It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. A so-called ‘religion’ whose advocates are so insecure in their faith that the tiniest little show of opposition or contrariness leads to an inevitable infantile cry-baby reaction which they can only verbalise as ‘offence’.
For anyone with true faith, the fact that others criticise or poke fun at them would not bother them in the slightest. Why should it?
I try to feel sorry for the victims of Islam, but I must say I think individuals are responsible for their own thoughts and actions. In a civilised culture there just is no room for toddler tantrums when things don’t go all their way. Just like with toddlers, their antics should not be indulged but instead it should be firmly explained that such behaviour is unacceptable.
Not going to happen, only those with a childlike mind will believe the mumbo-jumbo.
What needs to “be explained” is “There is the door, close it on your way out”.
Despite the apparent recent territorial gains, Islam is on the way to extinction. The male elders know this.
Hence the increased repression.
Girls born into Islam, but then exposed to cosmetics, modern clothes, mobile phones, and the other, often tacky, goods of Western consumerism, want some themselves. They sure as hell do not want to live indoors wearing sheets.
Let’s hope you are right. Islam is a cancer on the world.
The only sense it is a ‘great’ religion, is in the same way that smallpox was a ‘great’ virus. Certainly widespread, virulent, easily spread and dangerous to sufferers and other around them. Great? No.
22:00 news and the b-shit continues. The scum at the BBc are now suggesting that if anyone fails the English test they will be deported although I thought the line was that the result would be taken into account. Maybe this was just a quick review and not the full story .
On to the ban Trump debacle. In the brief clip Tulip didn’t exactly seem to be doing any “tearing apart”, Unlike the mid day news they omitted to mention the second largest petition. So is this..”story only featured in our news in brief and as such did not go in to detail”
Breibart need to stop the plagiarism.
The dead sheep remark was made by the late, unlamented, Labour Soviet agent (thank god the **** is dead); Geoffrey Howe was the subject of the remark.
Luckily, according to the photos provided by BBC South West we can see that the sinister far right thugs hung around outside the Mosque on a Sunday in broad daylight taking selfies under the gaze of the CCTV with no attempt to cover their faces, and one of them wore a jacket with a St George cross on it and, just to be sure, they had time to tie a St George flag onto the railings too, whilst or before throwing the infamous sandwich.
Anyone else think this behaviour a little odd for “extremists” intending to run a campaign of harassment? Nice to know the Police who have no resources can swing into action when someone throws a sandwich. They can’t find who it was who stole and burnt out one of our neighbors cars, or stop any of the idiots here driving around in untaxed , un MOTd cars. Nor did they get the foreign taxi driver who was working without a licence when he ran down and killed our sister and law jailed, although if these guys get caught I bet they do get jailed In fact I haven’t seen a police man around here for years
We gave up the Ullman show after the sketch pretending to be Judy Dench putting whole loo rolls down the loo at The Ritz. What was that about and why was it supposed to be funny?
And could somebody explain to me if telephone salesman idol being trailed on BBC1 is supposed to be a comedy? Has the BBC really run out of programme ideas in which case it should be pensioned off now.
She said such a move was not “unprecedented” for the Academy, and that in the 60s and 70s younger members were recruited and that today’s mandate was about inclusion: “gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation”.
Funny, I thought it was all about putting in a great acting performance.
Sadly not neilw.
They have truly gone med there at the creative wing of the BBC.
That includes news and current affairs these days…for they are as creative(albeit in a fomalised, totally predictable Marxist style that satisfies themselves-and f** the rest of us).
It`s like Dick and Dom decided to seedcloud the BBC with Russell Brand “humour” and all learn now to vogue Oxbridge Student Uni postures, whilst coining in fat salaries for their massagings and embeddings.
Utterly predictable who`s on…who gets the conch shell,,,who`s in the dock…who gets to shout over the others..and totally unfunny, retarded leftism mushed in with agitprop soundspeaks as tinny as a Budapest loudspeaker on a suburban train platform.
No OTHER line of culture would regard a Brigstocke, a Steel, a Thomas, a Hardy and Brand, Howard as “funny”…they`d have to get out of the BBC and earn their won living.
No-never ending swill leftism…while doing rather well out of it in their Shoreditch mews dwellings.
And as they insist on shwoing us their curled stools of output-while screeching at us to ensure the pasta is wholewheat, as they scatter glitter over the glued collage…Islamic State await, and these clowns prefer to pretend that THEY have an answer in their studied compassions and reflux gutless acquiescence.
Lose them-or lose your country, say I…
Well, in ‘Dickensian’ they’ve given us a black Artful Dodger so why not?
Maybe by the end of the series Bill Sikes will be undergoing ‘gender re-assignment’, Nancy – suitably Burqa’d – will have converted to Islam, whilst Scrooge will be giving away most of his fortune to set up an environmentalist group determined to raise awareness about the nascent climate change threat (as evidenced by the omnipresence of snow).
Funny you should say that-“eastenders nancy” the blonde publicans daughter, is thinking of converting to eeeeslaarm. Bbbc-the gift that keeps giving eh!
On the BBC News website today we have a ‘senior news editor’ called Jawad Iqbal to teach us about muslims in the UK and to ‘clear up some of the myths and misconceptions’ that Jawad claims are held by the non-muslim population. Thanks for that Jawad.
I don’t know where Jawad’s roots lie or how or why he was given his BBC job, but it appears to me that he and his fellow UK dwelling muslims, or should I say ‘muslims now dwelling in England’ ( Jawad’s comments on the distribution of UK muslims tells us what we already know), appear to have a few myths and misconceptions of their own about English people. here are just a few that I would choose to put Jawad Iqbal:
a) that the English people now trust the BBC and the rest of the ‘British’ media. They do not.
b) that the English people now trust most of those engaged in ‘British’ politics or local government. They do not.
c) that the English people believe that employment by the BBC, or any other sector of the ‘British’ media, grants those employees the right to assume that they possess superior moral standards to those of the rest of the population. They do not.
c) that the English people are happy to be forced to pay £145.50 per annum of taxed income to finance an endless stream of muslims to peddle the myths of their victimization in England or their fabrications of muslims as a long standing part of the history of England. They are not. They were not.
d) that the English people should accept that social housing built in England, and financed by the taxes paid by the population that existed before muslims from various parts of the world decided to move here, is now occupied by 28% of the muslim households who now live in England. We do not. Most of us are appalled and horrified that this was permitted to happen at the expense of those who already lived here.
e) that all current English people are connected to the slave trade and the colonization of other countries. They were not. Most of those with English ancestry are the descendents of poor people who worked on the land and half of those ancestors were women who had no say in the rules of the man made religions to which they were subjected during their time on earth. The long struggle of English women to escape from that dominance is rendered meaningless and pointless in a future England where men of alien ethnicity can use the man made rules of their religion as an excuse to import alien women to serve as their submissive slaves.
f) that millions of English people, whose current existences on earth were moulded by the memories of two world wars in which their ancestors suffered and died because they believed that their homeland was worth fighting for, now choose to be integrated with muslim peoples from villages in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia etc. They do not. They share nothing in the way of history, culture or religion and are hostile to a religion and culture that treats women as second class citizens or, even worse, submissive slaves. Those who can are actively fleeing.
Jawad states in his article (under the heading ‘Deprivation’, of course) that ‘fewer (muslim) women work’. As an English woman, I would like to question why Jawad Iqubal is so keen to portray women brought by muslim men to live in England as more victims of the English people than they are of the men who imported them. Jawad conveniently sidesteps the question of why muslim countries and ‘communities’ produce girls, brides and mothers who are ignorant, illiterate, baby producing machines and, in doing so, both abolves muslim men from any sense of responsiblity and completely ignores the financial burden placed on the English people for the financing of healthcare, education and, eventually, state pensions of those girls, brides and mothers who the men chose to import.
Jawad Iqbal, along with the wide and peculiar crew of ambitious men and women from every place who are now fighting for dominion over this patch of land called ‘England’ probably feel a great sense of pride in the levels of control that they now exert, encouraged by the able assistance of the those who work for the controllers of the vast and strange organizations of the UN and the EU, along with some Irish and Scottish people who feel a particular sense of historical grievance against England, over the English people. Basically it seems that they seek to destroy the thing that attracted them. But that is how it must be. Politics and religion are the great destroyers of human beings and places of beauty. The only thing that is certain is that Jawad Iqbal is just a tool. His usefulness to the powers who control this world lies in his desire to crush those who dared to hope for something better. When he and the others of his ilk have succeeded in their act of destruction, the powers that control the world will dispense with their services. And, in the meantime, millions of people will have suffered as they always have throughout history. How sad.
I look forward to the day when Al Beeb produces an article with the headline “When did the last muslim leave Britain”. Sadly, I suspect the headline will be more like “When did the last white man leave Britain”.
They share nothing in the way of history, culture or religion …………
I would say this was your key point Pillar in a circle, it sums everything up. If ever I’m faced with comments about “the NHS wouldn’t function without them” – I then ask “how many of ’em had fathers or grandfathers that fought in the second world war for this country, or worked their guts to the bone in a height of 3′ down a coal mine ?” that usually ends the conversation.
Great Britain ‘the cradle of democracy’ where there are attempts to ban freedom of speech by a petition signed by 574,000 signatures. How many of these are signed by members of a certain religion? Hardly a representation of the majority of the population of this kingdom.
Watching the repeat of Monday’s Daily Politics 18/1/16. Shocking bias in their introduction including Donald Trump’s remarks (edited) about the entry of Muslims into the USA.
The BBC showed Donald Trump speaking at a lectern, quoting a press release statement from his campaign.
”…Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown on Muslims entering the United States, ….. at which point Trump’s sentence is cut short in favour of a voiceover from presenter Jo Coburn. Pretty inflammatory statement huh! Could get the blood temperature raised a bit. Tweeters could be tweeting their tweets within minutes, seconds even! And who’s on the sofa? Dan Hodges (facepalm) and Owen Jones (facepalmx1000).
Only, had the BBC been impartial, the viewers would have been given the full sentence up front:
”Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown on Muslims entering the United States, until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
This unedited quote was given at approx. 52 minutes into the programme, 50+ minutes of twitter time. (Reminder – Our representatives have not explained ‘what the hell is going on’ and don’t appear to have ‘figured it out’. If they have, I missed it.)
After this fuller quote Natalie Bennet (Green) gave an explanation as to why she would qualify to be banned from the UK. David Coburn MEP (UKIP) gave some rational introduction to the delicate BBC audience of the principles of common sense and free speech (in couched language, on tip-toes), and that Trump should be listened to. Natalie Bennet confirms that she is a fascist though. Bennet vs Trump – I’d love to hear that debate!
Now, in the context of the statistics relating to the victims (fatalities only) of terrorist acts (excluding unquantifiable victims of ‘honour killings’, capital punishment for adultery, apostasy, homosexuality and blasphemy in Islamic societies.) the full sentence is blunt, but rational and logical. The following is a Wiki page, (that I do not endorse), but indicates that many people are dying at the hands of those who submit to Islam – Muslims.
For governments to fulfil their role of minimising risks to those they represent, then surely if Mr Trump
is incorrect, this could be explained to those whose primary concern is for their friends and families living in free, law abiding western, open societies. Especially to those who have been personally touched directly or indirectly, by such horrific incidents as 9/11, 7/7, Paris 2016 x 2… see the list above for a plethora of other examples.
Not talking about this issue (The correlation between submission to Islam and the terrorising crimes of mass murder, murder, rape, mutilation subjugation of women, amongst others) and politicians avoiding engaging in the real issues of the security of our people, of our values, of our Law, and of our inherited property rights, of which we are mere custodians for those to come, is moral and mental cowardice.
Whatever the merits of Trump’s approach to ‘….a shutdown….until ’, what should be of concern to our Representatives and a ‘free media’ are the facts. Evidence and correlation. We get pouting, populist hype, irresponsibility and avoidance.
As to the issue of whether Trump should be banned from the UK? I can’t believe this is a matter for discussion in England – with a nod to Voltaire who quoted another wise dude who I will (mis)quote, “I might not like what you say, but defend to the death your right to say it.” In the cold light of day, Trump’s concern is for the welfare and security of the citizens of the USA – an ally in history, culture and law. He should be heard! As matter of courtesy to all those Americans who support him, whose values of freedom, liberty and opportunity are enshrined in a noble Constitution backed by a Bill of Rights. Our lack of courtesy as presented to the world through our MSM and politicians, is shameful cowardice.
I’d like to know from Trump’s detractors ‘What the hell is going on?’ When I hear a clear logical explanation from them, I’ll agree that Trump’s ‘shutdown idea’ is wrong. I haven’t heard such an explanation – can anybody help, because the hell of Islamic terrorism is touching more people as time passes and people from the middle east and Africa are on the move (Thanks Ms Merkel!) and we need to be talking about it, not name calling or banning Mr Trump, or talking about banning Mr Trump so as to avoid talking about Islamic violence, in all its forms.
For clarity, here is his live unadulterated presentation including the polling statistics which, ought to concern any rational persons. Listen, think, and contemplate. He’s not a polished politician and shoots from the hip (or lip), but the issue is much bigger than one man, however clumsily he might be giving voice to ordinary honourable citizens with real, genuine concerns – but stop shooting the messenger!
Best wishes to Mr Trump – in no-one’s pocket, no puppet, no strings. (My ‘favoured’ Rep. hasn’t attracted the public’s attention sufficiently, but I’m an Englishman so it’s none of my business really.) Obama will soon be handing on the baton. Hilary Clinton is the real Clear and Present Danger to those who value western civilisation, who value freedom and peace. You can be assured the BBC will fly Hilary’s flag though and let you know that she’s good and nice (left, Democrat) and Trump/Cruz is evil and nasty (far right, Republican).
I’ll be voting leave, I’ll be voting UKIP, and I’ll be ‘talking about it’.
The words which followed ‘until’ had not been heard by the MPs who debated a ban on Trump, as most of them spoke as if he called for a permanent ban. BBC propaganda by omission certainly takes in our stupid MPs.
Time to send the likes of T May, D Cameron,” Tulip ” Siddiqi, and K Vaz aline and all the other
blowing with the wind asswipes this …
Watch, learn … and stop lying
Half asleep listening to R5L about 6:39. Discussion about residents who don’t learn English after long period in the UK. And the example given? Greeks, yes – Greeks! Tens of thousands of South Asian women cannot speak English after years in the country and yet our liberal luvvies think that Greeks are the problem! Now how many long term Greek residents do you think cannot speak the language – I’d suggest approximately none yet we mustn’t pick on the poor muslims must we? That would be islamophobia. The interviewee went on to say that the NHS couldn’t survive without immigrants (but that’s a discussion we’ve had many times on here) seemingly forgetting the strain on finances due to the use of interpreters (for all those Greeks donch’a know)
They will do anything to avoid offending Muslims at the BBC, they are the true islamophobes….so scared of them they won’t even mention them, unless it’s to praise or defend them.
The EU and its BBC cheerleader is trying to make it clear to the Polish people that it is unacceptable to elect centre right governments. The BBC describing the result as Polands “lurch to the right”
The Germans having dictated to Facebook what can be said on social media are now telling the Poles also what they are allowed to think. Such policies should help the UK Brexit vote, please keep at it Brussels and Berlin.
Reference Trump.
Anyone else notice that in the Al Beeb coverage they show the clip where he says (I forget the exact words) “no muslims should be allowed to enter the USA” and they carefully cut it just there. But he had not finished the sentence, which ended “until we figure out what’s going on”.
It puts a rather different slant on things, but obviously it suits the Al Beeb agenda not to portray that.
Deliberate bias by deliberate editing.
Sorry AMUN, I took advantage of your long post warning. Independent comment rather than plagiarism is the result. But always good to know that the same bias is spotted by several of us.
“What the hell is going on” was of course said in the context of the aftermath of the Paris bombings.
Remarkably disengenuous piece from BBC Breakfast this morning on the report into the hash that pollsters made of the pre General Election polls.
Of course this morning the BBC went big on their own much vaunted (by themselves) Exit Poll – surely it is the actual real live voting result compared with opinion polls prior to election day that is at question here?
And, by the way, an exit poll can have no bearing on voting intentions – so the inaccuracy or possible manipulation of such a poll is a moot point in terms of our democratic process – but anyway the BBC love themselves and want to tell us how they got something right.
In terms of the report out today our Teddybear Turnbull and Lulu Minchin tell us the pollsters got it wrong “because they talked to too many Labour supporters and not enough Conservative supporters” – another great No-Shit-Sherlock moment brought to our screens care of the BBC.
I’m still wondering WHY the pollsters got it wrong. I will have to find out whether today’s report gives us an answer or not from some other news source. The BBC just sprained its own shoulder patting itself on the back then delivered a meaningless platitude.
Clearly our national broadcaster has no interest whatsoever in the notion that conservative-minded people may be routinely under represented in our media. I wonder why that could be?
On R4 PM last night Eddie Socialist signalled an item where they were going to try and find people who may have ‘wrongly’ voted Tory at the election because of the inaccurate opinion polls.
I carried out my still-democratic rights and switched the radio off.
It turns out that Tories/UKIP do all those selfish radical things like a. go out to work b. go out to visit friends c. go out to enjoy themselves. Labour supporters do societally-useful altruistic things like a. stay in b. not work c. watch lots of TV provided by our esteemed impartial state broadcaster. So when the pollster knocks on the door or rings up, hey presto there’s a massive swing to Labour, and the bBBC get the result they want. Except on the day it really matters, luckily for us.
The explanation I heard on Today this morning was that conservative voters were all too old and suspicious to answer pollsters via telephone and too doddery and techno-hopeless to do so on-line. This was trotted out with cheerful thoughtlessness as if the people it insulted weren’t real or perhaps just not capable of understanding the insult.
As pointed out below, the answer to polling bias in favour of labour is that conservative voters tend to either put the phone down when contacted or click ‘no thanks’ on their web browsers when approached. Surely the wonderful thing about the 2015 Election was that despite all the BBC pro-labour bias, seemingly reinforced by polls, people actually voted for a conservative government. I can’t have been the only person wondering why a majority of voters seemed to want an incompetent characterless moron like Red Ed. I need not have worried! Common sense prevailed.
Maybe the BBC should do a study into why biased news coverage doesn’t sway election results? Or could it be that they simply aren’t interested? Their pro-left bias continues so clearly they willfully want to learn nothing from the 2015 election outcome.
The BBCs late election polls coverage continued to delight me this morning.
The older people voted conservative, yes that`s right, mature people voted conservative (UKIP too, though their 3.8 million voters disappeared completely from the script), whilst younger people voted labour, yes that`s right too, less mature people vote labour and being less mature like to tell everyone about it `cos my vote really counts yeah?!
I look back on my own life and see that as I matured, found myself in supervisory roles at work, had to deal with disciplinary issues and trades unionists prepared to defend the indefensible, discovered the way in which certain cards were played to avoid work or discipline whilst the ordinary decent staff just doggedly got on with it… voting pattern changed too.
Over the years I’ve been asked twice how I intended to vote. My reply on both occasions was “By secret ballot”. They put me down as “Don’t know”. They didn’t know, but I did.
On the R4 Toady programme (appx 6.40am) all us Tory/UKIP voters were described as ‘Victor Meldrews’ for telling pollsters where to get off. “The only way to improve the polls was to hammer away at the Victor Meldrews !!” they said.
If they stopped and thought about it a bit, the reason us Victors told the pollsters to FO was that we have had them ‘on-the-knocker, on-the-phone and in-the-street for the past 40+ years, in addition to the parties themselves.
While the young, gobby, left are only too pleased to speak out for themselves and everybody else as usual;
it seems they were the only ones to record their views. Surprise, surprise.
May explain why the Labour party now have a extremist lefty ‘knob’ as leader.
Yes, I vividly remember during election week, that loads of students were interviewed on their way to McDonalds, and were asked who they were going to vote for – with one voice they said the “Green Party”. The clip was shown constantly, so was this down to the ‘children’ running things in the Gallery of Sky/BBC news ??
“HYS birds rarer than hen teeth”. Down here in W!Aland ecologists are claiming the HYS is now on the endangered list and may go the same way as the dodo and the albeeb editorial blog bird. While no Al Beeb senior twitcher was available for comment, it seems rampaging far right mobs have been slaughtering the HYS on sight, and the few remaining ones are being confined for their own safety.
I cannot believe the bBC is still analysing the general election result:
I’m sure they’d do the same thing if it had swung the other way.
By the way, did anyone else notice on the night of the election that the bBC’s coverage was behind that of ITV. Even though it was obvious the Conservatives had won, the last seat (pro-Tory) was on ITV long before the bBC caught up and announced it. Memory’s a bit hazy, but I kept switching back and forwards to see when the bBC would finally concede defeat for their beloved Laborious and I’m certain it was at least twenty minutes. bBC prides itself on its news, but I remember being at home on 9/11 and thinking that Five’s coverage was far better – they even got the (on that day) rare footage of the first plane going into the towers before the beeb go it.
Dave R
And this is in the context of a newsroom with more ‘journalists’ than the whole of what we used to call Fleet Street put together, and many times more than ITV/ITN. Absolutely pathetic waste of our money, and an appallingly low level of productivity with which no private business could survive.
What really riled me was that,when Ed Balls was defeated, the bBBC spoke over and failed completely to show any of the winning candidate’s address, but went back to Balls for his losing address in full.
The dreadful bBBC were even at that stage in total denial.
It’s very noticeable that many items only appear on the BBC – broadcast or web – some time after other media outlets have covered them. Or, the initial report is only a headline or the vaguest of details, even though other outlets are reporting facts, names and so on. The BBC has access to the exact same press agencies as everyone else (Reuters, AFP, AP etc), plus its own sources, as well as huge internal resources. So why the persistent delays? Is it because news items have to be carefully checked to see if they fit the narrative, censored and modified as appropriate? Yes, I know – it’s a rhetorical question.
There definitely seems to be a rule about crime – if it turns out to be a white man who is the perp or suspect, then names/pictures etc are released straight away. For criminals of darker skin you normally have to wait until the court case is over, when some idiot judge usually gives them a ludicrously light sentence.
Chan 5 News is ITN too , although , a different production team . Yes both ITN & Sky much better , I was SO pleased that the Evil BBC , got the , “You Boys, Took a Hell of a Kicking” . Ha fucking Ha .
I’m not sure if this is BBC bias or the public sector, as every single one of the businesses featured is Muslim owned ! To be honest I have no issue with counterfeit goods providing the buyer knows they are hooky and are not being ripped off with a shoddy copy.
I remember seeing the Turkish guy selling some nice ‘replica’ Rolexes (and they were nice!) getting turned over by a van load of riot Police. Totally over the top, as only the officer left the van, and the rest of them sat there having a laugh & a joke for the next hour plus, completely wasting their time & our money.
And all for what? The guy wasn’t harming anyone. His replicas which cost anything up to £100 and were much better than the usual, wasn’t passing them off as the real deal, so the only people the Useless Brigade were working for was Rolex, based in Switzerland, and purveyors of expensive unreliable crap (I know I’ve owned one!) which thanks to sharp practice can only be repaired in Switzerland!
Iraq conflict: UN documents ‘staggering’ violence (by IS)
Read the story and consider that 1.5 million so-called Brits support so-called Islamic State.
There’s the rub.
The BBC are in full “get Trump” mode. Today we’ve had The Long View which reached the clear consensus that “The Donald” was completely unelectable. There’s a similar programme in about a week’s time which, I’m guessing, will reach a similar conclusion. Poor old Don, he must be shaking in his boots…
Yesterday we had the Parliamentary debate about allowing him into our country. Tolerant left wing MP’s battled each other to display their progressive credentials by insisting he should be banned. The most strident were those broad minded folk of the SNP. Oh and of course we had the usual gaggle of Muslims who didn’t want him here. Such tolerant people…
Let’s be honest, the Tories weren’t much better. This lot really are a feeble bunch. Winston and Enoch must be spinning in their urns. Even those who thought he should be allowed couched their opinions in such a way that we knew this fellow was about as welcome as a fart in a lift.
One name did jump from the pages of The Guardian this morning. Jack Dromey. Husband to the fragrant Harriet, hard line lefty and champion of the under dog. He said, “Trump shouldn’t be let within 1000 miles of our shores.” So, no beating about the bush there.
I always find it interesting how progressive lefties have their own particular hate fetishes. Don’t forget that Jack, Harriet, and Patricia Hewitt were high ranking advisers at Liberty, long before Shami came on the scene. They supported / condoned an organisation called The Peadophile Information Exchange. Members of this charming group thought it was fine to have sex with four year olds. Others wanted no age restraint whatsoever. They were a sort of pressure group for peados. Shami Chakrabati, who has just left Liberty, has said that it was deeply shaming that Liberty had given these people any support at all. For once I find myself in agreement with her.
However, our old pal, Jack didn’t mind aligning himself with these people. Surely the most repulsive group it’s possible to imagine, but when it comes to a bloke with “controversial” views its…
I know who I would rather have in our country…
Jonathan Freedland was at it again this morning in “The Long View” on Radio 4. Looking at previous attempts by demagogic businessmen to be come President of the USA: Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst, Charles Lindbergh. It seems they were all anti-semites who blamed the Jews for America’s problems. Obvious implication: Trump is the same, except he blames the muslims.
Obviously, they could not find a commentator who might put Trump’s point of view: such people do not exist, because Trump is evil. No-one in W1A could ever support Trump, therefore no decent person will ever vote for him. Oh, and Ed Miliband is Prime Minister isn’t he? Everyone in W1A voted for him.
Usual left wing hatchet job from the oh so clever Guardian columnist Mr Freedland.
bBBC 2’s Only Connect final last night: an interesting programme, spoiled by the self-obsessed presenter Victoria Coren. At the end, instead of showing us the winners’ trophy and asking them ‘how they feel’ in modern emoti-language, she told us about the mirror in her dressing-room. Typical of the me-me-me bBBC luvvies.
Not heard much about this one from the BBC.
Bloody ISIS using the downturn( as predicted by Balls PBUH) to justify “cuts”( you know the kind of cuts I`m talking about here-dotted around the necks of the unbelievers).
As if they`ve not got on their camels to look for work as Al Tebbit said. And the IS bosses do THIS?
No-these psychos need a deadly wage in line with explosion…sorry, a” Living Wage” in line with inflation…that`s it!
Sorry-but this will all be Thatchers fault, despite the good and well-intentioned efforts at equality and parity under Brown.
No-the British Government has GOT to step in…subsidise their Livid Wage with tax credits and protective body armour that our soldiers won`t be needing anymore…and, of course, tell the Chinese to stop dumping their “gentlemen of Asian appearance” onto our high streets to create jobs and feed us-not when OTHER Asians from further south seem more committed to moving us all more than Halfway to Paradise.
And seem more committed to enriching our water supply as well. They`ve certainly been removing our swans!
Bloody Tories-bloody cuts-I demand a restoration of full wages to Britains Auf Wiedersehen Pets as they toil in the desert sun on all our behalfs…are YOU caring enough to care about this campaign of mine?
Off to plan a Children In Need event to top up their wages…come with…bless!
Tell Corbyn, Abbott, McDonnell that there`ll be a picket line on Sirte beach next Friday after prayers-could be worth it, if we pack their orange suits for “health and safety reasons”
“You and Yours”, R4 is posing the question “What was it that led you to feel less foreign and more British?”
The more important question would be to ask true born English persons “At what point do you feel England turned into a third-world Islamic shithole?” No doubt there will be inane wonderings about the utility of speaking English in Britain.
Caught a bit of this ID.
And well done BBC on finding a white Zimbabwean to speak about what made him feel British.
Imagine Winifred Robinson was hoping it`d be when he paid his first TV License( are you surely-surely it costs more that THAT pittance for Dianne Abbots jerky chicken!).
YOu see-it`s elderly WHITE migrants from 2002 who are giving us all cause for concern-that tot of sherry that ends in A&E, refusing to use the self serve at the Co-Op?
And definitely Nothing to Do with Islam…got that?
In the spirit of poll post mortems( if Labour had won, would they now be doing enquiries into their victory?)-I give a few choices for “the first time I felt British”
a) when I got my student grant
b) when I had to buy my first TV License
c) first National Front Meeting
d) First time being threatened by black youth at a Rock Against Racism gig-luckily a few verses from Linton Kwesis Johnsons “Ing`lan is a bitch” got me off the 53 bus and to safety.
e) first dole queue interview
f) first five minute silence/applause over Emlyn Hughes or the Madrid bobbers
g) first time I was told that global warming was real, and there is no comedy in it-icebreakers stuck in the Antarctic as they moan at dwindling ice floes?…not funny!
h) First time Blair Peach got a free pass to heaven, but Keith Blakelock was not allowed to go as well.
i) When I saw that the BBC would trash MacAlpine, but pad out Saviles coffin…using our money on both occasions.
Well remember being in China a few years ago when everybodys mobiles had the same company song on them-something to do with a charity appeal for funding some disaster appeal.
The telly had the same stuff on the channels as well…very 1984.
What a joy then to hear both Radio 2 AND Radio 4 concurrently “banging on” about Camerons hope that Muslim women might one day be able to make their own NHS appointments, know how their many kids re doing in their many schools.
“Oh if only”…the Big Dream MLK surely took a bullet for.
And yet-phone ins and charity monkeys invited into the BBC, agitprop Muslim women we can`t see-seem to all speak as one.
Yes, be nice to speak English-but Cameron has no right to say anything with his millions to throw at them all.
Nothing to Do with Islam-and its misogynist too…and it picks on jihadis mums…and not the real problems like Donald Trump or Barry Humphries.
Of course…when BOTH barrels of Radio 2 and 4 are doing a stereo broadcast…suffice to say that the BBC see this one as one to stir the Bethnal Green potty…two exhaust pipes of liberal flatus and hot air…a skip with two exhausts is a wheel barrow.
Following on from that ban. And NO not on the BBC as ever. The EU is about to call web dissenters and Patriots ‘TROLLS’ and spending £2million on combating anti EU sentiments (i.e. lefties activated on facebook and on news websites (such as this one). MEP’s being gagged is just the start of Media blitz in advance of the UK’s referendum plan this year. You may already know the BBC propaganda unit is at full blast. Heir-to-Blair Cameron has also shoe-horned Labour grandee Peter Mandleson to do his dirty work (under Osbourne) Junckers the one party state dream moves one step closer to reality. The EU elite in complete denial that any problems exist. We are the resistance and they have the money.
Another thing that I have not heard about on the BBC is the spat between the Commission and the new Law and Justice party government in Poland who are tackling leftwing bias in the state broadcaster by sacking offending managers and “top journalists”. If only there were British politicians far-sighted enough to do the same to the BBC. The Germans in the form of that arrogant twat Martin Schultz seem to be behind the shit-stirring The German media is full of the threat to Rechtstaatlichkeit and “European values” in Poland and there is talk about loss of Poland’s EU voting rights and other chastisements. Looks a bit like payback for the Poles laughing at the complete and utter lunacy of Mad Merkel’s refugee policy or lack of “European solidarity” as the Germans would term it. The quicker we leave the EU lunatic asylum the better. I have heard Brexit mentioned only once in the past year on the ARD/ZDF. Pretending that Britain has a voice in Europe is complete and utter nonsense. As the Eurozone becomes more of a state in a vain attempt to paper over the difficulties of Germany and countries like Greece sharing the same currency, Britain will be even more irrelevant as Germany will determine what will happen in Europe.
DaveR. Maybe. I am not totally sure – but I think there may be both a word count (some of us rant on a bit -me sometimes! ) and specific offensive words (*) are automatically moderated (as in never appear). There is a slight delay in the evenings, but at 1pm (your time slot) should be clear to go. Could be a browser issue. I hate setting the Cookies.
Just watched the Daily Politics with the nasty, idiotic Reverend Giles Fraser as guest. On the Cologne rapes issue he thought that ‘it was a price worth paying, if it meant that millions of people persecuted in their own homelands could be saved’. I know he doesn’t believe in God so why the use of Biblical language ? The most effective way to ‘save’ them would have been to have left the various dictators that we have helped oust in place. The dictators may well have killed and tortured rebels and democrats but then , as Giles points out , what is the well being of a few, compared to that of the many! Particularly when these few are not your fellow country men and women. But clearly the best thing we could now is to finance safe and well provided for camps as close to the country of origin of those refugees who are genuinely fleeing from war. As to the economic migrants we should take none of them whatsoever. Having provided these camps we should then turn back all immigrants to Europe whether coming by sea or land.
The obnoxious Giles then went on to say that the UK should welcome as many immigrants as want to come ! The more the merrier, was his exact phrase. Only a leftist zealot could ignore the danger to his own people of advocating such an insane policy. In my view people like Fraser are much more damaging to the UK than folks like Trump. Of course throughout the programme he was allowed to rant without ever being asked any difficult questions by Ms Coburn. Has anyone else noticed how much more left wing and aggressive she is when Mr Neil isn’t there , the whole tenor of the programme is quite different without him. Its much more like the normal BBC leftist propaganda without him.
Giles Fraser is yet another example of the BBC/Guardian sponsored corps of rabble rousers, doing even more harm to his church than idiots like Welby and Williams. The true tragedy is that the CofE hasn’t got the bottle, or indeed common sense, to de-frock the wretch or pay for a quick conversion course at his nearest madrassa – but would he maintain his ‘thug for all seasons’ look with a straggly beard?
from wiki….
Jewish Dad, met the mohel but elected to become a Christian.
Close relationship with HM forces (lectured on “moral leadership”at Defence Acadamy, Shrivenham).
Stands up for gay rights in the C of E (award from Stonewall for “hero of the year” in 2012).
Propagates the atheistic writings of Friederich “God is Dead” Nietzche.
But thinks he`s a friend of Islam.
How is it that leftist intellectuals can be so gullible?
I couldn’t agree more with these comments on the BbC’s friendly priest. Priest???? I don’t think so. He’s so full of himself ever since he joined the merry band of wreckers and lefties outside St Pauls some years ago. And yes, why can’t the church defrock him? If he doesn’t believe in God, he shouldn’t be in the job!
Love the point made by Raheem that Giles argument about a few rotten apples should not be used to discredit the majority should also be applied to anti immigration lobby, Pegida etc, not sure JoCo liked that logic. But surely a great line to rebut the usual lazy cliches used to dismiss anti group think comments
Having just looked at the BBC social media, #theonlythingthatmattersintheworld is some billionaire black people did not get nominated for enough Oscars.
Agreed Guest Who,
I want to see greater diversity in the Premier League, the majority of the footballers seem to be black. This is currently disproportionate to our population. I regard this as rascist.
What do yu think about this then Albeeb? Any comment?
Classic Mark Steyn precise and acerbic in equal measure
… much better than this islamophile garbage from the BBC
BBC – David Cameron’s Muslim women policy ‘lazy and misguided’
BBC – Community reacts to Cameron’s Muslim women policy
“Mr Cameron has just noticed that 22 per cent of Muslim women in the United Kingdom speak little or no English, despite having lived there for decades. If you’re a Muslim female, the moment of silence can last for decades.
What’s Cameron proposing to do about it? Well, that’s all a bit more iffy:
Forcing all migrants to learn English and ending gender segregation will show we’re serious about creating One Nation.
Fifty years ago, aside from a few querulous Scots, Welsh and Ulster Catholics, you didn’t need to “create” One Nation, because you already had one. Anointing the most “gender segregating” culture on earth as your principal source of population growth is why you no longer have “One Nation”, and why you’re back starting from scratch. Good luck with that.
Mr Cameron has no serious intention of slowing the right of entry of masses of primitive misogynists into Britain, but in an hour or so he and his fellow MPs will be debating whether to ban Donald Trump. Like I said, satire is dead.”
Have you ever seen anything more pathetic in your life…oh yes I have, come to think of it; that footage of all those Met police running away from those protesting Muslims who threw traffic cones and hurled abuse at them.
A bit different to the way they policed that pro-hunting march some years back as I recall – middle aged women and old blokes being hit in the face and beaten.
It should have the “Yakety Sax” theme tune from the Benny Hill Show as a soundtrack. I think the police in almost any other country in the world would have sorted this piece of criminal scum out with a bit of hot lead.
Are you suggesting that the UK has been made so dangerous by immigration that our Police, for so long unarmed, now need to be armed as a matter of course?
Can you see any Politico admitting to that one?
“In my opinion the officers showed guts in containing him. They weren’t armed. ”
In this day and age, the concept of “unarmed police” is pathetically out of date. They couldn’t cope with a no mark with a knife, we all know what will happen when the muslim gun attacks come. A baton and a taser won’t make a blind bit of difference.
S`pose we`re now in a the Lefty Liberal world of Madness as they announce the results of an independent enquiry into why Labour lost.
Utter quackery-bogus gambling horseshit-unscientific guesswork-and all paid for by the chattering classes, bogus quangos and their dangleberry academix in their pay…social science phonies and MPs who barely leave the BBCs Bermuda triangle to ask the plebs what THEY think.
The election only showed that the Tories tend not to hang around Westfield with five kids, and a youth worker to advocate why Labour have all the answers-and only the BBC dares to dream of Pyongyang Sure Start for all.
No-the Tories were all at work, or had seen Bennett, Miliband and Sturgeon on the telly…and they`re not kamikaze lefties like the BBCs preferred “vox pox”.
Surely the polls influenced a lot of potential UKIP voters to vote Tory as they thought labour were in with a good chance. Had the polls shown the real percentages, the SNP threat wouldn’t matter and people would not feel that they had to vote Tory to prevent a labour/SNP coalition. If UKIP had then got an extra 4 million votes maybe they would now have 2 MPs.
Well, you say ‘lost’ Geoff, but doesn’t that pre-suppose some sort of elitist ‘winner’ scenario? This, as we know, can result in feelings of deprivation and peer group isolation, so surely the best result would be to call it a draw or even, in light of the fact that Jeremy is now so securely at the helm, a rather positive outcome?
The Midrash teaches us that “Whoever is kind to the cruel will end up being cruel to the kind.”
Destroying evil is perhaps the greatest act of kindness possible.
Israel supporters have become so used to anti-Israel bias by the BBC (and the rest of the main stream media) that some of the worst examples – like the BBC’s online report on the terrorist attack that killed Dafna Meir – pass by unnoticed (BBC Watch did report it but did not expose the points below). Indeed, since most terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians go completely unreported, there was some ‘satisfaction’ in the fact that the murder was reported at all (but note: it was not mentioned in any TV or radio broadcast and you will find it extremely hard to find the above article on the BBC website if you did not have the link or the exact title text to search for).
But let’s dig a little deeper into the headline and the article itself and note the following systematic tricks that are now so standard that we simply accept them as ‘normal’ to the extent that we have become anaesthetized to it and fail to see that the aim of these is to delegitimize Israel and dehumanize Israeli civilians:
So BBC News desk jockey suggests that Labour would have done better in General Election had not their supporters stayed at home mislead by errant polls into thinking the election was in the bag
Slightly off-topic but I’m fed up to the back teeth of the ‘Labour lost it’ narrative.
There is nothing shameful or negative about voting positively in favour of a smaller state, strong defence, low taxes, pro-business, self-reliance, living roughly within one’s means, Euro-cautious if not sceptic.
The bBBC of course just cannot countenance this possibility.
They just drool over the student lefty, big government, high taxes, high borrowing, centralist, collectivist, nationalising, statist, nanny knows best, CND-loving, pro-luvvie, anti-entrepreneurial alternative – which time and again fails and bankrupts the country.
I remember 1968 (devaluation) and 1976 (IMF bailout) and not just 2009.
“This was a tough budget. It had to be” – Roy Jenkins, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1968.
“There is nothing shameful or negative about voting positively in favour of a smaller state, strong defence, low taxes, pro-business, self-reliance, living roughly within one’s means, Euro-cautious if not sceptic.”
I am in favour of all those things, I only wish Call Me Dave’s “Conservative” party was too.
What is slang, where does it come from, and which subjects attract the most slang words? Michael Rosen and Dr Laura Wright thrash it out with lexicographer of slang and swearing Jonathon Green.
Rosen talks about place names ‘when he was at Oxford’. Wright couldn’t recall the same useage when she was there, neither can Green.
What slang do you remember when you were ‘up’ at Oxford?
A bit off topic but related to immigration and the LEFT who almost bankrupted Britain. Many French families live in my part of London. They are usually white refugees from Paris who are strong supporters of the English and quite Patriotic (of France and England). When I occasionally ask them what is the ‘problem’ with France there is usually a silence before almost tears roll. They are well educated and speak good English (better than I do) and have young small families in prams etc. ‘Its everything’, they usually explain (me being a bit baffled). That is when we get into French Politics, the over arching state bureaucracy, the high youth unemployment (impossible to hire anyone as you cannot ‘sack’ anyone for incompetence), lazy lead swingers enjoy full paid state benefits, French farmers get paid to do nothing (so called set-a-side), the Muslims on benefits everywhere, the threat of inner city Muslim violence (as here but worse in certain areas), attacks on Catholics and Jews (now under Police protection), the French elite (distant and remote) and Hollande (in particular for being Communist and hopeless). France is in meltdown. Hollande is indeed as useless as Corbyn. France is on the edge. As in Germany they have had enough. There are NO JOBS in France. This is an emergency entirely of the LEFT’s making. They will certainly claim extra emergency EU funding but it will not cure the disease. The disease has spread everywhere.
I listened to Fatty Feltz standing in for Jeremy Whine on his show today, discussing the immigrants who are unable to speak a word of English even though they’ve been here for fifty years and have to use their kids as interpreters.
There was never an opportunity provided for an indigenous British person to express the views of what a huge number of people think about this: that it is outrageous that immigrants can come and live in our country as British subjects, for decades, and not be able to speak our language even at the most basic level.
I switched off after about twenty minutes, it was just a parade of immigrant offspring talking about how they translated for their fathers or mothers, in their interactions with schools, doctors, hospitals, councils etc etc.
Al beebus seems to be getting worse and worse, most of its TV output is unwatchable and there is a Progressive slant put on virtually everything it does.
I could hear bits of this in the dentist’s torture chamber (the noise of the drill kept interrupting).
I’m sure I heard at the start some sarky smartass telling us how useless the ENGLISH are at speaking foreign languages.
Then someone who commented that there shouldn’t be a need for the enriching ladies in question to speak English when they live in a multicultural society.
Then the one you mention whose parents came over in the fifties and he had to keep taking time off school to go and interpret for them. When asked why his parents had never learned the language he explained they had too much on their plate, too many challenges in a new country including their jobs. It would obviously have been far too rude if not xenophobic to ask how the hell they could hold down a job without speaking a word of English. So we never found out.
PM Tonight. Labour report on why it loss the election last year ( Thank God) . One of the key findings is that Labour did not have a media strategy. Really, almost everyone on this site thought that the Labour media strategy was the BBC! With the power of the BBC four square behind them Labour probably thought that they didn’t need a strategy. After all we know that Labour high command had secret meetings with the BBC big wigs. It just goes to show how little the British people think of Labour if, even with the might of the BBC on their side, they can’t be persuaded to vote Labour. No doubt there will be many more secret meetings between Labour and the corporation in the run up to 2020. Unless of course the Tories do the sensible thing and emasculate the BBC before then.
Oscars 2016: David Oyelowo and Don Cheadle join diversity critics
More bleating about diversity and representation from some black Americans. The BBC of course are happy to follow the story as it ticks a box.
The BBC are obsessed with percentages – if there are X percent of black people therefore there must be X percent black politicians, celebrities, actors etc. It just doesn’t work that way, it’s a socialist daydream. Black people somehow think just to exist is sufficient to warrant jobs, position, awards, rewards etc. Some believe black skin is some sort of passport. would just mention one word – ability. That’s what you need to succeed in this world. (unless your name is Lenny Henry of course)
If blacks make up about 10 percent of the English population then each premiership football team should have one black player. To have more than one is racism.
If 20 percent are gay then each team must have 2 gays.
50 percent are women so therefore……..etc.etc.etc.
Lefty logic.
So, if a black is nominated or wins an Oscar next year because of the outcry this year, they will start moaning again because they will consider it as a ‘token’ gesture. I know I’ve said it previously, but perhaps they don’t cut the mustard to those on the judging panel.
Nigel, speaking to the EU, again. Poor bloke – why do the BBC not broadcast this? I know – because it’s the truth – something they don’t approve of, and avoid at all possible costs:
They don’t broadcast this, so that interminable lefties can pop up on BBC QT & AQ and pedal the myth, that Nigel takes his MEP salary and does nothing.
Don`t know about you, but I might be better inclined to take the BBCs nightly rants against “incompetence”-of Banks, of businesses, of (even) the useless Tories-if only they showed some basic competences themselves.
Tonights slagging off , of Mark Carney and the Bank Of England by Eddie Mairs PM programme was typical.
Imagine if the rates of sterling depended on a decent phone line…or share prices might be affected by the simple inability to talk down a secure line to the traders elsewhere.
Not that the BBC could imagine this-for all their money comes from the money tree, and selling off their gaffs and bloops via Dennis Norden or such.
But out here in real life-these things matter-and if the BBC can`t even communicate a few miles to a fully pimped up radio car that we pay for, then I`ll take no lessons from any of them about the Bank or Tescos being inefficient.
The BBC are a hypocritical shambles…just as well that they are let nowhere near any technology that matters like finance or heart monitors,,,they only THINK that their Heath Robinson incompetence is cute or forgivable.
Self-important scum. Still using coat hangers on their radio cars and pretending they are TV detector vans I expect.
Also featured on the jovial Mr. Mair show was more coverage of the inquest into why Labour lost the election. (does anyone outside al beeb care ?). To their credit, they did acknowledge the SNP factor, Ms. Studgeon’s mantra “weeeer gonna lorke the toooories out of number 10” didn’t actually help but crucially “we need to drill down into the narrative” was the main thrust of the piece, fascinating !!! Next they’ll be telling us we need a “nuanced debate”
What is interesting is that just after the election, al beeb told us the Tories (can they actually use the word Conservatives) had a tiny majority that would only last a couple of months, we don’t seem to be hearing that “narrative ” anymore.
Stupid lad chops his hand off because he believes he blasphemed against the alleged prophet of Islam. BBC sends a sympathetic female reporter called Urdu Iram Abasi to interview him. It turns out that the gormless lad does not mind chopping off his hand to please the alleged prophet, and all the stupid buggers in the village are celebrating. No criticism from the BBC.
Imagine what they would say if it occurred in a a Christian Bible thumping church in the US.
You have to understand the depth of feeling about blasphemy in Pakistan. See, can we now tackle those racists over here who object to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.
Would anyone be remotely surprised if Al-Beebs “One show” was secretly sponsored by the Guardian newspaper?….It’s just remorseless left wing dross, that dares to masquerade itself as an “entertainments programme”……Whatever the left wing meme of the day, you can rest assured that the “One show” will be highlighting it fully, manipulating and smearing their point of view with venomously, and as these leftists inherently do, with a false and friendly smile on their faces….
I didn’t think the One show could possibly sink any lower – Yet now some Guardianista luvvie, has shortlisted the bile for some sort of “light entertainment” award, and now every chance the presenters get, they’re pleading for their mug audience to get on line and vote for them….Jeez Louise can BBC “prime time” sink any lower?
And I see that one of its ex-presenters is not fairing too well in his new venture. If the press is to be believed, New Top Gear is struggling, Evans can’t talk and drive, he spews when being driven by a woman, the woman who chose him for the role has ‘left her position’ and David Couthard has shown the program the the V sign.
I may be wrong I’m getting the feeling that Evans is coming over all 1997 again, still the three amigos must be having a bloody good laugh, I can’t be the only one who hopes this fails miserably….
Well I leap for the remote when I hear the music at 7pm – selly telly is preferable viewing to watching and listening to the inane utterings of some welsh totty and her hyper side kick. Its Sun reader tele as far as I’m concerned – all pictures and no substance.
BBC still yet to comment on a riot in Heesch where the Dutch residents protested against 500 migrants dumped in their berg.
Riot shields, arrests, bloody angry residents and a council meeting closed down. But nothing on the Beeb. I wonder if they will be pushed in to it by other media organisations.
Rather like Cologne where the BBC, with a main office 1.5 km away from Cologne cathedral, didn’t report the mass rape for days.
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What a nasty ‘streaky’ that person must have. I bet if he gets caught he will ‘ham’ it up.
Sometimes it is so easy to misread a tweet or headline. I thought a bacon sandwich had attacked a mosque.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. A so-called ‘religion’ whose advocates are so insecure in their faith that the tiniest little show of opposition or contrariness leads to an inevitable infantile cry-baby reaction which they can only verbalise as ‘offence’.
For anyone with true faith, the fact that others criticise or poke fun at them would not bother them in the slightest. Why should it?
I try to feel sorry for the victims of Islam, but I must say I think individuals are responsible for their own thoughts and actions. In a civilised culture there just is no room for toddler tantrums when things don’t go all their way. Just like with toddlers, their antics should not be indulged but instead it should be firmly explained that such behaviour is unacceptable.
They need to grow up.
Not going to happen, only those with a childlike mind will believe the mumbo-jumbo.
What needs to “be explained” is “There is the door, close it on your way out”.
Despite the apparent recent territorial gains, Islam is on the way to extinction. The male elders know this.
Hence the increased repression.
Girls born into Islam, but then exposed to cosmetics, modern clothes, mobile phones, and the other, often tacky, goods of Western consumerism, want some themselves. They sure as hell do not want to live indoors wearing sheets.
Bye bye Islam, you will not be missed.
Let’s hope you are right. Islam is a cancer on the world.
The only sense it is a ‘great’ religion, is in the same way that smallpox was a ‘great’ virus. Certainly widespread, virulent, easily spread and dangerous to sufferers and other around them. Great? No.
22:00 news and the b-shit continues. The scum at the BBc are now suggesting that if anyone fails the English test they will be deported although I thought the line was that the result would be taken into account. Maybe this was just a quick review and not the full story .
On to the ban Trump debacle. In the brief clip Tulip didn’t exactly seem to be doing any “tearing apart”, Unlike the mid day news they omitted to mention the second largest petition. So is this..”story only featured in our news in brief and as such did not go in to detail”
The comment on Breitbart was that the attack was like being savaged by a dead sheep.
Breibart need to stop the plagiarism.
The dead sheep remark was made by the late, unlamented, Labour Soviet agent (thank god the **** is dead); Geoffrey Howe was the subject of the remark.
Luckily, according to the photos provided by BBC South West we can see that the sinister far right thugs hung around outside the Mosque on a Sunday in broad daylight taking selfies under the gaze of the CCTV with no attempt to cover their faces, and one of them wore a jacket with a St George cross on it and, just to be sure, they had time to tie a St George flag onto the railings too, whilst or before throwing the infamous sandwich.
Anyone else think this behaviour a little odd for “extremists” intending to run a campaign of harassment? Nice to know the Police who have no resources can swing into action when someone throws a sandwich. They can’t find who it was who stole and burnt out one of our neighbors cars, or stop any of the idiots here driving around in untaxed , un MOTd cars. Nor did they get the foreign taxi driver who was working without a licence when he ran down and killed our sister and law jailed, although if these guys get caught I bet they do get jailed In fact I haven’t seen a police man around here for years
Tracy Dullman show 2 and it’s consistent. yes absolutely nothing funny in it from beginning to end.
We gave up the Ullman show after the sketch pretending to be Judy Dench putting whole loo rolls down the loo at The Ritz. What was that about and why was it supposed to be funny?
And could somebody explain to me if telephone salesman idol being trailed on BBC1 is supposed to be a comedy? Has the BBC really run out of programme ideas in which case it should be pensioned off now.
Nothing to see here (apart from a shoulder chip), move along.
Have to like the the ‘review of our membership recruitment’: ‘No whites, no Irish, no dogs’?
She said such a move was not “unprecedented” for the Academy, and that in the 60s and 70s younger members were recruited and that today’s mandate was about inclusion: “gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation”.
Funny, I thought it was all about putting in a great acting performance.
FFS is it never ending?
If they spend millions and the show bombs – are you going to complain?
CECUTT is just waiting for any such negative input to add to the ban tally.
Sadly not neilw.
They have truly gone med there at the creative wing of the BBC.
That includes news and current affairs these days…for they are as creative(albeit in a fomalised, totally predictable Marxist style that satisfies themselves-and f** the rest of us).
It`s like Dick and Dom decided to seedcloud the BBC with Russell Brand “humour” and all learn now to vogue Oxbridge Student Uni postures, whilst coining in fat salaries for their massagings and embeddings.
Utterly predictable who`s on…who gets the conch shell,,,who`s in the dock…who gets to shout over the others..and totally unfunny, retarded leftism mushed in with agitprop soundspeaks as tinny as a Budapest loudspeaker on a suburban train platform.
No OTHER line of culture would regard a Brigstocke, a Steel, a Thomas, a Hardy and Brand, Howard as “funny”…they`d have to get out of the BBC and earn their won living.
No-never ending swill leftism…while doing rather well out of it in their Shoreditch mews dwellings.
And as they insist on shwoing us their curled stools of output-while screeching at us to ensure the pasta is wholewheat, as they scatter glitter over the glued collage…Islamic State await, and these clowns prefer to pretend that THEY have an answer in their studied compassions and reflux gutless acquiescence.
Lose them-or lose your country, say I…
Well, in ‘Dickensian’ they’ve given us a black Artful Dodger so why not?
Maybe by the end of the series Bill Sikes will be undergoing ‘gender re-assignment’, Nancy – suitably Burqa’d – will have converted to Islam, whilst Scrooge will be giving away most of his fortune to set up an environmentalist group determined to raise awareness about the nascent climate change threat (as evidenced by the omnipresence of snow).
Funny you should say that-“eastenders nancy” the blonde publicans daughter, is thinking of converting to eeeeslaarm. Bbbc-the gift that keeps giving eh!
On the BBC News website today we have a ‘senior news editor’ called Jawad Iqbal to teach us about muslims in the UK and to ‘clear up some of the myths and misconceptions’ that Jawad claims are held by the non-muslim population. Thanks for that Jawad.
I don’t know where Jawad’s roots lie or how or why he was given his BBC job, but it appears to me that he and his fellow UK dwelling muslims, or should I say ‘muslims now dwelling in England’ ( Jawad’s comments on the distribution of UK muslims tells us what we already know), appear to have a few myths and misconceptions of their own about English people. here are just a few that I would choose to put Jawad Iqbal:
a) that the English people now trust the BBC and the rest of the ‘British’ media. They do not.
b) that the English people now trust most of those engaged in ‘British’ politics or local government. They do not.
c) that the English people believe that employment by the BBC, or any other sector of the ‘British’ media, grants those employees the right to assume that they possess superior moral standards to those of the rest of the population. They do not.
c) that the English people are happy to be forced to pay £145.50 per annum of taxed income to finance an endless stream of muslims to peddle the myths of their victimization in England or their fabrications of muslims as a long standing part of the history of England. They are not. They were not.
d) that the English people should accept that social housing built in England, and financed by the taxes paid by the population that existed before muslims from various parts of the world decided to move here, is now occupied by 28% of the muslim households who now live in England. We do not. Most of us are appalled and horrified that this was permitted to happen at the expense of those who already lived here.
e) that all current English people are connected to the slave trade and the colonization of other countries. They were not. Most of those with English ancestry are the descendents of poor people who worked on the land and half of those ancestors were women who had no say in the rules of the man made religions to which they were subjected during their time on earth. The long struggle of English women to escape from that dominance is rendered meaningless and pointless in a future England where men of alien ethnicity can use the man made rules of their religion as an excuse to import alien women to serve as their submissive slaves.
f) that millions of English people, whose current existences on earth were moulded by the memories of two world wars in which their ancestors suffered and died because they believed that their homeland was worth fighting for, now choose to be integrated with muslim peoples from villages in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia etc. They do not. They share nothing in the way of history, culture or religion and are hostile to a religion and culture that treats women as second class citizens or, even worse, submissive slaves. Those who can are actively fleeing.
Jawad states in his article (under the heading ‘Deprivation’, of course) that ‘fewer (muslim) women work’. As an English woman, I would like to question why Jawad Iqubal is so keen to portray women brought by muslim men to live in England as more victims of the English people than they are of the men who imported them. Jawad conveniently sidesteps the question of why muslim countries and ‘communities’ produce girls, brides and mothers who are ignorant, illiterate, baby producing machines and, in doing so, both abolves muslim men from any sense of responsiblity and completely ignores the financial burden placed on the English people for the financing of healthcare, education and, eventually, state pensions of those girls, brides and mothers who the men chose to import.
Jawad Iqbal, along with the wide and peculiar crew of ambitious men and women from every place who are now fighting for dominion over this patch of land called ‘England’ probably feel a great sense of pride in the levels of control that they now exert, encouraged by the able assistance of the those who work for the controllers of the vast and strange organizations of the UN and the EU, along with some Irish and Scottish people who feel a particular sense of historical grievance against England, over the English people. Basically it seems that they seek to destroy the thing that attracted them. But that is how it must be. Politics and religion are the great destroyers of human beings and places of beauty. The only thing that is certain is that Jawad Iqbal is just a tool. His usefulness to the powers who control this world lies in his desire to crush those who dared to hope for something better. When he and the others of his ilk have succeeded in their act of destruction, the powers that control the world will dispense with their services. And, in the meantime, millions of people will have suffered as they always have throughout history. How sad.
I look forward to the day when Al Beeb produces an article with the headline “When did the last muslim leave Britain”. Sadly, I suspect the headline will be more like “When did the last white man leave Britain”.
Maybe we can soon be treated to ‘Jawad & Tulip Go Large’?
They share nothing in the way of history, culture or religion …………
I would say this was your key point Pillar in a circle, it sums everything up. If ever I’m faced with comments about “the NHS wouldn’t function without them” – I then ask “how many of ’em had fathers or grandfathers that fought in the second world war for this country, or worked their guts to the bone in a height of 3′ down a coal mine ?” that usually ends the conversation.
Great Britain ‘the cradle of democracy’ where there are attempts to ban freedom of speech by a petition signed by 574,000 signatures. How many of these are signed by members of a certain religion? Hardly a representation of the majority of the population of this kingdom.
(Another) long post warning.
Watching the repeat of Monday’s Daily Politics 18/1/16. Shocking bias in their introduction including Donald Trump’s remarks (edited) about the entry of Muslims into the USA.
The BBC showed Donald Trump speaking at a lectern, quoting a press release statement from his campaign.
”…Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown on Muslims entering the United States, ….. at which point Trump’s sentence is cut short in favour of a voiceover from presenter Jo Coburn. Pretty inflammatory statement huh! Could get the blood temperature raised a bit. Tweeters could be tweeting their tweets within minutes, seconds even! And who’s on the sofa? Dan Hodges (facepalm) and Owen Jones (facepalmx1000).
Only, had the BBC been impartial, the viewers would have been given the full sentence up front:
”Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown on Muslims entering the United States, until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
This unedited quote was given at approx. 52 minutes into the programme, 50+ minutes of twitter time. (Reminder – Our representatives have not explained ‘what the hell is going on’ and don’t appear to have ‘figured it out’. If they have, I missed it.)
After this fuller quote Natalie Bennet (Green) gave an explanation as to why she would qualify to be banned from the UK. David Coburn MEP (UKIP) gave some rational introduction to the delicate BBC audience of the principles of common sense and free speech (in couched language, on tip-toes), and that Trump should be listened to. Natalie Bennet confirms that she is a fascist though. Bennet vs Trump – I’d love to hear that debate!
Now, in the context of the statistics relating to the victims (fatalities only) of terrorist acts (excluding unquantifiable victims of ‘honour killings’, capital punishment for adultery, apostasy, homosexuality and blasphemy in Islamic societies.) the full sentence is blunt, but rational and logical. The following is a Wiki page, (that I do not endorse), but indicates that many people are dying at the hands of those who submit to Islam – Muslims.
And from the BBC themselves, an example month – November 2014. (Yes that is 5072 deaths in one month.)
For governments to fulfil their role of minimising risks to those they represent, then surely if Mr Trump
is incorrect, this could be explained to those whose primary concern is for their friends and families living in free, law abiding western, open societies. Especially to those who have been personally touched directly or indirectly, by such horrific incidents as 9/11, 7/7, Paris 2016 x 2… see the list above for a plethora of other examples.
Not talking about this issue (The correlation between submission to Islam and the terrorising crimes of mass murder, murder, rape, mutilation subjugation of women, amongst others) and politicians avoiding engaging in the real issues of the security of our people, of our values, of our Law, and of our inherited property rights, of which we are mere custodians for those to come, is moral and mental cowardice.
Whatever the merits of Trump’s approach to ‘….a shutdown….until ’, what should be of concern to our Representatives and a ‘free media’ are the facts. Evidence and correlation. We get pouting, populist hype, irresponsibility and avoidance.
As to the issue of whether Trump should be banned from the UK? I can’t believe this is a matter for discussion in England – with a nod to Voltaire who quoted another wise dude who I will (mis)quote, “I might not like what you say, but defend to the death your right to say it.” In the cold light of day, Trump’s concern is for the welfare and security of the citizens of the USA – an ally in history, culture and law. He should be heard! As matter of courtesy to all those Americans who support him, whose values of freedom, liberty and opportunity are enshrined in a noble Constitution backed by a Bill of Rights. Our lack of courtesy as presented to the world through our MSM and politicians, is shameful cowardice.
I’d like to know from Trump’s detractors ‘What the hell is going on?’ When I hear a clear logical explanation from them, I’ll agree that Trump’s ‘shutdown idea’ is wrong. I haven’t heard such an explanation – can anybody help, because the hell of Islamic terrorism is touching more people as time passes and people from the middle east and Africa are on the move (Thanks Ms Merkel!) and we need to be talking about it, not name calling or banning Mr Trump, or talking about banning Mr Trump so as to avoid talking about Islamic violence, in all its forms.
For clarity, here is his live unadulterated presentation including the polling statistics which, ought to concern any rational persons. Listen, think, and contemplate. He’s not a polished politician and shoots from the hip (or lip), but the issue is much bigger than one man, however clumsily he might be giving voice to ordinary honourable citizens with real, genuine concerns – but stop shooting the messenger!
Best wishes to Mr Trump – in no-one’s pocket, no puppet, no strings. (My ‘favoured’ Rep. hasn’t attracted the public’s attention sufficiently, but I’m an Englishman so it’s none of my business really.) Obama will soon be handing on the baton. Hilary Clinton is the real Clear and Present Danger to those who value western civilisation, who value freedom and peace. You can be assured the BBC will fly Hilary’s flag though and let you know that she’s good and nice (left, Democrat) and Trump/Cruz is evil and nasty (far right, Republican).
I’ll be voting leave, I’ll be voting UKIP, and I’ll be ‘talking about it’.
The words which followed ‘until’ had not been heard by the MPs who debated a ban on Trump, as most of them spoke as if he called for a permanent ban. BBC propaganda by omission certainly takes in our stupid MPs.
Time to send the likes of T May, D Cameron,” Tulip ” Siddiqi, and K Vaz aline and all the other
blowing with the wind asswipes this …
Watch, learn … and stop lying
Half asleep listening to R5L about 6:39. Discussion about residents who don’t learn English after long period in the UK. And the example given? Greeks, yes – Greeks! Tens of thousands of South Asian women cannot speak English after years in the country and yet our liberal luvvies think that Greeks are the problem! Now how many long term Greek residents do you think cannot speak the language – I’d suggest approximately none yet we mustn’t pick on the poor muslims must we? That would be islamophobia. The interviewee went on to say that the NHS couldn’t survive without immigrants (but that’s a discussion we’ve had many times on here) seemingly forgetting the strain on finances due to the use of interpreters (for all those Greeks donch’a know)
They will do anything to avoid offending Muslims at the BBC, they are the true islamophobes….so scared of them they won’t even mention them, unless it’s to praise or defend them.
And, it has to be said, with good reason.
Hold the front page. Important breaking news!
MI5 named UK’s most gay-friendly employer after survey
Alternatively, some may feel that frankly my dear, they don’t give a damn.
White heterosexuals are too open to blackmail by foreign agents……
“Tell us everything Bond, or we’ll say you made a racist, homophobic joke”
Will that be the Idris Elba Bond ??
I’ll pack me bag…
Nothing changes, (The Cambridge Spies) in the security services, or at the BBC.
The EU and its BBC cheerleader is trying to make it clear to the Polish people that it is unacceptable to elect centre right governments. The BBC describing the result as Polands “lurch to the right”
The Germans having dictated to Facebook what can be said on social media are now telling the Poles also what they are allowed to think. Such policies should help the UK Brexit vote, please keep at it Brussels and Berlin.
And the recent article on Breitbart suggesting the EU’s influence on credit rating downgrade for Poland has a ring of truth about it. Shocking, but unsurprising for a ruthless, totalitarian organisation.
Interesting word, ‘lurch’.
I guess it must be ok if it’s in the BBC Editorial Integrity Guidelines.
Clearly no space for ‘eschews left wing oblivion’.
Reference Trump.
Anyone else notice that in the Al Beeb coverage they show the clip where he says (I forget the exact words) “no muslims should be allowed to enter the USA” and they carefully cut it just there. But he had not finished the sentence, which ended “until we figure out what’s going on”.
It puts a rather different slant on things, but obviously it suits the Al Beeb agenda not to portray that.
Deliberate bias by deliberate editing.
See my post above for reference to this blatant bias from the BBC.
Sorry AMUN, I took advantage of your long post warning. Independent comment rather than plagiarism is the result. But always good to know that the same bias is spotted by several of us.
“What the hell is going on” was of course said in the context of the aftermath of the Paris bombings.
Remarkably disengenuous piece from BBC Breakfast this morning on the report into the hash that pollsters made of the pre General Election polls.
Of course this morning the BBC went big on their own much vaunted (by themselves) Exit Poll – surely it is the actual real live voting result compared with opinion polls prior to election day that is at question here?
And, by the way, an exit poll can have no bearing on voting intentions – so the inaccuracy or possible manipulation of such a poll is a moot point in terms of our democratic process – but anyway the BBC love themselves and want to tell us how they got something right.
In terms of the report out today our Teddybear Turnbull and Lulu Minchin tell us the pollsters got it wrong “because they talked to too many Labour supporters and not enough Conservative supporters” – another great No-Shit-Sherlock moment brought to our screens care of the BBC.
I’m still wondering WHY the pollsters got it wrong. I will have to find out whether today’s report gives us an answer or not from some other news source. The BBC just sprained its own shoulder patting itself on the back then delivered a meaningless platitude.
Clearly our national broadcaster has no interest whatsoever in the notion that conservative-minded people may be routinely under represented in our media. I wonder why that could be?
On R4 PM last night Eddie Socialist signalled an item where they were going to try and find people who may have ‘wrongly’ voted Tory at the election because of the inaccurate opinion polls.
I carried out my still-democratic rights and switched the radio off.
It turns out that Tories/UKIP do all those selfish radical things like a. go out to work b. go out to visit friends c. go out to enjoy themselves. Labour supporters do societally-useful altruistic things like a. stay in b. not work c. watch lots of TV provided by our esteemed impartial state broadcaster. So when the pollster knocks on the door or rings up, hey presto there’s a massive swing to Labour, and the bBBC get the result they want. Except on the day it really matters, luckily for us.
I always enjoy the term “Shy Tories” used by pollsters. Why not “Brash Labour” or “Ostentatious Liberals” or even “Tactless Greens” ?
The explanation I heard on Today this morning was that conservative voters were all too old and suspicious to answer pollsters via telephone and too doddery and techno-hopeless to do so on-line. This was trotted out with cheerful thoughtlessness as if the people it insulted weren’t real or perhaps just not capable of understanding the insult.
As pointed out below, the answer to polling bias in favour of labour is that conservative voters tend to either put the phone down when contacted or click ‘no thanks’ on their web browsers when approached. Surely the wonderful thing about the 2015 Election was that despite all the BBC pro-labour bias, seemingly reinforced by polls, people actually voted for a conservative government. I can’t have been the only person wondering why a majority of voters seemed to want an incompetent characterless moron like Red Ed. I need not have worried! Common sense prevailed.
Maybe the BBC should do a study into why biased news coverage doesn’t sway election results? Or could it be that they simply aren’t interested? Their pro-left bias continues so clearly they willfully want to learn nothing from the 2015 election outcome.
The BBCs late election polls coverage continued to delight me this morning.
The older people voted conservative, yes that`s right, mature people voted conservative (UKIP too, though their 3.8 million voters disappeared completely from the script), whilst younger people voted labour, yes that`s right too, less mature people vote labour and being less mature like to tell everyone about it `cos my vote really counts yeah?!
I look back on my own life and see that as I matured, found myself in supervisory roles at work, had to deal with disciplinary issues and trades unionists prepared to defend the indefensible, discovered the way in which certain cards were played to avoid work or discipline whilst the ordinary decent staff just doggedly got on with it… voting pattern changed too.
This is why, if Labour get their way, the voting age will be lowered.
Over the years I’ve been asked twice how I intended to vote. My reply on both occasions was “By secret ballot”. They put me down as “Don’t know”. They didn’t know, but I did.
On the R4 Toady programme (appx 6.40am) all us Tory/UKIP voters were described as ‘Victor Meldrews’ for telling pollsters where to get off. “The only way to improve the polls was to hammer away at the Victor Meldrews !!” they said.
If they stopped and thought about it a bit, the reason us Victors told the pollsters to FO was that we have had them ‘on-the-knocker, on-the-phone and in-the-street for the past 40+ years, in addition to the parties themselves.
While the young, gobby, left are only too pleased to speak out for themselves and everybody else as usual;
it seems they were the only ones to record their views. Surprise, surprise.
May explain why the Labour party now have a extremist lefty ‘knob’ as leader.
I don`t believe it!
Yes, I vividly remember during election week, that loads of students were interviewed on their way to McDonalds, and were asked who they were going to vote for – with one voice they said the “Green Party”. The clip was shown constantly, so was this down to the ‘children’ running things in the Gallery of Sky/BBC news ??
“HYS birds rarer than hen teeth”. Down here in W!Aland ecologists are claiming the HYS is now on the endangered list and may go the same way as the dodo and the albeeb editorial blog bird. While no Al Beeb senior twitcher was available for comment, it seems rampaging far right mobs have been slaughtering the HYS on sight, and the few remaining ones are being confined for their own safety.
I cannot believe the bBC is still analysing the general election result:
I’m sure they’d do the same thing if it had swung the other way.
By the way, did anyone else notice on the night of the election that the bBC’s coverage was behind that of ITV. Even though it was obvious the Conservatives had won, the last seat (pro-Tory) was on ITV long before the bBC caught up and announced it. Memory’s a bit hazy, but I kept switching back and forwards to see when the bBC would finally concede defeat for their beloved Laborious and I’m certain it was at least twenty minutes. bBC prides itself on its news, but I remember being at home on 9/11 and thinking that Five’s coverage was far better – they even got the (on that day) rare footage of the first plane going into the towers before the beeb go it.
Dave R
And this is in the context of a newsroom with more ‘journalists’ than the whole of what we used to call Fleet Street put together, and many times more than ITV/ITN. Absolutely pathetic waste of our money, and an appallingly low level of productivity with which no private business could survive.
What really riled me was that,when Ed Balls was defeated, the bBBC spoke over and failed completely to show any of the winning candidate’s address, but went back to Balls for his losing address in full.
The dreadful bBBC were even at that stage in total denial.
My favourite moment of the 2015 G. Election was seeing Huw Edwards chewing wasps the day after when he had to announce a Conservative win. Priceless.
It’s very noticeable that many items only appear on the BBC – broadcast or web – some time after other media outlets have covered them. Or, the initial report is only a headline or the vaguest of details, even though other outlets are reporting facts, names and so on. The BBC has access to the exact same press agencies as everyone else (Reuters, AFP, AP etc), plus its own sources, as well as huge internal resources. So why the persistent delays? Is it because news items have to be carefully checked to see if they fit the narrative, censored and modified as appropriate? Yes, I know – it’s a rhetorical question.
There definitely seems to be a rule about crime – if it turns out to be a white man who is the perp or suspect, then names/pictures etc are released straight away. For criminals of darker skin you normally have to wait until the court case is over, when some idiot judge usually gives them a ludicrously light sentence.
Chan 5 News is ITN too , although , a different production team . Yes both ITN & Sky much better , I was SO pleased that the Evil BBC , got the , “You Boys, Took a Hell of a Kicking” . Ha fucking Ha .
I’m not sure if this is BBC bias or the public sector, as every single one of the businesses featured is Muslim owned ! To be honest I have no issue with counterfeit goods providing the buyer knows they are hooky and are not being ripped off with a shoddy copy.
I remember seeing the Turkish guy selling some nice ‘replica’ Rolexes (and they were nice!) getting turned over by a van load of riot Police. Totally over the top, as only the officer left the van, and the rest of them sat there having a laugh & a joke for the next hour plus, completely wasting their time & our money.
And all for what? The guy wasn’t harming anyone. His replicas which cost anything up to £100 and were much better than the usual, wasn’t passing them off as the real deal, so the only people the Useless Brigade were working for was Rolex, based in Switzerland, and purveyors of expensive unreliable crap (I know I’ve owned one!) which thanks to sharp practice can only be repaired in Switzerland!
Iraq conflict: UN documents ‘staggering’ violence (by IS)
Read the story and consider that 1.5 million so-called Brits support so-called Islamic State.
There’s the rub.
The BBC are in full “get Trump” mode. Today we’ve had The Long View which reached the clear consensus that “The Donald” was completely unelectable. There’s a similar programme in about a week’s time which, I’m guessing, will reach a similar conclusion. Poor old Don, he must be shaking in his boots…
Yesterday we had the Parliamentary debate about allowing him into our country. Tolerant left wing MP’s battled each other to display their progressive credentials by insisting he should be banned. The most strident were those broad minded folk of the SNP. Oh and of course we had the usual gaggle of Muslims who didn’t want him here. Such tolerant people…
Let’s be honest, the Tories weren’t much better. This lot really are a feeble bunch. Winston and Enoch must be spinning in their urns. Even those who thought he should be allowed couched their opinions in such a way that we knew this fellow was about as welcome as a fart in a lift.
One name did jump from the pages of The Guardian this morning. Jack Dromey. Husband to the fragrant Harriet, hard line lefty and champion of the under dog. He said, “Trump shouldn’t be let within 1000 miles of our shores.” So, no beating about the bush there.
I always find it interesting how progressive lefties have their own particular hate fetishes. Don’t forget that Jack, Harriet, and Patricia Hewitt were high ranking advisers at Liberty, long before Shami came on the scene. They supported / condoned an organisation called The Peadophile Information Exchange. Members of this charming group thought it was fine to have sex with four year olds. Others wanted no age restraint whatsoever. They were a sort of pressure group for peados. Shami Chakrabati, who has just left Liberty, has said that it was deeply shaming that Liberty had given these people any support at all. For once I find myself in agreement with her.
However, our old pal, Jack didn’t mind aligning himself with these people. Surely the most repulsive group it’s possible to imagine, but when it comes to a bloke with “controversial” views its…
I know who I would rather have in our country…
Our Jack is the BBC’s kind of guy. And the enemy of their friend is their enemy.
Interesting indeed who they don’t have a problem with, mind.
Jonathan Freedland was at it again this morning in “The Long View” on Radio 4. Looking at previous attempts by demagogic businessmen to be come President of the USA: Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst, Charles Lindbergh. It seems they were all anti-semites who blamed the Jews for America’s problems. Obvious implication: Trump is the same, except he blames the muslims.
Obviously, they could not find a commentator who might put Trump’s point of view: such people do not exist, because Trump is evil. No-one in W1A could ever support Trump, therefore no decent person will ever vote for him. Oh, and Ed Miliband is Prime Minister isn’t he? Everyone in W1A voted for him.
Usual left wing hatchet job from the oh so clever Guardian columnist Mr Freedland.
bBBC 2’s Only Connect final last night: an interesting programme, spoiled by the self-obsessed presenter Victoria Coren. At the end, instead of showing us the winners’ trophy and asking them ‘how they feel’ in modern emoti-language, she told us about the mirror in her dressing-room. Typical of the me-me-me bBBC luvvies.
Not heard much about this one from the BBC.
Bloody ISIS using the downturn( as predicted by Balls PBUH) to justify “cuts”( you know the kind of cuts I`m talking about here-dotted around the necks of the unbelievers).
As if they`ve not got on their camels to look for work as Al Tebbit said. And the IS bosses do THIS?
No-these psychos need a deadly wage in line with explosion…sorry, a” Living Wage” in line with inflation…that`s it!
Sorry-but this will all be Thatchers fault, despite the good and well-intentioned efforts at equality and parity under Brown.
No-the British Government has GOT to step in…subsidise their Livid Wage with tax credits and protective body armour that our soldiers won`t be needing anymore…and, of course, tell the Chinese to stop dumping their “gentlemen of Asian appearance” onto our high streets to create jobs and feed us-not when OTHER Asians from further south seem more committed to moving us all more than Halfway to Paradise.
And seem more committed to enriching our water supply as well. They`ve certainly been removing our swans!
Bloody Tories-bloody cuts-I demand a restoration of full wages to Britains Auf Wiedersehen Pets as they toil in the desert sun on all our behalfs…are YOU caring enough to care about this campaign of mine?
Off to plan a Children In Need event to top up their wages…come with…bless!
Tell Corbyn, Abbott, McDonnell that there`ll be a picket line on Sirte beach next Friday after prayers-could be worth it, if we pack their orange suits for “health and safety reasons”
I wonder if the English Isis lot are sending money from their salaries home to their families. Money coming in to the Country.
“You and Yours”, R4 is posing the question “What was it that led you to feel less foreign and more British?”
The more important question would be to ask true born English persons “At what point do you feel England turned into a third-world Islamic shithole?” No doubt there will be inane wonderings about the utility of speaking English in Britain.
Caught a bit of this ID.
And well done BBC on finding a white Zimbabwean to speak about what made him feel British.
Imagine Winifred Robinson was hoping it`d be when he paid his first TV License( are you surely-surely it costs more that THAT pittance for Dianne Abbots jerky chicken!).
YOu see-it`s elderly WHITE migrants from 2002 who are giving us all cause for concern-that tot of sherry that ends in A&E, refusing to use the self serve at the Co-Op?
And definitely Nothing to Do with Islam…got that?
In the spirit of poll post mortems( if Labour had won, would they now be doing enquiries into their victory?)-I give a few choices for “the first time I felt British”
a) when I got my student grant
b) when I had to buy my first TV License
c) first National Front Meeting
d) First time being threatened by black youth at a Rock Against Racism gig-luckily a few verses from Linton Kwesis Johnsons “Ing`lan is a bitch” got me off the 53 bus and to safety.
e) first dole queue interview
f) first five minute silence/applause over Emlyn Hughes or the Madrid bobbers
g) first time I was told that global warming was real, and there is no comedy in it-icebreakers stuck in the Antarctic as they moan at dwindling ice floes?…not funny!
h) First time Blair Peach got a free pass to heaven, but Keith Blakelock was not allowed to go as well.
i) When I saw that the BBC would trash MacAlpine, but pad out Saviles coffin…using our money on both occasions.
Well remember being in China a few years ago when everybodys mobiles had the same company song on them-something to do with a charity appeal for funding some disaster appeal.
The telly had the same stuff on the channels as well…very 1984.
What a joy then to hear both Radio 2 AND Radio 4 concurrently “banging on” about Camerons hope that Muslim women might one day be able to make their own NHS appointments, know how their many kids re doing in their many schools.
“Oh if only”…the Big Dream MLK surely took a bullet for.
And yet-phone ins and charity monkeys invited into the BBC, agitprop Muslim women we can`t see-seem to all speak as one.
Yes, be nice to speak English-but Cameron has no right to say anything with his millions to throw at them all.
Nothing to Do with Islam-and its misogynist too…and it picks on jihadis mums…and not the real problems like Donald Trump or Barry Humphries.
Of course…when BOTH barrels of Radio 2 and 4 are doing a stereo broadcast…suffice to say that the BBC see this one as one to stir the Bethnal Green potty…two exhaust pipes of liberal flatus and hot air…a skip with two exhausts is a wheel barrow.
Sometimes the BBC takes its PR role (for Labour, Greenpeace, any activist group…) just that smidge too far.
I bet they thought the Trump debate was the bestest best thing evva, too.
I do notice this one the home page, under a picture of a dejectED:
Behind the headlines
Why were the election polls so wrong
They mean in what they predicted, clearly.
Not appeared on the BBC yet. MEPs gagged on questions concerning safety of lorry drivers at Calais. It might offend the migrants.
Following on from that ban. And NO not on the BBC as ever. The EU is about to call web dissenters and Patriots ‘TROLLS’ and spending £2million on combating anti EU sentiments (i.e. lefties activated on facebook and on news websites (such as this one). MEP’s being gagged is just the start of Media blitz in advance of the UK’s referendum plan this year. You may already know the BBC propaganda unit is at full blast. Heir-to-Blair Cameron has also shoe-horned Labour grandee Peter Mandleson to do his dirty work (under Osbourne) Junckers the one party state dream moves one step closer to reality. The EU elite in complete denial that any problems exist. We are the resistance and they have the money.
Another thing that I have not heard about on the BBC is the spat between the Commission and the new Law and Justice party government in Poland who are tackling leftwing bias in the state broadcaster by sacking offending managers and “top journalists”. If only there were British politicians far-sighted enough to do the same to the BBC. The Germans in the form of that arrogant twat Martin Schultz seem to be behind the shit-stirring The German media is full of the threat to Rechtstaatlichkeit and “European values” in Poland and there is talk about loss of Poland’s EU voting rights and other chastisements. Looks a bit like payback for the Poles laughing at the complete and utter lunacy of Mad Merkel’s refugee policy or lack of “European solidarity” as the Germans would term it. The quicker we leave the EU lunatic asylum the better. I have heard Brexit mentioned only once in the past year on the ARD/ZDF. Pretending that Britain has a voice in Europe is complete and utter nonsense. As the Eurozone becomes more of a state in a vain attempt to paper over the difficulties of Germany and countries like Greece sharing the same currency, Britain will be even more irrelevant as Germany will determine what will happen in Europe.
Posted a comment here about an hour ago and it’s disappeared. Anyone else had that problem?
DaveR. Maybe. I am not totally sure – but I think there may be both a word count (some of us rant on a bit -me sometimes! ) and specific offensive words (*) are automatically moderated (as in never appear). There is a slight delay in the evenings, but at 1pm (your time slot) should be clear to go. Could be a browser issue. I hate setting the Cookies.
Just watched the Daily Politics with the nasty, idiotic Reverend Giles Fraser as guest. On the Cologne rapes issue he thought that ‘it was a price worth paying, if it meant that millions of people persecuted in their own homelands could be saved’. I know he doesn’t believe in God so why the use of Biblical language ? The most effective way to ‘save’ them would have been to have left the various dictators that we have helped oust in place. The dictators may well have killed and tortured rebels and democrats but then , as Giles points out , what is the well being of a few, compared to that of the many! Particularly when these few are not your fellow country men and women. But clearly the best thing we could now is to finance safe and well provided for camps as close to the country of origin of those refugees who are genuinely fleeing from war. As to the economic migrants we should take none of them whatsoever. Having provided these camps we should then turn back all immigrants to Europe whether coming by sea or land.
The obnoxious Giles then went on to say that the UK should welcome as many immigrants as want to come ! The more the merrier, was his exact phrase. Only a leftist zealot could ignore the danger to his own people of advocating such an insane policy. In my view people like Fraser are much more damaging to the UK than folks like Trump. Of course throughout the programme he was allowed to rant without ever being asked any difficult questions by Ms Coburn. Has anyone else noticed how much more left wing and aggressive she is when Mr Neil isn’t there , the whole tenor of the programme is quite different without him. Its much more like the normal BBC leftist propaganda without him.
Giles Fraser is yet another example of the BBC/Guardian sponsored corps of rabble rousers, doing even more harm to his church than idiots like Welby and Williams. The true tragedy is that the CofE hasn’t got the bottle, or indeed common sense, to de-frock the wretch or pay for a quick conversion course at his nearest madrassa – but would he maintain his ‘thug for all seasons’ look with a straggly beard?
Giles is another example of an innocent abroad.
from wiki….
Jewish Dad, met the mohel but elected to become a Christian.
Close relationship with HM forces (lectured on “moral leadership”at Defence Acadamy, Shrivenham).
Stands up for gay rights in the C of E (award from Stonewall for “hero of the year” in 2012).
Propagates the atheistic writings of Friederich “God is Dead” Nietzche.
But thinks he`s a friend of Islam.
How is it that leftist intellectuals can be so gullible?
I wonder if he’d prefer to be crucified, burnt alive or thrown from a tall building (maybe St Paul’s?) when the time comes?
I’m joking of course, he’d revert to islam in a heartbeat.
He’s already converted
I couldn’t agree more with these comments on the BbC’s friendly priest. Priest???? I don’t think so. He’s so full of himself ever since he joined the merry band of wreckers and lefties outside St Pauls some years ago. And yes, why can’t the church defrock him? If he doesn’t believe in God, he shouldn’t be in the job!
He’s way up there on my bingo list of groans!
Love the point made by Raheem that Giles argument about a few rotten apples should not be used to discredit the majority should also be applied to anti immigration lobby, Pegida etc, not sure JoCo liked that logic. But surely a great line to rebut the usual lazy cliches used to dismiss anti group think comments
Bill Maher suggested that as there are so many rotten apples in Islam perhaps we ought to examine the orchard.
I think it may have been a cherry tree but we could do with young George Washington’s axe.
It is not only here in the UK that notice the BBC Bias:
Jewish Honest Reporting website, (USA/UK), complains again about BBC Bias:
Palestinian Terrorism No Longer Deemed Newsworthy?
Having just looked at the BBC social media, #theonlythingthatmattersintheworld is some billionaire black people did not get nominated for enough Oscars.
The BBC is one sick puppy.
Agreed Guest Who,
I want to see greater diversity in the Premier League, the majority of the footballers seem to be black. This is currently disproportionate to our population. I regard this as rascist.
What do yu think about this then Albeeb? Any comment?
The boy accused of blasphemy who cut off his hand
And anyone who sees a problem with introducing this kind of mindset to Europe by the millions is a racist…
Classic Mark Steyn precise and acerbic in equal measure
… much better than this islamophile garbage from the BBC
BBC – David Cameron’s Muslim women policy ‘lazy and misguided’
BBC – Community reacts to Cameron’s Muslim women policy
“Mr Cameron has just noticed that 22 per cent of Muslim women in the United Kingdom speak little or no English, despite having lived there for decades. If you’re a Muslim female, the moment of silence can last for decades.
What’s Cameron proposing to do about it? Well, that’s all a bit more iffy:
Forcing all migrants to learn English and ending gender segregation will show we’re serious about creating One Nation.
Fifty years ago, aside from a few querulous Scots, Welsh and Ulster Catholics, you didn’t need to “create” One Nation, because you already had one. Anointing the most “gender segregating” culture on earth as your principal source of population growth is why you no longer have “One Nation”, and why you’re back starting from scratch. Good luck with that.
Mr Cameron has no serious intention of slowing the right of entry of masses of primitive misogynists into Britain, but in an hour or so he and his fellow MPs will be debating whether to ban Donald Trump. Like I said, satire is dead.”
Wonder what might happen if there was a Paris style attack in the UK? Well here’s what happens when one single migrant meets 11 of Britain’s finest.
Have you ever seen anything more pathetic in your life…oh yes I have, come to think of it; that footage of all those Met police running away from those protesting Muslims who threw traffic cones and hurled abuse at them.
A bit different to the way they policed that pro-hunting march some years back as I recall – middle aged women and old blokes being hit in the face and beaten.
Hardly the SPG are they?
It should have the “Yakety Sax” theme tune from the Benny Hill Show as a soundtrack. I think the police in almost any other country in the world would have sorted this piece of criminal scum out with a bit of hot lead.
He had a large knife. What would you have done? Pepper spay is no good when he’s running at you.
In my opinion the officers showed guts in containing him. They weren’t armed.
Perhaps a fully loaded pump action shotgun may have helped the officers
Are you suggesting that the UK has been made so dangerous by immigration that our Police, for so long unarmed, now need to be armed as a matter of course?
Can you see any Politico admitting to that one?
“In my opinion the officers showed guts in containing him. They weren’t armed. ”
In this day and age, the concept of “unarmed police” is pathetically out of date. They couldn’t cope with a no mark with a knife, we all know what will happen when the muslim gun attacks come. A baton and a taser won’t make a blind bit of difference.
Strange. They don’t seem to have that level of cowardice when it comes to ‘right-wing’ anti-islam demos?
That’s because thy know for now a “right wing” demonstrator is unlikely to be tooled up.
S`pose we`re now in a the Lefty Liberal world of Madness as they announce the results of an independent enquiry into why Labour lost.
Utter quackery-bogus gambling horseshit-unscientific guesswork-and all paid for by the chattering classes, bogus quangos and their dangleberry academix in their pay…social science phonies and MPs who barely leave the BBCs Bermuda triangle to ask the plebs what THEY think.
The election only showed that the Tories tend not to hang around Westfield with five kids, and a youth worker to advocate why Labour have all the answers-and only the BBC dares to dream of Pyongyang Sure Start for all.
No-the Tories were all at work, or had seen Bennett, Miliband and Sturgeon on the telly…and they`re not kamikaze lefties like the BBCs preferred “vox pox”.
Surely the polls influenced a lot of potential UKIP voters to vote Tory as they thought labour were in with a good chance. Had the polls shown the real percentages, the SNP threat wouldn’t matter and people would not feel that they had to vote Tory to prevent a labour/SNP coalition. If UKIP had then got an extra 4 million votes maybe they would now have 2 MPs.
The way the BBC are reporting it across all platforms, it was Labour that lost the election, not the Tory’s who won it.
I can’t recall such post mortems in 1997, 2001 and 2005….
Well, you say ‘lost’ Geoff, but doesn’t that pre-suppose some sort of elitist ‘winner’ scenario? This, as we know, can result in feelings of deprivation and peer group isolation, so surely the best result would be to call it a draw or even, in light of the fact that Jeremy is now so securely at the helm, a rather positive outcome?
Absolutely, that was the point I was trying to make, you get an overwhelming sense of entitlement in the way the ‘inquest’ is being reported.
Roland at 3:38pm
Sounds like a game of Simon Says gone horribly wrong. Sorry, that should have read Sa’id Says.
The Midrash teaches us that “Whoever is kind to the cruel will end up being cruel to the kind.”
Destroying evil is perhaps the greatest act of kindness possible.
Israel supporters have become so used to anti-Israel bias by the BBC (and the rest of the main stream media) that some of the worst examples – like the BBC’s online report on the terrorist attack that killed Dafna Meir – pass by unnoticed (BBC Watch did report it but did not expose the points below). Indeed, since most terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians go completely unreported, there was some ‘satisfaction’ in the fact that the murder was reported at all (but note: it was not mentioned in any TV or radio broadcast and you will find it extremely hard to find the above article on the BBC website if you did not have the link or the exact title text to search for).
But let’s dig a little deeper into the headline and the article itself and note the following systematic tricks that are now so standard that we simply accept them as ‘normal’ to the extent that we have become anaesthetized to it and fail to see that the aim of these is to delegitimize Israel and dehumanize Israeli civilians:
So BBC News desk jockey suggests that Labour would have done better in General Election had not their supporters stayed at home mislead by errant polls into thinking the election was in the bag
Slightly off-topic but I’m fed up to the back teeth of the ‘Labour lost it’ narrative.
There is nothing shameful or negative about voting positively in favour of a smaller state, strong defence, low taxes, pro-business, self-reliance, living roughly within one’s means, Euro-cautious if not sceptic.
The bBBC of course just cannot countenance this possibility.
They just drool over the student lefty, big government, high taxes, high borrowing, centralist, collectivist, nationalising, statist, nanny knows best, CND-loving, pro-luvvie, anti-entrepreneurial alternative – which time and again fails and bankrupts the country.
I remember 1968 (devaluation) and 1976 (IMF bailout) and not just 2009.
“This was a tough budget. It had to be” – Roy Jenkins, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1968.
“There is nothing shameful or negative about voting positively in favour of a smaller state, strong defence, low taxes, pro-business, self-reliance, living roughly within one’s means, Euro-cautious if not sceptic.”
I am in favour of all those things, I only wish Call Me Dave’s “Conservative” party was too.
Sluff, how right you are!
Radio 4 Word of Mouth discusses slang:
What is slang, where does it come from, and which subjects attract the most slang words? Michael Rosen and Dr Laura Wright thrash it out with lexicographer of slang and swearing Jonathon Green.
Rosen talks about place names ‘when he was at Oxford’. Wright couldn’t recall the same useage when she was there, neither can Green.
What slang do you remember when you were ‘up’ at Oxford?
Isn’t BBC ‘diversity’ wonderful!
Would ‘merchant banker’ be good enough slang to use when referring to Michael Rosen?
A bit off topic but related to immigration and the LEFT who almost bankrupted Britain. Many French families live in my part of London. They are usually white refugees from Paris who are strong supporters of the English and quite Patriotic (of France and England). When I occasionally ask them what is the ‘problem’ with France there is usually a silence before almost tears roll. They are well educated and speak good English (better than I do) and have young small families in prams etc. ‘Its everything’, they usually explain (me being a bit baffled). That is when we get into French Politics, the over arching state bureaucracy, the high youth unemployment (impossible to hire anyone as you cannot ‘sack’ anyone for incompetence), lazy lead swingers enjoy full paid state benefits, French farmers get paid to do nothing (so called set-a-side), the Muslims on benefits everywhere, the threat of inner city Muslim violence (as here but worse in certain areas), attacks on Catholics and Jews (now under Police protection), the French elite (distant and remote) and Hollande (in particular for being Communist and hopeless). France is in meltdown. Hollande is indeed as useless as Corbyn. France is on the edge. As in Germany they have had enough. There are NO JOBS in France. This is an emergency entirely of the LEFT’s making. They will certainly claim extra emergency EU funding but it will not cure the disease. The disease has spread everywhere.
I listened to Fatty Feltz standing in for Jeremy Whine on his show today, discussing the immigrants who are unable to speak a word of English even though they’ve been here for fifty years and have to use their kids as interpreters.
There was never an opportunity provided for an indigenous British person to express the views of what a huge number of people think about this: that it is outrageous that immigrants can come and live in our country as British subjects, for decades, and not be able to speak our language even at the most basic level.
I switched off after about twenty minutes, it was just a parade of immigrant offspring talking about how they translated for their fathers or mothers, in their interactions with schools, doctors, hospitals, councils etc etc.
Al beebus seems to be getting worse and worse, most of its TV output is unwatchable and there is a Progressive slant put on virtually everything it does.
I could hear bits of this in the dentist’s torture chamber (the noise of the drill kept interrupting).
I’m sure I heard at the start some sarky smartass telling us how useless the ENGLISH are at speaking foreign languages.
Then someone who commented that there shouldn’t be a need for the enriching ladies in question to speak English when they live in a multicultural society.
Then the one you mention whose parents came over in the fifties and he had to keep taking time off school to go and interpret for them. When asked why his parents had never learned the language he explained they had too much on their plate, too many challenges in a new country including their jobs. It would obviously have been far too rude if not xenophobic to ask how the hell they could hold down a job without speaking a word of English. So we never found out.
‘Educate and inform’. Yeah, right.
Talking of immigrants who don’t speak English, can anyone beat this couple from Bradford?
Quote – ‘they moved here in 1965’
PM Tonight. Labour report on why it loss the election last year ( Thank God) . One of the key findings is that Labour did not have a media strategy. Really, almost everyone on this site thought that the Labour media strategy was the BBC! With the power of the BBC four square behind them Labour probably thought that they didn’t need a strategy. After all we know that Labour high command had secret meetings with the BBC big wigs. It just goes to show how little the British people think of Labour if, even with the might of the BBC on their side, they can’t be persuaded to vote Labour. No doubt there will be many more secret meetings between Labour and the corporation in the run up to 2020. Unless of course the Tories do the sensible thing and emasculate the BBC before then.
Oscars 2016: David Oyelowo and Don Cheadle join diversity critics
More bleating about diversity and representation from some black Americans. The BBC of course are happy to follow the story as it ticks a box.
The BBC are obsessed with percentages – if there are X percent of black people therefore there must be X percent black politicians, celebrities, actors etc. It just doesn’t work that way, it’s a socialist daydream. Black people somehow think just to exist is sufficient to warrant jobs, position, awards, rewards etc. Some believe black skin is some sort of passport. would just mention one word – ability. That’s what you need to succeed in this world. (unless your name is Lenny Henry of course)
If blacks make up about 10 percent of the English population then each premiership football team should have one black player. To have more than one is racism.
If 20 percent are gay then each team must have 2 gays.
50 percent are women so therefore……..etc.etc.etc.
Lefty logic.
So, if a black is nominated or wins an Oscar next year because of the outcry this year, they will start moaning again because they will consider it as a ‘token’ gesture. I know I’ve said it previously, but perhaps they don’t cut the mustard to those on the judging panel.
Does anyone give a toss about the Oscars ?
No watching it is slightly less interesting than watching the grass grow.
Nigel, speaking to the EU, again. Poor bloke – why do the BBC not broadcast this? I know – because it’s the truth – something they don’t approve of, and avoid at all possible costs:
They don’t broadcast this, so that interminable lefties can pop up on BBC QT & AQ and pedal the myth, that Nigel takes his MEP salary and does nothing.
The finger-on-the-pulse BBC never fail to report the big and most pressing stories –
Don`t know about you, but I might be better inclined to take the BBCs nightly rants against “incompetence”-of Banks, of businesses, of (even) the useless Tories-if only they showed some basic competences themselves.
Tonights slagging off , of Mark Carney and the Bank Of England by Eddie Mairs PM programme was typical.
Imagine if the rates of sterling depended on a decent phone line…or share prices might be affected by the simple inability to talk down a secure line to the traders elsewhere.
Not that the BBC could imagine this-for all their money comes from the money tree, and selling off their gaffs and bloops via Dennis Norden or such.
But out here in real life-these things matter-and if the BBC can`t even communicate a few miles to a fully pimped up radio car that we pay for, then I`ll take no lessons from any of them about the Bank or Tescos being inefficient.
The BBC are a hypocritical shambles…just as well that they are let nowhere near any technology that matters like finance or heart monitors,,,they only THINK that their Heath Robinson incompetence is cute or forgivable.
Self-important scum. Still using coat hangers on their radio cars and pretending they are TV detector vans I expect.
Also featured on the jovial Mr. Mair show was more coverage of the inquest into why Labour lost the election. (does anyone outside al beeb care ?). To their credit, they did acknowledge the SNP factor, Ms. Studgeon’s mantra “weeeer gonna lorke the toooories out of number 10” didn’t actually help but crucially “we need to drill down into the narrative” was the main thrust of the piece, fascinating !!! Next they’ll be telling us we need a “nuanced debate”
What is interesting is that just after the election, al beeb told us the Tories (can they actually use the word Conservatives) had a tiny majority that would only last a couple of months, we don’t seem to be hearing that “narrative ” anymore.
Stupid lad chops his hand off because he believes he blasphemed against the alleged prophet of Islam. BBC sends a sympathetic female reporter called Urdu Iram Abasi to interview him. It turns out that the gormless lad does not mind chopping off his hand to please the alleged prophet, and all the stupid buggers in the village are celebrating. No criticism from the BBC.
Imagine what they would say if it occurred in a a Christian Bible thumping church in the US.
You have to understand the depth of feeling about blasphemy in Pakistan. See, can we now tackle those racists over here who object to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.
One arm bandit.
Would anyone be remotely surprised if Al-Beebs “One show” was secretly sponsored by the Guardian newspaper?….It’s just remorseless left wing dross, that dares to masquerade itself as an “entertainments programme”……Whatever the left wing meme of the day, you can rest assured that the “One show” will be highlighting it fully, manipulating and smearing their point of view with venomously, and as these leftists inherently do, with a false and friendly smile on their faces….
I didn’t think the One show could possibly sink any lower – Yet now some Guardianista luvvie, has shortlisted the bile for some sort of “light entertainment” award, and now every chance the presenters get, they’re pleading for their mug audience to get on line and vote for them….Jeez Louise can BBC “prime time” sink any lower?
And I see that one of its ex-presenters is not fairing too well in his new venture. If the press is to be believed, New Top Gear is struggling, Evans can’t talk and drive, he spews when being driven by a woman, the woman who chose him for the role has ‘left her position’ and David Couthard has shown the program the the V sign.
I may be wrong I’m getting the feeling that Evans is coming over all 1997 again, still the three amigos must be having a bloody good laugh, I can’t be the only one who hopes this fails miserably….
Well I leap for the remote when I hear the music at 7pm – selly telly is preferable viewing to watching and listening to the inane utterings of some welsh totty and her hyper side kick. Its Sun reader tele as far as I’m concerned – all pictures and no substance.
The One Show is utter shite.
BBC still yet to comment on a riot in Heesch where the Dutch residents protested against 500 migrants dumped in their berg.
Riot shields, arrests, bloody angry residents and a council meeting closed down. But nothing on the Beeb. I wonder if they will be pushed in to it by other media organisations.
Rather like Cologne where the BBC, with a main office 1.5 km away from Cologne cathedral, didn’t report the mass rape for days.