There must be something about people called ‘Hodges’….are they entirely trustworthy? Should they be banned from the UK until we know what is going on?
There’s Margaret and then there’s Dan….not to mention dodgy Hodges in Dad’s Army. Some of our finest and upstanding citizens are named Hodges.
What are Dan’s latest thoughts on the world?
Dan Hodges: Donald Trump is an outright fascist
Ban him. Ban him now.
Blimey, that’s a bit strong….wonder why he thinks that?
It is hard to see what possible public good would be served by welcoming to the UK a man who has effectively called for a race war.
Oh Dan, you know Islam is not a race. So disappointing that you peddle that old lie.
But surely Dan elaborates and explains his thinking (I think he thought…though little sign of it)…argh we go…
Think of what Trump has actually said. In his view members of the Muslim community are now so dangerous to non-Muslim members of the community that their presence can literally no longer be tolerated. Every man, every woman, every child who is a Muslim is so inherently dangerous they cannot be permitted to walk among us.
This is not a Hollywood script or a caricature dreamt up by the liberal Left. It is an actual policy position put forward by the man who is currently the presumptive Republican party nominee for president of the United States.
Oh yeah, tricky huh? Trump thinks every Muslim is a walking time bomb…doesn’t he? Well no actually…what he thinks is that some, many perhaps, who would seek to enter the US would do so with malign intent and would do so by smuggling themselves in amongst those with perfectly peaceable intentions. Trump’s point was that perhaps Muslim immigration should be temporarily halted in order to allow the US to formulate some sort of policy to deal with this…he did not say every Muslim, man, woman and child, had a suicide belt strapped to their bodies.
Our boy Dan then asks what of Muslims already amongst us…does Trump wish to incarcerate them inside some sort of Guantanamo?
And what are the implications of that policy position – not its implementation, but its mere articulation – for those Muslims who can’t be shut out? Those Muslims who already walk among us?
A tricky problem no doubt…but then perhaps Trump could ask, hmmm, let me think, he could ask advice from one Dan Hodges who thinks Muslims are a problem and need to be dealt with…including those ‘fairweather supporters of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism’….
There is a clear link between Islam and terrorism. It’s up to all of us to break it
Over a quarter of British Muslims have sympathy for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists. That is far too many
Just because you wouldn’t personally go out and murder people, it doesn’t make you moderate. We cannot turn a blind eye to the fair-weather supporters of terrorism
Too many of Britain’s Muslims are failing to integrate. We need to find out why
I don’t know why we have a specific problem of Muslim integration. I’m not sure anyone does. But I suspect one of the reasons is no one has really taken the time or effort to formally try and find out. And now we have to take time.
Yes, time to find out what the problem is…..erm…isn’t that what Trump said?…..Dan and Trump…soul brothers….Ban them both!!!!
I thnk Hodges perfectly illustrates the mindset of many in the BBC et al..he knows there is a problem but is unwilling to confront it in reality…he’ll make all the right noises when a bomb goes off but when someone, like Trump, starts to suggest actually putting measures into practise to deal with the problem the real Dan Hodges comes out….and of course such double talk is not limited to Hodges…it is endemic across the media and in politics where the unwillingness to confront the problem is rife….the usual formula is to waffle about Islamism and Islam being different…and not forgetting that old canard about the ‘religion of peace’…even Tariq Ramadan admits that the Koran preaches war.
Perhaps we need a special fund to supply people who continuously misuse the word “fascist” with dictionaries.
DH is at best schizophrenic. And lefty loon. Maybe it’s in his DNA.
Islamist and Feminists
Meanwhile, in a parallel galaxy far, far away……….
Today on the Daily Politics we`re joined by Dan Hodges, thanks for coming Dan, glad to see you`ve gat all your clothes on, ha ha!
Ha ha! Cheers, nice to be here again!
Now Dan, is it fair to say that you would describe your politics as generally “left wing”?
well, yes, though I`d probably describe myself as “left of centre”.
OK, so for the sake of argument can I assume that you are against sex discrimination, against discrimination against LGBT people, against Theocracy and by that I mean the general application of religious law on believers and non believers alike, against anti semitism and in favour of a progressive system of taxation that ensures the rich pay proportionately more than the less well off ?
Yes that`s right, those are my left wing principles that I would die in the ditch for.
Dan, are you also pro Islam?
Yes of course, otherwise I would be a racist or fascist like Donald Trump.
Dan can you explain for us how it is racist or “fascist” to question a set of values and a legal system that any one can sign up for by reciting a short verse from the Quran in front of an imam?
Ah well you see…..
….and further, could you explain to us how your left wing views are compatible with Islamic rules on womens place in society, the death penalty for Homosexuality, the application of religious Sharia law on entire societies, by force, the routine denigration of Jews and other religious groups and the inadmissability of atheism, and the application of a flat taxation system on muslims (zakat) whilst an additional tax is levied on non muslims to guarantee “protection” (jizya)?
er well…..
Sorry thats all we have time for. Bye Dan. Now we are joined by Jeremy Corbyn…….
Every airport, railway station, every public building have security arrangements and give warnings about unattended luggage, bags etc. Everyone know that these warnings and safety precautions are directed against a possible threat from Muslims. Perhaps we should abandon all this because it is so offensive to the majority of good Muslims who are not carrying bags full of explosives.
Muslims are the most amazing immigrants in the world. While others are grateful to be allowed to live in civilised country in the West, Muslims do everything in their power to get in, even when they have been refused entry. This includes, fraud, illegal entry via the tunnel or as stowaways.etc.
But the really unbelievable aspect of Muslim immigration is that having been granted permission to stay in any Western country (sometimes by appealing all the way to the EU court), they immediately start to think of ways to harm the country that has been generous to them.This harm can take many forms.
1. Benefit fraud
2. Housing benefit fraud
3. Electoral fraud
4. Financial scams
5. Drugs, people and arms smuggling
6. Use of proceeds above to set-up Jihad cells
7..Immigration scams to bring in more of the type listed above.
8. Mass gang rapes of tens of thousands of young girls (Rotherham is just the tip of the iceberg). Such is the eternal shame of the authorities- police Chief constables and Home secretaries, I don’t blame them for brushing everything under the carpet.
Finally, plot to mass murder the people who have been kind to you, as a means to change the constitutional structure of the country, and install an unspeakably barbaric system, Sharia, that makes Nazism look benign. These Jihadi plots are now the reason why we have to suffer humiliating security measures.
Muslims add nothing to our commonwealth. They do subtract a lot in resources without contributing anything of value. Moreover, they are a long term ( a mere 20 to 30 years), existential threat .
Yes, the World at One, R4 seemed to concede this point when they reported on the difficulties the Finns have in house-training the Muslim scum they have allowed in in such numbers. Some woman PC PC Plod actually admitted that cultural differences do exist and they hindered integration . Politicians seem incapable of seeing any obvious consequences of their deranged immigration policies. The mindless repetition of the mantra “I’m not going to answer hypothetical questions” seens to have resulted in the mass self-lobotomization of the poltical class. If you are unable to ask and answer hypothetical questions you cannot plan or formulate strategy or policy. Trump is certainly right about the western political class being buffoons.
Camerloon’s immigration policy changes because of a sentimental response to an image, Mad Merkel seems to think that simply chanting the mantra “Wir schaffen das” will magically bring about a multicultural paradise. Mad Merkel until now had claimed that there can be no upper limit on the number of asylum seekers entering Germany as this would violate the quasi-sacread Basic Law . After Cologne, she is saying German law should reflect “political realities”. Deportations of criminals will be intensified. Everyone knows that the number of deportations will be minimal as usual.
Almost anybody on the left thinks that DT should be banned from the UK. This includes Dan Hodges and Jo Coburn whose loathing for Mr Trump was very apparent on today’s Daily Politics. In their socialist nirvana perhaps we would have a Committee for Public Safety to decide these things.
Yes Trump is right wing but is it correct for the BBC to constantly use the word ‘extreme’ right for him and for others, say German protesters against muslim immigration?
I would say that by the same token, Corbyn is extreme left and potentially very damaging to our country. If Donald Trump is to be banned from the UK then Corbyn should be banned from the US as a terrorist sympathising, not-very-closet Marxist, anti-western undesirable.
But then again, unlike the left and our more extreme muslim brethren I don’t want to ban views I’m uncomfortable with. I still believe in western values and what Churchill called Christian civilisation.
If Donald Trump is to be banned from the UK then Corbyn should be banned from the UK too as a terrorist sympathising, not-very-closet Marxist, anti-western undesirable.
Against my better judgement I turned on the debate on whether to ban Trump. As I predicted each MP took the opportunity to turn the issue into a discussion about their own constituency, thereby singling out the wonderful contribution made by Muslims and just how diverse and vibrant their constituency is, thanks to the fully integrated Muslims. In other words, the MPs had an opportunity to make an election broadcast to the Muslims in their constituencies, whilst carefully avoiding any commitment to banning Trump – just in case he becomes POTUS and buggers their chances as a future Junior Minister. I did not watch for long and it is possible that some, as well as the Skotch leader, want him banned.
My conclusion. Expect nothing in defence of our country from this bunch
You really have got to wonder where these MP’s have left their brains.
Every single major terrorist attack in the West has had British Muslim radicals involved.
A not so benevolent person (Trump if POTUS) might conclude that the UK is not fulfilling its international obligations against this scourge and is perhaps sympathetic, based on some of the stuff heard today.
Said person banned from entry might well conclude that the UK is actually a threat and not an ally. They could then start scaling back on co-operation on a military level by refusing to supply components and military assets to this country. Two new aircraft carriers with no planes. Chinook and Apache helicopters grounded. Withdrawal of American Air Force assets from the UK.
Do they really want to take a walk down this road?
We will also lose the Falklands, maybe even Gibraltar, and very likely our permanent seat in the
Security Council.
Of course all this would please Muslims and their natural allies – leftists/socialists.
But I think D Trump is a mature personality. Obama OTH would have done the above if he had been similarly insulted by parliament.
Your header picture has got to be ‘Photoshopped’, the street sign looks like it has been assembled from letters cut out from a newspaper!
Just out of curiosity I had a look at Google Streetview. I find that the, clearly accessible, road outside of the Mosque on the A11 streetview stops. Amazing.
Try this streetview:,-0.0692039,3a,15y,109.84h,77.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svbqKckSWkWBR5y8-RfA89Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
So the locals trash the street sign and then someone ‘repairs’ it to make a better image by trying to clean up the background and trying to drop in the missing letters?
Medical student in plot to assassinate police and soldiers in drive-by London shootings, court hears
Four British men obtained gun and silencer and were looking to buy scooter that would have led to Isil-inspired murders on streets of capital, jurors told
Donald Trump’s policy suggestion is quite sensible – Muslim immigration has to be stopped as a first step. If we have less Jihadi attacks, it will show the correctness of the policy. If it doesn’t, it means that the Jihadi attacks are coming from the resident Muslim population.
Muslim immigrants are the most unique immigrants in the world – they start a war against the country that allowed them in.
There’s a side issue to this story – and it’s another of those that the far Left activist BBC is refusing to investigate: what criteria are our medical schools using for admission?
Anyone watching the NHS won’t fail to have noticed the high proportion of foreign born or first generation immigrant doctors (it’s particularly noticeable in the junior doctors’ strike, too) and it is widely believed that medical schools are actively discriminating against British applicants.
Why? And is the country’s best interest being served?
The ability to get a Jeep right to the entrance of Glasgow Airport Arrivals seems a major plus.
“‘It’s practically impossible to integrate Muslims into Western Europe,’ says Czech president as he blames Islamic culture for Cologne sex attacks,” by Sara Malm, MailOnline, January 17, 2016 (thanks to Mick):
There is actually a petition on the Parliamentary petition web site saying ‘Don’t ban Donald Trump’.
It has about 43,000 signatures so far. Hope the link works.
Most of the petitioners for banning Trump are either Muslims or Leftists. Nothing would please them then a break in the US-UK relationship.
Well lets hope that Donald Trump is banned from Britain. Only if that happens will the rest of the population wake up. Muslims are not a positive in Britain. They are a big negative, posing an existential threat.
The self importance of the MPs and the liberal commentators is quite absurd. Trump does not care what they say or think.
The only effect will be to annoy Americans who really do not take to other people behaving like our MPs.
Trump’s words were quite clear. That seems to have been ignored by all these protestors. All he was advocating was caution in who exactly is admitted to his country. This was after the San Bernandino killings and as a prospective president he was doing his job.
If I were Donald, I`d temporarily send all those US Muslims he`ll be keeping at the borders very soon-kit them out in plus fours, a wooden niblick and a putter-send them to Deeside(once it`s dried out) to practice that golf swing-and camp out at Gleneagles, St Andrews and -of course-on HIS golf courses.
Granted there`s not much food for the goats-or women-but there`ll be no landmines/IEDs(well -not yet anyway!) , so they`ll be OK…and were we redirect a few Oirish travellers up to Larne and employ them in Scotland to educate said Muslims in “British values”( the joyride, the duty solicitor, the Crimewatch, the handbrake skid on a green etc…)…well I KNOW that Sturgeon and Salmond(The S.S) would thank Donald for enriching the community and generously allowing his land to be used to integrate the Muslims into that Ballamory world the BBC cream off.
Come on Donald-think outside the shortbread tin…Aberdeen welcomes Muslims, plenty oil nearby, nice beaches to practice the piracy japes…and Trump could surely set up a few rifle ranges for you if you asked him nicely.
Reckon that wig of his would make a good scalp substitution at the top of Edinburgh Castles flagpole…and he`d have solved a fair few PR problems by sending the Muslims over in Pringle shrouds and woolies in Islamic Green…the coming seasonal hue for the coming generations…
Allah Akbar…instead of Ally McCoist?…works for me!
There are fences going up all over Europe and many countries are calling a halt to illegal immigrants.
There will of course be calls to ban politicians from Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Romania, Switzerland and many others.
The UK could become a lonely place on the diplomatic front.
What I find interesting is the number of intelligent Americans whose view of Trump is that he might be a circus performer and he will certainly ruffle feathers: but they don’t care. In fact they actively want feathers ruffled. They have had enough of the ‘progressive’ ‘liberal’ hegemony. They are angry and they want someone like Trump to tear down the system if that’s what it takes to restore some sanity.
The BBC, as one would expect, never reports this opinion, no doubt because it is terrified of it.
What intrigues me is that it is a sentiment often expressed here and in other parts of the blogosphere where free speech still reigns and conservatives aren’t howled down by a mob assisted by Left wing owners of the medium they are using (Zukerberg, to name but one).
It wouldn’t take a great deal more provocation for that feeling to build a head of steam here and if it did, what then? Nigel Farage is too mild to be the lightning rod but someone will come along.
And, if it happens, that is when things will get very interesting. As Kipling put it: ‘When the English learned to hate.’
GCooper -Good post.
What would be interesting is a similar change in the UK. A British PM not afraid of the BBC, and willing it to take it on, just as Trump did with Fox News. Now Fox does not know which way to go. If they continue attacking Trump they lose the conservative sections of America – the only paying group they have. In Britain, the BBC can only go so far before it will have to bow to no 10.
Oh gosh If we didn’t have Dan Hodges to tell us that Ukip failed and folded, we would be thinking it still existed, we might even think it got 12% + of the vote last election. We might go so far as to believe it is the No2 party in over 100 constituencies.
Most things he gets wrong. When I first started reading him and read all the nasty comments he got I felt sorry for him. My sympathy soon ran out. I don’t bother to give his stuff more than a glance these days. Unless I desperately want to know what’s not really happening.
Still, it’s a funny old world. There’s probably a few groups of bewildered lefties who think he’s wonderful. I can see them now, huddled together singing;
” Ukip’s finished, this we know, ‘Cos Dan Hodges told us so.”
And isn’t it surprising how often we hear a Scottish accent on the BBC even, as happened on R4 on one programme this past weekend, when the subject being discussed was one that the SNP has no interest in or influence over?
I can barely recall the last time a UKIP politician was interviewed.
The BBC is certainly friendly to the Scottish Nationalists, though – good socialists, all.
Things seem to have gone a bit quiet on the Scottish independence front recently. I wonder if the oil price has anything to do with it? Still, good luck trying to get any of the Jockonese Politburo to admit that, had Scotland gained independence last year, they would now be sh*tting themselves as economic oblivion stares them in the face.
And the news from Wales?
The likely loss of steel making at Port Talbot.
Nothing from the Greens-who want industry closed down.
Nothing from the EU implications-for it is THEY who`ve set the rules for mothballing steel production, it`ll be THEM who decide outputs and Chinese tarrifs…NOT this useless EU cipher that is the British Government.
Nothing from the Welsh Labour Party-who could do what they like to business rates, seeing as THEY are in perpetual power in Cardiff-not too far from Part Talbot.
NO-nada,…bloody Thatcher , bloody Cameron and the Tories again.
Oh , how simple to be a Beeboid-what need to think or reflect on your OWN culpability in the Tata shambles.
Laura K is promoting the notion this is all down to ‘the government’, but being careful not to get too specific on which policies by which ones.
Crafty minx.
There was far more hate visible (especially amongst our dear Muslim MPs) during the discussion than Mr Trump has ever evidenced.
Of course Muslims hate Donald Trump. Two acts that will get you hated the most by Muslims are
1. Criticize that most honourable of all men – Mohammed
2. In any way stop the spread of Islam.
Either of these is enough to bring about fatwas of the most serious kind.
What according to AlBeeb, do Islamists, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, and Boko Haram ‘got nothing to do with’?
So disappointed by the quality of the debate on Trump. MPs reading from sheets of paper, some with their fingers following the words like Londoners reading the Metro. No one appeared to address the reasons why Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US (not a permanent one as most MPs maintained) and oh dear all the accusations of racism and Islamophobia. But worse, were the MPs who played to their constituents back home in their multiculty, multifaith, vibrant communities. And the offers to take Trump to their towns, take him to a mosque and a curry house. They accused Trump of racism, misogyny, and Islamaphobia – the standard bleat of those in the political bubble. I was waiting for one of them to accuse him of being a supporter of FGM, or covering up for the countless rapes of children, but on that subject our MPs were silent.
Looking forward to the BBC covering a debate on the petition to ban Muslims from entering the UK until Isis is defeated It obtained over 400,000 signatures.
The BBC “followed through”-in the care home sense-this morning on Trump in their “The Long View”( R4, 9am 19/1/16).
The acclaim for the populist candidate through earlier 20th Century American history was discussed with the usual mob of lefty academics and ex Clinton sperm dumpers…and a token nominal republican who will clearly be asked along again.
Clintons sponge spoke-James(now Jamie, seeing as he`s now got the ex-staffers baseball cap) Rubin had the gall to tell us that Trump had “no moral compass”-WHAT!…and Bill/Hillary Clinton DO?…Bill DID?…Whitewater, Lewinsky and electrocuted black barbecued flesh for his elections in Georgia?
But Freedland said nuffunk…why would he?
The Clintons DID go to Trumps wedding though-but that was OK, no-don`t ask…
Freedland throws in a very 21st EU word-Islamophobic…as if THAT equates to anything previous-but no, the BBC MUST get that in every show. Or else Muhammad the Sudanese bear gets his stuffing ripped out on a beach-it`ll be Pudseys turn then, after that as well!
Our republican gal happily gives the assembled lefties another word “xenophobia”…ding, more cash to the “Stay In Europe” bucket from Brussels to Beeb.
This is execrable larded on (with no respect to Mardell) junk for the liberal left-really is.
Not aimed at us at all.
And-the assembled lefty oafs failed to mention one Ronald Reagan-who was a celebrity, entered politics on a populist wave and was NOT “a loser “(Rubin).
Didn`t fit the narrative I guess.
Again-the more Trump is hated…the more I`ll learn to love him.
All he needs now is Sarah Palin as running mate and my heart will soar…
Freedland lived in the USA long enough-did neither he nor Webb step outside the Beltway?
Northumbria UnI eh?….”Hawaay the lads!”-Jimmy Carters Friendship Force never went anywhere but to the heart of the liberal BBC did it?…it WAS called the City University of Newcastle on Tyne, but they had to rebrand and chuck away all the new stationary in the mid 90s…can`t think why…
The sort of brain drain that the BBC needs to trash Trump these days-and we pay for it.
GWF, remember the BBC’s Royal Charter says that its broadcasting must always report in a neutral, balanced and non-political manner!
What are these fucking clowns going to do when Trump becomes President ?
He is the clear front runner for the Republicans and as Clinton becomes embroiled in her legal woes, will take the prize.
Why can’t they recognize consensus and the most popular point of view ?
Trump has always been something of an absurd figure, and who knows his real motivation, but the fact is, his expressed views on Islam have resonated with a great many people both here and in the US. The question none of these activists and politicians calling for a ban want to ask is, why he has received so much support?
Could it be the overwhelming frustration felt by people in the face of a continuous stream of propaganda about “The Religion of Peace” when even a cursory glance at history and everything that is happening in the world today reveals this to be a lie? In many ways it is the politicians and the MSM who have created Trump as a natural response to their dishonesty about Islam.
There is a discussion to be had over the fact that Trump’s anti immigration proposals will put an end to the ridiculous dream of a North American Alliance – border free US, Canada and a reformed Mexico. BBC up for discussing it?
On the BBC Royal Charter fiasco and the appointment of Lord Hall of Birkhamstead. Its worth taking a small trip down memory lane to find how Lord Hall got the top BBC job (first he had to be made a lefty LORD ). He then just ‘appeared’ to have the ‘right stuff’ and was the ONLY ONE that applied (according to Patten who also is one of the chosen who gets public jobs without applying). The BBC bias is breathtaking and many of the questions are still unanswered and the bias is unchanged. The money lost on BBC ‘adventures’ is revealing and the overpaid BBC bonuses to all previous BBC staff is now less than Mark Byford £1,000,000 pay off but you have to ask ‘how’ or ‘why’ they think they are ‘worth it’ (as they compare themselves to the TOP of the TV industry so Channels 4 top cheese gets matched by BBC soft Feta bonus). Its so insidious it’s enough to make you weep that we pay for this awful bias as a TV tax. What you read is very revealing on how the ‘old left wing boys’ take BBC decisions and influence politics via the back door. At least this evidence of bias is unedited by the BBC. So many unanswered questions from Question Time to Global Warming and more!
This is an uncorrected transcript of evidence taken in public and reported to the House. Dated 2012-13
‘THE Priorities FOR the new Director-General of the BBC’ Enjoy!
If the next president is Republican Trump or not) then they should look at this debate and ban any British MPs who called for the banning of a US citizen, and reciprocate by banning them for life from entering the USA.
Why do those people who want to ban Trump from entering the UK think, that by doing so, he will vanish into thin air, never to be seen again? Do they not realise he will – like Geert Wilders – gain popularity and (quite rightly) a universal resistance to censorship?
I can see Trump doing well in the US.
I think they want to ban Trump because:
1. They are trying to make some highly self-righteous point about themselves. The phrase “Pius Grandstanding” has already been used on this site.
2. They are actually not confident enough in their own arguments to engage in open debate.
Don’t you just love the tolerance!
Anyone with a different view must be banned.
Truth hurts. Deal with it
Dan also takes money from the lovely people at “Hope Not Hate”or is that “Hope For Hate”. One or the other.
I think that is ‘Hopeless and Hate-filled’.
The Trump debate gave an opportunity for MPs with muslim constituents a free election broadcast, their piece praising the muslim communities will be replayed at the next election