At LAST. The BBC finds a Conservative that it can like.
His name? Crispin Blunt.
A Conservative MP has told the House of Commons he is a user of the popper recreational drug and a ban on its supply would be “fantastically stupid”. Ex-minister Crispin Blunt said users of the drug were “astonished” by talk of a ban and respect for the law “would fly out of the window” if it happened. Supplying the drug, which is popular with gay men, could be outlawed under the Psychoactive Substances Bill.
And WHY is this drug so popular?
“It is reported to have short-lived effects on sexual experience, specifically that they may make an orgasm feel like it lasts longer; may make an erection feel stronger (although some men have trouble getting an erection after sniffing poppers); and may make it easier for some people to have anal sex by helping to relax the anal sphincter muscles.”
Yip. I can see why the BBC like this Blunt.
Imagine if Islamic State opened a branch office here…
What happened to gay ‘love’? It seems to me that all these people are interested in is the sheer sensual pleasure of ‘sex’ & ways of enhancing it. No matter how much or many drugs they take it’s still not the real thing is it?
Well it’s no surprise they like Blunt, after all anything sharp and “They don’t like it up ’em! They do not like it up ’em Sir!”
Top Five BBC Tories.
1. Michael Heseltine
2.Ken Clarke
3. Crispian Blunt
4. John Gummer
5.Tim Yeo
Green stoolies, EU suckups and Thacther bashers all…which is why the BBC love them so.