Salmond dreams of more Naughtieness
Jim Naughtie treated us to his syruppy pro-indendence tones this morning on the Today programme (08:42-ish) as he told us that there was ‘an enticing prospect’ of Scotland voting to stay in Europe…whilst England voted to leave.
Enticing for who exactly?
Naughtie also told us that Nicola Sturgeon was ‘exceptionally cautious’ about raising the prospect of another independence referendum, LOL… but…she may be ‘pushed’ into that position if the EU vote, in the UK, went against the Scot’s wishes. Which is curious as the Today blurb, and indeed Sarah Montague in the trail for Naughtie’s piece, tells us she ‘has indicated she will push for a second independence referendum if Scotland votes to stay in the EU while the rest of the UK votes to come out.’
Sturgeon ‘Pushing’ for a second referendum doesn’t sound too much like ‘exceptionally cautious’ or being her being ‘pushed to’ ask for a referendum.
Hmmm, and he saw no contradiction in all this…Scotland voted to stay in the UK and therefore should abide by the result of a UK vote which is based upon a UK wide electorate not on a regional basis. Seems that Sturgeon, and Naughtie are just trying to slyly build a case to justify another referendum. The polls ask the question ‘Should the UK stay in the EU?‘ not should Scotland stay?
Support among Scots for the UK remaining in the European Union is at its highest level yet, an STV poll has revealed.
Why did Naughtie play a clip of Scotland’s National Socialist blackshirts attacking Farage to illustrate how Scotland is so anti-EU? One, I don’t think those National socialist bootboys are representative of Scotland and two, was their thuggishness in support of the EU or just racism against someone who is blatantly English?….after all Salmond has based his entire career upon anti-English rabble rousing, hate-mongering.
Liked the claim that tourists coming to Scotland were sent here by the benevolent EU commissars and that they paid for the pontoons that allowed the tourist to come ashore….well they paid for it with money sent to the EU by the UK….the EU takes its enormous cut which it generously gives in lavish quantities to its bureaucrats before handing what remains back to us whilst demanding we thank them for their charity. Would it not be better we cut out the troughing middle-men and just send the money direct from the UK government? I’m sure tourists would still come to Scotland whether or not shipped in by the EU en masse.
Naughtie tells us that the debate on the EU is ‘complicated’…a narrative that the BBC’s other pro-Europe lobbyist, Jonty Bloom (see later), likes to peddle.
These things are always enticing to Beeboids. You can hear the undertone of glee in their voices whenever one of their “experts” inform us that we are on the brink of the next financial crisis.
Except when Labour are in power. Remember how enthusiastically they claimed the recession is coming to an end and the ‘green shoots of recovery’ were visible – in January 2009?
…… that was Baroness Sh(r)itti – sooooo BAME – all boxes ticked for Al Beeb !
To be honest, Alan, there’s nothing sly about how Sturgeon is building a case for another referendum. Everyone here who wants to remain in the UK knows she’s itching to find a reason. The only thing holding her back is the fear of losing a second one so she looks to stir up trouble between Scotland and England wherever she can. And that’s a pretty open secret too.
Sorry Roland , most English , will be glad when Scotland leaves , I pity the normal Scots , who will be living in a 1.5 Party Marxist State. The other . 5 is, if ever the Labour Party in Scotland, got a sniff of power again , but it would be much the same as SNP policies .
I can’t honestly blame the English, given the constant whinging reported by the media and especially the BBC, plus the apparent 50%+ support for the SNP. In my opinion this support is, to a significant extent, being carried along on a wave of hysteria caused by the reporting and apparent reluctance at present by the media or opposition to hold the SNP to account for anything. The SNP benefits from the perfect storm of being the party with which to kick the Westminster elite whilst at the same time parading your caring side. But the realities of the collapse in oil price cannot be ignored forever and the tide will turn. Sadly, not in time for the Holyrood elections I think.
But before you judge the whole of Scotland, think on this. If you believed the BBC reporting you’d think England and the rest of the UK supported immigration for all: after all, 50%+ of votes go to parties who can’t see anything wrong with importing the RoP in unlimited quantities. You and I both know that there’s huge opposition to immigration that simply isn’t reflected in coverage or voting patterns, but already we see that the realities of unfettered immigration to Europe cannot be ignored.
You shouldn’t judge Scotland by the loudest voices any more than you judge attitudes to immigration.
From reading possibly more considered articles in the press “down here” it is suggested that the actual stewardship of the state and its finances by the SNP is not really that good.
Perhaps anyone North of the border who might tell the locals like it is keeps their heads below the parapet because of the, ahem, potential consequences.
When does the right of Holyrood to start to set its own portion of income tax start?
Anyone think the SNP will be brave enough to use that right and actually cause the Scots to pay more than in the rest of the country?
Conversely they could be free marketeers and actually lower it to reduce the burden on the Scots, at the risk, initially, of less money for them to spend.
Is that a whole squadron of pigs I see flying?
It starts from next April – and they’ve already chickened out of putting my money where their mouth is.
Scottish budget: No change in Scottish income tax rate
They had the ability to alter the Scottish income tax rate by plus or minus 3%, via the Scottish Act 1998 until its succession by the Scottish Act 2012. This ability was never utilised.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they go against their socialist principles some time soon and try to undercut the tax rates in the rest of the U.K., and rack up an even-more massive public debt.
I wish the nationalists would give it a rest. I voted no to ‘independence’ for the fact, among other many reasons, that separation from Westminster whilst maintaining membership of the EU is clearly not independence.
These polls they mention probably have the same weight and balance that the polls showing Red Ed sweeping to victory last May had.
Only 44.7 voted yes, with the promise that this would be left aside for a generation. If the vote had been reversed do you even think we would be discussing another referendum? Salmond and co would probably claim, having hitched the country’s finances to the price of oil, the crash in oil prices would make the cost of printing voting slips prohibitive.
I don’t recall seeing the breakdown of the votes by age, but would be interesting to see how the newly franchised 16/17 year olds voted, as they were the ones under the most ‘education’ from the political machine.
I heard that odd use of language by Naughtie. He really is a malevolent little Hunt isn’t he?
The Scottish National Socialists’ only hope is to stir up anti-English hatred so as to win another referendum. Their economic case lies in tatters with oil at $30 a barrel, and if they had won the referendum they would now be facing another Darien.
I think it far more likely that Scots votes may just swing it to keep the UK in the EU, in which case I would have to accept the result of a UK wide referendum, because we are equal citizens. I would not demand that Scotland be expelled from the UK for voting the wrong way.
I would.
A SNP supporter told me that the Scottish economy is sound and self sufficient and North sea oil was only the icing on the cake and therefore it didn’t really matter what the price was.
OK so the SNP want independence from the UK and membership of the EU.
But, as noted above, they do not represent the whole, or even the majority, of Scots. The SNP are just the most vociferous, with a governmental megaphone which they are using at maximum volume (with its concomitant, minimum argument).
There are numerous intelligent people in Scotland who can see which way the wind is blowing.
These people understand that leaving the EU has priority over ALL other decisions affecting the future of the British Isles and will vote accordingly.
The situation in the UK can be discussed, in an unpressurised situation, when we have left the EUSSR.
I believe this is also true of Wales and Northern Ireland.
Why do the Jocks want to be independent from Westminster yet want to be ruled by Brussels?
EG We Jocks don’t, according to the result of the independence referendum, and as I stated above that was yet another reason I voted no.
The ‘shy’ tory voters exist north of the border, just as they do in the south. I can’t recall where I read it recently, but someone’s brilliant retort to being asked how they voted as they left the polling station was, ‘By secret ballot’.
I ignore polls and put my ‘X’ in the appropriate box; my ‘choices’ for the last General Election were, Labour, Lib Dim, Nationalists, Greens or Tory. As the first four constitute (in my considered opinion) raving, marxist nut-jobs, I was left with the Conservative option.
Now I know how Hobson felt.
I like to use the phrase “least worst option”, because there is rarely the perfect answer / choice.
In my local council area it is between Green and Labour. I didn’t do what I usually do at the last combined elections and Labour squeezed in.
I know the Greens are melons, but at least they do come round between elections!
They don’t.
Former SNP deputy leader Jim Sillars: I’m backing campaign for UK to leave EU
We discovered in the run up to the 2014 Referendum that some Scots are – sad to say – easily bought. The EU distributes largesse to those it wishes to influence. Various projects around Scotland have been financed by the EU since the 1980s. That said, if push came to the inevitable shove, I think a post-Brexit re-run of an Independence Referendum is not a guaranteed win for the SNP as a potentially independent country of Scotland may just beforehand look at an atlas and realise that they have a very expensive, extensive coastline to police. Not that dissimilar to Greece.
There are historical links, too, of Scotland with France, especially, and some of the other west European nations.
If we vote to leave the EU, then Scotland votes to leave the UK and join the EU, we would need a…. How does Donald Trump describe it? “A Big Beautiful Wall” just north of Carlisle. And we should make the Scots pay for it.
I think they realise if the UK leaves the EU and Scotland goes independent and joins the EU, the EU will throw cash at Scotland (while they spend public money like there’s no tomorrow) in order to spite or attempt to destabilise the UK.
Emmanuel Goldstein:
“Why do the Jocks want to be independent from Westminster yet want to be ruled by Brussels? ”
Why do the Kikes celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut when they are nothing but ‘little, loyal Jewish Ulster’?
Troll degrades/disrupts nothing.
But denies everything.
The BBC has still not got over the shock (to them) result of the general election and thus still accord the Nats the same respect and weight that allegedly would have been due them when the expected hung parliament materialised. For all their much vaunted “we’re gonnae tell that Cameron whit he has tae dae” ambition the Nats have had as much affect on Tory policy as has Tim Farron.
In the event of a pro-independence vote the Nats see the EU as the security blanket to replace England because, as sure as neeps are tatties, they will end up bankrupt once again.
If Scotland does leave Britain will the BBC weather forecast at last give us the outlook for SE England?
Here’s hoping, CP!
For the Weather Forecast reforms we were promised.
Goodness! Whatever did you think I meant?
Trouble is that many people live in the SE of England and can check if it is correct.
A few words that give the scum away….
1, Enticing
2. Enchanting
4.Eye catching initiatives
5. Mature reflection
7. Brit
8. Embattled
9. Controversial
10. LibbyPurvis/ Laurie Taylor
The liberal left use these words frequently-and they give away the vacuous fancy dan pot squatters like Naightie and Clegg
what precisely do these Socialists want?
I know what they’ll get. they’ll accept their invite to their local Mecca on a Friday night only to find there’s no chairs or bingo machine.
[Signs off, goes to bed and weeps]
Ever since Naughtie accidentally let the cat out of the bag by refering to the Labour Party as ‘we’ I have totally zoned out of any contribution he makes.
But his prescence and continued freedom to spout on the bBBC provides an ongoing reminder of the biased nature of out statist public funded broadcaster.
Sturgeons calculation is a. An independent scotland within the eu will be classed as a poor country and thus qualify for billions in grant money paid for by others.
B. Her casual anti english racism will encourage a yes vote for independence.
C. By encouraging scottish victimhood and the ‘world owes scots a living’ mentality she will get the votes.
So basically its the usual socialist mantra of getting someone else to pay for your own vain excesses.
Superb. Haha.