“I would advise us all to prepare a plan B.”
The Guardian, the Mail and the Telegraph all report this story….
Germany must soon close borders to refugees, transport minister tells Merkel
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s transport minister has urged her to prepare to close Germany’s borders to keep out refugees, arguing that Berlin must act alone if it cannot reach a Europe-wide deal.
Alexander Dobrindt said Germany could no longer show the world a “friendly face” – a phrase used by Merkel as refugees began arriving in Germany six months ago – and that if the number of new arrivals did not drop soon, Germany should act alone.
“I urgently advise: we must prepare ourselves for not being able to avoid border closures,” Dobrindt, a member of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU), told the Muenchner Merkur newspaper.
The BBC have so far refrained from commenting…however as usual the BBC is eager to hear and report the views of the mothers of terrorists [Just as they interviewed the mother of a Palestinian suicide bomber but not the Israeli parents of his victims]…
Belgium’s jihadi mothers share their anguish
A growing number of young Europeans joining jihadi groups in Syria and Iraq come from the Molenbeek neighbourhood of Brussels in Belgium, where unemployment and social disengagement are rife.
You can’t help thinking that this is a BBC counter to Cameron’s plan to give language lessons to Muslim women in what is clearly an Islamophobic attack upon Muslims….the BBC is telling us Muslim mothers hate extremism and ‘radicalisation’ and don’t need patronising white, Eton educated, politicians to tell them how to control their kids.
But are these mothers really interested in challenging the ideas and narrative of the Jihadis…or just in preventing thier kids from fighting the good fight?…after all many a British mother, who no doubt support democracy and freedom, don’t want their kids joining the Army and heading off to war. Often they are at the centre of it themselves propagating the mentality that ends up with their offspring heading to Syria.
A while back the BBC brought us a report on the ‘Jan Trust’ which operated a Muslim mother’s anti-radicalisation union…..except it didn’t…what the mothers actually said was that their lovely kids were right to be angry about Syria, or rather the West’s lack of action against…ISIS?…no, Assad…and of course right to be angry about Israel…however the kids must express their anger in other ways not by bombs and bullets. The BBC on the radio reported the words of the women as they were shown images of the war in Iraq and Israeli actions in Gaza….their reaction was to say ‘well no wonder our kids are radicalised…we would be too’…the BBC on its web report isn’t so honest in reporting their reaction…
Part of the course involves exposing them to the violent language and imagery used by extremist websites, with shocking results for some of them.
Ms Mughal’s interpreter, Rafaat, a Muslim mother herself, told of the horrified reactions when they first saw such pictures: “When the photographs were shown there was silence and all of sudden I could hear… wow, what’s happening?”
So Muslim mothers are still peddling the anti-West, anti-Israel Jihadi narrative and telling their kids it’s right to be angry…just don’t use violence…amd yet the BBC thinks this is an anti-radicalisation programme. Then again it’s the same narrative that the BBC has been peddling since 9/11. It’s all the West’s fault, it’s blowback.
I don’t see how one can de-redacalise without considering the main cause of radicalisation – the Koran and the sterling example of Muhammed.
De-radicalisation requires equipment with a muzzle velocity over 2000FPS.
“A growing number of young Europeans joining jihadi groups in Syria and Iraq come from the Molenbeek neighbourhood of Brussels in Belgium, where unemployment and social disengagement are rife”
My grandfather, unemployed in West Yorkshire during the 1930s depression, somehow managed to raise 6 children, living in a back-to-back with no indoor sanitation.
I’ve tried and tried but can find no evidence any members of his community joined any terrorist groups.
They did however fight for their country at the end of that decade.
One despairs of Al Beeb’s victimhood, bias, selective reporting, lack of proportion, Far Left agenda.
‘where unemployment and social disengagement are rife’
So the solution to the problems in these areas is to import yet more who seem unable to address employment or engagement issues, whilst failing to cope with their libido or anger management?
Got it.
Yes but your grandfather didn’t have the internet……if he had, he would have been “radicalised” and instantly become a suicide bomber. It wouldn’t have been his fault though.
If only your grandfather had a Koran lying around, your uncles would have got themselves a ticket to the Islamic bordello.
In danger of sounding like Lord Haw Haw here. And not to gloat, because, if the shit hits the fan, and it will, I will return. My first time to speak here, and I feel I am in good company. This is a great website. Thanks to the people who made it. Just a short introduction. I am disenfranchised – a decent man who didn’t feel right in his own country, England. The sort of decent type you would see on the bus, on the street, on the local train. One of the best moments in my life was roaring away from LHR in a big jet. I left the great storied city, a bit confused. But at that very moment in time, I had stopped paying the BBC tax. That was an immense weight of me. The albatross had been summarily removed, just like that. I flew, long haul, to a place where the BBC is just heard of. Those altruistic lefties, though, cos there will not be any tax from here, don’t let their Beeb Player, whatever it is called, be seen by those people they deem to be inferior.
Can you give us a clue, where the Eagle has landed?
Essexman, this Eagle landed in Gambia, a country not without its problems. Poverty, disease , corruption and a mentally deranged President, to name but a few. The fact that I feel more at home there than in the UK says it all.
Timtastic, Welcome here. Yes it is a great site. The feeling of being an alien in one’s own country is awful. That is one reason I left UK.
GRAPHIC PICTURE WARNING: Soldier, 20, found robbed and beaten in Bradford city centre
There is no information of who did this, though it is in Bradford. Yup, the same city which has a Muslim MP.
The spanned eagle/albatross flew long, and with good results. I live in japan. In London, so much of my tax I paid to just not nothing – but to a machine which would eventually kill everything I loved. I live in Japan. Great people.
It has been noted numerous times on BBBC, the home of “racism”, the marked difference between the intelligent, cultured, well-mannered, industrious, creative, Japanese with their long and proud history and the sub-human scum imported into the UK.
Also noted was the wisdom of the Japanese in not importing filth. Perhaps the Japanese can be induced to help us in our hour of need.
No, I moved to Japan.
Welcome Timtastic. We flew away 2 years ago to the South of France . Apart from the Beeb website we rely on this site to point out the TVs and radio hell that all in the UK have to endure .
I saw that film “Atonement” years ago. It was a good film. Northern France. 3 stout Britons in the dunes, expecting kingdom come. But they prevailed in that film. The Allies prevailed. Then international things not just improved, but were improved upon the very idea of what Britain was – the first truly international state, with earth shattering achievements. I am just starting with my essays, and there will be method in the ostensible madness. In my daily Japanese life, I notice vital things which should be brought to the attention of leftie Britons. They drive on the left – no political meaning meant. They believe in decency and manners. There is no vandalism. I am white here, and in my area, very, very unusual. The trains run to the second. There are no chavs. I don’t get the BBC here, which is good.
Saw a Channel 4 programme on “The jihadists next door” last night.
I can see why these grinning scum merchants laugh at our police, courts and media.
Just thick antagonistic nutters like “Four Lion”….only they seem to think that that was an IS documentary on how to get sharia started in this craven spineless ragbag of a nation.
Our lead slime trail is on benefits (Jihad Seekers Allowance as they call it)…he`s got “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” apparently!
As I say-I agree with him…any country that allows a spongiform like him to leech life from it IS a laughing stock.
Here he is folks…
One of the reasons I chose to leave. I wasn’t sure if the lefties loved these medieval sexists, genuinely, and they truly believed in it, or they wanted to get rid of people like me. By taking away goodwill and good behaviour. I suppose they won. I would like to have stayed in England, but where I lived, I was not seen as appropriate. Middle class, above average intelligence. Great, before the smartphone, sense of UK geography. I once was on the motorbike, through Kent. At 9pm, a lady was stranded in the road, in a bad car. Everyone drove past. Local people. I stopped, and helped push the motor. The giant dog in the rear looked at me with astonishment. The wind blew. Job done. The dog sort of smiled. It was all good. Even the moon was out. Every driver on that road ignored the woman. It could have been one for BBC Kent.
Merkel made Germany’s bed, now she must lie in it. It’s no good taking all these people in unless you already have a sharing agreement with other countries who are, quite wisely, being reluctant to cooperate. Sweden has got into the same fix & when they appealed to the Danes for help the Danes wisely refused. Tough Frau Kau!
But what will our Mr Car Moron do about it ? Will he come back from Germany waving a piece of paper shouting ‘peace in our time’ ?
We live in interesting times .