BBC offering more Muslim appeasement and sympathy today and attacking the police for the rare example of them actually doing their jobs to keep us safe.
An Islamic primary school pupil wrote that he lives in a “terrorist” house instead of a “terraced” house. Of course the school told the police and they investigated. Surely that is the only responsible thing to do when there is even a chance of a child accidentily “letting slip” that he is being raised in a household that is involved in terrorism? Without further investigation, it is impossible to know if that is true or not. Had the police discovered that this child’s relatives had been involved in terrorism, then a terrorist attrocity could have been avoided. Had the police arrested the parents for nothing and falsely charged them with terrorism, over a spelling mistake, then that would have been wrong. BUT what happened was an understandable alert was raised, the police investigated and no further action was required. ALL 100% correct.
The BBC, of course, are sympathetic with the parents who wrongly feel victimised.
Reminds me of the incident when a young black boy in America searched for “The Niger River” on his computer encyclopaedia. He accidently typed Nigger instead of Niger and got a description of “a derogatory word formerly used to describe black people”.
His father took out a $40 million lawsuit against the online encyclopaedia company claiming it had scarred his son for life and would never recover.
Appeasement and sympathy seems to be offical educational policy at the BBC. I stumbled upon the BBC’s guide to National Curriculum, Key Stage 3.
British history is, as to be expected, either ambivalent or negative. There is very little in terms of the achievements of the Empire or anything like a balanced discussion. Instead, the beeb uses a single quote from a “historian” on the “British Empire through time”, a certain Edward Said – yes, him of Orientialism fame. According to the guide, Mr Said and his ilk “criticised Britain’s ‘cultural imperialism’, suggesting that it was based on nationalism and racist scorn for other people”. There is also the outright lie that “the British government massacred a peaceful gathering at Amritsar in 1919”. The British Government?!
So far, so self-loathing. But, why not take the appeasement one step further? If the British Empire was evil then what will those 11 to 14-year old children see when they click on the BBC’s Key Stage 3 guide to the Islamic World in the Middle Ages? You know, when Islam was attempting to violently conquer Europe? I assume they will be treated to a similar level of critical analysis that the ghastly British Empire did?
You will not be surprised especially from a educational too that states: “It would be a mistake to think of the Crusades as the most important wars in the history of the Islamic world. The Crusades were “barely a pinprick” on the Islamic world.”
Excellent Post Collin. My son was told by his (female) science teacher ‘you don’t need triple science’. He’s gifted at maths and sciences. He’s taught that Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory is fact and proven. I have to give him unlearning classes at home!
Moaners Hour is up to its biased hypocritical best this morning, with a report and an interviewee who wants to deny fathers access to their children when ever the mother feels uncomfortable with contact being awarded. The basis they are using for this is that some fathers have killed their children post divorce.
Note the difference in the Fascist lefts twisted logic when applied to white men. Gone is the Russian Roulette “Well they’re not all like that” gone is the allegations of supporting bigotry used to justify the silence over the rape of women by Muslims in Germany.
The woman on the program said that the reason her ex gave was that women have all the rights, and men have none, which she then stated was completely wrong, and that men have equal rights with women. This went unchallenged of course, despite the fact that there are protest groups such as fathers for justice – unmentioned.
Throughout the program, only one side was presented and there was no opposing views even mentioned in passing. As usual by the Feminazis, ALL men were tarred with the same brush in a way the Fascists claim should not be applied to their favourite ‘ism and phobia’ groups.
Lets hope he doesnt have eggs thrown at his red front door, as heavily reported throughout al bbbc this morning. Christ- eggs- the sheer callous inhumanity.
Eggs thrown at doors. An English friend of mine married an Iraqi. I was invited to their new home and commented on the numbers of eggs splattered on their front door. I was informed that it was an Iraqi/Kurdish custom for friends to throw eggs at the door to promote a fertile marriage. As we all live in a vibrant multiculture, the BBC might investigate such practices instead of chanting racism.
BBC would probably not have run this story (sorry, “narrative”) had it not given them the ammunition they needed for their weekly anti G4S, anti private sector, anti profit, pro Public Sector largesse agenda.
If those Teesside doors had been black and white or red and white stripes they would have stood out for egging but red doors in Middlesbrough = Boro fans.
Palin Backs Trump. For the BBC its the two arch capitalist running dogs together. Waaycist warmongers. And very stupid. That is the theme.
So expect bias – as in this remark from Antony Zurcher BBC correspondent in Washington
‘While the former Alaska governor’s reputation has been diminished since the heady days of 2008 – thanks to her absence from public office and involvement in series of questionable reality television shows – she is still well liked by conservative Republicans and nearly universally known’
Could this enlightened BBC hack explain what was diminishing and ‘questionable’ about these reality shows? Or was it just something negative to meet BBC requirements.
Some twerp (I didn’t catch his name) actually went a step further on BBC News 24 in the small hours. Heaping as much derision as he could find (no doubt to insure a re-booking at some later stage) said pundit pulled the favourite BBC trick ‘..some people say she isn’t very bright.’
Indeed. And some people spread the most outrageous lies and rumours about her because she is an attractive, strong woman, a successful and popular governor, who holds conservative views and terrifies the living daylights out of Leftists who routinely ignore the allegedly criminal activities of their candidate, Hilary Clinton.
“… the allegedly criminal activities of their candidate, Hilary Clinton.”
One can only hope that Ms Clinton will one day be held properly to account for her alleged misdemeanours. Then again, with the combined misdirection and obfuscation of the US liberal media at her beck and call who am I kidding?
If this woman becomes El Presidente, god help us all.
I went to opening night of it in the US and it is superb. Unbelievable that Clinton and Obama watched all that unfold from the drone camera and did nothing.
Some Guardian hack has already given it one star. What a surprise, I’m sure the beeb will repeat that as faithfully as they do all other Guardian bollocks. I’m not a fan of Michael Bay but I’m definitely going to see it!
Hillarys health record worth a check-let`s hope we`ll see it!
Congenital liar is not yet a DSM category for the American Psychiatric Association and their manual…but Clinton Syndromes are numerous, varied and deserve an appendix of their own.
I hope there is someone very senior at the FBI who actually has the balls to charge Hitlery with her many crimes. No alledged, no pretence, no hedging. Blatant federal criminality on a large scale.
Oh yes Sarah Palin is bright. And tough, like she dealt with the ‘corrupt bastards club’ in Alaska. Given an opportunity she would take on the Greens, revitalize America’s energy industry, tell the Saudi’s where to stuff their oil, and in that way play a role in transforming US foreign policy. As an aside, she put me in touch with her cousin who runs a decent rock band who has allowed me to use his music for my dancing dogs.
Happened to hear programme about Nepal on Radio 4 this morning around 11.15 am which listed countries that were helping Nepal But , of course, the BBC would fail to mention what humanitarian work Israel is doing there . Shown here from below (search archive facility for weekly news of Israel’s achievements at
A “Roof for All” in Nepal
Posted on: Sunday, June 14th, 2015
Israeli humanitarian aid organization IsraAID has launched its “A Roof for All” program to provide safe and sturdy transitional shelter for thousands of displaced families who have lost their homes as a result of the last two devastating earthquakes in Nepal.
Am proud to have said that I was hoping Sarah would hook up with Don to stuff the Washington elite-and hopefully make the BBC have mutant kittens.
And this she has done-what a gal!
Let`s hope the BBC care as much about Hillarys lyings, deceptions, fidldles, emails, condoning Bills antics-Benghazi and her fantasies about being in danger in Bosnia for example…as they are about Sarahs geography gaps in 2008.
Nah, imagine no deceptions,,,wouldn`t be the BBC would it?
Still-Sarah hopefully will be the cougar up the liberals nightie we`re all hoping for.
Eminem fancies her as well-reason enough to vote for this great lady, even if she`s not standing…I`ve 10,000 postal votes from Ahmeds House with her name on each one if that helps her.
Unlike Obama’s 57 states and many other factual errors, most, if not all, of Palin’s ‘geography gaps’ are most likely to have originated in Tina Fey’s SNL skits.
I think the only ‘Geography Gaps’ I remember from La Palin was when she said South Korea instead of North Korea (or vice versa) but immediately corrected herself. Of course the US lying media replayed the bit up to the mistake to chortle like lunatics and ignored the correction. A simple slip of the tongue, unlike Obama who planned to learn to speak Austrian, which is clear stupidity.
The only other one is when she was deliberately misquoted by the US lying media as saying that she could see Russia from her house, whereas she actually said you can see Russia from Alaska which is true.
Grant, he might well have done despite being in Austria at the time. He was probably surprised to not see kangaroos hop past the mountain chalets, and koalas perched up the pine trees. Also he probably asked beside what part of the Danube the Sydney Opera House was sited. And those wonderful Tyrolean hits with the corks hanging! Let alone watching an episode of Nachbarschaft starring Kylie von Minogue and Jason Vonadon.
Seems to me that we`ve all the best looking gals.
Sarah Palin?…Marine Le Pen and her niece( but not in a Alan Clark way)..Tzipi Livni?
The Left has NO women with brains, beauty and principles-and all of them have been made even more beautiful by the media witch hunts aimed at them.
This is my theory-and we here at Wessix Uni will hopefully get a grant from the Fawcett Society to check my theory that “adversity is beauty, but only if you`re of the right”.
Hope to go onto Womans Hour to present my findings, More Or less and the O.U to back up my statistics.
Won`t ask the pollsters though…unscientific wallies-unlike my theory, which is brill.
The BBC maybe uglifies all that go onto it…that`s my other theory that the BBC Boot camp( Doc Martens and Briar Pipe Annexe) might go for.
Should I get Maria or Angela to deliver the reports in that pink van of theirs?
The attacks on Palin did not have to be verified, as the media eagerly reported anything. I recall when she was helping earthquake victims in Haiti and when leaning over to help one child her hair fell over her eyes. Her daughter standing next to her pulled it back and stuck it in a clip. A photographer caught it and a feminist magazine published the picture, saying something like ‘She took her hairdresser to the victims in Haiti’. The Guardian reproduced the picture in an article which conducted a scurrilous attack on Franklin Graham and the Christian relief organisation for its criticism of Islam.
Palin’s actual words were ” You can see Russia from SOME parts of Alaska.” The usual quote ” You can see Russia from my house.” was originated by leftie comedienne Tina Fey on an episode of “Saturday Night Live” which the Yank MSM, being Obama supporters, passed off as a genuine Palin quote.
Anyone remember Doug Stanehope’s comedy sketch on Palin’s child with Downs Syndrome. He was interviewed by Richard Bacon on the BBC.
The following appeared on the home page of the Down’s Syndrome Association of the UK:
DSA make official complaint following Richard Bacon’s Radio 5 Live Show
– Friday, 05 August 2011 12:54
The Down’s Syndrome Association is shocked that a BBC employee has publicised the work of a comedian which is nothing more than a vile offensive rant and conflicts with BBC guidelines which state a responsibility to ‘protect the vulnerable and avoid unjustifiable offence’.
During Richard Bacon’s BBC 5 show yesterday afternoon he directed listeners to a video of Doug Stanhope discussing the son of Sarah Palin on YouTube.
The child was born with Down’s syndrome and Mr Stanhope’s comments about him were abhorrent.
As a public body the BBC should not be promoting the work of such an individual. Therefore the Down’s Syndrome Association has logged an official complaint with the BBC. We encourage everyone to do to the same using the link below –
Most of the BBC are thick & stupid , but I will reveal , there are only 46 states in the USA , but how can this be ?the BBC & others ask. The other 4 ,are actually Commonwealths , like Massachusetts & Kentucky .Not a lot of people know this .
Pole dancing with Newsnight. Katie Razzall last night revealed the evils of the new centre right government in Poland, accused of “eroding the progress made over the past twenty five years”- which is pretty good going since it has only been in power for two months. More specifically the new government has : increased its control over the constitutional tribunal, sacked managers and reporters at state-owned TV and radio stations (oh, the horror when a member of the government said that the media had been terribly politicised over the past 8 years and that the state media were biased), its”purging” the civl service and “boosted” surveillance rights for the police and secret service. All very dire we must agree, especially as this is the Law and Order party which made history as the first and only party in Poland to win as a majority government in a free election, since 1991.
Fortunately the EU is riding to the rescue thanks to a nifty bit of legal footwork by the Commission in 2014, when they introduced a “framework to safeguard the rule of law in the European Union”. This allows the Commission to undertake an assessment of the laws of any EU member to decide whether “there is a systemic breakdown which adversely affects the integrity, stability and proper functioning of the institutions and mechanisms established at national level to secure the rule of law.” Apparently The Commission inquiry might lead to the suspension of Poland’s voting rights in the EU bloc if the Commission decides that Warsaw has not observed the rule of law. So off to the naughty step you go. No more democratic rights for you.
Poland is the first member state to fall foul of this “framework” and the investigation is now in hand regarding the failure of Poland’s president, elected with the backing of the ruling Law and Justice party, to swear in three judges of the constitutional tribunal who had been chosen by the previous parliament.
Needless to say Ms Razzall didn’t spend much time looking at the very significant questions this new EU “framework” raises, including vis-a-vis Cameroon’s stated aims to repatriate powers from Brussels to London.
Strange how Standard & Poor have downgraded Poland’s economy making government borrowing more expensive. Coincidence? Or more proxy interference by the EU?
Andy- exactly so. These US-owned credit rating agencies are completely unaccountable to any foreign governments. When the US-led banking crisis hit in 2007-8 there had been absolutely no prior indications of concern from any of these agencies on the over-exposure in the US sub-prime mortgage market, or indeed the massive international leveraging of high risk financial products in the shadow banking system. Is this Polish debt downgrade by S&P political ?Well on 13 January, David Lipton , First Managing Director of the IMF made the following statement on the Polish economy ““Poland continues to benefit from its very strong economic fundamentals and policy frameworks. Economic growth is strong and unemployment is declining. The current account deficit has narrowed, thereby further strengthening economic fundamentals, while international reserves remain adequate. Fiscal consolidation has led to an exit from the Excessive Deficit Procedure, and public debt is sustainable. Poland’s credible inflation targeting regime has been effective in managing deflationary pressures, and inflation has started to pick up. The banking system is liquid, profitable and well capitalized, and the financial sector framework has been further strengthened.”
“to repatriate powers from Brussels to London”
Dave I can have these powers back in the UK PDQ with a one off donation of twenty million pounds to UKIP.
Just arrange for the UK PLC cheques to be “lost in the post” for a couple of months.
Then demand that the Commissioners put videos on Facebook showing themselves jumping incessantly with the Union Flag in the background. Background music “Higher and higher”
Job done.
Sat through Fergal Keane’s mandatory Migrant Misery show last night with exciting fresh new pictures of inflatables packed with children, mothers and people smugglers. He’s on a roll, isn’t he – thanks to those sympatico-bovine eyes and the rich, soft, soul-searching brogue – he must be worth every penny of that Official BBC Correspondent salary.
I wonder what his hotel bill is now – six months and more at a minimum 3* with regular happy hours shared with Orla and Lysse – or does he pitch his tent and share the deprivations of his fellow migrants? Surely he’s been there long enough to qualify for asylum?
The BBC have infected Sky. Sky’s equivalent is Mark Stone, who is whines on and on about the poor mites, no criticism of the parents for their greed and irresponsibility, using their children as shields and weapons. There’s no limit to their selfishness and cruelty, and his partiality.
Unfortunately, there is a revolving door in the broadcast media, so the hacks that work for Sky are almost certain to have been ‘trained’ (for which read ‘programmed’) by the BBC.
Sky is an abomination and I have no idea why Murdoch allows it. Distracted by Jerry Hall, perhaps.
“Unfortunately, there is a revolving door in the broadcast media, so the hacks that work for Sky are almost certain to have been ‘trained’ (for which read ‘programmed’) by the BBC.”
same with LBC which is fast becoming a 5live clone, top of the grooming list of course is the patronizing twisted twat, O’Brian
On reflection, would an hour shared with Orla and Lysse be happy? Probably not, only partially intelligible, and practically non-alcoholic thanks to all the tears thinning their Guinness.
“…Surely he’s been there long enough to qualify for asylum?”
I think Fergal’s hoping it will at least qualify him for another Press Gong at some awards ceremony or other. This seems to be his chief aim these days. Early career highs sobbing over some conflict or natural disaster, sympathy-bombing the watching British (and international) audience, must have spoiled young Fergal, so now he and his BBC bosses are determined to rediscover those halcyon days of mutual back-slapping and self-congratulatory award ceremony mugging for the camera.
Somewhere in all of that a duty to the integrity and factuality of journalism seems to have gone awry. I dunno, I’m guessing his BBC bosses feel that every time hammy Fergal plays another one to the galleries he’s ‘getting it about right’.
You need only listen to ANY BBC output on sport to know that the recent set of amoral, thick clots who do “sports journalism” sat through loads of Alan Partridge-and still think he was a genuine role model to emulate.
In fact, Partridge is a far better analyst of sport on any local BBC station or channel than any I`ve seen.
AND-I know for a fact that Lauren from the Catherine Tate Show has been shown to trainee teachers to show how the child is right…and the stupid teacher who she`s abusing is lucky to be let out of the classroom afterwards.
I`ve also been to many assemblies where Little Britains Lou and Andy has been shown to illustrate the problems face by disabled people…and when the kids laugh at the irony…the teachers tell them off for being heartless.
THAT`S how stupid our teachers and our BBC hacks have now become.
From Bill Mclaren to Gary Richardson within a generation….from Dave Mackay to that Savage oaf who spouts off about a game he never graced…that`s the extent of the national decline.
‘The majority of the population…don’t care…’ And that same majority share a rare yet fruitful experience of the Guardian – torn into 6in squares and hanging beside the Elsan, in the park department’s potting shed.
With the IMF forecasting 1.3 million Muslim immigrants paddling into Europe each year for the foreseeable future, continued commissions for the intrepid Fergal from the beeb are guaranteed . Heart rendering sympathy reports, further hotel bills and no-doubt generous expenses claims too. Meanwhile a Muslim majority population for Europe within decades will be guaranteed .
Noted the BBC elite rather bothered at events in Poland last night.(Newsnighie)
Now wasn`t that a plucky independent sovereign nation with a proud history of facing down Nazis and Commies…and a great and loyal friend to this country?
I`d say so!
But the EU doesn`t like its newly elected(got that BBC?… got that EU?..democratically ELECTED…look it up!) Governing party.
The Beeb clearly prefers its metrosexual latte sippers who get to trash the country via the public sector funded broadcaster-who have now been removed by PiS for being serially biased since god knows when.
The Beeb didn`t like the judicial tinkerings either-the last government stuffed the courts with EU compliant suckups who`d strike down any independence , any christian references, any notion of patriotism or conservative thoughts or decisions.
In short-the bloody plebiscite have spoken-and they hate the BBC/EU project in Warsaw as much as we do here!
This cannot stand-and the EU have found some old piece of crap about “Rule of Law” that could yet turn in handy.
The EU has never heard of this concept before-certainly not in Germany or France-not even in Hungary or Austria…but they seem to have found this as a pretext to step in and on Poland.
Very Greece, very Italy…very Portugal as well…but the Poles ain`t these!
Still-the BBC can see what`s coming-if you`re not a snotty snitch for Junckers Bunker, then you TOO might be binned as the national broadcaster for being a treacherous treasonous mouthpiece for IslamoCommunalism…and the whole ECHR, Schengen, Dublin and Lisbon shite might come crashing around the EU judges ears.
NO-the BBC won`t let THAT happen-hence their go-to dials of ex plumbers and au pairs of theirs to “seek a liberal response”…which might as well have been written by Heseltine or Jenkins.
BBC lying crap-traducing a great nation it has NO business in doing down.
Anybody able to tell the EU about “Signed Off Accounts and Audits”?…if they`ve now heard of “The Rule of Law”…well, might they not get those accounts signed off?…that would be a first too!
That last government not only stuffed the courts with ‘EU compliant suckups’, it also stuffed the courts with political activists and appointed a nakedly political far Left loon as the DPP.
And the BBC’s investigation into this blatant corruption? None whatsoever.
Things move on apace, with the EU attempting to take back their proxy control of member states’ media, courts and law-making institutions. I guess all you can say is that resistance flushes out the tyranny from behind its coy disguises.
It also tells us what kind of response we would get from the EU if Britain made a serious attempt to regain its independence. Plenty of people have said that there would be a re-run of their previous tactic of forcing a repeat of an ‘adverse’ referendum until a return to the fold was established. Having seen this attack on the Polish state, I now think we would see similar moves here to de-legitimise the legislature, assert more direct media control, and apply financial warfare via credit rating downgrade. Wait until our armed forces can be ‘exported’ to some foreign campaign to get them out of the way, and you will see the stage set for an undefended civilian population to be coerced into servitude.
I’ve said before that the chronic weakness of these left-collectivist institutions is their vulnerability to corruption. I still think this, but I’m now looking at the way their collective behaviour resembles the individual patterns of certain psychopathic personalities , and I think you can add another Achilles’ heel – an inability to respond with agility to an unplanned situation. They are vulnerable to being overtaken by the speed of events, just like the old Communist dictatorships. They are planners above all else – look at the BBC and 28Gate. That was a prime instance of long-term, root-and-branch, planned treachery and corruption. We are seeing the fruits of it, and similar, plans years down the line, as lies are propagated throughout a medium staffed at all levels by apparatchiks and party organisers. However, the wheels can nevertheless come off their wagon, when things in the real world move too swiftly for a planned response. The May election caught them with their drawers down. Mr Trump’s progress is obviously rattling them, with transparent and downright unskilled responses – ‘paranoid’ indeed.., the language of the playground .
James Martin Home comforts the propaganda carries on even here. Syrian woman (who had a promising career as a pharmacist until the civil war). Her partner and her arrived in the UK to stay with relatives with nothing. Now she makes halloumi cheese . Whoop whoop . Please BBc just go away and leave us alone.
Oh God, just watching James Martin Home Comforts (afternoon viewing), and there’s even a headscarfed Syrian immigrant on that !!! Martin tells of how the family fled Syria in 2011 and of course came to the UK to rebuild their life (no reason given as to why they chose this country) – particularly in Huddersfield and are now set up flogging Hummini (?) The Beeb are subliminally getting the message across via their non-political programmes, but I wonder, like me, how many eyes were rolling by viewers when they saw this.
The saltiest fattiest cheese known to the Mediterranean?
You can deep fry it a la Dunfermline…or , if you`re a health conscious green chimp in Hoxton?…why, you can shallow fry it.
Seals in all those fats, ensures no brine or saltwater gets lost. Obesity alert?…well, if you`re Muslim?…no.
A stroke in a fatty bag of salt?
Where-oh where is Dame Sally Davies and the Food Police?
This is culinary jihad!
The Scots might fall for it…we the English are made of sterner stuff.
Tell our Syrian lady that we`re not falling for that!
Only the BBC would condone such a salt-filled,fat-enhanced diet…NO BBC…NO!
Hoping the comments about deep or shallow frying Halloumi were sarcastic. Just put it on the BBQ with a little oregano sprinkled over it. Delicious. Serve with a simple salad.
Story in Express focussing on Max Planck Institute study which” reveals” that a third of British DNA is foreign provenance.
The Institute has “revealed” that foreign DNA was European in origin. ……………..snore, what a surprise!
Who pays for this shit!
I wonder how long before our state broadcaster picks up this story – and I wonder what fascinating conclusion they will draw from this amazing study!
Poor old Planck!
Survived a name like that to do a few clever things in sciency stuff…hope Harrabin doesn`t feel excluded by this seemingly simple account.
Got me thinking though-here at WessixUni…may well set up a Max Headroom AND a Max Wall Institute to check other sciency things.
1. Did watching Songs Of Praise turn Tom Robinson straight?
2. Was Schrodingers Cat the first gender fluid visionary to “get” David Bowie…Will Gompertz to head this one up.
I think you’ll find this study is pertinent to Britain in the 5th & 7th century AD and the one third is Anglo Saxon !
I have no doubt the BBC will warp this to as Kipling said make a trap for fools, yet we all now know that the BBC does not tell the truth when it comes to propagandising.
Fatty Feltz in again for Jezza Whine, discussing the tyranny of the red front doors up in ‘Boro; she was speaking to the journalist from The Times who broke the “story”, I thought he sounded familiar (his name presently eludes me) and I remembered: it was he who wrote about the cover-up of the wide scale rape of under-aged English girls in Rotherham by gangs of Muslim men, that had gone on for decades.
I recall listening to him say that he was somewhat reluctant to publish at first, as it would provide ammunition for the “extreme Right” if he revealed what these Islamic gangs had been doing. He must be pleased with this latest subject as it provides ammunition for those wanting to attack that damned, pesky “extreme Right”, so much better for The Times and al beebus to bleat about.
How depressing if that`s as you say.
Think his name was Norfolk-and he got braver as time went along, and we owe him.
So if he`s now back to following the trawler again, to support the white baiting industry again…then it shows he`s learned nothing and he`ll say anything to whip up a souffle to order.
Strictly business, no attachment or embedding here, no expertise or reflection allowed-he`s moved on…but Islam hasn`t-and nor will it.
To be fair to the Left-they stand in the sewers of multiculti crap even when the stuff is slopping in over their waders…whereas the likes of Norfolk can be brought to heel to satisfy their left liberal paymasters.
Which is why the likes of Booker and Scruton are so rare-and the continual griping and sniping of the Left is perpetual…the Left stands in its own shit and parrots its messages-the Right goes off for tea, and hopes the enemy don`t want to wipe them out as they say they do…fools.
I agree with that last bit. The Left are a lost cause (literally and metaphorically). The only task worth pursuing is to wake up the Right from their slumbers, and prod them into some kind of coherent response to these desperate times.
OK the webpage shows the picture of Mohammed Rafiq but never mentions his religion, which they will claim is not relecant to this case, and they would be right if this was an isolated incident, but it isn’t!
“Mohammed Rafiq employed large numbers of Hungarian men as a “slave workforce” at the now defunct Kozee Sleep in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.”
Just as a note, I seem to remember another notable Muslim woman whose family own a bed factory in Dewsbury, surely there can’t be that many of them??
In this benighted country, slavery was unheard of, there wasn’t even a law against it because it was considered unnecessary. That is until Tony BLiar decided to enrich us all with the vibrancy of mass immigration. Now almost even single case of slavery involves Muslims. Many of them are deeply unpleasant cases with violence intimidation and cruelty, yet the BBC treat every case as a completely isolated & different one, and never mentions the connection.
The government has included ‘poppers’ in the list of ‘legal highs’ it wasn’t to ban, and this has upset one of their favourite groups – the gays !
Labour spokeswoman Lyn Brown told the Commons that she had heard that use of the drug “enhances sexual experience”.
“I am greatly disappointed the government has chosen not to place poppers on the exemptions list,” she said. “I do believe this will undermine the bill and place popper users, particularly men who have sex with men, at greater use of harm.”
Ex-minister Crispin Blunt said users of the drug were “astonished” by talk of a ban and respect for the law “would fly out of the window” if it happened.
Supplying the drug, which is popular with gay men, could be outlawed under the Psychoactive Substances Bill.
Mr Blunt – who is the uncle of actress Emily Blunt and is a former prisons minister – said he would be “directly affected” by the ban.
“I use poppers. I out myself as a user of poppers. I am astonished to find it (the government) is proposing it to be banned and frankly so would many other gay men.”
The things our elected representatives do, and expect us not to be shocked by! A gay MP is not a particular issue, but to find he is disusing his choice of drugs during sex in the House of Commons, is taking things too far – well for me at any rate.
The fact the BBC appear to be supporting his position to me indicates the level of bias they have.
Just a test to see if this post works as I’ve tried twice over the past couple of days. The posts worked initially then had disappeared about an hour or so later. Anyone else had this problem?
Yes I had a post disappear a couple of days ago and it wasn’t contentious and it was on topic, I think it was a moan about mobile phone idol on BBC2. And no I didn’t watch it, a second or two of trailer was more than enough.
The usual mainstream media sneering about Palin endorsing Trump, but nothing, NOTHING, could match Obama’s unofficial propagandist Jon Sopel, who, when discussing this on Today this morning said…
“…(a future) President Trump…. one still finds it difficult to say those words…”
Yep. Really. Now that is beyond normal bias, even for Sopel.
“… (a future) President Trump … I AND THE BBC still find it difficult to say those words …”
The use of “one” here by Sopel is what Guest Who might call ‘one degree of separation’ (to be pedantic, more like ‘one hundredth of one second of arc’ in fact).
The BBC however, are not so obliging when UKIP MEP’s speak at the EU, as Nigel Farage did earlier this week. Is it not strange for an organisation so transfixed with the joys of the EU, that with all its resources, the BBC doesn’t broadcast the words of the leader of our nation’s biggest party in the EU when he addresses it? One might think this to be somewhat biased, might one not? Here is Nigel Farage:
Nor is the BBC so obliging when Douglas Carswell provides clear, understandable information to the public regarding the continuation of our bankster corporate enslavement. If people knew how they were being farmed, they’d be voting UKIP. Everybody should take two minutes to watch this:
The importance of both Farage and Carswell to our nation’s future cannot be underestimated and they need our support. The BBC has no interest in the nation’s future, only the continuation of the LibLabCon and our ongoing absorption into a super-state.
No, need, the Brexit, referendum has nothing to do with the next GE. If we vote to leave Ukip, will be finished. No need for them then, Carswell will return to the Conservatives. I will be voting to leave,because it’s the unelected Commission, that seems to make the rules, which we all hate. Cam won’t be party leader at the next GE. It will be Boris v Comrade Corbyn.
Doesn’t Boris want Turkey to join the EU and for us to remain? Boris may be good for laughs, maybe cleverer than many give him credit for, but he hasn’t got what it takes. He doesn’t understand the common man.
I’m glad you’re with me, Nige and Dougie on the Referendum. When we leave and our Parliament repatriates our abilities to self govern, there will be real reasons for voting in a party without the corporatist, socialist, Blairite baggage carried by the LibLabCon. The EU is the key problem. The collapse of the economy, our publlc finances, our welfare state, our pensions and our currency are the real problems yet to be faced – the other problems that the media won’t face up to or endeavour to understand.
On Brexit, I can see arguments both ways economically. Really I can.
But the clincher is the protection of our own borders.
With unlimited European immigration and the high chance of being told what to do by the EU reference African/Asian economic migrants (and even a few genuine asylum seekers) it is virtually impossible to see any sensible solution and stay within the EU.
No Essexman , you can thank the patriotic efforts of Nigel Farage for us getting the vote.
Mr Car Moron wants us to stay in the corrupt, bankrupt and artificial ‘state’, and its pretty obvious he wants British businesses to ‘back him’ . He is reminiscent of Chamberlain .
There is a very long time before the next GE, and I have not decided who I will vote for in that yet. The referendum is the only political cause I care about at the moment. I will be voting leave, and watching closely which of our MPs support Brexit.
A lot… too much that is going down from the politico-media estate these days based on a cynical exploitation of the very long time until the next democratic ballot, and it’s a real concern.
Welcome back UKIP haiku san…and a joy to find the nom de plume is Mr AMUN himself.
Working on a few myself-reckon Savile deserves a few odes.
Odes De Cologne maybe my working title?
Essexman Love or ‘hate each other’ it is irrelevant. As long as they are for Brexit, as you no doubt are, it does not matter.
Vote to get out – simples .
Agree. It is damning. Surely Winteringham or someone in the Tory Government might propose a serious re-arrangement of the BBC, or closing it down. But then, we have not seen much action in the wake of the report on Rotherham, despite Britain being regarded internationally as a disgrace.
It has always baffled me why someone like Savile, with no discernible talent whatsoever, could wield such power in the BBC. I can only conclude that he must have had some dynamite info on the hierarchy.
The Newsnight investigators who brought this to the attention of the country have been ousted and no longer work for the BBC
The Newsnight investigators who brought this to the attention of the country, were said to have been described as ‘Traitors’ by Alan Yentob – he of Camila Batmanjellyfish / Kids Company fame
To this day, we do not know who it was in the BBC who spiked transmission of the Newsnight Savile expose. Someone in the BBC does though. The culture of arrogance remains. The cover-up continues.
Surely the minimum is a root and branch investigation by the police into who at the BBC participated in this cover up that went on for decades. This investigation will surely result in raids on many ex BBC employees homes and their detention and of course raids on the BBC files and any electronic data that may be available. Hopefully those guilty of aiding and abetting Savile et al, plus of course any who may have taken part themselves in child abuse, will then be formally charged and taken to court. This whole process will take a couple of years and I expect to be kept updated each morning on Today and each evening on PM plus live broadcasts from out side the court. Meanwhile I expect various BBC managers to be hauled before the relevant Hof C select committee and grilled remorselessly and questions asked by Whittingdale as to whether the BBC is fit for purpose . In order to ensure transparency the whole investigation and court proceedings must be conducted in the full glare of publicity.
“Murdoch closed the NOW”
If you wish to describe changing the name to “The Sun on Sunday” after a couple of weeks and only doing that after a long succession of exposures, each one more serious than its predecessor, showing his journalists in a very bad light, I suppose he did close it.
Every church in the land has posters on its walls inviting in those of no faith… it’s commonplace. However, when a mosque does so the BBC wet themselves with vile leftie, sycophantic joy. The BBC are always posting useless and pathetic reports like this in an attempt to propagandise for their beloved Islam.
All mosques open their doors to anyone who wants to go in & find out about Islam. Our own church were invited to visit a mosque, but when they suggested a reciprocal arrangement the organisers were a bit shocked to find it was refused!
They decided the best course of action in that case was not to visit the mosque at all !
Just seen a new ad for Sainsburys. Yep, another mixed relationship. White father, mother of colour and two offspring. I’m getting a tad more than peed off at this, and I cannot be the only one; if the advertisers are to be believed then there are far more mixed relationships in this country than there are white ones…. soo not true ! If there is anyone on here who works in the advertising industry it would be ‘nice’ if they could make it be known that the public are wising up to this – and they aint happy !
As I’ve posted here before, it is the proudly stated policy of the boss of one of the industry’s trade associations that they do this. They see it as a ‘positive contribution’ to British society, by normalising the abnormal.
This, of course, is also a stated aim of cultural Marxists. This is not a coincidence.
You might imagine that the boss of Sainsbury’s might not be so happy but then again you have to consider that A/ Sainsbury’s is a Labour party supporting store and B/ the people who make decisions on marketing and advertising campaigns tend to be young, university brainwashed hipsters.
Have you ever watched any programmes for children on al beebus lately?
From viewing some of them, a British child could be forgiven for assuming that it is they who are part of an ethnic minority in this country.
Fortunately most white kids will look around themselves and wonder what strange world it is they are watching on TV, but then decide it’s just like ‘Night Garden’ – all part of the same fantasy.
It must be counterproductive advertising, causing customers to boycott any planned visit to Sainsbury’s. In America, they are reluctant to have mixed race advertising because of complaints by Blacks about the White racist view of perceived sexual preferences of Black people, rather than depicting a proud Black family.
In Britain, Politically Correctness would mean that no one would be brave enough to point out that the adverts could be counterproductive, and its proof that there weren’t any Blacks present to complain about the left-wing white middle-class perceptions of the sexual preferences of Black people. I guess that the only strategy possible would to take the contract to another advertiser without saying why. Anyway, the proof that the Advertising industry is going to the dogs is that most advertising seems to have become a pointless waist of money, because you can easily miss out what the advert was advertising, due the changes from the original right-wing commercial reasons for Adverts, to the new, left-wing Political Correct adverts.
As I said before I think 1% these adverts do seem to be on the rise. In the Dave household it’s now a tradition to shout on spotting one of these adverts in the manor of snap but using a different phrase to see who can spot it first. Seriously all it does for me is move it down the list of places I’m prepared to do business with me.
World Service news yesterday night on how the EU should respond to the continued migrant problem, particularly with regard to the pressure Germany is under.
This focussed only on how Europe should distribute the migrants and the need for “solidarity” among the nations to achieve this as espoused by the hopeless Junker and Tusk (who I dont think actually advocates mandatory quotas, but it was suggested he does). The Beeb even said that it wasnt possible to stop people walking into Europe, as they have a “right” to claim asylum. The narrative was clear, Europe has to accept unlimited mass immigration and we better get used to the idea.
Of course this is complete nonsense: How about asking when will the EU actually starts enforcing its own borders? People do not automatically have the right to enter a country illegally – that’s why we have passports and visa’s, as the Beeb well knows.
It’s actually worse than you are thinking. Mad Merkel didn’t need to invite tens of millions of migrants from all over the world, she made an insane choice, and now the EU instead of addressing that insanity goes along with it, and seeks to mitigate its effects by forcing the consequences on everyone else !
Now they are suggesting that the asylum clause that migrants claim asylum in the first safe country is abandoned, and that migrants are given free movement in Europe !
This is of course the politics of the Asylum! It hasn’t occurred to the Eurocrats, so far removed from reality, that their policies have become a joke and the people dismayed at their remoteness and lack of any accountability.
As I’ve said many times before, even when these people are dangling upside down from the lamp posts, they still won’t have the first conception that they might have done anything wrong !
“People do not automatically have the right to enter a country illegally – that’s why we have passports and visa’s, as the Beeb well knows. ”
Actually, I think that asylum seekers do have that right. The 1951 Convention was agreed in the aftermath of World War II, and the writers had in mind Jews who lacked the right papers and could not claim asylum in countries such as Switzerland, and indeed the USA. So the fact that a refugee lacked papers was felt not to be a bar to claiming asylum.
Of course, the world has changed utterly since 1951, and it is fair to say the Europe now faces an existential crisis from waves of unchecked muslim migration under the guise of asylum seeking. The 1951 Convention is not written in stone, and Britain must repudiate it, and only allow asylum seekers who fit our own criteria. Leaving the EU alone is not enough.
Obviously, Cast Iron Dave will never do either of these things.
Thanks Rob, its good to get hard info.
The problem as I see it is how the EU (rather than the UK) deals with the migrants coming across its external borders. From what you say, I imagine it would be possible to hold them until their claim can be checked and then they can be granted asylum or returned. Obviously if there are millions trying to cross, then you will need rather large camps, but even this would be preferable to the current situation. And once the migrants realise that leaving a camp in Turkey will only result in another one at the EU border then that will stop many making the journey.
The problem is the EU itself: without a mechanism through which countries can disperse (i.e. move on) the “migrants” who have entered their sovereign territory to other member states of the Demographic Suicide Club, those countries would secure their borders; after the time honoured fashion in which borders have been secured everywhere on earth throughout recorded history – by dint of arms.
Ref England’s Dreaming.
Don’t you just love the way the toffee-nosed Eurocrats spout policy pronouncements in their bland unemotional way?
Tusk (and where did he come from btw) and Junker tell member states to accept more migrants and carve up existing rules. All right for them. Unaccountable grey suits on lavish salaries and expenses, with no pesky things like electorates to think about. Protecting Schengen becomes an end in itself, and no matter what actually happens to all our wonderful individual European COUNTRIES along the way.
Mmmmm. “Unaccountable grey suits on lavish salaries and expenses, with no pesky things like electorates to think about”. I could be talking about a certain state broadcaster readers will know well. No wonder the bBBC supports the EU to the hilt. They fit together hand in glove.
To protect Schengen, the external borders need to be enforced, then Schengen can work, but for some reason they seem unwilling or unable to do this. Schengen its used as red herring by the Commission, in the same way they try to link its future to that of the Euro.
The BBC and their man Michael Wood currently gushing about China’s culture and history. “Outside of the cities there’e still so much of the old China…. we went to a place where they’d never seen a european”
But, lest we run away with the idea that native culture and history are important to all of us everywhere around the world – don’t forget – “I don’t see why we need to express Englishness , we’re only English by default” (Tony Livesey BBC Radio 5 Live)
Regarding history of China – this chap Laszlo Montgomery has done a great job with this long-running podcast. All the communist idiocy, show trials and bloody turmoil of the Mao years provide some of the best episodes.
Yes, as a matter of fact I chanced upon Laszlo Montgomery’s podcasts last year and spent many a fascinating hour with his history of China. Highly recommended. In this day and age of the internet who needs the BBC anymore?
Breakfast some actor I’ve never heard of in a film I won’t be going out to watch is considering boycotting the oscars. The jumped up little twat tells us about white privileged racism and the legacy of martin luther. What a total tosser. Leaked Savile report however The report publishers says “A statement said the document was out of date and significant changes had been made to its contents and conclusions.” yea right. The BBc tells us it hasn’t seen it and can’t comment.
The BBC hasn’t seen it? As a corporate entity I wasn’t aware it actually had eyes ! Senior people – which actually make up the management of the BBC have seen it, and have strongly objected to criticisms. They ARE the BBC, and therefore the BBC HAS seen it even if not in an official presentation.
‘The BBC’ likes the notion of an amorphous entity like ‘The BBC’ at such times as it provides degrees of separation and deniability to lose complicit individuals behind.
Hence near all BBC pronouncements and attributions are anonymised.
It’s a technique used on near a every press release about the (seemingly endless) howlers their market rates preside over, and is designed to shut down further questions.
I am surprised other media indulge them in this, as BBC staff would not tolerate such obfuscation if the boot is on the other foot.
I’m intrigued by the process whereby something in a report that was bad presumably, becomes less so in subsequent reports. The BBC usually refers to this as ‘evolving the story’, but it is simply plain old censorship.
Meanwhile, here’s a story they seem much more keen to sink their teeth into:
On a related note, I find well-known professional virtue-signaller and full-time, over-paid, over-privileged Hollywood luvvie Mark Ruffalo absolutely hilarious on this Oscars kerfuffle. It’s a liberal progressive’s nightmare of moral choices – all of them of their own making!
My, how he squirms and contorts his language and moral choices to try and avoid giving offence whilst simultaneously justifying his own rank hypocrisy! Comedy gold, lol – probably Ruffalo’s best performance in years, tbh.
‘Course I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about any of it – just enjoying watching the libtards tie themselves up in knots!
Comedy Gold indeed ObiWan, there’s no hypocrisy like luvvie hypocrisy. I loathe awards ceremonies and never watch them normally. Oscars, Baftas, Golden Globe, whatever, the nauseating back slapping, self important sanctimony is not for me.
But I might actually tune in for this years mutually assured luv in, as the various winners tie themselves up in knots trying to justify their award while virtue signalling their disgust at receiving it, should be good for a laugh.
BTW getting off the subject of Hollywood racism but staying on the subject of Hollywood hypocrisy, shall we all remind ourselves which industry has one of the highest carbon footprints on the planet, why the film industry of course ! I wonder how many stars will use the Oscars to lecture the rest of us about our resource guzzling ways.
Shelly, great comment – and don’t get me started on that well-known climate scientist and Hypocrite-in-Chief Leonardo DiCaprio! Along with the rest of the multimillionaire Hollywood Climate Mafioso (James Cameron, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, etc), they are a total laughing stock and nobody with even an ounce of common sense should take anything any of them have to say on the subject with any seriousness.
Odd how no-one was complaining during the Olympics or the Athletics World Championships, about the total lack of diversity in the men’s 100 metres final, or the women’s for that matter.
Poor old Gruffalo is in a right old quandary. This is, however, a well trodden path for those desperate to be seen to champion everyone’s rights. The problem is, whose rights come first?
As for Hollywood, another of my favourite quotes is attributed to the great philosopher Homer Simpson,”Actors, they know so much.”
Although it is written from a US point of view, you can hear these same arguments being put forward in the UK. More and more I am coming to the view that the risk of coming out is worth it.
It’s an interesting read. The USA has been pushing for European integration since WW2, for many of the reasons cited. But some of its motivations are double-edged; on one hand, it wants a large unified market that it can easily sell its goods too, yet on the other hand it does not want too serious a global competitor. For instance, the sinister TTIP Agreement is but the latest manifestation of a process which has seen Europe’s industrial and manufacturing base systematically acquired, controlled and undermined for more than half a century. The problem facing Europe now is that it is no longer essential to the United States: it is not required as a military buffer or partner against the former Soviet Union; it is not a cheap source of manufacturing; it does not have the market potential of China, India or Brazil. Provided the decline takes place over a few decades rather than overnight and does not require large economic subsidies, it is quite content to see Europe collapse into a sort of Third World Eurabian theme park.
US support for the EU is just the most recent manifestation of a historic desire to neutralise the influence and power of the British Empire (as was). US involvement in EU advocacy extends beyond just encouragement, too – the State Department has had its grubby paw in many programmes to advance the goal of a united Europe. It makes all these troublesome little countries so much easier for giant corporations and US governments to steamroller.
Buried under Politics section of the Beeb website, is the report that those nice people from Goldman Sachs, you remember them the ones that nearly caused the collapse of the world economy and may yet do so, have donated 100s of thousands of £ to the IN campaign. I’m sure Goldman’s have done it in the interests of the British people.
This needs to be told to as many people as possible, every day the OUT case is made more self evident.
Don’t forget GS engineered the fudge of Greece’s financial situation which facilitated their entry into the Euro and which led directly into the Greek financial collapse.
VD going very big on the Litvinenko report this morning- convenient timing given the leaked extracts from the draft Sovile report yesterday? Lord Hall Hall says they are waiting for the “final report which we have not received”. The only hint of which seems to be that the “faults/oversights” uncovered may not be blamed on Al Beeb senior managers. Mm – he didn’t say they hadn’t seen the draft did he (sorry for the double negative, but that is the territory we are in).
Watching all the fancy Litvinenko visuals, one wonders whether a similar effort will be made when Janet Smith’s final report hits the deck. Probably not if just a few mid-level beeb dweebs are going under the bus….
Exactly Leha; when he was an agent of the KGB, I wonder how many times he had been ordered to do to someone else, something similar as that which was ultimately done to him.
Help me out here, but I’m sure I heard on the radio today in view of the leaked Saville enquiry that Tony Hall had said it was a “dull chapter” in the bBC’s history. I have been googling today and had no success in finding this remark. Did he REALLY say this about one of the worst paedophiles (that we know of) in British History?
Jimmy Savile report: BBC culture ‘to be criticised’
“Dame Janet Smith’s draft report says the BBC had a “deferential culture”, “untouchable stars” and “above the law” managers.”
“BBC head Lord Hall said lessons would be learned from a “dark chapter”
But has this dark chapter simply been replaced with another, has the same culture that let this pervert flourish has allowed in a demon of a different kind?
“left wing biased culture”, “untouchable editors” and “above the law” BBC Trust.” ??
Talking of Esther Rantzen, I saw her yesterday on one of those interminable antiques programmes teamed up with ……… her daughter. Nothing like keeping it in the (Wilcox) family I suppose. The BBC do love their dynasties, don’t they?
The daughters got the teeth her mother spent £ thousands on getting rid. Must be a corporate image sort of thing.
And that childline thing was just a platform for her to keep in the media and money ( it’s abused children who’s going to say anything negative ) it got way out of her capabilities and had to be handed on to people that actually know something about this emotive subject.
If you remember way back she backstabbed Bernard Braden who had the original consumer programme and destroyed Wicox’s original family by shagging him. She ain’t a nice person Ranson but with the help of bbbc she has made a fortune on popular subjects that anyone could have done.
Am I alone in being a bit suspicious about the provenance of this leak of Dame Janet Smith’s report on Savile and the BBC? Would it not suit the BBC for the report to come out in dribs and drabs – dismissing it as only a draft and not the final version – and then when the report is published, much of the detail will already be known, thus limiting its impact? Sounds like a classic damage- limitation exercise.
Incidentally, there is a delicious example of typical BBC superciliousness in the quote from Jonathan Powell, Controller 1989-1993. When asked, hypothetically, what he would have done had he been Controller at the time of the publication of Sun articles exposing Savile, he said that one should remember that “the Sun is a sensationalist newspaper which is by and large fiction” and that “its provenance would have played against taking it hugely seriously”.
That’s hilarious. The Sun may be written for the benefit of what used to be described as the ESN (educationally sub normal) but it’s news is rarely fictitious – unlike the BBC’s reports from certain of its correspondents!
This shows that the BBC is worried. It really says something when Murdoch looks positively angelic compared to the BBC!
The News of the World paid a few freelance journalists who hacked a few phones, (far less than was done at the Daily Mirror) and Murdoch shut the paper down.
The BBC has employed, prolific predatory paedophiles, facilitated and covered up for their mass child sexual exploitation for 5 decades, and they are still trying to get away with it and shrug off any responsibility at all.
There is more and more news that the BBC cannot afford to report. It is increasingly having to resort to filling the airwaves with alternative space-fillers. Desperate stuff, to be pointing upwards and shouting ‘Look, a bird!’ while frantically kicking dirt over the increasing number of buried scandals and misdemeanours which disobligingly emerge from the soil around their feet.
Not sure if the BBC can hide everything. I heard on Classic FM news today (9am) that the BBC have been criticised (again) in a report on Saville and his antics. It seems over a 160 staff knew of what was going on but were not keen to report it. (Only Ester Ratzen did anything about it and that is the ‘main reason’ she started ‘ChildLine’ (she said – only after Saville was dead and buried). In addition the entire BBC management are on the carpet for refusing to take any staff responsibility (deny ALL knowledge comrades) and this has led to stricter provision on all children entering the BBC HQ. Every child now as to be chaperoned around the BBC with nominated staff who pass the new (Disclosure of Criminality check) Teacher style ‘DBS’ – a few BBC types would obviously FAIL this test including the BBC ex head of Chris Denning Radio 1 Director who had been arrested numerous times for kiddy fiddling). I am not even mentioning the OTHERS celebrity LUVVIES and BBC DJ’s taken into Scotland Yard for past offences (all deny everything). Many celebs are still in the nick. Anyway the only web link I can find on Classic FM link this is on Daily Mail newsfeed. The BBC is not so much biased, as reveling in it. Muck sticks. Saville stinks.
Just adding that on EXARO reported that the BBC had ‘come to an agreement’ prior to the Smith Report being published. This is ‘DAMAGE LIMITATION’ exercise for the BBC. The BBC have had to agree to change how they deal with children (something they have always resisted). That will mean the BBC will (probably) bring forward plans to lowering the age of consent (when the fuss has died down) so they can legally abuse children (off premises) in peace. Saviille and his BBC chauffeur were both convicted of rape off premises.
Of course they`ve got Jack Dromey, Harriet Harman and Pat Hewitt-and Lord knows who else-to write the reports, go on telly to promote it-and Allah would surely bless them in those marginals in the lands where the postal votes are weighed,not counted.
Just caught part of a studio interview with Ed Lucas, journalist on the BBC news channel about the Litvinenko murder. He said that reporting on the issues where the findings of the enquiry ‘said this’, but the Kremlin ‘said that’, was a travesty of balance. He said it was like giving the mafia the same standing as the police.
I don’t know if he accused the BBC directly but it is certainly precisely what the BBC does the whole time in all its reporting. They give moral equivalence to all manner of evil doing, in furtherance of their political and social engineering agenda.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC supresses these views in any repeat of their reporting of the case.
Sarah Montacute Haw was able to tell us that “no-one from the BBC was available” to explain away the hammocks and free passes left for Sir James Savile of Libsville…as dished out by the BBC.
No-not ONE manager at the BBC had heard Johnny Rotten, had not seen Have I Got News for You, had never read his autobiographies…
And -despite the fat overmanning and overwomanning of the bloated blimp of a state balloon shouting its lies to us down here-nobody was available there in those padded pods, creative segway silos of wonder that we now all fund for the linen-suited EU sponges of privilege.
Nah-that lift downstairs must need a best boy to grip their knobs for them-no creative would risk the allegens on the pinkies.
Carpet burn as their Persian slipppers rubbed worryingly against the corridors of consensus?…who knows?
The BBC serially abuses kids on its premises, yet nobody would like to explain that?
But a few minutes into Sarahs orchestrated “push me pull you” and we see why.
For one of her old silverbacks of old-Will Wyatt Earp seems to bring out that legendary “BBC deference” in her…regression for the media pipe cleaner confections of revolutionary gas like herself-is there to mop the Beeb furrowed brow this morning.
That inane smoothiechops gets as many bites of the BBCs cherry as Liz Dux(who surely has a media manager by now) gets put on a reduced diet.
When it came to Janner-Liz held the whole conch shell and loudhailer to spout on about the rights of abused children.
When it comes to those many more abused children by Savile at the BBC-well, Liz hardly gets a word in…banging on, we`re all to blame…
Maybe the BBC could take over Haringey Services, mid-Staffs and apply their “Savilon” to those aching wounds…let`s feed the Trojan horse in the meantime, by asking those difficult questions like
“Did giving Jimmy Savile a red door in for his dressing room create a climate of Islamic submission?…and did putting a star above his name on it make him Jewish, and therefore to blame for most of what ails us today?”
Poor old Liz Dux-she might THINK that the BBC give a damn about abused kids(and they do pay well)…but Sarahs questions were very much for the BBCs hacks and their bottom coverings…Liz Duckworth was duly grateful to be among the REAL adults in the room talking about what only THEY cared about…and Saviles slags and champeens would hardly get a taxi to the Montessori now would they?
One more thing-UKIPs Steve Woolf managed to upset “DAME” Margaret Hodge(huh?)-and Evan Davis-when he suggested some new tower blocks for Highgate, Hampstead and Islington…( Neither BBC nor Labour Red doors not ruled out!) for the Happy Wanderers to stop THERE and not be bundled up to Teesisde.
Oh dear-Evan ended the debate there and then on this “controversial suggestion”…but both Evan and Dame Madge looked pained and winded…well done Steve…hungry like the ….?
Can’t find any report of Tommy Robinson’s latest arrest. I guess I must ahve missed it.
It’s a shame that it should be such a low priority for the BBC because behind it there’s just about the biggest news story of the last decade. Tommy Robinson the biggest Islamist target for death was jailed on a regular wing of a category A prison and so surrounded by psycho Muslim murderers.
Apparently they always do that and it’s only by the greatest of luck that the former head of the EDL is still alive. On one occasion he was actually locked in a room with several Muslim guys and lost teeth in the subsequent beating.
So where is the Beeb on this. Our government is allied with the Islamists to intimidate (and probably worse) a British citizen who was jailed for lending some money to a relative. Isn’t that public interest enough for the BBC?
I understand he has to appear before the court on Feb 3rd, which is a couple of days before his planned attendance at the Pegida silent walk in Birmingham on the 6th. I suspect he will have bail conditions prohibiting attendance at this event, or banged up in jail.
Alex Feltham, the link was helpful. The last sentence should not be forgotten when we hear of Cameron and May’s dribbling about tackling Islamic extremists. Just how far are these two involved?
‘Any reasonable person could only conclude that the authorities are trying to intimidate Tommy Robinson with the very credible threat of death at the hands of Islamist prisoners. Or in other words that the authorities are effectively allying themselves with Islamist terrorists to achieve a common aim. Such a high risk policy could only be authorized at the very top.’
The never ending autopsy into why Labour lost the election continues in today’s Daily Politics. However, traumatic this must have been for the BBC, don’t they realise how ridiculous this is making them look – how it just confirms their bias? If any confirmation was needed. Today’s slant was it that all happened because Labour got the campaign wrong. That might be an improvement on directly demeaning Tory voters, but it still shows a complete contempt for the democratic process. The same contempt they have for their viewers on almost every issue from Saville to immigration.
This point might have been made before, but had Labour won an overall majority, would the BBC still be analysing the result. Of course not.
…and why it’s also well worth reading up on the Nazi rise to power between 1931-33. The similarities are quite frightening – and don’t for one moment think that Corbyn, Abbott, Dromey, McConnel, McClusky and many others of similar probity would allow their pure Marxist principles to get in the way of gaining that magic majority. What would be the modern equivalent of the Soviet Non-Aggression Pact?
The Labour Party lost the General Election because they had left wing policies and their leader was a left wing twat. There, that didn’t take long did it?
The Labour Party have now decided that the best path forward is to have even more left wing policies and elect an even more left wing twat as their leader. We will see how that plays out in 2020, though I already have a shrewd idea what might happen.
It wasn’t only the labour party who decided to elect an even more left wing twat. I hate the labour party, but I still forked over five great British pounds sterling of my own hard earned, over taxed money, to pay for the delightful opportunity to elect that gloriously idiotic, delusional twat Corbyn as labour leader.
It has to be worth 5 quid to destroy the labour party for a generation. Why did I pay a fiver? Because labour kept saying that they would exclude tories and Ukippers who paid 3 quid from voting. So I paid five and my vote to destroy labour was counted 🙂
And to be honest, Corbyn has been even more insane than I bargained for. I feel like someone who bought a cheap crazy looking little oil painting in a little charity shop, only to discover later it is a long lost masterpeice worth millions. Corbyn is doing a far better job of killing labour as a serious political force than I ever expected. every insane, deluded and twattish utterance he makes, confirms that fiver to be the best five pounds I ever spent!
13:00 news and BBc continue with their anti Putin / Russian agenda yes the murder of Alexander Litvinenko a story that goes on and on. In the real world what will actually happen? I expect nothing still the BBc spends over 10 minutes on this before moving onto the Savile report briefly. Cameroon & his re-negotiation. Now am I a bit slow on this but I have no idea what exactly he is supposed to be negotiation? Control of our borders? Opt out of the (some peoples) human rights? Help me out someone? Or is it just stop paying some benefits for a bit? As you know it’s not likely that we will get through a news report without mention of the cult, and sure as they are whingeing about being spied on in schools.
So far as I can tell, he wants to restrict some immigrants access to “in work” benefits for a little while, thus doing nothing at all about the out of work Islamic, women and child abusing scum hoards who are heading this way to claim “out of work” benefits. He is also asking for the words “ever closer union” to be removed from the next treaty, which is a moot point because the Eurozone will have achieved the closest union ever at the next major treaty change, and so those words were not even going to be in it at all anyway. Removing them does NOTHING to protect any remaining mirage of UK independence. Oh, and he is asking for a “red card” for EU laws, which boils down to Cameron being allowed to ask permission of all the other EU members to use a “red card” to gain a UK opt-out from future EU laws… Which the rest of the EU can, and will, refuse. We will not have the power to unilaterally refuse any EU law. EU law will remain sovereign, although the spin from the “remain” campaign will be to falsely suggest we are getting something significant back from the EU.
It is exactly the same con trick Wilson tried in 1975. Do not fall for it again.
Basically, he is asking for bugger all, and will get even less, spin it as a great victory and then hand the UK over to the EU, lock, stock and barrel after the referendum.
Given the bBBC’s self-righteous indignation and bigging up of each and every aspect of the phone hacking scandal, I SO hope the Murdoch press really lay into Al Beeb with all guns blazing over Savile.
Because after the finest from the Met tried to dig up whatever they could, I don’t remember any phone-hacking enquiries leading to charges of child abuse.
Perhaps in bBBC la la land, a lot of abused children counts for little as compared with the rights of luvvies and celebs.
I bet the luvvies and celebs are not as ‘hacked off’ as the abuse victims of Savile.
Was the monstrously expensive move to ‘Media City’ influenced, perhaps, by the pervasive and ingrained wafts of Old Spice infecting the corridors of power in Shepherds Bush – no irony intended.
Have a watch & listen to the poor woman, obviously distressed because something has happened prior to the start of the clip to elicit her response which to my mind is not racist at all.
I phoned the MEN to complain about their witch hunt and asked why they believed this clip was racist. The only explanation they were able to give was ‘it just is’ ! And that their readers think so too, although this is not borne out by the comments. They refused to take the complaint (second time they’ve done that) in breach of the press code, although unfortunately it does appear that the only person who can make a complaint is the woman herself or her immediate family.
All white people are racists, ‘because they just are’ all effniks are perfeckt !
Local press love this kind of “waycist” crap I had a run in with a couple of hippy dippys at the local authority after reading an article about how they were setting up a group with landlords to help stop waycism in the rental market. Of course when I lodged an FOI request turns out in there particular area of la la land there hadn’t been any waycist incidents, Where I live is particularly crap so as there are no jobs here to steal we don’t get many migrants at all. When I put in a further FOI request asking how much this event in pointlessness had cost, in the meantime they had arranged a meeting that 6 people had turned up at,I was told it cost nothing at all. So there you are council workers who’s time costs nothing. Much to my surprise this was the last I ever heard of this initiative.
It never stops – the media constantly searching for evidence of waaycism, followed by police action. Already the woman’s family have been contacted and gave the correct answers as required by the MultiKult authorities. She will be arrested then submitted for psychiatric examinations, will appear before a magistrate and a full report of the damage inflicted on the victims will drag out the proceedings. This woman is finished.
Of course no one should condone this woman’s abuse, but in a convoluted way, maybe heart should be taken that for a drunken, obviously ill woman she is actually quite well informed with the Doctor/Nurse sarcastic comments . Its highly likely that she is a lifetime Labour voter, maybe now such people are finally getting the message/lie on immigration?
Maybe its that Northern directness, not like the namby pampy southerners. Oop North they call a spade a spade, and have been known to spout their bigoted remarks to Gordon Brown no less. Never mind, Labour and Cameron’s International Socialist Party will have them replaced with polite Ropers.
To be honest, you don’t know what has been said to her prior to those comments, and it appears that she’s been wound up, possibly deliberately in order to get the response.
It would be very odd indeed for someone to come out with those comments without some kind of discourse prior to the time the clip starts.
Agree. But do we know where the clip starts? Of interest is that it starts where it does, not with anything that must have been said before her comments were made. That is the problem with clips like these, which may have been edited by the owner of the camera, or by the newspaper. It would not be the first time that such clips have been conveniently edited.
It is this year being organised by Camilla Batmiajihhhad and the proceeds are going to the Sepp Blatter Relief Fund, sources close to the BBC have learned.
Maybe you misunderstand there dave!
I myself have pledged to empty out the cabinet with all the old pills and medicines in, add a few old syringes and an old copy of Roy Castles Record beakers.
Then add an orthopaedic limb, a clapped out prosthetic and an unwanted Spastics Society money gobbler that we all knew as a statue by the doctors when we were kids,
Add a charger for a disability scooter, a few eyeshades from the flights we`ve been on…and I think you`ll find that that will cover both Paralympics and the able-bodied…transgendering to follow.
AND-for the youth trials-I find a Jimmy Savile dummy attached to a pole behinnd the triallists tends to get good results…any sports day in schools should know that by now!
Yes, and if you’re unluckily enough to have to phone the speaking clock over the next couple of months, you get the dulcet tones of Jo Brand telling you the time. All part of the ‘fun fest that is Sports Relief.
(In view of today’s Savile report, not sure someone BBC associated should be saying the line “at the first stroke….” !!)
Is there no end to this crap? a never ending conveyor belt of appeals Children in Need>Comic Relief>Children In Need>Sports Relief>Children In Need etc etc etc and then we’re hit with the lie that this years appeal was the ‘best ever’
Still it saves the BBC a few quid in not having to find a proper evening of what they call entertainment on BBC1.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
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tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
BBC offering more Muslim appeasement and sympathy today and attacking the police for the rare example of them actually doing their jobs to keep us safe.
An Islamic primary school pupil wrote that he lives in a “terrorist” house instead of a “terraced” house. Of course the school told the police and they investigated. Surely that is the only responsible thing to do when there is even a chance of a child accidentily “letting slip” that he is being raised in a household that is involved in terrorism? Without further investigation, it is impossible to know if that is true or not. Had the police discovered that this child’s relatives had been involved in terrorism, then a terrorist attrocity could have been avoided. Had the police arrested the parents for nothing and falsely charged them with terrorism, over a spelling mistake, then that would have been wrong. BUT what happened was an understandable alert was raised, the police investigated and no further action was required. ALL 100% correct.
The BBC, of course, are sympathetic with the parents who wrongly feel victimised.
Did he show them his alarm clock?
Reminds me of the incident when a young black boy in America searched for “The Niger River” on his computer encyclopaedia. He accidently typed Nigger instead of Niger and got a description of “a derogatory word formerly used to describe black people”.
His father took out a $40 million lawsuit against the online encyclopaedia company claiming it had scarred his son for life and would never recover.
Some people never miss an opportunity.
Appeasement and sympathy seems to be offical educational policy at the BBC. I stumbled upon the BBC’s guide to National Curriculum, Key Stage 3.
British history is, as to be expected, either ambivalent or negative. There is very little in terms of the achievements of the Empire or anything like a balanced discussion. Instead, the beeb uses a single quote from a “historian” on the “British Empire through time”, a certain Edward Said – yes, him of Orientialism fame. According to the guide, Mr Said and his ilk “criticised Britain’s ‘cultural imperialism’, suggesting that it was based on nationalism and racist scorn for other people”. There is also the outright lie that “the British government massacred a peaceful gathering at Amritsar in 1919”. The British Government?!
So far, so self-loathing. But, why not take the appeasement one step further? If the British Empire was evil then what will those 11 to 14-year old children see when they click on the BBC’s Key Stage 3 guide to the Islamic World in the Middle Ages? You know, when Islam was attempting to violently conquer Europe? I assume they will be treated to a similar level of critical analysis that the ghastly British Empire did?
You will not be surprised especially from a educational too that states: “It would be a mistake to think of the Crusades as the most important wars in the history of the Islamic world. The Crusades were “barely a pinprick” on the Islamic world.”
Barely a pinprick…
Excellent Post Collin. My son was told by his (female) science teacher ‘you don’t need triple science’. He’s gifted at maths and sciences. He’s taught that Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory is fact and proven. I have to give him unlearning classes at home!
Can only expect the poor little mite to have a reception at Number 10, (as in clock boy’s trip to the White House).
I wonder whether, like the clock boy, the parents have political connections. Expect Keith Vaz to turn up with a public apology from the cops
Whoops, trumped (down, Tulip):)
Anyway, compo is the order of the day, no doubt.
Moaners Hour is up to its biased hypocritical best this morning, with a report and an interviewee who wants to deny fathers access to their children when ever the mother feels uncomfortable with contact being awarded. The basis they are using for this is that some fathers have killed their children post divorce.
Note the difference in the Fascist lefts twisted logic when applied to white men. Gone is the Russian Roulette “Well they’re not all like that” gone is the allegations of supporting bigotry used to justify the silence over the rape of women by Muslims in Germany.
The woman on the program said that the reason her ex gave was that women have all the rights, and men have none, which she then stated was completely wrong, and that men have equal rights with women. This went unchallenged of course, despite the fact that there are protest groups such as fathers for justice – unmentioned.
Throughout the program, only one side was presented and there was no opposing views even mentioned in passing. As usual by the Feminazis, ALL men were tarred with the same brush in a way the Fascists claim should not be applied to their favourite ‘ism and phobia’ groups.
Lets hope he doesnt have eggs thrown at his red front door, as heavily reported throughout al bbbc this morning. Christ- eggs- the sheer callous inhumanity.
Eggs thrown at doors. An English friend of mine married an Iraqi. I was invited to their new home and commented on the numbers of eggs splattered on their front door. I was informed that it was an Iraqi/Kurdish custom for friends to throw eggs at the door to promote a fertile marriage. As we all live in a vibrant multiculture, the BBC might investigate such practices instead of chanting racism.
They would have to be red fucking doors wouldn’t they !
Chinese New Year homage. Now let that community go full retard at the ‘outrage’.
BBC would probably not have run this story (sorry, “narrative”) had it not given them the ammunition they needed for their weekly anti G4S, anti private sector, anti profit, pro Public Sector largesse agenda.
If those Teesside doors had been black and white or red and white stripes they would have stood out for egging but red doors in Middlesbrough = Boro fans.
Palin Backs Trump. For the BBC its the two arch capitalist running dogs together. Waaycist warmongers. And very stupid. That is the theme.
So expect bias – as in this remark from Antony Zurcher BBC correspondent in Washington
‘While the former Alaska governor’s reputation has been diminished since the heady days of 2008 – thanks to her absence from public office and involvement in series of questionable reality television shows – she is still well liked by conservative Republicans and nearly universally known’
Could this enlightened BBC hack explain what was diminishing and ‘questionable’ about these reality shows? Or was it just something negative to meet BBC requirements.
Link to comrade Zurcher’s piece.
Some twerp (I didn’t catch his name) actually went a step further on BBC News 24 in the small hours. Heaping as much derision as he could find (no doubt to insure a re-booking at some later stage) said pundit pulled the favourite BBC trick ‘..some people say she isn’t very bright.’
Indeed. And some people spread the most outrageous lies and rumours about her because she is an attractive, strong woman, a successful and popular governor, who holds conservative views and terrifies the living daylights out of Leftists who routinely ignore the allegedly criminal activities of their candidate, Hilary Clinton.
“… the allegedly criminal activities of their candidate, Hilary Clinton.”
One can only hope that Ms Clinton will one day be held properly to account for her alleged misdemeanours. Then again, with the combined misdirection and obfuscation of the US liberal media at her beck and call who am I kidding?
If this woman becomes El Presidente, god help us all.
Some were mocking Ms. Palin’s colourful turn of phrase as reasons to question her suitability for office.
The same people get rather defensive when helicopters, sniper fire and Bosnia get raised in connection with Mrs. C.
And guess which stories the BBC has more time for?
I’m looking forward to Mark Kermode’s review of “13 Hours”.
I haven’t been to the cinema for years, but I might go to see this film.
I went to opening night of it in the US and it is superb. Unbelievable that Clinton and Obama watched all that unfold from the drone camera and did nothing.
Go see it.
Some Guardian hack has already given it one star. What a surprise, I’m sure the beeb will repeat that as faithfully as they do all other Guardian bollocks. I’m not a fan of Michael Bay but I’m definitely going to see it!
Hillarys health record worth a check-let`s hope we`ll see it!
Congenital liar is not yet a DSM category for the American Psychiatric Association and their manual…but Clinton Syndromes are numerous, varied and deserve an appendix of their own.
I hope there is someone very senior at the FBI who actually has the balls to charge Hitlery with her many crimes. No alledged, no pretence, no hedging. Blatant federal criminality on a large scale.
“Hitlery?” LOL! nice one Geyza, I’m assuming it’s not a typo!
Oh yes Sarah Palin is bright. And tough, like she dealt with the ‘corrupt bastards club’ in Alaska. Given an opportunity she would take on the Greens, revitalize America’s energy industry, tell the Saudi’s where to stuff their oil, and in that way play a role in transforming US foreign policy. As an aside, she put me in touch with her cousin who runs a decent rock band who has allowed me to use his music for my dancing dogs.
Happened to hear programme about Nepal on Radio 4 this morning around 11.15 am which listed countries that were helping Nepal But , of course, the BBC would fail to mention what humanitarian work Israel is doing there . Shown here from below (search archive facility for weekly news of Israel’s achievements at
A “Roof for All” in Nepal
Posted on: Sunday, June 14th, 2015
Israeli humanitarian aid organization IsraAID has launched its “A Roof for All” program to provide safe and sturdy transitional shelter for thousands of displaced families who have lost their homes as a result of the last two devastating earthquakes in Nepal.
Am proud to have said that I was hoping Sarah would hook up with Don to stuff the Washington elite-and hopefully make the BBC have mutant kittens.
And this she has done-what a gal!
Let`s hope the BBC care as much about Hillarys lyings, deceptions, fidldles, emails, condoning Bills antics-Benghazi and her fantasies about being in danger in Bosnia for example…as they are about Sarahs geography gaps in 2008.
Nah, imagine no deceptions,,,wouldn`t be the BBC would it?
Still-Sarah hopefully will be the cougar up the liberals nightie we`re all hoping for.
Eminem fancies her as well-reason enough to vote for this great lady, even if she`s not standing…I`ve 10,000 postal votes from Ahmeds House with her name on each one if that helps her.
Unlike Obama’s 57 states and many other factual errors, most, if not all, of Palin’s ‘geography gaps’ are most likely to have originated in Tina Fey’s SNL skits.
I think the only ‘Geography Gaps’ I remember from La Palin was when she said South Korea instead of North Korea (or vice versa) but immediately corrected herself. Of course the US lying media replayed the bit up to the mistake to chortle like lunatics and ignored the correction. A simple slip of the tongue, unlike Obama who planned to learn to speak Austrian, which is clear stupidity.
The only other one is when she was deliberately misquoted by the US lying media as saying that she could see Russia from her house, whereas she actually said you can see Russia from Alaska which is true.
Demon, I think Obama meant Australian !
Grant, he might well have done despite being in Austria at the time. He was probably surprised to not see kangaroos hop past the mountain chalets, and koalas perched up the pine trees. Also he probably asked beside what part of the Danube the Sydney Opera House was sited. And those wonderful Tyrolean hits with the corks hanging! Let alone watching an episode of Nachbarschaft starring Kylie von Minogue and Jason Vonadon.
Seems to me that we`ve all the best looking gals.
Sarah Palin?…Marine Le Pen and her niece( but not in a Alan Clark way)..Tzipi Livni?
The Left has NO women with brains, beauty and principles-and all of them have been made even more beautiful by the media witch hunts aimed at them.
This is my theory-and we here at Wessix Uni will hopefully get a grant from the Fawcett Society to check my theory that “adversity is beauty, but only if you`re of the right”.
Hope to go onto Womans Hour to present my findings, More Or less and the O.U to back up my statistics.
Won`t ask the pollsters though…unscientific wallies-unlike my theory, which is brill.
The BBC maybe uglifies all that go onto it…that`s my other theory that the BBC Boot camp( Doc Martens and Briar Pipe Annexe) might go for.
Should I get Maria or Angela to deliver the reports in that pink van of theirs?
The Left is based on resentment, which acts like lemon juice on the old puss. Hence the ugliness.
Tyrolean hats
The attacks on Palin did not have to be verified, as the media eagerly reported anything. I recall when she was helping earthquake victims in Haiti and when leaning over to help one child her hair fell over her eyes. Her daughter standing next to her pulled it back and stuck it in a clip. A photographer caught it and a feminist magazine published the picture, saying something like ‘She took her hairdresser to the victims in Haiti’. The Guardian reproduced the picture in an article which conducted a scurrilous attack on Franklin Graham and the Christian relief organisation for its criticism of Islam.
Palin’s actual words were ” You can see Russia from SOME parts of Alaska.” The usual quote ” You can see Russia from my house.” was originated by leftie comedienne Tina Fey on an episode of “Saturday Night Live” which the Yank MSM, being Obama supporters, passed off as a genuine Palin quote.
Anyone remember Doug Stanehope’s comedy sketch on Palin’s child with Downs Syndrome. He was interviewed by Richard Bacon on the BBC.
The following appeared on the home page of the Down’s Syndrome Association of the UK:
DSA make official complaint following Richard Bacon’s Radio 5 Live Show
– Friday, 05 August 2011 12:54
The Down’s Syndrome Association is shocked that a BBC employee has publicised the work of a comedian which is nothing more than a vile offensive rant and conflicts with BBC guidelines which state a responsibility to ‘protect the vulnerable and avoid unjustifiable offence’.
During Richard Bacon’s BBC 5 show yesterday afternoon he directed listeners to a video of Doug Stanhope discussing the son of Sarah Palin on YouTube.
The child was born with Down’s syndrome and Mr Stanhope’s comments about him were abhorrent.
As a public body the BBC should not be promoting the work of such an individual. Therefore the Down’s Syndrome Association has logged an official complaint with the BBC. We encourage everyone to do to the same using the link below –
Now see the kind of comedy the BBC – Richard Bacon was airing.
liberals eh? What is they say?…..ah yeah, sweetie pie voice on… “haters gonna hate”… and off.
Truly vile, a waste of the right to free speech.
Off for a shower now, after watching that hideous video.
If any American should be banned from entering this country Stanhope is the one: Genuine hate speech, actual verbal attacks on vulnerable minorities.
Most of the BBC are thick & stupid , but I will reveal , there are only 46 states in the USA , but how can this be ?the BBC & others ask. The other 4 ,are actually Commonwealths , like Massachusetts & Kentucky .Not a lot of people know this .
Pole dancing with Newsnight. Katie Razzall last night revealed the evils of the new centre right government in Poland, accused of “eroding the progress made over the past twenty five years”- which is pretty good going since it has only been in power for two months. More specifically the new government has : increased its control over the constitutional tribunal, sacked managers and reporters at state-owned TV and radio stations (oh, the horror when a member of the government said that the media had been terribly politicised over the past 8 years and that the state media were biased), its”purging” the civl service and “boosted” surveillance rights for the police and secret service. All very dire we must agree, especially as this is the Law and Order party which made history as the first and only party in Poland to win as a majority government in a free election, since 1991.
Fortunately the EU is riding to the rescue thanks to a nifty bit of legal footwork by the Commission in 2014, when they introduced a “framework to safeguard the rule of law in the European Union”. This allows the Commission to undertake an assessment of the laws of any EU member to decide whether “there is a systemic breakdown which adversely affects the integrity, stability and proper functioning of the institutions and mechanisms established at national level to secure the rule of law.” Apparently The Commission inquiry might lead to the suspension of Poland’s voting rights in the EU bloc if the Commission decides that Warsaw has not observed the rule of law. So off to the naughty step you go. No more democratic rights for you.
Poland is the first member state to fall foul of this “framework” and the investigation is now in hand regarding the failure of Poland’s president, elected with the backing of the ruling Law and Justice party, to swear in three judges of the constitutional tribunal who had been chosen by the previous parliament.
Needless to say Ms Razzall didn’t spend much time looking at the very significant questions this new EU “framework” raises, including vis-a-vis Cameroon’s stated aims to repatriate powers from Brussels to London.
Strange how Standard & Poor have downgraded Poland’s economy making government borrowing more expensive. Coincidence? Or more proxy interference by the EU?
Andy- exactly so. These US-owned credit rating agencies are completely unaccountable to any foreign governments. When the US-led banking crisis hit in 2007-8 there had been absolutely no prior indications of concern from any of these agencies on the over-exposure in the US sub-prime mortgage market, or indeed the massive international leveraging of high risk financial products in the shadow banking system. Is this Polish debt downgrade by S&P political ?Well on 13 January, David Lipton , First Managing Director of the IMF made the following statement on the Polish economy ““Poland continues to benefit from its very strong economic fundamentals and policy frameworks. Economic growth is strong and unemployment is declining. The current account deficit has narrowed, thereby further strengthening economic fundamentals, while international reserves remain adequate. Fiscal consolidation has led to an exit from the Excessive Deficit Procedure, and public debt is sustainable. Poland’s credible inflation targeting regime has been effective in managing deflationary pressures, and inflation has started to pick up. The banking system is liquid, profitable and well capitalized, and the financial sector framework has been further strengthened.”
So what do you think ?
Also watch what Fitch does. Fitch isn’t US-owned. Contrary to what many believe it’s actually French.
“to repatriate powers from Brussels to London”
Dave I can have these powers back in the UK PDQ with a one off donation of twenty million pounds to UKIP.
Just arrange for the UK PLC cheques to be “lost in the post” for a couple of months.
Then demand that the Commissioners put videos on Facebook showing themselves jumping incessantly with the Union Flag in the background. Background music “Higher and higher”
Job done.
Sat through Fergal Keane’s mandatory Migrant Misery show last night with exciting fresh new pictures of inflatables packed with children, mothers and people smugglers. He’s on a roll, isn’t he – thanks to those sympatico-bovine eyes and the rich, soft, soul-searching brogue – he must be worth every penny of that Official BBC Correspondent salary.
I wonder what his hotel bill is now – six months and more at a minimum 3* with regular happy hours shared with Orla and Lysse – or does he pitch his tent and share the deprivations of his fellow migrants? Surely he’s been there long enough to qualify for asylum?
The BBC have infected Sky. Sky’s equivalent is Mark Stone, who is whines on and on about the poor mites, no criticism of the parents for their greed and irresponsibility, using their children as shields and weapons. There’s no limit to their selfishness and cruelty, and his partiality.
Unfortunately, there is a revolving door in the broadcast media, so the hacks that work for Sky are almost certain to have been ‘trained’ (for which read ‘programmed’) by the BBC.
Sky is an abomination and I have no idea why Murdoch allows it. Distracted by Jerry Hall, perhaps.
“Unfortunately, there is a revolving door in the broadcast media, so the hacks that work for Sky are almost certain to have been ‘trained’ (for which read ‘programmed’) by the BBC.”
same with LBC which is fast becoming a 5live clone, top of the grooming list of course is the patronizing twisted twat, O’Brian
On reflection, would an hour shared with Orla and Lysse be happy? Probably not, only partially intelligible, and practically non-alcoholic thanks to all the tears thinning their Guinness.
“…Surely he’s been there long enough to qualify for asylum?”
I think Fergal’s hoping it will at least qualify him for another Press Gong at some awards ceremony or other. This seems to be his chief aim these days. Early career highs sobbing over some conflict or natural disaster, sympathy-bombing the watching British (and international) audience, must have spoiled young Fergal, so now he and his BBC bosses are determined to rediscover those halcyon days of mutual back-slapping and self-congratulatory award ceremony mugging for the camera.
Somewhere in all of that a duty to the integrity and factuality of journalism seems to have gone awry. I dunno, I’m guessing his BBC bosses feel that every time hammy Fergal plays another one to the galleries he’s ‘getting it about right’.
He is an absolute parody of himself, though. Did none of these clowns ever watch Drop The Dead Donkey?
Or is it run at the BBC’s playschool of journalism these days, as an instructional video?
You need only listen to ANY BBC output on sport to know that the recent set of amoral, thick clots who do “sports journalism” sat through loads of Alan Partridge-and still think he was a genuine role model to emulate.
In fact, Partridge is a far better analyst of sport on any local BBC station or channel than any I`ve seen.
AND-I know for a fact that Lauren from the Catherine Tate Show has been shown to trainee teachers to show how the child is right…and the stupid teacher who she`s abusing is lucky to be let out of the classroom afterwards.
I`ve also been to many assemblies where Little Britains Lou and Andy has been shown to illustrate the problems face by disabled people…and when the kids laugh at the irony…the teachers tell them off for being heartless.
THAT`S how stupid our teachers and our BBC hacks have now become.
From Bill Mclaren to Gary Richardson within a generation….from Dave Mackay to that Savage oaf who spouts off about a game he never graced…that`s the extent of the national decline.
The story remains the same. The majority of the population, I believe, still don’t care and won’t . The Damien Day / GlobeLink News award goes to…….
‘The majority of the population…don’t care…’ And that same majority share a rare yet fruitful experience of the Guardian – torn into 6in squares and hanging beside the Elsan, in the park department’s potting shed.
With the IMF forecasting 1.3 million Muslim immigrants paddling into Europe each year for the foreseeable future, continued commissions for the intrepid Fergal from the beeb are guaranteed . Heart rendering sympathy reports, further hotel bills and no-doubt generous expenses claims too. Meanwhile a Muslim majority population for Europe within decades will be guaranteed .
In passing…
Apropos of nothing at all, after the triumph of the BBC Cologne office, I merely note:
Noted the BBC elite rather bothered at events in Poland last night.(Newsnighie)
Now wasn`t that a plucky independent sovereign nation with a proud history of facing down Nazis and Commies…and a great and loyal friend to this country?
I`d say so!
But the EU doesn`t like its newly elected(got that BBC?… got that EU?..democratically ELECTED…look it up!) Governing party.
The Beeb clearly prefers its metrosexual latte sippers who get to trash the country via the public sector funded broadcaster-who have now been removed by PiS for being serially biased since god knows when.
The Beeb didn`t like the judicial tinkerings either-the last government stuffed the courts with EU compliant suckups who`d strike down any independence , any christian references, any notion of patriotism or conservative thoughts or decisions.
In short-the bloody plebiscite have spoken-and they hate the BBC/EU project in Warsaw as much as we do here!
This cannot stand-and the EU have found some old piece of crap about “Rule of Law” that could yet turn in handy.
The EU has never heard of this concept before-certainly not in Germany or France-not even in Hungary or Austria…but they seem to have found this as a pretext to step in and on Poland.
Very Greece, very Italy…very Portugal as well…but the Poles ain`t these!
Still-the BBC can see what`s coming-if you`re not a snotty snitch for Junckers Bunker, then you TOO might be binned as the national broadcaster for being a treacherous treasonous mouthpiece for IslamoCommunalism…and the whole ECHR, Schengen, Dublin and Lisbon shite might come crashing around the EU judges ears.
NO-the BBC won`t let THAT happen-hence their go-to dials of ex plumbers and au pairs of theirs to “seek a liberal response”…which might as well have been written by Heseltine or Jenkins.
BBC lying crap-traducing a great nation it has NO business in doing down.
Anybody able to tell the EU about “Signed Off Accounts and Audits”?…if they`ve now heard of “The Rule of Law”…well, might they not get those accounts signed off?…that would be a first too!
That last government not only stuffed the courts with ‘EU compliant suckups’, it also stuffed the courts with political activists and appointed a nakedly political far Left loon as the DPP.
And the BBC’s investigation into this blatant corruption? None whatsoever.
I’m sure murder is illegal in Poland, as it is in the UK, but what about killing a member of the occupying forces?
Things move on apace, with the EU attempting to take back their proxy control of member states’ media, courts and law-making institutions. I guess all you can say is that resistance flushes out the tyranny from behind its coy disguises.
It also tells us what kind of response we would get from the EU if Britain made a serious attempt to regain its independence. Plenty of people have said that there would be a re-run of their previous tactic of forcing a repeat of an ‘adverse’ referendum until a return to the fold was established. Having seen this attack on the Polish state, I now think we would see similar moves here to de-legitimise the legislature, assert more direct media control, and apply financial warfare via credit rating downgrade. Wait until our armed forces can be ‘exported’ to some foreign campaign to get them out of the way, and you will see the stage set for an undefended civilian population to be coerced into servitude.
I’ve said before that the chronic weakness of these left-collectivist institutions is their vulnerability to corruption. I still think this, but I’m now looking at the way their collective behaviour resembles the individual patterns of certain psychopathic personalities , and I think you can add another Achilles’ heel – an inability to respond with agility to an unplanned situation. They are vulnerable to being overtaken by the speed of events, just like the old Communist dictatorships. They are planners above all else – look at the BBC and 28Gate. That was a prime instance of long-term, root-and-branch, planned treachery and corruption. We are seeing the fruits of it, and similar, plans years down the line, as lies are propagated throughout a medium staffed at all levels by apparatchiks and party organisers. However, the wheels can nevertheless come off their wagon, when things in the real world move too swiftly for a planned response. The May election caught them with their drawers down. Mr Trump’s progress is obviously rattling them, with transparent and downright unskilled responses – ‘paranoid’ indeed.., the language of the playground .
And here’s another tasty story that I somehow don’t expect to see the light of day on any BBC channel:
“Rotherham: Whistleblower Threatened by Govt With Removal of Children ‘For Speaking Out About Abuse’”
Remind me, someone, how much of my TellyTax goes to Breitbart London. Oh, that’s right. None of it!
James Martin Home comforts the propaganda carries on even here. Syrian woman (who had a promising career as a pharmacist until the civil war). Her partner and her arrived in the UK to stay with relatives with nothing. Now she makes halloumi cheese . Whoop whoop . Please BBc just go away and leave us alone.
Oh God, just watching James Martin Home Comforts (afternoon viewing), and there’s even a headscarfed Syrian immigrant on that !!! Martin tells of how the family fled Syria in 2011 and of course came to the UK to rebuild their life (no reason given as to why they chose this country) – particularly in Huddersfield and are now set up flogging Hummini (?) The Beeb are subliminally getting the message across via their non-political programmes, but I wonder, like me, how many eyes were rolling by viewers when they saw this.
The saltiest fattiest cheese known to the Mediterranean?
You can deep fry it a la Dunfermline…or , if you`re a health conscious green chimp in Hoxton?…why, you can shallow fry it.
Seals in all those fats, ensures no brine or saltwater gets lost. Obesity alert?…well, if you`re Muslim?…no.
A stroke in a fatty bag of salt?
Where-oh where is Dame Sally Davies and the Food Police?
This is culinary jihad!
The Scots might fall for it…we the English are made of sterner stuff.
Tell our Syrian lady that we`re not falling for that!
Only the BBC would condone such a salt-filled,fat-enhanced diet…NO BBC…NO!
Halloumi cheese eh? That well known Greek Cypriot cheese.
This reminds me of the many take away pizza places run by swarthy looking Italians who, when you get talking to them, turn out to be Iranians!
Hoping the comments about deep or shallow frying Halloumi were sarcastic. Just put it on the BBQ with a little oregano sprinkled over it. Delicious. Serve with a simple salad.
Thanks Dave 666 , I wasn’t sure about Hummini, but now see its Halloumi.
Yes as you can see Brissles my eyes rolled skyward in despair,
well I didn’t have the sub-titles on !
At the program, not you.
Story in Express focussing on Max Planck Institute study which” reveals” that a third of British DNA is foreign provenance.
The Institute has “revealed” that foreign DNA was European in origin. ……………..snore, what a surprise!
Who pays for this shit!
I wonder how long before our state broadcaster picks up this story – and I wonder what fascinating conclusion they will draw from this amazing study!
Poor old Planck!
Survived a name like that to do a few clever things in sciency stuff…hope Harrabin doesn`t feel excluded by this seemingly simple account.
Got me thinking though-here at WessixUni…may well set up a Max Headroom AND a Max Wall Institute to check other sciency things.
1. Did watching Songs Of Praise turn Tom Robinson straight?
2. Was Schrodingers Cat the first gender fluid visionary to “get” David Bowie…Will Gompertz to head this one up.
I think you’ll find this study is pertinent to Britain in the 5th & 7th century AD and the one third is Anglo Saxon !
I have no doubt the BBC will warp this to as Kipling said make a trap for fools, yet we all now know that the BBC does not tell the truth when it comes to propagandising.
Fatty Feltz in again for Jezza Whine, discussing the tyranny of the red front doors up in ‘Boro; she was speaking to the journalist from The Times who broke the “story”, I thought he sounded familiar (his name presently eludes me) and I remembered: it was he who wrote about the cover-up of the wide scale rape of under-aged English girls in Rotherham by gangs of Muslim men, that had gone on for decades.
I recall listening to him say that he was somewhat reluctant to publish at first, as it would provide ammunition for the “extreme Right” if he revealed what these Islamic gangs had been doing. He must be pleased with this latest subject as it provides ammunition for those wanting to attack that damned, pesky “extreme Right”, so much better for The Times and al beebus to bleat about.
How depressing if that`s as you say.
Think his name was Norfolk-and he got braver as time went along, and we owe him.
So if he`s now back to following the trawler again, to support the white baiting industry again…then it shows he`s learned nothing and he`ll say anything to whip up a souffle to order.
Strictly business, no attachment or embedding here, no expertise or reflection allowed-he`s moved on…but Islam hasn`t-and nor will it.
To be fair to the Left-they stand in the sewers of multiculti crap even when the stuff is slopping in over their waders…whereas the likes of Norfolk can be brought to heel to satisfy their left liberal paymasters.
Which is why the likes of Booker and Scruton are so rare-and the continual griping and sniping of the Left is perpetual…the Left stands in its own shit and parrots its messages-the Right goes off for tea, and hopes the enemy don`t want to wipe them out as they say they do…fools.
I agree with that last bit. The Left are a lost cause (literally and metaphorically). The only task worth pursuing is to wake up the Right from their slumbers, and prod them into some kind of coherent response to these desperate times.
Bed firm boss convicted over ‘slave workforce’
OK the webpage shows the picture of Mohammed Rafiq but never mentions his religion, which they will claim is not relecant to this case, and they would be right if this was an isolated incident, but it isn’t!
“Mohammed Rafiq employed large numbers of Hungarian men as a “slave workforce” at the now defunct Kozee Sleep in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.”
Just as a note, I seem to remember another notable Muslim woman whose family own a bed factory in Dewsbury, surely there can’t be that many of them??
In this benighted country, slavery was unheard of, there wasn’t even a law against it because it was considered unnecessary. That is until Tony BLiar decided to enrich us all with the vibrancy of mass immigration. Now almost even single case of slavery involves Muslims. Many of them are deeply unpleasant cases with violence intimidation and cruelty, yet the BBC treat every case as a completely isolated & different one, and never mentions the connection.
Oh dear Oh dear !
The government has included ‘poppers’ in the list of ‘legal highs’ it wasn’t to ban, and this has upset one of their favourite groups – the gays !
Labour spokeswoman Lyn Brown told the Commons that she had heard that use of the drug “enhances sexual experience”.
“I am greatly disappointed the government has chosen not to place poppers on the exemptions list,” she said. “I do believe this will undermine the bill and place popper users, particularly men who have sex with men, at greater use of harm.”
Ex-minister Crispin Blunt said users of the drug were “astonished” by talk of a ban and respect for the law “would fly out of the window” if it happened.
Supplying the drug, which is popular with gay men, could be outlawed under the Psychoactive Substances Bill.
Mr Blunt – who is the uncle of actress Emily Blunt and is a former prisons minister – said he would be “directly affected” by the ban.
“I use poppers. I out myself as a user of poppers. I am astonished to find it (the government) is proposing it to be banned and frankly so would many other gay men.”
The things our elected representatives do, and expect us not to be shocked by! A gay MP is not a particular issue, but to find he is disusing his choice of drugs during sex in the House of Commons, is taking things too far – well for me at any rate.
The fact the BBC appear to be supporting his position to me indicates the level of bias they have.
The fact the BBC appear to be supporting his position….
In more ways than one.
Just a test to see if this post works as I’ve tried twice over the past couple of days. The posts worked initially then had disappeared about an hour or so later. Anyone else had this problem?
Yes I had a post disappear a couple of days ago and it wasn’t contentious and it was on topic, I think it was a moan about mobile phone idol on BBC2. And no I didn’t watch it, a second or two of trailer was more than enough.
The usual mainstream media sneering about Palin endorsing Trump, but nothing, NOTHING, could match Obama’s unofficial propagandist Jon Sopel, who, when discussing this on Today this morning said…
“…(a future) President Trump…. one still finds it difficult to say those words…”
Yep. Really. Now that is beyond normal bias, even for Sopel.
Let’s all hope the ugly tw@t will just have to get used to saying it.
“… (a future) President Trump … I AND THE BBC still find it difficult to say those words …”
The use of “one” here by Sopel is what Guest Who might call ‘one degree of separation’ (to be pedantic, more like ‘one hundredth of one second of arc’ in fact).
It obviously didn’t occur to Sopel that ‘A future President Trump’ would have been democratically elected.
Should that event happen, he’ll then be reporting in time honoured BBC nuanced style about how the electorate got it wrong.
The BBC is all too happy to report on UKIP when there are internal disagreements afoot and Carswell talks of the future party leadership. There’s this
and this one
also this one
I’ll give you one more juicy headline:
The BBC however, are not so obliging when UKIP MEP’s speak at the EU, as Nigel Farage did earlier this week. Is it not strange for an organisation so transfixed with the joys of the EU, that with all its resources, the BBC doesn’t broadcast the words of the leader of our nation’s biggest party in the EU when he addresses it? One might think this to be somewhat biased, might one not? Here is Nigel Farage:
Nor is the BBC so obliging when Douglas Carswell provides clear, understandable information to the public regarding the continuation of our bankster corporate enslavement. If people knew how they were being farmed, they’d be voting UKIP. Everybody should take two minutes to watch this:
The importance of both Farage and Carswell to our nation’s future cannot be underestimated and they need our support. The BBC has no interest in the nation’s future, only the continuation of the LibLabCon and our ongoing absorption into a super-state.
Vote Leave. Vote UKIP.
But , they hate each other , Carswell , is teaming up with eurosceptic Conservative & Labour MP`s , but not Farage, for the Brexit campaign.
Yep. Both teaming up with others along with many patriots for Brexit.
Are you teaming up with Cameron and the EUro-troughers EM? Or are you with team UK, with me, Nigel and Douglas?
Vote UKIP. 🙂
No, need, the Brexit, referendum has nothing to do with the next GE. If we vote to leave Ukip, will be finished. No need for them then, Carswell will return to the Conservatives. I will be voting to leave,because it’s the unelected Commission, that seems to make the rules, which we all hate. Cam won’t be party leader at the next GE. It will be Boris v Comrade Corbyn.
Doesn’t Boris want Turkey to join the EU and for us to remain? Boris may be good for laughs, maybe cleverer than many give him credit for, but he hasn’t got what it takes. He doesn’t understand the common man.
I’m glad you’re with me, Nige and Dougie on the Referendum. When we leave and our Parliament repatriates our abilities to self govern, there will be real reasons for voting in a party without the corporatist, socialist, Blairite baggage carried by the LibLabCon. The EU is the key problem. The collapse of the economy, our publlc finances, our welfare state, our pensions and our currency are the real problems yet to be faced – the other problems that the media won’t face up to or endeavour to understand.
Vote UKIP. For sound money. Common sense.
Take it easy EM.
On Brexit, I can see arguments both ways economically. Really I can.
But the clincher is the protection of our own borders.
With unlimited European immigration and the high chance of being told what to do by the EU reference African/Asian economic migrants (and even a few genuine asylum seekers) it is virtually impossible to see any sensible solution and stay within the EU.
Thanks, but I won’t be voting Ukip, but I will vote to leave the EU, you can thank/ blame Merkel for this.
No Essexman , you can thank the patriotic efforts of Nigel Farage for us getting the vote.
Mr Car Moron wants us to stay in the corrupt, bankrupt and artificial ‘state’, and its pretty obvious he wants British businesses to ‘back him’ . He is reminiscent of Chamberlain .
There is a very long time before the next GE, and I have not decided who I will vote for in that yet. The referendum is the only political cause I care about at the moment. I will be voting leave, and watching closely which of our MPs support Brexit.
A lot… too much that is going down from the politico-media estate these days based on a cynical exploitation of the very long time until the next democratic ballot, and it’s a real concern.
Haiku Time!
Carswell #7 – Just the Beginning
Upon green leather,
Opposite birthright sellers.
Carswell’s new era.
Welcome back UKIP haiku san…and a joy to find the nom de plume is Mr AMUN himself.
Working on a few myself-reckon Savile deserves a few odes.
Odes De Cologne maybe my working title?
You tempted me.
Jan 31st 2015
An ode to Cologne?
Hundreds raped or molested,
Tears: ‘Eau’ de Cologne.
Starting with your first line:
An ode to Cologne
Abused! Ignored by the Press
Much owed to Cologne
Dear oh dear, Cologne.
What of your women and Girls?
A price worth paying?!
Essexman Love or ‘hate each other’ it is irrelevant. As long as they are for Brexit, as you no doubt are, it does not matter.
Vote to get out – simples .
This is explosive and fully deserves an item on this site in its own right.
The BBC are protecting paedophiles. Murdoch closed the News of the World over far less.
Close the BBC down!
Agree. It is damning. Surely Winteringham or someone in the Tory Government might propose a serious re-arrangement of the BBC, or closing it down. But then, we have not seen much action in the wake of the report on Rotherham, despite Britain being regarded internationally as a disgrace.
It has always baffled me why someone like Savile, with no discernible talent whatsoever, could wield such power in the BBC. I can only conclude that he must have had some dynamite info on the hierarchy.
It is worth bearing in mind a number of things;
The Newsnight investigators who brought this to the attention of the country have been ousted and no longer work for the BBC
The Newsnight investigators who brought this to the attention of the country, were said to have been described as ‘Traitors’ by Alan Yentob – he of Camila Batmanjellyfish / Kids Company fame
To this day, we do not know who it was in the BBC who spiked transmission of the Newsnight Savile expose. Someone in the BBC does though. The culture of arrogance remains. The cover-up continues.
Served well cold.
Lord Hall Hall shows why he earns the big bucks by going full template:
Insincere ‘thoughts’ of course, but no prayers at least.
And almost, but not quite, ‘lessons have been learned’.
But then, it was another time.
Seems the media have noticed.
That trying to suppress it until post Charter Review has kinda unraveled.
Luckily, only right wing tabs are weighing in…
The trust and transparency just shies through, doesn’t it?:
Maybe the staff were worried about being censured or banned, as the BBC does to others who question its activities?
Surely the minimum is a root and branch investigation by the police into who at the BBC participated in this cover up that went on for decades. This investigation will surely result in raids on many ex BBC employees homes and their detention and of course raids on the BBC files and any electronic data that may be available. Hopefully those guilty of aiding and abetting Savile et al, plus of course any who may have taken part themselves in child abuse, will then be formally charged and taken to court. This whole process will take a couple of years and I expect to be kept updated each morning on Today and each evening on PM plus live broadcasts from out side the court. Meanwhile I expect various BBC managers to be hauled before the relevant Hof C select committee and grilled remorselessly and questions asked by Whittingdale as to whether the BBC is fit for purpose . In order to ensure transparency the whole investigation and court proceedings must be conducted in the full glare of publicity.
‘This investigation will surely result in raids on many ex BBC employees homes and their detention and of course raids on the BBC’
All captured lovingly from the air by helicopter.
The Police and BBC have experience already.
Then again…
‘The father, who wished only to be known as Mohammed, told local Lancashire press he wanted a written apology’
Of course he did. I wonder if he and the missus could read it?
Meanwhile, the BBC handles accusations of inaccuracy and stirring up grief by fielding a BBC spokes weasel who says THE SAME THING THEY ALWAYS SAY.
And seem allowed to.
I see mighty Mo may indeed be a bit shy on the patois front.
“Murdoch closed the NOW”
If you wish to describe changing the name to “The Sun on Sunday” after a couple of weeks and only doing that after a long succession of exposures, each one more serious than its predecessor, showing his journalists in a very bad light, I suppose he did close it.
Every church in the land has posters on its walls inviting in those of no faith… it’s commonplace. However, when a mosque does so the BBC wet themselves with vile leftie, sycophantic joy. The BBC are always posting useless and pathetic reports like this in an attempt to propagandise for their beloved Islam.
All mosques open their doors to anyone who wants to go in & find out about Islam. Our own church were invited to visit a mosque, but when they suggested a reciprocal arrangement the organisers were a bit shocked to find it was refused!
They decided the best course of action in that case was not to visit the mosque at all !
Ha ha, that page also has the classic “are beards good for you health?” as no3 on the most popular list.
“are beards good for you health?”
It didn’t do Claire Short’s career any harm.
Just seen a new ad for Sainsburys. Yep, another mixed relationship. White father, mother of colour and two offspring. I’m getting a tad more than peed off at this, and I cannot be the only one; if the advertisers are to be believed then there are far more mixed relationships in this country than there are white ones…. soo not true ! If there is anyone on here who works in the advertising industry it would be ‘nice’ if they could make it be known that the public are wising up to this – and they aint happy !
The advertising industry doesn’t care.
As I’ve posted here before, it is the proudly stated policy of the boss of one of the industry’s trade associations that they do this. They see it as a ‘positive contribution’ to British society, by normalising the abnormal.
This, of course, is also a stated aim of cultural Marxists. This is not a coincidence.
You might imagine that the boss of Sainsbury’s might not be so happy but then again you have to consider that A/ Sainsbury’s is a Labour party supporting store and B/ the people who make decisions on marketing and advertising campaigns tend to be young, university brainwashed hipsters.
…And C/ Sainsburys is 25.9% owned by the Qataris (Qatar Holding LLC).
The same could be said for a lots of other British companies and property, foreign owned that is.
Have you ever watched any programmes for children on al beebus lately?
From viewing some of them, a British child could be forgiven for assuming that it is they who are part of an ethnic minority in this country.
Fortunately most white kids will look around themselves and wonder what strange world it is they are watching on TV, but then decide it’s just like ‘Night Garden’ – all part of the same fantasy.
It must be counterproductive advertising, causing customers to boycott any planned visit to Sainsbury’s. In America, they are reluctant to have mixed race advertising because of complaints by Blacks about the White racist view of perceived sexual preferences of Black people, rather than depicting a proud Black family.
In Britain, Politically Correctness would mean that no one would be brave enough to point out that the adverts could be counterproductive, and its proof that there weren’t any Blacks present to complain about the left-wing white middle-class perceptions of the sexual preferences of Black people. I guess that the only strategy possible would to take the contract to another advertiser without saying why. Anyway, the proof that the Advertising industry is going to the dogs is that most advertising seems to have become a pointless waist of money, because you can easily miss out what the advert was advertising, due the changes from the original right-wing commercial reasons for Adverts, to the new, left-wing Political Correct adverts.
Maybe they could hire somebody to advertise Robertsons marmalade.
As I said before I think 1% these adverts do seem to be on the rise. In the Dave household it’s now a tradition to shout on spotting one of these adverts in the manor of snap but using a different phrase to see who can spot it first. Seriously all it does for me is move it down the list of places I’m prepared to do business with me.
No doubt the BBC will be leading with this report into the activities of one of their previous employees.
This is what the millions of pounds spent on our education system is wasted on researching every year . These people need to get a real job ….
World Service news yesterday night on how the EU should respond to the continued migrant problem, particularly with regard to the pressure Germany is under.
This focussed only on how Europe should distribute the migrants and the need for “solidarity” among the nations to achieve this as espoused by the hopeless Junker and Tusk (who I dont think actually advocates mandatory quotas, but it was suggested he does). The Beeb even said that it wasnt possible to stop people walking into Europe, as they have a “right” to claim asylum. The narrative was clear, Europe has to accept unlimited mass immigration and we better get used to the idea.
Of course this is complete nonsense: How about asking when will the EU actually starts enforcing its own borders? People do not automatically have the right to enter a country illegally – that’s why we have passports and visa’s, as the Beeb well knows.
It’s actually worse than you are thinking. Mad Merkel didn’t need to invite tens of millions of migrants from all over the world, she made an insane choice, and now the EU instead of addressing that insanity goes along with it, and seeks to mitigate its effects by forcing the consequences on everyone else !
Now they are suggesting that the asylum clause that migrants claim asylum in the first safe country is abandoned, and that migrants are given free movement in Europe !
This is of course the politics of the Asylum! It hasn’t occurred to the Eurocrats, so far removed from reality, that their policies have become a joke and the people dismayed at their remoteness and lack of any accountability.
As I’ve said many times before, even when these people are dangling upside down from the lamp posts, they still won’t have the first conception that they might have done anything wrong !
“People do not automatically have the right to enter a country illegally – that’s why we have passports and visa’s, as the Beeb well knows. ”
Actually, I think that asylum seekers do have that right. The 1951 Convention was agreed in the aftermath of World War II, and the writers had in mind Jews who lacked the right papers and could not claim asylum in countries such as Switzerland, and indeed the USA. So the fact that a refugee lacked papers was felt not to be a bar to claiming asylum.
Of course, the world has changed utterly since 1951, and it is fair to say the Europe now faces an existential crisis from waves of unchecked muslim migration under the guise of asylum seeking. The 1951 Convention is not written in stone, and Britain must repudiate it, and only allow asylum seekers who fit our own criteria. Leaving the EU alone is not enough.
Obviously, Cast Iron Dave will never do either of these things.
Thanks Rob, its good to get hard info.
The problem as I see it is how the EU (rather than the UK) deals with the migrants coming across its external borders. From what you say, I imagine it would be possible to hold them until their claim can be checked and then they can be granted asylum or returned. Obviously if there are millions trying to cross, then you will need rather large camps, but even this would be preferable to the current situation. And once the migrants realise that leaving a camp in Turkey will only result in another one at the EU border then that will stop many making the journey.
The problem is the EU itself: without a mechanism through which countries can disperse (i.e. move on) the “migrants” who have entered their sovereign territory to other member states of the Demographic Suicide Club, those countries would secure their borders; after the time honoured fashion in which borders have been secured everywhere on earth throughout recorded history – by dint of arms.
Stuff that, sink twenty or so boats in the Med. They will soon get the idea.
Ref England’s Dreaming.
Don’t you just love the way the toffee-nosed Eurocrats spout policy pronouncements in their bland unemotional way?
Tusk (and where did he come from btw) and Junker tell member states to accept more migrants and carve up existing rules. All right for them. Unaccountable grey suits on lavish salaries and expenses, with no pesky things like electorates to think about. Protecting Schengen becomes an end in itself, and no matter what actually happens to all our wonderful individual European COUNTRIES along the way.
Mmmmm. “Unaccountable grey suits on lavish salaries and expenses, with no pesky things like electorates to think about”. I could be talking about a certain state broadcaster readers will know well. No wonder the bBBC supports the EU to the hilt. They fit together hand in glove.
To protect Schengen, the external borders need to be enforced, then Schengen can work, but for some reason they seem unwilling or unable to do this. Schengen its used as red herring by the Commission, in the same way they try to link its future to that of the Euro.
The BBC and their man Michael Wood currently gushing about China’s culture and history. “Outside of the cities there’e still so much of the old China…. we went to a place where they’d never seen a european”
But, lest we run away with the idea that native culture and history are important to all of us everywhere around the world – don’t forget – “I don’t see why we need to express Englishness , we’re only English by default” (Tony Livesey BBC Radio 5 Live)
Regarding history of China – this chap Laszlo Montgomery has done a great job with this long-running podcast. All the communist idiocy, show trials and bloody turmoil of the Mao years provide some of the best episodes.
Yes, as a matter of fact I chanced upon Laszlo Montgomery’s podcasts last year and spent many a fascinating hour with his history of China. Highly recommended. In this day and age of the internet who needs the BBC anymore?
Breakfast some actor I’ve never heard of in a film I won’t be going out to watch is considering boycotting the oscars. The jumped up little twat tells us about white privileged racism and the legacy of martin luther. What a total tosser. Leaked Savile report however The report publishers says “A statement said the document was out of date and significant changes had been made to its contents and conclusions.” yea right. The BBc tells us it hasn’t seen it and can’t comment.
The BBC hasn’t seen it? As a corporate entity I wasn’t aware it actually had eyes ! Senior people – which actually make up the management of the BBC have seen it, and have strongly objected to criticisms. They ARE the BBC, and therefore the BBC HAS seen it even if not in an official presentation.
‘The BBC’ likes the notion of an amorphous entity like ‘The BBC’ at such times as it provides degrees of separation and deniability to lose complicit individuals behind.
Hence near all BBC pronouncements and attributions are anonymised.
It’s a technique used on near a every press release about the (seemingly endless) howlers their market rates preside over, and is designed to shut down further questions.
I am surprised other media indulge them in this, as BBC staff would not tolerate such obfuscation if the boot is on the other foot.
I’m intrigued by the process whereby something in a report that was bad presumably, becomes less so in subsequent reports. The BBC usually refers to this as ‘evolving the story’, but it is simply plain old censorship.
Meanwhile, here’s a story they seem much more keen to sink their teeth into:
On a related note, I find well-known professional virtue-signaller and full-time, over-paid, over-privileged Hollywood luvvie Mark Ruffalo absolutely hilarious on this Oscars kerfuffle. It’s a liberal progressive’s nightmare of moral choices – all of them of their own making!
My, how he squirms and contorts his language and moral choices to try and avoid giving offence whilst simultaneously justifying his own rank hypocrisy! Comedy gold, lol – probably Ruffalo’s best performance in years, tbh.
‘Course I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about any of it – just enjoying watching the libtards tie themselves up in knots!
Comedy Gold indeed ObiWan, there’s no hypocrisy like luvvie hypocrisy. I loathe awards ceremonies and never watch them normally. Oscars, Baftas, Golden Globe, whatever, the nauseating back slapping, self important sanctimony is not for me.
But I might actually tune in for this years mutually assured luv in, as the various winners tie themselves up in knots trying to justify their award while virtue signalling their disgust at receiving it, should be good for a laugh.
BTW getting off the subject of Hollywood racism but staying on the subject of Hollywood hypocrisy, shall we all remind ourselves which industry has one of the highest carbon footprints on the planet, why the film industry of course ! I wonder how many stars will use the Oscars to lecture the rest of us about our resource guzzling ways.
Shelly, great comment – and don’t get me started on that well-known climate scientist and Hypocrite-in-Chief Leonardo DiCaprio! Along with the rest of the multimillionaire Hollywood Climate Mafioso (James Cameron, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, etc), they are a total laughing stock and nobody with even an ounce of common sense should take anything any of them have to say on the subject with any seriousness.
Odd how no-one was complaining during the Olympics or the Athletics World Championships, about the total lack of diversity in the men’s 100 metres final, or the women’s for that matter.
Poor old Gruffalo is in a right old quandary. This is, however, a well trodden path for those desperate to be seen to champion everyone’s rights. The problem is, whose rights come first?
As for Hollywood, another of my favourite quotes is attributed to the great philosopher Homer Simpson,”Actors, they know so much.”
This link came from Guido Fawkes site.
Must explore that site a little more.
Although it is written from a US point of view, you can hear these same arguments being put forward in the UK. More and more I am coming to the view that the risk of coming out is worth it.
It’s an interesting read. The USA has been pushing for European integration since WW2, for many of the reasons cited. But some of its motivations are double-edged; on one hand, it wants a large unified market that it can easily sell its goods too, yet on the other hand it does not want too serious a global competitor. For instance, the sinister TTIP Agreement is but the latest manifestation of a process which has seen Europe’s industrial and manufacturing base systematically acquired, controlled and undermined for more than half a century. The problem facing Europe now is that it is no longer essential to the United States: it is not required as a military buffer or partner against the former Soviet Union; it is not a cheap source of manufacturing; it does not have the market potential of China, India or Brazil. Provided the decline takes place over a few decades rather than overnight and does not require large economic subsidies, it is quite content to see Europe collapse into a sort of Third World Eurabian theme park.
US support for the EU is just the most recent manifestation of a historic desire to neutralise the influence and power of the British Empire (as was). US involvement in EU advocacy extends beyond just encouragement, too – the State Department has had its grubby paw in many programmes to advance the goal of a united Europe. It makes all these troublesome little countries so much easier for giant corporations and US governments to steamroller.
Buried under Politics section of the Beeb website, is the report that those nice people from Goldman Sachs, you remember them the ones that nearly caused the collapse of the world economy and may yet do so, have donated 100s of thousands of £ to the IN campaign. I’m sure Goldman’s have done it in the interests of the British people.
This needs to be told to as many people as possible, every day the OUT case is made more self evident.
It is safe (and wise) to assume that anything Goldman Sachs advocates is good for Goldman Sachs and guaranteed to be absolutely toxic for Britain.
Don’t forget GS engineered the fudge of Greece’s financial situation which facilitated their entry into the Euro and which led directly into the Greek financial collapse.
VD going very big on the Litvinenko report this morning- convenient timing given the leaked extracts from the draft Sovile report yesterday? Lord Hall Hall says they are waiting for the “final report which we have not received”. The only hint of which seems to be that the “faults/oversights” uncovered may not be blamed on Al Beeb senior managers. Mm – he didn’t say they hadn’t seen the draft did he (sorry for the double negative, but that is the territory we are in).
Watching all the fancy Litvinenko visuals, one wonders whether a similar effort will be made when Janet Smith’s final report hits the deck. Probably not if just a few mid-level beeb dweebs are going under the bus….
Was Litvenenko a double agent?
live by the sword etc etc.
Exactly Leha; when he was an agent of the KGB, I wonder how many times he had been ordered to do to someone else, something similar as that which was ultimately done to him.
Help me out here, but I’m sure I heard on the radio today in view of the leaked Saville enquiry that Tony Hall had said it was a “dull chapter” in the bBC’s history. I have been googling today and had no success in finding this remark. Did he REALLY say this about one of the worst paedophiles (that we know of) in British History?
Charter renewal??
Jimmy Savile report: BBC culture ‘to be criticised’
“Dame Janet Smith’s draft report says the BBC had a “deferential culture”, “untouchable stars” and “above the law” managers.”
“BBC head Lord Hall said lessons would be learned from a “dark chapter”
But has this dark chapter simply been replaced with another, has the same culture that let this pervert flourish has allowed in a demon of a different kind?
“left wing biased culture”, “untouchable editors” and “above the law” BBC Trust.” ??
Am I the only one that thinks it more than a little odd that BBC luvvy and founder of Childline Esther Rantzen had heard rumours yet did nothing?
Talking of Esther Rantzen, I saw her yesterday on one of those interminable antiques programmes teamed up with ……… her daughter. Nothing like keeping it in the (Wilcox) family I suppose. The BBC do love their dynasties, don’t they?
The daughters got the teeth her mother spent £ thousands on getting rid. Must be a corporate image sort of thing.
And that childline thing was just a platform for her to keep in the media and money ( it’s abused children who’s going to say anything negative ) it got way out of her capabilities and had to be handed on to people that actually know something about this emotive subject.
If you remember way back she backstabbed Bernard Braden who had the original consumer programme and destroyed Wicox’s original family by shagging him. She ain’t a nice person Ranson but with the help of bbbc she has made a fortune on popular subjects that anyone could have done.
Those teeth being the sort you can eat an apple through a tennis racquet with.
I’ll get my coat.
PS. Remember Esther threatening to stand for election in Luton. Not even that sh*thole deserves her as an MP. Actually, it does.
Am I alone in being a bit suspicious about the provenance of this leak of Dame Janet Smith’s report on Savile and the BBC? Would it not suit the BBC for the report to come out in dribs and drabs – dismissing it as only a draft and not the final version – and then when the report is published, much of the detail will already be known, thus limiting its impact? Sounds like a classic damage- limitation exercise.
Incidentally, there is a delicious example of typical BBC superciliousness in the quote from Jonathan Powell, Controller 1989-1993. When asked, hypothetically, what he would have done had he been Controller at the time of the publication of Sun articles exposing Savile, he said that one should remember that “the Sun is a sensationalist newspaper which is by and large fiction” and that “its provenance would have played against taking it hugely seriously”.
That’s hilarious. The Sun may be written for the benefit of what used to be described as the ESN (educationally sub normal) but it’s news is rarely fictitious – unlike the BBC’s reports from certain of its correspondents!
Murdoch should sue.
‘Its news’, for heaven’s sake!
This shows that the BBC is worried. It really says something when Murdoch looks positively angelic compared to the BBC!
The News of the World paid a few freelance journalists who hacked a few phones, (far less than was done at the Daily Mirror) and Murdoch shut the paper down.
The BBC has employed, prolific predatory paedophiles, facilitated and covered up for their mass child sexual exploitation for 5 decades, and they are still trying to get away with it and shrug off any responsibility at all.
Close the perverted child abusing BBC down!
There is more and more news that the BBC cannot afford to report. It is increasingly having to resort to filling the airwaves with alternative space-fillers. Desperate stuff, to be pointing upwards and shouting ‘Look, a bird!’ while frantically kicking dirt over the increasing number of buried scandals and misdemeanours which disobligingly emerge from the soil around their feet.
Not sure if the BBC can hide everything. I heard on Classic FM news today (9am) that the BBC have been criticised (again) in a report on Saville and his antics. It seems over a 160 staff knew of what was going on but were not keen to report it. (Only Ester Ratzen did anything about it and that is the ‘main reason’ she started ‘ChildLine’ (she said – only after Saville was dead and buried). In addition the entire BBC management are on the carpet for refusing to take any staff responsibility (deny ALL knowledge comrades) and this has led to stricter provision on all children entering the BBC HQ. Every child now as to be chaperoned around the BBC with nominated staff who pass the new (Disclosure of Criminality check) Teacher style ‘DBS’ – a few BBC types would obviously FAIL this test including the BBC ex head of Chris Denning Radio 1 Director who had been arrested numerous times for kiddy fiddling). I am not even mentioning the OTHERS celebrity LUVVIES and BBC DJ’s taken into Scotland Yard for past offences (all deny everything). Many celebs are still in the nick. Anyway the only web link I can find on Classic FM link this is on Daily Mail newsfeed. The BBC is not so much biased, as reveling in it. Muck sticks. Saville stinks.
Just adding that on EXARO reported that the BBC had ‘come to an agreement’ prior to the Smith Report being published. This is ‘DAMAGE LIMITATION’ exercise for the BBC. The BBC have had to agree to change how they deal with children (something they have always resisted). That will mean the BBC will (probably) bring forward plans to lowering the age of consent (when the fuss has died down) so they can legally abuse children (off premises) in peace. Saviille and his BBC chauffeur were both convicted of rape off premises.
Of course they`ve got Jack Dromey, Harriet Harman and Pat Hewitt-and Lord knows who else-to write the reports, go on telly to promote it-and Allah would surely bless them in those marginals in the lands where the postal votes are weighed,not counted.
“in the lands where the postal votes are weighed,not counted.”
Having no shame, I shall be using this in the future.
Just caught part of a studio interview with Ed Lucas, journalist on the BBC news channel about the Litvinenko murder. He said that reporting on the issues where the findings of the enquiry ‘said this’, but the Kremlin ‘said that’, was a travesty of balance. He said it was like giving the mafia the same standing as the police.
I don’t know if he accused the BBC directly but it is certainly precisely what the BBC does the whole time in all its reporting. They give moral equivalence to all manner of evil doing, in furtherance of their political and social engineering agenda.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC supresses these views in any repeat of their reporting of the case.
Sarah Montacute Haw was able to tell us that “no-one from the BBC was available” to explain away the hammocks and free passes left for Sir James Savile of Libsville…as dished out by the BBC.
No-not ONE manager at the BBC had heard Johnny Rotten, had not seen Have I Got News for You, had never read his autobiographies…
And -despite the fat overmanning and overwomanning of the bloated blimp of a state balloon shouting its lies to us down here-nobody was available there in those padded pods, creative segway silos of wonder that we now all fund for the linen-suited EU sponges of privilege.
Nah-that lift downstairs must need a best boy to grip their knobs for them-no creative would risk the allegens on the pinkies.
Carpet burn as their Persian slipppers rubbed worryingly against the corridors of consensus?…who knows?
The BBC serially abuses kids on its premises, yet nobody would like to explain that?
But a few minutes into Sarahs orchestrated “push me pull you” and we see why.
For one of her old silverbacks of old-Will Wyatt Earp seems to bring out that legendary “BBC deference” in her…regression for the media pipe cleaner confections of revolutionary gas like herself-is there to mop the Beeb furrowed brow this morning.
That inane smoothiechops gets as many bites of the BBCs cherry as Liz Dux(who surely has a media manager by now) gets put on a reduced diet.
When it came to Janner-Liz held the whole conch shell and loudhailer to spout on about the rights of abused children.
When it comes to those many more abused children by Savile at the BBC-well, Liz hardly gets a word in…banging on, we`re all to blame…
Maybe the BBC could take over Haringey Services, mid-Staffs and apply their “Savilon” to those aching wounds…let`s feed the Trojan horse in the meantime, by asking those difficult questions like
“Did giving Jimmy Savile a red door in for his dressing room create a climate of Islamic submission?…and did putting a star above his name on it make him Jewish, and therefore to blame for most of what ails us today?”
Poor old Liz Dux-she might THINK that the BBC give a damn about abused kids(and they do pay well)…but Sarahs questions were very much for the BBCs hacks and their bottom coverings…Liz Duckworth was duly grateful to be among the REAL adults in the room talking about what only THEY cared about…and Saviles slags and champeens would hardly get a taxi to the Montessori now would they?
One more thing-UKIPs Steve Woolf managed to upset “DAME” Margaret Hodge(huh?)-and Evan Davis-when he suggested some new tower blocks for Highgate, Hampstead and Islington…( Neither BBC nor Labour Red doors not ruled out!) for the Happy Wanderers to stop THERE and not be bundled up to Teesisde.
Oh dear-Evan ended the debate there and then on this “controversial suggestion”…but both Evan and Dame Madge looked pained and winded…well done Steve…hungry like the ….?
Can’t find any report of Tommy Robinson’s latest arrest. I guess I must ahve missed it.
It’s a shame that it should be such a low priority for the BBC because behind it there’s just about the biggest news story of the last decade. Tommy Robinson the biggest Islamist target for death was jailed on a regular wing of a category A prison and so surrounded by psycho Muslim murderers.
Apparently they always do that and it’s only by the greatest of luck that the former head of the EDL is still alive. On one occasion he was actually locked in a room with several Muslim guys and lost teeth in the subsequent beating.
So where is the Beeb on this. Our government is allied with the Islamists to intimidate (and probably worse) a British citizen who was jailed for lending some money to a relative. Isn’t that public interest enough for the BBC?
The story is at:
I understand he has to appear before the court on Feb 3rd, which is a couple of days before his planned attendance at the Pegida silent walk in Birmingham on the 6th. I suspect he will have bail conditions prohibiting attendance at this event, or banged up in jail.
Alex Feltham, the link was helpful. The last sentence should not be forgotten when we hear of Cameron and May’s dribbling about tackling Islamic extremists. Just how far are these two involved?
‘Any reasonable person could only conclude that the authorities are trying to intimidate Tommy Robinson with the very credible threat of death at the hands of Islamist prisoners. Or in other words that the authorities are effectively allying themselves with Islamist terrorists to achieve a common aim. Such a high risk policy could only be authorized at the very top.’
Thanks for posting the link Alex; very good article, T.R. is a very brave man who will likely end by paying with his life for what he believes in.
The never ending autopsy into why Labour lost the election continues in today’s Daily Politics. However, traumatic this must have been for the BBC, don’t they realise how ridiculous this is making them look – how it just confirms their bias? If any confirmation was needed. Today’s slant was it that all happened because Labour got the campaign wrong. That might be an improvement on directly demeaning Tory voters, but it still shows a complete contempt for the democratic process. The same contempt they have for their viewers on almost every issue from Saville to immigration.
This point might have been made before, but had Labour won an overall majority, would the BBC still be analysing the result. Of course not.
The joke is that they lost even though they imported a new electorate.
….which is why they want another 1 -2 million before 2020.
…and why it’s also well worth reading up on the Nazi rise to power between 1931-33. The similarities are quite frightening – and don’t for one moment think that Corbyn, Abbott, Dromey, McConnel, McClusky and many others of similar probity would allow their pure Marxist principles to get in the way of gaining that magic majority. What would be the modern equivalent of the Soviet Non-Aggression Pact?
The Labour Party lost the General Election because they had left wing policies and their leader was a left wing twat. There, that didn’t take long did it?
The Labour Party have now decided that the best path forward is to have even more left wing policies and elect an even more left wing twat as their leader. We will see how that plays out in 2020, though I already have a shrewd idea what might happen.
It wasn’t only the labour party who decided to elect an even more left wing twat. I hate the labour party, but I still forked over five great British pounds sterling of my own hard earned, over taxed money, to pay for the delightful opportunity to elect that gloriously idiotic, delusional twat Corbyn as labour leader.
It has to be worth 5 quid to destroy the labour party for a generation. Why did I pay a fiver? Because labour kept saying that they would exclude tories and Ukippers who paid 3 quid from voting. So I paid five and my vote to destroy labour was counted 🙂
And to be honest, Corbyn has been even more insane than I bargained for. I feel like someone who bought a cheap crazy looking little oil painting in a little charity shop, only to discover later it is a long lost masterpeice worth millions. Corbyn is doing a far better job of killing labour as a serious political force than I ever expected. every insane, deluded and twattish utterance he makes, confirms that fiver to be the best five pounds I ever spent!
13:00 news and BBc continue with their anti Putin / Russian agenda yes the murder of Alexander Litvinenko a story that goes on and on. In the real world what will actually happen? I expect nothing still the BBc spends over 10 minutes on this before moving onto the Savile report briefly. Cameroon & his re-negotiation. Now am I a bit slow on this but I have no idea what exactly he is supposed to be negotiation? Control of our borders? Opt out of the (some peoples) human rights? Help me out someone? Or is it just stop paying some benefits for a bit? As you know it’s not likely that we will get through a news report without mention of the cult, and sure as they are whingeing about being spied on in schools.
So far as I can tell, he wants to restrict some immigrants access to “in work” benefits for a little while, thus doing nothing at all about the out of work Islamic, women and child abusing scum hoards who are heading this way to claim “out of work” benefits. He is also asking for the words “ever closer union” to be removed from the next treaty, which is a moot point because the Eurozone will have achieved the closest union ever at the next major treaty change, and so those words were not even going to be in it at all anyway. Removing them does NOTHING to protect any remaining mirage of UK independence. Oh, and he is asking for a “red card” for EU laws, which boils down to Cameron being allowed to ask permission of all the other EU members to use a “red card” to gain a UK opt-out from future EU laws… Which the rest of the EU can, and will, refuse. We will not have the power to unilaterally refuse any EU law. EU law will remain sovereign, although the spin from the “remain” campaign will be to falsely suggest we are getting something significant back from the EU.
It is exactly the same con trick Wilson tried in 1975. Do not fall for it again.
Basically, he is asking for bugger all, and will get even less, spin it as a great victory and then hand the UK over to the EU, lock, stock and barrel after the referendum.
Vote Leave!
Thanks, so negotiating to re arrange deck chairs and hopes the sheep don’t notice.
Given the bBBC’s self-righteous indignation and bigging up of each and every aspect of the phone hacking scandal, I SO hope the Murdoch press really lay into Al Beeb with all guns blazing over Savile.
Because after the finest from the Met tried to dig up whatever they could, I don’t remember any phone-hacking enquiries leading to charges of child abuse.
Perhaps in bBBC la la land, a lot of abused children counts for little as compared with the rights of luvvies and celebs.
I bet the luvvies and celebs are not as ‘hacked off’ as the abuse victims of Savile.
Was the monstrously expensive move to ‘Media City’ influenced, perhaps, by the pervasive and ingrained wafts of Old Spice infecting the corridors of power in Shepherds Bush – no irony intended.
Sorry folks, the edit function is playing up again
Not BBC bias but evidence of the failure of the thought process of the left wing ‘mind’
Have a watch & listen to the poor woman, obviously distressed because something has happened prior to the start of the clip to elicit her response which to my mind is not racist at all.
I phoned the MEN to complain about their witch hunt and asked why they believed this clip was racist. The only explanation they were able to give was ‘it just is’ ! And that their readers think so too, although this is not borne out by the comments. They refused to take the complaint (second time they’ve done that) in breach of the press code, although unfortunately it does appear that the only person who can make a complaint is the woman herself or her immediate family.
All white people are racists, ‘because they just are’ all effniks are perfeckt !
Local press love this kind of “waycist” crap I had a run in with a couple of hippy dippys at the local authority after reading an article about how they were setting up a group with landlords to help stop waycism in the rental market. Of course when I lodged an FOI request turns out in there particular area of la la land there hadn’t been any waycist incidents, Where I live is particularly crap so as there are no jobs here to steal we don’t get many migrants at all. When I put in a further FOI request asking how much this event in pointlessness had cost, in the meantime they had arranged a meeting that 6 people had turned up at,I was told it cost nothing at all. So there you are council workers who’s time costs nothing. Much to my surprise this was the last I ever heard of this initiative.
It never stops – the media constantly searching for evidence of waaycism, followed by police action. Already the woman’s family have been contacted and gave the correct answers as required by the MultiKult authorities. She will be arrested then submitted for psychiatric examinations, will appear before a magistrate and a full report of the damage inflicted on the victims will drag out the proceedings. This woman is finished.
Of course no one should condone this woman’s abuse, but in a convoluted way, maybe heart should be taken that for a drunken, obviously ill woman she is actually quite well informed with the Doctor/Nurse sarcastic comments . Its highly likely that she is a lifetime Labour voter, maybe now such people are finally getting the message/lie on immigration?
Maybe its that Northern directness, not like the namby pampy southerners. Oop North they call a spade a spade, and have been known to spout their bigoted remarks to Gordon Brown no less. Never mind, Labour and Cameron’s International Socialist Party will have them replaced with polite Ropers.
To be honest, you don’t know what has been said to her prior to those comments, and it appears that she’s been wound up, possibly deliberately in order to get the response.
It would be very odd indeed for someone to come out with those comments without some kind of discourse prior to the time the clip starts.
Agree. But do we know where the clip starts? Of interest is that it starts where it does, not with anything that must have been said before her comments were made. That is the problem with clips like these, which may have been edited by the owner of the camera, or by the newspaper. It would not be the first time that such clips have been conveniently edited.
Surely something must have happened for one of them to be filming her in the first place.
More and more people in the U.K. are waking up to quite how bad things are getting in our country, and some of them are speaking out.
Just watched the trailer for “Sports relief” you know where you can shove that BBc.
It is this year being organised by Camilla Batmiajihhhad and the proceeds are going to the Sepp Blatter Relief Fund, sources close to the BBC have learned.
So it must be true.
Maybe you misunderstand there dave!
I myself have pledged to empty out the cabinet with all the old pills and medicines in, add a few old syringes and an old copy of Roy Castles Record beakers.
Then add an orthopaedic limb, a clapped out prosthetic and an unwanted Spastics Society money gobbler that we all knew as a statue by the doctors when we were kids,
Add a charger for a disability scooter, a few eyeshades from the flights we`ve been on…and I think you`ll find that that will cover both Paralympics and the able-bodied…transgendering to follow.
AND-for the youth trials-I find a Jimmy Savile dummy attached to a pole behinnd the triallists tends to get good results…any sports day in schools should know that by now!
Yes, and if you’re unluckily enough to have to phone the speaking clock over the next couple of months, you get the dulcet tones of Jo Brand telling you the time. All part of the ‘fun fest that is Sports Relief.
(In view of today’s Savile report, not sure someone BBC associated should be saying the line “at the first stroke….” !!)
Is there no end to this crap? a never ending conveyor belt of appeals Children in Need>Comic Relief>Children In Need>Sports Relief>Children In Need etc etc etc and then we’re hit with the lie that this years appeal was the ‘best ever’
Still it saves the BBC a few quid in not having to find a proper evening of what they call entertainment on BBC1.
Searched on Beeb for this ….
Silly me