Got to laugh, or cry, as the politicians make fools of themselves and the media bandy this story about as if it was true.
Food wristbands scrapped for Cardiff asylum seekers
A firm providing meals for asylum seekers in Cardiff has dropped demands they wear wristbands as a condition for receiving food.
The coloured bands were given to asylum seekers staying at Lynx House.
But some said it was dehumanising and made people targets for abuse.
The Clearsprings Group, which runs the service, said wristbands were seen as a “reliable and effective way” to guarantee service delivery but, as of Monday, they would no longer be used.
First Minister Carwyn Jones said he was “appalled” by the wristbands.
Heard the BBC giving this important story a good deal of prominence all day…question is, is any of it remotely true? Do these immigrants really get the slightest bit of abuse because they wear a red arm band that is undoubtedly, firstly, hidden beneath their sleeve, secondly, are probably completely meaningless to anyone on the street…especially as so many people wear armbands for all sorts of causes these days. The BBC reported that people passing in cars would shout ‘Go back home’ to wristband wearers….might suggest the colour of their faces might actually be the cause of that racism not a probably invisible armband….but hey, before we mock, the armbands were a ‘mental torture’ for one chap….he’d suffered sneeking into the country under a train but couldn’t face another day wearing this rubber band…..any thought that he’ll soon be contacting a solicitor and demanding a pay out in compensation for this oppressive requirement that is so redolent of slavery and the plantations?
What an arse….
I’ll bet he has to wear an ID badge everyday to go to work….same as those at the BBC do……
ID Card Policy
It is the policy of the BBC that staff wear their ID card in a visible manner at all times while on BBC premises. This is a mandatory requirement.
Poor old Eddie Mair is so oppressed and brainwashed that he even complains that he hasn’t got a pass anymore….
My BBC security pass has stopped working. I knew this day would come but a letter would have been nice.
Yet another example of people giving in to bullies; anything for a quiet life. The proper response should have been to say these are the the rules. If you want to be fed for free then wear the band. If that’s too onerous for you, that’s OK, you make your own arrangements.
But it’s normal to wear a wristband when you’re on an All-Inclusive deal.
It is the policy of the BBC that staff wear their ID card in a visible manner at all times while on BBC premises. This is a mandatory requirement.
Only on BBC premises?
I can see their point – Its just like the holocaust all over again!
Poor bastards having to suffer the indignity of a rubber band on their wrists, forced to have free meals, given free accomodation, free clothing, free medical care- despite never having paid tax in the country can it get any worse – will we never learn from history! We are evil ! evil! evil!
Quick ring Phil Shiner we need to prosecuted and bloody quick at that! Make sure we pay for it too! there must be a budget for it somewhere!
Thank you BBC for alerting us to this terrible deed – Now I know I can sleep in peace knowing that we still have such a publically spirited, impartial state broadcaster who will always alert us to all these terrible injustices, Pity the BBC wasnt quite so interested in highlighting the injustices to Lord Bramall. Mind you Tory bastard had it coming really, in his 90’s, wife with altzheimers, fought for his country – serve him right really. Sounds like a perfect case for Phil again -get the tory scum we dont need people like him in our new multicultural equal rights society – stands for all the wrong things – bet he doesnt even like tofu.
BBC bit like the magic roundabout at the moment going round and round, all glitz and noise, same old shit never stopping to actually really look at what is really happening. I guess thats not so much fun.
I myself will no longer buy a wristband, seeing as it`s a badge of oppression.
Nor should anybody ever wear another electronic tag, unless it`s gaily coloured and has a helpline and website on it.
Matching door and wristband…bet Cardiff Uni will now have to paint all their red doored buildings across their faculties now, seeing as red makes us all angry.
Edible wristbands it is then…licorice or woven spaghetti perhaps?
I have to wear a wristband when I go to the gym. It’s the only way I can carry my locker key with me without losing it. But now I doubt I can go there again. It’ll save me £30 per month though, so looking on the bright side…
Hey man on 5a Bus when you are looking out the window on the top deck do you ever see the man on the Clap Clinic Homo Bus go past. Aint seen him for a while though I did hear a rumour that he has a little chum called Zero these days and they spend a lot of time together male bonding in safe places!
The 5A hasn’t got a top deck…… no.
I cannot believe ANY claims of victimisation. I have NEVER heard anyone shout at anyone (no matter what colour, race or sexual persuasion the potential ‘victim’ is) anything abusive at all. However, I HAVE seen videos in which people have been verbally racially abusive, but funnily enough, only one of those videos was of a white woman (on a bus) – in London! London, that most multi-cultural British city where racial ignorance does not (supposedly) exist!
The BBC are more than happy to broadcast false accusations that immigrants are being targeted by racists, whilst at the same time ignoring the misery that some of the immigrants/migrants are causing in the communities they reside. But I’ve never been to Cardiff, so perhaps the people there are more racist per capita than most other cities in Britain.
Come to think of it – the Welsh are more inclined to burn down second-homes owned by foreigners (English). At least they haven’t gone that far yet with the immigrants. They (immigrants) should feel themselves lucky!
WRT Cardiff.
In my experience it is very racist – in fact it is starting to look like Luton!
I would think that the Labour party in Wales will loose a few votes on this fiasco – they are making fools of themselves.
Carwyn ‘could do better’. The Welsh Assembly is fast loosing credibility.
The polls suggest that UKiP may gain 1 or 2 seats!!
A local Plaid activist was bemoaning the GE results last May, complaining that they lost in Llanelli ( an expected win) because all the votes that Liebore lost went to UKiP.
Nuff said really.
Just let them starve to death.
Pour decourager les autres.
If you go to any Summer Music Festival , from Glasto , to the one we do in Bures ,Essex / Suffolk Border , you get a , wait for it ,wrist band. I am sure the BBC`s Glasto ones ,are Waffen SS tatooed onto their wrists, being they all in an orgasmic rush to get on that freebee gravy train, once a year.
Every dog in England will have to be microchipped by 6 April 2016, to enable quick identification, reduce the number of strays and reduce the fouling in the streets. Why not the same for immigrants?
Stop calling these invaders immigrants.
Stop comparing British dogs to these unicellular proto-organisms.
Have just realised what those NHS wristbands for patients were all about. NHS = National Holocaust Service.
The whole population of Wales should wear wristbands emblazoned with “Dwi Spartacus” in solidarity with our enrichers.
After all, we’re all descended from asylum seekers aren’t we?
(Apologies to Taffman and any other Welsh speakers here)
Charae teg! – ‘well played’ for the Saxons here.
Or ceisio da.
Dda Iawn ! (very good)
On a serious note though, at a time when 1000 or more ‘boys’ down in Port Talbot are loosing their jobs in the steel works………….
“Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood said the Home Office should face “serious questions” about the situation”.
Not about this steel crisis but about bloody wrist bands!
While Carwyn Jones is “appalled some asylum seekers in Cardiff have been asked to wear wrist bands to access food 1/4”
Our politicians of all ‘colours’ have lost the plot. They care more about immigrants than they do about their own people.
Time for a change!
WHYS weighing in…
As I said in the previous post same old shit everyday just a differtent arrangement.
I suppose all this faux outrage serves the triple function of
1. Making everyone ultra sensitive about critisising these poor asylum seekers (particularly if they are followers of the religion of peace) -IIIIIIIIIISSSSLAAAMIFOBIA! -The ultimate crime these days
2. Leading us all around by the nose. Taking offense at even minor breaches of the accepted pc norm thus ensuring that we are paranoid about upsetting any of these oppressed, poor minorities and consequently any reasonable critisism is muted and toned down and therfore we all adopt a self censorship approach.
3. Lots of smoke and mirrrors and white noise about all these non stories fills the media so there is less room and attention for the much more minor stories involving enrichment problems such as violence, rape, murder, sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, theft, criminal damage, overpopulation, loss of culture, etc etc etc –
Fortunately for us our national broadcaster only deals with the important stuff such as a few migrants who object to wearing a rubber band on their wrist cos thats a story we should all care about!!!
Seems some pols, and BBC dags, may have a bit of egg on their faces…. again… as it emerges the doors at least was nothing like the situation they were so keen to swallow.
Still, never mind. What is done is done.