The “Spirit of Britain”
When is Mr Car Moran actually going to do something about these criminals that France turns a ‘blind eye’ to? Its been going on at the tunnel for nearly twenty years and now it comes down to this .
Grow some Ball Mr PM and sort the frogs out, and then get us out of the EU.
Put you country first .
I watch Camerloon on the news grovelling his way around all these Second World states in Eastern Europe, attempting to gather support from their leaders for the meagre concessions he wants to beg from the E.U.
How pathetic; he demeans himself, his office and our nation by conducting himself in that way; like a street cleaner with a bucket and shovel wandering behind a cavalry parade.
If Cameron wants us to remain but “re-negotiate” he should summon Juncker to Downing Street and tell him that for us to stay in the E.U. he wants XY & Z; if not – he’s taking us out. WTF would Juncker and the other @rseholes do about that? They need us far more than we need them.
I just wish we had a P.M. who would put our country first and extricate us from the E.U. dung heap as quickly as possible; because we can NEVER repair our nation as long as we are still within it.
Great image. I tried to produce something similar recently but with Cameron holding a toilet roll aloft.
My Photoshop skills let me down, so well done!
Gates of Vienna and other outlets are carrying an extrordinary speech by Vaclav Klaus ex president of the Czech Republic.
He spells it out in simple terms. Our political and media elites have declared war on us the indigenous people of Europe and will use immigration to overwhelm us and destroy our nation states in pursuit of a mad dream of one unified world.
I regard this as very significant .It means that as far as he and many others are concerned we cannot expect anything but enmity from our elites now.
To put it into context it is as if an ex PM made the same charge publicly here. It would cause a sensation.
This is going to be a difficult and hard year for us all. There is no time left to indulge those who are against us now.
The East Europeans are rightly furious. They have spent centuries resisting invaders from the Muslim east. It’s a fundamental part of their national identity. They joined the EU to demonstrate their allegiance to Western style democracy and to improve the economic opportunities for their people.
Now they find that they are ruled undemocratically and that the German Chancellor can invite millions of Muslims into Europe to undercut their people, and potentially into their countries too to complete an invasion they shed ancestors blood to resist. You never hear this mentioned on the BBC – just their leaders described as “far right”.
“The East Europeans are rightly furious. They have spent centuries resisting invaders from the Muslim east.”
Not only that, engineer, they (and we) had a taster of how nasty it could get when things get out of kilter with the example of the break up of Yugoslavia. It is only really since the financial crisis that the newly independent countries there have been getting along, both with their own minorities and with each other, rather better than before. It would be tragic if some western European politicians & campaigners sacrificed that hard won peace and the stability of those States merely to satisfy their own experimental political goals.
They might be better off breaking away and forming their own Economic Union.
Is the bbbc breakfast paper review the same every day. Batty looking feminist do gooder finds a story about calais/migrants, then preaches unchallenged . Because ive just put the telly on and its like groundhog day.
This so-called review of the papers on BBC Breakfast, by a trendy-lefty female rabbi, was not a review at all. She had visited the illegal migrant camps herself, just like her mentor Corbyn and the review was mostly taken up be her rant about how unjust it all was for these migrants. Her big winge was that they have no choice but to enter the UK illegally to register as (bogus) asylum seekers. What a lot of BBC biased rot.
Ha yes, your comment reminded of a “St Fergel of the migrants” piece last week on Newsnight. I was rushing for the off button, as I know what’s coming, but I still heard his deeply, deeply empathetic voice intone “they have to pay the people smugglers or be stuck in Turkey”. “They” were all young men.
It brought home to me how the BBC has moved the narrative on from the summer, when we were encouraged to support women and children fleeing war in Syria, to now, when we are expected to support young men of various undefined nationalities in their absolute right to get to Europe.
I’ll say it again – its very clear that the BBC has completely abandoned all objectivity on immigration, EU, gender politics, etc.. They have a huge secure and unchallenged budget, fear no one and are not controlled or moderated by anyone at all. Cameron needs them for the EU referendum and they know it.
Just thinking about this story again, I wonder how long it will be before the libtards want bananas banned because they were spawned from that horrible British Empire?
Surely it’s enough that my street is festooned with breadfruit and Jerk seasoning. No English mustard in sight. I’m surprised al-Beeb have not had a report on how much importing this non-native food contributes to their precious global warming.
Bbbc STILL going on about labours failiure to win the election. We can hear more about it on andrew marr thankfully. Bbbc ,YOU (liebour)lost ffs.
Turn on the tv just before 9am this morning and you catch brief ‘highlights’ of some very low quality Midlands football.
The metropolitan BBC habitually bows and scrapes to the regions, so when the now obligatory camera shot of a celeb in the crowd finds Brummie Frank Skinner – it is a almost a surprise that the BBC commentator delivers the honest appraisal – ‘he’d like to put this in Room 101’
My feeling of giving the BBC the benfit of the doubt collapses faster than the prospective SNP independence oil-based budget when I hear the continuity man ask ‘The Big Question’ : “Should sugar be treated like a dangerous drug?”
I’ll make a point of missing that.
Andy Marr is bashing Putin and Trump and acting as usher and butler to Nicola Sturgeon – if you saw the newspaper review you’ll get that joke.
Marr’s bizarre quip about Trump blaming the US blizzards on Muslims and Obama probably sounded funny when the editorial team were the sole audience. His further punch line saying ‘before you Re-Tweet that, it’s not true!’ could well be taken two ways. Has Marr realised he’s in a lefty liberal chattering echo chamber? I have realised that’s where he is – so before he thinks to get into anymore Labour election post mortem – I swich off.
Radio 4, religious programme after 7am news.
Was half asleep but detected back to back stories featuring Al Beebs favourite religion beginning with I, through to 7.30am, thus taking up half the programme.
Later switched on Marr hoping to catch up on East Coast usa weather. One after another we had as clear subtext a. Nasty Osborne story, b. Nasty Tories letting google off paying tax c. Nasty Tories letting rich people live in London.
The fact that google paid no tax between 2005 and 2010 or that the Russian oligarchs started arriving from the late 90s onwards generated no comment. Its obviously all down to the nasty current government.
Perhaps al-Beeb should pay Google more each time they use a Street View image when they are too lazy to send a reporter and photographer to cover a UK story. More income = more tax = problem solved.
Your question was, of course, rhetorical! I did not hear any mention on the BBC R3 or R4 airwaves of the Grassroots Out meeting, which is, sadly, unsurprising. This meeting was a significant political event, deliberately ignored by the BBC, which confirms yet again that that organisation is not fit for purpose.
Calais yesterday, residents defend their property, note the English accents among the demonstrators/migrant mob (Corbyns mates no doubt) Shown on RT, don’t expect to see this on the BBC today, it didn’t happen….
If the “Elites” across Europe don’t get control of this situation: it won’t be long before it isn’t just one brave man and his son opposing these “migrants” and their supporters in streets such as this; but two hundred or two thousand men who feel the same and who’re simply at the end of their tether with all this cr@p.
You can see it in the chap’s face, he’s just had enough; where the f**k were the police?
I bet they soon turned up afterwards to take that gun away though; if that happened here the son would probably get two years in prison for that and double if they could claim it was “racially motivated”.
Welcome to the potential future of Western Europe and the U.K.
Corbyn was in Calais yesterday, posing for selfies with the migrants, not with the working class lorry drivers. But I wonder whether the ever probing, demanding, Brillo (soft on lefties) Neil will demand that Corbyn disassociates himself from the behviour of those British thugs in Calais. Don’t wait for it. Brillo is a cowardly rat.
I wish they would. A few weeks of shortages on the supermarket shelves would concentrate minds wonderfully. Then, just possibly, something might get done.
The governing class in Western Europe is losing control . We saw it at the Cologne press conference with that mayor.
Very soon Merkel will have to appear with those remorseless TV cameras upon her and then we will see whether the situation is beyond her. If it is then she will be finished.
For now the Cameron clique here is still in control but who knows now what is coming down the road.
AS for the BBC it is floundering and we can all see it. That what comes of trying to be a propaganda outfit rather than a news one.
That piece from Russia Today was very telling. The British bloke bellowing, “Nazi scum” at the terrified locals, desperate to protect their loved ones and their property. We are all too familiar with these left wing fascists; intolerant of anyone and everyone they disagree with. “Nazi scum” (a pathetic term) was this unwashed creep looking in the mirror? It seems that our old mate, Jezza took along a few of his hard left pals from those peace loving organisations like the UAF and Hope Not Hate.
It really depresses me that I glean far more of what’s happening in Calais from visiting sites like this (and others) than I do from tuning into the Beeb. Yes, they have reported the “disturbances” (eventually) but by the time they present it to us it’s become so sanitized and politically corrected it doesn’t resemble what’s actually happening.
Someone remind me; why do we pay for these bastards?
The UAF and all together with the anarchist Antifa are rolling down to Dover for a pro migrant rally and an opportunity to fight those who want immigration controlled. Jan 30th. On their Facebook pages Unite, the Union, is offering bus transport to the demo. Unwaged free, a tenner if you have a job. Now why are the Trade Unions backing thugs?
The ever reliable Food Programme on R4 was at it again today. Woe betide the hungry listener tuning in hoping to hear a decent recipe for bara brith or saltmarsh lamb. Oh, no – this is The Food Programme, so the talk is all of the joys of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ with Indian and Greek food much to the fore and some silly girl from the local college of further ed. burbling about how Cardiff has always been a magnet for immigrants. Well, yes – and some of them were even Welsh, unlike most of the people on this ridiculous programme.
Back when this site was graced with the regular presence of a supercilious halfwit from the BBC who traded under the name ‘Reith’, he and I had a little spat about the Food Programme. He pretended to believe it was a jolly little diversion presented by an old buffer who liked to talk about food and cooking.
It might have been, once. Before the far Left’s commissars got their fangs into everything allowed on air. These days, under the guidance of the noxiously patronising Sheila Dillon, it is an endless stream of Guardianista thinking: using food as a conductor for a distinctly political, deeply internationalist, message which is pumped into the ears of housewives and the housebound alike, making sure they ‘get the message’.
Comrades! There is no subject that cannot be used for agitprop! To the barricades!
GCooper, as ever you’re perfectly correct. These days whenever I turn on R4 I play a little game: How long before the presenter/commentator of whatever is on gives the game away and reveals what the programme (whatever it it might be) is really about? Normally I don’t have to wait more than a few minutes, tops, to hear the true agenda. This works, whatever the subject matter or genre – it always comes back to some left liberal progressive agenda.
Radio 4 is ‘socialist radio’ – there really is no other explanation for the complete lack of balance, competing narratives or dissent from their pre-established, doctrinaire output.
Gave up on R4 a while back but I think your game can be played with almost all contemporary BBC output ObiWan, no matter what the subject matter the BBC can shoehorn in totally irrelevant nonsense to tick all the PC boxes. Most frustrating is when a programme is in sight of the finishing line and has managed to remain largely impartial, not common these days, then some t*at of a presenter manages to cram some PC crap into the last five minutes.
And it is very often ‘Global warming’. I recall an otherwise excellent series on the seasons a couple of years ago that had done splendidly well till the last episode, when, having lulled the viewer into a false sense of security, they gave us both barrels.
I, don’t consume, much BBC at all, only Radio 2, BBC Essex, BBC 2 & 4. I view News 24, not to actually watch it,but to see what bollox & lies are on the BBC properganda channel today.
I have had it up to my ears with BBC, Guardian, C4, Independent, BS over the immigrants, and the failure of our politicians to even enter debate. Merkel in Germany is blasting away with suppression of the media, including Facebook, not wanting further exposure of Migrant crimes. Imagine if people like Prissy Holly were allowed to speak on the BBC. Watching this video makes me think how defeated we in Europe are.
The aftermath of Cologne continues with a report in the Times. Apparently a few days after the great expose about Cologne a Swiss women artist posed naked on the steps of the cathedral holding a placard stating that even naked women should be respected. A BBC journalist interviewed her ( not sure if she was still naked) and suggested to her that her ‘protest’ was just as aggressive and provocative as the rape attacks!! Only the BBC could possibly think this . She said that she hoped it was taken by Muslims as aggressive because she was trying to make a point in the only was she could think of. I remember a couple of years ago that when some girls stripped off in Moscow to make a political point, the BBC was of course supportive. Not so in this instance. Indeed, as has been noted, all the usual fog horn feminists have been silent about Cologne. They know their place, feminism comes below support for islam in the left’s absurd pecking order. Of course after the Muslim take over feminism will be off the menu all together but the dumb lefties can’t understand that.
The stance of the BBC will be no surprise to visitors to this site. But what was really depressing was that the Times journalist agreed with the BBC view and thought that it wasn’t OK to offend groups in the modern multicultural world and that for Muslims a women who bares herself in public forfeits all respect. Well I ask whose respect? Whilst I would be somewhat surprised to see a woman naked on the cathedral steps with that placard, I would understand how angry she was at what had happened and how she was trying to make point in one of the few ways that she could . Why should we constantly have to be sensitive to Muslims? We never asked them to come to Europe, most of us don’t want them here, they hate us and our values and we hate them. Anyone with any common sense at all knows it will end in terrible violence so why should we continue to accept the mad decisions of our leaders that lead to our own destruction.
Excellent post Dt – it reminded me of that Italian artist Pippa Bacca, she was planning on travelling from Italy to somewhere in the Middle East in 2008 to promote peace and trust, by walking and hitch hiking dressed in a wedding dress; she got all the way through the Balkans and Greece without incident and then to Turkey – where she was raped, murdered and her body dumped somewhere.
“From Donald Trump to course closures, golf and politics must mix”
By Ian Carter, IslamicAlBeeb golf correspondent.
Concerning the decline in golf popularity in the UK.
Naturally before starting the real report Carter goes to the instruction manual, where in section #1 it states :-
“Always consult the latest list of persons, places and topics it is our impartial duty to demean and lie about, see also the advice on creating misleading headlines.”
Carter chooses an item from the list, in this case Trump, and consults the headline instructions, where it states :-
“Always put the subject of the propaganda in the headline, with as much malevolence as possible. See also starting your report”
So Carter looks at the starting section, where it states :-
“Always begin your report by repeating, and then amplifying the propaganda which your report is projecting, it is essential that the stupid twats who pay the licence fee read this. The remainder of the report is largely irrelevant but ensure there are no white people in any photographs.”
BBC covers St Corbyn’s visit to Calais and proposals for a pan European response. Violin and lots of children. But still the overall impression is that the population are mainly men. 2500, men, with tools, under proper supervision could improve the site, so what are they doing with their time?
Meanwhile, Diane Abbot wins a prize for irony posing at Calais – yes Calais – with a banner saying refugees welcome here.
Yes Diane, keep a welcome in Calais.
The party for immmigrants, benefit cheats, work shy, sixth formers, university do-gooding lecturers, utopian idealist fantasist students, Argentinians, thick Scots and dummies who vote Labour/SNP because their parents did or they hate England!! Pro IRA, pro terrorists and anti defence of the country. Pro EU anti British.
Vote Labour for a better future for Britain ( if it still exists).
Change the word Labour for the BBC, = no difference.
So the BBC seem exercised about 3000 Syrian unaccompanied kids getting the right to come to Britain.
That`ll keep all the leeches of charity, quango, rights advocacy, special needs, probation officers and translators in work will it not?…public sector pimps and Labour knicker-wringers of the left can emote like their Pyongyang tribute acts.
But say no kids…just say no!
Jimmy Savile , Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris and Chris Denning, Jonathan King and who knows?…all of these had bases at the BBC, and would have been more than happy to show you their rope.
The BBC love the idea of a chicken hutch in both Salford and London-and so their story is a grooming scam as the Child Catcher of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang was.
Or expenses, “expenses sex and suicide vest/guns” as we must now learn to rename it.
When the BBC want a load of unaccompanied kids into the country-can only assume that they`re running out of homegrown ones for the next generation like Brand and any descendents of Bill Wyman, should that be a genetic issue…
Esler and Kermode in joint ecstacy over the movie The Big Short
Kermode: ‘I know you’ve seen this one and liked it’
Esler: ‘I did love it’
Kermode: ‘Me too’
For goodness sake, chaps. So Holywood, that bastion of finacial probity and thrift, makes a film some seven years after the crash taking a pop at Wall Street – well that’s original. BBC lefty virtue signalling as per bloody usual.
I agree Alex,
the report submitted has apparently contained within its exposition continued criticisms of the ALbeeb in terms of abuse by means of the existence of the permeation of an existential bullying culture.
On another matter, I cannot remember a time in the last thirty yers when the standard of interviewing especially to members of the Left has been so interrogatively poor. The one exception is Andrew Neil.
Very few follow up questions, very few questions asking the interviee to justify EU laws against our own, no seeking of where their facts come from and from what bias they source.
For example Sturgeon today on the Sunday Politics (the Scottish fascist bitch), said that Scotland need the AlBeeb to be more Scottish than Londoncentric. So then Andrew Marr who I regard as weak and pathetic as an interviewer. (Certainly not half as clever as those on the left as those would have you believe, probably something to do with his support of the left and his wife.) He put the point to Rona (incompetent) Fairhurst that Scotland should indeed be supplied with a better service.
Hold on, just when did I get a say in this! I’ll have to pay for this. I can’t stand the traiterous pathetic Scots. We English will have to pay for most of this, how does this benefit our narrative of keeping Great Britain together.
What Andrew Marr should have asked is ‘why Rona’ should you do what a traitor like Sturgeon says when she hates Britain, especially the English, and by the way Rona you are ‘a supporter of Britain aren’t you’?
But there again Andrew Marr is useless and should be sacked, this needs a petition.
We know full well that a huge number of Scots detest the BBC and refuse to pay the licence fee, that Paki-lover Sturgeon is as far from a fascist as you can get, and that you look like a massive hypocrite ranting about not having a say in whether Scotland gets some awful parochial TV gilded with multicultural cack. Nobody has a say.
I went to a football match, just around the corner, last year. It has become a 3rd world s**t hole. I felt like I needed to disinfect myself when I left. I feel for the few real Luton folks who have to live there.
We used to live in Houghton Regis. It is about 6 miles away from Luton. They were starting to build a busway at the time, just to ensure the immigrant vote got Labour back into power in Luton, after the thief called Margaret Moran MP had suffered her alleged breakdown. One Saturday, a diversion was put in that ensured we had to drive down the area you all saw on the video. My wife and I locked all the car doors, as we were presented by an area that I can only describe as a Little Bagdhad. No white faces, no black faces, just a load of men in pajamas, and alleged women dressed as black pillar boxes. You have no idea how relieved we were to get to the airport, and get the hell out.
Ah Margaret Moran!
And despite her likes-MacShane, Smith, Blears, Morley and all the rest of those Labour party paragons-they STILL get asked on telly, onto Police Commissions. NHS Trusts…and (but of course) the BBC.
Doubtless Moran has taken that bus of hers onto Lourdes, and is now fully recovered…and possibly Labours next candidate to be Corbyns beard.
And the likes of DAME Margaret Beckett, DAME Margaret Hodge, DAME Vera Baird…Lord Hain, Lord Prescott?…all this from the party that pushes merit and hates class-based privilege?
God, Labour stinks to hell doesn`t it?..and only the BBC seem to want to keep sniffing socks and crotches of these bulimic bastards and bitches. and rubbing goosegrease on their haemorroids .
Makes you pine for the days of Ernest Saunders and Cedric Brown-who at least bilked shareholders and not taxpayers. Labours scum cream the top of the cesspool, and bill us for that.
What other nation would have allowed Dianne Abbott to squat on our faces with an Oxbridge pass for her boy-whilst denying the same to whitey?
And there’s tens of thousands more of ’em pitching tents in Calais just waiting to get here.
Ah, the endless joys of third world immigration and multiculturalism.
What could possibly go wrong?
I have to say that these characters probably haven’t seen the inside of a church since they were baptised, and went out to provoke a reaction. The biggest think here is that Muslims stick together and white people just fight amongst themselves, or don’t want to get involved.
People who don’t want to get involved are just another way of describing themselves as cowards.
Either way, if the Muslim patrol was wrong then this is wrong too, and two wrongs still don’t make a right.
I have to say that these characters probably haven’t seen the inside of a church since they were baptised, and went out to provoke a reaction.
Meaningless speculation.
Either way, if the Muslim patrol was wrong then this is wrong too,….
It wasn’t a patrol. They were walking through the place to make a perfectly valid statement: it’s still a British country and Luton should not be a no-go area for white British Christians.
Perhaps you missed the foul swearing from the Muslim thugs who tried to intimidate them for being in ‘their’ area.
The refusal of so many of the left to offer support for Charlie Hebdo was bound up with their belief that anything which caused offence, particularly to Muslims, should not happen. A sensible response is to defend the right to offend. If walking around with a cross, handing out newspapers, is offensive, so what.
So true. The cowardly backing down of the Mainstream media (with almost no exceptions worldwide) after the Charlie Hebdo massacre spoke volumes about their willingness to become dhimmies rather than take a stand for justice, solidarity and freedom of speech.
Not bias, but another screw up by BBC technical. This time they changed their streaming format, but didn’t bother telling anyone including the manufacturer, of course this meant no one could receive the stream, and many still can’t !
Through this protocol, a 320 kb/s version of Radio 3 is still available via the Flash-based iPlayer on the BBC website. In fact, similarly high quality versions of all the other BBC radio stations are now available. The problem is, no standalone devices currently support this method of streaming. Despite the BBC’s claims to have talked to manufacturers over the last year, it seems highly unlikely that existing hi-fis and radios will be upgraded to support it, as it requires significantly more processing power, due to the need to stitch together the different chunks and do some processing.
As a stop-gap measure, the BBC have left just one SHOUTcast version of the stream for each of their national radio stations. These are in 128 kb/s MP3. While this is comparable to commercial internet stations, it is a step backwards for BBC Radio. Radio 3 in “HD audio” is no more. To make matters worse, they say these streams will be available for “another year or two”. After that, it will be HLS or nothing, which will render all current internet radio devices obsolete a far as BBC Radio is concerned.
Well thanks guys ! I can see a lot of angry people being very pissed at the BBC when their expensive shiny audio is turned into something resembling a brick, because for seemingly no good reason the BBC decided to go with an Apple format without telling anyone !
The launch of DAB here has been a shambles. Last year we had the wonderful situation where ( in exreme south west wales) we could not receive on DAB any coverage of Radio Wales (english language) or Radio Cymru ( the welsh language version). However, guess which service gave us perfect reception? …yes….you’re ahead of me….Asian network !
Then last year the transmitter on the Preseli hills was kitted out for DAB, and now Wales is better served, tho’ not without an external antenna on the chimney….there’s progress eh?
When I got my first Internet radio, back in the days of Radio 7, I could ‘dial-up’ old comedy shows ‘on-demand’. Now I’m lucky to get the ‘live’ programmes to work.
Similarly our ‘smart’ DVD player used to give us BBC radio and TV on demand. The radio service was first to go and within 18 months we had lost TV too.
I suspect that if I got some copper wire, sticky tape and a germanium diode I could bang out a radio that would be capable of delivering a service for more years than the glossy boxes in the shops now!
[The same can be said of modern computing devices. An operating system used to be something that other programs were hung off, now they are a ‘life-style’, designed to slow down the ever more capable hardware and lock us out from using old programs and hardware that ‘did the business’. Sorry still struggling to see what the point of Windows 10 is and what utility of any purpose it adds over an above that which Windows 98 gave!]
What about this appalling leftie inspired guilt trip that is the sudden miraculous emergence of the 3000 unaccompanied children ? Suddenly out of nowhere every left wing organisation, carefully orchestrated, is demanding action by of course opening the doors to them. No matter every left wing pressure group will be getting legal aid for the children to claim their right to a family life and the floodgates open to siblings, parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents, none of who will speak english or have any qualifications. Al beeb are so drooling over this top story that puddles of spittle are visible on the newsroom floor.
It wont happen but i so hope Cameron had the balls to just say no and just for once give priority to our own citizens, maybe they can find 3000 British children in poor circumstances to help.
I just cant stand the pathetic cheap self righteous moralising by the Far Left.
What I cannot understand is why Cameron finds their bleating a pressure. He knows that votes for Conservatives will be won by standing up to them. Is he a Conservative or a Globalist mole?
The latter, as has become increasingly clear durnjg his career. In fact he is such a crashing libtard (as Mr Delingpole calls them) that it’s a wonder the BBC doesn’t praise him daily.
1. Go to save the childrens facebook page.Ask them how much their CEO gets paid. 2. Wait for either no reply or a link to a 3rd party telling everyone how they compare to other charities. They are quick to gob off and tell us what we should do, but not so keen on answering awkward questions.
“Ahmad is said to be 16 years old, but looks considerably older. So to make the Swedes perceive him as a defenseless child, the journalists use the stuffed animal as a prop. But not even the Swedes are that naïve. The picture is one of the most commonly used in alternative media, to prove what is commonly termed “the unaccompanied refugee children fraud.””
“So why would men between 20 and 30 years of age choose to pose as children and be put in foster homes and schools for teenagers? The answer is that “children” get their applications fast-tracked, and 75% receive permanent residency status in Sweden.”
This could be government advice, i’ll have to fact check
“How to Look Like a Kid
Try the Little Man Route. Get a Huge Stroller or Baby Basket and have someone push you around. Have only your head sticking out wearing a baby hat.”
Incredibly, as stated in the gatestoneinstitute report, officials were scared of pointing out that many of the children were fully grown adults. I have to say the one of the left looks about 40. That’s some paperround.
I caught a little of an interview with Eddie Balls’ missus, talking about how it’s the P.M.’s moral duty to do something about all these children who have been the victims of abuse, trafficking, etc etc, for a split second I thought she was talking about Rotherham – silly me.
Clive Bull on LBC at it too, although he did admit that most of the texts and twitter feed were agaianst it.
Still pushing the guilt tripping though and referring to all invader allegedly under 18 as ‘children’!
If taking ‘children’ at all it should be on the basis that they are pre pubertal only. No “teenagers”.
“So why would men between 20 and 30 years of age choose to pose as children and be put in foster homes and schools for teenagers? The answer is that “children” get their applications fast-tracked, and 75% receive permanent residency status in Sweden.”
Its a huge advantage to be put in a foster home and school , support and help adapting to the new society, a chance to learn English (or Swedish) and to do exams and get a few qualifications. This is why some go for ludicrous exageration of their ‘youth’. If you dont know a word of Swedish then you need four years to master the language sufficiently to get afew school leaving qualifications in other subjects. All far better than competing for a minimum wage job and managaing your money while not knowing the language.
Mmm. The concern is not that a fully-grown man is posing with a stuffed animal to make him look like a child, it’s that he may be using the stuffed animal to try and entice Swedish children…
He certainly looks like a paedo. Even if he was 16 (and he looks about 30 to me), he ought to be well beyond the cuddly toy stage. Of course he could be one of the mentally challenged inbreds which the religion of peace produces. Well done Sweden, what a result for you either way.
The media keeps saying the Government is under pressure to take these 3000 “children”. But the pressure is only from the media and charities such as Save the Children, joe public doesnt want another 3000 male adolescents. The kids pictured in the BBC article are highly unlikely to have made a journey of 1000s of miles on there own.
No more indication is needed concerning the growing idiocy of our elites is their inability to ask the right questions. That is because now emotion has taken over from the desire to act rationally.
We saw this with Merkel .
The questions need to be asked. Why now so many children ( given that this is a loose term)?
Why suddenly are there more women? Why especially now given that it is winter? Who is organising that and who is paying for it?
The entire flooding of Europe with migrants has been well organised and there must be a reason. There always is.
It will destabalise Europe. it will lead to chaos and this was always obvious so why and who benefits?
We know that the pressure comes from the liberal media and the so callled charities but that is not the answer. The media and in particular the BBC are thick and quite incapable of doing anything else other that react in an emotional way. The charities like wise so the question remains.
Who and why?
It’s certainly a very interesting question. Just today it has emerged that the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne were replicated right across Germany. Are we seriously meant to believe that this wasn’t, if not planned, then at least co-ordinated?
It may be nothing more than a suspicion but, as so often, a professionally run news service with the resources of the BBC could and should be looking into these questions. That it refuses to is very telling. The BBC has an agenda too.
Jeez, over a week on and bloody BBC Points West still leads with Bacongate. In an attempt to give a positive multicult works effort with ‘people came from right across the city’ spin, but take one look at these ‘people’ they are typical twatty blind Libtards probably from Town Hall, the type that offer free hugs and hold welcome placards…..Yes all is well and hunky dory in multicult Bristol.
In a 6 minute bulletin (including the weather) this highly important topic took up a over third of its transmission time, stories such as Bath was a potential terrorist target (irony?) and a teenager was stabbed in Swindon with nine arrested (irony?) were relegated to minor passing stories.
The Parti pris Broadcasting Corporation need to get with the new programme: Trump WILL get the Republican nomination. Even if he comes second in Iowa (though he could win), he will prevail in New Hampshire and then sweep the South; the treasonous elite (including al beebus) are non-plussed by this, the same way they were a la Farage and UKIP in the Euro-elections.
The Jeb Bush Campaign has spent +$70,000,000 and is in single figures in the polls; Trump is a billionaire who has spent a fraction of that, he has had no need to – what he says resonates so strongly with people.
The MSM TV here never show long clips from his campaign speeches, only little out of context snippets which can be used to shape their “story”; because if they did – many people here would begin to realize why so many people there, are going to vote for him.
Re that R4 programme – remember it isn’t paranoia when they really are out to get you.
Not BBC bias ! just a posting political attack to drag threads off into another ‘get any one not voting the way I want ‘ fest, but this site isn’t for that go start your own if you want to post political rants this personal war against Essexman is getting very old very fast !
Sorry to upset you, I must have touched a raw nerve.
Many other contributors post on this site without directly referring ‘Bias’. It is interesting that Al Beeb never used that Car Moron election promise to show our PM up (hidden agenda?).
However, I think Essexman knows me well enough by now, as he had some digs me and can defend himself without your assistance.
Anyway, I am sure that we will all look forward to your future Bias posts here .
BTW have you voted here yet?
Mr Car Moron, who was so keen to send our forces out to Afghanistan to defend that nation should now put the Royal Marines on our ferries, the tunnel and our coastline to defend our own nation. That’s what they are for – The Defence of the Realm.
Put your own country first Mr Car Moron, put your own country first.
Taffman, the self serving cowardly Cameron has never put his country first which is why he wants to stay in the EU.
Years ago in merry England he would have been hung as a traitor for handing over our sovereignty to other countries, he would have been lashed for even thinking about it!
As humans now have the advantage of the internet, it becomes increasingly easy, for those willing to question, to understand which current primary force is weaving the tapestry record of human life on planet earth. It seems entirely apparent that the primary force are a group of strange and excessively greedy people who have accumulated great wealth. They have used that wealth to control the UN and to produce an agenda for the billions of humans who must seek to exist in the 21st century and beyond (Agenda 21). They see the billions, not as individual human lives, but as masses to be controlled and directed to suit their own experiences of life on earth. Their suckers writhe around looking to attach to weak and corruptible souls. Those who yield to the suckers are promoted. Those who resist are crushed. Those who scrabbled for promotion, power and control at the BBC were always going to be their sitting ducks.
“Asylum seeker wristband policy in Cardiff ‘ditched’ amid outcry”
“”Earlier, 36-year-old refugee Eric Ngalle told BBC Wales he had spent nearly two months at Lynx House and had challenged the need to wear the wrist bands (for free food distribution). However, he had been unable to change the policy.””
“”He said he felt having to wear the wristbands was “labelling” and “stressful”.””
Have you heard an ‘outcry’? I haven’t. What’s ‘stressful’ about an armband? Is it heavy?
A non-story generated to create Asylum Seekers and therefore Islamics as victims (again).
Biased BBC. Perpetuating the Left Wing narrative that Immigrants (sorry, migrants) are victims and should get a free pass over everything. And no counter view such as: some say this is a storm in a tea-cup and they should be grateful for not only asylum but free food and housing.
Lets hope the poor lamb doesnt get his red door egged, that would make his life unbearable. Geez, you escape a war/persecution then this. What kind of people are we!
A wristband (much like those worn on all inclusive holidays I believe) so that gimmegrants can get their 3 meals a day, this has been compared to Nazi Germany by human rights groups, the shrill rallying cry of “Nazi” is being increasing used to shut people up.
Well it’s not working, people just roll their eyes and point out, that Holocaust victims were not given 3 meals a day, warm safe accommodation and lifelong benefits. They were starved, beaten, worked to death and if they managed to survive that, eventually gassed. The offensiveness of claiming that having to wear a wristband is in anyway comparable with that, makes my blood boil.
And of course the offended parties are quite free to leave anytime they like if wearing a plastic bracelet is so demeaning and dehumanising, but I’m guessing they won’t be packing up and going anywhere.
What about medical wristbands. Both the ones people wear to show if they have a particular condition or rare blood type in case they are unable to tell anyone after an accident, and the ones with your name on while an in-patient. These lefties are obviously accusing the NHS of persecution of those who have to wear them.
Outcry by whom. I didn’t complain did any of you?. Personally I think they should have told them no band no food, after all it’s not like they are paying for a service is it.
The real outrage is that they are being made to wear short sleeved clothing in this weather. I mean, I wear a charity wristband (Nystagmus) but it’s almost always covered by my shirt sleeve even though I like to show it.
The Daily Politics with Joke Oburn was pushing the same story. Red doors outrage and now the red wristband scandal. When will it ever end? The cretinocracy in the form of Rachel Reeves (Labour drone warfare) and Tim Somebody -Tory seemed to be in a state of moral outrage about it all. They seemed to think it had something or other to do with Nazi Germany. But what precisely?. Thought for these people seems to have degenerated into making vague, simple-minded associations between things or concepts. Cats and elephants hoth have tails so a cat must be the same thing as an elephant Jews wore yellow stars in Nazi Germany and “refugees” wear red writbands in UK.The UK is therefore treating “refugees” like the Nazis did in Germany. Trump is right – these people are stupid beyond belief.
Well of course, everyone knows the Nazis made Jews wear a yellow star so that they could be easily identified for the three meals a day the SS handed out. Stupid beyond belief, indeed – and the BBC is a disgrace for allowing any such comparison to be made.
They dont like ID, written with marker pens,
They dont like red front doors,
They dont like wrist bands,
Dont like any ID really
They dont like border coctrols,
They dont like women,
They dont like jews,
They dont like Christians,
They dont like democracy even though they came here,
They seem to like stabbing jews
They seem to like sexually abusing non muslim women
They seem to sanction violent crime if it is committed in the name of their religion
Sometimes I wonder why they are here. – I suppose they just want to turn here into there!
Fortunately we have the BBC to tell us they are all cuddly really, and the more the merrier!
Lets get back onto the important stuff like mourning Ziggy Stardust – What a wonderful country we have turned into!
Sometimes I wonder why they are here. – I suppose they just want to turn here into there!……….
Of course they do ! on the Luton video they delighted in saying “we’re taking over’. Then what ? after they’ve shafted the rest of us, and its an Islamic state full of taxi drivers with no benefits and health service, do they relocate to another country ????? pathetic. Not a single one of them has a brain cell between the lot of them. And they wonder why we have a low opinion of them.
BBC breakfast. I almost spat my coffee out when Sally informs us the BBc is going to ask pensioners who qualify for “free” tv licenses to voluntarily turn them down!!! What a evil organisation this is. How about paying less to some of your staff.
Meanwhile while they want pensioners to hand over their money on the other hand Yes I’d forgotten about this one million micro computers to be handed out “free” so kids can make LED lights flash Welcome to the white heat of technology.
Steph is in the North comparing low skill high benefit cities with high skill low benefit cities. Blackburn and Cambridge are compared. I instantly saw what I thought would be a link on low skills high benefit to Cambridge.
It’s only recently dawned on me that the immigrant-driven increasing UK population and increased house-building means that the number of license fee payers also increases. So the BBC have a direct financial incentive to promote immigration!
How about we suggest that the BBC annual budget is fixed. Then we at least have some benefit as the license fee can go down each year as the population increases.
“… the BBC have a direct financial incentive to promote immigration!”
This would certainly be true if the incomers were as law-abiding as indigenous people – but many are not.
The BBC, by its love of mass immigration and minorities, has actually helped to create a country in which it is LESS likely to get the license money it craves than it was decades ago. Some Third World and East European enrichers don’t like paying to watch TV and are prepared to be deceitful (or get physical) to intimidate anyone sent to collect it; and more and more natives are so sick of being let down by the traitors in the BBC that they are simply ceasing to watch live TV and to pay the £145.50 poll tax. To my mind, it does not necessarily follow that more people means more license fees.
No, not this morning’s girl-on-girl BBC Breakfast sofa line-up of Minchin and Nugent, they’re not talking about themselves, they’re talking about the four-woman rowing team who have just taken a boat called “Doris” across the Pacific.
“We love rowing on this show” says Beaky Nugent. True, they have regularly been featuring another four-woman crew rowing the Atlantic – but one wonders whether it is really the rowing element of these stories which propels them up the BBC news schedules.
Sally Nugent : “They’re so cute”
No, not those bronzed and toned ocean-beating Amazons again, this time she means the penguins featured in BBC coverage of some Antarctic project to discover how the feathered birds “are adapting to Climate Change” Oddly enough the clips we are shown has the University team talking instead about the “impact of tourism” and not a mention of Climate Change. Hey-ho.
Speaking of media pet obsessions, do we really believe that had that big snow storm hit the American Mid West rather than DC and New York – where the Media live – it would have got half the coverage it has? It’s been a bit of an anti-climax hasn’t it? The BBC seems to have quietly downgraded it to “One of the most severe winter storms ever recorded”
Time for the BBC ladies to make a quick flick through the newspaper headlines – they highlight for us a story about George Osborn sending £3m to tackle foreign disease – that seems to pique BBC interest. Read the front page headline they didn’t mention and you can just make out “BBC will plead with Pensioners to give up free TV licences”
I can see why the BBC would avoid that one, especially on a morning when their top story is about Charities unfairly targeting Pensioners.
This news is neither balanced, fair nor honest. But there are lots of females in it.
Capturing a year in the life of a penguin
This might seem like a bizarre reference for BBC bias but I did happen to be watching BBC Breakfast while making a cup of tea and lo and behold there is a story on “how penguins are adapting to climate change in Antarctica” Well I watched and I watched and I could see no reference whatsoever to climate change. Did the 2 female sloths think that as the story was about one of the polar caps and automatically assume that it must be about climate change – as that’s what the BBC deals in.
What a non-story.
I might withdraw my earlier entrant for non-story of the week (advice for Washington blizzard recipients from the BBC reporters around the world, in areas clearly unaffected by blizzards) and replace it with this one.
I’m guessing it was basically the same story as was on last night’s news, where we were told that the Antarctic peninsula is one of the most rapidly-warming places in the world. They didn’t have anything to say about the rest of the Antarctic, so I guess it must be rapidly warming too.
Further to that. How choosy the BBC are in stating facts that seem to ‘support’ their (Harrabin) pseudoscience. In the real world BBC Global Warming has abruptly stopped outside the UK and we are next in line.. Not only New York has sudden fresh snow but also Japan this on the other side of the planet where the BBC broadcasts are proven incorrect and dangerous.
On Start the Week Andrew Marr explores the question of citizenship. While immigration issues dominate political debate, little attention is paid to the big increase in the number of people becoming British. The academic Thom Brooks and the Eurosceptic MEP Daniel Hannan look at the relationship between the two and the challenges for modern UK citizenship. Ben Rawlence spent four years reporting the stories of those who are stateless, living in the largest refugee camp in the world, while Frances Stonor Saunders explores the increasing complexity of today’s border regimes and the obsession with the verified self.
Doesn’t really need any further explanation does it ?
Typical,typical,b;oody typical biased BBC.
Civitas produce a report showing how Britain due to the EU membership had recorded slower export growth than any of the other founding nations of Europe’s single market. Confirming what most of the country already know, that our economic membership has been a disaster.
How is this reported? They open with a big picture of Lord Rose and then report their lies and only then, lower down in the text does the new Civitas report reveal itself.
“One email read: ‘Imagine a BBC where Newsnight is riddled with adverts. Or a BBC so underfunded that independent news becomes a thing of the past and the airwaves are dominated by Rupert Murdoch’s media. This is what the Government wants – we need to stop them.’”
Hmmm? A BBC where Newsnight is riddled with adverts? Well it can’t be any worse than a BBC where Newsnight is riddled with leftist, relativist nonsense. 38 degrees hijacks the public consultation ahead of BBC charter renewal.
Given the source of the gerrymandering was found to be the left wing group 38 degrees. Can someone please tell me why 38 degrees haven’t been closed down or heavily fined or members imprisoned for defrauding the general public.
This breach of trust and abuse of the social media has got to stop. An example has to be made.
Someone out there please provide an answer. There probably won’t be one because our weak and cowardly EU loving,immigrant loving government are frightened there may be some Muzzies involved in 38 degrees. Mustn’t arrest minorities unless they are white and British, then their fair game aren’t they Mrs Theresa May.
Just in case it does not feature above, a quick bit of instant bias from Al Beeb.
They are running a trailer for a programme roughly called ‘Trump and the Politics of Paranoia’ .
Let’s put aside the inherent bias in seeking to run such a programme and just focus on the trailer.
It features the now-famous Trump quote about banning all our favourite religious friends beginning with M from the US.
It is once again deliberately cut by the Al Beeb thought-police before Trump finishes the sentence ‘ until we can figure out what is going on”.
What WAS going on when he said it of course was the clear-up after the Paris bombings. Kind of puts a different context on it.
Disgusting deliberate bias by a malign editorial team .
As I posted last night with reference to this ridiculous programme, how does the BBC think it is ever going to be able to claim it is impartial in US affairs? It has nailed its colours to the mast and there is no going back now.
I’m not fond of Trump, but if he were to win the US election, it would be hilarious to watch the BBC trying to handle any sort of relationship with the White House!
Beyond the professional suicide of trust-busting editorial by omission, I can’t see what the BBC thinks it gains by efforts such as this.
No one in the US cares or will see it. Most in the UK don’t care and won’t watch it.
So they come across as a partisan bunch of activist foot-stampers in a programme watched only by those who share this affliction.
And in the process potentially drop a BRITISH government right in it now and certainly down the line if actual votes by actual people don’t get twisted by the efforts of the BRITISHBC… again.
They do no represent me. They don’t not speak for me.
John W, Jesse N… Dave… please note. Make me choose again and you will lose.
A little OT, but of some interest I think to readers here: There’s a petition up and running to get professional luvvie, virtue-signaller, pro-migrant activist and multi millionairess Emma Watson to walk the walk and spend a week in a Calais migrant camp without bodyguards.
Spend one week in a Calais migrant camp for feminism (without bodyguards)
In order to show how safe current migration is to Europe, particularly regarding the cause of feminism (I reject wholeheartedly the notion that North African and Middle Eastern migrants are unsafe, and rapists), Emma Watson should spend a week’s holiday in a Calais migrant camp, without guards of course, to show how safe, and how pro feminism these migrants are.
Please sign on the link below if you are so inclined!
It’s a silly PR trick so I won’t sign. Sure she will feel compelled to go but only on ‘Twitter’ where its safe and cosy to show your ‘liberal values’. If on the other hand ‘to make a point’ then her life would be in real danger so she would (obviously) not be able to go because of a ‘death-threat’ (real or imagined) would prevent it. But the BBC would have a field day promoting the Holiday camp in Calais. Whilst the French really are building a new Holiday Camp to replace the makeshift one. Ms Emma Watson could have her own Show ‘Folies Bergere’ dubbed into Arabic, sub titled into French and translated in to pidgeon English by the BBC misfits for Newsnight. But she would be ruined for life (her life – if as a journalist would be in danger…
I am sure the jolly muslim fellows would make her as welcome as they did Lara Logan in Tahrir Square, who has still not recovered from the mass rape she suffered from the peaceful democracy activists. Let them all eh Emma?
Yet again, while the BBC peddles whatever line the Guardian is fed by far-Left activists to make the day’s news talking points, it’s left to tiny Breitbart London to do some proper journalism and find out who is creating the stories the BBC is being spoon fed.
‘Waycist Wristbands’: The Extremism-Linked, Foreign Funded Activists Behind The ‘Nazi Migration Policy’ Story
Another pro-immigration love fest on today’s Start the Week as Andrew Marr and guests discussed migration and citizenship. The general consensus was that there was no such thing as a British Identity. Marr seemed almost gushing as he informed us that massive third world immigration into Europe was an inevitability that we would just have to get used to. No dissent of course, just the usual BBC party line. No mention of the fact that BBC, the left, and most of the educational establishment have done almost everything in power to eradicate any sense of national identity and separate us from our history over the last fifty years or so. Marr gets more despicable every day. He is the absolute personification of the worst kind of middle class lefty.
I agree. There is a presumption by Andrew Marr that ‘what matters’ is inevitable because of the narrative and repetition by the BBC that ‘this’ is the way the world works. Except it doesn’t work but it is the way the EU works and the presumption is that we can never influence our own decisions (BREXIT) or include any other option to the story line. In short he has resigned, given up and prepared to take the money to exclude any possible scenario that the BBC does not control. At one time I admired Marr but then times change and you know your old enemy by the company he keeps.
Last week, in the whitewash over Saville the BBC was criticised for over deference to “talent” and management, and Lord Hall’s reply was that “lessons have been learnt”.
They certainly have because now that very same BBC management is looking at getting that very same “talent” to con the elderly into paying for a service that the rest of the country (through parliament) has decided that they should have for free.
I am sure Princess Nikki Campbell must be on a meagre six figure salary, and I urge any pensioners reading to think of poor Nikki and send their £145 without delay to keep her in the manner to which she is accustomed.
Tip to the seniors: I am told that cat food makes a cheap and nutritious meal. Think of poor Princess Nikki and reach for that can of Kit-e-Kat.
Birmingham machete attack leaves man seriously injured
The Twitter feed from a man looking out of his bedroom window over the scene reported the two attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before laying into him. Twitter appear to have censored the feed, and now Birmingham Polices Professional lying department have ethnically cleansed the report completely !
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The “Spirit of Britain”
When is Mr Car Moran actually going to do something about these criminals that France turns a ‘blind eye’ to? Its been going on at the tunnel for nearly twenty years and now it comes down to this .
Grow some Ball Mr PM and sort the frogs out, and then get us out of the EU.
Put you country first .
I watch Camerloon on the news grovelling his way around all these Second World states in Eastern Europe, attempting to gather support from their leaders for the meagre concessions he wants to beg from the E.U.
How pathetic; he demeans himself, his office and our nation by conducting himself in that way; like a street cleaner with a bucket and shovel wandering behind a cavalry parade.
If Cameron wants us to remain but “re-negotiate” he should summon Juncker to Downing Street and tell him that for us to stay in the E.U. he wants XY & Z; if not – he’s taking us out. WTF would Juncker and the other @rseholes do about that? They need us far more than we need them.
I just wish we had a P.M. who would put our country first and extricate us from the E.U. dung heap as quickly as possible; because we can NEVER repair our nation as long as we are still within it.
He will come back as Chamberlain did in 1938, waving a piece of paper.
Vote Brexit.
Sometimes a photo – even photoshopped – says it all. This is Cameron’s legacy.
The difference is that Chamberlain was attempting to keep Britain out of something terrible, whereas Cameron is trying to keep Britain in.
Great image. I tried to produce something similar recently but with Cameron holding a toilet roll aloft.
My Photoshop skills let me down, so well done!
Its snowing hard in Washington, Obama Land, and Al Beeb don’t like it . It does not conform to their GW agenda .
Gates of Vienna and other outlets are carrying an extrordinary speech by Vaclav Klaus ex president of the Czech Republic.
He spells it out in simple terms. Our political and media elites have declared war on us the indigenous people of Europe and will use immigration to overwhelm us and destroy our nation states in pursuit of a mad dream of one unified world.
I regard this as very significant .It means that as far as he and many others are concerned we cannot expect anything but enmity from our elites now.
To put it into context it is as if an ex PM made the same charge publicly here. It would cause a sensation.
This is going to be a difficult and hard year for us all. There is no time left to indulge those who are against us now.
Thanks Dave S. Here’s the link to GoV article.
The East Europeans are rightly furious. They have spent centuries resisting invaders from the Muslim east. It’s a fundamental part of their national identity. They joined the EU to demonstrate their allegiance to Western style democracy and to improve the economic opportunities for their people.
Now they find that they are ruled undemocratically and that the German Chancellor can invite millions of Muslims into Europe to undercut their people, and potentially into their countries too to complete an invasion they shed ancestors blood to resist. You never hear this mentioned on the BBC – just their leaders described as “far right”.
Compared to the BBC, nearly everyone else is “far right”.
“The East Europeans are rightly furious. They have spent centuries resisting invaders from the Muslim east.”
Not only that, engineer, they (and we) had a taster of how nasty it could get when things get out of kilter with the example of the break up of Yugoslavia. It is only really since the financial crisis that the newly independent countries there have been getting along, both with their own minorities and with each other, rather better than before. It would be tragic if some western European politicians & campaigners sacrificed that hard won peace and the stability of those States merely to satisfy their own experimental political goals.
They might be better off breaking away and forming their own Economic Union.
Is the bbbc breakfast paper review the same every day. Batty looking feminist do gooder finds a story about calais/migrants, then preaches unchallenged . Because ive just put the telly on and its like groundhog day.
Leading, of course, with the Guardian/ Observer and the Independent presumably.
This so-called review of the papers on BBC Breakfast, by a trendy-lefty female rabbi, was not a review at all. She had visited the illegal migrant camps herself, just like her mentor Corbyn and the review was mostly taken up be her rant about how unjust it all was for these migrants. Her big winge was that they have no choice but to enter the UK illegally to register as (bogus) asylum seekers. What a lot of BBC biased rot.
Ha yes, your comment reminded of a “St Fergel of the migrants” piece last week on Newsnight. I was rushing for the off button, as I know what’s coming, but I still heard his deeply, deeply empathetic voice intone “they have to pay the people smugglers or be stuck in Turkey”. “They” were all young men.
It brought home to me how the BBC has moved the narrative on from the summer, when we were encouraged to support women and children fleeing war in Syria, to now, when we are expected to support young men of various undefined nationalities in their absolute right to get to Europe.
I’ll say it again – its very clear that the BBC has completely abandoned all objectivity on immigration, EU, gender politics, etc.. They have a huge secure and unchallenged budget, fear no one and are not controlled or moderated by anyone at all. Cameron needs them for the EU referendum and they know it.
Really bBBC! I am so surprised! Where is your diversity manager? Not a single BME in this photo.
The imminent death of the Cavendish banana and why it affects us all.
Come on Aborigine – Al Beeb’s diversity stasi won’t allow the depiction of BME’s eating bananas because it might reinforce a racial stereotype 😉
Interesting Carole Thatcher’s favourite tennis player not featured.
If he was, Jo Brand and Adrian Chiles may have something to say about it.
Just thinking about this story again, I wonder how long it will be before the libtards want bananas banned because they were spawned from that horrible British Empire?
Surely it’s enough that my street is festooned with breadfruit and Jerk seasoning. No English mustard in sight. I’m surprised al-Beeb have not had a report on how much importing this non-native food contributes to their precious global warming.
Now. here’s a complete surprise!!! al-Beeb and its minions hard at work beavering away at the “liberal” coalface of truth, right and the al-Beeb way.
“BBC charter review consultation hijacked by left-wing campaign group
The Culture Secretary has been forced to revisit the consultation on the future of the BBC ”
Like ‘news’, and guests, the BBC has petitions it likes and has time for, and those it does not have time for.
Luckily FOI exemptions keeps the process of selection their little secret.
Bbbc STILL going on about labours failiure to win the election. We can hear more about it on andrew marr thankfully. Bbbc ,YOU (liebour)lost ffs.
Turn on the tv just before 9am this morning and you catch brief ‘highlights’ of some very low quality Midlands football.
The metropolitan BBC habitually bows and scrapes to the regions, so when the now obligatory camera shot of a celeb in the crowd finds Brummie Frank Skinner – it is a almost a surprise that the BBC commentator delivers the honest appraisal – ‘he’d like to put this in Room 101’
My feeling of giving the BBC the benfit of the doubt collapses faster than the prospective SNP independence oil-based budget when I hear the continuity man ask ‘The Big Question’ : “Should sugar be treated like a dangerous drug?”
I’ll make a point of missing that.
Andy Marr is bashing Putin and Trump and acting as usher and butler to Nicola Sturgeon – if you saw the newspaper review you’ll get that joke.
Marr’s bizarre quip about Trump blaming the US blizzards on Muslims and Obama probably sounded funny when the editorial team were the sole audience. His further punch line saying ‘before you Re-Tweet that, it’s not true!’ could well be taken two ways. Has Marr realised he’s in a lefty liberal chattering echo chamber? I have realised that’s where he is – so before he thinks to get into anymore Labour election post mortem – I swich off.
Radio 4, religious programme after 7am news.
Was half asleep but detected back to back stories featuring Al Beebs favourite religion beginning with I, through to 7.30am, thus taking up half the programme.
Later switched on Marr hoping to catch up on East Coast usa weather. One after another we had as clear subtext a. Nasty Osborne story, b. Nasty Tories letting google off paying tax c. Nasty Tories letting rich people live in London.
The fact that google paid no tax between 2005 and 2010 or that the Russian oligarchs started arriving from the late 90s onwards generated no comment. Its obviously all down to the nasty current government.
The bias is totally unceasing.
Perhaps al-Beeb should pay Google more each time they use a Street View image when they are too lazy to send a reporter and photographer to cover a UK story. More income = more tax = problem solved.
Grassroots Out campaign launch video, in full, on Breitbart.
I am eager in my anticipation of watching at least the highlights on the BBC. Do you think that I will be disappointed?
Your question was, of course, rhetorical! I did not hear any mention on the BBC R3 or R4 airwaves of the Grassroots Out meeting, which is, sadly, unsurprising. This meeting was a significant political event, deliberately ignored by the BBC, which confirms yet again that that organisation is not fit for purpose.
Calais yesterday, residents defend their property, note the English accents among the demonstrators/migrant mob (Corbyns mates no doubt) Shown on RT, don’t expect to see this on the BBC today, it didn’t happen….
Coming to a street near you soon.
If the “Elites” across Europe don’t get control of this situation: it won’t be long before it isn’t just one brave man and his son opposing these “migrants” and their supporters in streets such as this; but two hundred or two thousand men who feel the same and who’re simply at the end of their tether with all this cr@p.
You can see it in the chap’s face, he’s just had enough; where the f**k were the police?
I bet they soon turned up afterwards to take that gun away though; if that happened here the son would probably get two years in prison for that and double if they could claim it was “racially motivated”.
Welcome to the potential future of Western Europe and the U.K.
It can’t be long until the hauliers boycott Calais completely, until the French clear these people out.
Corbyn was in Calais yesterday, posing for selfies with the migrants, not with the working class lorry drivers. But I wonder whether the ever probing, demanding, Brillo (soft on lefties) Neil will demand that Corbyn disassociates himself from the behviour of those British thugs in Calais. Don’t wait for it. Brillo is a cowardly rat.
I wish they would. A few weeks of shortages on the supermarket shelves would concentrate minds wonderfully. Then, just possibly, something might get done.
I’m afraid that the answer to a boycott would be to let into the UK all those ‘migrants’ at Calais. Not an answer that I would approve of.
The governing class in Western Europe is losing control . We saw it at the Cologne press conference with that mayor.
Very soon Merkel will have to appear with those remorseless TV cameras upon her and then we will see whether the situation is beyond her. If it is then she will be finished.
For now the Cameron clique here is still in control but who knows now what is coming down the road.
AS for the BBC it is floundering and we can all see it. That what comes of trying to be a propaganda outfit rather than a news one.
That piece from Russia Today was very telling. The British bloke bellowing, “Nazi scum” at the terrified locals, desperate to protect their loved ones and their property. We are all too familiar with these left wing fascists; intolerant of anyone and everyone they disagree with. “Nazi scum” (a pathetic term) was this unwashed creep looking in the mirror? It seems that our old mate, Jezza took along a few of his hard left pals from those peace loving organisations like the UAF and Hope Not Hate.
It really depresses me that I glean far more of what’s happening in Calais from visiting sites like this (and others) than I do from tuning into the Beeb. Yes, they have reported the “disturbances” (eventually) but by the time they present it to us it’s become so sanitized and politically corrected it doesn’t resemble what’s actually happening.
Someone remind me; why do we pay for these bastards?
The UAF and all together with the anarchist Antifa are rolling down to Dover for a pro migrant rally and an opportunity to fight those who want immigration controlled. Jan 30th. On their Facebook pages Unite, the Union, is offering bus transport to the demo. Unwaged free, a tenner if you have a job. Now why are the Trade Unions backing thugs?
“Now why are the Trade Unions backing thugs? ”
Force of habit?
The ever reliable Food Programme on R4 was at it again today. Woe betide the hungry listener tuning in hoping to hear a decent recipe for bara brith or saltmarsh lamb. Oh, no – this is The Food Programme, so the talk is all of the joys of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ with Indian and Greek food much to the fore and some silly girl from the local college of further ed. burbling about how Cardiff has always been a magnet for immigrants. Well, yes – and some of them were even Welsh, unlike most of the people on this ridiculous programme.
Back when this site was graced with the regular presence of a supercilious halfwit from the BBC who traded under the name ‘Reith’, he and I had a little spat about the Food Programme. He pretended to believe it was a jolly little diversion presented by an old buffer who liked to talk about food and cooking.
It might have been, once. Before the far Left’s commissars got their fangs into everything allowed on air. These days, under the guidance of the noxiously patronising Sheila Dillon, it is an endless stream of Guardianista thinking: using food as a conductor for a distinctly political, deeply internationalist, message which is pumped into the ears of housewives and the housebound alike, making sure they ‘get the message’.
Comrades! There is no subject that cannot be used for agitprop! To the barricades!
GCooper, as ever you’re perfectly correct. These days whenever I turn on R4 I play a little game: How long before the presenter/commentator of whatever is on gives the game away and reveals what the programme (whatever it it might be) is really about? Normally I don’t have to wait more than a few minutes, tops, to hear the true agenda. This works, whatever the subject matter or genre – it always comes back to some left liberal progressive agenda.
Radio 4 is ‘socialist radio’ – there really is no other explanation for the complete lack of balance, competing narratives or dissent from their pre-established, doctrinaire output.
Gave up on R4 a while back but I think your game can be played with almost all contemporary BBC output ObiWan, no matter what the subject matter the BBC can shoehorn in totally irrelevant nonsense to tick all the PC boxes. Most frustrating is when a programme is in sight of the finishing line and has managed to remain largely impartial, not common these days, then some t*at of a presenter manages to cram some PC crap into the last five minutes.
And it is very often ‘Global warming’. I recall an otherwise excellent series on the seasons a couple of years ago that had done splendidly well till the last episode, when, having lulled the viewer into a false sense of security, they gave us both barrels.
You need look no further than what Countryfile has become.
I, don’t consume, much BBC at all, only Radio 2, BBC Essex, BBC 2 & 4. I view News 24, not to actually watch it,but to see what bollox & lies are on the BBC properganda channel today.
Why don’t you read the Guardian online? It’s pretty much the same as the BBC output.
There’s no ‘proper’ in their ‘ganda’ Essexman, only improper.
I like that: improperganda.
What is our Mr Car Moron doing about this propaganda?
I have had it up to my ears with BBC, Guardian, C4, Independent, BS over the immigrants, and the failure of our politicians to even enter debate. Merkel in Germany is blasting away with suppression of the media, including Facebook, not wanting further exposure of Migrant crimes. Imagine if people like Prissy Holly were allowed to speak on the BBC. Watching this video makes me think how defeated we in Europe are.
The aftermath of Cologne continues with a report in the Times. Apparently a few days after the great expose about Cologne a Swiss women artist posed naked on the steps of the cathedral holding a placard stating that even naked women should be respected. A BBC journalist interviewed her ( not sure if she was still naked) and suggested to her that her ‘protest’ was just as aggressive and provocative as the rape attacks!! Only the BBC could possibly think this . She said that she hoped it was taken by Muslims as aggressive because she was trying to make a point in the only was she could think of. I remember a couple of years ago that when some girls stripped off in Moscow to make a political point, the BBC was of course supportive. Not so in this instance. Indeed, as has been noted, all the usual fog horn feminists have been silent about Cologne. They know their place, feminism comes below support for islam in the left’s absurd pecking order. Of course after the Muslim take over feminism will be off the menu all together but the dumb lefties can’t understand that.
The stance of the BBC will be no surprise to visitors to this site. But what was really depressing was that the Times journalist agreed with the BBC view and thought that it wasn’t OK to offend groups in the modern multicultural world and that for Muslims a women who bares herself in public forfeits all respect. Well I ask whose respect? Whilst I would be somewhat surprised to see a woman naked on the cathedral steps with that placard, I would understand how angry she was at what had happened and how she was trying to make point in one of the few ways that she could . Why should we constantly have to be sensitive to Muslims? We never asked them to come to Europe, most of us don’t want them here, they hate us and our values and we hate them. Anyone with any common sense at all knows it will end in terrible violence so why should we continue to accept the mad decisions of our leaders that lead to our own destruction.
Excellent post Dt – it reminded me of that Italian artist Pippa Bacca, she was planning on travelling from Italy to somewhere in the Middle East in 2008 to promote peace and trust, by walking and hitch hiking dressed in a wedding dress; she got all the way through the Balkans and Greece without incident and then to Turkey – where she was raped, murdered and her body dumped somewhere.
“From Donald Trump to course closures, golf and politics must mix”
By Ian Carter, IslamicAlBeeb golf correspondent.
Concerning the decline in golf popularity in the UK.
Naturally before starting the real report Carter goes to the instruction manual, where in section #1 it states :-
“Always consult the latest list of persons, places and topics it is our impartial duty to demean and lie about, see also the advice on creating misleading headlines.”
Carter chooses an item from the list, in this case Trump, and consults the headline instructions, where it states :-
“Always put the subject of the propaganda in the headline, with as much malevolence as possible. See also starting your report”
So Carter looks at the starting section, where it states :-
“Always begin your report by repeating, and then amplifying the propaganda which your report is projecting, it is essential that the stupid twats who pay the licence fee read this. The remainder of the report is largely irrelevant but ensure there are no white people in any photographs.”
BBC covers St Corbyn’s visit to Calais and proposals for a pan European response. Violin and lots of children. But still the overall impression is that the population are mainly men. 2500, men, with tools, under proper supervision could improve the site, so what are they doing with their time?
Meanwhile, Diane Abbot wins a prize for irony posing at Calais – yes Calais – with a banner saying refugees welcome here.
Yes Diane, keep a welcome in Calais.
Labour – the party of immigrants for more immigration.
Vote Labour.
The party for immmigrants, benefit cheats, work shy, sixth formers, university do-gooding lecturers, utopian idealist fantasist students, Argentinians, thick Scots and dummies who vote Labour/SNP because their parents did or they hate England!! Pro IRA, pro terrorists and anti defence of the country. Pro EU anti British.
Vote Labour for a better future for Britain ( if it still exists).
Change the word Labour for the BBC, = no difference.
Who votes Labour?
Those on benefits, public sector workers, non-whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive and the counter productive.
I love these competitions where you have to guess the caption to a picture.
How many attempts do I have?
What! Just one.
OK, here goes.
“Miss World 40,000BC.”
Am I correct?
Yes, you are correct. She was voted for by “the thousands of black Roman centurions who were in the country hundreds of years before Christ was born”.
“EU states could take more genuine refugees from Syria if they worked together better”
Translation: EU states [mainly the wealthy ones, particularly the UK] could take more immigrants if the EU enforced quotas based on GDP per capita.
We know it’s coming with 100% certainty, which is why it’s so important to use the only chance we have to get out.
So the BBC seem exercised about 3000 Syrian unaccompanied kids getting the right to come to Britain.
That`ll keep all the leeches of charity, quango, rights advocacy, special needs, probation officers and translators in work will it not?…public sector pimps and Labour knicker-wringers of the left can emote like their Pyongyang tribute acts.
But say no kids…just say no!
Jimmy Savile , Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris and Chris Denning, Jonathan King and who knows?…all of these had bases at the BBC, and would have been more than happy to show you their rope.
The BBC love the idea of a chicken hutch in both Salford and London-and so their story is a grooming scam as the Child Catcher of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang was.
Or expenses, “expenses sex and suicide vest/guns” as we must now learn to rename it.
When the BBC want a load of unaccompanied kids into the country-can only assume that they`re running out of homegrown ones for the next generation like Brand and any descendents of Bill Wyman, should that be a genetic issue…
Get a room
Esler and Kermode in joint ecstacy over the movie The Big Short
Kermode: ‘I know you’ve seen this one and liked it’
Esler: ‘I did love it’
Kermode: ‘Me too’
For goodness sake, chaps. So Holywood, that bastion of finacial probity and thrift, makes a film some seven years after the crash taking a pop at Wall Street – well that’s original. BBC lefty virtue signalling as per bloody usual.
If you see the film or read the book, Goldman’s the big donor to the EU In camp don’t come across very well!
Not seen them review 13 Hours yet.
I’m amazed that there are no comments on Dame Janet Smith’s ten million quid report on the Savile scandal.
Here’s a great piece on that:
The difficulty is, what is there to comment on?
No doubt her report was leaked to achieve just that – drawing the teeth it plainly will not have anyway.
I wouldn’t even dignify it with the term ‘establishment cover-up’. It’s just the shabby, shoddy way our self-appointed ‘elite’ protects itself.
That is a brilliant demolition of al beebus and what it is, thanks for posting the link AF.
I agree Alex,
the report submitted has apparently contained within its exposition continued criticisms of the ALbeeb in terms of abuse by means of the existence of the permeation of an existential bullying culture.
On another matter, I cannot remember a time in the last thirty yers when the standard of interviewing especially to members of the Left has been so interrogatively poor. The one exception is Andrew Neil.
Very few follow up questions, very few questions asking the interviee to justify EU laws against our own, no seeking of where their facts come from and from what bias they source.
For example Sturgeon today on the Sunday Politics (the Scottish fascist bitch), said that Scotland need the AlBeeb to be more Scottish than Londoncentric. So then Andrew Marr who I regard as weak and pathetic as an interviewer. (Certainly not half as clever as those on the left as those would have you believe, probably something to do with his support of the left and his wife.) He put the point to Rona (incompetent) Fairhurst that Scotland should indeed be supplied with a better service.
Hold on, just when did I get a say in this! I’ll have to pay for this. I can’t stand the traiterous pathetic Scots. We English will have to pay for most of this, how does this benefit our narrative of keeping Great Britain together.
What Andrew Marr should have asked is ‘why Rona’ should you do what a traitor like Sturgeon says when she hates Britain, especially the English, and by the way Rona you are ‘a supporter of Britain aren’t you’?
But there again Andrew Marr is useless and should be sacked, this needs a petition.
The BBC supports ‘community cohesion’, except when it is the cohesion of the ‘united’ kingdom.
But only minorities have ‘communities’ and ‘community leaders’, the rest of us have appeasers, traitors, Judases and Quislings.
Stop playing the divide game, agent.
We know full well that a huge number of Scots detest the BBC and refuse to pay the licence fee, that Paki-lover Sturgeon is as far from a fascist as you can get, and that you look like a massive hypocrite ranting about not having a say in whether Scotland gets some awful parochial TV gilded with multicultural cack. Nobody has a say.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to see –
Wherever Muslims go en masse this is happening.
I went to a football match, just around the corner, last year. It has become a 3rd world s**t hole. I felt like I needed to disinfect myself when I left. I feel for the few real Luton folks who have to live there.
We used to live in Houghton Regis. It is about 6 miles away from Luton. They were starting to build a busway at the time, just to ensure the immigrant vote got Labour back into power in Luton, after the thief called Margaret Moran MP had suffered her alleged breakdown. One Saturday, a diversion was put in that ensured we had to drive down the area you all saw on the video. My wife and I locked all the car doors, as we were presented by an area that I can only describe as a Little Bagdhad. No white faces, no black faces, just a load of men in pajamas, and alleged women dressed as black pillar boxes. You have no idea how relieved we were to get to the airport, and get the hell out.
Ah Margaret Moran!
And despite her likes-MacShane, Smith, Blears, Morley and all the rest of those Labour party paragons-they STILL get asked on telly, onto Police Commissions. NHS Trusts…and (but of course) the BBC.
Doubtless Moran has taken that bus of hers onto Lourdes, and is now fully recovered…and possibly Labours next candidate to be Corbyns beard.
And the likes of DAME Margaret Beckett, DAME Margaret Hodge, DAME Vera Baird…Lord Hain, Lord Prescott?…all this from the party that pushes merit and hates class-based privilege?
God, Labour stinks to hell doesn`t it?..and only the BBC seem to want to keep sniffing socks and crotches of these bulimic bastards and bitches. and rubbing goosegrease on their haemorroids .
Makes you pine for the days of Ernest Saunders and Cedric Brown-who at least bilked shareholders and not taxpayers. Labours scum cream the top of the cesspool, and bill us for that.
What other nation would have allowed Dianne Abbott to squat on our faces with an Oxbridge pass for her boy-whilst denying the same to whitey?
And there’s tens of thousands more of ’em pitching tents in Calais just waiting to get here.
Ah, the endless joys of third world immigration and multiculturalism.
What could possibly go wrong?
I have to say that these characters probably haven’t seen the inside of a church since they were baptised, and went out to provoke a reaction. The biggest think here is that Muslims stick together and white people just fight amongst themselves, or don’t want to get involved.
People who don’t want to get involved are just another way of describing themselves as cowards.
Either way, if the Muslim patrol was wrong then this is wrong too, and two wrongs still don’t make a right.
I have to say that these characters probably haven’t seen the inside of a church since they were baptised, and went out to provoke a reaction.
Meaningless speculation.
Either way, if the Muslim patrol was wrong then this is wrong too,….
It wasn’t a patrol. They were walking through the place to make a perfectly valid statement: it’s still a British country and Luton should not be a no-go area for white British Christians.
Perhaps you missed the foul swearing from the Muslim thugs who tried to intimidate them for being in ‘their’ area.
The refusal of so many of the left to offer support for Charlie Hebdo was bound up with their belief that anything which caused offence, particularly to Muslims, should not happen. A sensible response is to defend the right to offend. If walking around with a cross, handing out newspapers, is offensive, so what.
So true. The cowardly backing down of the Mainstream media (with almost no exceptions worldwide) after the Charlie Hebdo massacre spoke volumes about their willingness to become dhimmies rather than take a stand for justice, solidarity and freedom of speech.
Not bias, but another screw up by BBC technical. This time they changed their streaming format, but didn’t bother telling anyone including the manufacturer, of course this meant no one could receive the stream, and many still can’t !
Through this protocol, a 320 kb/s version of Radio 3 is still available via the Flash-based iPlayer on the BBC website. In fact, similarly high quality versions of all the other BBC radio stations are now available. The problem is, no standalone devices currently support this method of streaming. Despite the BBC’s claims to have talked to manufacturers over the last year, it seems highly unlikely that existing hi-fis and radios will be upgraded to support it, as it requires significantly more processing power, due to the need to stitch together the different chunks and do some processing.
As a stop-gap measure, the BBC have left just one SHOUTcast version of the stream for each of their national radio stations. These are in 128 kb/s MP3. While this is comparable to commercial internet stations, it is a step backwards for BBC Radio. Radio 3 in “HD audio” is no more. To make matters worse, they say these streams will be available for “another year or two”. After that, it will be HLS or nothing, which will render all current internet radio devices obsolete a far as BBC Radio is concerned.
Well thanks guys ! I can see a lot of angry people being very pissed at the BBC when their expensive shiny audio is turned into something resembling a brick, because for seemingly no good reason the BBC decided to go with an Apple format without telling anyone !
Well, that’s my Internet radio in the kitchen doomed, in that case (not that I’ve been very impressed with it).
And the clowns wonder why we don’t all rush to take up their antiquated DAB ‘service’!
Bring back long wave!
The launch of DAB here has been a shambles. Last year we had the wonderful situation where ( in exreme south west wales) we could not receive on DAB any coverage of Radio Wales (english language) or Radio Cymru ( the welsh language version). However, guess which service gave us perfect reception? …yes….you’re ahead of me….Asian network !
Then last year the transmitter on the Preseli hills was kitted out for DAB, and now Wales is better served, tho’ not without an external antenna on the chimney….there’s progress eh?
When I got my first Internet radio, back in the days of Radio 7, I could ‘dial-up’ old comedy shows ‘on-demand’. Now I’m lucky to get the ‘live’ programmes to work.
Similarly our ‘smart’ DVD player used to give us BBC radio and TV on demand. The radio service was first to go and within 18 months we had lost TV too.
I suspect that if I got some copper wire, sticky tape and a germanium diode I could bang out a radio that would be capable of delivering a service for more years than the glossy boxes in the shops now!
[The same can be said of modern computing devices. An operating system used to be something that other programs were hung off, now they are a ‘life-style’, designed to slow down the ever more capable hardware and lock us out from using old programs and hardware that ‘did the business’. Sorry still struggling to see what the point of Windows 10 is and what utility of any purpose it adds over an above that which Windows 98 gave!]
What about this appalling leftie inspired guilt trip that is the sudden miraculous emergence of the 3000 unaccompanied children ? Suddenly out of nowhere every left wing organisation, carefully orchestrated, is demanding action by of course opening the doors to them. No matter every left wing pressure group will be getting legal aid for the children to claim their right to a family life and the floodgates open to siblings, parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents, none of who will speak english or have any qualifications. Al beeb are so drooling over this top story that puddles of spittle are visible on the newsroom floor.
It wont happen but i so hope Cameron had the balls to just say no and just for once give priority to our own citizens, maybe they can find 3000 British children in poor circumstances to help.
I just cant stand the pathetic cheap self righteous moralising by the Far Left.
What I cannot understand is why Cameron finds their bleating a pressure. He knows that votes for Conservatives will be won by standing up to them. Is he a Conservative or a Globalist mole?
The latter, as has become increasingly clear durnjg his career. In fact he is such a crashing libtard (as Mr Delingpole calls them) that it’s a wonder the BBC doesn’t praise him daily.
1. Go to save the childrens facebook page.Ask them how much their CEO gets paid. 2. Wait for either no reply or a link to a 3rd party telling everyone how they compare to other charities. They are quick to gob off and tell us what we should do, but not so keen on answering awkward questions.
“Call to admit refugee children ‘considered’ by government”

“Ahmad is said to be 16 years old, but looks considerably older. So to make the Swedes perceive him as a defenseless child, the journalists use the stuffed animal as a prop. But not even the Swedes are that naïve. The picture is one of the most commonly used in alternative media, to prove what is commonly termed “the unaccompanied refugee children fraud.””
“So why would men between 20 and 30 years of age choose to pose as children and be put in foster homes and schools for teenagers? The answer is that “children” get their applications fast-tracked, and 75% receive permanent residency status in Sweden.”
This could be government advice, i’ll have to fact check
“How to Look Like a Kid
Try the Little Man Route. Get a Huge Stroller or Baby Basket and have someone push you around. Have only your head sticking out wearing a baby hat.”
Incredibly, as stated in the gatestoneinstitute report, officials were scared of pointing out that many of the children were fully grown adults. I have to say the one of the left looks about 40. That’s some paperround.
I caught a little of an interview with Eddie Balls’ missus, talking about how it’s the P.M.’s moral duty to do something about all these children who have been the victims of abuse, trafficking, etc etc, for a split second I thought she was talking about Rotherham – silly me.
Yes, the BBC has thrown its full weight behind the ‘let the children in’ campaign., that much was clear from tonight’s R4 Westminster Hour.
They’ve almost certainly pencilled in a date for the follow-up ‘let the parents in’ episode in six months time.
Clive Bull on LBC at it too, although he did admit that most of the texts and twitter feed were agaianst it.
Still pushing the guilt tripping though and referring to all invader allegedly under 18 as ‘children’!
If taking ‘children’ at all it should be on the basis that they are pre pubertal only. No “teenagers”.
The ones who actually are children – they won’t always be.
I thought the liberal/left felt sixteen year olds were adult and should be allowed to vote.
And to follow is “let the grandparents and inbred cousins in” episode 6 months after that.
Is that yvette cooper? The same one who promised to house a family of syrians. Wonder how that played out. Stan collymore too. Oh,and geldof.
“So why would men between 20 and 30 years of age choose to pose as children and be put in foster homes and schools for teenagers? The answer is that “children” get their applications fast-tracked, and 75% receive permanent residency status in Sweden.”
Its a huge advantage to be put in a foster home and school , support and help adapting to the new society, a chance to learn English (or Swedish) and to do exams and get a few qualifications. This is why some go for ludicrous exageration of their ‘youth’. If you dont know a word of Swedish then you need four years to master the language sufficiently to get afew school leaving qualifications in other subjects. All far better than competing for a minimum wage job and managaing your money while not knowing the language.
Mmm. The concern is not that a fully-grown man is posing with a stuffed animal to make him look like a child, it’s that he may be using the stuffed animal to try and entice Swedish children…
He certainly looks like a paedo. Even if he was 16 (and he looks about 30 to me), he ought to be well beyond the cuddly toy stage. Of course he could be one of the mentally challenged inbreds which the religion of peace produces. Well done Sweden, what a result for you either way.
The media keeps saying the Government is under pressure to take these 3000 “children”. But the pressure is only from the media and charities such as Save the Children, joe public doesnt want another 3000 male adolescents. The kids pictured in the BBC article are highly unlikely to have made a journey of 1000s of miles on there own.
No more indication is needed concerning the growing idiocy of our elites is their inability to ask the right questions. That is because now emotion has taken over from the desire to act rationally.
We saw this with Merkel .
The questions need to be asked. Why now so many children ( given that this is a loose term)?
Why suddenly are there more women? Why especially now given that it is winter? Who is organising that and who is paying for it?
The entire flooding of Europe with migrants has been well organised and there must be a reason. There always is.
It will destabalise Europe. it will lead to chaos and this was always obvious so why and who benefits?
We know that the pressure comes from the liberal media and the so callled charities but that is not the answer. The media and in particular the BBC are thick and quite incapable of doing anything else other that react in an emotional way. The charities like wise so the question remains.
Who and why?
It’s certainly a very interesting question. Just today it has emerged that the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne were replicated right across Germany. Are we seriously meant to believe that this wasn’t, if not planned, then at least co-ordinated?
It may be nothing more than a suspicion but, as so often, a professionally run news service with the resources of the BBC could and should be looking into these questions. That it refuses to is very telling. The BBC has an agenda too.
If he’s 16 I’m 21.
Jeez, over a week on and bloody BBC Points West still leads with Bacongate. In an attempt to give a positive multicult works effort with ‘people came from right across the city’ spin, but take one look at these ‘people’ they are typical twatty blind Libtards probably from Town Hall, the type that offer free hugs and hold welcome placards…..Yes all is well and hunky dory in multicult Bristol.
In a 6 minute bulletin (including the weather) this highly important topic took up a over third of its transmission time, stories such as Bath was a potential terrorist target (irony?) and a teenager was stabbed in Swindon with nine arrested (irony?) were relegated to minor passing stories.
Check the dhimmitude here
Tomorrow evening, BBC Radio 4 is broadcasting a programme entitled ‘Trump and the Politics of Paranoia.’
Can someone explain to me how the BBC can ever again expect to be regarded as a reliable and impartial source of information on US politics?
The Parti pris Broadcasting Corporation need to get with the new programme: Trump WILL get the Republican nomination. Even if he comes second in Iowa (though he could win), he will prevail in New Hampshire and then sweep the South; the treasonous elite (including al beebus) are non-plussed by this, the same way they were a la Farage and UKIP in the Euro-elections.
The Jeb Bush Campaign has spent +$70,000,000 and is in single figures in the polls; Trump is a billionaire who has spent a fraction of that, he has had no need to – what he says resonates so strongly with people.
The MSM TV here never show long clips from his campaign speeches, only little out of context snippets which can be used to shape their “story”; because if they did – many people here would begin to realize why so many people there, are going to vote for him.
Re that R4 programme – remember it isn’t paranoia when they really are out to get you.
next week it’s Islamofascists and the politics of peace
I wasn’t aware it was regarded as a reliable source of news full stop, except for the sheep.
Just a timely reminder to you all (and Essexman) what our Prime Minister promised us ………………….
Not BBC bias ! just a posting political attack to drag threads off into another ‘get any one not voting the way I want ‘ fest, but this site isn’t for that go start your own if you want to post political rants this personal war against Essexman is getting very old very fast !
Sorry to upset you, I must have touched a raw nerve.
Many other contributors post on this site without directly referring ‘Bias’. It is interesting that Al Beeb never used that Car Moron election promise to show our PM up (hidden agenda?).
However, I think Essexman knows me well enough by now, as he had some digs me and can defend himself without your assistance.
Anyway, I am sure that we will all look forward to your future Bias posts here .
BTW have you voted here yet?
Mr Car Moron, who was so keen to send our forces out to Afghanistan to defend that nation should now put the Royal Marines on our ferries, the tunnel and our coastline to defend our own nation. That’s what they are for – The Defence of the Realm.
Put your own country first Mr Car Moron, put your own country first.
Taffman, the self serving cowardly Cameron has never put his country first which is why he wants to stay in the EU.
Years ago in merry England he would have been hung as a traitor for handing over our sovereignty to other countries, he would have been lashed for even thinking about it!
An example of ‘role-play’.
Marr & Fairhead interview .
“So, what was it about the money for old rope with no accountability that first attracted you to the BBC, Mrs. Fairhead?”
Any one hear anything about this organisation lately – the EFTA….
As humans now have the advantage of the internet, it becomes increasingly easy, for those willing to question, to understand which current primary force is weaving the tapestry record of human life on planet earth. It seems entirely apparent that the primary force are a group of strange and excessively greedy people who have accumulated great wealth. They have used that wealth to control the UN and to produce an agenda for the billions of humans who must seek to exist in the 21st century and beyond (Agenda 21). They see the billions, not as individual human lives, but as masses to be controlled and directed to suit their own experiences of life on earth. Their suckers writhe around looking to attach to weak and corruptible souls. Those who yield to the suckers are promoted. Those who resist are crushed. Those who scrabbled for promotion, power and control at the BBC were always going to be their sitting ducks.
BBC Online News:
“Asylum seeker wristband policy in Cardiff ‘ditched’ amid outcry”
“”Earlier, 36-year-old refugee Eric Ngalle told BBC Wales he had spent nearly two months at Lynx House and had challenged the need to wear the wrist bands (for free food distribution). However, he had been unable to change the policy.””
“”He said he felt having to wear the wristbands was “labelling” and “stressful”.””
Have you heard an ‘outcry’? I haven’t. What’s ‘stressful’ about an armband? Is it heavy?
A non-story generated to create Asylum Seekers and therefore Islamics as victims (again).
Biased BBC. Perpetuating the Left Wing narrative that Immigrants (sorry, migrants) are victims and should get a free pass over everything. And no counter view such as: some say this is a storm in a tea-cup and they should be grateful for not only asylum but free food and housing.
A wristband? That’s disgraceful. Surely an electronic tag would be better.
Lets hope the poor lamb doesnt get his red door egged, that would make his life unbearable. Geez, you escape a war/persecution then this. What kind of people are we!
A wristband (much like those worn on all inclusive holidays I believe) so that gimmegrants can get their 3 meals a day, this has been compared to Nazi Germany by human rights groups, the shrill rallying cry of “Nazi” is being increasing used to shut people up.
Well it’s not working, people just roll their eyes and point out, that Holocaust victims were not given 3 meals a day, warm safe accommodation and lifelong benefits. They were starved, beaten, worked to death and if they managed to survive that, eventually gassed. The offensiveness of claiming that having to wear a wristband is in anyway comparable with that, makes my blood boil.
And of course the offended parties are quite free to leave anytime they like if wearing a plastic bracelet is so demeaning and dehumanising, but I’m guessing they won’t be packing up and going anywhere.
What about medical wristbands. Both the ones people wear to show if they have a particular condition or rare blood type in case they are unable to tell anyone after an accident, and the ones with your name on while an in-patient. These lefties are obviously accusing the NHS of persecution of those who have to wear them.
It’s like the “outrage” over the lack of black actors in the Oscars. No-one I know gives a toss.
Outcry by whom. I didn’t complain did any of you?. Personally I think they should have told them no band no food, after all it’s not like they are paying for a service is it.
‘Outcry by whom?’
‘Sources who say’, obvs.
See… BBC Editorial Integrity. Oh, sorry, no, there isn’t any, as any substantiation is exempted for the purposes of journalism.
Unique, eh?
The real outrage is that they are being made to wear short sleeved clothing in this weather. I mean, I wear a charity wristband (Nystagmus) but it’s almost always covered by my shirt sleeve even though I like to show it.
The Daily Politics with Joke Oburn was pushing the same story. Red doors outrage and now the red wristband scandal. When will it ever end? The cretinocracy in the form of Rachel Reeves (Labour drone warfare) and Tim Somebody -Tory seemed to be in a state of moral outrage about it all. They seemed to think it had something or other to do with Nazi Germany. But what precisely?. Thought for these people seems to have degenerated into making vague, simple-minded associations between things or concepts. Cats and elephants hoth have tails so a cat must be the same thing as an elephant Jews wore yellow stars in Nazi Germany and “refugees” wear red writbands in UK.The UK is therefore treating “refugees” like the Nazis did in Germany. Trump is right – these people are stupid beyond belief.
Well of course, everyone knows the Nazis made Jews wear a yellow star so that they could be easily identified for the three meals a day the SS handed out. Stupid beyond belief, indeed – and the BBC is a disgrace for allowing any such comparison to be made.
Those who control the BBC must know that it’s now impossible for them to spin out of the way when the tide turns. They’re finished.
They dont like ID, written with marker pens,
They dont like red front doors,
They dont like wrist bands,
Dont like any ID really
They dont like border coctrols,
They dont like women,
They dont like jews,
They dont like Christians,
They dont like democracy even though they came here,
They seem to like stabbing jews
They seem to like sexually abusing non muslim women
They seem to sanction violent crime if it is committed in the name of their religion
Sometimes I wonder why they are here. – I suppose they just want to turn here into there!
Fortunately we have the BBC to tell us they are all cuddly really, and the more the merrier!
Lets get back onto the important stuff like mourning Ziggy Stardust – What a wonderful country we have turned into!
Sometimes I wonder why they are here. – I suppose they just want to turn here into there!……….
Of course they do ! on the Luton video they delighted in saying “we’re taking over’. Then what ? after they’ve shafted the rest of us, and its an Islamic state full of taxi drivers with no benefits and health service, do they relocate to another country ????? pathetic. Not a single one of them has a brain cell between the lot of them. And they wonder why we have a low opinion of them.
BBC breakfast. I almost spat my coffee out when Sally informs us the BBc is going to ask pensioners who qualify for “free” tv licenses to voluntarily turn them down!!! What a evil organisation this is. How about paying less to some of your staff.
Oh sorry I missed out or give a voluntary donation.
Meanwhile while they want pensioners to hand over their money on the other hand Yes I’d forgotten about this one million micro computers to be handed out “free” so kids can make LED lights flash Welcome to the white heat of technology.
Steph is in the North comparing low skill high benefit cities with high skill low benefit cities. Blackburn and Cambridge are compared. I instantly saw what I thought would be a link on low skills high benefit to Cambridge.
For which the #goodluckwiththat hashtag was more than applicable?
It’s only recently dawned on me that the immigrant-driven increasing UK population and increased house-building means that the number of license fee payers also increases. So the BBC have a direct financial incentive to promote immigration!
How about we suggest that the BBC annual budget is fixed. Then we at least have some benefit as the license fee can go down each year as the population increases.
“… the BBC have a direct financial incentive to promote immigration!”
This would certainly be true if the incomers were as law-abiding as indigenous people – but many are not.
The BBC, by its love of mass immigration and minorities, has actually helped to create a country in which it is LESS likely to get the license money it craves than it was decades ago. Some Third World and East European enrichers don’t like paying to watch TV and are prepared to be deceitful (or get physical) to intimidate anyone sent to collect it; and more and more natives are so sick of being let down by the traitors in the BBC that they are simply ceasing to watch live TV and to pay the £145.50 poll tax. To my mind, it does not necessarily follow that more people means more license fees.
“They call themselves the ‘Cox-less Crew’”
No, not this morning’s girl-on-girl BBC Breakfast sofa line-up of Minchin and Nugent, they’re not talking about themselves, they’re talking about the four-woman rowing team who have just taken a boat called “Doris” across the Pacific.
“We love rowing on this show” says Beaky Nugent. True, they have regularly been featuring another four-woman crew rowing the Atlantic – but one wonders whether it is really the rowing element of these stories which propels them up the BBC news schedules.
Sally Nugent : “They’re so cute”
No, not those bronzed and toned ocean-beating Amazons again, this time she means the penguins featured in BBC coverage of some Antarctic project to discover how the feathered birds “are adapting to Climate Change” Oddly enough the clips we are shown has the University team talking instead about the “impact of tourism” and not a mention of Climate Change. Hey-ho.
Speaking of media pet obsessions, do we really believe that had that big snow storm hit the American Mid West rather than DC and New York – where the Media live – it would have got half the coverage it has? It’s been a bit of an anti-climax hasn’t it? The BBC seems to have quietly downgraded it to “One of the most severe winter storms ever recorded”
Time for the BBC ladies to make a quick flick through the newspaper headlines – they highlight for us a story about George Osborn sending £3m to tackle foreign disease – that seems to pique BBC interest. Read the front page headline they didn’t mention and you can just make out “BBC will plead with Pensioners to give up free TV licences”
I can see why the BBC would avoid that one, especially on a morning when their top story is about Charities unfairly targeting Pensioners.
This news is neither balanced, fair nor honest. But there are lots of females in it.
“We love rowing on this show” Yes, I’ve heard them described as a bunch of oars. (That is how you spell it isn’t it?)
Capturing a year in the life of a penguin
This might seem like a bizarre reference for BBC bias but I did happen to be watching BBC Breakfast while making a cup of tea and lo and behold there is a story on “how penguins are adapting to climate change in Antarctica” Well I watched and I watched and I could see no reference whatsoever to climate change. Did the 2 female sloths think that as the story was about one of the polar caps and automatically assume that it must be about climate change – as that’s what the BBC deals in.
What a non-story.
I might withdraw my earlier entrant for non-story of the week (advice for Washington blizzard recipients from the BBC reporters around the world, in areas clearly unaffected by blizzards) and replace it with this one.
I’m guessing it was basically the same story as was on last night’s news, where we were told that the Antarctic peninsula is one of the most rapidly-warming places in the world. They didn’t have anything to say about the rest of the Antarctic, so I guess it must be rapidly warming too.
Perhaps I am a bit dim, but does the fact that is presently mid-summer in Antarctica have anything to do with it?
Sadly I just had a BBC email on conditions at these extremes:
Further to that. How choosy the BBC are in stating facts that seem to ‘support’ their (Harrabin) pseudoscience. In the real world BBC Global Warming has abruptly stopped outside the UK and we are next in line.. Not only New York has sudden fresh snow but also Japan this on the other side of the planet where the BBC broadcasts are proven incorrect and dangerous.
Radio 4 Start the Week Migration and Citizenship
On Start the Week Andrew Marr explores the question of citizenship. While immigration issues dominate political debate, little attention is paid to the big increase in the number of people becoming British. The academic Thom Brooks and the Eurosceptic MEP Daniel Hannan look at the relationship between the two and the challenges for modern UK citizenship. Ben Rawlence spent four years reporting the stories of those who are stateless, living in the largest refugee camp in the world, while Frances Stonor Saunders explores the increasing complexity of today’s border regimes and the obsession with the verified self.
Doesn’t really need any further explanation does it ?
Typical,typical,b;oody typical biased BBC.
Civitas produce a report showing how Britain due to the EU membership had recorded slower export growth than any of the other founding nations of Europe’s single market. Confirming what most of the country already know, that our economic membership has been a disaster.
How is this reported? They open with a big picture of Lord Rose and then report their lies and only then, lower down in the text does the new Civitas report reveal itself.
See the link below.
“One email read: ‘Imagine a BBC where Newsnight is riddled with adverts. Or a BBC so underfunded that independent news becomes a thing of the past and the airwaves are dominated by Rupert Murdoch’s media. This is what the Government wants – we need to stop them.’”
Hmmm? A BBC where Newsnight is riddled with adverts? Well it can’t be any worse than a BBC where Newsnight is riddled with leftist, relativist nonsense. 38 degrees hijacks the public consultation ahead of BBC charter renewal.
Judging from Sky, if the airwaves were ‘dominated by Rupert Murdoch’s media’ who could tell the difference? Sky is every bit as bad as the BBC.
Not very bright these Marxists, are they?
Given the source of the gerrymandering was found to be the left wing group 38 degrees. Can someone please tell me why 38 degrees haven’t been closed down or heavily fined or members imprisoned for defrauding the general public.
This breach of trust and abuse of the social media has got to stop. An example has to be made.
Someone out there please provide an answer. There probably won’t be one because our weak and cowardly EU loving,immigrant loving government are frightened there may be some Muzzies involved in 38 degrees. Mustn’t arrest minorities unless they are white and British, then their fair game aren’t they Mrs Theresa May.
Just in case it does not feature above, a quick bit of instant bias from Al Beeb.
They are running a trailer for a programme roughly called ‘Trump and the Politics of Paranoia’ .
Let’s put aside the inherent bias in seeking to run such a programme and just focus on the trailer.
It features the now-famous Trump quote about banning all our favourite religious friends beginning with M from the US.
It is once again deliberately cut by the Al Beeb thought-police before Trump finishes the sentence ‘ until we can figure out what is going on”.
What WAS going on when he said it of course was the clear-up after the Paris bombings. Kind of puts a different context on it.
Disgusting deliberate bias by a malign editorial team .
As I posted last night with reference to this ridiculous programme, how does the BBC think it is ever going to be able to claim it is impartial in US affairs? It has nailed its colours to the mast and there is no going back now.
I’m not fond of Trump, but if he were to win the US election, it would be hilarious to watch the BBC trying to handle any sort of relationship with the White House!
Beyond the professional suicide of trust-busting editorial by omission, I can’t see what the BBC thinks it gains by efforts such as this.
No one in the US cares or will see it. Most in the UK don’t care and won’t watch it.
So they come across as a partisan bunch of activist foot-stampers in a programme watched only by those who share this affliction.
And in the process potentially drop a BRITISH government right in it now and certainly down the line if actual votes by actual people don’t get twisted by the efforts of the BRITISHBC… again.
They do no represent me. They don’t not speak for me.
John W, Jesse N… Dave… please note. Make me choose again and you will lose.
A little OT, but of some interest I think to readers here: There’s a petition up and running to get professional luvvie, virtue-signaller, pro-migrant activist and multi millionairess Emma Watson to walk the walk and spend a week in a Calais migrant camp without bodyguards.
Spend one week in a Calais migrant camp for feminism (without bodyguards)
In order to show how safe current migration is to Europe, particularly regarding the cause of feminism (I reject wholeheartedly the notion that North African and Middle Eastern migrants are unsafe, and rapists), Emma Watson should spend a week’s holiday in a Calais migrant camp, without guards of course, to show how safe, and how pro feminism these migrants are.
Please sign on the link below if you are so inclined!
It’s a silly PR trick so I won’t sign. Sure she will feel compelled to go but only on ‘Twitter’ where its safe and cosy to show your ‘liberal values’. If on the other hand ‘to make a point’ then her life would be in real danger so she would (obviously) not be able to go because of a ‘death-threat’ (real or imagined) would prevent it. But the BBC would have a field day promoting the Holiday camp in Calais. Whilst the French really are building a new Holiday Camp to replace the makeshift one. Ms Emma Watson could have her own Show ‘Folies Bergere’ dubbed into Arabic, sub titled into French and translated in to pidgeon English by the BBC misfits for Newsnight. But she would be ruined for life (her life – if as a journalist would be in danger…
I am sure the jolly muslim fellows would make her as welcome as they did Lara Logan in Tahrir Square, who has still not recovered from the mass rape she suffered from the peaceful democracy activists. Let them all eh Emma?
Yet again, while the BBC peddles whatever line the Guardian is fed by far-Left activists to make the day’s news talking points, it’s left to tiny Breitbart London to do some proper journalism and find out who is creating the stories the BBC is being spoon fed.
‘Waycist Wristbands’: The Extremism-Linked, Foreign Funded Activists Behind The ‘Nazi Migration Policy’ Story
BBC news exposed as a completely amateurish shambles. Shock horror! Pictures at 11.
Another pro-immigration love fest on today’s Start the Week as Andrew Marr and guests discussed migration and citizenship. The general consensus was that there was no such thing as a British Identity. Marr seemed almost gushing as he informed us that massive third world immigration into Europe was an inevitability that we would just have to get used to. No dissent of course, just the usual BBC party line. No mention of the fact that BBC, the left, and most of the educational establishment have done almost everything in power to eradicate any sense of national identity and separate us from our history over the last fifty years or so. Marr gets more despicable every day. He is the absolute personification of the worst kind of middle class lefty.
I agree. There is a presumption by Andrew Marr that ‘what matters’ is inevitable because of the narrative and repetition by the BBC that ‘this’ is the way the world works. Except it doesn’t work but it is the way the EU works and the presumption is that we can never influence our own decisions (BREXIT) or include any other option to the story line. In short he has resigned, given up and prepared to take the money to exclude any possible scenario that the BBC does not control. At one time I admired Marr but then times change and you know your old enemy by the company he keeps.
This really Gets my goat: BBC may ask over-75s to give up free TV licence
Last week, in the whitewash over Saville the BBC was criticised for over deference to “talent” and management, and Lord Hall’s reply was that “lessons have been learnt”.
They certainly have because now that very same BBC management is looking at getting that very same “talent” to con the elderly into paying for a service that the rest of the country (through parliament) has decided that they should have for free.
Truly they have no shame/
I am sure Princess Nikki Campbell must be on a meagre six figure salary, and I urge any pensioners reading to think of poor Nikki and send their £145 without delay to keep her in the manner to which she is accustomed.
Tip to the seniors: I am told that cat food makes a cheap and nutritious meal. Think of poor Princess Nikki and reach for that can of Kit-e-Kat.
Birmingham machete attack leaves man seriously injured
The Twitter feed from a man looking out of his bedroom window over the scene reported the two attackers shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before laying into him. Twitter appear to have censored the feed, and now Birmingham Polices Professional lying department have ethnically cleansed the report completely !