We’ve got another one of those BBC ‘mysteries’….the sort of mystery that is only a mystery to the BBC because it wants to raise some issues that otherwise it couldn’t…because they are not really ‘issues’ at all.
Belgium is apparently an apartheid state. Who’d have guessed? Muslims, for naturally it is they, are discriminated against, marginalised and shoved unceremoniously into ghettoes by the racist Belgiques.
I know this because the BBC says it is so…or rather quotes a little too enthusiastically and uncritically a social worker who rants along those lines….
Has Belgium created ‘a system of apartheid’?
Well I think we can answer that immediately…’Belgium’ has not ‘created’ an apartheid system, what has happened is that thousands of unwanted Muslim migrants have landed on Belgium’s doorstep and forced their way in and refused to integrate and take part in Belgium society and culture.
Muslims have created their own ghettoes just as they do in every country, the UK included as we ‘march towards segregation’ as Trevor Phillips might say.
The BBC tells us…
A former senior police official has warned that Belgium’s failure to integrate its Muslim minority has created a de facto “system of apartheid”….Paul Jacobs. For 20 years he dealt with discrimination complaints in the Belgian police – and he’s just finished a session teaching this class “inter-cultural communication”.
So probably not a police officer, but the BBC gives that impression so he has more ‘authority’….more likely a social workery type. And what of that ‘Belgium’s failure to integrate its Muslim minority’? Not Belgium’s fault. Something like 400,000 French immigrants in London now (many Jewish as they flee the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe…of which the BBC shows little interest) and yet do they ‘radicalise’ and set out to bomb tube trains, buses and nightclubs? Has Britain set out to integrate them? No. They get on with it themselves.
Look at the way the BBC writes this up….
A heated argument broke out when Suhaila, the only non-white [police] recruit – from a Moroccan background, like many Belgian Muslims – said she could understand why young Muslims might become jihadis.
“The whole class was reacting – over-reacting,” Jacobs says. “It was the first time they had talked with someone of a Moroccan background.”
So the problem with her comment was not that she ‘understood’ the Jihadis but that the class was ‘over-reacting’ to her comment….probably because they had never met a Moroccan before…not sure how he knows that….they must all be shallow and unworldly or maybe just racist.
Loved this from the BBC…
The headmaster [of a school in Brussels], Erik Van Den Berghe, grew up in Molenbeek. “I really liked the inter-cultural environment, and I used to play basketball and football with all ethnic groups and religions,” he says.
But since then many believe the character of Molenbeek has become more Islamic – and the opportunities for social mixing have declined.
So the BBC is finally wising up….Islamisation is the problem, isn’t it?
Oh but whose fault is that? The BBC again quotes uncritically….
Divisions have been reinforced because many young Belgians of Moroccan and Turkish descent have reacted against anti-Muslim feeling since 9/11 by defiantly adopting a more religious identity.
Ah…..that old trope about anti-Muslim sentiment creating alienation and radicalisation…when the reality is that it is the other way around. Many, many, all too many, Muslims are attacking, culturally, socially, legally, politically and with bombs and bullets, Western society. People see what Muslims say and do and what the Koran orders and they don’t want that in their country.
The BBC of course has its other target of choice in its sights…Saudi Arabia…it quotes…
“Simplistic explanations are the most successful, especially the hardline talk from Saudi Arabia with its binary distinction between what is haram and what is not, between ‘us’ and ‘them’.”
These are the distinctions used by Islamist recruiters who deliberately target young people in districts like Molenbeek, she says.
Once again I say it is odd that the BBC fails so often to make mention of Saudia Arabia’s part in radicalising British Muslims…because then the BBC couldn’t blame UK foreign and domestic policy. The BBC likes to present Saudi Arabia’s fundamentalist Islam as if it was not the real thing and yet it is the closest to the real thing that any Muslim is likely to get….’them and us’ is what Islam is all about…as are all religions….just some enforce that distinction rather too enthusiastically, it is a distinction enforced by violence in the Koran.
For the BBC the Muslims in Belgium are all victims. Belgium forced them to come to Belgium, Belgium forced them into ghettoes, Belgium forced them to worship Islam, Belgium forced them to radicalise, Belgium forced them to go to Syria. Muslims have no minds of their own, no free will, no ability to think for themselves and make decisions based on their own reasoning.
Funny how in ‘moderate’ Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, there is a burgeoning Islamic radicalisation in progress with many terror groups fighting the good fight in the name of Islam. Is Indonesia also an apartheid state where Muslims (87% of the population) are disenfranchised and alienated?
Lord Hall Hall’s BBC is still peddling the Muslim terrorist narrative….Muslims are all victims, besieged and under attack by non-Muslims in Europe…one that ISIS is very happy the BBC is spreading.
Lock and load.
I don’t think it will be long before it will be coming to you. 🙁
It is all too late now. Europe is going to have to face up to reality. So are we for that matter in Britian. Multiculturalism has failed but the failure has been most marked in those areas where there are large numbers of Muslims. For centuries the Muslim and Christian worlds have existed in an uneasy state. In Christian lands the Muslim minority was always very small and problems were very minor. In Muslim lands most notably the Turkish empire the Christians were relatively numerous but the rule of the Sultans was absolute. Order was kept by force .
The post Christian West liberal elites decided to experiment with attempting to weld Muslim and Christian cultures together or at least occupy the same lands. . It has failed as it was bound to do given the Muslim approach to Western political and ethical systems and individual responslbility and freedom.
Nobody escept a few – Gert Wilders, Bjorn Hoche , Ayan Hirsi Ali and others – will say this openly so the experiment is continuing. Cologne is one result but the elite refuses to take note from that and is still trying to do what cannot be done.
This in turn is taken for weakness by militant Islamists and using terror they are destabalising Europe further. This year has started very badly and things look to be deteriorating.
If conservative voices had been listened to then much pain would have been averted but they were ignored and are still demonised and ignored.
How Europe wil look and be in January 2017 is no longer predictable. That is our reality now and the liberal elite is to blame.
Belgium is a divided state , you have the Dutch speakers , Flemish , & the French speakers ,Walloons . They all apparently hate each other . But the BBC won`t tell you anything about that.
They seem to be performing this perpetual hating without it producing explosions and rapes every ten minutes.
Which side are you on?
We aren’t really talking about Belgium here, but Brussels or the greater Brussels area. That is actually a very cosmopolitan city with many people from every European country (not just because of the EU but also because many multinationals with European headquarters in the city) and quite a few Americans (because of NATO).
Then living quite separately from these other foreigners and the indigenous Belgians, there are muslims living in Schaerbeek and Molenbeek, unwilling and probably unable to integrate. And whose fault is that? Probably not the Belgians.
Also a German speaking group at Eupen .
Dave S, as you have pointed out on these pages several times before. The demographic shift in Germany among males in the 20 -35 age group is changing irrevocably. The writing is on the wall for those with eyes to see –
“The worries of Germans have been heightened by a report published earlier this month by Professor Adorjan F. Kovacs of the world-renowned Goethe University in Frankfurt.
Entitled ‘Truths about the Refugee Crisis’, it blows apart Merkel’s often-used argument that one, two or even three million migrants will be a drop in the ocean compared with a German population of 80 million.
Professor Kovacs compared the 11.5 million existing indigenous German population aged between 20 and 35 with the number of new arrivals, who are predominantly male and in the same age bracket.
He predicts that by 2020, when it is expected that at least two million young migrants will have each brought in between three and eight family members, the ethnic demography of the under-40s will have altered irreversibly unless Mrs Merkel changes her tune”.
Excellent stuff.
Muslims create their own ghettoes for reasons below.
1. They can set their own laws in that area, and create an area that looks Islamic.
2. As the region expands, it effectively brings more and more of the Infidel country under Sharia.
3. The area becomes Islamic, and elects Muslim MPs only, if it can, so they can protect that area in parliament. We can see this in operation right now.
These are three politico-strategic reasons.
The second question that arises now, follows from the complaint of LibLeft media that the fault lies in a failure integrate Muslims.
This question arises from the LibLeft assumption that all cultures, religions, belief systems are alike. Only a modicum of ointment is needed for all them to get along just fine. Whether they actually believe this, or use this to hide another agenda, I will leave unsaid.
BUT, my problem is that Islam is so unambiguously different from Western Christian culture, and that any assumption that they can be integrated, requires us to believe that we have many things in common with Islam. That would mean that we are no different from Islamic culture, and but for a change in dress or something equally trivial, all would be fine.
The strategic aim of the LeftLib establishment is now to go all full steam ahead with “Integration” policy, under the
assumption that by the time this failure becomes manifest, it will be far too late to do anything.
It might be too late even now unless we have a Churchill come along.
Seems such a shame that European countries spent hundreds of years getting over religious and ethnic divides, just to find themsleves plunged into them again, and this time the problem has been deliberately imported! What a waste of time.
It would be good news if Belgium was divided into a Walloon State, a Flemish State and an Islamic State in Brussels. It would fuck up EU governance, although they would still have to stay permanently in Strasbourg.
Belgium was actually a state of four peoples . Flemish and Walloons you know , but the Brussels people speaking French and surrounded by Flanders considered themselves not Walloons ( from Wallonia) but separate . There is a German only speaking region at Eupen and the Royalty is Germanic .
Flemish people can speak up to six languages with ease , whereas Walloons only like to speak French . There is animosity between them all . My cousin , a lorry driver from Bordeaux hates delivering to Flanders as they won’t speak French to him and he knows they can .
Drive through the place and there are no defining lines about who is who . Mons becomes Bergen without explanation on the road signs , a car for sale is Te Koop in one village but A Vandre the next .
Pub quiz ; what nationality in the Belgium state was Poirot ?
Poirot was very Gallic, so a Walloon?
What about Hergé? Sounds a French speaker……..and what about Jan van Eyck? Flemish I guess.