Went onto Beeb did the same and the top 2 results were about the 2011 riots in England , further down a report about the destruction of part of the “jungle ”
How much do they paid for the lack of information??
Just seen RT report on one of their hacks getting threatened with knives and pushed against a wall as he was robbed.
But the eejit-like his anchor man( cockney rhymes invited)-seem to agree that this was due to
a) gaps in these “childrens” education
b) being pretty cold and needing to do something to get the circulation going
c)not being accompanied by more mature responsible members of La Jingle…something about having to go to Cologne for a bit of roustabout I gather.
So when you`re mugged, apparently that culturally refreshing, and gets yet MORE sympathy from the libtards in the media?…
Boy, this collective set of Labour journey gurneys must have had their chips rebooted at Oxbridge or at the BBCs Skool of Drool…goes without saying a couple of bearded Dutch hacks were filmed being attacked as well in the RT piece…but-hey, nothing to do with migrants.
Not even a moan about knife crime or gangs either-Sikhs need letter openers after all, and they`re from somewhere Asian too?
Luvaduck…with “reporters ” like this..not even BBC house trained either?…we are in deep doo-doo.
Protect your children and women. … We need this protection. We are really afraid to go out. Protect them. Be there for them, and don’t let them go out alone. Like shopping when it’s already dark. We are afraid. It’s a cry for help, and you still don’t do anything. You politicians sit there in your mansions, slurp your cocktails, and do nothing. I don’t know in what world you are living, but people are afraid. Please, finally help us. It can’t go on like this. Please do something. I really can’t understand this anymore. … I am, we are all very frightened. Please, please, please do something.
Broadcasting media (LBC not just Beeb, putting pressure on Cameron to act against Putin over the Litvinyenko murder.
Its been known for years that he was murdered why make a fuss about it now? Putin “probably” authorised it. Wasnt that the case all along?
Perhaps Putin should be brought to justice for murdering Blueberry Hill in front of a room full of luvvies.
Still better entertainment than the BBC’s best
Not strictly a BBC thing, but it is about James O’Brien who appears on Newsnight from time to time.
This morning on his daily LBC show, he was pontificating about the latest crime figures, inviting people to phone in and discuss the possible connection between rising knife crime and falling police numbers.
As a part of the awful 20 minute monologue that starts all his shows, he let it be known that whilst he had “read the papers this morning, he hadn’t read the right wing press as yet”.
From that it was easy to gauge the starting point and the likely direction of travel for this part of his show. I turned off almost immediately.
I expect we will have to wait till it is too late for Europe to see or hear a programme on the BBC on the demographic implications of the incoming waves of so a called refugees.
Demographics is a precise science and cannot be fudged much even by the lugenpresse.
By end 2016 Germany will have taken in at least 2 million probably many more on current trends unless something drastic is done ( this is a major possibility in a rational world but these are not rational times).Of these the vast majority will be young men in the 18 to 35 age group, So be the end of 2016 this immigrant mostly Muslim male group wil be equal to 40% of the ethnic German males in the same age group., This is almost certainly a conservative figure.
Now if you think this will not destabalize an entire country then you are insane. Completely barking mad in fact and certifiable.
That is just about an accurate description of our governing class both in Germany and throughout Western Europe.
Remember these incomers will be young men without women. An extraordinary recipe for chaos.
Germany will not be the same again. Imagine if we here faced the same situation and ponder on the future .None of the current political class has a clue what to do. Cameron is going to rush this referendum through because even the dimmest of his clique must know what nightmares await.
There is no alternative to a no vote. None whatsoever and they know it our duplicitous media and political elites.
The cover up over Cologne is all the proof we need that our rulers and their chums in the media have no intention of telling us the real facts.
What hope there is is in Eastern Europe and in Russia.
It is an existential crisis for us in the West and that is that.
Totally agree. The west of Europe seems paralysed by the tidal wave of Muslim migrants. Only the east of Europe is taken sensible action to preserve their countries and cultures from the Islamification that we are seeing in the west. What I have detected in recent weeks is leftist, particularly BBC journalists, gently raising the question as to whether countries like Romania or Poland with their histories of oppression etc aren’t finding it difficult to be in the same club along with Western European countries where democracy has a much longer history. The decision of the Polish government to turf out leftist placemen from government institutions and media, and the resistance to migration that eastern countries are showing , has clearly rattled the left. They are now wondering if the eastern countries with, in the left’s eyes, their quaint belief in the nation state and distinct national cultures, are a threat to left’s ideal of a European super state peopled by anyone who wants to come, regardless of whether this leads to Islamification within a few decades. Dave S is certainly right to recommend we vote to leave the EU with Muslim migration the single biggest reason why. Perhaps our leaving will help the eastern block resist what Brussels and mad mutti Merkel want to inflict on them , I certainly hope so.
“A Parable for Germany” (or should that be an epitaph) on Gatestone.
“For Merkel and most of Germany’s elite, the appearance on Germany’s threshold of millions of Muslim refugees is a final chance at redemption, an opportunity for Germany to redeem itself from the crimes of its past through a transcendent act of selflessness.”
The Liberal Guilt / Death Wish is a tyranny holding sway in the UK. In Germany it is magnified by 10.
At least the tide seems to be turning somewhat in Germany. ZDF/ARD commentators who were all smiles and smugness as they heralded the triumph of the Willkommenskultur are now looking a bit cheesed off as they tell of the goings on in Cologne, etc.and the Gutmenschen, those in the vanguard of the selfless, who are being reviled by their friends and being run out of their villages by those who do not want the ultimate destruction of their way of life. The tragedy is that the non-politicals are acting out of a sincere concern for their fellow man. Old ladies collecting old furniture or volunteers working themselves to a nervous breakdown. But to what purpose? Some “refugees” are now asking to go back to Syria as they are finding living in a single room flat with five children does not meet their expectations and even have the gall to complain that the German burocracy is not providing them with papers quickly enough. No wonder people feel angry when they have wasted so much of their sympathy and resources on grasping, ungrateful Muslim scum. Phrases like “now is not the time for smug I told you so’s” are being used by the political Gutmenschen on the media as the backtracking begins. The once immutable and sacrosanct Grundgesetz which decrees no asylum seeker can ever be denied entry to Germany is now no longer immutable and sacrosanct. Neverending selfsacrifice is no longer required, Germany does not have infinite resources to help refugees. Borders are no longer a relic of an unenlightened age. Refugees have lost their magical powers and can no longer walk unhindered through razor wire. The time has never been better for very, very smug and very very many I told you so’s.
Is it transcendant selflessness or a death wish or a guilt trip?
I’m increasingly thinking that the effects of liberal, affluent living that many of the present politicians come from means that they have had possible exposure to various drugs, most notably alcohol, and perhaps cannabis, together with nicotine maybe, and these have taken their toll on minds that are entering or are close to entering old age. Add the inevitable tiredness that goes with the territory at times and the recipe for dodgy reasoning or speaking off-the-cuff without fully considering all the possible consequences is complete. Disaster may and has in this case followed.
In the age of the internet & cell phone, it took only a moment for Merkel’s throwing open the door to Europe & Germany to be transmitted around the world. It has been said that even some Viet Namese have been turning up to cross the border into Turkey and from Turkey into the EU.
I think that Merkel must have expected there to be severe problems in settling millions of aliens in Germany and that this would likely lead to civil unrest and probably the deaths of German people. After all she only has to look at the true facts , surely available to her if not to the rest of us thanks to media cover ups, of what has happened in the UK or Sweden or France . She would have to be a fool of the first order not to have realised in advance what would happen if millions of Muslims came to Germany. So whilst her decision to throw open the borders seems insane to us, I’m sure that it was made with full knowledge of what was going to happen. Therefore, you have to conclude that she thought that allowing Muslims into Germany was worth more than the cost in rapes, civil unrest and possibly deaths, let alone the long term irrevocable changes to German culture and Germany as a whole, plus the rest of Europe of course. What benefits she thinks will accrue to Germany by her policy is a mystery! I think we in the UK can say that after 50 years of Muslim immigration we have seen only massive downsides ( can anyone give me a quantifiable upside?) with a steadily deteriorating prognosis. The same is true in France.
I suppose that she may have believed the non stop tripe served up by the Muslim lovers at the BBC who tell us that Islam is the ROP and all is well in the UK. After all she seems to have tried the Rotherham approach of silence after Cologne.
I suspect she was less concentrating on any supposed benefits than being driven by the electric cattle prod of guilt. The curse of massive immigration to the UK was driven by post-colonial guilt on the part of ‘socialist thinkers’ (now there’s an oxymoron!). In Germany you have a country that not only feels guilty for being white and prosperous but has the shadow of Auschwitz looming over it.
Any ‘benefits’ to wholesale immigration are simply a fictitious fig leaf to hide the real motivation of those, like the BBC, who have no history and even less logic to guide them.
“This is for the men. Please protect your children and women. We need your protection. We are truly afraid to go outside. Protect them. Be there for them”.
These are the words of a 16 year old German girl in this compelling and heartbreaking video. Posted on a German Facebook account now disabled.
THIS video has been censored by the German government and FB which now collaborate to censor speech critical of immigration (see video description for more information).
Seems there are now variably justified vetoes; it would be interesting which vetoes the BBC does not entertain, and which it does (c) Ein. Reichsminister for Propaganda
Apparently the video of the poor girl’s despairing pleas to Merkel has been copied and shared around the internet on many different sites in order to prevent the likes of Zuckerberg flushing it down the memory hole.
I don’t know why any one thinks Farcebook is a free platform speech. I only ever use it top keep in touch with friends and ex -work colleagues. Oh and to tell the world that I’m having beans for tea again
Yes, it’s a tragedy to see how let down she feels by the German government. She is not old enough to understand that this destruction of our society is a leftist-wet-dream. This is their intention.
Our current generation have never had to fight personally for our ‘rights’ and lifestyle. They really believe it is a sort of fundamental given that will not change – whatever we do. They cannot or refuse to see that our peace and prosperity is fragile – like most equilibriums it does not take much to upset it.
Rather like a spinning top. Our western culture is no longer spinning steadily in one place, Merkel and the left have given it a sharp nudge with their stupidity and arrogance, knocking it off balance without a care, so convinced are they that their vision of a better Europe is where we must all be too.
The top is now starting to oscillate wildly about it’s axis. As we all know, once a top starts to oscillate it is hard to put it back on track, it’s hard to predict exactly when/where it is going to fall.
Manchesterlad – re equilibrium.
Permanence is the illusion of every age. In 1913, no one thought the Russian, Austrian, German and Turkish empires would be gone within five years. (Mark Steyn).
She’s right about one thing. We are at war, and it doesn’t take much for violence to break out. Given the migrant numbers against the meagre police numbers, its a given that the army will be brought in, and then all hell will be let loose. Remember the summer rioting and looting in Tottenham and Croydon in 2011 ? multiply that a few times and civil unrest will be the name of the game all over Europe, thanks to the smartphone – how long before London again ?
I’d like to see that young lady, and a few more like her, challenging the panel on Question Time.
I see what you mean zero. Those nasty, racist white girls eh? How dare they object to having fingers shoved up their anuses and their vaginas by several hundred ‘men’! Racist bitches I say.
It serves them right for being so, so .. white doesn’t it. If they weren’t such racists they would appreciate the cultural enrichment so generously afforded them by the ‘men’.
“manchesterlad”, you seem to be confusing this video with something else.
I don’t think so. I think you are ignoring the connection between her discomfort (fear, shall we call it) and the hundreds of assaults we all know about.
You seem content to just dismiss her concerns as stupid racism.
I hope you are right, but I think you are tragically wrong. Maybe you don’t have children, or don’t intend to have any. But of those that do, many feel the same apprehension for our – and their – future. Not just this 16 year old lass.
Do you really mean to say you think this is all going to end well?
Zero is obviously one of those appalling lefties who think that hundreds of raped and abused German girls is a price worth paying for the cause of open borders and virtue signalling. One good thing to come out of the Cologne outrages is that lefties, feminazis and all the other cultural Marxists crawling out of the woodwork since Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party have shown themselves to be the spiteful, evil, cold hearted bastards they really are. Their behaviour trying to absolve RoPer sex pests of their crimes while blaming the victims has opened the eyes of many decent thinking people – even many of those posting on CiF at the Guardian are expressing their disgust at the attitude of the extreme left.
Zero is quite correct in part of his summary: black and brown people do not belong in Germany nor any other Western European nation; they certainly don’t want us in their countries and the ones who are here already (3-4 generations of non-assimilation for some) have brought nothing but harm to the societies of the countries to which they have “migrated”.
Thank you Zero, though you didn’t require my input to have that effect on your “arguments” – glad that the scales have fallen from your eyes all the same; at least some of the time you’ve spent visiting this site has been of value, which is good for all to see.
The German’ girl’s video is very powerful and for that reason the cultural marxists will do anything to discredit her. Ignore them for their time is coming to an end.
For Germans only hardship lies ahead but we can at least learn from their mistakes.
It will not be possible to discuss this rationally with the likes of zero so do not try.
Remember in times like these the most important thing is to know who your friends are and who is your enemy.
Hey Zero, I bet you could do the same with Anne Frank’s Diary. Go on. Give it a try and score some brownie points with those Ropers whose culture tells them that Jews and their synagogues have no place in Europe.
If that is your view RD that’s fine; I have formed a different opinion, based upon the observable effects on our society mass immigration from the Third World into the U.K. has had.
I agree that Muslims are the most destructive group of immigrants; but even without them the long term results of an unending influx of non-European immigrants, would be catastrophic for the native inhabitants of this country – as ultimately they will become a minority in their own land; which, I would predict, isn’t an eventuality that will cause our descendants to lavish praise on our memory.
If, say, 70% of that initial wave of 2M is male 18 – 35’s, that would be ~1.4M .
If, say, 20% of those youngish males call for their wives, under right to family life, that adds a further ~280K .
If there is on average about one child for each family re-united, that is another ~280K.
If 50% of that initial wave have siblings who could also be called to join them, that is another ~1M at least.
This is a (highly speculative) grand total of ~1.5M+, without any further ‘unrelated’ immigration. So if the whole thing were halted tomorrow, there would be a GT of ~3.5M immigrant population from a single stream, based on official numbers, ignoring unacknowledged extras, but also ignoring unacknowledged further migration radiating outwards from Germany..
Not one of Dave’s sharper creases in the skirts of Government, but have to love the BBC going full ‘right to know!’ ‘Censorship!’ on this (assuming their version is accurate, which given the BBC’s recent track record from Lancashire to Israel is not looking too good) when on the latest Savile they have bunkered down, FOi’d up, issued a Lord Hall hall ‘belief/lesson learned’ statement via an anonymous spokesweasel who has drawn and line and er… that all they are saying.
Ok I’ve now sent in my “level 2” complaint let’s see what crap I get back.
Meanwhile BBc 13:00 Refugees face freezing temperatures. Do one BBc, we all know it get’s cold in the countries the invaders come from. The latest “tragedy” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35383371 I’m not shedding any tears.
BBc films some of the swarm who are whingeing that the Macedonian Police attacked them, even if it was true oh booh hoo.
796. Posted by RobinHood
Just now I see the BBC are not reporting on the petition to ban Trump has now been found out to be rigged and was signed by people multiple times. The lefties was bragging how they hacked it on twitter n each person was signing the petition hundreds of times.
And labour and the unions gathered all their supporters n got them to sign it. What a total con.
The rest of media are reporting it.
Off now to buy a popcorn factory if this turns out to be true.
917. Posted by SteveM on
4 minutes ago
So the top comments have now been removed, on a pointless have your say, when we’re never allowed to comment and discuss on articles which are much more relevant to us.
I’m so fed up with the BBC, I’m not going to renew my license
Might as well have another email to add to my ‘your comment has been moderated’ folder
Can’t see this one lasting long either, unless the challenge to the mods panics them:
Dear BBC, was the method used to elect presidents OK when Obama won twice? Thought so. Now you are worried that your darling Hillary is going to be Trumped, all of a sudden, you don’t like it. Your other favourite, the EU, is hardly the model of democracy. If you can’t be impartial, as you should be, then at least be consistent. Standing by to be moderated (censored in old money).
It’s heads we win, tail you lose time over at WATO on R4 this lunchtime.
The BBC, having spent years lambasting the government over ‘Tory Cuts’ , now lets Osborne have both barrels over the miserable state of the deficit and debt. What an incompetent he is! How much mess are we in?!
Either they are so thick that they are unable to see the cause and effect here or they are the most lying, disingenuous pack of tripehounds ever to have drawn breath.
Good news from IslamicAl-Beeb which gives prominence to a story in which the USA is “urged to take in more refugees”
Urged by none other than Bill Gates, yes, that Bill Gates, the one who has given billions of his own dollars to increasing the birth rate in Africa. Those whom the gods would destroy they first make rich.
Is nothing sacrosanct? Listening to Radio 4 In Science program, to hear about the discovery of the world’s largest known dinosaur, the first item was about DNA in ancient Britons the time of the Romans. As they describe the DNA findings of seven skeletons they clearly were going to focus on one who was of Middle Eastern origin. Seeing which way the wind was blowing I skipped forward on the iPlayer and missed the conclusion, but it was fairly apparent.
The next item on Concorde was great as, was the piece on the dinosaur discoveries. However, is the BBC’s pro migrant bias now infesting every single program?
If you had stayed with it you would have learned that the Roman empire “was very cosmopolitan”, which is a polite way of saying that they invaded half of Europe and North Africa. To sustain the empire they had to recruit locally and no doubt had their share of ‘Uncle Toms’ and ‘Quislings’. It is hardly surprising that some of them ended up spread around the empire.
Perhaps if the Roman empire was so good it’s time we took back ours?
Rome was an odd place, but pertinent to todays world. It didn’t matter where you came from you could attain roman citizenship merely by adopting the dress and culture of the city. The was absolutely no multi culturalism, you integrated or you weren’t Roman – simples !
“Look at Life”. A series of short films produced late 50s to late 60s, shown in cinemas of the time before the main feature film. The whole series is available to buy, and for those of a certain age they bring back a flood of memories. This was the Britain that I grew up in. The past is certainly a foreign country.
Sid James narrates “Market Place” made in 1959. Watch and weep.
Sorry folks, for some reason it’s loaded a different clip. Worth watching nonetheless.
Great stuff Mr G and thank you for posting this. I have just had a massive nostalgia attack!
These old films do not even have to try when it comes to making the Britain of their day look great. The modern equivalents championing our wonderful, vibrant, multi-culti Britain seem to struggle and come over as the unconvincing propaganda that they actually are.
That was a fantastic film. I am no great fan of “health & safety”, but some of the things those guys did is insane!
I found the simple minded endorsement of tower blocks and streets in the sky a bit depressing; I thought we had seen through that rubbish, but something (property developers’ money perhaps) makes every London mayor randy for yet more towers disfiguring the skyline.
But overall my feeling on watching that short film was one of sadness, for a people and a country which were busy and confident, and had no way of knowing that their ruling elite was planning to destroy their coherent and ancient society within the span of a man’s life.
The BBC will be all over this one, shock horror, BTW have they reported what Michael Caine had to said today, or are celebs only worth quoting when their comments are left leaning and on message?
I’ve just had a snipe at some of the leftie comments on should America change it’s presidential election HYS. Strangely the top one with 139 votes hasn’t been removed even though it is obviously off topic and just another whinge about Trump and not the electoral system. This has appeared in my in tray it regards an anti -license fee petition I signed a while back Hello everyone!
Thanks for the brilliant last minute effort, there has been 1,000 new signature every day for the past 3 days. As a result, we are now only 600 signatures away from 180,000!*
The big announcement is of coures that MP Andrew Bridgen handed over the petition on 20th January 2016 at 18:13. You can watch it on Parliamentlive.tv (skip to 18:13). Andrew read the official, clerk approved, version of the petition (which can be read here) before leaving a copy of the text to the Speaker.
I am now informed that it will be sent to the Department for Culture Media and Sports who will respond to it at a later date.
Today, Andrew Brigden wrote:
‘I was pleased to present the petition to Parliament on behalf of the tens of thousands of people who are looking for a change in the funding of the BBC. It is my hope the Department for Culture Media and Sport seriously considers the petition in the context of the Charter Review consultation.’
As for me, the whole experience has been very positive. The timing couldn’t have been better either, with the Dame Janet Report being leaked only few hours after Bridgen’s presentation. If this petition doesn’t change the way the BBC is funded, at least it has made it clear that a large part of the British population do not endorse the TV licence. I hope this campaign didn’t disappoint you. I feel being seen and having this point of view acknowledged was half of it. Getting a chance to be heard in the House of Commons, seeing articles about TV licencing splashed in 38 newspapers (the complete list and a few word of thanks can be read here on my blog) and getting support from the community & Twitter made all the work worth it.
I will, of course, let you know the outcome as soon as the Department contacts me.
“we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site”. In fact 4 that were off topic still it suited the BBc agenda.
Thanks Caroline. You have my respect and gratitude. Its a small army but with a few MP’s onside (thanks to your online petition and campaign) it can only grow more urgent that this poll tax for a TV license should not be imposed on those that cannot afford to pay for it. Not only is the TV license unfair – on the low paid – and at the other end of the scale providing minority programming for those who read (only) the Guardian newspaper. It has lost all credibility and certainly would not survive in any free democratic society if we ever had a choice to refuse payment. What the BBC now stands for, we don’t want at all.
Anyone catch “this week” on last night?
BBC had some muslim apologist … “going daaan the east end, luv a duck”
to learn about Britishness, after the traitor Camerimam s, “chocolate fireguard”
… cue Portillo and said apologist, lots of deflectionary waffle, at least a little retort
from Ialiar Brown.
PS, have they been down the East End recently?.
David Cameron seems to be seriously in need of education when it comes to foreign policy but he really is quite impressive re the cut and thrust of domestic politics. He demolished Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday and made some really telling points like the following, picking up on a humorous anti-Corbyn comment from a Conservative using Beatle songs to mock Corbyn and Labour.
Is Corbyn being deliberately crap?
Never heard a more deflated and droning useless set of questions.
Do you think he`ll pay Liam for his question about tuition fees?…he`s just phoning it in…oh. God he`s using Vicky from York now!
Are these real people?…or are we talking Question Time type of plants and stooges-about the only blimps that will attach themselves to Corbyns shitsack of musings.
Corbyn is shit…not even the best tripehound in Labours snuffle box! (With thanks to our friend above for that new word!)
Corbyn is apparently visiting Calais on Saturday. Shetland is an ITV Studio`s production for BBC1 . If it was for their own channel , then the diversity would be minimal . If you want a “Hideously White” show tonight , Lemmy ,the Movie on BBC4 . That one slipped through somehow .
Never heard a more deflated and droning useless set of questions.
And the same dumb, bleeding-heart, socialist theme throughout: try to make the government feel guilty for the fact that inequality exists and there are poor people in society.
Corbyn isn’t being deliberately crap, he is crap. He got two “E” grades at A Level, and did a year at poly reading “Trade Union Studies”. That’s his education.
He is a boring, self-righteous socialist who just droned on and one when the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR ceased to exist, as if none of this had any relevance to his unshakable belief in Marxism. He kept on and on like the boring twat he is for thirty years, and now by a bizarre combination of circumstances finds himself Leader of the Labour Party. But for all that, he is still the dull, uneducated, boring leftist twat he always was. And it shows.
Thanks Al, I think it is important to point out just how uneducated this leftist prick really is. He just worked his way up the left wing trades union/Labour Party greasy pole over the years. He has no particular talent for anything apart from an obsessive devotion to all far left wing causes.
Make the clown association and ignore the concerns of the men giving their time to help safeguard their communities.
Now the BBC puts this out under the wire,
Sympathetic and humorous in tone but hiding halfway into the piece we get an idea of why these patrols are taking place,
“and at the new year there were a series of sexual assaults and harassments similar to those in Cologne and Stockholm. Victims reported that the perpetrators were of Middle Eastern appearance ”
“these incidents, where groups of young foreign men,” as he puts it, “surround a girl in a public place and harass her have become a phenomenon.”
Culture lessons are not going to fix this, a society develops over hundreds of years creating it’s own laws morals and mores, what gives these social engineers the idea that individuals from different societies can be trained to forget this and fit harmoniously into one is certifiable lunacy. Worse still those who object, those who would rather live among their own have no voice and no choice.
Utterly shameless 180 degrees turn eh?
From mockery to “serious voice”…no longer funny apparently.
But no concessions to the fact that their mockery adds to the Muslims scorn for the rest of us.
So we`re supposed now to be as earnest and duped as the BBCs new narrative like us to be.
One big f***ing clown school is the BBC and all its “journalism” outlets.
Phew! Any Questions (BBC R4 8pm) was stormy tonight – fighting like rats in a sack they were. Read that last bit with a Welsh accent and you will know what I mean even if you missed the programme.
Is it just me or did I detect some considerable pre-preparedness and/or briefing being evident from the Panel members? Certainly several of the answers given included many quotations of past statements or decisions or votes by Panel members, Welsh Assembly members, etc., which could – of course – be down to the incredible memories of tonight’s Panel members.
Or not.
Don’t think I heard Jonathan Dimbleby claim tonight that the Panel had no advance knowledge of the questions. That said, because the questions are ‘controlled’, er, I mean submitted in advance, it is inevitable that they are not necessarily what the audience wish to ask but are instead totally topical in relation to the news of the past week or so.
Having been there I quite enjoy the BBC1 drama ‘Shetland’ and they were doing so well, one and a half episodes in they had pretty much avoided any PC crap or placements, it was obviously too much to expect…Tonight we were introduced to our leading characters daughters new boyfriend ‘Edison’ – yes you’ve guessed it…..
This is a other case like Call The Midwife, of the series moving beyond the original writers works, thus giving the BBC the opportunity to bring in all sorts of unnecessary diversity, mind you they’re no respecters of original works, check out Dickensian…
Geoff, ” giving the BBC the opportunity to bring in all sorts of unnecessary diversity, mind you they’re no respecters of original works, check out Dickensian…” – is it that the timings are wrong and that the extra characters they’ve shoehorned into the Marley & Scrooge story don’t fit? Or is it a BAME Artful Dodger and Mr Venus? I thought they were rather good, especially Mr Venus, and would have been quite realistic at the time. The UK was a very open country then.
I’ve enjoyed Dickensian so far apart from the obvious mis-timing of Marley’s death.
In reality, if my knowledge of London’s history is correct, the BBC have actually missed an opportunity to have more BAME actors & actresses on screen. For example, I would have thought an early Victorian story should have some Indians in the street scenes. Indians & Africans would probably have been represented as servants in the bigger houses and could have been depicted involved in errands. No dockworkers have been shown thus far, but although the big Chinese migration to London did not occur until the later Victorian period there must have been some Chinese seamen around east London docks.
No Jewish merchants depicted, no Rabbi seen on the streets, either. That would have been a common sight in Dickens time. A distinct lack of French being heard as well. The Huguenots were, IIRC, still not fully assimilated and although grouped heavily around Spitalfield they would no doubt have been around the dockland area of east London as well. There should be some Dutch seen & heard on screen as well, from students, preachers, merchants, traders and seamen including some from the Dutch East Indies.
Definitely a missed opportunity – for once – for correct, historical, on-screen diversity.
As far as ‘Shetland’ goes, “you aint seen nothing yet”!
The ‘alpha male’ detective must have his romantic interest and will eventually be joined by an ‘expert’ from the mainland. Yes youve guessed right! However because for beeboids it wouldnt do to annoy macho black males by showing even an ‘alpha’ white male bonking one of ‘their’ women , this not particulalry attractive hard single mother mother unbelievably simply flirts and rejects him. Well thats a deserved and satisfying thumbs down for an ethnic British man!
Patrick J. Buchanan
January 21, 2016, 8:12 pm
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BIDENThe lights are burning late in Davos tonight.
At the World Economic Forum, keynoter Joe Biden warned global elites that the unraveling of the middle class in America and Europe has provided “fertile terrain for reactionary politicians, demagogues peddling xenophobia, anti-immigration, nationalist, isolationist views.”
Evidence of a nationalist backlash, said Biden, may be seen in the third parties arising across Europe, and in the U.S. primaries.
But set aside Joe’s slurs–demagogues, xenophobia.
Who really belongs in the dock here? Who caused this crisis of political legitimacy now gripping the nations of the West?
Was it Donald Trump, who gives voice to the anger of those who believe themselves to have been betrayed? Or the elites who betrayed them?
Can that crowd at Davos not understand that it is despised because it is seen as having subordinated the interests of the nations and people in whose name it presumes to speak, to advance an agenda that serves, first and foremost, its own naked self-interest?
The political and economic elites of Davos have grow rich, fat and powerful by setting aside patriotism and sacrificing their countries on the altars of globalization and a New World Order.
No more astute essay has been written this political season than that of Michael Brendan Dougherty in “This Week,” where he describes how, 20 years ago, my late friend Sam Francis predicted it all.
In Chronicles, in 1996, Francis, a paleoconservative and proud son of the South, wrote:
“[S]ooner or later, as the globalist elites seek to drag the country into conflicts and global commitments, preside over the economic pastoralization of the United States, manage the delegitimization of our own culture, and the dispossession of our people, and disregard or diminish our national interest and national sovereignty, a nationalist reaction is almost inevitable and will probably assume populist form when it arrives. The sooner it comes, the better.”[From Household to Nation, March 1996 ]
What we saw through a glass darkly then, we now see face to face.
Is not Trump the personification of the populist-nationalist revolt Francis predicted?
And was it not presidents and Congresses of both parties who mired us in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and negotiated the trade deals that have gutted American industry?
The bleeding of factories and manufacturing jobs abroad has produced the demoralization and decline of our middle class, along with the wage stagnation and shrinking participation in the labor force.
Is Trump responsible for that? Is Socialist Bernie Sanders, who voted against all those trade deals?
If not, who did this to us?
Was it not the Bush Republicans and Clinton Democrats?
Americans never supported mass immigration.
It was against their will that scores of millions, here legally and illegally, almost all from Third World countries, whose masses have never been fully assimilated into any western nation, have poured into the USA.
Who voted for that?
Religious, racial, cultural diversity has put an end to the “bad” old America we grew up in, as we evolve into the “universal nation” of Ben Wattenberg, who once rhapsodized, “The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality.”
James Burnham, the ex-Trotskyite and Cold War geostrategist whose work Francis admired, called liberalism “the ideology of Western suicide.”
If the West embraces, internalizes and operates on the principles of liberalism, Burnham wrote, the West with meet an early death.
Among the dogmas of liberalism is the unproven assumption that peoples of all nationalities, tribes, cultures, creeds can coexist happily in nations, especially in a “creedal” nation like the USA, which has no ethnic core but rather is built upon ideas.
A corollary is that “diversity,” a new America and new Europe where all nations are multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual, is the future of the west and the model for mankind.
Yet, large and growing minorities in every country of Europe, and now in America, believe that not only is this proposition absurd, the end result could be national suicide.
And when one considers the millions who are flocking to Trump and Sanders, it is hard to believe that the establishments of the two parties, even if they defeat these challengers, can return to same old interventionist, trade, immigration and war policies.
For Trump is not the last of the populist-nationalists.
Given his success, other Republicans will emulate him. Already, other candidates are incorporating his message. The day Francis predicted was coming appears to have arrived.
Angela Merkel may have been Time‘s Person of the Year in 2015, but she will be lucky to survive in office in 2017, if she does not stop the invasion from Africa and the Middle East.
Yet Joe Biden’s dismissal that it is reactionaries who oppose what the progressives of Davos believe is not entirely wrong. For as Georges Bernanos wrote, when Europe was caught between Bolshevism and fascism:
To be a reactionary means simply to be alive, because only a corpse does not react any more–against the maggots teeming on it.
Tony Blair said that ‘democracy is dead’ which it certainly is (in Europe) since we signed the Lisbon Treaty. Cameron would never have been elected if we all knew that he was not a Conservative but a liberal ‘placeman’ to ease us further into EU integration. Without that EU referendum (pent up to explode) our democratic values are not dead yet. Its not just immigration, we don’t want what the EU is – full stop. Without a doubt it has been the (BBC) Liberals that have stifled debate and led us to the new European ‘Bolshevism and fascism’ in which they plan to reduce us all to people of no fixed abode. Our country is no longer safe. Our european culture is being eroded – not enhanced – by invading tribes who eschew our values and heritage. It also cannot be by accident that when our democracy is at its weakest, we cannot defend ourselves as it would cause ‘offense’.
BBC World Service News at 06:00. Item about the Canadian school shooting. The newsreader commented that Canada has fewer mass shootings than the US due to tighter gun laws. This was editorialising that should have been in a discussion programme, maybe the one that follows, not on the news. Then we go on to the “Weekend” programme. One of the guests is Vicky Price, again. Nuala McGovern tells us that Vicky was born in Greece and has written a book on the Greek economy. She tell’s us nothing about the other claims to fame of Ms. Price. The World Service and the Home Service/Radio 4 used to be such good quality!
I’m sure al-Beeb will not say “The population of Canada is rapidly increasing due to lax border controls and influx of migrants and their higher fertility rates”.
I agree that is an opinion, not a fact, and the BBC is totally wrong to editorialise in this way.
Mexico has a much higher murder rate than the USA, even though it has tight gun control, to the extent that there is only one legal gun dealer in the entire country. Strangely, this has no effect on the narcotrafficantes. Canada has a much lower murder rate than the USA, even though rifles and shotguns are widely owned by all sections of society for hunting and shooting sports.
Gun violence in the USA is almost entirely concentrated in a few major conurbations, and in those it is in the areas populated by blacks and hispanics. The murder rate among white Americans is similar to that of Western Europe, whereas the muder rate for blacks and hispanics more closely mirrors that of Africa or Latin America. Little wonder then that the BBC would prefer to blame it all on American “gun laws” rather than societal characteristics. That might even lead them to conclude that there are differences between races, and that thought is utterly verboten and must never be spoken.
I have never understood why, on the very rare occasions someone who is not rabidly anti-American is invited to comment on American crime rates, these statistics, which are unarguable, are not cited.
If the availability of weapons in a country per head of its population was relative to the gun crime rate in that society: then Switzerland would be one of the most dangerous places on earth.
Charlotte Rampling: Oscars diversity row ‘racist to whites’
Finally some sense on the oscars row. Black hypocrite Will Smith et al are stamping their feet because there are no black nominations. This subject p’s me off no end. The BBC are one of the biggest culprits think it’s all about percentages and box ticking. Well, that’s understandable if you consider the narrow, apologist existence on planet beeboid.
However, finally some sense has made its way to bbc.con and the radio 4 interview with Michael Caine.
Charlotte Rampling – “But maybe it’s because no black actors merited being nominated”
Michael Caine – “There’s loads of black actors. In the end you can’t vote for an actor because he’s black. You can’t say ‘I’m going to vote for him, he’s not very good, but he’s black, I’ll vote for him’,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today.
Not many people know that.
It seemed to me our Will was caught between a Chris Rock and a hard place in the form of his missus.
I think he wanted to play in the pool but the blowback grief from those few already dropping floaters in it, egged on by such as the BBC, was not worth doing anything other than fold.
Like all elections, these activists can only win when they rig them. A fair, secret vote, and it’s all ‘how did we misjudge the mood?’.
As I recall, my Action Man had already suffered that reassignment decades ago. He now lives in the loft ready for grandkids. I have renamed him Bruce Grayson.
Some loon reviewing the papers talking about de -gendering of toys or something can only really hear blah blah blah boys should play with Sindy dolls or something (didn’t do Bill Turnbull or Mike Bushell any harm eh ?)
Global Warming is running havoc in the North Eastern U.S. I thought Barry Obama stopped Global warming last month in Paris. Maybe Doctor David Viner is on holiday in Washington. Then the smug weather bloke goes don’t worry it will not be snow when it get’s here in a week how the fk does he know he would probably struggle forecasting Monday
I cheered when I heard the great Michael Caine on the Today prog yesterday morning. He talked more sense in a brief few minutes than you normally hear in a whole week.
Sounds like Fraser will have to haul in the whole CECUTT team again over the weekend for a massive mea culpa and archive removal a la Quentin Letts. For ‘balance’, as they offend all sides equally. Apparently.
Breakfast the you can’t even act and your film is crap that’s why you didn’t get nominated Oscar “race row” rumbles on. They plan to double the number of female and ethnic minority members by 2020. No loaded dice there then BBc news web site informs us “Nominees are chosen by more than 6,000 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a group which is itself overwhelmingly white, male and over 50, reports the BBC’s Los Angeles Correspondent James Cook.” Sounds like I would fit in well at the moment.
Jo brand bores again walking, Sofa sloth asks about her “walking technique”. Sports relief? IO need BBc relief.
Love it Dave sums up what I was just about to post . They roll on that other dkhead Alan Davies who was last funny when he was 12. Hope Jo didn’t damage any cars that may have hit her as she obstructed the road. Does anybody really give money to the BBC if I found a penny I’d keep it rather than give it to Muslim relief or whatever it is this week
For all his shortcomings Alan Davies must surely merit his full title of ‘dickhead’ having earned it over many years of exposure for his talent and versatility.
Coloured telly from the BBC
There’s time for a quick review of the papers before 8.30 on BBC Breakfast this morning and so sofa bods Charlie and Naga are joined by Victoria Honeyman – who she, you ask? “Lecturer in Politics at Leeds University”
Now I wonder what shade of political views this woman might bring to the morning coffee table? We soon have our answer – first there’s a rapid flick through the newspaper headlines before our Naga gives the game away and indicates the source of Victoria’s choice for her first story – Naga: “We’ll stick with the Guardian….”
Well you could have knocked me down with a feather.
Our Victoria is keen to share a report in the Guardian with BBC viewers about some guy who’s gone out to the Calais Jungle and is teaching refugee kids. Frankly you have to feel for the Guardian, how else does that minority views paper ever reach a mass audience other than via the BBC? Of course there’s a thick dollop of agenda behind the story because we are told the kids in Calais are well above average educational potential and just yearning to qualify as doctors and engineers “Children turning to steal text books , they’re so desperate to learn!” Strange, to judge by their behaviour their fathers appear to be complete numpties- I guess intelligence can skip a generation. That reference to the theft of books which the Guardian/BBC folk find so enchanting – it strikes me as a troublesome metaphor given the tenor of this item is clearly that we ought to welcome in any number of these waifs and strays and give them whatever it is they demand – or what… they’ll steal it from us anyway?
Next item in our morning political lecture by guest lecturer Victoria Honeyman (we thought she was here to review the papers) “Sexist Pricing” Women pay more than men for their razors apparently. I understand that males pay more than females for their motor insurance – but that’s cool. Anyway men get blue products and women get pink ones – Victoria: “I find this quite offensive!” There is a little push back from our girlie little Naga “Some women say they like pink” But the sofa dolly is bravely questioning the academic might of the University of Leeds – the reason is because there are gender biased toys for kids “We’re being trained (to like pink)”
Just time for one more news story and given this controversial colour theme what else could it be other than the Oscars Racism outcry. And a quick reference to Charlotte Rampling whose statements have “Caused absolute outrage”. Our Victoria is not to be drawn on the details here – but obviously “It’s part of a bigger racism problem” (I thought it might be) – white actors are always the heroes and heroines and black actors are “always the baddies”. Really? Well, some people think so which will encourage the BBC to set that to rights in their programming. Do you see how this works?
Don’t go away yet there’s another item from the papers the BBC is keen for our Victoria to review positively. Turns out for some new upcoming entertainment show the “BBC are forcing families to live in the 1960s 70s 80s etc” “Well not forcing – they are volunteers” quips our Naga. Wasn’t this done before – maybe it was Channel 4 that took families back to the days of black and white telly? Charlie Stayt is being somewhat quiet during this entire item – the house eunuch knows his place. Victoria, bless her, is well up for this bit of trash telly “I think it’ll be great!” Appearance cheque in the post care of Leeds Uni forthwith. Book her again.
Not forgetting sitting in the guest seat on Countdown this week. She is sure as hell ‘upping’ her profile – what next ? in line next year for Strictly and then being snapped up by ITV ????? (pleeeeeease). This will then leave a vacancy for one of the many ethnic sports reporters on the channel to upgrade to the sofa, which in turn will leave a sports vacancy which another ethnic can fill – dear Lord, considering the amount of Yuni graduates with sports degrees who must apply for these jobs, are only ethnics considered ????
Solid post AISI – I’m trying to think of the last time I saw a TV programme, where the “baddies” were played by members of any ethnic minority.
I thought those roles were exclusively now reserved for WASPs or in Hollywood films, more specifically, male, English actors.
Best be careful. The presumption that pink razors are solely for women could open up a whole new set of outragists to perch daintily upon the sofas of BBC studios.
This article (on the subject of the Australian Big Bash 20/20 cricket tournament) sums the BBC approach up perfectly, for my money. Overwhelmingly negative, not just a little inaccurate, and well behind the times.
Chuck O’Moon enjoyed a touch more limelight this morning on ‘Breakfast’ telling us of the launch of his in-depth enquiry on the collapse of ethnic minority voting which, apparently, resulted in the dreadful loss from which we still suffer to this day.
In the history of UK politics has there ever been more time, publicity, examination, soul searching, vitriol, spite and illogical, unnecessary explanation, devoted to the losing party of any general election? And this by an organisation whose very existence is, by charter, based upon impartiality.
Forgot to add that the enquiry is to be a joint affair, thanks to the injection of probity and in-depth knowledge that only Keith Vaz can bring to such investigations.
Advice from around the world on dealing with snowstorms.
Here’s a contender for non-story of the week.
Well, let’s have a listen shall we?
Snowless Kabul – “this time of the year it’s normally minus 5 but this year it feels very warm – like spring” Correct me if I’m wrong but this is not advice about blizzards at all, it sounds very much like the usual global warming tripe from the BBC.
Snowless Geneva – ” we haven’t had much snow yet”
Snowless London – “we’re not very good at dealing with snow”
Well thanks for the advice BBC, you really have helped. I think it might be best just to leave Washington to their own resources because the BBC and their fleet of reporters clearly know the square root of f?ck all about blizzards.
Who do these non indigenous $%£ts think they are representing when they say ‘refugees welcome’ ? A bit like Jenny Hill welcoming to all those migrants to Germany on behalf of the Germans….
Lucky migrants, get to be homed with these kind people.
Diane Abbott MP , Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Clive Lewis MP Catherine West MP Bianca Jagger Shami Chakrabarti saying #refugeeswelcome #refugeeswelcomehere )
Is that our little friend Universal Shami I see there? I wondered what she planned to do once she left “Liberty”. Now I know: flood the country with unwanted scum. Gee, thanks Shami. I do hope that taharrush doesn’t come to where you live any time soon.
Someone ought to whisper in this shower’s ear, that the ‘disgusting and inhumane conditions’ that these ‘poor and desperate’ migrants are experiencing in Calais & Dunkirk, are of their OWN making – they could disperse across France and be far better off, but no, they prefer to live in mud and squalor so that the worlds press can make an issue out of it. Quite frankly, any human with an iota of intelligence and decency for their kids, would think ‘sod this’ and head for where he will live in a cleaner and warmer environment within Europe itself. Clearly these thickoes may have the IQ of a gnat, but aint so daft in throwing away their ID papers. NO, we don’t want them here, and have not a grain of sympathy for the conditions they are living in – they don’t have to, simple as that.
As an aside, an article in the DM today about the state of immigrant ridden London makes for unnerving reading.
The article on London was so sad. I think it must be the first time in European history that a native people has abandoned their capital city to others without a fight or complaint. It tells us something about us English. Not that the liberal would have a clue about that. Having no idea about what nationhood and a people really means.
Maybe the shires will be another matter altogether. We will have to see. If the past is any guide the shires are where we really feel at home and where we will stay to the end.
Today we were talking of platform one at Paddington in the not so distant past. That was where the trains to the West left from. Always for me the best part of London.
DS – not just London, most cities in this country are f****d or heading that way.
I try not to go anywhere near them, for work or anything else, unless it’s completely unavoidable.
That picture reminded me of something.
This is a true story. My local free paper had a nice big picture of Shami Chuckabunny in it. I had brought a few copies home to put under the cat litter tray. I put her lovely little picture in front for all to see and each time they would run their claws across her throat. How sweet. Every time I see a picture of Dianne Abbot I cant help thinking of a brown leather sofa with a pink cushion in the middle.
I’ve been informed several groups are heading to Dover on the 31st so either expect a news black out or another look how terrible the extreme “right wing” are daring to demonstrate.
‘In 1944, farmers across the state of Maine were struggling to cope with the annual potato harvest. The young men who normally worked on the farms… had left home to fight in Europe. Many would never return.’
‘Would they allow the harvest to rot in the fields, or take on German prisoners of war to harvest the potato crop in place of their own men?’
What do you reckon happened? Go on have a guess… [clue: the Germans had a system of sorts for putting their adversaries to work so this would only be a quid pro quo]
‘… the German prisoners soon became valued workers and beloved members of the community, despite being on the other side of the war the United States was fighting.’
Well there’s your answer folks, empty out Guantánamo right now and bring the poor blighters over here and get them all straight up the job centre.
You have to wonder what the misguided Israelis were up to putting that Eichmann on trial – I’m convinced all he wanted given the chance was to be a valued worker and beloved member of Israeli society.
This story can be given a different reading than our BBC immigration stuff. After the war German and Italian POWs were camped near the small town where I lived. They worked on the farms and in the local brickworks. They were eventually allowed out in the evenings and some flirted with the local girls, shagged a few, and earned black eyes from the local lads. There was a bit of intermarriage and as the Italians were Catholics marriage and child care was taken seriously. Many of the Italian women wore black from head to foot as they were permanently in mourning over family deaths back in Italy. Local women told them it was stupid and they should wear what they wanted to, and they did. Integration took a few years. That was before multiculturalism and identity politics, and the local cops rounded up everyone who got into fights. One law, a shared Christian religion for those who wanted a religion, and the immigrants were not taught that their culture had to be protected or that it was superior to ours. The Germans knew better than to speak about Hitler and to the Italians Mussolini has passed into a joke. In 1956 we had refugees from Hungary. As a young lad interested in politics I learned much about Soviet Communism from them, which was very different to the crap in the Daily Worker. Same thing there. A common non antagonistic culture, and we got on. Fortunately the BBC did not appear to have an interest in immigration or multiculturalism and was merely a supplier of constant dance music
An interesting game to play with BBC on-line news is to compair the top home page story for each of the various menu options.
“Home” gives us true blue Uk based licence payers the US blizzards story.
Click on “UK” and you have the Google tax report.
Try “World” and you are presented with the US blizzards – from this I deduce the BBC “Home” is considered to be “World” news. What, you thought the BBC would give any priority to the UK?
Click on “Business” and you get the Google story. The BBC likes this one.
“Politics” and you guessed it – the Google tax report. Sssshhhh, don’t say it too loud but the Labour Party also like this story – it’s their top talking point today.
“Tech” here’s an oddity – a Google story but not the one you thought it might be – something about a Google Apple deal, and boy do the BBC love Apple.
“Science” and we’ll stop here as we’ve reached the outer reaches of the BBC galaxy of news.
Guardianista Journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai tells us what a nice guy Anjem Choudary is…No wonder the BBC haven’t got the first idea about Islam, when they promote ridiculous beliefs like Pais on a daily basis..
Her ignorance is dangerous. She has no desire to learn anything, not even a desire to educate herself to the point where she can respond to Tommy Robinson. Robinson cites evidence of what Islamists are being told to do now. She cites a few garbled references to the past. Perhaps she might wish to listen to this scholar (snigger) in 2014 pointing out the rights of Muslims to rape and enslave non muslim women.
Thanks for posting that D & C; quite amazing that she is apparently unaware of the problems with Islam as she says she is from a different culture (Chinese) – yet the country she originates from has had problems with its Muslim minorities, such as the Uighurs and Tungans, since the mid-19th century onwards; there have also been recent Jihad attacks in China, such as the knife murders at a major train station.
Tommy Robinson – Why is it that this man treated by those who rule us, as if he is the problem?
Tommy is feared by the ruling class. Always when an ordinary Englishman stands up to them he is feared. Same from Wat Tyler onwards. Why do you think Robin Hood is an English folk hero?
We have a vindictive and entitled ruling elite that ever changes but stays the same. Contempt for us and determind to protect their position. Tommy has challenged them .Read his book and reflect that any of us , if we incur their ire , will suffer the same fate.
I had no real knowledge of Tommy Robinson until recently, and I confess that in the past I probably would have dismissed him as “far-right” or “racist”. I suspect that many members of the BMP could be described in those terms. However, it is clear that Tommy Robinson is neither far-right nor racist – at least not in any sensible definition of the word. I also understand that he has now left the BNP. The fears that he is expressing about Islam are no different from those expressed by the late Christopher Hitchens. I can’t help feeling the persecution Robinson has suffered at the hands of the authorities and the slander from the left is as much about class than anything else. He is, after all a member of that much put upon group in modern Britain – the white working class. The very people the left claim to represent, but actually just want to keep in their place. And no, Billy Bragg pop singers are not members of the working class.
Fascinating listening to Any Answers R4 today.
Someone mentions the poor quality of Chinese steel in relation to the white elephant that is the Welsh steel industry.
The presenter , Anita somebody-or-another, gets a bit agitated and shirty . Pushes for an explanation.
Strange that the quality of Chinese steel can rouse the passions so ?
Not really. Might not mentioning the poor qualilty of a product produced by tinted persons be construed as
O HORROR!!! racism?. It’s another red door outrage!
How long will it be before some scandalised loon emails with a condemnation of racism?
It’s only these little bets one can make with oneself that bring any interest to radio4.
Usually any R4 “science” programme dealing with hereditary will have Prof. Steve Jones popping up at some time to reassure “it’s nothing to do with the genes”. Unfortunately, you often had to wait until the bitter end for confirmation.
Today, it seemed to be an all time record for swiftness of condemnation. Anita was reading out an email within seconds. Had she just made it up? Surely not!!
I haven’t been watching tv today so I am not sure if the snow in the US is falling as predicted. But I watched both the 6pm and 10pm news on BBC1 yesterday evening when a lady with obviously some non WASP origins was shown telling us that it was crazy in the stores, the shelves were empty and there was no ORGANIC milk to be had. I guess that is what is really important to those working for AUNTIE. The rest of us make do with 4 pints for a £1 from Morrisons.
Talking of Morrison’s I did spot a Beef and Guinness Pie strategically placed in the Halal section of my local branch this afternoon, call the cops, the local BBC and the Guardian, I just hope the beef was halal! 😉
Yes, that really is a moving documentary about an incredible humanitarian mission. I should add that the BBC does tend to shelve its animosity towards Israel when focussing on historical events such as these, but reverts to type when today’s Israel is in the news.
Worth watching, today’s launch of ‘Grassroots Out’ the cross party campaign to get the UK out of Europe. Farage speaks at approx 50 minutes into the video, followed by an unannounced guest speaker.
Funny you should mention GW, OG, but last year did the BBC R4 folk not rush to the microphone in the first week of January to tell me that 2014 had the highest level of CO2 emissions ever? Then, a week or so later, hurtle back to tell me that according to a very limited number of measuring stations in a very limited geographical area that 2014 was, globally, the hottest year ever?
Have I missed this year’s performance, .. er …. I mean announcements of the measurements for 2015? Or is it that the latter one, the CES temperature measurement especially, is showing some numbers that are ‘unfavourable’? Ones that should not really be mentioned in public. Kept just between consenting adults in the MSM? Popped into a folder and stuffed two-thirds of the way into a fairly full drawer in a filing cabinet?
I imagine that many of my esteemed colleagues here are aware by now of the brave German teenager who posted a video on Facebook expressing her concern about the Muslim invasion.
Apparently the German ‘government’ instructed Facebook to censor the video and it meekly complied, thus adding its considerable weight to the silencing of opposition to the invasion. I believe it was on this very thread that someone aptly referred to the social media outfit as ‘Farcebook’ and I will henceforth regard it as such.
Both cowardly Farcebook and cowardly Merkel and company reckoned without YouTube and the enterprising and concerned ‘Global Vortex’ which added English subtitles to the video and posted it on the site. In just 2 days it has been viewed 35 000 times:
Though I’m not fond of swearing on the Internet I can really appreciate Global Vortex’s succinct expression of distaste at the censorship:
This video is mirrored from the original, now censored FB account.
Global Vortex is a run by a US user and the contents are protected by the 1st amendment. The German government can go fuck themselves.
Farcebook’s capitulation is equally distasteful. This is the same outfit that is content to host hate-filled Arab incitement against Israeli Jews but promptly censors apparent anti-Arab incitement by Israelis:
Now I’ve been toying with the idea of contacting the BBC to see if it would be interested in reporting on these newsworthy issues, knowing the keen interest the corporation shows in Muslim refugees, the Israeli-Arab conflict and social media.
BBC Trending would be ideal but they don’t seem to have an address to contact them in the old-fashioned e-mail way. The team there seems to be youngish and relatively unbiased, but I’m not on Farcebook and Twitter has this absurd 140-character limit.
Yes, the German mainstream media has been full of reports of Volksverhetzung or mass incitement to violence on the social media. Maas the justice minister has been putting pressure on facebook and other American-owned social media to “comply with German law”.The irksome American attachment to freedom of expression is allowing Germans to speak too openly on the refugee crisis. Merkel was hanged in effigy at a PEGIDA demo last year and polticians and commentators were seriously claiming that this was incitement to violence, encouragement for someone to bump off Merkel. It’s like returning to the 19th century when censors would demand that scences in operas involving regicide be cut or rewritten. The powers that be in Germany now seem to want Chines-style control over the social media. Even using the phrase “Halt die Fresse Lügenpresse” is being interpreted as an attack on the free-press, and therefore anti-democratic. Opposing the democratic order , however, infringes the Basic Law.
ID, I wanted to reply to your comment earlier but ran out of time and had to go pay some accounts.
It appears that practically the entire Western world is in a dismal state of appeasement to Islam, from Obama to most of Western Europe, ably assisted in abject dhimmitude by the likes of the BBC.
Weird, isn’t it, that Eastern Europe is showing the most resistance. I guess that’s because they know what it’s like to exist under the communist yoke and don’t want even worse oppression under Islam.
“Now I’ve been toying with the idea of contacting the BBC to see if it would be interested in reporting on these newsworthy issues, knowing the keen interest the corporation shows in Muslim refugees, the Israeli-Arab conflict and social media.”
The BBC show little open sign of interest in the Israeli situation, and a few who have worked at the BBC have said that they were told never to mention Israel. Pop on over to Al – teeming with ex-BBC empoyees – Jazeera’s English website and it’s a different sight, of course; including reports of children being shot, and of inhumane Israeli actions towards the Pallies (cutting off gas, water etc) – sometimes, however, of questionable veracity. If one were to rely solely on the BBC for information about that Hell on Earth, you wouldn’t get the full picture. A full picture like this: http://www.juancole.com/images-ext/2010/03/map-story-of-palestinian-nationhood.jpg
People say they “do not care for either tribe” but the fact is that people cannot fail to be influenced by the main stream anti Israel propaganda that the BBC and other media in Britain has been churning out for years. A former chair of the Tunisian branch of Amnesty International, as long ago as 2005 showed the importance of the Arab propaganda machine against Israel by saying “ Amir Taheri an Iranian journalist estimates that the Islamic propaganda machine bill to be about 100 billion dollars in the last two decades alone, which makes it the largest propaganda machine in history even larger than the Communist propaganda machine during the Soviet era” And he goes on to say “People wouldn’t spend that much unless they had to defend a huge lie”
I can’t say that I’ve noticed anti-Israel bias from the BBC, although it’s been…ooh…5 years since I’ve watched the BBC news, which means I didn’t get to see what they made of Operation Protective Edge (more like Operation Carry On As Before); but I have seen the anger expressed about the way the BBC positively portrayed the IDF commando raid on the Gaza blockade ship in a May 2010 Panorama.
I have no doubt there is an Arab propaganda machine – well, Arab in the sense of Iran, Lebanon, and Palestine – and although $100 billion is a great sum, it becomes less impressive divided up over 20 years in comparison to the vast sums spent on the pro-Israel section of the U.S.A media, and the ambivalence I infer from the BBC. Israel, according to Hesaltine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6y7ggURro0), may be the only country with which the U.S.A has a special relationship, but there’s an embarrassing history of the UK’s involvement in setting up that most audacious imperial colonial experiment.
I suppose if one were counting and comparing the amount of BBC articles and reports that could be seen as critical of Israel, to those that were critical of Palestine/Hamas, then yes – if that were the basis for concluding there was a bias, it would be doubtless. But it’s been slow borderline ethnic cleansing for well over half a century.
Anyway, all this is self-evident, and doesn’t need to be discussed earnestly so it stinks up this wonderful comments section. I, and I suspect a few others on here, just get a little embarrassed that the Juive doth protest too much.
You are wrong. The BBC has a powerful obsession to portray Israel in the worst possible light and the Palestinians in the best light. And the Holy Land is teeming with BBC hacks.
Join the dots time… Fatbot in Calais today with a few pro gimmegrant friends…..Corbyn in Dunkirk today touring a home made camp of gimmegrants who do not want to register in France…..Calais Port closed at the moment as a large number of gimmegrants crash security and get on a Ferry……Nope, no link has occurred to the £4 Billion Pounds of talent within the BBC as yet
Just having a bath listening to radio 2 news- usa snow, corbyn, canadian k ife attacks,calais chaos. No mention at all of the nigel farage launch conference in kettering. What did i expect.
At least Channel 4 news (wash my mouth out with soap and water) had a piece on it, with the bouncing idiot Matt Frei. Liam Fox and Kate Hoey came across well, as did Nigel, as usual. I hope this cross-party EU exit alliance takes off – quickly.
Well, I am boycotting the Oscars . I have done for years.
They are just a load of male bovine excrement.
A mutual appreciation society full of people that have never had a real job .
The left wing bias we see spouted from the BBC seems to have really infiltrated the minds of the younger generation.
The generation now in their early 20’s started primary school just as Labour got in. No doubt primary and secondary education consisted at least in part with brainwashing towards the leftist ideals. Then after 12 years plus of the double bombardment of school plus the TV’s propaganda some would have gone to University for further programming.
These people are now in the work force & I can only imagine as time goes by some will end up in positions of authority. Maybe as events unfold some will learn how inherently wrong lefties are but from the ones I’ve met they seem purposefully blind to the fact everything they believe is based on a lie. I hope the future of the country is not ruined by the stupidity of the lefties and that maybe their time is coming to an end but from what I see Labours legacy could still live on in the minds of the brainwashed.
Most of them are seriously stupid. Simple mental calculations are beyond them and their general knowledge is on a par with a squirrel’s. That in itself is dangerous because the clever ones are usually the heavily indoctrinated ones and can make the stupid majority believe the earth is flat.
My brother worked in a call centre for a solicitors a few years ago and we used to have laughs at some of the young ones’ ideas and views. He said one girl thought the dinosaurs died out 300 years ago, and that the planet we live on is called Mars. He also said he and other oldies used to have to correct the young ones’ English before the written work they did was sent to the solicitors.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
I went and googled Riots in Calais, all top stories were the latest.
Went onto Beeb did the same and the top 2 results were about the 2011 riots in England , further down a report about the destruction of part of the “jungle ”
How much do they paid for the lack of information??
Just found this
Do they think no one else can find these stories???
Sad thing is that the hard of thinking believe what the BBC spoon feeds them, or in this case what they don’t.
Does French TV report it?
Yes they do report it but in a very Galic shrug way , I fear it will take the death of a trucker or a policeman before they take a stand.
Just seen RT report on one of their hacks getting threatened with knives and pushed against a wall as he was robbed.
But the eejit-like his anchor man( cockney rhymes invited)-seem to agree that this was due to
a) gaps in these “childrens” education
b) being pretty cold and needing to do something to get the circulation going
c)not being accompanied by more mature responsible members of La Jingle…something about having to go to Cologne for a bit of roustabout I gather.
So when you`re mugged, apparently that culturally refreshing, and gets yet MORE sympathy from the libtards in the media?…
Boy, this collective set of Labour journey gurneys must have had their chips rebooted at Oxbridge or at the BBCs Skool of Drool…goes without saying a couple of bearded Dutch hacks were filmed being attacked as well in the RT piece…but-hey, nothing to do with migrants.
Not even a moan about knife crime or gangs either-Sikhs need letter openers after all, and they`re from somewhere Asian too?
Luvaduck…with “reporters ” like this..not even BBC house trained either?…we are in deep doo-doo.
Plea of a frightened young German girl
Protect your children and women. … We need this protection. We are really afraid to go out. Protect them. Be there for them, and don’t let them go out alone. Like shopping when it’s already dark. We are afraid. It’s a cry for help, and you still don’t do anything. You politicians sit there in your mansions, slurp your cocktails, and do nothing. I don’t know in what world you are living, but people are afraid. Please, finally help us. It can’t go on like this. Please do something. I really can’t understand this anymore. … I am, we are all very frightened. Please, please, please do something.
Really worth watching.
Broadcasting media (LBC not just Beeb, putting pressure on Cameron to act against Putin over the Litvinyenko murder.
Its been known for years that he was murdered why make a fuss about it now? Putin “probably” authorised it. Wasnt that the case all along?
Litvinyenko wasn’t the first either…. anyone remember the Georgi Markov case?
There have been a few unaccounted for deaths since too, notably the spy in the suitcase and Boris Beresovski.
Perhaps Putin should be brought to justice for murdering Blueberry Hill in front of a room full of luvvies.
Still better entertainment than the BBC’s best
I remember Man in a Suitcase and Spy in a Holdall.
Nice, convenient distraction form the immigration crisis and EU troubles….
Not strictly a BBC thing, but it is about James O’Brien who appears on Newsnight from time to time.
This morning on his daily LBC show, he was pontificating about the latest crime figures, inviting people to phone in and discuss the possible connection between rising knife crime and falling police numbers.
As a part of the awful 20 minute monologue that starts all his shows, he let it be known that whilst he had “read the papers this morning, he hadn’t read the right wing press as yet”.
From that it was easy to gauge the starting point and the likely direction of travel for this part of his show. I turned off almost immediately.
I expect we will have to wait till it is too late for Europe to see or hear a programme on the BBC on the demographic implications of the incoming waves of so a called refugees.
Demographics is a precise science and cannot be fudged much even by the lugenpresse.
By end 2016 Germany will have taken in at least 2 million probably many more on current trends unless something drastic is done ( this is a major possibility in a rational world but these are not rational times).Of these the vast majority will be young men in the 18 to 35 age group, So be the end of 2016 this immigrant mostly Muslim male group wil be equal to 40% of the ethnic German males in the same age group., This is almost certainly a conservative figure.
Now if you think this will not destabalize an entire country then you are insane. Completely barking mad in fact and certifiable.
That is just about an accurate description of our governing class both in Germany and throughout Western Europe.
Remember these incomers will be young men without women. An extraordinary recipe for chaos.
Germany will not be the same again. Imagine if we here faced the same situation and ponder on the future .None of the current political class has a clue what to do. Cameron is going to rush this referendum through because even the dimmest of his clique must know what nightmares await.
There is no alternative to a no vote. None whatsoever and they know it our duplicitous media and political elites.
The cover up over Cologne is all the proof we need that our rulers and their chums in the media have no intention of telling us the real facts.
What hope there is is in Eastern Europe and in Russia.
It is an existential crisis for us in the West and that is that.
There’s a well-argued article about this at http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/europe-refugees-migrant-crisis-men-213500. But don’t expect the bBBC to acknowledge that swarms of young male immigrants are anything other than a good thing.
Totally agree. The west of Europe seems paralysed by the tidal wave of Muslim migrants. Only the east of Europe is taken sensible action to preserve their countries and cultures from the Islamification that we are seeing in the west. What I have detected in recent weeks is leftist, particularly BBC journalists, gently raising the question as to whether countries like Romania or Poland with their histories of oppression etc aren’t finding it difficult to be in the same club along with Western European countries where democracy has a much longer history. The decision of the Polish government to turf out leftist placemen from government institutions and media, and the resistance to migration that eastern countries are showing , has clearly rattled the left. They are now wondering if the eastern countries with, in the left’s eyes, their quaint belief in the nation state and distinct national cultures, are a threat to left’s ideal of a European super state peopled by anyone who wants to come, regardless of whether this leads to Islamification within a few decades. Dave S is certainly right to recommend we vote to leave the EU with Muslim migration the single biggest reason why. Perhaps our leaving will help the eastern block resist what Brussels and mad mutti Merkel want to inflict on them , I certainly hope so.
“A Parable for Germany” (or should that be an epitaph) on Gatestone.
“For Merkel and most of Germany’s elite, the appearance on Germany’s threshold of millions of Muslim refugees is a final chance at redemption, an opportunity for Germany to redeem itself from the crimes of its past through a transcendent act of selflessness.”
The Liberal Guilt / Death Wish is a tyranny holding sway in the UK. In Germany it is magnified by 10.
“… a transcendent act of selflessness.”
Or cultural suicide as it should more properly be termed.
At least the tide seems to be turning somewhat in Germany. ZDF/ARD commentators who were all smiles and smugness as they heralded the triumph of the Willkommenskultur are now looking a bit cheesed off as they tell of the goings on in Cologne, etc.and the Gutmenschen, those in the vanguard of the selfless, who are being reviled by their friends and being run out of their villages by those who do not want the ultimate destruction of their way of life. The tragedy is that the non-politicals are acting out of a sincere concern for their fellow man. Old ladies collecting old furniture or volunteers working themselves to a nervous breakdown. But to what purpose? Some “refugees” are now asking to go back to Syria as they are finding living in a single room flat with five children does not meet their expectations and even have the gall to complain that the German burocracy is not providing them with papers quickly enough. No wonder people feel angry when they have wasted so much of their sympathy and resources on grasping, ungrateful Muslim scum. Phrases like “now is not the time for smug I told you so’s” are being used by the political Gutmenschen on the media as the backtracking begins. The once immutable and sacrosanct Grundgesetz which decrees no asylum seeker can ever be denied entry to Germany is now no longer immutable and sacrosanct. Neverending selfsacrifice is no longer required, Germany does not have infinite resources to help refugees. Borders are no longer a relic of an unenlightened age. Refugees have lost their magical powers and can no longer walk unhindered through razor wire. The time has never been better for very, very smug and very very many I told you so’s.
Is it transcendant selflessness or a death wish or a guilt trip?
I’m increasingly thinking that the effects of liberal, affluent living that many of the present politicians come from means that they have had possible exposure to various drugs, most notably alcohol, and perhaps cannabis, together with nicotine maybe, and these have taken their toll on minds that are entering or are close to entering old age. Add the inevitable tiredness that goes with the territory at times and the recipe for dodgy reasoning or speaking off-the-cuff without fully considering all the possible consequences is complete. Disaster may and has in this case followed.
In the age of the internet & cell phone, it took only a moment for Merkel’s throwing open the door to Europe & Germany to be transmitted around the world. It has been said that even some Viet Namese have been turning up to cross the border into Turkey and from Turkey into the EU.
What did she expect?
I think that Merkel must have expected there to be severe problems in settling millions of aliens in Germany and that this would likely lead to civil unrest and probably the deaths of German people. After all she only has to look at the true facts , surely available to her if not to the rest of us thanks to media cover ups, of what has happened in the UK or Sweden or France . She would have to be a fool of the first order not to have realised in advance what would happen if millions of Muslims came to Germany. So whilst her decision to throw open the borders seems insane to us, I’m sure that it was made with full knowledge of what was going to happen. Therefore, you have to conclude that she thought that allowing Muslims into Germany was worth more than the cost in rapes, civil unrest and possibly deaths, let alone the long term irrevocable changes to German culture and Germany as a whole, plus the rest of Europe of course. What benefits she thinks will accrue to Germany by her policy is a mystery! I think we in the UK can say that after 50 years of Muslim immigration we have seen only massive downsides ( can anyone give me a quantifiable upside?) with a steadily deteriorating prognosis. The same is true in France.
I suppose that she may have believed the non stop tripe served up by the Muslim lovers at the BBC who tell us that Islam is the ROP and all is well in the UK. After all she seems to have tried the Rotherham approach of silence after Cologne.
I suspect she was less concentrating on any supposed benefits than being driven by the electric cattle prod of guilt. The curse of massive immigration to the UK was driven by post-colonial guilt on the part of ‘socialist thinkers’ (now there’s an oxymoron!). In Germany you have a country that not only feels guilty for being white and prosperous but has the shadow of Auschwitz looming over it.
Any ‘benefits’ to wholesale immigration are simply a fictitious fig leaf to hide the real motivation of those, like the BBC, who have no history and even less logic to guide them.
“This is for the men. Please protect your children and women. We need your protection. We are truly afraid to go outside. Protect them. Be there for them”.
These are the words of a 16 year old German girl in this compelling and heartbreaking video. Posted on a German Facebook account now disabled.
Gutted to see a fine young woman feeling abandoned by her country. I wonder how long this will stay on youtube… thanks for posting Mr G.
THIS video has been censored by the German government and FB which now collaborate to censor speech critical of immigration (see video description for more information).
Maybe BBC Shropshire would like to investigate?
Seems there are now variably justified vetoes; it would be interesting which vetoes the BBC does not entertain, and which it does (c) Ein. Reichsminister for Propaganda
Thanks for the internet. The politicians and their media will not have complete control of what we hear. Every day more stories are emerging.
Apparently the video of the poor girl’s despairing pleas to Merkel has been copied and shared around the internet on many different sites in order to prevent the likes of Zuckerberg flushing it down the memory hole.
If the establishment want to censor what she says, then I would like to read the transcript of her banned posting on Facebook.
I don’t know why any one thinks Farcebook is a free platform speech. I only ever use it top keep in touch with friends and ex -work colleagues. Oh and to tell the world that I’m having beans for tea again
I expect this is the sort of girl that Mrs. May thinks should be picked up by the ‘Prevent’ strategy?
Yes, it’s a tragedy to see how let down she feels by the German government. She is not old enough to understand that this destruction of our society is a leftist-wet-dream. This is their intention.
Our current generation have never had to fight personally for our ‘rights’ and lifestyle. They really believe it is a sort of fundamental given that will not change – whatever we do. They cannot or refuse to see that our peace and prosperity is fragile – like most equilibriums it does not take much to upset it.
Rather like a spinning top. Our western culture is no longer spinning steadily in one place, Merkel and the left have given it a sharp nudge with their stupidity and arrogance, knocking it off balance without a care, so convinced are they that their vision of a better Europe is where we must all be too.
The top is now starting to oscillate wildly about it’s axis. As we all know, once a top starts to oscillate it is hard to put it back on track, it’s hard to predict exactly when/where it is going to fall.
Manchesterlad – re equilibrium.
Permanence is the illusion of every age. In 1913, no one thought the Russian, Austrian, German and Turkish empires would be gone within five years. (Mark Steyn).
She’s right about one thing. We are at war, and it doesn’t take much for violence to break out. Given the migrant numbers against the meagre police numbers, its a given that the army will be brought in, and then all hell will be let loose. Remember the summer rioting and looting in Tottenham and Croydon in 2011 ? multiply that a few times and civil unrest will be the name of the game all over Europe, thanks to the smartphone – how long before London again ?
I’d like to see that young lady, and a few more like her, challenging the panel on Question Time.
In summary:
“Some Brown people were staring at me. I don’t like Brown people staring at me. Brown people shouldn’t be allowed in Germany.
A Black person said things I didn’t like. I don’t like Black people saying things I don’t like. Black people shouldn’t be allowed in Germany.
My Facebook account was disabled. This is outrageous. People should be free to do or say what ever they like.
The value of your contribution reflects your name.
You are too charitable.
I see what you mean zero. Those nasty, racist white girls eh? How dare they object to having fingers shoved up their anuses and their vaginas by several hundred ‘men’! Racist bitches I say.
It serves them right for being so, so .. white doesn’t it. If they weren’t such racists they would appreciate the cultural enrichment so generously afforded them by the ‘men’.
I hope you enjoy your smugness, while it lasts.
“How dare they object to having fingers shoved up their anuses and their vaginas by several hundred ‘men’”
“manchesterlad”, you seem to be confusing this video with something else.
I don’t think so. I think you are ignoring the connection between her discomfort (fear, shall we call it) and the hundreds of assaults we all know about.
You seem content to just dismiss her concerns as stupid racism.
I hope you are right, but I think you are tragically wrong. Maybe you don’t have children, or don’t intend to have any. But of those that do, many feel the same apprehension for our – and their – future. Not just this 16 year old lass.
Do you really mean to say you think this is all going to end well?
Zero is obviously one of those appalling lefties who think that hundreds of raped and abused German girls is a price worth paying for the cause of open borders and virtue signalling. One good thing to come out of the Cologne outrages is that lefties, feminazis and all the other cultural Marxists crawling out of the woodwork since Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party have shown themselves to be the spiteful, evil, cold hearted bastards they really are. Their behaviour trying to absolve RoPer sex pests of their crimes while blaming the victims has opened the eyes of many decent thinking people – even many of those posting on CiF at the Guardian are expressing their disgust at the attitude of the extreme left.
I suggest you watch it again with a grown up who isn’t a Gramsci .
That is to Zero IQ .
Zero is quite correct in part of his summary: black and brown people do not belong in Germany nor any other Western European nation; they certainly don’t want us in their countries and the ones who are here already (3-4 generations of non-assimilation for some) have brought nothing but harm to the societies of the countries to which they have “migrated”.
Well said Zero, glad you’ve seen the light.
“black and brown people do not belong in Germany nor any other Western European nation”
Well done “Al Shubtill”, you’ve made all of my arguments completely pointless. Keep up the good work…
Thank you Zero, though you didn’t require my input to have that effect on your “arguments” – glad that the scales have fallen from your eyes all the same; at least some of the time you’ve spent visiting this site has been of value, which is good for all to see.
The German’ girl’s video is very powerful and for that reason the cultural marxists will do anything to discredit her. Ignore them for their time is coming to an end.
For Germans only hardship lies ahead but we can at least learn from their mistakes.
It will not be possible to discuss this rationally with the likes of zero so do not try.
Remember in times like these the most important thing is to know who your friends are and who is your enemy.
Hey Zero, I bet you could do the same with Anne Frank’s Diary. Go on. Give it a try and score some brownie points with those Ropers whose culture tells them that Jews and their synagogues have no place in Europe.
Sorry, Al. I can’t agree with you. There are plenty of black and brown people who fit in just fine. You’re lumping them all in with RoP-ers.
If that is your view RD that’s fine; I have formed a different opinion, based upon the observable effects on our society mass immigration from the Third World into the U.K. has had.
I agree that Muslims are the most destructive group of immigrants; but even without them the long term results of an unending influx of non-European immigrants, would be catastrophic for the native inhabitants of this country – as ultimately they will become a minority in their own land; which, I would predict, isn’t an eventuality that will cause our descendants to lavish praise on our memory.
If, say, 70% of that initial wave of 2M is male 18 – 35’s, that would be ~1.4M .
If, say, 20% of those youngish males call for their wives, under right to family life, that adds a further ~280K .
If there is on average about one child for each family re-united, that is another ~280K.
If 50% of that initial wave have siblings who could also be called to join them, that is another ~1M at least.
This is a (highly speculative) grand total of ~1.5M+, without any further ‘unrelated’ immigration. So if the whole thing were halted tomorrow, there would be a GT of ~3.5M immigrant population from a single stream, based on official numbers, ignoring unacknowledged extras, but also ignoring unacknowledged further migration radiating outwards from Germany..
Not one of Dave’s sharper creases in the skirts of Government, but have to love the BBC going full ‘right to know!’ ‘Censorship!’ on this (assuming their version is accurate, which given the BBC’s recent track record from Lancashire to Israel is not looking too good) when on the latest Savile they have bunkered down, FOi’d up, issued a Lord Hall hall ‘belief/lesson learned’ statement via an anonymous spokesweasel who has drawn and line and er… that all they are saying.
As a reminder:
At least one still has the right to decline the services of a skanky slag, for matters of taste or health.
The BBC is simply broadcast herpes transmitted by government mandate.
Ok I’ve now sent in my “level 2” complaint let’s see what crap I get back.
Meanwhile BBc 13:00 Refugees face freezing temperatures. Do one BBc, we all know it get’s cold in the countries the invaders come from. The latest “tragedy” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35383371 I’m not shedding any tears.
BBc films some of the swarm who are whingeing that the Macedonian Police attacked them, even if it was true oh booh hoo.
The increasingly rare Have Your Say is asking this vital question today:
Does America need to change how it elects its presidents?
Well, they seemed happy with how it worked the last couple of times. What might have changed?
Could the picture that greets anyone clicking on that story give a clue?
Just looked.
Current latest comment:
796. Posted by RobinHood
Just now
I see the BBC are not reporting on the petition to ban Trump has now been found out to be rigged and was signed by people multiple times. The lefties was bragging how they hacked it on twitter n each person was signing the petition hundreds of times.
And labour and the unions gathered all their supporters n got them to sign it. What a total con.
The rest of media are reporting it.
Off now to buy a popcorn factory if this turns out to be true.
Oh, and the top two highest rated:
77. Posted by blagshaw
8 hours ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 93. Posted by krwill82
8 hours ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Maybe the BBC would like comments sent in advance, so they can ensure they never get seen at all?
Lucy Allen may have some thoughts.
I’m sure that the BBC and the Guardian have a competition to see which one can remove the most comments.
I forgot to say that the Express is getting as bad with the number of articles on which comments are not allowed.
There is going to be a new ‘news’ award category, named in in honour of Kay ‘Tottenham’ Burley.
Just popped back. I think the BBC is a shoo-in with this one. Carnage.
Next question is when it gets pulled.
This one may not last, at a wild guess:
917. Posted by SteveM
4 minutes ago
So the top comments have now been removed, on a pointless have your say, when we’re never allowed to comment and discuss on articles which are much more relevant to us.
I’m so fed up with the BBC, I’m not going to renew my license
Might as well have another email to add to my ‘your comment has been moderated’ folder
Envy of the world.
National treasure.
Don’t like “democracy” change the rules.
‘The increasingly rare Have Your Say’
Not so rare, if they are keen on the topic…
928. Posted by sorrysorrysorry
Just now
You just can not believe this, another trump HYS was just put on
Amazing….off now
Funny thing is, I can entirely believe it. It’s the BBC, after all.
Can’t see this one lasting long either, unless the challenge to the mods panics them:
Dear BBC, was the method used to elect presidents OK when Obama won twice? Thought so. Now you are worried that your darling Hillary is going to be Trumped, all of a sudden, you don’t like it. Your other favourite, the EU, is hardly the model of democracy. If you can’t be impartial, as you should be, then at least be consistent. Standing by to be moderated (censored in old money).
It’s heads we win, tail you lose time over at WATO on R4 this lunchtime.
The BBC, having spent years lambasting the government over ‘Tory Cuts’ , now lets Osborne have both barrels over the miserable state of the deficit and debt. What an incompetent he is! How much mess are we in?!
Either they are so thick that they are unable to see the cause and effect here or they are the most lying, disingenuous pack of tripehounds ever to have drawn breath.
I know which I think it is.
You forgot to add that they , the BBC , think that we, the people who pay for their cold tripe served up daily, are all morons.
Gnasher, the Dog belonging to Denis the Menace is described as being an Abyssinian wire haired tripe hound – thus the origin of the phrase.
Good news from IslamicAl-Beeb which gives prominence to a story in which the USA is “urged to take in more refugees”
Urged by none other than Bill Gates, yes, that Bill Gates, the one who has given billions of his own dollars to increasing the birth rate in Africa. Those whom the gods would destroy they first make rich.
Is nothing sacrosanct? Listening to Radio 4 In Science program, to hear about the discovery of the world’s largest known dinosaur, the first item was about DNA in ancient Britons the time of the Romans. As they describe the DNA findings of seven skeletons they clearly were going to focus on one who was of Middle Eastern origin. Seeing which way the wind was blowing I skipped forward on the iPlayer and missed the conclusion, but it was fairly apparent.
The next item on Concorde was great as, was the piece on the dinosaur discoveries. However, is the BBC’s pro migrant bias now infesting every single program?
If you had stayed with it you would have learned that the Roman empire “was very cosmopolitan”, which is a polite way of saying that they invaded half of Europe and North Africa. To sustain the empire they had to recruit locally and no doubt had their share of ‘Uncle Toms’ and ‘Quislings’. It is hardly surprising that some of them ended up spread around the empire.
Perhaps if the Roman empire was so good it’s time we took back ours?
Jim, perhaps the Romans brought lots of slaves with them – to do the jobs that the Britons didn’t want to do.
Rome was an odd place, but pertinent to todays world. It didn’t matter where you came from you could attain roman citizenship merely by adopting the dress and culture of the city. The was absolutely no multi culturalism, you integrated or you weren’t Roman – simples !
This is a clip of an alternative soundtrack to “Frozen”, don’t expect to see it on al beebus next Christmas Day though.
“Look at Life”. A series of short films produced late 50s to late 60s, shown in cinemas of the time before the main feature film. The whole series is available to buy, and for those of a certain age they bring back a flood of memories. This was the Britain that I grew up in. The past is certainly a foreign country.
Sid James narrates “Market Place” made in 1959. Watch and weep.
Sorry folks, for some reason it’s loaded a different clip. Worth watching nonetheless.
To view “Market Place” as I intended to post, click on index at top left of youtube screen. Scroll down to number 7 and play.
Great stuff Mr G and thank you for posting this. I have just had a massive nostalgia attack!
These old films do not even have to try when it comes to making the Britain of their day look great. The modern equivalents championing our wonderful, vibrant, multi-culti Britain seem to struggle and come over as the unconvincing propaganda that they actually are.
That was a fantastic film. I am no great fan of “health & safety”, but some of the things those guys did is insane!
I found the simple minded endorsement of tower blocks and streets in the sky a bit depressing; I thought we had seen through that rubbish, but something (property developers’ money perhaps) makes every London mayor randy for yet more towers disfiguring the skyline.
But overall my feeling on watching that short film was one of sadness, for a people and a country which were busy and confident, and had no way of knowing that their ruling elite was planning to destroy their coherent and ancient society within the span of a man’s life.
I’ve had a thought about how to rid England of all our ‘Elf n Safety jobsworths.
Tie them all to chairs and make them watch this on an endless loop, and watch the cardiac arrests.
The BBC will be all over this one, shock horror, BTW have they reported what Michael Caine had to said today, or are celebs only worth quoting when their comments are left leaning and on message?
The Oscar racists never gave Alfred Hitchcock an Oscar. Says it all doesn’t it.
I’ve just had a snipe at some of the leftie comments on should America change it’s presidential election HYS. Strangely the top one with 139 votes hasn’t been removed even though it is obviously off topic and just another whinge about Trump and not the electoral system. This has appeared in my in tray it regards an anti -license fee petition I signed a while back Hello everyone!
Thanks for the brilliant last minute effort, there has been 1,000 new signature every day for the past 3 days. As a result, we are now only 600 signatures away from 180,000!*
The big announcement is of coures that MP Andrew Bridgen handed over the petition on 20th January 2016 at 18:13. You can watch it on Parliamentlive.tv (skip to 18:13). Andrew read the official, clerk approved, version of the petition (which can be read here) before leaving a copy of the text to the Speaker.
I am now informed that it will be sent to the Department for Culture Media and Sports who will respond to it at a later date.
Today, Andrew Brigden wrote:
‘I was pleased to present the petition to Parliament on behalf of the tens of thousands of people who are looking for a change in the funding of the BBC. It is my hope the Department for Culture Media and Sport seriously considers the petition in the context of the Charter Review consultation.’
As for me, the whole experience has been very positive. The timing couldn’t have been better either, with the Dame Janet Report being leaked only few hours after Bridgen’s presentation. If this petition doesn’t change the way the BBC is funded, at least it has made it clear that a large part of the British population do not endorse the TV licence. I hope this campaign didn’t disappoint you. I feel being seen and having this point of view acknowledged was half of it. Getting a chance to be heard in the House of Commons, seeing articles about TV licencing splashed in 38 newspapers (the complete list and a few word of thanks can be read here on my blog) and getting support from the community & Twitter made all the work worth it.
I will, of course, let you know the outcome as soon as the Department contacts me.
Best regards
Caroline Levesque-Bartlett
“we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site”. In fact 4 that were off topic still it suited the BBc agenda.
Thanks Caroline. You have my respect and gratitude. Its a small army but with a few MP’s onside (thanks to your online petition and campaign) it can only grow more urgent that this poll tax for a TV license should not be imposed on those that cannot afford to pay for it. Not only is the TV license unfair – on the low paid – and at the other end of the scale providing minority programming for those who read (only) the Guardian newspaper. It has lost all credibility and certainly would not survive in any free democratic society if we ever had a choice to refuse payment. What the BBC now stands for, we don’t want at all.
Anyone catch “this week” on last night?
BBC had some muslim apologist … “going daaan the east end, luv a duck”
to learn about Britishness, after the traitor Camerimam s, “chocolate fireguard”
… cue Portillo and said apologist, lots of deflectionary waffle, at least a little retort
from Ialiar Brown.
PS, have they been down the East End recently?.
David Cameron seems to be seriously in need of education when it comes to foreign policy but he really is quite impressive re the cut and thrust of domestic politics. He demolished Jeremy Corbyn during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday and made some really telling points like the following, picking up on a humorous anti-Corbyn comment from a Conservative using Beatle songs to mock Corbyn and Labour.
From 18:30 min to 19:45 min in:
If we see that on the BBC I’ll eat my laptop.
He only looks so impressive because Corbyn is totally useless, I don’t think he would appear so against someone as slippery as himself, such as Bliar.
Is Corbyn being deliberately crap?
Never heard a more deflated and droning useless set of questions.
Do you think he`ll pay Liam for his question about tuition fees?…he`s just phoning it in…oh. God he`s using Vicky from York now!
Are these real people?…or are we talking Question Time type of plants and stooges-about the only blimps that will attach themselves to Corbyns shitsack of musings.
Corbyn is shit…not even the best tripehound in Labours snuffle box! (With thanks to our friend above for that new word!)
Corbyn is apparently visiting Calais on Saturday. Shetland is an ITV Studio`s production for BBC1 . If it was for their own channel , then the diversity would be minimal . If you want a “Hideously White” show tonight , Lemmy ,the Movie on BBC4 . That one slipped through somehow .
Never heard a more deflated and droning useless set of questions.
And the same dumb, bleeding-heart, socialist theme throughout: try to make the government feel guilty for the fact that inequality exists and there are poor people in society.
Corbyn isn’t being deliberately crap, he is crap. He got two “E” grades at A Level, and did a year at poly reading “Trade Union Studies”. That’s his education.
He is a boring, self-righteous socialist who just droned on and one when the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR ceased to exist, as if none of this had any relevance to his unshakable belief in Marxism. He kept on and on like the boring twat he is for thirty years, and now by a bizarre combination of circumstances finds himself Leader of the Labour Party. But for all that, he is still the dull, uneducated, boring leftist twat he always was. And it shows.
Great post RiC, a perfect description of Citizen Corbs.
Thanks Al, I think it is important to point out just how uneducated this leftist prick really is. He just worked his way up the left wing trades union/Labour Party greasy pole over the years. He has no particular talent for anything apart from an obsessive devotion to all far left wing causes.
On the 18th January the BBC hosted this mocking piece of journalistic deflection,
Make the clown association and ignore the concerns of the men giving their time to help safeguard their communities.
Now the BBC puts this out under the wire,
Sympathetic and humorous in tone but hiding halfway into the piece we get an idea of why these patrols are taking place,
“and at the new year there were a series of sexual assaults and harassments similar to those in Cologne and Stockholm. Victims reported that the perpetrators were of Middle Eastern appearance ”
“these incidents, where groups of young foreign men,” as he puts it, “surround a girl in a public place and harass her have become a phenomenon.”
Culture lessons are not going to fix this, a society develops over hundreds of years creating it’s own laws morals and mores, what gives these social engineers the idea that individuals from different societies can be trained to forget this and fit harmoniously into one is certifiable lunacy. Worse still those who object, those who would rather live among their own have no voice and no choice.
Utterly shameless 180 degrees turn eh?
From mockery to “serious voice”…no longer funny apparently.
But no concessions to the fact that their mockery adds to the Muslims scorn for the rest of us.
So we`re supposed now to be as earnest and duped as the BBCs new narrative like us to be.
One big f***ing clown school is the BBC and all its “journalism” outlets.
Phew! Any Questions (BBC R4 8pm) was stormy tonight – fighting like rats in a sack they were. Read that last bit with a Welsh accent and you will know what I mean even if you missed the programme.
Is it just me or did I detect some considerable pre-preparedness and/or briefing being evident from the Panel members? Certainly several of the answers given included many quotations of past statements or decisions or votes by Panel members, Welsh Assembly members, etc., which could – of course – be down to the incredible memories of tonight’s Panel members.
Or not.
Don’t think I heard Jonathan Dimbleby claim tonight that the Panel had no advance knowledge of the questions. That said, because the questions are ‘controlled’, er, I mean submitted in advance, it is inevitable that they are not necessarily what the audience wish to ask but are instead totally topical in relation to the news of the past week or so.
Having been there I quite enjoy the BBC1 drama ‘Shetland’ and they were doing so well, one and a half episodes in they had pretty much avoided any PC crap or placements, it was obviously too much to expect…Tonight we were introduced to our leading characters daughters new boyfriend ‘Edison’ – yes you’ve guessed it…..
This is a other case like Call The Midwife, of the series moving beyond the original writers works, thus giving the BBC the opportunity to bring in all sorts of unnecessary diversity, mind you they’re no respecters of original works, check out Dickensian…
The above wasn’t happening in 1973, take a look at the crowd in the first couple of minutes of tonight’s The Good Old Days, could you imagine today’s BBC take on it? http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06wrjvt/the-good-old-days-27041973
Geoff, ” giving the BBC the opportunity to bring in all sorts of unnecessary diversity, mind you they’re no respecters of original works, check out Dickensian…” – is it that the timings are wrong and that the extra characters they’ve shoehorned into the Marley & Scrooge story don’t fit? Or is it a BAME Artful Dodger and Mr Venus? I thought they were rather good, especially Mr Venus, and would have been quite realistic at the time. The UK was a very open country then.
I’ve enjoyed Dickensian so far apart from the obvious mis-timing of Marley’s death.
In reality, if my knowledge of London’s history is correct, the BBC have actually missed an opportunity to have more BAME actors & actresses on screen. For example, I would have thought an early Victorian story should have some Indians in the street scenes. Indians & Africans would probably have been represented as servants in the bigger houses and could have been depicted involved in errands. No dockworkers have been shown thus far, but although the big Chinese migration to London did not occur until the later Victorian period there must have been some Chinese seamen around east London docks.
No Jewish merchants depicted, no Rabbi seen on the streets, either. That would have been a common sight in Dickens time. A distinct lack of French being heard as well. The Huguenots were, IIRC, still not fully assimilated and although grouped heavily around Spitalfield they would no doubt have been around the dockland area of east London as well. There should be some Dutch seen & heard on screen as well, from students, preachers, merchants, traders and seamen including some from the Dutch East Indies.
Definitely a missed opportunity – for once – for correct, historical, on-screen diversity.
As far as ‘Shetland’ goes, “you aint seen nothing yet”!
The ‘alpha male’ detective must have his romantic interest and will eventually be joined by an ‘expert’ from the mainland. Yes youve guessed right! However because for beeboids it wouldnt do to annoy macho black males by showing even an ‘alpha’ white male bonking one of ‘their’ women , this not particulalry attractive hard single mother mother unbelievably simply flirts and rejects him. Well thats a deserved and satisfying thumbs down for an ethnic British man!
This is a good article from http://www.vdare.com .
Patrick J. Buchanan
January 21, 2016, 8:12 pm
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BIDENThe lights are burning late in Davos tonight.
At the World Economic Forum, keynoter Joe Biden warned global elites that the unraveling of the middle class in America and Europe has provided “fertile terrain for reactionary politicians, demagogues peddling xenophobia, anti-immigration, nationalist, isolationist views.”
Evidence of a nationalist backlash, said Biden, may be seen in the third parties arising across Europe, and in the U.S. primaries.
But set aside Joe’s slurs–demagogues, xenophobia.
Who really belongs in the dock here? Who caused this crisis of political legitimacy now gripping the nations of the West?
Was it Donald Trump, who gives voice to the anger of those who believe themselves to have been betrayed? Or the elites who betrayed them?
Can that crowd at Davos not understand that it is despised because it is seen as having subordinated the interests of the nations and people in whose name it presumes to speak, to advance an agenda that serves, first and foremost, its own naked self-interest?
The political and economic elites of Davos have grow rich, fat and powerful by setting aside patriotism and sacrificing their countries on the altars of globalization and a New World Order.
No more astute essay has been written this political season than that of Michael Brendan Dougherty in “This Week,” where he describes how, 20 years ago, my late friend Sam Francis predicted it all.
In Chronicles, in 1996, Francis, a paleoconservative and proud son of the South, wrote:
“[S]ooner or later, as the globalist elites seek to drag the country into conflicts and global commitments, preside over the economic pastoralization of the United States, manage the delegitimization of our own culture, and the dispossession of our people, and disregard or diminish our national interest and national sovereignty, a nationalist reaction is almost inevitable and will probably assume populist form when it arrives. The sooner it comes, the better.”[From Household to Nation, March 1996 ]
What we saw through a glass darkly then, we now see face to face.
Is not Trump the personification of the populist-nationalist revolt Francis predicted?
And was it not presidents and Congresses of both parties who mired us in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and negotiated the trade deals that have gutted American industry?
The bleeding of factories and manufacturing jobs abroad has produced the demoralization and decline of our middle class, along with the wage stagnation and shrinking participation in the labor force.
Is Trump responsible for that? Is Socialist Bernie Sanders, who voted against all those trade deals?
If not, who did this to us?
Was it not the Bush Republicans and Clinton Democrats?
Americans never supported mass immigration.
It was against their will that scores of millions, here legally and illegally, almost all from Third World countries, whose masses have never been fully assimilated into any western nation, have poured into the USA.
Who voted for that?
Religious, racial, cultural diversity has put an end to the “bad” old America we grew up in, as we evolve into the “universal nation” of Ben Wattenberg, who once rhapsodized, “The non-Europeanization of America is heartening news of an almost transcendental quality.”
James Burnham, the ex-Trotskyite and Cold War geostrategist whose work Francis admired, called liberalism “the ideology of Western suicide.”
If the West embraces, internalizes and operates on the principles of liberalism, Burnham wrote, the West with meet an early death.
Among the dogmas of liberalism is the unproven assumption that peoples of all nationalities, tribes, cultures, creeds can coexist happily in nations, especially in a “creedal” nation like the USA, which has no ethnic core but rather is built upon ideas.
A corollary is that “diversity,” a new America and new Europe where all nations are multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual, is the future of the west and the model for mankind.
Yet, large and growing minorities in every country of Europe, and now in America, believe that not only is this proposition absurd, the end result could be national suicide.
And when one considers the millions who are flocking to Trump and Sanders, it is hard to believe that the establishments of the two parties, even if they defeat these challengers, can return to same old interventionist, trade, immigration and war policies.
For Trump is not the last of the populist-nationalists.
Given his success, other Republicans will emulate him. Already, other candidates are incorporating his message. The day Francis predicted was coming appears to have arrived.
Angela Merkel may have been Time‘s Person of the Year in 2015, but she will be lucky to survive in office in 2017, if she does not stop the invasion from Africa and the Middle East.
Yet Joe Biden’s dismissal that it is reactionaries who oppose what the progressives of Davos believe is not entirely wrong. For as Georges Bernanos wrote, when Europe was caught between Bolshevism and fascism:
To be a reactionary means simply to be alive, because only a corpse does not react any more–against the maggots teeming on it.
Tony Blair said that ‘democracy is dead’ which it certainly is (in Europe) since we signed the Lisbon Treaty. Cameron would never have been elected if we all knew that he was not a Conservative but a liberal ‘placeman’ to ease us further into EU integration. Without that EU referendum (pent up to explode) our democratic values are not dead yet. Its not just immigration, we don’t want what the EU is – full stop. Without a doubt it has been the (BBC) Liberals that have stifled debate and led us to the new European ‘Bolshevism and fascism’ in which they plan to reduce us all to people of no fixed abode. Our country is no longer safe. Our european culture is being eroded – not enhanced – by invading tribes who eschew our values and heritage. It also cannot be by accident that when our democracy is at its weakest, we cannot defend ourselves as it would cause ‘offense’.
No sex please wer’e British,……… police that is ?
Anyone for ‘global warming ?’ ……………………
BBC World Service News at 06:00. Item about the Canadian school shooting. The newsreader commented that Canada has fewer mass shootings than the US due to tighter gun laws. This was editorialising that should have been in a discussion programme, maybe the one that follows, not on the news. Then we go on to the “Weekend” programme. One of the guests is Vicky Price, again. Nuala McGovern tells us that Vicky was born in Greece and has written a book on the Greek economy. She tell’s us nothing about the other claims to fame of Ms. Price. The World Service and the Home Service/Radio 4 used to be such good quality!
Just heard exactly the same comment on the Canadian shooting on the 07:00 news on Radio 4. Different newsreader, same script.
Been a while, but a potent example of ‘enhancing the narrative’ meeting ‘interpreting events’.
I wonder what the population of Canada is relative to the USA?
I’m sure al-Beeb will not say “The population of Canada is rapidly increasing due to lax border controls and influx of migrants and their higher fertility rates”.
Different story on the bbc when it comes to “convicted rapist Ched Evans”
I agree that is an opinion, not a fact, and the BBC is totally wrong to editorialise in this way.
Mexico has a much higher murder rate than the USA, even though it has tight gun control, to the extent that there is only one legal gun dealer in the entire country. Strangely, this has no effect on the narcotrafficantes. Canada has a much lower murder rate than the USA, even though rifles and shotguns are widely owned by all sections of society for hunting and shooting sports.
Gun violence in the USA is almost entirely concentrated in a few major conurbations, and in those it is in the areas populated by blacks and hispanics. The murder rate among white Americans is similar to that of Western Europe, whereas the muder rate for blacks and hispanics more closely mirrors that of Africa or Latin America. Little wonder then that the BBC would prefer to blame it all on American “gun laws” rather than societal characteristics. That might even lead them to conclude that there are differences between races, and that thought is utterly verboten and must never be spoken.
I have never understood why, on the very rare occasions someone who is not rabidly anti-American is invited to comment on American crime rates, these statistics, which are unarguable, are not cited.
If the availability of weapons in a country per head of its population was relative to the gun crime rate in that society: then Switzerland would be one of the most dangerous places on earth.
It isn’t, I wonder why?
yes the BBC love the crooked Vicki Price. I guess just not being ethnic British is enough, and a certain celebrity status.
Charlotte Rampling: Oscars diversity row ‘racist to whites’
Finally some sense on the oscars row. Black hypocrite Will Smith et al are stamping their feet because there are no black nominations. This subject p’s me off no end. The BBC are one of the biggest culprits think it’s all about percentages and box ticking. Well, that’s understandable if you consider the narrow, apologist existence on planet beeboid.
However, finally some sense has made its way to bbc.con and the radio 4 interview with Michael Caine.
Charlotte Rampling – “But maybe it’s because no black actors merited being nominated”
Michael Caine – “There’s loads of black actors. In the end you can’t vote for an actor because he’s black. You can’t say ‘I’m going to vote for him, he’s not very good, but he’s black, I’ll vote for him’,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today.
Not many people know that.
It seemed to me our Will was caught between a Chris Rock and a hard place in the form of his missus.
I think he wanted to play in the pool but the blowback grief from those few already dropping floaters in it, egged on by such as the BBC, was not worth doing anything other than fold.
Like all elections, these activists can only win when they rig them. A fair, secret vote, and it’s all ‘how did we misjudge the mood?’.
As I recall, my Action Man had already suffered that reassignment decades ago. He now lives in the loft ready for grandkids. I have renamed him Bruce Grayson.
Some loon reviewing the papers talking about de -gendering of toys or something can only really hear blah blah blah boys should play with Sindy dolls or something (didn’t do Bill Turnbull or Mike Bushell any harm eh ?)
Global Warming is running havoc in the North Eastern U.S. I thought Barry Obama stopped Global warming last month in Paris. Maybe Doctor David Viner is on holiday in Washington. Then the smug weather bloke goes don’t worry it will not be snow when it get’s here in a week how the fk does he know he would probably struggle forecasting Monday
I cheered when I heard the great Michael Caine on the Today prog yesterday morning. He talked more sense in a brief few minutes than you normally hear in a whole week.
He won’t be back on the BBC.
Sounds like Fraser will have to haul in the whole CECUTT team again over the weekend for a massive mea culpa and archive removal a la Quentin Letts. For ‘balance’, as they offend all sides equally. Apparently.
Breakfast the you can’t even act and your film is crap that’s why you didn’t get nominated Oscar “race row” rumbles on. They plan to double the number of female and ethnic minority members by 2020. No loaded dice there then BBc news web site informs us “Nominees are chosen by more than 6,000 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a group which is itself overwhelmingly white, male and over 50, reports the BBC’s Los Angeles Correspondent James Cook.” Sounds like I would fit in well at the moment.
Jo brand bores again walking, Sofa sloth asks about her “walking technique”. Sports relief? IO need BBc relief.
Love it Dave sums up what I was just about to post . They roll on that other dkhead Alan Davies who was last funny when he was 12. Hope Jo didn’t damage any cars that may have hit her as she obstructed the road. Does anybody really give money to the BBC if I found a penny I’d keep it rather than give it to Muslim relief or whatever it is this week
For all his shortcomings Alan Davies must surely merit his full title of ‘dickhead’ having earned it over many years of exposure for his talent and versatility.
Coloured telly from the BBC
There’s time for a quick review of the papers before 8.30 on BBC Breakfast this morning and so sofa bods Charlie and Naga are joined by Victoria Honeyman – who she, you ask? “Lecturer in Politics at Leeds University”
Now I wonder what shade of political views this woman might bring to the morning coffee table? We soon have our answer – first there’s a rapid flick through the newspaper headlines before our Naga gives the game away and indicates the source of Victoria’s choice for her first story – Naga: “We’ll stick with the Guardian….”
Well you could have knocked me down with a feather.
Our Victoria is keen to share a report in the Guardian with BBC viewers about some guy who’s gone out to the Calais Jungle and is teaching refugee kids. Frankly you have to feel for the Guardian, how else does that minority views paper ever reach a mass audience other than via the BBC? Of course there’s a thick dollop of agenda behind the story because we are told the kids in Calais are well above average educational potential and just yearning to qualify as doctors and engineers “Children turning to steal text books , they’re so desperate to learn!” Strange, to judge by their behaviour their fathers appear to be complete numpties- I guess intelligence can skip a generation. That reference to the theft of books which the Guardian/BBC folk find so enchanting – it strikes me as a troublesome metaphor given the tenor of this item is clearly that we ought to welcome in any number of these waifs and strays and give them whatever it is they demand – or what… they’ll steal it from us anyway?
Next item in our morning political lecture by guest lecturer Victoria Honeyman (we thought she was here to review the papers) “Sexist Pricing” Women pay more than men for their razors apparently. I understand that males pay more than females for their motor insurance – but that’s cool. Anyway men get blue products and women get pink ones – Victoria: “I find this quite offensive!” There is a little push back from our girlie little Naga “Some women say they like pink” But the sofa dolly is bravely questioning the academic might of the University of Leeds – the reason is because there are gender biased toys for kids “We’re being trained (to like pink)”
Just time for one more news story and given this controversial colour theme what else could it be other than the Oscars Racism outcry. And a quick reference to Charlotte Rampling whose statements have “Caused absolute outrage”. Our Victoria is not to be drawn on the details here – but obviously “It’s part of a bigger racism problem” (I thought it might be) – white actors are always the heroes and heroines and black actors are “always the baddies”. Really? Well, some people think so which will encourage the BBC to set that to rights in their programming. Do you see how this works?
Don’t go away yet there’s another item from the papers the BBC is keen for our Victoria to review positively. Turns out for some new upcoming entertainment show the “BBC are forcing families to live in the 1960s 70s 80s etc” “Well not forcing – they are volunteers” quips our Naga. Wasn’t this done before – maybe it was Channel 4 that took families back to the days of black and white telly? Charlie Stayt is being somewhat quiet during this entire item – the house eunuch knows his place. Victoria, bless her, is well up for this bit of trash telly “I think it’ll be great!” Appearance cheque in the post care of Leeds Uni forthwith. Book her again.
Very nice summary of this morning
That’ll be the same Naga Munchetty, BBC newsreader, who has appeared on both Celebrity Mastermind and Pointless Celebrities.
On both occasions she was conveniently asked the same question – “who is most impressive person you’ve ever interviewed”?
On both occasions she answered “Hilary Clinton”.
Does the BBC really think we’re so stupid that we don’t notice?
Not forgetting sitting in the guest seat on Countdown this week. She is sure as hell ‘upping’ her profile – what next ? in line next year for Strictly and then being snapped up by ITV ????? (pleeeeeease). This will then leave a vacancy for one of the many ethnic sports reporters on the channel to upgrade to the sofa, which in turn will leave a sports vacancy which another ethnic can fill – dear Lord, considering the amount of Yuni graduates with sports degrees who must apply for these jobs, are only ethnics considered ????
“Pointless Celebrities” – Oh, the irony …….
Dont like that Munchtitty woman
Solid post AISI – I’m trying to think of the last time I saw a TV programme, where the “baddies” were played by members of any ethnic minority.
I thought those roles were exclusively now reserved for WASPs or in Hollywood films, more specifically, male, English actors.
I just use my Husbands cheaper non pink razors…It’s not that difficult is it ?
I wonder if Hattie signed off for extra on Labour’s battleaxe van?
Market forces. If unhappy, don’t buy.
Unless. Compelled to… uniquely.
‘I just use my Husbands cheaper non pink razors..’
The super brains of liberal academia have pondered but I think you just cut the Gordian Knot – or should that be the Guardian Knot?
Best be careful. The presumption that pink razors are solely for women could open up a whole new set of outragists to perch daintily upon the sofas of BBC studios.
“I just use my Husbands cheaper non pink razors…It’s not that difficult is it ?”
Do you tell him, or just let him find out when he cuts his face to bits?
And to think of the grief we get when we leave the toilet seat up!
This article (on the subject of the Australian Big Bash 20/20 cricket tournament) sums the BBC approach up perfectly, for my money. Overwhelmingly negative, not just a little inaccurate, and well behind the times.
That ain’t cricket, money has ruined the noble game.
Chuck O’Moon enjoyed a touch more limelight this morning on ‘Breakfast’ telling us of the launch of his in-depth enquiry on the collapse of ethnic minority voting which, apparently, resulted in the dreadful loss from which we still suffer to this day.
In the history of UK politics has there ever been more time, publicity, examination, soul searching, vitriol, spite and illogical, unnecessary explanation, devoted to the losing party of any general election? And this by an organisation whose very existence is, by charter, based upon impartiality.
Forgot to add that the enquiry is to be a joint affair, thanks to the injection of probity and in-depth knowledge that only Keith Vaz can bring to such investigations.
You are wasted on here.
Advice from around the world on dealing with snowstorms.
Here’s a contender for non-story of the week.
Well, let’s have a listen shall we?
Snowless Kabul – “this time of the year it’s normally minus 5 but this year it feels very warm – like spring” Correct me if I’m wrong but this is not advice about blizzards at all, it sounds very much like the usual global warming tripe from the BBC.
Snowless Geneva – ” we haven’t had much snow yet”
Snowless London – “we’re not very good at dealing with snow”
Well thanks for the advice BBC, you really have helped. I think it might be best just to leave Washington to their own resources because the BBC and their fleet of reporters clearly know the square root of f?ck all about blizzards.
Anyone see the irony here?
Who do these non indigenous $%£ts think they are representing when they say ‘refugees welcome’ ? A bit like Jenny Hill welcoming to all those migrants to Germany on behalf of the Germans….
Lucky migrants, get to be homed with these kind people.
Diane Abbott MP , Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Clive Lewis MP Catherine West MP Bianca Jagger Shami Chakrabarti saying #refugeeswelcome #refugeeswelcomehere )
The laws that Harriet Harman introduced prevent me from putting into print the feelings that I have towards the people in this picture.
What a horrific bunch of cucking funts
Is that our little friend Universal Shami I see there? I wondered what she planned to do once she left “Liberty”. Now I know: flood the country with unwanted scum. Gee, thanks Shami. I do hope that taharrush doesn’t come to where you live any time soon.
Someone ought to whisper in this shower’s ear, that the ‘disgusting and inhumane conditions’ that these ‘poor and desperate’ migrants are experiencing in Calais & Dunkirk, are of their OWN making – they could disperse across France and be far better off, but no, they prefer to live in mud and squalor so that the worlds press can make an issue out of it. Quite frankly, any human with an iota of intelligence and decency for their kids, would think ‘sod this’ and head for where he will live in a cleaner and warmer environment within Europe itself. Clearly these thickoes may have the IQ of a gnat, but aint so daft in throwing away their ID papers. NO, we don’t want them here, and have not a grain of sympathy for the conditions they are living in – they don’t have to, simple as that.
As an aside, an article in the DM today about the state of immigrant ridden London makes for unnerving reading.
The article on London was so sad. I think it must be the first time in European history that a native people has abandoned their capital city to others without a fight or complaint. It tells us something about us English. Not that the liberal would have a clue about that. Having no idea about what nationhood and a people really means.
Maybe the shires will be another matter altogether. We will have to see. If the past is any guide the shires are where we really feel at home and where we will stay to the end.
Today we were talking of platform one at Paddington in the not so distant past. That was where the trains to the West left from. Always for me the best part of London.
DS – not just London, most cities in this country are f****d or heading that way.
I try not to go anywhere near them, for work or anything else, unless it’s completely unavoidable.
That picture reminded me of something.
This is a true story. My local free paper had a nice big picture of Shami Chuckabunny in it. I had brought a few copies home to put under the cat litter tray. I put her lovely little picture in front for all to see and each time they would run their claws across her throat. How sweet. Every time I see a picture of Dianne Abbot I cant help thinking of a brown leather sofa with a pink cushion in the middle.
I’ve been informed several groups are heading to Dover on the 31st so either expect a news black out or another look how terrible the extreme “right wing” are daring to demonstrate.
All’s fair in love and war
Does the BBC ever stop pumping out the pro-immigration message?
Try this one for sheer audacity
‘In 1944, farmers across the state of Maine were struggling to cope with the annual potato harvest. The young men who normally worked on the farms… had left home to fight in Europe. Many would never return.’
‘Would they allow the harvest to rot in the fields, or take on German prisoners of war to harvest the potato crop in place of their own men?’
What do you reckon happened? Go on have a guess… [clue: the Germans had a system of sorts for putting their adversaries to work so this would only be a quid pro quo]
‘… the German prisoners soon became valued workers and beloved members of the community, despite being on the other side of the war the United States was fighting.’
Well there’s your answer folks, empty out Guantánamo right now and bring the poor blighters over here and get them all straight up the job centre.
You have to wonder what the misguided Israelis were up to putting that Eichmann on trial – I’m convinced all he wanted given the chance was to be a valued worker and beloved member of Israeli society.
This story can be given a different reading than our BBC immigration stuff. After the war German and Italian POWs were camped near the small town where I lived. They worked on the farms and in the local brickworks. They were eventually allowed out in the evenings and some flirted with the local girls, shagged a few, and earned black eyes from the local lads. There was a bit of intermarriage and as the Italians were Catholics marriage and child care was taken seriously. Many of the Italian women wore black from head to foot as they were permanently in mourning over family deaths back in Italy. Local women told them it was stupid and they should wear what they wanted to, and they did. Integration took a few years. That was before multiculturalism and identity politics, and the local cops rounded up everyone who got into fights. One law, a shared Christian religion for those who wanted a religion, and the immigrants were not taught that their culture had to be protected or that it was superior to ours. The Germans knew better than to speak about Hitler and to the Italians Mussolini has passed into a joke. In 1956 we had refugees from Hungary. As a young lad interested in politics I learned much about Soviet Communism from them, which was very different to the crap in the Daily Worker. Same thing there. A common non antagonistic culture, and we got on. Fortunately the BBC did not appear to have an interest in immigration or multiculturalism and was merely a supplier of constant dance music
An interesting game to play with BBC on-line news is to compair the top home page story for each of the various menu options.
“Home” gives us true blue Uk based licence payers the US blizzards story.
Click on “UK” and you have the Google tax report.
Try “World” and you are presented with the US blizzards – from this I deduce the BBC “Home” is considered to be “World” news. What, you thought the BBC would give any priority to the UK?
Click on “Business” and you get the Google story. The BBC likes this one.
“Politics” and you guessed it – the Google tax report. Sssshhhh, don’t say it too loud but the Labour Party also like this story – it’s their top talking point today.
“Tech” here’s an oddity – a Google story but not the one you thought it might be – something about a Google Apple deal, and boy do the BBC love Apple.
“Science” and we’ll stop here as we’ve reached the outer reaches of the BBC galaxy of news.
Guardianista Journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai tells us what a nice guy Anjem Choudary is…No wonder the BBC haven’t got the first idea about Islam, when they promote ridiculous beliefs like Pais on a daily basis..
Thanks for posting this D&C. A more clueless example of willful ignorance than that displayed by Hsiao-Hung Pai is difficult to imagine.
Truly amazing! This vacuous cunt is supposed to be an “opinion former” She does not seem to have the slightest clue about anything.
Her ignorance is dangerous. She has no desire to learn anything, not even a desire to educate herself to the point where she can respond to Tommy Robinson. Robinson cites evidence of what Islamists are being told to do now. She cites a few garbled references to the past. Perhaps she might wish to listen to this scholar (snigger) in 2014 pointing out the rights of Muslims to rape and enslave non muslim women.
Thanks for posting that D & C; quite amazing that she is apparently unaware of the problems with Islam as she says she is from a different culture (Chinese) – yet the country she originates from has had problems with its Muslim minorities, such as the Uighurs and Tungans, since the mid-19th century onwards; there have also been recent Jihad attacks in China, such as the knife murders at a major train station.
Tommy Robinson – Why is it that this man treated by those who rule us, as if he is the problem?
Good god , guess no one of us would want to touch that horrible monster.
If you mean Tommy Robinson then you need to justify that comment.
Tommy is feared by the ruling class. Always when an ordinary Englishman stands up to them he is feared. Same from Wat Tyler onwards. Why do you think Robin Hood is an English folk hero?
We have a vindictive and entitled ruling elite that ever changes but stays the same. Contempt for us and determind to protect their position. Tommy has challenged them .Read his book and reflect that any of us , if we incur their ire , will suffer the same fate.
I had no real knowledge of Tommy Robinson until recently, and I confess that in the past I probably would have dismissed him as “far-right” or “racist”. I suspect that many members of the BMP could be described in those terms. However, it is clear that Tommy Robinson is neither far-right nor racist – at least not in any sensible definition of the word. I also understand that he has now left the BNP. The fears that he is expressing about Islam are no different from those expressed by the late Christopher Hitchens. I can’t help feeling the persecution Robinson has suffered at the hands of the authorities and the slander from the left is as much about class than anything else. He is, after all a member of that much put upon group in modern Britain – the white working class. The very people the left claim to represent, but actually just want to keep in their place. And no, Billy Bragg pop singers are not members of the working class.
“None sicker than the EDL” per Essexman’s mate Dave speaking in the H of C – tw@t!
Fascinating listening to Any Answers R4 today.
Someone mentions the poor quality of Chinese steel in relation to the white elephant that is the Welsh steel industry.
The presenter , Anita somebody-or-another, gets a bit agitated and shirty . Pushes for an explanation.
Strange that the quality of Chinese steel can rouse the passions so ?
Not really. Might not mentioning the poor qualilty of a product produced by tinted persons be construed as
O HORROR!!! racism?. It’s another red door outrage!
How long will it be before some scandalised loon emails with a condemnation of racism?
It’s only these little bets one can make with oneself that bring any interest to radio4.
Usually any R4 “science” programme dealing with hereditary will have Prof. Steve Jones popping up at some time to reassure “it’s nothing to do with the genes”. Unfortunately, you often had to wait until the bitter end for confirmation.
Today, it seemed to be an all time record for swiftness of condemnation. Anita was reading out an email within seconds. Had she just made it up? Surely not!!
The low quality is possibly because a lot of it is recycled from all that scrap they (the Chinese) were buying until the last year or so.
I haven’t been watching tv today so I am not sure if the snow in the US is falling as predicted. But I watched both the 6pm and 10pm news on BBC1 yesterday evening when a lady with obviously some non WASP origins was shown telling us that it was crazy in the stores, the shelves were empty and there was no ORGANIC milk to be had. I guess that is what is really important to those working for AUNTIE. The rest of us make do with 4 pints for a £1 from Morrisons.
Talking of Morrison’s I did spot a Beef and Guinness Pie strategically placed in the Halal section of my local branch this afternoon, call the cops, the local BBC and the Guardian, I just hope the beef was halal! 😉
I’m shocked! I do hope that nobody puts a pork pie, an Easter egg and some hot cross buns in there as well!
I , buy Morrisons organic too , it tastes better on Corn Flakes .
Not sure is if anyone else has posted link to this……
Taffman….?…..Rhif Saith?
Diolch yn fawr am y negus.
This recent documentary on Israel is a refreshing example of a BBC documentary on Israel that does not have an anti Israel agenda .
Yes, that really is a moving documentary about an incredible humanitarian mission. I should add that the BBC does tend to shelve its animosity towards Israel when focussing on historical events such as these, but reverts to type when today’s Israel is in the news.
Worth watching, today’s launch of ‘Grassroots Out’ the cross party campaign to get the UK out of Europe. Farage speaks at approx 50 minutes into the video, followed by an unannounced guest speaker.
Peter Bones comments on the BBC in the Q&A session at the end are interesting.
Paging Mr. Dimwit Harrabin – are you there?
Funny you should mention GW, OG, but last year did the BBC R4 folk not rush to the microphone in the first week of January to tell me that 2014 had the highest level of CO2 emissions ever? Then, a week or so later, hurtle back to tell me that according to a very limited number of measuring stations in a very limited geographical area that 2014 was, globally, the hottest year ever?
Have I missed this year’s performance, .. er …. I mean announcements of the measurements for 2015? Or is it that the latter one, the CES temperature measurement especially, is showing some numbers that are ‘unfavourable’? Ones that should not really be mentioned in public. Kept just between consenting adults in the MSM? Popped into a folder and stuffed two-thirds of the way into a fairly full drawer in a filing cabinet?
“That can’t be right.”
Shake. Tap.
“Perhaps it’s upside down?”
I imagine that many of my esteemed colleagues here are aware by now of the brave German teenager who posted a video on Facebook expressing her concern about the Muslim invasion.
Apparently the German ‘government’ instructed Facebook to censor the video and it meekly complied, thus adding its considerable weight to the silencing of opposition to the invasion. I believe it was on this very thread that someone aptly referred to the social media outfit as ‘Farcebook’ and I will henceforth regard it as such.
Both cowardly Farcebook and cowardly Merkel and company reckoned without YouTube and the enterprising and concerned ‘Global Vortex’ which added English subtitles to the video and posted it on the site. In just 2 days it has been viewed 35 000 times:
Though I’m not fond of swearing on the Internet I can really appreciate Global Vortex’s succinct expression of distaste at the censorship:
This video is mirrored from the original, now censored FB account.
Global Vortex is a run by a US user and the contents are protected by the 1st amendment. The German government can go fuck themselves.
Farcebook’s capitulation is equally distasteful. This is the same outfit that is content to host hate-filled Arab incitement against Israeli Jews but promptly censors apparent anti-Arab incitement by Israelis:
Now I’ve been toying with the idea of contacting the BBC to see if it would be interested in reporting on these newsworthy issues, knowing the keen interest the corporation shows in Muslim refugees, the Israeli-Arab conflict and social media.
But no doubt it would be a waste of time.
As I was putting that comment together the video had another 2000 or so views and is now close to 37 000.
I think that’s what is meant by ‘going viral.’
That attempt at suppression worked well, didn’t it?
Be interesting if the renowned ‘BBC Trending’ picks it up.
Or, as can be the case, somehow misses it.
BBC Trending would be ideal but they don’t seem to have an address to contact them in the old-fashioned e-mail way. The team there seems to be youngish and relatively unbiased, but I’m not on Farcebook and Twitter has this absurd 140-character limit.
Well, perhaps there is a way.
Yes, the German mainstream media has been full of reports of Volksverhetzung or mass incitement to violence on the social media. Maas the justice minister has been putting pressure on facebook and other American-owned social media to “comply with German law”.The irksome American attachment to freedom of expression is allowing Germans to speak too openly on the refugee crisis. Merkel was hanged in effigy at a PEGIDA demo last year and polticians and commentators were seriously claiming that this was incitement to violence, encouragement for someone to bump off Merkel. It’s like returning to the 19th century when censors would demand that scences in operas involving regicide be cut or rewritten. The powers that be in Germany now seem to want Chines-style control over the social media. Even using the phrase “Halt die Fresse Lügenpresse” is being interpreted as an attack on the free-press, and therefore anti-democratic. Opposing the democratic order , however, infringes the Basic Law.
ID, I wanted to reply to your comment earlier but ran out of time and had to go pay some accounts.
It appears that practically the entire Western world is in a dismal state of appeasement to Islam, from Obama to most of Western Europe, ably assisted in abject dhimmitude by the likes of the BBC.
Weird, isn’t it, that Eastern Europe is showing the most resistance. I guess that’s because they know what it’s like to exist under the communist yoke and don’t want even worse oppression under Islam.
“Now I’ve been toying with the idea of contacting the BBC to see if it would be interested in reporting on these newsworthy issues, knowing the keen interest the corporation shows in Muslim refugees, the Israeli-Arab conflict and social media.”
The BBC show little open sign of interest in the Israeli situation, and a few who have worked at the BBC have said that they were told never to mention Israel. Pop on over to Al – teeming with ex-BBC empoyees – Jazeera’s English website and it’s a different sight, of course; including reports of children being shot, and of inhumane Israeli actions towards the Pallies (cutting off gas, water etc) – sometimes, however, of questionable veracity. If one were to rely solely on the BBC for information about that Hell on Earth, you wouldn’t get the full picture. A full picture like this: http://www.juancole.com/images-ext/2010/03/map-story-of-palestinian-nationhood.jpg
Not that I care about about either tribe. Still.
People say they “do not care for either tribe” but the fact is that people cannot fail to be influenced by the main stream anti Israel propaganda that the BBC and other media in Britain has been churning out for years. A former chair of the Tunisian branch of Amnesty International, as long ago as 2005 showed the importance of the Arab propaganda machine against Israel by saying “ Amir Taheri an Iranian journalist estimates that the Islamic propaganda machine bill to be about 100 billion dollars in the last two decades alone, which makes it the largest propaganda machine in history even larger than the Communist propaganda machine during the Soviet era” And he goes on to say “People wouldn’t spend that much unless they had to defend a huge lie”
so true.
I can’t say that I’ve noticed anti-Israel bias from the BBC, although it’s been…ooh…5 years since I’ve watched the BBC news, which means I didn’t get to see what they made of Operation Protective Edge (more like Operation Carry On As Before); but I have seen the anger expressed about the way the BBC positively portrayed the IDF commando raid on the Gaza blockade ship in a May 2010 Panorama.
I have no doubt there is an Arab propaganda machine – well, Arab in the sense of Iran, Lebanon, and Palestine – and although $100 billion is a great sum, it becomes less impressive divided up over 20 years in comparison to the vast sums spent on the pro-Israel section of the U.S.A media, and the ambivalence I infer from the BBC. Israel, according to Hesaltine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6y7ggURro0), may be the only country with which the U.S.A has a special relationship, but there’s an embarrassing history of the UK’s involvement in setting up that most audacious imperial colonial experiment.
I suppose if one were counting and comparing the amount of BBC articles and reports that could be seen as critical of Israel, to those that were critical of Palestine/Hamas, then yes – if that were the basis for concluding there was a bias, it would be doubtless. But it’s been slow borderline ethnic cleansing for well over half a century.
Anyway, all this is self-evident, and doesn’t need to be discussed earnestly so it stinks up this wonderful comments section. I, and I suspect a few others on here, just get a little embarrassed that the Juive doth protest too much.
“I can’t say that I’ve noticed..”
A promising career as a BBC Editor of integrity, if oddly selective sensory ability, awaits.
Ooh, I hope so.
You are wrong. The BBC has a powerful obsession to portray Israel in the worst possible light and the Palestinians in the best light. And the Holy Land is teeming with BBC hacks.
Join the dots time… Fatbot in Calais today with a few pro gimmegrant friends…..Corbyn in Dunkirk today touring a home made camp of gimmegrants who do not want to register in France…..Calais Port closed at the moment as a large number of gimmegrants crash security and get on a Ferry……Nope, no link has occurred to the £4 Billion Pounds of talent within the BBC as yet
Just having a bath listening to radio 2 news- usa snow, corbyn, canadian k ife attacks,calais chaos. No mention at all of the nigel farage launch conference in kettering. What did i expect.
At least Channel 4 news (wash my mouth out with soap and water) had a piece on it, with the bouncing idiot Matt Frei. Liam Fox and Kate Hoey came across well, as did Nigel, as usual. I hope this cross-party EU exit alliance takes off – quickly.
I tend to need a full body scrub and defoliation after listening to BBC news.
They keep harping on about ‘the black boycott’ of the Oscars…..Am i alone in thinking perhaps this year the ‘Black’ actors were not up to scratch ????
Well, I am boycotting the Oscars . I have done for years.
They are just a load of male bovine excrement.
A mutual appreciation society full of people that have never had a real job .
The left wing bias we see spouted from the BBC seems to have really infiltrated the minds of the younger generation.
The generation now in their early 20’s started primary school just as Labour got in. No doubt primary and secondary education consisted at least in part with brainwashing towards the leftist ideals. Then after 12 years plus of the double bombardment of school plus the TV’s propaganda some would have gone to University for further programming.
These people are now in the work force & I can only imagine as time goes by some will end up in positions of authority. Maybe as events unfold some will learn how inherently wrong lefties are but from the ones I’ve met they seem purposefully blind to the fact everything they believe is based on a lie. I hope the future of the country is not ruined by the stupidity of the lefties and that maybe their time is coming to an end but from what I see Labours legacy could still live on in the minds of the brainwashed.
Most of them are seriously stupid. Simple mental calculations are beyond them and their general knowledge is on a par with a squirrel’s. That in itself is dangerous because the clever ones are usually the heavily indoctrinated ones and can make the stupid majority believe the earth is flat.
My brother worked in a call centre for a solicitors a few years ago and we used to have laughs at some of the young ones’ ideas and views. He said one girl thought the dinosaurs died out 300 years ago, and that the planet we live on is called Mars. He also said he and other oldies used to have to correct the young ones’ English before the written work they did was sent to the solicitors.
Has this been on the bBBC? It’s right up their street, literally: a me-me-me London looney writes to the Guardian to complain that her in-laws won’t give her their house!
Fantastic website, by the way. Some very clever, obsessed, funny gents commenting on here. Bit JIDF at times, though.
– Non licence fee payer.