Funny what catches the BBC’s interest. Mass sexual assaults across Europe by Muslim men and the BBC will report it ony when it can’t avoid doing so, and even then it does all it can to play down the significance of this…apparently rape, sexual assault, robbery and abuse are a lesser concern than the audience getting a completely false protrayal of what is happening to European societies in order that BBC journalists, like Hugh Sykes, can continue to peddle their pro-immigration, utopian twaddle with a clear conscience.
However…David Cameron says that Muslim women should learn to speak English and the BBC are all over it immediately, seemingly clearing the decks to make way for programmes about this.
Naturally we get the usual Muslim agitprop claiming this is an attack on Muslims, and what should be noted is how the so called ‘moderate’ Muslims also react. The BBC wheeled in Mona Siddiqui on Thought for the Day.…she didn’t like the PM’s thoughts and believed that the real problem was that Muslims weren’t appreciated enough in this country which is the real reason they became radicalised. So it’s ‘our’ fault as usual. Siddiqui’s answer was ‘more Islam’, more freedom to worship Islam in all its glory so that Muslims can ‘harbour a sense of mutual belonging’. The difference between Siddiqui and ISIS? Just the means and methods…the ends are the same…more Islam…Islam über alles….the same thing all these agitprop Muslims work towards as they swarm onto the media and relentlessly lobby politicians who all too easily cave in to the ‘blackmail’….Don’t think Cameron is genuinely looking to deal qwith any issues raised by Islam…how many speeches has he made on this sucject, and just how much concrete action has he taken? I imagine this laatest wheeze is a coldly calculated gambit that says some Muslims will raise a hell of a stink, but that is good…non-Muslims will look on and think if Muslims are upset then Cameron must be doing something…more votes in that than in the Muslim community…it’s the same ploy he uses in Europe, generating a fake row with Europe in which, after a great deal of ‘outrage’, everybody suddenly comes to a deal and Cameron is presented as the hero….and we can all vote to stay in Europe.
‘Call You and Yours ‘ also gave airtime to the issue…
On Call You & Yours we are exploring how people and communities become better integrated in the UK. If your family came to Britain from overseas – what made a difference to you – what was it that made you stop feeling foreign and start feeling British?
The prime minister has promised new language lessons for migrant women in England who speak little or no English. The idea is to help people integrate better into the broader community and also to reduce extremism.
What does your experience tell you about the most important ways that people and communities become better integrated?
‘Womans’ Hour’, which completely ignored the rape and sexual abuse of German women, never mind those in Sweden and Norway over the years or even those immigrants in refugee centres also attacked by their menfolk, took an instant interest in what Cameron had to say…naturally their take was that he was ‘Islamophobic’…curious how Muslims attacking white women isn’t racist, or of interest, but Cameron helping Muslim women to better themselves is….
David Cameron has just announced that an extra £20 million should be available to teach English to Muslim women. Few people dispute the value of better access to English lessons, but David Cameron has angered many people by singling out the Muslim community and Muslim women in particular and suggesting that a lack of English might make you more susceptible to extremist viewpoints. We look at the situation of Muslim women without language skills in the UK today.
Still here’s at least one BBC employee, Nihal, who makes an attempt to question the narrative as a Muslim caller blames foreign policy for radicalisation and claims there was no terrorism before the war in Afghanistan…he also claims that ISIS was only created after the Iraq War started…where did he pick that idea up from? The BBC probably, as it is one of their narratives that tries to pile the blame for the war in Syria onto the West. Unfortunately ISIS, under a different name, came into existence years before the Iraq War and its leader was actually only interested in attacking Jordan.
ISIS/IS has its origins in an obscure militant group, Jamaat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (JTJ), that was stood up in 2000 by a Jordanian one-time criminal-turned-Islamist named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (AMZ).1 His intent was to fight the Jordanian government, but he failed to gain traction.
The BBC’s own version of history misses out the inconvenient bit about Zarqawi being a terrorist before both the Afghanistan and Iraq War…this makes it sound like his creation of a terror group was in reaction to the Iraq War when it already existed….
IS can trace its roots back to the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian. In 2004, a year after the US-led invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and formed al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which became a major force in the insurgency.
Here’s Nihal attempting to correct the Muslim narrative about radicalisation…he exclaims ‘We don’t have to believe them!’……. if only all at the BBC would give it a go instead of pandering to the extremists and pushing their narrative…
How much longer will we be forced to pay for this Leftist crap?
Only fools and horses believe the BBC these days.
I don’t want to divert, but it’s not just our own dear old auntie.
No doubt. But it is ‘our’ own dear old, professional, trusted and transparent, uniquely force-funded state media monopoly, hence the focus of the blog.
I totally agree but thought this was of note because the police are also publicly funded and in this case are conspiring to keep information from their paymasters.
With luck the Swedes have been allowed by the EU and their own government enough democratic representation to influence matters in the next election.
As we can here.
The BBC of course remains uniquely exempted from such feedback currently.
More faux outrage from our muslim friends and their imps.
More smoke and mirrors from a goverment unwilling or lacking the the moral courage to deal with the real issues.
More fussing, appeasment and and outright fabrication from a public broadcaster once heralded for its impartiality. The BBC these days is like a once beautiful and powerful aristocrat fallen on hard times, who now has to walk the streets doing
” business” with whatever low life scum comes along – what an end.
Despite all this avoidance of the real issue. The muslim immigration tsunami is approaching our shore, getting larger and larger. I hope I am wrong but I do believe that the mass of people in this country will not realise that the wellington boots the goverment has provided as protection are inadequate until they are all being swept out to sea.
‘TellMama proves there’s ‘Islamaphobia’.
Got it.
Sometimes only the articulate can really zero in on the real facts. Innit.
I won’t be the only one who noticed that Giles Fraser, the alleged Christian, and BBC broadcaster said on the Daily Politics yesterday that he thought the attacks in Cologne by muslim men on western women had been exaggerated out of all proportion. With friends like him who needs enemies.
Giles Fraser clearly hates this country and in my view should be arrested for hate speech.Compare him to Tommy Robinson who loves his country but gets arrested for defending it.
The feminists in Britain are quiet about Cologne!
Fraser has gone beyond acceptable behaviour in my view. He needs to be called out over his appalling interview on the DP. The man is a menace. He deserves the same treatment that anyone who dares offend the twitterati gets. That will niot happen of course as the liberal fascists are so deep into denial as to make any question of this impossible.
The feminists will not defend women put in the position of the women of Cologne any more or rather on their twisted terms alone. It will be left to us conservatives to do that and receive nothing but venom for doing so.
But they need to understand that Cologne has changed everything and cannot be treated as if it did not happen. What the repercussions are we will have to wait and see.
Fraser is a fool and sounds increasingly strident and lacking in thought. As he is no more or less than an aggregate of the BBC/Guardian liberal attitudes then we are in for an interesting time as these people try to spin away what cannot be spun.
Not all feminists. Penny Red is screaming that feminism is being hijacked by male racists and bigots in order to attack innocent foreigners, just because a few of them behaved as all MEN want to behave.
She fails to mention that it is feminists who threw feminism under a bus whenever children and women were raped en-masse by Muslims as a right accorded to them by Mohammed.
I have not seen her write one word in defence of the victims of rape and child sexual exploitation by Muslims. She only attacks those who have exposed the problem. Perhaps she is upset, because this very real and very severe sexual prejudice makes the “new wave feminists” problems of “stare rape” look like the petty, stupid and ridiculous non-problem it really is.
Apparently, she does not appreciate “bigoted men” tackling a REAL sexist problem, the nature of which that her and her stupid, cosseted and thoroughly spoiled acolytes are far too scared to even begin to tackle.
“It isn’t rape when a Muslim does it…”
I pray his daughters don’t find out the hard way just how wrong Daddy is.
It’s our fault.
We put up with it year in and year out and they continue to spit in our faces.
We are pussies and deserve all we get.
Honestly, I suspect they hoped this would work out better with the public than it is so far…
The woman is beyond satire.
“I hope that we will fight like craxy to make sure that the coice of the public, who want a strong BBC that is universal, that is distinctive, that is independent, is heard”
What about the public who hate being constantly lied to by the BBC and want the lefty bias and anti-British prejudice ended? Why does the BBC not want those people heard? This is typical bias by the BBC. The last thing this nation, and our sovereign democracy needs, is MORE protection for the BBC to keep on lying to us.
She is right that there are a lot of angry people out there, but they are not angry that the BBC is facing an improbable, and only slightly possible and very very mild dose of economic reality. They are angry that the BBC is utterly imune to economic reality and this allows them to invent dangerous anti-British narritives with which to propagandise the benefits of British cultural genocide.
The BBC should not be cut back, or restricted. They have gone too far for that. The BBC should be entirely closed down, eliminated, destroyed, and every journalist, editor, producer currently in their employ should be shot for treason!
Rona F airhead.
Do you think the Beeb might report the words of wisdom from this follower of the false prophet mo?
So now we know the defence they’re going to use.
Coming to a town near you.
Could it be that our home-grown Cultural Marxists have realised that everything they have believed and done is wrong?
Consider, it is now the norm for the indigenous population to want to live alone, no marriage, no children. That is how they have been brought up. Similarly they have no pride in work, no aspiration. That is how they have been brought up. They can’t do anything for themselves and if they think about trying then there is surely some rule or law that prevents it, or there should be. That is the way they have been brought up.
Imagine now that this degenerate race could be got rid of. They learned the lessons too well and are beyond hope. How can their teachers, who now realise that their teaching has been false, repair the damage?
How about importing people who don’t speak the language, people who haven’t been brought up under cultural Marxism? People who disregard petty rules and laws, people with aspiration, people who hold family values, people who value rather than destroy tradition. People who at heart are deeply conservative.
One of the things most people find hard to say is “I was wrong”. Is this the real reason behind mass immigration and extinction of western culture?
Useful for the bbc that there are many ageing pop stars starting to pop their clogs.
Any muz atrocities can be ignored as the Beeb gives over the top coverage.
Bowie came at just the right time to enable Cologne to be given scant air time, apart from the Pegida grannies and concerned citizens being water cannoned and pepper sprayed for causing riots.
Unless we have a separation of Islam and Muslims from the West, Western civilisation is finished. The separation needs to take place without forced repatriation, as that would sully our civilisation for hundreds of years. The separation needs be voluntary.
A possible solution
1. We have to intervene in more Muslim countries, even more frequently, to weed out the “radicals”, and to take liberal democracy to these unfortunate countries. Unfortunately, this will inflame the situation even more among Muslims in the Muslim world, including Muslims in the West. Why I have no idea, as we are only trying to help the Islamic word, and bring it to the 21st century.
2. At the same time, close the door to Muslim immigration to the West, which one sees is about to take place.
Time is short. Repeat prescription 1.
This particular prescription will focus the minds of everyone involved this war of cultures. A choice will have to be made fairly soon thereafter.
I don’t see how any repatriation will be voluntary. They are here now and they will never leave whilst they have the choice.
Until the 1950s there were large Jewish populations in many Arab countries, Egypt, Iraq, Syria etc. Now they are all gone. It was hardly a voluntary movement of population, but it happened, and no-one in the West gives a toss about it now. Similarly, in 1922 the Greek city of Smyrna was completely depopulated and became the Turkish city of Izmir. The Greeks did not want to go, but it was that or death at the hands of Attaturk’s army.
These things happen, but life goes on. It will happen in Western Europe (not the East, which has more sense), unless the Christian population decide to live in dhimmitude to their new muslim masters. There is no way round this. Either deport muslim populations, or prepare to live as dhimmis when demography makes them a majority, in less than 100 years.
I share your pessimism. The only way out I see without forced repatriation, is one in which a civil war breaks out while we are still in a massive majority. That way one can set the agenda claiming its wartime, while still maintaining a civilized value system.
There is hardly any doubt that “taking democracy to Islamic countries” is not popular with Muslims anywhere. They react violently, even those Muslims who are supposedly citizens of Britain. Converting a Muslim state to a democracy is unislamic. In a similar way, preventing Muslims to emigrate to the West, is also a Jihad provoking act. Hence the wild and intemperate reaction to D Trump’s quite a moderate policy suggestion.
Unfortunately I agree with Rob. We seem to have on the whole a population which is either
1 Fairly well off and therefore generally able to seperate themselves away from the areas that will be most affected. Many of these people have a well developed social conscious (and are probably “nice” people). They have a bit of guilt about being well off and are quite willing to spend other taxpayers money, and think letting more “asylum seekers” in is the humanitarian response – All this helps to assuage their feelings of guilt about being well off.
These people are also more likely to buy into the viewpoint that the so called radicals and sex attackers are not true muslims and have been corrupted. These people are all in denial.
2 People who work but are more interested in media garbage, shopping, sport, and generaly having a good time. Probably younger but dont want to waste energy thinking about anything deeper than the next holiday or piss up!
3. Non working Under class who are more interested in their squalid lives and getting off on blow or cans of wifebeater to be bothered with any issues more serious than the where the next packet of fags comes from.
4. The left wing/BBC who buy into all this tear jerking shit. And short of direct relatives being raped/assaulted or murdered are too wrapped up in their own political dogma to ever look at things with an open mind. Interesting that nearly every MSM picture of Farage always seems to show him as slightly unhinged and shouty. Also interesting that the BBC et al does it utmost to bury uncomfortable stories.
5. The ruling classes who are either manipulating us for their own hidden ends or are too weak and gutless to make the hard decisions about migration which need to be made.
6. The rest of us who know what is going on and attempt to try and do somthing about it but find that legislation/establishment has now adopted “politically correct thinking” and acts and creates laws to make protesting about these very important issues very difficult.
The combined effect of well meaning but misplaced compassion, denial, indifference, media manipulation and weak leadership and cynical political decision making has made our society extremely vulnerable.
In the 1930s we had Churchill who warned us that the stormclouds of war are gathering over Europe. Unfortunately all we have now is Dave – who loves Europe and is more interested in being seen to be making foreign migrants feel comfortable rather than showing any leadership on real issues- I guess we all get the goverment we deserve. Just a pity that ours value another cultures above our own . And the rest I guess will be history.
The rise of Muslim extremism and the sheer folly of allowing mass Muslim migration into the UK has led me to believe that civil war in the UK is almost inevitable. Non Muslims are going to have to act within the next decade or so or else the Muslim population will simply be too big to kick out by force. The growth of the Muslim population depends on whether mass muslim immigration continues and whether their birth rate continues to outstrip that of non Muslims by a factor of over 2. But I’m not optimistic on either count. We will have a Muslim majority by 2050-70 if nothing is done. The civil war will start with acts of violence by non Muslims which will be initially suppressed by the army because the liberal elite will still be in control of the state. Just as in Northern Ireland the army will not be able to solve the violence . Moreover unlike Northern Ireland the army will soon refuse to act against the indigenous non Muslim British population.
Cival war or surrender, no third way.
So it has to be war.
Starting as soon as possible while the numbers are on our side.
The problem is the Government is on the Muslim side.
One General has already expressed doubts that the Armed forces could be ordered to fire on white indigenous inhabitants.
This General needs to go further and state that when the fighting starts our forces need to be on our side.
Millions of people died to prevent what successive Governments have imposed on the people of Western Europe.
The greatest treason in history, still in progress.
The trouble is, I do not see any war starting like a conventional war.
The assaults will start slowly, coordinated by twitter and other social groups. Groups of Muslim men will move down streets in ‘Muslim’ areas, knocking on doors of the outnumbered non-Muslims and telling the inhabitants they have 15 minutes to leave or they will be forced out of their houses.
Phoning the police will be pointless as this will be happening in 500 houses in the same evening. Force of numbers and kitchen knifes will be all they need to persuade people to leave.
They will be allowed to leave taking their car, probably with minimal actual violence and rape. A few token households will be ransacked and burned if they put up resistance – children raped of course, in keeping with the so-called prophet.
So, in this small way, perhaps 5,000 houses in a few key cities will be taken by force in ‘Muslim areas’ making them completely Muslim.
The police will be unable to act, the army irrelevant, and lacking any political will to act in time it will all be over in a few hours.
Our lilly-livered PM (let’s call him “Dave”, though exactly which nonentity we have is not important) will respond by saying we have to understand the divisions some people feel in our divided society, and how we haven’t been sensitive enough to their unique cultural needs. He will declare that (in the cases where violence was used) this is totally unacceptable in a liberal democracy, and will not be tolerated.
He will then announce that the Government will be compensating the people who were persuaded to move so suddenly, and they will be re-housed in schools and colleges. The BBC will announce how shocking the results of our racist society have turned out – and how we must do more to eliminate the danger from the extreme right – which has resulted in this inevitable and much-needed ‘re-balancing of our communities’.
And so it will begin.
Sad to say this is one possibility amongst so many.
I wonder at the current harrying of our soldiers over alleged war crimes. The army in particular has long been a target of the cultural marxists. It embodies all they really hate. Tradition and proper pride in that and an innate conservatism .
The army is a real problem for the elite and will; , if ever this land of ours falls into war ,be key to everything.
However I do not think this future likely.
The situation in the EU is going to dominate the near future and certain possibilities seem to be on the horizon. The EU will try to move ( under German control ) against Poland ,Hungary and the Czech Republic in order to force compliance with manadatory refugee quotas.
At that point those countries will have to decide. Stay in the EU or go. Not by negotiation but suddenly. Russia is waiting in the wings and cannot be ignored.
There are now so many possible futures and all rather difficult to say the least. Maybe we will have the referendum maybe not. I am sure Cameron who cannot be trusted at all is aware of the Eu’s possible breakup and will try to force through any vote asap.
If he starts to mutter about a quick vote then we will know that the EU is in crisis.
What is clear to me is that the current politicians and top media commentators in Western Europe will have to go and that quickly if the situation goes as I expect. The people will just not tolerate being lied to any longer .
Pegida is a sympton and not a cause.and the term lugenpresse is as stern an indictment of a so called democratic political/ media elite as I can think of.
If he starts to mutter about a quick vote then we will know that the EU is in crisis.
That is a very perceptive thought. Will watch out for any such moves by Cameron.
Russia is also a major player. I dont think it will allow a Muslim Europe. And I don’t think America will, specially if the Donald is president.
Recent news: A judge has ruled that certain Syrians(Muslims) must be admitted to the UK. I don’t what right this judge has to give permission to foreigners to enter the UK, but there it is. Meanwhile in Muslim lands, they are killing each other by every method available – bombs, bullets and knives. The BBC knows nothing of it.
One General has already expressed doubts that the Armed forces could be ordered to fire on white indigenous inhabitants.
Now would this lead to a coup against parliament but loyal to the Crown.
Given the standing of Parliament currently, I imagine that would have pretty wide appeal.
Closely followed by the collapse of the Euro.
Then all bets are off. The fate of Europe, that damsel that keeps losing herself, will then be decided by who has the strongest forces in Europe.
1. The USA
2. Russia is just over the border.
The army swears loyalty to the monarch not parliament. Thus the position of the monarch is crucial and who knows how this would play out. All in all a very dangerous future possibility faces us.
Never a truer word spoken . The idiots in charge need to know this !
Exactly.That includes the police and the judiciary.
Moreover unlike Northern Ireland the army will soon refuse to act against the indigenous non Muslim British population.
Provided Muslims don’t infiltrate the armed forces. You may note that the guvmint is straining might and main to attract Muslims into the armed forces.
I don’t see how a Muslim, any Muslim, can swear allegiance to a Protestant monarch. If he/she does then it must be infiltration.
I can appreciate people for their achievements or their contribution as an individuals, but what Mona Siddiqui is implying is that we have to appreciate Muslims for being Muslims. Mona Siddiqui, I can see nothing whatsoever in your faith that deserves my appreciation. But what she is really saying is that we have change our society, and everything that makes us who we are to adapt to her backward and barbaric religion. In reply to Mona Siddiqui I can think of a very short sentence consisting of two words.
Giles Frazer is a fool and traitor and quite frankly beyond help, but it is fools like Cameron who really worry me.
BBC Asian network? Isn’t that racist?
Muslims are allowed to be racists as it is in their religion. So too is rape of Infidel women.