The Today programme was particularly vile this morning. It ran TWO items between 7am and 7.30am. The first was with EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager and she there to tell us how the well intentioned EU could investigate how companies such as Amazon, Google and Apple conduct their tax affairs in the UK. The BBC continually play this “tax avoidance” angle up for all it is with – forgetting that these large corporations simply comply with the tax code the politicians put in place. The message was the EU was a force for good – defending us from the robber barons of these big companies.
The BBC also ran an interview with thew Chief Exec of Diageo. Lots of chat about how their brands are performing in different global markets and then…the BBC casually ask him whether he thinks the UK should stay in the EU. Absolutely – he responds. It would be madness for us to BREXIT. Gotta love how the BBC sets this pro-EU agenda up, don’t you?
Yes, no-one could argue that they are impartial where the EU is concerned. Unfortunately though, it suits the Remain group for the BBC to behave in this way, with the result that claims of bias will be mitigated especially as some of the people who claim bias in one area will be opposing that claim where the Referendum is concerned, because the bias suits their own particular position.
Interesting to note though that Diageo are in a sort of opposite position to Google Amazon and the others, where they are a British company taking advantage of international tax law in the same way that Google and others are within Britain.
I’m not in a position to comment but do know that international tax law is phenomenally complicated, what with differing tax laws and treatments everywhere, dual taxation treaties etc. It is not hard to see that companies such as Diageo might try to play the system overseas to the same advantage as the Googles of this world seem to do here. BBC journos, and the media at large do not show any ability to educate in this area but prefer to follow their own particular narrative.
“Yes, no-one could argue that they are impartial where the EU is concerned”
You could have saved your keyboard some wear by typing “Yes, no-one could argue that they are impartial.”
Formatting problems again, I am using Windows 8 and Notepad or a 2007 version of Word.
Any advice or suggestions of alternative software welcomed.
The Government needs to get it’s act together in ‘quicktime’ and not allow the disgusting, glaring unfairness of the largest profit takers in the world paying the least in taxes where they make those profits off the backs of the British taxpayer.
There are no grey areas on this one like capitalism versus socialism, Labour versus Conservative
One has to admit however that it all started under Labour.
The BBC are right on to push that agenda for all our benefits.
Still, it would have more of a ring of sincerity if the BBC’s well-paid senior staff were not themselves guilty of tax avoidance. Note that I say ‘avoidance’ and not ‘evasion’, and that avoidance is not a crime, even if it be immoral. People like Yentob, Kirsty Wark and the Dimbleby brothers all made sure that they paid as little as possible, e.g. by having two salaries or declaring themselves to be freelance even when nearly all their work was for the satanic BBC.
Spot on Mustapha, the BBC want their cake and eat it as far as they were paying their own staff on self employed basis, which is total hypocrisy of them.
But that is all in throes of change since Long Term Dave pointed it out to them a few years ago and we all sick to death of ‘dual salaries’ Yentob who, combined with the Kids Co fiasco, has shown us what a total, undeserving incompetent he is.
However, two wrongs do not make a right. We all in business want to pay as little tax as possible but that is taking the mickey on a ginormous scale of avoidance most of the biggest world brands are paying compared to the rest of us.
It is up to the Government to change the rules to fit after all.
Go on, make my day Charlatans.
Tell me you have written to HMRC and asked them to reduce your tax code so that you pay more tax than you absolutely have to because the government needs it.
What, you haven’t?
Then you are just as bad as those you complain of!
Two major pro EU conspirators are well known by the BBC muck stirrers and fixers. ‘ex-BBC strategy chief, Carolyn Fairbairn, is now director-general of the fanatically (CBI) Europhile Confederation of British Industry and she has been declaring her referendum plans to the Guardian; and then Sir Roger Carr, (a former president of the CBI), is now deputy chairman of the BBC Trustees.’
How nice and cosy! Thanks to Conservative Woman for that link.
Other BBC lefties (spot the one that isn’t). The ‘not-fit-for-purpose’ BBC TRUST includes these lefties ‘Also typical of the sycophancy of the current Trustees is Richard Ayre. He worked at the BBC for almost 30 years, then had a brief spell on a quango after he took a fat BBC early-retirement pension (at only 50).’… his claim to fame ‘Recently, Ayre admitted to MPs (in the same hearing as Fairhead) that also during his watch as a Trustee, the Editorial Standards Committee – the final body in dealing with complaints from the public about content – had not upheld a single complaint about the BBC’s EU coverage in its entire existence (since 2007). Thanks to news-watch for that expose.
In BBC Trustees we have no trust: ‘Also typical of the BBC Trustees is current deputy chairman, Diana Coyle. She is married to a BBC journalist and is an economist and journalist. In that role she has made no secret of her strongly pro-Labour, and pro EU views.’…’Another Trustee is Lord Williams of Baglan. Who? Well, like Richard Ayre, his primary career was as a journalist in the BBC World Service, with its heavily pro-overseas aid agenda.’..’His career path makes it very clear that he is unlikely to vote Ukip. In his Trustee biography, he boasts sychophantically that he has a ‘lifelong bond’ with the BBC ethos.’ A trust unlike any other..’Massive evidence of the Trustee’s failings can be seen in their handling of complaints about EU coverage. In order to check ‘breadth of content’ , they commissioned former BBC trainee Stuart Prebble, who subsequently became the editor of Granada Television’s lefty ITV current affairs programme World in Action. Prebble was actually appointed to his role by a BBC Trustee David Liddiment, his former Granada colleague.’
A could go on but every one of those bloody trustees are pro EU, bent or jolly rogers on BBC benefits paid atop the TV license fee. You can’t TRUST any of them. Lies, lies and more lies.
“could go on”
Please do go on, and on, and on, the more disclosures about the treasonous AlBeeb the better.
Few on BBBC need convincing of the nastiness of AlBeeb, but there are converts a-waiting
The BBC and the EU have plenty in common…
Left leaning.
Contemptuous disregard for those who pay for them/around them.
Wants to seem benevolent.
Creates problems for others but not themselves.
Self serving.
Cheating/unscrupulousness is okay as long as they don’t get caught.
Persuasive. Willing to lie.
Doesn’t like to be questioned.
Treat people as stupid.
Never feels wrong/ guilty.
The fact that most of those points are those of a psychopath make them dangerous as well as having a commonality.