Laugh, laugh out loud, laugh long and hard.
Iranian BBC journalist is stopped from flying to the US…along with all other dual-nationality Iranians and others from Muslim countries….
Measures to tighten the US visa waiver programme were passed through Congress last month as part of the omnibus spending bill. People from 38 countries including Britain and France could previously visit the US for up to 90 days without a visa. But thanks to a provision folded into the bill, those citizens must now obtain a visa if they are dual Iranian, Iraqi, Sudanese or Syrian citizens.
Hmmmm….is Trump El Presidente already? I think not…this was under the sainted Obama’s regime.
Will there be massed outrage and petitions, will there be a debate in Parliament to ban Obama, will the BBC resort to smears and insults instead of analysis and journalism to attack Obama?
The BBC is obsessed with Trump, well not Trump the man, or Trump and his politics, just Trump the ‘fascist monster’…no analysis, no journalism, just a campaign to discredit and abuse him….he’s paranoid and a scaremonger…
Trump is not just a practitioner of the politics of paranoia and fear.
And let’s not forget that little joke at the start of the ‘report’…
There he is still, wearing his famed red baseball cap, headgear that not only proclaims his determination to “Make America Great Again” but also keeps his wayward hair – that lunatic fringe – in place.
‘Lunatic fringe’...get it? It’s not about hair at all.
Here he is again…from yesterday….it’s just endless this Trump obsession…
Donald Trump and the Politics of Celebrity
I haven’t heard the programme but I hardly imagine that Guardianista Jonathan Freedland is going to be singing Trump’s praises.
Unfortunately we’re going to be getting more of this journalism nonsense next Monday….
America’s Politics of Paranoia: The Trump Phenomenon
In America, politicians very often campaign on fear. And when that fear is stoked to irrational levels, it has a clinical name – paranoia.
So there you go…the BBC has decided that Trump’s comments about Muslim immigration are unjustified and wrong and are a result of paranoia rather than a reasoned response to world events.
Bare in mind that the BBC’s programmes are broadcast in the US and so we can believe that the BBC is intent on interfering in American politics in the hope of influencing the outcome of the next election there.
The BBC is as corrupt and biased as any state controlled media organisation ever was. There’s absolutely no reason to continue paying the licence fee when it continues to spread so many lies around the world and ultimately do so much harm.
Journalism can be terrorism.
People of dual nationality include Hitler , Stalin and Napoleon . These are rarities and they tended to identify more with the newer nationality then the one they were born with . The adopted nationality of the three mentioned was a stronger nationality than the one they were born with .
When I look at the above paragraph it seems a non sequitur , until I read the post again and see the sneering Gramscians trying to demean any patriotism , as in what does it matter what passport you hold , we are all children of the world . Fair enough , but does the Irani take the Koran or the Bible as his creed ? In the Bible it mentions serving two masters .
Have you been drinking?
Glad you are still OK.
There were reports, on *PZBBC, that, due to climate change, the ammonia levels had increased so far that the chairs in the PZBBC canteen were floating around.
Other reports stated that multicultural, hungry, Zogolar bears had migrated far South and were consuming the indigenous species.
Neutral, even-handed, balanced, impartial, PZBBC staff members, minding their own business amongst thousands of Zogoboam-sized Zogpagne bottles, were amongst the causualties of the “Zogolar Jamjar” ululating, ursines. Even a temporary barricade, made from centimetre thick payslips and expense forms was inadequate. The surviving staff have created a redoubt in the broom cupboard and are sending desperate messages to President ZogDonald ZogTrump appealing for drone strikes. These messages have grown faint and it is widely believed that the species PZBBCus DeservusObliviatus is now extinct.
* Planet Zog Biased Broadcasting Company.
I see you have been drinking too.
I drink alcohol in the evening, it is so expensive. I have to buy a new TV and get a window re-glazed every week.
The IslamicAl-Beeb bias is so bad the TV has to leave the room in a hurry.
Why , are you Muslim or signed the Women’s League For Purity ?
That’s to Edward .
I geddit.
I was going to comment on the poppy superimposed on the BBC Asian Network video until I realised it was not a BBC video but that of “Patriotic Populist” who had uploaded a BBC radio clip and whose avatar is Enoch Powell.
I have nothing against Enoch Powell, but to use the image of Enoch Powell as your avatar is foolish. (and shows your age!)
My initial point was that the BBC far too often use positive discrimination, and Nihal is a result of that. But that’s lost in the stupidity and complete incompetence of someone who has no idea they will be rumbled by the internet.
“I have nothing against Enoch Powell, but to use the image of Enoch Powell as your avatar is foolish. (and shows your age!)”
And yet your colleagues will use images of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Che Guevara etc. and they were all dead well before Powell. Plus Powell, despite what anyone thinks of him (and as I was brain-washed by the BBC I still find it hard to really appreciate him myself) he has been proved more accurate in some of his predictions than all those mass-murderers I mentioned so worshipped by the Beeboids.
You should have heard the sneer in the voice of the BBC reporter doing a story about Poland’s new government, as she uttered three of the most disgusting words in the BBC lexicon, one after the other: “patriotic Christian conservative.”
She sounded like someone had spat in her handbag.
Bare* in mind that the BBC’s programmes are broadcast in the US and so we can believe that the BBC is intent on interfering in American politics in the hope of influencing the outcome of the next election there
The BBC is utterly obsessed with influencing US elections. When Sarah Palin first appeared on the world stage to back McCain against Obama, the BBC sputtered with indignation: a born-again, right-wing Christian opponent of abortion challenging the elevation to sainthood of their beloved Obama? It was intolerable!
The BBC grit its collective teeth and clenched its collective fists and set out to discredit Palin with a determination bordering on the fanatical.
Yep, the impartial BBC.
*Excuse the pedantry, but that should be bear.
Surely it is only a matter of time before the BBC stages a broadcast Operation Clarke County?
They have the will. They have the expertise. They have the money. They have the staff to do it.
And, with luck, it will work out just as well.
However much it flies the face of BBC leftist dogma Trump’s speech clearly touched on something in the public consciousness. To arrogantly dismiss this as paranoia, or make oblique references to “a lunatic fringe”, rather than examining why so many people are concerned about this issue, shows just how far the BBC has moved away from actual journalism – let alone humble reporting of the actual facts.
The BBC has had lots of people on to air their views that Trump should be banned by the home secretary under her powers to ban anyone who is “Not conducive to the public good”.
How I would love to see Trump win the Presidential election and then ban any foreign media which he considers “Not conducive to the public good” and ban the entire BBC from America. That would be such poetic justice.
Geyza, Cameron has already slagged off Trump, seemingly mindless that he may still be PM at the same time that Trump may be President. He did the same thing with Farage without thinking that one day he may have to go into coalition with him. Cameron is a buffoon.
The BBC hate the US and Americans. apart from Obama, with a vengeance, but love their junkets to the US. It would be so funny if Trump banned them !
Nihal must be competing with ultra left facist James O’Brien to see who can out do each other. If Nihal has been recruited through positive discrimination they must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel or were deliberately looking for someone who makes normal people vomit. They should rename the BBC Asian Network to the BBC muslim network as that is the majority of the programmes and discussions. Also why have a network specially for muslims when integration needs to be encouraged. If the network is truly Asian they why not include programmes for people from China, Japan, Thailand etc…
“why not include programmes for people from China, Japan, Thailand etc…”
Do not confuse them with reason.
They do not understand reason, only prejudice.
The BBC should learn about mental illness properly. Paranoia is not fear, that’s a phobia. Paranoia is delusions of persecution usually by one single individual.