I notice the BBC are running a programme entitled “Trump and the politics of paranoia” – not that they are in way biased against Trump and are slavish media whores for Hillary Clinton.
I notice the BBC are running a programme entitled “Trump and the politics of paranoia” – not that they are in way biased against Trump and are slavish media whores for Hillary Clinton.
Helicopter. Bosnia. Incoming!
Not enough time. Apparently.
In terms of word association Hillary gets a big fat Bosnia everytime for me, here are some more Hillary “misspokes”
Her and that champion of the “misspoke”, our own BBC, positively made for each other.
They’ve been plugging it every few minutes on R4, for days now.
As they’re so balanced, I’m sure they’ll follow it up with ‘Sanders and the politics of an economically illiterate, 74 year-old adolescent.’
BBC and the politics of Censorship:
Friday, Freeview Channel 131, 6.30pm to 8.45pm
(1) Three times more British Muslims fight for the Islamic state than fight for the British state (Proven Fact obtained by Donald Trump, causing the BBC left-wing paranoia, by producing hypocritical propaganda such as “Trump and the politics of paranoia“)
(2) BBC Censorship paranoia over Jimmy Saville and the Rotherham Muslim Community (Proven fact obtained by ITV Calendar, causing the BBC left-wing paranoia)
(3) BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. (Proven fact obtained by complainants, causing the BBC, left-wing paranoia)
(4) Independent review of the BBC’s governance and regulation producing plans to replace the BBC Trust and Complaints process (Proven fact obtained from Sir David Clementi, causing the BBC, left-wing paranoia. A paranoia already expressed by the BBC in the form of the head banging term “The Tories have declared war on the BBC”).
Ban those who are paranoid about free speech (The BBC), not those who are paranoid about Muslims who rape women and children, and being killed by terrorists in multicultural areas (Normal non-left-wing, non-Muslim people).
While traveling by air, you saw a Muslim fiddling with his trouser belt or southwards, would you be planning a course?
If yes, would that be based on experience based on knowledge, or paranoia?
Even of you didn’t plan, would just thinking of planning make you guilty of “racism” and paranoia?
Next time I read with horror that members of a certain religion in the USA have gunned down disabled people at their Christmas party or, in the UK, have butchered someone in the street, in a bus or on the underground, I’ll remember to calm myself by saying that I must be paranoid.
“DOES AMERICA NEED TO CHANGE HOW IT ELECTS ITS PRESIDENTS?” This from Al Beeb’s New York scribbler Nick Bryant takes the biscuit when it comes to hubris from foreign commentators on US democracy. So memo to Nick:
Your American hosts may seem to share quite a lot common traits with you – but, strangely, they really, really, don’t like it when superior-sounding Brits try to put them right on “democracy”. Nor, as your employers really, really do want to have lots more US-style TV political debate, should you bang-on about the shortcomings of ‘ “horse race journalism,” a poll-obsessed commentary preoccupied with who is up and who is down ‘.
You may have missed it while you were out, but we have recently “discovered “on this side of the pond that the political polls in the UK have been skewed with left-wing bias (gasp)- now this of course couldn’t conceivably happen with TV political debate audiences hand-picked by the likes of Al Beeb, but your Glorious Leader Lord Hall Hall may get a wee bit pissed off with you if you bang-on about ‘poll-obsessed” commentary because this lies at the very heart of the entire TV debate process. Polling the entirely representative and unbiased TV debate audience both during the debate itself (using those clever little clickers) and on exit enables Al Beeb to present to your adoring public audience a clearly focused list of the failings of ultra right wing politics and the benefits of “liberal socialism”. Get it ?
I find the mainstream media coverage of Trump and Farage to be profoundly insulting. But then I am only a middle-aged, college educated, working class white heterosexual male from a Judeo-Christian upbringing. Clearly I am one of the minorities in this country which is allowed to be patronised, insulted and discriminated against by intolerant bigots who use their prejudice as a means to virtue signal their imagined superiority.
I really hope that Trump wins, and then “rubs the left’s noses in the diversity” of opinion which they have been ruthlessly oppressing for so long. I hope that UKIP can do the same here one day.
I’m sorry to hear of your sad afflictions but please feel comforted that there are others like you too, I am a sufferer as well.
If Trump wins I will put an American flag up at the end of my drive, probably a confederate one at that too!
As for Farage I have seen him speak a couple of times, he is brilliant sharp and clever. He is on LBC Friday morning nine till nine thirty with Nick Ferrari well worth a drop in.
But remember at ten that odious creature O’Brien is on so have your finger hovering over the OFF button.
I hope and pray for these outcomes in the near future
1. Trump in America
2. Farage in the UK
3. Le Pen in France
4, AfD in Germany.
The entire QT panel was virtue signalling over Trump and it was painful to watch. So much virtue so little influence. The Americans just do not care for this sort of behaviour even those not pro Trump. it smacks of limey snobbishness and evokes bad memories.
The USA will work out it’s future without our interference. A silly little island is this country now as Mr Putin called it.
Who cares what Putin thinks about anything.
I must have missed the BBC programmes when they investigated why Hillary Clinton illegally used a private server for her top secret emails, or did nothing whilst the US Ambassador and his bodyguards fought for their lives in Benghazi in a terrorist attack, which she then blamed on an obscure internet movie, whose maker was thrown in jail.
Obviously, these shows followed on from their hard hitting exposes back in the 90s of the mysterious death of Vince Foster, the way she had the White House travel staff sacked and replaced by her cronies, the fact that Rose law firm records which she said were lost were found in her private quarters in the White House with her fingerprints literally on them, the way she mysteriously made $100,000 trading cattle futures despite knowing nothing about futures trading, and the way she covered up for Bill Clinton’s serial rape and sex abuse of vulnerable women.
So fair play to the BBC, after all those shows, it is only fair that they balance things up a bit by having a go at Donald Trump. They have to be even handed after all.
Channel 4 next week I believe, screening a programme called ‘The mad world of Donald Trump’. That’ll be non partisan then!
Restricting a group of people who are committing mass murder all over the world, based on their religion, from entering America, is “mad”.
However allowing such people to enter the West and commit mass murder, and rape thousands of women, is sane.
Regarding the question of banning Donald Trump from the UK, GfK Mediaview has been running an informal poll of what people think (available to those who fill out GfK’s daily surveys which ask for assessments of the previous day’s TV and Radio prog’s).
For banning Trump: 29%
Against banning Trump: 42%.
So, are those who do GfK media surveys ‘paranoid’ or, rather, much more tolerant and open-minded than the BBC Fascists?
A German swimming bath has banned migrants from entering the premises after a group of men went on an obscene rampage, laughing in the faces of pool staff when challenged about their grotesque behaviour.
A group of migrant men and women were caught on security camera at the Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony engaging in unacceptable behaviour, including masturbating into the jacuzzi. In separate incidents other groups of migrants were caught “contaminating” the children’t training pool by “emptying their bowels in the water”, and sexually assaulting other bathers, reports Bild.
Google translate
I went on the BBC Website, Trump and Paranoia Page.
There is was, Genre – Factual.
These days all journalists have degrees, with Izal printed on them, gained by listening to lefty propaganda from Marxist lecturers.
In the bad old days, when journalists had on the job training, they were instructed to obtain the important facts about an event, and ensure these facts appeared in their story, using the five Ws, who, what, when, where and why. Or a similar mnemonic.
Al-Beeb use the same process.
Who, mis-described or omitted as required.
What, describe the event, omitting anything which might make them appear impartial, invent some bits that did not happen but ascribe them to another source as an insurance policy.
When, well when is a bit ambiguous.
There is when did the event occur, vague omitted as required.
There is when shall we publish the story, choose now or never as required.
Where, tricky one this, imagination is required. Eg if two hundred Western tourists are shot near the Nile in Egypt put a large photograph of the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers at Cairo Illinois next to the story, with an (in)appropriate caption. Bingo everybody believes some Republicans did the shooting.
Why, this is easy peasy, follow impartiality rule #1; check the colour of persons involved, report diabolical motives to all whites, describe others as a combination of St Nelson Mandela and Mohammed.
I forced myself to listen to the Trump/paranoia broadcast on Radio 4 from 8 p.m. today and it was as poor you would expect.
The obvious question was not asked by Lefty Goldfarb: is the fear of immigrants – and especially Muslim ones – on the part of Trump supporters in any way justified? I would say there was, at the very least, a prima facie case for it, in view of massacres and killings at San Bernardino, Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the Drawing Muhammad Exhibition in Texas, the Canadian Parliament, Dearborn (Michigan) etc, plus the trouble-making of the CAIR and Islamic ‘lawfare’ against the US.
The BBC ‘technique’ (i.e. template for lying or obscuring truth) used here is the same as you get sometimes in “The Long View”. They claim that there’s nothing new, that we’ve seen it all before and that the latest mass immigration is nothing to worry about any more than previous ones were, ignoring Communist subversion then and now, and the bad recent experience of much of Europe with Muslims in their midst. They claim that the lesson of history is that paranoia is never justified, though it sometimes might be, and refuse to look at what is new and dangerous about Islam. The BBC isn’t just biased, it’s bloody useless too!