The Radio Times writing about tonight’s BBC programme “The Story of China”, presented by aging BBC history heartthrob Michael Wood, says In the seventh century, the monk Xuanzang travelled from China to India and brought back scriptures that he spent the rest of his life translating.
In the process he became one of the great figureheads of an era when, Wood tells us, China welcomed foreign influences, and as a result became the great civilisation of its time (he sees a moral there).
Is Wood moralising that having reservations about the flood of third world muslim peasant immigrants would inhibit civilisation?
I won’t be sarcastic by saying it attracts the nicest people – it is attractive to the evil members of society, they can find support for their depravities.
A million incomers to Germany in a year – can they give the economy a useful bounce as well as defuse a demographic timebomb?
Absolutely no criticism or negativity – or balance for that matter was allowed. All the German people were fully behind Angela Merkels mass migration policy which will bring only positive benefits for the country. The presenter claimed that he wanted to meet one of the men making millions from renting property to migrants, and said he was a bit uneasy but immediately warmed to him when he heard he had married a Muslims woman from Kosovo (as if that should make any difference!)
He then went on in his rose tinted bubble that two Afghan migrants (illegals) complained they didn’t like spaghetti, so this paragon of Islamic compliance and Dhimmi sacked the catering firm he employed !
The whole thing was a staggering piece of leftie rose tinted propaganda of the worst kind. It’s about half way into the program. Listen at your own risk !
That’s interesting I was watching Russia today which is rapidly becoming more reliable as a media outlet than our own. They have at present a Danish representative on explaining the you stay you pay. He said that the payments also apply to Danish citizens seeking welfare and that they are just extending the rules to cover the swarm. Funny how I have to watch RT to get that information which of course jars with the echoes of the third reich story the BBc and others present us with.
RT are an odd lot. They carry stories like the one you mention also the killing of the girl by an asylum seeker but also have a thing about so called Islamophobia.
Split personality I suppose and that a relic of the Cold war.
Just got this as part of an email invitation from 38 Degrees, who clearly mistake an interest in their activities as support:
‘The government thinks it can get away with its tax-dodging deal with Google. [1] Google’s paying a pittance in tax, and it’s hoping it can ride out the media storm. [2] We can change that.
On Thursday morning, the European Commission boss in charge of big business said she’ll investigate the government’s dodgy deal with Google – if someone complains. She’s got the power to overrule George Osborne, and kick Google into line. [3] So let’s send her a huge people-powered complaint and kick-start her investigation.
They have rather scored and own goal here.
Beyond being highly selective on good tax dodging vs. bad, which the BBC is well-qualified to empathise with – if someone complains), they have also laid out a(nother) massive reason to get out of the EU asap. I can vote George out. I don’t even know who ‘she’ is.
It would appear that our friends at the BBC kicked this off by running to the EU’s Competition Commissioner and getting her agreement to investigate Google in the event of a complaint. Broadcasting that interview with her has now brought 38 Degrees slithering out from under the stones (as well as the Labour Party).
Now, why would the BBC be getting involved in trying to take Google to the cleaners? Could it be something to do with this…..
They also go fishing for a lot of news stories, often associated with Government “cuts”, by FOI requests, which are expensive for the taxpayer. I’d love to see some sort of analysis of those requests, overwhelmingly I suspect in a leftist direction. No doubt if I made an FOI request to the BBC for this information, I would be told that it was exempt as it is held “for the purposes of journalism”!
What is it with the BBC? It can’t get enough of Labour hypocrites and enablers of child abuse. Today got its preferred interviewee profile in one lump this morning. It hauled on abuse enabler and beneficiary of tax avoidance Margaret Hodge to vomit her hatred of the rule of law by excoriating Google for obeying the very law she had been in a position to amend in the 13 years Labour was in power. In a masterly display of impartiality Today brought on an apolitical tax expert, John Cullinane, Tax Policy Director at the Chartered Institute of Taxation. Admittedly, earlier in the programme (not in the 8:00-8:30 “most listened to” part of Today) Steve Hilton, past adviser of strategy to the present incumbent at No 10, was brought on and, per the report on the Today website, gave Google a kicking from the faux-right: so the guilty verdict on Google is unanimous! I’m sure Lady Hale would be pleased – it’s her type of “justice”.
After the bilge spilt by Hodge, Cullinane explained that – in his words – the tax on international operations of companies is complicated because “the law is complicated”. Actually, the principle involved is not complicated at all. Briefly, Google is only liable to pay tax where it has a “permanent establishment” which, in Google’s case is Ireland. This principle (including the legal definition of “permanent establishment”) was enshrined in law and agreed by both our politicians and those of the EU. BTW one of the reasons this type of structure was agreed (which was neither mentioned nor discussed natch!) is the necessity otherwise for all companies big or small operating in/selling to the 28 (?) members of the EU to compute, register and pay corporation tax in each of the jurisdictions in the EU. Google is only operating on a level playing field created by the EU (blimey – I never thought I’d say that!).
To be fair to Humphrys he did (very) tentatively start to ask la Hodge about the possible effect on UK companies with ex-UK operations, who benefit by the present rules. The benefit is that they avoid double taxation on ex-UK profits but pay the full whack of UK corporation tax on all their profits (domestic and foreign) because of their permanent establishment in the UK. IIRC Hodge did a bit of verbal handwaving and Humphrys didn’t pursue the matter. Mind you neither did Cullinane who wasn’t there to make obvious points which might have embarrased Hodge (and Humphrys), only to advise on the bookkeeping.
In all, a complete non-event bigged up by a politically biased BBC and an ignorant MSM. While I’m on: a suggestion to the BBC (a so-called “news” organisation). Why don’t you explore why Murdoch is making such a song and dance over this? The reason(s) might be an interesting topic for exploration by the BBC but, hey, I understand that when you’re kicking big corporate on behalf of your Labour friends, any ally – including the hitherto beneath your contempt Rupert M – will do.
When I think of Food Banks it is always as a good thing, and a sign of an affluent and caring society. To the BBC of course they are just a sign of the growing number of society’s victims.
You have to think that when the BBC recruits a new ‘journalist’ (or do they all come via the Guardian?) they just tell them: “Please don’t ever consider reporting the news, that’s not your job. Your job is to create stories. You create news by eliciting sob stories and treating them as ‘news’. For your convenience here is your business card which has the list of subjects on the back you should look for sob stories on:”
– Massive cuts
– Poorly treated migrants
– Cruel landlords
– Cruel private sector
– Corporate tax avoidance
– Being a Muslim
If the BBC did its job properly they would investigate the Trussell Trust which “licenses” most of the UK Food Banks. They might like to probe how much small groups are fleeced for setting up a Food Bank, why there are restrictions on collecting clothes placed on the groups, how much of the money Tesco says it will match when there is a collection in a store actually goes to the local FoodBank (0%). After I did my research I felt very uneasy about this organisation and instead donated directly to a local “independent” charity. I came away from a meeting with the Trussell Trust wondering exactly how much money is spent in UK and how much in their other overseas interests.
When the parents of hitherto unaccompanied children turn up at our shores demanding immigration status under the ‘right to a family life’ why do the authorities not prosecute the parents for child neglect or child cruelty?
And that might extend to children dying on the capsized boats (another one today) – should the parents not be tried for manslaughter? They are, as has often been stated, not asylum seekers because Turkey is a safe country, therefore they are not fleeing a repressive state, but choosing to make a journey by boat.
Al Beeb of course cannot see this.
Compare this with the knowledge that should a teacher at the end of his tether hit out at an abusive and disruptive student the ‘full weight of the law’ descends, and all of a sudden ‘the child safeguarding’ agenda swings into action.
Appalling selective use of the law. Appalling bias by Al Beeb.
‘a[n anonymous] spokesperson for the corporation said: “We have a tough financial environment and must make savings.’
Ask Botney… when he’s back form Barbados.
Still, nice try on the ‘diversity’ dodge Raphael… but looks like it only works when the BBC uses it on other outfits. Except Labour; they’re golden… or cerise… or magenta.
Eddie Mair on PM and handwringing that we haven’t adopted a German open doors migration policy, and criticism that we are apparently ‘judging’ refugees, and deciding that some are more deserving than others.
Comments that we should be helping all the worlds children if they are in any kind of danger!
Cue allowing in all the Chinese children who are theoretically in danger of human rights abuses and all of Africa’s kids, all of Russias in fact just open the damn doors to anyone who wants to come here because the good old tax payer will always pay !
These BBC nutters have a screw loose and should be spending time in the asylum, not the airwaves! Of course there’s no sense forthcoming to balance the bias !
I had to do a double take when I heard it on the news. A koran ??? Dont they mean “A religious book”?
I suspect that someone’s P45 is already in the post.
Just like the first class journalists employed by our world class broadcaster, I really am struggling to join the dots on this one. Look at what we have:
1. Man of ‘European origin’.
2. 2 handguns.
3. Ammunition.
4. Copy of the Koran.
5. Partner runs off.
6. Fears for own safety.
7. Disneyland renowned as a dangerous place.
I know something links them…if only I could find it.
BBC doing it’s best to get Britain to accept 2.3 million Syrian refugees it describes as ‘children’. I wonder when they’ll realise we can’t accept the entire world.
“BBC doing it’s best to get Britain to accept 2.3 million Syrian refugees it describes as ‘children’. I wonder when they’ll realise we can’t accept the entire world.”
I wonder when they’ll realise that young male invaders have no qualms about claiming to be ‘children’ when they are in their twenties – or even thirties. Children my arse! I doubt there is a single biological ‘child’ i.e. pre pubertal among them.
Next to the NHS I suspect that the BBC are the next largest employer of Muslim staff (I’m open to being corrected) – so we could have a future scenario where Islamic ‘sleepers’ within the corridors of the Beeb are waiting until they’re given the word to ‘take over’ our national broadcaster. I’ve probably been watching far too many episodes of The Americans, but the Beeb (and the NHS) should not be complacent and trusting ; I think only when a major atrocity happens within their walls will the Beeb ever change their tune towards these peoples.
Absolutely appalling edition of bBBC 1 6pm news akak ‘immigration today’
First we get an emotional interview with a man who has apparently seen his wife and two kids killed when the boat capsized between Turkey and Greece. Why is he not arrested and prosecuted for manslaughter? Why has he not been asked why he decided to put his family at such risk? Instead all we get is the pathetic emoting by some so called Al Beeb journalshit.
Then we hear that the government are under intense pressure to do more about unaccompanied asylum seekers. From who? I dont know anyone pressurising the government but i know a lot fed up with the whole damn show. Seems to me the pressure is mainly from the Far Left in the Al Beeb newsroom.
Then i’m pretty sure i heard that about half of all immigrants are children. Totally amazing when we all know young adult males make up the majority, as evidenced by a report from Sweden a few days ago.
Our state broadcaster needs to be closed down or else privatised in which case it can preach as much left wing bile as it wants because it would not be at my expense.
It seems odd that when conditions are at their worst we are seeing children and families crossing into Greece and onwards. In the summer it was nearly all young men
The BBC is being evasive as usual .How many of the children are alone and what is their story? Is asking this beyond their abilities as journalists?
Who is assembling them and putting them into the boats? Where are the parents? Who has been looking after them up to now .So many questions and as usual with the liberal media no real facts.
Could it be that the women and children are being told that they must go to Europe now and if so by whom?
It will be interesting to see exactly who tries to cross when Spring comes .
It also seems odd that when it is estimated that the total takings of ‘people traffickers’ are now up in the multi-billions of Euros that a news organisation worth its salt with highly-paid journalists who should also be worth their salt, is not apparently doing any investigation into these ‘people traffickers’, the sellers of boats & engines and life jackets, and where the money is ending up.
It cannot all be in under a mattress in downtown Istanbul. How much has gone through Frankfurt? Paris? London?
Eddie Mair was in full snitch mode on PM tonight.
Basically he was ferreting for potential legal defences regarding Levi Bellfield ,and the Worcester woman(and apparently a few hundred others) who pretended to have the winning lottery ticket.
Mair seemed keen to try and find a defence along the lines that you might “genuinely” have thought you`d won the lottery…and wouldn`t it be nice if the screws thought it right to give Levi-Al Bellfield a nicer cell in response?
Even the two “professionals”-one from a law firm, one from a Poly in Manchester-though he was a bit naive and too much the diabolic advocate-but the BBC will “grease his horn” later on in his club I`m sure.
The BBC are utterly satanic.
Oh-Levi Bellend is now a Muslim…you`d think that his “confession” re Millie Dowler would be getting used as evidence that Muslims are-after all-honourable people, once they convert…so what the fuss kuffar?
But nothing from the BBC or Tell Mama…why not?
I listened to Humphrey’s on Toady interviewing a woman who represented a charity which helps people who have had loved ones murdered; this was in response to Bellfield’s admission to killing Millie Dowler.
Towards the end of the piece, she spoke about how when a prisoner comes up for parole the family of the victim are traumatised almost as much as when the crime was originally committed.
Humphreys quickly jumped in to clarify that she wasn’t suggesting, horror of horrors, that a murderer given a life sentence shouldn’t be given the right to parole? Was she? Sigh of relief when she said that she wasn’t calling for that.
Yet the sentence of life imprisonment without parole was one of the reasons why the death penalty was abolished – that those convicted of murder wouldn’t be executed, but would never be set free.
A truly civilized society would have the death penalty for those who carry out the ultimate transgression against its citizens.
In what sane world would a creature of evil such as Levi Bellfield still be alive?
If you murder-then you`re a meal ticket for the Poly Dollies.
Listen to how often Manchester Polys Speshulist in CrimStudiz refers to Bellfield providing the raw material for “Research” for him and his adrenaline sniffing apologists for Bellfield etal.
And-to be fair-he came across as David Waddington, making Eddie Mair look like Mr Barraclough after gay sex with `horrible Harris( or Ives…your pick).
These criminologists are just fantasy gossips who boast of their matiness with a Brady or a Sutcliffe-because their Marxist insights would rather THEY were free that Tommy Robinson!
I well remember the evil Gitta Sereny in 1998, saying -in effect-that the dead don`t speak and butter no parsnips-but the crims pay handsomely for her like.
Hence the love for Venables and Thompson…and the liberal scorn of her caste for the likes of Jamie Bulger, Ralph and Deniece.
THAT`S how evil these carrion are…so always a show for them at the BBC.
Did I hear this correctly, about 75% of our countrymen don’t want any more migrants? If this is the case then it comes as a profound relief; listening to the Beeb and an endless supply of sob stories from Calais, I thought our nation had lost its collective marbles. I’ve grown sick of the sight and sound of Yvette Cooper (to be fair that didn’t take long) and her pained, sucking a sour lemon face, pleading with us to take in more of these “kids”.
Where were all these sympathetic lefties when 1400 of our girls were being raped in Rotherham? They were nowhere to be seen…as usual.
I really do hope that the 75% figure is correct, however Question Time is on tonight and we can all guarantee that the audience will (almost) unanimously want us to take in as many “refugees” as we can squeeze into our overcrowded and impoverished little country. The panelists (and Dimbleby) needn’t worry. These refugees won’t be heading towards Hampstead or the home counties. Nope, they’ll be sent off to those already massively “enriched” areas where the proles live.
It’s a win /win situation for the enlightened liberal.
Though perhaps not for the rest of us…
I would really like Beeboids and LBC presenters to ask the self righteous ones if they will be adopting one of these allegdely ‘child’ migrants.
I doubt if there is a single one of them biologically a child i.e pre pubertal. The vast majority are men in their twenties trying to steal a few years free schooling and get all the extra help and care that social services give to supposed ‘child’ refugees.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but if this Polish news program is to be believed Merkel had all CCTV of Cologne on New Year Eve wiped, we’re living in sinister times.
Something is not right that is for sure. It is also interesting that the incomers are being sent mostly to rural areas. Small towns and so on. We have to ask why? It is also true of Holland.
The Merkel regime’s official reason seems to be to stop the formation of ghettos.
Now if I had a cynical mind it might really be because the rural areas are largely conservative. This is true throughout Europe. The shire people have to be broken before any authoritarian revolution can succeed. Think of France in the 1790s and Russia after 1917.
The very nature of rural life makes it easier for a state to isolate and crush the shire people. At least to begin with and liberal authoritarians do not look very far ahead.
Settling large numbers of incomers who have no interest in or inkling or rural life and manners is almost guaranteed to cause havoc and maybe this is the intention.
Living in a rural area myself I can imagine just how the English shire folk would react. Badly is the word.
I have never been one for conspiracy theories but coincidence is an unsatisfactory explanation for the way things are turning out.
The warning of ex President of the Czech Republc Vaclav Klaus a few days ago that the Western European governments have declared war on their people and the warnings of the Hungarian premier Victor Orban now seem to have an urgency that we ignore at our peril .
I could very well be wrong but I detect that Cameron is aware of real trouble ahead and is desperate to keep this country out of it if possible. But so in thrall is he to liberal virtue signalling that he cannot speak honestly to us. Which begs the question why the hurry on the referendum?
The BBC is as usual useless or already compromised. Take your pick.
I meant to add that for the moment we can speak relatively freely. I do not expect this to last much longer so that is why I advocate caution and the avoidance of language that can be construed as threatening. The current state authorities in Western Europe are tyrants by inevitabilty ( as the quote goes ) so we need to be careful.
Surround yourself with people you can trust and who think along the same lines.
I think its caused by the left-wing Mind-Control Techniques of the elitists in the Intelligence agencies: The idea is to manage and predict human behaviour so as to protect themselves from the unwashed masses. But it seems to be going wrong because it seems to effect those already inflicted with left-wing thoughts, the most, while those who are immune are labelled right-wing, even if they are Labour Mps, not to mention those who go to a Mosque. It also helps if you eyesight is not perfect.
At the moment, the Brainwashing techniques are focused on (1) Education (2) Advertising (3) Politics (4) BBC (5) Children (6) Self-Image (7) Racial and Religious Identity (8) Self Awareness (9) Pseudo patriotism (War on Terror) (10) Media uniformity (Same Story on all channels except RT) (11) Mindlessly conforming International Political Consensus formed by a predetermined decisions (Climate Change) (12) Divide and Conquer (Devolution will strengthen the Union, but do not mention the European Union) (13) Farage versus the rest of them (14) Fluoride in Thames water to lower IQ (15) Hormones in Thames Water to produce Homo-Identity Politics (16) Exitotoxins in Fast Food (17) Use Psychiatry to define all people by their addictions and disorders, as opposed to their human potential.
It looks loony to us because the elite are losing the plot, by believe their own propaganda, therefore losing control of the attempt to subvert the democratic process.
Watching ‘The Story of China’ on BBC 2 and even in this programme about a fascinating historic time in Asian history, the Beeb are pandering to the wretched Islamic faith, subliminally dropping in messages about tolerating Muslims.
There’s never any criticism of Islam in BBC documentaries, even if actual historical texts consider them a menace.
the magic of the silk road …. hmmm
the magic of central Asia …. uh oh
yes you would have seen Arabs … UH OH
cue lots of film of Muslims
waffling on about enriching, nations have to shed their preconceptions
embrace the other etc, etc
and in the 7th century China did just that.
cue more film of Muslims
23:00 The bull shit goes on. Half of refugees are children. WTF? How? Any verification figures on that? They are knocking on the UKs border What Calais? Have we gone back in a time to the days of EdwardIII? Burnham appears and says we should help them. Labour didn’t get elected remember. Any one with my view point on. Course not it’s another not all views represented article. At least they appear to have dropped the c***s from save the children, I wonder if the CEO will get a bonus this year. A (15 year old ) “child” is interviewed apparently he has relatives in the UK, that seems a common statement, and wants to be a school boy again. Yea ok come here we’ll pay to feed cloth and house him put him in school where no doubt he can’t speak English and need special treatment . Do I want to pay for that? No!
Of course they are children! When the Fascist left has decided that the definition of a child is simply someone who identifies as one (have you seen the unchallenged ’15’ year old murderer in Sweden?) then half of them ARE children!
40 year old children, but children never the less simply because they claim to be under the age of 18 !
BBC Points West bleating on about Council Tax rises and more service cuts, of course their blaming the astronomical fat cat six figure salaries and pensions and the stupid diversity, PC and green agendas for the rise – NOT! Nope its all the beastly Tories fault for cutting central government funding.
“”What the government says it’s doing to help Syrian refugee children””
“”He’s a child refugee. Now the UK says it’s going to take in more children like him, mainly from camps bordering Syria. The government won’t say how many people but millions like him need help.”
“”David Cameron has pledged to take 20,000 refugees from Syria by 2020.
To put that number into perspective, Wembley stadium has a capacity of 90,000″”.
(WW2 photo of refugees with children to create sympathy with today). “”A handful of survivors from the 150 refugees who left Lodz in Poland two months earlier headed for Berlin. They are following railway lines on the outskirts of Berlin in the hope of being picked up by a British train.””
Could well be . Even the stupidest EU apparatchnik must realise that probably a majority in England want out of the EU . I remember De Gaulle had reservations about us and he was probably quite right.
Ethnically European we are but our history is very different and despite the liberal distortions of history we have been a cohesive and recognisable single polity since Alfred’s times.
No other European state can claim this.
In addtion in many of our lifetimes Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece , Portugal have been authoritarian states .
Which is no wonder that they seem to accept Brussel’s rule so easily.
Is this what our ‘elite’ students get their grants to waste their time on ?
They are ‘airbrushing’ our history. These are future Al Beeb employees. Perhaps they need to get a real job ?
We may be assisting their funding, as Cecil Rhodes in death may be, but I think you will find that the infants ‘elite’ students behind this are not ‘ours’. Future Al Beeb employees? They are certainly ticking a few boxes in ‘diversity’ and virtue signalling! I think ISIS are doing similar ‘airbrushing’ of historical objects in Syria.
Just heard on the Today programme: “the statue of the imperialist Cecil Rhodes will not be removed… Oxford University will have to explain to future generations why…”
Yes Roland as impartial as ever ! My answer to the Today programme would be “Cos its history stupid”
This was something we all learnt about at school before the days of Social Work Degrees, Gender studies,
Race and Ethnicity Studies etc , started to try and re-write our past from their left wing jaundiced viewpoint.
If Rhodes is staying I can see the University “Safe Spaces” might be very full this week.
If the stoodents of above courses find these subjects stressful can I suggest they try and find a Uni that still does a degree course in David Beckham Studies – probably just as useful to humanity as some of the above shit!
The great progressive education experiment laid bare today.
OECD report places British children bottom of the league for literacy among developed nations.
Whilst conversely, British pensioners are among the MOST literate in the same study of OECD nations.
You might consider this a national scandal worthy of in depth analysis…..the effect of comprehensives, the effect of abolishing grammar schools in most areas, the effect of inward migration of non English speakers……the education ministers responsible called in for interviews on the Beeb and perhaps calls for a Royal Commission…..lets see how this latest evidence of engineered national decline is presented by our fearless, impartial BBC.
Well on what I heard…the OECD report on the illiteracy rate of British children got one short mention on the BBC news and then……nowt.
Must have been short of time what with people who were friends of Mandela to be interviewed, a Labour Lord explaining again how labour lost the last election an item on the new shaped Barbie dolls, and stories about the EU “closing on a deal” with Dave….though John Redwood rather crushed the agenda serving interviewer in his little slot.
Also interesting item on hand transplants in Leeds……one assumes the number of donors will increase exponentially if sharia law is introduced, yet another advantage accruing to an islamising nation!….Just be clear, I made that last bit up!
Stateside. Police shooting. Again. Not so much outrage from journalists on behalf of this dead man though. Where’s Al Sharpton on this one? BBC race baiters are not stirring up riots this time either, nor expecting riots it appears.
Stefan Molyneux may understand the reasons for this in this highly thought provoking monologue which I recommend to all. The evidence is mounting. The body of statistics on MSM coverage in the main stream media of police brutality is providing that evidence suggesting that the media is ‘institutionally racist’ after all, which bodes well for nobody.
This is a neighbour and co protester of the dead man. Perhaps you will see why these people need to be killed by the Government? And the BBC weep for Michael Brown.
Racism, a leftist tool to divide and rule in search of votes and power. The leftards are their useful idiots, who rail against ‘the man’, the ‘Establishment’ and the ‘1%ers’ whilst feeding and demanding more of the corporate beast that enslaves and impoverishes them. To the Establishment Cultural Marxists at the BBC and their greed for personal wealth and popularity, racism is one of their tools that gives them their bit of power and lifts them into the 1%.
BBc breakfast…Migrant children. And another interview with Iona Lawrence from “citizens UK” who are fast beicoming favourites with the bbc
“Modules covering topics and issues of Climate Change, Ecology, Urban Inequality and Development, Divided Cities, Justice, Care and Democracy, Citizenship, Refugee Studies, International Development, Religion and Development, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Data Collection, Data Analysis, Evaluation and Research Write Up.”
‘Citizens UK’. According to documents lodged with the Charity Commision, it has received money from:
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – £78,501 in 2014
Barings – £30,000 in 2014
Princess Diana Memorial Fund – £221,667 in 2013
Migration Foundation – £30,041 in 2014
Paul Hamlyn Foundation – £50,000 in 2014
Unbound Philanthropy – £66,667 in 2013, £93,860 in 2014
That final one – Unbound Philanthropy – is a private foundation with assets of over $100 million and operates in both the UK and USA. It’s motto is: “Welcoming Newcomers. Strengthening Communities” (communities of billionaires looking for cheap labour, presumably). Other recipients of its largesse include the Southern Poverty Law Center, the American Immigration Law Foundation and the Migration Policy Institute (headed by David Miliband). It is believed that they are heavily involved in the campaign against Donald Trump.
So, one can see why Citizens UK would be on BBC speed-dial.
Our Naga Munchetty comments on the tv feature we used to know and love (and be reassured by) …. the weather forcast
Of course there’s precious little emphasis on forcasting these days. It’s all about ‘warnings’ and ‘alerts’. The main interest has shifted to a morbid Met Office/BBC obsession with cataloguing ‘record’ weather events. These blue ribbon claims may be somewhat dubious – the proviso ‘since records began’ – an unspecified undated pre-modern dark age is suggested but really it is the equivalence of a sporting record ‘at altitude’ or ‘wind assisted’.
Whilst on the subject of heavy gusts Carole Kirkwood surveys the Olympic Medal Table-like fastest wind speed by town and I’m left feeling my corner of the South East of England – albeit heavily populated – are hardly pulling our weight in the national effort for extreme events.
Carole is safe indoors with hardly a hair out of place – it’s the cub reporter sent out in her anorak taking the brunt – how could we possibly imagine wind and rain without such brave reporting and pictures?
Storms will scare the elderly and the young – particularly since we’ve started naming the blighters. But that was the idea, wasn’t it?
BBC World Service “Business Daily” presenter Ed Butler ” A few years ago we were all celebrating the coming to power of left wing governments in Latin America”. That will presumably be the “we” who have a secure supply of toilet paper.
Won`t be today. It was on Today that I heard another ludicrous piece of nonsense about a play about screaming Lord Sutchs contribution to British democracy. Listen to it on the iplayer….everything that`s wrong with the BBC in one short clip.
This on the day the OECD reports a catastrophic collapse in literacy levels among British children, in comparison with other developed countries.
Full speed ahead to Britain acquiring third world status. Just. Don`t. Talk. About. It.
The question is: Who is there that could do something about the BBC? Some of the comrades may be so delusional as to think they are in opposition to the government, but the reality is that the BBC is the propaganda arm of the British state. It’s role is to promote the policies of the government: immigration, diversity, Islamification, the EU, global warmimg and so on. Differences between the ‘Conservatives’ and the merry-go-round of Labour/Guardian/BBC jobsworths are those of degree, not of principle, more likely to be fuelled by personality rather than ideology.
yesterday from this esteemed forum to the listed page. I noted the comments section and sorted them on highest rating and lo! the quick poll as the first to leave or stay in the EU. I noted some 900+ for leaving and around 34 to stay. I was quite surprised. I know others here saw the same comments section so know I wasn’t miss-reading it.
I left the page open overnight (I have protection against thought viruses, I was safe) and checked what the score was. I up’ed it again to get a fresh reading and, double lo!, 986! Being interested in the other posts’ status I refreshed the page to see this:
36. Posted by arfajob01
28 Jan 2016 05:44
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
So it was up all day but removed at some point when, I guess, they were able to wring out a reason to remove the content.
Charlie Stayt lands the big Holywood interview – 3 minutes with Will Smith
The millionaire actor is plugging his latest oscar bid – some cause for concern movie where he plays a doctor campaigning about brain injuries to grid iron football players. “The authorities just wouldn’t listen to him”. Dontcha just love it when Holywood stands up for the little guy against the system! By the way Smith’s fresh princess of a daughter, bless her, said in a recent interview that she had the ability to ‘control time’. Not so strange perhaps when you take into account Tom Cruise’s religious beliefs or the news this week that some rapper informed his fans that the earth is flat.
Charlie had promised Smith would tell us why he’s boycotting the oscars – he didn’t. I guess that can wait until after he’s explained the rules of NFL to British movie goers – or not. “It’s about inclusion and diversity” – The oscars not American football – obviously. You’re pushing at an open door there, son. The BBC are the architects and creators of Sports Diversity of the Year.
Speaking of the little scientific guy against the system, had to love the real doc on this morning talking about Zika virus. His last words were Climate Change! Double-plus good. Ok for next time? BBC driver will toot his horn when he arrives outside your house. Cheque in the post.
“It’s about inclusion and diversity”, that’s odd, I thought the clue was in the name, “The Acadamey Awards”, awards for being the best in your field. Will Smith is a very engaging and charismatic chap who is not doing anyone any favours by playing the race/victim card.
Smith has already won a Best Actor award for this role, from the African-American Film Critics Association. Guess who are eligible for awards from that body.
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
The Radio Times writing about tonight’s BBC programme “The Story of China”, presented by aging BBC history heartthrob Michael Wood, says
In the seventh century, the monk Xuanzang travelled from China to India and brought back scriptures that he spent the rest of his life translating.
In the process he became one of the great figureheads of an era when, Wood tells us, China welcomed foreign influences, and as a result became the great civilisation of its time (he sees a moral there).
Is Wood moralising that having reservations about the flood of third world muslim peasant immigrants would inhibit civilisation?
Levi Bellfield, serial rapist and girl-murderer, has converted to Islam. I wonder what attracted him to the Religion of Peace. You won’t see this mentioned on the bBBC ‘news’, though.
I won’t be sarcastic by saying it attracts the nicest people – it is attractive to the evil members of society, they can find support for their depravities.
He converted because Muslims get better treatment in prison and are protected by fellow Ropers from other inmates who have it in for nonces.
He raped and killed a white Christian girl. I expect his fellow muslim inmates are wondering why he is having to do time at all?
A slight correction, Rob.
He raped and killed a CHILD.
He will fit in well with the bunch he now chooses.
It was a religion founded by a psychopath, so it’s unsurprising that other psychopaths are drawn to it.
“I wonder what attracted him to the Religion of Peace.”
Protection and the chance to enjoy tasty curry takeaways probably.
BBC radio 4 in another shocking piece of left wing propaganda.
From our own correspondent:
A million incomers to Germany in a year – can they give the economy a useful bounce as well as defuse a demographic timebomb?
Absolutely no criticism or negativity – or balance for that matter was allowed. All the German people were fully behind Angela Merkels mass migration policy which will bring only positive benefits for the country. The presenter claimed that he wanted to meet one of the men making millions from renting property to migrants, and said he was a bit uneasy but immediately warmed to him when he heard he had married a Muslims woman from Kosovo (as if that should make any difference!)
He then went on in his rose tinted bubble that two Afghan migrants (illegals) complained they didn’t like spaghetti, so this paragon of Islamic compliance and Dhimmi sacked the catering firm he employed !
The whole thing was a staggering piece of leftie rose tinted propaganda of the worst kind. It’s about half way into the program. Listen at your own risk !
That’s interesting I was watching Russia today which is rapidly becoming more reliable as a media outlet than our own. They have at present a Danish representative on explaining the you stay you pay. He said that the payments also apply to Danish citizens seeking welfare and that they are just extending the rules to cover the swarm. Funny how I have to watch RT to get that information which of course jars with the echoes of the third reich story the BBc and others present us with.
RT are an odd lot. They carry stories like the one you mention also the killing of the girl by an asylum seeker but also have a thing about so called Islamophobia.
Split personality I suppose and that a relic of the Cold war.
Just got this as part of an email invitation from 38 Degrees, who clearly mistake an interest in their activities as support:
‘The government thinks it can get away with its tax-dodging deal with Google. [1] Google’s paying a pittance in tax, and it’s hoping it can ride out the media storm. [2] We can change that.
On Thursday morning, the European Commission boss in charge of big business said she’ll investigate the government’s dodgy deal with Google – if someone complains. She’s got the power to overrule George Osborne, and kick Google into line. [3] So let’s send her a huge people-powered complaint and kick-start her investigation.
They have rather scored and own goal here.
Beyond being highly selective on good tax dodging vs. bad, which the BBC is well-qualified to empathise with – if someone complains), they have also laid out a(nother) massive reason to get out of the EU asap. I can vote George out. I don’t even know who ‘she’ is.
I hope Google charge the rats every time they say they will “Google” something.
It would appear that our friends at the BBC kicked this off by running to the EU’s Competition Commissioner and getting her agreement to investigate Google in the event of a complaint. Broadcasting that interview with her has now brought 38 Degrees slithering out from under the stones (as well as the Labour Party).
Now, why would the BBC be getting involved in trying to take Google to the cleaners? Could it be something to do with this…..
’13-24 Year Olds Watching More YouTube Than TV – To The Surprise of No-one’
…….and who owns ‘YouTube’? That’s right, Google.
Once again the BBC is manipulating the news for their own ends, once again attempting to discredit an organisation that it sees at a threat.
Total domination, that’s all that the corrupt BBC are interested in.
The BBC, editorial integrity, reporting the story, being part of the story and creating the story….
‘Almost as if the national broadcaster has its own agenda’
It’s in their DNA. Apparently.
They also go fishing for a lot of news stories, often associated with Government “cuts”, by FOI requests, which are expensive for the taxpayer. I’d love to see some sort of analysis of those requests, overwhelmingly I suspect in a leftist direction. No doubt if I made an FOI request to the BBC for this information, I would be told that it was exempt as it is held “for the purposes of journalism”!
What is it with the BBC? It can’t get enough of Labour hypocrites and enablers of child abuse. Today got its preferred interviewee profile in one lump this morning. It hauled on abuse enabler and beneficiary of tax avoidance Margaret Hodge to vomit her hatred of the rule of law by excoriating Google for obeying the very law she had been in a position to amend in the 13 years Labour was in power. In a masterly display of impartiality Today brought on an apolitical tax expert, John Cullinane, Tax Policy Director at the Chartered Institute of Taxation. Admittedly, earlier in the programme (not in the 8:00-8:30 “most listened to” part of Today) Steve Hilton, past adviser of strategy to the present incumbent at No 10, was brought on and, per the report on the Today website, gave Google a kicking from the faux-right: so the guilty verdict on Google is unanimous! I’m sure Lady Hale would be pleased – it’s her type of “justice”.
After the bilge spilt by Hodge, Cullinane explained that – in his words – the tax on international operations of companies is complicated because “the law is complicated”. Actually, the principle involved is not complicated at all. Briefly, Google is only liable to pay tax where it has a “permanent establishment” which, in Google’s case is Ireland. This principle (including the legal definition of “permanent establishment”) was enshrined in law and agreed by both our politicians and those of the EU. BTW one of the reasons this type of structure was agreed (which was neither mentioned nor discussed natch!) is the necessity otherwise for all companies big or small operating in/selling to the 28 (?) members of the EU to compute, register and pay corporation tax in each of the jurisdictions in the EU. Google is only operating on a level playing field created by the EU (blimey – I never thought I’d say that!).
To be fair to Humphrys he did (very) tentatively start to ask la Hodge about the possible effect on UK companies with ex-UK operations, who benefit by the present rules. The benefit is that they avoid double taxation on ex-UK profits but pay the full whack of UK corporation tax on all their profits (domestic and foreign) because of their permanent establishment in the UK. IIRC Hodge did a bit of verbal handwaving and Humphrys didn’t pursue the matter. Mind you neither did Cullinane who wasn’t there to make obvious points which might have embarrased Hodge (and Humphrys), only to advise on the bookkeeping.
In all, a complete non-event bigged up by a politically biased BBC and an ignorant MSM. While I’m on: a suggestion to the BBC (a so-called “news” organisation). Why don’t you explore why Murdoch is making such a song and dance over this? The reason(s) might be an interesting topic for exploration by the BBC but, hey, I understand that when you’re kicking big corporate on behalf of your Labour friends, any ally – including the hitherto beneath your contempt Rupert M – will do.
Thanks for explaining all that – I always knew your handle indicated true intelligence and deep knowledge!
I did do some sniggering when the BBC were forced to repeat Google’s response to this issue, namely that
‘Governments make the rules, the Revenue enforces them, and we obey them’.
Slight pause – move on quickly..
When I think of Food Banks it is always as a good thing, and a sign of an affluent and caring society. To the BBC of course they are just a sign of the growing number of society’s victims.
You have to think that when the BBC recruits a new ‘journalist’ (or do they all come via the Guardian?) they just tell them: “Please don’t ever consider reporting the news, that’s not your job. Your job is to create stories. You create news by eliciting sob stories and treating them as ‘news’. For your convenience here is your business card which has the list of subjects on the back you should look for sob stories on:”
– Massive cuts
– Poorly treated migrants
– Cruel landlords
– Cruel private sector
– Corporate tax avoidance
– Being a Muslim
Nothing else is news around here.
If the BBC did its job properly they would investigate the Trussell Trust which “licenses” most of the UK Food Banks. They might like to probe how much small groups are fleeced for setting up a Food Bank, why there are restrictions on collecting clothes placed on the groups, how much of the money Tesco says it will match when there is a collection in a store actually goes to the local FoodBank (0%). After I did my research I felt very uneasy about this organisation and instead donated directly to a local “independent” charity. I came away from a meeting with the Trussell Trust wondering exactly how much money is spent in UK and how much in their other overseas interests.
Sounds like the BBC and the Trussell Trust have a common purpose doesn’t it?
Newsround and another c*** from save the children gobbing off along with the standard BBc migrant swarm propaganda.
Courtesy of Bishop Hill…
Absolute quality !!
When the parents of hitherto unaccompanied children turn up at our shores demanding immigration status under the ‘right to a family life’ why do the authorities not prosecute the parents for child neglect or child cruelty?
And that might extend to children dying on the capsized boats (another one today) – should the parents not be tried for manslaughter? They are, as has often been stated, not asylum seekers because Turkey is a safe country, therefore they are not fleeing a repressive state, but choosing to make a journey by boat.
Al Beeb of course cannot see this.
Compare this with the knowledge that should a teacher at the end of his tether hit out at an abusive and disruptive student the ‘full weight of the law’ descends, and all of a sudden ‘the child safeguarding’ agenda swings into action.
Appalling selective use of the law. Appalling bias by Al Beeb.
Oh, and talking of ‘in their DNA’…
Poor Danny. he was probably toast before the ink was dry.
Now, what has the BBC done of late that is ‘inadvisable’ but still sees it linger like broadcast herpes with a direct debit enforced by law?
Target for tonight at sack of rats central…
‘a[n anonymous] spokesperson for the corporation said: “We have a tough financial environment and must make savings.’
Ask Botney… when he’s back form Barbados.
Still, nice try on the ‘diversity’ dodge Raphael… but looks like it only works when the BBC uses it on other outfits. Except Labour; they’re golden… or cerise… or magenta.
Eddie Mair on PM and handwringing that we haven’t adopted a German open doors migration policy, and criticism that we are apparently ‘judging’ refugees, and deciding that some are more deserving than others.
Comments that we should be helping all the worlds children if they are in any kind of danger!
Cue allowing in all the Chinese children who are theoretically in danger of human rights abuses and all of Africa’s kids, all of Russias in fact just open the damn doors to anyone who wants to come here because the good old tax payer will always pay !
These BBC nutters have a screw loose and should be spending time in the asylum, not the airwaves! Of course there’s no sense forthcoming to balance the bias !
Ruh roh.
Armed man arrested at Disneyland Paris, with a copy of the Koran.
A ‘confusing’ time for France, this, according to that soulless fuck Mair.
Makes a change from “controversial” I suppose.
I had to do a double take when I heard it on the news. A koran ??? Dont they mean “A religious book”?
I suspect that someone’s P45 is already in the post.
With all these Muslims around Eddy needs to watch his back.
Just like the first class journalists employed by our world class broadcaster, I really am struggling to join the dots on this one. Look at what we have:
1. Man of ‘European origin’.
2. 2 handguns.
3. Ammunition.
4. Copy of the Koran.
5. Partner runs off.
6. Fears for own safety.
7. Disneyland renowned as a dangerous place.
I know something links them…if only I could find it.
They keep describing the culprit as ‘European’…..over and over again.
BBC doing it’s best to get Britain to accept 2.3 million Syrian refugees it describes as ‘children’. I wonder when they’ll realise we can’t accept the entire world.
“BBC doing it’s best to get Britain to accept 2.3 million Syrian refugees it describes as ‘children’. I wonder when they’ll realise we can’t accept the entire world.”
I wonder when they’ll realise that young male invaders have no qualms about claiming to be ‘children’ when they are in their twenties – or even thirties. Children my arse! I doubt there is a single biological ‘child’ i.e. pre pubertal among them.
Giving a fluffy toy to every male muslim under 50 does not automatically make them children.
Especially if ‘Dimbles’ is deed polled to ‘Mo’.
Bad historical precedent.
Next to the NHS I suspect that the BBC are the next largest employer of Muslim staff (I’m open to being corrected) – so we could have a future scenario where Islamic ‘sleepers’ within the corridors of the Beeb are waiting until they’re given the word to ‘take over’ our national broadcaster. I’ve probably been watching far too many episodes of The Americans, but the Beeb (and the NHS) should not be complacent and trusting ; I think only when a major atrocity happens within their walls will the Beeb ever change their tune towards these peoples.
Absolutely appalling edition of bBBC 1 6pm news akak ‘immigration today’
First we get an emotional interview with a man who has apparently seen his wife and two kids killed when the boat capsized between Turkey and Greece. Why is he not arrested and prosecuted for manslaughter? Why has he not been asked why he decided to put his family at such risk? Instead all we get is the pathetic emoting by some so called Al Beeb journalshit.
Then we hear that the government are under intense pressure to do more about unaccompanied asylum seekers. From who? I dont know anyone pressurising the government but i know a lot fed up with the whole damn show. Seems to me the pressure is mainly from the Far Left in the Al Beeb newsroom.
Then i’m pretty sure i heard that about half of all immigrants are children. Totally amazing when we all know young adult males make up the majority, as evidenced by a report from Sweden a few days ago.
Our state broadcaster needs to be closed down or else privatised in which case it can preach as much left wing bile as it wants because it would not be at my expense.
It seems odd that when conditions are at their worst we are seeing children and families crossing into Greece and onwards. In the summer it was nearly all young men
The BBC is being evasive as usual .How many of the children are alone and what is their story? Is asking this beyond their abilities as journalists?
Who is assembling them and putting them into the boats? Where are the parents? Who has been looking after them up to now .So many questions and as usual with the liberal media no real facts.
Could it be that the women and children are being told that they must go to Europe now and if so by whom?
It will be interesting to see exactly who tries to cross when Spring comes .
It also seems odd that when it is estimated that the total takings of ‘people traffickers’ are now up in the multi-billions of Euros that a news organisation worth its salt with highly-paid journalists who should also be worth their salt, is not apparently doing any investigation into these ‘people traffickers’, the sellers of boats & engines and life jackets, and where the money is ending up.
It cannot all be in under a mattress in downtown Istanbul. How much has gone through Frankfurt? Paris? London?
No Dave S. Young men have simply been informed that if they pretend to be under eighteen they might be offered a place in Britain.
I take your point but there do seem to be more younger children and women now so my point is valid.
Eddie Mair was in full snitch mode on PM tonight.
Basically he was ferreting for potential legal defences regarding Levi Bellfield ,and the Worcester woman(and apparently a few hundred others) who pretended to have the winning lottery ticket.
Mair seemed keen to try and find a defence along the lines that you might “genuinely” have thought you`d won the lottery…and wouldn`t it be nice if the screws thought it right to give Levi-Al Bellfield a nicer cell in response?
Even the two “professionals”-one from a law firm, one from a Poly in Manchester-though he was a bit naive and too much the diabolic advocate-but the BBC will “grease his horn” later on in his club I`m sure.
The BBC are utterly satanic.
Oh-Levi Bellend is now a Muslim…you`d think that his “confession” re Millie Dowler would be getting used as evidence that Muslims are-after all-honourable people, once they convert…so what the fuss kuffar?
But nothing from the BBC or Tell Mama…why not?
I listened to Humphrey’s on Toady interviewing a woman who represented a charity which helps people who have had loved ones murdered; this was in response to Bellfield’s admission to killing Millie Dowler.
Towards the end of the piece, she spoke about how when a prisoner comes up for parole the family of the victim are traumatised almost as much as when the crime was originally committed.
Humphreys quickly jumped in to clarify that she wasn’t suggesting, horror of horrors, that a murderer given a life sentence shouldn’t be given the right to parole? Was she? Sigh of relief when she said that she wasn’t calling for that.
Yet the sentence of life imprisonment without parole was one of the reasons why the death penalty was abolished – that those convicted of murder wouldn’t be executed, but would never be set free.
A truly civilized society would have the death penalty for those who carry out the ultimate transgression against its citizens.
In what sane world would a creature of evil such as Levi Bellfield still be alive?
If you murder-then you`re a meal ticket for the Poly Dollies.
Listen to how often Manchester Polys Speshulist in CrimStudiz refers to Bellfield providing the raw material for “Research” for him and his adrenaline sniffing apologists for Bellfield etal.
And-to be fair-he came across as David Waddington, making Eddie Mair look like Mr Barraclough after gay sex with `horrible Harris( or Ives…your pick).
These criminologists are just fantasy gossips who boast of their matiness with a Brady or a Sutcliffe-because their Marxist insights would rather THEY were free that Tommy Robinson!
I well remember the evil Gitta Sereny in 1998, saying -in effect-that the dead don`t speak and butter no parsnips-but the crims pay handsomely for her like.
Hence the love for Venables and Thompson…and the liberal scorn of her caste for the likes of Jamie Bulger, Ralph and Deniece.
THAT`S how evil these carrion are…so always a show for them at the BBC.
This is very good:
Gates of Vienna.
Crusades come: Wars with Islam.
History Repeats.
Did I hear this correctly, about 75% of our countrymen don’t want any more migrants? If this is the case then it comes as a profound relief; listening to the Beeb and an endless supply of sob stories from Calais, I thought our nation had lost its collective marbles. I’ve grown sick of the sight and sound of Yvette Cooper (to be fair that didn’t take long) and her pained, sucking a sour lemon face, pleading with us to take in more of these “kids”.
Where were all these sympathetic lefties when 1400 of our girls were being raped in Rotherham? They were nowhere to be seen…as usual.
I really do hope that the 75% figure is correct, however Question Time is on tonight and we can all guarantee that the audience will (almost) unanimously want us to take in as many “refugees” as we can squeeze into our overcrowded and impoverished little country. The panelists (and Dimbleby) needn’t worry. These refugees won’t be heading towards Hampstead or the home counties. Nope, they’ll be sent off to those already massively “enriched” areas where the proles live.
It’s a win /win situation for the enlightened liberal.
Though perhaps not for the rest of us…
If 75% oppose more immigration, the other 25% must be immigrants themselves I should imagine.
I would really like Beeboids and LBC presenters to ask the self righteous ones if they will be adopting one of these allegdely ‘child’ migrants.
I doubt if there is a single one of them biologically a child i.e pre pubertal. The vast majority are men in their twenties trying to steal a few years free schooling and get all the extra help and care that social services give to supposed ‘child’ refugees.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but if this Polish news program is to be believed Merkel had all CCTV of Cologne on New Year Eve wiped, we’re living in sinister times.
6 mins in
Something is not right that is for sure. It is also interesting that the incomers are being sent mostly to rural areas. Small towns and so on. We have to ask why? It is also true of Holland.
The Merkel regime’s official reason seems to be to stop the formation of ghettos.
Now if I had a cynical mind it might really be because the rural areas are largely conservative. This is true throughout Europe. The shire people have to be broken before any authoritarian revolution can succeed. Think of France in the 1790s and Russia after 1917.
The very nature of rural life makes it easier for a state to isolate and crush the shire people. At least to begin with and liberal authoritarians do not look very far ahead.
Settling large numbers of incomers who have no interest in or inkling or rural life and manners is almost guaranteed to cause havoc and maybe this is the intention.
Living in a rural area myself I can imagine just how the English shire folk would react. Badly is the word.
I have never been one for conspiracy theories but coincidence is an unsatisfactory explanation for the way things are turning out.
The warning of ex President of the Czech Republc Vaclav Klaus a few days ago that the Western European governments have declared war on their people and the warnings of the Hungarian premier Victor Orban now seem to have an urgency that we ignore at our peril .
I could very well be wrong but I detect that Cameron is aware of real trouble ahead and is desperate to keep this country out of it if possible. But so in thrall is he to liberal virtue signalling that he cannot speak honestly to us. Which begs the question why the hurry on the referendum?
The BBC is as usual useless or already compromised. Take your pick.
I meant to add that for the moment we can speak relatively freely. I do not expect this to last much longer so that is why I advocate caution and the avoidance of language that can be construed as threatening. The current state authorities in Western Europe are tyrants by inevitabilty ( as the quote goes ) so we need to be careful.
Surround yourself with people you can trust and who think along the same lines.
I think its caused by the left-wing Mind-Control Techniques of the elitists in the Intelligence agencies: The idea is to manage and predict human behaviour so as to protect themselves from the unwashed masses. But it seems to be going wrong because it seems to effect those already inflicted with left-wing thoughts, the most, while those who are immune are labelled right-wing, even if they are Labour Mps, not to mention those who go to a Mosque. It also helps if you eyesight is not perfect.
At the moment, the Brainwashing techniques are focused on (1) Education (2) Advertising (3) Politics (4) BBC (5) Children (6) Self-Image (7) Racial and Religious Identity (8) Self Awareness (9) Pseudo patriotism (War on Terror) (10) Media uniformity (Same Story on all channels except RT) (11) Mindlessly conforming International Political Consensus formed by a predetermined decisions (Climate Change) (12) Divide and Conquer (Devolution will strengthen the Union, but do not mention the European Union) (13) Farage versus the rest of them (14) Fluoride in Thames water to lower IQ (15) Hormones in Thames Water to produce Homo-Identity Politics (16) Exitotoxins in Fast Food (17) Use Psychiatry to define all people by their addictions and disorders, as opposed to their human potential.
It looks loony to us because the elite are losing the plot, by believe their own propaganda, therefore losing control of the attempt to subvert the democratic process.
Interesting post Richard Pinder but you forgot to mention the chem trails.
What you should do is complain about such omissions.
Shame if it turns out there was no time or space available.
Watching ‘The Story of China’ on BBC 2 and even in this programme about a fascinating historic time in Asian history, the Beeb are pandering to the wretched Islamic faith, subliminally dropping in messages about tolerating Muslims.
There’s never any criticism of Islam in BBC documentaries, even if actual historical texts consider them a menace.
the magic of the silk road …. hmmm
the magic of central Asia …. uh oh
yes you would have seen Arabs … UH OH
cue lots of film of Muslims
waffling on about enriching, nations have to shed their preconceptions
embrace the other etc, etc
and in the 7th century China did just that.
cue more film of Muslims
enough of that
… off switch
23:00 The bull shit goes on. Half of refugees are children. WTF? How? Any verification figures on that? They are knocking on the UKs border What Calais? Have we gone back in a time to the days of EdwardIII? Burnham appears and says we should help them. Labour didn’t get elected remember. Any one with my view point on. Course not it’s another not all views represented article. At least they appear to have dropped the c***s from save the children, I wonder if the CEO will get a bonus this year. A (15 year old ) “child” is interviewed apparently he has relatives in the UK, that seems a common statement, and wants to be a school boy again. Yea ok come here we’ll pay to feed cloth and house him put him in school where no doubt he can’t speak English and need special treatment . Do I want to pay for that? No!
Of course they are children! When the Fascist left has decided that the definition of a child is simply someone who identifies as one (have you seen the unchallenged ’15’ year old murderer in Sweden?) then half of them ARE children!
40 year old children, but children never the less simply because they claim to be under the age of 18 !
BBC Points West bleating on about Council Tax rises and more service cuts, of course their blaming the astronomical fat cat six figure salaries and pensions and the stupid diversity, PC and green agendas for the rise – NOT! Nope its all the beastly Tories fault for cutting central government funding.
BBC Online News:
“”What the government says it’s doing to help Syrian refugee children””
“”He’s a child refugee. Now the UK says it’s going to take in more children like him, mainly from camps bordering Syria. The government won’t say how many people but millions like him need help.”
“”David Cameron has pledged to take 20,000 refugees from Syria by 2020.
To put that number into perspective, Wembley stadium has a capacity of 90,000″”.
(WW2 photo of refugees with children to create sympathy with today). “”A handful of survivors from the 150 refugees who left Lodz in Poland two months earlier headed for Berlin. They are following railway lines on the outskirts of Berlin in the hope of being picked up by a British train.””
This is the most biased pro-immigration BBC article I’ve seen to date. Totally supporting Labour/Yvette Cooper.
No opposing view.
Biased Left Wing BBC.
Cameron also pledged this to his nation before the last general election ……………….
Seems to me that the EU actively wants to drive Britain out of Europe so why is there nothing on the BBC about this?
Could well be . Even the stupidest EU apparatchnik must realise that probably a majority in England want out of the EU . I remember De Gaulle had reservations about us and he was probably quite right.
Ethnically European we are but our history is very different and despite the liberal distortions of history we have been a cohesive and recognisable single polity since Alfred’s times.
No other European state can claim this.
In addtion in many of our lifetimes Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece , Portugal have been authoritarian states .
Which is no wonder that they seem to accept Brussel’s rule so easily.
Is this what our ‘elite’ students get their grants to waste their time on ?
They are ‘airbrushing’ our history. These are future Al Beeb employees. Perhaps they need to get a real job ?
We may be assisting their funding, as Cecil Rhodes in death may be, but I think you will find that the
infants‘elite’ students behind this are not ‘ours’. Future Al Beeb employees? They are certainly ticking a few boxes in ‘diversity’ and virtue signalling! I think ISIS are doing similar ‘airbrushing’ of historical objects in Syria.Mad world.
Just heard on the Today programme: “the statue of the imperialist Cecil Rhodes will not be removed… Oxford University will have to explain to future generations why…”
Nope, no agenda there from the “impartial” BBC.
Yes Roland as impartial as ever ! My answer to the Today programme would be “Cos its history stupid”
This was something we all learnt about at school before the days of Social Work Degrees, Gender studies,
Race and Ethnicity Studies etc , started to try and re-write our past from their left wing jaundiced viewpoint.
If Rhodes is staying I can see the University “Safe Spaces” might be very full this week.
If the stoodents of above courses find these subjects stressful can I suggest they try and find a Uni that still does a degree course in David Beckham Studies – probably just as useful to humanity as some of the above shit!
They would like to get rid of the statue but keep the Rhodes scholarships and completely fail to see the hypocrisy.
The great progressive education experiment laid bare today.
OECD report places British children bottom of the league for literacy among developed nations.
Whilst conversely, British pensioners are among the MOST literate in the same study of OECD nations.
You might consider this a national scandal worthy of in depth analysis…..the effect of comprehensives, the effect of abolishing grammar schools in most areas, the effect of inward migration of non English speakers……the education ministers responsible called in for interviews on the Beeb and perhaps calls for a Royal Commission…..lets see how this latest evidence of engineered national decline is presented by our fearless, impartial BBC.
Well on what I heard…the OECD report on the illiteracy rate of British children got one short mention on the BBC news and then……nowt.
Must have been short of time what with people who were friends of Mandela to be interviewed, a Labour Lord explaining again how labour lost the last election an item on the new shaped Barbie dolls, and stories about the EU “closing on a deal” with Dave….though John Redwood rather crushed the agenda serving interviewer in his little slot.
Also interesting item on hand transplants in Leeds……one assumes the number of donors will increase exponentially if sharia law is introduced, yet another advantage accruing to an islamising nation!….Just be clear, I made that last bit up!
I keep on asking – When is something going to be done about the BBC, and their Left/Liberal propaganda and propagandists?
Government Kills!
Stateside. Police shooting. Again. Not so much outrage from journalists on behalf of this dead man though. Where’s Al Sharpton on this one? BBC race baiters are not stirring up riots this time either, nor expecting riots it appears.
Stefan Molyneux may understand the reasons for this in this highly thought provoking monologue which I recommend to all. The evidence is mounting. The body of statistics on MSM coverage in the main stream media of police brutality is providing that evidence suggesting that the media is ‘institutionally racist’ after all, which bodes well for nobody.
This is a neighbour and co protester of the dead man. Perhaps you will see why these people need to be killed by the Government? And the BBC weep for Michael Brown.
Racism, a leftist tool to divide and rule in search of votes and power. The leftards are their useful idiots, who rail against ‘the man’, the ‘Establishment’ and the ‘1%ers’ whilst feeding and demanding more of the corporate beast that enslaves and impoverishes them. To the Establishment Cultural Marxists at the BBC and their greed for personal wealth and popularity, racism is one of their tools that gives them their bit of power and lifts them into the 1%.
What a bunch of sanctimonious @rseholes those three in the studio were.
Yes that fella is like Alistair Stewart after a self doubt extraction
BBc breakfast…Migrant children. And another interview with Iona Lawrence from “citizens UK” who are fast beicoming favourites with the bbc
“Modules covering topics and issues of Climate Change, Ecology, Urban Inequality and Development, Divided Cities, Justice, Care and Democracy, Citizenship, Refugee Studies, International Development, Religion and Development, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Data Collection, Data Analysis, Evaluation and Research Write Up.”
one step up from hairdressing I suppose
‘Citizens UK’. According to documents lodged with the Charity Commision, it has received money from:
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – £78,501 in 2014
Barings – £30,000 in 2014
Princess Diana Memorial Fund – £221,667 in 2013
Migration Foundation – £30,041 in 2014
Paul Hamlyn Foundation – £50,000 in 2014
Unbound Philanthropy – £66,667 in 2013, £93,860 in 2014
That final one – Unbound Philanthropy – is a private foundation with assets of over $100 million and operates in both the UK and USA. It’s motto is: “Welcoming Newcomers. Strengthening Communities” (communities of billionaires looking for cheap labour, presumably). Other recipients of its largesse include the Southern Poverty Law Center, the American Immigration Law Foundation and the Migration Policy Institute (headed by David Miliband). It is believed that they are heavily involved in the campaign against Donald Trump.
So, one can see why Citizens UK would be on BBC speed-dial.
“It’s quite scary”
Our Naga Munchetty comments on the tv feature we used to know and love (and be reassured by) …. the weather forcast
Of course there’s precious little emphasis on forcasting these days. It’s all about ‘warnings’ and ‘alerts’. The main interest has shifted to a morbid Met Office/BBC obsession with cataloguing ‘record’ weather events. These blue ribbon claims may be somewhat dubious – the proviso ‘since records began’ – an unspecified undated pre-modern dark age is suggested but really it is the equivalence of a sporting record ‘at altitude’ or ‘wind assisted’.
Whilst on the subject of heavy gusts Carole Kirkwood surveys the Olympic Medal Table-like fastest wind speed by town and I’m left feeling my corner of the South East of England – albeit heavily populated – are hardly pulling our weight in the national effort for extreme events.
Carole is safe indoors with hardly a hair out of place – it’s the cub reporter sent out in her anorak taking the brunt – how could we possibly imagine wind and rain without such brave reporting and pictures?
Storms will scare the elderly and the young – particularly since we’ve started naming the blighters. But that was the idea, wasn’t it?
The BBC are planning ‘Unprecedented: the Series’. Apparently.
Which, if you think about it, would be tricky after Episode 1.
BBC World Service “Business Daily” presenter Ed Butler ” A few years ago we were all celebrating the coming to power of left wing governments in Latin America”. That will presumably be the “we” who have a secure supply of toilet paper.
I keep on asking – When is something going to be done about the BBC, and their Left/Liberal propaganda and propagandists?
Won`t be today. It was on Today that I heard another ludicrous piece of nonsense about a play about screaming Lord Sutchs contribution to British democracy. Listen to it on the iplayer….everything that`s wrong with the BBC in one short clip.
This on the day the OECD reports a catastrophic collapse in literacy levels among British children, in comparison with other developed countries.
Full speed ahead to Britain acquiring third world status. Just. Don`t. Talk. About. It.
The question is: Who is there that could do something about the BBC? Some of the comrades may be so delusional as to think they are in opposition to the government, but the reality is that the BBC is the propaganda arm of the British state. It’s role is to promote the policies of the government: immigration, diversity, Islamification, the EU, global warmimg and so on. Differences between the ‘Conservatives’ and the merry-go-round of Labour/Guardian/BBC jobsworths are those of degree, not of principle, more likely to be fuelled by personality rather than ideology.
Hi all,
I was directed to this page
[TRIGGER WARNING: BBC evidencing bigotry, biased opinions, mis-directions and falsehoods. Biggest crime: proporting to be the voice of the people.]
“Fear and loathing will power drama of EU debate” ::
yesterday from this esteemed forum to the listed page. I noted the comments section and sorted them on highest rating and lo! the quick poll as the first to leave or stay in the EU. I noted some 900+ for leaving and around 34 to stay. I was quite surprised. I know others here saw the same comments section so know I wasn’t miss-reading it.
I left the page open overnight (I have protection against thought viruses, I was safe) and checked what the score was. I up’ed it again to get a fresh reading and, double lo!, 986! Being interested in the other posts’ status I refreshed the page to see this:
36. Posted by arfajob01
28 Jan 2016 05:44
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
So it was up all day but removed at some point when, I guess, they were able to wring out a reason to remove the content.
They’re on the run! Keep pushing!!!
Charlie Stayt lands the big Holywood interview – 3 minutes with Will Smith
The millionaire actor is plugging his latest oscar bid – some cause for concern movie where he plays a doctor campaigning about brain injuries to grid iron football players. “The authorities just wouldn’t listen to him”. Dontcha just love it when Holywood stands up for the little guy against the system! By the way Smith’s fresh princess of a daughter, bless her, said in a recent interview that she had the ability to ‘control time’. Not so strange perhaps when you take into account Tom Cruise’s religious beliefs or the news this week that some rapper informed his fans that the earth is flat.
Charlie had promised Smith would tell us why he’s boycotting the oscars – he didn’t. I guess that can wait until after he’s explained the rules of NFL to British movie goers – or not. “It’s about inclusion and diversity” – The oscars not American football – obviously. You’re pushing at an open door there, son. The BBC are the architects and creators of Sports Diversity of the Year.
Speaking of the little scientific guy against the system, had to love the real doc on this morning talking about Zika virus. His last words were Climate Change! Double-plus good. Ok for next time? BBC driver will toot his horn when he arrives outside your house. Cheque in the post.
“It’s about inclusion and diversity”, that’s odd, I thought the clue was in the name, “The Acadamey Awards”, awards for being the best in your field. Will Smith is a very engaging and charismatic chap who is not doing anyone any favours by playing the race/victim card.
Smith has already won a Best Actor award for this role, from the African-American Film Critics Association. Guess who are eligible for awards from that body.
An association exclusively for African American film critics? I hope they have an “inclusion and diversity” award.
Oh aren’t Labour wonderful, oh aren’t Labour marvellous, Oh aren’t Labour fantastic in challenging the NASTY Tories (retch – spit) over semantics !
Total bias from the propaganda outfit again !