The BBC has been blitzing us recently with tales of woe…A&E is swamped by ever increasing numbers, housing is massively in short demand and schools can’t provide anywhere near enough places for the numbers of pupils.
Why has this situation arisen? The BBC doesn’t know but of course is happy to speculate that it is due to the government not spending enough money…due to austerity measures [and of course the BBC doesn’t spell out why austerity is need and who is to blame for such measures being necessary…ie Labour and Labour policies].
Here is one such report that tells us that ‘London places crisis to hit secondary schools’
The BBC tells us…
Pupils in London face a growing funding gap, with the school-age population forecast to rise by 12% over five years, argues a report.
“Do the Maths 2015” says the government is not providing enough cash for new school places needed in the capital.
London Councils, which represents the 32 London boroughs, plus the City of London, fears crunch time is rapidly approaching for the capital’s education budgets.
There has been “unprecedented growth in demand” for school places in London, says the report.
The number of school-age children (aged five to 19) increased by 112,000 in London in the five years to 2015.
So an ‘unprecedented growth in demand’.…and why might that be? The BBC doesn’t tell us where that unprecedented demand is coming from.
Could it possibly be that mass, uncontrolled immigration has swamped the British school system and made it unsustainable with parents unable to get the school of their choice and convenience?
Well in all likelihood that’s the answer as in the last 3 years alone we have had nearly one million migrants flood into the UK…they have to be housed somewhere, they have to be treated by the NHS and they have to send their kids to schools.
But the BBC doesn’t like to raise that problem, no mention at all of immigration in its report…The BBC’s mantra is that the problem is the government not spending enough not too many migrants. The migrants are economically beneficial to the UK…aren’t they?….
The government said it had doubled funding for school places to £5bn during the last parliament, creating half a million new school places since May 2010, with a further £7bn committed to create more places over the next six years.
Curiously the photos they provide to accompany the report have the pupils all pictured from the rear and a class of nearly all white pupils…is the BBC trying to hide the fact that London schools are predominantly non-white now? Why aren’t they celebrating the diversity?
This is the type of photo the BBC normally prefer to use:
or this….when the pupils are ‘trouble’…
London the TB capital of Europe?
NO school places?…GP waiting lists ever growing?
Housing shortages in the capital?
Nothing to do with Islam…or immigration either, which is a good correlation.
Two people spring to mind. Orwell believed that people won’t talk about something if you remove their ability to articulate it, hence the government in Nineteen Eighty-Four is changing the language to remove undesirable words (Orwell’s beliefs are famously attributed to the time he spent working for the BBC).
And Chomsky said: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum”, so the BBC here is giving the illusion of having a lively debate when the terms of the debate are actually strictly proscribed.
More Or Less is asking if there is more demand for A&E at the weekend.
After all the drink, drugs an` all….I myself would expect that.
And indeed-in my times there at A&E-there is no shortage of “vulnerable and marginalised” yoof and casualties to confirm my working hypothesis.
But-as someone on this site once said…we have yet to see the BBC wandering around our weekend field hospitals in search of Blairs boys, Gordons girls who pull out the IVs of the old-and try to nick the morphine from the hospice to sell later.
The BBC seem never to shine their arc lights onto the aggressive, entitled scum who clog up our emergency services…but are more than happy to continually highlight the transexual in need of oestrogren implants, the working mum with a bit of a job and her benefits under threat.
Like schoolkids in class, young offenders in prisons and A&E at weekends-the Beeb seems not to know of them, let alone show the rest of us what`s going on in Labours Britain…for Labour it still is.