The ardent pro-mass immigration, open borders lobby, and that includes the BBC, live inside a delusional bubble in which the real world, and the consequences of their actions, don’t penetrate in the slightest.
On Monday Marr and three other lobbyists teamed up against the lone Daniel Hannan as they pressed for unrestricted immigration without regard to what is happening in the world around them. Steep rises in all sorts of crimes, anti-Semitism, European towns and cities where it is unsafe to walk the streets, attacks on migrant women and children by male migrants (Studiously ignored of course by the Left unlike attacks on migrants by racist groups)…and that’s not even venturing down the road of cultural differences due to religious affiliation.
These people just don’t seem to understand, or don’t care, that Europe is being torn apart by the incursion of millions of foreigners who have little intention of integrating least of all of reforming Islam and abiding by the cultural norms and practises of the countries they go to exploit.
Norman Tebbit spells it out…
These are dangerous days for Western civilisation
We must make a choice: close our frontiers to those unwilling to respect cultural values or admit as many migrants as are delivered
There is a choice to be made. One way is to close our frontiers to those who are unwilling to respect or share our cultural values which spring from our Judeo-Christian inheritance. The other is to admit as many migrants as the people smugglers deliver to our frontiers in the hope that they will adopt our culture and values, knowing that if they did not, we would have to adopt theirs, or risk sinking into a struggle between irreconcilably divided communities.
Even the lefty Der Spiegel admits the migrants are causing chaos and are using or liberal attitudes against us…
Has the German State Lost Control?
It is the clash of two cultures: A constitutional state that emphasizes de-escalation, integration and the empathetic re-socialization of young offenders; and immigrants from authoritarian societies who misunderstand the approach and take advantage of the fact that they, even if they break the law, are neither deported nor toughly punished.
The consequence is that, in some places, law and order is restricted, or doesn’t exist at all. Like in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Or in troubled city quarters in Frankfurt and Berlin during the entire year.
The state has accepted its own impotence, and it was perhaps possible to accept so long as tens of thousands of asylum-seekers weren’t entering the country every year. But now Germany is facing an enormous task: that of absorbing and integrating hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of refugees. It is a challenge that can only be met if Germany once again begins to consistently enforce its rules.
Being a left wing paper it likes to try and put the blame upon the police, or rather the lack of police and the failure to resource them sufficiently….but in the square in Cologne there were over 100 police officers..more than sufficient you might think for a normal crowd….who would have expected the events that did happen?
However in doing so the paper admits that the real problem is migration itself, migration of people with little intention of conforming to societies rules and norms….and that Germany has lost control….due to its liberal, progressive attitudes towards the migrants.
Who will take control is the question…the government or will it be left to the People to police the streets themselves with all that that leads to…..all out conflict.
Still, Marr and his crowd are happy fiddling whilst Rome burns and Swedes (ironically immigrants themselves once) say Sweden is no longer safe, and 10 year old boys are raped repeatedly.
Con Coughlin in the Telegraph examines the dangers of the Liberal’s open door, look-away approach as ISIS use the migration crisis to inflitrate its terrorist cohorts into Europe….
Isil is actively using the migrant routes to dispatch scores of highly trained terrorists throughout Europe with detailed instructions on how to carry out atrocities on a similar scale to the mass attacks carried out in Paris last November, which claimed 130 innocent lives.
The skilful exploitation of migrant routes by jihadi terror cells will certainly add to the pressure on EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and his aides who, despite months of warnings that the refugee influx would seriously jeopardise European security, have failed miserably to appreciate the scale of threat.
Rather than trying to improve checks made on the backgrounds of those seeking refuge, EU officials have preferred the easier option of lecturing member states on why they need to accept ever-larger migrant quotas.
The result is that European politicians now find themselves overwhelmed by a wealth of security and social concerns .
Curiously the BBC seems less than interested in the reports of terrorist inflitration via the immigrant routes.
Sleep well, Marr. While you can.
‘The alleged rape of a 13-year-old Russian-speaking girl in Berlin, supposedly by asylum-seekers, has fuelled anti-migrant protests from Germany’s large Russian community.
But the outrage was sparked by Russia’s media propaganda machine. And now the Kremlin is stepping in.’
From Russia steps into Berlin ‘rape’ storm claiming German cover-up –
‘Propaganda machine’.
Hardly neutral language. They might as well have written ‘the Russian media are ignorant fools spouting populist rubbish’.
Could it not be that maybe, just maybe, the Russian media had legitimate concerns about a possible Rotherham style cover up?
State media propaganda machines? The very idea.
What are they like?
And the whole horrid Neo-Pravda is probably funded by a model of quasi extortion.
Oh, hang on…..
But the outrage was sparked by Russia’s media propaganda machine.
The BBC complaining about propaganda?
The word ‘hypocritical’ is not nearly strong enough to do justice to that.
Whether that young girl did or didn’t go off voluntarily with those ‘men’, it’s still rape by any civilised definition of the term. Of course, in Islam it’s not a crime for a ‘man’ to rape or indeed ‘marry’ Muslim children so to rape an infidel child no doubt has the blessing of the ‘spiritual’ leaders of the Religion of Peace.
“Russia steps into Berlin ‘rape’ storm claiming German cover-up”
If it wasn’t so serious you’d be forgiven for sniggering at the BBC reporting here.
First thing to take note of is the name of the reporter, Damien McGuinness, a very juvenile looking young man who is clearly given to hyperbole, and judging by his twatter ramblings, not the sharpest tool in the box.
Next, just look at the number of hoops he and the BBC jump through to ram home the message that this is all, to quote the cackling criminal crone, Hillary Clinton, ‘ a vast right wing conspiracy’ and nothing whatsoever to do with swarms of out of control young migrant males with criminal tendencies.
The article is littered with such exaggerations as:
“Russia’s media propaganda machine”
“..protesting against what “they say” is a cover-up by police..”
“..popular Russian TV channel..” – (populist – very, very naughty)
“German lawyer Martin Luithle has now reported the Russian journalist behind the report, Ivan Blagoy, to the police for incitement.” – Drag in some far left shyster.
“The case has been taken up enthusiastically by right-wing extremists in a bid to fuel anti-migrant sentiment. ”
“…migration is an explosive issue. The far-right NPD and the Berlin branch of the anti-Islam Pegida movement have helped organise the protests. ”
“Russian flags and symbols are often seen at anti-Muslim Pegida protests”
“..the Berlin district of Marzahn, where Lisa F’s family lives, is heavily populated with Russian-speakers, and is notorious for xenophobic right-wing extremist protests.”
“These allegations are particularly potent since the debacle in Cologne, when police failed to protect women from sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve. ” – Obviously the police are to blame – not the savages.
“Berlin’s Interior Minister Frank Henkel has responded by saying he is baffled by Moscow’s involvement ” – Oh really!! It is the duty of any state to ensure protection of its citizens abroad by raising such issues with the host government
“This initial lack of clarity played into the hands of anti-migrant activists hoping to inflame tensions.” – Utter B*llocks
And finally the pièce de résistance:
“Kremlin-backed media have often been accused of using propaganda to stir up trouble with Russian-speakers living in the Baltics.
But now some fear the same tactic could be being used in Germany, possibly to keep Chancellor Angela Merkel on the back-foot when it comes to the fate of EU sanctions imposed on Russia because of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.” – It’s now a Kremlin plot.
And there you have it, some BBC kid with bum fluff on his cheeks and straight out of the BBC “school of journalism” has so comprehensively and utterly missed the big story by pushing the BBC propaganda line.
As things stand now I’d rather take news coming from Russia than a news distorting BBC that lost all vestiges of credibility 20 years ago.
Thanks for pulling out those quotes, TPO.
Yet more proof, were it needed, that BBC journalism is light years away from being ‘impartial’.
yeah I now often note in BBC reports phrases like “now some fear” or “some have criticised”, etc.. when they just need to make up a fictitious opinion
Putin is the only strong leader in the West….muslims rioting would be wiped out…..the Calais filth would be incinerated…..He has the right stuff. We are too cowed by the Left in the West….and why we will go under.
Probably standing on a dead Whale?? In a sea of hypocrisy……
On a dead whale – or on a rock a few metres from the beach. Be good to know who took that staged photo and which of the ‘media’ pushed it as genuine.
Islam is playing Western ‘liberal’ guilt like a violin.
I can find out the source of the photograph TrueToo …. it was on my FB feed a lil earlier……
That would be great. That kind of con needs to be exposed far and wide. is the original poster of the picture I just commented asking its` origin….
Public PGP Key:
Fingerprint: CA3F 15A0 F167 307F 86EA 71E2 602F 3B74 6E2E 6EAC
From his about info on his profile
Thanks for that Justin Casey!
I’m not on Farcebook but I’ll check the other info out. It’s not on Prison Planet’s Twitter yet, but I assume it will be soon.
he has a lot of followers i indirectly got the feed via a group i am part of….. I`m sure he can be googled etc and has to be accessable via his twitter accoutn… i don`t go on twitter cos it`s full of twats….. also it`s limited word post format doesn`t enable me to put forward a proper and cohesive counter viewpoint to the copypasta voxpop bul`shit`letins by the libtard elites on there…
maybe you should email him…. might be a way to perhaps glean some possible future sources of our own from his knowledge on this topic…
Anychance you could spread this post i made yesterday??
Well …………… Much like the so called `feminazis` who harp on about gender equality whilst ignoring the mass rapes and sexual assaults by the followers of the R.O.P. (Rapists Of Passers-by) … The BBC and the mainstream news outlets have decided that so called Green Energy and the needs of the Luddites to erect Offshore Windfarms as the are ECO friendly, are ignoring the fact that the underwater low frequency noise pollution from them are to blame for the recent beaching of an entire pod of sperm whales across the coasts of the north sea… seventeen whales in all!!!
Please read the the links and feel free to ask both your MEPs and your MPs why has this obvious link not been investigated???
Yet another blatant example of hypocrisy in action …… I am not allowed to post on any BBC sites but please feel free to post the links and questions you may have arising from what I have posted here…..
Interesting stuff. I’m banned from the Guardian.
I`ve never even bothered to attempt registration given the BBC tactic of `embedding` employees within those groups and organisations who seek to subvert the and denigrate the secular and democratic constitution of our soveriegn state Great Britain whenever or wherever possible via censorship, obstruction, destruction or in the case of the `migrants` … induction and instruction…
Me too true too….i beasted..and bested,,Toynbee and mud-hut Monbiot once too often…they don’t like it up ’em.
This is the impact of migrants on local swimming pools across the length and breadth of Europe! Would you allow your children to go in for dip even after this lot had left?. No amount of chlorine can cleanse the waters.
This how Boris Johnsons` grandchildren will look when they are old enough to enter the local state funded madrassa … i mean `Freeschool` in London….. anytime after February….
Well done JC, that did make me chuckle. If only it were to be but there lies a large part of the whole immigration problem, our wealthy will never have to face the consequences of their treachery. They have the resources to protect themselves and their families from the inevitable negative consequences of uncontrolled mass immigration, up to a point of course. I’m not suggesting money would have deflected a Paris terrorists bullet, but it does allow a way out through relocation or increased security. The likes of Boris can experiment on the rest of us with impunity knowing that them and there own will be just fine.
That’s me in the West Indies in the 1950’s. I look Guilty because they are all blaming me for not doing enough to help them succeed in life.
I learned that if Black people fail, its because White people have the superior ability to hold everyone else back. It’s the one thing that the lefties admit about the superiority of White people with an IQ of around 164. The superior ability to hold everyone else back.
It’s high time Jeremy Corbyn and other comrades of the left answered the following multiple-choice question:
You are encouraging and facilitating the Islamic invasion of Europe because
a) You assume all cultures are equal and all the invaders are genuine refugees
b) You scoff at the concept of national borders and sovereignty
c) You calculate that in time the invaders will help vote left-wing parties into power
d) a, b and c
e) You are content to be dominated by Islam as the price to pay for the destruction of Western civilisation
I believe the far-left’s contempt for Western culture is so all-embracing that it cancels out the ability to think logically. Neither Corbyn nor his comrades could give a sensible answer any of your alternatives.
Well, they certainly have an unhinged emotional attitude to these issues which does tend to work strongly against rational thought.
Also, these primitives with their joyous brutality and intentional aggression are the natural allies of the caring, sharing brigade who run the wretched EU.
Both of them hate free-market, open Western culture, with its assumption of universal ‘values’ of good/evil, right/wrong.
Noble savages, eh? We’ll see.
Logic is an alien concept for the Left.
The answer is e.
That said, don’t honestly know whether Comrade Corbyn and his pals want to destroy Western civilisation as a whole but they certainly want to destroy the Western market economic system, so that out of the ashes their collectivist socialist Nirvana can be created.
“I love Big Brother”. All together now.
If they ever succeed, they’ll soon discover that Big Brother in the form of Islam is an extremely unpleasant ruler.
If the worst does happen…..i hope i would be around to watch thousands of whimpering, pleading leftists as they are burnt alive…thrown from high buildings….hung from cranes….mowed down by AK’s…..sweet….sweet schadenfreude…..
Socialism needs poverty, as poor people vote Labour. The importation of mass poverty therefore makes sense for the Labour Party elite.
Reducing business costs with high immigration is not a justifiable infliction upon cultural cohesion.
Overwhelming Indigenous democratic requirement is for employment contracts visas from around the globe to fill vacancies when required, not only cheaper but will not destroy national culture.
The identical set of EURO currency IN campaigners, wrong then, wrong now, vote OUT.
If they had really wanted, previous governments could have done something about the feckless ‘relying’ on the welfare state and readily available free cash/housing a long time ago, the truth is that they (the feckless) are a convenient excuse to justify unfettered immigration.
That’s a clever video clip. God help Sweden.
Pat Condell is less entertaining, but perhaps more shocking.
People need to wake up to the fact that there have been very few post war leaders who have done anything which wasn’t disastrous for Britain.
Winston Churchill (Harrow) is as guilty as any of the worst, for it was he – full of good intentions (and we all know where they lead) who pushed for the European Human Right Act, and he who also insisted on the Asylum treaty. Because he didn’t have the conception that the future would involve cheap & easy transport, and unscrupulous criminals prepared to exploit it, it failed to have any safeguards for receiving countries.
Anthony Eden (Eton) Ineffective and as useless as Chamberlain if not worse, He failed to take any interest in the post war European movement which became the EU on the grounds half Britain’s trade was with its Empire, and then there was Suez !
Harold Macmillan (Eton) Left wing Tory filled government posts with Old Etonians, didn’t achieve anything much, but thankfully did little of harm either.
Alec Douglas-Home (Eton) Very like his predecessor didn’t achieve anything much, but thankfully did little of harm either.
Following his resignation the Tory party failed to elect the best candidate – Enoch Powell, and elected the wholly useless Ted Heath.
Harold Wilson Disastrous for Britain first round of mass immigration, balance of trade went strongly negative, pound in your pocket, abolition of grammar schools, red brick universities, government borrowing, super tax, eventual collapse of the economy resulting in the IMF bailout, Northern Ireland ‘troubles’. Difficult to find anything positive he achieved.
Ted Heath Ineffective inept Tory wet 3 day week, failed to stand up to the miners, possible paedo, huge increase in welfare spending, public support for US bombing in Vietnam, lied about the EU to ensure UK joining.
James Callaghan unelected Labour PM Winter of discontent, crisis, what crisis? Lib-Lab pact, rising unemployment, failed to secure re-election
Margaret Thatcher The first female PM and perhaps the only PM to have Britains interest wholly at heart. Privatisations, union laws, beat the miners, beat the EU, promoted private enterprise, personal responsibility, deregulation, Falkland Islands, metritocratic, minus points for community charge and high unemployment.
John Major Another hopeless leftie Tory who failed to do anything positive for Britain, other than keeping Labour out. Pro EU, Maastricht which allowed millions of accession country citizens into the UK, black Wednesday, ERM (would he have taken us into the Euro??) So europhillic James Goldsmith formed the referendum party. Back to basics, sleaze, party split.
Massive loss of seats to Labour and an unelectable party for years.
Tony Blair. I think by this stage we all know the utter harm he did for the UK.
Gordon Brown ditto
David Cameron ditto !
A pretty fair summing up of most of our post-war PMs (I might disagree on the odd detail but agree with your general thrust). You missed out Attlee who nationalised anything that moved; so condemned our service industry to mediocrity for decades. He brought in the NHS, and although all parties were planning to do something similar at that time it happened on his watch, so he receives the credit for it. He didn’t help the economy and most items were still rationed at the end of his period. He achieved an incredible and largely unexpected landslide in 1945, but was strongly rejected by the electorate just six years later so must have been a disaster like all his fellow Labour PMs.
Would argue that Mrs Thatcher was probably the one who did for education and training in this country.
There is no doubting her overhauling of the putrid inheritance that she took over in 79, nor in my respect for her as a woman of courage, intellect and well able to get great people like Joseph and Tebbit to work for her.
AND-she will be our last PM who actually had a nodding acquaintance with the Judeo-Christian heritage that the EU were hellbent on destroying…as well as Biblical precepts and a conscience that stemmed from them.How many others would dare give a Sermon On The Mound and correct the liberal oafs of the Church of England/Scotland?
So an economic and moral colossus.
But an educational disaster…National Curriculum, submitting to the university academics regarding what kids should be taught, sending only the likes of Baker and Carlisle to her old post-as if it didn`t matter.
Joseph was no match for the unions either…wrong man, wrong time.
Callaghan had opened a door for her in his “Secret Garden” speech at Ruskin College 1976…so was the more prescient and knowing.
Mrs T must have thought that if the economy could lead, then people would choose morally and based on their financial rewards-and we`d get a better society.
Naive-the Left pimp off the state and subvert as they march through the institutions-and Thatcher let them have the BBC, schools and universities.
Fatal to us all today the products now dance on her grave because they are thick lefties with privileged big words to account for their virtues.
She ought to have cut the cancer out, and noted that both the Left and Islam were in this one for the long game.(of course, she can`t be faulted for Islamic ignorance whilst in office, unless she chose to ignore the value that Khomeini was putting on students…and the Taliban in Afghanistan too).
So-much as I thank Mrs T for much-she was a cultural disaster for us.
I`d say too that Blair will be found to have done more damage to this country than the rest of the list all put together…666 and the Tories were right to use the Demon Eyes poster-the last true thing they said in the 90s I`d say.
Mrs T also made the mistake of not focussing on maintaining apprentices a daft policy which was bizarrely continued by Labour.One of Germanys strengths is it apprentice system as opposed to the UK having lots of graduates with degrees in subjects like `Media Studies`
I would tend to agree with you, Thoughtful. I do think, however that the high unemployment during the Thatcher years, as tragic as it was for all the people and communities involved, was more a consequence of the disastrous state Britain was in when she took office.
For months, watching the German MSM mindlessly praise the Willkommenskultur to the hilt, sing paeons to unconditional universal love and gush twee sentimentalisms about opening one’s hearts to poor suffering refugees on their long perilous journeys fraught with danger has been an extremely nauseating experience. At long last, however, the “wir schaffen das” euphoria seems to be quickly subsiding after the Cologne “events”. The ARD Morgenmagazin was doing a piece about the surge in demand for women’s self defence classes in Cologne. These women are now being taught “Gewalt ist auch eine Lösung” (violence is also a solution). In relation to Islam it’s a lesson everyone who wants to survive will have to learn sooner or later.
Something the Labour party don’t like to mention when claiming credit for the NHS is that when the Beverage Report was was first published, they rejected it because it wasn’t centralised enough.
Far left wing propaganda
Culture Goes Plural
Farrah Jarral continues her journey through the history of anthropology.
In this episode she explores the legacy of one of the most influential anthropologists of all: Franz Boas. From pluralising the word ‘culture’ to developing the idea of cultural relativism and promoting the cause of anti-racism, Boas can claim a tremendous intellectual legacy. Farrah travels to New York City, where she sees one of his original displays at the American Museum of Natural History, and hears why he is known as the father of American anthropology.
“Boas also introduced the ideology of cultural relativism which holds that cultures cannot be objectively ranked as higher or lower, or better or more correct, but that all humans see the world through the lens of their own culture, and judge it according to their own culturally acquired norms”
I’m definitely with the BBC on this.
I mean how could you possibly equate this backward vacuous nonsense,
to the wonders of this cultural enrichment.
For those not familiar with the first can I suggest you go to 32 minutes and listen to the adagio.
My apologies for some reason it keeps defaulting. It should link to the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam with Rachmaninov’s second symphony.
Try again:
I simply can’t believe that the left-liberal elite, personified on TV by the likes of Andrew Marr and Jon Snow don’t know or don’t understand the disruptive consequences of mass immigration, especially muslim immigration. But they think that the disruption will play to their political and societal agenda. This is where their reasoning breaks down.They are clearly against the nation state, which must have a reasonably homogeneous culture if it is to survive. I can only assume that they think that the breakdown of a homogeneous culture and a capable nation state wedded to some variant of free market economics will usher in a permanent left wing form of government and a permanent socialist society. This was essentially the objective of those elements of the Blair Government who opened the immigration floodgates after 1997 and wanted to ‘rub the noses of the right in diversity’.
I think they are sadly misguided. A lot of Eastern Europeans are not left wing, for instance. But more important, muslims are not remotely interested in the sort of socialist society that the Western liberal left want. Muslim societies are intensely conservative from both a religious and societal standpoint. Muslim states, without exception are dictatorial – either nationalist or theocratic. Marr, Snow et all must somehow think that a growing muslim minority in the UK, tending to a majority after a few generations, will somehow fall in love with liberal socialist ideas. I think they must be mad to think this.
You are absolutely right.
If you want to have an out and out socialist, welfare state you need a high level of social cohesion.
No one will pay high taxes or put up with poor education if they feel other groups do not show solidarity with them. It’s no coincidence that the British welfare state made the greatest advances after WWII when winning the war had “brought the country together” and levels of social trust were high. Uncontrolled mass immigration destroys social cohesion because there are large transfers of benefits away from the indigenous poor to poor immigrants. The rapid discovery of billions of euros for “refugees” in a matter of months has got the German benefit recipients wondering why they have been told for years no more cash, housing, etc. was available for them . The Labour strategy is, of course, to buy immigrant votes with benefits and special privileges. But this erodes social cohesion even more and can only lead to more tensions as the immigrant population expands more and more and aboriginal resentment increases. It will be interesting to se what happens in Sweden. Will the social security system become less and less generous?
Sweden will get very…very ugly from now on. Some are fighting back now…re-discovering their Viking heritage…and ready and willing to fight the muslim horde. This will discomfit the govt…..more people will resist…govt panics…deports muslims as fast as it can….they resist…mass disorder….anarchy. This is coming to Sweden. Can’t wait.