The BBC is a relentless propagandist for unlimited immigration,prioritising those who demand the right to live here ahead of the rights of the local population. BBC Radio 4 Today has been leading with this story….
The front doors of houses used by asylum seekers are to be repainted, after claims they were targeted because nearly all of the doors were red. Asylum seekers in Middlesbrough told The Times eggs and stones had been thrown at their houses because the doors made them easy to identify. The immigration minister said he was “deeply concerned” about the issue.
It’s no longer adequate to provide free housing for illegal immigrants masquerading as asylum seekers, but now the decor of the accommodation must meet their high standards. This is deemed reasonable by the BBC and even worse the Government rolls with it.
So the choice of colour is nothing to do with the owners trying to save money by buying in bulk or buying a cheap brand of paint or taking up offers of cheap paint or making their properties all the same?
You can tell which houses belong to asylum seekers by the satellite dishes and the amount of rubbish round the back. The ones with dishes and rubbish = asylum seekers, the ones with dishes rubbish and St George flag in a bedroom window being used as a curtain = dole scum.
Indeed. These houses are all owned by a corporation who decided to buy doors in bulk, to easily identify their own housing stock. This decision was taken long before they were to be mass-let to immigrants. The ethnic status of the people living in those houses was irrelevant to the decision taken on door colour. Typical of the delusional lefty “victim” shaming, virtue signalling tosspots to look for a “NAZI” story where none exists.
If they really want to find REAL victims to champion, perhaps they should look at the increasing number of British child sex slaves used and abused by immigrants. But no, caring for and exposing real victims is racist init?
The echoes from the Third Reich are chilling. Surely, everyone knows that the Nazis forced people of colour to carry around red doors so that they could be easily identified for the death camps.
Not strictly true asylum seekers/immigrants are very easily identified by poorly installed satellite dishes that are larger than the standard Sky minidishes and point in a more easterly direction.
Yea we have our own scum, but until we sort out the non indigenous scum and immigration first, we ain’t never going to sort them out, a wood for the trees situation, they’re conveniently used as an excuse for more immigration.
Why is any notice being taken of this issue, which could have been sorted by the tenant painting their own front doors with the house owners permission-afterall these people are in most cases being given free or very reduced rates of rent-surely they can afford a pot of paint. Of course such an ulterly unimportant issue gives the BBC such delight in making it a main issue, & especially when it concerns the poor freightened wreteched bedraggled Asylum Muslim. I really don’t know why I am still paying the TV licence!
Why don’t the BBC just consider, for one moment,that the good folk of Middlesborough may be sick and tired of mass immigration, a significant element of which is bogus asylum seekers who are nevertheless given permission to stay by a liberal elite who will never go near Middlesborough? Teesside is one of the poorer regions of the UK, a major victim of the de-industrialisation policy presided over by successive governments. Maybe giving free housing and pocket money to cultural aliens with no right to be in the UK is the last straw for the locals?
Bogus or not, it is the total Muslim population in the UK that is of concern. Over 30% and our goose is cooked. Goodbye Western civilisation.
bBBC editorial meeting
” Middlesborough. Where’s that?”
“Dunno. Somewhere between Lowsborough and Highsborough?”
Where’s Middlesborough? It’s close to Middlesbrough.
MartinW…… #Sluffyouaintnosmoggiebrough.
It’s not just red doors that have things thrown at them.
This serious offence is keeping officers busy:
Would I get arrested if I admitted laughing at that story? I suppose I would. That’s the crazy world we live in!
According to Skynews, the shadow transport minister Andy McDonald has actually said that the situation “reminds you of Germany in the 1930s”. Does he really believe what he says? Of course not. It is just another one of the messages designed to implant in people’s minds the idea that it is “bad” to oppose immigration. The intention is that people begin to self censor. Am I saying something “offensive” or “unreasonable”. Am I allowed to laugh about the ridiculous story of the red doors?. I even hesitated slightly in mentioning “death camps” in a flippant way in my post above. This is the poison of the BBC working. At the time of the election you saw the same need for people to prefix their criticisms of immigration with apologetic remarks. Some were even reluctant to say anything. I spent some time in the Soviet Union, and the reactions of the interviewees reminded me a lot of the “cowed” nervous reaction you got from “ordinary” Soviet citizens when a westerner asked them for, say, directions. There was always the scope for accusations of slandering the USSR to a foreigner. This is the aim of the whole “hate speech” program. You know you are going to be accused of something, even though what you say is entirely innocuous. As Geert Wilders says ordinary people must be brave, speak up and say what they think and feel.
We now have a sterile Britain led by a load of inept politicians, & through weakness controlled by a fabian/marxist European Commission. It maybe that the EU is in a long- term decline-They are stuck in a time warp, thinking the world today is much as it was in the 1960’s. A decade when the nations of the then Common Market achieved strong ecnomic growth and represented an increasingly important market for the UK. Of course the UK’s external trade was damaged by a wave of protectionism in nations that had once been part of the UK’s empire, as they tried to define & establish full independence from the ‘home country’. That is no longer the world in which we live-the 1960’s are now history-international trade & finance has been liberalized globally-we need to think in terms of the world market & not become obseessed with Europe. What has all that got to do with re-painting front doors ? We have the power to resist the slow strangulation of our culture, but it appears we have lost the will to defend it. Illegal migrants arrive hoping for a better life, yet remarkably it is the fact that never is it declared that any will be turned back from whenc e they came-the new Europe where anyone can come by any means, and if we the public question this fiasco, we are claimed to be inhumane racists. What is humane about civil war-the people who cannot see past their own front door!
Apparently all houses provided to asylum seekers have windows. I demand they be bricked up immediately as they make asylum seekers easy to identify.
Uh-oh… you said the B-word. That’s TellMum on DaftCon 11.
What they don’t realise is this will represent a major council tax saving based on the rules of the era they still exist in.
I despair as to how the writers of this blog can understand the problem so easily. i.e. a housing contractor paints the doors of their properties the same colour. But I am now listening to parliament, and there bunch of ‘fuckwits’ especially labour and SNP are making this out that the immigrants were deliberately targeted. The locals may have realised where the immigrants were being housed. I expect they would have sussed that out no matter what colour the door is painted. I have called the MPs ‘fuckwits’ as I cannot think of a better description.
I think you are meant to call them “Honourable Fuckwits”, unless they are in the Privy Council, in which case they are “Right Honourable Fuckwits”. Anything else would be an unparliamentary use of language. The midget cuckold in the Speaker’s Chair is quite pedantic about these things.
I lived in a Housing Association property for many years and I had no choice but to have the door painted the colour they told me to have.In my street there were many properties belonging to the same Housing Association and you could go along the street of Victorian terraces picking out the social tenants. Now I have managed to buy my own property I can have whatever door I want. It’s a storm in a tea cup stirred up by people who have probably never experienced social housing and never likely to.
Can only hope that all those asylum sneaking BBC cretins are similarly made to drive around in “Harman Pink” vans-so we can identify the self-loathing lefty cabbages that infest the media and the political classes.
AND-if the vans were deemed to be “safe spaces for women only”-transgendering rapists towed along at the back for a trial period perhaps?…then that SURELY would help out the henna bearded gentlemen of South Asia who might be out on the sniff after Friday prayers in Dewsbury.
This idea come free to the BBC…let`s hope that they`ll use it, will book a good spot on Ilkley Moor to see how it pans out…is popcorn halal or haram for such events?
is popcorn halal or haram for such events?
Depends on the flavour.
self-loathing lefty cabbages
I’m not sure if they are self loathing. More likely they suffer from Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
Great post as usual BTW.
Well , everyone in Middlesbrough , who needs to know , will , know which street , house number , this lot live in , it will be all over social media . If anyone is not sure, spot the newly painted doors , which will now be painted in the diversity rainbow colours.
its different tactics this time round…………with the red doors……..last time when Dr.(Death) Reid was dispersing thousands of
illegals I was travelling back on the last flight from h/ROW TO GLASGOW……………….the steward whispered “welcome aboard the asylum express”……on looking up the plane there they were row after row……………….dispersing under the cover of darkness……….none of this was ever explained by the bBC and certainly not that bunch of traitors calling themselves th e Labour Partry.
From what I’ve heard so far on this story today (all on the BBC, I shamefully confess) we are led to believe all the doors of houses occupied by ‘asylum seekers’ were painted the same colour in order to denote the immigration status of the occupants.
Is there any evidence of this or have ‘the world’s best investigative journalists’ not bothered to find out because the story conveniently supports their pro-immigration agenda?
We are also led to believe that those who have thrown eggs and other stuff at these houses are just, well, ‘racists’. Is there any evidence of this as opposed to say, um, some of the indigenous people of Middlesbrough who have spent yonks on the housing list and suddenly find ‘asylum seekers’ (who maybe illegal economic migrants trying it on) leapfrogging them in the queue, have got pretty pissed off with it? Have ‘the world’s best investigative journalists’ bothered to look into that possibility or perhaps the story as it stands conveniently supports their ‘racist white English’ agenda?
And have ‘the world’s best investigative journalists’ bothered to confirm the aforementioned victims are all genuine asylum seekers?
Seems like there’s something missing…..
New figures revealed Middlesbrough has topped England’s asylum seeker league with the town becoming the first in the country to breach Government accommodation guidelines.
Just had a chance to read the DM piece on the red door non story, who exactly are the Libtards who bring these ‘stories’ to light? Also note the manipulated top comment, totally against the sentiment of the majority of other top comments.
I really don’t give a sh1t about these lying f%£$kers, stood there in front of ‘their’ front doors, possibly with an abundance of wives and kids doing sweet FA and whingeing, listen if its so crap here go back to where you came from….
What really pisses me off is on a winters day like today, they lounge around in a home given to them, with their free heating on full blast (see the guy in the vest) and at a time when our OAPs, ex servicemen and other unfortunates either don’t have a home, or if they do they can’t afford to heat it…
I get angrier by the day…
Exactly, Geoff. Resentment is growing because more and more people are waking up to the fact that hundreds of thousands of economic migrants – endowed with a massive sense of entitlement courtesy of the BBC and other campaigning leftist pro-immigration groups – have come to this country to take our money and take the piss.
As a result it is going to get increasingly difficult for the man in the street to identify genuine asylum seekers who will then unfortunately become the innocent victims.
It’s another one of the reasons we left the UK, Mr Kitty (Rtd Police) had seen all of this first hand as had I working at Gatwick Airport. We both were fed up with being labelled xenophobic and racists and to adopt a healthier lifestyle live somewhere the news wouldn’t send our blood pressure soaring. Our blood pressure still goes up but we get about 5 mins of working out what the news is on about. How you all cope in the UK I don’t know. When we visit the UK we almost gallop through departures on the way back .
Bloody scandalous, painting the doors in the colours of the local football team!
I suggest black and white striped doors…or maybe black doors with that lush white calligraphy of theirs.
S`pose THAT`ll be grumbled at…my door is red down here, sorely temped to get the train up to Choketown to get it painted too….
It IS Middlesborough!
Nearly all of the rest of the population will be doing nothing different-unless it`s to spend a few hours in make up for “Benefits Street-the Sequel” or “Jeremy Kyle and his La-Di Dahs”…
Compared to Teessides worst…they ARE toffs, and White Dee would be head of a secondary school by now!
Thornaby`s nice though…Captain Cook certainly was glad to get out alive, left his monkey and never went back!
Chris Rea?…Paul Rodgers?…yep, thin pickings up there!
THis is my revenge for getting told to “fuck off” by some bloody shaven headed urchin as soon as I`d taken my bike out of the station…we pseudoGeordies have long and bitter memories-and that`s why we vote Labour, and hope to put up a statue(and a long finger) to celebrate Doctors Higgs and Wyatt…who, it must be said DID but Cleveland on the map!
Maybe we should get that name restored…Labour through and through…bet Savile did a few fun runs up there too!
I’ve also noted the “top comment” in the Daily Mail totally against the tide of other opinions and often in the many thousands. Almost as if there was a campaign, or even some clever chappie has written a program to uptick the planted comment (This in response to Geoff)
It’s either the work of bots, a co-ordinated campaign via SM or email/texts or (conspiracy corner alert!) the Mail itself, ‘avin’ a larf with its readers. The latter isn’t quite as far-fetched as it may seem because the Mail appears to have made no efforts to stop it happening.
Isn’t repainting the doors just glossing over the issue?
twitter – that’s brilliant.
I see a red door and I want it painted black? someone should write a song out of that.
My door is painted black- hope thats not going to “offend” anyone!
Mines White, like me. Bovvered, am I?
Channel 4 news had two highly tinted individuals complaining about being “identified” via the legendary red doors.
I would have thought anyone who was not completely blind might have concluded that they were not local people just by looking at them. I’m surprised that a major news story of this magnitude, requiring much angry, vacuous leftist outrage and po-faced moralising wasn’t handled by Jon Snow. How will this “scar on the nation” as Chukka the Thick calls it, ever be erased?
It’s a truly pathetic non-story. What would be far more interesting (but a bit too clever for the BBC) would be to investigate the background of who originated the story… and why.
Another interesting investigation would be the effect of the resettlement programme on the local authorities housing waiting list.
Unless Teesside is unique in the UK, there will still be a housing waiting list with local people sofa surfing, sleeping rough, living in bed and breakfast and hostel accomodation whilst awaiting social housing.
Absolutely! And it’s another story the BBC suppresses in an attempt to shore-up its ‘narrative’.
If you take a step back and look at the BBC’s news coverage with an open mind it is astonishing how many questions the Corporation fails to ask. There is almost no greater glaring example of its intellectual (and moral) corruption than its attempts to bury the truth by ignoring potentially embarrassing questions.
Its pure propaganda and the British public are fully aware of it – simples
If the tenants are so upset with their free housing they could do just as any other tenant or private householder does, paint it another bloody colour .
Pure propaganda .
I thought the Labour Party painted the doors red to know where to deliver the parcels of postal votes to .
“the doors made them easy to identify”.
It could be those inappropriate clothes, head scarves or even their burkhas that give them away ?
The journalistic skills of our children are very poor these days.
On second thoughts, some good reasons for wearing burkas ……………….
My brown front door is getting a bit shabby.
If I complain about Waycism do you think I might get the local council to repaint it for me for free?
I mean, getting the taxpayer to do it means I would have more money to donate to my local Mosque.
On second thoughts why not tell the immigrants to repaint the doors themselves?
You know, just like the rest of us.
imagine, quick quid, wonga and that lot…………..just a few more details sir, what colours your front door!