The BBC have a story about one of their heroes Bob Getoff.
He got off so well after promising homes to refugees and then realising he had just spouted empty lefty propaganda.
This time they have dug out a scoop photo with Sir Bob Getoff and David genderbender Bowie in the same shot. Sir Bob Getoff became famous for thinking he could heal Africa’a wounds with a sticky plaster. he was so confident that the sticky plaster approach would work that he even called it Bandaid. Of course, as people with brains knew then as they know now Africa’s problems are caused by Africans, yes, black Africans and therefore need a lot more than a sticky plaster to fix. Woken up and smelt the coffee yet Sir Bob?
In the context of Bob’s prospective tenants (details yet to be finalised) a number of his comments had me chuckling.
‘Whether it is a “clash of ideas” with “medieval fundamentalists” or creative industries trying to “re-invent the economy”, he says the internet is going to be the battleground.’
‘”If we can guarantee parents that their children are not going to be able to access sites of brutality and murder, of medieval death cultism, then I’m there.”‘
There were plenty more. The man obviously has no sense of irony or any appreciation of his own hypocrisy.
What’s it to be? Are they being recalled because there is a problem for those with gluten and milk allergies, or is it because they wrongly contain pork? I know which my money is on, cue compensation claims…
Whatever you do, don’t accidentally drop a pack outside, or on the step of a certain house of worship, plod will be calling…
One assumes that if the pork element caused concerns then it follows that the chicken was already halal. I bet the packet failed to mention that as well. Bastards!
What an insult to those who were murdered. A BBC programme to mark Holocaust Day presented by Michal Husain (and we know her feelings on the required numbers of dead Jews). To rub salt in the wound: amongst those taking part are Sheila Hancock, Robert Lindsay and Kevin Whately – all extreme lefties so one would assume all hate Jews living in Israel, as that is the minimum requirement to be a left-wing extermist. I may be wrong about one or more of their views on Israel but it would be surprising as lefties seem unable to think for themselves.
Sadly Ms Hancock is one of those ‘professional’ bereaved who cant believe that there are others out there who have the temerity to lose a loved one – and aren’t ‘sleb’ enough to make a fortune out of a book and countless interviews about ‘their loss’ . We know all there is to know about John Thaw, Karen Keating (courtesy of Gloria Hunniford) and Don Wilcox (Esther Rantzen), and now the late Lynda Bellingham’s husband’s having a go . Quite simply its time they all moved on like the rest of us, and forget the column inches about their life after their loss.
Yes Hancock is horrible but I am shocked at what I can only assume is a deliberate slight to Israelis and Israel-supporting Jews to have the openly anti-semitic Michal Insane to present the programme.
So, to top a ‘sack of rats’, they operate an ongoing ‘culture of fear’.
Comments could be going better for the BBC PRwithNoName and Lord hall Hall in his bunker if they are hoping to ‘belief’ this one out over time.
And John Whittingdale, Jesse Norman, Dave, ‘Safe with me’ Jezza and the rest of the Palace of Fools want this merry band not just preserved, but ensured funding with no possibility of anyone not paying?
But never fear, Danny Shaw is on hand to shed some light on these grim statistics and concludes
“As for murders and killings, the increase cannot be explained by police recording practices, but might be connected to an upturn in the economy…”
Note my use of selective BBC type editing, so to be fair he continues
“which means more people drinking and getting into fights or a reduction in domestic violence prevention work by cash-strapped police.”
Get the government cuts in there Danny, I’d like to see some public broadcasting cuts that’s for sure.
But really Danny, there are no other possible contributing factors to this rise? Maybe a thorough breakdown of the figures might provide a clue or two, but then that would have involved you doing journalism, much easier to blame the government eh.
To be doubly fair he does say more detail due next week, I can think of a few details not to be read about on the BBC though.
Pig’s head tied to Muslim school gate police hate crime probe attached with cable ties to the gates of the Madani Academy in Nuffield Place, Portsmouth, at 8.30am on Thursday.
Superintendent Will Schofield, of Hampshire Police, said:
“We are taking this incident very seriously and will do all we can to catch those responsible.”
Pigs head left by the gates of Markazul Uloom boarding school in Blackburn,
Lancashire Police said the incident is being treated as a “hate crime”.
Abdul Hamid Qureshi, chairman of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said
the act was “a provocation” and “a crime”. …
… a “provocation”? . really? .. into what exactly,
more Islamic child gang rape of white girls?
more racist hate filled Islamic schools?
more attacks on gays or lesbians?
more perverting of local services, councils, or the police?
or extremist mosques?
… oops! that’s happening already!
Its about an Italian carpenter who makes crosses and alters (for the Pope no less) out of wrecked boats used by the migrants, and how the British Museum acquired one (why?).
“Lampedusa’s carpenter immediately agreed to make a cross and donate it to the British Museum. The curator began to contact archaeologists she knew to sort out the complicated logistics of bringing it to London. She needn’t have bothered. Francesco Tuccio popped it in the post and one morning his parcel arrived on her desk. There were tears as Jill Cook defiantly unwrapped her cross in front of the museum’s director and other senior staff.”
Its a feel good migrant story, its also ancient, the Beeb had already ran it back on the 18th December, so why rehash this non-story.
Maybe the new German (for some reason its not possible to get a Brit to head-up the British Museum) boss of the BM might not be so keen to influence contemporary history.
People in terraced houses…and the schoolboy who could not spell. As reported today in the Grauniiad (!) the Lancashire cops have written to BBC Lancashire about its reporting, which they said had damaged relations. The police said the family were not interrogated as potential terrorists.The police visit took place because of other worrying issues in the boy’s school work, not just the “terrorist house” line. The concerns were “reported through the appropriate channels”.
“This was not responded to as a terror incident and the reporter was fully aware of this before she wrote her story,”. “In the event there was no further action needed, but if the school and police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
Condemning the reporting and the level of debate it sparked, the Lancashire police and crime commissioner said: “The media needs to take more responsibility when sensationalising issues to make stories much bigger than they are and to realise the impact they can have on local communities.” A police spokesman added later “The BBC reporter had been given the context surrounding the incident by both Lancashire council and the police, as well as guidance to make sure that the story would not be “sensationalised or reported differently to how it was brought to us”.
And the response from Al beeb ? Well just don’t hold your breathe waiting for an apology police persons of Lancashire.
Splendid, well done the BBC Asian Network, making a real difference to community relations, and ridiculing the government’s anti-terrorism tactics in a oner. I cannot wait for your next unbiased instalment.
An interesting piece on the BBC London news about an hour ago. Two stabbings in the Wimbledon area the other morning; one poor chap died from his injuries, the other has (thankfully) survived and I believe has spoken to police. If he has spoken to the police he must have offered some description of his assailant(s).
Now the intriguing thing is that the Beeb have offered us no description of the perpetrator(s) of either crime. The police have said they are keeping an open mind, but the events could be linked.
Now, I think it would be quite a good idea to describe the potential suspect(s). What if you were to find yourself being followed closely by someone on a dark and lonely side street. It could be a case of life or death.
But no description from the Beeb.
No description from the Mail either, which I don’t think is down to bias. On this occasion it’s more likely to be Der Luegen Polizei more than Der Luegen Presse !
I thought most of them “Pretend” to be broadcasting from Manchester , in reality ,they are just off Oxford Street, in Broadcasting House , with the researchers & producers stuck Oop North.
“It is thought the tram driver slammed on the breaks in a bit to avoid hitting the pedestrian, understood to be a man.”
The quality of journalism in this country is enough to make you weep. “Breaks” for crying out loud. Not to mention “in a bit” which I assume should read “in a bid”.
It would seem that since al-Beeb dropped the requirement for Received Pronunciation other public employers have followed suit. At Earl’s Court Station the other day a most unintelligible announcement in patois tried to inform passengers of a platform alteration. I could make no sense of the announcement and I dare say 99% of the other cultures present could not either. God help us if we have another 7/7 and have to evacuate.
How I long to hear public announcements in a British English accent with correct grammar!
Do have a go at travelling on the line that connects Gatwick to London (the cheaper line, not the Gatwick Express). If you have the great good fortune to find a tiny human cram space between the massed suitcases of Eastern European arrivals heading to London and the existing vibrant and diverse users of the line, you too can sample the delights of hearing the announcements relayed to you by the voice of a Chinese woman. My cup runneth over with these glorious enrichments.
Nope the place to be is the St Pancreas platform A or B line connecting Gatwick to Luton , there is a lovely young lady of colour when you speak to her individually she’s fine and very helpful but put her on the microphone and prepare to be blasted. Her vowels vanish and the level rises to an extent a banshee would be proud of. Mind you I last saw her over 2 years ago so she could be running the announcements anywhere now.
We could call it ageism, that would get the luvvies going. In my seventies I have severe hearing problems (caused by gunfire from my 24 years in the Services) and I have great difficulty understanding people unless they speak with clarity. Needless to say, I cannot understand many NHS doctors and nurses and yet if I were to ask for an indigenous English practitioner I would be called racist.
Clearly placing a pig’s head outside the school-gates of an Islamic school is much worse that the mass rape of 100,000 white school-girls, or the mass murder as happened in Paris.
I have just watched BBC4 – the programme on the history of China. Oh dear Michael Woods and probably the whole production team must be sent for re -education as soon as possible.
Politically incorrect on so many levels. The commissars of correct thought at the BBC need to go over it in detail and punish those responsible.
How can China be a anything but a decadent regressive state?
It venerates the past and draws sustenance from it’s history. It regards a nation as a compact between the past , present and future generations. It has a respect for the past and for wisdom and is pround of it’s long history and it’s people in a way long absent in this enlightened country. Above all it is Chinese and will stay that way .
This cannot be right and all correct thinking liberals must show their disapproval by writing to the BBC and the Trust.
A traditional people and country praised? That Woods needs to understand the way the BBC likes it’s presenters to think. Make him do a stint on the One Show or PM or Newsnight or any of the BBC’s terminally dull rubbish.
Yet more bias regarding diversity on UK tv. The article begins “Only two nominees from the 16 categories at the National Television Awards were from an ethnic minority background.” Yes how shocking that in a country that is 12.9% ethnic minority only 12.5% of nominees were from that background. Needless to say the authors of this heinous example of white racism are both black. BBC News Online is not so much a news site these days, more a vessel for constant minority grievance hustling.
Those who control the Babblers of Babel Corporation disgust me more than the babbling Babel dwellers who seek to rise within the corporation. But those who serve their masters best will rise highest, and those who are forced to fund the tower have no say in what happens at the top.
Apparently the establishment wants the population that currently exists in Britain to act as litter pickers so that one old lady, who lives in extraordinary comfort, can have a litter free country when she sallies forth to visit the places dear go her heart – i.e. Scotland and a few scrubbed up, freshly painted, red carpeted, ‘English’ cities with high immigrant populations. As the establishment and the royals haven’t shown the remotest degree of interest in the peoples of England, and the English people have long been instructed that England needed many millions of immigrants to do jobs that the English people “were not prepared to do”, one can only suggest that the establishment and the royals source their litter pickers from their extraordinarily wide selection of recently arrived and highly favoured guests.
Good comment. I am pleased to see that not all of us conservatives have any real affection for the ruling class and it’s figureheads. There is an old and honourable tradition in England of conservative republicanism .After all Jefferson and Washington and the rest came from English stock.
Tom Paine had it right in my view. Government is a head fit for any shoulders I think he said and a hereditary governor was an absurdity he had no time for at all.
When this country has to be put to rights we can expect no help from the ruling class.
I realise this is not a popular view but I have no time for kings, princes, lords or bishops. Mr is a title fit for any Englishman and the rest is but sycophantic baubling.
Breakfast manages to annoy me yet again. Some self righteous parents have decided to get a Street blocked off so their little poppets can play in the Road. Well here I’ve put in 3 anti social behavior complaints to the Police about our neighbors as they and their little darlings think our property is an extension to the play area. We have had dust caps stolen off our cars whilst in the drive . And I’ve twice come so close to giving a parent a kicking when they have decided to gob off that I had the temerity to tell one of their offspring to get off my property.Last year we had one of the brats running around with a dog which was under no control dumping on our and other lawns. The article obviously posed showed well behaved children with supervision playing queitly in the Street. The reality is somewhat different in the summer there will be a ball being kicked of one poor residents fence on and off all day. They will run around shouting and their parents will be sat on their fat back sides nowhere to be seen. Of course on the article no one comments on how a few self important morons have decided to block their access and impose their possibly minority wants on every one else.
Desert Island Discs and there’s Sir Anthony Seldon biographer & headmaster of Wellington College – a fee paying school. It wasn’t very far into the program before Kirsty Young asked the inevitable far left question about whether he thought private education was fair.
This coming from a woman whose husband is a multi millionaire, from catering to the very wealthy, owns several homes around the world, and have two children which they almost certainly educate privately !
Michael Caine didn’t stick to the script on Toady this morning , said we should get out of the EU . Notice how the Beeboids always give some more questioning , a little urging to their guests that say Leave , a chance for them to change their minds .When it’s some numpty saying the opposite its left at that .
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has warned that Europe’s migration crisis is putting the EU at grave risk.
Mr Valls told the BBC Europe could not take all the refugees fleeing what he called terrible wars in Iraq or Syria.
“Otherwise,” he said, “our societies will be totally destabilised.”
It’s always a quandary for the BBC when a well known hard line Socialist says something they don’t particularly agree with.
The technique they seem to have developed to deal with this is to return to what might be called ‘proper reporting’ like they should be doing all the time. Simple uncoloured reporting of the facts without their opinion getting in the way!
This is a lone voice crying in the wilderness however, and it’s doubtful if the clinically insane leaders of France & Germany will take any notice – especially of that troublesome thing known as the people whose voice they have ignored for so long.
Even if they did take note, it’s almost certainly too little too late. The EU needs to take action, something it cannot do, it’s only capable of petty bureaucracy, rules & regulation.
When over 400 kids have been referred for potential radicalization, the worst case out of this scenario is apparently a 10 year old who described his house as a ‘terrorist’ house in a spelling error.
BBC milking the boycott of the Oscars over its lack of Diversity. Jada Pinkett-Smith and Spike Lee defenders of black actors. But doing the rounds on the internet is a video of this lady with an illegal elephant’s tusk on her wall. Oh dear, what will PETA, Ricky Gervais say? And isn’t having an elephant’s tusk on your wall a bit colonialist? Come on BBC, there is a story here about hypocrisy.
In the BBC US correspondent’s brief report on Charlotte Rampling’s dismissing the idea that the Oscars were racist I lost count of the number of times the word “controversial” was used. A favourite BBC euphemism for opinions they do not agree with, it is decoded to mean ” be careful about this person’s way-out views”.
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The BBC have a story about one of their heroes Bob Getoff.
He got off so well after promising homes to refugees and then realising he had just spouted empty lefty propaganda.
This time they have dug out a scoop photo with Sir Bob Getoff and David genderbender Bowie in the same shot. Sir Bob Getoff became famous for thinking he could heal Africa’a wounds with a sticky plaster. he was so confident that the sticky plaster approach would work that he even called it Bandaid. Of course, as people with brains knew then as they know now Africa’s problems are caused by Africans, yes, black Africans and therefore need a lot more than a sticky plaster to fix. Woken up and smelt the coffee yet Sir Bob?
In the context of Bob’s prospective tenants (details yet to be finalised) a number of his comments had me chuckling.
‘Whether it is a “clash of ideas” with “medieval fundamentalists” or creative industries trying to “re-invent the economy”, he says the internet is going to be the battleground.’
‘”If we can guarantee parents that their children are not going to be able to access sites of brutality and murder, of medieval death cultism, then I’m there.”‘
There were plenty more. The man obviously has no sense of irony or any appreciation of his own hypocrisy.
What’s it to be? Are they being recalled because there is a problem for those with gluten and milk allergies, or is it because they wrongly contain pork? I know which my money is on, cue compensation claims…
Whatever you do, don’t accidentally drop a pack outside, or on the step of a certain house of worship, plod will be calling…
One assumes that if the pork element caused concerns then it follows that the chicken was already halal. I bet the packet failed to mention that as well. Bastards!
It will be supplied by One Stop Halal , owned by Two Sisters Food Group .
What an insult to those who were murdered. A BBC programme to mark Holocaust Day presented by Michal Husain (and we know her feelings on the required numbers of dead Jews). To rub salt in the wound: amongst those taking part are Sheila Hancock, Robert Lindsay and Kevin Whately – all extreme lefties so one would assume all hate Jews living in Israel, as that is the minimum requirement to be a left-wing extermist. I may be wrong about one or more of their views on Israel but it would be surprising as lefties seem unable to think for themselves.
Will Sheila Hancock manage to get through that show without mentioning John Thaw? What a fantastic pension he has turned out to be for Sheila.
Sadly Ms Hancock is one of those ‘professional’ bereaved who cant believe that there are others out there who have the temerity to lose a loved one – and aren’t ‘sleb’ enough to make a fortune out of a book and countless interviews about ‘their loss’ . We know all there is to know about John Thaw, Karen Keating (courtesy of Gloria Hunniford) and Don Wilcox (Esther Rantzen), and now the late Lynda Bellingham’s husband’s having a go . Quite simply its time they all moved on like the rest of us, and forget the column inches about their life after their loss.
Yes Hancock is horrible but I am shocked at what I can only assume is a deliberate slight to Israelis and Israel-supporting Jews to have the openly anti-semitic Michal Insane to present the programme.
What a load of crap –
Mark Mardell, could he get a job anywhere else?
Never see Mark Mardell and Len McClusky together do you?
Of one mind-joined at the bingo wings.
So, to top a ‘sack of rats’, they operate an ongoing ‘culture of fear’.
Comments could be going better for the BBC PRwithNoName and Lord hall Hall in his bunker if they are hoping to ‘belief’ this one out over time.
And John Whittingdale, Jesse Norman, Dave, ‘Safe with me’ Jezza and the rest of the Palace of Fools want this merry band not just preserved, but ensured funding with no possibility of anyone not paying?
Too unique by far.
So the murder rate has risen leaving experts scratching their heads as to why
But never fear, Danny Shaw is on hand to shed some light on these grim statistics and concludes
“As for murders and killings, the increase cannot be explained by police recording practices, but might be connected to an upturn in the economy…”
Note my use of selective BBC type editing, so to be fair he continues
“which means more people drinking and getting into fights or a reduction in domestic violence prevention work by cash-strapped police.”
Get the government cuts in there Danny, I’d like to see some public broadcasting cuts that’s for sure.
But really Danny, there are no other possible contributing factors to this rise? Maybe a thorough breakdown of the figures might provide a clue or two, but then that would have involved you doing journalism, much easier to blame the government eh.
To be doubly fair he does say more detail due next week, I can think of a few details not to be read about on the BBC though.
In other words, Honour killings up and Jihad rapes up. Not that the BBC will ever admit to it.
BBC – Bristol mosque bacon sandwich attack: ?? … (you literally couldn t make it up)
Three more charged
Pig’s head tied to Muslim school gate police hate crime probe attached with cable ties to the gates of the Madani Academy in Nuffield Place, Portsmouth, at 8.30am on Thursday.
Superintendent Will Schofield, of Hampshire Police, said:
“We are taking this incident very seriously and will do all we can to catch those responsible.”
Pigs head left by the gates of Markazul Uloom boarding school in Blackburn,
Lancashire Police said the incident is being treated as a “hate crime”.
Abdul Hamid Qureshi, chairman of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said
the act was “a provocation” and “a crime”. …
… a “provocation”? . really? .. into what exactly,
more Islamic child gang rape of white girls?
more racist hate filled Islamic schools?
more attacks on gays or lesbians?
more perverting of local services, councils, or the police?
or extremist mosques?
… oops! that’s happening already!
To counteract all the negative migrant news the Beeb has come up with this on the website
Migrant crisis: How Lampedusa memorial reached British Museum
Its about an Italian carpenter who makes crosses and alters (for the Pope no less) out of wrecked boats used by the migrants, and how the British Museum acquired one (why?).
“Lampedusa’s carpenter immediately agreed to make a cross and donate it to the British Museum. The curator began to contact archaeologists she knew to sort out the complicated logistics of bringing it to London. She needn’t have bothered. Francesco Tuccio popped it in the post and one morning his parcel arrived on her desk. There were tears as Jill Cook defiantly unwrapped her cross in front of the museum’s director and other senior staff.”
Its a feel good migrant story, its also ancient, the Beeb had already ran it back on the 18th December, so why rehash this non-story.
British Museum boss MacGregor leaves Lampedusa cross
Maybe the new German (for some reason its not possible to get a Brit to head-up the British Museum) boss of the BM might not be so keen to influence contemporary history.
I hope he included a certificate of conformity to show that it was made of timber from sustainable forests!
People in terraced houses…and the schoolboy who could not spell. As reported today in the Grauniiad (!) the Lancashire cops have written to BBC Lancashire about its reporting, which they said had damaged relations. The police said the family were not interrogated as potential terrorists.The police visit took place because of other worrying issues in the boy’s school work, not just the “terrorist house” line. The concerns were “reported through the appropriate channels”.
“This was not responded to as a terror incident and the reporter was fully aware of this before she wrote her story,”. “In the event there was no further action needed, but if the school and police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
Condemning the reporting and the level of debate it sparked, the Lancashire police and crime commissioner said: “The media needs to take more responsibility when sensationalising issues to make stories much bigger than they are and to realise the impact they can have on local communities.” A police spokesman added later “The BBC reporter had been given the context surrounding the incident by both Lancashire council and the police, as well as guidance to make sure that the story would not be “sensationalised or reported differently to how it was brought to us”.
And the response from Al beeb ? Well just don’t hold your breathe waiting for an apology police persons of Lancashire.
Splendid, well done the BBC Asian Network, making a real difference to community relations, and ridiculing the government’s anti-terrorism tactics in a oner. I cannot wait for your next unbiased instalment.
‘The media needs to take more responsibility when sensationalising issues to make stories much bigger than they are…’
That goes for RED doors too.
An interesting piece on the BBC London news about an hour ago. Two stabbings in the Wimbledon area the other morning; one poor chap died from his injuries, the other has (thankfully) survived and I believe has spoken to police. If he has spoken to the police he must have offered some description of his assailant(s).
Now the intriguing thing is that the Beeb have offered us no description of the perpetrator(s) of either crime. The police have said they are keeping an open mind, but the events could be linked.
Now, I think it would be quite a good idea to describe the potential suspect(s). What if you were to find yourself being followed closely by someone on a dark and lonely side street. It could be a case of life or death.
But no description from the Beeb.
No description from the Mail either, which I don’t think is down to bias. On this occasion it’s more likely to be Der Luegen Polizei more than Der Luegen Presse !
Oh the humanity !
Thank goodness Nicky came through unscathed.
I thought most of them “Pretend” to be broadcasting from Manchester , in reality ,they are just off Oxford Street, in Broadcasting House , with the researchers & producers stuck Oop North.
Wish that c*nt was under a bus
“It is thought the tram driver slammed on the breaks in a bit to avoid hitting the pedestrian, understood to be a man.”
The quality of journalism in this country is enough to make you weep. “Breaks” for crying out loud. Not to mention “in a bit” which I assume should read “in a bid”.
The problem isn’t just to do with journalism – it’s to do with education and it affects just about every trade or profession.
When teachers are semi-literate and see their jobs as inculcating ‘correct attitudes’ in their pupils, rather than educating them, what hope have we?
It would seem that since al-Beeb dropped the requirement for Received Pronunciation other public employers have followed suit. At Earl’s Court Station the other day a most unintelligible announcement in patois tried to inform passengers of a platform alteration. I could make no sense of the announcement and I dare say 99% of the other cultures present could not either. God help us if we have another 7/7 and have to evacuate.
How I long to hear public announcements in a British English accent with correct grammar!
Do have a go at travelling on the line that connects Gatwick to London (the cheaper line, not the Gatwick Express). If you have the great good fortune to find a tiny human cram space between the massed suitcases of Eastern European arrivals heading to London and the existing vibrant and diverse users of the line, you too can sample the delights of hearing the announcements relayed to you by the voice of a Chinese woman. My cup runneth over with these glorious enrichments.
Nope the place to be is the St Pancreas platform A or B line connecting Gatwick to Luton , there is a lovely young lady of colour when you speak to her individually she’s fine and very helpful but put her on the microphone and prepare to be blasted. Her vowels vanish and the level rises to an extent a banshee would be proud of. Mind you I last saw her over 2 years ago so she could be running the announcements anywhere now.
We could call it ageism, that would get the luvvies going. In my seventies I have severe hearing problems (caused by gunfire from my 24 years in the Services) and I have great difficulty understanding people unless they speak with clarity. Needless to say, I cannot understand many NHS doctors and nurses and yet if I were to ask for an indigenous English practitioner I would be called racist.
BBC Online News:
“”More than 400 children under 10 referred for ‘deradicalisation'”” (All Muslim)
“”Those at risk of right-wing extremism can also be referred”” (None from right-wing extremism)
So. Where does the danger to national security lie? From Islam or the so-called some say right wing extremism?
Clearly placing a pig’s head outside the school-gates of an Islamic school is much worse that the mass rape of 100,000 white school-girls, or the mass murder as happened in Paris.
Probably a disGRUNTled pupil!
Remember that Islamic school where there was an arson attack? Horrible school run along the austere lines of a Victorian orphanage.
I have just watched BBC4 – the programme on the history of China. Oh dear Michael Woods and probably the whole production team must be sent for re -education as soon as possible.
Politically incorrect on so many levels. The commissars of correct thought at the BBC need to go over it in detail and punish those responsible.
How can China be a anything but a decadent regressive state?
It venerates the past and draws sustenance from it’s history. It regards a nation as a compact between the past , present and future generations. It has a respect for the past and for wisdom and is pround of it’s long history and it’s people in a way long absent in this enlightened country. Above all it is Chinese and will stay that way .
This cannot be right and all correct thinking liberals must show their disapproval by writing to the BBC and the Trust.
A traditional people and country praised? That Woods needs to understand the way the BBC likes it’s presenters to think. Make him do a stint on the One Show or PM or Newsnight or any of the BBC’s terminally dull rubbish.
Plus, of course, they don’t exactly bend over backwards to treat their Muslim population with kid gloves or to comply with their every demand.
No, but they are Communists.
They have adapted their Communism to include Chinese racial superiority and national culture.
they have colonised neighbouring Tibet and crushed that countries national identity.
Ring any bells?
Yet more bias regarding diversity on UK tv. The article begins “Only two nominees from the 16 categories at the National Television Awards were from an ethnic minority background.” Yes how shocking that in a country that is 12.9% ethnic minority only 12.5% of nominees were from that background. Needless to say the authors of this heinous example of white racism are both black. BBC News Online is not so much a news site these days, more a vessel for constant minority grievance hustling.
A bit late I know, but has anyone seen anything in Al Beeb and the media about this? ……………….
Those who control the Babblers of Babel Corporation disgust me more than the babbling Babel dwellers who seek to rise within the corporation. But those who serve their masters best will rise highest, and those who are forced to fund the tower have no say in what happens at the top.
Apparently the establishment wants the population that currently exists in Britain to act as litter pickers so that one old lady, who lives in extraordinary comfort, can have a litter free country when she sallies forth to visit the places dear go her heart – i.e. Scotland and a few scrubbed up, freshly painted, red carpeted, ‘English’ cities with high immigrant populations. As the establishment and the royals haven’t shown the remotest degree of interest in the peoples of England, and the English people have long been instructed that England needed many millions of immigrants to do jobs that the English people “were not prepared to do”, one can only suggest that the establishment and the royals source their litter pickers from their extraordinarily wide selection of recently arrived and highly favoured guests.
Good comment. I am pleased to see that not all of us conservatives have any real affection for the ruling class and it’s figureheads. There is an old and honourable tradition in England of conservative republicanism .After all Jefferson and Washington and the rest came from English stock.
Tom Paine had it right in my view. Government is a head fit for any shoulders I think he said and a hereditary governor was an absurdity he had no time for at all.
When this country has to be put to rights we can expect no help from the ruling class.
I realise this is not a popular view but I have no time for kings, princes, lords or bishops. Mr is a title fit for any Englishman and the rest is but sycophantic baubling.
Watch This Week. BBC1 23.45Hrs. About 10 minutes in. Ali-Baba Brown! Says things that Douglas Murray would have been derided for .
The left turning?
New Slogan! Thanks Portillo!
Bbbc breakfast-bad landlords- cramming people into overcrowded slums. Wonder who these bad landlords are then. Inshallah!
BBC standards of reporting……more rubbish on the “flagship” Today programme.
When it’s reported that Andrey Lugovoi was asked why he didn’t come to the UK “to prove his innocence in court”.
No BBC, it is a cardinal principle of English justice that the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty…..not the reverse.
Despite the efforts of “many” to bring about the opposite presumption.
Why would anyone voluntarily attend a court where he was presumed guilty?
French prime minister reported saying that it is impossible for Europe to accept all the refugees and migrants who want to come to Europe.
Described the situation as a threat to Europe and called for stronger security at “Europes external borders”
Following BBC story…..UK court permits admission of four “jungle” residents to UK “whilst awaiting asylum decision”. Human right to family life cited.
These contradictions are what will sink Europe.
‘News’ vs. ‘Not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
Maybe time or space constraints intruded?
I bet you won’t see this on the BBC:
All the way from Calais to us?
*Adult site* viewer discretion.
Breakfast manages to annoy me yet again. Some self righteous parents have decided to get a Street blocked off so their little poppets can play in the Road. Well here I’ve put in 3 anti social behavior complaints to the Police about our neighbors as they and their little darlings think our property is an extension to the play area. We have had dust caps stolen off our cars whilst in the drive . And I’ve twice come so close to giving a parent a kicking when they have decided to gob off that I had the temerity to tell one of their offspring to get off my property.Last year we had one of the brats running around with a dog which was under no control dumping on our and other lawns. The article obviously posed showed well behaved children with supervision playing queitly in the Street. The reality is somewhat different in the summer there will be a ball being kicked of one poor residents fence on and off all day. They will run around shouting and their parents will be sat on their fat back sides nowhere to be seen. Of course on the article no one comments on how a few self important morons have decided to block their access and impose their possibly minority wants on every one else.
Desert Island Discs and there’s Sir Anthony Seldon biographer & headmaster of Wellington College – a fee paying school. It wasn’t very far into the program before Kirsty Young asked the inevitable far left question about whether he thought private education was fair.
This coming from a woman whose husband is a multi millionaire, from catering to the very wealthy, owns several homes around the world, and have two children which they almost certainly educate privately !
Michael Caine didn’t stick to the script on Toady this morning , said we should get out of the EU . Notice how the Beeboids always give some more questioning , a little urging to their guests that say Leave , a chance for them to change their minds .When it’s some numpty saying the opposite its left at that .
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has warned that Europe’s migration crisis is putting the EU at grave risk.
Mr Valls told the BBC Europe could not take all the refugees fleeing what he called terrible wars in Iraq or Syria.
“Otherwise,” he said, “our societies will be totally destabilised.”
It’s always a quandary for the BBC when a well known hard line Socialist says something they don’t particularly agree with.
The technique they seem to have developed to deal with this is to return to what might be called ‘proper reporting’ like they should be doing all the time. Simple uncoloured reporting of the facts without their opinion getting in the way!
This is a lone voice crying in the wilderness however, and it’s doubtful if the clinically insane leaders of France & Germany will take any notice – especially of that troublesome thing known as the people whose voice they have ignored for so long.
Even if they did take note, it’s almost certainly too little too late. The EU needs to take action, something it cannot do, it’s only capable of petty bureaucracy, rules & regulation.
When over 400 kids have been referred for potential radicalization, the worst case out of this scenario is apparently a 10 year old who described his house as a ‘terrorist’ house in a spelling error.
What about the other 399? Were any radicalized?
It would have been my first question.
BBC milking the boycott of the Oscars over its lack of Diversity. Jada Pinkett-Smith and Spike Lee defenders of black actors. But doing the rounds on the internet is a video of this lady with an illegal elephant’s tusk on her wall. Oh dear, what will PETA, Ricky Gervais say? And isn’t having an elephant’s tusk on your wall a bit colonialist? Come on BBC, there is a story here about hypocrisy.×120.jpg×120.jpg%5B/img%5D
In the BBC US correspondent’s brief report on Charlotte Rampling’s dismissing the idea that the Oscars were racist I lost count of the number of times the word “controversial” was used. A favourite BBC euphemism for opinions they do not agree with, it is decoded to mean ” be careful about this person’s way-out views”.