A police spokesman added later “The BBC reporter had been given the context surrounding the incident by both Lancashire council and the police, as well as guidance to make sure that the story would not be “sensationalised or reported differently to how it was brought to us”.
I was going to write a post praising the BBC for their balanced reporting on the issue, if it is an issue, of the ten year old Muslim schoolboy who was waterboarded by the security services recently…according to Muslim pressure groups.
An exaggeration but only just…the MCB doesn’t hold back on its anti-Prevent rhetoric.
This morning on the Today programme (07:50) the BBC took a look at the case of the schoolboy who was allegedly mistaken for a potential extremist because of a spelling mistake. [surprised the boy wasn’t carted off by the food police for admitting to a liking for pizza (answer 6…his favourite food is pizza)]
The programme was balanced and nuanced and gave Kalsoom Bashir, co-director of the anti-extremism charity Inspire and who works in connection with the Prevent programme, a fair hearing in which we heard the justification for Prevent and what actually happened in this case and what the real cause of concern was….that in a creative writing exercise the boy had written that his uncle beat him.
Now, I was going to praise the BBC for this report but it turns out that this was merely a bit of humble pie on their part (not much of that going on over Savile and the leaked new report so far!…BBC not to blame)…the BBC were the cheerleaders for this false story and indeed it was the BBC being quoted by other news organisations, the Guardian of course…, and the Telegraph ….which is unfortunate because the BBC got it wrong.
Police called at his home in Accrington, Lancashire, the following day and examined the family laptop, according to the BBC.
Did the BBC get the story wrong because it had been fed to them by the extremist MCB which has, along with other extremist groups, worked insidiously to neutralise the Prevent programme?….what better way than to feed news organisations sensationalised stories of Muslims ‘under attack’. They know full well the BBC will lap them up….and it worked. Now why would a Muslim organisation want to nobble a programme designed to prevent Muslim terrorism?
The BBC fell for this narrative by the MCB hook, line and sinker…here’s a report they hurried out in the wake of this story…
‘Terrorist house’ case raises doubts over Prevent strategy
Interesting….try the link to that story and you get this…
404 – Page not found
Yep…enter the report title into Google and you get this in the search result…
In the news‘Terrorist house’ case raises doubts over Prevent strategy – BBC News
BBC News – 1 day agoThe relatively new duty on public bodies to prevent people being drawn into terrorism …
However the link does not work.
The BBC are backpeddling furiously on this…..they have been caught out by Muslim propagandists….the reason for that is because they are so willing for such stories to be true. As I have said a few times here the BBC’s uncritical cheerleading of Muslim extremists, like Moazzam Begg, is a deadly game that almost certainly will have serious consequences.
Here is the original BBC story about the schoolboy.…and here is the corrected version…
Police and crime commissioner Clive Grunshaw criticised the BBC reporting of the issue and said it had not been treated as a terror incident.
Mr Grunshaw said that other worrying issues were raised in the boy’s school work – not just the “terrorist” house line – and these were “reported through the appropriate channels”.
“In the event there was no further action needed, but if the school and police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Lancashire, Clive Grunshaw, issued a damning statement on the way the story had been reported and said he had “written to the BBC”, which later updated its original article online.
“A report wrongly claimed a family was interrogated as potential terrorists due to a spelling error in a boy’s homework,” he said.
“The facts are that a young person disclosed a worrying issue in his school work – not just that he lived in a “terrorist house” – and this was reported through the appropriate channels and subsequently a visit was undertaken by a neighbourhood police officer and a social worker.”
He added: “In the event there was no further action needed, but if the school and police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
Mr Grunshaw later tweeted that the BBC had “set the record straight”.
Thanks to Gunner in the comments for this link and damning statement….
A police spokesman added later “The BBC reporter had been given the context surrounding the incident by both Lancashire council and the police, as well as guidance to make sure that the story would not be “sensationalised or reported differently to how it was brought to us”.
What is also of interest is the reaction of the family and the MCB….there seems to be little connection to reality on any of their statements…and the MCB’s are the usual Muslim political manoeuvring using the Islamophobia card.
The father rather surprisingly, despite having been in the UK at least 10 years, doesn’t speak English….as the Telegraph reveals….
Speaking exclusively to The Telegraph through one of his sons, who acted as translator, the boy’s father said: “He [the 10-year-old boy] came from school very sick. When he came back the police arrived and said that the school said the he had been involved in terrorist activity.
I’m sure something was lost in translation…as it appears that it was social workers, no doubt accompanied by police officers, who visited the family.
Makes you wonder about all those stories of Islamophobia that the MCB et al peddle so assiduously and so loudly.
Still, good to know(?) the BBC is still biased and the BBC’s balanced, nuanced and informative reporting was just an aberration due to having been caught redhanded…..we’ll still be here tomorrow.
“police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
States the Commissioner.
All, total, complete, 100% BOLLOX.
If there is some Muzzie complaining, the police, despite the “savage cuts”. find some resources and investigate faster than Superman.
This did not happen in Rotherham or any of the numerous other cities where these disgusting sub-humans are currently, allowed to reside. No no no, only white children were being raped in their tens of thousands by these smallpox viruses, so no need to investigate, just help me with that carpet, thanks, I’ll just sweep the evidence under it.
The police, like most of the public sector, are not fit for purpose and pursuing deliberate anti-white policies.
Since they will not investigate themselves, we will have to do our own investigations, using different standards.
“police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
States the Commissioner.
All, total, complete, 100% BOLLOX.”
I do understand and agree with where you are coming from there, but this is one instance where the police, as an exception to their usual indifference, actually acted correctly and investigated a legitimate concern. Probably because it was about “terrorism” instead of child rape, ***which as we all know, is merely the Islamic community expressing their cultural norms, and so should not be investigated, for fear of being thought of as racist.***
*** Sarcasm
“The BBC reporter had been given the context surrounding the incident by both Lancashire council and the police, as well as guidance to make sure that the story would not be “sensationalised or reported differently to how it was brought to us”.
But still they did. They think they can do what the hell they like – and they can, because nobody ever holds them to account.
Quelle surprise.
When a Christian, a Jew or a conservative tell the BBC ANYTHING-well out comes the lice comb and the bile, the scorn and the scoffing follow…these lying hounds are pulling the wool over our eyes etc.
But if the MCB…Tell Mama or the Democrats say anything-reverence and silence.
Witness PM last night-some Islamic State woman apparently ran to the Turkish border in her burqa with her kid, nappies(and doubtless sweets and toys for any Hebrew kids she might spot)…she got under the barbed and into Turkey as Islamic State border pyschos had their backs turned to her…and she offered her services to MI6, but they await the result of her trail before deradicalising us all.
This was apparently said out in court-and the BBC faithfully read it out without any snigger or even a question for young Rozenburg…won`t be gospel truth of course-but this Muslim woman chose to go to Syria to get some peace and quiet, as she ran out on domestic violence.
Who knew that CBT and Erin Pizza were both now freely available in Raqqa?…
And the BBC read this stuff out outside their comedy slot at 6.30 too!