Wonder if anyone saw BBC “The Big Questions’ this morning? It was certainly explosive with left wing feminist rent-a-mouth harpy Kate Smurfwaite talking over everyone. However the BEST bit was when fellow leftist “Professor” Connie St Louis accused Milo Yiannopoulos of calling for the “assassination” of someone on his Twitter account. See Milo’s excellent response below. This is going to cost her.
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Milo has a very good article on the programme here:
Have to confess that despite the high profile character assassination by Ms St Louis I had not, until this morning, seen the visual reality behind the verbals. And yet it came as no surprise. What truly revolting people are those who seek their pathetic moments of fame in the nasty feminist media circus.
All that proved was that Nicky Cambell cannot chair a debate. The facts were lost in the screams of the rabid feminists so I at least was left non the wiser.
What a surprise. Yet another leftie Professor with a University email address ie having a platform for her views paid for by the rest of us.
So not only do we pay for the lefties on the bBBC but we also pay the salaries of the lefties on their programmes.
Disgusting bias.
It is high time that some of our universities got to grips with the decline in their standards. St Louis has to go. No organisation can hope to maintain its credibility with such a person on its staff.
“Professor” Connie St Louis has been exposed as a fraudster who falsified her qualifications.
She was also exposed as having traduced a Nobel prize winner by lying about and completely distorting what he said.
Over and above that she is Butt Ugly.
Just on the third reason alone why did the BBC find it acceptable to give this piece of excrement airtime.
The fact that she is a serial liar should have been enough. But then again we are talking about the BBC which lost any vestige of credibility years ago.
This is a period where university staff are becoming increasingly accountable to the students, and rigorous assessment of both academic and teaching skills is given priority. Some may say that this is been taken too far, but that is not the issue here. Given that mainstream newspapers have recorded serious faults regarding St Louis’ CV and claims regarding publications, and given the climate in which universities are required to maintain the quality of teaching staff, it is not enough merely to assist St Louis with a re-writing of her CV, as City University has done. A full and open disclosure of her claims regarding publications, research awards, etc. should be conducted immediately. An academic with a disputed and incorrect account of her research who holds a highly placed position in a university poses a threat to the credibility of that institution, the quality of degree the students are entitled to expect, and indeed to the universities status with regard to funding.
This aside, and given her discredited role in the denigration of a Nobel scientist, it beggars belief that the BBC should find a place for her on a discussion programme, and worse even, that she was presented as a victim in relation to her dishonesty.
“An academic with a disputed and incorrect account of her research who holds a highly placed position in a university poses a threat to the credibility of that institution, the quality of degree the students are entitled to expect, and indeed to the universities status with regard to funding.”
But she’s a woman and she’s black. The HR Department can see the dials on the meter spinning round for the Industrial Tribunal award.
She looks like (the much loved by the BBC) Benjamin Zephaniah and shares his self opinionated and bigoted views.
The BBC promote both as intellectuals. They both fall well short.
A very interesting link to an absolutely abominable programme. I have *never* watched this programme before. I doubt if I shall ever watch it again.
And my main reason for this decision? No, not the caterwauling, hysterical shrieking of so-called “feminists”. My reason is plain to see in the accompanying screenshots. If this is what Mr. Campbell and his employers, the BBC, assemble as a representative audience to discuss “Big Questions” about the land of my birth, then I want no part of it *AND* I resent being forced to pay for it under penalty of criminal law.
This audience no more resembles my home town’s population in either ethnicity, liberal do-gooders, or *MOST IMPORTANTLY* – public opinion! This audience and programme has absolutely no meaning or value to me, apart from the entertainment value of watching shrieking harridans, professional victims and everything else created over the years by the left-wing subversives who have taken over this country *and* they are *always* supported and *encouraged* by our spewers of propaganda, paid for under the threat of criminal sanctions, the BBC.
And the biggest outrage of all goes to the Ms. Smurthwaite who insists we must realise that *all* religions, especially those: “expressing homophobia, negative effects to women … blah … blah … blah” – must be confronted”. She claims that these same religions are “delusions at all points around the World!”
Well, Ms. Smurthwaite, during a long working life in the oil patch, where I worked all around the World (and in some parts of Aberdeen), I can solemnly tell you that if you wish to do so much good as you claim to want to do, you must *now*, immediately decamp to and commence your confrontations mainly in the Middle East. If Ms. Smurthwaite would therefore kindly inform me just which flight she is booked on to the Middle East to confront these problems, I shall most certainly assist with her air fare on a one way ticket.
Watching *THAT* programme is absolutely enough! The BBC *MUST* be dismantled.

Sorry to reply to my own post – How do you add .jpg files to a post, please? (BTW, I have no “social meeja” accounts where I keep or use anything. The screenshots I would like to have included are on my computer’s hard drive, taken from this “show”. (I say show ‘cos it’s not really a debate, is it? Now, Jeremy Kyle, there’s a *reel* debate!!! lol! <sorry.)
Mandatory health warnings are required. What a fright.
That is a man dressed in some “clothes” which Camila Batmanghelidjh had thrown out.
Jesus, what a bald, fat, ugly brute, no doubt it has the usual chips on its shoulders.
Little wonder it can present little evidence of its “journalism”, if I was a piece of paper I would run away if it came near me.
Which would be worse, meeting it in the daylight or the dark?
Comments like this do not really help this site.
(Just my own opinion of course and I know that screaming harridans will not descend upon me for my expressing it.)
Why, he asks rhetorically, is the BBC still giving platforms to individuals who clearly are not worthy of airtime, especially when they can so easily cause so much damage so quickly with little consequence to themselves?
Are they really that stumped for ‘guests’ until Mehdi Hasan returns from his wildly successful US tour of duty?
This really was a low point even for the biased bbc. They were actually screaming ( smirthaite and the conwoman ) to take the camera off Milo and turn the microphone off. Talking over, no shouting over anyone they disagree with, false accusations it was truly incredible. They know their cause is over and this third wave feminism has no credibility and see the gravy train may be coming to an end.
I definitely agree with you about the very low point reached in this programme. However, the gravy train for feministas. Guardianistas, and all of the other “istas” will never dry up so long as fools like me are forced by the law of the land to replenish the gravy boat once a year. I am in my 70s – I cannot be bothered to fight them any longer. Capita have most certainly won in my case, to my great shame. It would take far too much out of me and I have other battles on hand, lad. I hope a younger generation may prove to be more worthy opponents of this festering heap of dung stuck in the middle of our public life.
If and when that apology arrives it should also be broadcast by the BBC who allowed the allegation to enter the public arena. Gameshow also, seemed particularly keen to introduce St Louis as some sort of innocent bystander in all this when she wasn’t. What was he up to?
City University should be utterly ashamed of themselves employing St Louis – not helping her massage her CV (which was the only action that was taken when her dishonesty was made public). ULU should also be ashamed of forcing the resignation of Tim Hunt on the basis of St Louis’ dishonest account of what he said in Seoul.
While St Louis and feminists demand protection and due process, I note that Professor Sir Tim Hunt – a Nobel Laureate who has done more for humanity with his little finger than the liar St louis will ever do in her whole life – gets none.
I despise the twitter mob and the crude and threatening things that they say, but St Louis also has to be accountable for the things that she says and does – in Sir Tim hunt’s case her words ended his career. She is a hypocrite, she cannot target someone and then hide behind her colour when the shit hits the fan.