This is a guest post by BBBC contributor, Nibor.
“A lot of the BBC time lately is about transgender , and the problems it thinks such people have . What the rest of us feel seems of no consequence . This is a BBC trait ; there is a minority group , and only their thoughts and opinions and those who are facilitating their ” conversion ” are broadcast . When the operation or whatever is successful , an aberration is changed into what must be accepted as the norm .No questions asked .
Another BBC favoured group are Muslims . Now they are not just a religion; they can now be a race . Despite most normal people trying to take race out of politics , the PTB , Gramscians and BBC want to put it in and give victim status as well as most favoured group status . To a creed .
Again no question asked .
So now we can change from being a boy to a girl and change our ethnicity in one fell swoop , no questions asked , just ask for gender realignment and take up a new religion .
What I’d like to know , if I went through such a metamorphosis , can I keep my firearms licence ? Or is it no questions asked ?”
The other question has to be “When does it become compulsory?” Not only to be non- gendered, neutered but to be mus lim ( I refuse to put a capital M and the spellcheck puts it back). For a woman it starts with being told what to wear.
So it begins
A lot (nearly all?) of the time it is Muslims themselves who pull out the race card when the faults of their religion is put into the spotlight. But there seems to be more and more white people converting to Islam, which beggars belief, although it is mostly people who live in our cities that have large Muslim communities, so perhaps it’s just a social movement rather than a religious one.
However, many people have the misconception that Jews are a race too, perhaps partly because of the Jewish intelligence myth – that somehow Jews are more intelligent than people of other races and religions. I don’t think it is just Muslims who get confused as a race.
The “no questions asked” tendency was on display on Today this morning. Dragged on to comment on the Welsh steel imbroglio were Rhun Ap Iorwerth Am (economy spokesperson for Plaid Cymru – not exactly a “neutral” then) and Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales. Accordingly, the argument that perhaps this grossly uneconomic slice of UK industry should be allowed to collapse was unheard and thereby dismissed.
Another example of skewing the coverage to agree with the Narrative was illustrated in the item preceding the Welsh one. This item was triggered by the upcoming film Trumbo: a film about a BBC hero who was a Hollywood screenwriter who refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee and was blacklisted. What we didn’t hear – and never hear on the BBC – is that Trumbo and his mates were indeed communists (although not all were members of the US Communist Party) and worked tirelessly in the interest of the USSR against the USA. McCarthy and HUAC were scum but they weren’t wrong in who they targetted: most of the people pursued by the Congressional committees were traitors and enemies of the US.
A further example of the “no questions asked” syndrome is the constant airtime set aside to publicise the Labour Party examination of its collective navel. Earlier on Today – and as a backdrop to the BBC endless mourning concerning this tragedy for lefties everywhere – former Foreign Secretary Dame Margaret Beckett was “interviewed” about her report into why Labour failed to win the 2015 election. Beckett informed us – and the BBC gave its imprimature to the Report’s conclusion – that Labour failed to overcome the “huge myth” spread by the Conservatives that Labour had caused the financial crash of 2008. What is rarely up for discussion at the BBC is the possibility that an explanation (let alone a description) of the 2008 events exists which doesn’t incriminate capitalism in general and banks in particular. In the BBC Narrative, Labour is largely exculpated and Brown is portrayed as saviour of the world. However, much to the disappointment of the BBC and its chosen commentators, Brown, while busy saving the world, failed to have a banker crucified every 100 yards along the road from Threadneedle Street to Broadcasting House as an example of “socialist justice”.
The BBC is, as I’ve written before, incorrigibly corrupt: it cannot be reformed: it should be destoyed.
“McCarthy and HUAC were scum”
Not in my view.
Just patriotic examples of the Marxist mendacity and inversion of values.
I’d love to have been a fly on the wall on the BBC newsroom when they received notice that Syrian Muslim Migrants in Germany had attempted to stone a transgendered woman walking hoe. They apparently said that people like that did not deserve to live. I get the impression that there are people on these forums who share that sentiment !
She was rescued by a timely intervention by Police who arrested the Syrians with the notes that they had previously been up to all kinds of no good. Now we will perhaps see Merkels lies about removing them as criminals, which we all know she cannot do.
It doesn’t matter about the transgendered, they are the bottom of the hierarchy of ‘isms’ the Muslims are at the top, and clearly trump (if one is allowed to use that word now!) all others.
Labour HATE transgendered people, fighting tooth & nail against all legal progression forced on the UK from Europe. They left trans people out of all equality legislation they could, and there are stories of Labour apparatchiks seeking the dismissal of transgender staff.
There is no evidence the Social Justice Warriors have any greater liking, or that they have actually done anything positive – they appear just as hostile to trans people as they always have been. It’s just another tool, or weapon to oppress their enemies with.