from UEA/BBC Bristol seem to think that`s what he did sing…mind you, he thinks there`s normally snow in Africa does he not?
Interesting contrast between Marr’s friendly fireside chat with Uncle Jeremy this morning and his more hostile questions and the constant interrupting of Cameroon last week. And a nice gentleman playing the classical guitar at the end of the “show” this time rather than those spiky sarf London Squeeze ‘bruvvers”.
Absolutely no bias of course. Oh, and Andrew thanks for falling over yourself to remind us all that the Falkland Islands are aka “The Malvinas…”
Marr’s presence on our screens serves to remind us not only that the BBC is absolutely biased to the Left – but that it knows we know it is and doesn’t give a damn.
BBC1 – TBQ s elite Koranic scholar Nikki Campbell, bombasts some Christian lady into silence
“Mohammed said, that’s nonsense!” … yep!, talk to the hand baby.
Actually the off switch beckoned, as I heard some Islamic apologist from the MCB get lots of airtime, waffling on about Koranic erm … science?
Some babble about Tim Hunt and his offence … wasn t that proven to be false?
It was. But the BBC never lets the truth stand in the way of a good smear.
Another city the same issue, Islamic mandated child rape, and child sex slavery,
however the reporting here isn t all BBC … full of “grooming” “heritage” and “Asian”.
Actually the reporting is all BBC, as he stated the story wasn’t reported on Canada’s equivalent broadcaster. The UK doesn’t, is not alloweed to have an equivalent to Ezra Levant, the closest I guess is Jon Gaunt’s radio station, and even that can be pro Muslim.
Poor old Tom Shakespeare…poor sap will never be confused with William, that`s for sure.
Is he the small dwarfish little chap with lots of water in his bonce?…this would explain much of his thinking.
But only the BBC would think that he speaks for anybody but licensed grievance hustlers, wordy disability schticks at Brunel-and(need I add) for the patronising, wet lettuces in linen suits that run the Touretties Wing of BBC Output( at the last count, 85% of it).
If you fink am gonna shaht along to Billys “Fashists marchin` dahn the Eye Street…carvin` up the well fair state” idea of a national anfem Tom…your radiator needs draining up top, moi sahn!
Tom Foolery=cockney rhyming slang for jewellery I believe( with due thanks to our grey panthers at Hatton Gardens last Easter).
Clearly also means a piss taking leftie with an over inflated head who confuses Braggs “bellicose squauk” wiv miouwzik!
Next up Fransesca Martinez-and we`ll all have to sing it like she does, no doubt…then be put in jug for mocking her!
Andrew Marr tries to understand film this week. The Revenant starring Leo Di Caprio. Leo tells Marr in some detail how grueling it was making the film. Marr then dismisses the grueling aspect almost out of hand and then you know that something is coming, something that doesn’t belong. Somehow Marr is going to turn this, as yet, enjoyable interview into a leftie rant. And then as if by an ‘Impractical Joker-esque’ challenge the viewer feels that Marr has been dared to somehow shoehorn some text into the program and here it comes at 27:06 BOOM.
‘To what extent do the Inuit Americans become the heroes of this film?’
Leo is taken aback but does well to avoid the ridiculous question spoiling the entire interview. He gives some input on the general treatment of this minority historically but completely avoids answering the question directly because, it would seem, they don’t become the heroes. It’s a bloody stupid question that the masterful Di Caprio answers by not answering.
I think Will Gompertz and Mark Kermode’s jobs are safe for now.
“I think Will Gompertz and Mark Kermode’s jobs are safe for now. ”
Which is a shame. Both are tiresome, Left wing imbeciles.
Hope Tommy Robinson thanks me for this one.
Been listening to the Godforsaken jobbie from Mr Stourton that is “Sunday”.
Yep-you`ve guessed it-gays, charity pleadings and migrants.
BUT-I did hear about a “vulnerable migrant” who seems to have avoided being sent back to Italy…by claiming sanctuary in a German church.
This seems fine by the Catholic Archbishop here…and Ed seems happy.
Right Tommy…get yourself into Birmingham Oratory on February 3rd, enjoy the hospitality and speak to us all from Skype…the Lutherans and Catholics seems OK with that-and the BBC SURELY would have to accept that your case is in the best traditions of political persecutions being defended by those fearsome Bishops and Catholics like Patten and Childs.
AND-bring your passport-just step out on Feb 7th and ask to be “deported” to Sicily for a break…
Don`t tell Assange though…Ecuador deserves his smelly socks a while longer.
Just one thing-hope those German churches have no baptismal pools…we all know what the worst migrants think of little girls wandering past swimming pools in Germany…
Heard the whole of Stourtons Sunday Simpering for Satan Show this morning.
What is it with than name “Ed”…and cringing supine stupidity, sucking up on all the wrong causes?
His blasted bullhorn of a prog gave us twenty minutes on gays in the Anglican Church, but nothing whatsoever on Cologne.
I got more theology from Bowies “Station To Station” than in the whole of this so-called “religious programming “of Radio 4.
We got a few minutes on a monks old recipe for chicken curry, and some guff about the Tories hobbling the vibrant charity sector…when you see it ending up buying Mr Stinks Chemistry sets for Gaza, you can see why!
Yet the biggest story of the week for any “Church” in this country-the planned fixing of Easter-gets just one sentence on his show.
Boy-Welby`s a thick stick isn`t he?…if the BBC, teaching unions, Pope Francis and the Guardian think it a wizard prank…then it`s the complete opposite of a good idea-no matter what Anjem, the hairy Bikers or Chris Patten says.
One reason-it`s no longer a moving target if you leave the lunar stuff to the Muslims…and only THEY will now be setting the calendars for exams, school holidays and Eid/Ramadan…that “prophets birthday crap” is going to hop around the year in the cause of chronological jihad very soon.
Stop feeding Islam and the lefty unions Justin you tool!
chrisH, if ‘the planned fixing for Easter’ goes ahead, surely it makes sense to do a similar fix for Ramadan. This would obviate the need to screw up skool exam timetables and indeed prevent clashes with any other cultural events. A win-win, surely?
Sunday’s WATO has a tremendous scoop today over on R4 – the thoughts of Chairman Len McCluskey!
BBC broadcasting at its most terminally irrelevant: the future of the Labour Party (about which fewer people than ever give the proverbial damn) as determined by a bullying trade union fascist.
BBC biased? Oh, surely not!
If its true that over 20,000 Indians are living here on Portuguese passports (with thousands more to come) because of a loophole that Goanians can apply for such, despite never intending to set foot in Portugal, then we may just as well throw ’em the keys, and we’ll all piss off elsewhere and leave the foreigners to it. As the Sun said 100 years ago – last one out turn out the lights ! Complacency can develop as we get used to these numbers, BUT for every one foreigner that settles here, they breed and bring family over, so its not just ONE body, over time that spreads to a family of 10 or more, multiply that by 20,000 ???!!!!
Personally I’d take 20,000 Goanese Christian families before a smaller number of Sunnis or Shias from wherever.
The alternative? Make more children.
Maybe it was to and from paint-balling lessons?
‘The BBC insists it can find no record of having paid Siddhartha Dhar for four TV appearances before he fled to Syria.
Though it did not deny that the licence-payer had forked out for taxis to take him along to the studio.’
Was the information requested by FOI, and in which case blown off as finding ‘no record’ would take too much time or exempted ‘for the purposes of not looking like a bunch of tools yet again’?
Al Beeb Radio 4 currently ‘debating’ ‘can we trust the opinion polls’, with particular reference to last year’s GE.
Wrong question, Al Beeb should be discussing wtf their GE reportage was so dependent upon the Corbynutta dominated social media and those polls rather than real vox pop and real people.
Isn`t Mark Mardell the charmer?
Never heard the fatwad tiptoe round the tulips with any Tory in the way that he just did with Len McClusky.
Mardell asked our Len…”where is the poetry in the soul of todays Labour party”?
I kid you not…
Can`t find Lens reference to “thieving Tory bastards at the Durham Miners Gala last July…but DID find this little piece re the poet McClusky?
Todays Shelley maybe?
Go to hell Mardell you Lardy milkshake!
I had the misfortune of listening to the repeat of The News Quiz on R4 yesterday. We all know the format – fill the panel with the usual sanctimonious left-wing suspects, sit them in front of last nights Question Time audience who the BBC have just bussed back to London from where they originally came, and then have a good old lefty love-in at the expense of your political opponents, i.e. the grown ups.
Well, here’s a shining example of the BBC hypocrisy – some tiresomely unfunny woman on the panel (Sarah Kendall I think) was ripping into Rupert Murdoch. Fair enough you might think, after all, an ageing billionaire marrying a former model somewhat younger (and somewhat less wealthy) than himself is ripe for a bit of comedy. However, we didn’t just get the expected line of “So what does Jerry Hall see in the 85 year old multi-billionaire Rupert Murdoch”. Instead she launched into an attack of his physical appearance, comparing his facial skin flaps to an advent calendar. Now, forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m of the understanding that you can’t help your physical appearance, and you put up with what you inherited at birth, you know, a bit like skin colour.
Can you imagine if one of these so-called comedians launched into an attack on a black public figure (yes, I know, but stick with me) and mocked the appearance of their hair, lips or nose? I mean, what the f**k makes them think they have the right to mock the physical appearance of the bloke just because they don’t agree with his politics – or, more likely, are simply jealous of his success & wealth? And it’s all sanctioned and encouraged by the BBC of course, paid for by us.
The BBC Complaints is always good for a laugh, especially when it comes to when they pull out what they reckon the country is most upset about, and respond to in what, for them, is record time.
Currently, you’ll never guess:
Responses to recent complaints
Question Time logo15 JANUARY 2016
Question Time, BBC One, 14 January 2016
We received complaints from viewers who felt the panel had a right wing bias.
BBC News
Fraser and minions clearly moved to action agin by those they need to placate quickly.
Response from Question Time
Over the course of a series Question Time aims to achieve balance and hear from a range of voices. Each programme usually consists of one senior politician from both the Labour and Conservative party, as well as representatives from other political parties. The rest of the panel is made of political commentators, journalists, and other public figures that add a different perspective and represent a range of viewpoints across the series.
We also aim to ensure that each episode has a divergent and broad range of views from the panel on the likely topics that our audience wish to raise. David Dimbleby moderates the debate to ensure panellists are given the opportunity to make their views known in a fair way. It makes for an engaging debate and ensures that views are challenged and tested, as was the case with this edition of the programme.
With the exception of the discussion on the merits or otherwise of arming UK police forces, where there was broad agreement from the panel that this was not appropriate in the UK, the other topics on Europe, Housing and Junior Doctors had a cross section of opinions across the panel. We hope this goes some way to explaining our thinking on how we put the programme together and can assure you that our intention is always to bring our audiences a good spectrum of contested views and opinions.
So, failing all sides equally. World class vital.
File on 4 radio 4
Bent Cops?
In the first of a new series, Allan Urry investigates claims by former officers from one of Britain’s biggest police forces that they’ve been the victims of crimes committed by their own colleagues.
So I tune in expecting an in depth expose, but it’s yet another BBC moan that a Muslim has been found to be corrupt, and the whole program turns on the flimsiest of evidence of wrongdoing, that some dead builder made a death bed confession that he had perjured himself in the court case. Obviously no evidence can be given to support this.
The BBC carried the conviction on its web pages:
Also in the Manchester Evening News:
After the guilty verdicts, Elisa Hopley, senior crown prosecutor from the CPS North West Complex Casework Unit said: “Mohammed Razaq embarked upon a prolonged period of dishonesty, breaching the trust that was placed in him as a serving inspector for Greater Manchester Police.”
This prolonged dishonesty was never mentioned or covered by File on 4
Inspector Mohammed Razaq, 53, swindled thousands of pounds relating to four houses he owned, a court heard.
A jury at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court found him guilty of five counts of fraud, three counts of money laundering, and a charge of failing to disclose information.
Or the Bolton Evening News:
A SENIOR Bolton police officer made a string of fraudulent insurance and mortgage claims worth almost £46,000, a court heard.
Insp Razaq owned four homes: two neighbouring houses in Bradford Road, Great Lever, where he lives, one in Bowker Street, Higher Broughton, and one in Duncan Street, Salford.
He was also trying to buy a fifth property in Georgina Court, Daubhill.
The court heard how he used several different identities in a bid to cover his tracks.
So hard evidence was uncovered, and the deathbed confession was actually meaningless.
However, the income from the properties was linked to the housing market, which was hit by the recession.
“The effect of this financial demand on Mohammed Razaq was that his bank account, that was in good credit, started to go down in balance to where money was needed to keep them in the black,” Mr Hall told the jury.
The deathbed confession was made by another Muslim – who is obviously as honest as the day is long to the BBC, but he was also accused !
Builder Mushtaq Hussain, aged 50, of Armadale Road, Ladybridge, is accused of trying to help him cover up the fraud by putting money through his books which he never received.
Labour MP Andy Burnham is wheeled out as Rent a Gob
The local paper has a comprehensive report on the issue, most of which was never covered, and presumably ignored by the BBC as it simply didn’t fit the narrative of ‘racism, Islamophbia, and discrimination’ they wish to peddle. Sometimes their programs leave me convinced, other times they don’t, but this one has simply made me angry, because I can tell they are trying to smear the Police because one of their brown eyed boys has been caught misbehaving and they don’t like it !
More evidence of Qatari open bribery attempts, this time of Athletics officials to get the games held in Qatar.
This is a way of life in the Middle East, if anyone thinks that those prepared to use corruption just to get games to their country are not going to be offering much larger amounts to influence international politics in the region they must be very naïve.
why don t they just go for London again?
they aim to own most of it
Harrods: The Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) bought Harrods from Mohammed Al Fayed for £1.5 billion in 2010.
The Shard: The Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company owns 95 per cent of the the tallest building in western Europe
The Olympic Village: Qatari Diar acquired the site for £557 million in 2011 and took it over after the games. The British government lost around £500 million in the sale of the site. Oppositely, it is predicted that Qatar could make a £1bn profit in any future sale.
Canary Wharf: The QIA bought Canary Wharf last year, in conjunction with Canadian developers Brookfield Properties, for £2.6bnn. The QIA can also lay claim to its first City property, as part of the ‘Walkie Talkie’ building comes under Canary Wharf.
Sainsbury’s: QIA increased its stake in the supermarket giant to 26 per cent in 2007, becoming its biggest stakeholder.
Heathrow Airport: Qatar Holdings – a subsidiary of QIA – snapped up a 20 per cent stake for £900m in 2012.
The Former US embassy building: The 600-room Chancery Building on Grosvenor Square, in the heart of Mayfair, was acquired by Qatari Diar in 2009.
One Hyde Park: Half of the building is owned by Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the former Qatari prime minister, through development company Waterknights.
Chelsea Barracks: Qatari Diar acquired the site from the Ministry of Defence for more than £900m in 2007.
Claridges, The Berkeley and The Connaught: Constellation Hotels, part of the Qatar Holding investment subsidiary of the QIA, bought a 64 per cent stake in hotel company Coroin – which owns Claridge’s, The Berkeley and The Connaught – for an undisclosed sum from the billionaire Barclay brothers in 2015. The reported figure was as high as £1.6bn.
London stock exchange: The QIA owns 10 per cent of the London stock exchange
Barclays: The state owns 7 per cent of the banking giant
Camden market: The QIA acquired a 20 per cent stake in Camden Market in 2008 for up to £80m, although this figure was said to be exaggerated.
And in Scotland…
Highland hideaways Anders Povlsen, a Danish fashion billionaire has bought a number of estates in the Highlands, including 43,000-acre Glenfeshie, and is now Scotland’s second- largest landowner after the Duke of Buccleuch.
Sigrid Rausing, the Swedishborn Tetra Pak heir, owns the 40,000-acre Coignafearn estate south of Inverness.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the emir of Dubai, is building a 16-bedroom hunting lodge on the banks of Loch Duich.
The crown prince also owns a 63,000-acre estate in Inverinate in Wester Ross.
David Attenborough at it again with the climate change nonsense. In tonight’s edition of Great Barrier Reef he solemnly tells us, with the willing help of his marine biologist chumps, that in the context of something he and they keep calling ‘climate change’ the Great Barrier Reef has lost over 50% of its extent.
A quick google revealed that’s not the scientific proof…
A new scientific paper, The 27 Year Decline of Coral Cover on the Great Barrier Reef and its Causes, released today by the Australian Institute of Marine Science reveals a staggering 50 per cent loss in coral cover since the early 1980s.
The report attributes the majority of this coral decline to infestation by the coral-eating Crown of Thorns starfish, which thrives in fertiliser-polluted waters.
So which is it, David?
Crikey, is this an unbiased article from Al Beeb? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35337979
However, I suspect that hinting that a Corbyn government would take us back to the 1970’s glory days of sympathy strikes and secondary picketing is just a ploy to speed up the inevitable ousting of the great leader, because even the BBC realise that he’s a liability to their cause. I sincerely hope they fail.
What made me laugh though is this little gem of irony from Corbyn:
“Nobody willingly goes on strike. They go on strike as an ultimate weapon…” ROFL.
Stark contrast in news values this evening at 18.00
BBC news top stories in order…
1 The thoughts of chairman Corbyn on disarming the submarine service and reducing it to a job creation scheme for Unite members.
2. Obamas diplomatic triumph ( the Iranians have already defaulted by testing a ballistic missile ) but the agreement went ahead anyway so an “Iranian American” journalist could be freed. The Christian minister also freed got airbrushed out of course.
3. More protection for the environment around Britains coasts.
4. Wayne Rooney scored a goal.
Meanwhile flicking on to Sky I found more thoughts of Corbyn, something about “back channels” to negotiate with IS and the need to look for the strengths as well as weaknesses in IS, oh and and we need a friendly chat with Argentina about the Falkland Islands. (What’s to talk about? They want ’em, we’ve got ’em, the residents are content……end of.)
Imagine my surprise to turn to Qatars propaganda channel, Al Jazeera to find….IS massacring hundreds and taking scores of hostages in Deir a Zor, IS getting a good kicking in Iraq, dozens killed, the hunt for terrorists in Burkina Faso following the terrorist attack on hotels and coffee shops, Sunni v. Shia war in Yemen and impending famine in Ethiopia.
But NO MENTION of Jeremy Corbyn…..call themselves a news channel?…..pah!