The Today programme reported on Cameron’s wheeze to create a £20m fund to help more Muslim women in the UK learn English which will make them better able to resist the lure of radicalisation. You could tell they were not happy and made sure that those Muslim advocacy groups committed to keeping themselves SEPARATE from UK culture had their say. However the BBC always chooses to ignore the elephant in the mosque – namely that Islam is demonstrably incompatible with the modern pluralist values Cameron says he wants to help muslim women embrace. If he REALLY wanted to help muslim women he would ban the burqa, imprison those who practise FGM and shut down the mosques teaching hatred.
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I posted this in ‘Start The Week’ but it’s more relevant here:
Radio 4, ‘Today’; straight after the Trump debate we had the Muslim ‘sisters’ discussing English classes for Muslim mothers, it went as expected, no counter arguments just total bias in favour of the Muslims. Interestingly, it seems to be Mischel Hussain who does all the Muslim stories these days. Hussain is a Muslim name, isn’t it a conflict of fairness if Hussain does ALL these stories?
Just out of interest, my wife is a primary school teacher in an inner city. I’ve given up the number of times when she returns from parents’ evening and telling me the same story, here it is:
Burqa clad mother comes into classroom with her seven year old son to discuss her eleven year old’s progress. The seven year old is there to translate what the teacher (my wife) says to the mother whose English is non-existent. It is a very frustrating experience. The seven year old doesn’t really comprehend what my wife says and my wife has to give the information to the seven year old in words that HE can understand to tell his mother. This situation is common in all our large cities and has been gong on for years. A lot of the mothers are the second wife from Pakistan, always younger than the first wife that ‘dad’ has divorced. She is is illiterate in her own language and of low educational ability.
Good luck Mr Cameron but your initiatives are doomed to failure, they don’t want to integrate.
I bet that illiterate burqa clad women had postal vote in the last general election.
Do they have a place for a fingerprint on the voting slip, and she places her mark where her husband tells her to. In any case the hubby votes as the mosque tells him to.
We are now in uncharted territory. Never has a group of civilized nations, placed their entire future in the hands of a bunch of incompetent and ignorant buffoons who live in Brussels. If this Muslim problem is not sorted out in the next 20 years at most, Europe and the West is finished.
What Merkel has done can viewed as a favour to Europe. Before her intervention, we were headed slowly to an Islamic future, and that was more or less certain. By her intervention, we have a hope of doing something before situation cannot be reversed.
Do they have a place for a fingerprint on the voting slip, and she places her mark where her husband tells her to.
Don’t be silly. The voting slips – for postal voting, at least – are pre-printed with a cross against the Labour candidate. To reduce the possibility of one going missing and someone losing out on their human right to vote, thousands of identical ones are printed. A further failsafe mechanism at Town Hall insures that the slips are double-counted if a strong UKIP candidate is competing for the ward or seat.
Ian Rushlow January 18, 2016 at 2:28 pm
Silly me. Thanks Ian.
The idea of of pre-printing a cross against the Labour candidate is an eminently sensible idea. This has the advantage that any Muslim man standing for the Universal Sharia party, would not have a chance.
“If this Muslim problem is not sorted out in the next 20 years at most, Europe and the West is finished.”
I’m afraid we do not have nearly as much as 20 years. It may already be too late to avoid civil war, look what happened in Yugoslavia. At any rate, Merkel has rapidly sped up the time when the reckoning will happen.
Indeed-we are at war with an ideolgy, and one that is alien to all Christian Westeners, one that through the advancement of the Muslim Brotherhood (started its assault before WW2) arranged through its cohorts to superintend the invasion that Europe has been subjected to & still will be. The ineptitude of the EU to have stopped the invasion in its tracks has now led us all dangerously close to civil strife throughout European countries. The forces of evil however are firmly afixed against us.
About thirty-two of them.
Disobeying their husband is unislamic and equivalent to apostacy, warranting a punishment of death. Cameron really, REALLY is an idiot when it comes to Islam.
low educational ability??
Do you mean low cognitive ability?
But I thought all these Muslim immigrants were highly qualified engineers, scientists and IT specialists. Or is it that we’ve got the low end, and the engineers etc went off to Germany?
No, they’re mainly inbred human rubbish.
100% subscribe to your comments Cassandra-Britain has become sterile & subservient to the will of Islam, as it appears to be shown through any BBC or other social media journalism. As has been said, the BBC is indulging in a very dangerous & dishonest attack on British society & in particular white British people, pushing the narrative that we are all racist based-the BBC includes Islam as a race for some reason-are always victims of white people’s prejudice thus sowing the seeds of increasing ethnic anger, dissent & ultimately open conflict. Such propaganda spouted out that ‘Britain is No longer Christian & should stop acting as if it is,’ for an example of how low certain views have sunk-who said this? None other than Lady Butler-Sloss, who is no longer a Judge thank god, but still highly opinionated. This woman also happens to be the Chair of the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public life. What the H is that all about? Another useless but potentially dangerous quango, you can be certain.
Can David pay for my language lessons in France I’m being radicalised by the FN ? Will he also get the money back from them in the future or is that just me being silly believing that as I have to pay to learn a language so should they.
£20 million so they can say “Don’t sit next to me I’m a woman” when I get on the bus? £20 million buys a lot of air tickets to countries they might feel more at home in and already speak the language.
More on Dave Engineering Britain: and why those Muslims are gender neutral.. Call me Dave. (says) ‘Many people ask me why I am the head of Common Purpose and I tell them. It’s not what you think, Eton boys sticking private parts into Pigs mouths, NO! It’s about the future of the country and this is how it works. Now we are all in the Common Market, we call it the Social EU for short as a union of like minded liberals and Marxists. I know a lot of you English are upset by that fact of being born English – but then YOU will be systematically replaced with a more affordable and workforce of immigrants – or as we say – ‘ripe for re-education’ and low cost employment. Yes Immigration is what makes Britain GREAT today and that is why we need the BBC Radio 4 more than ever. We need to broadcast that message that we will not tolerate to suppress any anxiety that you (or your children) can escape the ‘Gender identity engineering’ or objection to the EU Transgendering, which the EU (and now conservatives) has made a way forward for Britain. Make no mistake as we wage ‘war-on-terror’ that no Sunday School, primary school or University will be allowed to function without non-offensive Unisex toilets installed. To reinforce that message we are sending our Civil Service troops onto the front line and employing transgender teachers to ensure that parents are made aware of ‘Gender Identity Disorder’ which will be suggested to your child during School hours. Parents can be arrested for objection or causing any ‘offence’ which is a crime against the state.. This is what makes Britain the ‘envy of the world’, a liberal World Service that only the TV license paid BBC can provide. Peace and Chaos in our time. We are nation in TRANSITION. We need stability in the EU so that is why I have called a EU referendum and my good friend (not that one who arrested for viewing online child pornography) the other one called Peter Mendleson(ex European Commissioner and pioneer of gender bending himself and Blair’s right hand man) to help combat the very real threat from patriotic UKIP supporters. But it all starts in Puberty and now we have British children removed from UK parents – (at just 4 years old) – we can start the state re-engineering program that this country so badly needs. Call me Sally. Dame Sally. My real friend is Junckers (or Potty) as we like to call him-her at Conservative HQ (now suitably allied to Brussels). BBC bulletins keep the public in total ignorance and on soft or hard NHS drugs. What a fantastic future the EU has for us all. All invaders can be simply ‘assimilated’ into tolerance, chastity and respectfulness to their host nations and finally gender neutral, carbon neutral and they will have no children either.
To vote FOR (do absolutely nothing) To vote AGAINST sign here:
I heard that section of the Today programme. First there was a discussion about Donald Trump between a muslim MP from the Scottish National Socialist Party, who thought he was evil and should be banned from Britain, and a Labour MP who thought he was evil but should not be banned. That Trump was evil was of course a given. Everyone in W1A thinks Trump is evil, so there is no point in discussing the matter further.
Then a “discussion” between two female muslim malcontents who seemed outraged that the Prime Minister should be considering spending £20 million to teach immigrant muslim women English. How dare he? The man is clearly racist.
Then “Start the Week”, with a 45 minute discussion of the development of islam and the caliphate.
So that was over one hour of broadcasting on Radio 4 entirely devoted to islam and the issues which affect muslims. Any Hindus or Buddhists listening must be wondering what they need to do to get a little air time? Obviously Christians know there is nothing they can do to get any, the idea is too absurd to mention.
I doubt if many Buddhists, Hindus or Sikhs were listening. They are usually busy earning a living. I haven’t met many Buddhists, but all the Hindus and Sikhs that I know are as pissed off with Islam as the rest of us, if not more so.
They are usually busy earning a living and saving as fast as they can, as they can read the writing on the wall. As Hindus and Buddhists are not regarded as “people of the book”, they will be summarily executed.
The BBBC could have egg on it’s face if he becomes US President.
The new term is “self styled” they have dropped the “so called”.
So in that vein we can quite happily regard the BBC as “self styled” because they truly are.They have no relevance to Britain in its historical context.
Yet the BBC DID put something good on earlier.
I heard it by mistake-but stayed for the full 15 minutes at 1.45-2pm on Radio 4.
Called “Three Score Years and Ten” by Bishop Richard Holloway about a painting called “Peter the Penitent”.
Very good-and you`d not need to be a Christian to get the humanity and big lessons as we all face death.
Will tell you all-but don`t tell the BBC,lest they remove it.
I can feel a an apology coming on from Justin Welby on this one. How dare the BBC review a painting from such an overtly christian angle. I am personally offended by this and particularly because St Peter has a white skin. We should be more inclusive of these other religions (well one in particular). I suggest tearing down St Pauls and replacing it with a new mosque.
Bloody christians anyone would have thought that the basis of our society was based on christian/judeo scripts and laws how wrong I am. Fortunately we have inclusive Justin to de-offend everyone else.
I would also like to apologise to any migrants who who were forced to commit sexual crimes in Cologne because we were not welcoming enough.
In a way I’m glad that the BBC doesn’t devote anytime to Hindus, Bhuddists and Sikhs who I agree are busy earning a living an integrating with people in the UK and not demanding any special treatment. If the BBC did cover people from these communities it would be undoubtely be from a muslim point of view and highlight how India, Burma and Thailand were treating muslims badly even though they are treated better there than places like Pakistan, most muslims in India I would guess would not want to move to Pakistan or Bangladesh.
The Hindus Bhuddists and Sikhs see the blantant biases of the BBC but are more pacifist and know there is nothing they can do. There was not mention in the press that the muslim rape gangs up north also targetted hindu and sik girils too.
Either Cameron is iredeemably stupid, or he simply has not thought this through. Why the hell would such women disobey their brutal husbands to learn English? That is not Islamic. Cameron is effectively asking such women to become apostates and risk being murdered.
I am begining to wonder if there is some sort of political stupidity Olympics and Cameron and Corbyn appear to be competing to see who can win the most stupid politician in the world competition.
who can win the most stupid politician in the world competition.
That medal has already been taken by Merkel.
She gets the lifetime achievement award.
Waiting for the rain to ease I watched a bit of the VD show. Out of the same mould as Today. The usual stuff about refugees and our lack of help to them.
I realised that the problem is now of a media and quangocrat /political class that is completely ruled by their emotions. Reason no longer comes into it.
I feel therefore I am right.
This is the slogan of these liberals.
Against their emoting reason and normal argument can never make itself heard. So the Cologne attacks cannot be discussed rationally as they were so in conflict with an emotional position taken long ago.
Men and women equally seem in thrall to their emotions and we have to ask whether a culture so infected by irrationality can survive long.
Men and women equally seem in thrall to their emotions and we have to ask whether a culture so infected by irrationality can survive long.
Good question.
If you listen to the interviewers on the BBC most of the questions begin “How do you feel ……”, not “What do you think…..”.
Thinking involves effort, feeling just happens.
It’s been an eye opener I was not expecting to discover that ‘wimmins” groups are more protective of Islam and Muslims than they are of women.
When was the last time we heard a Feminist on Al Beeb speaking on FGM, the right to work, the right to drive a car, the right to wear what you want, the right to vote freely?
But give a Muslim woman a chance to speak English and within microseconds, they’re banging on about her right not to, and of course given full coverage by Al Beeb.
I suppose this shows the innate ‘Far Left’ socialism of the ‘wimmins” industry, where destruction of the Western capitalist market economy system is the highest prize of all, and open-door mass Muslim immigration provides a great new way to make it happen.
Cameron’s proposal has therefore been very illuminating, but not for the reasons that might have been anticipated.
Or even the recent events in Cologne and other European cities on New Year’s Eve. The reporting of this has been dwarfed by this bullshit.
My wife has had nightmares after seeing the Tarrahush video filmed on a camera phone by a ROP’er where the German girl is pushed screaming into a shop entrance by about 40 men.
Yep, Islam trumps it all.
All those toytown trots in dungarees and rainbow knits dissolve like squonks in their own piss -but pretend it`s tears for the media who feed the fatties.
Cologne proved it-when white girls are raped and assaulted en masse-these sisters will now back Muslim blokes over the girls-even their own daughters in some cases, had they have bothered to keep in touch.
As we saw with Germaine Greer and Julie Binbel, Ayaan Nirsi Ali or Maryam Namazde…their new “50 shades of black” masters share a hatred of Israel, of England and of the USA alongside them-so they`ll hop into the burqa on that shared basis.
These saps are more use without the bridles, with their tongues still intact-but that may not last.
Cologne was a watershed…and those thick wimmin think it`s a waterslide that`ll cover the incontinence of their thinking.
Sorry-strong Islamic horse meets fat, indulged lazy mare in Doc Martens and a Jenni Murray podcast?…Best in Show not even worth watching.
Thanks to the people who told us of Giles Fraser on “The Daily Politics” earlier.
Priceless-you can see the guilt-ridden reflex Guardian/BBC elite in torment.
And only Giles and his minder Coburn could accuse Raheem Kassam of Islamophobia…he being the only Muslim in the room!
Hundreds of girls assaulted in Cologne?…a price worth paying , so Giles and Jo can sleep easliy alter on.
Giles obviously was brought in for the whole show…a real polymath, an answer to everything.
Giles is the BBCs media god of choice-house trained tin deity for the green rooms nationwide.
45 mins into the pile of crap-that`s where Raheem says the only bit of sense in the whole crap chute that is The Daily Hemlock.
So there are Muslim women who have been living in the UK for twenty years and haven’t learnt English. Here is phrase that the BBC and apparently David Cameron might not have heard in a while: Personal Responsibility. The very fact that they haven’t felt any need to, does rather throw this whole multi-cultural fantasy out of the window.
It might be of interest to note that Chester University did some research in 2007 for BBC News. Some of the findings were:
– Only 8% of imams preaching in British mosques were born in the UK
– 50% of the imams were from Pakistan and 20% from Bangladesh
– Only 6% of the imams spoke English as a first language
– 45% had been in the UK for less than five years