In the first of a new series, Allan Urry investigates claims by former officers from one of Britain’s biggest police forces that they’ve been the victims of crimes committed by their own colleagues.
So I tune in expecting an in depth expose, but it’s yet another BBC moan that a Muslim has been found to be corrupt, and the whole program turns on the flimsiest of evidence of wrongdoing, that some dead builder made a death bed confession that he had perjured himself in the court case. Obviously no evidence can be given to support this.
After the guilty verdicts, Elisa Hopley, senior crown prosecutor from the CPS North West Complex Casework Unit said: “Mohammed Razaq embarked upon a prolonged period of dishonesty, breaching the trust that was placed in him as a serving inspector for Greater Manchester Police.”
This prolonged dishonesty was never mentioned or covered by File on 4
Inspector Mohammed Razaq, 53, swindled thousands of pounds relating to four houses he owned, a court heard.
A jury at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court found him guilty of five counts of fraud, three counts of money laundering, and a charge of failing to disclose information.
A SENIOR Bolton police officer made a string of fraudulent insurance and mortgage claims worth almost £46,000, a court heard.
Insp Razaq owned four homes: two neighbouring houses in Bradford Road, Great Lever, where he lives, one in Bowker Street, Higher Broughton, and one in Duncan Street, Salford.
He was also trying to buy a fifth property in Georgina Court, Daubhill.
The court heard how he used several different identities in a bid to cover his tracks.
So hard evidence was uncovered, and the deathbed confession was actually meaningless.
However, the income from the properties was linked to the housing market, which was hit by the recession.
“The effect of this financial demand on Mohammed Razaq was that his bank account, that was in good credit, started to go down in balance to where money was needed to keep them in the black,” Mr Hall told the jury.
The deathbed confession was made by another Muslim – who is obviously as honest as the day is long to the BBC, but he was also accused !
Builder Mushtaq Hussain, aged 50, of Armadale Road, Ladybridge, is accused of trying to help him cover up the fraud by putting money through his books which he never received.
Labour MP Andy Burnham is wheeled out as Rent a Gob
The local paper has a comprehensive report on the issue, most of which was never covered, and presumably ignored by the BBC as it simply didn’t fit the narrative of ‘racism, Islamophbia, and discrimination’ they wish to peddle. Sometimes their programs leave me convinced, other times they don’t, but this one has simply made me angry, because I can tell they are trying to smear the Police because one of their brown eyed boys has been caught misbehaving and they don’t like it !
Thank you – I have learnt more in reading your brief overview than from the whole broadcast! I was suspiscious of the “death bed” confession, but am really shocked about how much relevant background fact the BBC left out.
It is depressing how blatantly we now are being lied to by our “national broadcaster”.
More evidence of Qatari open bribery attempts, this time of Athletics officials to get the games held in Qatar.
This is a way of life in the Middle East, if anyone thinks that those prepared to use corruption just to get games to their country are not going to be offering much larger amounts to influence international politics in the region they must be very naïve.
This is a very good question. Arab business life is conducted through personal contacts and discreet payments (we call them “bribes”). We have seen in the case of sport how much Arab states are prepared to pay to get what they want. How much more will they pay to get what they want in the really important things, such as the islamization of Europe? If dear Angela didn’t get an eight figure commission for her work in destroying Germany then she really did sell herself cheaply.
Hopefully someone will stop me if they’ve heard this before:
The astute Pat Condell said that Merkel wants Germany to pay for the Second World War by committing suicide.
I doubt that she was reimbursed for her attempted mass suicide. The adoration of the bleeding-heart brigade would be payment enough as she welcomed the ‘refugees’ to her ample bosom.
She is so deep in denial that she almost certainly hasn’t even though about the consequences of the invasion. She’s sold Germany’s Jews out, as a part of them.
As far as I am aware, TT, Merkel is not Jewish. Her father was a Lutheran Pastor & if I recall correctly, he was very much against the Communist regime of the GDR into which Angela was born. The young Angela probably HAD to take part in Communist youth activities (it was all-inclusive) but she would have been exposed to some fairly heavy indoctrination there and at school. That may lead to all sorts of personal ideological conflicts at present.
It also appears (note the word appears) from recent video of Merkel that she is not a Christian. In one or two clips around the peak of the migrant crisis in August & September last year, she is seen in public meetings trying to make a case in support of her ‘Throw Open the Doors’ policy and in trying to reassure questioners she struggles to mention any aspect of Christianity & replaces it with the word ‘culture’. It was obvious in the words used that she didn’t share that ‘kultur’.
There could be a rather more mundane explanations, as well. She is in her seventh decade. Dementia may be starting. Also I don’t think we realise at times how much our some of our politicians at senior levels are operating under levels of tiredness & exhaustion that if they were in charge of articulated lorries, aircraft or industrial machinery they would be ordered to go home and rest.
The trouble is that some bad decisions & statements made in that weakness may lead to dead bodies being washed ashore in Turkey & Greece.
I was vilified on here some months back for daring to suggest that Jeremy Corbyn was too old for the job – in his seventh decade; so, glad to see that others on here feel that there’s a definite ‘cut off’ age for leaders to call it a day. I too am of a similar age, and you can be as healthy and hearty as one can be, but you DO slow down mentally and physically, and I don’t care what anyone says to the contrary.
Hell…i’m 59 and feel wacked most of the time….i look in wonder at 70/80 yr olds doing marathons…..[why?]…my mind wants me to bang Camerons head against a wall and shove the Koran down his throat…but the bones protest. I’ll save my energy for when the muslim horde pours through my town and kicks my door in…then they will greet Allah, painfully. A scenario not far off now thanks to our govt and Al-BBC. Traitors. Military coup now please. Subs without nukes….unreal.
I would advise you to take up clay pigeon shooting. It is a very wholesome sport, you meet some decent people, spend an afternoon in the fresh air, and hone your hand/eye coordination. Oh, and you need a shotgun, but there’s no harm in that is there?
Re “doing marathons”.
Sat what you like about Jimmy Savile-but his stringbag diet of cigars and the blood of young girls must have been a tonic to him as he ran, cycled the country for all manner of causes close to the black heart of media charity, promoted by the left soaked do-gooders.
Yet no diet and exercise book seems to be available for us all to find out how Jimmy Of Wood Lane managed to stay so slim….was it running away from the police?…or forever running towards the BBC Car Park to distribute the kiddie trike permits?
Come on Beeb…give us a book!
One for “Feedback” eh Mr Notlob?
Jeremy Corbyn got two “E” grades at A Level, then did a year of “Trade Union Studies” at North London Polytechnic before dropping out. His problem is that he is bloody thick!
Yes, I’ve no doubt she isn’t Jewish. I just wonder if it ever crossed her mind that by welcoming the Muslim invasion she is putting not only Germans in general in danger but also, and perhaps more specifically, the Jewish community.
That community numbers about 120 000 and in a little over a year Merkel will have facilitated the invasion of ten times that number of Muslims, a large proportion of them no doubt full of hatred of Jews inculcated into them in the societies they stem from.
So if Pat Condell is correct, and Merkel is indeed trying to prove her generosity towards ‘refugees’ as a way of trying to atone for Germany’s slaughter of Jews, she really is an idiot.
The bBBC insatiable demands for more taxpayers money to be spent on each and every cause they deem worthy reached a new low (do I meam high?) on Countryfile on Sunday bBBC1.
Apparently there is new legislation to prevent horses being tethered on somone else’s land. The less than perfect RSPCA is in favour as many horses are not looked after in these situations.
So what’s the problem. Only that because of local authority ‘cuts’ the £1500 cost of saving a horse cannot be funded by hard-pressed councils, so half of the horses ‘saved’ may have to be put down, and so they just carry out a modest check on the horses to make sure they are tethered in a reasonably humane manner.
What a shame no-one at the bBBC ever feels sorry for the taxpayer.
The “less than perfect RSPCA”, a master of understatement at work here..
There are over one million wild horses in the USA, there are large numbers in Australia.
These wild animals seem to have no problems being “not looked after”, so much so that they have become pests.
Public sector interference is not required, the owners should look after their own horses.
Local councils have the resources to interfere in horse management, but inadequate resources to investigate mass rapes of white children by Muslim paedophiles. Except of course covering up these crimes and shredding the evidence for them.
Not that this is any surprise that’s just how lefties are, lumps of disgusting protoplasm that whose existence should be limited to Petri dishes.
Really? I don’t remember the RSPCA being blacklisted as a terrorist organisation by the US government neither do I recall the RSPCA advocating the use of car bombs.
It doesn’t, but they are both animal rights groups, the RSPCA is the “respectable” face of the movement. It spends more time and money trying to prosecute hunters and trying to get grouse shooting banned these days than looking after cats and dogs, but it still depends on the legacies of old dears who think it looks after pussy cats and doggies.
Ronnie Barker must be spinning in his grave. Every PC box ticked except I couldn’t see any disabled (was that an over sight?). There was a female black registrar and several Muslims. The use of canned laughter was jaw dropping, it was as if they anticipated the audience reaction. I wonder what the viewing figures are?
The world I knew is slipping away, deliberately being forgotten and the BBC are engineering the process.
One also has to question that is this really the same David Jason who appeared in those wonderfully politically incorrect early series of Only Fools and Horses, same goes for Nicholas Lyndhurst who appeared in that trashy multicult diverse fest that New Tricks became.
Lesbianism and over represented multiculturalism has also arrived in 1961 London in Call The Midwife…
A couple of Lesbians frequent one of my locals , but they are lipstick lesbians , quite fit looking , & not man hating , when one of them has had a few (drinks) she for some reason likes pinching my bum , think she is p*** teasing . The BBC version is probably Milli Tant from Viz , thought they didn`t like stereotypes.
Sometimes, PC over rides clarity. I am married with a wife. A few years ago I took over some land for recreational use and formed a partnership with a woman who happened to have a husband and a life of her own. Only for the purpose of managing the land we were partners. People who wished to avail themselves of our land were often referred to my or her partner. I found it a pain in the backside having to point out that my partner was a partner, and that I had a wife who was not a partner. Is it so important to devalue marriage for those who still believe in the institution?
Not the BBBC this time but it’s the ‘marriage’ in the Lloyds horse themed ad that gets us. Doesn’t exactly go with the flow, but of course totally unacceptable without.
It isn’t al beebus Cassandra; but I don’t know if you’ve watched Midsummer Murders lately, which has almost become a PC parody of its former self – seemingly every other person in it is a member of an ethnic minority.
The people who control TV drama in this country apparently find it intolerable for the (still) majority indigenous people here; to have any contemporary (or even historical) programme which actually reflects the demographic reality of our nation, as it is experienced by the vast majority of its autochthonous citizens.
There are relatively few members of ethnic minorities: who reside in the countryside; who are police officers (particularly so in predominantly rural constabularies) and who serve in the military.
Why then do we have to watch a fictional programme where even the make-up society in which it is set, ours, has to be fictionalized in order to make it palatable enough for the Progressives to broadcast?
The hive extends to all the TV companies now. The media is devoid of original thought and all the worse for it. Politics is just as bad..
We must remember that all such monolithic power strutures looked impregnable right up to the moment they disintegrated. They all do this in the end.
Sir Lenny, IIRC, has decreed there shall be a quota employed at the BBC. That writ is now applied whether it is relevant or not.
Can’t help wondering whether, when 50% of football managers in the Premiership are eventually BAME, that players will be ordered off the pitch and others – perhaps of lesser ability – are brought on so that there is equal representation within the two teams.
We are getting to the point where it seems we will be living in a Monty Python sketch.
An officer in Army uniform will barge in soon and say “Stop it! This sketch is getting silly.”
You are right about Midsomer Murders, which now seems to specialise in mixed race gay couples, men last week, lesbians this, as well as a straight mixed race couple, just as you see in any normal English village. They really are trying to grind the memory of poor Brian True-May into the dirt. The writer also seemed to be under the impression that the commander of an RAF station in 1984 would still be commanding the same station in 2016, but that is just a commonplace piece of nonsense in the context of this show.
“Endevour” can be just as bad. Writers seem to think that if you put a character in a trilby and make everyone smoke all the time you have captured the past accurately. The plots are of course absurd, though one expects that. But it seems that every week the villain is a toff living in a big country house, and last week we even had a group of university men in white tie and tails blowing a hunting horn and chasing a black man through the streets of Oxford and throwing him into the river. It had nothing to do with the plot, the writer just seemed to want to make the point that all toffs are bastards and the British are racists.
The cultural agitprop seems never ending, and cannot be put down to coincidence. Nor is it confined to the BBC, though at least ITV cannot put you in jail (yet) for watching its rubbish without a licence.
Hey Cassandra at 8.36pm, what a brilliant observation. The bBBC are banged to rights for this flagrant example of anti-disability programming. But not for the reason you might think.
Where the Arkwright’s shop is filmed, the streets at either end are on very steep hills – sometimes these become part of the plot , you know, uncontrolled bikes, trollies, pushchairs. An adjacent road is indeed called Carr Hill.
So it is incredibly difficult for wheelchair users to access this street and hence this shop.
I think I should complain to the bBBC and demand this and all previous series of Open All Hours are withdrawn from our screens immediately as I take great offence to this wanton exclusion of those with disabilities.
And let’s then see how they like their own medicine.
While I agree completely with the bbc box ticking, Cuffs being another ridiculous example, the itv have also got their PC idiots.
Anyone seen the Game of Thrones rip off Beowulf. Who would have thought there were so may non whites around then.
‘All Rapists were once children. All ISIS Murderers were once children.’
This is a true fact. It is impossible to argue that someone, even a nasty person, was never a child.
But apparently: This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
Fuck you Guardian. Fuck you and your fucking shite. Fuck you and your fucking propaganda. Fuck you and your fucking lies, crap and utter imbecility. Guardian, you do not have commentators or journalists. You have a rag tag gaggle of morons, cunts, bastards, and communists, producing agitprop for the feeble minded traitorous fools who want nothing better than to see the United Kingdom destroyed because of their illogical and pathetic colonial guilt.
But you know what their greatest trait is? Cowardice. Moral cowardice, physical cowardice, mental cowardice.
They don’t moderate to keep down swearwords, or to stop outright fascism or racism. They moderate because they are afraid of anything that challenges their worldview. They don’t just dislike it, they don’t just avoid the issues, they actively run from it. They are moral cowards. CIF nowadays has more removed comments than active ones.
When Charlie Hebdo was attacked, the Guardian trumpeted Je Suis Charlie to the heavens. Did they republish those cartoons? Did they fuck. Being fair, few to no papers did, but the Guardian has never stepped back from shouting about occupying the moral highground, except when it might actually threaten their lives. They are physical cowards.
Mental Cowardice. Anyone challenging their world view is a racist, an islamophobe, a sexist, transphobic. Nothing to do with any actual issues. If you have a problem, it’s because you’re a nasty evil person. You’re a Tory and therefore ‘lower than vermin’. They fail to see that they are the ones motivated by hate. Hatred of anyone who thinks differently. Today’s story, class sizes over 30. Could it be anything to do with rampant, unchecked, uncontrolled immigration? No it’s the evil Tories fault for creating free schools!
Everyone at that paper needs to be sent to the front lines in Kurdistan and taught how to be a man by the women at the battlefront. Preferable with a blindfold, some stakes and a desert. And the fewer that come back the better. No one will be mourning the little shits at their funerals.
The day that paper dies, and pray God let it be soon, I will hold a street party and dance on their grave, because there is no other group of people on earth that I will take more pleasure in the destruction of. Even ISIS sit on a slightly higher level of hell.
Here’s to the Guardian. Kings of Hypocrisy. Queens of Cuntitude. Jacks of Grotesqueness. A joke of a paper. May the little bitches rot in everlasting hellfire.
No, don’t cancel the Guardian subscription. From a Facebook ad. This is what I suggest for a privatized BBC sans licence fee.
‘You guys seem like a well-informed bunch, so we know that you’d love our Guardian and Observer newspaper subscription offer.
Not only can you save 30% off the cover price AND get free access to the iPad app but you’ll also get a £25 M&S e-voucher absolutely free! If it sounds like your cup of tea, check it out…
The Guardian & The Observer newspaper, magazine, newspaper subscription, magazine…
I commented often on CIF at the Guardian for a few years. I was put on pre-moderation a few times – that’s when you’ve made too much noise counteracting the lefty propaganda there and have to sit in the corner with a dunce’s cap on while the class carries on without you: your comments don’t go through immediately and often only after a delay of hours. This can last for a few days or weeks, until the comrades feel you have been sufficiently chastised and re-educated to be allowed back to normal activity.
I the end they banned me for criticising the hysterical peecee reaction to the killing of Michael Brown by a white police officer.
Funny thing about that subversive rag – quite often the sane comments to the articles outnumber the typical brain-damaged lefty ones. That must have the writers and editors gritting their teeth in helpless fury. They like to think of themselves as fearless seekers after truth welcoming all shades of opinion but they are frightened censors at heart.
You could not have been rocking the boat enough, I am banned from the Guardian, IslamicAlBeeb and the Daily Express.
Also banned from RT.
We are bad boys…chuckle. I was suspended for two days by Facebook, apparently for recommending a bulldozer for every mosque worse every day!!!!!…Guardian booted me for taking the piss out of Monbiot, calling him ‘mud hut Monbiot’ for his bonkers climate views and telling the weird one to swim, kayak and walk to his back-slapping climate summits instead of taking those nasty, smelly jets. The final straw was laughing at the Booth creature for turning muslim…hahahahahaha…and saying she’ll be back soon when her hubby beats seven bells out of her. Then the Express years ago for commenting on a pic of Prince Hewitt…..sorry..sorry.. Harry banging off .50 rounds at the Taliban using a Ghurka Browning MG, saying i hope he wasted a few rag heads there…ouch…touchy touchy. Changed their tune now…dickheads. So keep the pressure on these media lefties, worthless Uni jerks.
Good for you guys. All eviction from lefty, subversive, multiculty propaganda sites is a badge of honour to be worn with pride.
However, there’s something to be said for gritting one’s teeth and being reasonably polite and measured while exposing their ignorance and bias. That way, you can carry on exposing it for some time until they eventually find some pretext to ban you, as the Guardian found when they banned me.
True Too..accept your point….but i’ve been there and tried it…polite and measured cut no ice with these creatures. Listened to Monbiot in a talk on climate change, i was there, and he was extremely rude and sarcastic to those that opposed him, so i gave some back.
thanks could not be arsed searching for it still dizzy from reading why not to buy ripped jeans.
22 pence an hour think of the children, my god the children.
Satire always inflames inferior cultures. That’s why Satirical magazines only exist in highly advanced societies. You would expect that mass immigration into Europe from backward cultures would cause a decline in satire, due to intolerance of criticism and censorship of reality by people of inferior cultures, which would also include the left-wing culture at the BBC and the Guardian. Satire always needs to exaggerate an element of truth, if it is to be funny. But the evidence that left-wing people are inferior is that the truth inflames them with emotional violence. Fascists like Hitler where known to turn emotionally violent, after receiving bad news. But the last people known to call themselves fascists were Italians who regarded themselves as left-wing, although they opposed Communism, while right-wing Tories who also opposed Communism did not call themselves fascists or National Socialist, because they were not supporters of left-wing socialism, although they may have been nationalists, especially in Scotland, even though those Scots are also National Socialists, or Nazis. But the Scottish Nazis who now rule Scotland are regarded as nice Nazis because they tolerate democracy, that’s why BBC Question Time audiences do not turn emotional violent towards guests from the SNP.
As the Sunday thread is killed off before its got going I will take the liberty of reposting my comment, apologies to those who have already read it.
Whilst having a bath yesterday I was listening to the World Service and caught the second half of Global Business about the economic impact on Germany of the migrants. It was so rose tinted and one sided I decided to listen to the whole pod cast, see below.
We are given interviews from companies providing services for “refugees” who unsurprisingly thought all the new arrivals a great idea and these were given as examples of the economic growth the migrants will bring. If I ran a company charging 70euro an hour for translation services then of course I will think the migrant crisis is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
An economist tells us that the 1st year cost of 1m migrants will be about 20bn euros and that Germany can afford that and represents “only” 0.6% of economic output and is a useful fiscal boost for the country. Mmm, normally (except in a dictatorship) if a Government was to spend so much money there would be some public debate about the pro and cons. To put this is some sought of prospective I calculate it is something like half the annual defence budget. And what happens if this year Germany has another 1m migrants? Is the cost then still insignificant, especially if the German export engine starts to stall further? No such questions were asked. But we are told that there is a strong economic case for open door immigration, tune in for part 2.
All forecasts about the economic “benefits” of the 1m plus migrants should be taken with a great deal of caution. This is a completely new situation and we have nothing to compare with it. It is interesting to have a look what the people were previously being told, in September it was thought the cost might be 10bn euros, but what’s another 10bn here or there to mighty Germany? Ask the Greeks perhaps.
And we were given what I would say were pretty close to downright lies: We were told that there is a “bedrock of support” among the German people for the migrants (but latest ZDF poll shows a majority saying Germany cannot handle the influx) and that the anti-migrant demonstrations after Cologne were matched by rival larger number pro migrant ones, is that true? The popular press, Bild, etc are “staunchly” on the side of the Government as they know the economic benefits all these new arrivals bring!
It is clear to me if not to the BBC that the German people will not accept tens of billions of euros being dished out to migrants for much longer.
Front page of Sunday Telegraph yesterday, ED, had suggestion that Merkel is to push for an EU wide fuel tax to pay for the migrants.
I often wonder if the people who claim that migration brings economic benefits are firmly locked into a picture of 19th century USA without the historical understanding of the problems that occurred there, especially at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century.
Al, I must admit to watching TV drama set in the past to still have a veiw of the world from not so long ago that I once knew. If you want to view contemporary multi-cultural Britain, then there are shows like EastEnders and Coronation Street to more than satisfy your tastes. I started watching Beowulf until the token PC characters appeared from Equity’s expanding BME register (Sir Lenny must be really pleased with himself. Speaking of which, doesn’t he talk to the viewer really nicely in his Premier Inn commercials. Remember that Lenny when you are inferring that white people are racists for holding black people back).
In my very quiet way I want my country, it’s values, culture and history returned. I really would like the BBC to disappear. I read today about the group of people that the BBC have reported non-stop for months being assaulted. I am of course referring members of the transgender community in Germany being stoned by ‘migrants’. I have yet to see or hear the story in the BBC news. Why would that be then?
Change is inevitable, we all realise that, but there is an enormous difference between change that happens naturally and change that is forced on people to achieve an end they have never even been consulted about, let alone given approval for.
The BBC is guilty a thousand times a week. It isn’t reflecting change, it is forcing the pace of it and doing so in cahoots with other media outlets which seek to obliterate the society we grew up in.
No children can escape the EU compliance ‘Gender identity engineering’ or object to the new (OfSted) Transgendering teaching plan which (under Cameron) is offensive in every way. Make no mistake as we wage ‘war-on-terror’ that no Sunday School, primary school or University campus will be allowed to function without all in Unisex toilets installed to appease this inadequate minority. Our children may ask why. Vote against (or just let it happen). Parents beware. BBC approved and promoted as ‘diversity’.
I think the reason for the “non-reporting” by al beebus would be because, per Mark Steyn – an accusation of Islamophobia trumps everything else; the rights of women, children, homosexuals, any other religions etc etc, those all become secondary to the most protected group.
Just look at what they are allowed to get away with doing, right across the UK and Western Europe FFS; with only the most cursory examination and reporting of it by al beebus and virtually all the MSM – it beggars belief.
I feel exactly the same way when I see documentary footage from the 70’s and 80’s – quite willing to swap all the ‘benefits’ of modern life like internet, technology, etc for those times.
Ironically this is on BBC iplayer and is only 30 years ago.
Sadly the genie is out of the bottle now, and ‘life as we once knew it’ will never return. More ethnics than ever now work in the media, so hands would soon go up around the conference table if an all white programme were ever to be proposed. Even Downton Abbey had to succumb in an earlier series. We are now seeing a plethora of non-English names presenting/reporting the news on all channels, which to me, appears to be far more than the ratio given for the ethnics to English in the country. I fear that with this gradual slide to ‘acceptance’, then it may not be long before we see a different flag on Buckingham Palace, and an unpronounceable name in No.10.
I hope we English deal with this liberal tyranny in the same way we dealt with the Norman one. We turned our backs . Retreated into our own ways and places and ignored them.
It is the only way. Treat London as a foreign city . Never go there again except to work. It can be done. Make our way of life so impenetrable that it does not matter what the liberals scream and whine about. They are excluded.
Be openly friendly but stay watchful and distant when it matters. .Never argue on their terms. Recognize our own and always support them at whatever cost.
In the end the liberals will end up talking only to themselves.
Dave S. Excellent advice. It can be done. The inhabitants of London – as opposed to those who travel in to work there – have crossed that line where nothing can be done for them.
“I hope we English deal with this liberal tyranny in the same way we dealt with the Norman one. We turned our backs . Retreated into our own ways and places and ignored them.”
I rarely reply to personal insults however in your case I will make an exception. I suggest you read my words closely. Norman tyranny I equate with the current liberal tyranny of thought.
The Normans went close to carrying out genocide particularly in the North. The castles and the introduction of the curfew were designed to hold us in our place and feel subdued.
There is no evidence of any real peaceful co existence on either side. A dispossessed English peasant and freeman class reduced to serfdom. Women deprived of the legal rights they enjoyed under Saxon rule.
So the reaction of the English was a stubborn refusal to accept Norman legitimacy.
We were a country ruled by a tyrrany founded upon a conquest as Tom Paine described it.
Then something changed and the Norman elite started to become like the English they once despised. We made them English in attitide
So was our country made and if you find this hard to accept then consider Shakespeare’s Henry V how Englishness and some Welshness of course is at the heart of it.
We knew what our country was then and did until you lot got your hands on it and tried to turn it into God knows what .
Turning our backs is what we did once and will do again if we have sense.
Read G.K Chesterton and Kipling if you doubt my words. Although no doubt they are writers whose books the liberal class would rather like to burn.
Good point DS. Its always been a source of amazement and confusion to those living outside of London,, how in hells name are foreigners ABLE to buy or rent in London anyway ? Only a small number are millionaire foreign buyers, but in the main there are ‘communities’ of e.g. Greek, Syrian, Italian, Iranian, etc that have swelled the numbers over the last 50 years, and taken over corner shops/restaurants etc. How has it been done ? the rest of the English population have trouble finding the rail fare to London, let alone afford to purchase in the capital – this question has been asked for years, and there’s never been a straight answer. But we ARE in the position we find ourselves today…… outcasts in our own capital.
Love it! Not sure which November year this was from but it is a very good argument (36 mins) against staying in the EU. All the more powerful for it shows the stupidity of staying ‘in’. Prof Patrick Minford also states that we can immediately save 8% on cost of living by getting ‘out’ and doing trade deals with ROI (rest of World). Its what we are good at. The EU is a protectionist model on a (French) political aspiration. Not an economic one. If this was on BBC Question time (instead of BBC Parliament) I wonder what the problem would be.
Can any one explain why the Common Market, (oops sorry the EU) allowed China to dump cheap steel on us when I thought the EU was a protectionist market and meant to prevent this happening?
Its effecting Britain and costing my kinsmen their jobs.
I think its about time we got out of this absolutely useless organisation Mr Car Moron.
Protectionism in trade plays second to destroying our own carbon emiting businesses. Allowing cheap Chinese steel to undercut EU steel results in less steel made in the EU, which reduces our carbon emissions and allows the corrupt to cash-in on carbon credits, for how much carbon they have stopped being pumped into the atmosphere.
The fact that it has caused MORE CO2 overall to be produced globally, because the same amount of steel is produced, PLUS it has to be shipped from China, means nothing to the EU green ecomentalist fuckwits. They can still claim that they have reduced our CO2 emissions and make a small personal fortune for it.
Has Mr Car Moron been reading this website and ‘grown a pair’ ? Or is it just smoke and mirrors from a ‘snake oil man’ ?
As I mentioned in an earlier post. Cameron is a founder member of the UAF, pro Jihadist bunch of street thugs who boast of his support on their Facebook Page along with support from a sacked Muslim comrade who was a civil servant who called for the death of British soldiers according to his religion. When push comes to shove, Cameron is a traitor and a Quisling.
Good stuff on BBC “NEWS” at six . Dave is going to give thousands of muslim women english lessons to speed up integration. Dont seem to remember a lack of english being much of a problem in the Rotheram sex scandal. Maybe if all of the muslim women in Britain learnt english this or the Cologne sex attacks would never have happened.
Also headlining was the story about Lord Bramhall and how stressed he had been. Bet the BBC was pissed off on this one -ninety years old, D day veteran, pillar of the establishment , no evidence – But I am sure the BBC still have him on their nonce radar.
A little later they also ran a story that an unamed Tory was shown to be committing sexual abuse in some photographs left at the Hatton Garden Vault – obviously another establishment cover up nice juxataposition of stories I thought.
Since they are obviosly disapointed on the Bramhall story can I suggest that plod should raid Nigel Farages home. I suggest helicopter crew the works. I have strong evidence that he is involved in underage sex – my evidence includes he is white, appears to care for his country, smokes fags, drinks beer and likes fishing – nuff said I think!
I think the BBC are onto something here. Why waste time and money with expensive trials when they can just declare him as a child abuser without any evidence? Surely he can now be put away without further ado?
I’m sure the BBC will have done such painstaking investigative journalism (Is he a Tory? –> Check) that anything else would just be an insult to the public purse. If the BBC say he’s a child abuser, that’s good enough for me!
NHS England ‘to impose 20% sugar tax’ in hospital cafes
The BBc are on their high horse about sugar again. Or to be more precise they have simply copied, as usual, a story from the Gargoylian newspaper. They have just copied it verbatim without the slightest question of accuracy or value. Any journalist worth his salt would be asking things like……
Is it legal?
If the NHS are that worried about the effects of sugar on health , why don’t they just stop selling sugary drinks instead of fleecing the public in the cafes as well as the car parks?
But alas no, the story ticks a BBC box so that’s it.
“It is hoped the tax would discourage staff, patients and visitors from buying sugary items, while the money raised would be used to improve the health of the NHS’s large workforce, he said”
Well at least he called them large and not fat.
Yet again the BBC fails in its duty. Someone needs to investigate the health fads and fantasies that have driven government policy since WWII and the result of which are all about us. If a massively funded organisation with more editorial resources than any other in the country will not do it, who will?
Sugar is just the latest quack hobbyhorse being ridden around by a group of single issue nannying fanatics, just as fat, cholesterol, ‘junk’ food and so on have been before it.
Someone should be fishing in the murky waters infested by the sugar fanatics, just as they should the neo-puritans waging an anti-alcohol crusade.
Instead, the BBC is forever a prisoner to single issue nutcases. Sugarphobes are just the latest example in a long, sorry procession.
When my mum was last in hospital I was talking to her on FaceTime from France, the nurse appeared to take her blood pressure and my jaw hit the floor. She had to be a size 24-28 massive is the word I’m looking for, how can you nurse people and lecture them on health when you have to go sideways through the door.
My observation, from numerous visits to patients in hospital, is that the female nurses seem a lot fatter than the female population in general. Not a scientific survey I know , but I suspect it’s true.
They develop huge lungs and muscles to assist their shouting, as the spend most of the time yelling about ToriKutz, when they are not carrying banners for the SWP.
There has clearly been a sea change in the nursing profession since the advent of degree nursing. Back in the day, when hospitals were cleaner and smelt of Dettol, and when nurses wore ‘proper’ uniforms AND caps, obesity was never an issue (they’d never get a uniform to fit!) – now, anything goes; hair tied back in a band, nurses seen in Sainsburys in their trousers and tops (unheard of in the old days) and a reluctance to do much if it can be done by an agency nurse.
“Nurses” are in the office keeping the computer records up to date. “Nursing Assistants” are on the ward looking after the patients. The exception is when the shifts change and they are all in the office for “handover”. Then the patients look after each other.
I remember those days, we had starched aprons and belts you had to be slim to put on.Our Matron would have ripped this soft lot apart. This comment for Brissles.
BBC Breakfast gives a boost to flagging Green Party fortunes (everybody’s talking about Corbyn these days) by providing a platform for smug numerically challenged Aussie Natalie Bennett to virtue signal like crazy about that nasty man Donald Trump.
Green ‘Pardy’ fascists and others would like to ban him from entry into Britain for somethings he has said. Yeah, that’ll stop his words whizzing around the world. (according to the BBC who show a few clips “some viewers might be offended” – actually the word used by the BBC might have been viewers “will” be offended [I’m not 100% sure on that].
The only point offered up by the BBC as representing even a quibble to our dear Natalie’s banning order is the odd notion that he might come here and be shown the ‘contribution of muslims’. I’m guessing this is the Corbynista line?
I’ve news for Comrades Corbyn, Turnbull and Minchin – every time Trump or in fact anyone else flies anywhere in the world and have to negotiate airport security – that’s the contribution of muslims!
Natalie Bennett and Jeremy Corbyn perform exactly the same function for their respective parties; they make them unelectable. That is why I like both of them and hope they enjoy a very long and turbulent tenure.
Yeah, Oaknash I heard the ‘teaching Muslim women to speak English’ story.
This requirement seems so incredibly moderate and obviously self-evident. You know the idea, be able to speak the language in the country where you live. Common sense, right?
Not in Al Beeb land, where this is truly ‘Far Right’ extremist stuff and needs dissecting, first with a pro-Muslim speaker trashing it and then giving Cameron getting a hard time.
I suppose in the multi culti Nirvana of Al Beeb land, segregation, separation, and the slow destruction of a cohesive society is OK. And of course for the extreme Lefties, it’s just another way of killing off the market economic system which is their main aim.
I heard the “teaching muslim women English” story too, language ability is supposedly going to be linked to visa regulations for spouses, with an English language test two and a half years after entry to the UK on a family reunion visa.
That interested me because the assumption was that all spouses are women presumably to trump any accusations of “waycism” with a box marked “Wimmins ishoos” neatly ticked.
Then I mused on whether the BBC would discuss whether the ability to speak English might be linked to access to benefits, or even a points system for immigration to the UK. Of course thay didn`t but they did manage to quote the muslim council of Britain who had commented on a previous government proposal on muslim womens inability to speak English even after a quarter of a century in some cases and had condemned it as….wait for it….”McCarthy-ite”. Were Muslims really going to be asked about past or present affiliation to the communist party? The BBC of course didn`t explain this odd MCB position statement.
Dear website manager.
Any idea why I sometimes get the ‘edit’ option after publication (very useful for correcting spelling mistakes) and sometimes I do not, like now.
PS – after posting this, the edit option has sprung up, as has the edit option to my previous post.
It has just been broadcast on the Today program that the vote to ban Donald Trump from the UK has reached 500 000 and must therefore be debated on Parliament.
They brought on the starter of the position who turns out to be a Muslim ! Hardly surprising that Muslims are not going to be happy about not being allowed to wreck the great Satan is it ?
500,000 people eh? wow. I wonder whether radio 4s More or Less could do a feature on the relationship between “significant numbers” and “positive news coverage”
500,000 vote against Donald Trump = Significant number > positive news coverage
3.4 million vote for UKIP in 2015 = insignificant number > negative news coverage
There is an occasionaly quoted statistic that more people attend a Christian Church service at weekends (around a million) than attend premiership football matches but they must be insignificant numbers too since premiership football gets far greater positive news coverage on the BBC.
Monday morning and as sure as the sun rises breakfast delivers another cluster weapon as mass bias. Lets start where I turned on. they interview Humera Khan(?) who basically tells us it’s not a problem. I tuned out so this isn’t verbatim she said that it was 16 % now it’s 22% so it hasn’t gone up much. Sofa sloth halfheartedly went onto the segregation tact. Humera tells us they are used to it so that’s ok. She then goes into the it’s all whiteys fault Yes all those attacks on followers of the cult that don’t ever seem to hold any water. She informs us the £20million should be spent on “white racism”. Good idea Cameroon hand it over to National Front. Any one there to tell her she doesn’t want to integrate and the chances of some of the women even seeing an institutionalised white racist are slim because they live in their own little ghettos. Next it’s sugar tax. I can’t be bothered as you all know the story. Finally why are over 50s drinking more than the recommended level of alcohol. Then onto rip off Britain there must be some irony on the tittle hubble bubble boil and trouble are reporting on holiday rip offs so where better to base themselves? Yes Gran canaria, there is no way you could do this program in Salford.
Radio 4, ‘Today’; straight after the Trump debate we had the Muslim ‘sisters’ discussing English classes for Muslim mothers, it went as expected, no counter arguments just total bias in favour of the Muslims. Interestingly, it seems to be Mischel Hussain who does all the Muslim stories these days. Hussain is a Muslim name, isn’t it a conflict of fairness if Hussain does ALL these stories?
Just out of interest, my wife is a primary school teacher in an inner city. I’ve given up the number of times when she returns from parents’ evening and telling me the same story, here it is:
Burqa clad mother comes into classroom with her seven year old son to discuss her eleven year old’s progress. The seven year old is there to translate what the teacher (my wife) says to the mother. It is a very frustrating experience. The seven year old doesn’t really comprehend what my wife says and my wife has to give the information to the seven year old in words that HE can understand. This situation is common in all our large cities and has been gong on for years. A lot of the mothers are the second wife from Pakistan, always younger than the first wife that ‘dad’ has divorced. She is is illiterate in her own language and of low educational ability.
Good luck Mr Cameron but your initiatives are doomed to failure, they don’t want to integrate.
Cameron and the people around him really are ignorant bastards. They do not understand the muslim all. Time he read the Koran to discover why they do what they do, and are un-bending in their ways. They will never..ever..integrate in the West, forget it. Time to stop ALL muslim immigration…NOW….and gradually repatriate those here, pushed along with proscribing Islam, pulling down the mosques and telling them to ‘worship’ at home, while they prepare to ship out. Otherwise…in thirty years, we will all be under the islamic yoke……believe me. The Czech president has more sense than our govt. It doesn’t help that the bloody useless FO is still packed with ‘Arabists’.
Yesterday a Palestinian terrorist murdered Dafna Meir, mother of five, in her home. This is how the BBC covered it.
It took the BBC five paragraphs to even mention that the deceased had a name. Most of the article is generalised filler.
There is so much missing from the BBC report, as that three of her children were in the house at the time. Or that she attempted to fight off her attacker. Or that she worked as a nurse at the Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva. Or that she was a naturopathic practitioner specialising in women’s fertility. Or that it was Renana, Dafna’s eldest daughter, who witnessed her mother’s murder and called for help. In short, she was, in BBC eyes, for practical purposes anonymous.
This is the photograph the BBC chose to illustrate the report.
That’s why BBc news is redundant the internet reveals their “omissions”. I’m just drafting my next level complaint on some of their little “omissions” Of course I will be wrong.
The News that the Beeboids (and the Socialist elite) don’t want you to know. They’re the ones that broke the Cologne atrocity, as attributed by the Times.
The bBBC seem gutted that the French are finally bulldozing part of the Calais Jungle. Sympathetic interview on site with Ahmed From Pakistan whose English is poor, is clearly an economic migrant but apparently thinks he has a right to enter our country . Follow up studio discussion with 2 representatives of refugee organisations . No balance no mention that none of these people have any right to be in the UK no criticism of the French for deliberately fomenting this problem . In other words business as usual for the B B C.
Re The Calais jungle, “they might actually not be asylum seekers at all.”
I understand the point you’re making, however (please forgive my pedantry) I think we must absolutely insist that NONE of these people in “the jungle” are asylum seekers. As soon as they set foot in Europe they became economic migrants. They’re choosing to live on this unpleasant and filthy campsite because they think they’ll get a better deal in Blighty than in France. It’s amazing that none of those commenting on the Beeb ever point this out and also that France is a nation with similar wealth to our own, the same size population and three to four times the land mass. It has wonderful food and the climate is fabulous.
I just can’t think what the attraction is…
This is partly what my complaint is about They run a one sided story. You then have to go onto the internet to find what the whole story is. If you complain and I have done a few times about omissions and one sided stories you will get a reply that basically reads; We didn’t have time and then sarcastically goes on to state how they represent all views. Now I’m pushing it a bit further all of a sudden the line changes to it was an update so we missed out some facts. How you are supposed to know if it is a “full” one sided story or an update one sided story ‘I’m not sure. Perrhaps a red triangle on screen?
The main reason that we have biased, left- of-centre, news coverage on our broadcast media in the UK is the legal duty of these broadcasters to give balanced coverage. This is producing the opposite effect. Why? Well, the heavy subsidy going into just one broadcaster enables it to dominate the media. If its then penetrated by left wing culture it can distort the legal duty to be balanced but at the same time use market power to ensure it has no serious rival with genuinely balanced cover. C4 which also receives public money operates similarly but of course not with the same dominance .
I would do two things . I would scrap the duty of balanced coverage. This would remove a weapon which is not used to curb the left wing bias of BBC and C 4 but does prevent entry into the market of right of centre news broadcasters. Secondly I would either scrap all public subsidy of news broadcasting or if there is to be a subsidy, make it a requirement that it goes to at least three broadcasters with a lefft , centrist and right political pitch respectively . As part of the bidding process each bidder would have to say what it’s political slant would be .
Let’s start treating UK citizens as grown ups and openly allow news bias rather than have the undeclared left bias we now endure . If we have to have public money going to subsidise news broadcasting, let’s ensure a wider spectrum of views is covered.
Under this system tbe B B C would have its income chopped by the cost of it’s news department and it would have to bid for a slice of it AND say whether it wanted to cover news from a left centre or right perspective . Subsidies would only be awarded for a fixed term and there would be a regulator to endure that the terms of each successful bid were complied with. In the longer run I’d prefer the subsidy to be scrapped entirely which one day it will when we move to a full subscription system.
But that would give the game away! The BBC has been ‘radicalised’ even before Tony Blair term back in the in the 1980’s political correctness (BBC Bertisms) thrust right into the corridors of the civil service. We now have to fight the civil service (pro EU) and the BBC (which is a state QUANGO). I am not sure it was ever independent as you state it has an awful record of looking the other way and promoting itself as the ‘benchmark’ of moral values which have changed 360 degrees since Lord Reith’s day. The BBC viewpoint is now largely indistinguishable from the agitprop Guardian reader. The BBC does not serve us, just that narrow minority who still inhabit Public Services because they were small cheeses in the last Labour administration. The left wing values prevail.
I’d make a few comments. The BBC was never independent and I don’t think I implied it was. In the Reith era of the 20s – 40s it broadly supported the establishment and the status quo which was mostly conservative/ national government. That view was supported by the majority of the electorate . Hence the huge majority of the national government. During the 50s a similar argument can be made.
I agree with you that the left wing
bias of the BBC is not recent. It began to abandon social conservatism small c in the 60’s. The big political shift in its attitudes occurred in the Thatcher era. It put itself in the position of opposing governments with majority electoral support . This is the opposite of what it was doing in the 20’s 30’s 40’s and 50’s. A publicly funded broadcaster that does this should be signing its own death warrant. That it seems to thrive reflects the pusillanimous attitudes of successive Conservative governments in dealing with the B B C.
An interesting idea, but of course, for it even to get off the ground, the establishment would have to admit that the BBC was biased towards the left. This it will never do.
A bigger problem though, I believe, is that it is not just the ‘news’ coverage which is biased. The entire output of the BBC is propaganda for the left’s view on any issue. Much of this is subtle and not presented as ‘news’. The intention is drip, drip, drip reprogram the minds of the viewers until they adopt the ‘correct’ view on any issue.
This site has numerous examples of this. One would simply be the huge over-representation of ethnic minorities and mixed marriages in BBC drama output. The constant portrayal of Muslims as the peaceful and reasonable side in any dispute, the whites as the aggressive racist etc etc. The intention of Big Brother is clear but it is not ‘news’ in any sense of the word.
In an ideal world I would like to see a BBC that was not biased in any direction, that presented the news in a factual way, so that I could make up my own mind. I certainly don’t want the news “explained to me” from the BBC’s perspective.The BBC has for a long time, perhaps even from its very onset, perpetuated the myth that they are somehow above the rest of the news services, and they are providing exactly that. I suspect they even believe in the myth themselves.
I think the idea of allocating funds to three different services, does go some way to creating a balance. Perhaps its even the best we could hope for in the real world. But it does have an inherent flaw. People would simply turn to whichever station was closest to their own beliefs and we would be no closer to balance and truth than before. I think it would be most unlikely that anyone would religiously listen to all three before forming an opinion.
The BBC doesn’t just broadcast news. It continuously exerts bias though drama, comedy, travel programmes etc. In fact the problem of liberal/left bias goes way beyond the BBC and extends into many other areas like education and academia. For this reason, returning to my ideal world, I think there never has been a greater need for a truly balanced public service broadcaster. I don’t know how this can be achieved. It has to be radical. Perhaps we need to start again from the beginning with a whole new philosophy. The present BBC is simply too big and too set in it’s ways.
The difficulty of this plan would prevent it getting off the ground. The basic mistake is to believe it is possible for a news service not to be biased.
Rather than constructing such a system to avoid bias, with it’s own inevitable failings; far preferable is to entirely remove the interference of the state from providing news. Remove the BBC funding by tax and allow other news organisations to compete on an equal footing.
The consumer will then decide what to listen to/watch. Just as the printed media provides a [nominal, I admit] range of viewpoints, this will lead to the broadcast media doing the same.
It wouldn’t be perfect, but it couldn’t really be worse.
A bit surprised no one here picked up on 2 tiny spats the PM had with Miss Shouty on Toady this morning.
One: she kept interrupting and PM then said…these are important questions so please allow me to give you the answers! Good man!
Two: At one point, PM also raised the point that BbC always refer to so-called Isalamic State and he gently chided her and said they should be using Daesh! Splutter, splutter from Miss Shouty who responded by saying…take it up with the BBC!!
Even better!
It’s about bloody time that Boy Dave grew some cojones!
I won’t hold my breath though!!
Every other Tory spokesperson, male female MTF transgender FTM transgender undecided etc, you get the drift, should do the same (reprimand the stupid bint not grow some – most of Al Beeb’s interviewees want to get rid of some.)
Managed to hear that little spat between the elected Prime Minister of this country-and a Montessori bluestocking privileged Oxbridge nomark who`s forever leeching on the public payroll, masquerading as an “interviewer”.
Yet Monty had the louder voice, and dismissed his complaint with “well take that up with the upper echelons of the BBC”.
Pretty clear where the REAL power lies in our national debate…the BBC are judge jury and executioner at all times…Cameron in the dock, the sap squeaks and he gets treated like something on the bottom of her Hunters wellies.
And he makes no complaint either,gutless berk.
Pathetic-and find a Labour lefty Muslim MP from Bradford West “debating” with Salman Yacoob( note the George Galloway common link there!) about Camerons mealy-mouthed plans to slip a English-Urdu leaflet into a burqa mouth slit.(Channel 4 News tonight)
How bad is THAT?…when Britains PM dare not open his mouth abour the need to speak English with the Muslimas who have already decided on what THEIR future will be….it`ll be ours too, if we don`t wake up!
Cathy Newman already in practice, so it appears.
Now I wonder why this never hit the BBC news, could it be that it does not lend its support their biased narrative on the EU.
Herr Schaeuble is exceedingly influential.
Finance Minister Herr Schaeuble to Big Boss Angie Baby . ‘ Here’s an idea, we bring in lots of immigrants to solve our delining birth rate and well get Britain and rest of those EU suckers to pay for it’.
And saw in the Telegraph that the German Interior Ministry are co-ordinating a government meeting to discuss the rise of the “FAR-RIGHT” in connection to recent boisterous behaviours by gentlemen unknown in Cologne etc.
That`s right-we must come up with something to deal with the rise of the “far-right”!
And as for Islam?…tahharush, exploding fireworks in girls hoodies?…rape?
Point the dogs, cannons and gas canisters at the bloody far right…suicidal oafs or liberal cretins?…only hope the Germans deal with their sauerkrauts who presume to rule them.
Unfortunately this is only evidence of Al Beeb bias by comparison, in that they would never allow such balance in their commenting (never ‘reporting’, it’s always Al Beeb’s biased views). What is even more striking is that it is in Al Beeb’s fellow Murdoch-hating US fellow travelling NYT!
So the talking points today include Teaching Muslim women to speak English. Or how about Corbyn keeping the Trident submarines but without actually arming them? Then there’s the potential tennis match fixing.
But on the bBBC website, what do we get the chance to comment on?
A new cure for Multiple Sclerosis. Like we’re all going to oppose it.
Bias by having a patronising left-wing inspired “Let them eat cake” attitude, and deliberately preventing discussion on topics where contributors might well not agree with their pre-programmed ‘Far Left’ Guardianista agenda.
It`s like Life In Cartoon Motion isn`t it?
Corbyn in his Yellow Submarine…hunting down the Blue Meanies from the poop deck, where Prescott is stabled.
Bloody awful film that was…and the Labour rerun looks to smell of desperation and failure as well.
Wonder how many Second Language students would fit onto Labours submarines, once we`ve turned them into classes for use in York or Carlisle.
Maybe rubber missiles are the future-would Hamas like to try a few, seeing as Labour are constantly in thrall to them?
You And Yours on R4 was at it again, this morning, bangiing on about the risks of building on flood plains. Does its half-witted reporter consult anyone who knows anything about hydrology and river management? Of course not! Instead he interviews a government ‘Climate Change advisor’ (in other words an activist, probably for a ‘Green’ organisation).
And so the tap drip, drip drips its steady flow of misinformation to unaware listeners. Heaven forbid they should be told anything like the truth about the causes of flooding!
BBc 13:00 news and they cheerlead for the steel industry lots of interviews with people saying the Government should be doing more. If I was them I’d be saying the same thing knowing the Government probably can’t do much with EWU rules. However objectively why are the BBc making a song and dance about this and not other sectors that have been decimated.
Another BBC project that is going well: Friends Reunited To Close. Those of a ‘certain age’ will recall that the BBC endlessly promoted this shower and all the time, even though there were free, and better, well-established alternatives. Got to look after your mates though.
BBc being lying bastards by omission Donald Trump’s entry into the UK being up debated because he’s said Muslims should be barred entry to the USA. Think you missed out temporary there scumbag. Oh and he said there were no go areas here and that’s just not true…apparently
There’s a good news NHS story today about new Multiple Sclerosis treatment.
There is a rather less good NHS story about very poor care for Dementia patients.
No prizes for guessing which one gets a ‘Have Your Say’ on the bBBC website.
So I posted to the Have Your Say as follows
Topic: Cancer treatment for MS patients gives ‘remarkable’ results
Posting: This is of course a wonderful story, but I can’t help noticing that while we are given the opportunity to comment on this uncontroversial item, we are not given the opportunity to comment on the other less positive NHS health story today, namely the ‘Russian roulette’ ‘ “shocking” evidence of poor and variable care ‘ for Dementia patients in hospitals I feel the BBC news is massaging the agenda.
Guess what? My post was removed for being ‘off topic’.
OK I was goading them, but in falling for it the bBBC bias is nicely revealed.
But given the NHS once let a demented close relative wander out of A and E unsupervised, and I was informed not by the NHS but by the Police who were called to find him, you’ll forgive me for being a bit touchy on this one.
Reading the Mail this weekend (Saturday) reported in the Peter Osbourne column was the startling claim that Cameron (a former conservative) has joined ranks with Labour grandee (Prince of Darkness himself) Peter Mandleson of all people. I read here that somebody thinks Cameron is (perhaps) stupid. No he is not! He is Eton articulate and lazy and very clever (an ideal ambassador for (Common Purpose) and he knows exactly what he (the EU) wants and how to get it. The attack from the front will be led by Mandleson’s soothing voice on BBC radio R4 (immigration is a positive boost to Britain and NHS twaddle) whilst Junckers shores up the rear with a claim that any anti EU vote is pointless and we cannot leave.
Interesting article in the Sun on Sunday about the BBC chauffeuring Jihadi Jim around to do interviews in order to offer a platform to the ISIS terrorist
BBC PM seems to have taken a pretty firm stance that Trump is a bad man, and that although he should be banned it’s probably not legally possible for the UK government to do so.
They then decide to discuss the people who have been banned, and as we know there have been a lot of them, mostly (by vast majority) Muslims with religious views which the BBC describe as ‘extreme’ but more likely mainstream.
So who do they choose to highlight? One is Dieudonne (mixed race African White), Some US shock jock (white) & Robert Spencer (white) although they seemed unable to give a proper legal reason why he was banned other than that he criticises Islamic Jihad (and what exactly is wrong with that?).
No mention of any Islamic Jihadis barred as per usual, it’s all whiteys fault !
Oh the irony ! on Sky news earlier today, it was commented that some of the richest in the world have fortunes that outstrip the finances of various (mainly) African countries. Then cue the commercial break, and up come the ads for monthly donations requested for Save the Children and Water Aid ! Nothing more needs to be said.
Good evening all, I registered a few weeks ago to give thumbs up and to provide an outlet for my visceral reactions to Al Beeb.
There are some very brave folk here who actually visit the BBC sites and watch the broadcasts, who do the likes of me a great service. I can’t F’ing bear to point my browsers to anything BBC, or the broadcasts – either radio or TV. I’ve given up on them as they are filled with myopic mis-information – well, you know. So the only way I know what’s going on at the BBC is through this site.
I’ll probably chip in now and again in the comments, but for the moment I’m getting a lot of value from this site. Thanks to all who report.
A bit late from me but welcome. I only venture as far as the Beeb website as I live in France. I rely on the many posters who are brave enough to watch and listen esp to QT on Thurs. Enjoy the site.
Carriers without aircraft.
Subs without nukes.
Labour hand Coalition Government Defence billions black hole.
Invade Iraq with Labour changed/bullied legal advice.
Deploy Afghan ‘without a bullet being fired’ – 450 dead British troops later?
Give Falklands to Argentina against wishes of 99.98% of Islanders and international law.
Thornberry in coalition with Ambulance Chasing Disgraced/lying squaddie hassling Lawyers.
What next from Labour – Soldiers without testicles!
When I first saw the image I assumed it depicted a gaggle of BBC reporters conducting an interview with the chaps in dark jackets, putting facetiousness aside I would have been interested in some background as to why the people carrying out the “unofficial citizen patrols” consider them necessary. Needless to say the BBC does not give much ink to that side of the story, more unreported incidents perhaps?
I’d like to add, even if these patrols are a preemptive measure, hats off to them.
Best thing was on the news there were 3 women one of which had lived in the UK 54 years (yes 54) and did not speak any English but the news reporter claimed all 3 were British. How odd.
My wife is not British and even she was stunned. My wife has only lived in this country 15 years but she speaks English writes English, has passed her UK driving test but does not hold a British Passport nor wants to. When she took her English course at college here in the UK she was the only one who had to pay fees because she was married to me, everyone else got theirs for free.
Why doesn’t some reporter ask Dave why it has taken him this many years to rumble these findings. So he has just discovered these things about Muzzies in Britain.-Doh!
It is this what worries me most about someone who we, (not me I’m a kipper), elect to run our country. -That we have an ignorant dim, head in the clouds,dickhead for a PM.
He really makes me feel safer-not! So incredibly naive. So incedibly weak.
It has always been the strongest argument for staying in the EU; that if we came out we’d be governed by British politicians – wet and useless. The safe option seemed to be to stay in the EU, where the politicians were corrupt but were also competent. Then Merkel drove the EU over the cliff.
It’s not enough to get us out of the EU, we also need to get Nigel into government.
A bit late this but on the radio 5 live “Up all night” programme between 0400 and 0500 this morning(18th Jan) a lady was being interviewed from the USA, talking about how the male/female ratio in Sweden had been skewed by a large influx of immigrants. She quoted her University research that 71% of new immigrants to Sweden were young, single men between the ages of 16 and 30 (military age). The male/ female unbalance in Sweden had become worse than China(where sons are more desirable) and India ,( where females are considered undesirable). Unfortunately mid- sentence the lady was cut off after some small crackling in the airwaves and the bland assertion that “we seem to have had some difficulty on the line there” allowed the BBC to seamlessly traverse to a non-controversial subject. Was this bias, censorship, deliberate interference or ” just one of those things?”
Back in the autumn, the fragrant Yvette Balls was being interviewed on the beach in Lesbos. Nick Ferrarri was just getting to ask her how Ed was getting on with the papering of the spare room ready for the imminent arrival of the refugees – when the line went dead. Nick seemed totally unsurprised ……
No, that University research cannot possibly be true.
As an avid viewer of Al Beeb news for the last several months I am absolutely certain that almost all immigrants are mothers with small children.
Not so long ago I could spend all day listening to Radio 4 and generally only hit the off button when Thought for the Day came on. Not any more. During my frequent long car journeys I still listen intermittently to R4 but the ‘agenda’ placement (cf product placement) has me switching off constantly. Today, for instance, this is what the BBC managed to squeeze into its schedule:
Mark Steel’s in Town – Wonderful, vibrant, multi-culti Handsworth. With no irony whatsoever, we had laughs a plenty about the violence endemic on the streets but, apparently, it is only a bit of good natured joshing.
You and Yours – Usual bleeding hearts tosh excusing the terminally stupid for anything and everything that befalls them because it is always someone else’s fault and the government has failed by not protecting you from yourself..
TWATO – English lessons for any migrants with poor language skills. Topic hi-jacked by rent-a-gob Warsi as anti-Muslim because the example Dave gave was of Muslim women. Warsi allowed to bang on uninterrupted as usual.
Afternoon drama – This one almost got through unscathed but a reference to homosexuality was slipped in near the end.
Food Programme – Vomit inducing start told us how it was the Muslims (with some Sikhs) who fed the starving victims of the floods up North.
With Great Pleasure – First UK TV lesbian kiss celebrated. Rebecca Front ended with a drawn out apology for not choosing any readings from female authors. Only a carefully selected BBC audience would require such an apology; real people don’t give a f*ck…honestly.
Infinite Monkey Cage – promising show spoilt by inclusion of Jo Brand. She managed to mention Trump thereby guaranteeing future BBC work. Her green credentials are impeccable though, she has been recycling the same tired jokes for years.
It wasn’t all bad though. The marvellous Ken Dodd somehow managed to tunnel into the Museum of Curiosity and give Sarah Millican a quick lesson in how to be funny. In one minute he told more funny jokes than the BBC Comedy dept usually manages in a year.
Thanks for sticking with it; I just had to get a frustrating day’s listening off my chest.
I am in exactly the same position with R4 – once a constant companion on long car journeys or days at home, now barely tolerable for its ceaseless nannying and preaching.
I used to record R4 plays, burn them to CD and listen to those, for times when the live broadcast was a clown like Laurie Taylor or another play about single Bangladeshi mothers struggling against racist injustice. Now, I doubt I can find one R4 play in three months worth recording.
It’s like watching an old friend lapse into Scientology, or some other madness.
I was the same with Radio 2, spending most of the day in the car, listening to Kennedy, Wogan, Young and Walker, replaced now with non entities Fatty Feltz, Gob on a stick Evans, Jeremy Whine and boring Mayo. Today all I can manage is Steve Wright, who in my opinion is the last of the proper DJ’s, entertaining and seemingly without an agenda, but even he I had to switch off last week with the endless Bowie diatribe and today with fatty Brand launching this years Comic Relief.
The BBC, because of the unique way its funded really doesn’t give a s&%t ….
I too listen to less and less of BBC Radio 4, for reasons similar to those cited above by GCooper.
Yesterday, the “Woman’s Hour” special on the state pension changes, with guest expert Paul Lewis, wasn’t bad and Jane Garvey even made a remark about being quite happy to host a dull but informative programme, in response to comment from a listener. Otherwise I rarely if ever listen to it nowadays.
I broke my own self-imposed rule about Radio 4 ‘comedy’ involving Brigstocke / Hardy / Steel / Thomas et al and listened to “Mark Steel’s In Town”, all about vibrant and culturally enriched Handsworth … it was as dire as you could have expected. One thing that particularly jarred was the grating faux-proletarian accent of Steel (compare ‘Arfa Smiff’) and his switch into a caricature “posh” voice, which he does to attack UKIP, Tories or anyone with doubts about the enrichment. Total, utter shite!
Nearly every time I view my local Points West news bulletin, I’m almost forced to pull back the curtains just to check that I am still actually living in the West Country. Tonight for the 2nd time in a week we get a region of peas lead story, this time the heinous crime of placing a bacon sandwich on the step of mosque.
Cue a gathering of ‘community leaders’ and the red trousered Libtard mayor of Bristol to denounce said crime as offensive.
We’re told in a condescending Blue Peter way they are ‘unable’ to eat pig, its all one way, I would guess that the majority of viewers are ‘offended’ at having to eat halal meat, what choice do we have, where is the BBC investigation into this barbaric practice, where are the arrests (as there were in this case) ?
I’ve become sick weary and tired of the constant pro Muslim, victim bias, why are we forced to sit through such stories that are only of interest of the tiniest minority of viewers (assuming that they can speak English) when far more important stories are relegated to make way or completely (and conveniently) omitted, this was seen to trump the suspicious deaths of two 80 year old OAPS in their home in Wiltshire.
Enough of this clear agenda driven cr@p, no one condones what these idiots have done, but in the pure frustration that politicians aren’t listening, what form of protest of the Islamification of Britain does the evil white man have, when seemingly other ‘communities’ sh1t roses and can do no wrong?
You , must be over 60 Geoff , us youngsters gave up on the local BBC tv news a while back . I watch the Sky Business report or Michael Portillo`s Great British Rail Journey`s instead. But I feel your pain,the bacon sarnies are on me today .
That is condescending, “couldn’t eat it because it was pig” eh?
I trust the tireless BBC news hounds properly investigated the question of who the f@ck would consider eating a piece of meat left on some steps regardless of provenance?
And I hope the alleged offenders solicitor will be asking to see the forensic evidence that it actually was porcine meat.
In modern Britain it could be beef strips (left by provocateurs) or horse (left by customers of a dodgy butchers), or the sandwich was bacon which ACCIDENTALY fell through a soggy, greasy paper bag…..I dropped a whole kebab in Bristol once….but then I was terribly drunk and there weren’t any mosque steps to consider in those days as I recall.
I wouldn’t assume it was bacon…..without the forensics, and the intent……..anything can happen.
I hope they weren’t tricked into confessing without due consideration of the alternatives to malicious bacon placement….. (Is that the offence?)….. malicious bacon placement… couldn’t make it up.
It smells like bacon and some would say it tastes like bacon. (Actually I enjoy it) but it is not bacon? Would it be a hate crime if this was placed on the door of a mosque?
The BBC is reworking a Clint Eastwood classic as ‘Bacon Sarnie Force’.
Our hero Haresh Callaghan, is forced to confront a group of young vigilantes who terrorise the neighbourhood from their lair within the precinct greasy spoon.
And vital.
Lenny Henry is to direct. So it won’t be a comedy.
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File on 4 radio 4
Bent Cops?
In the first of a new series, Allan Urry investigates claims by former officers from one of Britain’s biggest police forces that they’ve been the victims of crimes committed by their own colleagues.
So I tune in expecting an in depth expose, but it’s yet another BBC moan that a Muslim has been found to be corrupt, and the whole program turns on the flimsiest of evidence of wrongdoing, that some dead builder made a death bed confession that he had perjured himself in the court case. Obviously no evidence can be given to support this.
The BBC carried the conviction on its web pages:
Also in the Manchester Evening News:
After the guilty verdicts, Elisa Hopley, senior crown prosecutor from the CPS North West Complex Casework Unit said: “Mohammed Razaq embarked upon a prolonged period of dishonesty, breaching the trust that was placed in him as a serving inspector for Greater Manchester Police.”
This prolonged dishonesty was never mentioned or covered by File on 4
Inspector Mohammed Razaq, 53, swindled thousands of pounds relating to four houses he owned, a court heard.
A jury at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court found him guilty of five counts of fraud, three counts of money laundering, and a charge of failing to disclose information.
Or the Bolton Evening News:
A SENIOR Bolton police officer made a string of fraudulent insurance and mortgage claims worth almost £46,000, a court heard.
Insp Razaq owned four homes: two neighbouring houses in Bradford Road, Great Lever, where he lives, one in Bowker Street, Higher Broughton, and one in Duncan Street, Salford.
He was also trying to buy a fifth property in Georgina Court, Daubhill.
The court heard how he used several different identities in a bid to cover his tracks.
So hard evidence was uncovered, and the deathbed confession was actually meaningless.
However, the income from the properties was linked to the housing market, which was hit by the recession.
“The effect of this financial demand on Mohammed Razaq was that his bank account, that was in good credit, started to go down in balance to where money was needed to keep them in the black,” Mr Hall told the jury.
The deathbed confession was made by another Muslim – who is obviously as honest as the day is long to the BBC, but he was also accused !
Builder Mushtaq Hussain, aged 50, of Armadale Road, Ladybridge, is accused of trying to help him cover up the fraud by putting money through his books which he never received.
Labour MP Andy Burnham is wheeled out as Rent a Gob
The local paper has a comprehensive report on the issue, most of which was never covered, and presumably ignored by the BBC as it simply didn’t fit the narrative of ‘racism, Islamophbia, and discrimination’ they wish to peddle. Sometimes their programs leave me convinced, other times they don’t, but this one has simply made me angry, because I can tell they are trying to smear the Police because one of their brown eyed boys has been caught misbehaving and they don’t like it !
Thank you – I have learnt more in reading your brief overview than from the whole broadcast! I was suspiscious of the “death bed” confession, but am really shocked about how much relevant background fact the BBC left out.
It is depressing how blatantly we now are being lied to by our “national broadcaster”.
More evidence of Qatari open bribery attempts, this time of Athletics officials to get the games held in Qatar.
This is a way of life in the Middle East, if anyone thinks that those prepared to use corruption just to get games to their country are not going to be offering much larger amounts to influence international politics in the region they must be very naïve.
This is a very good question. Arab business life is conducted through personal contacts and discreet payments (we call them “bribes”). We have seen in the case of sport how much Arab states are prepared to pay to get what they want. How much more will they pay to get what they want in the really important things, such as the islamization of Europe? If dear Angela didn’t get an eight figure commission for her work in destroying Germany then she really did sell herself cheaply.
Hopefully someone will stop me if they’ve heard this before:
The astute Pat Condell said that Merkel wants Germany to pay for the Second World War by committing suicide.
I doubt that she was reimbursed for her attempted mass suicide. The adoration of the bleeding-heart brigade would be payment enough as she welcomed the ‘refugees’ to her ample bosom.
She is so deep in denial that she almost certainly hasn’t even though about the consequences of the invasion. She’s sold Germany’s Jews out, as a part of them.
As far as I am aware, TT, Merkel is not Jewish. Her father was a Lutheran Pastor & if I recall correctly, he was very much against the Communist regime of the GDR into which Angela was born. The young Angela probably HAD to take part in Communist youth activities (it was all-inclusive) but she would have been exposed to some fairly heavy indoctrination there and at school. That may lead to all sorts of personal ideological conflicts at present.
It also appears (note the word appears) from recent video of Merkel that she is not a Christian. In one or two clips around the peak of the migrant crisis in August & September last year, she is seen in public meetings trying to make a case in support of her ‘Throw Open the Doors’ policy and in trying to reassure questioners she struggles to mention any aspect of Christianity & replaces it with the word ‘culture’. It was obvious in the words used that she didn’t share that ‘kultur’.
There could be a rather more mundane explanations, as well. She is in her seventh decade. Dementia may be starting. Also I don’t think we realise at times how much our some of our politicians at senior levels are operating under levels of tiredness & exhaustion that if they were in charge of articulated lorries, aircraft or industrial machinery they would be ordered to go home and rest.
The trouble is that some bad decisions & statements made in that weakness may lead to dead bodies being washed ashore in Turkey & Greece.
To say nothing of dead bodies in London, Paris and other European cities…
I was vilified on here some months back for daring to suggest that Jeremy Corbyn was too old for the job – in his seventh decade; so, glad to see that others on here feel that there’s a definite ‘cut off’ age for leaders to call it a day. I too am of a similar age, and you can be as healthy and hearty as one can be, but you DO slow down mentally and physically, and I don’t care what anyone says to the contrary.
Hell…i’m 59 and feel wacked most of the time….i look in wonder at 70/80 yr olds doing marathons…..[why?]…my mind wants me to bang Camerons head against a wall and shove the Koran down his throat…but the bones protest. I’ll save my energy for when the muslim horde pours through my town and kicks my door in…then they will greet Allah, painfully. A scenario not far off now thanks to our govt and Al-BBC. Traitors. Military coup now please. Subs without nukes….unreal.
I would advise you to take up clay pigeon shooting. It is a very wholesome sport, you meet some decent people, spend an afternoon in the fresh air, and hone your hand/eye coordination. Oh, and you need a shotgun, but there’s no harm in that is there?
Re “doing marathons”.
Sat what you like about Jimmy Savile-but his stringbag diet of cigars and the blood of young girls must have been a tonic to him as he ran, cycled the country for all manner of causes close to the black heart of media charity, promoted by the left soaked do-gooders.
Yet no diet and exercise book seems to be available for us all to find out how Jimmy Of Wood Lane managed to stay so slim….was it running away from the police?…or forever running towards the BBC Car Park to distribute the kiddie trike permits?
Come on Beeb…give us a book!
One for “Feedback” eh Mr Notlob?
Jeremy Corbyn got two “E” grades at A Level, then did a year of “Trade Union Studies” at North London Polytechnic before dropping out. His problem is that he is bloody thick!
As far as I am aware, TT, Merkel is not Jewish.
Yes, I’ve no doubt she isn’t Jewish. I just wonder if it ever crossed her mind that by welcoming the Muslim invasion she is putting not only Germans in general in danger but also, and perhaps more specifically, the Jewish community.
That community numbers about 120 000 and in a little over a year Merkel will have facilitated the invasion of ten times that number of Muslims, a large proportion of them no doubt full of hatred of Jews inculcated into them in the societies they stem from.
So if Pat Condell is correct, and Merkel is indeed trying to prove her generosity towards ‘refugees’ as a way of trying to atone for Germany’s slaughter of Jews, she really is an idiot.
The bBBC insatiable demands for more taxpayers money to be spent on each and every cause they deem worthy reached a new low (do I meam high?) on Countryfile on Sunday bBBC1.
Apparently there is new legislation to prevent horses being tethered on somone else’s land. The less than perfect RSPCA is in favour as many horses are not looked after in these situations.
So what’s the problem. Only that because of local authority ‘cuts’ the £1500 cost of saving a horse cannot be funded by hard-pressed councils, so half of the horses ‘saved’ may have to be put down, and so they just carry out a modest check on the horses to make sure they are tethered in a reasonably humane manner.
What a shame no-one at the bBBC ever feels sorry for the taxpayer.
The “less than perfect RSPCA”, a master of understatement at work here..
There are over one million wild horses in the USA, there are large numbers in Australia.
These wild animals seem to have no problems being “not looked after”, so much so that they have become pests.
Public sector interference is not required, the owners should look after their own horses.
Local councils have the resources to interfere in horse management, but inadequate resources to investigate mass rapes of white children by Muslim paedophiles. Except of course covering up these crimes and shredding the evidence for them.
Not that this is any surprise that’s just how lefties are, lumps of disgusting protoplasm that whose existence should be limited to Petri dishes.
I’d sooner the BBC quoted the RSPCA than their normal terrorist organisation PETA.
Frankly they are much of a muchness. The RSPCA is like the Sinn Fein to the PIRA of PETA.
Really? I don’t remember the RSPCA being blacklisted as a terrorist organisation by the US government neither do I recall the RSPCA advocating the use of car bombs.
It doesn’t, but they are both animal rights groups, the RSPCA is the “respectable” face of the movement. It spends more time and money trying to prosecute hunters and trying to get grouse shooting banned these days than looking after cats and dogs, but it still depends on the legacies of old dears who think it looks after pussy cats and doggies.
I wonder what Mr Harrabin is hoping the probe will find regarding sea level.
“Still Open All Hours” Sunday 17th January.
Ronnie Barker must be spinning in his grave. Every PC box ticked except I couldn’t see any disabled (was that an over sight?). There was a female black registrar and several Muslims. The use of canned laughter was jaw dropping, it was as if they anticipated the audience reaction. I wonder what the viewing figures are?
The world I knew is slipping away, deliberately being forgotten and the BBC are engineering the process.
One also has to question that is this really the same David Jason who appeared in those wonderfully politically incorrect early series of Only Fools and Horses, same goes for Nicholas Lyndhurst who appeared in that trashy multicult diverse fest that New Tricks became.
Lesbianism and over represented multiculturalism has also arrived in 1961 London in Call The Midwife…
A couple of Lesbians frequent one of my locals , but they are lipstick lesbians , quite fit looking , & not man hating , when one of them has had a few (drinks) she for some reason likes pinching my bum , think she is p*** teasing . The BBC version is probably Milli Tant from Viz , thought they didn`t like stereotypes.
Maybe in the next episode we will have someone popping round to Arkwright’s and ‘self identifying’ as transgender. Right-onnn!
And don’t forget the ‘mixed’ marriages !!! (1 in 2 if the ads are anything to go by !)
‘Marriage’? Why, you sweet old fashioned thing!
That’s me – living in the past again !!! ok, ‘partnerships’ then.
Sometimes, PC over rides clarity. I am married with a wife. A few years ago I took over some land for recreational use and formed a partnership with a woman who happened to have a husband and a life of her own. Only for the purpose of managing the land we were partners. People who wished to avail themselves of our land were often referred to my or her partner. I found it a pain in the backside having to point out that my partner was a partner, and that I had a wife who was not a partner. Is it so important to devalue marriage for those who still believe in the institution?
It is for them, because it’s a stated part of the programme of cultural Marxism to break-up the traditional family patterns.
The whole ‘partner’ thing becomes even worse when two men are in business as ‘partners’.
Report to Central Office for re-education first thing in the morning.
Not the BBBC this time but it’s the ‘marriage’ in the Lloyds horse themed ad that gets us. Doesn’t exactly go with the flow, but of course totally unacceptable without.
Bloody Hell – has one of them married the horse?
I know it’s black, but that is going too far even for 2016. Isn’t it?
love it !
It isn’t al beebus Cassandra; but I don’t know if you’ve watched Midsummer Murders lately, which has almost become a PC parody of its former self – seemingly every other person in it is a member of an ethnic minority.
The people who control TV drama in this country apparently find it intolerable for the (still) majority indigenous people here; to have any contemporary (or even historical) programme which actually reflects the demographic reality of our nation, as it is experienced by the vast majority of its autochthonous citizens.
There are relatively few members of ethnic minorities: who reside in the countryside; who are police officers (particularly so in predominantly rural constabularies) and who serve in the military.
Why then do we have to watch a fictional programme where even the make-up society in which it is set, ours, has to be fictionalized in order to make it palatable enough for the Progressives to broadcast?
The hive extends to all the TV companies now. The media is devoid of original thought and all the worse for it. Politics is just as bad..
We must remember that all such monolithic power strutures looked impregnable right up to the moment they disintegrated. They all do this in the end.
Sir Lenny, IIRC, has decreed there shall be a quota employed at the BBC. That writ is now applied whether it is relevant or not.
Can’t help wondering whether, when 50% of football managers in the Premiership are eventually BAME, that players will be ordered off the pitch and others – perhaps of lesser ability – are brought on so that there is equal representation within the two teams.
We are getting to the point where it seems we will be living in a Monty Python sketch.
An officer in Army uniform will barge in soon and say “Stop it! This sketch is getting silly.”
You are right about Midsomer Murders, which now seems to specialise in mixed race gay couples, men last week, lesbians this, as well as a straight mixed race couple, just as you see in any normal English village. They really are trying to grind the memory of poor Brian True-May into the dirt. The writer also seemed to be under the impression that the commander of an RAF station in 1984 would still be commanding the same station in 2016, but that is just a commonplace piece of nonsense in the context of this show.
“Endevour” can be just as bad. Writers seem to think that if you put a character in a trilby and make everyone smoke all the time you have captured the past accurately. The plots are of course absurd, though one expects that. But it seems that every week the villain is a toff living in a big country house, and last week we even had a group of university men in white tie and tails blowing a hunting horn and chasing a black man through the streets of Oxford and throwing him into the river. It had nothing to do with the plot, the writer just seemed to want to make the point that all toffs are bastards and the British are racists.
The cultural agitprop seems never ending, and cannot be put down to coincidence. Nor is it confined to the BBC, though at least ITV cannot put you in jail (yet) for watching its rubbish without a licence.
Hey Cassandra at 8.36pm, what a brilliant observation. The bBBC are banged to rights for this flagrant example of anti-disability programming. But not for the reason you might think.
Where the Arkwright’s shop is filmed, the streets at either end are on very steep hills – sometimes these become part of the plot , you know, uncontrolled bikes, trollies, pushchairs. An adjacent road is indeed called Carr Hill.
So it is incredibly difficult for wheelchair users to access this street and hence this shop.
I think I should complain to the bBBC and demand this and all previous series of Open All Hours are withdrawn from our screens immediately as I take great offence to this wanton exclusion of those with disabilities.
And let’s then see how they like their own medicine.
While I agree completely with the bbc box ticking, Cuffs being another ridiculous example, the itv have also got their PC idiots.
Anyone seen the Game of Thrones rip off Beowulf. Who would have thought there were so may non whites around then.
“Who would have thought there were so may non whites around then.”
Diane ‘there were black centurions in Britain hundreds of years before Christ’ Abbott, for one.
I had to share this. Its a rant about the Guardian from a poster on Guido, but could apply just as well to the BBC. Its about cowardice.
So, being in a different locale for the weekend, I got myself a new account for the Guardian.
Jonathan Freedland’s disgraceful article attacking Charkie Hebdo.…
All I said was
‘All Rapists were once children. All ISIS Murderers were once children.’
This is a true fact. It is impossible to argue that someone, even a nasty person, was never a child.
But apparently: This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
Fuck you Guardian. Fuck you and your fucking shite. Fuck you and your fucking propaganda. Fuck you and your fucking lies, crap and utter imbecility. Guardian, you do not have commentators or journalists. You have a rag tag gaggle of morons, cunts, bastards, and communists, producing agitprop for the feeble minded traitorous fools who want nothing better than to see the United Kingdom destroyed because of their illogical and pathetic colonial guilt.
But you know what their greatest trait is? Cowardice. Moral cowardice, physical cowardice, mental cowardice.
They don’t moderate to keep down swearwords, or to stop outright fascism or racism. They moderate because they are afraid of anything that challenges their worldview. They don’t just dislike it, they don’t just avoid the issues, they actively run from it. They are moral cowards. CIF nowadays has more removed comments than active ones.
When Charlie Hebdo was attacked, the Guardian trumpeted Je Suis Charlie to the heavens. Did they republish those cartoons? Did they fuck. Being fair, few to no papers did, but the Guardian has never stepped back from shouting about occupying the moral highground, except when it might actually threaten their lives. They are physical cowards.
Mental Cowardice. Anyone challenging their world view is a racist, an islamophobe, a sexist, transphobic. Nothing to do with any actual issues. If you have a problem, it’s because you’re a nasty evil person. You’re a Tory and therefore ‘lower than vermin’. They fail to see that they are the ones motivated by hate. Hatred of anyone who thinks differently. Today’s story, class sizes over 30. Could it be anything to do with rampant, unchecked, uncontrolled immigration? No it’s the evil Tories fault for creating free schools!
Everyone at that paper needs to be sent to the front lines in Kurdistan and taught how to be a man by the women at the battlefront. Preferable with a blindfold, some stakes and a desert. And the fewer that come back the better. No one will be mourning the little shits at their funerals.
The day that paper dies, and pray God let it be soon, I will hold a street party and dance on their grave, because there is no other group of people on earth that I will take more pleasure in the destruction of. Even ISIS sit on a slightly higher level of hell.
Here’s to the Guardian. Kings of Hypocrisy. Queens of Cuntitude. Jacks of Grotesqueness. A joke of a paper. May the little bitches rot in everlasting hellfire.
…… And breathe.
Please invite me to that street party.
So.. he’ll have cancelled his subscription, then?
No, don’t cancel the Guardian subscription. From a Facebook ad. This is what I suggest for a privatized BBC sans licence fee.
‘You guys seem like a well-informed bunch, so we know that you’d love our Guardian and Observer newspaper subscription offer.
Not only can you save 30% off the cover price AND get free access to the iPad app but you’ll also get a £25 M&S e-voucher absolutely free! If it sounds like your cup of tea, check it out…
The Guardian & The Observer newspaper, magazine, newspaper subscription, magazine…
I commented often on CIF at the Guardian for a few years. I was put on pre-moderation a few times – that’s when you’ve made too much noise counteracting the lefty propaganda there and have to sit in the corner with a dunce’s cap on while the class carries on without you: your comments don’t go through immediately and often only after a delay of hours. This can last for a few days or weeks, until the comrades feel you have been sufficiently chastised and re-educated to be allowed back to normal activity.
I the end they banned me for criticising the hysterical peecee reaction to the killing of Michael Brown by a white police officer.
Funny thing about that subversive rag – quite often the sane comments to the articles outnumber the typical brain-damaged lefty ones. That must have the writers and editors gritting their teeth in helpless fury. They like to think of themselves as fearless seekers after truth welcoming all shades of opinion but they are frightened censors at heart.
You could not have been rocking the boat enough, I am banned from the Guardian, IslamicAlBeeb and the Daily Express.
Also banned from RT.
We are bad boys…chuckle. I was suspended for two days by Facebook, apparently for recommending a bulldozer for every mosque worse every day!!!!!…Guardian booted me for taking the piss out of Monbiot, calling him ‘mud hut Monbiot’ for his bonkers climate views and telling the weird one to swim, kayak and walk to his back-slapping climate summits instead of taking those nasty, smelly jets. The final straw was laughing at the Booth creature for turning muslim…hahahahahaha…and saying she’ll be back soon when her hubby beats seven bells out of her. Then the Express years ago for commenting on a pic of Prince Hewitt…..sorry..sorry.. Harry banging off .50 rounds at the Taliban using a Ghurka Browning MG, saying i hope he wasted a few rag heads there…ouch…touchy touchy. Changed their tune now…dickheads. So keep the pressure on these media lefties, worthless Uni jerks.
Good for you guys. All eviction from lefty, subversive, multiculty propaganda sites is a badge of honour to be worn with pride.
However, there’s something to be said for gritting one’s teeth and being reasonably polite and measured while exposing their ignorance and bias. That way, you can carry on exposing it for some time until they eventually find some pretext to ban you, as the Guardian found when they banned me.
True Too..accept your point….but i’ve been there and tried it…polite and measured cut no ice with these creatures. Listened to Monbiot in a talk on climate change, i was there, and he was extremely rude and sarcastic to those that opposed him, so i gave some back.
Point taken. They can dish it out but they can’t take it.
link is now 404 i wonder why???
Because it wasn’t copied correctly?
Charlie Hebdo’s Refugee Cartoon Isn’t Satire, It’s Inflammatory.
thanks could not be arsed searching for it still dizzy from reading why not to buy ripped jeans.
22 pence an hour think of the children, my god the children.
Satire always inflames inferior cultures. That’s why Satirical magazines only exist in highly advanced societies. You would expect that mass immigration into Europe from backward cultures would cause a decline in satire, due to intolerance of criticism and censorship of reality by people of inferior cultures, which would also include the left-wing culture at the BBC and the Guardian. Satire always needs to exaggerate an element of truth, if it is to be funny. But the evidence that left-wing people are inferior is that the truth inflames them with emotional violence. Fascists like Hitler where known to turn emotionally violent, after receiving bad news. But the last people known to call themselves fascists were Italians who regarded themselves as left-wing, although they opposed Communism, while right-wing Tories who also opposed Communism did not call themselves fascists or National Socialist, because they were not supporters of left-wing socialism, although they may have been nationalists, especially in Scotland, even though those Scots are also National Socialists, or Nazis. But the Scottish Nazis who now rule Scotland are regarded as nice Nazis because they tolerate democracy, that’s why BBC Question Time audiences do not turn emotional violent towards guests from the SNP.
I left the first ‘identical’ comment “All bum gropers were once children” – they didn’t like it for some reason.
This cartoon would fit right in with the level and quality of BBC news reporting!
Ta Cassandra-brought this comedy classic to mind
As the Sunday thread is killed off before its got going I will take the liberty of reposting my comment, apologies to those who have already read it.
Whilst having a bath yesterday I was listening to the World Service and caught the second half of Global Business about the economic impact on Germany of the migrants. It was so rose tinted and one sided I decided to listen to the whole pod cast, see below.
We are given interviews from companies providing services for “refugees” who unsurprisingly thought all the new arrivals a great idea and these were given as examples of the economic growth the migrants will bring. If I ran a company charging 70euro an hour for translation services then of course I will think the migrant crisis is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
An economist tells us that the 1st year cost of 1m migrants will be about 20bn euros and that Germany can afford that and represents “only” 0.6% of economic output and is a useful fiscal boost for the country. Mmm, normally (except in a dictatorship) if a Government was to spend so much money there would be some public debate about the pro and cons. To put this is some sought of prospective I calculate it is something like half the annual defence budget. And what happens if this year Germany has another 1m migrants? Is the cost then still insignificant, especially if the German export engine starts to stall further? No such questions were asked. But we are told that there is a strong economic case for open door immigration, tune in for part 2.
All forecasts about the economic “benefits” of the 1m plus migrants should be taken with a great deal of caution. This is a completely new situation and we have nothing to compare with it. It is interesting to have a look what the people were previously being told, in September it was thought the cost might be 10bn euros, but what’s another 10bn here or there to mighty Germany? Ask the Greeks perhaps.
And we were given what I would say were pretty close to downright lies: We were told that there is a “bedrock of support” among the German people for the migrants (but latest ZDF poll shows a majority saying Germany cannot handle the influx) and that the anti-migrant demonstrations after Cologne were matched by rival larger number pro migrant ones, is that true? The popular press, Bild, etc are “staunchly” on the side of the Government as they know the economic benefits all these new arrivals bring!
It is clear to me if not to the BBC that the German people will not accept tens of billions of euros being dished out to migrants for much longer.
Front page of Sunday Telegraph yesterday, ED, had suggestion that Merkel is to push for an EU wide fuel tax to pay for the migrants.
I often wonder if the people who claim that migration brings economic benefits are firmly locked into a picture of 19th century USA without the historical understanding of the problems that occurred there, especially at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century.
Al, I must admit to watching TV drama set in the past to still have a veiw of the world from not so long ago that I once knew. If you want to view contemporary multi-cultural Britain, then there are shows like EastEnders and Coronation Street to more than satisfy your tastes. I started watching Beowulf until the token PC characters appeared from Equity’s expanding BME register (Sir Lenny must be really pleased with himself. Speaking of which, doesn’t he talk to the viewer really nicely in his Premier Inn commercials. Remember that Lenny when you are inferring that white people are racists for holding black people back).
In my very quiet way I want my country, it’s values, culture and history returned. I really would like the BBC to disappear. I read today about the group of people that the BBC have reported non-stop for months being assaulted. I am of course referring members of the transgender community in Germany being stoned by ‘migrants’. I have yet to see or hear the story in the BBC news. Why would that be then?
Apologies for the rant.
Many feel the same way.
Change is inevitable, we all realise that, but there is an enormous difference between change that happens naturally and change that is forced on people to achieve an end they have never even been consulted about, let alone given approval for.
The BBC is guilty a thousand times a week. It isn’t reflecting change, it is forcing the pace of it and doing so in cahoots with other media outlets which seek to obliterate the society we grew up in.
There needs to be a reckoning.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
(Apologies, no intention to trivialise such a serious issue.)
No children can escape the EU compliance ‘Gender identity engineering’ or object to the new (OfSted) Transgendering teaching plan which (under Cameron) is offensive in every way. Make no mistake as we wage ‘war-on-terror’ that no Sunday School, primary school or University campus will be allowed to function without all in Unisex toilets installed to appease this inadequate minority. Our children may ask why. Vote against (or just let it happen). Parents beware. BBC approved and promoted as ‘diversity’.
I think the reason for the “non-reporting” by al beebus would be because, per Mark Steyn – an accusation of Islamophobia trumps everything else; the rights of women, children, homosexuals, any other religions etc etc, those all become secondary to the most protected group.
Just look at what they are allowed to get away with doing, right across the UK and Western Europe FFS; with only the most cursory examination and reporting of it by al beebus and virtually all the MSM – it beggars belief.
I feel exactly the same way when I see documentary footage from the 70’s and 80’s – quite willing to swap all the ‘benefits’ of modern life like internet, technology, etc for those times.
Ironically this is on BBC iplayer and is only 30 years ago.
Sadly the genie is out of the bottle now, and ‘life as we once knew it’ will never return. More ethnics than ever now work in the media, so hands would soon go up around the conference table if an all white programme were ever to be proposed. Even Downton Abbey had to succumb in an earlier series. We are now seeing a plethora of non-English names presenting/reporting the news on all channels, which to me, appears to be far more than the ratio given for the ethnics to English in the country. I fear that with this gradual slide to ‘acceptance’, then it may not be long before we see a different flag on Buckingham Palace, and an unpronounceable name in No.10.
I hope we English deal with this liberal tyranny in the same way we dealt with the Norman one. We turned our backs . Retreated into our own ways and places and ignored them.
It is the only way. Treat London as a foreign city . Never go there again except to work. It can be done. Make our way of life so impenetrable that it does not matter what the liberals scream and whine about. They are excluded.
Be openly friendly but stay watchful and distant when it matters. .Never argue on their terms. Recognize our own and always support them at whatever cost.
In the end the liberals will end up talking only to themselves.
DS – eventually, perhaps, they will be dealt with here the way the Saxons dealt with the Danes?
Dave S. Excellent advice. It can be done. The inhabitants of London – as opposed to those who travel in to work there – have crossed that line where nothing can be done for them.
“I hope we English deal with this liberal tyranny in the same way we dealt with the Norman one. We turned our backs . Retreated into our own ways and places and ignored them.”
That worked well, didn’t it?
I rarely reply to personal insults however in your case I will make an exception. I suggest you read my words closely. Norman tyranny I equate with the current liberal tyranny of thought.
The Normans went close to carrying out genocide particularly in the North. The castles and the introduction of the curfew were designed to hold us in our place and feel subdued.
There is no evidence of any real peaceful co existence on either side. A dispossessed English peasant and freeman class reduced to serfdom. Women deprived of the legal rights they enjoyed under Saxon rule.
So the reaction of the English was a stubborn refusal to accept Norman legitimacy.
We were a country ruled by a tyrrany founded upon a conquest as Tom Paine described it.
Then something changed and the Norman elite started to become like the English they once despised. We made them English in attitide
So was our country made and if you find this hard to accept then consider Shakespeare’s Henry V how Englishness and some Welshness of course is at the heart of it.
We knew what our country was then and did until you lot got your hands on it and tried to turn it into God knows what .
Turning our backs is what we did once and will do again if we have sense.
Read G.K Chesterton and Kipling if you doubt my words. Although no doubt they are writers whose books the liberal class would rather like to burn.
Well said, DaveS.
Abowen obviously considers the Normans his kind of oppressors.
Good point DS. Its always been a source of amazement and confusion to those living outside of London,, how in hells name are foreigners ABLE to buy or rent in London anyway ? Only a small number are millionaire foreign buyers, but in the main there are ‘communities’ of e.g. Greek, Syrian, Italian, Iranian, etc that have swelled the numbers over the last 50 years, and taken over corner shops/restaurants etc. How has it been done ? the rest of the English population have trouble finding the rail fare to London, let alone afford to purchase in the capital – this question has been asked for years, and there’s never been a straight answer. But we ARE in the position we find ourselves today…… outcasts in our own capital.
I think you could afford the mortgage in London if you didn’t pay any income tax but at the same time received thousands in benefits.
Skip the advert at the beginning, since this is required viewing for those seeking an academic perspective on some of the Brexit campaign:
Love it! Not sure which November year this was from but it is a very good argument (36 mins) against staying in the EU. All the more powerful for it shows the stupidity of staying ‘in’. Prof Patrick Minford also states that we can immediately save 8% on cost of living by getting ‘out’ and doing trade deals with ROI (rest of World). Its what we are good at. The EU is a protectionist model on a (French) political aspiration. Not an economic one. If this was on BBC Question time (instead of BBC Parliament) I wonder what the problem would be.
Thanks for posting that Charlatans, great analysis.
Can any one explain why the Common Market, (oops sorry the EU) allowed China to dump cheap steel on us when I thought the EU was a protectionist market and meant to prevent this happening?
Its effecting Britain and costing my kinsmen their jobs.
I think its about time we got out of this absolutely useless organisation Mr Car Moron.
Protectionism in trade plays second to destroying our own carbon emiting businesses. Allowing cheap Chinese steel to undercut EU steel results in less steel made in the EU, which reduces our carbon emissions and allows the corrupt to cash-in on carbon credits, for how much carbon they have stopped being pumped into the atmosphere.
The fact that it has caused MORE CO2 overall to be produced globally, because the same amount of steel is produced, PLUS it has to be shipped from China, means nothing to the EU green ecomentalist fuckwits. They can still claim that they have reduced our CO2 emissions and make a small personal fortune for it.
Has Mr Car Moron been reading this website and ‘grown a pair’ ? Or is it just smoke and mirrors from a ‘snake oil man’ ?
As I mentioned in an earlier post. Cameron is a founder member of the UAF, pro Jihadist bunch of street thugs who boast of his support on their Facebook Page along with support from a sacked Muslim comrade who was a civil servant who called for the death of British soldiers according to his religion. When push comes to shove, Cameron is a traitor and a Quisling.
Good stuff on BBC “NEWS” at six . Dave is going to give thousands of muslim women english lessons to speed up integration. Dont seem to remember a lack of english being much of a problem in the Rotheram sex scandal. Maybe if all of the muslim women in Britain learnt english this or the Cologne sex attacks would never have happened.
Also headlining was the story about Lord Bramhall and how stressed he had been. Bet the BBC was pissed off on this one -ninety years old, D day veteran, pillar of the establishment , no evidence – But I am sure the BBC still have him on their nonce radar.
A little later they also ran a story that an unamed Tory was shown to be committing sexual abuse in some photographs left at the Hatton Garden Vault – obviously another establishment cover up nice juxataposition of stories I thought.
Since they are obviosly disapointed on the Bramhall story can I suggest that plod should raid Nigel Farages home. I suggest helicopter crew the works. I have strong evidence that he is involved in underage sex – my evidence includes he is white, appears to care for his country, smokes fags, drinks beer and likes fishing – nuff said I think!
I think the BBC are onto something here. Why waste time and money with expensive trials when they can just declare him as a child abuser without any evidence? Surely he can now be put away without further ado?
I’m sure the BBC will have done such painstaking investigative journalism (Is he a Tory? –> Check) that anything else would just be an insult to the public purse. If the BBC say he’s a child abuser, that’s good enough for me!
(After all, they should know)
Who say.
Ask Nick Robinson.
Nudge, nudge.
PS: Of course, more egregiously, special mention should go to Newsnight and Hugh ‘purposes of’ Sykes.
NHS England ‘to impose 20% sugar tax’ in hospital cafes
The BBc are on their high horse about sugar again. Or to be more precise they have simply copied, as usual, a story from the Gargoylian newspaper. They have just copied it verbatim without the slightest question of accuracy or value. Any journalist worth his salt would be asking things like……
Is it legal?
If the NHS are that worried about the effects of sugar on health , why don’t they just stop selling sugary drinks instead of fleecing the public in the cafes as well as the car parks?
But alas no, the story ticks a BBC box so that’s it.
“It is hoped the tax would discourage staff, patients and visitors from buying sugary items, while the money raised would be used to improve the health of the NHS’s large workforce, he said”
Well at least he called them large and not fat.
Yet again the BBC fails in its duty. Someone needs to investigate the health fads and fantasies that have driven government policy since WWII and the result of which are all about us. If a massively funded organisation with more editorial resources than any other in the country will not do it, who will?
Sugar is just the latest quack hobbyhorse being ridden around by a group of single issue nannying fanatics, just as fat, cholesterol, ‘junk’ food and so on have been before it.
Someone should be fishing in the murky waters infested by the sugar fanatics, just as they should the neo-puritans waging an anti-alcohol crusade.
Instead, the BBC is forever a prisoner to single issue nutcases. Sugarphobes are just the latest example in a long, sorry procession.
Few years back I was with a hospital consultant to go over some test results.
His main concern was my weight, and that I spend all day sitting in front of a PC.
As I left I noticed the reception bay, with three ladies perched on struggling chairs, ignoring waiting patients, staring intently at their screens.
Not one was under 100kg.
When is L’Abbott to again be made Shadow Health Zsar?
When my mum was last in hospital I was talking to her on FaceTime from France, the nurse appeared to take her blood pressure and my jaw hit the floor. She had to be a size 24-28 massive is the word I’m looking for, how can you nurse people and lecture them on health when you have to go sideways through the door.
My observation, from numerous visits to patients in hospital, is that the female nurses seem a lot fatter than the female population in general. Not a scientific survey I know , but I suspect it’s true.
Yes I’ve noticed that as well – surprising, considering how hard we are told that they work.
They develop huge lungs and muscles to assist their shouting, as the spend most of the time yelling about ToriKutz, when they are not carrying banners for the SWP.
There has clearly been a sea change in the nursing profession since the advent of degree nursing. Back in the day, when hospitals were cleaner and smelt of Dettol, and when nurses wore ‘proper’ uniforms AND caps, obesity was never an issue (they’d never get a uniform to fit!) – now, anything goes; hair tied back in a band, nurses seen in Sainsburys in their trousers and tops (unheard of in the old days) and a reluctance to do much if it can be done by an agency nurse.
“Nurses” are in the office keeping the computer records up to date. “Nursing Assistants” are on the ward looking after the patients. The exception is when the shifts change and they are all in the office for “handover”. Then the patients look after each other.
I remember those days, we had starched aprons and belts you had to be slim to put on.Our Matron would have ripped this soft lot apart. This comment for Brissles.
BBC Breakfast gives a boost to flagging Green Party fortunes (everybody’s talking about Corbyn these days) by providing a platform for smug numerically challenged Aussie Natalie Bennett to virtue signal like crazy about that nasty man Donald Trump.
Green ‘Pardy’ fascists and others would like to ban him from entry into Britain for somethings he has said. Yeah, that’ll stop his words whizzing around the world. (according to the BBC who show a few clips “some viewers might be offended” – actually the word used by the BBC might have been viewers “will” be offended [I’m not 100% sure on that].
The only point offered up by the BBC as representing even a quibble to our dear Natalie’s banning order is the odd notion that he might come here and be shown the ‘contribution of muslims’. I’m guessing this is the Corbynista line?
I’ve news for Comrades Corbyn, Turnbull and Minchin – every time Trump or in fact anyone else flies anywhere in the world and have to negotiate airport security – that’s the contribution of muslims!
Natalie Bennett and Jeremy Corbyn perform exactly the same function for their respective parties; they make them unelectable. That is why I like both of them and hope they enjoy a very long and turbulent tenure.
Yeah, Oaknash I heard the ‘teaching Muslim women to speak English’ story.
This requirement seems so incredibly moderate and obviously self-evident. You know the idea, be able to speak the language in the country where you live. Common sense, right?
Not in Al Beeb land, where this is truly ‘Far Right’ extremist stuff and needs dissecting, first with a pro-Muslim speaker trashing it and then giving Cameron getting a hard time.
I suppose in the multi culti Nirvana of Al Beeb land, segregation, separation, and the slow destruction of a cohesive society is OK. And of course for the extreme Lefties, it’s just another way of killing off the market economic system which is their main aim.
I heard the “teaching muslim women English” story too, language ability is supposedly going to be linked to visa regulations for spouses, with an English language test two and a half years after entry to the UK on a family reunion visa.
That interested me because the assumption was that all spouses are women presumably to trump any accusations of “waycism” with a box marked “Wimmins ishoos” neatly ticked.
Then I mused on whether the BBC would discuss whether the ability to speak English might be linked to access to benefits, or even a points system for immigration to the UK. Of course thay didn`t but they did manage to quote the muslim council of Britain who had commented on a previous government proposal on muslim womens inability to speak English even after a quarter of a century in some cases and had condemned it as….wait for it….”McCarthy-ite”. Were Muslims really going to be asked about past or present affiliation to the communist party? The BBC of course didn`t explain this odd MCB position statement.
Dear website manager.
Any idea why I sometimes get the ‘edit’ option after publication (very useful for correcting spelling mistakes) and sometimes I do not, like now.
PS – after posting this, the edit option has sprung up, as has the edit option to my previous post.
I don’t seem to have problems with the edit facility but I do occasionally find myself unable to uptick posts which I haven’t previously upticked.
It has just been broadcast on the Today program that the vote to ban Donald Trump from the UK has reached 500 000 and must therefore be debated on Parliament.
They brought on the starter of the position who turns out to be a Muslim ! Hardly surprising that Muslims are not going to be happy about not being allowed to wreck the great Satan is it ?
The loading bay of W1A has just been seen receiving a shipping order of Tena pads.
The BBC Trumpsession is at Daftcon 11.
500,000 people eh? wow. I wonder whether radio 4s More or Less could do a feature on the relationship between “significant numbers” and “positive news coverage”
500,000 vote against Donald Trump = Significant number > positive news coverage
3.4 million vote for UKIP in 2015 = insignificant number > negative news coverage
There is an occasionaly quoted statistic that more people attend a Christian Church service at weekends (around a million) than attend premiership football matches but they must be insignificant numbers too since premiership football gets far greater positive news coverage on the BBC.
its bias isn`t it?
Not to mention the 470,000 who voted “To Ban All Immigration” to the UK.
Monday morning and as sure as the sun rises breakfast delivers another cluster weapon as mass bias. Lets start where I turned on. they interview Humera Khan(?) who basically tells us it’s not a problem. I tuned out so this isn’t verbatim she said that it was 16 % now it’s 22% so it hasn’t gone up much. Sofa sloth halfheartedly went onto the segregation tact. Humera tells us they are used to it so that’s ok. She then goes into the it’s all whiteys fault Yes all those attacks on followers of the cult that don’t ever seem to hold any water. She informs us the £20million should be spent on “white racism”. Good idea Cameroon hand it over to National Front. Any one there to tell her she doesn’t want to integrate and the chances of some of the women even seeing an institutionalised white racist are slim because they live in their own little ghettos. Next it’s sugar tax. I can’t be bothered as you all know the story. Finally why are over 50s drinking more than the recommended level of alcohol. Then onto rip off Britain there must be some irony on the tittle hubble bubble boil and trouble are reporting on holiday rip offs so where better to base themselves? Yes Gran canaria, there is no way you could do this program in Salford.
Radio 4, ‘Today’; straight after the Trump debate we had the Muslim ‘sisters’ discussing English classes for Muslim mothers, it went as expected, no counter arguments just total bias in favour of the Muslims. Interestingly, it seems to be Mischel Hussain who does all the Muslim stories these days. Hussain is a Muslim name, isn’t it a conflict of fairness if Hussain does ALL these stories?
Just out of interest, my wife is a primary school teacher in an inner city. I’ve given up the number of times when she returns from parents’ evening and telling me the same story, here it is:
Burqa clad mother comes into classroom with her seven year old son to discuss her eleven year old’s progress. The seven year old is there to translate what the teacher (my wife) says to the mother. It is a very frustrating experience. The seven year old doesn’t really comprehend what my wife says and my wife has to give the information to the seven year old in words that HE can understand. This situation is common in all our large cities and has been gong on for years. A lot of the mothers are the second wife from Pakistan, always younger than the first wife that ‘dad’ has divorced. She is is illiterate in her own language and of low educational ability.
Good luck Mr Cameron but your initiatives are doomed to failure, they don’t want to integrate. “Muslim name” Cassandra.
I guess she fits in with the BBC Ropers and Trots.
Can’t agree with last sentence. they don’t want to integrate. In many cases they want to but husband won’t let them.
In many cases they want to but husband won’t let them.
Which one?
You have your view I have my experience and frankly I couldn’t care less what you think.
Cameron and the people around him really are ignorant bastards. They do not understand the muslim all. Time he read the Koran to discover why they do what they do, and are un-bending in their ways. They will never..ever..integrate in the West, forget it. Time to stop ALL muslim immigration…NOW….and gradually repatriate those here, pushed along with proscribing Islam, pulling down the mosques and telling them to ‘worship’ at home, while they prepare to ship out. Otherwise…in thirty years, we will all be under the islamic yoke……believe me. The Czech president has more sense than our govt. It doesn’t help that the bloody useless FO is still packed with ‘Arabists’.
Media expert Steve ‘I have never heard of 28Gate but the BBC got it about right’ Hewlett in the Guardian, on pickles:
Yesterday a Palestinian terrorist murdered Dafna Meir, mother of five, in her home. This is how the BBC covered it.

It took the BBC five paragraphs to even mention that the deceased had a name. Most of the article is generalised filler.
There is so much missing from the BBC report, as that three of her children were in the house at the time. Or that she attempted to fight off her attacker. Or that she worked as a nurse at the Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva. Or that she was a naturopathic practitioner specialising in women’s fertility. Or that it was Renana, Dafna’s eldest daughter, who witnessed her mother’s murder and called for help. In short, she was, in BBC eyes, for practical purposes anonymous.
This is the photograph the BBC chose to illustrate the report.
This is the photograph the BBC didn’t use.

Who will bet the BBC will add more details, later
‘Who will bet the BBC will add more details, later’
Well, only if they have space. And time.
Man completes China ice bath chess challenge
Front page. Busy, busy.
Snow-diving squirrel caught on camera in Estonia
Front page. Busy, busy, busy.
Bet Mishal noticed. Tick.
“Bet Mishal noticed.”
She’s probably still celebrating it.
Can anyone find this on the Beeb
How many more of these “incidents” don’t we know about.
That’s why BBc news is redundant the internet reveals their “omissions”. I’m just drafting my next level complaint on some of their little “omissions” Of course I will be wrong.
The News that the Beeboids (and the Socialist elite) don’t want you to know. They’re the ones that broke the Cologne atrocity, as attributed by the Times.
The bBBC seem gutted that the French are finally bulldozing part of the Calais Jungle. Sympathetic interview on site with Ahmed From Pakistan whose English is poor, is clearly an economic migrant but apparently thinks he has a right to enter our country . Follow up studio discussion with 2 representatives of refugee organisations . No balance no mention that none of these people have any right to be in the UK no criticism of the French for deliberately fomenting this problem . In other words business as usual for the B B C.
Yes, it’s apparently beyond the wit of a BBC reporter to suggest to one of these people that they might actually not be asylum seekers at all.
Are we meant to allow in every single Pakistani who wants to live here? Why do I suspect the BBC’s answer to this question would be ‘yes’?
Re The Calais jungle, “they might actually not be asylum seekers at all.”
I understand the point you’re making, however (please forgive my pedantry) I think we must absolutely insist that NONE of these people in “the jungle” are asylum seekers. As soon as they set foot in Europe they became economic migrants. They’re choosing to live on this unpleasant and filthy campsite because they think they’ll get a better deal in Blighty than in France. It’s amazing that none of those commenting on the Beeb ever point this out and also that France is a nation with similar wealth to our own, the same size population and three to four times the land mass. It has wonderful food and the climate is fabulous.
I just can’t think what the attraction is…
This is partly what my complaint is about They run a one sided story. You then have to go onto the internet to find what the whole story is. If you complain and I have done a few times about omissions and one sided stories you will get a reply that basically reads; We didn’t have time and then sarcastically goes on to state how they represent all views. Now I’m pushing it a bit further all of a sudden the line changes to it was an update so we missed out some facts. How you are supposed to know if it is a “full” one sided story or an update one sided story ‘I’m not sure. Perrhaps a red triangle on screen?
The main reason that we have biased, left- of-centre, news coverage on our broadcast media in the UK is the legal duty of these broadcasters to give balanced coverage. This is producing the opposite effect. Why? Well, the heavy subsidy going into just one broadcaster enables it to dominate the media. If its then penetrated by left wing culture it can distort the legal duty to be balanced but at the same time use market power to ensure it has no serious rival with genuinely balanced cover. C4 which also receives public money operates similarly but of course not with the same dominance .
I would do two things . I would scrap the duty of balanced coverage. This would remove a weapon which is not used to curb the left wing bias of BBC and C 4 but does prevent entry into the market of right of centre news broadcasters. Secondly I would either scrap all public subsidy of news broadcasting or if there is to be a subsidy, make it a requirement that it goes to at least three broadcasters with a lefft , centrist and right political pitch respectively . As part of the bidding process each bidder would have to say what it’s political slant would be .
Let’s start treating UK citizens as grown ups and openly allow news bias rather than have the undeclared left bias we now endure . If we have to have public money going to subsidise news broadcasting, let’s ensure a wider spectrum of views is covered.
Under this system tbe B B C would have its income chopped by the cost of it’s news department and it would have to bid for a slice of it AND say whether it wanted to cover news from a left centre or right perspective . Subsidies would only be awarded for a fixed term and there would be a regulator to endure that the terms of each successful bid were complied with. In the longer run I’d prefer the subsidy to be scrapped entirely which one day it will when we move to a full subscription system.
But that would give the game away! The BBC has been ‘radicalised’ even before Tony Blair term back in the in the 1980’s political correctness (BBC Bertisms) thrust right into the corridors of the civil service. We now have to fight the civil service (pro EU) and the BBC (which is a state QUANGO). I am not sure it was ever independent as you state it has an awful record of looking the other way and promoting itself as the ‘benchmark’ of moral values which have changed 360 degrees since Lord Reith’s day. The BBC viewpoint is now largely indistinguishable from the agitprop Guardian reader. The BBC does not serve us, just that narrow minority who still inhabit Public Services because they were small cheeses in the last Labour administration. The left wing values prevail.
I’d make a few comments. The BBC was never independent and I don’t think I implied it was. In the Reith era of the 20s – 40s it broadly supported the establishment and the status quo which was mostly conservative/ national government. That view was supported by the majority of the electorate . Hence the huge majority of the national government. During the 50s a similar argument can be made.
I agree with you that the left wing
bias of the BBC is not recent. It began to abandon social conservatism small c in the 60’s. The big political shift in its attitudes occurred in the Thatcher era. It put itself in the position of opposing governments with majority electoral support . This is the opposite of what it was doing in the 20’s 30’s 40’s and 50’s. A publicly funded broadcaster that does this should be signing its own death warrant. That it seems to thrive reflects the pusillanimous attitudes of successive Conservative governments in dealing with the B B C.
An interesting idea, but of course, for it even to get off the ground, the establishment would have to admit that the BBC was biased towards the left. This it will never do.
A bigger problem though, I believe, is that it is not just the ‘news’ coverage which is biased. The entire output of the BBC is propaganda for the left’s view on any issue. Much of this is subtle and not presented as ‘news’. The intention is drip, drip, drip reprogram the minds of the viewers until they adopt the ‘correct’ view on any issue.
This site has numerous examples of this. One would simply be the huge over-representation of ethnic minorities and mixed marriages in BBC drama output. The constant portrayal of Muslims as the peaceful and reasonable side in any dispute, the whites as the aggressive racist etc etc. The intention of Big Brother is clear but it is not ‘news’ in any sense of the word.
To sum up the above comments.
“Some animals are more equal than others”.
And the author was a Beeboid!
In an ideal world I would like to see a BBC that was not biased in any direction, that presented the news in a factual way, so that I could make up my own mind. I certainly don’t want the news “explained to me” from the BBC’s perspective.The BBC has for a long time, perhaps even from its very onset, perpetuated the myth that they are somehow above the rest of the news services, and they are providing exactly that. I suspect they even believe in the myth themselves.
I think the idea of allocating funds to three different services, does go some way to creating a balance. Perhaps its even the best we could hope for in the real world. But it does have an inherent flaw. People would simply turn to whichever station was closest to their own beliefs and we would be no closer to balance and truth than before. I think it would be most unlikely that anyone would religiously listen to all three before forming an opinion.
The BBC doesn’t just broadcast news. It continuously exerts bias though drama, comedy, travel programmes etc. In fact the problem of liberal/left bias goes way beyond the BBC and extends into many other areas like education and academia. For this reason, returning to my ideal world, I think there never has been a greater need for a truly balanced public service broadcaster. I don’t know how this can be achieved. It has to be radical. Perhaps we need to start again from the beginning with a whole new philosophy. The present BBC is simply too big and too set in it’s ways.
The difficulty of this plan would prevent it getting off the ground. The basic mistake is to believe it is possible for a news service not to be biased.
Rather than constructing such a system to avoid bias, with it’s own inevitable failings; far preferable is to entirely remove the interference of the state from providing news. Remove the BBC funding by tax and allow other news organisations to compete on an equal footing.
The consumer will then decide what to listen to/watch. Just as the printed media provides a [nominal, I admit] range of viewpoints, this will lead to the broadcast media doing the same.
It wouldn’t be perfect, but it couldn’t really be worse.
It seems to work in the “Dead Tree Press”.
Personally, I can’t remember the last time I bought the Grauniad or Mirror, let alone the Morning Star.
A bit surprised no one here picked up on 2 tiny spats the PM had with Miss Shouty on Toady this morning.
One: she kept interrupting and PM then said…these are important questions so please allow me to give you the answers! Good man!
Two: At one point, PM also raised the point that BbC always refer to so-called Isalamic State and he gently chided her and said they should be using Daesh! Splutter, splutter from Miss Shouty who responded by saying…take it up with the BBC!!
Even better!
It’s about bloody time that Boy Dave grew some cojones!
I won’t hold my breath though!!
Every other Tory spokesperson, male female MTF transgender FTM transgender undecided etc, you get the drift, should do the same (reprimand the stupid bint not grow some – most of Al Beeb’s interviewees want to get rid of some.)
Using the term Daesh is just a way of avoiding the reality that Islamic State is about creating, well, an Islamic State.
Managed to hear that little spat between the elected Prime Minister of this country-and a Montessori bluestocking privileged Oxbridge nomark who`s forever leeching on the public payroll, masquerading as an “interviewer”.
Yet Monty had the louder voice, and dismissed his complaint with “well take that up with the upper echelons of the BBC”.
Pretty clear where the REAL power lies in our national debate…the BBC are judge jury and executioner at all times…Cameron in the dock, the sap squeaks and he gets treated like something on the bottom of her Hunters wellies.
And he makes no complaint either,gutless berk.
Pathetic-and find a Labour lefty Muslim MP from Bradford West “debating” with Salman Yacoob( note the George Galloway common link there!) about Camerons mealy-mouthed plans to slip a English-Urdu leaflet into a burqa mouth slit.(Channel 4 News tonight)
How bad is THAT?…when Britains PM dare not open his mouth abour the need to speak English with the Muslimas who have already decided on what THEIR future will be….it`ll be ours too, if we don`t wake up!
Cathy Newman already in practice, so it appears.
Now I wonder why this never hit the BBC news, could it be that it does not lend its support their biased narrative on the EU.
Herr Schaeuble is exceedingly influential.
Finance Minister Herr Schaeuble to Big Boss Angie Baby . ‘ Here’s an idea, we bring in lots of immigrants to solve our delining birth rate and well get Britain and rest of those EU suckers to pay for it’.
It was only blacklisted news on the BBC – Fleet St ran with it.
Hard to see how it slipped past the avid news hounds at the BBC, isn’t it?
And saw in the Telegraph that the German Interior Ministry are co-ordinating a government meeting to discuss the rise of the “FAR-RIGHT” in connection to recent boisterous behaviours by gentlemen unknown in Cologne etc.
That`s right-we must come up with something to deal with the rise of the “far-right”!
And as for Islam?…tahharush, exploding fireworks in girls hoodies?…rape?
Point the dogs, cannons and gas canisters at the bloody far right…suicidal oafs or liberal cretins?…only hope the Germans deal with their sauerkrauts who presume to rule them.
Unfortunately this is only evidence of Al Beeb bias by comparison, in that they would never allow such balance in their commenting (never ‘reporting’, it’s always Al Beeb’s biased views). What is even more striking is that it is in Al Beeb’s fellow Murdoch-hating US fellow travelling NYT!®ion=Body&_r=2&referer=
(Linked from the ever-necessary/excellent Order-Order!)
So the talking points today include Teaching Muslim women to speak English. Or how about Corbyn keeping the Trident submarines but without actually arming them? Then there’s the potential tennis match fixing.
But on the bBBC website, what do we get the chance to comment on?
A new cure for Multiple Sclerosis. Like we’re all going to oppose it.
Bias by having a patronising left-wing inspired “Let them eat cake” attitude, and deliberately preventing discussion on topics where contributors might well not agree with their pre-programmed ‘Far Left’ Guardianista agenda.
It`s like Life In Cartoon Motion isn`t it?
Corbyn in his Yellow Submarine…hunting down the Blue Meanies from the poop deck, where Prescott is stabled.
Bloody awful film that was…and the Labour rerun looks to smell of desperation and failure as well.
Wonder how many Second Language students would fit onto Labours submarines, once we`ve turned them into classes for use in York or Carlisle.
Maybe rubber missiles are the future-would Hamas like to try a few, seeing as Labour are constantly in thrall to them?
Never mind – WordPress has vetoed it!
You And Yours on R4 was at it again, this morning, bangiing on about the risks of building on flood plains. Does its half-witted reporter consult anyone who knows anything about hydrology and river management? Of course not! Instead he interviews a government ‘Climate Change advisor’ (in other words an activist, probably for a ‘Green’ organisation).
And so the tap drip, drip drips its steady flow of misinformation to unaware listeners. Heaven forbid they should be told anything like the truth about the causes of flooding!
BBc 13:00 news and they cheerlead for the steel industry lots of interviews with people saying the Government should be doing more. If I was them I’d be saying the same thing knowing the Government probably can’t do much with EWU rules. However objectively why are the BBc making a song and dance about this and not other sectors that have been decimated.
The EU is the successor to the Coal and Steel Confederation so Steel is definitely one of its ‘competencies’.
Another BBC project that is going well: Friends Reunited To Close. Those of a ‘certain age’ will recall that the BBC endlessly promoted this shower and all the time, even though there were free, and better, well-established alternatives. Got to look after your mates though.
BBc being lying bastards by omission Donald Trump’s entry into the UK being up debated because he’s said Muslims should be barred entry to the USA. Think you missed out temporary there scumbag. Oh and he said there were no go areas here and that’s just not true…apparently
There’s a good news NHS story today about new Multiple Sclerosis treatment.
There is a rather less good NHS story about very poor care for Dementia patients.
No prizes for guessing which one gets a ‘Have Your Say’ on the bBBC website.
So I posted to the Have Your Say as follows
Topic: Cancer treatment for MS patients gives ‘remarkable’ results
Posting: This is of course a wonderful story, but I can’t help noticing that while we are given the opportunity to comment on this uncontroversial item, we are not given the opportunity to comment on the other less positive NHS health story today, namely the ‘Russian roulette’ ‘ “shocking” evidence of poor and variable care ‘ for Dementia patients in hospitals I feel the BBC news is massaging the agenda.
Guess what? My post was removed for being ‘off topic’.
OK I was goading them, but in falling for it the bBBC bias is nicely revealed.
But given the NHS once let a demented close relative wander out of A and E unsupervised, and I was informed not by the NHS but by the Police who were called to find him, you’ll forgive me for being a bit touchy on this one.
Reading the Mail this weekend (Saturday) reported in the Peter Osbourne column was the startling claim that Cameron (a former conservative) has joined ranks with Labour grandee (Prince of Darkness himself) Peter Mandleson of all people. I read here that somebody thinks Cameron is (perhaps) stupid. No he is not! He is Eton articulate and lazy and very clever (an ideal ambassador for (Common Purpose) and he knows exactly what he (the EU) wants and how to get it. The attack from the front will be led by Mandleson’s soothing voice on BBC radio R4 (immigration is a positive boost to Britain and NHS twaddle) whilst Junckers shores up the rear with a claim that any anti EU vote is pointless and we cannot leave.
Peter Osborne on Politics and Power:
Interesting article in the Sun on Sunday about the BBC chauffeuring Jihadi Jim around to do interviews in order to offer a platform to the ISIS terrorist
BBC PM seems to have taken a pretty firm stance that Trump is a bad man, and that although he should be banned it’s probably not legally possible for the UK government to do so.
They then decide to discuss the people who have been banned, and as we know there have been a lot of them, mostly (by vast majority) Muslims with religious views which the BBC describe as ‘extreme’ but more likely mainstream.
So who do they choose to highlight? One is Dieudonne (mixed race African White), Some US shock jock (white) & Robert Spencer (white) although they seemed unable to give a proper legal reason why he was banned other than that he criticises Islamic Jihad (and what exactly is wrong with that?).
No mention of any Islamic Jihadis barred as per usual, it’s all whiteys fault !
PM just sunk to new low now with a “celebrity hairdresser” being asked his views on whether Trump should be banned from entering the UK.
Predictably, he is against Trump entering the UK. I’m not really sure whether it’s being a celebrity or a hairdresser that does that to you.
Oh the irony ! on Sky news earlier today, it was commented that some of the richest in the world have fortunes that outstrip the finances of various (mainly) African countries. Then cue the commercial break, and up come the ads for monthly donations requested for Save the Children and Water Aid ! Nothing more needs to be said.
Prescott neatly providing Fraser Steel the opportunity to fast-track the latest faux ‘balance’ backlash grovel.
A quick introduction.
Good evening all, I registered a few weeks ago to give thumbs up and to provide an outlet for my visceral reactions to Al Beeb.
There are some very brave folk here who actually visit the BBC sites and watch the broadcasts, who do the likes of me a great service. I can’t F’ing bear to point my browsers to anything BBC, or the broadcasts – either radio or TV. I’ve given up on them as they are filled with myopic mis-information – well, you know. So the only way I know what’s going on at the BBC is through this site.
I’ll probably chip in now and again in the comments, but for the moment I’m getting a lot of value from this site. Thanks to all who report.
A bit late from me but welcome. I only venture as far as the Beeb website as I live in France. I rely on the many posters who are brave enough to watch and listen esp to QT on Thurs. Enjoy the site.
Carriers without aircraft.
Subs without nukes.
Labour hand Coalition Government Defence billions black hole.
Invade Iraq with Labour changed/bullied legal advice.
Deploy Afghan ‘without a bullet being fired’ – 450 dead British troops later?
Give Falklands to Argentina against wishes of 99.98% of Islanders and international law.
Thornberry in coalition with Ambulance Chasing Disgraced/lying squaddie hassling Lawyers.
What next from Labour – Soldiers without testicles!
Did Andrew Marr forget to ask Comrade Corbyn whether he would maintain a sufficient armed forces presence on the Falklands to deter Argentina?
After all the Ukraine borders were guaranteed by NATO and Russia if they gave up their nuclear weapons!
When I first saw the image I assumed it depicted a gaggle of BBC reporters conducting an interview with the chaps in dark jackets, putting facetiousness aside I would have been interested in some background as to why the people carrying out the “unofficial citizen patrols” consider them necessary. Needless to say the BBC does not give much ink to that side of the story, more unreported incidents perhaps?
I’d like to add, even if these patrols are a preemptive measure, hats off to them.
BBC 24 TV News at about 19.15 this evening re Trump debate by MPs.
Labour female MP Rupa Huq (Muslim) stood up and said that Trump should be banned from the UK because he is , Racist, Homophobic and Mysogynistic.
Very much like vast numbers of the Religion of Peace in the UK who travel back and forth from our shores?
Dave has allotted £20 million!!! of our money to teach Muslim women how to speak English.
Muslims aren’t happy.
Well, there’s a turn up…
Best thing was on the news there were 3 women one of which had lived in the UK 54 years (yes 54) and did not speak any English but the news reporter claimed all 3 were British. How odd.
My wife is not British and even she was stunned. My wife has only lived in this country 15 years but she speaks English writes English, has passed her UK driving test but does not hold a British Passport nor wants to. When she took her English course at college here in the UK she was the only one who had to pay fees because she was married to me, everyone else got theirs for free.
Why doesn’t some reporter ask Dave why it has taken him this many years to rumble these findings. So he has just discovered these things about Muzzies in Britain.-Doh!
It is this what worries me most about someone who we, (not me I’m a kipper), elect to run our country. -That we have an ignorant dim, head in the clouds,dickhead for a PM.
He really makes me feel safer-not! So incredibly naive. So incedibly weak.
It has always been the strongest argument for staying in the EU; that if we came out we’d be governed by British politicians – wet and useless. The safe option seemed to be to stay in the EU, where the politicians were corrupt but were also competent. Then Merkel drove the EU over the cliff.
It’s not enough to get us out of the EU, we also need to get Nigel into government.
A bit late this but on the radio 5 live “Up all night” programme between 0400 and 0500 this morning(18th Jan) a lady was being interviewed from the USA, talking about how the male/female ratio in Sweden had been skewed by a large influx of immigrants. She quoted her University research that 71% of new immigrants to Sweden were young, single men between the ages of 16 and 30 (military age). The male/ female unbalance in Sweden had become worse than China(where sons are more desirable) and India ,( where females are considered undesirable). Unfortunately mid- sentence the lady was cut off after some small crackling in the airwaves and the bland assertion that “we seem to have had some difficulty on the line there” allowed the BBC to seamlessly traverse to a non-controversial subject. Was this bias, censorship, deliberate interference or ” just one of those things?”
They were using the same phone line that they use for UKIP interviews. It has the automatic cut-out if anyone goes off message.
The BBC has only the best technology.
Not confined to the BBC.
Back in the autumn, the fragrant Yvette Balls was being interviewed on the beach in Lesbos. Nick Ferrarri was just getting to ask her how Ed was getting on with the papering of the spare room ready for the imminent arrival of the refugees – when the line went dead. Nick seemed totally unsurprised ……
Interesting observation!
And as for your question, it’s surprising how many of ‘those things’ that have been reported on this site over the years, isn’t it?
No, that University research cannot possibly be true.
As an avid viewer of Al Beeb news for the last several months I am absolutely certain that almost all immigrants are mothers with small children.
Not so long ago I could spend all day listening to Radio 4 and generally only hit the off button when Thought for the Day came on. Not any more. During my frequent long car journeys I still listen intermittently to R4 but the ‘agenda’ placement (cf product placement) has me switching off constantly. Today, for instance, this is what the BBC managed to squeeze into its schedule:
Mark Steel’s in Town – Wonderful, vibrant, multi-culti Handsworth. With no irony whatsoever, we had laughs a plenty about the violence endemic on the streets but, apparently, it is only a bit of good natured joshing.
You and Yours – Usual bleeding hearts tosh excusing the terminally stupid for anything and everything that befalls them because it is always someone else’s fault and the government has failed by not protecting you from yourself..
TWATO – English lessons for any migrants with poor language skills. Topic hi-jacked by rent-a-gob Warsi as anti-Muslim because the example Dave gave was of Muslim women. Warsi allowed to bang on uninterrupted as usual.
Afternoon drama – This one almost got through unscathed but a reference to homosexuality was slipped in near the end.
Food Programme – Vomit inducing start told us how it was the Muslims (with some Sikhs) who fed the starving victims of the floods up North.
With Great Pleasure – First UK TV lesbian kiss celebrated. Rebecca Front ended with a drawn out apology for not choosing any readings from female authors. Only a carefully selected BBC audience would require such an apology; real people don’t give a f*ck…honestly.
Infinite Monkey Cage – promising show spoilt by inclusion of Jo Brand. She managed to mention Trump thereby guaranteeing future BBC work. Her green credentials are impeccable though, she has been recycling the same tired jokes for years.
It wasn’t all bad though. The marvellous Ken Dodd somehow managed to tunnel into the Museum of Curiosity and give Sarah Millican a quick lesson in how to be funny. In one minute he told more funny jokes than the BBC Comedy dept usually manages in a year.
Thanks for sticking with it; I just had to get a frustrating day’s listening off my chest.
I am in exactly the same position with R4 – once a constant companion on long car journeys or days at home, now barely tolerable for its ceaseless nannying and preaching.
I used to record R4 plays, burn them to CD and listen to those, for times when the live broadcast was a clown like Laurie Taylor or another play about single Bangladeshi mothers struggling against racist injustice. Now, I doubt I can find one R4 play in three months worth recording.
It’s like watching an old friend lapse into Scientology, or some other madness.
I was the same with Radio 2, spending most of the day in the car, listening to Kennedy, Wogan, Young and Walker, replaced now with non entities Fatty Feltz, Gob on a stick Evans, Jeremy Whine and boring Mayo. Today all I can manage is Steve Wright, who in my opinion is the last of the proper DJ’s, entertaining and seemingly without an agenda, but even he I had to switch off last week with the endless Bowie diatribe and today with fatty Brand launching this years Comic Relief.
The BBC, because of the unique way its funded really doesn’t give a s&%t ….
I too listen to less and less of BBC Radio 4, for reasons similar to those cited above by GCooper.
Yesterday, the “Woman’s Hour” special on the state pension changes, with guest expert Paul Lewis, wasn’t bad and Jane Garvey even made a remark about being quite happy to host a dull but informative programme, in response to comment from a listener. Otherwise I rarely if ever listen to it nowadays.
I broke my own self-imposed rule about Radio 4 ‘comedy’ involving Brigstocke / Hardy / Steel / Thomas et al and listened to “Mark Steel’s In Town”, all about vibrant and culturally enriched Handsworth … it was as dire as you could have expected. One thing that particularly jarred was the grating faux-proletarian accent of Steel (compare ‘Arfa Smiff’) and his switch into a caricature “posh” voice, which he does to attack UKIP, Tories or anyone with doubts about the enrichment. Total, utter shite!
Nearly every time I view my local Points West news bulletin, I’m almost forced to pull back the curtains just to check that I am still actually living in the West Country. Tonight for the 2nd time in a week we get a region of peas lead story, this time the heinous crime of placing a bacon sandwich on the step of mosque.
Cue a gathering of ‘community leaders’ and the red trousered Libtard mayor of Bristol to denounce said crime as offensive.
We’re told in a condescending Blue Peter way they are ‘unable’ to eat pig, its all one way, I would guess that the majority of viewers are ‘offended’ at having to eat halal meat, what choice do we have, where is the BBC investigation into this barbaric practice, where are the arrests (as there were in this case) ?
I’ve become sick weary and tired of the constant pro Muslim, victim bias, why are we forced to sit through such stories that are only of interest of the tiniest minority of viewers (assuming that they can speak English) when far more important stories are relegated to make way or completely (and conveniently) omitted, this was seen to trump the suspicious deaths of two 80 year old OAPS in their home in Wiltshire.
Enough of this clear agenda driven cr@p, no one condones what these idiots have done, but in the pure frustration that politicians aren’t listening, what form of protest of the Islamification of Britain does the evil white man have, when seemingly other ‘communities’ sh1t roses and can do no wrong?
You , must be over 60 Geoff , us youngsters gave up on the local BBC tv news a while back . I watch the Sky Business report or Michael Portillo`s Great British Rail Journey`s instead. But I feel your pain,the bacon sarnies are on me today .
Way off the mark! I only record it for the weather, there again I don’t why I bother its always bloody wrong!
That is condescending, “couldn’t eat it because it was pig” eh?
I trust the tireless BBC news hounds properly investigated the question of who the f@ck would consider eating a piece of meat left on some steps regardless of provenance?
And I hope the alleged offenders solicitor will be asking to see the forensic evidence that it actually was porcine meat.
In modern Britain it could be beef strips (left by provocateurs) or horse (left by customers of a dodgy butchers), or the sandwich was bacon which ACCIDENTALY fell through a soggy, greasy paper bag…..I dropped a whole kebab in Bristol once….but then I was terribly drunk and there weren’t any mosque steps to consider in those days as I recall.
I wouldn’t assume it was bacon…..without the forensics, and the intent……..anything can happen.
I hope they weren’t tricked into confessing without due consideration of the alternatives to malicious bacon placement….. (Is that the offence?)….. malicious bacon placement… couldn’t make it up.
It would be funny if it weren’t serious, how do they know the sandwich was vile if they didn’t taste it?
“Shell shocked”, by a bacon sandwich?
Did it have egg on it too?
P.s. The male suspect looks like Vivian out of the 80s BBC hit comedy “The Young Ones”,
the “female” is Mike in a wig.
It smells like bacon and some would say it tastes like bacon. (Actually I enjoy it) but it is not bacon? Would it be a hate crime if this was placed on the door of a mosque?
Fighting back in a way only the British can do
The BBC is reworking a Clint Eastwood classic as ‘Bacon Sarnie Force’.
Our hero Haresh Callaghan, is forced to confront a group of young vigilantes who terrorise the neighbourhood from their lair within the precinct greasy spoon.
And vital.
Lenny Henry is to direct. So it won’t be a comedy.