The BBC has a bit of a quandary…..reporting the success of non-private school pupils in getting into Oxbridge or hiding that because the pupils come from a Free School and from a poor area of London thus undermining two of the BBC’s cherished mantras about the hated Free Schools and poverty…..both apparently anathemas to success in education.
A few days ago I heard Peter Allen claim that the school system was failing and fragmenting and Free Schools were part of the problem….not a massive rise in pupil numbers due to immigration then?
Wonder what he makes of this…….
‘East End Eton’ pupils beats top public schools to Oxbridge
A free school in one of the poorest parts of Britain, nicknamed the “Eton of the East End”, is to send eight pupils to Oxbridge this year, putting them ahead of some of the most famous public schools in the country.
The London Academy of Excellence, a free school which has been running for three years, is celebrating after eight pupils received conditional offers to study at Oxford and Cambridge.
According to the Sunday Times, the figure puts the school above some of the country’s leading public schools, with one pupil from Gordonstoun, five from Sherborne and four from Haileybury destined for Oxbridge.
It’s hard to tell what he might make of it because so far the BBC has failed to mention this remarkable success that they normally would be trumpeting from the roof tops…especially as the successful pupils are predominantly of a non-white hue….at least 7 of the eight going to Oxbridge are non-white…here’s three of them…
Toby Young in the Telegraph doubts the Left will be celebrating….he could be right…
There’s a great story in the Sunday Times this morning (££) about the London Academy of Excellence, a free school in Newham. In spite of only being open for 18 months, the specialist Sixth Form college has managed to secure offers from Oxford and Cambridge for six of its pupils. That’s more Oxbridge offers than every other school in Newham managed last year.
No doubt Left-wing critics of free schools will come up with the usual excuses as to why this school has done so well. But for those of us who believe in the policy, it’s a huge triumph.
‘…for those of us who believe in the policy‘…that counts the BBC out then. Be interesting to see the BBC take on this when they get around to reporting it……what’s the betting it’s a long list of every complaint against Free Schools they can muster alomgside a grudging acknowledgement of the success?
Oh dear.
Manspreading in the picture!
Hate crime!!!
End of debate.
Compo please
The BBC’s other quandary is if too many ‘effniks’ from the ghettos get into Oxbridge their own offspring might be denied a place. Can’t have that now, can we?
Remember, when it comes to the BBC, we are dealing with Champagne socialists. This is the variety that likes to be seen to champion lefty causes because they are generally the anti-establishment ones. All very easy when you live nowhere near, geographically and financially, the poverty your heart bleeds so openly for. Let’s relive the wonderful moment recently when one of the faux socialists was exposed as a complete and utter hypocrite:
Take a bow Dimbleby, you @rsehole.