You should know that Clinton asked for a list of practices of what the law deemed ‘sexual relations’, oral sex was not on that list and so he was able to say that he did not have sexual relations with that woman and was not lying !
they never will – even when they’re being killed or maimed or raped. They are so self destructive that they even believe that it is their fault the immigrants are killing them !
“they never will – even when they’re being killed or maimed or raped. They are so self destructive that they even believe that it is their fault the immigrants are killing them !”
They are correct, it IS their fault.
I could not care less how many of these traitors get skewered or butchered.
It is the remainder of the population that is my concern, they actually reside in the areas where the alien filth will try to live.
Or they could try paying their “talent” a bit less. For instance, is it really necessary to have THREE presenters on “Rip Off Britain” (oh, the irony !!) taking it in turns to read out one sentence each? Ludicrous!
Yep Terry Wogan = 63 licence payers annual sub’s just to cover his appearance on Children In Need, Christ know how many it takes to fund Norton, Evans, Lineker and the layers and layers of right on PC managers…
A committee of MP’s have warned today that charities must stop ripping off the vulnerable, especially OAPS.
What unfortunate timing on the day the BBC have suggested that they will encourage OAPs to donate to them when they don’t have to and many don’t have.
I’m sure hard up pensioners will be happy to pay for the likes of David Dimbleby (who sent his son to Eaton on his BBC Salary).
The 300 BBC employees who go to Glastonbury each year.
The £100 million lost on a computer system that didn’t work.
BBC Asian network.
£80 million lost on acquisition of Lonely Planet.
The Yentob creature filling his pockets yearly.
The expensive and unnecessary move to Salford.
Diane Abbott’s estimated £20,000 a year.
£130,000 buying The Guardian each year.
Institutions should not take advantage of the elderly? Bloody right.
I know, Polly, that you will be relieved to hear that David Dimbleby, well paid though he may be, did not need to rely on the BBC to fund Harry’s Eton fees. Selling the family business of nine local newspapers, bought principally by father Richard and run as proprietor and editor in conjunction with his job at the time – nice work if you can get it by anyone’s standards – gained DD just the £12million in 2001. Quite how owning newspapers, even in the days before the Guardian became the BBC’s Little Red Book, squared with impartiality is a question only the family could have answered.
I think he comes under the patronising Islingtonian definition of ‘comfortably off’ although, of course, the family would not be seen dead in suburbia.
Perhaps the 3 lady pensioners have got wind that they will soon be means tested and are topping up their pensions with a few hours work every week !
I’m more concerned that after years of having 2 quite capable presenters on Homes Under the Hammer, the Beeb decide to have an unnecessary third presenter (- clearly in the name of diversity !). And how much are the numerous ‘experts’ costing on Antiques Roadshow and the various spin-off antiques programmes ?
Actually the antiques shows are an excellent illustration of the extensive tape library used to ease the burden of making boring, non-political and time-consuming new programs. Tim Wonacott followed Clarkson in his own monumental falling out almost a year ago, and David Barbie has been dead for far longer – yet they are still such regular stars on our screens you’d never guess that both have gone their various ways. Aren’t we lucky?
How stupid of the BBC. Just about their level nowadays. it will only cause resentment and most OAPs will just laugh at them.
The BBC gets stupider by the day.
I’m quoting here from today’s Metro. “British anarchists were among 35 people arrested in Calais after leading a scandalous invasion of the ferry port by 350 migrants. Masked demonstrators from the left wing group No Borders then stormed the P and O ferry. Activists also defaced a statue of Charles de Gaulle daubing it with graffiti which read “FUCK FRANCE.” ”
Charming! Don’t these scruffy hordes of violent unwashed vermin make you proud to be British?
I haven’t had time to see any Beeb today but I’m guessing none ( or not much) of this was covered.
I’ve a couple of questions. If a tiddly, half pint little rag like The Metro can run a story like this then why can’t our state broadcaster?
Well, I guess we all know the answer to that…
And is it any surprise that Comrade Corbyn arrives in Calais followed by an aggressive mob, sheds crocodile tears over the fate of violent illegal immigrants but totally ignores the plight of our own hard working lorry drivers?
I think we all know the answer to that as well.
It was clear that the election of Corbyn would give some so called legitimacy to the Trots hanging around the party. It means that labour is finished for good unless the members can pull themselves together and get rid of him. The downside of this is that Cameron will get a free ride to wherever he wants to push us to.
I also think the Trots will find the French riot police a bit different to ours.
I am awaiting that tough BBC interview when someone like Brillo interviews Corbyn and asks him will he disassociate Labour from these thugs that have behaved so disgracefully in France.
Andrew Neil: ‘Mr Corbyn, does Labour support these violent demonstrators…. do they… do they… you havn’t answered my question…. does Labour support them….the viewers want to know… Well you won’t answer my question’.
And what mindset of the ghouls taking selfies, along with Dads in footy shirts grinning alongside their offspring having their picture taken at this saddening sight. There are times when I feel ashamed for my fellow man who inhabit this island. It seems that sodding photos have to be taken constantly, regardless.
I believe that Corbyn and MacDonnell are working on a careful plan, on the one hand they portray themselves as ‘caring’, and on the other they link secretly with the hard-line Socialists and anarchists to encourage violent acts such as those at Calais, but it can be seen in protests Heathrow, fracking and the like, as well as encouragement of mass migration. Anything to create an atmosphere of unease and fear.
Their ideology promotes violence as a means of their gaining power, they know it works because most people want a quiet life and will shrink from it rather than oppose it. They also know that the present government is also weak, is of the Liberal/Left anyway and does not oppose their general trend, and will make concessions. We only need to look at how Mussolini and Hitler gained power.
They wish to emulate them; the Left and Right were both created within a Socialist context. Corbyn is in the International Socialist camp; the International Socialists of the Soviet variety in the 1920’s and ’30’s called the National Socialists the ‘Right’ because they broke away from the Internationalist theme and became ‘National’, but they remained Socialists.
I really feel a great deal of sympathy for lorry drivers and haulage firms. Imagine getting to Calais having driven across the continent, only to find these scum in your way.
The latest tactic is to block the autoroute with shopping trollies or throw masonry from bridges forcing lorries to stop and thereby causing a tailback. This then makes them an easy target for those trying to get here illegally.
Family friends who live in Belgium (originally from uk) own a haulage firm and are sick to death of their drivers having to run the gauntlet when going through Calais.
And yet the right honourable leader of the opposition says we should do more to help the refugees. What about our lorry drivers and their families?
The whole situation is beyond a joke. Shame on the BBC for their selective coverage of this.
Agreed. Corbyn is beyond a joke. The BBC are beyond a joke. Former hard-left member of the Labour back bench has been put through the BBC sanitiser to emerge as champion of the people (and refugees). Listening to a 5Live drone sucking up to hard-left shadow chancellor McDonnell the other day made me feel sick. You are right uglybear, it’s all gone way past even the blackest of humour.
It seems that the Prime Minister does not want to take a tough stance with regard to the criminal behaviour of the British anarchists. I wager that the UK police will not make any arrests, and if they do they will be acquitted.
Meanwhile, every loony left outfit from Cameron’s UAF to the crazies in Class War, are marshaling their forces for a violent demonstration in Dover on Jan 30th.
No Nazis in Dover. Solidarity with refugees. Coach tickets available from London Anti-Fascists. Book now. Apparently Dover will be full of “neo-Nazis and violent racists” this Saturday.
I wonder how the BBC will “report” on this one. Will the Comrade be there in the vanguard? I can’t wait to find out.
I must protest. Surely there should have been a trigger warning about that link?!?! I was confronted with the most dreadful liberal leftie bigotry and small mindedness I try to avoid. I feel dirty now.
Such a myopic and self-deceived mindset I’ve not experienced recently. Some of the photos were full of virtue signalling that it was a veritable storm.
But seriously folks, it appears you are either a huggy warm fuzzy person who thinks there is enough space in the UK, or, you’re a NAZI! If you don’t answer fast enough as to what you are, I’ll call you a NAZI!
So if you are a more circumspect person, who prefers to collect information from various and different sources (and can discern differences in quality, and bent of editorial team) you are at risk of being a NAZI!
We moan, bleep and girn (Orcadian words for complain) and that got me thinking…What does the BBC Trust do? Aren’t they supposed to be on the side of the viewer/listener, the ones who pay for the shoddy outfit – or should that be output – in the first place? So I asked the question of the Internet and on their website, this is what they say they do.
Our job is to get the best out of the BBC for licence fee payers. We set the strategic direction of the BBC. We hold the Executive to account for its performance of its functions, and for its compliance with the law, with regulatory requirements, and with the policies, guidelines and codes that we set. We are supported by the Trust Unit, a team of professional BBC staff who report directly to us and who are operationally independent from the rest of the BBC.
We check that services meet audiences’ expectations through an in-depth review every five years. In every Annual Report, we report on how well the BBC is delivering the six public purposes set out in its Royal Charter. Before we take any major decisions, we carry out consultations.
We check that the BBC’s operations are as efficient as they can be. We set and monitor efficiency targets and commission regular, independent value-for-money reviews. And through the annual budget-setting process, we check that money is where it needs to be in order to deliver our strategy.
The Trust is responsible for approving the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines. These Guidelines are the key foundation for the maintenance of high editorial standards in everything broadcast or produced by the BBC. They cover a range of standards including impartiality, harm and offence, accuracy, fairness, privacy and dealing with children and young people as contributors.
I think they should all be sacked, don’t you?
PS: I tried to do the extract in italics but couldn’t get it to work – sorry.
Here’s how accountability works; You are appointed/elected to do a job with a defined job description and measured on your performance by the people who appointed or elected you. Got the idea so far?
Through in a clever mechanism called a Royal Charter (Labour creation of course) and suddenly you are only responsible to the Head of State. Trouble is that the Head of State has uniquely been stripped of all power and can neither examine nor hold to account.
Now you have an organisation that is totally out of control and accountable to nobody. The only people that have any power are the people that decide how much money the organisation can demand through threats and extortion.
The first paragraph claims
“Thirty percent of the migrants and refugees who reached Europe last year were children. ”
Seems a little high from evidence shown by the BBC itself as it followed the migrants/refugees/invaders
Further down the claim is repeated, this time giving the source
“Figures from the UN’s refugee agency show that of the million and more migrants and refugees who reached Europe by sea last year, nearly half were men. But more than 30% were children.”
“Children make up one in four of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean since January 2015. Many travel without their parents or caretakers. (UNHCR)
11 Jan 2016”
So the source quoted is 25% not over 30%. So it is a straight up lie. It’s not that I check anything the BBC ever claims, as normally they do not quote a source. They just make it up. It is true at the BBC that 83% of statistics are made up on the spot. That 50% are men statistic is also utter bollox but I cant be bothered properly looking now. But some stats show figures as high as 90% and averaging about 75%.
Beeb doesn’t do truth, honesty, fairness, morality, etc.
How are they defining who is a child?
Someone who tells them that they are under 18 and who has no I.D. from their country of origin to confirm that – but which doesn’t matter anyway as they are just taken at their word.
“How are they defining who is a child”
This is a difficult question to answer, especially concerning negroes, who can exist, simultaneously, in more than one cusp of curved space-time.
Examples being Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and numerous other huge dead thick thugs, who
having become dead thugs, moved seamlessly through the eleven dimensions predicted by superstring theory, becoming imbued with Hawking radiation.
Having undergone time dilation they emerged several years younger in photographs repeated endlessly by “The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
Just kill IslamicAlBeeb, the most treacherous organisation in the history of these islands.
Ladies of Britain! Wake up! See how your Swedish and German sisters are living in fear. And the younger ones don’t know why. This is how sad it is getting. And the BBC wants to avoid the topic. Women, fearful of walking the streets of their home towns. Breitbart have covered the story:
The German government has a certain relationship with Facebook to protect us idiots from seeing extremist information. It’s for our own good, as I commented in September last year:
….AMUN Sept. 2015. Classic Internationalist Marxist soft propaganda piece by the BBC. Let the islamification of Europe accelerate, and the erosion of our freedoms continue!
”Migrant crisis: Facebook backs German anti-racism drive”
The German government is going ‘waycist’ hunting. Real News. German government cut a deal with Facebook to facilitate their spending of German taxpayer’s money on ‘experts’ (thought police) to spy on Facebook communications. Hurray, more tax, more government, more spying on the general public! Hurrah!! (A few jobs for some new migrants perhaps?) Potential imprisonment for thought crimes. So, be clumsy with your words and if you liken Islam to a death cult, for instance, or believe that Europe needs de-islamising, for instance, and use words that the ‘experts’ don’t like? Jail. Wish to discuss the probabilities that the Eurocratic dictatorship has allowed more than or less than 8,000 experienced Islamic fighters to enter the Schengen zone, and what the punishment should be for the responsible government officials and ‘representatives’? Be careful, could be jail.). I’ve got a feeling that I wouldn’t qualify for one of Facebook’s ‘protected groups’ either, referred to by Richard Allen, Facebook’s public policy manager in Europe. I wonder if the German’s have jurisdiction in England yet? If Mrs Merkel decides that they do, I guess they would? Isn’t that how the EU works now? And what the EU Army will be for? If the Germans jail me, will they give me a gold star to wear if my racist hate crime is committed with grammatical accuracy?
But in Beebworld of course, it’s all OK and for the best:
Government + Corporate giant + thought crimes. What could go wrong?
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” G Orwell.
Free speech. Protect it or lose it. Even if Big Brother Merkel is watching you.
Germany reverting to dictatorial type. Schengen ripped and in tatters (by dictat – Orders of Herr Merkel!). EU Commissars, the BBC and German politicians slandering Hungarian representatives with irresponsible Godwinian calls of ‘waysist’ and ‘Nazi’. Politico’s, journalists and eurocrats: Ideologues and professional position holders out of their depth, openly engaging in socialist coffee shop talk on a public stage, in their positions of office and ‘responsibility’, promoting the reinforcement of discord and disharmony in Europe through their shambolic approach to the ongoing mass human migration, which their actions, incompetence and foolishness have amplified. And the far-hard-looney left are barking in their echo chamber. Particularly loudly at the moment.
Yet again, Nigel Farage was right , his detractors were wrong. And many have died as a consequence since he warned them. Listen to the women of the ‘left’ as well as Nigel in this clip. The chap at the end of the clip is also pleading with the ‘lefties’ to see sense:
But we have plenty of useful idiots who will pile on the misery, as this Hungarian writer suggests:
Useful idiots will promote the UK’s continuing membership of the EU also, ever more so through their TV channel, the BBC. They are paid handsomely, with our money, to do it….”
The reasons for leaving the EU and embracing the world, re-embracing the commonwealth are so many. They relate to our culture, our democracy, our right to self determination, the health of our trading links and prominance as a strong and honourable Nation on the world stage. They come from both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ of the political spectrum. There are other, pressing, less positive realities that also need to be faced relating to the personal security of women.
Ladies of Britain! Is it not obvious? We need to leave the EU.
Facebook, and increasingly Twitter, are effectively becoming Sharia-compliant. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), comprising 57 Islamic member states and thus effectively a global proto-caliphate, has been working towards stifling all criticism of Islam since 1990. It has used deliberate contrivances such as ‘islamophobia’ as the thin end of the wedge to split open the West’s commitment to free speech. History shows, without exception, that everywhere Islam has been given an inch, it has taken a mile and much more. The OIC is a much more substantial long-term danger to Western civilization than the Islamic State, and has massive support – it’s the biggest voting bloc in the UN.
Let this courageous girl’s video be seen by millions … tens of millions.
Sunday Politics 24.1.16. Terrible coverage of the launch of the GO (Grassroots Out).
Nick Watts, Andrew Neil, Guardian fembot and Independent dude accentuating the ‘splits’ that don’t actually exist in the ‘Leave Campaign’. I would urge all who are interested in our common futures, to listen to the wise words of Sammy Wilson, Kate Hoey, Tom Pursglove, Peter Bone, Nigel Farage, Philip Hollobone and Liam Fox at the launch of Grassroots Out. GO. A link to the video (1 and a half hours) is given on the following website, well worth the investment in time. Time that the commentariat on the Sunday Politics had not deemed worthwhile investing so as to inform the public. Some inspirational speeches including from the marvelous Kate Hoey MP (Labour, Vauxhall).
As those who have watched this fantastic event will know, the BBC could not attend due to traffic issues. You really can not make that up. Is this incompetence? Would not the BBC organise to be there before the public arrived so as to attain a full flavour of the whole of the event? Have the BBC not got the resources? Peter Bone did not let this matter of BBC bias pass without comment. Whatever the excuse for the BBC not covering the event, there was a live feed available to the public, which professional journalists should have availed themselves of if they are to adequately undertake their duties as a public broadcaster. Andrew Neil is usually well informed. On the matter of the EU, he is establishment.
Kick the Establishment! Get involved, Vote Leave, take control. Leave EU, GO!
I went to the Kettering event, and it took ages to get into the venue; but surely those sh*ts at the BBC would normally get there early to set up all their cameras, hotlines to the Guardian and Labour HQ, champagne buffet etc etc.
I can definitely recommend the video.
Thanks for that link, angrymanupnorth. I’ll definitely watch it tomorrow.
I’m really hoping that when push comes to shove there will be enough people in Britain who will choose to tell Cameron that he can put his EU where the sun don’t shine.
Germany: Muslims demand Sharia ban on alcohol to reduce sex attacks on ‘naked antelope before lions’
Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group
•MuslimStern compared women to ‘naked antelope’ presented before ‘lions’
•The group said banning alcohol in Germany would help resolve the issue
•German women were told to dress like the Virgin Mary and not Lady Gaga
•The group accused the women of being responsible for their own attacks
I wonder when the BBC will be covering this, and moaners hour will no doubt tell women they need to wear the veil !
This is John Derbyshire about the U.S. but it could equally apply to Great Britain or any western european nation:
“We don’t want millions of unassimilable foreigners pouring into our country. We don’t want our young people sent off to fight half-hearted wars our leaders have no real desire to win. We don’t much care if Russia or China throw their weight around in their own spheres of influence. We don’t want to see our nation’s leaders apologize to anyone, for anything.”
The great war , from the 1960s, on BBc propaganda station number 1. A voice warns us before it starts it would contains outdated language. I assume it was a reference in the program to French colonial troops. Shame the BBc doesn’t notify us before every news program this will include bias and omissions.
Nearly a year has passed by since the migration crisis hit Europe and only now they are able to act . ISIS threatened this. At the same time France can’t or wont, do anything about the Calais Jungle and protect out lorry drivers .
A very, very good reason to get out of this failed state.
I have just seen on the BBC an item about a faction fight within Ukip regarding the selection of candidates for the Welsh assembly. Just the sort of thing to make the beeb suddenly want to give Ukip attention. The sort that Ukip don’t need at this stage before the elections.
I am not party to the inner workings of Ukip and my quiet mountain town is not in the Welsh mountains. But what I do know, from experience, is that candidate selection is a very tricky business especially where the local choice differs from the interest of the party top level. Not just in Ukip but any party.
I do not know enough about this particular spat to make judgement but my general rule would be that If the top level feels that the local level must have a candidate selected for them, then it must be handled with tact and skill. Sorry to say but Ukip has shown a lack of competence in doing this on several occasions in the past.
This hasn’t come out of the blue. It was predictable. Someone just ain’t doing their job.
I’ve probably angered the kippers but the May elections are not far away and they have a chance do well. It would help if they took a more professional approach and didn’t give any gems like this to the BBC
Yasser, be careful not to be taken in by the Albeeb. Your point is well made but should the selection of a Ukipper really be highlighted on the Albeeb news especially when just a short time ago they found it difficult to report the Cologne rapes accurately or even when it happened.
Anti Ukip is at the forefront the Albeeb agenda especially with the EU referendum imminent. They will attack Ukip at every opportunity.
Interestingly, I have noticed that when a Ukip politician is on any political Albeeb programme (usually a Dimbleby one) then they are always interrupted by a the presenter, other party politicians much less so.
“These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We’re dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad,” police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said.
I heard this on the 08:00 Radio 2 news this morning. They also stated that the Swedish police are asking for another 4,000 officers, because they cannot cope. But the overall tone of the item was very much “Isolated incident and the culprit has been arrested so …. nothing to see here”
This is Alexandra Mezher, 22 years old, of Lebanese ancestry, who wished to help young migrants in her country. Her cousin says “It is the Swedish politicians’ fault that she is dead.”
Remember her. She is another addition to the roll-call of young women criminally let down by European leaders. Another young victim sacrificed at the altar of mass immigration and multi-culturalism. This has to stop.
The Beeb still isn’t reporting the stitch-up the EU is planing for Greece to try and halt migrants getting to Germany, though I doubt they will be able to ignore it for too long. I was amazed though that they reported the Swedish asylum centre stabbing, but of course didnt show any picture of the young female victim.
Of course if I were the parents of the baby William Mead I would be thinking ‘if only’. The Daily Mail reports 16 ‘blunders’ but even the BBC is cautious enough to use the words ‘may’ rather than ‘would’ have saved his life. But how I hate the BBC for using the death of a child for their own political purposes. The emphasis on the Today programme this Tuesday morning is very much on the 111 service with asides about the use of cutting the use of antibiotics (using the word ‘cut’ by the BBC subliminally suggests it is for financial reasons with their overuse of the word). We could concentrate on how many times GPs had missed the chest infection (6) but of course with the doctors strikes, doctors are the BBC’s new best friends. May I just say that we had cause a couple of years ago to phone 111 for my husband and he was escalated up to the 999 service and he was rushed to hospital – and it was all brilliant.
But the liars at the bBBC have upped their attack on the 111 service with their headline NHS 111 ‘missed chances to save sepsis baby William Mead’.
Later, the bBBC ‘news’ item says The report details the opportunities missed to save William’s life. It found:
– William’s GP had not recorded all of the relevant information in his notes
– William’s symptoms had not been recognised as something more serious
– The advice about what his parents should do over the weekend if William’s condition worsened had been inadequate
– The out-of-hours GP service had not had access to William’s primary care records
– The pathway tool used by NHS 111 advisers had been too crude to pick up “red-flag” warnings relating to sepsis
So, five highlighted mistakes, four by doctors and the last one by the 111 service. But the bBBC loves doctors and hates 111 so it twists the facts to suit their prejudices. As usual.
BBC editor of integrity?
A rara avis.
In fact an extinct avis, were it not for the archaeological remains it would be hard to believe they ever existed.
Guest Who:
“Maybe the agenda again trumps truth, or they simply didn’t have time or space ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity) ?”
Speak of the Devil! Or Avis. Or Sus.
Do you remember Ashya King, the little boy whose parents removed from the care of Southampton General Hospital, after disagreeing about the type of cancer therapy he should receive (Proton vs Radio)?
I remember one of the most disturbing moments I’ve experienced while listening to Radio 4 was when they reported him as missing, his parents having taken him out of the country, and the news presenter said (I paraphrase, but only slightly): “It isn’t important to know the details of what went on at the hospital; only that we find Ashya, and so it’s of the utmost importance if you see anyone matching his or his parents description, to report it to the police…”
There’s your agenda. The details aren’t important. After that, it was all just wonderful to see the extradition process(!) collapse, the doctors at Southampton say the proton therapy wouldn’t work, then a few months later after proton therapy in Prague, the tumour had gone. Fucking wonderful.
NHS 111 ‘missed chances to save sepsis baby William Mead’
The copy is littered with ‘may’ and ‘probably’, with this snippet tucked away:
‘The NHS England report said GPs had also failed to diagnose him’
This is a gross misrepresentation by the BBC of a clearly complex situation, and it is not ‘NHS 111’ they have spotlighted, but a person, rather than these mystery ‘GPs’.
With such a situation, I cannot believe the operator could have been aware of the severity, as their default is ‘if in doubt, head for the pros’.
I had an emergency at home and being true Brits my wife called NHS Direct first so as not to trouble anyone. Within seconds of history and symptoms they told us to call 999. Any twinge in future they told us to call that number first. As I would with my kids still.
There are ‘questions to be answered’ to be sure of a bunch of folk, who will doubtless ‘learn lessons’, and no amount of ‘training’ is going to alter the incompetence at higher levels.
But the BBC headline focus on the 111 operator is risible.
It’s the lead item on the bBBC 1 o’clock ‘news’ although the emphasis shifted from 1.00 when the 111 service was at fault, to the 1.30 summary which mentioned ‘a series of mistakes by doctors and the 111 service’.
I suspect that the bBBC knows who the child’s GP is, and that s/he is one of the favoured foreign doctors, so this must be suppressed at all costs. Diversion to criticising the 111 service is a simple way of doing so.
BBC misreporting? Is there such a thing as ‘disreporting’?!
Anyway, I mean no ill will, and have no desire to tub-thump about Israel, but the Guardian has run this advert (to much protest) in the past:
Swings and roundabouts. But the influence over the decision certain media take on whether to focus on either victim or perp in headlines does seem curious, and in the case you highlighted, I can see that it would piss a lot of people off.
Re: your NHS 111 post above – my thoughts exactly.
Yesterday (Monday) on the Today primetime 8.10 slot we were treated to Justin actually being quite tough with Stuart Rose for the IN Campaign. At the end of the piece we were promised the same with the OUT Campaig,n this morning. I duly tuned in – nothing ….. just a piece about Beatrix Potter ! Was the interview moved to an earlier red-eye slot, or just ditched? Ruthless balance !!
Hey, don`t be so dismissive, it was Beatrix Potters story about a “cross dressing” black cat.
They loved repeatedly saying that, and they had some luvvie who once played Beatrix Potter in a film saying that Ms Potter was a strong woman who had bought Lakeland farms to keep them as working farms and stop them becoming “second homes for the toffs”, the irony of her rather posh accent in this denunciation of toffery was lost on the presenters.
And the researcher who`d found the “lost story” was working with the proletarian……Emma Thompson….who got a name check too!
Heard that interview too. But the BbC had to get a box ticked somewhere, didn’t they! Towards the end of the extract the lady read out, there was a sentence along the lines of …..and wouldn’t she (owner of the cat) have been surprised to see Kitty dressed in a man’s topcoat and top hat….or similar. And Justin trip-me-up Webb could not help himself as he yelped…oh, transgender then!!!!!
It was priceless if it weren’t so pathetic and biased. He then went on to ask the lady that perhaps she thought it was book for today then, meaning it covered transgender stuff etc. But the dear old girl, bless ‘er, missed his point completely and quite innocently said…yes, children would enjoy it. It had all the old favourites in there too…Mrs Tiggywinkle and so on.
Justin just couldn’t answer that so spluttered to a close!
Yes, Justin also didn`t respond at all to a reference to the cat`s “gun toting” and “rebellious” behaviour.
That may be why the book isn`t being published until September, so the refences to guns and rebellious black cats can be assessed for inclusion by a correctness committee somewhere.
My guess is that the refences to cross dressing are in.
Deb 0812 Sir Arthur 0830.
In the interview about this, the NHS spokesperson talked about ‘more further’ measures.
Always a bit worrying when the senior managers can’t speak proper. They reveal themselves as extremely cold and process driven (though 2 stars for mentioning RCA – root cause analysis, methodology familiar to legions of engineers and others).
What was not considered was
a. what would have happened if there had been no 111 service, would the child have then survived? It would depend on what actions the parents then took, so in effect what has happened is that responsibility has been passed from the parents to 111. Very collectivist, surely Comrade Corbyn would approve.
b. Out of a population of 63 million all entitled to unlimited ‘free’ NHS services, some patients will die. You remember the old adage about doctors – that their mistakes get buried – literally!! Can we really afford to micromanage special procedures for each and every individual rare possibility, when 99.9% ++ of that activity is in effect redundant? I’m not offering an answer, but we are being cowed into not being able to ask the question.
My computer at work goes slower and slower and slower. Why? Because the security system has to put ever more security layers to keep out the viruses etc. I think the NHS is a little like that.
Society should not beat itself up because of a few tragic cases. Why should we all be made to feel guilt?
The bBBC agenda is of course, as stated, “Tory cuts cost lives”.
Up until 1985 the BBC was indeed monitored by Mi5. The BBC was monitored for sure but that all changed when John Birt took over cost cutting reforms (now deja-vue for Lord Tony Hall). According to John Aitkin (ex journo of BBC) in his book ‘Can we Trust the BBC?’ records some extraordinary changes. (Extracted here);
1987 John Birt became Director General. Praised for fundamental changes and cost savings that changed the ‘nature’ of the BBC from news commentator to an influential left wing lobby group employing core Labour sympathisers such as: David Aronovich (journalist Independent, The Times), Poly Tonybee (journalist Guardian) and Greg Dyke (LWT and future BBC DG for BBC).
OTHER ’high profile’ Labour members with links back to the BBC include: Peter Mendleson (Media guru for Tony Blair with closer links to Greg Dyke (from LWT TV). Greg Dyke later become Director General of the BBC), Will Hutton (Guardian journalist to BBC Journalist), Liz Fogan (BBC and Guardian Journalist), Andrew Rawnsley (BBC to New Labour activist), James McNaughtie (Guardian to BBC staff Radio 4), (1997) Lance Price (BBC to New Labour activist), Martin Sixsmith (BBC to New Labour activist), Tom Kelly (BBC to New Labour activist), Ed Richards (BBC to New Labour activist), Bill Bush (BBC to New Labour activist), Catherine Rimmer (BBC to New Labour activist), John Birt (BBC DG to New Labour activist), Don Briad (BBC to New Labour activist), Sarah Hunter (BBC to New Labour activist), Ben Bradshaw, (BBC to New Labour MP 1997), Chris Bryant (BBC to New Labour MP), Celia Barlow (BBC to New Labour MP), James Purnell (BBC to New Labour Gov. Minster), Ken Macintosh, (BBC to (Scotland) MSP).
Reading the book it became obvious that Mi5 (Philby & Co.) had itself been infiltrated by the hard left and that was reinforced when the BBC was fundamentally changed by John Birt and his followers – as you can see above (and below). It was designed to support The falling Guardian readership (all 185,000 of them). The ‘Daily Star’ (for example) has four times as many sales and readers to put that into ‘media sales’ context. The BBC media supported flagship is second to last in overall newspaper sales in the UK. Despite 7 days a week BBC propaganda.
Speaking of the Grauniad, it has a wonderful juxtaposition on its front page today : a photo of Johanna Konta and her arms & hands alongside the headline ‘Wristbands for asylum seekers to be scrapped’
I would have thought there would have been several Communist witch hunts at al beebus – carried out by the Communists to identify and jettison those who weren’t.
I heard that too Sluff. The real question in this case and the story about mental health “services” is how many clinical decisions regarding NHS patients are now influenced by or even made by non clinically trained staff, like the call handler who was mentioned, reading from “pathways” or flow charts, rather than clinical staff actually looking at and assessing the patient?
Where else in the NHS are non clincal staff influencing patient treatment decisions?
What`s the ratio of call handlers to clinically trained staff on the average 111 service shift, 2:1, 10:1, 20:1 or more?
And what was the story of the nameless GP who the family had repeatedly consulted?
Anything to do the the mess Labour made of their contracts and the growth of locum and out of hours services to cover it up?
There`s a story or two there for the BBC or some more effective investigative journalists.
Embolden. All good points. The 111 service is really there to prevent minor issues using up core NHS time. For many users, this will be a useful service, being fit for purpose and preventing the need for a cumbersome attempt to see a GP or (increasingly) going straight to A and E.
Meanwhile, many people do go to the GP where serious issues can be spotted.
And therefore there is a group in the middle, too serious just for 111, but how do you know which is which?
You’re spot on with the long term strategic chaos caused by the Labour 2005 shambles. Just look at the massive % of GPs who opted out to see what a great deal it was for them. Now we’re at the point where GPs are cramming pharmacies onto their premises, putting the independents out of business, and running the surgeries on a ‘turnover per square foot’ basis like the supermarkets do. They are private sector people, of course!!! Something conveniently forgotten by the left.
It’s all a bit of a mess. Pretty untouchable, bags of vested interests, incredibly inefficient, resistant to change, all paid for by a largely gullible public that can’t see beyond the surface.
And the NHS is just as bad!
I rarely go and see a doctor – I think it’s healthier that way, but at Easter last year I had a nasty ear infection and as I was going to be flying a week later I sought help, first from my GP (closed), then a drop in centre (busy) and I was advised by them to ring NHS 111.
I’m ashamed to say that I had been taken in by the sort of agenda the BBC were using this morning (Toilets Maguire on Sky last night was similarly on message) and had avoided using the service. Wrongly. They were absolutely brilliant – a call handler spent about ten minutes with me carefully and going through his programme / flow chart, asking me a series of question and asking me to attempt undertake physical movements and describe reactions – they were checking for meningitis. At the end of the call the guy arranged for me to visit a doctor at another drop in centre at a local hospital, texted me with the appointment and there was a follow up after the appointment to see that all was well.
I was in an out of the Drs appointment in about 5 mins with a prescription that did the job, but on reflection, I reckoned that I spent more than twice as long with that call handler who was far more probing than the doctor was. Am I bothered that they are not medially qualified? Not in the slightest. My experience of 111 was excellent.
Glad to hear you had a good experience, but you are evidently articulate, able to hear and to assert yourself.
Now consider the needs of a person less able to use a phone, less able through age or handicap to hear the questions, understand them and express their symptoms clearly, or whose symptoms are more complicated than those on the flow chart.
You were screened by a possibly qualified, possibly unqualified call handler who was unable to observe whether you were actually moving in the way he/she requested, who then gave all the info to the doctor who then didn`t feel the need to use his/her skills or spend any time speaking with you but wrote a prescription, at Doctors hourly rates. So the doctors job is effectively being de-skilled in the process. In due course the Doctor will be replaced by a “non-Medical prescriber”.
No wonder we are able to import so many Doctors from overseas if their job is so simple.
111 services are part of the managed decline of the NHS that we have paid into over the years. They are also rather handy business units ripe for privatisation and two year tendering cycles.
This morning on Radio 4 Today was a piece about communist infiltration of the BBC during the McCarthiest era in the USA. Papers recently released apparently show Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordering an investigation into the possibility, which of course didn’t find anything much to report on.
It seems the BBC are hyper sensitive about this, and had the report been into any other public body we probably wouldn’t have heard about it.
I expect other programs will carry the BBCs exoneration of itself later in the day.
In June 1952, a Conservative MP urged the Prime Minister Winston Churchill to investigate Communist activities in Britain. “We have traitors in our midst,” wrote Sir Waldron Smithers, “and although I should deplore suppression of free speech they should be treated as traitors.”
We desperately need a Sir Waldron Smithers today – a Tory with a spine, isn’t that a rare thing today?
As I commented on the Hillary thread (about the Trump/’Paranoia’ prog’ on Radio 4 at 8 pm on Monday) the BBC cannot accept that ANY fears of infiltration and subversion are EVER justified (except if it’s the good old ‘Far Right’, of course!) – it MUST be paranoia, but then as the old saying nearly goes, just because you’re paranoid that doesn’t mean they aren’t infiltrating your uniquely funded national broadcaster.
If anybody wishes to read a book which can fundamentally alter the way they view the history of the 20th Century, I could not recommend highly enough “American Betrayal – The Secret Assault On Our Nation’s Character” by Diana West.
It is an astonishing piece of work (impeccably researched) which deals with the infiltration of the highest echelons of the government of the U.S. by Communists and the damage they wrought to America and the West via their conspiracies with the Soviet Union.
The book covers in detail Sen. McCarthy and the HUAC hearings and much, much else besides and a lot which relates to the U.K.
It caused a storm of protest in America when it was published a couple of years ago, and there were many attempts to discredit her and her work – when that is done I have always thought it provides even more of a reason to read it.
For those who don’t wish to read it there are numerous videos of her speaking about it on YouTube.
If there was, it seems a cheaper version of Pollard, Rose, Smith etc ensued whereby sod all changed and no BBC staff were harmed in the making of this whitewash.
Tories are today a species of invertebrates. Even those who want out of the EU are too frightened to come out and say it for fear of losing their personal status and favour within the government.
Progress on EU talks. Is this what the BBC calls progress? As for the benefits delay – I am sure there are other sources by which UK taxpayers can fund gimmigrants and their families.
I predict that whatever tiny concessions Merkel makes for the UK will be traded for an increase in our intake of migrants. For example, elderly children and their extended families.
Dave asks for little and will get buggerall.
Cameron and Merkel discuss whether the Union Jack or EuroFlag should be flown higher in the UK.
David Cameron says, “Frau Merkel and I have reached a compromise, the EuroFlag will be flown higher on days containing the letter ‘A’ and the Union Jack on the rest. This is a good deal for Britain”.
BBC really unhappy about the ‘far right’ Danish parliament expecting wealthy asylum seekers to fund their own living expenses. You wouldn’t mind so much, but this is exactly what happens in the UK so why is the BBC so bothered about this?
Cos the Danes-like the other Scandinavian nations-exemplify the drug taking, free love, rip off taxes and licentious entitlements of the welfare state that the left liberal freeloaders and gobshites here in Poundland would BEG us to become.
None of that English bollocks as far as they`re concerned…a British dreamcatcher in a discarded EU net for lickle fishies is all that this country now is to them.
Bullhorn or shoehorn?…Trevor or Kenneth?…as long as there`s a bridge to progress , dark gloomy murders to report and a cowed and lamb-tied throat bared for the Halal butchers…then Denmark is the idiot poster child for Lefty fantasies.
About time at least ONE of those great nations up there woke up-payback for Copenhagen last March, for the Danish Cartoons murders of 2005/6.
Make all Muslims buy that comic when they sit at Aalborg-the Danes don`t need these worthless passengers…and nor does anybody.
Yes, Thoughtful, it’s hard not to notice the BBC’s shallowness and bias. I caught the 2 pm Radio 4 brief news bulletin, in which we heard that overused scare word “CONTROVERSIAL” deployed to describe the proposal being debated in the Danish parliament. Of course, Obama, Corbyn, Merkel and the EU would be unlikely to be labelled “controversial” because the BBC approves of them, whereas Trump, Farage, Wilders, Orban, the current Polish government …
“60 Per Cent of ‘Refugees’ Are Really Economic Migrants Admits EU Commissioner” says Breitbart, complete with the following quote from Frans Timmermans, the EU’s first Vice-President: “More than half of the people now coming to Europe come from countries where you can assume they have no reason whatsoever to ask for refugee status. More than half, 60 per cent.”
You can read the rest here (assuming you have a strong enough stomach):
Ian Trethowan was a British journalist, radio and television broadcaster and administrator who eventually became director-general of the BBC from 1 October 1977 to 31 July 1982
A close friend of the former Tory prime minister Sir Edward Heath and a Conservative, Trethowan has been criticised for his support of the Security Service “vetting” of BBC employees which has often been seen as a means of weeding out leftists in the corporation.
Liz Forgan said that she wanted to move away from the attitude expressed by Trethowan when he heard a Birmingham accent on BBC radio and said “What is that sound doing on the BBC? Get it off.”
So, if Leftie ineffective Tory wet Ted Heath could manage to appoint a DG who ‘weeded out’ leftists from the BBC why can’t lazy Davey ?
It’s babies and bathwater, isn’t it? We have gone from the absurdity of Trethowan’s embargo to one where more or less the only voices and faces broadcast are either female, ethnic, or regional and sometimes all three.
Of course, one has to wonder, in passing, whether la Forgan’s memory was entirely accurate.
‘So, if Leftie ineffective Tory wet Ted Heath could manage to appoint a DG who ‘weeded out’ leftists from the BBC why can’t lazy Davey ? ‘
because he’s a spineless, self serving coward who wants the Albeeb to support the EU, he is a poodle to the BBC Left.
He a closet Leftie at heart.He would have been a good fit with the old SDP. Very similar to John Major. I’m not surprised so many backbench Tories despise him.
He response to John Baron MP Billericay this week during Prime Ministers Question Time summed him up , it was petulant, dismissive, full of spite and unstatesmanlike.
Heard the BBC goons as usual this morning wondering if there had ever been Commies who`d infiltrated the BBC back when it was a rather brave and dashing thing to do.
Same mindsets today as was back then-subversion from within, whispering grass ups and endless agitation on behalf of Uncle Joe…only now he`d be transitioning to a woman , but covered in a burqa so there`d be absolutely no questions asked.
Did strike me though-these endless agitations to get Turings shroud beatified…rewrite the Hillsborough cases to suit todays context as opposed to the one we all remember in the 80s…getting the Shrewsbury pickets, Bloody Sunday and Mau Mau causes revamped and kerchinged?
Any chance of anybody at the BBC getting Mrs Thatchers Honorary Degree from Oxford University revisited with a posthumous degree with cakes and “party poppers” etc ?
THAT was as great an injustice as many of the ones I cite above-the cultural corrosiveness and the shoring up of the likes of Eagleton and Hobsbawm etc in fact did MORE damage to our countrys culture today than nearly anything else-so I`d argue.
I mean-if you lionise a smoothy chops nobody like Cecil “the Loin” Parkinson?…why not ennoble the Great Lady that tolerated this adulterating poltroon from Blackpool?
I`m afraid the BBC will always choose to big up sexual incontinence and faithless philanderings…so sod off Cecil, let`s get Maggie that degree she`s owed…it`s what Roy Jenkins would have wanted had, he ever been grafted a set of balls!
There’s plenty of evidence that they have not sown peace, especially in countries like Ukraine where baiting of Vladimir Putin & Russia appear to have had a direct influence on the conflict there.
You know what I`m finding now?
Because the BBC only plough a couple of their fields-but do them daily and shit on any truth that might dare to grow-I find that there`s just a few shows that they make.
1. CRIMEWATCHDOG-tell us what evils befall you. We`ll do fuckall and watch you run out of town or your kids murdered…we saw it all, there`s a show in it-and wasn`t it food to talk to Winifred?
2. THAT`S LIFE-green taxes, Miliband coining it in…but wotcha gonna do…Cologne coming soon…want`evas!
3. JIM`LL FIX IT-send us your kids and we`ll give then Dick,,,and a bit of DomPlatz too
4.SAVILE`S TRAVELS-where JOn Snow etc goes to washington but then comes back to weep about Climate Change-to no purpose!
Another DG who is of great interest to us, and seemingly the starter of the current bias is one John Birt. How is it possible to be a special advisor to Tony BLiar and to run a corporation which is supposedly independent and unbiased ?
During his tenure as Director-General, Birt restructured the BBC, in the face of much internal opposition. However, others have credited him with saving the corporation from possible government sell-off, and say he properly equipped it to face the digital age
Birt was Strategic Advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair from 2001 to 2005.
Birt was brought into Number 10 to lead the development of long-term strategy for the government on key areas of public policy. Tony Blair asked him to produce a report on solutions to crime, and he served as advisor on Criminal Justice from 2000–2001. The establishment of a Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) was an idea originally conceived by Birt.
Birt was made unpaid Strategy Adviser to Blair in 2001, appointed for what was termed “Blue skies thinking” and claimed by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to be “worth every penny”; Blair wanted advice from outside the traditional Whitehall mindset – he had known Birt since the 1980s and approved of his analytical approach.
Many opposed Birt, his methods and his reforms, notably Sir John Tusa, Sir Mark Tully and the late Sir Charles Wheeler, and news correspondent Kate Adie. Former BBC Director-General Alasdair Milne said Birt did little good for the BBC apart from establishing its internet service, and he criticised him for paying consultants lots of money to restructure the corporation. Radio broadcaster John Churchill Dunn believed morale was bad under Birt, while David Attenborough commented that producers spend too much time worrying about money as a result of Birt’s reforms. Barry Norman was very critical of Birt in his memoirs, and Marmaduke Hussey, who appointed Birt to his BBC role, later claimed to have regrets. Birt’s arrival at the BBC hastened the departure of executive Bill Cotton, who described his tenure as a “nightmare” for the BBC. Some of Birt’s changes were partially dismantled by his successors Greg Dyke and Mark Thompson. However, veteran producer Tony Garnett claimed in 2009 that Birt’s legacy of “totalitarian micro management” has existed at the BBC ever since.
Thanks thoughtful. How very similar Lord Tony Hall is as John Birt would have it. Both promised to slash costs although its become clear that they have expanded the BBC greatly in all areas.
Well …………… Much like the so called `feminazis` who harp on about gender equality whilst ignoring the mass rapes and sexual assaults by the followers of the R.O.P. (Rapists Of Passers-by) … The BBC and the mainstream news outlets have decided that so called Green Energy and the needs of the Luddites to erect Offshore Windfarms as the are ECO friendly, are ignoring the fact that the underwater low frequency noise pollution from them are to blame for the recent beaching of an entire pod of sperm whales across the coasts of the north sea… seventeen whales in all!!!
Please read the the links and feel free to ask both your MEPs and your MPs why has this obvious link not been investigated???
Yet another blatant example of hypocrisy in action …… I am not allowed to post on any BBC sites but please feel free to post the links and questions you may have arising from what I have posted here…..
Just to add a touch of irony, laced with classic leftist/Green hypocrisy, to the above, one of the carcases was sprayed with ‘Fukishima’ and ‘Man’s fault’ together with the CND symbol, by some fine examples of modern university education – an assumption based on the fact that they could correctly spell Fukishima, not that their awareness of ocean movements or geography had been in any way enhanced.
The sonar use in building the Wind Farm would be temporary. The vibration of the turbine towers or whine & vibration of the blades could well be a factor in upsetting the whales on a more consistent & frequent basis.
When you go overboard on a particular viewpoint, economic situation, aspect of science or social planning/engineering then you really need to make sure your ‘submarine’ is watertight. BBC please note.
They are currently, unknowingly perhaps, undermining (helping to sink!) their pet AGW/CC cause with episode 2 of the Anthropology series, BBC R4 1.145pm Mon-Fri. If they keep it going until Friday, the settled science on AGW/CC is going to look distinctly heeled to port or starboard & vulnerable to attack.
If the BBC informed Licence Fee payers about that, the BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee Chairman, Richard Ayre, would insist on immediate censorship and put all those concerned on an Orwellian Thoughtcrime retraining program.
But after an investigation, Jesse Norman, the Chairman of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee read out the “riot act” to the BBC Trust Chairman: He said: “The role of the BBC Trust might have been to be a sort of internal regulator on behalf of the Licence Fee payer. This has not however, proved to be the case”
Do Licence Fee payers want ignorance through censorship. The fact that the BBC Trust not only supports censorship by the BBC, but actually forces censorship upon the BBC, is not what you would think the Licence Fee payer would want.
However, I am told that to solve this problem, Sir David Clementi is due to issue suggestions of how to replace the goons of the BBC Trust, in a report that comes out before Easter.
I think this is supposed to be Whittingdales action to satisfy the Tories, and his fellow Mensa members complains about Climate science censorship by the BBC.
It`s the BBC-what else would they believe?
That a Muslim woman could run under a piece of barbed wire, clutching nappies and a child safety gate, and back into Turkey as Islamic State nutjobs were looking the other way?
WE all KNOW that Islam has yet to enter the Barbed Wire age…unless it`s been sent by Nazi mates of theirs from Ploetzensee.
That a henna bearded bloke with gnarled toenails, no teeth and a lurid interest in a Jimmy Savile annual would be a fifteen year old Syrian and in need of a childrens home in South Yorkshire until Labour can train him into saying so?
They believe all THAT kind of shit-and add global warming too….but they don`t and won`t believe that we voted Tory last May?
Ouanquers toutes!
On BBC “news where you are” in London at 10:30 last night we were shown – at considerable length – the latest fashionable daub by Banksy outside the French Embassy in London. According to the BBC reporter – doubling as art critic – this graffito (apparently highlighting tear gassing of rioting gimmegrants in Calais) was the slam dunk conclusive argument in favour of the Corbynista “let ’em all in” policy on faux-refugee parasites.
Compounding its bias, the item then continued by informing an uninterested public that Steve Jobs’ biological father was, whaddya know, a “refugee” from Syria. No he wasn’t: he was a legal immigrant who was a student in the US (as Walter Isaacson – Jobs’ biographer – confirms). BTW the fact that Jobs was close to his adoptive parents and had no/very little interest in any relationship with his non-refugee biological father was not thought worthy of BBC comment.
Frankly, who cares about Banksy’s opinions or Steve Jobs’ half-Syrian biological descent? Well the BBC does, of course. It’s no justification for bias but, manifestly, the BBC suffers from an acute form of corporate Aspergers. One result of this affliction is the refusal to let slip any opportunity to propagandise for the Narrative. Last night’s item would not have been considered for transmission had it not been considered by BBC editors as another blow in favour of those seeking enrichment of the UK by the dregs of all those doctors, lawyers, engineers and unaccompanied “children” from the Middle East and Africa.
Looking at Banksy’s picture of the foreign child surrounded by swirling tear gas I couldn’t help but compare it to his equally heart-rending image of the young English girl after she’d been raped by a foreign taxi driver (and all his friends). I’m not sure whether he painted the picture of the English girl on a wall opposite Rotherham town hall, or Rochdale town hall, or was it Derby or Oxford or Manchester or Preston or – well I’ve lost track as the list of possible sites is now so long. Perhaps he is so spoilt for appropriate sites that he just can’t make his mind up where to paint it.
Never mind – they were only English children, and to those on the left and their BBC comrades English lives don’t matter.
Lamebrain Lammy on the Daily Politics Show saying a Million Indians fought and died in WW2 for the European Project. He was brought to task by UKIP’s Steven Woolfe doing the job the presenter of the show should be doing.
Lammy yet another person in a job above his capabilities. There as a token gesture, yet he and other like him actually believe they have been chosen on merit!
Maybe we should take licenses away from the likes of Lammy.
Certainly refuse him a license to watch any more BBC until he grasps the idea that Indians fought for Britain-not for the Nazi Project that Lammy thought was just an early European Union.
That they turn out to be one and the same today is not Churchills fault.
Poor Lammy-way too much Labour groomings and BBC tick therapy.
take his telly away until he has taken a test to show he`s not infected by Lime Green Nazi Disease.
Truly frightening that an EU shill could be so offensive and get away with this.
And at the end of that round David Lammy you have scored zero points…..
Should have passed, general knowledge not his strong point. F’ing unbelievable that he was actually a minister (Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills), now I wonder how he attained such a position….
Lammy is the gift which keeps on giving. The man is truly an idiot. I can never forget his turn on Celebrity Mastermind a couple of years ago when his ignorance was painful to see. His rise to becoming an MP is emblematic of the third world shithole which all governments since the war have turned poor London into.
Also lets not forget when he said that the black and white smoke from the choice of Pope was racist because he actually thought the colour of the smoke represented the colour of the Pope!
Just watched the celebrity mastermind clip. Someone as profoundly ignorant as Lammy should never be an M P, unless if course it’s in pc multi culti Britain . There are plenty of smart black people who surely could represent Tottenham better than the inept Lammy.
I note that Jo Coburn heard that and went for him – pinned Lammy and his assertion to the floor, a la Brillo (No, not really – not a squeak from her – no challenge – nothing at all – accepted as fact).
And if you watch again look at the number of times that the other Labour idiot Liz Kendall nods approvingly and encouragingly at Coburn’s challenges to the UKIP guest as well as others throughout the programme. Not only that, she and Coburn join forces at one stage to form a tag team in opposition to the UKIP guy.
Coburn’s pro-labour bias is a feature of this programme. She always gives labour politicians an easy ride . Her dislike of UKIP is palpable . Nothing particularly unusual for a BBC political reporter but it’s embarrassing to contrast her weak approach to that of Andrew Neil.
‘Lamebrain Lammy on the Daily Politics Show saying a Million Indians fought and died in WW2 for the European Project’
….and all the while the rap music loving failed prospective Shadow Labour Leader Liz Kendall nodded in agreement. By the way she acts hormonal and seems really highly strung. I am unsure as to her state of mental stability. Do MP’s get tested for mental health? I’m not sure that she would pass muster.
I am considering writing to the bBBC requesting that we see more of Laimebrain. He is so incredibly poor that one has to just laugh at his statements. They are incredulous. The man is ignorant but is completely unaware of how stupid he is. It is almost sad to see our politicians sink to such a low level of intelligence.
He is clearly a rascist against the Indian people as he does not want any of their granny’s to come here. He failed to offer a good enough reason as to why not. I’d be interested to hear if there is a racial backlash from our indigenous Indian populace. He is also, most definitely, future deputy Leadership material for the Labour Party. That should see an end to them.
Apparently Banksy is going to be outed in the next few weeks, due to his predicted, predictable flurries of art.
Biological mathematics says that he IS (as known) one Robin Gunningham-who has done most of his artwork near his wifes old house and his old school football pitch- nice and predictable peaks found in Shoreditch and Bristol.
But-mathematically chipped though he is soon to be-his daubings are nowhere near as predictable as his opinions ,and what he chooses to paint for his chums. leaving the Council to scrub or sell afterwards
Table top socialism from the Del Monte of the Good Rebellion…where all solutions to any problem come flat packed, shrink wrapped and carried out by the white working class running the gauntlets of Islam, Feminutters and Dope not Hate(except for selfsame white working class of England-UKIP scum one and all),
We have ourselves one heck of a virus as spread by the lefty leeches-whether its Prescotts Palsy or Parkinsons Pecker Priapism is to be confirmed…
Banksy is now as much a “Nazi” as anybody who ever set up IKEA.
Forget Laurence Olivier and Peggy Ashcroft, Al Pacino and Judi Dench. To take us back to Shakespeare’s own time Michael Rosen and Dr Laura Wright hear Shakespeare as he himself would have spoken. The original, unvarnished version from linguist David Crystal and actor Ben Crystal. They look at the fashion for Original Pronunciation and ask what it can tell us about how we speak now.
Michael and Laura perform some of Shakespeare’s best known work in the original accent and attempt to bring new meaning and wit to language coated by centuries of veneer.
Despite the Commie involved this program was a joy – explaining an aspect of Shakespeare that many might never have realised. And no they didn’t actually know how Shakespeare spoke or sounded, but the OP (original pronunciation) from Tudor times is a very comforting accent indeed.
RP is, of course, just posh people mimicking Cockney street urchins of the 1800s, not a pure form of English at all. We see the same thing going on now as the BBC encourages the indigenous youth to ape the new urchins of London innit.
I turned down the sound after a while as the programme got wearing, listening to three people talking about ‘pronoun-ciation’. RP-gone crazy?
Personally I regard teaching Shakespeare to children as abuse. Half his words have changed their meaning, half are obsolete and, apparently, none are being pronounced correctly! It all smacks of clothing for Emperors; everyone says it is great yet no one has a clue what it is about!
BBC anchor Huw Edwards interviews a Danish spokesman re confiscation of some refugee assets during their asylum application period. (This has today been agreed by the Danish Parliament).
I have prepared here a transcript of part of that biased interview where the Danes are compared by Edwards to Nazis and is as follows:-
Edwards: The comparison with Nazi Germany. What is your answer to that?
Dane: You know very little of your history if you compare protecting refugees with putting Jews in gas chambers. Holocaust survivors would object to that comparison.
Edwards: But you know full well it’s not the comparison with gas chambers, it’s a comparison with seizing valuables from innocent people that is the comparison.
Dane: No. You make a Nazi comparison. We (Danes) protect refugees and use a lot of money doing so. It is offensive to make comparisons with Nazi Germany. Asylum is for protection not financial betterment.
The Dane went on to explain that Germany and Switzerland have been for years using the seizure process when assessing an asylum seeker’s status.
Edward read throughout from a prepared question sheet. His bias was obviously approved by the BBC.
Plus of course, shots of sleepy children among the huddled masses.
Here’s a snippet about the politics of Huw Edwards:
In September 2008, the BBC Trust ruled that a documentary presented by Edwards on the subject of Welsh politics had broken the organisation’s editorial guidelines. The programme, entitled Wales: Power and the People – Back to the Future, addressed the topic of the Welsh Assembly, with Edwards stating, “to achieve its full potential it needs even greater support for the people of Wales than it’s received so far … the more people that take part, the stronger and healthier our democracy in Wales will be.” Following a complaint, the governing body concluded that Edwards’ words were not objective and even-handed on the subject stating’ “it is not the role of BBC presenters to encourage audiences to exercise their right to vote on particular occasions.”
**It was also found that the documentary as a whole was biased against the Conservative Party**
It’s also worth having a look at Edwards’s on Twitter.
Thank you for that transcript. It’s a measure of the edge of hysteria the chatterati live on that they reach for the word ‘Nazi’ at the drop of a wristband.
Would they apply the same standards to the way the elderly in this country are forced to sell their homes to pay for care? And they, never let it be forgot, have paid taxes throughout their lives into a system that now betrays them.
Dear Comrades at Biased BBC,
Concern has been expressed by the comrades in Change, over claims that they have been trying to rig the consultation with the Government over the future of our BBC comrades. Here is a copy of the email, aimed at each constituency, from the comrades at Change, calling for Solidarity against the hyenas and running dogs of the capitalist press..
From the email
‘The government is running scared of 38 Degrees members. [1]
John Whittingdale, the government minister in charge of the BBC, is complaining that too many 38 Degrees members have responded to the public consultation on the BBC’s future. It looks like he didn’t like what we told him, so he’s suddenly changed tack – opening up a new consultation, and planting smear stories in the papers about 38 Degrees members. [2]
No-one thinks the BBC is perfect, but it belongs to the public – not politicians. And the government’s real agenda to undermine the BBC is becoming clearer and clearer. [3]
Whittingdale can only get away with it if other politicians stay silent. So let’s take the fight to our local MPs, telling them that that it’s their job to represent us – and we won’t be fobbed off. It starts with a huge petition to (MP Named) asking them to speak out to make sure that our views on the BBC are heard.
Please will you add your name?
If MP after MP speaks out against him – together we’ll prove just how unpopular his plans to dismantle the BBC really are. [4] It’ll be the last thing John Whittingdale wants.
It’s hard to believe, but John Whittingdale is saying that although 177,000 members of the public have already told him what they think, he needs even more evidence of public opinion. There’s already lots of evidence that shows that the BBC is one of Britain’s most trusted media outlets – so what is he trying to prove? [5]
And it looks like he’s been leaking information to the papers to fuel a smear campaign against 38 Degrees members. The Mail and Telegraph have claimed that 38 Degrees members have “hijacked” the public consultation, and a “government source” has said that we’ve caused loads of extra work for the government. [6]
Our people power has already got John Whittingdale into a muddle. His response to our pressure shows just how worried he is. Now, let’s take the fight to our local MPs – after all, it’s their job to speak up for us. Please can you call on your MP, (name provided here) to make sure our views on the BBC are heard?’
And what a gripping tale it has been. Here’s what we know:
1.Between March and April 2013, $681m (£478.9m) was deposited in the prime minister’s personal bank account.
2.The Malaysian attorney general’s office says the money came from the Saudi Royal family and that it was a “gift” – although there’s yet to be any confirmation of that from the Saudis.
3.According to the attorney general’s office, $620m was returned to the Saudis in 2013 by the prime minister, but there has been no mention of the remaining $61m.
So we’re left with yet another mystery – this time a sum of a smaller amount, but big questions all the same.
The alarm bells should be screaming, yet very few people seem to want to hear them !
Radio 4 pm this evening 17.30 – 17.50… My drive home from work.
Item 1 Mexicans making papier mache Donald Trump figures to be smashed up with sticks….”I hate Trump, I cannot say more or it will be too rude”, lies about “he said throw out all the muslims” and a video campaign to demonstrate the value of Mexican migrants to the USA.
Item 2 A muslim woman and a secularist talk about face veils in English schools, unsurprisingly the woman thought it was about personal choice and had no impact on teachers communication with kids, who if they live in “multicultural” areas will be familiar with veils and their family members will probably wear them. Surprisingly, Keith Porteous Wood from the national secular society nearly passed an elephantine stool when it was suggested that “as a secularist he’d object to any religious symbols in the class room”…..a terrible misunderstanding….”secularism is about a level playing field” he said, as he forgot all about his organisations campaigns against Jewish and Christian schools.
Item 3 Large unrepaired potholes damaging life and limb and four wheel drive cars in India, a national campaign to fix them.
Item 4 An epidemic of mosquito borne zika threatens the well being of Brazilians, but not to worry, the Olympics will be fine and tourists should come because the weather will be cooler in June.
20 minutes of bias and/or BS. Meanwhile in Europe………nothing to see.
Heard this one.
Some Muslim woman who was some big noise in schools-and belonging to some Muslim Thing For Britain type of tarpaulin…and Keith Porteous Wood from the Secular Society.
Who else but the BBC would think that seeing a talking bin liner would be just as good at facial cues as someone without the ninja mask?…and who else but the BBC(and of course MCB.MAB, Tell Mama, Liberty, IS. ISIL. Sharia4UK, Cage, Respect….need I continue?) would think THAT controversial.
I see the BBC as the snotty runty little bag carrier for the Muslim bully, forver happy to snitch to his Islamic gang, now he`s unable to get into Gary Glitters as easily as he used to.
Craven shit stirring blowback from too many lentils in the 60s…
The bias is relentless. bBBC NorthWest Tonight is giving free airtime to a young woman from the Isle of Man visiting the world’s s***holes who has found an 11-year-old girl in Yemen with a brain tumour. Surprise, surprise, ‘we’ are supposed to pay for her to come here to have an operation on the InterNational Health Service. Or else she will die and it is our fault.
I’m quite sure the Isle of Man government will listen to the girl’s pleas and decide whether the Isle of Man will spend the Isle of Man’s tax money to fund the treatment in an Isle of Man government hospital. FFS what next; callers from France begging the UK to pay for every whim of a leftist young girl?
The Isle of Man never became part of the Kingdom of Great Britain or its successor the United Kingdom, retaining its status as an internally self-governing Crown dependency.
What I’d like to know is just how such seemingly insignificant stories make it on to BBC News programs. I would imagine they come from within lefty cliques, Islington types attending the same squash clubs and dinner parties, the sort of party that Evan Davis attends and attempts to use his BBC position and prominence to influence – see below Tweet…
In my opinion local BBC News output contains the most insipid bias and nudging of all, as its not wide open to the masses to question and dissect
I was registered to this forum some time ago, but found I couldn’t log in, so this is my first post under my new name. I look in every day and have to thank this group and all its members for keeping me better informed than any part of the MSM!
Not sure if this has been posted before, but I came across it earlier on today:
Europe has not betrayed women.
Women have been betrayed, but by the unelected EU, and traitors in elected “Governments”.
Welcome to the barricades.
We offer a bounty of ten pounds for every pair of Muslim testicles you collect.
Pat Condell is one of the best bloggers out there. He says what he thinks, and is normally very perceptive, but adds lashings of witty sarcasm which is often laugh-out-loudable: no doubt as a result of him formerly being a stand-up comedian.
I really hope Trump is the Republican choice.Then we can witness the BBC having a collective nervous breakdown. Today’s One PM news had it all. Plett sneering at Trump and just not doing her job. I learnt nothing about his policies just one long sneer. Nought out of ten for her again.
The whole show was a good example of just how poor the BBc has become. An uniformative segment about Google that told me nothing and a ridiculous attempt to portray the Eu as a saintly organisation and any EU opponents as anti European and misguided.
It is clear that the current bunch of journalists and commentators are just very poor indeed.
“the current bunch of journalists and commentators are just very poor indeed”
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
You do not understand the underlying philosophy, which has two components.
One, comment is free, but if we do not like your comments they will never see the light of day.
Two, facts are sacred. However we are the sole arbiters of what constitutes a fact: concomitant and coeval with this fact concerning facts, we are solely authorised to modify non-facts, pseudo-acts, quasi-facts, anti-factfacts so that they become facts.
So underlying was a poor choice on my part, just lying.
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Not quite sure where to head first… BBC Editorial Guidelines or
BBC Radio 4
1 hr ·
“I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this again – I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
So what exactly is the difference between lying and misleading?
The squidgy marshland between lies and truth.
Maybe best start with ‘trust’ and ‘transparency’ in BBC executive claims as shared by anonymous spokesweasels?
You should know that Clinton asked for a list of practices of what the law deemed ‘sexual relations’, oral sex was not on that list and so he was able to say that he did not have sexual relations with that woman and was not lying !
Hence a phrase that became popular at that time… “eatin’ ain’t cheatin'”
Nowhere on the Beeb, 1st of many????
You wonder how long it will take these do-gooders to realise what exactly they are dealing with.
they never will – even when they’re being killed or maimed or raped. They are so self destructive that they even believe that it is their fault the immigrants are killing them !
“they never will – even when they’re being killed or maimed or raped. They are so self destructive that they even believe that it is their fault the immigrants are killing them !”
They are correct, it IS their fault.
I could not care less how many of these traitors get skewered or butchered.
It is the remainder of the population that is my concern, they actually reside in the areas where the alien filth will try to live.
This article has made it to the BBC but, curiously, without a name for the murdered girl – she was Alexandra Mezher, 22. See? Not so hard.
I’m sure her family will be enjoying the wealth of riches in the vibrant, colourful culture that is getting stronger and stronger… Oy vey.
They really are just F**** evil *******.
What’s this celebs could be used to persuade pensioners to carry on handing over their cash to the BBc. Wonder how much anyone who takes part if it goes ahead are going to get paid? More than a weeks pension I guess. Still I love the options if the old folk don’t cough up “The Corporation could raise the age at which people become eligible, or means-test the freebie, so that only the poorest pensioners have their licence fees paid for them.”
Or they could try paying their “talent” a bit less. For instance, is it really necessary to have THREE presenters on “Rip Off Britain” (oh, the irony !!) taking it in turns to read out one sentence each? Ludicrous!
Yep Terry Wogan = 63 licence payers annual sub’s just to cover his appearance on Children In Need, Christ know how many it takes to fund Norton, Evans, Lineker and the layers and layers of right on PC managers…
A committee of MP’s have warned today that charities must stop ripping off the vulnerable, especially OAPS.
What unfortunate timing on the day the BBC have suggested that they will encourage OAPs to donate to them when they don’t have to and many don’t have.
I’m sure hard up pensioners will be happy to pay for the likes of David Dimbleby (who sent his son to Eaton on his BBC Salary).
The 300 BBC employees who go to Glastonbury each year.
The £100 million lost on a computer system that didn’t work.
BBC Asian network.
£80 million lost on acquisition of Lonely Planet.
The Yentob creature filling his pockets yearly.
The expensive and unnecessary move to Salford.
Diane Abbott’s estimated £20,000 a year.
£130,000 buying The Guardian each year.
Institutions should not take advantage of the elderly? Bloody right.
I know, Polly, that you will be relieved to hear that David Dimbleby, well paid though he may be, did not need to rely on the BBC to fund Harry’s Eton fees. Selling the family business of nine local newspapers, bought principally by father Richard and run as proprietor and editor in conjunction with his job at the time – nice work if you can get it by anyone’s standards – gained DD just the £12million in 2001. Quite how owning newspapers, even in the days before the Guardian became the BBC’s Little Red Book, squared with impartiality is a question only the family could have answered.
I think he comes under the patronising Islingtonian definition of ‘comfortably off’ although, of course, the family would not be seen dead in suburbia.
I did comment a while back that they were in Gran Canaria because they were looking at holiday rip offs. On rip off Britain.
Perhaps the 3 lady pensioners have got wind that they will soon be means tested and are topping up their pensions with a few hours work every week !
I’m more concerned that after years of having 2 quite capable presenters on Homes Under the Hammer, the Beeb decide to have an unnecessary third presenter (- clearly in the name of diversity !). And how much are the numerous ‘experts’ costing on Antiques Roadshow and the various spin-off antiques programmes ?
Actually the antiques shows are an excellent illustration of the extensive tape library used to ease the burden of making boring, non-political and time-consuming new programs. Tim Wonacott followed Clarkson in his own monumental falling out almost a year ago, and David Barbie has been dead for far longer – yet they are still such regular stars on our screens you’d never guess that both have gone their various ways. Aren’t we lucky?
How stupid of the BBC. Just about their level nowadays. it will only cause resentment and most OAPs will just laugh at them.
The BBC gets stupider by the day.
I’m quoting here from today’s Metro. “British anarchists were among 35 people arrested in Calais after leading a scandalous invasion of the ferry port by 350 migrants. Masked demonstrators from the left wing group No Borders then stormed the P and O ferry. Activists also defaced a statue of Charles de Gaulle daubing it with graffiti which read “FUCK FRANCE.” ”
Charming! Don’t these scruffy hordes of violent unwashed vermin make you proud to be British?
I haven’t had time to see any Beeb today but I’m guessing none ( or not much) of this was covered.
I’ve a couple of questions. If a tiddly, half pint little rag like The Metro can run a story like this then why can’t our state broadcaster?
Well, I guess we all know the answer to that…
And is it any surprise that Comrade Corbyn arrives in Calais followed by an aggressive mob, sheds crocodile tears over the fate of violent illegal immigrants but totally ignores the plight of our own hard working lorry drivers?
I think we all know the answer to that as well.
It was clear that the election of Corbyn would give some so called legitimacy to the Trots hanging around the party. It means that labour is finished for good unless the members can pull themselves together and get rid of him. The downside of this is that Cameron will get a free ride to wherever he wants to push us to.
I also think the Trots will find the French riot police a bit different to ours.
No borders? These people are a disgrace and should have their uk residency torn up.
Send them to Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria to protest instead.
Some of the leftie scum even crawled all over the dying sperm whale and spray painted it with ‘Fukushima’ and ‘mans fault’ and the CND symbol !
Utterly disgusting.
I am awaiting that tough BBC interview when someone like Brillo interviews Corbyn and asks him will he disassociate Labour from these thugs that have behaved so disgracefully in France.
Andrew Neil: ‘Mr Corbyn, does Labour support these violent demonstrators…. do they… do they… you havn’t answered my question…. does Labour support them….the viewers want to know… Well you won’t answer my question’.
We will never hear such an interview.
Hell will freeze over and the devil will go skiing before that occurs.
And what mindset of the ghouls taking selfies, along with Dads in footy shirts grinning alongside their offspring having their picture taken at this saddening sight. There are times when I feel ashamed for my fellow man who inhabit this island. It seems that sodding photos have to be taken constantly, regardless.
Actually it was the Mercedes Benz Logo – perhaps a marketing ploy by the company?
I believe that Corbyn and MacDonnell are working on a careful plan, on the one hand they portray themselves as ‘caring’, and on the other they link secretly with the hard-line Socialists and anarchists to encourage violent acts such as those at Calais, but it can be seen in protests Heathrow, fracking and the like, as well as encouragement of mass migration. Anything to create an atmosphere of unease and fear.
Their ideology promotes violence as a means of their gaining power, they know it works because most people want a quiet life and will shrink from it rather than oppose it. They also know that the present government is also weak, is of the Liberal/Left anyway and does not oppose their general trend, and will make concessions. We only need to look at how Mussolini and Hitler gained power.
They wish to emulate them; the Left and Right were both created within a Socialist context. Corbyn is in the International Socialist camp; the International Socialists of the Soviet variety in the 1920’s and ’30’s called the National Socialists the ‘Right’ because they broke away from the Internationalist theme and became ‘National’, but they remained Socialists.
Corbyn is working on the Revolution.
Of course, he and his gang are unreformed, unchanged revolutionaries from the 1980s.
Looks like Muslim women aren’t traditionally submissive after all.
Must be true, it’s on the BBC.
I wonder if they can even read the notices that their husband’s forced them to hold up. Taqiyya.
Please read this astonishing article on the views of a female “senior scholar” at a Sharia Council.
Is she deluded, deceitful, or just plain daft? Whatever, she’s certainly devoid of any irony.
Illustrates perfectly why the UK has to finally get a firm grip on what “one law for all” really means.
I really feel a great deal of sympathy for lorry drivers and haulage firms. Imagine getting to Calais having driven across the continent, only to find these scum in your way.
The latest tactic is to block the autoroute with shopping trollies or throw masonry from bridges forcing lorries to stop and thereby causing a tailback. This then makes them an easy target for those trying to get here illegally.
Family friends who live in Belgium (originally from uk) own a haulage firm and are sick to death of their drivers having to run the gauntlet when going through Calais.
And yet the right honourable leader of the opposition says we should do more to help the refugees. What about our lorry drivers and their families?
The whole situation is beyond a joke. Shame on the BBC for their selective coverage of this.
Agreed. Corbyn is beyond a joke. The BBC are beyond a joke. Former hard-left member of the Labour back bench has been put through the BBC sanitiser to emerge as champion of the people (and refugees). Listening to a 5Live drone sucking up to hard-left shadow chancellor McDonnell the other day made me feel sick. You are right uglybear, it’s all gone way past even the blackest of humour.
Worrying times Mr Golightly.
It seems that the Prime Minister does not want to take a tough stance with regard to the criminal behaviour of the British anarchists. I wager that the UK police will not make any arrests, and if they do they will be acquitted.
Meanwhile, every loony left outfit from Cameron’s UAF to the crazies in Class War, are marshaling their forces for a violent demonstration in Dover on Jan 30th.
No Nazis in Dover. Solidarity with refugees. Coach tickets available from London Anti-Fascists. Book now. Apparently Dover will be full of “neo-Nazis and violent racists” this Saturday.
I wonder how the BBC will “report” on this one. Will the Comrade be there in the vanguard? I can’t wait to find out.
I must protest. Surely there should have been a trigger warning about that link?!?! I was confronted with the most dreadful liberal leftie bigotry and small mindedness I try to avoid. I feel dirty now.
Such a myopic and self-deceived mindset I’ve not experienced recently. Some of the photos were full of virtue signalling that it was a veritable storm.
But seriously folks, it appears you are either a huggy warm fuzzy person who thinks there is enough space in the UK, or, you’re a NAZI! If you don’t answer fast enough as to what you are, I’ll call you a NAZI!
So if you are a more circumspect person, who prefers to collect information from various and different sources (and can discern differences in quality, and bent of editorial team) you are at risk of being a NAZI!
“Fuzzy person”.
We moan, bleep and girn (Orcadian words for complain) and that got me thinking…What does the BBC Trust do? Aren’t they supposed to be on the side of the viewer/listener, the ones who pay for the shoddy outfit – or should that be output – in the first place? So I asked the question of the Internet and on their website, this is what they say they do.
Our job is to get the best out of the BBC for licence fee payers. We set the strategic direction of the BBC. We hold the Executive to account for its performance of its functions, and for its compliance with the law, with regulatory requirements, and with the policies, guidelines and codes that we set. We are supported by the Trust Unit, a team of professional BBC staff who report directly to us and who are operationally independent from the rest of the BBC.
We check that services meet audiences’ expectations through an in-depth review every five years. In every Annual Report, we report on how well the BBC is delivering the six public purposes set out in its Royal Charter. Before we take any major decisions, we carry out consultations.
We check that the BBC’s operations are as efficient as they can be. We set and monitor efficiency targets and commission regular, independent value-for-money reviews. And through the annual budget-setting process, we check that money is where it needs to be in order to deliver our strategy.
The Trust is responsible for approving the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines. These Guidelines are the key foundation for the maintenance of high editorial standards in everything broadcast or produced by the BBC. They cover a range of standards including impartiality, harm and offence, accuracy, fairness, privacy and dealing with children and young people as contributors.
I think they should all be sacked, don’t you?
PS: I tried to do the extract in italics but couldn’t get it to work – sorry.
Here’s how accountability works; You are appointed/elected to do a job with a defined job description and measured on your performance by the people who appointed or elected you. Got the idea so far?
Through in a clever mechanism called a Royal Charter (Labour creation of course) and suddenly you are only responsible to the Head of State. Trouble is that the Head of State has uniquely been stripped of all power and can neither examine nor hold to account.
Now you have an organisation that is totally out of control and accountable to nobody. The only people that have any power are the people that decide how much money the organisation can demand through threats and extortion.
You just described how the NHS Trusts are run.
“The children who need to play”
The first paragraph claims
“Thirty percent of the migrants and refugees who reached Europe last year were children. ”
Seems a little high from evidence shown by the BBC itself as it followed the migrants/refugees/invaders
Further down the claim is repeated, this time giving the source
“Figures from the UN’s refugee agency show that of the million and more migrants and refugees who reached Europe by sea last year, nearly half were men. But more than 30% were children.”
I can now check these numbers on the UN refugee agency website.
“Children make up one in four of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean since January 2015. Many travel without their parents or caretakers. (UNHCR)
11 Jan 2016”
So the source quoted is 25% not over 30%. So it is a straight up lie. It’s not that I check anything the BBC ever claims, as normally they do not quote a source. They just make it up. It is true at the BBC that 83% of statistics are made up on the spot. That 50% are men statistic is also utter bollox but I cant be bothered properly looking now. But some stats show figures as high as 90% and averaging about 75%.
Beeb doesn’t do truth, honesty, fairness, morality, etc.
And that is always assuming that the UN told the truth – in itself that would be almost unprecedented!
How are they defining who is a child?
Someone who tells them that they are under 18 and who has no I.D. from their country of origin to confirm that – but which doesn’t matter anyway as they are just taken at their word.
“How are they defining who is a child”
This is a difficult question to answer, especially concerning negroes, who can exist, simultaneously, in more than one cusp of curved space-time.
Examples being Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and numerous other huge dead thick thugs, who
having become dead thugs, moved seamlessly through the eleven dimensions predicted by superstring theory, becoming imbued with Hawking radiation.
Having undergone time dilation they emerged several years younger in photographs repeated endlessly by “The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
Just kill IslamicAlBeeb, the most treacherous organisation in the history of these islands.
Behind only the Labour Party.
Formatting having a mind of its own today.
Some of them become children on arrival.
Ladies of Britain! Wake up! See how your Swedish and German sisters are living in fear. And the younger ones don’t know why. This is how sad it is getting. And the BBC wants to avoid the topic. Women, fearful of walking the streets of their home towns. Breitbart have covered the story:
The German government has a certain relationship with Facebook to protect us idiots from seeing extremist information. It’s for our own good, as I commented in September last year:
….AMUN Sept. 2015. Classic Internationalist Marxist soft propaganda piece by the BBC. Let the islamification of Europe accelerate, and the erosion of our freedoms continue!
”Migrant crisis: Facebook backs German anti-racism drive”
The German government is going ‘waycist’ hunting. Real News. German government cut a deal with Facebook to facilitate their spending of German taxpayer’s money on ‘experts’ (thought police) to spy on Facebook communications. Hurray, more tax, more government, more spying on the general public! Hurrah!! (A few jobs for some new migrants perhaps?) Potential imprisonment for thought crimes. So, be clumsy with your words and if you liken Islam to a death cult, for instance, or believe that Europe needs de-islamising, for instance, and use words that the ‘experts’ don’t like? Jail. Wish to discuss the probabilities that the Eurocratic dictatorship has allowed more than or less than 8,000 experienced Islamic fighters to enter the Schengen zone, and what the punishment should be for the responsible government officials and ‘representatives’? Be careful, could be jail.). I’ve got a feeling that I wouldn’t qualify for one of Facebook’s ‘protected groups’ either, referred to by Richard Allen, Facebook’s public policy manager in Europe. I wonder if the German’s have jurisdiction in England yet? If Mrs Merkel decides that they do, I guess they would? Isn’t that how the EU works now? And what the EU Army will be for? If the Germans jail me, will they give me a gold star to wear if my racist hate crime is committed with grammatical accuracy?
But in Beebworld of course, it’s all OK and for the best:
Government + Corporate giant + thought crimes. What could go wrong?
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” G Orwell.
Free speech. Protect it or lose it. Even if Big Brother Merkel is watching you.
Germany reverting to dictatorial type. Schengen ripped and in tatters (by dictat – Orders of Herr Merkel!). EU Commissars, the BBC and German politicians slandering Hungarian representatives with irresponsible Godwinian calls of ‘waysist’ and ‘Nazi’. Politico’s, journalists and eurocrats: Ideologues and professional position holders out of their depth, openly engaging in socialist coffee shop talk on a public stage, in their positions of office and ‘responsibility’, promoting the reinforcement of discord and disharmony in Europe through their shambolic approach to the ongoing mass human migration, which their actions, incompetence and foolishness have amplified. And the far-hard-looney left are barking in their echo chamber. Particularly loudly at the moment.
Yet again, Nigel Farage was right , his detractors were wrong. And many have died as a consequence since he warned them. Listen to the women of the ‘left’ as well as Nigel in this clip. The chap at the end of the clip is also pleading with the ‘lefties’ to see sense:
But we have plenty of useful idiots who will pile on the misery, as this Hungarian writer suggests:
Useful idiots will promote the UK’s continuing membership of the EU also, ever more so through their TV channel, the BBC. They are paid handsomely, with our money, to do it….”
The reasons for leaving the EU and embracing the world, re-embracing the commonwealth are so many. They relate to our culture, our democracy, our right to self determination, the health of our trading links and prominance as a strong and honourable Nation on the world stage. They come from both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ of the political spectrum. There are other, pressing, less positive realities that also need to be faced relating to the personal security of women.
Ladies of Britain! Is it not obvious? We need to leave the EU.
The anti-immigrant video by the German teenager has now had over 101 000 views in just four days.
I’m delighted that Farcebook’s shameful, cowardly banning of her video has not stopped her message getting through.
God, if there is a God, bless YouTube:
Facebook, and increasingly Twitter, are effectively becoming Sharia-compliant. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), comprising 57 Islamic member states and thus effectively a global proto-caliphate, has been working towards stifling all criticism of Islam since 1990. It has used deliberate contrivances such as ‘islamophobia’ as the thin end of the wedge to split open the West’s commitment to free speech. History shows, without exception, that everywhere Islam has been given an inch, it has taken a mile and much more. The OIC is a much more substantial long-term danger to Western civilization than the Islamic State, and has massive support – it’s the biggest voting bloc in the UN.
Let this courageous girl’s video be seen by millions … tens of millions.
Let this courageous girl’s video be seen by millions … tens of millions
I second that motion. Her video has now attracted 182 000 views and 3 500 comments in just six days.
Sunday Politics 24.1.16. Terrible coverage of the launch of the GO (Grassroots Out).
Nick Watts, Andrew Neil, Guardian fembot and Independent dude accentuating the ‘splits’ that don’t actually exist in the ‘Leave Campaign’. I would urge all who are interested in our common futures, to listen to the wise words of Sammy Wilson, Kate Hoey, Tom Pursglove, Peter Bone, Nigel Farage, Philip Hollobone and Liam Fox at the launch of Grassroots Out. GO. A link to the video (1 and a half hours) is given on the following website, well worth the investment in time. Time that the commentariat on the Sunday Politics had not deemed worthwhile investing so as to inform the public. Some inspirational speeches including from the marvelous Kate Hoey MP (Labour, Vauxhall).
As those who have watched this fantastic event will know, the BBC could not attend due to traffic issues. You really can not make that up. Is this incompetence? Would not the BBC organise to be there before the public arrived so as to attain a full flavour of the whole of the event? Have the BBC not got the resources? Peter Bone did not let this matter of BBC bias pass without comment. Whatever the excuse for the BBC not covering the event, there was a live feed available to the public, which professional journalists should have availed themselves of if they are to adequately undertake their duties as a public broadcaster. Andrew Neil is usually well informed. On the matter of the EU, he is establishment.
Kick the Establishment! Get involved, Vote Leave, take control. Leave EU, GO!
There are only two possible explanations for the BBC’s failure to cover such a major political event.
Either they are a completely amateurish shambles or they are hopelessly, shamelessly biased in favour of EU membership.
Of course, both could be true.
Traffic issues? I know the venue,its two minute drive from the a14. How do they ever get out of london.
I went to the Kettering event, and it took ages to get into the venue; but surely those sh*ts at the BBC would normally get there early to set up all their cameras, hotlines to the Guardian and Labour HQ, champagne buffet etc etc.
I can definitely recommend the video.
Thanks for that link, angrymanupnorth. I’ll definitely watch it tomorrow.
I’m really hoping that when push comes to shove there will be enough people in Britain who will choose to tell Cameron that he can put his EU where the sun don’t shine.
Germany: Muslims demand Sharia ban on alcohol to reduce sex attacks on ‘naked antelope before lions’
Germans must ban ALCOHOL if they want to prevent further sex attacks and help North Africans integrate, says Muslim group
•MuslimStern compared women to ‘naked antelope’ presented before ‘lions’
•The group said banning alcohol in Germany would help resolve the issue
•German women were told to dress like the Virgin Mary and not Lady Gaga
•The group accused the women of being responsible for their own attacks
I wonder when the BBC will be covering this, and moaners hour will no doubt tell women they need to wear the veil !
Lions ha! Rats or cockroaches maybe! Fleeing in their millions rather than protect their families or fight for their countries.
Mind you!….
I don’t think an alcohol ban will play well in Germany, especially during Oktoberfest.
Not now, but what will things be like in 100 years?
This is John Derbyshire about the U.S. but it could equally apply to Great Britain or any western european nation:
“We don’t want millions of unassimilable foreigners pouring into our country. We don’t want our young people sent off to fight half-hearted wars our leaders have no real desire to win. We don’t much care if Russia or China throw their weight around in their own spheres of influence. We don’t want to see our nation’s leaders apologize to anyone, for anything.”
The great war , from the 1960s, on BBc propaganda station number 1. A voice warns us before it starts it would contains outdated language. I assume it was a reference in the program to French colonial troops. Shame the BBc doesn’t notify us before every news program this will include bias and omissions.
I think the outdated language was ‘honour’ ‘loyalty’, ‘companionship’, ‘patriotism’.
As a matter of information and against my better judgement (WRT the SNP), I decided to celebrate Burns Night.
With a nice glass of Bushmills. I didn’t think it was worth opening a new bottle of Penderyn.
Definitely not worth opening a bottle of Penderyn.
(it does keep well though)
Iechyd da Taffman.
And for the benefit of our Saxon readers, ‘Cheers’!
Nearly a year has passed by since the migration crisis hit Europe and only now they are able to act . ISIS threatened this. At the same time France can’t or wont, do anything about the Calais Jungle and protect out lorry drivers .
A very, very good reason to get out of this failed state.
I have just seen on the BBC an item about a faction fight within Ukip regarding the selection of candidates for the Welsh assembly. Just the sort of thing to make the beeb suddenly want to give Ukip attention. The sort that Ukip don’t need at this stage before the elections.
I am not party to the inner workings of Ukip and my quiet mountain town is not in the Welsh mountains. But what I do know, from experience, is that candidate selection is a very tricky business especially where the local choice differs from the interest of the party top level. Not just in Ukip but any party.
I do not know enough about this particular spat to make judgement but my general rule would be that If the top level feels that the local level must have a candidate selected for them, then it must be handled with tact and skill. Sorry to say but Ukip has shown a lack of competence in doing this on several occasions in the past.
This hasn’t come out of the blue. It was predictable. Someone just ain’t doing their job.
I’ve probably angered the kippers but the May elections are not far away and they have a chance do well. It would help if they took a more professional approach and didn’t give any gems like this to the BBC
Yasser, be careful not to be taken in by the Albeeb. Your point is well made but should the selection of a Ukipper really be highlighted on the Albeeb news especially when just a short time ago they found it difficult to report the Cologne rapes accurately or even when it happened.
Anti Ukip is at the forefront the Albeeb agenda especially with the EU referendum imminent. They will attack Ukip at every opportunity.
Interestingly, I have noticed that when a Ukip politician is on any political Albeeb programme (usually a Dimbleby one) then they are always interrupted by a the presenter, other party politicians much less so.
This story has already been highlighted in another post, I still can’t find it on the BBC.
“These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We’re dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad,” police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said.
I heard this on the 08:00 Radio 2 news this morning. They also stated that the Swedish police are asking for another 4,000 officers, because they cannot cope. But the overall tone of the item was very much “Isolated incident and the culprit has been arrested so …. nothing to see here”
This is Alexandra Mezher, 22 years old, of Lebanese ancestry, who wished to help young migrants in her country. Her cousin says “It is the Swedish politicians’ fault that she is dead.”
Remember her. She is another addition to the roll-call of young women criminally let down by European leaders. Another young victim sacrificed at the altar of mass immigration and multi-culturalism. This has to stop.
The BBC news site has now featured the incident,
Even the BBC’s left hand the Guardian beat them to this story.
The Beeb still isn’t reporting the stitch-up the EU is planing for Greece to try and halt migrants getting to Germany, though I doubt they will be able to ignore it for too long. I was amazed though that they reported the Swedish asylum centre stabbing, but of course didnt show any picture of the young female victim.
When will the EU imbeciles learn that the only way to halt this is to stop the boats arriving in the first place.
Of course if I were the parents of the baby William Mead I would be thinking ‘if only’. The Daily Mail reports 16 ‘blunders’ but even the BBC is cautious enough to use the words ‘may’ rather than ‘would’ have saved his life. But how I hate the BBC for using the death of a child for their own political purposes. The emphasis on the Today programme this Tuesday morning is very much on the 111 service with asides about the use of cutting the use of antibiotics (using the word ‘cut’ by the BBC subliminally suggests it is for financial reasons with their overuse of the word). We could concentrate on how many times GPs had missed the chest infection (6) but of course with the doctors strikes, doctors are the BBC’s new best friends. May I just say that we had cause a couple of years ago to phone 111 for my husband and he was escalated up to the 999 service and he was rushed to hospital – and it was all brilliant.
But the liars at the bBBC have upped their attack on the 111 service with their headline NHS 111 ‘missed chances to save sepsis baby William Mead’.
Later, the bBBC ‘news’ item says
The report details the opportunities missed to save William’s life. It found:
– William’s GP had not recorded all of the relevant information in his notes
– William’s symptoms had not been recognised as something more serious
– The advice about what his parents should do over the weekend if William’s condition worsened had been inadequate
– The out-of-hours GP service had not had access to William’s primary care records
– The pathway tool used by NHS 111 advisers had been too crude to pick up “red-flag” warnings relating to sepsis
So, five highlighted mistakes, four by doctors and the last one by the 111 service. But the bBBC loves doctors and hates 111 so it twists the facts to suit their prejudices. As usual.
Seems incredible misreporting of a serious, tragic situation.
Maybe the agenda again trumps truth, or they simply didn’t have time or space ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity) ?
BBC editor of integrity?
A rara avis.
In fact an extinct avis, were it not for the archaeological remains it would be hard to believe they ever existed.
Guest Who:
“Maybe the agenda again trumps truth, or they simply didn’t have time or space ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity) ?”
Speak of the Devil! Or Avis. Or Sus.
Do you remember Ashya King, the little boy whose parents removed from the care of Southampton General Hospital, after disagreeing about the type of cancer therapy he should receive (Proton vs Radio)?
I remember one of the most disturbing moments I’ve experienced while listening to Radio 4 was when they reported him as missing, his parents having taken him out of the country, and the news presenter said (I paraphrase, but only slightly): “It isn’t important to know the details of what went on at the hospital; only that we find Ashya, and so it’s of the utmost importance if you see anyone matching his or his parents description, to report it to the police…”
There’s your agenda. The details aren’t important. After that, it was all just wonderful to see the extradition process(!) collapse, the doctors at Southampton say the proton therapy wouldn’t work, then a few months later after proton therapy in Prague, the tumour had gone. Fucking wonderful.
BBC misreporting is of course not unheard of, ranging from the equally serious editorial by omission to flat out misrepresentation.
I was thinking about this as I read…
…and wondered how the BBC would report it, if they did go near at all.
The BBC Home Page panel currently reads:
Latest News > NHS 111 ‘missed chances to save baby’ HEALTH
Links here:
NHS 111 ‘missed chances to save sepsis baby William Mead’
The copy is littered with ‘may’ and ‘probably’, with this snippet tucked away:
‘The NHS England report said GPs had also failed to diagnose him’
This is a gross misrepresentation by the BBC of a clearly complex situation, and it is not ‘NHS 111’ they have spotlighted, but a person, rather than these mystery ‘GPs’.
With such a situation, I cannot believe the operator could have been aware of the severity, as their default is ‘if in doubt, head for the pros’.
I had an emergency at home and being true Brits my wife called NHS Direct first so as not to trouble anyone. Within seconds of history and symptoms they told us to call 999. Any twinge in future they told us to call that number first. As I would with my kids still.
There are ‘questions to be answered’ to be sure of a bunch of folk, who will doubtless ‘learn lessons’, and no amount of ‘training’ is going to alter the incompetence at higher levels.
But the BBC headline focus on the 111 operator is risible.
It’s the lead item on the bBBC 1 o’clock ‘news’ although the emphasis shifted from 1.00 when the 111 service was at fault, to the 1.30 summary which mentioned ‘a series of mistakes by doctors and the 111 service’.
I suspect that the bBBC knows who the child’s GP is, and that s/he is one of the favoured foreign doctors, so this must be suppressed at all costs. Diversion to criticising the 111 service is a simple way of doing so.
BBC misreporting? Is there such a thing as ‘disreporting’?!
Anyway, I mean no ill will, and have no desire to tub-thump about Israel, but the Guardian has run this advert (to much protest) in the past:
Swings and roundabouts. But the influence over the decision certain media take on whether to focus on either victim or perp in headlines does seem curious, and in the case you highlighted, I can see that it would piss a lot of people off.
Re: your NHS 111 post above – my thoughts exactly.
Yesterday (Monday) on the Today primetime 8.10 slot we were treated to Justin actually being quite tough with Stuart Rose for the IN Campaign. At the end of the piece we were promised the same with the OUT Campaig,n this morning. I duly tuned in – nothing ….. just a piece about Beatrix Potter ! Was the interview moved to an earlier red-eye slot, or just ditched? Ruthless balance !!
Hey, don`t be so dismissive, it was Beatrix Potters story about a “cross dressing” black cat.
They loved repeatedly saying that, and they had some luvvie who once played Beatrix Potter in a film saying that Ms Potter was a strong woman who had bought Lakeland farms to keep them as working farms and stop them becoming “second homes for the toffs”, the irony of her rather posh accent in this denunciation of toffery was lost on the presenters.
And the researcher who`d found the “lost story” was working with the proletarian……Emma Thompson….who got a name check too!
You`d think the BBC had an agenda, or something.
Heard that interview too. But the BbC had to get a box ticked somewhere, didn’t they! Towards the end of the extract the lady read out, there was a sentence along the lines of …..and wouldn’t she (owner of the cat) have been surprised to see Kitty dressed in a man’s topcoat and top hat….or similar. And Justin trip-me-up Webb could not help himself as he yelped…oh, transgender then!!!!!
It was priceless if it weren’t so pathetic and biased. He then went on to ask the lady that perhaps she thought it was book for today then, meaning it covered transgender stuff etc. But the dear old girl, bless ‘er, missed his point completely and quite innocently said…yes, children would enjoy it. It had all the old favourites in there too…Mrs Tiggywinkle and so on.
Justin just couldn’t answer that so spluttered to a close!
Yes, Justin also didn`t respond at all to a reference to the cat`s “gun toting” and “rebellious” behaviour.
That may be why the book isn`t being published until September, so the refences to guns and rebellious black cats can be assessed for inclusion by a correctness committee somewhere.
My guess is that the refences to cross dressing are in.
Seems it was mentioned once, but they got away with it.
Funny who this appears to happen on this topic between state organs and their civil service foot soldiers:
In their DNA, clearly.
The interview did take place. Not very enlightening, though. Just going over the same ground.
Thanks … so when was it?
Just before the news at around 7:50
Deb 0812 Sir Arthur 0830.
In the interview about this, the NHS spokesperson talked about ‘more further’ measures.
Always a bit worrying when the senior managers can’t speak proper. They reveal themselves as extremely cold and process driven (though 2 stars for mentioning RCA – root cause analysis, methodology familiar to legions of engineers and others).
What was not considered was
a. what would have happened if there had been no 111 service, would the child have then survived? It would depend on what actions the parents then took, so in effect what has happened is that responsibility has been passed from the parents to 111. Very collectivist, surely Comrade Corbyn would approve.
b. Out of a population of 63 million all entitled to unlimited ‘free’ NHS services, some patients will die. You remember the old adage about doctors – that their mistakes get buried – literally!! Can we really afford to micromanage special procedures for each and every individual rare possibility, when 99.9% ++ of that activity is in effect redundant? I’m not offering an answer, but we are being cowed into not being able to ask the question.
My computer at work goes slower and slower and slower. Why? Because the security system has to put ever more security layers to keep out the viruses etc. I think the NHS is a little like that.
Society should not beat itself up because of a few tragic cases. Why should we all be made to feel guilt?
The bBBC agenda is of course, as stated, “Tory cuts cost lives”.
As was ever thus, I think Sir Waldron Smithers might have been onto something!!
An interesting title’ Was there a communist witch-hunt at the BBC?’ when there clearly needed to be as there does today.
I was particularly interested to read of George Orwell’s advisory input.
Up until 1985 the BBC was indeed monitored by Mi5. The BBC was monitored for sure but that all changed when John Birt took over cost cutting reforms (now deja-vue for Lord Tony Hall). According to John Aitkin (ex journo of BBC) in his book ‘Can we Trust the BBC?’ records some extraordinary changes. (Extracted here);
1987 John Birt became Director General. Praised for fundamental changes and cost savings that changed the ‘nature’ of the BBC from news commentator to an influential left wing lobby group employing core Labour sympathisers such as: David Aronovich (journalist Independent, The Times), Poly Tonybee (journalist Guardian) and Greg Dyke (LWT and future BBC DG for BBC).
OTHER ’high profile’ Labour members with links back to the BBC include: Peter Mendleson (Media guru for Tony Blair with closer links to Greg Dyke (from LWT TV). Greg Dyke later become Director General of the BBC), Will Hutton (Guardian journalist to BBC Journalist), Liz Fogan (BBC and Guardian Journalist), Andrew Rawnsley (BBC to New Labour activist), James McNaughtie (Guardian to BBC staff Radio 4), (1997) Lance Price (BBC to New Labour activist), Martin Sixsmith (BBC to New Labour activist), Tom Kelly (BBC to New Labour activist), Ed Richards (BBC to New Labour activist), Bill Bush (BBC to New Labour activist), Catherine Rimmer (BBC to New Labour activist), John Birt (BBC DG to New Labour activist), Don Briad (BBC to New Labour activist), Sarah Hunter (BBC to New Labour activist), Ben Bradshaw, (BBC to New Labour MP 1997), Chris Bryant (BBC to New Labour MP), Celia Barlow (BBC to New Labour MP), James Purnell (BBC to New Labour Gov. Minster), Ken Macintosh, (BBC to (Scotland) MSP).
Reading the book it became obvious that Mi5 (Philby & Co.) had itself been infiltrated by the hard left and that was reinforced when the BBC was fundamentally changed by John Birt and his followers – as you can see above (and below). It was designed to support The falling Guardian readership (all 185,000 of them). The ‘Daily Star’ (for example) has four times as many sales and readers to put that into ‘media sales’ context. The BBC media supported flagship is second to last in overall newspaper sales in the UK. Despite 7 days a week BBC propaganda.
Speaking of the Grauniad, it has a wonderful juxtaposition on its front page today : a photo of Johanna Konta and her arms & hands alongside the headline ‘Wristbands for asylum seekers to be scrapped’
The irony will no doubt be lost . . . . .
I would have thought there would have been several Communist witch hunts at al beebus – carried out by the Communists to identify and jettison those who weren’t.
I heard that too Sluff. The real question in this case and the story about mental health “services” is how many clinical decisions regarding NHS patients are now influenced by or even made by non clinically trained staff, like the call handler who was mentioned, reading from “pathways” or flow charts, rather than clinical staff actually looking at and assessing the patient?
Where else in the NHS are non clincal staff influencing patient treatment decisions?
What`s the ratio of call handlers to clinically trained staff on the average 111 service shift, 2:1, 10:1, 20:1 or more?
And what was the story of the nameless GP who the family had repeatedly consulted?
Anything to do the the mess Labour made of their contracts and the growth of locum and out of hours services to cover it up?
There`s a story or two there for the BBC or some more effective investigative journalists.
Embolden. All good points. The 111 service is really there to prevent minor issues using up core NHS time. For many users, this will be a useful service, being fit for purpose and preventing the need for a cumbersome attempt to see a GP or (increasingly) going straight to A and E.
Meanwhile, many people do go to the GP where serious issues can be spotted.
And therefore there is a group in the middle, too serious just for 111, but how do you know which is which?
You’re spot on with the long term strategic chaos caused by the Labour 2005 shambles. Just look at the massive % of GPs who opted out to see what a great deal it was for them. Now we’re at the point where GPs are cramming pharmacies onto their premises, putting the independents out of business, and running the surgeries on a ‘turnover per square foot’ basis like the supermarkets do. They are private sector people, of course!!! Something conveniently forgotten by the left.
It’s all a bit of a mess. Pretty untouchable, bags of vested interests, incredibly inefficient, resistant to change, all paid for by a largely gullible public that can’t see beyond the surface.
And the NHS is just as bad!
I rarely go and see a doctor – I think it’s healthier that way, but at Easter last year I had a nasty ear infection and as I was going to be flying a week later I sought help, first from my GP (closed), then a drop in centre (busy) and I was advised by them to ring NHS 111.
I’m ashamed to say that I had been taken in by the sort of agenda the BBC were using this morning (Toilets Maguire on Sky last night was similarly on message) and had avoided using the service. Wrongly. They were absolutely brilliant – a call handler spent about ten minutes with me carefully and going through his programme / flow chart, asking me a series of question and asking me to attempt undertake physical movements and describe reactions – they were checking for meningitis. At the end of the call the guy arranged for me to visit a doctor at another drop in centre at a local hospital, texted me with the appointment and there was a follow up after the appointment to see that all was well.
I was in an out of the Drs appointment in about 5 mins with a prescription that did the job, but on reflection, I reckoned that I spent more than twice as long with that call handler who was far more probing than the doctor was. Am I bothered that they are not medially qualified? Not in the slightest. My experience of 111 was excellent.
Glad to hear you had a good experience, but you are evidently articulate, able to hear and to assert yourself.
Now consider the needs of a person less able to use a phone, less able through age or handicap to hear the questions, understand them and express their symptoms clearly, or whose symptoms are more complicated than those on the flow chart.
You were screened by a possibly qualified, possibly unqualified call handler who was unable to observe whether you were actually moving in the way he/she requested, who then gave all the info to the doctor who then didn`t feel the need to use his/her skills or spend any time speaking with you but wrote a prescription, at Doctors hourly rates. So the doctors job is effectively being de-skilled in the process. In due course the Doctor will be replaced by a “non-Medical prescriber”.
No wonder we are able to import so many Doctors from overseas if their job is so simple.
111 services are part of the managed decline of the NHS that we have paid into over the years. They are also rather handy business units ripe for privatisation and two year tendering cycles.
No word on this one yet from the BBC:
‘Swedish police warn Stockholm’s main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs ‘stealing and groping girls”
Nor this one…
This morning on Radio 4 Today was a piece about communist infiltration of the BBC during the McCarthiest era in the USA. Papers recently released apparently show Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordering an investigation into the possibility, which of course didn’t find anything much to report on.
It seems the BBC are hyper sensitive about this, and had the report been into any other public body we probably wouldn’t have heard about it.
I expect other programs will carry the BBCs exoneration of itself later in the day.
“Was there a communist witch-hunt at the BBC?”
In June 1952, a Conservative MP urged the Prime Minister Winston Churchill to investigate Communist activities in Britain. “We have traitors in our midst,” wrote Sir Waldron Smithers, “and although I should deplore suppression of free speech they should be treated as traitors.”
We desperately need a Sir Waldron Smithers today – a Tory with a spine, isn’t that a rare thing today?
And, of course, like McCarthy, Smithers was right. The BBC was infiltrated by Marxists, exactly as Hollywood had been.
As I commented on the Hillary thread (about the Trump/’Paranoia’ prog’ on Radio 4 at 8 pm on Monday) the BBC cannot accept that ANY fears of infiltration and subversion are EVER justified (except if it’s the good old ‘Far Right’, of course!) – it MUST be paranoia, but then as the old saying nearly goes, just because you’re paranoid that doesn’t mean they aren’t infiltrating your uniquely funded national broadcaster.
If anybody wishes to read a book which can fundamentally alter the way they view the history of the 20th Century, I could not recommend highly enough “American Betrayal – The Secret Assault On Our Nation’s Character” by Diana West.
It is an astonishing piece of work (impeccably researched) which deals with the infiltration of the highest echelons of the government of the U.S. by Communists and the damage they wrought to America and the West via their conspiracies with the Soviet Union.
The book covers in detail Sen. McCarthy and the HUAC hearings and much, much else besides and a lot which relates to the U.K.
It caused a storm of protest in America when it was published a couple of years ago, and there were many attempts to discredit her and her work – when that is done I have always thought it provides even more of a reason to read it.
For those who don’t wish to read it there are numerous videos of her speaking about it on YouTube.
Not what I call a witch hunt.
Nobody from the BBC has been burnt at the stake.
If there was, it seems a cheaper version of Pollard, Rose, Smith etc ensued whereby sod all changed and no BBC staff were harmed in the making of this whitewash.
Which is alive and well still in 2016.
Tories are today a species of invertebrates. Even those who want out of the EU are too frightened to come out and say it for fear of losing their personal status and favour within the government.
Tory with Principle 0 v Tory self serving 1.
(scorer own goal)
Progress on EU talks. Is this what the BBC calls progress? As for the benefits delay – I am sure there are other sources by which UK taxpayers can fund gimmigrants and their families.
I predict that whatever tiny concessions Merkel makes for the UK will be traded for an increase in our intake of migrants. For example, elderly children and their extended families.
Dave asks for little and will get buggerall.
Cameron and Merkel discuss whether the Union Jack or EuroFlag should be flown higher in the UK.
David Cameron says, “Frau Merkel and I have reached a compromise, the EuroFlag will be flown higher on days containing the letter ‘A’ and the Union Jack on the rest. This is a good deal for Britain”.
BBC really unhappy about the ‘far right’ Danish parliament expecting wealthy asylum seekers to fund their own living expenses. You wouldn’t mind so much, but this is exactly what happens in the UK so why is the BBC so bothered about this?
Cos the Danes-like the other Scandinavian nations-exemplify the drug taking, free love, rip off taxes and licentious entitlements of the welfare state that the left liberal freeloaders and gobshites here in Poundland would BEG us to become.
None of that English bollocks as far as they`re concerned…a British dreamcatcher in a discarded EU net for lickle fishies is all that this country now is to them.
Bullhorn or shoehorn?…Trevor or Kenneth?…as long as there`s a bridge to progress , dark gloomy murders to report and a cowed and lamb-tied throat bared for the Halal butchers…then Denmark is the idiot poster child for Lefty fantasies.
About time at least ONE of those great nations up there woke up-payback for Copenhagen last March, for the Danish Cartoons murders of 2005/6.
Make all Muslims buy that comic when they sit at Aalborg-the Danes don`t need these worthless passengers…and nor does anybody.
Breaking News!
Denmark 1 – bBBC 0
Aaah, 1992 all over again!
Yes, Thoughtful, it’s hard not to notice the BBC’s shallowness and bias. I caught the 2 pm Radio 4 brief news bulletin, in which we heard that overused scare word “CONTROVERSIAL” deployed to describe the proposal being debated in the Danish parliament. Of course, Obama, Corbyn, Merkel and the EU would be unlikely to be labelled “controversial” because the BBC approves of them, whereas Trump, Farage, Wilders, Orban, the current Polish government …
More invisible news on the BBC:
“60 Per Cent of ‘Refugees’ Are Really Economic Migrants Admits EU Commissioner” says Breitbart, complete with the following quote from Frans Timmermans, the EU’s first Vice-President: “More than half of the people now coming to Europe come from countries where you can assume they have no reason whatsoever to ask for refugee status. More than half, 60 per cent.”
You can read the rest here (assuming you have a strong enough stomach):
And this monumental admission will appear on the BBC, when…?
Ian Trethowan was a British journalist, radio and television broadcaster and administrator who eventually became director-general of the BBC from 1 October 1977 to 31 July 1982
A close friend of the former Tory prime minister Sir Edward Heath and a Conservative, Trethowan has been criticised for his support of the Security Service “vetting” of BBC employees which has often been seen as a means of weeding out leftists in the corporation.
Liz Forgan said that she wanted to move away from the attitude expressed by Trethowan when he heard a Birmingham accent on BBC radio and said “What is that sound doing on the BBC? Get it off.”
So, if Leftie ineffective Tory wet Ted Heath could manage to appoint a DG who ‘weeded out’ leftists from the BBC why can’t lazy Davey ?
It’s babies and bathwater, isn’t it? We have gone from the absurdity of Trethowan’s embargo to one where more or less the only voices and faces broadcast are either female, ethnic, or regional and sometimes all three.
Of course, one has to wonder, in passing, whether la Forgan’s memory was entirely accurate.
Thoughtful, you asked
‘So, if Leftie ineffective Tory wet Ted Heath could manage to appoint a DG who ‘weeded out’ leftists from the BBC why can’t lazy Davey ? ‘
because he’s a spineless, self serving coward who wants the Albeeb to support the EU, he is a poodle to the BBC Left.
He a closet Leftie at heart.He would have been a good fit with the old SDP. Very similar to John Major. I’m not surprised so many backbench Tories despise him.
He response to John Baron MP Billericay this week during Prime Ministers Question Time summed him up , it was petulant, dismissive, full of spite and unstatesmanlike.
Heard the BBC goons as usual this morning wondering if there had ever been Commies who`d infiltrated the BBC back when it was a rather brave and dashing thing to do.
Same mindsets today as was back then-subversion from within, whispering grass ups and endless agitation on behalf of Uncle Joe…only now he`d be transitioning to a woman , but covered in a burqa so there`d be absolutely no questions asked.
Did strike me though-these endless agitations to get Turings shroud beatified…rewrite the Hillsborough cases to suit todays context as opposed to the one we all remember in the 80s…getting the Shrewsbury pickets, Bloody Sunday and Mau Mau causes revamped and kerchinged?
Any chance of anybody at the BBC getting Mrs Thatchers Honorary Degree from Oxford University revisited with a posthumous degree with cakes and “party poppers” etc ?
THAT was as great an injustice as many of the ones I cite above-the cultural corrosiveness and the shoring up of the likes of Eagleton and Hobsbawm etc in fact did MORE damage to our countrys culture today than nearly anything else-so I`d argue.
I mean-if you lionise a smoothy chops nobody like Cecil “the Loin” Parkinson?…why not ennoble the Great Lady that tolerated this adulterating poltroon from Blackpool?
I`m afraid the BBC will always choose to big up sexual incontinence and faithless philanderings…so sod off Cecil, let`s get Maggie that degree she`s owed…it`s what Roy Jenkins would have wanted had, he ever been grafted a set of balls!
The BBC makes another political statement:
“The EU’s immense achievement of helping to sow peace in Europe and spread democracy is not at risk…”
How can the BBC justify making such a political statement without any evidence to back it up. Plain bias
There’s plenty of evidence that they have not sown peace, especially in countries like Ukraine where baiting of Vladimir Putin & Russia appear to have had a direct influence on the conflict there.
Not that the EU would ever admit that of course !
It would, I think, be fair to say that the comments aren’t going terribly well.
Still reactively moderated. I wonder when the “comment deleted because…..” will start
Correct HYS 99% anti EU and anti IslamicAlBeeb.
Usual trick is being used to solve this.
“We’re having some problems displaying the comments at the moment. Sorry. We’re doing our best to fix it.”
It will be closed shortly, and then disappear.
Well I was wrong.
Nearly 1500 responses and only four deluded souls defending the EU.
Question now is will the “Governments” try to use our own troops against us when we evict the invaders?
As understatements go… 🙂
You know what I`m finding now?
Because the BBC only plough a couple of their fields-but do them daily and shit on any truth that might dare to grow-I find that there`s just a few shows that they make.
1. CRIMEWATCHDOG-tell us what evils befall you. We`ll do fuckall and watch you run out of town or your kids murdered…we saw it all, there`s a show in it-and wasn`t it food to talk to Winifred?
2. THAT`S LIFE-green taxes, Miliband coining it in…but wotcha gonna do…Cologne coming soon…want`evas!
3. JIM`LL FIX IT-send us your kids and we`ll give then Dick,,,and a bit of DomPlatz too
4.SAVILE`S TRAVELS-where JOn Snow etc goes to washington but then comes back to weep about Climate Change-to no purpose!
I wonder if TIME would like to do a piece on the total obsession of the BBC with a certain Republican candidate, over in another country?
Another DG who is of great interest to us, and seemingly the starter of the current bias is one John Birt. How is it possible to be a special advisor to Tony BLiar and to run a corporation which is supposedly independent and unbiased ?,_Baron_Birt
During his tenure as Director-General, Birt restructured the BBC, in the face of much internal opposition. However, others have credited him with saving the corporation from possible government sell-off, and say he properly equipped it to face the digital age
Birt was Strategic Advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair from 2001 to 2005.
Birt was brought into Number 10 to lead the development of long-term strategy for the government on key areas of public policy. Tony Blair asked him to produce a report on solutions to crime, and he served as advisor on Criminal Justice from 2000–2001. The establishment of a Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) was an idea originally conceived by Birt.
Birt was made unpaid Strategy Adviser to Blair in 2001, appointed for what was termed “Blue skies thinking” and claimed by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to be “worth every penny”; Blair wanted advice from outside the traditional Whitehall mindset – he had known Birt since the 1980s and approved of his analytical approach.
Many opposed Birt, his methods and his reforms, notably Sir John Tusa, Sir Mark Tully and the late Sir Charles Wheeler, and news correspondent Kate Adie. Former BBC Director-General Alasdair Milne said Birt did little good for the BBC apart from establishing its internet service, and he criticised him for paying consultants lots of money to restructure the corporation. Radio broadcaster John Churchill Dunn believed morale was bad under Birt, while David Attenborough commented that producers spend too much time worrying about money as a result of Birt’s reforms. Barry Norman was very critical of Birt in his memoirs, and Marmaduke Hussey, who appointed Birt to his BBC role, later claimed to have regrets. Birt’s arrival at the BBC hastened the departure of executive Bill Cotton, who described his tenure as a “nightmare” for the BBC. Some of Birt’s changes were partially dismantled by his successors Greg Dyke and Mark Thompson. However, veteran producer Tony Garnett claimed in 2009 that Birt’s legacy of “totalitarian micro management” has existed at the BBC ever since.
Thanks thoughtful. How very similar Lord Tony Hall is as John Birt would have it. Both promised to slash costs although its become clear that they have expanded the BBC greatly in all areas.
Well …………… Much like the so called `feminazis` who harp on about gender equality whilst ignoring the mass rapes and sexual assaults by the followers of the R.O.P. (Rapists Of Passers-by) … The BBC and the mainstream news outlets have decided that so called Green Energy and the needs of the Luddites to erect Offshore Windfarms as the are ECO friendly, are ignoring the fact that the underwater low frequency noise pollution from them are to blame for the recent beaching of an entire pod of sperm whales across the coasts of the north sea… seventeen whales in all!!!
Please read the the links and feel free to ask both your MEPs and your MPs why has this obvious link not been investigated???
Yet another blatant example of hypocrisy in action …… I am not allowed to post on any BBC sites but please feel free to post the links and questions you may have arising from what I have posted here…..
Just to add a touch of irony, laced with classic leftist/Green hypocrisy, to the above, one of the carcases was sprayed with ‘Fukishima’ and ‘Man’s fault’ together with the CND symbol, by some fine examples of modern university education – an assumption based on the fact that they could correctly spell Fukishima, not that their awareness of ocean movements or geography had been in any way enhanced.
Oops! Meant to say ‘incorrectly spell Fukushima’. Message diminished by hopefully not lost altogether….
The sonar use in building the Wind Farm would be temporary. The vibration of the turbine towers or whine & vibration of the blades could well be a factor in upsetting the whales on a more consistent & frequent basis.
When you go overboard on a particular viewpoint, economic situation, aspect of science or social planning/engineering then you really need to make sure your ‘submarine’ is watertight. BBC please note.
They are currently, unknowingly perhaps, undermining (helping to sink!) their pet AGW/CC cause with episode 2 of the Anthropology series, BBC R4 1.145pm Mon-Fri. If they keep it going until Friday, the settled science on AGW/CC is going to look distinctly heeled to port or starboard & vulnerable to attack.
If the BBC informed Licence Fee payers about that, the BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee Chairman, Richard Ayre, would insist on immediate censorship and put all those concerned on an Orwellian Thoughtcrime retraining program.
But after an investigation, Jesse Norman, the Chairman of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee read out the “riot act” to the BBC Trust Chairman: He said: “The role of the BBC Trust might have been to be a sort of internal regulator on behalf of the Licence Fee payer. This has not however, proved to be the case”
Do Licence Fee payers want ignorance through censorship. The fact that the BBC Trust not only supports censorship by the BBC, but actually forces censorship upon the BBC, is not what you would think the Licence Fee payer would want.
However, I am told that to solve this problem, Sir David Clementi is due to issue suggestions of how to replace the goons of the BBC Trust, in a report that comes out before Easter.
I think this is supposed to be Whittingdales action to satisfy the Tories, and his fellow Mensa members complains about Climate science censorship by the BBC.
I stumbled across this nauseating article on The Independent:
It was filed under the ‘voices’ section of the website, which usually provides a platform for readers to comment.
It appears as if the moderators have removed the function, presumably on the basis that opinions weren’t quite in sync with their hard left thinking.
What a sickening piece of propaganda.
I’m not sure the BBC would sink to these depths.
Utterly pathetic.
Thanks for posting.
There’s no way that letter was composed by an eight year old girl. It was written by her but with the ‘assistance’ of adults.
It`s the BBC-what else would they believe?
That a Muslim woman could run under a piece of barbed wire, clutching nappies and a child safety gate, and back into Turkey as Islamic State nutjobs were looking the other way?
WE all KNOW that Islam has yet to enter the Barbed Wire age…unless it`s been sent by Nazi mates of theirs from Ploetzensee.
That a henna bearded bloke with gnarled toenails, no teeth and a lurid interest in a Jimmy Savile annual would be a fifteen year old Syrian and in need of a childrens home in South Yorkshire until Labour can train him into saying so?
They believe all THAT kind of shit-and add global warming too….but they don`t and won`t believe that we voted Tory last May?
Ouanquers toutes!
That article sums up everything that is wrong with the Independent. I am sure the BBC would plumb these depths Ventilator. It’s what they do.
On BBC “news where you are” in London at 10:30 last night we were shown – at considerable length – the latest fashionable daub by Banksy outside the French Embassy in London. According to the BBC reporter – doubling as art critic – this graffito (apparently highlighting tear gassing of rioting gimmegrants in Calais) was the slam dunk conclusive argument in favour of the Corbynista “let ’em all in” policy on faux-refugee parasites.
Compounding its bias, the item then continued by informing an uninterested public that Steve Jobs’ biological father was, whaddya know, a “refugee” from Syria. No he wasn’t: he was a legal immigrant who was a student in the US (as Walter Isaacson – Jobs’ biographer – confirms). BTW the fact that Jobs was close to his adoptive parents and had no/very little interest in any relationship with his non-refugee biological father was not thought worthy of BBC comment.
Frankly, who cares about Banksy’s opinions or Steve Jobs’ half-Syrian biological descent? Well the BBC does, of course. It’s no justification for bias but, manifestly, the BBC suffers from an acute form of corporate Aspergers. One result of this affliction is the refusal to let slip any opportunity to propagandise for the Narrative. Last night’s item would not have been considered for transmission had it not been considered by BBC editors as another blow in favour of those seeking enrichment of the UK by
the dregs ofall those doctors, lawyers, engineers and unaccompanied “children” from the Middle East and Africa.Looking at Banksy’s picture of the foreign child surrounded by swirling tear gas I couldn’t help but compare it to his equally heart-rending image of the young English girl after she’d been raped by a foreign taxi driver (and all his friends). I’m not sure whether he painted the picture of the English girl on a wall opposite Rotherham town hall, or Rochdale town hall, or was it Derby or Oxford or Manchester or Preston or – well I’ve lost track as the list of possible sites is now so long. Perhaps he is so spoilt for appropriate sites that he just can’t make his mind up where to paint it.
Never mind – they were only English children, and to those on the left and their BBC comrades English lives don’t matter.
Lamebrain Lammy on the Daily Politics Show saying a Million Indians fought and died in WW2 for the European Project. He was brought to task by UKIP’s Steven Woolfe doing the job the presenter of the show should be doing.
Lammy yet another person in a job above his capabilities. There as a token gesture, yet he and other like him actually believe they have been chosen on merit!
Maybe we should take licenses away from the likes of Lammy.
Certainly refuse him a license to watch any more BBC until he grasps the idea that Indians fought for Britain-not for the Nazi Project that Lammy thought was just an early European Union.
That they turn out to be one and the same today is not Churchills fault.
Poor Lammy-way too much Labour groomings and BBC tick therapy.
take his telly away until he has taken a test to show he`s not infected by Lime Green Nazi Disease.
Truly frightening that an EU shill could be so offensive and get away with this.
And at the end of that round David Lammy you have scored zero points…..
Should have passed, general knowledge not his strong point. F’ing unbelievable that he was actually a minister (Minister of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills), now I wonder how he attained such a position….
Iz it becoz he iz bluck?
Lammy is the gift which keeps on giving. The man is truly an idiot. I can never forget his turn on Celebrity Mastermind a couple of years ago when his ignorance was painful to see. His rise to becoming an MP is emblematic of the third world shithole which all governments since the war have turned poor London into.
Also lets not forget when he said that the black and white smoke from the choice of Pope was racist because he actually thought the colour of the smoke represented the colour of the Pope!
Just watched the celebrity mastermind clip. Someone as profoundly ignorant as Lammy should never be an M P, unless if course it’s in pc multi culti Britain . There are plenty of smart black people who surely could represent Tottenham better than the inept Lammy.
Wonder if the Grim Reaper confused Lemmy with Lammy and took the wrong one?
I note that Jo Coburn heard that and went for him – pinned Lammy and his assertion to the floor, a la Brillo (No, not really – not a squeak from her – no challenge – nothing at all – accepted as fact).
And if you watch again look at the number of times that the other Labour idiot Liz Kendall nods approvingly and encouragingly at Coburn’s challenges to the UKIP guest as well as others throughout the programme. Not only that, she and Coburn join forces at one stage to form a tag team in opposition to the UKIP guy.
Coburn’s most appalling performance to date
Coburn’s pro-labour bias is a feature of this programme. She always gives labour politicians an easy ride . Her dislike of UKIP is palpable . Nothing particularly unusual for a BBC political reporter but it’s embarrassing to contrast her weak approach to that of Andrew Neil.
‘Lamebrain Lammy on the Daily Politics Show saying a Million Indians fought and died in WW2 for the European Project’
….and all the while the rap music loving failed prospective Shadow Labour Leader Liz Kendall nodded in agreement. By the way she acts hormonal and seems really highly strung. I am unsure as to her state of mental stability. Do MP’s get tested for mental health? I’m not sure that she would pass muster.
I am considering writing to the bBBC requesting that we see more of Laimebrain. He is so incredibly poor that one has to just laugh at his statements. They are incredulous. The man is ignorant but is completely unaware of how stupid he is. It is almost sad to see our politicians sink to such a low level of intelligence.
He is clearly a rascist against the Indian people as he does not want any of their granny’s to come here. He failed to offer a good enough reason as to why not. I’d be interested to hear if there is a racial backlash from our indigenous Indian populace. He is also, most definitely, future deputy Leadership material for the Labour Party. That should see an end to them.
Check out
to see what a f%ckwit Lammy is on “Mastermind.”
Apparently Banksy is going to be outed in the next few weeks, due to his predicted, predictable flurries of art.
Biological mathematics says that he IS (as known) one Robin Gunningham-who has done most of his artwork near his wifes old house and his old school football pitch- nice and predictable peaks found in Shoreditch and Bristol.
But-mathematically chipped though he is soon to be-his daubings are nowhere near as predictable as his opinions ,and what he chooses to paint for his chums. leaving the Council to scrub or sell afterwards
Table top socialism from the Del Monte of the Good Rebellion…where all solutions to any problem come flat packed, shrink wrapped and carried out by the white working class running the gauntlets of Islam, Feminutters and Dope not Hate(except for selfsame white working class of England-UKIP scum one and all),
We have ourselves one heck of a virus as spread by the lefty leeches-whether its Prescotts Palsy or Parkinsons Pecker Priapism is to be confirmed…
Banksy is now as much a “Nazi” as anybody who ever set up IKEA.
How Shakespeare Spoke
Forget Laurence Olivier and Peggy Ashcroft, Al Pacino and Judi Dench. To take us back to Shakespeare’s own time Michael Rosen and Dr Laura Wright hear Shakespeare as he himself would have spoken. The original, unvarnished version from linguist David Crystal and actor Ben Crystal. They look at the fashion for Original Pronunciation and ask what it can tell us about how we speak now.
Michael and Laura perform some of Shakespeare’s best known work in the original accent and attempt to bring new meaning and wit to language coated by centuries of veneer.
Despite the Commie involved this program was a joy – explaining an aspect of Shakespeare that many might never have realised. And no they didn’t actually know how Shakespeare spoke or sounded, but the OP (original pronunciation) from Tudor times is a very comforting accent indeed.
After trying to watch the latest release of Macbeth on the big screen. I can tell you exactly how Shakespeare spoke. He spoke utter bollox
RP is, of course, just posh people mimicking Cockney street urchins of the 1800s, not a pure form of English at all. We see the same thing going on now as the BBC encourages the indigenous youth to ape the new urchins of London innit.
I turned down the sound after a while as the programme got wearing, listening to three people talking about ‘pronoun-ciation’. RP-gone crazy?
Personally I regard teaching Shakespeare to children as abuse. Half his words have changed their meaning, half are obsolete and, apparently, none are being pronounced correctly! It all smacks of clothing for Emperors; everyone says it is great yet no one has a clue what it is about!
And there was I lamenting that they have more or less stopped teaching Chaucer in ME!
My jaw hit the floor when I started to read this story.
When I got halfway through and read it happened last Wednesday I felt like weeping…….anywhere on Beeb , MSM ……NO ……Russia Today
First there was political correctness, but now this is humiliation of a defeated nation
Italy covers nudes for Iran president. Statues? Really?
Article from Al-Bheeb fails to point out the insanity of the decision.
BBC TV News 17.15 today.
BBC anchor Huw Edwards interviews a Danish spokesman re confiscation of some refugee assets during their asylum application period. (This has today been agreed by the Danish Parliament).
I have prepared here a transcript of part of that biased interview where the Danes are compared by Edwards to Nazis and is as follows:-
Edwards: The comparison with Nazi Germany. What is your answer to that?
Dane: You know very little of your history if you compare protecting refugees with putting Jews in gas chambers. Holocaust survivors would object to that comparison.
Edwards: But you know full well it’s not the comparison with gas chambers, it’s a comparison with seizing valuables from innocent people that is the comparison.
Dane: No. You make a Nazi comparison. We (Danes) protect refugees and use a lot of money doing so. It is offensive to make comparisons with Nazi Germany. Asylum is for protection not financial betterment.
The Dane went on to explain that Germany and Switzerland have been for years using the seizure process when assessing an asylum seeker’s status.
Edward read throughout from a prepared question sheet. His bias was obviously approved by the BBC.
Plus of course, shots of sleepy children among the huddled masses.
Here’s a snippet about the politics of Huw Edwards:
In September 2008, the BBC Trust ruled that a documentary presented by Edwards on the subject of Welsh politics had broken the organisation’s editorial guidelines. The programme, entitled Wales: Power and the People – Back to the Future, addressed the topic of the Welsh Assembly, with Edwards stating, “to achieve its full potential it needs even greater support for the people of Wales than it’s received so far … the more people that take part, the stronger and healthier our democracy in Wales will be.” Following a complaint, the governing body concluded that Edwards’ words were not objective and even-handed on the subject stating’ “it is not the role of BBC presenters to encourage audiences to exercise their right to vote on particular occasions.”
**It was also found that the documentary as a whole was biased against the Conservative Party**
It’s also worth having a look at Edwards’s on Twitter.
We pay for him.
Thank you for that transcript. It’s a measure of the edge of hysteria the chatterati live on that they reach for the word ‘Nazi’ at the drop of a wristband.
Would they apply the same standards to the way the elderly in this country are forced to sell their homes to pay for care? And they, never let it be forgot, have paid taxes throughout their lives into a system that now betrays them.
That’s a good comparison with the elderly here having to sell up and pay for their care.
Dear Comrades at Biased BBC,
Concern has been expressed by the comrades in Change, over claims that they have been trying to rig the consultation with the Government over the future of our BBC comrades. Here is a copy of the email, aimed at each constituency, from the comrades at Change, calling for Solidarity against the hyenas and running dogs of the capitalist press..
From the email
‘The government is running scared of 38 Degrees members. [1]
John Whittingdale, the government minister in charge of the BBC, is complaining that too many 38 Degrees members have responded to the public consultation on the BBC’s future. It looks like he didn’t like what we told him, so he’s suddenly changed tack – opening up a new consultation, and planting smear stories in the papers about 38 Degrees members. [2]
No-one thinks the BBC is perfect, but it belongs to the public – not politicians. And the government’s real agenda to undermine the BBC is becoming clearer and clearer. [3]
Whittingdale can only get away with it if other politicians stay silent. So let’s take the fight to our local MPs, telling them that that it’s their job to represent us – and we won’t be fobbed off. It starts with a huge petition to (MP Named) asking them to speak out to make sure that our views on the BBC are heard.
Please will you add your name?
If MP after MP speaks out against him – together we’ll prove just how unpopular his plans to dismantle the BBC really are. [4] It’ll be the last thing John Whittingdale wants.
It’s hard to believe, but John Whittingdale is saying that although 177,000 members of the public have already told him what they think, he needs even more evidence of public opinion. There’s already lots of evidence that shows that the BBC is one of Britain’s most trusted media outlets – so what is he trying to prove? [5]
And it looks like he’s been leaking information to the papers to fuel a smear campaign against 38 Degrees members. The Mail and Telegraph have claimed that 38 Degrees members have “hijacked” the public consultation, and a “government source” has said that we’ve caused loads of extra work for the government. [6]
Our people power has already got John Whittingdale into a muddle. His response to our pressure shows just how worried he is. Now, let’s take the fight to our local MPs – after all, it’s their job to speak up for us. Please can you call on your MP, (name provided here) to make sure our views on the BBC are heard?’
The idiots at Change do not appear to be aware that Witteringbum is already in the pocket of the BBC
He just follows orders from the pro EU bBBC puppet Cameron.
More evidence of Sunni Muslim oil rich states ‘bribing’ leaders, or maybe not !
And what a gripping tale it has been. Here’s what we know:
1.Between March and April 2013, $681m (£478.9m) was deposited in the prime minister’s personal bank account.
2.The Malaysian attorney general’s office says the money came from the Saudi Royal family and that it was a “gift” – although there’s yet to be any confirmation of that from the Saudis.
3.According to the attorney general’s office, $620m was returned to the Saudis in 2013 by the prime minister, but there has been no mention of the remaining $61m.
So we’re left with yet another mystery – this time a sum of a smaller amount, but big questions all the same.
The alarm bells should be screaming, yet very few people seem to want to hear them !
Radio 4 pm this evening 17.30 – 17.50… My drive home from work.
Item 1 Mexicans making papier mache Donald Trump figures to be smashed up with sticks….”I hate Trump, I cannot say more or it will be too rude”, lies about “he said throw out all the muslims” and a video campaign to demonstrate the value of Mexican migrants to the USA.
Item 2 A muslim woman and a secularist talk about face veils in English schools, unsurprisingly the woman thought it was about personal choice and had no impact on teachers communication with kids, who if they live in “multicultural” areas will be familiar with veils and their family members will probably wear them. Surprisingly, Keith Porteous Wood from the national secular society nearly passed an elephantine stool when it was suggested that “as a secularist he’d object to any religious symbols in the class room”…..a terrible misunderstanding….”secularism is about a level playing field” he said, as he forgot all about his organisations campaigns against Jewish and Christian schools.
Item 3 Large unrepaired potholes damaging life and limb and four wheel drive cars in India, a national campaign to fix them.
Item 4 An epidemic of mosquito borne zika threatens the well being of Brazilians, but not to worry, the Olympics will be fine and tourists should come because the weather will be cooler in June.
20 minutes of bias and/or BS. Meanwhile in Europe………nothing to see.
Heard this one.
Some Muslim woman who was some big noise in schools-and belonging to some Muslim Thing For Britain type of tarpaulin…and Keith Porteous Wood from the Secular Society.
Who else but the BBC would think that seeing a talking bin liner would be just as good at facial cues as someone without the ninja mask?…and who else but the BBC(and of course MCB.MAB, Tell Mama, Liberty, IS. ISIL. Sharia4UK, Cage, Respect….need I continue?) would think THAT controversial.
I see the BBC as the snotty runty little bag carrier for the Muslim bully, forver happy to snitch to his Islamic gang, now he`s unable to get into Gary Glitters as easily as he used to.
Craven shit stirring blowback from too many lentils in the 60s…
The bias is relentless. bBBC NorthWest Tonight is giving free airtime to a young woman from the Isle of Man visiting the world’s s***holes who has found an 11-year-old girl in Yemen with a brain tumour. Surprise, surprise, ‘we’ are supposed to pay for her to come here to have an operation on the InterNational Health Service. Or else she will die and it is our fault.
I’m quite sure the Isle of Man government will listen to the girl’s pleas and decide whether the Isle of Man will spend the Isle of Man’s tax money to fund the treatment in an Isle of Man government hospital. FFS what next; callers from France begging the UK to pay for every whim of a leftist young girl?
The Isle of Man never became part of the Kingdom of Great Britain or its successor the United Kingdom, retaining its status as an internally self-governing Crown dependency.
The Isle of Man is not part of the UK.
Tell them no.
They wanted independence, this is it.
Do you own surgery.
Little white old ladies have priority.
What I’d like to know is just how such seemingly insignificant stories make it on to BBC News programs. I would imagine they come from within lefty cliques, Islington types attending the same squash clubs and dinner parties, the sort of party that Evan Davis attends and attempts to use his BBC position and prominence to influence – see below Tweet…
In my opinion local BBC News output contains the most insipid bias and nudging of all, as its not wide open to the masses to question and dissect
I was registered to this forum some time ago, but found I couldn’t log in, so this is my first post under my new name. I look in every day and have to thank this group and all its members for keeping me better informed than any part of the MSM!
Not sure if this has been posted before, but I came across it earlier on today:
Europe has not betrayed women.
Women have been betrayed, but by the unelected EU, and traitors in elected “Governments”.
Welcome to the barricades.
We offer a bounty of ten pounds for every pair of Muslim testicles you collect.
Pat Condell is one of the best bloggers out there. He says what he thinks, and is normally very perceptive, but adds lashings of witty sarcasm which is often laugh-out-loudable: no doubt as a result of him formerly being a stand-up comedian.
I hadn’t seen that offering of Pat’s – it’s one of his best, some great quotes in there.
Thanks for linking it.
I really hope Trump is the Republican choice.Then we can witness the BBC having a collective nervous breakdown. Today’s One PM news had it all. Plett sneering at Trump and just not doing her job. I learnt nothing about his policies just one long sneer. Nought out of ten for her again.
The whole show was a good example of just how poor the BBc has become. An uniformative segment about Google that told me nothing and a ridiculous attempt to portray the Eu as a saintly organisation and any EU opponents as anti European and misguided.
It is clear that the current bunch of journalists and commentators are just very poor indeed.
“the current bunch of journalists and commentators are just very poor indeed”
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
You do not understand the underlying philosophy, which has two components.
One, comment is free, but if we do not like your comments they will never see the light of day.
Two, facts are sacred. However we are the sole arbiters of what constitutes a fact: concomitant and coeval with this fact concerning facts, we are solely authorised to modify non-facts, pseudo-acts, quasi-facts, anti-factfacts so that they become facts.
So underlying was a poor choice on my part, just lying.