I know some MPs think we should have ‘Jerusalem’ as the national anthem but actually bringing Jerusalem to the UK?…
Woman ‘tries to stab 15-year-old with kitchen knife on London bus’
Or as the BBC puts it……
Grandmother disarms teenager’s Lambeth bus knife attacker
A curious and convoluted title as the BBC manages to mention the grandmother, the teenager attacked but not the actual attacker’s identity…If it had been an Israeli attacker the title would have read ‘Israeli stabs [Palestinian] teenager’…so why not ‘Asian woman stabs teenager’?….and why does the BBC hide the story on the ‘England’ page when it is front page news on all the other outlets…Guardian excepted of course. Anyone would think the BBC weren’t keen for some reason to highlight a story in which the attacker is an ‘Asian’ woman in a headscarf.
If the victim had been Muslim and the attacker white the BBC would have been relentlessly telling us all about it all day in every news bulletin just as they did with that tale of a pigs head left outside a mosque recently…..left by who knows who….just as they are still disgracefully covering up what went on in Cologne…still telling us on the news that only ‘some immigrants’ may have been involved leaving you to think, if you didn’t know better, that the bulk of the attacks were by white Germans….I say white Germans because the BBC likes to deceptively use ‘German’ to mean an immigrant who is not a recent asylum seeker…allowing the BBC to kid us that the attackers were ‘German’.
When is a hijab not a hijab. When the wearer is a knife wielding Islamic assailant, then it becomes a ‘headscarf’.
The BBC’s wriggling and squirming on this is a joy to behold.
She was wearing a hijab, so we can conclude that it was not a hate crime. This clip has been widely distributed, so the cops will have to prepare for a backlash. Stay off Twitter and Facebook tonight: all police resources will be directed to locate anti ROP comments.
At least they don’t describe her as a ‘female man‘.
This is not a hate crime.
This is a Roaper expressing their love for the infidel.
Read your Koran again.
Digression, how is it Norway these days? The decision to award the Nobel Peace prize to the EU is looking more stupid now than it did in 2012.
“the BBC likes to deceptively use ‘German’ to mean an immigrant who is not a recent asylum seeker”
Apologies if this drifts the topic but Alan phrase quoted above has prompted a comment on this morning’s “Every Case Tells A Story”. I caught a couple of minutes at the end. It was about William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw). The programme’s conclusion was that we shouldn’t have tried and executed him because he wasn’t British. He was born in America and lived the last 5 years of his life in Germany. To the BBC it was irrelevant that he’d lived most of his life in Britain and that when he fled to Germany he was using a British passport- as stated in the programme. I could accept the BBC’s claim that living most of your life in Britain doesn’t count if you’re foreign born and haven’t taken out British citizenship if it was consistent and stopped claiming that all immigrants become British as soon as they’ve landed. Yet again the BBC changes its definition of British to suit its argument the whatever decision the British government takes it has to be the wrong one.
The programme (I think in the person of Geoffrey Robinson) also managed to throw in a reference to the Birmingham Six, but I’ve no idea why as I’d stopped paying attention by then.
Sorry, it was Geoffrey Robertson – I really had stopped paying attention.
I didn’t catch the item about Lord Haw-Haw, but I think the slippery argument he used, to try to escape the high jump, was possibly a bit too complicated, because I believe he also relied on the fact that his parents were both born in Ireland. James Joyce was a distant relative, apparently. By the time of the trial, that bit of Ireland was the Republic and had been neutral in the war, but William Joyce’s parents were both British subjects and Joyce very pointedly did not consider himself as either American or Irish, but as British – until it suited him to change his mind.
He was a Mosleyite, before becoming a full-blown nazi: a tricky career-path for someone who subsequently wants to claim neutrality.
My father, who had just been de-mobbed and was about to start training as a lawyer, always said that there was no way any British government was going to let Joyce go and the Yanks never had the slightest inclination to help him.
Since he was a socialist, a fascist and a fervent anti-Semite, he wasn’t an improbable icon for the beebyanka. I’m surprised it took them so long to make him their patron saint.
BBC Handbook to NUJ journalists .
1. Never refer a Terrorist attack as a Terrorist (unless reported so in the Guardian earlier)
2. All immigrants are called British if and when on state benefits.
3. All immigrants are ‘our communal allies’ (praise Allah) in the battle for domination over UK patriotism.
4. Check your facts with the Guardian and then confirm that it is the UK nations (and BBC) agreed opinion.
5. Refute any allegations of collusion with NUJ to cook up story. Even if true. Deny it.
6. Lord Hall is all knowing and holds the wonder of diversity in his hands (unzipped).
7. Welcome atrocity and chaos is as an indicator that Socialism is the one and only final solution.
8. Peace in our time is nearly upon us. Push for victory and push for Islam.
9. Blame Catholics and Jews for all hate crimes against Muslims.
10. Broadcast your prejudice, your hate, your opinion as hot topical news for viewers and listeners.
11. Never mention the nationality of any Terrorist as they can be easily offended.
Invent what our UK listeners like to hear, DRAMA! That everything is normal here in the UK.
Tea and biscuits will be served slightly later than usual due to a disturbance to our TV License fee. Normal diversity service will be restored as soon as we have received further instructions from Qatar. The EU funding will enable Jaffa Cakes to be served at pay roll level 6 only. News targets must be reached to get BONUS points to holiday destinations. A new Creative Director role has suddenly appeared to replace our fallen comrade Alan Yentob.
End of BBC broadcast. By Lord Haw Haw.
Muslims are a huge problem but behind them are the real enemy within: the BBC and its cultural Marxist agenda to destroy us.
And lets not forget plod. Who as ever quick to take action in cases such as these, release the footage asking for people to help identify her a full 21 days after the event.
Plenty of time I imagine to make sure she manages to get away maybe back to where she originates from so the issue can die down before she returns. If the Police were hoping for someone from ‘her community’ to hand her over they will have a very long wait.
Is there anywhere to report crimes such as these so we can get totally over the top reactions to them such as the non-Muslim equivalent to Tell Mama?
Just for your info’ and not bbc related, I did put a comment about this incident on Mailonline yesterday, and to my amazement it received over 1600+ likes in less than an hour, but within an other hour had disappeared. All I did was make a comparison, like yourselves that this was happening elsewhere in the world and was now happening here but not being reported as a matter of urgency.
The Guardian take on this story is offensive to a degree even BBC Israel coverage at it’s most biased would struggle to reach.
It should really come with a government health warning and a caution before reading alert.
Half the article is devoted to attacks on Muslims which have absolutely nothing to do with the incident in question, a tried and tested propaganda technique, the lady doing the attacking was wearing a “distinctive headscarf with a kangaroo print.” Really.
There have also been “several incidents on London buses recently”
But you won’t be reading about this one in which a white 87 year old female was attacked by two black girls.
As the BBC and Guardian are one I thought it relevant, I’m also uncomfortable with highlighting crime as a race issue but while the likes of the BBC and Guardian ram their rotten fetid agenda into every story and persistantly lie through omission they do eveybody a disservice.
addendum. And just why did the story take so long to come out, has Cologne rattled the deniers? Did they plan to sit on this one as well?
” Did they plan to sit on this one as well?”
Answer – probably.
The disturbing feature of all the perversions of truth featured on BBBC is, what does it tell us about the Conservative Party?
If I was the Conservative Party leader, I would want the party re-elected.
This re-election would be jeopardised by the existence of two strongly left wing national television channels.
If I had the resources of the Conservative Party/Government I could do a lot better job of cataloguing the incessant deviations from the BBC charter than is performed by BBBC (this remark is not intedted to demean the efforts made here) , and I would have done so by now. I would be using this catalogue as justification for shutting down both C4 and the BBC. Incidentally saving the tax payers billions.
So why is Cameron not doing this? The ineluctable conclusion is that he a willing participant in the attempts to destroy the UK, and other West European countries.
Vote UKIP, we MUST leave the EU.
Muslims tend to a copycat mentality, globally, so be alarmed, this is nothing, there are thousands in this country winding themselves up to attack us, in any way, but the penchant for stabbing is everywhere, probably deep in their soul, a throwback to the ‘assassins’ set up during the Crusades..The wretched BBC is heading for a fall trying to keep the lid on their beloved muslims antics. As advice, as we are denied firearms and bladed weapons , carry a small can of WD40…..bloody hell, that stuff stings your eyes like nothing else, i caught a bit of spray working on the car….i was smarting and blinking and rubbing for hours, water makes it endure, of course, the stuff is a moisture dispersant….bloody good for muslim attackers eyes.
I have been trying to brush up on my language skills recently, having been a little bit proficient in Italian and German in a previous incarnation however, to my surprise and obvious delight, I find the EU and its political elite, as well as the official propaganda arm, the al-Beeb, are determined to make it all the more streamlined.
In future, the official langauge of Europe will be Arasperanto to make our lives so much easier. For example, rather than having us all be polyglots (like the old Esperanto) the official European greeting will be “ahlan wa sahlan”; when you need the police to defend your “Liberal ideals” “nād ash-shariṭah”; and, of course, above all else – as it needs no explanation, “Allahu akbar”.
What could be simpler? Thanks you beautiful people at the EU, with special thanks to Angela and al-Beeb!
Makes a change from the language of profanity the BBC and Gramscians ram down our necks .
Although the Beeboids might be disappointed that f**** , c****** and b@$^ are not translatable but n!g¥£) is .