Classic use of scare quotes. To clarify, McGuiness confirms that:
The age of consent in Germany is 14 and while sex with an under-aged child is classed as statutory rape, it is generally seen as child abuse if violence was not used.
So DM confirm that the crime is rape yet uses scare quotes. DM suggests the law can be re-interpreted, presumably by those in the know, like Damian. ‘….generally seen as child abuse…’ ? What the fuck is it with journalists and law and their disregard for victims of rape and/or child abuse?
It gets better.
”…German lawyer Martin Luithle has now reported the Russian journalist behind the report, Ivan Blagoy, to the police for incitement.
The case has been taken up enthusiastically by right-wing extremists in a bid to fuel anti-migrant sentiment….”
Not ‘taken up by concerned citizens who believe the rights of women and children not to be raped are important to out society’ then Damian? So, we know where the left stand when a child gets raped (presumably unless the rapist is a white male non-public sector worker). And we know where Damian McGuinness stands.
1. Child victims of crime don’t matter.
2. Rape becomes child abuse if lefties ‘generally’ think so, irrespective of the law.
3. If you complain about men raping children, you are a right wing extremist and must be investigated by the Police for your ‘crime’ (of incitement?).
4. If you demonstrate against child rape, you are really fuelling anti-migrant sentiment.
5. If a child is raped by migrants, police and lawyers can spend time responding to reports from Lawyers and lefties designed to harass those who want the law to be applied, criminality prosecuted and the vulnerable protected.
In short, according to Damian, if one is to have what can be regarded as a sense of right and wrong and empathy for the vulnerable victims of crime, then one must become a ‘right wing extremist’, ergo, if you’re not a ‘right-wing extremist’ then how can you hold your head up high?
As with Rotherham, Rochdale, ANOther English Town, the acceptance of child rape by journalists (especially the BBC ones), police and government functionaries is complete. Child rape is OK for the BBC and just a price ‘we’ have to pay to allow leftie virtue signallers room for self congratulation. But Liz McKean and Merion Jones know this.
Want to get on at the BBC like Damian McGuinness? Throw awy your moral compass, dispense with your self respect, disregard any sense of humanity, accept that women are chattles, that child rape is OK and call all those who are not happy bout it ‘right-wing extremists’.
The BBC, undermining the Law, supporting the criminal Hard Left wing extremists in Calais and at home, covering up mass rape and assault throughout Europe daily, stigmatising those who think raping women is wrong as ‘extreme right wing’ and facilitating the ongoing disregard of the rape of girls and women by Muslim men by normalising it in their reporting.
My disgust for the BBC and its journalists grows each day.
There will be a reckoning and these c*^ts at the BBC will have nowhere to run or hide. F^&k-em.
You simply can’t rely on the BBC to bring you the unvarnished news these days. Every item is scrutinized, sanitized and if deemed to be acceptable, eventually presented to us with lashings of pc bias.
It was only by looking at Russia Today that I discovered that there had been a murder at a Swedish refugee centre. These immigrants are just so thankful for the help that liberal Europe is giving to them…A fifteen year old boy had stabbed a young lass who had given up her free time (and her life) to assist this Muslim rabble.
I also heard about the dreadful problems they’re having in Stockholm. The railway station is a virtual no go area for women. Moroccan males are harassing (and worse) any females that try to enter the station. It’s been going on for months. Can’t understand how the Beeb has missed this one…And at the Metro stations muggings are now rife; our north African friends have been indulging their favourite pass times. They showed a film clip of some third world turd attempting to pick pocket an old woman. When a young Swedish woman intervened he turned on her, lashing out at the poor woman and her children before spitting in her face. The police say they can’t cope, “there are just too many of them.”
And what has the Beeb shown us regarding the “refugee crisis”? The usual, I’m afraid. Some bloke sobbing because he can’t get his children into Denmark.
Tough shit!
BBc 22:00 news: Headline immigration. The Danes are not nice and some people (who?) are comparing their policies to aspects of the third reich. So serious news do we get a balanced debate. No of course not this is the BBc BBc correspondents interview BBc correspondence. Any other views to balance so the viewer can make their minds up on the story? No. Just the BBcs agenda as usual.
To make matters worse, the little monster who knifed the girl in Sweden turns out to be a Somalian.
Strange… I don’t recall the West having recently invaded that particular African hell hole.
The BBC is the epitome of the far Left media effort to destroy this country. Fortunately, the truth is getting out (even some of the liberal press outlets are running stories about immigrants on the rampage) and I’m picking up a sense that the public is getting close to turning on our ‘progressive’ establishment.
I intend to thoroughly enjoy the spectacle when it finally does.
And not long after Who ate all the pies correspondent is interviewed by Hugh. Any one else. No this is the BBc apparently we are told the cult aren’t happy and teachers unions aren’t happy. Anyone from Offsted on, No this is the BBc they want to show all points of view so the viewer can make up their own mind. Except they don’t show more than the BBc agenda most of the time.
Just heard Sam Walker on 5Live posit the question – “should schools get a poor Ofsted report if a pupil or a teacher wears a face veil?” In the studio are Keith Porteous Wood (Secular Society) and a well-spoken chap, whose name I didn’t catch, from the Muslim Council of Britain.
Wood claimed most people would be uncomfortable when talking to a niqab. Walker equivocated “You don’t know that, there are many who wouldn’t be”. The MCB stooge used the last resort of the cad – Patriotism!! – to further the cause of islamising the United Kingdom. He urged us to remember that Britain had a proud tradition of “fair play and accommodation”. He recalled the words of a nameless M.P. “It’s not British to ban items of clothing”. The utter, utter gall of this man. Does he think we are stupid?
We can all see where this is going, and rapidly. The BBC have facilitated the normalisation of the wearing of the hijab. Now, wherever you look on the BBC there are Hijabis. The normalisation of the full niqab into British society, as cheered on by the BBC, is well underway.
The BBC should try an experiment. Find a bunch of the most liberal idiots they can find and ask them to have a real conversation with a burka/ niqab clad woman. It is almost impossible .That is the whole point of it.
Oh this is great isn`t it?
The world-renowned Andrew Claphands(here comes chocolate) of-well where else but Trent Polytechnic?-is sent a cut and paste questionnaire to send back to the BBCs Oxbridge Education ciphers-with words to the effect that we teachers can wear a crash helmet as we teach…and the kids will still be able to check their own bollocks or take drugs safely.
Also handy should we be attacked with baseball bats.
Only the thikfux at the BBC-and of course the lightweight Children of the Revolution like Andy Pander-would see that wearing a veil somehow allows kids to learn better.
And-as Islamic State is rolling in…the continuing cultural cringe and supplications of the BBC and its educational windsocks is as disgraceful and fatuous as ever.
The BBC and Jimmy Savile-now THERE`S a man the BBC would have asked about educational provision had he not been rumbled by…well, anyone but those now working at Paedo Central…the BBC as we used to call it.
As Sir_Arthur pointed out on the previous page, the bias is relentless. Having just caught up with my local Points West program tonight (did everyone get a pro migrant/immigration story tonight in their region?) we get a lengthy report about Bristolian volunteers helping out at the migrant camp in Dunkirk.
Its classic propaganda, we see plenty of women and children, we’re told by our intrepid reporter back in the studio that the people are all Iraqi Kurds (how can he be sure), there are women and children and that some even have an IT degree (again how can he be sure) and that they are all fleeing persecution and don’t feel safe in France!
In the pure frustration of the stupid Liberal invasion facilitating 5th column ‘wankers’ that are the aid workers I had to turn over at the risk of the remote hitting the screen. I absolutely fail to see what possible interest a migrant camp in Dunkirk has to do with, or is of interest to the massive majority of us carrot cruncher in the West country, other than of course pure ‘poor migrant’ propaganda porn.
Look North tonight – Wakefield Council is taking in 500 “refugees”, it must be nice for a council not to have huge numbers of British people on their waiting lists for housing, means that they are in a position to offer aid to all these foreigners as well.
There was some helpful footage of Syrian women and kids in camps, to reassure us about how needy these folk are too.
Um, anyone have any idea how much accommodation is being offered by Rotherham Council for ‘refugees’ ? , (otherwise known as relatives of all those already living in Rotherham !!) (titter!)
A few years back my partner & I were made homeless which is a long convoluted story I won’t go into. We went to the local authority, Wrexham. who were basically no help what so ever as I was in work my partner had to go on her own and was literally in tears. She was handed an form the first page of which asked which country you had come from. So much for the people who were born here and have been paying into the system all their lives. Hopefully one day there will be a day of reckoning for all these people who despise us.
Oh good-the Left will have a few spare hands for Dewsbury at the weekend.
Wonder if it`ll be Wakefield/Dewsbury…or Luton/Slough that will give us our first tinderbox moment?…it`s a close call, and very worrying to all but the idiot lanterns of the Left…of which the BBC is leading lighthouse of sirens calling from radio cars to minarets…then back in evil echoes.
And this, despite the open admission today from Timmermans, the EU’s vice-president, that 60 per cent of the immigrants are not qualified as they are nothing more than economic migrants.
I caught that story the radio. I am amazed than any school would employ a teacher with a face veil. The stupid women teacher they interviewed, who did at least inform us that she didn’t wear one, seemed to think it could be perfectly all right. Once again not offending Islam is the first priority – even at the expense of children’s education – and once again no criticism from the BBC interviewer. Strange how opinionated they can be when it’s UKIP or Trump.
With great regret I have just bought a TV licence. Much that it pains me to fund this relentless, left wing crap that is party to the smug destruction of my way of life I have not watched live TV for a couple of months but got annoyed that I did want to watch a film.
I considered being illegal, but I feel unhappy doing that. This is a weakness of our once great civilisation that we feel a duty to obey the law – even though in this case I have no respect for it. Besides, I did not want my daughter to open the door to a TV licence goon and the following unpleasantness.
I feel ashamed to have funded this filth for another year.
The good news is that those under 20 are not watching the box in the corner of the living room. Their sources of news and information have by-passed the BBC.
This is bad news for the BBC yet good news for us. And I suspect that the BBC know that.
Sadly ‘the future’ have only experienced (and are now used to) living in a multi cultural Britain. For many its now second nature for them to be in the playground with hijabs and topknots, (conditioning of young minds) so further migration from ethnic lands in years to come won’t bother them one iota. Unlike their parents and us grandparents and gt g/parents who have known a much better lifestyle that this country once offered, – we would have appreciated it far more, if we knew the hell that was to come.
I often wonder what the BBC’s reaction would be if the migrant crisis had comprised UKIP voters crossing the Med into Europe in their millions. The BBC and their media luvvies would have exploded in rage. Would Sir Bob Geldof have offered them a home at all his many abodes? A UKIP voter in his lounge drinking tea? Never!
Somewhat an unlikely event, but I’m sure you can appreciate the comparison.
DS – imagine if it was large numbers of white South Africans, whose ancestors were British, trying to flee from the (real) genocide there to return to the land of their forefathers. I wonder how much media support al beebus would provide to help them?
I know he’s not al beebus anymore, but I watched Matt Frei’s hatchet job on Donald Trump earlier on C4.
What is it about Progressives and democracy? If it’s a political entity they don’t like – they attack it all out
It’s quite a straightforward system really – if someone likes a candidate or party, they vote for them; if they don’t, they won’t.
I can’t recall Barry ever getting even one hundredth of the hammering Trump is, even though he has been associated with some of the most dubious people imaginable throughout his whole life, e.g. Bill Ayers et al.
The Treasonous elites are scared to death of Trump, both over there and over here.
I saw the disgusting Matt Frei’s hatchet job on Trump. Pathetic. Juvenile. Puerile. Particularly nauseated by his throwing Trump branded products off screen and onto the pavement, his leading questions, his repetition of ‘rape’ four time in 15 seconds, his sniggering introductions to Trump supporters, his repetition of any Trump-negative answers received from interviewees, the Sarah Palin speech edits to make her out to be a maniac. I mean a balanced view entitled The Mad World of Donald Trump. No more Channel 4 for me.
When he was throwing Trump merchandise off camera…saw a few people walking past looking disgusted or unhappy.
Where were the enviro-cops in NYC…littering, even by Trump Towers, would be a civil offence I`d have thought.
Arbeit Matt Frei…HIS likes will welcome up to the workcamps for the unenlightened…NOT Trump.
What a creep-and , need I add-a true BBC production in his own vapid persona.
And there`s Snow with the pith helmet and -no doubt-some personal reasons to be back in Sri Lanka at public expense.
That creep is ALWAYS available for the first flight out to Columbo…we seem to twin our effete Bwana fops with foreign climes where they seem to thrive or have a bit of skin in the game.
john Humphys and Greece comes to mind…wonder why Snow “bangs on” about Sri Lanka so often.
Do they make good linen suits, or intricate bamboo bike clips or what?
He`ll be back soon though-and let`s count the days until he worries about the rest of us flying anywhere.
His planes are virtuous lavender farting types as used by Sting, Bono, Madonna and Pasha Albert Gore…the Crown Prince of Stupid.
Frack off Snowballs!
I watched the entirety of Sarah Palin’s endorsement of him, her speech was very good – genuine and heartfelt; no wonder we only got the 2-3 second clips to make her appear lunatic, which you could do with anyone speaking for 15 minutes about anything, if you edited specifically for that effect.
They would never show a full 4 or 5 minutes of one of his speeches, 4 – 5 seconds provides the result they seek.
The one thing I take heart from is that even if Trump doesn’t become President, if he doesn’t even get the GOP nomination, yet the U.S. continues down the road it is on (U.S.A. 90% white in 1965, now California alone is 70% non-white) there may be politicians who come after Trump in 4 years time, who will make Trump and his policies seem like Obama and his now.
That legacy alone will have made his candidacy worthwhile.
One could try and argue that what doesn’t poison the electorate makes you stronger, but propaganda has a nasty way of sowing doubts.
What is certain is that the pass continually given ‘leaders’ such as Barry or Lord Hall Hall means they exist in a bubble of delusion that eventually gets seen through.
They are off again on breakfast turnbullsh*t asks woman on talking about holocaust day about immigrants who were in houses that the doors were painted red which marked them out. Really Bill that implies the council painted the doors red in deliberate preparation for the swarm to signal the nature of the occupants ,not that they were already painted red. I wonder if anyone else who had a red door got their door re painted.
Jo Brand had a tough day in her waddle across the country this story seems to have been going on for the month. It would have been faster on National Express luv. Nice to see the sheeple turn out to cheer for no apparent reason though.
Some time ago just like most of us realised. I’m sure the BBc would of mentioned this but they probably ran out of time. They are committed to giving the viewer the full range of views so that the viewer can make up their own mind. Well apart from as usual they present us with one side of the story.
Re the Jo Brand ‘waddle’ she is also giving completely uninteresting daily updates on the Steve Wright show, but HTF does fatty Brand get the gig considering its for Sports Relief? I’m not even sure she qualifies for Comic Relief….
And one further question how does she also get the gig to judge the Countryfile photo competition?
Simple answer She ticks all the boxes. Lefty luvvie , female, hates white people.
Except one , she’s straight………or is she? I know she’s married,I don’t know if she’s hiding and I don’t want to think about it. Almost as bad as Diane Fatbot and Jezza …….yueh I need a mind wash now.
She’s married but her “act” comprises of making sexist jokes about Men. Its like a throw back to the old comedians of the seventies, only not as funny.
Mind you she does have the look of Les Dawson about her.
Don’t forget she managed to get Carol Thatcher thrown off the BBC for ever. That was her finest hour for all leftists, and qualifies her for life membership of the BBC insiders’ club.
Having Jo Brand scaring the moles as she clatters from pie shop to pasty emporium is a bit of a worry.
Thought the BBC wanted all their sports stars and charity gonks to be role models.
Gay, disabled, bland and harmless.
To “inspire us all”-even if we`re a bunch of pantie scrunching losers seeking a disabiilty scooter to hitch behind.
Given all this-why then does the BBC give us a gobby lardarse by way of a role model…have all our girls now got to pile on the beef and being abusive and never funny then?
Ah well-at least she`s better than the LAST role model for charity that the BBC “champeened”.
Brand would have made a decent sized beanbag for Sir James Savile of Bush House…bit monochrome,but very hard to get out of , once you`d plonked yourself down.
Enjoy your dinners!
Sky are just as bad, they did a segment this morning on the conditions of Roma Gypsies living near a toxic rubbish tip in Romania, they seemed to think we should be concerned about it. One of the Gypsies comes across to England to “work” occasionally, they didn’t ask him what he did but I think we can all guess (organised begging and picking pockets).
The normal decent Romanians were frowned upon for not caring a jot about the plight of the Gypsies, and I’m glad to say the normal, decent Romanians were not the least bit concerned about the Sky reporters opinion, much to His chagrin.
Executives from Guardian News and Media, the newspaper’s publishers, told staff at a meeting on Monday that the group would be cutting around £54 million (71 million euros, $77 million) in costs.
Operating losses in the year to March 2015 were expected to be £53 million, the executives said, adding that the aim was to break even in three years.
Reserves in the investment fund which supports The Guardian dropped to £735 million from £838.3 million over the same 12-month period, they said.
“Growing the cost base more than revenue is simply not sustainable,” chief executive David Pemsel was quoted as saying at the meeting.
Growing the cost base more than revenue is what the BBC does and what the Guardian and the BBC constantly expect the government to do. Sauce, Goose, Gander.
Jim S. Great stuff.
Oh, the irony – to hear the Guardian and the bBBC journalists complaining about the government’s “savage cuts” while their own company is cutting back AND at the same time Comrade Corbyn berates Osborne for not getting the budget deficit down to the target figure.
Still, shouldn’t be a problem for the bBBC, who have raised hypocrisy to a fine art.
Nikky Campbell sneeringly pointed out the fact this morning that the latest ‘British’ tennis sensation Jo Konta was actually born in Australia, somewhat ironic when the BBC fawns over their hero Mo Farrah and anyone saying the same thing about him would be deemed racist…
Aren`t the BBC utter scum?
Listening to TWATO with Martha Kearney-no emphasis on Corbyns desperate “Peoples Questions” from Geoff(anybody from the BBC checking on these phoneins to Jizzball)…no addressing Camerons scorn for Labours inability to get tax from Google when THEY had the chance?
But plenty on the phrase “a bunch of migrants”…oh the horror…those poor Calais chaps traduced!
How the hell do things get to this? Does the BBC EVER give us a news item that is NOT prepackaged for Labour , for liberals, for the EU or any quangos of concern or agitprop scum scrapers like Amnesty or Greenpeace?
Witness the “bedroom tax” ruling-who paid for THAT?…and how do these lobbies find a Panic Room exemption or some bloke who needs a fitness suite next door to his disabled parents?
Which quangos and law firms continue to get judges to make rulings over our elected politicians…shit as they are.
Who is paying for this crap?…and is it Shiner or Matrix-Blair that profit every time?
AS ever-the BBC won`t be telling us!
Noted Migration Watch telling us that leaving the EU will reduce migration to this country.
Unarguable-this was a lower caste headline on the 12 noon news on Radio 4.
But not without the BBC going on to say that the INDEPENDENT Migration Observatory…from OXFORD UNIVERSITY(no less) says that -the Tories will still fail to meet their targets.
Ah well then-let `em in !…That`s Life…votizpoint?
How the hell is THAT any kind of rebuff to Migration Watchs` case?
Well it`s not…but smear and damage done…and the needle has been inserted.
Noted that TWATO was produced by Jasper Corbett…what comp did HE go to?
AND-clearly the product of comedians…this explains muchly to me.
Farrah Jarral continues her journey through the history of anthropology.
In this episode she explores the legacy of one of the most influential anthropologists of all: Franz Boas. From pluralising the word ‘culture’ to developing the idea of cultural relativism and promoting the cause of anti-racism, Boas can claim a tremendous intellectual legacy. Farrah travels to New York City, where she sees one of his original displays at the American Museum of Natural History, and hears why he is known as the father of American anthropology.
“Boas also introduced the ideology of cultural relativism which holds that cultures cannot be objectively ranked as higher or lower, or better or more correct, but that all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms”
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This week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– BBC Bosses Buried Sexual Abuse Allegations
– BBC to Grovel for TV Licence Donations from Pensioners
But the BBC is OK with child rape. Don’t you know that raping women and children is now OK?
Damian McGuinness. BBC Moral relativist c*^t of the day, helps shape this ongoing narrative.
“Russia steps into Berlin ‘rape’ storm claiming German cover-up
“ reads DM’s headline on the BBC website :
Classic use of scare quotes. To clarify, McGuiness confirms that:
The age of consent in Germany is 14 and while sex with an under-aged child is classed as statutory rape, it is generally seen as child abuse if violence was not used.
So DM confirm that the crime is rape yet uses scare quotes. DM suggests the law can be re-interpreted, presumably by those in the know, like Damian. ‘….generally seen as child abuse…’ ? What the fuck is it with journalists and law and their disregard for victims of rape and/or child abuse?
It gets better.
”…German lawyer Martin Luithle has now reported the Russian journalist behind the report, Ivan Blagoy, to the police for incitement.
The case has been taken up enthusiastically by right-wing extremists in a bid to fuel anti-migrant sentiment….”
Not ‘taken up by concerned citizens who believe the rights of women and children not to be raped are important to out society’ then Damian? So, we know where the left stand when a child gets raped (presumably unless the rapist is a white male non-public sector worker). And we know where Damian McGuinness stands.
1. Child victims of crime don’t matter.
2. Rape becomes child abuse if lefties ‘generally’ think so, irrespective of the law.
3. If you complain about men raping children, you are a right wing extremist and must be investigated by the Police for your ‘crime’ (of incitement?).
4. If you demonstrate against child rape, you are really fuelling anti-migrant sentiment.
5. If a child is raped by migrants, police and lawyers can spend time responding to reports from Lawyers and lefties designed to harass those who want the law to be applied, criminality prosecuted and the vulnerable protected.
In short, according to Damian, if one is to have what can be regarded as a sense of right and wrong and empathy for the vulnerable victims of crime, then one must become a ‘right wing extremist’, ergo, if you’re not a ‘right-wing extremist’ then how can you hold your head up high?
As with Rotherham, Rochdale, ANOther English Town, the acceptance of child rape by journalists (especially the BBC ones), police and government functionaries is complete. Child rape is OK for the BBC and just a price ‘we’ have to pay to allow leftie virtue signallers room for self congratulation. But Liz McKean and Merion Jones know this.
Want to get on at the BBC like Damian McGuinness? Throw awy your moral compass, dispense with your self respect, disregard any sense of humanity, accept that women are chattles, that child rape is OK and call all those who are not happy bout it ‘right-wing extremists’.
The BBC, undermining the Law, supporting the criminal Hard Left wing extremists in Calais and at home, covering up mass rape and assault throughout Europe daily, stigmatising those who think raping women is wrong as ‘extreme right wing’ and facilitating the ongoing disregard of the rape of girls and women by Muslim men by normalising it in their reporting.
My disgust for the BBC and its journalists grows each day.
There will be a reckoning and these c*^ts at the BBC will have nowhere to run or hide. F^&k-em.
You simply can’t rely on the BBC to bring you the unvarnished news these days. Every item is scrutinized, sanitized and if deemed to be acceptable, eventually presented to us with lashings of pc bias.
It was only by looking at Russia Today that I discovered that there had been a murder at a Swedish refugee centre. These immigrants are just so thankful for the help that liberal Europe is giving to them…A fifteen year old boy had stabbed a young lass who had given up her free time (and her life) to assist this Muslim rabble.
I also heard about the dreadful problems they’re having in Stockholm. The railway station is a virtual no go area for women. Moroccan males are harassing (and worse) any females that try to enter the station. It’s been going on for months. Can’t understand how the Beeb has missed this one…And at the Metro stations muggings are now rife; our north African friends have been indulging their favourite pass times. They showed a film clip of some third world turd attempting to pick pocket an old woman. When a young Swedish woman intervened he turned on her, lashing out at the poor woman and her children before spitting in her face. The police say they can’t cope, “there are just too many of them.”
And what has the Beeb shown us regarding the “refugee crisis”? The usual, I’m afraid. Some bloke sobbing because he can’t get his children into Denmark.
Tough shit!
BBc 22:00 news: Headline immigration. The Danes are not nice and some people (who?) are comparing their policies to aspects of the third reich. So serious news do we get a balanced debate. No of course not this is the BBc BBc correspondents interview BBc correspondence. Any other views to balance so the viewer can make their minds up on the story? No. Just the BBcs agenda as usual.
To make matters worse, the little monster who knifed the girl in Sweden turns out to be a Somalian.
Strange… I don’t recall the West having recently invaded that particular African hell hole.
The BBC is the epitome of the far Left media effort to destroy this country. Fortunately, the truth is getting out (even some of the liberal press outlets are running stories about immigrants on the rampage) and I’m picking up a sense that the public is getting close to turning on our ‘progressive’ establishment.
I intend to thoroughly enjoy the spectacle when it finally does.
I take your point but that wasn’t what I meant by ‘recent’.
And not long after Who ate all the pies correspondent is interviewed by Hugh. Any one else. No this is the BBc apparently we are told the cult aren’t happy and teachers unions aren’t happy. Anyone from Offsted on, No this is the BBc they want to show all points of view so the viewer can make up their own mind. Except they don’t show more than the BBc agenda most of the time.
Just heard Sam Walker on 5Live posit the question – “should schools get a poor Ofsted report if a pupil or a teacher wears a face veil?” In the studio are Keith Porteous Wood (Secular Society) and a well-spoken chap, whose name I didn’t catch, from the Muslim Council of Britain.
Wood claimed most people would be uncomfortable when talking to a niqab. Walker equivocated “You don’t know that, there are many who wouldn’t be”. The MCB stooge used the last resort of the cad – Patriotism!! – to further the cause of islamising the United Kingdom. He urged us to remember that Britain had a proud tradition of “fair play and accommodation”. He recalled the words of a nameless M.P. “It’s not British to ban items of clothing”. The utter, utter gall of this man. Does he think we are stupid?
We can all see where this is going, and rapidly. The BBC have facilitated the normalisation of the wearing of the hijab. Now, wherever you look on the BBC there are Hijabis. The normalisation of the full niqab into British society, as cheered on by the BBC, is well underway.
The BBC should try an experiment. Find a bunch of the most liberal idiots they can find and ask them to have a real conversation with a burka/ niqab clad woman. It is almost impossible .That is the whole point of it.
Does anyone know if there is any real religious reason for a woman being forced to wear a burka ?
I’m no expert but the “tame” members of the cult imply on the media it isn’t compulsory.
Oh this is great isn`t it?
The world-renowned Andrew Claphands(here comes chocolate) of-well where else but Trent Polytechnic?-is sent a cut and paste questionnaire to send back to the BBCs Oxbridge Education ciphers-with words to the effect that we teachers can wear a crash helmet as we teach…and the kids will still be able to check their own bollocks or take drugs safely.
Also handy should we be attacked with baseball bats.
Only the thikfux at the BBC-and of course the lightweight Children of the Revolution like Andy Pander-would see that wearing a veil somehow allows kids to learn better.
And-as Islamic State is rolling in…the continuing cultural cringe and supplications of the BBC and its educational windsocks is as disgraceful and fatuous as ever.
The BBC and Jimmy Savile-now THERE`S a man the BBC would have asked about educational provision had he not been rumbled by…well, anyone but those now working at Paedo Central…the BBC as we used to call it.
As Sir_Arthur pointed out on the previous page, the bias is relentless. Having just caught up with my local Points West program tonight (did everyone get a pro migrant/immigration story tonight in their region?) we get a lengthy report about Bristolian volunteers helping out at the migrant camp in Dunkirk.
Its classic propaganda, we see plenty of women and children, we’re told by our intrepid reporter back in the studio that the people are all Iraqi Kurds (how can he be sure), there are women and children and that some even have an IT degree (again how can he be sure) and that they are all fleeing persecution and don’t feel safe in France!
In the pure frustration of the stupid Liberal invasion facilitating 5th column ‘wankers’ that are the aid workers I had to turn over at the risk of the remote hitting the screen. I absolutely fail to see what possible interest a migrant camp in Dunkirk has to do with, or is of interest to the massive majority of us carrot cruncher in the West country, other than of course pure ‘poor migrant’ propaganda porn.
Bear it if you can from 9:45
Look North tonight – Wakefield Council is taking in 500 “refugees”, it must be nice for a council not to have huge numbers of British people on their waiting lists for housing, means that they are in a position to offer aid to all these foreigners as well.
There was some helpful footage of Syrian women and kids in camps, to reassure us about how needy these folk are too.
Um, anyone have any idea how much accommodation is being offered by Rotherham Council for ‘refugees’ ? , (otherwise known as relatives of all those already living in Rotherham !!) (titter!)
A few years back my partner & I were made homeless which is a long convoluted story I won’t go into. We went to the local authority, Wrexham. who were basically no help what so ever as I was in work my partner had to go on her own and was literally in tears. She was handed an form the first page of which asked which country you had come from. So much for the people who were born here and have been paying into the system all their lives. Hopefully one day there will be a day of reckoning for all these people who despise us.
Oh good-the Left will have a few spare hands for Dewsbury at the weekend.
Wonder if it`ll be Wakefield/Dewsbury…or Luton/Slough that will give us our first tinderbox moment?…it`s a close call, and very worrying to all but the idiot lanterns of the Left…of which the BBC is leading lighthouse of sirens calling from radio cars to minarets…then back in evil echoes.
And this, despite the open admission today from Timmermans, the EU’s vice-president, that 60 per cent of the immigrants are not qualified as they are nothing more than economic migrants.
The BBC is a lying disgrace.
I caught that story the radio. I am amazed than any school would employ a teacher with a face veil. The stupid women teacher they interviewed, who did at least inform us that she didn’t wear one, seemed to think it could be perfectly all right. Once again not offending Islam is the first priority – even at the expense of children’s education – and once again no criticism from the BBC interviewer. Strange how opinionated they can be when it’s UKIP or Trump.
How do they handle deaf children?? Does disability trump the walking letter boxes??
How do they handle it? If they are deaf it is the Will of Allah.
I would rather they didn`t handle any children actually given the culture of grooming children for sexual congress……
With great regret I have just bought a TV licence. Much that it pains me to fund this relentless, left wing crap that is party to the smug destruction of my way of life I have not watched live TV for a couple of months but got annoyed that I did want to watch a film.
I considered being illegal, but I feel unhappy doing that. This is a weakness of our once great civilisation that we feel a duty to obey the law – even though in this case I have no respect for it. Besides, I did not want my daughter to open the door to a TV licence goon and the following unpleasantness.
I feel ashamed to have funded this filth for another year.
The good news is that those under 20 are not watching the box in the corner of the living room. Their sources of news and information have by-passed the BBC.
This is bad news for the BBC yet good news for us. And I suspect that the BBC know that.
There is hope for the future
Sadly ‘the future’ have only experienced (and are now used to) living in a multi cultural Britain. For many its now second nature for them to be in the playground with hijabs and topknots, (conditioning of young minds) so further migration from ethnic lands in years to come won’t bother them one iota. Unlike their parents and us grandparents and gt g/parents who have known a much better lifestyle that this country once offered, – we would have appreciated it far more, if we knew the hell that was to come.
“Unlike their parents and us grandparents and gt g/parents who have known a much better lifestyle that this country once offered”.
Indeed Brissles. What has happened to our country in such a short space of time?
I enjoyed that. Like old times.
I’m very into good, home brewed espresso, too.
I often wonder what the BBC’s reaction would be if the migrant crisis had comprised UKIP voters crossing the Med into Europe in their millions. The BBC and their media luvvies would have exploded in rage. Would Sir Bob Geldof have offered them a home at all his many abodes? A UKIP voter in his lounge drinking tea? Never!
Somewhat an unlikely event, but I’m sure you can appreciate the comparison.
DS – imagine if it was large numbers of white South Africans, whose ancestors were British, trying to flee from the (real) genocide there to return to the land of their forefathers. I wonder how much media support al beebus would provide to help them?
I know he’s not al beebus anymore, but I watched Matt Frei’s hatchet job on Donald Trump earlier on C4.
What is it about Progressives and democracy? If it’s a political entity they don’t like – they attack it all out
It’s quite a straightforward system really – if someone likes a candidate or party, they vote for them; if they don’t, they won’t.
I can’t recall Barry ever getting even one hundredth of the hammering Trump is, even though he has been associated with some of the most dubious people imaginable throughout his whole life, e.g. Bill Ayers et al.
The Treasonous elites are scared to death of Trump, both over there and over here.
I saw the disgusting Matt Frei’s hatchet job on Trump. Pathetic. Juvenile. Puerile. Particularly nauseated by his throwing Trump branded products off screen and onto the pavement, his leading questions, his repetition of ‘rape’ four time in 15 seconds, his sniggering introductions to Trump supporters, his repetition of any Trump-negative answers received from interviewees, the Sarah Palin speech edits to make her out to be a maniac. I mean a balanced view entitled The Mad World of Donald Trump. No more Channel 4 for me.
When he was throwing Trump merchandise off camera…saw a few people walking past looking disgusted or unhappy.
Where were the enviro-cops in NYC…littering, even by Trump Towers, would be a civil offence I`d have thought.
Arbeit Matt Frei…HIS likes will welcome up to the workcamps for the unenlightened…NOT Trump.
What a creep-and , need I add-a true BBC production in his own vapid persona.
And there`s Snow with the pith helmet and -no doubt-some personal reasons to be back in Sri Lanka at public expense.
That creep is ALWAYS available for the first flight out to Columbo…we seem to twin our effete Bwana fops with foreign climes where they seem to thrive or have a bit of skin in the game.
john Humphys and Greece comes to mind…wonder why Snow “bangs on” about Sri Lanka so often.
Do they make good linen suits, or intricate bamboo bike clips or what?
He`ll be back soon though-and let`s count the days until he worries about the rest of us flying anywhere.
His planes are virtuous lavender farting types as used by Sting, Bono, Madonna and Pasha Albert Gore…the Crown Prince of Stupid.
Frack off Snowballs!
I watched the entirety of Sarah Palin’s endorsement of him, her speech was very good – genuine and heartfelt; no wonder we only got the 2-3 second clips to make her appear lunatic, which you could do with anyone speaking for 15 minutes about anything, if you edited specifically for that effect.
They would never show a full 4 or 5 minutes of one of his speeches, 4 – 5 seconds provides the result they seek.
The one thing I take heart from is that even if Trump doesn’t become President, if he doesn’t even get the GOP nomination, yet the U.S. continues down the road it is on (U.S.A. 90% white in 1965, now California alone is 70% non-white) there may be politicians who come after Trump in 4 years time, who will make Trump and his policies seem like Obama and his now.
That legacy alone will have made his candidacy worthwhile.
Trump has found support among voters due to the total inadequacy of the Democrats and their media supporters to identify with reality.
Ring any bells?
One could try and argue that what doesn’t poison the electorate makes you stronger, but propaganda has a nasty way of sowing doubts.
What is certain is that the pass continually given ‘leaders’ such as Barry or Lord Hall Hall means they exist in a bubble of delusion that eventually gets seen through.
Here comes Mr. Jordan, again, with that uniquely variable BBC view on what is, and is not editorial integrity…
They are off again on breakfast turnbullsh*t asks woman on talking about holocaust day about immigrants who were in houses that the doors were painted red which marked them out. Really Bill that implies the council painted the doors red in deliberate preparation for the swarm to signal the nature of the occupants ,not that they were already painted red. I wonder if anyone else who had a red door got their door re painted.
Jo Brand had a tough day in her waddle across the country this story seems to have been going on for the month. It would have been faster on National Express luv. Nice to see the sheeple turn out to cheer for no apparent reason though.
As they’ve now painted all the doors grey, if I had a grey door I’ld be off to B&Q for some red paint. See how long they could keep this game going.
It turns out the doors were painted red, some 20 years ago…Oops.
Some time ago just like most of us realised. I’m sure the BBc would of mentioned this but they probably ran out of time. They are committed to giving the viewer the full range of views so that the viewer can make up their own mind. Well apart from as usual they present us with one side of the story.
Re the Jo Brand ‘waddle’ she is also giving completely uninteresting daily updates on the Steve Wright show, but HTF does fatty Brand get the gig considering its for Sports Relief? I’m not even sure she qualifies for Comic Relief….
And one further question how does she also get the gig to judge the Countryfile photo competition?
Simple answer She ticks all the boxes. Lefty luvvie , female, hates white people.
Except one , she’s straight………or is she? I know she’s married,I don’t know if she’s hiding and I don’t want to think about it. Almost as bad as Diane Fatbot and Jezza …….yueh I need a mind wash now.
She’s married but her “act” comprises of making sexist jokes about Men. Its like a throw back to the old comedians of the seventies, only not as funny.
Mind you she does have the look of Les Dawson about her.
Sexist jokes about men and cake. Don’t forget the cake. I’ve heard her mention cake on the cross country waddle.
Don’t forget she managed to get Carol Thatcher thrown off the BBC for ever. That was her finest hour for all leftists, and qualifies her for life membership of the BBC insiders’ club.
Having Jo Brand scaring the moles as she clatters from pie shop to pasty emporium is a bit of a worry.
Thought the BBC wanted all their sports stars and charity gonks to be role models.
Gay, disabled, bland and harmless.
To “inspire us all”-even if we`re a bunch of pantie scrunching losers seeking a disabiilty scooter to hitch behind.
Given all this-why then does the BBC give us a gobby lardarse by way of a role model…have all our girls now got to pile on the beef and being abusive and never funny then?
Ah well-at least she`s better than the LAST role model for charity that the BBC “champeened”.
Brand would have made a decent sized beanbag for Sir James Savile of Bush House…bit monochrome,but very hard to get out of , once you`d plonked yourself down.
Enjoy your dinners!
“And one further question how does she also get the gig to judge the Countryfile photo competition?”
She can drive a T34. Handy for the RSPB bird watching items.
Sky are just as bad, they did a segment this morning on the conditions of Roma Gypsies living near a toxic rubbish tip in Romania, they seemed to think we should be concerned about it. One of the Gypsies comes across to England to “work” occasionally, they didn’t ask him what he did but I think we can all guess (organised begging and picking pockets).
The normal decent Romanians were frowned upon for not caring a jot about the plight of the Gypsies, and I’m glad to say the normal, decent Romanians were not the least bit concerned about the Sky reporters opinion, much to His chagrin.
Just found this:
The Guardian gets a reality check:
Executives from Guardian News and Media, the newspaper’s publishers, told staff at a meeting on Monday that the group would be cutting around £54 million (71 million euros, $77 million) in costs.
Operating losses in the year to March 2015 were expected to be £53 million, the executives said, adding that the aim was to break even in three years.
Reserves in the investment fund which supports The Guardian dropped to £735 million from £838.3 million over the same 12-month period, they said.
“Growing the cost base more than revenue is simply not sustainable,” chief executive David Pemsel was quoted as saying at the meeting.
Growing the cost base more than revenue is what the BBC does and what the Guardian and the BBC constantly expect the government to do. Sauce, Goose, Gander.
Jim S. Great stuff.
Oh, the irony – to hear the Guardian and the bBBC journalists complaining about the government’s “savage cuts” while their own company is cutting back AND at the same time Comrade Corbyn berates Osborne for not getting the budget deficit down to the target figure.
Still, shouldn’t be a problem for the bBBC, who have raised hypocrisy to a fine art.
More shite about how Labour didn’t win the election.
It’s the same bias and refusal to accept reality that will ensure President Trump, BREXIT, and hopefully Madame Presidente Le Pen.
The time is coming to get round to Broadcasting House with the pitchforks and get these c*nts hung from the lamposts.
Nikky Campbell sneeringly pointed out the fact this morning that the latest ‘British’ tennis sensation Jo Konta was actually born in Australia, somewhat ironic when the BBC fawns over their hero Mo Farrah and anyone saying the same thing about him would be deemed racist…
She’s white: so he know he can say what he likes about her provenance.
They followed the same line with Chris Froome, “not British enough” unlike Mogadishu Mo.
She looks like an aboriginal Australian doesn’t she?
Aren`t the BBC utter scum?
Listening to TWATO with Martha Kearney-no emphasis on Corbyns desperate “Peoples Questions” from Geoff(anybody from the BBC checking on these phoneins to Jizzball)…no addressing Camerons scorn for Labours inability to get tax from Google when THEY had the chance?
But plenty on the phrase “a bunch of migrants”…oh the horror…those poor Calais chaps traduced!
How the hell do things get to this? Does the BBC EVER give us a news item that is NOT prepackaged for Labour , for liberals, for the EU or any quangos of concern or agitprop scum scrapers like Amnesty or Greenpeace?
Witness the “bedroom tax” ruling-who paid for THAT?…and how do these lobbies find a Panic Room exemption or some bloke who needs a fitness suite next door to his disabled parents?
Which quangos and law firms continue to get judges to make rulings over our elected politicians…shit as they are.
Who is paying for this crap?…and is it Shiner or Matrix-Blair that profit every time?
AS ever-the BBC won`t be telling us!
Noted Migration Watch telling us that leaving the EU will reduce migration to this country.
Unarguable-this was a lower caste headline on the 12 noon news on Radio 4.
But not without the BBC going on to say that the INDEPENDENT Migration Observatory…from OXFORD UNIVERSITY(no less) says that -the Tories will still fail to meet their targets.
Ah well then-let `em in !…That`s Life…votizpoint?
How the hell is THAT any kind of rebuff to Migration Watchs` case?
Well it`s not…but smear and damage done…and the needle has been inserted.
Noted that TWATO was produced by Jasper Corbett…what comp did HE go to?
AND-clearly the product of comedians…this explains muchly to me.
Far left wing propaganda
Culture Goes Plural
Farrah Jarral continues her journey through the history of anthropology.
In this episode she explores the legacy of one of the most influential anthropologists of all: Franz Boas. From pluralising the word ‘culture’ to developing the idea of cultural relativism and promoting the cause of anti-racism, Boas can claim a tremendous intellectual legacy. Farrah travels to New York City, where she sees one of his original displays at the American Museum of Natural History, and hears why he is known as the father of American anthropology.
“Boas also introduced the ideology of cultural relativism which holds that cultures cannot be objectively ranked as higher or lower, or better or more correct, but that all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms”
An interesting read about this guy on wiki. Another who has a biased history told about him.
He treated some of his Inuit subjects very poorly. But then they don’t seem to count for some reason.