Oh and buried in the BBC Europe section…”A 26-year-old Algerian asylum seeker has become the first suspect to be arrested over alleged sexual offences in Cologne on New Year’s Eve…”
Well, I was not expecting THAT!
Fez tip to the good people of Algeria…we simple racists had the groper fuhrers of DumPlatz in Cologne as Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis or Turks…even Egyptians who gave us the Tahrir Bumps as done by 1000 men.
The Algerians were 25-1 as NOT the first bunch to get a council house and an electronic tag…so well done there in Algiers eh?
I watched anothe bit of the VD show this morning. Quite baffling segment on radicalisation of the usual suspects. The white English woman literally spoke gobbledegook,. Klingon would have been more comprehensible. She sounded like a teaching blobby. Why do they inflict this rubbish on us?
And VD used to speak so clearly. Dropped consonants now I.m sorry to say.
Nice to see some Germans have not lost their sense of humour during the ” refugee” crisis. Peter Dreier the head of the Landshut District Authority in Bavaria has sent a bus load of 52 “refugees” directly to Merkel’s Bunker (Kanzleramt) in Berlin with the personal message “Wir schaffen es nicht, versuchen Sie es selber”.
“The woman behind the reinvention of the new Top Gear series featuring Chris Evans has quit her role as controller of BBC Two and BBC Four.
Kim Shillinglaw, 47, is leaving and her post will be closed, with Charlotte Moore – who was behind the commissioning of The Great British Bake Off – becoming the new controller of BBC TV and iPlayer.”
And on tonight’s bBBC PC bingo aka 10pm news we have
1. Incarnation of evil-Trump AND Palin. Tick
2. Fergal Keane masturbating in front of asylum seekers in Turkey. Tick
3. Not enough Blacks at the Oscars. Tick.
4. Evil Tories, this time unfairly winning the election because of dodgy polls. Tick
Heard a trailer for a forthcoming R4 programme called ‘America’s Politics of Paranoia: The Trump Phenomena’. They played the truncated and wholly misleading version of Trump’s comment about banning Muslim immigration until the problems were sorted out. This was discussed above.
The BBC is deliberately and knowingly trying to influence opinion in a manner that it would not have dared to do 20 years ago. This organisation is now a danger to this country and needs to be rodded out.
The BBC, and the rest of our media are very good at this.
Remember Margaret Thatcher’s ‘There is no such thing as society’, (leaving the bit about ‘society’ being made up of individuals, i.e. ‘society’ doesn’t pay the bills, ‘you’ do), or Norman Tebbit’s ‘Get on your bike’, (actually about his father)?
If the facts don’t fit the agenda just leave them out and replace them with what they ‘should’ have been.
— I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand “I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!” or “I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!” “I am homeless, the Government must house me!” and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. – MT
I grew up in the 30s with an unemployed father. He didn’t riot; he got on his bike and looked for work and he kept looking ’til he found it. – NT
Well turned over to BBC news just in time to see the growing clamor over the oscars. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35352218 Who is Don Cheadle? Hey here’s an idea maybe none of the diverse were good enough. BBc interview Steve Mcqueen , no not the talented one he passed away in 1980.
Missed the start of the news as I was watching phone shop idol. I was convinced it was a comedy and in a way it is. Err yes some more “high quality” programming. No actually it was crap, but there are another 5 parts to show!
I see BBC4 are doing a gleeful hatchet job on the crusades, and how wonderful the Muslim defeat of the Christians was.
You can almost see the limp-wristed presenter salivating at the Islamic victory rather than celebrate the West liberating the Holy land and the trade routes.
I do believe that this will be your LAST CHANCE to sign this petition as it is being presented to Parliament tomorrow ?
Lets see what our present government does about this. Its going to be interesting ?……………………. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
And quickly followed by Katy Razzel on news night telling us in sombre tones that darkness may be descending in Poland now that the new “right wing” conservative government is starting to make “radical changes”. Apparently they have imposed ” controls” on the state media and sacked a few judges. And, shock horror, they are siding with the Hungarian PM and proposing stronger border controls and even “fences”…. The evil swine. However, much much worse, they have offended Brussels to the extent that they have been warned that ” democracy is being threatened”. Oh my God Katy how absolutely awful !
Here, is the thing though Katy, I have been watching your one sided lefty emotional crap on the German sex crimes by the medieval Muslim invaders most days since Christmas, so what I assume from your drivel above is that the Polish media is stuffed to the gills with deluded liberal clowns like the BBC etc and that the stables are now being mucked out. Ditto the judiciary, presumably stuffed with human rights lovers and violent criminal wrist slappers.
http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/01/19/calls-for-boycott-academy-awards-are-growing-over-oscars-second-straight-year/ Now being reported on BBc news 24. “Lilly white” mmm I wonder what would happen if anyone were to use the phrase coal black? What they need to do is create a special category , with larger number than the other catagories combined, where only special people can be nominated and then things would be much fairer. Personally I haven’t been to the cinema in many years now just because there is nothing that has made me interested enough to go.
It’s just before 7am on Wednesday morning. Looking at the BBC ‘news’ website. On the front page, my computer screen is displaying 12 items. Of these, 7 – more than half – have a Muslim or migrant theme, including such gems as ‘Asylum housing doors to be repainted’ and the ever popular ‘I do not regret chopping off my hand’. Even Pakistan’s national daily, The Dawn, carries less explicitly Muslim-themed news.
Several of the other items reflect other obsessions: a multi-millionaire actor speaks out against ‘corporate greed’ and a report on the ongoing attempts to further racialise Hollywood (when did you last see a movie that didn’t have a black lead character?). So, three quarters of the home page reflect the interests of the junior common room rather than the real world.
“…a multi-millionaire actor speaks out against ‘corporate greed’…”
That would be the multimillionaire DeCaprio – currently smarming his way around the world’s credulous ‘meeja’, doubtlessly impressing them all with his astounding grasp on the intricacies of climate science, astrophysics, geophysics, etc, etc. Who would have imagined such a celebrated actor-for-hire could also be such a technically accomplished scientist? Wherever this sage, this seer, goes in the world he is greeted with fawning ‘meeja’, barely able to restrain themselves from heaping upon him gilded accolades and awe.
None of them ask him any awkward questions about, say, the inherent hypocrisy presented by his situation: an unimaginably wealthy property owner endlessly crisscrossing the world between his various homes and places of work who somehow feels it his duty to insist that it’s everyone else (the little people) who are ‘causing’ something he refers to as ‘climate change’. Whenever he speaks on this subject the media lose any last scintilla of objectivity or integrity they might ever have possessed – DeCaprio can say whatever he likes, wherever he wants, about ‘climate change’ and nobody – absolutely nobody – in the press pack will ever put the man on the spot, or call him out on his conspicuous hypocrisy.
The BBC are really pushing this story! The EU is planing to change the rules that ‘migrants’ have to claim asylum in the first safe country. The proposal is that the ‘migrants’ can roam at will unhindered throughout Europe and that they DON’T have to claim asylum in the first safe country! Overnight places like ‘The Jungle’ would become legal, in effect big transfer lounges.
So breakfast. The shortage of teachers story re surfaces again, this one is in it for the long haul I think. Back to migrants messing around in boats same old same old they even bring up a picture of dead Syrian kid on the beach…yet again.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
Kirkwood is on the roof doing the forecast I’m not sure why you would stand around in the cold instead of in the studio, but hey that’s just me.
What could have been played as a human interest funny/ironic story the Beeb decided to make it another Muslim victim one and to have ago at the Prevent strategy (probably useless, but worth a try).
bBBC Today Programme- Jon Sopel who is supposed to be an impartial reporter on US politics finds it ‘difficult’ to say President Trump. Unfamiliar maybe but if we are going to get even a vestige of impartial reporting on the US primaries Sopel is going to have to overcome his aversion to politics on the right of the spectrum, as is his employer.
Have the Today team on Radio 4 mistaken the 20th of January for. April Fool’s Day? Apparently, there is a sinister plot “up North” somewhere to house newly arrived refugees in houses with red doors!! making it all too easy for racists to target them. It’s comforting to know that racists are not making snap decisions on who to harass based on the ubiquitous “North African/Arab appearance” or noting who has just arrived in their “community” wearing IS garb. No wonder so many refugee reception centres have been burnt down in Germany. Doors with the same colour!! What a give away. You really couldn’t make it up.
This story particularly appealed to the bBBC not only because of the immigration line (though that would have been enough for them) but also because the contractors work for G4S, one of the bBBC’s favourite long-standing targets. And recently also in the bBBC spotlight for (totally unacceptable btw) abuse at -what was it? – a young offender’s institution?
G4S responded by sacking the perpetrators on the spot, and we also remember full publicity of a G4S cock-up at the London Olympics over staffing. Two board members were gone within a few months.
So G4S may be a bit useless but at least they have accountability.
Accountability. There’s a word not in the bBBC phrase book – nor in most public sector institutions – HMRC, Environment Agency, mid Staffs NHS, Southern NHS to name but four.
The hypocrisy is staggering – but so totally expected from our statist collectivist broadcaster.
ID. April Fool’s Day? Like it – happens a lot actually, doesn’t it.
So a contractor – whoever that is – will repaint all the doors a different; a contractor who will buy paint in bulk and so presumably paint the doors all in the same colour? Errm…is that right then? Maybe they could use those little tester pots you can buy. Even better, let the occupants all choose their colour!!
Moaners Hour is up to its biased hypocritical best this morning, with a report and an interviewee who wants to deny fathers access to their children when ever the mother feels uncomfortable with contact being awarded. The basis they are using for this is that some fathers have killed their children post divorce.
Note the difference in the Fascist lefts twisted logic when applied to white men. Gone is the Russian Roulette “Well they’re not all like that” gone is the allegations of supporting bigotry used to justify the silence over the rape of women by Muslims in Germany.
The woman on the program said that the reason her ex gave was that women have all the rights, and men have none, which she then stated was completely wrong, and that men have equal rights with women. This went unchallenged of course, despite the fact that there are protest groups such as fathers for justice – unmentioned.
Throughout the program, only one side was presented and there was no opposing views even mentioned in passing. As usual by the Feminazis, ALL men were tarred with the same brush in a way the Fascists claim should not be applied to their favourite ‘ism and phobia’ groups.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Oh and buried in the BBC Europe section…”A 26-year-old Algerian asylum seeker has become the first suspect to be arrested over alleged sexual offences in Cologne on New Year’s Eve…”
Well, I was not expecting THAT!
Fez tip to the good people of Algeria…we simple racists had the groper fuhrers of DumPlatz in Cologne as Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis or Turks…even Egyptians who gave us the Tahrir Bumps as done by 1000 men.
The Algerians were 25-1 as NOT the first bunch to get a council house and an electronic tag…so well done there in Algiers eh?
I watched anothe bit of the VD show this morning. Quite baffling segment on radicalisation of the usual suspects. The white English woman literally spoke gobbledegook,. Klingon would have been more comprehensible. She sounded like a teaching blobby. Why do they inflict this rubbish on us?
And VD used to speak so clearly. Dropped consonants now I.m sorry to say.
Nice to see some Germans have not lost their sense of humour during the ” refugee” crisis. Peter Dreier the head of the Landshut District Authority in Bavaria has sent a bus load of 52 “refugees” directly to Merkel’s Bunker (Kanzleramt) in Berlin with the personal message “Wir schaffen es nicht, versuchen Sie es selber”.
The Curse of Cohen strikes again:-
“The woman behind the reinvention of the new Top Gear series featuring Chris Evans has quit her role as controller of BBC Two and BBC Four.
Kim Shillinglaw, 47, is leaving and her post will be closed, with Charlotte Moore – who was behind the commissioning of The Great British Bake Off – becoming the new controller of BBC TV and iPlayer.”
It sounds that all is not well on Planet Beeb.
Nice to see the sack of rats has a well represented female contingent.
It must be said that, given this is the Graun, the comments could be more supportive.
The latest Hardtalk featured the interrogation of EU sceptic Nigel Lawson, believe it or not. He made a lot of sense:
I guess a memo must have gone out advising staff to throw a few crumbs to those opposing the BBC’s agenda.
And now they try guilt by association: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35358209
And on tonight’s bBBC PC bingo aka 10pm news we have
1. Incarnation of evil-Trump AND Palin. Tick
2. Fergal Keane masturbating in front of asylum seekers in Turkey. Tick
3. Not enough Blacks at the Oscars. Tick.
4. Evil Tories, this time unfairly winning the election because of dodgy polls. Tick
Join us tomorrow night, for more of the same.
Heard a trailer for a forthcoming R4 programme called ‘America’s Politics of Paranoia: The Trump Phenomena’. They played the truncated and wholly misleading version of Trump’s comment about banning Muslim immigration until the problems were sorted out. This was discussed above.
The BBC is deliberately and knowingly trying to influence opinion in a manner that it would not have dared to do 20 years ago. This organisation is now a danger to this country and needs to be rodded out.
The BBC, and the rest of our media are very good at this.
Remember Margaret Thatcher’s ‘There is no such thing as society’, (leaving the bit about ‘society’ being made up of individuals, i.e. ‘society’ doesn’t pay the bills, ‘you’ do), or Norman Tebbit’s ‘Get on your bike’, (actually about his father)?
If the facts don’t fit the agenda just leave them out and replace them with what they ‘should’ have been.
I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand “I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!” or “I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!” “I am homeless, the Government must house me!” and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. – MT
I grew up in the 30s with an unemployed father. He didn’t riot; he got on his bike and looked for work and he kept looking ’til he found it. – NT
What were the grim secrets of Victorian bakers?
Twenty five percent of them weren’t Asian? No, you’re kidding me!
Phew. Imagine if that money had been used on broadcast content? Oh, the humanity!
Well turned over to BBC news just in time to see the growing clamor over the oscars. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35352218 Who is Don Cheadle? Hey here’s an idea maybe none of the diverse were good enough. BBc interview Steve Mcqueen , no not the talented one he passed away in 1980.
Missed the start of the news as I was watching phone shop idol. I was convinced it was a comedy and in a way it is. Err yes some more “high quality” programming. No actually it was crap, but there are another 5 parts to show!
I see BBC4 are doing a gleeful hatchet job on the crusades, and how wonderful the Muslim defeat of the Christians was.
You can almost see the limp-wristed presenter salivating at the Islamic victory rather than celebrate the West liberating the Holy land and the trade routes.
I do believe that this will be your LAST CHANCE to sign this petition as it is being presented to Parliament tomorrow ?
Lets see what our present government does about this. Its going to be interesting ?…………………….
How many signatures so far? I’m not a UK-ite so I can’t sign.
And quickly followed by Katy Razzel on news night telling us in sombre tones that darkness may be descending in Poland now that the new “right wing” conservative government is starting to make “radical changes”. Apparently they have imposed ” controls” on the state media and sacked a few judges. And, shock horror, they are siding with the Hungarian PM and proposing stronger border controls and even “fences”…. The evil swine. However, much much worse, they have offended Brussels to the extent that they have been warned that ” democracy is being threatened”. Oh my God Katy how absolutely awful !
Here, is the thing though Katy, I have been watching your one sided lefty emotional crap on the German sex crimes by the medieval Muslim invaders most days since Christmas, so what I assume from your drivel above is that the Polish media is stuffed to the gills with deluded liberal clowns like the BBC etc and that the stables are now being mucked out. Ditto the judiciary, presumably stuffed with human rights lovers and violent criminal wrist slappers.
Am I getting warm Katy ?
Another good reason to get out of the Great Dictatorship. Vote to get out of the EU …………….
I kid you not.
The BBC’s commitment to massive talent knows few bounds.
http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/01/19/calls-for-boycott-academy-awards-are-growing-over-oscars-second-straight-year/ Now being reported on BBc news 24. “Lilly white” mmm I wonder what would happen if anyone were to use the phrase coal black? What they need to do is create a special category , with larger number than the other catagories combined, where only special people can be nominated and then things would be much fairer. Personally I haven’t been to the cinema in many years now just because there is nothing that has made me interested enough to go.
Agenda? What agenda?
It’s just before 7am on Wednesday morning. Looking at the BBC ‘news’ website. On the front page, my computer screen is displaying 12 items. Of these, 7 – more than half – have a Muslim or migrant theme, including such gems as ‘Asylum housing doors to be repainted’ and the ever popular ‘I do not regret chopping off my hand’. Even Pakistan’s national daily, The Dawn, carries less explicitly Muslim-themed news.
Several of the other items reflect other obsessions: a multi-millionaire actor speaks out against ‘corporate greed’ and a report on the ongoing attempts to further racialise Hollywood (when did you last see a movie that didn’t have a black lead character?). So, three quarters of the home page reflect the interests of the junior common room rather than the real world.
Agenda? What agenda?
“…a multi-millionaire actor speaks out against ‘corporate greed’…”
That would be the multimillionaire DeCaprio – currently smarming his way around the world’s credulous ‘meeja’, doubtlessly impressing them all with his astounding grasp on the intricacies of climate science, astrophysics, geophysics, etc, etc. Who would have imagined such a celebrated actor-for-hire could also be such a technically accomplished scientist? Wherever this sage, this seer, goes in the world he is greeted with fawning ‘meeja’, barely able to restrain themselves from heaping upon him gilded accolades and awe.
None of them ask him any awkward questions about, say, the inherent hypocrisy presented by his situation: an unimaginably wealthy property owner endlessly crisscrossing the world between his various homes and places of work who somehow feels it his duty to insist that it’s everyone else (the little people) who are ‘causing’ something he refers to as ‘climate change’. Whenever he speaks on this subject the media lose any last scintilla of objectivity or integrity they might ever have possessed – DeCaprio can say whatever he likes, wherever he wants, about ‘climate change’ and nobody – absolutely nobody – in the press pack will ever put the man on the spot, or call him out on his conspicuous hypocrisy.
The BBC are really pushing this story! The EU is planing to change the rules that ‘migrants’ have to claim asylum in the first safe country. The proposal is that the ‘migrants’ can roam at will unhindered throughout Europe and that they DON’T have to claim asylum in the first safe country! Overnight places like ‘The Jungle’ would become legal, in effect big transfer lounges.
“Agenda? What agenda?”
For those of us that want Brexit news such as this can only help.
So breakfast. The shortage of teachers story re surfaces again, this one is in it for the long haul I think. Back to migrants messing around in boats same old same old they even bring up a picture of dead Syrian kid on the beach…yet again.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
Kirkwood is on the roof doing the forecast I’m not sure why you would stand around in the cold instead of in the studio, but hey that’s just me.
What could have been played as a human interest funny/ironic story the Beeb decided to make it another Muslim victim one and to have ago at the Prevent strategy (probably useless, but worth a try).
Muslim boy, 10, probed for ‘terrorist house’ spelling error
bBBC Today Programme- Jon Sopel who is supposed to be an impartial reporter on US politics finds it ‘difficult’ to say President Trump. Unfamiliar maybe but if we are going to get even a vestige of impartial reporting on the US primaries Sopel is going to have to overcome his aversion to politics on the right of the spectrum, as is his employer.
Have the Today team on Radio 4 mistaken the 20th of January for. April Fool’s Day? Apparently, there is a sinister plot “up North” somewhere to house newly arrived refugees in houses with red doors!! making it all too easy for racists to target them. It’s comforting to know that racists are not making snap decisions on who to harass based on the ubiquitous “North African/Arab appearance” or noting who has just arrived in their “community” wearing IS garb. No wonder so many refugee reception centres have been burnt down in Germany. Doors with the same colour!! What a give away. You really couldn’t make it up.
This story particularly appealed to the bBBC not only because of the immigration line (though that would have been enough for them) but also because the contractors work for G4S, one of the bBBC’s favourite long-standing targets. And recently also in the bBBC spotlight for (totally unacceptable btw) abuse at -what was it? – a young offender’s institution?
G4S responded by sacking the perpetrators on the spot, and we also remember full publicity of a G4S cock-up at the London Olympics over staffing. Two board members were gone within a few months.
So G4S may be a bit useless but at least they have accountability.
Accountability. There’s a word not in the bBBC phrase book – nor in most public sector institutions – HMRC, Environment Agency, mid Staffs NHS, Southern NHS to name but four.
The hypocrisy is staggering – but so totally expected from our statist collectivist broadcaster.
ID. April Fool’s Day? Like it – happens a lot actually, doesn’t it.
So a contractor – whoever that is – will repaint all the doors a different; a contractor who will buy paint in bulk and so presumably paint the doors all in the same colour? Errm…is that right then? Maybe they could use those little tester pots you can buy. Even better, let the occupants all choose their colour!!
I can’t bear it!
Moaners Hour is up to its biased hypocritical best this morning, with a report and an interviewee who wants to deny fathers access to their children when ever the mother feels uncomfortable with contact being awarded. The basis they are using for this is that some fathers have killed their children post divorce.
Note the difference in the Fascist lefts twisted logic when applied to white men. Gone is the Russian Roulette “Well they’re not all like that” gone is the allegations of supporting bigotry used to justify the silence over the rape of women by Muslims in Germany.
The woman on the program said that the reason her ex gave was that women have all the rights, and men have none, which she then stated was completely wrong, and that men have equal rights with women. This went unchallenged of course, despite the fact that there are protest groups such as fathers for justice – unmentioned.
Throughout the program, only one side was presented and there was no opposing views even mentioned in passing. As usual by the Feminazis, ALL men were tarred with the same brush in a way the Fascists claim should not be applied to their favourite ‘ism and phobia’ groups.