Did anyone see the overtly biased hate-job done on Donald Trump on Channel four last night? OK this is not BBC bias, but bias by the same liberal left wankerati who are totally out of touch with the masses of ordinary people who are now enthusiastically backing Trump. You can bet that the BBC feel and will express, exactly the same bias and hatred against Trump as Channel four did last night.
The bad things he has done. Apparently turning slums into profitable, luxurious places to live. Building massive wealth and overcoming the stebacks of some of his companies going bankrupt and overcoming adversity and not crying or whining about it. Building a huge amount of popular support by being honest and speaking the truth. Criticising the parts of society which have terrible levels of crime, and/or pose a real and substantive risk, instead of putting society at risk by lying about them and pandering and appeasing them. Calling out the mainstream media for being liars and crooks, solely because the mainstream media ARE liars and crooks.
The arrogant condesension and hate for, and extreme fear of, Donald Trump that the liberal establishment media has is equally as palpable as it is beautiful to behold. The more they attack Trump, the more the public love him. And the arrogant, corrupt liberal left delusional idiots in the media simply cannot understand that.
Spot on. Whilst I don’t agree with everything Trump says I love the way he is sticking it to the liberal MSM. They are having the hissiest of fits because they know that Trump, being self-funded, doesn’t give a toss what they think or broadcast about him because it has no impact on his chances. Indeed, the lefties are so wrapped up in trying to insult him they are unaware that they are actually his greatest PR asset.
Similarly I think that the MSM bigging up the ludicrous discrimination claims of state dependent immigrants (red doors, all inclusive wristbands) does nothing to endear the complainants to the ordinary taxpayer
Have either the bbc or C4 ever investigated the obama regime’s support for such companies as Solyndra? Or perhaps their taxpayer funded bailout of General Motors? Funny but not in a pleasant way how the collectivists always attack success and ignore their own failure.
I go to the BBC website each morning to see what the UK newspaper headlines are, no more, no less.
But today I saw a BBC headline on their home page, “Trump to boycott debate”
Scrolling down I got to one bit where I just couldn’t help bursting out laughing. It read:
“Analysis – Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter”
I mean, the mind boggles. Not a day passes when I don’t find myself sniggering at the BBC’s lamentable output, but Zurcher!! Give me strength. The clown is as democrat as they come. His tongue is so far up Obama’s arse it’s literally coming out his mouth. Just wait till he transfers his allegiance to the cackling criminal crone.
I live in hope that the crack down on immigrants by the Danes and the clear message they are sending that they don’t want anymore of them , will encourage all those other politicians across Europe who know that mass immigration is an existentialist threat to their countries and to Europe as a whole, to speak up and to act to put a stop to it. I note with amusement how unhappy the BBC are about developments in Denmark. I believe that many main stream politicians know that mass immigration is highly dangerous but have been too frightened of a backlash by the leftist media to say so and to act appropriately. They may even have been duped into believing that most of the various populations that they represent sided with the orthodox leftist views which so dominate almost all media across the continent, of which our dear old BBC is a leader. However the threat of mass immigration , which has been apparent for decades to anyone in the UK who thought about it and could get past the relentless pro immigration propaganda of the BBC, have become so stark and clear that not even the mass might of the European media, the EU and leftist politicians, with all the lies and cover ups they have tried , has been able keep pulling the wool over people’s eyes. The people have finally awoken and realised what is really happening and decided that enough is enough ( perhaps time will show too much already) . I hope that this awakening results not only in an end to mass immigration but to the end of liberal left hegemony of the west and to the rebirth of nation states and confidence in western values which have been relentlessly trashed by the left for decades.
The incomparable Gert Wilders has called for a Patriot Spring by the people of our Europe. Events are moving faster now and it is getting impossible for the lugenpresse and the liberal elites in power to hide the truth.
Europe belongs to us and our descendants not to those who have no part in creating the culture nor wish to see it thrive.
Chief amongst these are the liberals in the media and politics and that is nearly all of them.
There was always going to be a reaction against the so called ideals of the 68ers and the cultural marxists infesting our world.
Time to take sides and to make sure that you understand that things will get very hard for many of us. The elite will never be more vicious than now when it’s treachery is becoming clear to us all.
Cameron’s clique will be the same. The only thing Cameron and conservative have in common is that both words start with the letter C.
And it be will nastier here as our police are well and truly on board with the cultural marxists.
“I believe that many main stream politicians know that mass immigration is highly dangerous but have been too frightened of a backlash by the leftist media to say so and to act appropriately”
I agree completely. It shows the bias of the mainstream media generally, and the BBC in particular that they will cover up, or downplay legitimate stories of public interest, in order to avoid “stirring up a far right backlash” and by so-doing claim to be acting responsibly… Yet when it comes to jumping onto and over-hyping any lefty twiitter outrage, they are only too keen to whip up as much of a “far left backlash” as possible.
So, when the BBC take specific editorial decisions to STOP right wing reaction, and other editorial decisions to CREATE left wing reaction…. Which wing are they obviously biased in favour of???
I don’t recall many incidents of mass violence and law breaking by the far-right in recent times. I do, however, recall countless incidents involving the far-left thuggery of the likes of UAF, HnH etc.
The ‘far-right backlash’ is the BBC and MSM’s modern bogey-man.
I agree with you totally on that. The way Tommy Robinson has been treated by those thugs, the BBC, the police and judiciary proves that they are all part of the same lefty agenda.
‘But German police say that after questioning and examination it was clear that Lisa F was not abducted and not raped. Sexual contact was not forced, say officers. Because the girl is only 13 years old prosecutors are investigating two men for child abuse. The age of consent in Germany is 14 and while sex with an under-aged child is classed as statutory rape, it is generally seen as child abuse if violence was not used.’
Note the main emphasis of this BBC report by Damien McGuinnessis is based around fears of the “far-right” and of Russia.
…..And Denmark “Danish 17-year-old girl who used a pepper spray to fight off a rapist near migrant asylum centre is told SHE will be prosecuted for carrying the weapon”
Damien Mc Guinness claims,
“Links between Russia and far-right groups in Germany are not unusual.” and
“the Berlin district of Marzahn, where Lisa F’s family lives, is heavily populated with Russian-speakers, and is notorious for xenophobic right-wing extremist protests.”
We wouldn’t know about the protests because until very recently all was roses regarding immigration according to the BBC, and just what is a “xenophobic right-wing extremist” Mr McGuinness? Anyone who objects to uncontrolled forced mass immigration without consultation for instance, or is it just somebody who doesn’t read the Guardian?
Classic use of scare quotes. To clarify, McGuiness confirms that:
“…The age of consent in Germany is 14 and while sex with an under-aged child is classed as statutory rape, it is generally seen as child abuse if violence was not used…”
So DM confirms that the crime is rape yet uses scare quotes. DM suggests the law can be re-interpreted, presumably by those in the know, like Damian. ‘….generally seen as child abuse…’ ? What the fuck is it with journalists and law and their disregard for victims of rape and/or child abuse?
It gets better.
”…German lawyer Martin Luithle has now reported the Russian journalist behind the report, Ivan Blagoy, to the police for incitement.
The case has been taken up enthusiastically by right-wing extremists in a bid to fuel anti-migrant sentiment….”
Not ‘taken up by concerned citizens who believe the rights of women and children not to be raped are important to our society’ then Damian? So, we know where the left stand when a child gets raped (presumably unless the rapist is a white male non-public sector worker). And we know where Damian McGuinness stands.
1. Child victims of crime don’t matter.
2. Rape becomes child abuse if lefties ‘generally’ think so, irrespective of the law.
3. If you complain about men raping children, you are a right wing extremist and must be investigated by the Police for your ‘crime’ (of incitement?).
4. If you demonstrate against child rape, you are really fuelling anti-migrant sentiment.
5. If a child is raped by migrants, police and lawyers can spend time responding to reports from Lawyers and lefties designed to harass those who want the law to be applied, criminality prosecuted and the vulnerable protected.
In short, according to Damian, if one is to have what can be regarded as a sense of right and wrong and empathy for the vulnerable victims of crime, then one must become a ‘right wing extremist’, ergo, if you’re not a ‘right-wing extremist’ then how can you hold your head up high?
As with Rotherham, Rochdale, ANOther English Town, the acceptance of child rape by journalists (especially the BBC ones), police and government functionaries is complete. Child rape is OK for the BBC and just a price ‘we’ have to pay to allow leftie virtue signallers room for self congratulation. But Liz McKean and Merion Jones know this.
Want to get on at the BBC like Damian McGuinness? Throw away your moral compass, dispense with your self respect, disregard any sense of humanity, accept that women are chattles, that child rape is OK and call all those who are not happy about it ‘right-wing extremists’.
The BBC, undermining the Law, supporting the criminal Hard Left wing extremists in Calais and at home, covering up mass rape and assault throughout Europe daily, stigmatising those who think raping women is wrong as ‘extreme right wing’ and facilitating the ongoing disregard of the rape of girls and women by Muslim men by normalising it in their reporting.
My disgust for the BBC and its journalists grows each day.
There will be a reckoning and these c*^ts at the BBC will have nowhere to run or hide. F^&k-em.
‘But the outrage was sparked by Russia’s media propaganda machine’
Maybe they could get Stuart Hughes in to ‘analyse’, as a BBC expert on the technique?
“Links between Russia and far-right groups in Germany are not unusual.”
That’s nice and vague. I wonder what the response from our Damien would be if pressed to offer some evidence beyond ‘mystery bloke tells BBC reporter something, says BBC reporter’.
I am offended too. Cameron completely omitted the words “criminal, illegal aliens, rapists, scrounging and sponging lowlife paedophiles” How dare he so mis-categorise these illegal alien, rapey criminal spongers as legitimate migrants?
And labour are even worse. Pretending that these thieving rapey scum are refugees? As if France is a war-zone and they need to flee for their lives from the safety (for them) of Calais.
The only danger in Calais is that faced daily by the local French school-girls, the Lorry drivers and that’s danger FROM the rapey theiving immigrants.
I continue to be amazed at how much the BBC and their fellow left-liberals, Corbynista trots et al seem to have learned nothing from the 2015 general election. The majority of the electorate totally agree with Cameron that the undesirables living in camps around Dunkirk or Calais are in the main economic migrants not genuine asylum seekers, probably with some ISIS sleepers thrown in. The majority view in England may not get much publicity on our biased media but it still has the right to vote (until we become a majority muslim country that is).
My main complaint about Cameron is that he does nothing to step up our deportation of failed asylum seekers, stop illegal immigration through our porous borders, does nothing effective or enforceable to oblige our muslim brethren to start integrating properly into English society, stem the growing muslim ghettos in Luton, Bradford, Rochdale, Birmingham and so many other places, silence fanatics like Anjem Choudary,stop illegal postal voting in muslim ghettos, negotiate an opt-out from free movement within the EU or recommend exit….I could go on.
Trump to boycott Republican debate says BBC.
Wrong. It is not a boycott, a boycott is where you gather a group of people to withdraw from supporting something. Trump is not willing to obey the media. A lesson for all – the media have become too powerful and the force of Trump is to confront the media, not play their game. A lesson for conservative politicians here – eh Nigel.
Watch Stefan Molyneux – lessons for the anti BBC people. Trump as a good businessman walks out of a bad deal.
Kelly is openly biased against Trump. She’s been running an anti-Trump Blog and has been doing everything she can to derail his campaign. It’s been reported on some of the US News sites. Perhaps some of our politicians should do likewise with the BBC and see what that stirs up.
Big mistake of Trump.Megan is Fox News most popular presenter along with Krauthammer.Fox may be biased against Trump but they are the Republican`s base preferred channel.If Trump was to boycott a tv debate it should be the next CNBC one.That would be popular with the republican base.
This morning I thought Trump was making a mistake but the you tube post above from Stefan Molyneux changed my opinion. Also – the BBC mention Trump ‘boycotting’ the debate. It is not a boycott; it is a businessman walking away from a bad deal. Rather like a man who is invited by a woman for a date, but turns it down saying he is married. He is not boycotting, just turning something down. Main point to hold on to. Trump is going for the media like no one has done. Heck, why bring Palin in? Answer – she has more reason than anyone to go to war with the media.
There might be another story. Fox is owned by Murdoch who is associated with moves towards an open borders policy in the US. And Trump does notgo along with this. If there is any truth in this, and I believe there is, then we can see an anti Trump alliance between the BBC and Fox.
This US election is going to be fun.
Link to Breibart on Murdoch’s open immigration objective
My apologies, G.W.F. I am only just now catching up with a couple of comments and posted the same link a little earlier, not having seen you’d beaten me to it.
Not that I don’t think it deserves repeating, of course. The motivation it suggests for Sky’s behaviour is also very telling.
Ronald Reagan didn’t turn up to the final televised debate between Republican contenders when he was after party’s nomination. Wonder what happened to him?
It is certainly a gamble. His supporters will support him no matter what, but whether this is one gamble which pays off or derails has yet to be determined. If the viewing figures from the FOX debate drop from the previously expected 15 million down to 3 million and if more people watch the alternative campaign event which Trump is organising (a fund-raiser for the veteran troops) then he is on to a winner and will have “put the media in their place”.
Molyneaux is great. He’s one of the vloggers and bloggers who I donate money to, that I once would have stupidly wasted on the BBC licence fee, before I knew better.
Farrah Jarral continues her journey through the history of anthropology.
In this episode she explores the legacy of one of the most influential anthropologists of all: Franz Boas. From pluralising the word ‘culture’ to developing the idea of cultural relativism and promoting the cause of anti-racism, Boas can claim a tremendous intellectual legacy. Farrah travels to New York City, where she sees one of his original displays at the American Museum of Natural History, and hears why he is known as the father of American anthropology.
“Boas also introduced the ideology of cultural relativism which holds that cultures cannot be objectively ranked as higher or lower, or better or more correct, but that all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms”
I thought that this 15-minute broadcast was interesting but – predictably – biased, since it lacked any critical appraisal of the Boasian school of anthropology.
Farrah Jarral (no, me neither, but something tells me that HER ethnicity might have helped get her selected by the BBC to do the series!) seemed enthused by Boas’ deconstruction of certain White 19th century ‘colonialist’ views of culture and race; but there are objections to his theory and these should be heard if the broadcast is to be fair. Of course, since ‘we’ (i.e. she, the BBC and the Marxist Left more generally) ‘know’ (i.e. believe) that multiculturalism is a Good Thing, then anything that justifies it must also be good and thus be above criticism.
It would have been interesting to hear Boas’ views on his own Jewish origins: did he consider that Jewishness was merely a social construct or that there was some deeper racial and cultural aspect to it? Another question not asked was the ‘who benefits?’ one: if all notions of culture and ethnic science are now regarded as subjective, and thus 19th century White European notions of culture and race are viewed not as objective but arbitrary and self-serving, then could not the same be said of Boasian relativism itself? Why should anyone accept it as an absolute standard … unless, of course, it just happened to serve their self-interest but disguised as science?
Lefties are morons, but the lefties have a remit for that. Remove race from the equation and you have the suggestion that White people have not evolved ever more superior culture over the last 40,000 years?
But I bet she would not disagree with me that the left-wing Western Imperialist “Penis up the Arse” culture of the BBC, is very much inferior to Islamic Culture.
………..all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms.
Jarral should try applying that concept to the activities of ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Q’ Aeda, the Taliban etc etc then ask why the particular kind of ‘lens’ they are all using is – how shall we say – ‘grotesquely unique’ and makes any attempt at ‘cultural relativism’ somewhat futile.
Jarral’s defence of cultural relativism is the kind of thing first year philosophy or classics students were taught to refute during their first term with reference to Thucydides and other Greeks. Some cultures bury their dead, others destroyed the corpses immediately by fire, he noted. Behind this was an objective truth: respect for the dead was maintained along with a need for a hygienic disposal of the corpse.
Perhaps a tu quoque response would send Jarral a floundering: is her defence of cultural relativism a product of her culture?
I’ve been covering arguments about bioprospecting – collecting DNA samples from entire inigenous communities for medical research. The science can reveal that certain political claims made by the community leaders are based on a false history. This tribe did not originate from the mountains etc. Never mind, screw the science, lets agree – say people around the UN – that science is not objective, its only a reflection of exploitative capitalism. Other non scientific narratives might be equally valid.
You can do a lot with narratives.
BBC – Ofsted can downgrade schools for Islamic veils
More waffling garbage from the BBC over schools, (mind you is Cameron really any better?)
Oh! and why oh why, would should anyone be concerned over children
being taught by someone dressed in a black out curtain sack, or dressing their kids in them.
FFS … what s wrong with that eh?
and …
BBC – Call to end limit on religious free schools
helpfully added on the same page.
Checked out on twitter, that Jon Gaunt has good old moderate Iqbal Sacranie, “Rusdie, death is too good for him”
on to debate it … did he get an easy ride?
anyone listen in?
I ve just checked, he podcast isn t available yet …
More interesting info’ on Russia Today but strangely missing from our friends at the BBC. Europol say there’s a significant threat from ISIS training camps being used in the Balkans. Due to the complete lack of borders masses of weapons are able to be transported throughout Europe.It’s a little worrying taking into account recent events in Paris and Brussels. And the BBC’s take on this is…nothing really.
BBC news today tells me that apparently, during PMQ’s Dave used the term “bunch of migrants” to describe the folk camping in Calais who are, when all is said and done, er well, a bunch of migrants. I’m informed that it’s “insensitive” to use that phrase
So, no mention of a gun running, armed militia on mainland Europe, let’s waffle about insensitive language.
More interesting info’ on Russia Today but strangely missing from our friends at the BBC. Europol say there’s a significant threat from ISIS training camps being used in the Balkans. Due to the complete lack of borders masses of weapons are able to be transported throughout Europe.It’s a little worrying taking into account recent events in Paris and Brussels. And the BBC’s take on this is…nothing really.
BBC news today tells me that apparently, during PMQ’s Dave used the term “bunch of migrants” to describe the folk camping in Calais who are, when all is said and done, er well, a bunch of migrants. I’m informed that it’s “insensitive” to use that phrase.
So, no mention of a gun running, armed militia, on mainland Europe, let’s waffle about insensitive language.
Question of priorities I guess…
I couldn’t help laughing at the faux shock and horror on the face of Kate Green on Daily Politics today at the mention of Cameron’s bunch of migrants. In view of recent events it might be regarded as a fairly polite expression.
Now, the bBBC is giving publicity to failed Labour politician Yvette Cooper, linking the Holocaust to Cameron’s words ‘a bunch of immigrants’! The pinnacle of looney leftism.
We must encourage this. Yvette Cooper and Corbyn are so out of touch with the majority that this is a gift to us. Oh and let us be merciful to the BBC. It too is so out of touch that it is putting itself in peril of losing all public support. And that is a very good thing indeed.
Yes, I have noticed that the BBC is clearly leaving behind any prudence in its far-left divergence from the obvious sentiments of the majority of the British public. What exactly is happening here? It is reporting less and less of the real news that is happening all around it, and is increasingly in a bizarre world of its own, embedded in a fog of propaganda through drama, comedy, news, ‘science’ and current affairs programming.
I have dared to raise this (and some of the substantive issues about which the BBC and other media are being so coy and partial) with friends and acquaintances, beyond the (very) small bunch of ‘usual suspects’ with whom I have previously been able to have an honest conversation.. What I am hearing now is a definite increase in the puzzlement at obvious news management, and attempts at cultural manipulation by the media. I am also seeing signs of wholesale habitual distrust emerging among previously contented consumers of broadcasting.
Is the BBC just being so stupid that it doesn’t realise that it is rapidly leaving its reputation and position behind it, probably forever? Or does it actually know what it is doing – does it believe that there is something approaching around the corner, which will make that rift unimportant? The only kind of change in British society that I can imagine saving the BBC now is something sudden, unexpected and catastrophic for most of us – this is such an unpleasant prospect, I would rather believe the Corporation has simply taken leave of its collective senses.
The liberal left don’t understand do they ? The more they display shock /horror at this , whether real or faux , the more Labour and the BBC are seen as out of touch and dangerous by the average voter. I notice that more and more people I know are saying how far away from them the BBC has become. Some of these folks were previously content with the BBC and simply didn’t realise how biased the corporation was. But on migration they can see quite clearly that the BBC is ultra biased in favour of mass immigration which is quite against what they and most people they know personally feel. They can see the lies , the distortions , the suppression, the cover ups that the BBC indulges in to try and promote mass immigration. Hopefully they will realise that the BBC treats many other of its ‘ causes’ in just the same totally dishonest way and then wonder why they are forced to pay for this foul organisation which actively undermines them and their country.
Who the hell listening at 3pm in the afternoon is going to be offended by the word ‘bitch’ yet the BBC, the self appointed bastion of our morality and home of Savile, think it necessary to censor the word by bleeping it in the ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’ by The Charlie Daniels Band, completely ruining the bloody song.
I find this ironic as the crap that the likes of Twin B, A-Dot, Mista Jam, ‘Benji B, DJ Target, and Diplo play on 1Xtra by nature contains plenty of questionable and obscene lyrics.
For years the BBC covered the Crufts dog show, but never learnt anything about the terminology which would have offended them.
Yes. There is a class for Postgraduate Bitches.
Re Crufts:
Surprised theyre still using the correct words, dog and bitch, as most dog owners have abandoned it in favour of ‘boys and girls ‘ for dogs.
That would be the same BBC who, when I complained about the use of the words ‘shit’ (3 times) and ‘pissing’ (once)* by Mary Beard and an Oxford prof co-presenting an 8pm documentary about Pompeii, responded thus:
Our Editorial Guidelines say that the inclusion of strong language before the watershed must be editorially justified and that its effect depends on the choice of words, the speaker and the context. When it comes to context, the timeslot is one consideration but so are existing audience expectations.
We acknowledge that the presenter used some strong language during the programme, but it was factual and informative rather than gratuitous. **
*Their own choice of words to describe a) the contents of public lavatory and b) what the Romans got up to in their public baths.
**Their response verbatim. Try reading it again without shaking your head in despair.
Sorry to be a pedant but the line in the song should read,’One less white nigger’.
Wikipedia states the following,
‘The song lyrics contain the phrase “white nigger”, a racial slur historically used by the British toward Irish people, which usually remains uncensored on radio stations. In March 2013, the radio station BBC Radio 6 Music played the song with the word removed despite BBC radio stations having played the song uncensored for over 30 years. Their move attracted public criticism given the intended anti-racist and anti-British colonialism theme of the single.[7][8] Costello performed the song at the 2013 Glastonbury Festival, which was broadcast by the BBC, with the phrase uncensored.’
However, the above does suggest that in their haste the left is turning on itself in its efforts to be PC.
No but despite efforts to ban it Fairy-tale Of New York was played over Christmas, including the slut and faggot lyric, but maybe that’s OK as the singer was the daughter of a communist and labour activist?
“”Maths study shows conspiracies ‘prone to unravelling””‘ (e.g. ‘Climate Change Denial’ conspirators).
“”He (the scientist) then applied his equation to four famous conspiracy theories: The belief that the Moon landing was faked, the belief that climate change is a fraud, the belief that vaccines cause autism, and the belief that pharmaceutical companies have suppressed a cure for cancer””.
BBc antiques drive around in an old car for no apparent reason other than maybe is it more costly to use a “classic ” vehicle, road show. Mid program break about David Lloyd George . He’s known as the man who won World war I. Is he? I’ve never heard that one before, anyone else?
The BBC’s faux outrage generator has been switched into turbo mode because of a comment about a bunch of migrants: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35419090
Meanwhile, in the real world, nobody could care less.
Labour would rather we called this bunch of migrants ‘fellow Britons we don’t yet know’.
Glad to see the faux outrage over the PM comment today. There has long been a tradition of using collective nouns within the English Language, such as a pride of lions, or even a filth of starlings, a murder of crows, or a parliament of owls. As there seems to the twitterati and the BBC to be a problem with either, a bunch of migrants, or a swarm of migrants, can I help them. I suggest ‘ A Gimmi of Migrants’ .
effing rediculous
why do we have do go through this charade again. the last time it was ‘swarm’, now it’s ‘bunch’.
I can only assume that these activists/lefties/apologists/anti-government/anti-everything do not have sufficient command of the English language. If they did, they would know that ‘bunch’ is only derogatory on planet beeboid
[singular] informal a group of people
e.g. They’re a lovely bunch who have made me feel welcome.
e.g. The volunteers are a very mixed bunch of people.
Synonyms and related words
Informal and humorous words for groups of people:
bunch, gang, mob…
e.g. What a sad bunch of wankers these liberals are.
Even my wife wanted to throw a brick at bBBC1 6pm news.
1. Bedroom tax loss in high court. Subtext – nasty tories
2. Bunch of migrants. Subtext – racist Tories
3. Bereavement benefit not paid to couples who are unmarried. Subtext – discriminatory tories.
Boy are they scraping the barrel to find new classes of ‘victims’ who can make demands on other taxpayers. But wait. we then have
4. Two old codgers who have called out the sea rescue service 9 times. Subtext – what a jolly jape (and not what a criminal waste of resource)
My conclusion is that bBBC’s definition of news is not that of the majority of the taxpaying public. But as long as the money grows on trees anti Tory narrative can be maintained, any news will do.
Yet more examples of the BBC campaigning by proxy – and that is exactly what they doing because they never, ever ask these subversive leftist moaners (who think the government has unlimited access to a Money Tree Forest): ‘What would you cut instead?’.
To be honest they are the Nasty Tories on this occasion. Poor Sod looking after his son takes them to court & wins. There are only around 300 households who will benefit from this, and ALL of them are in circumstances which no one would wish on another.
Yet out of sheer spite the Tories have decided to waste millions on legal fees to take this to the house of Lords, and then no doubt it will go to Europe.
They could make the decent concession, and instead of taking money from those who truly need it, and are saving the state a fortune by caring for their family at home.
No. This is truly evil. If there are to be any benefits at all, then surely these people should be the first in line to receive them. We see lazy Davey welcoming thousands of refugees which he’s only too pleased to lavish tens of thousands on, or overseas aid but not to the UK disabled.
Hi thoughtful. You do have a point, the disabled pair would certainly be a lot higher up my priority list for state help than certain non English speaking persons trying to get into the country I could mention.
But there is a little related issue here. If we take the government at face value (dodgy I know) they have set aside £700m for local councils to prioritise additional help at the local level for those in these special situations. Their local council (I wonder what it is politically btw) could decide to give them say 5 years worth of grant money straight off the bat. Why is no-one challenging them?
Weird thing, local accountability. Governments cannot micromanage everything, though Comrade Corbyn would like to. Councils say they want it, people often say they want it. But when it suits, blame the central government.
You can’t have it both ways
But that isn’t the point. The government have lost the court case. It put forward the case that they offered additional ‘hardship’ grants, and it was discounted because you can’t trust a Labour council to give the money to white people. My own council makes sure 80% of all grant money goes to ‘Asians’ Read Muslims for that.
Then there is the lack of a guarantee each year the grant has to be reapplied for – and worse than the vagaries of the council, there’s the vagaries of the government who might not give the grant year to year.
Far better they forget the bedroom tax for this group, and exempt them. The cost is likely to be less than £1 million per year – a pittance in government terms.
On the contrary, it is surely right for the government to challenge the judgement. The point is: who decides on expenditure of our taxes? Elected government (national or local), or unelected judges? Every ‘victim’ claims it is his/her ‘human right’ to be supported by us, so where does this end?
But, you won’t hear this from the lefties at the bBBC, who will never be content until all taxpayers have given all our money to the non-workers, including themselves, of course, via the TV-tax.
No, it is surely wrong to challenge the judgement! The law was set by the BLiar government and lazy Davey has done what he does best to correct that – nothing! He now has to abide by that law. Human rights? Theresa May wanted to get us out, but it looked like lazy Davey might have to do some work, so it got kicked under the bed again.
Money is flowing from the hands of this bountiful government to every ethnic imaginable, yet for a scant few white disabled, the cupboard is bare – and lazy Davey, full of hate for them is going to fight to keep it that way.
The government has a ‘right’ to challenge the judgement, but we, the people who put them there have a right to judge them and their decisions, and this is one fight that the government should not be fighting.
There is a very important number to remember when discussing cases like this and the relatively small amounts of money involved. It is one that I hope is mentioned frequently during the Brexit debate; the nett cost of UK membership of the EU is £33M per DAY!
What a lot of good that money could do for our fellow Britons.
As the BBC sails off on its own version of a ‘jolly jape’ at the expense of us taxpayers, let us hope their boat founders far from land and beyond the reach of rescue.
my dearest mentioned that they can’t call terrorists terrorists but they can call the so called bedroom tax the so called bedroom tax. Who on earth could use such emotive words.
At last – a missing piece on the British media jigsaw puzzle has fallen into place!
I’m not alone on this site in having been puzzled by the closeness of Sky’s political bias to that of the BBC. Surely, as the Left tell us, Murdoch is Satan and so, naturally, must be a Right winger? Well, apparently not – at least, not in the sense they might assume because Murdoch, it turns out, is fanatically in favour of open borders.
LOL! An article in Breitbart is not ‘evidence’ of anything, other than how gullible you are.
“Partnership for a New American Economy” does not support ‘open borders’ or ‘unlimited immigration’. You really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the interweb Mr Cooper; otherwise you might open yourself up to ridicule.
Zero, Is evidence from the Wall Street Journal evidence of gullibility? Is evidence from Murdoch himself evidence of gullibility. You must work for the BBC, as you don’t check sources.
Try this. Not a Guardian/BBC piece but the dirty digger himself.
‘Well, of course immigration means change. Immigrants enrich our culture and add to our economic prosperity.
You don’t have to take one immigrant’s word for it. The Partnership for a New American Economy, a bipartisan group of political and business leaders, reports that people who moved here from abroad or their children founded more than 40% of America’s Fortune 500 companies—businesses that collectively employ millions of people.’ Rupert Murdoch in the Wall Street Journal.
Link here the the Wall Street Journal.
G.W.F., I don’t have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal so I can’t read your link. But since you obviously do (to check your sources) perhaps you’d be good enough to quote the parts where it calls for ‘unlimited immigration’?
“You must work for the BBC, as you don’t check sources.”
I believe this remark in unjustified, IslamicAlbeeb check every source, easy really,when you have five (US)billion pounds to waste.
Having checked the sources AlBeeb then forms an opinion as to which changes are required before publication.
This is what I sent BBc complaints to follow up a previous complaint to “level 2” whatever “level 2″ is supposed to mean
” Dear Sir.
I wish to move my complaint on further as the nature of my complaint is not specific to the Laquan McDonald story, it is endemic to your reporting on a wide range of subjects. Consisting of omissions and stories were there is no opposing voice.
I have complained about the omission of facts or a one sided presentation on several occasions.
This is one of your replies from 2011:
At the BBC we seek to provide the information which will enable viewers and listeners to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard. Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
So I’ve had several of these pretty meaningless statements where the BBC tells me it aims to provide information for the viewer to make their minds up. However time after time I see one sided reports, facts omitted and audiences loaded. The normal excuse is that you didn’t have time to present more than one side to the story. This is your initial response to my complaint “
I reviewed the programme for you and although this was one of the headlines, there wasn’t enough time given to go into detail regarding the story.
Of course as we know giving those facts would have not taken very long in fact I timed myself saying the missing facts at under 10 seconds. When I pointed this out your response has now morphed into; “The story only featured in our news in brief and as such did not go into detail. Our item dealt with key and new facts of the story” So in effect your initial response re-worded, The BBC managed to report he was shot 16 times by a white Police officer. So objectively what would you draw from that story? However add in that he allegedly damaged a Police car was carrying a knife and the post mortem found angel dust in his bloodstream, and I think throws a different light on the story. If I am to believe that it was just a “brief report” and you were unable to find less than 10 seconds to comprehensibly cover it. How exactly is a viewer to know it is a “brief story” and not a “full” story. Maybe you could flash a sign on screen reading “Brief report please go onto the internet and find out what really happened”.
I could have added a lot more to this based on similar complaints over the years. However my experience of the BBC complaints department looking into a complaint about the BBC leads me to the conclusion that I would be wasting my time. ”
Today I have had this:
Thank you for your email of 22 January regarding a new item on Breakfast broadcast on 25 November 2015. I’m sorry you’re dissatisfied with the BBC’s response to your complaint. I should explain that the remit of the Editorial Complaints Unit is to conduct independent investigations into complaints about specific items broadcast or published by the BBC and consider whether or not there has been a serious breach of the standards expressed in the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines (http://www.bbc.co.uk/guidelines/editorialguidelines/ ). That means I can investigate your complaint about the item on Breakfast concerning Laquan McDonald but I cannot address the broader concerns you have raised in your email about “reporting on a wide range of subjects”.
I would be grateful if you can confirm whether you would like me to look at your specific complaint or whether you would prefer me to ask BBC News management to respond to your concern about “the omission of facts or a one-sided presentation”.
Dave666, I like the idea of ‘a sign on screen reading “Brief report please go onto the internet and find out what really happened”. ‘ Of course the bBC would no doubt push the unwary to their own website, but a comment along the lines of “Other websites are available.” as per their Radio Times adverts would help.
It’s a tough one isn’t it? What group dislikes dogs and is prone to the use of violence to get their own way?
If only I could put my finger on it.
I have several times been on the receiving end of insults from groups of ‘men’ in the local park while out walking the dog, though they have done no more than make threatening noises and spit in my direction. I dare say if I reported them to the police me and the dog would be arrested for trying to stir up far-right race hatred. It would jolly well serve us right too!
When living in another part of the country I used to walk my two (large) greyhounds, off lead, on a local common. During the summer some of the Brummie enrichers would go on safari to the land of the kuffur and were wandering about in various forms of strange dress. Strangely enough they seemed to me more concerned about giving me a very wide berth and zero abuse, especially when the dogs were rearing about at 40mph+.
Strip away all the usual Daily Mail misdirection and you’re left with a single quote from the vet:
“We do get a lot of injuries with cuts, but this was definitely one of the bad ones. The cut was about four or five inches deep and required a lot of work – including three layers of stitching… I wouldn’t want to speculate, but there must have been some force used to sustain an injury like that.”
The owner said she heard nothing apart from a yelp.
So no actual evidence that the dog was deliberately stabbed. But never mind; IT’S THE MOOSLIMS!
“I have several times been on the receiving end of insults from groups of ‘men’ in the local park while out walking the dog, though they have done no more than make threatening noises and spit in my direction.”
So, you were just casually walking your dog through the park when “groups of ‘men’” just randomly started insulting & spitting at you for no reason.
Maybe if the piece was littered with ‘sources who say’ who, on inquiry, fall behind unique FOI exemption due to editorial integrity, and “quotes” from discreditted propaganda bodies elevated to unimpeachable status, this would meet the exacting standards of BBC Editorial Guidelines?
What planet do you live on zero? Clearly not had a casual walk through Thornton, Manningham, Great Horton, Birkby, Saviletown, Halifax, etc. If you haven’t been abused by Muslims then you haven’t walked the streets in their enclaves. 1989, Great Horton (Bradford) was the first time for me (“Get off our f^&king street honkey boy”). An eye opener for a young English man indeed.
‘Zero’ capacity for observing the world in which he lives, perhaps?Or do you live in a safe space?
Angrymanupnorth, “If you haven’t been abused by Muslims then you haven’t walked the streets in their enclaves.”
This is just another variation of the; “You wouldn’t like Pakis if some of them moved in next door, stinking of curry” argument, that I first heard thirty years ago. It was just as stupid then as it is now.
I live in the “third world shit hole” of “Londistan”, in an area with a high proportion of “ethnics”, and I’ve never had any abuse from Muslims.
So I wonder why the people on this blog who think “racism is a good thing”, or “black and brown people don’t belong here”, or “Pakistani’s are the rats of the human race”, or describe people as “wogs”; get insults repeatedly thrown at them for no apparent reason?
“……This is just another variation of the; “You wouldn’t like Pakis if some of them moved in next door, stinking of curry” argument, that I first heard thirty years ago. It was just as stupid then as it is now.
Err. No its not. If you have walked around ‘Muslim enclaves’ and not been subject to abuse by Muslims, then great. I have and I have – just my experience. You introduce ethnicity into the discourse and use words like ‘Paki’ and ‘wogs’ and refer to insults, conflating race and religion. I mentioned Muslims – those who submit to Islam (whatever their ethnicity).
There may be racists who blog on this site, who will openly admit their racism. I am not one of them. You appear to think less of racists than you do of Muslims (those who submit to Islam – of all races). I don’t. I can discuss a racist’s racism with him/her, challenge his views. Not so with a Muslim – I reject their ideology and know that they are my enemy, as they know that I am subhuman (Its their warped belief system you see {though i know you don’t see}).
A racist European is no danger to me or my family. Islam is a danger to me and Muslims submit to Islam. Ergo.
You say “…”You wouldn’t like Pakis if some of them moved in next door, stinking of curry” argument, that I first heard thirty years ago. It was just as stupid then as it is now.” Which highlights an essential truth. White English do not want to live next to ‘Pakis’ as you put it. Its often referred to as ‘white flight’. A real phenomenon, particularly in northern towns, of white people, gradually moving away from Muslims, resulting after a number of decades in the ‘Muslim enclaves’ which exist today. Those non-Muslims who have the choice and the means, move away. Its happened. If asked, of course people would not say “I didn’t want to live near Muslims, so I moved”, but they have done it. Can you explain why this has happened?
The questions you should be asking (yourself) are: Why is white flight real? Where will the English move to next, once the Muslim enclaves grow? Will the English submit to this ongoing Islamisation?
Personally, I believe the ethical response is to acknowledge the rights of indigenous people, reject Islam and de-Islamise the country. The alternative seems to be a bloody one, or a peacefully achieved Caliphate. I suggest a peacefully achieved Caliphate in England won’t be achieved as long as English men exist. You, zero, appear to want a religious war on English soil, and I don’t get that. Unless you are a Muslim.
I have experienced this, It happened so frequently that I now rent several acres of private land for my dogs. Fortunately the farmer is highly paid for not growing anything on his land in order to protect insects, so I get the land cheaply. But at least I don’t OFFEND Ropers.
Zero. I would love to live in your happy multiculty world.
I would expect that zero, like nearly all Progressives, won’t live in a multicultural “world”, but he’ll be happy to enthuse from afar about its benefits.
Emergency mass protest this evening against Cameron’s use of the word ‘bunch’ for the gimmies. This photograph captures the scene near No 10. The trots have assembled.
Unite Against Fascism
sickened by Cameron’s ‘bunch of migrants’ attack on #refugees ? – join emergency protest at Downing St tonight 6pm
And here, which is very revealing as to whom Cameron will allow his name to be associated with. Such as ‘ Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.’
From the UAF site
About Unite Against Fascism
Unite Against Fascism (UAF) is an anti-fascist pressure group in the United Kingdom, with support from politicians of the three largest political parties in the House of Commons, including the current Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and the late Labour politician Tony Benn. It describes itself as a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to a perceived threat of fascism and the far right — in particular the British National Party (BNP) — gaining a foothold at local, national and European elections, arguing that “there is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant platform in elected institutions.”
As of 2014, its honorary presidents are Doreen Lawrence, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon and Ken Livingstone. Its joint secretaries are Weyman Bennett of the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR). One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.
Lord Halls ‘Value-for-money’ and hollow laughter echoes down the long corridor of the BBC. He may say one day ‘we don’t do it for the money you know!” And I do believe him and they (all) STILL get well paid for deceiving us (or so they think). They think they know what we (all) think. We know what they think. They think they have the right (to abuse anyone and anybody), its a game of charades for Trustees to savor. Favors for a few chosen ones. Elevation for the Marxists, the anarchists, condemnation of the nations true patriots and those that fought the last Battle-for-Britain. We are at war (or are we)? What War and which war now? Are we now the ‘enemy’, the peoples of England?
Surrender now (says the BBC) surrender and admit defeat. We have you surrounded, we will have your children taken away, your family destroyed. You will welcome the new National Socialists and surrender your arms. The new era, a new Europe built will be built on mass immigration, an EU built on propaganda, lies, deceit and servitude to a superior being based in Brussels. They are not Mad. Deadly serious. This is war time propaganda and they seek to win your vote. One free TV license for every vote of staying ‘IN’ Europe. (Its not a bribe because they can get the money back from the EU afterwards). A few silver haired Luvvies should swing the vote (and just to disguise the deal) we’ll ask them (poor suckers) to pay for it BRILLIANT!! So clever it almost makes me want to vote with my feet and yet the old OAP’s couldn’t care less. As my old father says ‘I just have it on for some company, I never listen to it much’ but then he believes the BBC news) is real. And that’s the problem the BBC know’s how to exploit the elderly. They have Free license to exploit. Its free (except it isn’t). But it might if you vote for the benefits of owning a colour TV set. Free as in an excuse to plug the merits of the BBC. And your to old to care. After all the BBC needs the money to fight the War! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3415285/BBC-use-silver-celebrities-charm-pensioners-TV-licence.html
To Mr Lord Hall , whose researchers are monitoring this site (please let him know).
If it is so good, make it ‘pay for by subscription’ and use the profit to help subsidise the NHS .
Lord Halls ‘Value-for-money’ and hollow laughter echoes down the long corridor of the BBC. He may say one day ‘we don’t do it for the money you know!” And I do believe him and they (all) STILL get well paid for deceiving us (or so they think). They think they know what we (all) think. We know what they think. They think they have the right (to abuse anyone and anybody), its a game of charades for Trustees to savor. Favors for a few chosen ones. Elevation for the Marxists, the anarchists, condemnation of the nations true patriots and those that fought the last Battle-for-Britain. We are at war (or are we)? What War and which war now? Are we now the ‘enemy’, the peoples of England?
Surrender now (says the BBC) surrender and admit defeat. We have you surrounded, we will have your children taken away, your family destroyed. You will welcome the new National Socialists and surrender your arms. The new era, a new Europe built will be built on mass immigration, an EU built on propaganda, lies, deceit and servitude to a superior being based in Brussels. They are not Mad. Deadly serious. This is war time propaganda and they seek to win your vote. One free TV license for every vote of staying ‘IN’ Europe. (Its not a bribe because they can get the money back from the EU afterwards). A few silver haired Luvvies should swing the vote (and just to disguise the deal) we’ll ask them (poor suckers) to pay for it BRILLIANT!! So clever it almost makes me want to vote with my feet and yet the old OAP’s couldn’t care less. As my old father says ‘I just have it on for some company, I never listen to it much’ but then he believes the BBC news) is real. And that’s the problem the BBC know’s how to exploit the elderly. They have ‘Free’ TV license to exploit. Its free (except it isn’t). But it might be – if you vote for the benefits of the EU and owning a colour TV set. Free – as in an excuse to plug the EU merits behind the wonderful and generous BBC. And your too old to care who runs the EU or Telly Tax. They will get nothing but it can swing the EU vote. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3415285/BBC-use-silver-celebrities-charm-pensioners-TV-licence.html
Just the bBC et al doing their bit for their fellow travellers. By the time all the passengers on the outrage bus have had their dig, there won’t be time to mention that the Google tax rules were set up under the last Labour Govt.
Sometimes, I wonder what would happen on the Government became genuinely totalitarian. I’d love to see these social justice warriors deal with real Fascism
The BBC has found another rabble rouser to champion: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-35419500
Still, when you take a look at Dr Rachel Cohen’s CV it is immediately apparent she is an intellectual big hitter: https://www.city.ac.uk/people/academics/rachel-cohen
Just in case you don’t have the stomach to read the link, here is how she earned the right to use the title ‘Dr’.
‘ Her PhD focused on the working lives and employment relations of hairdressers.’
Glad to see that some of my hard earned goes towards supporting such important research.
Made up names and made up research topics. None of them are studying anything of any consequence whatsoever. I would also bet that their ‘studies’ allows them plenty of time to involve themselves in any and every left wing protest going.
All very interesting but do you think she would cut my hair. With all that hairdressing experience Im sure she could still do something useful for society! Do you think she could wash it as well – I love it when they do that!
BBC in top gear guilt induction mode today in the handy form of ‘Holocaust Memorial Day’. What a chance to warn us all against the dangers of ‘hate’ and anything less than a red carpet welcome to all foreign incursionists!
Sad voices, moving music, the BBC propaganda machine in full flood.
Twice this evening I’ve heard the BBC report about Donald Trump not attending the televised debate. Both times the report was not in terms of his non-attendance but that he’d been “ridiculed” by his opponents. Clearly they preferred to dwell on the ridicule rather than the actual story.
Friends and aquaintances keep telling me that they hate Trump and despise the Americans who support him.
I find it interesting that British people suddenly feel so passionately about a man who might, or might not, become US President, so my first question is why they feel such hatred? Apart from citing his hairstyle, none of them seem to know much about Trump other than that the BBC and the rest of the MSM think he is ‘evil’ . Then I ask them what they know of both Trump’s and the other candidates’ policies, and which of those policies appear likely to create a better existence for millions seeking to exist in the USA? None of them seem to have a clue.
Then I ask them if they think that Trump, with his German father and Scottish mother, is the living embodiment of the American Dream’ of ‘freedom, prosperity and success’ that is sold to both the millions who are born, bred and raised in America, and to the immigrants who move there. Any fool with half a brain knows that the ‘gifts’ of that dream are only granted to the very few, and that the rest of the human slave fodder are doomed to live out their days in whatever they can make out of the dregs of unachieved dreams and of dreams that can descend into nightmares. Most agree that Trump is the embodiment of the ‘dream’.
My next question is to ask why, as British people, they despise the millions of Americans who support Trump when those millions are just the current human by-products of the generations of men who have created and directed the population of America? Those men encouraged the masses to worship men like Trump – the masses absorbed the message and are behaving accordingly. Most of those questioned look deeply confused and anxious.
My last question is to ask how they would feel if the boot was on the other foot, i.e. should powerful American media corporations seek to interfere in British elections? And would they be justified in attempting to foster an air of hatred against British people who support the leader of a party disliked by the American media?
I don’t get many answers. Never mind. East Enders, and the cults of Strictly, baking, and sport were specifically designed to fill the spaces in the human brain allocated to cognitive proccesses.
I continue to tell all my American friends over there that our media are liberal sprats in the Muslim pool of filth.
Both Islam and Communalism want unfettered immigration, the death of Israel and the removal of the USA into Obamas party bag.
And our Guardian morons and cabbages hope, no doubt; to influence the Ohio electorate (and more) into voting for John Kerry yet again as they would surely have done in 2004.
If only Jon Snow could personally get over there, Huw Edwards wipe a manly tear away at Sandy Nook..THEN you brassy , hard-nosed pigshit thick rednecks over there would vote for Hillary…or Kerry…or Gore.
Indeed any traitor who`d not have lasted a minuted under Joe McCarthys stare like those I name.
I tell my American friends that they`ve skewered this country-and we pussies paid for this !
FFS-vote Trump-and roll our limpdick liberals into an IS barrel, whilst the rest of us remember where to get our balls back from.
“Most of those questioned look deeply confused and anxious.”
Sorry to break this to you; but it’s more likely they’re wondering how to get away from this arrogant & tedious asshole.
“I don’t get many answers. Never mind. East Enders, and the cults of Strictly, baking, and sport were specifically designed to fill the spaces in the human brain allocated to cognitive proccesses.”
There you go.
“Friends and aquaintances keep telling me…”
You know, if you stopped being such an intellectual snob you wouldn’t have ‘acquaintances’; you’d just have ‘friends’.
Never underestimate the latent anti American feelings of most of the people , especially the liberally educated classes, in this country.
Trump is the latest recipient of this. Reagan got it as well .
The sad thing is that the Americans, especially those in flyover country,, really have no interest in us here and barely know we exist.
Trump is well aware of this . He has so far not put a foot wrong and the hostility to him by our liberals is a measure of his success.
I find our media’s reactions laughable.
Yes, I spent the whole of Mr Reagan’s presidency believing he was stupid, and wicked. It was only much, much later I found out he was neither. My loss.
Yes I was exactly the same, a stupid lefty. I remember now how easy and safe it felt – to remain in that comfortable, smug lefty bubble. It was so easy amongst my friends to make some superior anti-tory comment and get instant approval. The best part was, I didn’t have to know ‘anything’ about the subject I was commenting on, so long as the overall effect was in the right direction (“evil tory”, “greedy tory”, “nasty capitalist” “left wing good” etc etc).
It takes some sort of challenge to people to break out of it. For me, it was involvement in family courts, even then it took about ten years to realise what a destructive cult leftism is.
With the BBC at the helm, most of the population will never hear any sort of ‘challenge’ to the left.
Yes. I remember all the Reagan is stupid stuff from our media. So when they started on Sarah Palin, who has had it much worse than Reagan, I was prepared to look more closely. As for Trump. He will humiliate Dave and Jezza. And God help One Question Brillo should he have to face him.
Agree also with you above re Mr Reagan.
As a student lefty and teacher training in the early 80s, I took my opinions from Heaven 17 , Jerry Dammers and Human League types.
When in the USA a few years back, I read “Morning In America”-and saw then that the crap we live with now started in the likes of Stanford, Harvard etc back them with their despising of all that Reagan stood for.
Read also a book of his diary entries way back-you`d be hard pressed to read a more decent, godly and funny man with humanity and integrity.
How convenient then for Spitting Image to give us all our lasting images of Reagan as the elite saw him-and (thanks to Gramsci and Warnock, Crick and Dewey etc)…it`s just the way TODAYS little snowflakes on campus see him too.
Sorry Ron-he`s in heaven now sure as much I can perceive…and I guess my hatred for the Left is due to those years when I too was groomed as much as Saviles beanbags, but intellectually, spiritually and with their sensitisings via pop culture, clever authors films and telly…and their forcible use of their rose tinted red specs if I was ever to get a salary from them.
They`re unforgiven-and my hatred and contempt for them is equally visceral as theirs for me…but My God reigns and they`re fucked…and hope to dance on the graves of the Left the way they affected to do for Gods Grand Daughter…Mrs Thatcher to me!
Even Henry Kissinger, who in no way could be accused as being a fan of Reagan, had to admit he was a good President. Reagan simultaneously described the Soviet Union as an evil empire and charmed Gorbachev during negotiations. He was instrumental in ending the Cold War, not that the left will give him any credit.
It seems like the passage of life for so many people. They start on the Left and want to ‘save the world’ and as they get older (and wiser) move to the Right, and reality kicks in.
Family lefty Courts are disgusting, very anti-men.
“they start on the Left”
No, they all start out as a tabula rasa.
Then they go to school. School being a term for perpetual left wing inculcation and indoctrination.
School being a place where the panem et circenses approach is taken, when they leave school, they believe that Football and Eastenders is all that matter.
Many, maybe most, here on BBBC went through the same “education”, but saw the light.
Many never see the light.
We have two generations of real British youth who are essentially left wing cannon fodder.
Plus a third generation in school being groomed.
When the first white father in the UK snaps and kills the Muslim(s) who raped his young daughter, he will be over fourty.
There is an old saying that goes along the lines of,’If you aren’t a socialist in your twenties you haven’t got a heart. If you aren’t a conservative by the time you reach your forties you haven’t got a brain.’
Here it is ………….
Knock me down with a feather duster !
Despite the media frenzy they are not ‘asylum seekers’ after all. How many more in Merkel’s land and the rest of the ‘failed state’ of the Europe Union ?
Horse – Stable door?
Time to make a swift exit. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35425735
And most of the ‘worst rated’ comments are devoid of content, just calling the rest ‘fascists’, ‘Hitler’, ‘foamers’, etc. How do these apparently meet the bBBC’s ‘community values’ and ‘house rules’?
Deport 80,000 – in their dreams ! They won’t even deport 8,000. The scum are there and they are there to stay, and the neutrals of WW2 can just suck it up !
I had day surgery in our local hospital during the week. Can I sue the NHS for making me wear a bracelet ? or at the very least who can I complain to for making me feel humiliated in being categorised as a ‘patient’ instead of a human being ? I was continually asked my birth date and name – cant they read the notes (or perhaps THEY were in need of an Interpreter ), and seemed to get upset when I continually pointed to the foot which needed attention – just in case they operated on the wrong foot. I refused the food offered as it didn’t pass the ‘appeal’ test of my eyes – there was no other choice.
I seem to be ok, so far.
There may be a story too in men who make their women wear distinctively outstanding garb for this climate, or communities who expect men to sport facial fashions that in combination with night attire can go beyond the hipster and draw attention?
Indeed. ‘Google tax affairs’ is a classic leftie ‘non’ story for Tory bashing. But it keeps the Rapefugees out of the headlines. Google tax, Post Office Sell off or Minority victimhood story – all to detract from important political issues. BBC at its obfuscatory best, in cahoots with the ‘Labour’ Party of course!
I was honestly shocked last night to see the BBC news admit, for the first time ever, that taxes are paid on profits, NOT on sales/turnover. The amount of times that the BBC has splashed the turnover of major corporations and then stated the corporation tax they paid, as if there is any relation between the two figures. Also it is the first time I have seen the BBC admit that Google DOES pay BILLIONS in tax. Being an American company, those billions are rightly paid to the US treasury.
This whole “corporation tax scandal” has been consistently reported in a massively misleading way. The BBC have been wilfully misrepresentitive and grossly dishonest in their coverage of corporation tax in order to whip up a left wing backlash. Which proves their bias. They utterly refuse to report on other public interest stories in case there is a “right wing backlash” so why have misleading items which are intended to whip up a “left wing backlash” unless the BBC are institutionally biased to the left?
The real scandal is NOT corporations legally obeying their fiduciary duty in law to pay exactly what they are legally obligated to pay (and to make their tax arrangements as efficient as possible), but it is in the loopholes which LABOUR’s Gordon Brown created which facilitated corporations moving where sales are recorded in order to reduce how much tax they pay. It is a LABOUR scandal, and the BBC have done their level best to remove any blame falling on labour, but instead falling on the Conservatives, who (to their credit) have been removing such loopholes.
IF there is any tax scandal at all, it is entirely because of Gordon Brown.
I thought it was too dangerous to be where they were from? That was why they risked their lives to get to Europe. Now they’re disappointed and returning.
“My husband liked the idea of going there. He saw others and he wanted to imitate them,” said one Kurdish returnee. “The situation there was much worse than here. We spent around three months there. We got nothing. The food was bad and there was little of it. They used to give us a piece of cold bread and cheese and a piece of a cucumber. How can one survive a cold winter on such food? Our children were crying of hunger. We spent 11,000 US dollars and returned back empty handed.”
Rather puts a dent in the leftie cause, no? Should we reimburse the $11,000? I’ve not seen this one on MSM…
Incredible comments in the link provided HBD, as well as the quote you cite how about
“Many are returning, they say, with less than they had on arrival in Germany. The International Organization for Migration is providing financial assistance for those who cannot afford the airfare.”
So they expected exactly what from their trip to Germany? As highlighted by HDB these people have escaped life threatening situations from war torn countries, and the International Organization for Migration is funding their return airfare to that same country? The pretence that most of these people are anything but economic migrants just makes those proposing it look a little silly, and is a bit of an insult to genuine refugees.
And further Oldspeaker, they appear to have clear (but false) ideas about what life is like in Europe. Where did they get these ideas from? It seems like there is something like a ‘Migrant brochure’ with lots of details about what to expect in the EU.
I’ve seen a document (pdf) that gives advice to refugees on how to act and what to say to immigration officials, to increase their chances of getting in. How about the truth?
From the youth who was arrested in relation to the rapes /molestation on New Years eve: “You have to be nice to me. M Merkel has invited me.” to comparisons of our wives and daughters be like “naked antelopes in front of lions” (Sooo much wrong with that metaphor) there seems to be a stoking up of half baked ideas about life in Europe.
Has anyone seen any documentation that is circulated amongst the ‘client group’? What is being fed to them? I know there will be fostering of ideas like ‘we can take care of you’ from those hell-bent on doing ‘good’, but what I’ve seen and heard suggests an entrenched and under the wire theme of ideas which I can’t divine.
I am guessing it’s organisations such as Liberty and that peaceful lobby group called Cage, as well as those charitable souls, Daesh, operating under a black and white flag……
Big news on bbbc breakfast, some aussie bird loses a tennis match. Beaky nugent wetting herself with excitement, also some berk in the calais jungle. I only switched on for txt lotto results ffs.
Only got the 8.25 “sports section” of Today this morning.
But the devil is very much in the details.
It was the Lawn tennis Associations turn to be in the dock…presumably to fill the space left by Google, Tescos, Tories, Tories and UKIP…who would have been relieved of their roles for a few minutes to take a leak…but would be sitting patiently in the stocks or ducking stools there at the BBC.
Our Aussie bird did well-but the LTA cut her funding last year….according to our Trisha Takanawa( some Asian bird learning how to draw blood from the toffs)…this would have to be wrong.
I myself would have thought we ought to cut ALL their funding if they succeed afterwards-wrong lesson though sez the BBCs Sports Poppet.
The LTA bloke was a Californian klutz-assuming no “Brits” were deemed knowledgeable enough to ring the parkie to get a court booked in Harlesden or such.
He said he had Judy Murrays mum on contract to do “Miss Shits”…something like that eh?
So no problem-but our Asian toothpick wasn`t happy-MORE money-save the tennis stars-FFS, pay them more, import a few, set up courts along the Eurotunnel, set them up on top of trains….where else will we get our role models, seeing as rugby has chosen the ultrabutch Dylan Murray to lead them to nowhere fast!
That`s our BBC for you-but when we live in a world when a Justin is Archbish and a Dylan is a rugby tough?…strange days indeed!
Welcome to the Hotel California Trish-only Savile has ever REALLY left it, which confirms what the Eagles say!
But he lives on in all their hearts and prayers to Ariel.
So here we go. Breakfast The Government to take “unaccompanied” children. Due to pressure from “charities” and the opposition. Well aren’t both un-elected. C**t from save the children appears, that will be the same save the children who won’t answer any awkward questions you put on their facebook page.
What is it about Labour Councils-LABOUR Councils- in league with the BBC ….that tells me that they would rather like to have a few more kiddies of colour and flexibilty to “mentor”…
Savile and Rotherham Council…the very parents of the unattached kids umbrellas of …well…”love” I`m sure is one word for it as they`d define it.
No-keep the BBC, the charities and the Labour Liberal Coalition of the Willies…out of it.
These kids have suffered enough…surely Eurovision has better places to warehouse all these Byker Grove extras…or ask Benetton…but NOT Labour, the BBC or those grooming quangos and charities who never need a shopfront or a chugger.
Re Will the childrens cultural backgrounds be respected? above:-
No problem! Overnight the World Service has played a programme at least twice informing the audience about splendid lesbian relationships in Bangladesh, how female homosexual acts are not illegal there and how a campaign is underway to repeal the colonial imposed ban on male homosexual acts.
Are your ears painted on?
S’trewth mate! How d’you go? Assistant Aussie Cultural Attaché here. Where’s the boss, you ask? Well Sir Les can’t be with us today – don’t get in a flap, he ain’t carked it – he’s on official diplomatic business. Entre nous, since us diplomats like slippin’ into the French, he’s on a fact findin’ tour of Bangkok’s rub ‘n’ tug shops.
Now I’ve a serious bone to pick with you pommie poofters at the BBC.
Keep yer thievin’ maulers off our Johanna Konta!
Huh, new “British Wimmin’s Tennis Number One”, my left avocado nut!?? Have you tin eared backdoor bandits let yer wallabies loose in yer own top paddock?
Easy on, have you heard the Sheila speak? She’s as solid gold and green fair dinkum Aussie as Sydney Opera House or Sir Les’s old donger. So hands off!
And what happens just as soon as the pommies claim her…? You put the mockers on and she loses!
Oh I like this!
Reminds me of the mighty “Bluey”…starring someone called Lucky Grill as I recall!
“Lukes Kingdom” was a bit sadistic-but, again I got some Aussie culture from there.
Sadly, the culture there has died since Neighbours in the mid 80s.
They`ve swapped Bondy and Packer for Gillard and Rudd.
Advance Australia Fairy…and the All Blacks Benefit.
As Lee Mack says-any country with a rugby star called “Elton Flatley” has gone all “Pete” on us.
Bit of “Tom” there for you!
Pete Tong=Wrong
Tom=tomfoolery=jewellery(ta to the Hatton Garden cockneys…a dying language , my arse!)
Radio 4 today 0745-0750 Nick Robinson interviewing deputy spokesman for Welsh health affairs Mr Vaughan Gething (Labour) on the subject of Wales comparatively poor performance on a number of NHS delivery indicators.
A little bit of gentle argy bargy and a quick “I`m answering the question, please don`t interupt me” from Mr Gething, before Nick made the comment “I`m trying to help you make your case”…..nice when the bias is made explicit.
Had Nick remembered Mr Gethings Labour membership made him deserving of BBC backing or was it his Zambian/Welsh heritage?
On the subject of Damian Lewis being too priviliged to speak at Acland Burghley School in north London, the organiser of the petition is I would guess a Lefty,here’s the clue, the Albeeb article states,
‘On the petition the City University sociology lecturer had written that the Wolf Hall actor was “a wholly inappropriate choice” for a celebration at a comprehensive school.’
So if the roles were reversed and Eton Public School refused to have a film star speaker who was living nearby but attended a state Comprehensive was told, not to attend by petitioners because he/she attended a state school there would be an outcry.
Albeeb would apoplectic in rage.
The lefties cannot identify discriminaton, they even promote it, as is apparent in this case.
Remember how the BBC went overboard on the Arab Spring. Regular reports from Ben Ali Bowen on the benign charity which was how he desribed the Muslim Brotherhood.
I am looking forward to the BBC covering Geert Wilders’ call for a Patriot Spring.
Oh Katanga. Sir Lenny Henry will be angry. Twitter liberals outraged. Film about Michael Jackson with a white actor playing the role of the entertainer who bleached his face.
“There is a general principle observed by many countries that asylum seekers who have passed through a safe third country where they could have claimed asylum can be sent back there in order to make their claim.
All of those waiting in Calais to cross the Channel fit into this category. They are in a safe country but few will have reached France without having crossed another EU border beforehand.
The EU has a specific rule about this to try to work out which country is responsible for handling an asylum claim. ”
No surprises here though:
There were more than 25,000 asylum applications in the UK in the 12 months up to March. Most applications are typically rejected and in 2014, more than 60% of initial decisions on asylum applications were refusals.
But in the same year, only 6,788 asylum seekers and their dependents were removed or departed voluntarily from the UK.
And you can bet that the majority of these people left voluntarily !
It’s a joke! The BBC KNOW Labour are using semantics, complaining about the use of words. Words which are perfectly good to describe the people at Calais, yet Labour know they have no argument at all so they resort to the tried & tested bully words.
If Cameron wasn’t so idle and had the first insight, or will to deal with the Fascists, it would be an easy job to stop all this, but it’s just too much like work !
Talking of Labour, I remember Yvette Cooper on BBC television saying witha pathetic dramatic tear in her eye, that she would take in some Syrian refugees (migrants).
How she done so?
If not, and I suspect that she hasn’t. Why hasn’t the alBeeb gone back to her and asked her why not. If Farage had made the comment they would be swarming him like a pack of hungry wolves asking him WHY NOT?
I do like to see democracy in action. The BBC allows comments following some of its Brexit articles. Every time they do, some enterprising individual adds a ‘Vote up for OUT, down for IN’ comment. It will not surprise the regulars here that OUT gets a thumping great majority every time. I wonder if anyone at the BBC has noted this curious fact. See for yourself, and don’t forget to vote! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35418070?comments
What a elephant sized load of dissonance between what they ‘report’ and what people input. Staggeringly different. Seems like – I can only speculate – that those who know that the BBC is biased have been storming the comments section. Bravo! Or even ‘Fuck Yea!’.
Might spend some more time over there (today was the second time I’ve had any view of anything BBC this year) to help make sure a balanced view is presented.
Radio 4 came on the radio alarm at 6.30am this morning and the story was……….homosexuals in India.
Obviously a top priority for the equality and diversity police at Al Beeb but for most listeners getting up and ready for work ??? Errr, no.
The off button was swiftly pressed.
Al Beeb is running the story that 45% of asylum seekers in Sweden have failed to qualify (subtext – nasty Swedes) and then that it will take years to repatriate them all back (presumably at massive taxpayer expense, making a lot of Yuman Rights lawyers rich along the way).
So given that even uber Liberal Sweden is cottoning on to the reality of economic migrants is there any chance that the penny might just drop on the ‘bunch’ of Far Left editorial teams in the Al Beeb newsroom that maybe, just maybe, we are being taken for a ride?
Of course not. As I have said before and as the Mail helpfully mentioned yesterday, the Far Left HATE western society with such verve that ANY method of bringing it down is acceptable and must be supported and, in Al Beeb’s case, positively promoted.
Well Guest Who – I have a feeling that Aunty is far more interested in offensive sermantics such as the use of the word “bunch” or “swarm” by politicians trying to describe immigration, than a left wing UN Officials who feels a bit of Jew stabbing is just a release of a bit of frustration. Aunty does not like covering things like this, because a lot of her new enriching friends probably do believe that the jews still are the “Untermenschen” and therefore have it coming anyway.
Remember only the left can accuse anyone of being racially offensive or a nazi so the use words such as bunch and swarm and asking migrants to wear rubber bands on their wrist are far more important to deal with and definately a sign of nazism. Its also a good way of shutting down an argument and making everyone nervous about causing offense to Aunties new friends.
Everyone knows that sexually abusing women, throwing gays of buildings, murdering and using extreme violence to further your religion is obviosly just a few boys having fun and therefore not quite as important as dealing with the use of these new hate words- remember use the word “bunch” today and this shows you would probably be running the gas chambers and crematoria tomorrow!
God I am really beggining to hate these bastards- Part of me really wishes that one day their wives or daughters/sons have to suffer a bit of “boys fun” (would be interesting watching them trying to justify this sort of act on a cultural misunderstanding to their loved ones) but I suppose none of these shits will ever have to use public transport or live in an environment where they are exposed to this crap.
Therefore they can continue formulating policies / ignoring or being downright deceitful about what is going on to stay true to their left wing dogma.
Unfortunately their chickens will come home to roost on us before they shit on their original owners. Life is never fair.
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
Did anyone see the overtly biased hate-job done on Donald Trump on Channel four last night? OK this is not BBC bias, but bias by the same liberal left wankerati who are totally out of touch with the masses of ordinary people who are now enthusiastically backing Trump. You can bet that the BBC feel and will express, exactly the same bias and hatred against Trump as Channel four did last night.
The bad things he has done. Apparently turning slums into profitable, luxurious places to live. Building massive wealth and overcoming the stebacks of some of his companies going bankrupt and overcoming adversity and not crying or whining about it. Building a huge amount of popular support by being honest and speaking the truth. Criticising the parts of society which have terrible levels of crime, and/or pose a real and substantive risk, instead of putting society at risk by lying about them and pandering and appeasing them. Calling out the mainstream media for being liars and crooks, solely because the mainstream media ARE liars and crooks.
The arrogant condesension and hate for, and extreme fear of, Donald Trump that the liberal establishment media has is equally as palpable as it is beautiful to behold. The more they attack Trump, the more the public love him. And the arrogant, corrupt liberal left delusional idiots in the media simply cannot understand that.
Spot on. Whilst I don’t agree with everything Trump says I love the way he is sticking it to the liberal MSM. They are having the hissiest of fits because they know that Trump, being self-funded, doesn’t give a toss what they think or broadcast about him because it has no impact on his chances. Indeed, the lefties are so wrapped up in trying to insult him they are unaware that they are actually his greatest PR asset.
Similarly I think that the MSM bigging up the ludicrous discrimination claims of state dependent immigrants (red doors, all inclusive wristbands) does nothing to endear the complainants to the ordinary taxpayer
Have either the bbc or C4 ever investigated the obama regime’s support for such companies as Solyndra? Or perhaps their taxpayer funded bailout of General Motors? Funny but not in a pleasant way how the collectivists always attack success and ignore their own failure.
I go to the BBC website each morning to see what the UK newspaper headlines are, no more, no less.
But today I saw a BBC headline on their home page, “Trump to boycott debate”
Scrolling down I got to one bit where I just couldn’t help bursting out laughing. It read:
“Analysis – Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter”
I mean, the mind boggles. Not a day passes when I don’t find myself sniggering at the BBC’s lamentable output, but Zurcher!! Give me strength. The clown is as democrat as they come. His tongue is so far up Obama’s arse it’s literally coming out his mouth. Just wait till he transfers his allegiance to the cackling criminal crone.
In Beebworld, ‘analysis’ certainly takes on an hilarious new meaning almost every time they po-faced run it out in intro.
I live in hope that the crack down on immigrants by the Danes and the clear message they are sending that they don’t want anymore of them , will encourage all those other politicians across Europe who know that mass immigration is an existentialist threat to their countries and to Europe as a whole, to speak up and to act to put a stop to it. I note with amusement how unhappy the BBC are about developments in Denmark. I believe that many main stream politicians know that mass immigration is highly dangerous but have been too frightened of a backlash by the leftist media to say so and to act appropriately. They may even have been duped into believing that most of the various populations that they represent sided with the orthodox leftist views which so dominate almost all media across the continent, of which our dear old BBC is a leader. However the threat of mass immigration , which has been apparent for decades to anyone in the UK who thought about it and could get past the relentless pro immigration propaganda of the BBC, have become so stark and clear that not even the mass might of the European media, the EU and leftist politicians, with all the lies and cover ups they have tried , has been able keep pulling the wool over people’s eyes. The people have finally awoken and realised what is really happening and decided that enough is enough ( perhaps time will show too much already) . I hope that this awakening results not only in an end to mass immigration but to the end of liberal left hegemony of the west and to the rebirth of nation states and confidence in western values which have been relentlessly trashed by the left for decades.
The incomparable Gert Wilders has called for a Patriot Spring by the people of our Europe. Events are moving faster now and it is getting impossible for the lugenpresse and the liberal elites in power to hide the truth.
Europe belongs to us and our descendants not to those who have no part in creating the culture nor wish to see it thrive.
Chief amongst these are the liberals in the media and politics and that is nearly all of them.
There was always going to be a reaction against the so called ideals of the 68ers and the cultural marxists infesting our world.
Time to take sides and to make sure that you understand that things will get very hard for many of us. The elite will never be more vicious than now when it’s treachery is becoming clear to us all.
Meanwhile, the Dutch police are getting heavy handed in their interference…
Cameron’s clique will be the same. The only thing Cameron and conservative have in common is that both words start with the letter C.
And it be will nastier here as our police are well and truly on board with the cultural marxists.
There’s another word which begins with “c” that Camoron has a lot in common with.
I don’t think you mean “crony capitalism”. Sorry, that’s 2 words.
“I believe that many main stream politicians know that mass immigration is highly dangerous but have been too frightened of a backlash by the leftist media to say so and to act appropriately”
I agree completely. It shows the bias of the mainstream media generally, and the BBC in particular that they will cover up, or downplay legitimate stories of public interest, in order to avoid “stirring up a far right backlash” and by so-doing claim to be acting responsibly… Yet when it comes to jumping onto and over-hyping any lefty twiitter outrage, they are only too keen to whip up as much of a “far left backlash” as possible.
So, when the BBC take specific editorial decisions to STOP right wing reaction, and other editorial decisions to CREATE left wing reaction…. Which wing are they obviously biased in favour of???
Blatant left wing bias at the BBC.
I don’t recall many incidents of mass violence and law breaking by the far-right in recent times. I do, however, recall countless incidents involving the far-left thuggery of the likes of UAF, HnH etc.
The ‘far-right backlash’ is the BBC and MSM’s modern bogey-man.
I agree with you totally on that. The way Tommy Robinson has been treated by those thugs, the BBC, the police and judiciary proves that they are all part of the same lefty agenda.
Hot news?
Muslims are ‘not like us’ and we should just accept they will never integrate, says former racial equalities chief Trevor Phillips
Bye bye Christiane; mind the door doesn’t bang your arse on the way out.
This is the best, and most encouraging, bit in the article,’The times being as they are, it was the left-winger who went.’
The first of many I hope.
Rotherham-style attitudes come to Berlin?
‘But German police say that after questioning and examination it was clear that Lisa F was not abducted and not raped. Sexual contact was not forced, say officers. Because the girl is only 13 years old prosecutors are investigating two men for child abuse. The age of consent in Germany is 14 and while sex with an under-aged child is classed as statutory rape, it is generally seen as child abuse if violence was not used.’
Note the main emphasis of this BBC report by Damien McGuinnessis is based around fears of the “far-right” and of Russia.
What happened to think of the children?
“What happened to think of the children? ”
The Muslim perverts ARE thinking of the children… and it arouses them.
“… and it arouses them.”
And many BBC folk of the Jimmy Savile / Stuart Hall / Dave Lee Travis / Chris Denning / Rolf Harris / et al type.
…..And Denmark “Danish 17-year-old girl who used a pepper spray to fight off a rapist near migrant asylum centre is told SHE will be prosecuted for carrying the weapon”
Interesting priority sets.
I don’t know about any of you, but I’d take great pleasure in being nominated for the award.
The fact that such an award exists only serves to demonstrate how far we’ve fallen as a society.
I hope Trump overcomes the odds in America.
Such a maligned figure in BBC circles, Trump will surely cause an uproar if he becomes Leader of the Free World.
We can live in hope.
The BBC are campaigning for Hillary as they campaigned for Obama. I wonder if they will publish this photo of the Clintons taken several years ago.
Who did they go as? Abbott and Corbyn?
David Lammy and Owen Jones?
Probably not, but even if they did I bet Hillary could misspoke her way out of it as easy as dodging Bosnian sniper fire.
This has all the makings of a murky tale which may never yield the truth,
Damien Mc Guinness claims,
“Links between Russia and far-right groups in Germany are not unusual.” and
“the Berlin district of Marzahn, where Lisa F’s family lives, is heavily populated with Russian-speakers, and is notorious for xenophobic right-wing extremist protests.”
We wouldn’t know about the protests because until very recently all was roses regarding immigration according to the BBC, and just what is a “xenophobic right-wing extremist” Mr McGuinness? Anyone who objects to uncontrolled forced mass immigration without consultation for instance, or is it just somebody who doesn’t read the Guardian?
I put this on the end of the previous thread. Apologies for repeating if others have read it.
But the BBC is OK with child rape. Don’t you know that raping women and children is now OK?
Damian McGuinness. BBC Moral relativist c*^t of the day, helps shape this ongoing narrative.
“Russia steps into Berlin ‘rape’ storm claiming German cover-up
“ reads DM’s headline on the BBC website :
Classic use of scare quotes. To clarify, McGuiness confirms that:
“…The age of consent in Germany is 14 and while sex with an under-aged child is classed as statutory rape, it is generally seen as child abuse if violence was not used…”
So DM confirms that the crime is rape yet uses scare quotes. DM suggests the law can be re-interpreted, presumably by those in the know, like Damian. ‘….generally seen as child abuse…’ ? What the fuck is it with journalists and law and their disregard for victims of rape and/or child abuse?
It gets better.
”…German lawyer Martin Luithle has now reported the Russian journalist behind the report, Ivan Blagoy, to the police for incitement.
The case has been taken up enthusiastically by right-wing extremists in a bid to fuel anti-migrant sentiment….”
Not ‘taken up by concerned citizens who believe the rights of women and children not to be raped are important to our society’ then Damian? So, we know where the left stand when a child gets raped (presumably unless the rapist is a white male non-public sector worker). And we know where Damian McGuinness stands.
1. Child victims of crime don’t matter.
2. Rape becomes child abuse if lefties ‘generally’ think so, irrespective of the law.
3. If you complain about men raping children, you are a right wing extremist and must be investigated by the Police for your ‘crime’ (of incitement?).
4. If you demonstrate against child rape, you are really fuelling anti-migrant sentiment.
5. If a child is raped by migrants, police and lawyers can spend time responding to reports from Lawyers and lefties designed to harass those who want the law to be applied, criminality prosecuted and the vulnerable protected.
In short, according to Damian, if one is to have what can be regarded as a sense of right and wrong and empathy for the vulnerable victims of crime, then one must become a ‘right wing extremist’, ergo, if you’re not a ‘right-wing extremist’ then how can you hold your head up high?
As with Rotherham, Rochdale, ANOther English Town, the acceptance of child rape by journalists (especially the BBC ones), police and government functionaries is complete. Child rape is OK for the BBC and just a price ‘we’ have to pay to allow leftie virtue signallers room for self congratulation. But Liz McKean and Merion Jones know this.
Want to get on at the BBC like Damian McGuinness? Throw away your moral compass, dispense with your self respect, disregard any sense of humanity, accept that women are chattles, that child rape is OK and call all those who are not happy about it ‘right-wing extremists’.
The BBC, undermining the Law, supporting the criminal Hard Left wing extremists in Calais and at home, covering up mass rape and assault throughout Europe daily, stigmatising those who think raping women is wrong as ‘extreme right wing’ and facilitating the ongoing disregard of the rape of girls and women by Muslim men by normalising it in their reporting.
My disgust for the BBC and its journalists grows each day.
There will be a reckoning and these c*^ts at the BBC will have nowhere to run or hide. F^&k-em.
So true. So true.
‘But the outrage was sparked by Russia’s media propaganda machine’
Maybe they could get Stuart Hughes in to ‘analyse’, as a BBC expert on the technique?
“Links between Russia and far-right groups in Germany are not unusual.”
That’s nice and vague. I wonder what the response from our Damien would be if pressed to offer some evidence beyond ‘mystery bloke tells BBC reporter something, says BBC reporter’.
The Political Spectrum according to the BBC:
Oh dear, a “bunch of Lefties” are offended. Hahahahahaha!!!
“PMQs: Labour attacks PM’s ‘bunch of migrants’ comment”
I am offended too. Cameron completely omitted the words “criminal, illegal aliens, rapists, scrounging and sponging lowlife paedophiles” How dare he so mis-categorise these illegal alien, rapey criminal spongers as legitimate migrants?
And labour are even worse. Pretending that these thieving rapey scum are refugees? As if France is a war-zone and they need to flee for their lives from the safety (for them) of Calais.
The only danger in Calais is that faced daily by the local French school-girls, the Lorry drivers and that’s danger FROM the rapey theiving immigrants.
I continue to be amazed at how much the BBC and their fellow left-liberals, Corbynista trots et al seem to have learned nothing from the 2015 general election. The majority of the electorate totally agree with Cameron that the undesirables living in camps around Dunkirk or Calais are in the main economic migrants not genuine asylum seekers, probably with some ISIS sleepers thrown in. The majority view in England may not get much publicity on our biased media but it still has the right to vote (until we become a majority muslim country that is).
My main complaint about Cameron is that he does nothing to step up our deportation of failed asylum seekers, stop illegal immigration through our porous borders, does nothing effective or enforceable to oblige our muslim brethren to start integrating properly into English society, stem the growing muslim ghettos in Luton, Bradford, Rochdale, Birmingham and so many other places, silence fanatics like Anjem Choudary,stop illegal postal voting in muslim ghettos, negotiate an opt-out from free movement within the EU or recommend exit….I could go on.
Only after Guido told them they needed to be, which is funny on many levels.
Trump to boycott Republican debate says BBC.
Wrong. It is not a boycott, a boycott is where you gather a group of people to withdraw from supporting something. Trump is not willing to obey the media. A lesson for all – the media have become too powerful and the force of Trump is to confront the media, not play their game. A lesson for conservative politicians here – eh Nigel.
Watch Stefan Molyneux – lessons for the anti BBC people. Trump as a good businessman walks out of a bad deal.
Odd, as the BBC are usually a bit averse to going near anything Fox and especially Megan.
What was it about this that first attracted them?
Kelly is openly biased against Trump. She’s been running an anti-Trump Blog and has been doing everything she can to derail his campaign. It’s been reported on some of the US News sites. Perhaps some of our politicians should do likewise with the BBC and see what that stirs up.
Big mistake of Trump.Megan is Fox News most popular presenter along with Krauthammer.Fox may be biased against Trump but they are the Republican`s base preferred channel.If Trump was to boycott a tv debate it should be the next CNBC one.That would be popular with the republican base.
Is that another one of the “big mistakes” Trump keeps making? Maybe that’s why his campaign is tanking..Oh no..wait.
This morning I thought Trump was making a mistake but the you tube post above from Stefan Molyneux changed my opinion. Also – the BBC mention Trump ‘boycotting’ the debate. It is not a boycott; it is a businessman walking away from a bad deal. Rather like a man who is invited by a woman for a date, but turns it down saying he is married. He is not boycotting, just turning something down. Main point to hold on to. Trump is going for the media like no one has done. Heck, why bring Palin in? Answer – she has more reason than anyone to go to war with the media.
There might be another story. Fox is owned by Murdoch who is associated with moves towards an open borders policy in the US. And Trump does notgo along with this. If there is any truth in this, and I believe there is, then we can see an anti Trump alliance between the BBC and Fox.
This US election is going to be fun.
Link to Breibart on Murdoch’s open immigration objective
My apologies, G.W.F. I am only just now catching up with a couple of comments and posted the same link a little earlier, not having seen you’d beaten me to it.
Not that I don’t think it deserves repeating, of course. The motivation it suggests for Sky’s behaviour is also very telling.
Ronald Reagan didn’t turn up to the final televised debate between Republican contenders when he was after party’s nomination. Wonder what happened to him?
It is certainly a gamble. His supporters will support him no matter what, but whether this is one gamble which pays off or derails has yet to be determined. If the viewing figures from the FOX debate drop from the previously expected 15 million down to 3 million and if more people watch the alternative campaign event which Trump is organising (a fund-raiser for the veteran troops) then he is on to a winner and will have “put the media in their place”.
Molyneaux is great. He’s one of the vloggers and bloggers who I donate money to, that I once would have stupidly wasted on the BBC licence fee, before I knew better.
Here’s Trump in ’88, his stance hasn’t changed.
Far left wing propaganda
Culture Goes Plural
Farrah Jarral continues her journey through the history of anthropology.
In this episode she explores the legacy of one of the most influential anthropologists of all: Franz Boas. From pluralising the word ‘culture’ to developing the idea of cultural relativism and promoting the cause of anti-racism, Boas can claim a tremendous intellectual legacy. Farrah travels to New York City, where she sees one of his original displays at the American Museum of Natural History, and hears why he is known as the father of American anthropology.
“Boas also introduced the ideology of cultural relativism which holds that cultures cannot be objectively ranked as higher or lower, or better or more correct, but that all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms”
I thought that this 15-minute broadcast was interesting but – predictably – biased, since it lacked any critical appraisal of the Boasian school of anthropology.
Farrah Jarral (no, me neither, but something tells me that HER ethnicity might have helped get her selected by the BBC to do the series!) seemed enthused by Boas’ deconstruction of certain White 19th century ‘colonialist’ views of culture and race; but there are objections to his theory and these should be heard if the broadcast is to be fair. Of course, since ‘we’ (i.e. she, the BBC and the Marxist Left more generally) ‘know’ (i.e. believe) that multiculturalism is a Good Thing, then anything that justifies it must also be good and thus be above criticism.
It would have been interesting to hear Boas’ views on his own Jewish origins: did he consider that Jewishness was merely a social construct or that there was some deeper racial and cultural aspect to it? Another question not asked was the ‘who benefits?’ one: if all notions of culture and ethnic science are now regarded as subjective, and thus 19th century White European notions of culture and race are viewed not as objective but arbitrary and self-serving, then could not the same be said of Boasian relativism itself? Why should anyone accept it as an absolute standard … unless, of course, it just happened to serve their self-interest but disguised as science?
Lefties are morons, but the lefties have a remit for that. Remove race from the equation and you have the suggestion that White people have not evolved ever more superior culture over the last 40,000 years?
But I bet she would not disagree with me that the left-wing Western Imperialist “Penis up the Arse” culture of the BBC, is very much inferior to Islamic Culture.
………..all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms.
Jarral should try applying that concept to the activities of ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Q’ Aeda, the Taliban etc etc then ask why the particular kind of ‘lens’ they are all using is – how shall we say – ‘grotesquely unique’ and makes any attempt at ‘cultural relativism’ somewhat futile.
Jarral’s defence of cultural relativism is the kind of thing first year philosophy or classics students were taught to refute during their first term with reference to Thucydides and other Greeks. Some cultures bury their dead, others destroyed the corpses immediately by fire, he noted. Behind this was an objective truth: respect for the dead was maintained along with a need for a hygienic disposal of the corpse.
Perhaps a tu quoque response would send Jarral a floundering: is her defence of cultural relativism a product of her culture?
I’ve been covering arguments about bioprospecting – collecting DNA samples from entire inigenous communities for medical research. The science can reveal that certain political claims made by the community leaders are based on a false history. This tribe did not originate from the mountains etc. Never mind, screw the science, lets agree – say people around the UN – that science is not objective, its only a reflection of exploitative capitalism. Other non scientific narratives might be equally valid.
You can do a lot with narratives.
In the world of optics there is Spherical aberration and Chromatic aberration.
Any use to you to describe the culture of Boko Haram?
BBC – Ofsted can downgrade schools for Islamic veils
More waffling garbage from the BBC over schools, (mind you is Cameron really any better?)
Oh! and why oh why, would should anyone be concerned over children
being taught by someone dressed in a black out curtain sack, or dressing their kids in them.
FFS … what s wrong with that eh?
and …
BBC – Call to end limit on religious free schools
helpfully added on the same page.
Checked out on twitter, that Jon Gaunt has good old moderate Iqbal Sacranie, “Rusdie, death is too good for him”
on to debate it … did he get an easy ride?
anyone listen in?
I ve just checked, he podcast isn t available yet …
More interesting info’ on Russia Today but strangely missing from our friends at the BBC. Europol say there’s a significant threat from ISIS training camps being used in the Balkans. Due to the complete lack of borders masses of weapons are able to be transported throughout Europe.It’s a little worrying taking into account recent events in Paris and Brussels. And the BBC’s take on this is…nothing really.
BBC news today tells me that apparently, during PMQ’s Dave used the term “bunch of migrants” to describe the folk camping in Calais who are, when all is said and done, er well, a bunch of migrants. I’m informed that it’s “insensitive” to use that phrase
So, no mention of a gun running, armed militia on mainland Europe, let’s waffle about insensitive language.
More interesting info’ on Russia Today but strangely missing from our friends at the BBC. Europol say there’s a significant threat from ISIS training camps being used in the Balkans. Due to the complete lack of borders masses of weapons are able to be transported throughout Europe.It’s a little worrying taking into account recent events in Paris and Brussels. And the BBC’s take on this is…nothing really.
BBC news today tells me that apparently, during PMQ’s Dave used the term “bunch of migrants” to describe the folk camping in Calais who are, when all is said and done, er well, a bunch of migrants. I’m informed that it’s “insensitive” to use that phrase.
So, no mention of a gun running, armed militia, on mainland Europe, let’s waffle about insensitive language.
Question of priorities I guess…
I couldn’t help laughing at the faux shock and horror on the face of Kate Green on Daily Politics today at the mention of Cameron’s bunch of migrants. In view of recent events it might be regarded as a fairly polite expression.
Now, the bBBC is giving publicity to failed Labour politician Yvette Cooper, linking the Holocaust to Cameron’s words ‘a bunch of immigrants’! The pinnacle of looney leftism.
Yvette ‘Mi casa es su casa (después de una adecuada extenso período de investigación de antecedentes )’ Cooper, would that be?
If she had any real sense of self-awareness she should publiclyapologise to the victims of the holocaust and their decendants.
We must encourage this. Yvette Cooper and Corbyn are so out of touch with the majority that this is a gift to us. Oh and let us be merciful to the BBC. It too is so out of touch that it is putting itself in peril of losing all public support. And that is a very good thing indeed.
Yes, I have noticed that the BBC is clearly leaving behind any prudence in its far-left divergence from the obvious sentiments of the majority of the British public. What exactly is happening here? It is reporting less and less of the real news that is happening all around it, and is increasingly in a bizarre world of its own, embedded in a fog of propaganda through drama, comedy, news, ‘science’ and current affairs programming.
I have dared to raise this (and some of the substantive issues about which the BBC and other media are being so coy and partial) with friends and acquaintances, beyond the (very) small bunch of ‘usual suspects’ with whom I have previously been able to have an honest conversation.. What I am hearing now is a definite increase in the puzzlement at obvious news management, and attempts at cultural manipulation by the media. I am also seeing signs of wholesale habitual distrust emerging among previously contented consumers of broadcasting.
Is the BBC just being so stupid that it doesn’t realise that it is rapidly leaving its reputation and position behind it, probably forever? Or does it actually know what it is doing – does it believe that there is something approaching around the corner, which will make that rift unimportant? The only kind of change in British society that I can imagine saving the BBC now is something sudden, unexpected and catastrophic for most of us – this is such an unpleasant prospect, I would rather believe the Corporation has simply taken leave of its collective senses.
The liberal left don’t understand do they ? The more they display shock /horror at this , whether real or faux , the more Labour and the BBC are seen as out of touch and dangerous by the average voter. I notice that more and more people I know are saying how far away from them the BBC has become. Some of these folks were previously content with the BBC and simply didn’t realise how biased the corporation was. But on migration they can see quite clearly that the BBC is ultra biased in favour of mass immigration which is quite against what they and most people they know personally feel. They can see the lies , the distortions , the suppression, the cover ups that the BBC indulges in to try and promote mass immigration. Hopefully they will realise that the BBC treats many other of its ‘ causes’ in just the same totally dishonest way and then wonder why they are forced to pay for this foul organisation which actively undermines them and their country.
Who the hell listening at 3pm in the afternoon is going to be offended by the word ‘bitch’ yet the BBC, the self appointed bastion of our morality and home of Savile, think it necessary to censor the word by bleeping it in the ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’ by The Charlie Daniels Band, completely ruining the bloody song.
I find this ironic as the crap that the likes of Twin B, A-Dot, Mista Jam, ‘Benji B, DJ Target, and Diplo play on 1Xtra by nature contains plenty of questionable and obscene lyrics.
For years the BBC covered the Crufts dog show, but never learnt anything about the terminology which would have offended them.
Yes. There is a class for Postgraduate Bitches.
Re Crufts:
Surprised theyre still using the correct words, dog and bitch, as most dog owners have abandoned it in favour of ‘boys and girls ‘ for dogs.
That would be the same BBC who, when I complained about the use of the words ‘shit’ (3 times) and ‘pissing’ (once)* by Mary Beard and an Oxford prof co-presenting an 8pm documentary about Pompeii, responded thus:
Our Editorial Guidelines say that the inclusion of strong language before the watershed must be editorially justified and that its effect depends on the choice of words, the speaker and the context. When it comes to context, the timeslot is one consideration but so are existing audience expectations.
We acknowledge that the presenter used some strong language during the programme, but it was factual and informative rather than gratuitous. **
*Their own choice of words to describe a) the contents of public lavatory and b) what the Romans got up to in their public baths.
**Their response verbatim. Try reading it again without shaking your head in despair.
Has anyone recently heard Olivers Army recently on the BBC , I wonder if, they now bleep, “little white nigger” after 35 years of playing it before.
Sorry to be a pedant but the line in the song should read,’One less white nigger’.
Wikipedia states the following,
‘The song lyrics contain the phrase “white nigger”, a racial slur historically used by the British toward Irish people, which usually remains uncensored on radio stations. In March 2013, the radio station BBC Radio 6 Music played the song with the word removed despite BBC radio stations having played the song uncensored for over 30 years. Their move attracted public criticism given the intended anti-racist and anti-British colonialism theme of the single.[7][8] Costello performed the song at the 2013 Glastonbury Festival, which was broadcast by the BBC, with the phrase uncensored.’
However, the above does suggest that in their haste the left is turning on itself in its efforts to be PC.
No but despite efforts to ban it Fairy-tale Of New York was played over Christmas, including the slut and faggot lyric, but maybe that’s OK as the singer was the daughter of a communist and labour activist?
The last few times the BBc has repeated which ever program it is that they constantly repeat with TOTP clip in it hasn’t beeped it out.
BBC- Will Gompertz, Arts editor,(jeeez! … is that a f-ckin Max Wall syrup?)
A erm … “view from the wings – from the soaps to Bauhaus and Bach”
ya ya … aunty and the arts dear, just sooooooooooooo conceptual
I remember NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s response to “artist” Chris Ofili’s elephant dung painting. He said “If I could do it it, isn’t art”
BBC Online News:
“”Maths study shows conspiracies ‘prone to unravelling””‘ (e.g. ‘Climate Change Denial’ conspirators).
“”He (the scientist) then applied his equation to four famous conspiracy theories: The belief that the Moon landing was faked, the belief that climate change is a fraud, the belief that vaccines cause autism, and the belief that pharmaceutical companies have suppressed a cure for cancer””.
Oddly, the BBC make no mention of not being able to debunk those nasty people who believe that Climate Change is fraudulent.
The other three were debunked.
I wonder why? But the BBC got it’s narrative of being pro-Climate Change in.
Here’s a fifth: ‘Belief that the satellite and weather balloon temperature records are wrong.’
And a sixth: ‘Belief that a disproven hypothesis means the opposite i.e. the science is settled.’
BBc antiques drive around in an old car for no apparent reason other than maybe is it more costly to use a “classic ” vehicle, road show. Mid program break about David Lloyd George . He’s known as the man who won World war I. Is he? I’ve never heard that one before, anyone else?
That never ending pointless series of boredom and monotony would be described as ‘world class entertainment’ by the BBC…
That never ending pointless series of boredom and monotony would be described as ‘world class entertainment’ by the BBC…
Aided by an army of Empire Muslims too
The BBC’s faux outrage generator has been switched into turbo mode because of a comment about a bunch of migrants:
Meanwhile, in the real world, nobody could care less.
Labour would rather we called this bunch of migrants ‘fellow Britons we don’t yet know’.
That’ll be ‘know’ in the biblical sense of the word, with tragic consequences for our womenfolk and children.
Glad to see the faux outrage over the PM comment today. There has long been a tradition of using collective nouns within the English Language, such as a pride of lions, or even a filth of starlings, a murder of crows, or a parliament of owls. As there seems to the twitterati and the BBC to be a problem with either, a bunch of migrants, or a swarm of migrants, can I help them. I suggest ‘ A Gimmi of Migrants’ .
I was thinking along less subtle lines; a rape of gimmegrants.
effing rediculous
why do we have do go through this charade again. the last time it was ‘swarm’, now it’s ‘bunch’.
I can only assume that these activists/lefties/apologists/anti-government/anti-everything do not have sufficient command of the English language. If they did, they would know that ‘bunch’ is only derogatory on planet beeboid
[singular] informal a group of people
e.g. They’re a lovely bunch who have made me feel welcome.
e.g. The volunteers are a very mixed bunch of people.
Synonyms and related words
Informal and humorous words for groups of people:
bunch, gang, mob…
e.g. What a sad bunch of wankers these liberals are.
Maybe, having looked at some of the ‘migrants’, it is the association of the word ‘bunch’ with ‘bananas’ that upsets them .
Even my wife wanted to throw a brick at bBBC1 6pm news.
1. Bedroom tax loss in high court. Subtext – nasty tories
2. Bunch of migrants. Subtext – racist Tories
3. Bereavement benefit not paid to couples who are unmarried. Subtext – discriminatory tories.
Boy are they scraping the barrel to find new classes of ‘victims’ who can make demands on other taxpayers. But wait. we then have
4. Two old codgers who have called out the sea rescue service 9 times. Subtext – what a jolly jape (and not what a criminal waste of resource)
My conclusion is that bBBC’s definition of news is not that of the majority of the taxpaying public. But as long as the money grows on trees anti Tory narrative can be maintained, any news will do.
Yet more examples of the BBC campaigning by proxy – and that is exactly what they doing because they never, ever ask these subversive leftist moaners (who think the government has unlimited access to a Money Tree Forest): ‘What would you cut instead?’.
You are right but to be wholly accurate you should insert the words private sector nett before taxpaying.
As an aside, it’s been nearly a week since we had an anti G4S story. Subtext – privatising Tories
To be honest they are the Nasty Tories on this occasion. Poor Sod looking after his son takes them to court & wins. There are only around 300 households who will benefit from this, and ALL of them are in circumstances which no one would wish on another.
Yet out of sheer spite the Tories have decided to waste millions on legal fees to take this to the house of Lords, and then no doubt it will go to Europe.
They could make the decent concession, and instead of taking money from those who truly need it, and are saving the state a fortune by caring for their family at home.
No. This is truly evil. If there are to be any benefits at all, then surely these people should be the first in line to receive them. We see lazy Davey welcoming thousands of refugees which he’s only too pleased to lavish tens of thousands on, or overseas aid but not to the UK disabled.
Makes me sick to be honest.
Hi thoughtful. You do have a point, the disabled pair would certainly be a lot higher up my priority list for state help than certain non English speaking persons trying to get into the country I could mention.
But there is a little related issue here. If we take the government at face value (dodgy I know) they have set aside £700m for local councils to prioritise additional help at the local level for those in these special situations. Their local council (I wonder what it is politically btw) could decide to give them say 5 years worth of grant money straight off the bat. Why is no-one challenging them?
Weird thing, local accountability. Governments cannot micromanage everything, though Comrade Corbyn would like to. Councils say they want it, people often say they want it. But when it suits, blame the central government.
You can’t have it both ways
But that isn’t the point. The government have lost the court case. It put forward the case that they offered additional ‘hardship’ grants, and it was discounted because you can’t trust a Labour council to give the money to white people. My own council makes sure 80% of all grant money goes to ‘Asians’ Read Muslims for that.
Then there is the lack of a guarantee each year the grant has to be reapplied for – and worse than the vagaries of the council, there’s the vagaries of the government who might not give the grant year to year.
Far better they forget the bedroom tax for this group, and exempt them. The cost is likely to be less than £1 million per year – a pittance in government terms.
On the contrary, it is surely right for the government to challenge the judgement. The point is: who decides on expenditure of our taxes? Elected government (national or local), or unelected judges? Every ‘victim’ claims it is his/her ‘human right’ to be supported by us, so where does this end?
But, you won’t hear this from the lefties at the bBBC, who will never be content until all taxpayers have given all our money to the non-workers, including themselves, of course, via the TV-tax.
Did nobody pick up on the comment from the aging hippy/dodgy scouser?
“This bungalow was built for him.”
I have no problem with that – BUT – why are his “lodgers” living with him??
I think there is more to this case than meets the eye. i.e. What we are being told by the nations most loved broadcaster.
No, it is surely wrong to challenge the judgement! The law was set by the BLiar government and lazy Davey has done what he does best to correct that – nothing! He now has to abide by that law. Human rights? Theresa May wanted to get us out, but it looked like lazy Davey might have to do some work, so it got kicked under the bed again.
Money is flowing from the hands of this bountiful government to every ethnic imaginable, yet for a scant few white disabled, the cupboard is bare – and lazy Davey, full of hate for them is going to fight to keep it that way.
The government has a ‘right’ to challenge the judgement, but we, the people who put them there have a right to judge them and their decisions, and this is one fight that the government should not be fighting.
Left wing judges are increasingly challenging the lawmakers of this land i.e. Parliament.
e.g. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/3618954/Judges-must-bow-to-the-will-of-Parliament.html
What a coincidence it happens to be a Tory government in power.
There is a very important number to remember when discussing cases like this and the relatively small amounts of money involved. It is one that I hope is mentioned frequently during the Brexit debate; the nett cost of UK membership of the EU is £33M per DAY!
What a lot of good that money could do for our fellow Britons.
As the BBC sails off on its own version of a ‘jolly jape’ at the expense of us taxpayers, let us hope their boat founders far from land and beyond the reach of rescue.
my dearest mentioned that they can’t call terrorists terrorists but they can call the so called bedroom tax the so called bedroom tax. Who on earth could use such emotive words.
At last – a missing piece on the British media jigsaw puzzle has fallen into place!
I’m not alone on this site in having been puzzled by the closeness of Sky’s political bias to that of the BBC. Surely, as the Left tell us, Murdoch is Satan and so, naturally, must be a Right winger? Well, apparently not – at least, not in the sense they might assume because Murdoch, it turns out, is fanatically in favour of open borders.
Here’s the evidence:
So there we have it. Both UK broadcast networks, the BBC and SKk, are wholly in favour of unlimited immigration.
There aren’t enough lamp posts really, are there?
There are plenty of trees when we run out of lamp posts. 🙂
LOL! An article in Breitbart is not ‘evidence’ of anything, other than how gullible you are.
“Partnership for a New American Economy” does not support ‘open borders’ or ‘unlimited immigration’. You really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the interweb Mr Cooper; otherwise you might open yourself up to ridicule.
Is that the amount of hours contract that you are on at the BBC?
Zero, Is evidence from the Wall Street Journal evidence of gullibility? Is evidence from Murdoch himself evidence of gullibility. You must work for the BBC, as you don’t check sources.
Try this. Not a Guardian/BBC piece but the dirty digger himself.
‘Well, of course immigration means change. Immigrants enrich our culture and add to our economic prosperity.
You don’t have to take one immigrant’s word for it. The Partnership for a New American Economy, a bipartisan group of political and business leaders, reports that people who moved here from abroad or their children founded more than 40% of America’s Fortune 500 companies—businesses that collectively employ millions of people.’ Rupert Murdoch in the Wall Street Journal.
Link here the the Wall Street Journal.
G.W.F., I don’t have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal so I can’t read your link. But since you obviously do (to check your sources) perhaps you’d be good enough to quote the parts where it calls for ‘unlimited immigration’?
Be a pity if that request was denied using a unique exemption, leaving only trust in ‘editorial integrity’ in support.
As the BBC does with Complaints and FOI requests daily.
“You must work for the BBC, as you don’t check sources.”
I believe this remark in unjustified, IslamicAlbeeb check every source, easy really,when you have five (US)billion pounds to waste.
Having checked the sources AlBeeb then forms an opinion as to which changes are required before publication.
Thanks GC Cooper. Re Murdoch and the BBC. The Wall Street Journal printed Murdoch’s article supporting immigration.
This is what I sent BBc complaints to follow up a previous complaint to “level 2” whatever “level 2″ is supposed to mean
” Dear Sir.
I wish to move my complaint on further as the nature of my complaint is not specific to the Laquan McDonald story, it is endemic to your reporting on a wide range of subjects. Consisting of omissions and stories were there is no opposing voice.
I have complained about the omission of facts or a one sided presentation on several occasions.
This is one of your replies from 2011:
At the BBC we seek to provide the information which will enable viewers and listeners to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard. Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
So I’ve had several of these pretty meaningless statements where the BBC tells me it aims to provide information for the viewer to make their minds up. However time after time I see one sided reports, facts omitted and audiences loaded. The normal excuse is that you didn’t have time to present more than one side to the story. This is your initial response to my complaint “
I reviewed the programme for you and although this was one of the headlines, there wasn’t enough time given to go into detail regarding the story.
Of course as we know giving those facts would have not taken very long in fact I timed myself saying the missing facts at under 10 seconds. When I pointed this out your response has now morphed into; “The story only featured in our news in brief and as such did not go into detail. Our item dealt with key and new facts of the story” So in effect your initial response re-worded, The BBC managed to report he was shot 16 times by a white Police officer. So objectively what would you draw from that story? However add in that he allegedly damaged a Police car was carrying a knife and the post mortem found angel dust in his bloodstream, and I think throws a different light on the story. If I am to believe that it was just a “brief report” and you were unable to find less than 10 seconds to comprehensibly cover it. How exactly is a viewer to know it is a “brief story” and not a “full” story. Maybe you could flash a sign on screen reading “Brief report please go onto the internet and find out what really happened”.
I could have added a lot more to this based on similar complaints over the years. However my experience of the BBC complaints department looking into a complaint about the BBC leads me to the conclusion that I would be wasting my time. ”
Today I have had this:
Thank you for your email of 22 January regarding a new item on Breakfast broadcast on 25 November 2015. I’m sorry you’re dissatisfied with the BBC’s response to your complaint. I should explain that the remit of the Editorial Complaints Unit is to conduct independent investigations into complaints about specific items broadcast or published by the BBC and consider whether or not there has been a serious breach of the standards expressed in the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines (http://www.bbc.co.uk/guidelines/editorialguidelines/ ). That means I can investigate your complaint about the item on Breakfast concerning Laquan McDonald but I cannot address the broader concerns you have raised in your email about “reporting on a wide range of subjects”.
I would be grateful if you can confirm whether you would like me to look at your specific complaint or whether you would prefer me to ask BBC News management to respond to your concern about “the omission of facts or a one-sided presentation”.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dave666, I like the idea of ‘a sign on screen reading “Brief report please go onto the internet and find out what really happened”. ‘ Of course the bBC would no doubt push the unwary to their own website, but a comment along the lines of “Other websites are available.” as per their Radio Times adverts would help.
Seriously what kind of sicko/group would stab a guide dog?
As a dog owner I have my suspicions given recent experiences.
It’s a tough one isn’t it? What group dislikes dogs and is prone to the use of violence to get their own way?
If only I could put my finger on it.
I have several times been on the receiving end of insults from groups of ‘men’ in the local park while out walking the dog, though they have done no more than make threatening noises and spit in my direction. I dare say if I reported them to the police me and the dog would be arrested for trying to stir up far-right race hatred. It would jolly well serve us right too!
A group that doesn’t like dogs as they consider them unclean? No I’m stumped with that one.
When living in another part of the country I used to walk my two (large) greyhounds, off lead, on a local common. During the summer some of the Brummie enrichers would go on safari to the land of the kuffur and were wandering about in various forms of strange dress. Strangely enough they seemed to me more concerned about giving me a very wide berth and zero abuse, especially when the dogs were rearing about at 40mph+.
Very odd!!!
Tearing about!!!
Strip away all the usual Daily Mail misdirection and you’re left with a single quote from the vet:
“We do get a lot of injuries with cuts, but this was definitely one of the bad ones. The cut was about four or five inches deep and required a lot of work – including three layers of stitching… I wouldn’t want to speculate, but there must have been some force used to sustain an injury like that.”
The owner said she heard nothing apart from a yelp.
So no actual evidence that the dog was deliberately stabbed. But never mind; IT’S THE MOOSLIMS!
“I have several times been on the receiving end of insults from groups of ‘men’ in the local park while out walking the dog, though they have done no more than make threatening noises and spit in my direction.”
So, you were just casually walking your dog through the park when “groups of ‘men’” just randomly started insulting & spitting at you for no reason.
And this has happened “several times”?
Maybe if the piece was littered with ‘sources who say’ who, on inquiry, fall behind unique FOI exemption due to editorial integrity, and “quotes” from discreditted propaganda bodies elevated to unimpeachable status, this would meet the exacting standards of BBC Editorial Guidelines?
What planet do you live on zero? Clearly not had a casual walk through Thornton, Manningham, Great Horton, Birkby, Saviletown, Halifax, etc. If you haven’t been abused by Muslims then you haven’t walked the streets in their enclaves. 1989, Great Horton (Bradford) was the first time for me (“Get off our f^&king street honkey boy”). An eye opener for a young English man indeed.
‘Zero’ capacity for observing the world in which he lives, perhaps?Or do you live in a safe space?
Angrymanupnorth, “If you haven’t been abused by Muslims then you haven’t walked the streets in their enclaves.”
This is just another variation of the; “You wouldn’t like Pakis if some of them moved in next door, stinking of curry” argument, that I first heard thirty years ago. It was just as stupid then as it is now.
I live in the “third world shit hole” of “Londistan”, in an area with a high proportion of “ethnics”, and I’ve never had any abuse from Muslims.
So I wonder why the people on this blog who think “racism is a good thing”, or “black and brown people don’t belong here”, or “Pakistani’s are the rats of the human race”, or describe people as “wogs”; get insults repeatedly thrown at them for no apparent reason?
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence…
Straw man alert!
“……This is just another variation of the; “You wouldn’t like Pakis if some of them moved in next door, stinking of curry” argument, that I first heard thirty years ago. It was just as stupid then as it is now.
Err. No its not. If you have walked around ‘Muslim enclaves’ and not been subject to abuse by Muslims, then great. I have and I have – just my experience. You introduce ethnicity into the discourse and use words like ‘Paki’ and ‘wogs’ and refer to insults, conflating race and religion. I mentioned Muslims – those who submit to Islam (whatever their ethnicity).
There may be racists who blog on this site, who will openly admit their racism. I am not one of them. You appear to think less of racists than you do of Muslims (those who submit to Islam – of all races). I don’t. I can discuss a racist’s racism with him/her, challenge his views. Not so with a Muslim – I reject their ideology and know that they are my enemy, as they know that I am subhuman (Its their warped belief system you see {though i know you don’t see}).
A racist European is no danger to me or my family. Islam is a danger to me and Muslims submit to Islam. Ergo.
You say “…”You wouldn’t like Pakis if some of them moved in next door, stinking of curry” argument, that I first heard thirty years ago. It was just as stupid then as it is now.” Which highlights an essential truth. White English do not want to live next to ‘Pakis’ as you put it. Its often referred to as ‘white flight’. A real phenomenon, particularly in northern towns, of white people, gradually moving away from Muslims, resulting after a number of decades in the ‘Muslim enclaves’ which exist today. Those non-Muslims who have the choice and the means, move away. Its happened. If asked, of course people would not say “I didn’t want to live near Muslims, so I moved”, but they have done it. Can you explain why this has happened?
The questions you should be asking (yourself) are: Why is white flight real? Where will the English move to next, once the Muslim enclaves grow? Will the English submit to this ongoing Islamisation?
Personally, I believe the ethical response is to acknowledge the rights of indigenous people, reject Islam and de-Islamise the country. The alternative seems to be a bloody one, or a peacefully achieved Caliphate. I suggest a peacefully achieved Caliphate in England won’t be achieved as long as English men exist. You, zero, appear to want a religious war on English soil, and I don’t get that. Unless you are a Muslim.
And Welsh, Irish and Scottish soil !
Indeed Taff. I’m with you!
Keep Kipping! 🙂
I have experienced this, It happened so frequently that I now rent several acres of private land for my dogs. Fortunately the farmer is highly paid for not growing anything on his land in order to protect insects, so I get the land cheaply. But at least I don’t OFFEND Ropers.
Zero. I would love to live in your happy multiculty world.
I would expect that zero, like nearly all Progressives, won’t live in a multicultural “world”, but he’ll be happy to enthuse from afar about its benefits.
‘Some might say’ you work for the BBC
Emergency mass protest this evening against Cameron’s use of the word ‘bunch’ for the gimmies. This photograph captures the scene near No 10. The trots have assembled.
Unite Against Fascism
sickened by Cameron’s ‘bunch of migrants’ attack on #refugees ? – join emergency protest at Downing St tonight 6pm
Isn’t Cammoron I signatory to and supported of the UAF >
Yes http://uaf.org.uk/about/founding-signatories/
Perhaps it’s not a protest. It’s just Dave’s turn to host one of their meetings. On expenses, natch.
And here, which is very revealing as to whom Cameron will allow his name to be associated with. Such as ‘ Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.’
From the UAF site
About Unite Against Fascism
Unite Against Fascism (UAF) is an anti-fascist pressure group in the United Kingdom, with support from politicians of the three largest political parties in the House of Commons, including the current Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and the late Labour politician Tony Benn. It describes itself as a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to a perceived threat of fascism and the far right — in particular the British National Party (BNP) — gaining a foothold at local, national and European elections, arguing that “there is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant platform in elected institutions.”
As of 2014, its honorary presidents are Doreen Lawrence, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon and Ken Livingstone. Its joint secretaries are Weyman Bennett of the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR). One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.
Lord Halls ‘Value-for-money’ and hollow laughter echoes down the long corridor of the BBC. He may say one day ‘we don’t do it for the money you know!” And I do believe him and they (all) STILL get well paid for deceiving us (or so they think). They think they know what we (all) think. We know what they think. They think they have the right (to abuse anyone and anybody), its a game of charades for Trustees to savor. Favors for a few chosen ones. Elevation for the Marxists, the anarchists, condemnation of the nations true patriots and those that fought the last Battle-for-Britain. We are at war (or are we)? What War and which war now? Are we now the ‘enemy’, the peoples of England?
Surrender now (says the BBC) surrender and admit defeat. We have you surrounded, we will have your children taken away, your family destroyed. You will welcome the new National Socialists and surrender your arms. The new era, a new Europe built will be built on mass immigration, an EU built on propaganda, lies, deceit and servitude to a superior being based in Brussels. They are not Mad. Deadly serious. This is war time propaganda and they seek to win your vote. One free TV license for every vote of staying ‘IN’ Europe. (Its not a bribe because they can get the money back from the EU afterwards). A few silver haired Luvvies should swing the vote (and just to disguise the deal) we’ll ask them (poor suckers) to pay for it BRILLIANT!! So clever it almost makes me want to vote with my feet and yet the old OAP’s couldn’t care less. As my old father says ‘I just have it on for some company, I never listen to it much’ but then he believes the BBC news) is real. And that’s the problem the BBC know’s how to exploit the elderly. They have Free license to exploit. Its free (except it isn’t). But it might if you vote for the benefits of owning a colour TV set. Free as in an excuse to plug the merits of the BBC. And your to old to care. After all the BBC needs the money to fight the War!
To Mr Lord Hall , whose researchers are monitoring this site (please let him know).
If it is so good, make it ‘pay for by subscription’ and use the profit to help subsidise the NHS .
Lord Halls ‘Value-for-money’ and hollow laughter echoes down the long corridor of the BBC. He may say one day ‘we don’t do it for the money you know!” And I do believe him and they (all) STILL get well paid for deceiving us (or so they think). They think they know what we (all) think. We know what they think. They think they have the right (to abuse anyone and anybody), its a game of charades for Trustees to savor. Favors for a few chosen ones. Elevation for the Marxists, the anarchists, condemnation of the nations true patriots and those that fought the last Battle-for-Britain. We are at war (or are we)? What War and which war now? Are we now the ‘enemy’, the peoples of England?
Surrender now (says the BBC) surrender and admit defeat. We have you surrounded, we will have your children taken away, your family destroyed. You will welcome the new National Socialists and surrender your arms. The new era, a new Europe built will be built on mass immigration, an EU built on propaganda, lies, deceit and servitude to a superior being based in Brussels. They are not Mad. Deadly serious. This is war time propaganda and they seek to win your vote. One free TV license for every vote of staying ‘IN’ Europe. (Its not a bribe because they can get the money back from the EU afterwards). A few silver haired Luvvies should swing the vote (and just to disguise the deal) we’ll ask them (poor suckers) to pay for it BRILLIANT!! So clever it almost makes me want to vote with my feet and yet the old OAP’s couldn’t care less. As my old father says ‘I just have it on for some company, I never listen to it much’ but then he believes the BBC news) is real. And that’s the problem the BBC know’s how to exploit the elderly. They have ‘Free’ TV license to exploit. Its free (except it isn’t). But it might be – if you vote for the benefits of the EU and owning a colour TV set. Free – as in an excuse to plug the EU merits behind the wonderful and generous BBC. And your too old to care who runs the EU or Telly Tax. They will get nothing but it can swing the EU vote.
Exactly which word do the UAf and the rest of the Globalist mafia object to, ‘migrants’ or the collective noun ‘bunch’?
Or is it all feigned ‘sickness’ just as a chance to slag off Cameron?
Just the bBC et al doing their bit for their fellow travellers. By the time all the passengers on the outrage bus have had their dig, there won’t be time to mention that the Google tax rules were set up under the last Labour Govt.
It has been mooted that the “bunch” was prescripted in order to wind up the usual suspect – particularly the Beeb.
Anyone know what happened to the “Google” story??
Certainly a mass protest all right. Get that bird from BBC Glasgow to take a sidelong glance out of her window and it’s thousands!
Emergency protest! For a word. FFS
Sometimes, I wonder what would happen on the Government became genuinely totalitarian. I’d love to see these social justice warriors deal with real Fascism
The BBC has found another rabble rouser to champion:
Still, when you take a look at Dr Rachel Cohen’s CV it is immediately apparent she is an intellectual big hitter:
Just in case you don’t have the stomach to read the link, here is how she earned the right to use the title ‘Dr’.
‘ Her PhD focused on the working lives and employment relations of hairdressers.’
Glad to see that some of my hard earned goes towards supporting such important research.
Dr Rachel Cohen seems ideally suited for the B Ark in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Seems like the BBC has a dedicated Trump correspondent lined up.
Well, yet another one.
A middle class Sociology lecturer complaining about another person enjoying privilege. Irony and self-awareness not part of the curriculum then?
This has to be right wing satire at work
For a laugh, click the link and check out the names of the research students. At least three of them are made up
Made up names and made up research topics. None of them are studying anything of any consequence whatsoever. I would also bet that their ‘studies’ allows them plenty of time to involve themselves in any and every left wing protest going.
All very interesting but do you think she would cut my hair. With all that hairdressing experience Im sure she could still do something useful for society! Do you think she could wash it as well – I love it when they do that!
BBC in top gear guilt induction mode today in the handy form of ‘Holocaust Memorial Day’. What a chance to warn us all against the dangers of ‘hate’ and anything less than a red carpet welcome to all foreign incursionists!
Sad voices, moving music, the BBC propaganda machine in full flood.
Twice this evening I’ve heard the BBC report about Donald Trump not attending the televised debate. Both times the report was not in terms of his non-attendance but that he’d been “ridiculed” by his opponents. Clearly they preferred to dwell on the ridicule rather than the actual story.
Friends and aquaintances keep telling me that they hate Trump and despise the Americans who support him.
I find it interesting that British people suddenly feel so passionately about a man who might, or might not, become US President, so my first question is why they feel such hatred? Apart from citing his hairstyle, none of them seem to know much about Trump other than that the BBC and the rest of the MSM think he is ‘evil’ . Then I ask them what they know of both Trump’s and the other candidates’ policies, and which of those policies appear likely to create a better existence for millions seeking to exist in the USA? None of them seem to have a clue.
Then I ask them if they think that Trump, with his German father and Scottish mother, is the living embodiment of the American Dream’ of ‘freedom, prosperity and success’ that is sold to both the millions who are born, bred and raised in America, and to the immigrants who move there. Any fool with half a brain knows that the ‘gifts’ of that dream are only granted to the very few, and that the rest of the human slave fodder are doomed to live out their days in whatever they can make out of the dregs of unachieved dreams and of dreams that can descend into nightmares. Most agree that Trump is the embodiment of the ‘dream’.
My next question is to ask why, as British people, they despise the millions of Americans who support Trump when those millions are just the current human by-products of the generations of men who have created and directed the population of America? Those men encouraged the masses to worship men like Trump – the masses absorbed the message and are behaving accordingly. Most of those questioned look deeply confused and anxious.
My last question is to ask how they would feel if the boot was on the other foot, i.e. should powerful American media corporations seek to interfere in British elections? And would they be justified in attempting to foster an air of hatred against British people who support the leader of a party disliked by the American media?
I don’t get many answers. Never mind. East Enders, and the cults of Strictly, baking, and sport were specifically designed to fill the spaces in the human brain allocated to cognitive proccesses.
I continue to tell all my American friends over there that our media are liberal sprats in the Muslim pool of filth.
Both Islam and Communalism want unfettered immigration, the death of Israel and the removal of the USA into Obamas party bag.
And our Guardian morons and cabbages hope, no doubt; to influence the Ohio electorate (and more) into voting for John Kerry yet again as they would surely have done in 2004.
If only Jon Snow could personally get over there, Huw Edwards wipe a manly tear away at Sandy Nook..THEN you brassy , hard-nosed pigshit thick rednecks over there would vote for Hillary…or Kerry…or Gore.
Indeed any traitor who`d not have lasted a minuted under Joe McCarthys stare like those I name.
I tell my American friends that they`ve skewered this country-and we pussies paid for this !
FFS-vote Trump-and roll our limpdick liberals into an IS barrel, whilst the rest of us remember where to get our balls back from.
Balls Back?
Lost limpdick lefties,
Humped by Mr Donald Trump,
With meat and two veg.
Oh deep joy of joys!
I`m a muse for a haiku!
UKIP-san is thanked
Haiku’s relentless
Five seven and five rhythm
Has thrilled worthy Chris
Sensitive chrysanthemum
Demonstrating calm
Herman Von Rumpoy
Haiku Iko Belle Starr is
Nigels tiddle rag
Pillar in a circle,
“Most of those questioned look deeply confused and anxious.”
Sorry to break this to you; but it’s more likely they’re wondering how to get away from this arrogant & tedious asshole.
“I don’t get many answers. Never mind. East Enders, and the cults of Strictly, baking, and sport were specifically designed to fill the spaces in the human brain allocated to cognitive proccesses.”
There you go.
“Friends and aquaintances keep telling me…”
You know, if you stopped being such an intellectual snob you wouldn’t have ‘acquaintances’; you’d just have ‘friends’.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
The lack of irony with this one so strong is.
And the hatred is strong. And the desire to avoid truth.
Never underestimate the latent anti American feelings of most of the people , especially the liberally educated classes, in this country.
Trump is the latest recipient of this. Reagan got it as well .
The sad thing is that the Americans, especially those in flyover country,, really have no interest in us here and barely know we exist.
Trump is well aware of this . He has so far not put a foot wrong and the hostility to him by our liberals is a measure of his success.
I find our media’s reactions laughable.
Yes, I spent the whole of Mr Reagan’s presidency believing he was stupid, and wicked. It was only much, much later I found out he was neither. My loss.
Yes I was exactly the same, a stupid lefty. I remember now how easy and safe it felt – to remain in that comfortable, smug lefty bubble. It was so easy amongst my friends to make some superior anti-tory comment and get instant approval. The best part was, I didn’t have to know ‘anything’ about the subject I was commenting on, so long as the overall effect was in the right direction (“evil tory”, “greedy tory”, “nasty capitalist” “left wing good” etc etc).
It takes some sort of challenge to people to break out of it. For me, it was involvement in family courts, even then it took about ten years to realise what a destructive cult leftism is.
With the BBC at the helm, most of the population will never hear any sort of ‘challenge’ to the left.
Yes. I remember all the Reagan is stupid stuff from our media. So when they started on Sarah Palin, who has had it much worse than Reagan, I was prepared to look more closely. As for Trump. He will humiliate Dave and Jezza. And God help One Question Brillo should he have to face him.
Agree also with you above re Mr Reagan.
As a student lefty and teacher training in the early 80s, I took my opinions from Heaven 17 , Jerry Dammers and Human League types.
When in the USA a few years back, I read “Morning In America”-and saw then that the crap we live with now started in the likes of Stanford, Harvard etc back them with their despising of all that Reagan stood for.
Read also a book of his diary entries way back-you`d be hard pressed to read a more decent, godly and funny man with humanity and integrity.
How convenient then for Spitting Image to give us all our lasting images of Reagan as the elite saw him-and (thanks to Gramsci and Warnock, Crick and Dewey etc)…it`s just the way TODAYS little snowflakes on campus see him too.
Sorry Ron-he`s in heaven now sure as much I can perceive…and I guess my hatred for the Left is due to those years when I too was groomed as much as Saviles beanbags, but intellectually, spiritually and with their sensitisings via pop culture, clever authors films and telly…and their forcible use of their rose tinted red specs if I was ever to get a salary from them.
They`re unforgiven-and my hatred and contempt for them is equally visceral as theirs for me…but My God reigns and they`re fucked…and hope to dance on the graves of the Left the way they affected to do for Gods Grand Daughter…Mrs Thatcher to me!
Even Henry Kissinger, who in no way could be accused as being a fan of Reagan, had to admit he was a good President. Reagan simultaneously described the Soviet Union as an evil empire and charmed Gorbachev during negotiations. He was instrumental in ending the Cold War, not that the left will give him any credit.
It seems like the passage of life for so many people. They start on the Left and want to ‘save the world’ and as they get older (and wiser) move to the Right, and reality kicks in.
Family lefty Courts are disgusting, very anti-men.
“they start on the Left”
No, they all start out as a tabula rasa.
Then they go to school. School being a term for perpetual left wing inculcation and indoctrination.
School being a place where the panem et circenses approach is taken, when they leave school, they believe that Football and Eastenders is all that matter.
Many, maybe most, here on BBBC went through the same “education”, but saw the light.
Many never see the light.
We have two generations of real British youth who are essentially left wing cannon fodder.
Plus a third generation in school being groomed.
When the first white father in the UK snaps and kills the Muslim(s) who raped his young daughter, he will be over fourty.
There is an old saying that goes along the lines of,’If you aren’t a socialist in your twenties you haven’t got a heart. If you aren’t a conservative by the time you reach your forties you haven’t got a brain.’
Breaking news ? !
80,000 migrants to be deported from Sweden ???
Anything on Al Beeb ?????
Over half gone missing – probably left Sweden.
Here it is ………….
Knock me down with a feather duster !
Despite the media frenzy they are not ‘asylum seekers’ after all. How many more in Merkel’s land and the rest of the ‘failed state’ of the Europe Union ?
Horse – Stable door?
Time to make a swift exit.
And it will “take several years”. By which time the authorities will hope the pledge is forgotten.
I don’t believe they have the slightest intention.
Notice the bBBC photograph depicting the well behaved well dressed young children being escorted by the nasty police.
Normal biased Albeeb.
They’re taking comments now. Don’t hold back, anyone.
Looking at the best rated comments it will soon be taken down!
And most of the ‘worst rated’ comments are devoid of content, just calling the rest ‘fascists’, ‘Hitler’, ‘foamers’, etc. How do these apparently meet the bBBC’s ‘community values’ and ‘house rules’?
502. Posted by mohamad johnson
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
What were the odds that was going to be the last mid-afternoon?
Deport 80,000 – in their dreams ! They won’t even deport 8,000. The scum are there and they are there to stay, and the neutrals of WW2 can just suck it up !
I had day surgery in our local hospital during the week. Can I sue the NHS for making me wear a bracelet ? or at the very least who can I complain to for making me feel humiliated in being categorised as a ‘patient’ instead of a human being ? I was continually asked my birth date and name – cant they read the notes (or perhaps THEY were in need of an Interpreter ), and seemed to get upset when I continually pointed to the foot which needed attention – just in case they operated on the wrong foot. I refused the food offered as it didn’t pass the ‘appeal’ test of my eyes – there was no other choice.
I seem to be ok, so far.
They gave my daughter a yellow star. They said it was gold but it was yellow. Come on al-Beeb. There’s a story here!
There may be a story too in men who make their women wear distinctively outstanding garb for this climate, or communities who expect men to sport facial fashions that in combination with night attire can go beyond the hipster and draw attention?
‘Swarm’ or ‘Bunch’, Al Beeb and its allies are very upset.
Who gives a Sh ‘one’ T?
Maybe Newnight’s new editor could see this as warranting further investigation, if he has time?:
Indeed. ‘Google tax affairs’ is a classic leftie ‘non’ story for Tory bashing. But it keeps the Rapefugees out of the headlines. Google tax, Post Office Sell off or Minority victimhood story – all to detract from important political issues. BBC at its obfuscatory best, in cahoots with the ‘Labour’ Party of course!
I was honestly shocked last night to see the BBC news admit, for the first time ever, that taxes are paid on profits, NOT on sales/turnover. The amount of times that the BBC has splashed the turnover of major corporations and then stated the corporation tax they paid, as if there is any relation between the two figures. Also it is the first time I have seen the BBC admit that Google DOES pay BILLIONS in tax. Being an American company, those billions are rightly paid to the US treasury.
This whole “corporation tax scandal” has been consistently reported in a massively misleading way. The BBC have been wilfully misrepresentitive and grossly dishonest in their coverage of corporation tax in order to whip up a left wing backlash. Which proves their bias. They utterly refuse to report on other public interest stories in case there is a “right wing backlash” so why have misleading items which are intended to whip up a “left wing backlash” unless the BBC are institutionally biased to the left?
The real scandal is NOT corporations legally obeying their fiduciary duty in law to pay exactly what they are legally obligated to pay (and to make their tax arrangements as efficient as possible), but it is in the loopholes which LABOUR’s Gordon Brown created which facilitated corporations moving where sales are recorded in order to reduce how much tax they pay. It is a LABOUR scandal, and the BBC have done their level best to remove any blame falling on labour, but instead falling on the Conservatives, who (to their credit) have been removing such loopholes.
IF there is any tax scandal at all, it is entirely because of Gordon Brown.
Now I’m confused.
I thought it was too dangerous to be where they were from? That was why they risked their lives to get to Europe. Now they’re disappointed and returning.
“My husband liked the idea of going there. He saw others and he wanted to imitate them,” said one Kurdish returnee. “The situation there was much worse than here. We spent around three months there. We got nothing. The food was bad and there was little of it. They used to give us a piece of cold bread and cheese and a piece of a cucumber. How can one survive a cold winter on such food? Our children were crying of hunger. We spent 11,000 US dollars and returned back empty handed.”
Rather puts a dent in the leftie cause, no? Should we reimburse the $11,000? I’ve not seen this one on MSM…
Incredible comments in the link provided HBD, as well as the quote you cite how about
“Many are returning, they say, with less than they had on arrival in Germany. The International Organization for Migration is providing financial assistance for those who cannot afford the airfare.”
So they expected exactly what from their trip to Germany? As highlighted by HDB these people have escaped life threatening situations from war torn countries, and the International Organization for Migration is funding their return airfare to that same country? The pretence that most of these people are anything but economic migrants just makes those proposing it look a little silly, and is a bit of an insult to genuine refugees.
Can we set up a crowd funding site to help thousands more return? 🙂
And further Oldspeaker, they appear to have clear (but false) ideas about what life is like in Europe. Where did they get these ideas from? It seems like there is something like a ‘Migrant brochure’ with lots of details about what to expect in the EU.
I’ve seen a document (pdf) that gives advice to refugees on how to act and what to say to immigration officials, to increase their chances of getting in. How about the truth?
From the youth who was arrested in relation to the rapes /molestation on New Years eve: “You have to be nice to me. M Merkel has invited me.” to comparisons of our wives and daughters be like “naked antelopes in front of lions” (Sooo much wrong with that metaphor) there seems to be a stoking up of half baked ideas about life in Europe.
Has anyone seen any documentation that is circulated amongst the ‘client group’? What is being fed to them? I know there will be fostering of ideas like ‘we can take care of you’ from those hell-bent on doing ‘good’, but what I’ve seen and heard suggests an entrenched and under the wire theme of ideas which I can’t divine.
Anyone seen anything related to this?
I am guessing it’s organisations such as Liberty and that peaceful lobby group called Cage, as well as those charitable souls, Daesh, operating under a black and white flag……
This “International Organization for Migration ” looks a bit of a behemoth,
“Total expenditure increased from USD 242.2 million in 1998 to an estimated USD 1.3 billion in 2013”
Mission statement here, https://www.iom.int/mission
Nothing obvious about paying the return airfare for dissatisfied customers in there.
“Hundreds return”. Well,its a start i suppose. Didnt fancy the bacon sarnies and sausage rolls then.
Big news on bbbc breakfast, some aussie bird loses a tennis match. Beaky nugent wetting herself with excitement, also some berk in the calais jungle. I only switched on for txt lotto results ffs.
Only got the 8.25 “sports section” of Today this morning.
But the devil is very much in the details.
It was the Lawn tennis Associations turn to be in the dock…presumably to fill the space left by Google, Tescos, Tories, Tories and UKIP…who would have been relieved of their roles for a few minutes to take a leak…but would be sitting patiently in the stocks or ducking stools there at the BBC.
Our Aussie bird did well-but the LTA cut her funding last year….according to our Trisha Takanawa( some Asian bird learning how to draw blood from the toffs)…this would have to be wrong.
I myself would have thought we ought to cut ALL their funding if they succeed afterwards-wrong lesson though sez the BBCs Sports Poppet.
The LTA bloke was a Californian klutz-assuming no “Brits” were deemed knowledgeable enough to ring the parkie to get a court booked in Harlesden or such.
He said he had Judy Murrays mum on contract to do “Miss Shits”…something like that eh?
So no problem-but our Asian toothpick wasn`t happy-MORE money-save the tennis stars-FFS, pay them more, import a few, set up courts along the Eurotunnel, set them up on top of trains….where else will we get our role models, seeing as rugby has chosen the ultrabutch Dylan Murray to lead them to nowhere fast!
That`s our BBC for you-but when we live in a world when a Justin is Archbish and a Dylan is a rugby tough?…strange days indeed!
Welcome to the Hotel California Trish-only Savile has ever REALLY left it, which confirms what the Eagles say!
But he lives on in all their hearts and prayers to Ariel.
So here we go. Breakfast The Government to take “unaccompanied” children. Due to pressure from “charities” and the opposition. Well aren’t both un-elected. C**t from save the children appears, that will be the same save the children who won’t answer any awkward questions you put on their facebook page.
Didnt “save” many children in rotherham did they.
Will the unacompanied Syrian children be eligible for adoption by same sex couples?
Will their surviving family members back in the Middle East be consulted on this question?
Will the childrens cultural backgrounds be respected?
What is it about Labour Councils-LABOUR Councils- in league with the BBC ….that tells me that they would rather like to have a few more kiddies of colour and flexibilty to “mentor”…
Savile and Rotherham Council…the very parents of the unattached kids umbrellas of …well…”love” I`m sure is one word for it as they`d define it.
No-keep the BBC, the charities and the Labour Liberal Coalition of the Willies…out of it.
These kids have suffered enough…surely Eurovision has better places to warehouse all these Byker Grove extras…or ask Benetton…but NOT Labour, the BBC or those grooming quangos and charities who never need a shopfront or a chugger.
Re Will the childrens cultural backgrounds be respected? above:-
No problem! Overnight the World Service has played a programme at least twice informing the audience about splendid lesbian relationships in Bangladesh, how female homosexual acts are not illegal there and how a campaign is underway to repeal the colonial imposed ban on male homosexual acts.
Are your ears painted on?
S’trewth mate! How d’you go? Assistant Aussie Cultural Attaché here. Where’s the boss, you ask? Well Sir Les can’t be with us today – don’t get in a flap, he ain’t carked it – he’s on official diplomatic business. Entre nous, since us diplomats like slippin’ into the French, he’s on a fact findin’ tour of Bangkok’s rub ‘n’ tug shops.
Now I’ve a serious bone to pick with you pommie poofters at the BBC.
Keep yer thievin’ maulers off our Johanna Konta!
Huh, new “British Wimmin’s Tennis Number One”, my left avocado nut!?? Have you tin eared backdoor bandits let yer wallabies loose in yer own top paddock?
Easy on, have you heard the Sheila speak? She’s as solid gold and green fair dinkum Aussie as Sydney Opera House or Sir Les’s old donger. So hands off!
And what happens just as soon as the pommies claim her…? You put the mockers on and she loses!
Oh I like this!
Reminds me of the mighty “Bluey”…starring someone called Lucky Grill as I recall!
“Lukes Kingdom” was a bit sadistic-but, again I got some Aussie culture from there.
Sadly, the culture there has died since Neighbours in the mid 80s.
They`ve swapped Bondy and Packer for Gillard and Rudd.
Advance Australia Fairy…and the All Blacks Benefit.
As Lee Mack says-any country with a rugby star called “Elton Flatley” has gone all “Pete” on us.
Bit of “Tom” there for you!
Pete Tong=Wrong
Tom=tomfoolery=jewellery(ta to the Hatton Garden cockneys…a dying language , my arse!)
Radio 4 today 0745-0750 Nick Robinson interviewing deputy spokesman for Welsh health affairs Mr Vaughan Gething (Labour) on the subject of Wales comparatively poor performance on a number of NHS delivery indicators.
A little bit of gentle argy bargy and a quick “I`m answering the question, please don`t interupt me” from Mr Gething, before Nick made the comment “I`m trying to help you make your case”…..nice when the bias is made explicit.
Had Nick remembered Mr Gethings Labour membership made him deserving of BBC backing or was it his Zambian/Welsh heritage?
On the subject of Damian Lewis being too priviliged to speak at Acland Burghley School in north London, the organiser of the petition is I would guess a Lefty,here’s the clue, the Albeeb article states,
‘On the petition the City University sociology lecturer had written that the Wolf Hall actor was “a wholly inappropriate choice” for a celebration at a comprehensive school.’
So if the roles were reversed and Eton Public School refused to have a film star speaker who was living nearby but attended a state Comprehensive was told, not to attend by petitioners because he/she attended a state school there would be an outcry.
Albeeb would apoplectic in rage.
The lefties cannot identify discriminaton, they even promote it, as is apparent in this case.
“Sociology lecturer” – I am shocked to the core! Or possibly not.
Remember how the BBC went overboard on the Arab Spring. Regular reports from Ben Ali Bowen on the benign charity which was how he desribed the Muslim Brotherhood.
I am looking forward to the BBC covering Geert Wilders’ call for a Patriot Spring.
If Trump’s plan to build a wall between the USA & Mexico means he is a re-incarnation of Hitler what does this make the Kurds?
Iraq’s 1000km trench ‘to repel suicide bombers’
and will the Kurds receive the opprobrium the BBC applies to the Israelis for their similar action for similar reasons?
What does the wall the Mexicans built between them and Guatemala make them?
Oh Katanga. Sir Lenny Henry will be angry. Twitter liberals outraged. Film about Michael Jackson with a white actor playing the role of the entertainer who bleached his face.
What just like Lenworths cinematic Turkey, true identity, where he whites up to evade the mob?
Following the Fascists reaction to the ‘bunch of migrants’ phrase:
“There is a general principle observed by many countries that asylum seekers who have passed through a safe third country where they could have claimed asylum can be sent back there in order to make their claim.
All of those waiting in Calais to cross the Channel fit into this category. They are in a safe country but few will have reached France without having crossed another EU border beforehand.
The EU has a specific rule about this to try to work out which country is responsible for handling an asylum claim. ”
No surprises here though:
There were more than 25,000 asylum applications in the UK in the 12 months up to March. Most applications are typically rejected and in 2014, more than 60% of initial decisions on asylum applications were refusals.
But in the same year, only 6,788 asylum seekers and their dependents were removed or departed voluntarily from the UK.
And you can bet that the majority of these people left voluntarily !
It’s a joke! The BBC KNOW Labour are using semantics, complaining about the use of words. Words which are perfectly good to describe the people at Calais, yet Labour know they have no argument at all so they resort to the tried & tested bully words.
If Cameron wasn’t so idle and had the first insight, or will to deal with the Fascists, it would be an easy job to stop all this, but it’s just too much like work !
Talking of Labour, I remember Yvette Cooper on BBC television saying witha pathetic dramatic tear in her eye, that she would take in some Syrian refugees (migrants).
How she done so?
If not, and I suspect that she hasn’t. Why hasn’t the alBeeb gone back to her and asked her why not. If Farage had made the comment they would be swarming him like a pack of hungry wolves asking him WHY NOT?
The little shit was on Vanessa Vine show today demanding we take 3000 Syrian kids to ‘do our bit’
I do like to see democracy in action. The BBC allows comments following some of its Brexit articles. Every time they do, some enterprising individual adds a ‘Vote up for OUT, down for IN’ comment. It will not surprise the regulars here that OUT gets a thumping great majority every time. I wonder if anyone at the BBC has noted this curious fact. See for yourself, and don’t forget to vote!
Steve, in the finest traditions of its beloved EU, the bBBC will keep giving us plebs these periodic opportunities until we vote the ‘correct’ way.
I’ve voted – get in!
The bBBC must be having kittens with the weight of the votes.
No, out.
Yea, sorry, open to mis-interpretation. Out!
‘Get in’, as in get in your ‘out’ vote.
Most recent comment on this thread:
1412. Posted by Jettison the Jinxed Juncker Junta
Just now
Last post removed, so try again.
‘Whiskey Trio’ Ship from Sheerness to Sweden impounded with Explosives
Rocket Launchers and Ammo.
But ex-PM of Sweden says we’re safer in the EU …
Then the BBC CENSORS the truth?
What is your agenda BBC?
I’d suggest any seeking to chip in do so quickly.
GW – they’ve shut the comments as was ticking up!
What a elephant sized load of dissonance between what they ‘report’ and what people input. Staggeringly different. Seems like – I can only speculate – that those who know that the BBC is biased have been storming the comments section. Bravo! Or even ‘Fuck Yea!’.
Might spend some more time over there (today was the second time I’ve had any view of anything BBC this year) to help make sure a balanced view is presented.
Radio 4 came on the radio alarm at 6.30am this morning and the story was……….homosexuals in India.
Obviously a top priority for the equality and diversity police at Al Beeb but for most listeners getting up and ready for work ??? Errr, no.
The off button was swiftly pressed.
Al Beeb is running the story that 45% of asylum seekers in Sweden have failed to qualify (subtext – nasty Swedes) and then that it will take years to repatriate them all back (presumably at massive taxpayer expense, making a lot of Yuman Rights lawyers rich along the way).
So given that even uber Liberal Sweden is cottoning on to the reality of economic migrants is there any chance that the penny might just drop on the ‘bunch’ of Far Left editorial teams in the Al Beeb newsroom that maybe, just maybe, we are being taken for a ride?
Of course not. As I have said before and as the Mail helpfully mentioned yesterday, the Far Left HATE western society with such verve that ANY method of bringing it down is acceptable and must be supported and, in Al Beeb’s case, positively promoted.
The word ‘bunch’ is collective noun. Cameron wasright to use it. It is not a perjorative term it was apposite.
Do I call a bunch of grapes a group of grapes. I fear the grapes will feel demeaned and offended
I’d prefer Cameron to have said,’ murdering, rapist,hooligan, lying, illegal bunch.’
Beware of that nasty ‘curious bunch’ over at Radio 4!
Given such excitement at turns of phrase like ‘bunch’, I wonder if the BBC may devote any analysis to this?:
Well Guest Who – I have a feeling that Aunty is far more interested in offensive sermantics such as the use of the word “bunch” or “swarm” by politicians trying to describe immigration, than a left wing UN Officials who feels a bit of Jew stabbing is just a release of a bit of frustration. Aunty does not like covering things like this, because a lot of her new enriching friends probably do believe that the jews still are the “Untermenschen” and therefore have it coming anyway.
Remember only the left can accuse anyone of being racially offensive or a nazi so the use words such as bunch and swarm and asking migrants to wear rubber bands on their wrist are far more important to deal with and definately a sign of nazism. Its also a good way of shutting down an argument and making everyone nervous about causing offense to Aunties new friends.
Everyone knows that sexually abusing women, throwing gays of buildings, murdering and using extreme violence to further your religion is obviosly just a few boys having fun and therefore not quite as important as dealing with the use of these new hate words- remember use the word “bunch” today and this shows you would probably be running the gas chambers and crematoria tomorrow!
God I am really beggining to hate these bastards- Part of me really wishes that one day their wives or daughters/sons have to suffer a bit of “boys fun” (would be interesting watching them trying to justify this sort of act on a cultural misunderstanding to their loved ones) but I suppose none of these shits will ever have to use public transport or live in an environment where they are exposed to this crap.
Therefore they can continue formulating policies / ignoring or being downright deceitful about what is going on to stay true to their left wing dogma.
Unfortunately their chickens will come home to roost on us before they shit on their original owners. Life is never fair.