When we had the floods recently the BBC made a big play about the supposed North-South divide in funding channelling a Labour Party narrative but not telling us that the person making the claim was in fact a Labour council leader. [Similarly the BBC doesn’t tell us that the PCC’s who complain about cuts to police funding are also Labour party politicians.]
The BBC seems to like the sound of that North-South divide…could it possibly be because the government is trying to establish the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ and regenerate Northern fortunes and the BBC has decided to undermine that with claims of Northern neglect by a Tory government?
Last week we had a day of being told on the news bulletins that again there was this North-South divide, this time in education…..the rich Southern pupils being more successful than their poorer, neglected Northern cousins.
Now the BBC knew this was rubbish and not what the report they based their claims upon said, but anyone forced to rely on the BBC’s news service would have had that false narrative rammed down their throats all day….it was only later in the evening when the report’s author came on did we hear the truth…and he himself had to correct the BBC presenter’s take on his report.
So is there a North-South divide? No, and the BBC, as said, knew this, as illustrate by the graphic they supplied on their website……
The real problem places (should you place any faith or trust in such reports at all) are in the Midlands as well as many places in the South. [Update…the bit that looks like Northern Ireland is in fact Greater London blown up…thanks to Embolden for correcting that for me.]
The BBC clearly had a political agenda as their claims were totally false and even the report’s author had to correct them.
I’m from oop North, in the PRSY no less, and I can tell you now, the biggest problem up here is the dinosaur population who insist on voting in the reds without even the slightest consideration for what they’re doing.
“I’ve vorted labour all me life, and so did me dad , and his dad before ‘im” they spout from the armchairs of their council slums, or more likely from the chairs in William Hill’s or the Red Lion.
Look what happened in Rotherham for example, none of us need any reminders, except, it seems, the folk of Rotherham. The council get kicked out for being complicit in the rape of young white girls by hundreds, if not thousands, of muslim filth, and what do they do? Re-elect them! You couldn’t make it up.
I run a business up here, and very successful it is too, both at home and abroad. How much help did I receive from the government (or local authority), or how many grants did I receive from the DTI or from the EU? How many roads, railways or airports have been built close to my premises? F**k all, that’s how many. Funny how I’ve managed to do well without the slightest help from anyone, even though I left school with distinctly average qualifications. The local mind-set is wholly to blame, not government policy in Westminster.
Because they know s*it about how politics works. They have no idea that the people who CLAIM to represent them FEED off them, and they vote for them because they say nice things – rather than say sensible things.
Northern Ireland still has grammar schools, doesn’t it? An inconvenient truth for the BBC.
Trafford also has Grammar Schools and very good they are too. There are many in the bbc hive who are unashamed snobs; they actually look down on Grammar School kids as being some kind of inferior being and that is because too many of the bbc hive are the products of private schools; regardless of how crap they are academically it affords them membership of the club and reinforces the groupthink that permeates throughout the awful organisation that is the bbc.
Surely the area in the inset is actually Greater London on a larger scale than the rest of England.
Note that Bradford is one of 4 worst performers, parts of London and the West Midland don’t look too good either, any common threads there worth following up?
In addition…..what’s happened on the Isle of Wight to produce that picture?
Yep thanks….on closer inspection NI isn’t included. Will rewrite.
Which bits of oop north do they mean?
York looks like it is doing very well, but nearby Hull and Bradford are not.
Rather a shame. I’m old enough to remeber when Bradford Grammar School was in the state system.
Still, we dont want the facts to get in the way of good old bBBC leftie prejudice
The “North-South” divide will end as soon as the f***In BBC removes its “Northern Correspondent” patronising bollox.
Their disastrous and costly move to Salford shows how thick and insulting they are to the north.
They grovel round Scotland, and selectively like the north, only in so far as they vote labour…no more, no less.
Total hypocrites-I too think HS2 and the Northern Powerhouse is crap-but I`ll take no lessons from the BBC,who agitate, patronise and have grief stricken awaydays, like Monty at Shannon Matthews estate in Bradford(a classic!)…and Evan Davis swinging his chains round Leeds and Bradford a few years back…ignorant, insulting and clueless-like most Beeboid poncies these days.
London is its own mad planet due to both idiotic parties…and the Home Counties have got to be hell on earth if you`ve not inherited,not got an overpaid job in London or Guildford.
Rest of the country hates the Tories and their rank complacency-but we hate, and despise Labour much more…and Labour will never be forgiven down here.
They`d be dead in a ditch without the BBC endless slavering-I mean…rubber tipped nuclear missiles?….cant they find any lamp-posts like Hamas use then?
F888in morons-yet the BBC don`t even laugh at this…